
download 周旺墩:個資管理與資訊安全—內部控管觀念與原則

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2012 年10 月個資法正式上路,您瞭解相關法規嗎?非營利組織在蒐集、使用贊助者或內部員工的個人資料時,有哪些需要特別注意並加以保護的?有效的個資與資安管理,並非在於資訊技術或資料設備的好壞,而是取決於組織的文化,主管的正確觀念更有助組織文化的建立。個資法只是個資保護的底線,我們將藉由這次機會,分享微軟如何在全球分公司,由內而外的推動個資保護的觀念,並推行到微軟的合作夥伴與供應商,確保客戶資料得到保障。

Transcript of 周旺墩:個資管理與資訊安全—內部控管觀念與原則

PowerPoint Presentation

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11Protecting personal information from unauthorized access and use is one of the most critical issues Microsoft faces. Given the potential damage to customer trust, every employee must recognize their role in ensuring that personal data is kept both private AND secure which arent necessarily the same thing. (Refer to the detailed graphic on the slide for more information on overlapping subjects.)

A secure system may still fail to protect user privacy. Some issues fall entirely within the scope of Security; other issues are centered within Privacy. Areas of overlap can create security/privacy challenges.

Once you have disclosed how data will be used, you need to ensure controls are in place so that it can only be used for legitimate purposes.

MBI - Microsoft internal use only, : , , , , , , ,

12As covered in Privacy 101: Privacy is about being transparent with customers, giving them a choice, protecting the data we have collected, and using data only for the purposes weve disclosed and that the customer has agreed to.12MBI - Microsoft internal use onlyPrivacy 101

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15CollectionWe collect personal information from individuals only for the purposes identified in the privacy notice we provided and only to provide the product or service the individual has requested or authorized.

Data MinimizationOnly collect data that is necessary to fulfill the task. If you dont need it, dont collect it.

15MBI - Microsoft internal use only(Privacy Statement) 16http://www.microsoft.com/privacystatement/zh-tw/core/default.aspx 16MBI - Microsoft internal use only




(: cookie), 18Instructor Note: This slide contains animations. The first text box (Must) will display with the slide.

1. Click once to display the countries in which these rules apply.Note: These rules only apply to the U.S. (under 13), South Korea and Spain (under 14), where they are legal requirements.

2. Click once to display the text box indicating how age should be collected, and the need for using session cookies.

COPPA is a law that covers the collection of childrens information online. This applies to websites and online services (including those provided through software products) if the childs PII is sent over the Internet.

See http://www.ftc.gov/privacy/coppafaqs.htm FAQ #33.

NOTE: The largest FTC fines are the result of COPPA violations.

Windows 8 Family Safety

Microsoft Governance Framework21

To give you a very high level look at the Privacy for development ecosystem:

At the very highest level is the Corporate Privacy Groups Microsoft Privacy Policy. We then build on the policy by creating specific guidance for product development in the Privacy Standards, such as the Microsoft Privacy Standard for Development (MPSD). The SDL provides the process for implementing the rules in the MPSD, and this points you to the tools and additional resources that exist to help implement. For guidance along the way the Microsoft Privacy Cabinet is responsible for overseeing MPSD updates and improvements, the Privacy Managers in each division enforce the process and complete high privacy impact privacy reviews, while the leads and champs in each feature group are the front line on the ground.

There is also a Privacy Management Committee (PMC) that oversees the adoption of new versions of policies and standards.21MBI - Microsoft internal use only

Privacy Standards

Microsoft Privacy Standard for Development (MPS)

MPS Public



Additional Resources

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Privacy Champs

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