20150923 mindtrek korhonen taltioni

Taltioni Games for Health Mindtrek

Transcript of 20150923 mindtrek korhonen taltioni

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Games for HealthMindtrek

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Transfer of Taltioni business to Hyvis-ICT Oy

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Letter of intent concerning business transfer

Taltioni osuuskunta has offered to transfer Taltioni services to Hyvis-ICT Oy

Transfer consists of:• Technology• Framework• Software• Content• IPR• Contracts, brands, etc• Customerships

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business transferred to




Acceptance of letter of intent

Settling phase

18.8.2015Taltioni boasrdmeeting

Board presents letter of intent (due31.12.2015) to be accepted by cooperative


Letter of intent -phase



Taltioni cooperativedecision for transfer of business

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Hyvis-ICT vision

VRK YTJKanTa, KanSa Operatiiviset potilas-

ja hyvinvointi-tietojärjestelmät

OmaKanta eResepti

eArkisto KanSa

Kansallinen palvelunäkymä

Kehittäjäekosysteemi, uudet palvelut Kansalliset yleispalvelut

Operatiiviset järjestelmät


STM:n ohjaus,kansallinen strategia

Kansallinen palveluväylä

Future Hyvis

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Principles of Hyvic-ICT



UsabilityReform of Operation


Advancer and activator of customer participation

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Taltioni architecture

Server infrastructure(Windows Server, SQL Server)

Development Framework(.NET, Medixine Development Framework)

Core services and functionality(auditng, version control, authentication, …)

Components of Taltioni-application(PHR, application registry)

Service interfaces(Web Services)

Web-user interface (HTML, Ajax)

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Supported data types • Personal data• Observations (blood pressures, blood sugar, activity, sleep, …)

– Dynamic data model– Dosens of observation types used (list available)

• Medication data• Allergies• Vaccinations• Lab results• Procedurs (surgical operations, etc…)• Diagnosest• Files (documents, images, etc...)

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Codes and codifications• All codesets available through interface• Use of codes increases quality of data• Uncoded data input is possible, usability if said data low to other

services• Taltioni uses

– Internatinal codes: ICD-10, ICPC-2, IEEE (11073-10417, P11073-10408), ISO (3166, 639)

– National codes: Fimea (medication), AR/YDIN (demographic data, vaccinations), JHS 150 (occupations), THL (procedurs)

– Own codes, when not national or international exists

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Taltioni services (applications)• Can be developed using any technology• Authentication mechanism for individual application can differ from

one used by Taltioni• Communicate with Taltioni using https only• Taltioni operator is responsible for framework only, providers are

responsible for infrastructure of applications • Audition of providers and services (applications) is done by Taltioni

cooperative• Technical audit is carried by parties authorised by Taltioni

cooperative• Taltioni cooperative offers support for application developers

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Join process for applications• Using OAuth 2.0 protocoll. • Process:

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About API-interface• SOAP interface available after succesfull authorization• WSDL/SOAP interface based on W3C standard• Optional Json interface by REST principles (beta)• One call returns data of only one person• It is possible to develop classes and configuration files needed for

SOAP interface using standard toolsets• All calls are processed independently• Use of interface does not require understanding of healthcare


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Operations of interface• GetHealthRecordProfile• CreateHealthRecordProfile (limited access)• UpdateHealthRecordProfile (limited access)• CheckPersonalId (limited access)• GetHealthRecordItems• StoreHealthRecordItems (update creates new version)• DeleteHealthRecordItems (old data is kept as history)• GetCodes• GetHealthRecordItemTypes


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• Production and demo environment• Infromation available:http://taltioni.fi/yrityksille/#



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Calling SOAP-interface• Mandatory information in SOAP header:

– RequestId: unique identifier for call (GUID)– Timestamp: Date and time (UTC)– ApplicationId: unique identifier for application– AuthCode: Authentication code– AccessToken: Key acquired via authentication, required in all calls except

GetCodes and GetHealthRecordItemTypes

• Creation of AuthCode:– Join RequestId, Timestamp, ApplicationId, AccessToken and Shared Secret in this

order separated with semicolon to a single string (UTF-8)– From string create a SHA-256 hash and set it as a value for AuthCode in Base64-


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• Beta-version (not in production, available for test/demo)

• Infromation available:


Rest interface

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Calling REST-inetrface• Required information (http header) for calls:

– X-ApplicationId: unique identifier for application– Authorization: Key from authenticaion in OAuth Bearer token form, required in all

calls except GetCodes and GetHealthRecordItemTypes

• Call mechanism is simplified for demo environemnt. In production X-RequestId, X-Timestamp ja X-AuthCode headers are mandatory as well

• Example call (returns weight observations):