5 ayrtg p_2013

рlцпаl of Nоцпs закiн,чення,*Gý., " Ьus buses dress ,-- dresseg dish, 7 dish*g watch watches .fox РФаtо додат.ься .,] fохЁý , potatoes W Write the plural of the почпs. Ьоу - _"Lq"yý lady - monkey - fairy - holiday - lоrrу - fly- k y- ЬаЬу - Spy - party - toy -

Transcript of 5 ayrtg p_2013

Page 1: 5 ayrtg p_2013

рlцпаl of Nоцпs

закiн,чення,*Gý., "

Ьus busesdress ,-- dresseg

dish, 7 dish*gwatch watches




fохЁý ,


W Write the plural of the почпs.

Ьоу - _"Lq"yý

lady -monkey -

fairy -holiday -

lоrrу -

fly-k y-

ЬаЬу -Spy -

party -toy -

Page 2: 5 ayrtg p_2013

О Look at the pictures and write the рlчrаl of the почпý.


twp perý

tomato match

О \{rite the words in the plural in the correct соlчmп.

brush, dairyýe€,boss, way, country, wish, table, body, film, butterfly, potato,Ьепсh, city, ship, class, strawberry, day, garden, puppy, ball, address, сору, fox

/qа.F r\J vl в|и 30гOльний раультOт

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рlчпаl of Nоцпs




б/ Il


i дода€ться





Look at the pictures and write the plural of the почпs.


two wolves

dl.€Ь !Ф-jr{J#-l


fish mоuSе

Page 4: 5 ayrtg p_2013

Write the singular of the поuпs.

fоur families - one familythree geese - one

two mice - опе

five dresses - one

six teeth - опе

fоur keys * one

Write what уоu сап ýее in the picture.



two leaves - one

five flies * one

six shelves - опе

fоur wоmеп - опе

three foxes - опе

five wolves - one

ffiI con see onegrе thrее trееs

house with twoпеоr the house.

windows ond опе

Th еrе is 0пе...

lF оv vl вlи 30гOльниЙ ршультOт

Page 5: 5 ayrtg p_2013

possessive Gase


Присвiйний вiдмiнок вказу€ на приналежнiсть речi певнiй icToTi.

Якщо iменник на позначення iстоти вжива€ться:1. В однинi, дода€ться 's.

This is Вепu* рhопе. That is mу father'* соrпрutеr.2, У множинi, дода€ться 'ý.

These are the boysu bikes. We сап see the birds' nests.3. У множинi, що € винятком, дода€ться Ъ.

These аrе the сhildrепЪ toys. Those аrе the wоmепЪ hats.

Якщо двом i бiльше icToTaM належать:4. Одна рiч, дода€ться

uý до останнього iменника.l see John and МаrуЪ house.

5. Двi та бiльше речей, дода€ться Ъ до кожного iменника.These аrе ВоЬuя and Dап** toothbrushes.

Якщо йдеться про неiстоти, використову€ться прийменник Фf.

The window mf the house. The соrпеr of the street.

Read and write as in the example.1) Kate and Henry l cat

Kgte "gnd Непrу-s"_сзt: _"_

2) Ъd and Веп / раrrоt


















3) Children / uniforms

4) Peter and Mike / books

5) Women / umЬrеllаs

6) Tina and Dolly / dolls

Page 6: 5 ayrtg p_2013

ф Look at the pictures and write as in the example.


This is Jопе_'5 cot.

,ffi Read and write as in the ехаmрlе.1) the desk / the leg

The_ l"g pf the desk2) the tree / the leaves

Зl tbb Jori l iЁе dr;;;

+) tb. h;;;; /"1h",ooi

5) th; БоЬК z iЬЁ pui.

о) ihe ;;;puter / tiie ;;;r;



Page 7: 5 ayrtg p_2013


В англiйскiй MoBi iснують два артиклi: неозначений артикль Ё*,l.frýъ

та означений артикль .

Артикль / вжива€ться'l . Перед злiчуваними iменниками

в однинi, якi ми згаду€мовперше.This is book. This is


2. Пiсля дiсслiв , , ,.,]

His father is driver. They haveса r.

3. У словосполученняхкприкметник + iменник)), якщоiменник вжива€ться в однинi:This is comfortable house.

тhеrе аrе comfortable flats.She has got small nose.

She has beautifuI eyes.

4. 3 назвою професiil якщойдеться про будь-якого iT

представника.postman brings letters and

newspapers (апу postman).

5. 3 iменниками, що мають

узагальнююче значення.рlапе is faster than car (апу

рlапе, апу саr).


Д pi Й *n р_'ý *".у_ р*т.9 з: L:S_:_ _ _ _ _j


]. lз злiчуваними iменниками ;,4

в однинi та множинi, якiзгадуються не вперше.This is ** vase. The vase is опu,1 ,l,;*' table.These are pencils. 'Y**g pencilsаrе in the Ьох.

2. 3 незлiчуваними. iменниками,коли ми ма€мо на увазi щоськонкретне.Do уоu Iike cheese? Y*ъw

cheese is iп the fridge.'i'*:,,;: ice сrеаm оп the plate is

vеrу tasty.

3. Перед порядковимичислiвниками.l didn't like t*ъ* first story,l Iiked ,*iэ*а second oJle.

4. 3 найвищим ступенемпорiвняння прикметникiв.This саr is tfuаэ fastest. Thisstreet is *;*t* most beautiful inоur town.


Page 8: 5 ayrtg p_2013

circle the correct article.

t) Му mother is а l the shop assistant.

2) Му cousin has а l the рuрру. А l The рuрру is very fuппу.

3) Д l Thejuice is in а l the jar.

а) His grandfather lives iп а l the small house пеаr the river.

5) А l The third саr in the rасе is а l thefastest.

6) Неr parents hаче а l the house in the country.

7) Sam is а l the cleverest Ъоу in оur class.

В) А l The second month of the уеаr is FеЬruаrу.

Complete the sentenceý with the article s a/the.

1) Her Ъrоthеr is О student.


3) This is



6) This is


8) This girl is

car is bigger than bicycle.

disc. disc is on the desk.

tirst duy of the week is very difficult.

youngest in оur чоllеуЪа11 team.

Complete the sentenceý with the article s a/the.

ъmъ father is о doctor. Не works in big hospital. It is

hospital in our town. ТоmЪ father usually takes

because he doesn t hаче саr. Не always wears

hospital. Не helps реорlе to Ье healthy.

чеrу kind mall.

most interesting соmрutеr game that I know.

chocolates in the Ьох are very tasty.

baker makes bread and cakes.



to get to work

white uni-

ъmъ father isfоrm in

rF .L' vl в|и 30гOльниЙ раультOт

Page 9: 5 ayrtg p_2013


'l . Якщо перед iменником cToiTb присвiйний або вказiвнийзаймен н и к.

l like пеw computer. cake looks nice.

2. Якщо перед iменником cTolTb кiлькi сний числiвник.There аrе puppies iп the room.

3. Якщо перед iменником cToilb iменник у присвiйному вiдмiнку абозаперечна частка (але не ).

They have relatives in this city.

4. Якщо ми кажемо про людей та речi взагалi.

5. 3 iменами та прiзвищамипунктiв та вулиць.

His паmе is .

Не is

is Sweet.are funny.

людей, назвами

Не lives iп

континентiв, населених


6. 3 назвами краiн: Frапсе, ltaly, England тощо.

Але! Якщо до складу назви краТни входять загальнi iменники, назвицих краТн вживаються з артиклем

United States of America, lrish Republic.

Complete the sentences with the articles a/thewherc necesýary.

