
m F i IBEn I Edutatlon Association E ------ OlKii af-HighStlioQiiOuU - j itamSno-Spsaiiers-Billetl — ------- «to -te»ehlngprofeulonlnel*JitanmUa la Sontli Centiil Idaho jatliEr here “S ' ____for u»t.tnn»i t.R iurU> dUtr ict Id«ly ^ Bduc*Uon »s»ocl»Uon w ntttU on^ TJu 1 tw o ^ y »eailon. By bui. train and »pot; 1 air,tromUJBODB-rooin*choolUaeh- Uaili ’ erlothecltyfuperiiilcn(lent.liiitrue. lliens ton froa BlMce. Camai. time Jerome, Ooodlnj, Ltacoln. M la l^ lomol u d Tvla Palli countlet ar« airtT* of Be Ini here for eonfertnw and dlsciu* hm { tlonal meeUni period. thU a ltw ^ Doon and BatunUymomlw. j.,, , PtoUowln* reeUlratlon. today-a .U S*SreStf-brtoir5!»Era£ Rl^leld! I n T oeaU t ^ e ^ 55.“ eiQue- (DvoraU b y 'th ^ T w tn n S o ty r hlgb Khool Blrla’ tico club, directed Alx br Mitt Clarico Saunders: addreas ot dravs welcome, Maj-or Duncan McO. John* dercd -aton; rejpon«, Jared A. Mereer, *u- for » perintendent of schools, Oakley: ad- tin » dreas. “Looking rorwanJ In Educa- with Uen," W. B. Smith, president of the Idoho Education assoclaUon; ad- ------D,-J.-I»,-011Hon.-Ohlo*Ul* unlver- ~ ma »liy. WUhi * " Afttmoon Session Thl* afternoon'* pneral session jjjtlc ....... openi a t-l:» o-clodc »llh a coDcert by the.cardinal o;ee club of the Albion normal, dlrwted by Nonnan McCarty, followed, by: Announce- menu, Harold Robert*, Ooodlns col- lese: addrto. ’Thera Are No Out- slden,- Mra. John E. Hayes. presU l i r ^ dent ot Idaho Consresi ot Pannts lU • « and Teachers. An address,‘The Piy- III, 7 chologleal Preblemi of Edueallen Ouldanee,*’ by Dr. ClUlon will ton- Oeorsfl E. Denman, Burley, will be c h '.te of the SchoolMasten* din- ' ner at S o'clock thla ereslnt al the ,' __ iN ew ROBcnon hoUL' '■ TonUht'a progriw at1;307eaUim' ‘ '*'KKfstatcsuperlw«ideotq»Bc4wdU; and some ezccpUonal muUeand dra- . ^ mnUc uleoL’ThD prasnun includes: i, T h e Anjelus.” (Lleruinee) and "The *•' ' Flddto and I.” Mlu Clarice Saun- ders.' Tlolln obllcalo by Ml» Helen Psrrolt; TloUn solo -Serenade Aid- ( imchoUque’’ (TcluUkonky) by Mia Wli ParroU: one net comedy. ‘Tlis Wed* the N —^-dlnf.” dlt«eledbyBonnlcMaB8lrap- stndli ' "(Continued ocTpaBc 8, Ccl. S) unl --------------------- Mlddl __!ircatiakes.Show_^.- Storm Indications [jj” W!h ora’lM ia tt MUnlttoMr ^ Artai of relatively low prestura are Northwcrt-eoasfaMdTlWBouUiifMC ■Ltaht rains have occurred In the Central val!ey^ but fair m thtr prv ^ « vaUselMwhercUvouRhoutUiecoun- try. Trmperaturcs «rc norms! to * “ illghtlj- above Iti ilie plultau and iSfzSjuE re Sf' ~ g s.T I h s aP ' f B ,sss-s s s S r I htwtitx ____ » » . M Clmr f r«f*UII» __>_M .M ClMf ^ I M S — fi s n s SS - -s-ff-as! ^ Siv. =a,P2fes-s=-s=fa? S f Treasures Collected by , King Sell for “S( UNIONTOWN. P a , OcU W>- broujl Under a mammoth circus lent, on a vase i weed-grown estate wheiB once play- est bic •d some of the world's most £l<im- Id *Uv orous socUl lights, an aucUoneer to- ed up day barked out Uie epllovus of a for dnma of the rise and fall of a klni The of coal. And aa piece after piece ot a. m, ^^t^T O COltwtftlj^MM the CTM^d under IDe hammer the huiky-volced clslow • hawker shouted: “Why theyte going A hi for a sons->coIng for a soogr coal o; “niey go for a ‘’song" times and thiM houn otter the sale began sen-an a throng of art connotucun and w- son a clety notables had spent only about fee an MIJXO. '5 ■■ orsoi The sale U lo Mllsfy th^e-U m e The mn]U-mlU!onalN:s.QCdU^ and wiu b o n i cantlaue-uniU the entire contests living of th# taoous old “Oak HU1‘ mansion Tljomi are disposed of. The home alnad; had TO^d been told and will be converted.Into Amo ... t.eoavent _____ ...... .................... .. fcireaem ... .Tlie highest price paid tor any ar- wUe o Dele was niOO for a beautiful Kir- Inghou mlnshok nig the coal operator Ing co bought for ttO.000 KbUe on a honrj- Johns ■' Biooa In CoRstantlnopte with his more;. Broadway show-girl bride, the late burch - 'Honey- Hawes. Thoc —.-A-rlchty -drslgned •Itaiian''icarf; pmnl!« we tlrst article to be sold, brought health. •II*. ltd In A 17590 tnUijue TUrbrla Persian coal bi n v went for (SU; a jar of smelling great I *Hl« from “Honey's- boudoir alon la ( ' ~ TOtnerNo; 174.- .......... 70-Officers- Enlisted M( Indiana Coi Eehim Car With -McEai^-Plates- iwner at Ihe point ot * rm here SStnand^-H-ln-robblng-a. - j m lM ataUon, kept theli p r^ ^at oday'to:i«Wm'the car.-and dld-Il ijig rith a nourlih. • Ihe -They parked the car almoiroirtBsrdfii ipot from which they took It from cit) he driver. They had attached s new loense -plate-which In the-mean- jme Uxy had stolen from an aur omobllB belonging ta Bay McKalg )f Boise, prominent Orange leader. n » car, with the new license plate. na' found parked In front of Bt. ™ The robbers, armed with plsloU, ^ ook the car from Howard Cigle ot T JBlseaabeleftaloealbotpItalabout thel i:l9 o'clock last night. .They drove the iLm out to the edge ot the city, re- uty . i g ^ l l the^-W^M^na th |^ t^ j imd nnldn't “take a man's last cent, umi .hen left him there alter assuring ai itarW»tar-wou!d-be-parktd lB-tbo 3ty.----------------------------------- -th#' About 10 minutes Uter the men up. {rave the car to a IllUog aUUon, or- « ,( lercd gaaollne, then refused to pay d ij :or It but took ♦» to MO from the . jn while the attendant was covered • ' ________ V bee; FABSIER KHXED AND WIFe' ^ J ^MJmua-BY.ANORy,PUU> ^ 'MAN6nELD.'Maas..-Octr3S (^ ^ d e p mihelffl Cross, ST. a farmer, w u eeai :ored to death by an angry buU to-, Isy and hls.wlte, Alvina, S3, was'j.* TlUcally InluM as ahe went lo her v " husband-8 aitlitanee. T ie woman w«* rescued by neigh- ^ xa. who held Ihe buU at bay with * * jltchtorks. ificWWs T . -H M W - -• ____ _ 'Tr. B -------- •( ‘ thal rejifpeialiim . FallrJiiU jlaingi ■ t o T antlaf" lo.;:' USSH ® Low Leveis for October 'J", Wai 3— T (By T ie Associated Press) dlK WlotcosUged a rehearsal along' R he New England seaboard yesterday, the mdlnrtemperatufM ln'many4oeal--advi ties do*Ti to record October low*, rive UnKtUed weather prevailed In'the hen itlddlerat and S o u t h . . .. wm In the Adriondacka temperatures of md rdegrees-above-tero were reeorded-jifa ollowlng a J4-hour snow. It was the he celdcst day ta 10 years. Fred- ___ Dg weather prevailed over Upper.— tew York sttterHlghways ncarOwllir-^ leBd.wertclc««d,irtttLtl5Si2ow, _ Iritis. ! Sin Massachusetts and other New, ^ bglimif-iUlca-Die'-UlifpUUUrtc.:" nounted Into the upper thirties dur-i ' n* the day. The New York weather mreau reported the biting winds »blch struck the Northeaatemstatcs ;« houra'ago were nglng 400 miles' v t at sea. — KttwurDteprin NewJtnry--------- >er 36 in the history ot weather bu- ■Mta with ffadlnir of at ri*lnit= leld and 31 at Jer«y City. Marylsnit Ikewlse shivered ta unusual c o ll | PorecasU ot rain or possible snow i ilth dropping temperatures were' Ivcn to Inliabltants in western Penn- ylvanla and-Ohlo.-PttUbuTfh's- low— ?a!aOTmajn«jaat}j<«dMLp£:_^_ obtrjsonjxfora.iutrfla>euoiuuiLz: node.*ate weather alUiouith rain and now-wtfelR^K^-^j^f:-: by Late Coal “Song” at Auction -------- , i rought tlO; a $7H gold encrusted ase was knocked down to the hlgh- st bidder for >70. and a pair ol lol- I silver candelabra Thompson pick- II up ta Yokohama for liOOO. went >r »M0. The aucUon got under way a t 11 S . m., an hour TiompMn ala-ays }nsldered lucky became on ihe j ilons Involving millions of dollars. ^ Ahugddlnnergong, boughtbythe . •' >al operator In India, w as^nded 11 ^ mes while the nuctlonter barked, . m-anta emplo}-ed by llte Thomp- t m creditors. ser\'ed steaming cot- 9 « and sandwiches lo pie ihQuund : so attending. i The elite and wealthy rubbed el- 7 m with Ihe’me'n who make their - i ring ta the cool rtgloni In which n bompson amassed his fortune of y k)dd millions. ' a Among the prominent persons y taent were Mrs. A..W..nobertion, - 5l Ite of the chalrm sn^ the West- ' ~ ghouse Electric and Manuractur- i « company; Dr. c. H. Ounon ot J ihns Hopkins hoiplul in Biltl- j ore: and Richard K. Mellon. Pitts- 5 irsh banker. '. 5 Thompson died l u t September s Tinlleij and broken in'»pim a n d ;- ; ■alth. He w*» tt. The death occur-1 !■ d ta the million doUar house that' \ al built, but (he'eoUspse of the ' eat fortune had left the man- I, ra ta 111 rr;*lr. —* "asosasgia” 7 -ASS ______________ .‘nVIN F j *Ien Enter J onvictHunt| jlxpert Harksnieii Carrylngjs iitactilne Guns, Rifics a n d p Tear-Gas-Equipmsnt-Join S Lseardi for. Outlaw liann ^ _____I Uk <ny The Aatodated Prt«) ny? I InuIATTAPOLlfi. Otl. a ^ decided.ta^ to uie'lu own i),e ^ g e r men lo an ttUmpt lo Wp up t jClty prison break » month sgo. Si • AdJulMt General Elmer P. stnub (S? f ^ d Into eervlce 70 oMicwi and S40 enlisted men or the Indiana na- !r*^ Uonal guard, selecting for duty men ^ with expert markmanshlp ratings. troops wlU be aUtloned al 4 m totegle centers ta amalJ sguids. aeU If Ing^u^r ft captain: ^ Uy To prevent any eonlroren'y over their authority, it was arranged that the guaxdamen be s m n lo as de^. uty slierltts. At their dltpoaal will bo tto machine guni, rttles. side arms ana t<ar gas enulpmeu>of ihe tuai'd — Sei Aulhwllleswereeonvlncedthecon- up. It w u the fln t business day this wek wUhout the robbery o | a man- dal InsUtuUoa There were reporta to police, how. \ b«n tttj T h e ' decision to use national m» ffuardsaen In the bandit hunt fol- of J ■poWiirOaiSlp W*8lrtB4e 5ne3er!r cw ■rdepartment of JustlM agents talo the hog searrti. eoit 1 The eight tekmsiUU at targe atter , “ the prison break o( September 28 ^ ihflVB been Joined by other former ^ pri»nem,CapUlnMaUUachotlhe (tale police declared. Hatty PJerponf. one of the ttetp. ed elons ^ believed to have usm. ed leadership of the convleta. “ J, TWO FORKS OF RiVER WAV SHARE IN MOHEl' S -H=0R-Wra^i>ROlEei3 I i that th« MMOMO »pproprtal|oo tw neti he S*^»^tinitotortte^ro Sd w i teealved hero lodsy at Ihs ot;. S flee of fieaator Pope and Immedlatei. ^ ly a telegram was dispatched to K- WMhtagtonHo confirm the report. /S d U d w ^ ^ '® ^ the report was not aiu, R. P. waller, chief enilneer'ot the reelamatlon service ta Denver, .ua -advised a-meetlng ot-Upper Bnske river Irrigators and state olflclala here e u l f UiUreek ihst the money n WSJ tor .use only on the Korth.Pork out and a separate appllesUon would be n J -wm»aiy-for-addJt}oa*l-/i»ds-/«‘ = the South Fork. ^ ( ^ ^ And-He-Ju9t*l ~ ........... ..LmtlMY. j \ - ___^ ' Y W oemm} j ' . I . mcmetrpmsiimv M il PALLS, IDAHO, FRIDAY MOl Naval~F(ttce8...,of |G Nation Celebrate “ 158th Anniversary J WABEXNOTON. Oct! ’M («M<ed by lu commftnder-ta-chlef. Preal- dent nooeevelt. the navy tomorrow | will celebrate the lUtta annlveraiy { bt Its esUbUshnent. , the^bW id^Vt*^^OTRow ^ L FO of tho country will hold their cui- tomary 'VI home'* for dU nnt and n«lalJ»r«Miaa ta v e .^ .a r r ^ , • , tor every naval dlslrkt.' The rUQt airship. Macon, which ' let eutljf flew'to the Weit coast ftpta — ukehunt, Kaw Jersey, jrtU nUka a ipeclal night from lU base kt Bun- _ nyvale, Caiyomla. near, San F n a- , “ ciacOoTM'ABjiieraHirTetiDlrTir the occasion. '*« The president t ^ t aent Wi sn Secreta^ Swanaon tonight- lent Ii from the (Test coast, wherv ba hu been laipecttac the titet, his tot*^ Ole uge ot greeting to all American war »<« vesseU tor dlstrlbuUon over (he B t- end val wireless station here. - rlre MillSli Secretary tlirealens “ Some- ~tliIiif:o(:;:Siiowdown’-Q? ^ Hog Friges Are Reduced "i fen WASHINOTOK. Oct. 3« (ff)-See- Mo retaty Wallaco today threatened edi -somcUitag of a showdown-with tbs dra meat packing Industry U the prices I of hogs are reduced when the p t» whi ?=W TiruTy7ifiisenflrefe:: ^ hog productlon-control-prer*m-be. kic come eftecUve n u t month.. iloi Ue asserted that -packen are crtt- a Idzlng the program and word conei em tousfromthecorabeltthafthela- salt presston Is betas spread abroad that ifis the packen are going to drop the 8 prices ot hogi 8 ccnu per hundred mi weight on November S at the time dUi the proessslng tax U put on." Wallace added ihst “ve hope It mayootbenecettuy toruitohave 0 something of a showdown' with the ope packer* durtag .the month of K»- voti vember." ' . 1 . He refused to'enlarge upon hta »oll statement, made ta an address ov«t * ^ a NaUonal Broadcasttag coapaa); ^ network. X n f o n n i U y . ^ a ^ H ^ M'' te-w ^hero^luttm ort^ »H control Of the hog markettag and ii pnxetstag taduatry: second, taereas- Cha Ing the tu r tle proportionate to'the snd tall in market prices with the'ad- plcl dlUonal proeteds to bo used for In- hlRl creutag benefit payment* to farm- U ers; and third, requesting an Invu- alrll tlgallon by the attorney general to low determine whether-antl-tnut Jaws (lal were being violated. fort Wallace's Jiog-com pUn contem- strll pUUeatlowof HMMOMO-tabene- O fits to producers during the next 18 ta 1 (Conttaued^tjpage 8, CoL «) ( st^oU w a^A ll-H is^m r % ^ cwnSriiraj LSl^ MORNING, OCTOBER 27. JOM «Mms4 SIR IEOPPOSItli Dim IN 111 Force ol 30 Men Establish' Headquarters al,Bridge,' Prepared to^<ilear..Higlit wavs and Escort Trucks. DE3 MOINEa. Oct. W lewa'nadmsl'gusTdtmcn were u tl^ ' leeod as deputy sherifla tonight m cniwlng opposition to the strike of the rarae n ' Holiday aiioelatlon de- wowaiuUeslejiiluna. = In unltorm and tully atned, the cuardflnen wHh four ot/tocrt left , Olencood shortly before I prm.