2015 06-03-opening-remarks

Pwint Thit Sa/TiME follow-up: Grievance Mechanisms Workshop Vicky Bowman, Director, Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business မန္မာ့စီးပြ ားေရးက႑ တာ၀န္ယူမႈရွိေရး အေထာက္အကူျပဌာန (MCRB) Wednesday 3 June 2015 www.mcrb.org.mm အမွတ္ ၁၅၊ ရွမ္းရိပ္သာလမ္း (ဆာကူရာ ေဆးရံ ုအနီး) စမ္းေခာင္းၿမိ႔နယ္၊ ရန္ကုန္ၿမိ႕ ဖုန္း / ဖက္ (စ္ ) ၀၁ ၅၁၀၀၆၉

Transcript of 2015 06-03-opening-remarks

Page 1: 2015 06-03-opening-remarks

Pwint Thit Sa/TiME follow-up:

Grievance Mechanisms WorkshopVicky Bowman, Director, Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business

ျမနမာစးပြားေရးက႑တာ၀နယမႈရေရး အေထာကအကျပဌာန (MCRB) Wednesday 3 June 2015


အမတ ၁၅၊ ရမးရပသာလမး

(ဆာကရာ ေဆးရအနး)

စမးေခာငးၿမ ႔နယ၊ ရနကနၿမ ႕

ဖနး / ဖက(စ) ၀၁ ၅၁၀၀၆၉

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အလရင အဖြ႔အစညးမား• ယေကႏငင၏

ႏငငတကာ ဖြ႔ၿဖးမႈဌာန(DFID)

• ေနာေဝအစးရ• ဆြစဇာလနအစးရ• ဒနးမတအစးရ• နယသာလနအစးရ• အငယာလန

www.myanmar-responsiblebusiness.orgအမတ (၁၅) ရမးရပသာ၊ စမးေခာငးျမ႔နယ၊ရနကနတငး၊ ျမနမာ။ဖနး၊ ဖက(စ) : ၀၁ ၅၁၀၀၆၉


ပ၍တာဝနယမႈရေသာ စပြားေရးအေလအကငမားျဖစထြနးလာေစရန၊ ႏငငတကာအဆငအတနးမား၊ေဒသလအပခကမားအေပၚမတည၍ ျမနမာႏငင၌တာဝနယမႈရေသာ အသပညာ၊ စြမးေဆာငရညႏငစကားဝငးမား ျဖစေပၚလာေစရနအတြက ထေရာကေသာတရားဝင အခငးအကဥးတစခ ပပးေပးရန။

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မေကနပမႈမားကတငၾကားျခငးႏင နစနာမႈမားက ေျဖရငးျခငးလပငနးစဥအေၾကာငး ႏင စးပြားေရး

လပငနးမားတြင ဘာေၾကာငဤတငၾကားမႈစနစ ရသငသနညး။

မေကနပမႈမားကတငၾကားျခငးႏင နစနာမႈမားကေျဖရငးျခငး လပငနးစဥအေၾကာငးႏင ေဖာေကာင

လပျခငးတ႔အၾကား တညမႈမားႏင ကြာျခားမႈမား

ႏငငတကာစႏႈနးမားႏင မေကနပမႈမားကတငၾကားျခငးႏင နစနာမႈမားက ေျဖရငးျခငး လပငနးစဥ အတြက


အျခားေသာကမၸဏမား၏ မေကနပမႈမားကတငၾကားျခငးႏင နစနာမႈမားက ေျဖရငးျခငး လပငနးစဥ ဥပမာမား

မေကနပမႈမားကတငၾကားျခငးႏင နစနာမႈမားက ေျဖရငးျခငးဆငရာ လပငနးစဥ ပါ၀ငပတသကရန

အလားအလာရေသာ ျမနမာႏငငအတြငးရ လ႔မႈအဖြ႕အစညးမား၊ အလပသမားမား၊ စားသးသမားႏင

လကတြလပကင လကရေသာ အရပဘကလ႔အဖြ႔အစညးမား၏ ႐ေထာငမား

ပါ၀ငပတသကသမား၏ လအပခကႏင ကကညမည မေကနပမႈမားကတငၾကားျခငးႏင နစနာမႈမား က

ေျဖရငးျခငးဆငရာ လပငနးစဥက ဘယလေဖာထတမညနညး

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Page 5: 2015 06-03-opening-remarks

• 2nd TI ‘TRAC’ report was published 2012

• research into the public reporting practices of 105 global companies.

• TI researchers collected and analysed publicly available data on three dimensions of transparency:

1. Reporting on anti-corruption programmes (covering inter alia bribery, facilitation payments, whistleblower protection and political contributions),

2. Organisational transparency (including information about corporate holdings), and

3. Country-by-country reporting (including revenues, capital expenditure and tax payments).

Inspired by Transparency International’s reports on ‘Transparency in Corporate Reporting’……….

