3 Hanoi 3天胡志明 Ho Chi Minh - Charming Holidays (New ... · Vinh Trang Pagoda in My Tho and...

3天河內 Hanoi 1 抵達河內 ~ 還劍湖 ~ 玉山祠 ~ 國子監文廟 ~ 鎮國寺 ~ 西湖 Arrive Hanoi ~ Hoan Kiem Lake ~ Nogc Son Temple ~ Temple of Literature ~ Tran Quoc Pagoda ~ West Lake 是日抵達越南首都河內。抵達後,乘專車前往 參觀市內名勝,包括座落於還劍湖旁的玉山祠 及國子監文廟。繼後前往西浦邊小島上的鎮國 寺參觀。黃昏時分,前往欣賞全世界獨一無 二,只有在河內才可觀賞之水中木偶表演,令 人大開眼界。晚餐於當地餐廳。 (晚餐) Arrive in Hanoi, the political and cultural center of Vietnam. Visits will be made to Tran Quoc Pagoda, Hoan Kiem Lake, Den Ngoc Temple, Temple of Literature etc. In the evening, enjoy the world’s famous water puppet show. Dinner at a local restaruant. (D) 2 河內 ~ 胡志明陵墓 ~ 下龍灣 ~ 海鮮晚餐 Hanoi ~ Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum ~ Ha Long Bay ~ Seafood Dinner 早餐後,前往參觀落成於1975年的胡志明陵墓 (關門:星期15915日至1115)及獨柱 廟,之後驅車前往下龍灣。下龍灣由三千多個 島嶼組成,風景最為優美,被聯合國列入世界 文化遺產。午餐後乘船下龍灣參觀最享譽 盛名鐘乳石洞天宮洞及投木洞。晚餐安排海 鮮餐。 (早、午、晚餐) Visit to Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum ( close: Mon & Fri and 15Sep to 15Nov) before proceeding to Halong Bay, the UNESCO World’s Heritage, for a leisurely boat ride. The exotic sceneries at Thiem Cung and Dau Go Grotoes will enthrall all. A seafood dinner will be served. (B/L/D) 3 下龍灣 ~ 河內 原居地 Ha Long Bay ~ Hanoi Home City 早餐後專車送往機場飛返回原居地。 (早餐) After breakfast, transfer to airport for a flight back home. (B) 3天胡志明 Ho Chi Minh 1 抵達胡志明市 Arrive Ho Chi Minh City 是日抵達越南第二大城市~胡志明市,又名西 貢。現時胡志明市內充滿法國殖民地色彩,也 流著越南傳統的民族風情。晚餐於當地餐廳。 (晚餐) Arrive Ho Chi Minh City of Vietnam which was once a French colony where French architectures are everywhere. Dinner at a local restaurant. (D) 2 胡志明市 ~ 湄公河遊船 ~ 古芝地道 ~ 燒乳猪宴 Ho Chi Minh ~ Mekong Boat Ride ~ Cu Chi Tunnel ~ Roasted Pig Dinner 早餐後前往參觀胡志明市市內越南最古老的華 人寺廟天后廟,還有聖母大教堂和越南最大唐 人街堤岸。繼往美拖市參觀永展寺及乘小艇了 解及體驗島上原居民之生活。午餐於市餐廳。 餐後前往古芝地道。古芝地道為戰時胡志明市 重要關口,全長200公里。地道分為三為層, 以人工挖掘。昔日越戰時期,越南人為避開美 軍的炮火,挖地道居住,以此為家。地道現已 成為遊客觀光重點。晚餐品嚐越南馳名的燒乳 猪宴。 (早、午、晚餐) After breakfast, our city tour begins with Thien Hau Temple, Notre Dame Cathedral and Cholon of China Town. Later visit Vinh Trang Pagoda in My Tho and board small sampan to view the floating market and other aspects of Local Life. Afternoon proceed to the Cu Chi Tunnel, which is an underground tunnel stretching 200km long and capable of sustaining 50-ton tanks. Enjoy a Chinese dinner with roasted pig. (B/L/D) 3 胡志明市 原居地 Ho Chi Minh Home City 早餐後參觀歌劇院、郵政大樓。遊畢後專車送 往機場飛返回原居地。 (早餐) After breakfast, visit the great Opera House, Central Post Office.Then transfer to airport for a flight back home. (B) 3天暹粒 Siem Reap 1 抵達暹粒 Arrive Siem Reap 是日抵達柬埔寨之暹粒。柬埔寨古稱高棉,是 位於東南亞中南半島上的文明古國。晚餐於當 地餐廳。 (晚餐) Arrive Siem Reap in Cambodia. Dinner at a local restaurant. (D) 2 吳哥窟 ~ 芭肯山日落美景 Angkor Wat ~ Sunset View at Bakeng Mountain 早餐後,前往暢遊世界七大奇景之一吳哥窟。 吳哥窟是柬埔寨古代王朝於公元802年開始建 造,歷時四百年完成。如天氣許可,還可欣賞 到芭肯山日落的醉人景色。是日午、晚餐於當 地餐館。 (早、午、晚餐) After breakfast, visits will be made to the 7 Wonders of the World, Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom. With weather permitting, all will enjoy the breath-taking sunset at Angkor Wat. Lunch and dinner at local restaurants. (B/L/D) 3 暹粒 (金邊湖) 原居地 Siem Reap (Tonle Sap Lake) Home City 早餐後乘船暢遊金邊湖。湄公河的河水在此注 入於金邊湖,是柬埔寨最大的淡水湖泊。遊畢 後專車送往機場飛返回原居地。 (早餐) After breakfast, a 1-hour boat ride on Tonle Sap Lake is highly enjoyable, and visit will be paid to the floating market including a shopping stop at the Old Market. After that transfer to airport for a flight back home. (B) 團號 Tour Code 抵達日期 Arrival Date 酒店 (或同級) Hotel (or similar class) 成人 Adult 小童 Child 單人房 附加費 Sgl Supp. HAN3 星期三、五 WED, FRI Sheraton / Saigon Halong 459 299 110 Sheraton / Novotel Halong 509 339 150 SGN3 星期二、日 TUE, SUN New World Hotel 399 269 150 Renaissance 449 299 180 REP3 星期四、五 THU, FRI Tara Angkor Hotel 359 259 100 Sokha Angkor Hotel 399 299 140 費用以二人房美金計算,小童(2-11yrs)不佔床,佔床與成人價相同。機票另計。 FEB 01, 2017