-to Mtjbllsh headquarters at the Iowa . end or a bridge acrou the MUnuri < river Into Plattsbourgh, Kebraska. Adjutant aeneralCharka n . Grohl at Des Motaca asterted the men had Sheriff WlUlam de Uou of Olen- . «'ood, who depuUied the gntrdimen, ' said they would clear hlghwaya.of t plekeu and escort trucka to Omaha 1 martets. | Anll-Strike Mave Starts Uesnwblle, leaders ot fam en.ln ~ that a ru who lu t night convoyed menu R Prorerrlng their support o t «vCon- ference of, mldwatem governor* to dlieuu agricultural problems a t Des Moines Monday, holiday leadera urg- ed the western Iowa pickets to with- draw, ■ In Wiseonsta. the only other (tale »hen m .“nitioaillitaiaJuars; ^ celred marked support, creameries It anff-cheeae fictorWta-ouUytatre: t glons cloied ta larse nnmben. c A itatement from Wliconsta Gov- b emor Schmedeman'a office today c ssldhewasdependtaguponthekher- t Ifis to malntata order, •, Sheriff Joseph Shtaners of MU- ic wsukee said he would have 78 dep- atlet to ke«p the road* open.* ^ Oppose Strike li ' Directors of the HUvaukee Co- P operative Milk Produoen'.assodBUon P voted opposlUon to the strike todsy. ® : Tist stated agfteaalN ooopera- tiTf milk PQOljrhleh win )alw the H houdsynat TieKlay..demanded ta fctiJegram te Oovejw* A • 0. A Schsedefflanthat-hededartaaai* hi ^ c n ^ f a r m .••• ’ , bi Sinto'guatdimea. In Mew ot.request* from' John x Chalmtn,'Iowa'.holiday president, and Jeiae Slckler, national secretary, plckela withdrew from Sioux City . highways. in Milo Reno. naUonal leader ot the strike movement which originated In ^ Iowa, broadcast an appeal to other " ( fort to Jurther the extent of the strike. . . One creamery was reported doted U ta Minnesota. No aggreatlve csm- te (Continued on Page 8, Col. 0) re b] mmunition------- n iktewt ) M l re Him6ej____ 2 “I S3), by, Si« Meir York Ituune, inc. ec m is'coO m T ;.7 ATT.Y .033, .......... Accuses Bank. ‘I Ir ^ I rt SENATOR JAMES 00UZEN8 of 1 Michigan who charges the Chase i U Kallonal bank'wlUi lack of cflort < 4 to protect tho eccurily-buylng 1 T«iMii^~w^ Photo._____________ J ^Kis sn Hicliigan Senator Declares I ° Financiers, Failed to I: Protect Bond Purchasers it WASHrNOTON, Oct. W (4^ - A * Udc of effort to protect the security- J I* buying Dubllo w u laid"dlrecliy to i Chau National bank offlcUls today i '• by blunt senator Couzens, Itepubll- i r can, Michigan, before the seoato ( > banktagcommlltee In the concluding ] aeaalons of Iti Inquiry tato Cuban >* I '* .IIU declarations followed the dls- I cJoiute to the committee by Fcrd- i Insnd Pecora,.|U counael. of huge 1 u prollts ta floaltag booda to finance „ public work* ta Cuba, and a Chase r , oltlcer's report that there w u con- i alderabte. gralt .In spending the t ^ money._______________ . ________ I D Couseui. u Uie Cuban inquiry “ i, drew to a dose, gave Ills vlewa to the i. bank officials ta commenling on- - Bvldeaw to ahow Uiat bond buytrs aslde'trta^^t^lfiJ B aeftetated In tbi trtasury; >• Pravtda No rroteetloa *The respo^llly ot the luulng liouie could not be relied on because f you had taken ilo steps to protect ( 1 this public work! revenue," couxenr r aaJd. -i think that la a looseneaa that . »ie pi^hasers^ t the. CubM-bocdi t U S. noienUialU and Shapard C 1 Morgan..Chase.vlca presidents,.coa- » - tendedthegovemmentcouldnotde- » > poiltfflon(yta«bank,butsaldtbcse ' ' revenues were entered ta a apclal > . account and that paymenU to them bT_Cuba were^that.gOT- , emment u fundTtrom tne special ■ renniffii._____________________ ^ } After MoiT»a had told him "each p ' ton'^ln-thB-tninJacttonirCoiiiens f aaked: ‘ ye*, but, what kind of a bottom t ' did It'sUnd on? VQiUiSd no auur- anee these revenues were reaened to pay off the obllgatloua. T iat, of ti . counvKOuJd-be-a-chcat-upon-lhir ll . piirflmrn nf Ihr hprda.lf an,"____11 - *TVlMlli», r..h. t»pl «tt Ilf _ - ln-onfrpooJ.-wltlrvariofi»TttwV-lund*- within itio common whole, Counns * reminded the banker* ot evidence * that former President Machado bad uaed 19,000,000 of a tl3.DOO.Ooo trust ^ fund tor other purpoMS. , Pecora brought out In questioning bp'by'lbft'bitik'TmeoheUjcf'lh'e n ; publlo work* npendltures were made . honeitlyanfr-bavtaf-ekrtlBr-pniJ - James Bruce, a vice president, charg- tag graft ta constrtKiloni , Big Qratt In All ' Bruce, In a letter to the bank trom Havana In lOlO, called Carios M. de Cupedes. secretary of public works, • “dangerous to Uie welfare ot the country,- auerted ho had wuted >> money, and continued: 11 ‘The various m'embera of.the cab- Inet were \ery cartful not to dlKuai f: with mo thla lUvaia=Jrater works “ propoalUon, becauu! naturally 'they * all luve a big gralt In y d what ^ money tin t for building ihe high- S lie rrfemd to Iha proposed cen- tral, highway across Hie Island re- , pubjlc, and recotnmended-’agalnil 5 further advances to Cuba unleis the J; bankers obtata;d control of public works expendlturw. ......... From a msu of data from' the n bank's files, pecora showed that In | q floating tome g«).OOOMn In Cuban r1 oblltatioM. the banking group head- ti ed by Chase and dbtrlbutlng dealer* ei piled, bp, gross ptoflt* of sUghtly fi more iiMn lJ.000,000. - . ------ ------- Chase'andltsafflllates wereahown Ix to have iJiared about half the sum. fr Members of the committee and ^ Pecora told.newjpapcrfflen they had ~ received flo word from Richard SJ Whitney, prexfilent orthrwew TWk „ itock exchange, and, J. L. Redmond. counsel for the exchange, who called on President Roosevelt today. ^ Whitney. leaving the Whlto Home, dt decUced any comment, ta 1 upiogR Aimrr dijrud•' * crBouLATrow -DeeMve^^ On Issues . Ford and Sto6k M arket Head ! • ; A t E x c c i i t i y e H o m o day today wltb callers but temata- n ed away trom his office uatU to- n - memw-to-glve-furthep-tttalmenl — to the cold which bothered hbu ter a couple ot days.- -A ^ the vlsltw at the White _ dent ot the Hew.York steek ex- ^ change, who wai rtceJi-ed by ifie 3 , pHisldent at WhlUieyl requut. The stock exchange president and of hli attorney. John Remond. de- . M cllned to dlscuu the Whlto Houae iri confertnce. Mr. Roosevelt, w u Dg known, however, to be contlderini ^ ” change., ' ------------- ® A. ftwi ^ niftnrn 2 ii stitn H ffl:; ~ ' • " --------- -a ;s Federal Officials, .Express - lo No Discouragement When g rs Market Quotations Fall 2 ------- taf A WA8U2MOTON, Oct. 38 (fV-Tie |||| E newly-mined g iS ‘jitm higher, today. — to lupporied by t formal opinion Iron V Attorney Oeneral Cummlngi up- .< holding the legaUty o{ the method at lo chDien tor carrying out President gai ig Roosevelts new monetary policy. ca; u) Tte gold quotation w u fUed al ha DIM, a figure IS eenU higher than ed s- that ot yottrday and 46 to 57 cenU bai 1- above the prlce.ot the metal on the rej te lAidon market, an n Neverthelea, news Xrom the com- un le modlty maricet* brought the 'tin t coi 1- reverae la the chM necutlve'a cam- me le palgn for a higher general prieelevd | 'to be achieved I7 arUflctally ralatag Uo ^ (Coiitlnued on Page 8, Col^) ^ S v ' f : .- ,.- ...... * w — of Life s ' ' I Hi ae (By th e Assoclaled Preu) ^ et ONLY ONE OF M B E C «^ ^ W BPBtUNG OF ••raOflPBBlTV ?f, at POPULAR BLUFP. MOr-Aa-old- is tlme-ipalllng.bteat tha.Blg.lalanl " school near hero ended with Mr*. ^ ■d Chester Henson, winner. She w u the > orjy one ta 30 contaUnU who re- 5. menfMttd how to'ipeU'“prOipeflty." j j j S? BNAKE IN POUCB STATION STAMPEDES FIVE DBUNKS ? ST. LOUIB - . Five men charged ir wltrdnrakmneimeirtyitnmpeded- “ I ~ a^ police station Us^ t ^ h t when a cm ^ ^^sald^thgf^^^ unaMe^to ^ « Ihe autlon. m POUCDlEN's'wiVES FORM Bol r- PISTOL SlIOOTINa CLUB C a IIUTOHINSOM. K u . - Wives ot »uc 3f Kutchliuon policemen will never let led w It-be uld-theydont-tako^an tatcr^ f*J t. !” ! J. and practice wlUi Uielr males' guns prO _ when Uiey a h not In otflclal use. ^ hlglicst score to dau U 18 out ot a taff. ___ S’, UTILE NA5IE8AKE OF N IB A tyc F10UDE8 IN UlVOnCE SUIT Ollt t rE.V£OTAKCIfiCO--:aUllttleJ<lnt OUt j« namesake of the recovery act, figured |o tr — (Continue wPagf#,-Cot-8)— Ceremonies at Emanc ; Revive Memories a ’ PCTEnsDUflO. HI.. Oct. 28 (rtv- stol d Memcriu of a century ago, when hav tbe joung Abraham Uneoln w u P „ falling a> a menbant but starting wer ^ on the i«lltlcal career that led to aut , tho prtJidency, n w revived today BU : at tho)d(dlcatlfln of the rutored Lea \ VUIage ot New Salem. Uie i faithful rtpfoduejloiw -Bt the tiny m« bulldlnsi u they Ktood In ttie days Qui ot Lincoln, nave been ereetcd here Rat ' a t the aban'lonrd vUUge alte, now the ’ a itaic PKik. Itevfrcnt ceremonies prei ‘ dedicated llie martyred cmandpa- whl * tor’s aliHne. ilat ® One hundred years ago Uncota clerked lii a More and acted as post- BH! B maiter In the Isolated village over- 1 looking tho meandering Sangamon 1 river. 13 mllea northeast of Spring- .? * tleld In centml Illinois. Ti,o years » earlier he had arrlvrtl on n river ‘1^ r tlstboat poor and iineducaKd.--- ^ ' Wfillc Lincota made little money ^ ta New Salem he made tnany *: I. friends. It was from there he went , to serve In the Black Hawk war. i There he itarted the study of Uw : and was eleclMl'to the letUlat^re. - J Tiere-hc-met-aml-courted-Ann ...B, f. Rutledge. . Euei '• Tlia rcJtored buildings have been Negi * equipped with furniture and fur- peni nUhlngi Identical with those used for ', during the sU years LIncota spent plor <ta t^'\-lllage. In one building, Od- two z : hksj H ’= ^ ^ ===^== = = £ 3 1 teps Near ~“ ~ s Affecting 1 id Steel Men ; ^ May Bring Test j Of NRA Program Sl Huge Contracts W ill BS ~ is! Discarded Unless Auty : , - Maker SaUgflas Govern^ - ment in Regard to Code (By The Associated PrcM) 3, WASHWOION, Oct. 3«-Ded*tv« > ru Bovtramest itepi aitecUof Henry. . lu PMandtbebl«ilcetcoapanle*,oa -:.v.< IWM capable of brtngtag » ecnsU-- : - n n i^ larMlhrFffiA^bfTam • • ^ today,wm,^htInto ta^t*.. prospect. ' . i C Wlthta the n a t te* wttka Pbrd 1 ’ either must uU s^ tbe foveromenb ^ thal b e ll complying wltb the auto*.., ; |% mobile code CT hurl hM. m. Impnrt. IT ant contract* dUcard^ •• . n Tbe iteel men bare tailed to com* '-J •" to time with tbe woriten of tHelf C , SS oimmoned to tbe White'Houae next. Mondaj*. At that time tbe chlet - an ecuUve d t b e r 'e x ^ to ncefvB « • ' surance that Uie agreement win be .... ,11 foribeomtac lamtdtattlr or to lay' down hi* O ta procripUoa o( woricr ' tag airaogemenU ta Umm abafla . whleb,Qnllkseommerelalmlo(i,*end.^ <1 ““ 1^ whole output to tbe ateel mUtt:-::;-,',- g — cfliin)iBi5gifa.p]ii»‘;i - p. AiKUUonrorhlmtQaet.vulctt^.:. od attbeWhltoUouteloday-bykikleVl.-.j-r' nt gallonofunlon1eaden.R.BkldnheM . :■ .! captive Goal-produolnf;eompanla — a l have refused to recQgniie {he Unlt^ •, in ed Mine Worker* or Ameiica and.tb lU bargata ccUecUvtly wtttiitbe cboeen - * he reprtstnUUvefottbrtrtmployeiWo; are denundtag reeofnitlon of o ot. ;; n- union and-the aamemtract and wt condUlons u p r c n U ^ tbe .eom^;*; - ". n- merelal m lnn ot Ufla.'terrltoty.*/':!' 'el Bicept for U»''phraM .TtceRiU' . ^ “ ''I aied men..'Thr'wbtke«,' howevrt,' : h*4.beeu;«qil«<(» I "A(NRA,m%imi,tlH«nUniUir. / hadtonlpaii^5wnib9ltnofrota:^i':i ' Hugh s.;Johmoo; to -*i«p os.tbe. ** gu"andgeltheeoUeeUoaot eMlo' ,’rT TOOlndoslrial codes tbrousti tba&ilU .-'i « by December Jl when the\wlQntair.' ' '. '-\; \ blue eagle agreement explreL. Tw. codes have baen icing tbrcngh tho:.. J hcaann»^ «t » M (Continued on Page ^ Col 7)~T^ * ^JDAHO'PdLICE^CHIERS:^;^? ;g AND SHERIFFS MEET' ; ;; Id -BOI8a-^Oet-8M*V^ethod*-oC-:-----e K oombatttag criminal*-eljulpped With .. d. the tatei»devlees and beat BMbtaee*— ^ i. will be dlacuased by el^fa of p ^ , ■ day by Emmitt Pfoet, eommlsslooer. ot law enforcement, to be bdd ia Boise November 8. B CommenUng that "we have not Bt succeeded In our plans," lo -grt the ' ti legUlslure to do something ta rt- rr fard-te-«eltlng a-radlo-atatloirandr- radios for police a n d ^ e r ltf* ttr».'*, S' u -prbWHiC------------ -------------------------------- e, “After we haw had thU meet-......... t Ing. aiid It we think It. advisable, we will then ask each officer to get In touch with his council a u l coun- ty commissioners and boost this prop- T oimon.-h8sald,*foruwea11know.. 'a: our--pr<Mnfc«utpnient,la;lnadequala— d to meet with the cnmlnaia u - they have Ihe lateatdevlcesandbtU;-— machintt"-— ---------- ^—7* -------. ancipaitor’s Shrine-- ies of Century Ago - stotf* cooper shop, the wlglnalloga n have been used. IS Participating In the ceremonle*'' ig were Oovemor Henry Homer, aa « authority on Uneolnla; Frank E. J BUne, ot tlie Old Salem Uncota d League: Logan Hay. pruldent ol Uie Abraham Uneuln luoclatlon: i Hlifbrlcal assoCilaUon, and Homer •a Quck. who . ttprttcniwl Wimaor- t Randolph Hearst. Heant purchased w the alto of the vIUum ta 1»» and ' !s presented 11 to the LIncota League, I- which ta turn presented It to th» ilate tor a park. ' - BHSSOURI o r a l DIES W - ........ .. RARE “RAT BITE* FEVER " ST.'LOUIS. Oct. 3« MVA IS-'ye&r- ' old girl. Lola A. MaUhev*. died In ’ city hospital today of what physl- I clans bellMrt_the rara,“n t blte_^ J Tie girl was bltteal^.* n t three'' ’ 'j .weeks ago^____________ I MUROCBER OANQEO AT: . MABtCAND PENmaOlABT ti . BALTIMORE,’ Friday, Oct. 37 W» ' ^ ' Euel Lee, «0-yc*r-old Eaitero Bhora . n Krgro. wu bamedft WaiyUnd . - penitentiary ahortly after mktalght,, ' j for the murder ot hla fomei rm> t ployvr. Orten R. Davl^ mot« tbaa - two yeaa ago. ^