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Transparency International also published a ‘TRAC’ report on emerging economies (2013)

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60 large Myanmar companies chosen based on 2012/3 top taxpayers lists as a proxy for size

Websites reviewed for content on:1. Organisational transparency2. Anti-corruption programmes3. Human Rights and HSE, including grievance

mechanisms (instead of country by country tax reporting as in TI TRAC report)

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Workshops with companies on good practice in:

• Anti-corruption programmes (23 September 2014)• Human rights policies (24 October 2014)• Reporting (3 November 2014)• Grievance mechanisms (3 June 2015)

Information and presentations available on www.mcrb.org.mm

Research for 2nd TiME report underway on 100 companiesPublication in July 2015

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26) Does the company explain how it identifies and engages with its stakeholders and provide a contact point for enquiries from stakeholders? 1.0 point - If the company explains its approach to proactively engaging with stakeholders and how it implements this engagement, and provides a named and functioning contact point for inquiries from stakeholders. 0.5 point - If a functioning contact point is provided but there is no commitment to proactive engagement with stakeholders 0 point - There is no functioning contact point.

၂၆။ ကမၸဏသည ၄ငးတ နင ပါ၀င ပတသကေနေသာ လမား မညသျဖစသည၊ ထသမားႏင မညကသ

ညနငး ခတဆကေဆာငရြကေနသည စသည အခကအလကမားက ရငးလငးတငျပ၍ စစမးလသမား

အတြက ဆကသြယရန ပဂၢလ၊ လပစာစသည မားက ထတျပနထားပါသလား။

၁ မတ - ကမၸဏ သည၄ငးတ နင ပါ၀ငပတသကေနေသာလမား နငအျပနအလန ဆကသြယ ခတဆကရန

မညကသ စစဥလပေဆာင သည က တငျပ၍ စစမးလသမား အတြက ရငးလငးေျပာျပနငသည လတစဥးတစေယာက

ထားရျပး ထသက မညကသ ဆကသြယႏငသည က ထတျပနထားလင။

၀.၅ မတ - ရငးလငးေျပာျပနငသည လတစဥးတစေယာကထားရျပး ထသက မညကသ ဆကသြယႏငသည က

ထတျပနထားေသာလညး ကမၸဏ သည ၄ငးတ နင ပါ၀ငပတသကေနေသာလမား နငအျပနအလန ဆကသြယ

ခတဆကရန မညကသ စစဥလပေဆာင သည က တငျပထားျခငးမရလင။

၀ မတ - စစမးလသမား အတြက ရငးလငးေျပာျပနငသည လတစဥးတစေယာက လး၀ မထားရလင။

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35) Does the company have publicly available mechanisms to address complaints/grievances from its workforce and local communities? 1.0 point – if there are mechanisms to address complaints/grievances from both the workforce and local communities and these are made public, including information on their implementation 0.5 point – If there are mechanisms and processes to address complaints/grievances for both workforce and local communities but the process and its implementation is not made public. 0 point - If there is no evidence of public complaint/grievance mechanisms

၃၅။ ကမၸဏတြင ၀နထမးမား၊ ေဒသတြငးရလမားကကမၸဏက မေကနပခကမား တငၾကားရနႏငနစနာခကမား ေျဖ႐ငးရန လသရငၾကား ထတျပနထားေသာ လပငနးစဥ ရပါသလား။

၁ မတ - ၀နထမးမားနင ေဒသခ ရပရြာ ၂ခ လး ၏ နစနာမ မား (သ ) တငၾကားခကမား ေျဖရငးသညလပငနးစဥ တစရပရျပး လပငနးစဥ နင မညကသ အေကာငအထည ေဖာသညက လညး က၀နထမးမားနင ရပရြာနစခလး သေအာင လသရငျကား ထတျပနထား လင။

၀.၅ မတ - ၀နထမးမားနင ေဒသခ ရပရြာ ၂ခ လး ၏ နစနာမမား နင တငၾကားခကမား ေျဖရငးသညလပငနးစဥ တစရပရေသာလညး ယငးလပငနးစဥ နင မညကသ အေကာငအထည ေဖာသညက၀နထမးမားနင ရပရြာနစခလး သေအာင လသရငျကား ထတျပနထားျခငး မရလင။

၀ မတ - ယငးသ ေသာ တငၾကားျခငးနင နစနာမမား ေျဖရငးသည လပငနးစဥ ၏အေထာကအထားမား လး၀ ထတျပနထားျခငးမရလင။

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•A process for receiving, investigating, responding to and closing out complaints or grievances from affected communities or other stakeholders e.g. customers in a timely, fair and consistent manner

Operational Grievance


•A process for receiving, investigating, responding to and closing out complaints or grievances from one or more workers in a timely, fair and consistent manner (may involve trade union representatives)

Workforce Grievance


•A process that allows a worker to report suspected wrongdoing at work. A worker can report things that aren’t right, are illegal or if anyone at work is neglecting their duties, including when someone’s health and safety is in danger; damage to the environment; a criminal offence; the company isn’t obeying the law (like not having the right insurance); covering up wrongdoing


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Whistleblowing Operational Grievance Mechanism

Mostly internal for employees

Wrongdoing – breaking the law

May lead to disciplinary action, prosecution

May be anonymous Generally confidential

Mostly external for communities, customers

Negative impact on rights-holders but not always be breaking law

May lead to mutually agreeable solutions

Difficult to answer if anonymous

Sometimes confidential

….via telephone hotline, personal discussion with company manager, letterbox. Some companies also use Facebook for OGM

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Does your company have: ◦ A whistleblowing policy for its staff?◦ A grievance mechanism for workers?◦ A grievance mechanism for other

stakeholders/rightsholders? What kind of things might workers blow the

whistle about in Myanmar?