Transcript of 3 Hanoi 3天胡志明 Ho Chi Minh - Charming Holidays (New ... · Vinh Trang Pagoda in My Tho and...

  • 3天河內 Hanoi

    1 抵達河內 ~ 還劍湖 ~ 玉山祠 ~ 國子監文廟 ~ 鎮國寺 ~ 西湖 Arrive Hanoi ~ Hoan Kiem Lake ~ Nogc Son Temple ~ Temple of Literature ~ Tran Quoc Pagoda ~ West Lake 是日抵達越南首都河內。抵達後,乘專車前往





    人大開眼界。晚餐於當地餐廳。 (晚餐) Arrive in Hanoi, the political and cultural center of Vietnam. Visits will be made to Tran Quoc Pagoda, Hoan Kiem Lake, Den Ngoc Temple, Temple of Literature etc. In the evening, enjoy the world’s famous water puppet show. Dinner at a local restaruant. (D)

    2 河內 ~ 胡志明陵墓 ~ 下龍灣 ~ 海鮮晚餐 Hanoi ~ Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum ~ Ha Long Bay ~ Seafood Dinner 早餐後,前往參觀落成於1975年的胡志明陵墓(關門:星期1及5及9月15日至11月15日)及獨柱廟,之後驅車前往下龍灣。下龍灣由三千多個




    鮮餐。 (早、午、晚餐) Visit to Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum ( close: Mon & Fri and 15Sep to 15Nov) before proceeding to Halong Bay, the UNESCO World’s Heritage, for a leisurely boat ride. The exotic sceneries at Thiem Cung and Dau Go Grotoes will enthrall all. A seafood dinner will be served. (B/L/D)

    3 下龍灣 ~ 河內 原居地 Ha Long Bay ~ Hanoi Home City 早餐後專車送往機場飛返回原居地。 (早餐) After breakfast, transfer to airport for a flight back home. (B)

    3天胡志明 Ho Chi Minh

    1 抵達胡志明市 Arrive Ho Chi Minh City 是日抵達越南第二大城市~胡志明市,又名西貢。現時胡志明市內充滿法國殖民地色彩,也

    流著越南傳統的民族風情。晚餐於當地餐廳。 (晚餐) Arrive Ho Chi Minh City of Vietnam which was once a French colony where French architectures are everywhere. Dinner at a local restaurant. (D)