Transcript of ·...

Page 1: · 2014-12-12 · m F i IBEn I Edutatlon Association E------OlKii af-HighStlioQiiOuU -

m F iIBEn IEdutatlon Association E

------OlKii af-HighStlioQiiOuU - ji t a m S n o -S p s a i ie r s - B il le t l —

------- « to

-te»ehlngprofeulonlnel*JitanmUala Sontli Centiil Idaho jatliEr here “ S '

____for u» t.tnn»i t.R iurU> dUtr ict Id«ly ^Bduc*Uon »s»ocl»Uon wntttU on^ TJu

1 tw o ^ y »eailon. By bui. train and »pot;1 air,tromUJBODB-rooin*choolUaeh- Uaili’ erlothecltyfuperiiilcn(lent.liiitrue. lliens

to n fro a BlMce. Camai. time Jerome, Ooodlnj, Ltacoln. M l a l ^ lomol u d T v la Palli countlet ar« airtT* of Be In i here for eonfertnw and dlsciu* h m {

tlonal meeUni period. thU a l tw ^ Doon and BatunUymomlw. j . , , ,

PtoUowln* reeUlratlon. today-a . U

S*SreStf-brtoir5!»Era£R l^ le ld ! I n T o e a U t ^ e ^ 55.“

eiQue- (DvoraU b y 't h ^ T w tn n S o ty r hlgb Khool Blrla’ tico club, directed Alx b r M itt Clarico Saunders: addreas ot dravs welcome, Maj-or Duncan McO. John* dercd

-aton; rejpon«, Jared A. Mereer, *u- for » perintendent of schools, Oakley: ad- tin » dreas. “Looking rorwanJ In Educa- with Uen," W. B. Smith, president of the Idoho Education assoclaUon; ad- „

------D,-J.-I»,-011Hon.-Ohlo*Ul* unlver- ~ ma»liy. WUhi

* " Afttmoon Session Thl* afternoon'* pneral session jjjtlc

....... openi a t - l :» o-clodc » llh a coDcertby the.cardinal o;ee club of the Albion normal, dlrwted by Nonnan McCarty, followed, by: Announce- menu, Harold Robert*, Ooodlns col- lese: addrto . ’Thera Are No Out- slden,- Mra. John E. Hayes. presU l i r

^ dent ot Idaho Consresi ot Pannts lU • « and Teachers. An address,‘The Piy- I I I , 7 chologleal Preblemi of Edueallen

Ouldanee,*’ by Dr. ClUlon will ton-

Oeorsfl E. Denman, Burley, will be c h '. te of the SchoolMasten* din- '

ner a t S o'clock thla ereslnt a l the , '__ iN ew ROBcnon hoUL' '■

TonUht'a progriw at1;307eaUim'

‘ '*'KKfstatcsuperlw«ideotq»Bc4wdU;and some ezccpUonal muUeand dra- . ^ mnUc uleoL’ThD prasnun includes: i , T h e Anjelus.” (Lleruinee) and "The *•'

' Flddto and I.” Mlu Clarice Saun­ders.' Tlolln obllcalo by Ml» Helen Psrrolt; TloUn solo -Serenade Aid- ( imchoUque’’ (TcluUkonky) by M ia Wli ParroU: one net comedy. ‘T lis Wed* the N

— -d lnf.” dlt«eledbyBonnlcMaB8lrap- stndli

' "(Continued ocTpaBc 8, Ccl. S) unl --------------------- Mlddl

_ _ ! i r c a t i a k e s . S h o w _ ^ . -

S t o r m I n d i c a t i o n s [ j j ”

W!h o r a ’l M i a t t M U n ltto M r ^ A rtai of relatively low prestura are

— Northwcrt-eoasfaMdTlWBouUiifMC ■Ltaht rains have occurred In the Central val!ey^ but fair m t h t r p rv ^ « vaUselMwhercUvouRhoutUiecoun- try. Trmperaturcs «rc norms! to * “ illghtlj- above Iti ilie plultau and

i S f z S j u E r e Sf' ~ g s . T — I h s a P '

f B , s s s - s s s S rI h tw titx ____ » » . M Clmrf r«f*UII» __>_M .M ClMf ^I M S — fi s n s SS - -s-ff-as! Siv. = a ,P 2 fe s -s = -s = fa ? S f

Treasures Collected by , King Sell for “S(

UNIONTOWN. P a , OcU W>- broujl Under a mammoth circus lent, on a vase i weed-grown estate wheiB once play- est bic •d some of the world's most £l<im- Id *Uv orous socUl lights, an aucUoneer to- ed up day barked out Uie epllovus of a for dnm a of the rise and fall of a klni The of coal. And aa piece after piece ot a. m, ^ ^ t ^ T O C O ltw tftlj^M M the CTM d

under IDe hammer the huiky-volced clslow • hawker shouted: “Why theyte going A hi for a sons->coIng for a soogr coal o;

“niey go for a ‘’song" times and thiM houn otter the sale began sen-an a throng of a rt connotucun and w - son a clety notables had spent only about fee an

MIJXO. '5 ■■ o r so iThe sale U lo Mllsfy th ^ e -U m e The

mn]U-mlU!onalN:s.QCdU^ and wiu b o n i cantlaue-uniU the entire contests living of th# taoous old “Oak HU1‘ mansion Tljomi are disposed of. The home a lnad ; had TO^d been told and will be converted.Into Amo

... t.e o av e n t_____ .......................... .. fcireaem. . . .Tlie highest price paid tor any ar- wUe o

Dele was niOO for a beautiful Kir- Inghou mlnshok nig the coal operator Ing co bought for ttO.000 KbUe on a honrj- Johns

■' Biooa In CoRstantlnopte with his more;.Broadway show-girl bride, the late burch

- 'Honey- Hawes. Thoc—.-A-rlchty -drslgned •Itaiian''icarf; pmnl!«

we tlrst article to be sold, brought health. •II*. ltd In

A 17590 tnUijue TUrbrla Persian coal bi n v went for (SU; a jar of smelling great I *Hl« from “Honey's- boudoir alon la

( '

~ T O tnerN o; 174.- ..........

7 0 -O ffic e rs - E n l is te d M( In d ia n a Coi

Eehim Car With -M c E a i^ -P la te s -

iwner a t Ihe point o t * r m here S S tn a n d ^ - H - l n - r o b b ln g - a . - j m lM ataUon, kept theli p r ^ ^at oday'to:i«W m'the car.-and dld-Il ijig rith a nourlih. • Ihe-They parked the car almoiroirtBsrdfii ipot from which they took It from cit) he driver. They had attached s new loense -plate-which In the-mean- jme Uxy had stolen from an aur omobllB belonging ta Bay McKalg )f Boise, prominent Orange leader. n » car, with the new license plate. n a ' found parked In front of Bt. ™

The robbers, armed with plsloU, ^ ook the car from Howard Cigle ot T JBlseaabeleftaloealbotpItalabout thel i:l9 o'clock last night. .They drove the iLm out to the edge ot the city, re- uty . ig ^ l l the -W^M^na th |^ t^ j imd

nn ldn 't “take a man's last cent, umi .hen left him there alter assuring aiitarW»tar-wou!d-be-parktd lB-tbo3ty.----------------------------------- -— th#'

About 10 minutes Uter the men up. {rave the car to a IllUog aUUon, or- « ,( lercd gaaollne, then refused to pay d ij :or It but took ♦ » to MO from the . jn while the attendant was covered • '

________ V bee;

FABSIER KHXED AND WIFe' J ^ M Jm u a -B Y .A N O R y ,P U U > ^ 'MAN6nELD.'Maas..-Octr3S ( ^ ^ d e p mihelffl Cross, ST. a farmer, w u eeai :ored to death by an angry buU to - ,Isy and hls.wlte, Alvina, S3, w as'j.* TlUcally In luM as ahe went lo her v " husband-8 aitlitanee.

T ie woman w«* rescued by neigh- ^ x a . who held Ihe buU a t bay with * * jltchtorks.

ificWWs T. - H M W -

-• ■ ____ _ 'T r . B-------- •( ‘ thal

r e j i f p e ia l i i m . F a llr J ii U j l a i n g i

■ ■ t o T a n t l a f " l o . ; : ' U S S H ®

L ow L ev e is fo r O ctober 'J",Wai

3 — T(By T ie Associated Press) dlK

WlotcosUged a rehearsal along' R he New England seaboard yesterday, the mdlnrtemperatufM ln'many4oeal--advi ties do*Ti to record October low*, rive

UnKtUed weather prevailed In'the hen itlddlerat and S o u t h . . .. wm

In the Adriondacka temperatures of md rdegrees-above-tero were reeorded-jifa ollowlng a J4-hour snow. I t was thehe celdcst day ta 10 years. Fred- ___Dg weather prevailed over Upper.— tew York sttterHlghways ncarO w llir-^ leB d.w ertclc««d,irtttL tl5Si2ow , _ Iritis. !

Sin Massachusetts and other New, ^ bglim if-iU lca-D ie '-U lifpU U U rtc.:" nounted Into the upper thirties dur-i ' n* the day. The New York weather mreau reported the biting winds »blch struck the Northeaatemstatcs ;« houra'ago were nglng 400 miles' v t a t sea.— K ttw urD teprin NewJtnry---------

>er 36 in the history ot weather bu- ■Mta with ffadlnir of a t r i* ln it= leld and 31 a t Jer«y City. Marylsnit Ikewlse shivered ta unusual c o ll | PorecasU ot rain or possible snow i

ilth dropping temperatures were' Ivcn to Inliabltants in western Penn- ylvanla and-Ohlo.-PttUbuTfh's- low— ?a!aO T m ajn«jaat} j<«dM L p£:_^_ obtrjson jxfora.iu trfla>euoiuu iL z:node.*ate weather alUiouith rain and n o w - w t f e lR ^ K ^ - ^ j^ f : - :

by Late Coal “Song” a t Auction-------- , irought tlO; a $7H gold encrusted ase was knocked down to the hlgh- st bidder for >70. and a pair ol lol-I silver candelabra Thompson pick-II up ta Yokohama for liOOO. went >r »M0.The aucUon got under way a t 11 S

. m., an hour TiompMn ala-ays }nsldered lucky became on ihe j

ilons Involving millions of dollars. ^Ahugddlnnergong, boughtbythe . •'>al operator In India, w as^nded 11 ^mes while the nuctlonter barked, .m-anta emplo}-ed by llte Thomp- tm creditors. ser\'ed steaming cot- 9 « and sandwiches lo pie ihQuund: so attending. iThe elite and wealthy rubbed el- 7m with Ihe’me'n who make their - iring ta the cool rtgloni In which nbompson amassed his fortune of yk)dd millions. 'aAmong the prominent persons y taent were Mrs. A..W..nobertion, - 5lIte of the c h a lrm sn ^ the West- ' ~ghouse Electric and Manuractur- i« company; Dr. c . H. Ounon ot Jihns Hopkins hoiplul in Biltl- jore: and Richard K. Mellon. Pitts- 5irsh banker. ' . 5Thompson died lu t September s Tinlleij and broken in'»pim a n d ; - ; ■alth. He w*» tt. The death occur-1 !■ d ta the million doUar house th a t' \al built, but (he'eoUspse of the 'eat fortune had left the man- I , ra ta 111 rr;*lr. — *

" a s o s a s g i a ”

7 -ASS

■______________ .‘n V IN F j

*Ien Enter J onvictHunt|jlxpert Harksnieii Carrylngjs

iitactilne Guns, Rifics andp Tear-Gas-Equipmsnt-Join S

Lseardi for. Outlaw liann ^_____I U k

<ny The Aatodated P rt«) ny? I InuIATTAPOLlfi. Otl. a ^ d e c id e d .ta ^ to u ie 'lu own i),e ^ g e r men lo an ttU mpt lo Wp up t

jClty prison break » month sgo. Si • AdJulMt General Elmer P. s tnub (S?

f ^ d Into eervlce 70 oMicwi and S40 enlisted men or the Indiana na- !r*^ Uonal guard, selecting for duty men ^ with expert markmanshlp ratings.

troops wlU be aUtloned a l 4 m to te g le centers ta amalJ sguids. aeU If In g ^ u ^ r ft captain: ^ Uy

To prevent any eonlroren'y over their authority, it was arranged that the guaxdamen be s m n lo as de^. uty slierltts. At their dltpoaal will bo tto machine guni, rttles. side arms ana t<ar gas enulpmeu> of ihe tuai'd —


up. I t w u the fln t business day this w ek wUhout the robbery o | a m an- dal InsUtuUoa

There were reporta to police, how. \ b«n tttj

T h e ' decision to use national m» ffuardsaen In the bandit hunt fol- of J

■poWiirOaiSlp W *8lrtB4e 5ne3er!r cw■rdepartment of JustlM agents talo the hogsearrti. eoit1 The eight tekmsiUU at targe atter , “the prison break o( September 28 ^

ihflVB been Joined by other former ^pri»nem ,CapU lnM aU U achotlhe(tale police declared.

Hatty PJerponf. one of the ttetp. ed elons ^ believed to have u sm . ed leadership of the convleta. “ J,


-H=0R-Wra^i>ROlEei3 I i

that th« MMOMO »pproprtal|oo tw neti he

S * ^ » ^ t i n i t o t o r t t e ^ r o S dw i teealved hero lodsy a t Ihs ot;. S flee of fieaator Pope and Immedlatei. ^ ly a telegram was dispatched to K - WMhtagtonHo confirm the report. / S d U d w ^ ^ '® ^ the report was not aiu,

■ R. P. waller, chief enilneer'ot the reelamatlon service ta Denver, .u a

-advised a-meetlng ot-Upper Bnske river Irrigators and state olflclala here e u l f UiU reek ih s t the money n WSJ tor .use only on the Korth.Pork out and a separate appllesUon would be n J

-wm »aiy-for-addJt}oa*l-/i»ds-/«‘ = the South Fork. (

— ^ ^ — A n d -H e -Ju 9 t* l

~ ........... . .L m t lM Y .j \

- ___^ ' Y

W oemm} j

' . I .

m cm etrpm siim v


Naval~F(ttce8...,of |G Nation Celebrate “ 158th Anniversary JWABEXNOTON. Oct! ’ M («M<ed

by lu commftnder-ta-chlef. Preal- dent nooeevelt. the navy tomorrow | will celebrate the lUtta annlveraiy { bt Its esUbUshnent. ,

th e ^ b W id ^ V t* ^ ^ O T R o w ^ L FO

of tho country will hold their cui- tomary 'VI home'* for dU nn t and n« la lJ»r«M iaa t a v e . ^ . a r r ^ , • , tor every naval dlslrkt.'

The rUQt airship. Macon, which ' let eutljf flew'to t he Weit coast ftpta — uk ehun t, Kaw Jersey, jrtU nUka a ipeclal night from lU base k t Bun- _ nyvale, Caiyomla. near, San F n a - , “ ciacOoTM'ABjiieraHirTetiDlrTir the occasion. '*«

The president t ^ t aent Wi sn

Secreta^ Swanaon tonight- lent Ii from the (Test coast, wherv ba h u been laipecttac the titet, his tot* Ole uge ot greeting to all American war »<« vesseU tor dlstrlbuUon over (he B t- end val wireless station here. - rlre

M illS liSecretary tlirealens “ Some- ~tliIiif:o(:;:Siiowdown’-Q? ^

Hog Friges Are Reduced " i■ ■ fen

WASHINOTOK. Oct. 3« (ff)-See- Mo retaty Wallaco today threatened edi -somcUitag of a showdown-with tbs dra meat packing Industry U the prices I of hogs are reduced when the p t» whi? = W T i r u T y 7 i f i i s e n f l r e f e : : ^ hog productlon-control-prer*m-be. kic come eftecUve n u t month.. iloi

Ue asserted that -packen are crtt- a Idzlng the program and word conei em to u sfro m th e co rab e ltth a fth ela- salt presston Is betas spread abroad that ifis the packen are going to drop the 8 prices ot hogi 8 ccnu per hundred m i weight on November S a t the time dUi the proessslng tax U put on." •

Wallace added ihst “ve hope It m ayootbenecettuy to ru ito h a v e 0 something of a showdown' with the ope packer* durtag .the month of K»- voti vember." ‘ ' . 1

. He refused to'enlarge upon hta »oll statement, made ta an address ov«t * a NaUonal Broadcasttag coapaa); ^ network. X n f o n n i U y .^ a ^ H ^ M''

t e - w ^ h e r o ^ l u t t m o r t ^ »H control Of the hog markettag and ii pnxetstag taduatry: second, taereas- Cha Ing the t u r t l e proportionate to'the snd tall in market prices with the 'ad- plcl dlUonal proeteds to bo used for In- hlRl creutag benefit payment* to farm- U ers; and third, requesting an Invu- alrll tlgallon by the attorney general to low determine w hether-antl-tnut Jaws (lal were being violated. fort

Wallace's Jiog-com pUn contem- strll pU U eatlow of HMMOMO-tabene- O fits to producers during the next 18 ta 1

(Conttaued^tjpage 8, CoL «) (

s t ^ o U w a ^ A l l - H i s ^ m r




«Mms4SIRIEOPPOSItli Dim IN 111

Force ol 30 Men Establish' Headquarters al,Bridge,'

■ Prepared to <ilear..Higlit wavs and Escort Trucks.

DE3 MOINEa. Oct. W lewa'nadmsl'gusTdtmcn were u t l ^ ' leeod as deputy sherifla tonight m cniwlng opposition to the strike of the ra ra e n ' Holiday aiioelatlon de- w ow aiuU eslejiiluna. =

In unltorm and tully atned, the cuardflnen wHh four ot/tocrt left , Olencood shortly before I prm.-to Mtjbllsh headquarters a t the Iowa . end or a bridge acrou the MUnuri < river Into Plattsbourgh, Kebraska.

