
第一回:なぜシリコンバレーがITビジネスのメッカなのか? 玉川大学経営学部国際経営学科非常勤講師 Kunihiro Maeda [email protected] サービス経営論 2015年4月8日 玉川大学経営学部国際経営学科「サービス経営論」 SERVICE MANAGEMENT THEORIES

Transcript of 20150408_Tamagawa-Univ_Service-Managemnet-sp



Kunihiro [email protected]


2015年4月8日 玉川大学経営学部国際経営学科「サービス経営論」


Profile : Kunihiro Maeda


CEO of Unique ID Inc., and Quantum ID Inc. Specially Appointed Researcher of OsakaSchool of International Public Policy at Osaka University, Visiting Fellow of Tokyo University,Part-time lecturer of Tamagawa University. Part-time lecturer of Graduate School of Artsand Design at Onomichi University.

I made SNS with my friend in 1996. It was called "Human Web". Maybe it was First SNS inJapan. In 1998, They tried to make another version “Small World Connection” as work ofart. We sent their works to multi-media competition “Ars Electronica” in Australia. And Theyentered it Digital Be-in in USA. We went to San Francisco for presentation. Our work wonthe praise of early adapter, just as art. In 2001, We tried to make commercial web site“Kanshin Kukan(Interest Community)”. Our work won the praise of early adapter in Japan.We got “Good Design award” in 2001 and he got Web Creation Award in 2006 as a pioneerof Japanese CGM(Consumer Generated Media=Social Media).

Now I’m is interested in ICT for peace, Humanitarian Technology(Critical Infrastructure,Drone, not only web technology), Cyber Warfare, Cyber Intelligence and CollectiveIntelligence for Human Security.

What the Service Management is? from IT venture viewpoints


スティーブ・ジョブズと禅 PRESIDENT 2011年12月5日号

What the Service Management is? from IT venture viewpoints


サービス経営(Service Management)とは、多様な消費者の視点を結びつけ新しいニーズを紡ぐサービスの科学的手法(Service Science)であり、マッチング技術である。また同時に求められているのは、IT時代における顧客コミュニティとの対話のスキルである。ソーシャルメディアの浸透によって、消費者の個人情報が大量に得られると同時に、消費者の情報発信能力も磨かれ、経営者が顧客に向けてダイレクトかつリアルタイムにコミュニケーションするタレントも必要とされている。そもそもサービスとは顧客に対する目に見える付加価値を通じたロイヤリティ(共感)の獲得であり、潜在的ニーズの可視化(おもてなし)にある。

Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address


Jobs Official Trailer (2013) - Ashton Kutcher Movie HD


The story of Steve Jobs' ascension from college dropout into one of the most revered creative entrepreneurs of the 20th century.

The Movieclips Trailers channel is your destination for hot new trailers the second they drop. Whether they are blockbusters, indie films, or that new comedy you've been waiting for, the Movieclips Trailers team is there day and night to make sure all the hottest new movie trailers are available whenever you need them, as soon as you can get them. All the summer blockbusters, Man of Steel, Oblivion, Pacific Rim, After Earth, The Lone Ranger, Star Trek Into Darkness and more! They are all available on Movieclips Trailers.

In addition to hot new trailers, the Movieclips Trailers page gives you original content like Ultimate Trailers, Instant Trailer Reviews, Monthly Mashups, and Meg's Movie News and more to keep you up-to-date on what's out this week and what you should be watching.


Famous companies startups from garage



Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address




Drawing from some of the most pivotal points in his life, Steve Jobs, chief executive officer and co-founder of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, urged graduates to pursue their dreams and see the opportunities in life's setbacks-- including death itself-- at Stanford University's 114th Commencement on Sunday in Stanford Stadium.

『アカデミックキャピタリズムを超えて: アメリカの大学と科学研究の現在』


Apple Macintosh Think Different 1984 Super Bowl Commercial





Aired only once on January 22, 1984, Apple introduced the Macintosh computer to a global audience for the Super Bowl in what is considered one of the most famous television commercials in history.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3jjKuTAPHA

Think Different : TBWA Chiat Day's iconic tv commercial for Apple


==========英語版Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square hole. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.



Apple Knowledge Navigator Video (1987)


Apple produced several concept videos showcasing the idea. All of them featured a tablet style computer with numerous advanced capabilities, including an excellent text-to-speech system with no hint of "computerese", a gesture based interface resembling the multi-touch interface later used on the iPhone and an equally powerful speech understanding system, allowing the user to converse with the system via an animated "butler" as the software agent.

In one vignette a university professor returns home and turns on his computer, in the form of a tablet the size of a large-format book. The agent is a bow-tie wearing butler who appears on the screen and informs him that he has several calls waiting. He ignores most of these, from his mother, and instead uses the system to compile data for a talk on deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest. While he is doing this, the computer informs him that a colleague is calling, and they then exchange data through their machines while holding a video based conversation.

In another such video, a young student uses a smaller handheld version of the system to prompt him while he gives a class presentation on volcanoes, eventually sending a movie of an exploding volcano to the video "blackboard". In a final installment a user scans in a newspaper by placing it on the screen of the full-sized version, and then has it help him learn to read by listening to him read the scanned results, and prompting when he pauses.

The videos were funded and sponsored by Bud Colligan, Director of Apple's higher education marketing group, written and creatively developed by Hugh Dubberly and Doris Mitsch of Apple Creative Services, with technical and conceptual input from Mike Liebhold of Apple's Advanced Technologies Group and advice from Alan Kay, then an Apple Fellow.[1] The videos were produced by The Kenwood Group in San Francisco and directed by Randy Field. The director of photography was Bill Zarchy. The post-production mix was done by Gary Clayton at Russian Hill Recording for The Kenwood Group. The product industrial design was created by Gavin Ivester and Adam Grosser of Apple design. The Knowledge Navigator video premiered in 1987 at Educom, the leading higher education conference, in a keynote by John Sculley, with demos of multimedia, hypertext and interactive learning directed by Bud Colligan.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umJsITGzXd0


Kay, Alan C, A Personal Computer for Children of All Ages (1972)