3020 Cardiologie Reumatologie Nefrologie

CARDIOLOGIE, REUMATOLOGIE, NEFROLOGIE PARTICULARITĂŢILE PROFILULUI GLUCIDIC LA PACIENŢII HIPERTENSIVI ÎN FUNCŢIE DE OBEZITATE Valeriu Revenco, Viorica Ochişor, Georgeta Mihalache Catedra Cardiologie USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu” Summary The characteristics of the glucidic profile in patients with hypertension in relation with obesity There were evaluated 80 patients with hypertension I-II degree in accordance with the changes of the glucidic spectrum in relation with obesity. In patients with I-II degree hypertension in 37,5% there were established changes of the glucidic spectrum: 18,8% were with diabetes mellitus type 2, 16,3% - impaired glucose tolerance, 2,5% - modified basal glycemia, and 62,4% patients with hypertension were with normal glucose regulation. In hypertension the indices of glucidic metabolism changed in accordance with the body mass: in obese patients with hypertension more frequently there was established diabetes mellitus type 2 and increased values of the insulinoresistant indices: ultrasensitive insuline ≥12,2 µIU ml (37,1% obese patients vs 13,3% non-obese; p<0,05) and HOMA IR index >2,5 (40,0% obese vs 16,7% non-obese; p<0,05). Rezumat Au fost evaluaţi 80 pacienţi hipertesivi gr. I-II în contextul modificărilor spectrului glucidic în funcţie de obezitate. La pacienţi hipertensivi gr. I-II in 37,5% s-au constatat modificări ale spectrului glucidic: 18,8% au prezentat DZ tip 2, 16,3% - TAG, 2,5% - GBM, iar 62,4% pacienţi hipertensivi au manifestat reglare normală a glucozei. In hipertensiunea arterială indicii metabolismului glucidic au variat în funcţie de greutatea corporală: la hipertensivii obezi mai frecvent a fost constatat diabet zaharat tip 2 şi valori sporite ale indicilor insulinorezistenţei: insulina ultrasensitivă ≥12,2 µIU ml (37,1% obezi vs 13,3% nonobezi; p<0,05) şi indicele HOMA IR >2,5 (40,0% obezi vs 16,7% nonobezi; p<0,05). Actualitatea problemei 17



Transcript of 3020 Cardiologie Reumatologie Nefrologie






diabet zaharat tip 2

toleran alterat la glucoz

reglare normal a glucozei

glicemie bazal modificat


Valeriu Revenco, Viorica Ochior, Georgeta Mihalache

Catedra Cardiologie USMF Nicolae Testemianu


The characteristics of the glucidic profile in patients

with hypertension in relation with obesity

There were evaluated 80 patients with hypertension I-II degree in accordance with the changes of the glucidic spectrum in relation with obesity. In patients with I-II degree hypertension in 37,5% there were established changes of the glucidic spectrum: 18,8% were with diabetes mellitus type 2, 16,3% - impaired glucose tolerance, 2,5% - modified basal glycemia, and 62,4% patients with hypertension were with normal glucose regulation. In hypertension the indices of glucidic metabolism changed in accordance with the body mass: in obese patients with hypertension more frequently there was established diabetes mellitus type 2 and increased values of the insulinoresistant indices: ultrasensitive insuline 12,2 IUml (37,1% obese patients vs 13,3% non-obese; p2,5 (40,0% obese vs 16,7% non-obese; p