Adjutant aeneralCharka n . Grohl a t Des Motaca asterted the men had

Sheriff WlUlam de U ou of Olen- .«'ood, who depuUied the gntrdimen, 'said they would clear hlghwaya.of tplekeu and escort trucka to Omaha 1martets. |

Anll-Strike Mave StartsUesnwblle, leaders ot fam e n .ln ~

that a r u who lu t night convoyed

menu RProrerrlng their support o t «vCon-

ference of, mldwatem governor* to dlieuu agricultural problems a t Des Moines Monday, holiday leadera urg- ed the western Iowa pickets to with­draw, ■

In Wiseonsta. the only other (tale»hen m .“n i t i o a i l l i t a ia J u a r s ; ^celred marked support, creameries It anff-cheeae fictorW ta-ouU ytatre: t glons cloied ta larse nnmben. c

A itatement from Wliconsta Gov- b emor Schmedeman'a office today c ssldhewasdependtaguponthekher- t Ifis to malntata order, •,

Sheriff Joseph Shtaners of MU- ic wsukee said he would have 78 dep- atlet to ke«p the road* open.* ^

Oppose Strike li' Directors of the HUvaukee Co- P operative Milk Produoen'.assodBUon P voted opposlUon to the strike todsy. ®:

T is t stated agfteaalN ooopera- tiTf milk PQOljrhleh win )alw the H houdsyna t TieKlay..demanded ta fctiJegram te Oovejw* A • 0 . A Schsedefflanthat-hededartaaai* hi ^ c n ^ f a r m .••• ’ , bi

Sinto'guatdim ea.In Mew ot.request* from ' John x

Chalmtn,'Iowa'.holiday president, and Jeiae Slckler, national secretary, plckela withdrew from Sioux City . highways. in

Milo Reno. naUonal leader ot the strike movement which originated In ^ Iowa, broadcast an appeal to other " ( fort to Jurther the extent of the strike. . .

One creamery was reported doted U ta Minnesota. No aggreatlve csm- te

(Continued on Page 8, Col. 0) re


mmunition------- — n

ik t e w t ) ■• M l re

Him6ej____ 2

“ I

S3), by, S i« Meir York Ituune, inc. ec

m i s ' c o O m T — ; . 7

ATT.Y.033, ..........

Accuses Bank.

‘ I


^ I

rt SENATOR JAMES 00UZEN8 of 1 Michigan who charges the Chase i

U Kallonal bank'wlUi lack of cflort < 4 to protect tho eccurily-buylng 1

T«iMii^~w^ Photo._____________ J

Kis snH icliigan S e n a to r D eclares I

° F i n a n c i e r s , F a ile d to

I: P ro te c t B ond P u rc h ase rs

it WASHrNOTON, Oct. W (4 - A* Udc of effort to protect the security- JI* buying Dubllo w u laid"dlrecliy to i

Chau National bank offlcUls today i'• by blunt senator Couzens, Itepubll- ir can, Michigan, before the seoato (> banktagcommlltee In the concluding ]

aeaalons of Iti Inquiry tato Cuban>* I'* .IIU declarations followed the dls- I

cJoiute to the committee by Fcrd- iInsnd Pecora,.|U counael. of huge 1

u prollts ta floaltag booda to finance„ public work* ta Cuba, and a Chase r, oltlcer's report that there w u con- i

alderabte. gralt .In spending the t^ money._______________ .________ ID Couseui. u Uie Cuban inquiry “ i, drew to a dose, gave Ills vlewa to the i. bank officials ta commenling on- -

Bvldeaw to ahow Uiat bond buytrs

a s l d e ' t r t a ^ ^ t ^ l f i J

B aeftetated In tb i trtasury;>• Pravtda No rroteetloa

*The r e s p o ^ ll l y ot the luulng liouie could not be relied on because

f you had taken ilo steps to protect ( 1 this public work! revenue," couxenr r aaJd. - i think that la a looseneaa that . »ie pi^hase rs ^ t the. CubM-bocdi t

U S. noienUialU and Shapard C 1 Morgan..Chase.vlca presidents,.coa- »- tendedthegovemmentcouldnotde- »> poiltfflon(yta«bank,butsaldtbcse ' ' revenues were entered ta a apclal > . account and that paymenU to them

bT_Cuba were^that.gOT- , emment u fundTtrom tne special ■renniffii._____________________ ^ }

After MoiT»a had told him "each p

' ton'^ln-thB-tninJacttonirCoiiiens f aaked:

‘ ye*, but, what kind of a bottom t ' did It'sUnd on? VQiUiSd no auur-

anee these revenues were reaened to pay off the obllgatloua. T ia t, of ti

. counvKOuJd-be-a-chcat-upon-lhir ll

. piirflm rn nf Ihr hprda.lf an,"____11- *TVlM lli», r . .h . t»pl «tt Ilf _- ln-onfrpooJ.-wltlrvariofi»TttwV-lund*-

within itio common whole, Counns * reminded the banker* ot evidence * that former President Machado bad uaed 19,000,000 of a tl3.DOO.Ooo trust ^ fund tor other purpoMS. ,

Pecora brought out In questioning

■ bp 'by 'lbft'b itik 'T m eoheU jcf'lh 'e n ; publlo work* npendltures were made .

honeitlyanfr-bavtaf-ekrtlBr-pniJ -

James Bruce, a vice president, charg- ‘ tag graft ta constrtKiloni ,

Big Qratt In All 'Bruce, In a letter to the bank trom

Havana In lOlO, called Carios M. de Cupedes. secretary of public works, • “dangerous to Uie welfare ot the country,- auerted ho had wuted >> money, and continued: 11

‘The various m'embera of.the cab- Inet were \ery cartful not to dlKuai f: with mo thla lUvaia=Jrater works “ propoalUon, becauu! naturally 'they * all luve a big gralt In y d what ^

money t in t for building ihe high-S

lie rrfem d to Iha proposed cen-tral, highway across Hie Island re- ,pubjlc, and recotnmended-’ agalnil 5further advances to Cuba unleis the J; bankers obtata;d control of publicworks expendlturw. .........

From a m su of data from' the nbank's files, pecora showed that In |qfloating tome g«).OOOMn In Cuban r1oblltatioM. the banking group head- tied by Chase and dbtrlbutlng dealer* eipiled, bp, gross ptoflt* of sUghtly fimore iiMn lJ.000,000. - . ------ ------- •

Chase'andltsafflllates wereahown Ix to have iJiared about half the sum. fr

Members of the committee and ^ Pecora told.newjpapcrfflen they had ~ received flo word from Richard SJ Whitney, prexfilent orth rw ew TWk „ itock exchange, and, J. L. Redmond. counsel for the exchange, who called „ on President Roosevelt today. ^

Whitney. leaving the Whlto Home, dt decUced any comment, ta


upiogR Aimrr dijr u d ’•' * crBouLATrow

- D e e M v e ^ ^ O n Issues .

F o rd and

S t o 6 k M a r k e t H e a d

! • ; A t E x c c i i t i y e H o m o

day today wltb callers but temata- n ed away trom his office uatU to- n

- memw -to-glve-furthep-tttalmenl — to the cold which bothered hbu ter a couple ot days.-- A ^ the v ls ltw at the White _

dent ot the Hew.York steek ex- ^ change, who wai rtceJi-ed by ifie 3 , pHisldent a t WhlUieyl requut.

The stock exchange president and of hli attorney. John Remond. de- . M cllned to dlscuu the Whlto Houae iri confertnce. Mr. Roosevelt, w u Dg known, however, to be contlderini ^

” change., ' ------------- ®

A. ftwi ^ niftnrn 2iis t i t n H f f l : ;~ ' • " --------- -a

;s Fed era l O ff ic ia ls , .E x p ress -

lo No D isco u rag em en t W hen g

rs M a rk e t Q uo ta tions Fall 2------- taf

A WA8U2MOTON, Oct. 38 (fV-Tie ||||

E newly-mined g iS ‘jitm higher, today. — to lupporied by t formal opinion Iron V Attorney Oeneral Cummlngi up- .<

holding the legaUty o{ the method at lo chDien tor carrying out President gai ig Roosevelts new monetary policy. ca; u) T te gold quotation w u fUed a l ha

DIM, a figure IS eenU higher than ed s- that o t yottrday and 46 to 57 cenU bai 1- above the prlce.ot the metal on the rej te lAidon market, ann Neverthelea, news Xrom the com- un le modlty maricet* brought the 't in t coi 1- reverae la the chM necutlve'a cam- me le palgn for a higher general prieelevd | ' to be achieved I7 arUflctally ralatag Uo

^ (Coiitlnued on Page 8, Col^) ^

S v ' f : .- , . - ......

* w — o f Life s■ ' ' I Hi

ae (By th e Assoclaled Preu) ^ et ONLY ONE OF M B E C « ^ ^ W BPBtUNG OF ••raOflPBBlTV ?f, at POPULAR BLUFP. MOr-Aa-old- is tlme-ipalllng .b te a t tha.B lg.lalanl "

school near hero ended with Mr*. ^ ■d Chester Henson, winner. She w u the > orjy one ta 30 contaUnU who re- 5. menfMttd how to'ipeU'“prOipeflty." j j j

S? BNAKE IN POUCB STATION “ STAMPEDES FIVE DBUNKS ? ST. LOUIB - . Five men charged i r w ltrdnrakmneimeirtyitnmpeded- “ I ~ a police station Us t ^ h t when a cm

^ ^ ^ s a ld ^ t h g f ^ ^ ^ unaMe^to ^

« Ihe autlon.

m POUCDlEN's'wiVES FORM Bol r- PISTOL SlIOOTINa CLUB Ca ■ IIUTOHINSOM. K u . - Wives ot »uc 3f Kutchliuon policemen will never let led w It-be uld-theydont-tako^an tatcr^ f*J

t . !” !J. and practice wlUi Uielr males' guns prO _ when Uiey a h not In otflclal use. “^ hlglicst score to dau U 18 out ot a taff.


F10UDE8 IN UlVOnCE SUIT Ollt t rE.V£OTAKCIfiCO--:aUllttleJ<lnt OUt j« namesake of the recovery act, figured |o

tr — (Continue w P ag f# ,-C o t-8 )— m«

Ceremonies at Emanc ; Revive Memoriesa ’ PCTEnsDUflO. HI.. Oct. 28 (rtv- stold Memcriu of a century ago, when hav

tbe joung Abraham Uneoln w u P„ falling a> a menbant but starting wer^ on the i«lltlcal career that led to aut, tho prtJidency, n w revived today BU: at tho)d(dlcatlfln of the rutored Lea\ VUIage ot New Salem. Uie

i faithful rtpfoduejloiw -Bt the tiny m« bulldlnsi u they Ktood In ttie days Qui ot Lincoln, nave been ereetcd here Rat

' a t the aban'lonrd vUUge alte, now the ’ a itaic PKik. Itevfrcnt ceremonies prei ‘ dedicated llie martyred cmandpa- whl* tor’s aliHne. ilat ® One hundred years ago Uncota

clerked lii a More and acted as post- BH! B maiter In the Isolated village over-1 looking tho meandering Sangamon 1 river. 13 mllea northeast of Spring- .?* tleld In centml Illinois. Ti,o years» earlier he had arrlvrtl on n river ‘1^ r tlstboat poor and iineducaKd.- - - ^

' Wfillc Lincota made little money ta New Salem he made tnany *:

I. friends. It was from there he went , to serve In the Black Hawk war. i There he itarted the study of Uw : and was eleclMl'to the letUlat^re. - J Tiere-hc-m et-am l-courted-A nn ...B, f. Rutledge. . • Euei'• Tlia rcJtored buildings have been Negi* equipped with furniture and fur- peni

nUhlngi Identical with those used for', during the sU years LIncota spent plor

<ta t^'\-lllage. In one building, Od- two

z ■ :

h k s j H’= ^ ^ = = = ^ = = = = £ 3 1

tep s N e a r ~ “ ~ s A ffec tin g 1 id S tee l M en ;

May Bring Test j Of NRA ProgramS l H uge C o n tra c ts W ill BS ~

is! D iscarded U nless A uty : ,

- Maker SaUgflas Govern - ment in Regard to Code

(By The Associated PrcM)3 , WASHWOION, Oct. 3«-Ded*tv« > ru Bovtramest itepi aitecUof Henry. . l u PM andtbebl« ilce tcoapanle* ,oa -: .v.<

IWM capable of brtngtag » ecnsU-- : -n n i ^ la rM lh rF f f iA ^ b fT a m • •

^ t o d a y ,w m ,^ h t I n to t a ^ t * . .prospect. ' . i

C Wlthta the n a t te* wttka Pbrd 1 ’ either must u U s^ tbe foveromenb ^ thal b e l l complying wltb the auto*.., ■ ;■ |% mobile code CT hurl hM. m. Impnrt.IT ant contract* d U c a rd ^ •• . n Tbe iteel men bare tailed to com* '-J

• " to time with tbe woriten of tHelf C,

SS oimmoned to tbe White'Houae next.Mondaj*. At tha t time tbe chlet -

an ecuUve d t b e r ' e x ^ to ncefvB « •' surance tha t Uie agreement win be ....

,11 foribeomtac la m td ta ttlr or to lay'down hi* O ta procripUoa o( woricr 'tag airaogemenU ta Um m abafla

. whleb,Qnllkseommerelalmlo(i,*end.^<1 ““ 1 whole output to tbe ateel mUtt:-::;-,',-

g — c f l i i n ) i B i 5 g i f a . p ] i i » ‘;i - p . A iK U U o n ro rh lm tQ a e t.v u lc tt^ .: .od attbeW hltoUouteloday-bykikleVl.-.j-r'n t gallonofunlon1eaden.R.BkldnheM . :■.!

captive Goal-produolnf;eompanla — a l have refused to recQgniie {he Unlt^ •, in ed Mine Worker* or Ameiica and.tb lU bargata ccUecUvtly wtttiitbe cboeen - * he reprtstnUUvefottbrtrtmployeiW o;

are denundtag reeofnitlon of o ot. ; ; n- union and-the aam e m trac t and wt condUlons u p r c n U ^ tbe .eom^;*; - ". n- merelal m lnn o t Ufla.'terrltoty.*/':!''el Bicept for U»''phraM .TtceRiU' .

^ “ ''Iaied m en..'T hr'w btke«,' howevrt,'

: h*4.beeu;«qil«<(»

I "A (N R A ,m % im i,tlH «nU niU ir./ h a d to n lp a i i^ 5 w n ib 9 l tn o f ro ta :^ i ': i ' Hugh s.;Johmoo; to -*i«p o s .tb e .** gu"andgeltheeoU eeU oaot eM lo ' ,’rT

TOOlndoslrial codes tbrousti tba&ilU . - 'i « by December J l when the\wlQntair.' ' '. '-\; \ blue eagle agreement explreL. T w .

codes have baen icing tbrcngh tho:..J h c a a n n » ^ «t »M (Continued on Page ^ Col 7)~T^ *

^JDAHO'PdLICE^CHIERS: ;^? ;g AND SHERIFFS MEET' ; ;;Id -BO I8a-^Oet-8M *V^ethod*-oC-:-----eK oombatttag criminal*-eljulpped With ..d. the tatei»devlees and beat BMbtaee*— ^ i . will be dlacuased by e l^fa of p ^ , ■ •

day by Emmitt Pfoet, eommlsslooer. ot law enforcement, to be bdd ia Boise November 8.

B CommenUng that "we have not Bt succeeded In our plans," lo -grt the ' t i legUlslure to do something ta r t- r r fard-te-«eltlng a-radlo-atatloirandr-

radios for police a n d ^ e r ltf* ttr».'*,

S 'u -prbWHiC------------ --------------------------------e, “After we haw had thU m eet-.........t Ing. aiid It we think It. advisable,

we will then ask each officer to get In touch with his council a u l coun­ty commissioners and boost this prop-

T oim on.-h8sald,*foruwea11know..'a: our--pr<Mnfc«utpnient,la ;lnadequala— d to meet with the cnmlnaia u- they have Ihe lateatdevlcesandbtU;-—“ machintt"-— ---------- — 7* -------.

ancipaitor’s Shrine-- ies of Century Ago- stotf* cooper shop, the wlglnalloga n have been used.IS Participating In the ceremonle*'' ig were Oovemor Henry Homer, aa « authority on Uneolnla; Frank E.J BUne, ot tlie Old Salem Uncota d League: Logan Hay. pruldent ol

Uie Abraham Uneuln luoclatlon:

i Hlifbrlcal assoCilaUon, and Homer •a Quck. who . ttprttcniwl Wimaor- t Randolph Hearst. Heant purchased w the alto of the vIUum ta 1»» and '!s presented 11 to the LIncota League,I- which ta turn presented It to th»

ilate tor a park. '

- BHSSOURI o r a l DIES W - ........ ..RARE “RAT BITE* FEVER

" ST.'LOUIS. Oct. 3« MVA IS-'ye&r- ' old girl. Lola A. MaUhev*. died In ’ city hospital today of what physl- I clans bellMrt_the rara,“n t blte_^

J T ie girl was blttea l^.* n t three '' ’'j .weeks ago^____________


ti . BALTIMORE,’ Friday, Oct. 37 W» ' ' Euel Lee, «0-yc*r-old Eaitero Bhora .

n Krgro. w u b am ed ft WaiyUnd .- penitentiary ahortly after mktalght,, ' j for the murder ot hla fom ei rm>t ployvr. Orten R. Davl^ mot« tbaa •- two yeaa ago. •

Page 2: · 2014-12-12 · m F i IBEn I Edutatlon Association E------OlKii af-HighStlioQiiOuU -

p i i i B l iipmyrciip j Pocatello P r i t i t and ^MuK

t e ’ ; 'ta u g lv Spud Haulars In-

'/< ; VQlved In Two-Car W reel

; / • • .•M T O T A O W .O et.» .«p»d»lU

• BttgrtajoiiaiftooT/iwaiereenB: - - I ion tt> irhtoh i ' ^ «uwmobll» vcra pncUctUr dnnel.

u h td o a 'tb tb ltb iray D tt ttb fn U >■ '•

; • B iT W u aa 0. Dol«n. PtttUDo!•■ ■ CalholU DrieiU n i iloni In Uu c ti

••. • Jo4ded wlUi poUt«» •Bd driTO bjt 1: r W «ru Dndenreod, W, u u u a i t i .