    2 胡志明市 ~ 湄公河遊船 ~ 古芝地道 ~ 燒乳猪宴 Ho Chi Minh ~ Mekong Boat Ride ~ Cu Chi Tunnel ~ Roasted Pig Dinner 早餐後前往參觀胡志明市市內越南最古老的華








    猪宴。 (早、午、晚餐) After breakfast, our city tour begins with Thien Hau Temple, Notre Dame Cathedral and Cholon of China Town. Later visit Vinh Trang Pagoda in My Tho and board small sampan to view the floating market and other aspects of Local Life. Afternoon proceed to the Cu Chi Tunnel, which is an underground tunnel stretching 200km long and capable of sustaining 50-ton tanks. Enjoy a Chinese dinner with roasted pig. (B/L/D)

    3 胡志明市 原居地 Ho Chi Minh Home City 早餐後參觀歌劇院、郵政大樓。遊畢後專車送

    往機場飛返回原居地。 (早餐) After breakfast, visit the great Opera House, Central Post Office.Then transfer to airport for a flight back home. (B)

    3天暹粒 Siem Reap

    1 抵達暹粒 Arrive Siem Reap是日抵達柬埔寨之暹粒。柬埔寨古稱高棉,是


    地餐廳。 (晚餐) Arrive Siem Reap in Cambodia. Dinner at a local restaurant. (D)

    2 吳哥窟 ~ 芭肯山日落美景 Angkor Wat ~ Sunset View at Bakeng Mountain




    地餐館。 (早、午、晚餐) After breakfast, visits will be made to the 7 Wonders of the World, Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom. With weather permitting, all will enjoy the breath-taking sunset at Angkor Wat. Lunch and dinner at local restaurants. (B/L/D)

    3 暹粒 (金邊湖) 原居地 Siem Reap (Tonle Sap Lake) Home City



    後專車送往機場飛返回原居地。 (早餐) After breakfast, a 1-hour boat ride on Tonle Sap Lake is highly enjoyable, and visit will be paid to the floating market including a shopping stop at the Old Market. After that transfer to airport for a flight back home. (B)

    團號 Tour Code

    抵達日期 Arrival Date

    酒店 (或同級) Hotel (or similar class)

    成人 Adult

    小童 Child

    單人房 附加費

    Sgl Supp.

    HAN3  星期三、五 WED, FRI Sheraton / Saigon Halong 459 299 110 Sheraton / Novotel Halong 509 339 150 

    SGN3  星期二、日 TUE, SUN New World Hotel 399 269 150 

    Renaissance 449 299 180 

    REP3  星期四、五 THU, FRI Tara Angkor Hotel 359 259 100 

    Sokha Angkor Hotel 399 299 140 ● 費用以二人房美金計算,小童(2-11yrs)不佔床,佔床與成人價相同。機票另計。 FEB 01, 2017

  • Hanoi (City Tour) ~ Hoan Kiem Lake ~ Nogc Son Temple ~ Temple of Literature ~ West Lake ~ Tran Quoc Pagoda ~Water Puppet Show







    住宿:Pullman Hotel 或同級 (晚餐)Arrive in Hanoi, the political and cultural center of Vietnam. Visits will be made to Tran Quoc Pagoda, Hoan Kiem Lake, Den Ngoc Temple, Temple of Literature etc. In the evening, enjoy the world’s famous water puppet show. Dinner at a local restaruant. (D)

    Hanoi ~ Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum(Outside) ~Ha Long Bay (Boat Ride) ~ Thien Cung & Dau Go Grottoes ~ Seafood Dinner ~ Casino





    住宿:Saigon Halong Hotel 或同級 (早、午、晚餐)Visit to Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum (close:mond Fri and 15sep to 15Nov) before proceeding to Halong Bay, the UNESCO World’s Heritage, for a leisurely boat ride. The exotic sceneries at Thiem Cung and Dau Go Grotoes will enthrall all. A seafood dinner will be served after which trying out your luck at the casino is recommended. (B/L/D)

    Ha Long Bay ~ Hanoi Da Nang ~ Hoi An

    早餐於酒店餐廳。之後送往機場飛往位于越南中部的峴港,這 裡擁有眾多歷史文化遺蹟,之後前往位於濱臨南中國海的一座小市鎮 - 會安。會安古城於1999年被聯合國教育科學文化組織(UNESCO)宣布為遺蹟,而且是一座保存得最好的城市之典範,它為15世紀到19世紀東南亞重要經貿港。這座城市在公元第1世紀時即擁有東南亞最大的港口。會安的建築物融合本地及外國的風格

