2015-1 GSIS Bachelor and Masters Accelerated Degree Program Announcement

7/17/2019 2015-1 GSIS Bachelor and Masters Accelerated Degree Program Announcement http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/2015-1-gsis-bachelor-and-masters-accelerated-degree-program-announcement 1/4  페이지 1 / 4 2015-1 학기 국제학대학원 학부-석사 연계과정 모집요강 1. 개념  목적 . 국제학대학원 학부-석사 연계과정에 합격한 학생은 추후 별도의 입학시험 없이 학부 졸업  국제학대학원에 진학하여 석사 학위를 취득 . 졸업요건 충족  학부 3  + 대학원 1.5  =  4.5 년에 학사  석사 학위 취득 가능 2. 대상 학과: 신촌캠퍼스 개설학부 전체 3. 모집 인원:  10  이내 4. 지원자격  장학금 특전 . 4 학기 ~ 6 학기를 수료하고, 전체 평량평균이 3.3/4.3 이상이고, 소속 학과의 지도교수 또는 학과장의 추천을 받은  . 일반편입, 학사편입  이에 준하는 , 학사경고를 받은 자는 지원 불가 . 연계과정에 진입한 학생에게는 석사과정 입학  성적에 따라 '연계과정 장학금’을 차등 지급(최대 3 학기)   장학금 1 학부  평량평균 * 4.0/4.3 이상: 등록금 전액 * 3.3/4.3 이상 ~ 4.0/4.3 미만: 등록금 반액 2, 3 직전학기 9 학점 이상 수료한 자의 직전학기 평량평균 * 4.0/4.3 이상: 등록금 전액 * 3.7/4.3 이상 ~ 4.0/4.3 미만: 등록금 반액 5. 전형방법: 서류전형만으로 선발 6. 전형시기 . 지원서 접수: 2015. 2. 13(), 2. 16(), 09:00 ~ 17:00 . 접수 장소: 새천년관 510  . 결과 발표: 2015. 2. 26( ), 18:00, 개별공지(이메일) 7. 제출서류 



Transcript of 2015-1 GSIS Bachelor and Masters Accelerated Degree Program Announcement

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2015-1학기 국제학대학원 학부-석사 연계과정 모집요강 

1. 개념 및 목적 

가. 국제학대학원 학부-석사 연계과정에 합격한 학생은 추후 별도의 입학시험 없이 학부 졸업 

후 국제학대학원에 진학하여 석사 학위를 취득 

나. 졸업요건 충족 시 학부  3년 + 대학원  1.5년 = 총  4.5년에 학사 및 석사 학위 취득 가능 

2. 대상 학과: 신촌캠퍼스 개설학부 전체 

3. 모집 인원: 연  10명 이내 

4. 지원자격 및 장학금 특전 

가. 4학기 ~ 6학기를 수료하고, 전체 평량평균이 3.3/4.3 이상이고, 소속 학과의 지도교수 또는 

학과장의 추천을 받은 자 

나. 일반편입, 학사편입 및 이에 준하는 자, 학사경고를 받은 자는 지원 불가 

다. 연계과정에 진입한 학생에게는 석사과정 입학  시 성적에 따라  '연계과정 장학금’을 차등 

지급(최대  3학기)

학 기  장학금 


학부 총 평량평균 

* 4.0/4.3 이상: 등록금 전액 

* 3.3/4.3 이상 ~ 4.0/4.3 미만: 등록금 반액 

2, 3

직전학기  9학점 이상 수료한 자의 직전학기 평량평균 

* 4.0/4.3 이상: 등록금 전액 

* 3.7/4.3 이상 ~ 4.0/4.3 미만: 등록금 반액 

5. 전형방법: 서류전형만으로 선발 

6. 전형시기 

가. 지원서 접수: 2015. 2. 13(금), 2. 16(월), 09:00 ~ 17:00

나. 접수 장소: 새천년관  510호 

다. 결과 발표: 2015. 2. 26(목), 18:00, 개별공지(이메일)

7. 제출서류 

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가. 지원서(소정양식) 1부 

나. 학부 성적증명서 원본  1부(영문)