T -A llfi rl^ r^M w t* ij|h r^ t< U n iv ’ ’ »ltli Mr. Ondeniood. w*i ptoMd In -T-' • . lh # « u a p w u v ek e » b ,tjjd w u u n - •' - f(m»gin « «h tn ha WM UJttn oat

r - . Tb* ItaT. n tb e r DoUn'tlio wm r ■ lucooidixu «fltf btwdior t tm * 'f: • . d « p cut ,oa lh» ehln when b« « •

• lakch t m UM '*r«eki|t'o t bU eir. '5- . • Bern me Bet. n i b « OoUn *M

■ Mr. Tott m i U k n to % lUmbirii

Cl-' ltd of w in lo th* t a c t O odim od. w b u t tbeut til* let *n< ' '. R«r. « « * ■ DoUa w u nturnlJJi

. ivUh-U-J. U a i . PDcaUUo, (rom «

f / F a c t o r i n S o v i e t '

f 4 M o v e o n A m e r i & (

't''' 'i M oeoow .-o tt. M (fV-Tl* pot* iiiwfltr Veteew b»j» « « » » • * « ,

v llh W uU sitoa'

' lUtYlaotl t»ti4 Ux dMlnd r*co«^ w u (A (ordtn cb tM h(S«

1 ^ ' . ' ; : A lttnuib'OfflcU wuretf toauo’

I -«*u*i ««*** ** OCT.

^V~.'>'-uin to fttt«fflpt tO'Obtktn actlre U n*rie«a’ooopenUeatnt)t*8on«t‘i

:>i . ts kitp.ptM*.;; otm rrm u i i U»u *9uM not b*

! ; - ' ' : W priM d U thU lubjtet « tn c a t o( • T T r ^ w w - q M i U e n i - dUenwd In

J '.B is n th* J tp ta W occupation or g?~3WiathBriii.-'U>o-Kmnlln.hM i t t m

E E S E S 5 Sl l ' - k to « iT U t« it» a th» innouBc*! r ' a eU er of zmm> • -•( . .■' ,? A n rtl» e M tr tln w u added to'thUi'- ■ \t«ulo&.U>U BMttUt by f la n i ttb tn e t

'itb*OUs(M BM tcmniiwftrbyRui. f 'i l tteU iadu ikuo -K tilfibU o icew

:propc*td w k p«u* o T m m m u

if-. , V B u i te b lM d in e h u i td J ip u iw a raoTioi towud w tH ih t • • f e * 01

' •, • '.tb* jS ln id i ' gat

:-ciottr le an optn niptur* than any . , tint* th* Manehurtan oocupaUoa

^ ^ U R L E l T R E t l E r a R O U P J -r-rTT-tJA TH Ett-FO R-SESSIO N S

B tm L C rrd tO ^B ilM -toele tlea ‘ n e t T ualay aftwneoD la «aeb ward -tAd«eJer*tf**t>ul7CifKKUlKnle«. la tb* P in t ward mHtlnc Ui*. Uaud 'K . I n m had chan* a t tb i ttudr u A i i u i U u d by Un..Btrtha urn

*pH&dldiallcJ<?«^^U- n y lo r pmlded duitn i buune**.

— ^ t^ - ip iw ln tn l tw ill ifrrtM Jw di cr, Mn. on e* oslt lar* a taU on

*' 'koclal lerTice.At the Tblrd ward th* mMtlni w u

Ja c h i« e of Mn. 1* W, Drake.■nu Beeond w»rd »ocl*ty wlU fiTe

k quilt and (incy work exhibit next 'T — ^Tuoday-atitm ooo' aadvetenlni. r — -rflj>er* ja<«rrm f«*ji»«»l**n«beJ_____ pufclW.U ijiwM to brim any n«dl#^^;:i:-r»air-tee->topUy:- Mr»;-.JCT.-:mft-

r . haa chart* and Um <sM6» wiU -b* “ "^ '■ co n d u iW jte JJ iy to • WDJH7

awanU bttn t made tor ouUUndlni I work.


' - BURt*V. OeU 28 - Thm e«M of fortu workm a n rtpatrlni aod

' e itm d ln i roadi In the Mloldoki na>I .tlooal (orett T n n ty men, dlrldtd

Into two crewi, a n la Qow*U crttk...........canyon. Oai of Uut* c m n w «kt a

itreuh of Uut* day* whn* the oUw,

---------- HRA 40'bour.fmk fpecincatlou.A crew ot t l n e n a n verklng on

Uie read froa Bublett (oUndinc. and . 'aoD U ier.o fW nenandota im aln*

.tenanee work on U)i S tila r road. Cnw i wm Uktly eoottnue work until

NOnCCrARMIBS ' I t » • » U pbeepbit* m )r t u i l -Bi7 new befen *r1««« alTtnc*. j . ^ Olaadoo. pbea* CU-J «r. XU ^

■A T h r e e B a y s ’ C o n ^

I s Y o u r D a n g e r S i g j i l\ v Dofft T e l - l i ia i . f r t a'*tnu»gle

ibrtdL H itit renna. qutcuy. Cr*o- .ainliloa ctnb lae t tb* 1 b a t helps knows to modem leUnee. Powtrful bat b u n le t i Pleasant to Uke. No

.BanaUca.'You^-own d ru aK t.U . jtutberlted lo nIUad your mootyon . U M 'fpotilM ir eotub er e M U M . t i i i a a AfioaBUiUAik' i d r .__





A ltowtui

d jo .

rail.It el

e ea rM*k



oat - = s :

a *

TREA8UBV OFFICIALS «r uia? V tired under a pw fta tn foe wod “ X o ia liBlli. Left U rrightr 9- '' -underMCTfltary of the trc

Woodln, «nd B. BJer. K = s = s s = s = : ^ = w u

| 7 ~ ^^niK T iB nw ^T im peT itO T r-n ' I. .. ported yeiterdiy by D. D. Cbeyne• rorenunent weaUur obsenrer, wen C f l M tadM <{erw (.7 ti*<krvuclM i ^ and ■wind* wir*. norUiweit! baro­n s netrla prtiKW w »i. neorded ai ^ a&41 tnthei and humidity raotec ^ f ro m 7 T fo « ^ e e a (o f t ( (u n tlo n eon. . " ■fflfe LO S ^ M S g ^ S SU FFE R S r

^ i^NdimMApEirOBAKE,«jo. U » ANQELBB. Oct. i t -~A 1 u BOnor eatttuuau whkh rocked S J^ p o itloueti^em O alU om U ihaft. •2“ Fb*/o t* mldnlibt l\ie*day eauMd ^ virtually bo darnai*. eonpltt* n>

portitodayilwwed.^ A ( i« itone* feu off Uie condemn*

edoountyeourtbMieaodaecordlnily Ui* board of luptnlior* took acUoa

, . to ipeed wrecklni of Um bulldlof. A'woman, M n,K .U . Carton, w u

• «f nport*d to hat* broken her arm w when'ihe Oed'from her bedrTWi

wir U ii uutr'JuiBtu caiualiy.--------


ALBIOM. OoL » - p r . J . L. Clfltoa UiU profei>or ot tebool adm ln lit^on , r w Ohio flUto O nlnnlty, Columbui, n i . addi*H«l Ui* iludtnt body In Uie I of eoQele audlUvluo aVa (p ^ a ) u - lui. lerably Tueiday momlnj. u u ad> cow d n tt dealt larfelj wlUt edueatloAal I an cuUane* and ehanenie* ot tha loa. teu h Ja . profealoo. w « -W rcIinonwua-TiilUngrprofoior I Of a t th* vntrenllf o( Idaho.'uoicow,

Ihli'Nunmer ind h u tpent Uie p iil lor. Ihne »w ki in Jdabo when h* b u olni ^ .llTloi addreu** a t dlitrlct any meeUnii'UUitfldtliO'XduaUoil'ai^ L wclaUon. ' He b MhMul*d for

•notftw tdSnu a t Ui# Twin FiOt

® 1 h ire found U u lB m T T a io n i

^ b a fn w fu e d -u u w ieetniirdtllr.*



ytnoui enteiUlnmcnti and toclal

^ The Butlneu and I^reu lon tl _ Womtn't club ll iponurlni a dtnee,

Tu«diy iTtnlni, The 8«ond Ward Mutuil, a dince for October 90. Mn.

‘ , I. H. lUrtU l* .|lrltn a luneh?oa at iM NiUonil hotel Baturdiy, M ti'

% R. B. &nud!ey.h intertalaln« wtUi rHWw«n-patTrwrtB*a*yc-8eTv

lA- •nl-o{-lh*-(rad» loheel-eUiMa wlU

■ju Prt*bylerl»n-ehurth wlU enjw H luncheon Thur«»y foUowid' w *

' prop»m wMfMlon*.

illGree« k - . . .

I T e a n h f tr !S o u t h e r ]

In. ;

Si 'Wearesolediatrib S; City or'Village, for ,C

and Cavali?r band ii i l Twin Falls/you migh

see the finest display tra instniments'in f

^ C H A S . 0I : - M U S KIM I Basement under th( ^ 1 Twin

3 aro Bhoint drawin sr lota to-dete foe nctJlInff 11375.000.000 ot th

th trW:^A; J u 1 1 a n r4 rw » u r« u g t4 t i trcaauryj O. M . W .. Sprague,

2. Black. goyernoT o f th«7ederal-

If l t - ' - l - T l____

( ^ p a i g n R e a c h e i

^WASHINOTON. Oct. X IA1- ilmuttaoioui tn d e expautoa drirc ilooi both Uw Ruulan and Boutl Unerlcan fronU appeared Uio coal o 4ie United 6U lei with Uu dU loture by SecreUir Hull o( plan or a lood.wui tour below Uie equi

or duilnc' the •Buvtet " iw ^ nltloi

A K ^hTt»"*e«t«nr«ild*»-bop»<l-t»«l by UM'end oi next week on a -trli

- that would tak* him down Ui* wet- A c o u t oj South America to Santlaic

Chile. He would then-eroa by tn li to Buenoi Alrei ind head Uu Amer

‘“" r lean deleptlon a t t)>t Pan-Amer * " • lean wnfertnte a t Montrldeo. Uru

Ju it u the recojnltlon eonverU' Uoni between Pnildent Rootetal and M**Jm UinnoJf. Borlet com m tin r ot fonlin atfalrea. wUl Mu heatllf upon trad* and crtdlt mat- tua.betw een.U ie.tvo ccunlrlei, m^ Ht.ltprior to the Montevideo nKitni u

, Dececober............ • > .) - - A t-ttit-O ru |u ir c*nt*r«ne*.'-UM

idmtntofration hope* to expuc )DY trad* Uea between the t«o eonUa> enti. 1 .


tha O onnor Jim uRolph.Jr.,announe. ed lat« Wedneaday Uie itrUe ot cott.

o io r bm plckm lntbeflneounU M O dhe Kow, iQwer San Joaqulii i-alley had ended p u t with the aceepunn by the growen

I b u ofUie fjc t ilndln* commlUe*'* re* itrict port and Uiilr atreement to pay IS d'ai^ eeoU'ptr'lOO'poUDdf-ror-UiB-plcklni

for of cotton.Fim M pn it ld M per e^ot of tbe pkk-____ enuwlio had been on «trtk* durlwloni th* lu t /*w wccVrhaTHUimed to »hAl Wprfc_aad Uiat ■mow .wanted to to 3 « J i i a ^ n o m S f W hUht z nrpeet 7S

iiir.* bMk-m'tKrittiitc’- ---------- -

rBESBrrattANs incmare )0N . nuDOBT rOB BEWtVOlBNt:! S^n ~nncA ao,'oeu-3r«rr~ Benew- slHl lent* budget of MJOOJOQ. ah In- oelal crenrarm0O36O»TTerls*t76rerii»i

inee. eenUd by J . WUllaon Smith of PhU. Vard adetphla.M n. Smith ««ld {be U.009.000 IncmM a a t repreiented a rot* ot conttdenee In M ti' Preitdent Reo«mn'*'~sttlonU. re* wlUi corcry program._Hia_report_wu

will - Dr.-John. MoDowU-oUJtK-iiotiii -th« modirwor-of-Ui*:Preabyterlan-ienft ly k The council voted to launch a tv 'a (r*lauemWy,"prMlded."’: - ' " " ' “

iplrltuil nnewal movtmeut.

i t i n g sT S O f /r n I d a h o

ributors in your County; r .CONN, Pan American 3 instruments. While in ightcall atourstdreand ilay of band and orches- n the state.

X D U M A S i l C C O *the Wiley Druff Store.?in Falls


,; ■ . t w i n f a l l s datl

le termlnc whicli bonds w ould b e re r tho J 6:000.000,000 fo u rth U b e r t j

United Stfltea; I tea n A eheaon ,r « c c u tiv c a s s iila n t to S edretar: r a l - m c n 'c b o a r d H ^ P ho to . '


| p j | - -ZQS-A W g!jg .-O rtr«-t*>^B ee

trol or public expendltURi, betto 4) builneu principle* In govinimesi Irim and ’VltmlntUoA ol certain qu<*> umth tlonabk educaUonal acUnUea h)Ui- lalof erto. provided a t pubUe espeoie.' dU* v tR adopted today a t th* cloM ol

)Iani Uie tlevenlh annml eonfenne* ol qu i. the Wntem Stales Taxpayer*' a*. iltloD toclailon.

or Khool dlitrlcU, Inugnuon oi Khool admlnUlntlone, and unlfom

,‘w . and bodgM conlroL

!!!!^ The UMclallon went on record In Kl . r*voif ot repUelng "our inetreeUve

free w tem of higher edueatloowtUi _ a more Mltctlre lyitem Umlt«d, to

thoie eipecUUy qualified, e v n lo the exUnt of provldtng aeholanhlpi for needy but hlgHiy’promtilng itu-

Another rtiolulloa idvocated that Khool aulhorllle* conalder Uw eltm-

•th* J Z T ~ —Mod p ■ ' . . i . .:|LThe,e,i^

E ^ t e n i l

S T o t h e'ih« .— ----------• • — ^ided ■ ' ren

111 i

Jrk. ............Iring ^ ■i t o — A j B f f i f l H H R M y

1 75 r r J ^ M B B a S B l l w i M

ivQ. : W K "■n* H

W«*- ------- -----------------------------------irra) X . . jr t r ------- :-----'h^^ j J

MM9 In

' ' ' - ' V H U H



I - B E S M i

'Taking advantage oi possible by purchas(

■ We can’t duplicate

; 'PURTOiroiED A


I S H (To com plotc t)io sm artn

I $a.95 $4._ WE SPE C IA LIZ E IN FV.


s f i l B i f f l l f r

I; ■ yjliHli1 ■ Leaders In Proposed NiI - Organization EndeavorI . ' . EqualFederatlonSlrengn wASHnroTOK oeu » |lir,“ . Plan* for m e w and dion power l l ' organlatton of InduitrUl and mi f l i u fu tu rln i leaden lo meet, whit tl

I ' announcexnebt U expeeUd wlU I ., two weeki.■ Leaden In U »-iuir organlatlI — tob*o*at*^ln 'U i*prcuD ln it^■ t}uucl&Uono(manufutureis.w■ working to form a group Uut wo

I p ' jW enU oa of tabor and c o u O H ' wlUi govemmint’a Incrtulng Int B — ttHnpflv»t#buita*MrT— .— •■ ' Th* Primary tntUal etfort wUI M ‘:' dlrecUd a t deallog wt^h Indutti m and labor pn^lemi Uiat iprtng B = SeSFffiHMUWlJa.KlmW»lrtt■ ’ - and alter U ut to ettabUih a bt■ : neat Plaonlnr irw p to coope■ - ' with Bonmmeot plasnlng agenc V - ' . D ere lo ^R t of tlilf uoead polsl - '<■' awaiting n o n direct evidence: e j t - whatpollduUuaaagtacla'wUlp

‘^iKUssion itarted wm* wek* i Mon-I «h?n th« leaden eoneemtd decli JSry i h V ia ^ i r ia l advUory m n a n

not getUnrUi* Indmtriil wppor . . needed. They argued It w u Ume

organize buxlneMiQdlnduilryui 11* herenUy u U)i American Pede

Bon* bualncM txecutKu e ^

ganlzaUon would M.UnpoHlble I ■.jUi. <i*iiia-lhett.waU oo much Indlr * ~ ...lltfw imnng btulnm

ic tu r give way to Ui* ruie S a imai m eet rn u p or council. Tbew exeeuU' iu« |. wntendM mch orjanteiilon woi MUi- receln an unfavorable public i 1 ■ ceptlon w being formed to din M of NRA along more eoMerraUve line

• iJ f LIKOBEBOnS BOCK mNDS• m p i i o n r to in veb nb

• iWVEnwESg. ScoUind. Oct. 2g’( , 11 'ATUf TKitlliig *trotirl»*d-*Jadi-' , a fugm ■ironr‘aitw»y,“ Irtah -« V, ,” state. Colonel and Mn. Charlet

UndbergUUndedhenWedneedayll« l rb l !W lio < .

They wen remaining ovemli ™ a n d plani lor tomorrow wen r

Kinounced. Deiplte itlfl weatt "V * they mad* good time, t . “ Their route carried Uiem ov > inUhowen Bead, In Donegal couni •WP* Norm Ireland, aad Uience lo nort itu- tra ScoUand.

that ■film, t h w n p t " "

e a r e l l c i - S l t e f )K tns '-- ' • •.'.n.T. riKwiBwewiJ**'"

a t .W e lc o m e ^ : B T e a c h e r t

J B C l M i H K : - '-'



< A H T - B Y

! of our prices. . . Made ases on a lo\y market, te these values again.