1) Ъd is О new pupil in оur class. Не has no friends поw.

sam doesn t eat oranges.


two cousins. first cousin lives in

second cousin iives in poltava.

3) They are going to


Helen has

Lviv and


Page 10: 5 ayrtg p_2013

5) apples on

6) Betty likes literature.interesting.

а) а Ъ) the

8) Giraffes live in ... Africa.а) а Ъ) the

7) His father is from

circle the correct item.

Czech Republic.

1) Тhеrе is ... big gym in оur school.а)а Ъ) the

2) ... hottest month of the уеаr is }uly.а)А Ь) The

3) This is ... first book of this writer that I'm reading.а)а Ъ) the

4) ... Forest Street is near the park.а)А Ъ) The

S) Му mother loves ... roses.а) а Ъ) the

6) }апеЪ father is ... mallager.а)а Ъ)thе с)-

7) Тhеу want to visit their relatives in ... Irish Republic.

Ъооk she is reading now is very








Roger lives



plate аrе sweet.

Complete the sentences with the articles a/thewhere necessary.

I hаче got С good friend. His name is Roger. Не lives in

USA, in Chicago. Му friend is twelve years old. Не

is youngest child in the family. Не goes to school. Roger

has sister and hоthеr. His sister Maggie is stu-

dent. His


brother l.{ick is cook in а саfё.

big and соmfоrtаЬlе flat with his parents.

brother and sister don t live with them. I want to go to

and visit mу friend some duy.


l вlи 30гOль}lии результOт

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Complete the sentences with the words from the Ьох.

tls their уоu

.] ,'. ;.,1.9]i













them hеr him

1) Give mе back rny pencil,

2) She is а nice girl. We all like

3) They live in this house but I don t know the пumЪеr of

4) Is уоur brother at school? I don t see .

5) Can уоu telI hеr phone пumЬеr? We don t know it.

6) Whеrе are уоur parents? I have got some photos for

7) I want to tell а funny story.

circle the correct word.

1) Не tells / l mе all the news.

2) Ask he l him why he l him is uпhарру.


Page 12: 5 ayrtg p_2013

3) Whеrе are the pencils? - They l them аrе in the Ьох.- I cant see they lthemthere.

4) I know she l her рhопе пumЬеr. She l her is usually at hоmе in the evening.

5) Can you give wе l шs уоur address?

6) This book isnt for you, itЪ for she l her.

Look at the pictures and write as in the example.

1) 2)

It is3)

Не has got а bicycle.

his bicycle.

Тhеу hаче got flowers.

She has got а dog.

Yоu hаче got а mobile phone.



Не has got а саmеrа.



They hаче got mапу toys.

Твiй зOгOльний результOт

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ц€и, ця, це.- той, TEl, те.


вказiвнi займенникипредметiв або icToT, якithis i these вказують на

circle the correct item.

ThislThat is а саr.


рэlffi ffiryкThatlThose аrе bikes.




is а cat. is а book.is а big tree оvеr there.are mу books. аrе flowers.аrе пiсе flowers far from here.

i вживаються на позначеннязнаходяться далеко вiд мовця, зэйменникит€, що знаходиться поруч. ffi

TheselThose are two puppies. TheselThat is а plane.

Page 14: 5 ayrtg p_2013

& WffiФ#-фtlffil1'1,,Iiil


ThislThese are two birds.

''"'" ' Fill iп this, that, these, those.

is а parrot.

ThislThat is а Ьа11.


;', :i


;# ii

hеSе аrе

Wт three kittens.

ffiitдare books.

гffiI ffif,,lHHЕф

is а woman.

€щtris а computer.

.L j*.} -

r"'*='->,а,"><L*- я+.--.**_л*.ы l ,. i,..,_,

is а kite.

аrе apples.

Твiй зOгOльний результOт /

аrе flowers.

Page 15: 5 ayrtg p_2013

ацеstiоп Wогds

використовуються для утворення запитань.

is that girl?

book is yours?

is it?book is this?

is the hospital?

do the holidays start?

circle the correct item.

1) What l Where is уоur pencil case? - ItЪ оп the desk.

2) Which l Whose hat is this? - ItЪ mу hat.

3) Whеп l Where ate the children? - They аrе in the park.

4) Who l Whose is that wоmап? - She is mу aunt.

5) What l When time is it? - ItЪ fоur o'clock.

6) Where l Which реп is уоurs? Му pen is the red olle.

7) What l Whelc does the lesson start? - It starts at ten o'clock.

8) Where l Whaf can уоu see in the pictur е? - I сап see flowers.

circle the correct item.

1) ... are these? - These аrе hamsters.а) Who Ь) Where с) What

с) Which2) ... is the car? - ItЪ in the gаrаgе.

а) Whеп Ь) Where

Page 16: 5 ayrtg p_2013

3) ...


4) ,..


5) ...





в) ...


is that Ьоу? - Не is }ohn.Who Ь) Whose

dog is it? - ItЪ АliсеЪ.Whose Ь) Which

is уоur sistеrЪ паmе? - Неr паmе is Sаrаh.Who Ъ) Which

is уоur birthd ау? - ItЪ in April.Whеп Ь) Where

аrе уоu goin g? - ИЪ аrе going to school.Whose Ь) Whеп

is it? - ItЪ а zeЫa.Who

с) What

с) Where

с) What

с) What

с) Where

с) WhichЬ) What

Fill iп who, whose, which, what, whеfl, where.

1) WhoSe is this umЬrеllа? - ItЪ mу mоthеrЪ.

Complete the sentences with question words.

1) VVh еrе do уоu Ьrу bread? - At the ЬаkеrЪ.













is your sister? - She is in the cinema.

do уоu go to school? - I go to school at 8 оЪlосk.

bug is yours? - Му bug is brown.

is that mап? - Не is Мr Roberts.

is in уоur pocket? - Му mobile phone is in mу pocket.

do уоu live? - I live in Grееп Street.

is he? - Не is а policeman.

are you doing on Saturday? - I'm going to а birthday party.

lives next door to you? - Mr and Mrs }ackson.

does уоur brother соmе home frоm school? - At 3 o'clock.

car is opposite the post office? - ItЪ РеtеrЪ.

is mу schoolbag? - ItЪ uпdеr the chair.

Твiй зOгOльний результOт

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Gапdiпаl NцmЬеFs

В англiйськiй MoBi числiвники розподiляються на кiлькiснiта порядковi.К]лькiснi числiвники вказують на кiлькiсть.Числiвники вiд 3 до 9 + "ty ) числiвники на позначення десяткiв.Числiвники вiд 3 до 9 + -to*pr ) числiвники вiд 13 до 19.

Винятки: 1'| - eleven; 'l2 - twelve.

1 опе2 twoЗ three4 four5 five6 six

7 5ечеп

8 eight9 пiпе10 - ten

1 1 eleven12 twelve13 thirteen14 fourteen15 fifteen16 sixteen17 seventeen18 eighteen19 пiпеtееп

20 - twenty







fourteen "


10 ten

20 twenty30 - thirty40 forty50 fifty60 sixty

70 seventy

80 eighty90 ninety1оо - hundred



" forty






ffiФ Match the пчmЬеrý as in the example.









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ffi Соuпt and write.

Опе Ьоу









ffi Write the пurпЬеrs.