    型式。最初會安(法國殖民統治時被稱呼為海埔 (Hai Pho)是一座分割的城鎮,日本人建造一座以獨特式的廊橋結構的橋(Chùa c`âu)來分隔日本人居住的對岸,此為會安之標誌,緊臨橋邊也蓋了一座佛


    住宿:Hoian Riverside Hotel 或同級 (早、晚餐)Upon arrival in Da Nang, proceed to Hoi An. In 1999, the UNESCO declared Hoi An as a site of World Heritage. It is a site well-preserved showing an example of a Southeast Asian trading port during the period of 15th–19th centuries. Hai Pho was originally divided. The Japanes Bridge spans across the river. A Japanese settlement is on the other side of the river. Walking around Hoi An, one will feel the atmosphere of an ancient town. (B/D)

    Home City Hanoi

    由原居地出發乘坐豪華客機飛往越南首都–河內。Depart from home city for Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam.12


    UNIQUE FEATURES★ 觀賞世界獨有的水中木偶表演。

    Entertainment show : Water Puppet★ 乘船遊覽柬埔寨金邊湖及越南下龍灣

    Touring Ha Long Bay and Tonle Sap Lake by boat★ 安排品嘗各地美食:大明蝦海鮮晚餐、 越式檬粉、地道越南粉及燒乳豬、海鮮宴。

    Tasting Vietnamese noodle, prawn and roasted pig seafood dinners

    ★ 包越南境內機票,省時及減少舟車勞頓:Inclusion of 3 domestic air sectors in Vietnam.

    河內 峴港 / 會安 芽莊 胡志明市。


    鑽裝越南(中南北)、柬埔寨(吳哥窟)Vietnam ( Central , South & North ) & Cambodia ( Angkor Wat ) Extravagance

    Visiting: Hanoi, Ha Long Bay, Da Nang, Hoi An, Nha Trang, My Tho, Ho Chi Minh, Angkor Wat

    下龍灣Ha Long Bay

    8 10 天AVHS

    會安 (獨特廊橋)Hoi An (Covered Bridge)

    湄公河Mekong River

    暹粒舞蹈Siem Reap Dance


  • Ho Chi Minh City (City Tour) Home City


    南粉。餐後前往機場轉乘客機飛返原居地。 (早、午餐)After breakfast, visit the great Opera House, Central Post Office.

    Ho Chi Minh City (City Tour) Siem Reap




    住宿:Sokha Hotel 或同級 (早、午、晚餐)After breakfast, visit the great Opera House, Central Post Office. Authentic Pho set for lunch. Later on, all will board a flight to Siem Reap in Cambodia. With weather permitting, all will enjoy the breath-taking sunset at Phnom Bakeng. Dinner at a local restaurant. (B/L/D)







    Hoi An ~ Da Nang Nha Trang

    早餐於酒店餐廳。餐後飛往芽莊。午餐於當地餐館。芽莊是 越南中部的一座海濱城市,是著名的天然海濱旅遊勝地和港口城市。這座城市不大,只有100多萬人,主要以養殖和加工海產品為主。芽莊一名據說是源于占婆,意思是“竹林河流”。芽莊歷



    住宿:Vin Pearl Land Resort 或同級 (早、午、晚餐)Arrive in Nha Trang by flight. The afternoon will be free at leisure. Dinner at a local restaurant. (B/L/D)

    Nha Trang (City Tour) Ho Chi Minh City

    早餐於酒店餐廳。餐後市內觀光,包括智原水族館及欣賞漁 村風光。購買搜集貝殼紀念品。芽莊附近的海域是越南有名的漁場,這里每年可以出海捕撈的良好天氣多達250天以上。芽莊沒有冬天,任何時候都可以來旅遊。海灘浴場廣闊,沿著街道伸



    住宿:New World Hotel 或同級 (早、午、晚餐)Full day city tour in Nha Trang will include Tri Nguyen aquarium on Mieu Island. Lunch will be served on Con Se Tre Island, after which all will

    City. Dinner at a local restaurant. (B/L/D)

    Siem Reap (Tonle Sap Lake) Home City

    早餐於酒店餐廳。餐後乘船暢遊金邊湖。湄公河的河水在 此注入於金邊湖,是柬埔寨最大的淡水湖泊。午餐於當地餐廳。午餐後送往機場乘機返回原居地。 (早、午餐)An 1-hour boat ride on Tonle Sap Lake is highly enjoyable, and visit