T k ~


O E Sir tn e a a o f y o u r cnsethble—

4.95 $5 95n iT IN G NARROW FEBT


Snake River Goli Miners Uistove

[1 1 1 8 P r e J i i s t o r i c T e c

Metu ialdtohave.belongtdtoamamni a bug* bia it Uiat probablyna

*A UiU lection of l ^ o more Uu o r to TOiuteH yean ago. wire r*eenUy.

englli S S r & ' 3 n « K .Banda place a ihort dliuoeo ira

(iP> — jlagajToan eo Saak# rtT»t'n>» loiAut. meuurlag' i

. f ^ 2 , Ui*nMtBch**ta.elrcumf*renee, ta, anjtlm a t pe^e c ^ ^ te ^ t

wlUila kiixno Jure been dlicovertd ta »«Uon *0 far u known. Tli* |i wer* found M .*

mtlOBi fHt-b*lo».Ui#.aurf«o.an4jieT* bedded amocf rock*. They wen

rielStenitv* eie*ntlcM wen • r»ee madebyexpediUoojfrom UiaBm

------^ *onUn-lMUtute.aia.tnany, tBwt!w U l^ ether aslmali nnored._;..

T batetthartnow lnpes iea le Z u « ^ gm erC ock. Bagermio. a buil* ; ---------------- -------- '


HEW VORK. Oct. « ( « - 1 f i i ito jtiu ila] Improvement In Uis a leelded mobUe Induatry durlnr the t tn wu qMTtenrU Tefl*et«d4ftW « r a jport It autement ot the Oenenl Me Ume to «rporatlen_ announced aftar r u e o - marketctoiedWedneadayahowln 'edera- cinU earned oa each common al

for the period agalnit a loai du«prSi^ Uis quarter lU tje i / .--------------ia l o r. ThU brought th* eamlngi of )le be. corponUon up to 11.73 a comi ndlvid. abare for the tin t nine moniba. i a r t f f —niB-thW-quarteni-BetJnaem. m iU tr iisstms-compared-wlth-fc-lo* cuUva |i.4W 3» in th* um * Uiree mo: would l u t year and nuedthantnam on

le n< income to M1.«».7N agatatt l dlrtct 8ss.ns In Uie lame IWJ period.


fwESS nM rC H E V M rA S B T cO U P l28'Wl New Bubber-Only u m MU(

uti-OB y ny nn iw

HBdnn-TempUne Dealer <uyta - " u g s B a - A n . No; •

might r* not eather

<mS. I E X C E PT IO N A L V A LU E norUi. d u r i n g N O V E M B E R

ONLY:^= - We have a limited number o ewep- CHRISTMAS COMBINATlOl

' . - OFFEBS - I-------- w e trw tlh * y w H e4 n v w U 6 a— -PorlralU are the moet peno — l a al of any iq ir r tor CluUtmi


m[ ........................ ■

^ 1siTOW e’ll give ?18

) t lire c aeconds o f i k inds o f piimpkin e n tered In th is cor

- ........................c n te red ian d f ir s t, .

- T ' — ^ r r i i c h o o '^ a ^ in d ly i

M r. M ink’s dccii con test lose (itlo p roperty o f th o S

, will te ll you of th; E v ery pum pkin i

a s w o convenicntljG

- - . E very -one is elli____ fee! th a t you have

grow n iiercftbouts- le a n y o f th o th ree cf. A f te r prizes ha i

th e c o n te s tI .

r W I. p u :


FOOTBALL TOI " a^ u s n a m j

i l j V HEARINOS.ON.CODE FOB.................;

W h .WASHINOTOK, OeU 3J m e i J M I on ui# pnpcted IfRA a

' for Uie wool Uad* cloKd wlUi I ro hut* Bcaton’.wool tnde auoclaUon agr

UBinoth. nen t would be aecetnry'to pror Teamed ftir minimum wate.and'maxlm< Uiaa a hoar ngulatloni for im an weit<

aUy.-un. miot buyen and l e l l ^ , •,'■ni#eoaapropo»dbrtb*rBo*l

, ^ “,5 uwclaUon called for a 40-bourw« and m ln lm um .w ue* .of,r» ce; aa hour, or IIS a week, r t pnvtdKt

ig nur* enpjoyer ibould reduc« employ see,.are eempenuUon now ta excea of l ot tnsnimum, even thougii houn W' tut, and ttjncid.- ^

I toUiUbnken ingiged ta buying or »elll

ibOUt IS : •______ •ler* Im- ! ^ ^ s s = wer*"6ti

ismiui- Mm A


GAINS “ ‘S 'isT R Y - S t o r e - t h i s w i

r S - t s c o o p e d t ha Uilrd| *

— newcst-ftar Uw ■>wln*TS • in ibar*>I during ~

I of u- "Black SuedeS T ^ « d C r f fxm -o ________-100-0 L _monl-J ' W S W r

n k .

^ $2:95lu rsMUei.

HrawB Suedi— o -J Kid

BR ■ ^ 9 H i '

S o l S 5 . 0 0

iT p to- ■ ; ■ * • SHOES F t

WemntP$ 1 8 .0 0 I n C t

F o r P u n i

en aneng

$18.00 In prizes divided’as follows of $2.00 and 'three thirds of 11.00 iklns: First>,socond and third for contest; first, second and third for ■st,.BCCon^Mi third for tho best ty I.. -Mlnit.of-tKc .ngtlcLitiur^rfffpflP dltt-conscnUditoJorthe ludiylng to

: , : C O N T I S T R U L E S

lecislofls will be final. All those en tlo to the pumpkins entered. Tho 0 S.V.E. Co., to be disposed of 0 th a t later.

cin entered wlH be t a j jc d with the t ntly. can will be exhibited in our t

WHO a r e ELIGIBLleligible to enter th if contest. Ther

tve tho iirgest, o r the fm M ts t, or

Hi classes.have been awarded, checks will be


o d a y , t w i n p a l l s h i

FOB r J X ' p S l ’. M iCLOSE ol

•t m - --------------fRACOde a C C BfaVEMMT INTO- WlUl U>* mNTEB CAMPS COMftET*

WASHWOTON. O ct M m - fiobrr»‘MIS*n•dlntie^e^«M}f. ency conienaUco o ld today me movement of xirillaa ecnierva. tlon-eoip* men'from Uu Weet'io

- ' wtotff eaap* ia tb« £aft b u been•rBo«ton oomiW ed.-...................ourweek Tlie war departoeot w u tnfenned

cenu by tu ceep* area bomauodm that n U ti BO tiia lait Of coffipealee, mocitr In nnploye*' Oregon, tjtab and Wyotnlag.' had ■ of Uie been traaifem d to eu tam camp* u n wen wbert.weaUHr'wUlbaleuuvere.- ____ <ppmt<w«tfly MflflOa m en 'wen■all mer. wored br Uie war department. In. St*, and tlSainrflioae'mtll OUUUrgrt'at Ui* orielllag d m of Uie lummer camp*.

^ s h o e = H e w B = a t = D B ^

w e e k ; f o r w e ’ v e

t h e t o w n m t h t h e

f r f a l l - f a s h i o H S . - ---------- --


2 . ~

,-95 $ 3.95

Sm * ~ 5 « ! . T I . <{01 B e :c ii E

1.00 *6-85

;oh-Clarl<:S FOR THE PAllULY : *

Pumpkins^C a t s h P r i z e s

i m p k i r i s

Hows: Three firsts of ?3.00,11.00 each fo r the following i for the largest pumpkins d fo r the-freakiest.purapkins!st t>-pe pumpkirfs entered. - ' I I l e p ^ c n t . TvWn FnHs'hlgh-— - ntr to r us. . ■. ____________

M '■ " . ' r . . . 'le entering pumpkins in the

Tho piifflpkins become the of as they chooso, but we

the entrant* name. As many our windows.

[BLE?There’s no age'limit. If you st, o r j he best type pumpkin

ill be mnlled the vi-inncrs in

T - Jr a ^

Page 3: · 2014-12-12 · m F i IBEn I Edutatlon Association E------OlKii af-HighStlioQiiOuU -

h = = =


M - n e i t a a l • bMutlitiiily I r a last cvcnina: a t tho homo o

Lakes Boulevard. Parcnt-Tcacher mittee .chairmen and room mothe ner waa nerved a t nine tables.

• 'G y to B r ld jo " waa played fp prizes, accompanicd by clever Jli wero awarded a t ta c h tabic.' Tablo prizes went to Mesdam

DCithe h ljh Kore prlre: Mri. J. R. n-i SUniUord, loir, u d Urs.- Oeorve

' Dsvbon, all-cut. tUI-------TlM iom m ltw w i'^m tnB fm entt —

Included Mi*. J. J. Un. 3.D. Slnttni. Mr*. Orrln A. Fulltr «nd J r Mr*. E. P/SWluer. ~

Jb*» boaqueU of »uhimn Howta I deeonUd tbe home. iUUove'ealdeu e!e<

— w T f S t iS a n r iH r f l t n n f f T n e n u :^


lIonorln( Mrs. ElUi B]orlln<. wbo qh L If letrlng umomw tor 8ta Fnn^ bw i elKO lo m ilu her borne, oembet* p „ -^ •o n iieO c tn a itle Study Club caUr-

Ulned At ft pouluck luncheon ytt- a t .Uaiij aflcmooD a t Uia boae.oT ou Mil. EUir p.- Osrdnw. Nlnl» Ate-

Lunclicon t-u »enfed.« CM tow

log Bolden dilslc*. At pinochle pl&7- ied UUr, Mn. R a OhomM »on tho me high Kore priso. Mrt. BJorllng n - noitelned a (treircU token from the club, ber

' Uodune* EUlt BJorllnf, £111* P. k* Oardner. O. K. Weldon. Juno KUk- ihe

I nun. 0 . A.' BlcUord. Oeorgt South, me I fL 11. Jtnsen. Rex l%onu*. Otorse u i----- B(*n*00.-H.-O.-McCl*lnrIv«n-Lln. mt;— M mm d-Bnn-Tarr:-------------------- -to

I • UI

& S r \ T A SII U n . W. il. Qdrtdce discussed the nf,'

I Outnn sltuaUon at U)* t in t mecUnc I bf the iQtenuUonal Relation* Group u,7 ! Er the American Auoclatlon of Uni- m*}I fenlly Women lu t evening a t the 2"■ Mn._Weirell 8 . Wight. ^

^erntUonal condlUon*. IVi

iiroj/,4A? iiONonsu a t »« pIRTHDAY SURPRISt\ .I M r* .B .P .M a|tlvU 8U eitoIhon. eiUhr a t a (urprlw dinner party Wed* dajbesday evening. • a rtang id . by her coiiiiutend and lamuy.-other'-guesu lor»rere Mr. and Mrs. 0 . A. Bailey and ed.W . and Mr*. B. E. CUtnnder.' i


•■-ig a rs a ’a-s-i s SI^ySalnURecrcaUonHall la honor }"'

. » t Roy:BBbbel,.Tho lf leavlni ^oon Jl, Jon a mitsloa to Germany. Fifty cou*^le» «tr« pretent. Doughnuu and ic lder«reserved.T hehaU w deco^ “ * Taled In a harvest trfOT.-T

t a k e a d v a n t a g e ' -f P SOHOOL HOLIDAY I M ia Marian Snyder. Goodins.

Bnt at Albion SUl« Normal, aad LoU SulUvan are the week-end I ot Mr*. R. E. Oale. Tenth Ave* nue EbU A Priday vacation w u — klven th* itudenu to permit the fac- }i]ly to attend the dUtrlet convention o t the Idaho Slate Education Aaso*

• Watlcm here.

— CARjrCWD-iiBKTS-----fyEDNESDAY NIGHT- • Mn.'John Lelser entertained the

_^.aad.tL.Btldgt.Clu!>.W «dneK U y rvening a t her homo on Blue I«ke*eoulevan ti MM.f-Le*liro."Cd«in^


- - - $5.00

I ' W e l c o m e 1





Vr* have a limited number ef ihlrt*-Hill sltei'and style*. H to .n - a n d n lu ll .8S> SpeeUUy Price*-

7 9 c .

Osou In and help yourulT to a fine selreUon ot—

M EN ^ NECKWEAR n n e Repp*, Pallles and Ba> - eendom pattens. Value* to U o-£pedal ' '

3 S1.00


' - i f i

- i : ___ ,■______ ______________ u

f t ^ n U d seven o’clocOIHner ' DO of Mrs. E. U. Sve«Ie7, Blue dier Association officers, com- jthers wero tho hostesses. Din- following dinner, and “loker" r Jingles read by the winners,

dames L W.-Voorhees, P . B.

i h»M Mth fi-'thu i>~«liir Hun. _' per,w u *err(d a t quartet tabU* '- UctiUd«ltboran(«taper*.Ui*,Jen- ' nla UIU. mother ol the bMteo, u>

titled Inlerrlng.________■“ ■ • • _1


I UUi Jean CanoD WhtUn w u

. f tu u a ;U U k t..iO C n ta rT ;U M ^ , andlvanQarsBod,*erieasVaUarmt.

> netday evening. AU ellglUs memben

■ d S S ^ th e s o d a h h o u r ^ ^ ho*l- - esi and W n Mary.'Pnnce* UUler

' and MUi Emy lou Smith.

ATHLETIC QAUES ; JitlXERIMN-CLlUU-------------------■ The Rock Creek Wocthwhlla 'Club ' met Wednesday altemooo a t the ’ home ol Ur*. McKlniter near Elm*' berly. Ten memben and'four fueaU

• tetsloa, I profnm w u given under 1 ' the direction ot M n. Blythe Bayne*, „> Including vocal and pUao numbet*. » I U te r the women went t« the bate* J• menftora-peanut-rae* aod-aa-ln- ^

attUted by ber sUter, *errtd luoch< ju eon-*t one.larie UbU. attraeUvo b with Hallowe'en decoraUoos. Que*U were Mrs. Robert, Mr*. Ada ,,

! Butler, Mn. Uoopt and Mr*. Bell- ” ; wood. All memben are reauested to °' brlnr thimbles to the n u t meeting »; NovemberelghthatthehoffleolUn. ” ' Canle Crockttt.

’ WED3ATSANTAANA b.Theodore E. Bowen, Lot' Angele* ”

attorney, son ot Mr*. Glen Magel. te . Twin PalU. and M ia Edith Weath-> erlU, Long Beach, were married Tuet- v■ day, October seventeenth, in Orange ^■ county courPtoute. SanU Ana. Call*I foml^ Mrs. Uagel lus been Inform* s< I ed. ol

According to an Item In Uie Long n! Bcach Morning Sun,.M n. Mildred u Caldwell, Long Beach, and W. Don Bonwell. Long Bcach, tormerly ot 1

, TwlnFalit.attendcdthecouple,Aft? <{j r ter a wedding trip'lo Gan-^aneleeo^. tho coupU Rtumed to Long Beach

to remain several weeks before ea- - ; tabMiliig-a-hboe to lo*-Ah«e5»I ThebrldgegnMm,}unlarp«nnerln

the Uw firm of Keating aad Bowen.- -<4 K m duate of SUnfcrd OnlvenUy.

a n d ^ o r d '6 ( ^ '6 t 'U W :B c r a n

Don’t Forget HARVEST


U d ln o t Ihe Presbyterian Church

rF iu » A Y ,-o c r .-2 iT ir - In Church Basement Commenclnic a t'6 :30

3 5 ^ - - —



----- S5,00—

T e a c h e r sy AND SATURDAY


»50• Compart Tbein

n e n U a Value that you can t afford to pau up. All tUk


SOX' Reif SOs due. SpecUI-

3 „ $1.00n*'v5 you tried on ew r t our


We Invlle your personal Inspection


r T C - € h ) t h i n g

^ Company

— w f l r m u T D A i t T S B

[ m a k e t f f l S M OI

r * . i* r~ — /

‘/ i j tn


y m f I n l l l f c O tt'_ ___ all

—mBF• ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I M

---------------- 11 -18

I —l a*■— = i r (01

t A m O L m r ^ W 2 S 4 1 I Ki

’ entering practice In Lot Angeles be n( w u an attorney In San PraneUco ac J p p a t g ) j y e n i _ _________


Of Interest lo Twin Palls friends dt U the annouoeement of the betrothalof Miss LouUe McManin. daughter ai of Mr. and Mn. 0 . a McMartln,PhotnU, Arliosa,'formerly of Twin CPaUi,toL«*lleWllsonPrlce.Phoenlx. 4 ton of Mr*.'C. L. Johnston, Buckeye,

- uounced-Sataiday-aftcmoonrOcto* gg ber *evenlh. iU a betrothal tea a t tho ^ McMarUn home, eighteen twenty

* Palmcroft Drive, Phoenix, according h,J. to the PhqenU Gasette. 81

The bride-ctcet U a graduate of inVasur, and attended, prior l6 that jithe University of Idaho, where the lyw u a member of Gamma Phi Beta m Sorority. She w u president l u t yearof the Pan-Hellenle Club of Phoe- anix. Mr. Price attended SUnford 5 University. ,

“Ihe bride-clcct and friend* who cliaided a t the tea were all dressed In et rt


.bard, how young ; than-when I saw ;

- -itj-bu'sjraByou are "Here was his S'

— iseeret-is somethin , ------somebody else fe,- “ »_

• "Eat less and _ . more. Hate less ai

more. Notiiinj? is i ■ prophylactic.^__

^D o^yotfihavo TltOL'ULE- -^--RILLING yb iir BIras?^^

5 “ W cll-Y ou Won’t- Have any trouble IF YOU

USESuper X Peter’s High

■yclodty or Winchwlcr ' Super Spo«d Shells'.