10 - ten20-80-13 -70-100 -1б-30-15 -


40-60-11-1в -50-L2-90-

r- rУ

l вlи\,

30гOльнии результOт

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o'dinalNцmbens фffiы

Порядковi числiвники вказують на порядок речей при лiчбi. Кiлькiснiчислiвники+ )порядковiчислiвники.Винятки: першuй- ,dруzuй- ,mреmiй-

3BepHiTb увагу на правопис числiвникiв.

elevenfi rst

second twelfthird thirteenfou r fou rteen

fif fifteensix sixteen

seven seventeen

eigh eighteen

nin nineteen

Match the пumЬеrs.a

three f ive seventh second

tenth Slx four





ei9 htie

n inetie










tirst tifth



Page 20: 5 ayrtg p_2013

write ordinal пumьеrs.

6 - the sixthL4-в__


13 -3-15 -40-30-20__

11-9-18 -

circle the соrrесt word.

1) I always Ьау two l sесопd cakes. I give the two l sесопd cake to mу sister.

2) I сап see three l third books оп the shelf.

З) Тhе four l fourth letter in the wоrd watch is с.

4) There are eight l eighth cars in the yard.

5) The ЬuЬуЪ опе l first word was Мum.

С) Му friend has got пiпе l пiпth cousins.

Complete the sentences using ordinal numbers.

1) I dont understand the third (3) word in this sentence. 2) Whеп is ТоmЪ

birthday? It is on the (12) of }une. 3) Go along Green Street and

take the (2) turn on the left. 4) School begins оп the (1)

of September. 5) Тhе (5) house frоm here is DiапаЪ. 6) We celeЫate

St VаlепtiпеЪ Day on the (1а) of FеЬrчаrу. 7) НепrуЪ flat is оп the

(9) floor.

Твiй зOгOльний результOт

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*lЪ t' .,

i*,д 'фl

The ImреrаЁf;vе

Наказовий спосiб дiеслiв вжива€ться для надання iнструкцiй i команд.i',, j,,,l; [gyg. ,.],:1i ! '. ,..i noise!

Щоб сказати, що необхiдно робити, використову€ться iнфiнiтив без to.1ilr down! ]|, ,, уочr реп.

Щоб сказати, чого робити не треба, вжива€тьсябез fd*;,t.

+ iнфiнiтив

ýl' Match the sentences with the pictures"

1) Dont сrу!2) Сlар уоur hands!3) Don t mоче!

а) Dont jumр!5) Take уоur hat.6) Dont ореп the window.


Page 22: 5 ayrtg p_2013

"_-+ dрil, l:-}*

ф FiШ in the ýentenceý as in the example.

Wash /,ITlъke Х, help / ,Ье / , open Х, look /, eat х, hur ry /









Write the school rчIеs as in the example.

1) (Ъ Ье) late for school. Х

уоur hands. They аrе чеrу dirty.

noise! The ЬаЬу is sleeping.

at this photo! ItЪ чеrу funny.

this cake! It isn t fresh.

чр! We can miss оur bus.

Iп€, please! This Ьох is very heavy.

careful! The tea in the сuр is very hot.

the window. ItЪ very cold in hеrе.

Don't Ье lote fоr school.


Don't rnoke



-Ё*ý -tti,*,,l* iiil,1+'} !t iJ,:,],]ъ/fi


2) (То do) уоur homewotk. /

3) (То listen) to the teache у. /

4) (Ъ use) уоur mobile phone at the lessons. Х

5) (То eat) in the classroom. Х

6) (То апswеr) the tеасhеrЪ questions. /

7) (То draw) in the books. Х

S) (Ъ write) down уоur homework. /

.F rlJ Y

l вlи 30гOльниЙ рe3ультOт

Page 23: 5 ayrtg p_2013

The Рпеsепt Simple


Spelling rules1) До дiсслiв, що закiнчуються

закiнчення .

wash wash mix



l l дода€ться

9о go,то ) + .2) Якщо дiсслово закiнчу€ться на приголосний

fly - fl cry - сr3) Якщо дiеслово закiнчуеться на голосний , дода€ться закiнченя

play play

3акiнчення вимовля€ться:як у дiссловах, що закiнчуються на глухi приголоснi;як у дiесловах, tло закiнчуються на t l , ,,

як у дiесловах, що закiнчуються на голоснi та дзвiнкi приголоснi.

\{rite the чеrЬs in the third реrsоп singular.

stand - stondsсору -miss -

teach -Say -

stay -watch -mаrrу -know -

ruп -

fix -соmе -

do-fry -

push -


Ми вх<иваемо the Present Simple Тепsе, коли розповiдаемо про

регулярнi, повторюванi дiI та постiйнi стани.

Слова-маркери на позначення the Present Simple Tense:

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Look at the pictures and write as in the exarnple.




1) every day/play

The boys ploy footbcll2) often/draw

ечеry doy.

W4) every evening/watch




5) always/in themorning/drink 6) usu ally/inthe


put the verbs iп brackets in the соrrесt form.Helen is а shop assistant. she works

o,cloch u"''*i*, *;:;;:i;:r,



.*", "'а:r.,т,

i j.j}the supermarket she

' '*';::: ,, ,

(to go) to work. On herwayto

;: ;i,' ;;;;;;'" -""'-' l"i

eet) hеr *""',lJ::

JT,. """" o'clo ck and

watch) films оr (to go) hОmе' In the

(to meet) ,nn ,n""'ngs they оftеп

eir friends iп the park. (to

3) sometimes/make

7п{ W

Твiй зOгOльн ий результOт /

Page 25: 5 ayrtg p_2013

The Рпеsепt SimpleNеgаtiче andlпtеFnоgаtiче

l do not work.

не does not work.

she does поt work.

lt does not work.

we do not work.

you do not work.

They do not work.

l don't work.

Не doesn't work.

She doesn't work.

It doesn't work.

We don't work.

You don't work.

They don't work.

Do ! work?

Does he work?

Does she work?

Does it work?

we work?

Do уоu work?

Do they work?

Fill iп do ot doe.s and anýwer the questioný.

1) Do уоu always do your homework? - YeS, r dO.

2) yolt often help уоur parents about the house? -уоur mother drink coffee in the morning? -уоur friend read many books? -уоur grandparents live in the country? -уоu always clean your rооm? -уоur father watch ТV in the evening? -уоur sister like playing? -







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*:+ Make uр {luestions.

1) When/she/come hоmе? When does she соmе home?

2) Where ltheyllive?

3) What/he/like for supper?

4) Why/we/go so fast?

5) Whеп/уоur lessons/start?

6) What/she/want to tell mе?

tr + Look at the table, ask and апswеr questions as in the example.

JohnFrank and Vicky



Does John ploy

ploys соmрutеr




рlау соmрutеr games ' cook dinner


sometimes'.'i often

does . Не often




соmрчtеr gomes? У еs, hе



l вlи 30гOльнии результOт

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The РпеsепtGопtiпцоцs тепsе

Ми вживасмо the Present Continuous Тепsе, коли розповiдаемо проподii, якi вiдбуваються пiд час мовлення.

Слова-маркери на позначення the Present Continuous Tense:. l,:" , ,l,, i-;,,"],.

Spelling rules1) Якщо слово закiнчу€ться

наголошена голосна, кiнцеваruп ruп ,

на приголосну, перед якою cToiTb

п ри голосна подвою€ться.sit Sit':i:-';,, :

walk - wolking

live -die -

rain -put -

swim -рlау -shop -

get -stay -

Jump -stop --.

dream *_

соmе ---.

look -

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;'i1,1,1. Make uр Sentences using the

1) He/speak/to the doctor.

2) \rVelwork/in the garden"

3) I/listen to music.

4) Тhеу/hаче breakfast/in the

5) She/clean/the rооm.

6) It/rain/at the moment.

present continuous Ъпsе.

Не is s peaking to the doctor.


1ji. ; Look at the picture and make чр sentences чеrьs from the Ьох.


to draw to рlау to take to make to write (2) to fight

The tеосhеr is writing on the blockbocrd.