    Ho Chi Minh (City Tour) ~ Mekong Boat Ride ~ Cu Chi Tunnel ~ Roasted Pig Dinner





    住宿:New World Hotel 及同級 (早、午、晚餐)After breakfast, our city tour begins with Notre Dame Cathedral and Cholon of China Town. Later visit Vinh Trang Pagoda in My Tho and board small sampan to view the floating market and other aspects of Local Life. Afternoon proceed to the Cu Chi Tunnel, which is an underground tunnel stretching 200km long and capable of sustaining 50-ton tanks. Enjoy a Chinese dinner with roasted pig. (B/L/D)

    Angkor Wat ~ Sunset View at Bakeng Mountain

    早餐於酒店餐廳。早餐後前往暢遊世界七大奇景之一吳哥窟。 吳哥窟是柬埔寨古代王朝於公元802年開始建造,歷時四百年完成。如天氣許可,還可欣賞到芭肯山日落的醉人景色。是日


    住宿:Sokha Angkor Resort 或同級 (早、午、晚餐)After breakfast, visits will be made to the 7 Wonders of the World, Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom. With weather permitting, all will enjoy the breath-taking sunset at Angkor Wat. Lunch and dinner at local restaurants. (B/L/D)

    10天越、柬、泰團 (AVHS10 )繼續前往柬埔寨參加 10天團之團友,行程如下:For 10-day tour to Cambodia, please continue the itinerary below:

    吳哥窟Angkor Wat

    還劍湖Hoan Kiem Lake

    胡志明市集Ho Chi Minh Market


  • Hanoi (City Tour) ~ Hoan Kiem Lake ~ Nogc Son Temple ~ Temple of Literature ~ West Lake ~ Tran Quoc Pagoda ~Water Puppet Show







    住宿:Pullman Hotel 或同級 (晚餐)Arrive in Hanoi, the political and cultural center of Vietnam. Visits will be made to Tran Quoc Pagoda, Hoan Kiem Lake, Den Ngoc Temple, Temple of Literature etc. In the evening, enjoy the world’s famous water puppet show. Dinner at a local restaruant. (D)

    Hanoi ~ Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum(Outside) ~Ha Long Bay (Boat Ride) ~ Thien Cung & Dau Go Grottoes ~ Seafood Dinner




    住宿:Saigon Halong Hotel 或同級 (早、午、晚餐)Visit to Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum ( close:mond Fri and 15sep to 15Nov) before proceeding to Halong Bay, the UNESCO World’s Heritage, for a leisurely boat ride. The exotic sceneries at Thiem Cung and Dau Go Grotoes will enthrall all. A seafood dinner will be served. (B/L/D)

    Ha Long Bay ~ Hanoi Siem Reap

    早餐於酒店餐廳。餐後返回河內。午餐享用地道越式檬粉。 及後前往機場轉乘客機飛往柬埔寨之暹粒。柬埔寨古稱高棉,是位於東南亞中南半島上的文明古國。晚餐於當地餐廳。

    住宿:Sokha Hotel 或同級 (早、午、晚餐)After breakfast, return to Hanoi to enjoy the famous Vietnamese noodle for lunch. Later on, all will board a flight to Siem Reap in Cambodia. Dinner at a local restaurant. (B/L/D)

    Home City Hanoi

    由原居地出發乘坐豪華客機飛往越南首都–河內。Depart from home city for Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam.1




    Angkor Wat ~ Sunset View at Bakeng Mountain

    早餐於酒店餐廳。餐後前往暢遊世界七大奇景之一吳哥窟。 吳哥窟是柬埔寨古代王朝於公元802年開始建造,歷時四百年完成。如天氣許可,還可欣賞到芭肯山日落的醉人景色。是日


    住宿:Sokha Hotel 或同級 (早、午、晚餐)After breakfast, visits will be made to the 7 Wonders of the World, Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom. With weather permitting, all will enjoy the breath-taking sunset at Angkor Wat. Lunch and dinner at local restaurants. (B/L/D)

    UNIQUE FEATURES★ 安排吳哥窟、芭肯山丘看日落。

    Enjoy a sunnset view of Angkor Wat from a hill★ 暢遊 2大世界遺產:下龍灣、吳哥窟。

    Visiting 2 World Heritage sites : Ha Long Bay & Angkor Wat

    ★ 乘船遊覽越南下龍灣及柬埔寨金邊湖。Touring Ha Long Bay and Tonle Sap Lake by boat

    ★ 安排品嚐海鮮晚餐、燒乳豬宴及泰式火鍋。Tasting Vietnamese seafood & roasted pig dinners andThai hot pot dinner