• Close-Out

SHELL BARGAINS! .16-20 go. Shells 12 ffa. Speed Loads, for only _______ ;._;..9 1 i(N).

18 ga. Pump Guns, foronly, J------------- $ 1 7 .8 0We havo three 410 Stev­ens Shot Guns—Just the th ing for. tbe boya and Sirls. Closc-Out ,,$8 .28

Non-Rust Wash Boilers,only ----------------Good Wash Boards 4 9 t Pull Size Electric Wash- In? MBchIno“- : ; .f4 f t .8 0 '

Hot Point Electric Irons, ■only---------------- $ 3 ^

‘ DiamonI ^ S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S m

j j j g i ^ m i 8 . i r o tH o r


A T T K A crm o o c n n o o x --------------SASILT MASB - M


V . ' , . T . 0you should hare a variety ot «

frock* t a thal freah, eri«> look so mnecestarr daring busy daytime houn k about the home. A tmaU molU In ■ p wash cotton, and some gay eeoored u binding, will'emphasize the slender. 0 seaming and two pleca effect o t thU attncU te one-pleco model Comfort* gi able either irith abort or long * le < ^ ai

3U1 ts aviUable lo a l n p it. St, 4 0 .« , U.M. » and Sa su e fv

- ) 8 take»SU-yardi S» Inch tabrie and u yard* binding. (1

at— Senim H E E i r CEWT 8~ |l » r tH‘ ^

colnsorttam piCoolnsw eteiTe^or tli thU Anna Adams pattern. Write

-pUUUyBiBienddiesiand aty leaum - m bet.BESUBEtO STATE SIZE.' '

TOe • p n t r i ^ P*i|, ^ W tote y

iksnnimlou* eolfture* and jewelrr. f 'now to knU a smart sweater, gift* f?(or the kiddle*, last minute fa^ lon “

. iush**-the*»-ai*..*monf..thft t u - O ctnaUng Items In the NEW FALL ^A m M b n s B E oniO N o r t o e eiANNE ADAMS PATTERN BOOK. 0{ TOW BOOK WILL. IIB tP tOU SAVE MONET. OROEB TOUK

- r O PY-TOP ^ y i w pipg nw nAT*» _ f.OO niT E E N CENTS. CATALOG „ AND PATTERN T O Q B T H K B U] I?:E.VTlf*nVB CENTS. . Ol

Addrtsiorden to Twin PfclU Dally U News Pattern Departments • •• : m

^ = = clI newipsper account. Tlie tea U biaw u . I adorned with a larre aUver b o « of ■

Talisman rotes. Bronte csudle* tn n ' lUm'candli^ekr'SQrrounded-UW 'tl■ ljowl.nuidT«l«<n)iriir*otflaliltff n

hand-woriced linen Ubie cdoth por- k chased 10 Venice by the bride-elect n

I daring a trip abroad *ome tlffis ago. hi I Mis* Mcuarthi U the niece o( Mr. u■ and Mrt-O.L.'Noble, K l^ r iy . v

: ' ' Among.tbe Juvenile affair* of tbe ^

’ paHyaTwHcirLinSFEiuBenlieIm7 ”’ daughter of Mr. and Mr*. E. P. lau* u’ benhelm. recently entertained a t the c[ heme ot her parents, Ouehanan c

SUtet. Patricia Smith «,'on the Ilal* h‘ lowe'en contest prize and Melba V■ Holmes the tpeUlng bee. M n. U u* d ' benhelm assUted by Mrs. L O. Good- g I ing. served refreshments. t


. The Presbyterian MUslonary 60- n• clety held an all-day meeting In the iiI church parion yesterdiy. A reUy n1 rtudyba*'*. 'TIiirciirUtUn'MlMloii «ijin America,- by Hugh T. jbrrrwi* e

iN L T -W O B lElbert Hubbard

i-went-adrairers-Baidr“V Ig you look! You do not lo w yon-twenty-years-ago.-l ire'and as hard as you woii secret- (for as he himsel ling thstyoutell Bomebod tells-someboay else until

3 breathe more. Worry and-Iovemore. Complain

is so hygenic as happiness



Genuine liEISEY Gloss is alv (II). W'c have It In Clear C

^ • glcnm and Flnmlii


r Lunclicon Sets . .9 2 3 0 Sci 9 — — - r. S 40 or 60

d n ■S / \ . Elc<aric

- ( j Lamb.

> ___ ' I l i t l i t Ye

S- Lam f 3is« No.-a Tubs.- _ r

- .... .........■***. ApI, Foldin? Ironing Boards. p 9 o n ly .................... W .2 8 3<

tid Hardwa


m i e M w r i

BUBunr, O ct a s ^ t u f e n of■ Mlnldoka'and-Cama-oouDtlMl^ - urtalned tbe effleen ol-tho Wate

Crania at tbe new grang t hall «t

seven o'clock a meeting Ot - Builey Orange wu held a t which addreaes

It were deUvered by a number of prom* o InentgnngtnlnetudlnfW.W.Dea], '* Nampa, state muter: I n B. Shea, B PorlUod, national deputy; 0. W.; d Monlux, Bdlse, state OTtt*eer: .Ura.

a D. Peebler, Buhl. aUt« kctnrer.U Serenlten candidates wert obU* t* gated In the fifth degree by U r. Bbea, •. asiUM ty Roy D. B ^ -

ter,CasilaPoDonamaster,H^alat«: degree itaff, under dlracUon of Mrs.

■ Pettier, eonfemd tbe sUthderiMtn » full. In rt*alU «d u tU W by the “1 tablestn-itufin-cfllHima.'Tlilrty-

two reeeUfd UiU degree, tn prepa>. aUon for Ihe seventh deme ta be

g ih u flw 'flunna:nic>tf;

» PtnnprodueU were brought to the I*- hiHfor(xhibiviruindU»l>redDeti'

ihow to BoSte, and 'wm toned o itt . to Irene Belfleld'and Un., <a N.' “ Van Hook, member* ot t ^ borne too-,

h exhlbiu. About aoo from botb'eoua* Q ties, reprrstnUng 13 luhonlloate

GrangM wtre-ptesent. The supper L wu In eharte of M n Millard Leigh's E gnup. Burley Muter a U Addy L opened tbe session.

E UAGERIUN COUPLE WED 0 ” OOSB!R&7det. 4*-A inatTlaie B Ucewe n s Uiued to Leon Wtlcan

of Kagerman, and Mlit Bessie De* ly Long, lamona, Iowa. They were

married Friday night by BUu Oon*----- - !■ nri»^ QirvrTTBCTTiniRmTrVIK^irw^aM*' clpsl Of Uie Tuttle achooLla '>t - ............ .......... ------------ • —o reviewed. Mf* H. T. Blake dUemsed ^ ths'fcn part ol the book in the* morning ^nd Mr*. Leo W eru ana > Mn. IL N. Wagner reviewed the r«- :t Dialnlng chapten tn tbe attetooon. >• Mrs. J.D.Bsmhart presided. A quar* r. Ut, Mn. Ola HoweH U n . O. W.

WlUum. Mra. Sam Gambia andJlra. W. 0. SmIUi sang. A pot-luck lunch* eon wu served at noon.

I" ^ri^nlw uAlyj^flfvn 57 Un. J. It. t<eUaoa wu hoatea toI* Uie Women’s Fbreign Ulaslooary 80^10 clety ol tlie Methodist Episcopaln Church yuterday attemooQ at herI* home, Slstti Avenue North. Ur*. II.* W. Parker, president, conducted the I* deroUoRsU. Mr*. Roy Evans, pro* I- gram chairman, reviewed the maga*

tine, “Mlsilonary Friend." Ur*. 0,0 . Dudley. dUcussed an article tm "Ad- venlura In Uie South.” Mr*. Throck­morton discussed “Stewardship." The

>- meellni; cloud with assembly sins* IB Ing of-My PalUi Look* Up to Thee." ,y Relreshmrnts were (erred. The home.

I* en In shades ti jilfow and orange.

I R Y ^

:“Why, MirHuBT- - t look a day older o.;:How doyoudo work?" ■ iself has said, .“A MdyefeTShd'that itil finally every-

ry less and work lin 1ms and laugh ess. Good cheer is

\ always marked' with the T Crystal Sahara, Moon- imlngo Colors.

p I8 ^ S E T .,S B E a A L _ _

Service for 6 only $ 2 .9 5 |

Yca. ^ olato Baskets and Beet

----------Knives.- . - .

Apple Picking 3affs, Ap- • plo Picking Ladders,

Beet Topping Knives.

are Co.

rroBEB g r , ' i 9 8 8 " ^ -------- -

a JSipiii. '(a BO W fflr.O etJS-A reportof the ^ thaJeroma-Cooper*. a t« tlve crtsnury for'tbe p u t monUi : show*lncrusesover8eptember,]9)}.

Increase ot I3,7»T pounds over ^ p -tember, IPJJ, ____

,m. PftroDS have tncrtued from i t i ( ij , to 480 In the year, Store sales of but- i n . ter ahowed a decrease of 403 pound> W. while sales ot butter to patrons In

1^ created 3S0) pouhds. Patrons tool f. 2US pounds ef butter la September bu* IB33, and UiB p u t September thi>

had tocreated to 40M pounds. Pro. t j . tlucen were paid a total of |«9n the

t r i eelved M-ceatstormllk-butUrfatUie, 41, p u t month,’and is eenU for creamtbe buttertal. Increases of two eenta andt* i *-halfMeent.-respeetlvelp-------------IT- • BODth’i product- of • caseinbe tnm a r w pounds a year


jn - couBly .ra im tln r lo u w .ia u d ate county icbool funds ot tl l8 3 fl are per being made by County Bchool Sup* ,h’i erintendent Berthi-Rumng accord jdy Ing to (be eUu room unit pitn for

the quarterly apportionment and wUl be completed to a few days, UU* Nutttog aald today. -Tba-stste-chKli-M>t-W«Q;l»-w*»

received by County Treuurer E. 0 . " tonberg the t in t of the week. • er# I- ' -----------------L '- ’,.

i —WelG(£53'

s , : 0 :a r-w.Ir*. _____ ^

IM J LI Harvga*,0 .M-ek- Amen«*te." , ■ •

tw. P T P Til ^ f i TTTT?? _* T v ll 1!J V A i j tJ i j ! 3 ^ =

“ S m aFR(------------ --- -----------

i i■ . £ 3 ® — wUhli

frocksfe liw g You m

. ----- Psim, / / I ________mcd-in

| | 7 T / . ________dlEldua- L — TT=yflur.’8 i

— y — to save

Men’s Su$14.90

. JIen ,-hcrc-Is yonr.oppoi I buy tha t new Fall Suit at + —Tltcao-nuita-wercTuntnici I th e price advances. All

,_well t/illorcd. Buy th a t s

I Overcoa$ 1 3 #

Good heavy all wool ( Chiefly doublo breasted, belt in blue, grey .and 1 practically all sizes, , , ’I day.


“ Teachiiz J lfc ilcJep- ! .. ? . • .. . ■■

........... - . - . - . - . T H E :-


“ RIVAL, SO Itoe' ■.ber 1 COME IN a:ihu . . . • ■ ■__Pro-, . THE B E A in' ' __ T?U_WP

:S ; INO.earnand ' ' . ' ______

T^C oaisrear ^ ______

~ , itresse


& ' ' ...........' ' '■Md , ■ .

I THE Vuu*

wa»- B Q R A ~i !: o . .


vest Fes Days

SfiTFaBQCKSjJIQOOire's n new feeling in Fashion th i s '

ti a dash'flfeleYtaiTce. These sinart J<8 have iuat these features . . .I m ust see them. They are very itanding values.

___$2.5.a0__ssy Coots gorscoualy_lur-tiim*

duaIity^-and-grcjiL.vaIue.-.Select. r.’a today. I t 's jrg rc a t opportunity; nvo much. • - ...........................—

iuits ^» m miportunlty to U t^ ^ sa v jn ^

i ll wool andit su it NOW. l y V ' v 'l

ats,: i ii l l

I Overcolita,:d, w ith half :d brown. In , 'B uy it to-


= = = 5 = s a H = ^ = - S i ! ' ! : ^ ' ' ' " " T

hers-------lcefiie». IIE:-VOGUE. HAS;





S M A H T ^

ssei ' “S uits ~ 7

M l l l t m m — -


?achegis- =tAHO^ y

estival■ ❖ ;

t O O K ^ A T T H E S E * ^ - _ ‘ - V A L T J E a ; '

. Mcfl’s Dress: 4. S o c k a .2 p |a r . - « ;^ O C ,v _ Men’s Wool Btfot, Sox—


rv a ”I!^ ..,....69c .I I Men’s (^tton .Unlonri,"

^ te -_ ::6 9 cRed Top O v e r r Q Q r t

• alls for. Men '* Men’s Leatherette Sheep

a r t Hosleiy ~• • F as t Color i

P r in t s _______ 1 0 1 .House Frocks, Q C Fast Colors —Fabric

^ S ^ . 3 9 c - -72i84 Part Wool D oablo

■ ? r r . $2.98 .t a - 25r» W o o l D o u b l l _

Si: rIty ; -A n-rrW :0, a l Dff.n b l c-?: i n

I!?""'': $5.90. :::. GGnSO F a n e y S l n s l o

' $1.98 ■27-In. Heavy

. W hite OuHng. Yd. O t \ 30-In. Fancy r t x• \ Outing ........— . I v tr t 35-In. Heavy Dark Out-I S.AW2C

S 9 8 c .Women's , C*1 Q Q Dress Shoes d > i * t 7 0

SSn___ lOe. fS ._ _ _ 1 0 c

.New Cotton i O i*Tw eeds______ l * / t

, ^ y o n a n d C o t- A { \ a - , ■ ton PrintsSmart New. Q f i - FaU n o ts _

$6.90 ■ . ,ANDERSON’S

Page 4: · 2014-12-12 · m F i IBEn I Edutatlon Association E------OlKii af-HighStlioQiiOuU -

f ' S ^ s a = B 9 * = = a =

• ' ' P g »


■;■■ ■ ■ ■ umtkbat a# i . . n

■; • . , - g g ^ i J ^ f c ' S i ^ . - ” *! t a

' : *■*>*»«*"*»■ ^ *“

> ; C g u w S p g g l S S S ya tnoith ^

? i ' S ^ ^ p E 2 itii

• ratiucan •" S. '; , :.'ABiootiU U »prc<(iilooiptriupi ^

: ' .ilp « < lu jln ttiw p M tit« 7M a U u n ^ ; . b i n ’ Um lebool M u tu n tod «du- . / , 'a t e n o( Um woBbr. FubUa flMMjr J i r ■-hi* b t n b iM to eeOKt lo r ^ M ^ ^ :' " rdt'tii oUkB p u r ^ U ujiiebeoU ^• ' )wnbM aeloM dbeetitM e(Uipk7* u u .■;. ,A ent tflUaqntoele^. Buay oUmi» ^ ■.; ' t o w b m e o a p t f M t e g g l i t t t h t ^

V ■; oalr g rnrnin'im 1* f i to k l . 'j i t J jJ ~ i t i t t ' t e ' t n e l r ^

U iki u d i l r a i .a t tbeir bMt. tn ^■V. . m n & u i d ^ ■ • -

' O M b M n n n ly o fiM iw lB tb a * n n k i ot ibt UMb a i .or m a of ^ d ta u d ite rh l i& c rp iT jn t te M b n ^ a i I vbet* t o n 'n m r b « a -« n r J ~

. p k U m a ln tb tf fle ttp to ip tro u io f ■• ■•'UiB«i,'V' •■•■• ■ : • , A ,

A iM tB lk m U U d W e lu q w li “ !