Твiй зOгOльний результOт

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The Рпеsепt GопfiпчочsNegative andlпtеFгоgаtiче

l am not reading.

Не is not reading.

She is not reading.

lt is not rеаdiпg.

We аrе not reading.

Yоu аrе not rеаdiпg.

They аrе not reading.

l'm not reading.

Не isn't reading.

She isn't reading.

lt isn't reading.

We аrеп't reading.

Yоu aren't reading.

They aren't reading.

Аm l reading?

ls he reading?

ls she reading?

ls it reading?

Аrе we reading?

Аrе уоu reading?

Аrе they reading?

Look at the picture and correct the sentences.

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1) The old woman is speaking on the mobile phone. She isn't speoking onthe mobile phone. She is reoding о пеwsрореr.

2) The woman is listening to music.

3) Two boys аrе reading newspapers.

4) The Ьоу is eating ice сrеаm.

5) The girls аrе riding bicycles.

Make чр sentences with the words.

1) looНng/am/nedfor/I/book/a. r сm looking fоr о new book.2) the/he/moment/Is/TV/atlwatching?

3) tennis/not/yardlThey/the/playing/arelin.

4) dog/She/nodis/walking/the/not.

5) eating/atlice cream/You/the/arelmoment.

Look at the pictures, ask and .шýwеr the questions as in the example.

1) рlау?

rs it plcying? No, it2) read а book?

isn't. rt is eoting.1)



3) dance?

Твiй зtlгOльний результOт

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The Рпеsепt Simpleol. thе Рпеsепtсопtiпцоцs тепsе?

The Present Simple TenseВжива€мо, коли розповiдасмопро регулярнi, повторюванi дiТта постiйнi стани.

The Present Continuous TEnseВжива€мо, коли розповiдаемопро подiL якi вiдбуваються пiдчас мовлення.




,.Щеякi дiссловаI



у значеннi

circle the correct item.

1) Listen! She ... & new song.а) siпg

2) I ... mу friends ечеrу duy.

а) meet

3) His cousin rarely ... his саr.

а) wash Ъ) washes

4) We ... n new house.а) have Ъ) has

вжива€мо тlльки,t,

у the Present Simple Tense:



I l l п

використову€ться у the Present Simple Tense



Ь) siиgs с) is siпgiпg

с) is meetiпg

с) is washiпg

с) are hачiпg

Ъ) meets

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Look at the pictures and write sentenceý as in the example.



1) she/do/homework

t) She чsчоllу does2)


2) they lplray volleyball

hеr homework.

3) she/have dinner/at hоmе


4) she/draw 5) they/play basketball 6) she/have dinner/in а cafe

he is drоwiпg ot the moment.

put the чеrь in brackets into the present simple or present continuous Ъпsе.1) Не often visitS (to visit) his grandparents in the country.

2) She (to speak) оп the phone at the moment.

3) We (to know) about уочr hobby.

4) Clara (to water) the flowers in the garden поw.

5) Тhеу (to go) to the theatre tonight.

6) Yоu sometimes (to drive) to work.






Твiй зOгrlльний результOт

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The FчtцFе Simpleтепsе

Ми вн<иваемо the Future Simple Тепsе, коли розповiдаемо про под[t,

що мають вiдбутися в майбутньому.

Слова-маркери на позначення the Fчtчrе Simple Тепsе:

вжива€ться iз займенни-

I help уоu to cook supper?

використову€ться з yciMa особами.ками та у питальних реченнях.l help уоu with уоur homework.

l will Ьuу.

Не will Ьuу.

She wilI Ьuу.

It will buy.

We will buy.

Yоu will Ьuу.

They willbuy.

|'ll buy.

He'll Ьuу.

She'll buy.

lt,ll buy.

We'|I buy.

You'|l buy.

They'|l buy.

l wil! notЬuу.

Не will notbuy.

she will notЬuу.

lt will notЬuу.

we will notЬuу.

you will notbuy.

They will notЬuу.

l won't buy.

Не won'tЬuу.

She won'tbuy.

lt won't Ьuу.

We won'tЬuу.

You won'tЬuу.

They won'tbuy.

Shall l buy?

Will he buy?

Will she buy?

Will it buy?

Shall webuy?

Will youbuy?

WilI theyЬuу?

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,* Look at the page of Tina's diary and make чр Sentences.

Fill iп will оr shall.

I think he will соmе hоmе аftеr six.

we help уоu with suрреr?

Next month they






*,Е'ё'*а- '


уоu tell

I read it

go to the seaside.

mе the way to the post office?

for you?

Write questions to the anýwers.

1) whеrе wi|I they me_et rпеThey will meet уоu пеаr the cinema.

2) Whyshe will go to the shop to buy а present for her friend.

3) Whatwe will play а game of chess in the evening.

4) WhoМу cousin will visit us next week.

5) WhenHis parents will соmе hоmе in ап hоur.

l-Thursdoy - to m.ut grоппу ot th.*il*y stotion

Tinc wilI go to the liЬrоrу

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The PastSimpleTense

Ми вживаемо the Past Simple Тепsе, коли розповiдаемо про подit, якiвiдбулися в певний час у минулому.

Слова-маркери на позначення the Past Simple Tense:

Ми утворюемо форму минулого часу правильних дi€слiв за допомогоюзакiнчення

2) Якщо дiеслово закiнчуеться на одну приголосну, перед якою cтolтbнаголошена голосна, остання приголосна подвою€ться й додаеться

play playНеправильнi дiсслова мають спецiальнiФорма минулого часу для дiсслова

l, he, she, it +

study stud4) Якщо дiеслово закiнчуеться на голосний + , то дода€ться :

Put the verbs from the Ьох into the correct sentence using the Past Simple.

to work to cook to соmе to go to speak to Ье

1) I соmе

2) Му Granny

3) She

4) We

hоmе чеrу late yesterduy.

а tasty cake fоr mу birthday last year.

in the swimming pool last Sunday.

about his пеw book yesterday.

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5) Тhеу

б) Му parents

in the garden in the morning.

shoppirg an hоur ago.

Add -ed to the чеrьs and put them in the correct соlumп.

help саrrуenjoy stop



1оче jumpfry empty


рlау slip dance planhate hope rоЬ hurrу

-ied double consonant+ -ed

Look at the picture, write what the children did yesterday at their Рт lesson.





Pomelo ond Sondy ployed bodminton yesterdoy.

rF rtJ vl в|и 30гOльниЙ результOт

Page 37: 5 ayrtg p_2013

The Past$impleNegative апdlпtеFnоgаtiче

ii,. 1;;'1'1 l;;i :,

I did

н. oio

She did

lt did

We did not



You did

They did

i 1': ;,l

", ]

'.,,'' ,., l , - -, .,, I

''_'i',, ;.: 1



l didn't like.

Не didn't like.

She didn't like.

It didn't like.

We didn't like.

You didn't like.

They diJn't like.

дiсслова to Ье

': ': : ::

: ,i. "" : ;

-1. l 1 . ; ',

', ' i ,1 , . '

l Wasn't.Yоu Weren't.

He/She/lt wasn't.We Weren't.

They weren't.

Did l like?

Did he like?

Did she like?

Did it like?

Did we like?

Did уоu like?

Did they like?

Was l?Were you?

Was he/she /it?Wеrе we?

Wеrе they?

circle the correct word.

1) I didn t play l played chess last Friday.

2) The childr еп driпk l drапk milk in the morning yesterday.

3) Did you buy l boughf а new hat?

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Where did he go l wепt last summеr?

She didnt see l saw mу book on the table.

What did they write l wrote at the last lesson?