다. 학업 및 연구계획서  1부(영문, 3페이지 내외)

라. 소속학과 지도교수 또는 학과장의 추천서 원본  1부(영문)

마. 공인 영어성적증명서 원본  1부(TOEFL, TOEIC, 또는  IELTS)

8. 학사운영 

가. 연계과정에  진입한  학생은  학부  재학  중  학기당  최대  24   학점까지  수강신청이  가능 

(24학점 중 대학원 과목도 학기당 최대  6학점, 전체 최대  12학점까지 취득하도록 권고)

나. 대학원 과목의 이수 학점은 학부과정 이수학점 및 성적에 포함되지 않으며, 대학원 진학 

후에  석사과정  성적  및  졸업  학점으로  인정(연계과정  중단  시, 대학원  취득학점을  학부 취득학점으로 변경 불가)

다. 연계과정에 진입한 학생은 매 학기 평량평균  3.3/4.3 이상을 유지하여야 하며, 만약 성적이 

미달할 경우에는 연계과정 진행 중단 

라. 학부 조기졸업 요건 충족 시 조기졸업 후 대학원 입학(조기졸업 요건 미충족 시, 추가로 

학기 이수 후 대학원 입학)

9. 문의: 02-2123-3293, [email protected] 

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Yonsei GSIS Bachelor & Master’s Accelerated Degree Program

1. Concept

A. Students admitted to the program will be able to pursue a master's degree upon

completing their bachelor's degree without any entrance exam.

B. If all the graduation requirements are fulfilled, the students can obtain both a bachelor's

and master's degree within 4.5 years (bachelor 3 years + master 1.5 years).

2. Entry Qualifications & Scholarship

A. Students of all undergraduate majors in Yonsei Sinchon campus

B. Students who have completed 4 ~ 6 semesters and whose cumulative GPA is 3.3/4.3 or


C. Students who are recommended by the advising professor or dean of his/her department

D. Students who have transferred or students who have received an academic warning cannot


E. Admitted students will receive the scholarship according to their academic performance in

the master’s degree program (up to 3 semesters).

Semester Scholarship


Undergraduate CGPA

* 4.0/4.3 or above: 100% of the tuition

* From 3.3/4.3 ~ below 4.0/4.3: 50% of the tuition

2, 3

Previous semester GPA of full-time students who have earned at least 9

credits in the previous semester

* 4.0/4.3 or above: 100% of the tuition

* From 3.7/4.3 ~ below 4.0/4.3: 50% of the tuition

3. Admission Schedule

A. Application period: February 13 (Fri.), February 16 (Mon.), 9 a.m. ~ 5 p.m.

B. Location: New Millennium Hall #510

C. Announcement of results: February 26 (Thu.), 6 p.m., by email

4. Items to be submitted

A. Application form

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B. Official transcript of undergraduate work (in English)

C. Statement of purpose (in English, about 3 pages)

D. One letter of recommendation from the advising professor or dean of his/her department

(in English)

E. TOEFL, TOEIC, or IELTS transcript (the original document)

5. Academic Affairs after Admittance

A. Students who are admitted to the program can take up to 24 credits per semester while

enrolled in an undergraduate program. Those 24 credits can include a maximum of 6

credits from GSIS. Students are required to obtain total of 12 credits from GSIS while

enrolled in an undergraduate program.B. The credits earned from GSIS are not included in the total required credits to complete

undergraduate work and the grades are not included in calculating undergraduate GPA. The

credits earned from GSIS will be transferred after the students enter the master's degree

program (if the students are withdrawn from the program, the credits earned from GSIS

cannot be transferred to the credits required in their undergraduate program).

C. Students who are admitted to the program should maintain a minimum GPA of 3.3/4.3 or

above each semester. If not, students are withdrawn from the program.

D. If all the graduation requirements are fulfilled, students can obtain their bachelor's degree

and start their master's degree program after completion of minimum 6 semesters. If not,

students are required to attend additional semesters.

6. Further Questions: 02-2123-3293, [email protected]