    ★ 人妖歌舞表演及水上木偶戲。Entertainment shows : Alcarzas Cabaret and Water Puppet shows


    金裝越南、柬埔寨、泰國Deluxe Vietnam, Cambodia & Thailand

    Visiting: Hanoi, Ha Long Bay, Siem Reap, Angkor Wat, Tonle Sap Lake, Ho Chi Minh, Bangkok, Pattaya

    下龍灣Ha Long Bay

    吳哥窟Angkor Wat

    8 12 天AVCT

    古芝地道Cu Chi Tunnel

    大象表演Elephant Show


  • Ho Chi Minh Home City


    南粉。餐後前往機場飛返原居地。 (早、午餐)After breakfast, visit the great Opera House, Central Post Office.

    Ho Chi Minh City Bangkok



    住宿:AETAS Lumpini Hotell 或同級 (早、午餐)After breakfast, visits will be paid to the great Opera House and

    proceed to airport to depart for Bangkok. Upon arrival, the tour will be greeted by a local guide who will take all to a hotel for rest. Dinner on your own. (B/L)









    Siem Reap (Tonle Sap Lake) ~ Ho Chi Minh City

    早餐於酒店餐廳。餐後乘船暢遊金邊湖。湄公河的河水在此 注入於金邊湖,是柬埔寨最大的淡水湖泊。午餐於當地餐廳。午餐後前往機場,乘搭內陸航班飛往胡志明市。胡志明市是越



    住宿:New World Hotel 或同級 (早、午、晚餐)A 1-hour boat ride on Tonle Sap Lake is highly enjoyable, and visit will be paid to the floating market including a shopping stop at the

    Vietnam which was once a French colony where French architectures are everywhere. Dinner at a local restaurant. (B/L/D)

    Bangkok Home City

    早餐於酒店餐廳。早餐後專車送往曼谷國際機場,乘坐豪華 客機返回原居地。 (早餐)

    Pattaya ~ Coral Island - Rama9 Park ~ Laser Buddha ~ Nong Nooch Cultural Village




    住宿:Aiyara Grand Hotel 或同級 (早、午、晚餐)After breakfast, all will ride on an exciting speed boat trip to the beautiful Coral Island where all kinds of water activities are available to all. Thai lunch is served. Afternoon visit Rama9 Park where the laser Buddha in carved on the mountain and the grape plantation. Visit Nong Nooch Cultural Village & Elephant Show, enjoy a buffet dinner. (B/L/D)

    Pattaya ~ Elephant Riding ~ World Gems Museum ~ Bangkok ~ Four Faces Buddha







    住宿:Jasimine Resort 或同級 (早、午、晚餐)After breakfast, proceed to the Siam Elephant Park where one may

    The World Gems Museum, Snake Farm and Leather Center. After lunch, return to Bangkok to visit the new Bangkok city and the popular “4 Faced Buddha” after which the Thai hot-pot dinner will be served. (B/L/D)

    Ho Chi Minh (City Tour) ~ Mekong Boat Ride ~ Cu Chi Tunnel ~ Roasted Pig Dinner





    住宿:New World Hotel 及同級 (早、午、晚餐)After breakfast, our city tour begins with Thien Hau Temple, Notre Dame Cathedral and Cholon of China Town. Later visit Vinh Trang Pagoda in My Tho and board small sampan to view the floating market and other aspects of Local Life. Afternoon proceed to the Cu Chi Tunnel, which is an underground tunnel stretching 200km long and capable of sustaining 50-ton tanks. Enjoy a Chinese dinner with roasted pig. (B/L/D)

    Bangkok ~ China Town ~ Golden Buddha Temple ~ Art of the Kingdom ~ Pattaya ~ Alcarza Cabaret Show


    12天越、柬、泰團 ( AVCT12 )繼續前往泰國參加 12天團之團友,行程如下:For 12-day tour to Thailand, please continue the itinerary below:






    住宿:Aiyara Grand Hotel 或同級 (早、午、晚餐)After breakfast, all will visit the China Town, the old Bangkok City and visit Golden Buddha Temple. The Exhibition of the “KINGDOM OF ART” will be the next destination where the country’s precious master-piece of Arts are on display. The tour, after lunch, will proceed on to the famous beach resort – the Pattaya. All will enjoy an appetite for an authentic Thai dinner, after which a World Class Alcarza’s Cabaret Show will be staged for the enjoyment of all. (B/L/D)