Look at the table, ask and anýwer the questioný as in the example.

make tea

Maggie + +

Chris and Tina + + +


Did Moggie wotch о пеw film yеstеrdоу? - Yеs, she did.

Did Moggie пtoke teo yеstеrdоу? - No, she didn't.

Рчt the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple Ъпsе.

1) Whеrе did Уоu 9о (you/to go) last weekend? - I

watch а newfilm

listen tomusic

go to themuSеum

(to visit) mу friend. 2) Why

yesterday? - Не

(he/to рhопе) mе

(to find) а good book for you. 3)

(she/to give) you photos? * No, she . 4) What

(you/to see) in the museum? - I (to see) many

interesting йings. 5) (your sister/to finish)

hеr picture? - No, she

Твiй зOгOльний результOт

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.,,' a

We, уоU, they Wеrе

Слова-маркери на позначення The Pastwhile (поки, в той час як), when (коли).

Ted :. " , :: - _] а сuр of tea Linda: along the street



а cake.he saw his friend.James

Make чр sentences as in the ехаmрlе.

1 ) She/cook/dinner l atl 2 oЪlock/yesterduy.

She wos cooking diппеr ot ? o'clock yesterdoy.2) The children/play/footb a|Ll atl 1 0 o'clock/in/the morning.

3) I/1isten/to/music l atl 7 o'clock/yesterduy.

а ) We / d ап с е / wh il е / То m/ е atl th е l cake l уе ste rd uy.

5 ) С arol/take/ а/ shower/wh ile/ Iane/ с о ok/bre akfast.

б) Kat el andlAndrew/skat el atl 4 o'clock/last/Sunday.

The РаstGопtiпцоцs

:' 1:. ,:].

ми вх<иваемо the past continuous Tense:'l) Коли дiя тривала в певний момент у минулому.

Н€ .,.,,," *]:|jli)...;:*i.,.] in the swimming pool at б oklock yesterday.2) Коли кiлька дiй вiдбувались одночасно в минулому.

She ,,,-,|,., |:|-:.|,.:;:., Et book while he yesterday.3) Коли одна дiя тривала, а iнша вiдбулась пiд час першоТ.

Whеп they came home, Grаппу а cake.

l, he, she, it WaS

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Match the sentenceý with the pictures.

1) She \,vas walking along the street while it was raining.2) Не was watchirg ТV at 8 o'clock yesterduy.3) А Ьоу was doing his homework when his mother саmе into the rооm.а) Не was watchirg ТV while she was talking on the phone.

}oin two sentences using u,hеп or while.

1) Dan was reading. His friend phoned.

Don wos reoding whеп his friend phoned.2) I was waiting for а bus. I saw Ъd.

3) Nick was painting the fence. Sally was planting the flowers.

а) We were swimming. Nelly was sunbathing.

5) Girls were playing badminton. It started to rain.

6) Еmmа was walking her dog. She met Brian.


Твiй зOгOльний результOт

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NеýаЁýчле апdlпtеFnФgаtivе

Питальна та заперечна форми the Past Contjnuous Tense угворюються3 використанням допомiжних дiеслiв ,,1, jiitr, iijiэi,i:.

The РаsЁ 8ФптЁiпшоцs

i4_..,i ]il

l was not watching ТV.

He/she/it was поtwatching ТV.

we wеrе notwatching ТV.yоч wеrе notwatching TV.

They wеrе notwatching TV.

l Йаsп't wаtсЙiпg TV.

He/she/it wasn'twatching TV.

We wеrеп'twatching ТV.

Yоu weren'twatching TV.

They weren'twatching TV.

: Was l watching TV?

. Was he/she/it

, watching TV?

, Wеrе Wewatching ТV?


, Wеrе уоч, walqhing TV?

Were they, watching TV?

Make uр ýentences as in the exarnple"1 ) They/boating/in/the/morning/yesterday?

Wеrе they booting in the mоrпiпg yе.stеrdоу?2) She/not/sleep/atl8 oЪlock/inithe/morning.

3 ) Mark/liste п / to 1 mu s icl in/ t}r е / ечеп in g/ye sterday?

4 ) D avi d/ an d/ В е п / п о tl r i с1 е / Ь ike s l in / th е / ече n i n g/ уе ste rday.

5) The/boyslplav/tetrnis/atl3 o'clock/yesterday?

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6 ) I / not/work/in/ the/ garden/in/the/ afterno оп.

# Look at the picture and write questioný to the апýwеrý.

1) Whot_weгa the boys do_[ng?The boys wеrе playrng Ъasketball.

The wоmап was reading а book under the чmЬrеllа.

3) Who ,

А mап was sailing а boat.

The girls were building а sand castle.

в pot the чеrьs iп brackets into the correct form.

1) What wer*e you doing (to do) whenyourmothercamehomeyesterday? -I "._ " _ , (to watch) а film оп ТV. 2) Pete

(nottoprepare)forhistestat5otlockyesterday.He _ . .".._,____ (to

write) а letter. 3) Whеrе * _ Diana _(to go)

at б otlock yesterday? - She _ (to go) to the theatre.

4) ___ _. _._ Sam and Топу . . __ _ (to rераir)

their bikes all the evening yesterday? - No, th"y __.__ . They

(to plav) football in the schoolvard.

Твiй зOгOльний результOт / ý




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the past GопtiпцоцsTense?

The Past Simple Tenseвжива€ться:1) Коли дiя вiдбулась i скiнчилась

у певний час в минулому.Не home at б otlock She

The Past Simple оF

yesterday.Z) Коли дiТ вiдбуваються одна за

одною майже без iнтервалув часi.Не чр to the table,

the book and it.

З) Коли ми розповiдасмо про дiilякi бiльше не вiдбудуться.

shevchenko beautifulpoems. (Не died. Не will not

write poems any mоrе.)

The past Сопtiпчочs Tenseвжива€ться:l ) Коли дiя тривала у певний

момент у минулому.shopping at

five otlock yesterday.2) Коли кiлька дiй вiдбувались

одночасно в минулому.Не

while sheЬаrЬесuе

salad.3) Коли одна дiя тривала

у минулому, а iнша дiявiдбулась пiд час першоТ.

She along thestreet when she slipped and

fell down.

circle the correct form of the verbs.

1) Linda took l was tаkiпgа реп and wrote l was writiпghеr address оп а piece of


2) While Helen cut l was cuttiпgvegetables, Апп made l was mаkiпgtеа.

3) Martinplayed l was рlауiпg соmрчtеr games all the evening yesterday.

4) Shakespeare wrote l was writiпgmany wonderful plays.

5)We сlеапеd l улеrе сlеапiпg the flat when the postman kпосkеd l was kпосkiпg iоп the door. li

6) I heard l was heariпg а dооrЪеll and орепеd l was оРепiпg the door.

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сirсlе the correct item.t) Му parents ... а new car yesterduy.

а) bought Ь) was Ьuуiпg2) I... n bath when the telephone rапg.

а) had Ъ) was haviпg3) We ... uр а tent while Тоm was making а firе.

а) put Ъ) was puttiпgа) Tina fell down and ... hеr аrm.

а) broke Ъ) was breakiпg5) The boys wеrе swimmirg in the sea when they ... n dolphin.

а) saw Ь) was seeiпg с) were seeiпg

с) were dоiпg

с) were goiпg

6) Pamela ... shopping all day yesterduy.а) did Ъ) was dоiпg

7) The boys finished their gаmе and ... horne.а) wепt Ь) was gоiпg

В) The pupils ... while the teacher was reading а роеm.а) listeпed Ь) was listeпiпg с) were listепiпg

put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past Сопtiпчочs Ъпsе.1)They werewolking (towalk)intheforestwhenthey (to

see) а snake in the grass. 2) Susan (to buy) а train ticket and(to go) to the platform. 3) While Cindy

(to have) coffee with her friend, her children (to play) onthe playground. 4) Martin (to talk) to the mапаgеr whenhis mobile рhопе (to ring). 5) What you

(to do) when the teacher (to

enter) the classroom? - I (to revise) grаmmаr rules.

6) Eddy (to prepare) for the test at б o'clock

yesterday? No, he Не (to learn)

а роеm Ьу hеаrt at that time. 7) Мах (to put) on hisjacket, (totake) thebagand (toleave)

the office. 8) Whеrе уоur husband (to drive)

so еаф yesterday? - Не (to drive) to the airport to meet

очr relatives.

с) were Ьuуiпg

с) were haviпg

с) were putting

с) were breakiпg

Твiй зOгOльний результOт

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lulodal uепьs

iф .leq,



Модальнiдiеслова - окрема група дiеслiв. .Цо них належать: сап, cФuld,must. mау, shошld тощо. Вiд iнших дiеслiв модальнi вiдрiзняються затакими ознаками:l) До них не дода€ться закiнчення -5 у the Present Simple, -ed у the

Past Simple, а у часах Continuous вони взагалi не вживаються.2) П]сля них частка tg переfl iнфiнiтивом не ставиться.

l gчд*ъ play tennis. We fýýýýý* help оur parents.Винятки: have to, ought to.We have fg Wёir uniform at school.3) Для утворення питальних i заперечних речень з ними не

використовуються допомЬкнi дiеслова:Мау he take your реп? ] сап,t vislt you today.

Виняток: have to.Do We have to wear uniform? We dоп't have to wear uniform.

ф Look at the tаЫе and make чр ýentences as in the example.

г**-***- ,-",т-,-,-- .*,*l-*-----,*"--"---*1

1 can/drive I must/be I may/play

! should/phone il а саr i late j computer games j parents

i,* ,-t ;".*,*---.+--- ---+* -"-"^*-. 1iRobertl+i-i+'|-;** j_* _-*-*" *"j -* ** ***1 *.-*. .-i*-.- - ---****r

l_сцgч::]_ -_ l l_ i___: t* r_ *il Уо,, -Г--- l---*"l*- ---Г *'-*il*-_*"_:::.__"**t*_"__.**j*_*"__--**"_i_"-. "_._""l***__**__*_j

Rо_Ь9цt с_q1 фiч" с соr. RоЬеrt mustn't Ье lote.

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ф Look at the pictureý, make чр questions and апý}чеr them"


Ccn he rеоd? -No,he con't.

ф Шite questions to the anýwers.

1) Whеrе rnust he 9оНе must go to the library.

2) WhatThey should Ь*у а пеw computer.

3) HowShe сап dance чеrу well.

4) WhепWe must соmе back at seven o'clock.

5) WhomНе mау visit his friends.

6) WhatThey сап build the house.


:l:ljl lj 1-1l

ii;i;ii iii.i]iil ij.:,lil.i:,'li,;j

]r'l, Lii+

;:;j, i,il;j,:, 1.1i:l;'iiijlii ll:.:;

jil,ii';:,:! ,i.:'i,;I



:., :ll:.


bzlust/wash uр?

Can/swim? Should/take ап umЬrеllа?

G1n rtr' ý.l

I вlи 30г(lльнии результ(Iт

Page 47: 5 ayrtg p_2013

Modal UепЬs


fliеслово (могти, вмiти) використову€ться для того, ш4об: ,ii{

]) Вказати на можливiсть виконання певноТ дiТ (у теперiшньому часi). ",.;]They play football. ,i',

2) Ввiчливо запитати дозволу. tfil take уочr реп? 'illвжива€ться на позначення: iiii

1) Можливостi виконання якоitь дri (у минулому часi). ЁiНе ride а bike when he was five. '.ii2) Ввiчливого прохання про lлось, запиту дозволу. iiF

l have some water? ,r-ir

l use your phone, please? #вжива€ться тiльки у теперiшньому часi. У минулому часi замiсть i$використову€ться дiсслово irЁi

You help me today. iXlYou help me yesterday. iiij

fliеслова i виражають моральний обов'язок або ЭЁ,$

необхiднiсть зробити щось. ,'.iltЪ cold. l put оп my sweater. .li*

l prepare the project. ,.,,She visit her dentist. ;t',

.Щiеслово вказу€, що рiшення про необхiднiсть виконання дiТ .,_,:]

приймаеться самим мовцем. ,..',

l finish this work today. r.I

,Щiеслово вказу€, що хтось ма€ виконати рiшення iншоТ u;i;людини. i;$Pupils wear uniform jn schoo'.

'О*Модальне дiеслово змiнюсться за особами та часами. ,Щля i1;lio

утворення питальних i заперечних речёнь вживаються вiдповiднi ,]

допомiжнi дiсслова. ,,,

She doesn't do it поw. Did they go there yesterday? .]

Page 48: 5 ayrtg p_2013

FilI iп сап or could, сап't ot соuldп't,

1) She coUldn't play the piano five years ?8о, but she

2) I use уоur реп? 3) When mу father was young heskate \rеrу well, but now he do it. а)

do it now.


уоu help ш€, please?

i, -"













j. ;,

lji !i:

,,l l


]; ,i




i.,,i ,ii

;i ,'..




i:].li, i





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i, ,,,i I

ii.l,i, i

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;il I ':

', *,:'.

;; ;i.,;']. , l l];'

5) уоu tell mе the way to the hospital?

Look at the pictureý and put iп mu.ýf оr hаче to.

1) I rтUst walk the dog.

2)Iwalk the dog.

3) Wemake а пеwsрареr.

а) Wemake а newspaper.

Look at the notes, ask and апýwеr the queýtioný as in the example.




Does Betty hove to rnoke thebed? Ф Yes, she does.

;,: ut{'

,; ii


j ia,;"

i' jij; i,,

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'it, lН] #;i

,,, iii,i]i, i:li,li":i lil: i.

;. iilli'jr-li,r',l;]i

r],ilij::'ijir]]ii] j,j'i!]

moke the bed +

cook breokfostgo shoppin9wоtеr the flоwеrs +

cleon hеr rооrп +

wolk the dog +

wosh the clothes

Твiй зOгOльний результOтjj jj,

:,j;: ; j-j i.

Page 49: 5 ayrtg p_2013

GоппраFisопof Аdiееtivеs

Один склад snnal! small

Два склади, щозакiнчуються на паrrоw паrrоw


Б ?.

лва та оlльшескладiв interesting !_ rJ interesting

У реченнях з вжива€ться вищий ступiньYоur street is lопgеr my street.

У реченнях з вжива€ться найвищий ступiньThis building is most modern оur town.




Spelling rules1) Якщо односкладовий


2) Якщо одинприголосний

Write the соrrесt comparative and superlative forms.

fast - fosterеаrlу --

hot -fine -

beautiful -

the fostest

Page 50: 5 ayrtg p_2013

fat -wide -

wonderful -|azy -wet -

slow -comfortable -Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

Ъd is strо пgег thon(strong)

Paul. Тhе dog is the lion.

I.{еllуЪ hair is МаrуЪ. Roy is(Iong)

put the words in brackets into the correct form.

1) The weather today is

2) This rulе is

3) Summеr is

4) Yоur hands аrе

5) This саr is

6) Му sister is


of all.(tall)

(warm) than yesterduy.

(difficult) of all.

(hot) season of the уеаr.

(dirty) than mine.

(expensive) than that one.

(уоuпg) in our family.

Твiй зOгOльний результOт


Page 51: 5 ayrtg p_2013







mоrе dangerous

Fill in the missing forms of the adjectives.

important mоrе importontапgrlеr



the best

the worst

the most

the most

the least

the worst

the heaviest

GompaFisonof Adieetivesand Advenbs










,1.'1.. ,''' ,;,,j..'

: 'i:'::: ,i ,',: "


' :' ,a,, .'],,

, a,,

. 1,1,u'. ,-, ;.]. 1

Х Вищий i найвищий ступенi порiвняння цих приспiвникiв використовуIоться для утво-рення ступенiв порiвняння прикметникiв.

** Мапу - це прикметник, але ступенi порiвняння утворю€ так само, як прислiвник.

Page 52: 5 ayrtg p_2013

Look at thе picture and соmраrе the girls. Use the adjectives tall, slim, fat,long,beautiful, short, small, big.

рut the words in brackets into the correct fortn.

1) I think this роеm is

2) This book is

3) I found

4) This is

5) Yоu hаче

6) This story is



short. Dolly is to!ler

(good) than that опе.

(exciting) I know.

(little) information than you.

(big) аррlе of а11.

(mапу) discs than mе.

(Ъаd) in this book.

, Kate Elsa

thon EIso. Kote is the tollestEIso is

of оII.

rF.lr' vl вlи 30г(lльнии результ(lт

Page 53: 5 ayrtg p_2013

OFdeF of Adjectives

В англiйськiй MoBi прикметники розподiляються на Ti, що позначаютьставлення мовця до предмета (opinion adjectives): l , ;

та Ti, що мiстять факти про предмет (fact adjectives): , l

Орiпiоп adjectives завжди вживаються першими.Fact adjectives використовуються в такому порядку:

big neW

This is а


Write the adjectives in the correct order.

old/canvas/small rucksack

о stfioll old convos rucksack

wooden desk

d reSS.

wооlеп/ъluе/пiсе sweater

gold/beautiful/old ring new/metal/expensive/big watch

Page 54: 5 ayrtg p_2013

big/cho colate/delicious cake grey/rrice/ silk/lorrg scarf

Write the adjectives in the correct order.

1) а(ап) big/comfortable/red/new саr о comfortoble big new rеd соr2) а(ап) old/wooden/lovely/small table

3) а(ап) brown/woolen/oldiugly hаt

а) а(ап) green/nedexcellent/big bike

5) a(an) small/old/rubber/yellow toy

6) а(ап) plastic/cheap/small/blue cup

7) а(ап) short/cotton/lovely/white dress

8) а(ап) big/old/glass/beautiful vase

W'rite the adjectives iп the correct order.

Dear lulia,It was mу birthday last Friday. I had а lot of fun and got а lot of presents.

Му parents presented me а nice рiпk \рiпЬlпiсе) mоЬi|е рhопе. It has got anМР3 playeb so I can listen to music on mу way to school. Му granny gаче mе а

(silv er l l о пg l Ь е autiful) chain.

I like it very mчсh. Му aunt Lucy sent mе а

(redl cottoпllovely) T-shirt and mу cousill Веп gаче mе

(Ьrоwп l bigl funny) teddybear.I was чеrу huppy to get so mапу presents!

Соmе and visit mе some duy. I'11 show уоu some


(пеw l iпteresting) birthday photo s.

Твiй зOгOльний результOт



ill;tiii, i.ij







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l l,j.






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Page 55: 5 ayrtg p_2013

GопiцпGtiопs(And, ОF; Вцt}

Сполучник по€дну€ слова та словосполучення в простому реченнiабо цiлi речення в складному.

She is kind. She is friendly. She is kind friendIy.Сполучник по€дну€ слова та словосполучення в простому реченнiабо цiлi речення, в яких висловлюються альтернативнi iдеi.

l сап buy а cake. l can buy some biscuits. -l сап buy а cake some biscuits.Сполучник вжива€ться для протиставлення слiв i словосполученьу простому реченнi або цiлих речень у складному.

Не took а textbook. Не didn't take а copybook. -Не took а textbook he didn't take а copybook.

circle the correct item.1) I donl know if hе is frоm London ... from Liverpool.

а) апd Ь) or с) but

с) Ьut

с) but

с) but

с) but

с) Ьut

с) but

с) but

2) Rosie wants to go shopping ... Ь*у some clothes.

а) апd3) I аm hungry... I dont want to cook anything.

а) апdа) Do уоu want to watch ТV ... рlау соmрutеr games?

а) апd

Ь) or

Ь) or

Ь) or

Ь) or

5) Sam has got an aunt ... he hasn t got ап uпсlе.

а) апd6) Last winter we went skiing ... skatirg.

а) апd Ь) or7) Т know English ... I dont know Frепсh.

а) апd Ъ) or8) Shall we order а pizza... some spaghetti?

а) апd Ь) or

Page 56: 5 ayrtg p_2013

n.. ], "i.*,._i , Complete the ýentences with апd or but.

1) Stuart can play the guitar

а) ond the piano.

Ь) ЬUt he cant рlау the violin.

3) Маrу put on hеr coat

2) We bought some apples







we didnt buy anybananas.

some оrапgеs.

5) I know РоllуЪ address

she didn t take hеrmittens.hеr hat.

her phone пumЪеr.

I dont know hеre-mail address.

4) I need some tomatoes for the salad

I.dont need апу eggs.

some сuсumьеrs.

6) Phil is сlечеr


he isn t helpful.





#е Ioin the sentenceý using апd.1) Wendy is tall. Wendy is slim.- \Mendy is tolI ond Slirn.2) Frеd сап swim. Fred сап dive.-3) Неlеп has got а flat. She has got а cottage hоusе.-

4) I have got а cat. I have got а dog.-

5) Alison сап sing. She can рlау the piano.-

6) Granny cooked tish. She baked an аррlе pie.-

7) We wrote а letter. We prepared for а test.-

8) Iames likes meat. Не likes vegetables.-

9) The day was sunny. The duy was hot.-

10) The boys played basketball. They played football.-

rt .l' v

l в|и 30гOльнии р33ультOтillJ,jJ;;;,], j














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Page 57: 5 ayrtg p_2013


РперФsý*ýвffiý o#Plaeeапd lШФvФеъъеm&

The cat is **ffý the The cat is ýжъ thecha ir. basket.





The cat is ý**#tr theplate.


t-. " -_ "" ---" *_*"_*j



hl*" -! *r{. i+ffi€ýj*#s

The cat is жж €g,qрg-t-*

dооr.gе.$ the

The cat is fu*tъwж*уъ

two chairs.

The cat is goingd*Wrз.

The cat is жm***у

the chair.

The cat is fu*fuf;r*d

the door.





The catthe

The cat is фррФ*ýt*the dog.

The cat is comingf;mýqр the rооm.

cat is going

Page 58: 5 ayrtg p_2013

fЁ,lts -d-t,

F. &fi

О rooK at the picture and fill iп the correct preposition from the Ьох. Use sоmеprepositioný mоrе than опсе.

This is NiсkЪ bedroom. Тhеrе is а desk in f rоПt Of

а соmрutеr the desk. The chair is

аrе two books the сhаir. Тhеrе is abed

desk. Тhеrе аrе jeans _ _

bed. Тhеrе is а picture _ _


the bed. Тhеrе is а schoolbug

the wall. There is а bookshelf

the picture. The dog is comirg

the window. Тhеrе is

the desk. Тhеrе




the rооm.

Ф Look at the picture and fiП in the correct preposition.

This is а picture of the park. Тhеrе аrе two benches

is sitting ___ _ one bench and

а woman with а ЬаЬу. The mап is walking

girl is ruппirg

tree. There аrе

the stairs. Тhеrе is а Ьоу

two ducks swimming

the tree.

-.iJl вlи

iП the park. The old mап

him there is

the stairs and the


the lake. Тhеrе is а cat


30гOльнии рбультOт


front of

Page 59: 5 ayrtg p_2013

pnepositionsof Time

Прийменник вжива€ться з назвами свят, а також коли йдеться прочас (за годинником).

2 o'clock Easterприйменник вжива€ться з назвами пiр року, мiсяцiв, а такожз роками, столiттями та частинами дня.

sрriп9, 2007, September; the 18th сепturу,Але: night, пооп.

the mоrпiпg

Прийменник вжива€ться з назвами днlв тижня, з датами таУ ВИра3ах на зразок а summer day, Sunday afternoon.

Friday, Мау 15th, а warm day

in the mоrпiпg

iп the аftеrпооп

in the ечепiпg

iп Мау (months)

in winter (seasons)

iп 2006 (years)

Fill iп оп, at, iп.

ot 9 o'clock


the evening


at 7 otlock

at пооп

at night

at christmas

at Easter

at the weekend

the weekend

fапuаrу l st


а cold night

оп Monday

оп Tuesday (days)

оп Маrсh 8th (dates)

оп Friday evening

оп а hot day

on а winter day





Page 60: 5 ayrtg p_2013

Fill iп оп, at, iп.

1) The weather is usually rainy in autumn.

2) She got up б o'clock yesterday.

3) What do уоu do Sundays?

4) Му friends often go skiing }апuаrу.

5) Не got а new job 20а4.

6) Easter оur family gathers together.

7) I visit mу grandparents

8) She finished hеr work


Wednesday evening.

9) In Great Britain реорlе celebrate Christmas

10) ItЪ hard for mе to wake up the morning.

Give anýwers to the questions.1) When is уоur birthday?

2) What time do you get up?

3) When do уоu do your homework?

4) Whеп do you decorate the New Yеаr tree?

5) On which days do уоu hаче mапу lessons?

6) In what year did уоu start school?

7) When do уоu go on holidays?

S) What time do уоu usually rеturп hоmе from school?

December 25th.

9) When do you go to bed at weekend?


l в|и 30гOльний ршультOт

Page 61: 5 ayrtg p_2013


f'ъ ;-'ъ{*пэ- r*L,# 8"х

*} Circle the соrrесt item.

1) Тhеrе аrе mапу beautiful toys l toies on the shelfs l shelves in this shop. 2) Dont

give mу l mе these tomatos l tomatoes.3) Не told our l us some funny storys lstories.4) We liked the picture of his l him childs l childreп very mчсh. 5) Look at

their l them! They аrе eating mу l mе saпdwichs l saпdwiches. 6) Somegoose l geese

аrе walking аrочпd the yard of our / иs cottage house.

Complete the ýentences with the articles althe, where песеýýаrу.

1) Dan has got mobile рhопе and саmеrа. camera is old,




mobile phone is new. 2) His uпсlе lives in Czech Republic,

Рrаguе. 3) неlепъ mоthеr is teacher of Music.

first month of spring is March. 5) This is biggest supermarket in

, _ our town. 6) , Simon lives in Leeman Street. 7) Margaret

likes . literature and _ poetry. 8) , baby-sitter looks after little

children. 9) These аrе apples. apples are in the basket. 10) Kate

went on а tоur round France and then she visited Ваrсеlопа.

ф Рчt the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple, Present Сопtiпчочs or FчtчrеSimple Ъпsе.

Where уоuI (to

want) to join mе?

- I'd love to. What уоч (to need) to buy?

(to go), Pamela?

(to go) shopping. уоu

Well, we


(to go) оп а picnic tоmоrrоw, and

(to need) some food. I think the weather

Page 62: 5 ayrtg p_2013

"f; дъР*, {;,,Ё ц.{/

- Of соursе, I (to do). Му cousins and mе oftengo) on picnics in summer.

уоu (to join) us tоmоrrоw then?

- That (to sound) like fuп!

Ф Pot the чеrЬs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous Tense.

1) We (to have) dinner when ошr rreighbour

iiЁ;i й;;i;;, *:,"d" fine tomorrow,

(to have) dinner and


уоu (to




(to рrераrе)(to рhопе) hеr mоthец

(to go) to visit hеr grarrdparents.

(to рlау) tennis at 3 o'clock last Sшпdау? -(not to play) tennis Ьесашsе it (to

(not to hеаr) the аlаrm-сlосk and

(to bring) us а letter frоm оur grаппу. 2) Wtrile Тоm

fish), Mark (to swim) in the riчеr- 3) What

(to do) at five o'clock yesterday? - She

for hеr birthday party. 4) In the evenirrg Linda


No, we

rain) at that time. 6) Brian

(to wake uр) late yesterduy. 7} Аrrdу

play) а соmрutеr gаmе at б o'clockyesterdry rчhеп lris frierrd

phone) and (to invite) him tcl the сiпеrп;r. В) \Mhat

Vicky (to do) all the mоrпiпg yesterda1,? -* She




(difficult) than History.

(cold) mопth оf the уеаr.

(bad) than it was )resterd.y.

(1rеаъу) t}ran your bug.

(good) pianist I hаче ечеr met.

(thin) than the skirt.

(conrfortable) in the flat.

sunbathe) оп the Ьеасh.

Ё Pot the adjectives in brackets into the correct fоrm to complete the sentences.

1) Му sister thinks Math is

2) }апuаrу is

3) The weather today is

4) Му suitcase is

5) I think he is

6) This dress is

7) Your bedroom is

Page 63: 5 ayrtg p_2013

Complete the sentenceý with the modals from the Ьох.

1) I

letters and she

соuld must can has to mustn'tcant mау couldnt had to

phone уоu yesterduy, I'm sorry. 2) КаtеЪ boss has given hеr the

sort them out. 3) Yоur brother has already done his

homework and now he go fоr а walk. 4) I speak to you

now, I have no time. 5) She didn t visit hеr cousin yesterduy Ьесаusе she

help hеr mother. 6) I ride а bike when I was опlу four. 7) То

Ье healthy I go in for sports. 8) You Ье late for school. 9) Му

friend always prepares the wall newspaper Ьесаusе he

circle the correct item.1) Тhеrе is а vase with flowers ... the tаЪlе.

draw чеrу well.

а) iп Ъ) оп с) uпdеr

с) above

2) The bird is flying ... the tree.

а) uпdеr Ъ) Ьеtwееп

3) Му mоthеrЪ birthday is ... October.

а) iп Ъ) оп с) at

4) Не always gets uр early ... the morning.

а) iп Ъ) оп с) at

5) There is а bench ... t,wo trees.

а) Ьеhiпd Ъ) uпdеr с) Ьеtwееп

6) I often visit mу friends ... the weekends.

а) iп Ь) оп с) at

7) Тhеrе is а tireplace and ... the tireplace there is а coffee table.

а) behind Ъ) opposite с) betweeп

8) We always visit оur grandparents ... Easter.

а) iп с) at





л}t,;'',,ЦЧ -.;:{


: ffi


-i'i*,.; nr\ .'.,.,.;;

i ъJ 1,''


ý,,.,,,',..:.,.u Цr 1,;,,,i.,''.

,:1,i ,п''''''l;i

9) We usually have six lessons ... Thursday.

а) iп Ъ) оп

10) She seldom comes hоmе ... seven o'clock.

Ъ) оп

с) at

а) iп Ь) оп с) at


l вlи 30гOльнии ршультOт