'■• 'MM<Bc».>ad>-hlt tiB > ito t.d a ty •.77 to Dkkt • n m S n n M S a ru d 'O iV '

— M v m diM n e a . n n i 7 .Milt for :M iw :Z m .eaU ld» .e( .c li« teoD A

V' faom tb M M n ttr fs ik a i V ‘w * A■: • ..Hat Hail rhleK i f t ' a s m ^ * 7 I

. inil7 M e(p(od.ralM M dnriU tleai I •wtttBH ta d m wtttUB wMea to U

:•, B u r e tM ta s n N & k io a i ;. ■ :; n m tn p e tB ttfh le b ib O Q ld b c . . . ' , . : t e n » , l a ' ^ vpea t a .oeetiloa }r ::— ia e li .i t .t tk lA ilu a .M % j|flL K U OM ■ ' u l i ^ t o i i d i ^ o f o a t e t t e f n ltt

. thU 9to fM ii« V d iMr-pwpla t n ^ : i b e ( n l r « a le u t lu t th t M T U h n ^ ;—• .th ine > n r* t» y .w U h th w tp ljr th a mm ;. UadU«tiM eQ M U adl'o(Uitlrrlilt.iecc

• ‘ ilffnM "f Hit tw fli- ^l _ m J c f c « a J l w . e u ! « t s S „

(b tlr m u d n u ll c e n t T»7 U rftlr eept_ ta Um. m u ^ m o m i of k dstjr p t-

------->Un>ty ind fliMTftillir pftrfnmiHl. t —-~ - - - i s

Phu' A m u B u o t t m

A UMdy old h tto of m ljr d ty oS!____ f o u r tttw rca wu t n l y a M m •au

fiildwta wHowT u m r dffli to «clew to WMhiaitoa. D. 0 . thli ^

- ^ ..- i l l ic n v e n a e iu t t i tb lD f iu n d lo '- ' n U or tlrpUsM vbto Uil B r tm dou

ttpedUleoi n r a pUawd tod « # • ^ «ut«d.'p»nw UUppwi ta d w n lo |l “ to th t wecld f<r moathi tod j tv t. tone

■ tfd rtfU r'Jetitu f .U w i& tpnnin ''* -« n « imp =

' « y v n a t t d for. oflcaer Usu 'aot mm n t i t l M i r r u c b U i|o iL U r.B tld -

. u toittid tftnunbcrofiucliT O T im •ad oa tb i U it ot tb M to Mlaeteen lisadnd oof, rJiU* b* /a lM et bSi , otOeeUn, b* latredaccd for tb i lin t

■ ttm* tb t a n o{ U» m tU eamtra'- ‘ - tn M t r uploraUoa. ib t jUmi. vhlch b i brooibt feKk ftna ' tb i ' '

' ( t e m n o tb ttlne lcd r a id vlda 4 ' kttntloB. I

. . . -----O D lrth re D ftiu d d tB tn ib ttc v . IT otcd tr e n ttk lm p e t to tb i a u ■

r ~ ~ i r S K t t W » « i t t l a S w fbtm dnd Dlutr-MTCB. tb n n ih d i .b r tn b k M p teroH tb i AUutlo >tw w i n d « t tbK tu tlO c potnt tb i t

' d iQ rtttv th iap idm flO K toa t.'ltia 1. ftndim « ( tb i n tu liL i o( Uw putj J

ttSM y w n tfo d o n d up tb* iDTt* * t e r .ot tb i faOmt of c u . t f ttu• tr ta n K <( •& M i r ttttap tiT "

B r i a i m u n e li t td vttb W itt« ,:wvi«itB b t m o( tb i t i t u n a >

- p ]« n tl« T iatvM ta d ww McsBd - Ift e ao n ta d SDdcr B u r A dotnl tM i y c a e iH duh lD lA tb i Mvtbl X «ttt bo cosaaad id l a epedUleo _ «r Idf o m Mitwei th i B(c» a n * g

. <aOirpbB W dofU 7«<tb«blc& & i E t e d t e a eenaietid. n WM bU u i t B

'V « a d t« b tp ^ b ii( R tta tf iQ a n .B « ■ ■ did bet t i t t o n c » ^ to M ts to f I *

.. . flw a a i l MfUaff f « tn r of b li I i w j i m I.■ & m ka o ta M aasQ f Ibe pto>J L

r ^ la M i r n p t o tU a s d u r ln c U i i i ' ti erfttttbiKtaildtieoTeybyPo^x g

" «ad .«u iiir ta d .bi .i4pim«di7. c « r ? : td M o d .a a s b lo t .k s n l id i i of li I Ig t{|f aatjunuBOit

m u . Wbtti b i 'f t lB r to r tip 'tb a w’ b * e i» 'w h le b l« i^ tf li} * o a n ta a . "i p a n ^ - n tn f t l S. b m J S u i i f u a b!(h id raune m: n lo t ' ta d -p e rb i^ eootrlbutid u n i maeh u 't a r otbo ito ili element » I to tb i inecMt vbleb tUtnded tb<r g , ottBtti Of tb i rnon neeeufuL.• O t dMtb M a p t« > elcM t u»*; rd tad .f tB O ttb lic tn e r.

; n u V A T B ^ 'r t ^ C INCOMES d

I to IIO toqnliUca pokto« Into tb itr a I u lti jr . UiU ta d 'tb d r toeoma H t to ! fortl^' to a m p tp e r bndltoei. Wo “ - m -«q 'im dentuul-bo«~ U Ji~3bo ^ I m n.'eooeenU ' fetl. tb tt “p itn te bi

: tb e tr tn n o u itn n o b o iir ib u iin e a , g «M ipt\pcrbipi for ttu t lo a pur> ^ i m i ta d B M w lrn a n u n u eT T s t •tloo t about th it, too. U w t of m, to Ibo ituM of Xufcsa V. a n c i , «

otben, ufflid tod unauied. getUof IW.000 to • Teu for nua>t|«U l«r'adnliiU tntln)ob*.w oiild ettpii 1Ul»1h. Kererlbeleti in vould "b o w n a i . ■ ■ . > g. HBaun ttlM i, M dil Tduoi, pubi U:

llo TtluM, mint bi TMppfttoed from «

r t . i w tmdcnotoi »o epochil rt*

la tba aeir'lUti, u dim outUaei " o e 'tb tm tp p e tr . 'tb i todlrldatl p ^ . l M tnd IM m p o rtu t w d *1 M d«tym ent!s^ortuit.P i1rttinlitt ' itoki ta d pobUo rilu i riiet. F iln to 1

MrriM tad tb i Uiue nu {ouiw '* oaL

i t a u r w v«U bo ncccaJad tb i t . priAto InttnM a u u im e n l I tk it . eo 'se ra o( t poWo quU tr, ind m to b t i to foboilt'to n u n publie refu* to UUoa ta d unuD i n o n publia rei* " pooi>haitle(.lfeatopnnt«buitoe« ^ lo ti ctttaot iip ic t to coattoui to- u d U l^ ^ 'n u k to c f ir aun 'm oaijr OE out ot tb e s .tb ta It m idi out of " pubUo bittlneu Johi of rquil leops ^ ta d rvfpoodbiutr. ve

TIM e h ia p Ukei tlrni, but It «IU or work out. llM fInU remit ibouU bo ^ food for both p rtnU ttdpuW U bof gj to w . Our p r in t! b ttiaeu men vtU in bO Bom odtl'U lndcdiadfM ltM ro n : poUiQ r«pgotii)mi7! ta d v e . ib ia » ; b t n U to awn p t« ta i o m tolo „

. r.(

H 4 / biiB / MAItK 8 ABBON

(AuoeUted F i tu BUrr Wrller) ^mrar t o r k . ocu 94-Eusem ”

a M d l'« Ju n it.d 9 m t U o f .tb e jn : ^ nltUoit tbrN .K t mitnire. but be . b i n t tbtadoaid tb i Idet of uk tos ftlo a itto u to d o th lac i. , l. J t o t o f n b w iu li of “Ab. WUdtr- a e a - t tw u d id d e d tb i to a io t . tb e ^ lecoei needed lomi illth t nvldon. ^ After WbOurt of w orto-K iU lftoll- fS Ijr tam ed to Uu nvrllten iccne. I t " « u .m e U :M t.tb i-o r l|lu l .o n e .e x i ^ eept tb i t two Unei bid beta cut out.

n Kimr n ia ffbea* ” m 'B i i —

dlieom td tb it teton. ilks ele- 11 pbinti, b » n Ion( DMmoriu. Wben >1 b it XtQout actOT'fitber w it nuyiwf

Oouat ot Uonlo Crtato” to tU OQ»>nl«bt i tu d i to the eountir. tM n i tn riled wlUi tb i troapi • u t^ flS it-iitir tt* B titr--tn a -iiw — pUred t mlDor n le . N itu n llr be

'*[ ^ w*7w)ibn)tniasiivlat»*t}Mut> rie doun or mon ic lon be knew to tbi tbe d ijn irben be w u troupinc wllb ] "Crltlo." And s e n lr «U.of them, co btnkrupt, would Uki to m ik i t tn touch for t few^dolUn trom. tbeir lo

s e e ; : ^

^ O T N

‘-ilGHTINCI ' K'llk

£ c t I p m a r c e l in eN y N | | ROBERT FII

STANLEY I SkeeterB lL t

r^ U W E '- / T w C B n n ______

I 10c A m 25cI MAT. ta d EVE. 'L _cw »u»>w i 8 b w a u .

ail' t u n a T a i t r Um U t i i t i r ; ^ w U u (X bouM )u d beea b tn l i M npb« br

^ r T b t Uf,-bid wolf w u BHUlae oa ^ Ita « o e S ip w b n oleat ctffli, "Ab • t W U dm M r wltb a Mcm) to ja w U efa-rabM ocnrdlflB e'-it~«eB'. . imaod b r Um u to n . T b i ib tk r V bnwb oooater won U» U n tn e t to & « p » W U b iL a tB » d u c U tt iL im i to nlcbtt wblcb b r t ^ to enouib 'ix tn II r m a a t to ibow ft Udi profit. l%a St re itftin n t owner, btosnlf, aov ti 2 try tef Ut WTlU a pUj- te wbleb «

Mf d to w It lerred to m y art.

». Map ]da|(i <»l a Um window of one ot Uicas

t r a n l tcandta to ib i lowtr m t JI ild i e ttitto f to Um fomcn>bora ^ lU adiabBdClotM efUM world.^ I t t l oa« of Um m n tt Attiwtiaai

tr m u r e r t b m o l d ^ t o d M T t o It lon«n tontM .lookla ta tU »aM pet fa tb i coitatiT wtwn tbix m t beta.

. U M |I td U |b t to U M q m ir b e a to ,

I , New York It bomi to U ua, n * . ”

* 'n z f ta U b tle e a i i notiiaeoil'Pto*d ebot..wtartoi a . d n t i : . A t . c a r ^ “ A red. blowtoc naoki r la p a t the ^

OMatoa ot Uu new Eufcw OTttlU " , p ltr . U ln Ptoebot. wbo oaee piaied *,

f Um auQ to ' t b a Ultiele,’' l i new " a OM ot MW Yotk'i DQit lueceutul ^ 1 buitoaw-wmwn.-, Bbt OBBTttflua. £

f: ^ .'s sa !ra .u » h „^ i« ^ Jcr, U nlekatmM "Bptrk Flui.**— T*.. : s

? t i n k f i n i i ' > 6 u r

i 0 = O ! i | t i : !BESPEOT M A 'n t v i u a i T

t , JBjrAUMCUrlMBIebmond,. „* 'fiosM people tbink It r e ir tnuii- U<0 toK wben Uttir btbr. ]u it le tm to i u

to talk, Mjrt to lu motber, .‘I t tou A^ dont let me. n i iptnk jo u / or “If J 70U tell Dtddjr, l i t p a ^ TW." tl: *, Bomt moUun wlU itta d for rren el I* blowi tro o Uulr children/ retwa* y tB | tM r t a r 8B ia 'B'[« r g niffC8-n F n1 dentaad wbat It U doto*. . . bi . Ot coune the child undintandi. bi ” U doei not tltp or thrcaian totd> bi

vertenUr but onljr wbin It U tn c rr °< U or afraid. Oould one fed that I t a< « pie^Ir w u mtklnc eoQTemtlon ^

o u to f tn r a e o tA o tta lk l tb td o n r ' Ui „ beard. It would be poMlbli to o n r- ^ look Uw illuttlon u d Terr quIeUr » a eiplatn to Uie child U terU iatIt bad to a made a o ltu k e . - ' "I. But too often Uu cbUd'i tooi ot n ” rolco aod angrr looki bctny Uie

rsctU ittitU gultacooKlouiorwbat Ui . It ll m t o t tn d do la trab roB t ta ir wi

but f ^ W r In U» child tod botS? »>' er U ut UiU U l a -- iti i& o tio m u e h a c h lld td u tr to wl m peet lu ptrenU u Ita prlrilefi. I tH U ied u tro tp a n n tito c u lU n to ^

I aad-anika.m pect trem. tbe.tiiU d. ^ ID en la ao UM to prtachlns or da* ^ maa<ito|U,ier-nDle«UMebiId7idi •« It, aoUung can "i«*m blm ibow It.

It dota not eoniUt ot rlilnc when bi hli ptienU enter UMropm. or otd«> /

' f r r ^ to hit E^ab’ wlabet or ot W tot, "Yei. fiUier.’i and "Yei, mo* ®*

. tiier." AU thcM geeUiret mar ex* " !” prta rupect, or Uwt mar be uiedy trbea-nff-rapeel e iliU -------------------- ., To toiUt on the outward fonnt ^* ot reiptct wfth chlldnn li nluabli. (or Uw child, but It li lUU more la< £ . portant (or him to fed an underlr* < f uwadmiraUoa a B d lo n to rb lip a r- ^

end, which would nsaki It inpou* ^ .: Ibla for him to tu^n oa Uitnf to n* a

not* Or aajer. . _r -TlM-i*ren» wboae ebUd treouent- '' 1r dliplan n d i fed lnn would do ^

w eU toK ovhenbeordw hutalkd .

; j i i i N i s ¥ I

i I T P ’S e i B E S 'J-------— --------^* JEnO M noet.»-M ltelnU M tw r. H

m tlW4t tha b»e o( hii broUier- j' u^iiw, iL i^ThUiei'rin' U* D fin *I rifw-dbtrid -WMDwdar-emiter ~1 about 11 o-elodL *1 lie cimeloJeronii from Norwood. * 1. Colorado. Utrea rean t|0 t(ter iuf<k (RlR| an accident 00 hii rtneb. Due Pf lotbeycldcnthe lwtwnmtKto “

: S £ c L M m r _ * a i L f ^ d « ^ r j

N o w T O D A Y


G PAR soil!Ilk Admlm it IINE DAY « d

.FRAXER g S r t T t ^ lei - lY BLYSTONB r » iiBcbinc ^ 31LL ROBBINS •

1L ' D U N U A J I U , , . . _ iCt, WALta - nlatoc caapi

^Miedr *Tbe n a a n ;* • 6«nle Z »t>rjont» to ‘OortoB Ot q5 5 lt?-»TetTytoaa •fleta SlaBt J a g . ,|

S m B

\ m m m

f •;

t W A S tnN O T O N .O C tM ^ JU ^• U e a a j « W - « » W •

lartof Uw iiwmfwork fer a -p5fi?e leal tpoUf* I tn i to tb» i m . cc0^ ' r gieiileu i l tanipalpi. ' ' ■•* *«i ~ ; word b u been u c n U r tn a ^ t * 'B tedtoaU JU poblleaaappelaUntf-.- f tdaIi-to-nfuia-lo-rut|B /-to-lo«» - , Uie pitaldeot to o u t tiuav n « a a . ; ir tn Uu tacUa o t VUlam :0,. Humpttfff, recenUr d littliiM . Mw'

a lw b eto r(d lo w ed b y * .'^ b C T :c t . ; ftderd diitriet attonwra tbrocicbeat . , tbeeouour.: - Hi# -departaent -o f- te U c o ’ »] mitoUlntoi tlfht«Uppad4 n « a e e i about Uieaa dedanta. I t U ddrtof , to(o Uidr recoidi, bow m r, wlUi tb i I idea ot tpplriog «uiet p rem rt. to : ietrldD ( U iem .T v o T « a « co to u t *■ When th» ttuned wlUrfonnal-oaiter -• ptocecdtoci .. - ■' 'Tta idea bebtod Um R apupeta

plan U to Uirow a .lan a a u ^ ot iheM cam toto Uu courta ao aa to create an Impretiloa ot un ru tratoid

" poUUuf Jol«natebln^-------' -■ ' A i» r • ■

TTtjnendoui under<orer tltorta- u»-b(to|-inidi4og«U 4lS«U b'lnto -

New-york-i r« l> ho t« tre ra itr4 t|b t. -OuperaUIr oa Uw .ddn ftln .

Tunffli&r 'BaU U exbtutU ai irerr ntoanf to g tf blm to daeian t o -

. lU U iror O’Brien. Oita K eIM M r a n no len letlout to trrtog te i e t I Al to Uke Uie itum p tor tb d r man.I A ll triendi are aartnc B ln ta lr• there U no cbanco of bU '.dotot > I either.. . ‘iher wbUper Uiat be ao t oalr

' but thetr backen I n n m on ao. He - . b u DO tnUntion. U ur declare, of fr . bdplng Uie blundartni. Curtr«Ue | | r cooerm achtnartaatotoU iaaaddli, nI nor ot UlUni a (to itr to aid Uu m, Flrna-rarter. t h e m ._________ _ ■ bi

r w m .^ ( h quartc* ooqm d io uj a ito rr about Uie laeiot m aaiun r- j .

UdCet, It leemi. w u reaUr-'aot

m anther were'tfltr-waa-Al. - . . — „ . Be countered Uulr propodUon ? wUhoniof hliown. .... 1.-

-KotolBfdoto«."blalrlendiouoto “ blffl u aarlni. “But wbr don t jo u k, do UiUT a e t 'DoC copdaod-w e? YSfPI -um atlo ir^ e artng7 - > ^ 3 aenatorwto nm. Ha U Uu b e r t . ^ ^ tetter to Uu caunbr. Tbea apt»fat ^ me to hU Mat tn the i« a ^ ," “

That ended the nesoUaUm. One ” of Uie l u t thtoj* Uu ™ mtoWrtUonwanUU Alfred t a n j l tb K to Uu trnlted SU tti tenate. , ^

O to e rta p a a i , , - T O i r t i a c i r e to Mil* OM-bBlOB doUar depoilt ll(5u ld iU » . a ^ ^ Juit inaugurated b r tba preddent " U iaB appttn .on.the.i^aea. J?

Oiteailblr. It w u enaled fof Uu S piirpoM ot axpedUtoff Uu reletM of ***

L oir M ajw U U le Rock. Aikanm. and T l r f c i S a r ^ i i B d a n a n r f r r dulub, Kentnckr..Ttm ertlienlceaw lU b i conducted

a t Od Tt iT-BplacopaHhufd>.«>.yitt» d i r t t Uina P. U. The eiiket wOl not be opened a t Uu ebureh but wIU be open troin 11 A. M. to a;M f^U. a t Uw J . R. WUer tunerd borne. Ia> tinnent wUI be to Jerome .cemetsr.

JOK-K HATBi._ n e « InrtnieUon to Uw puUia achboU doein't retUr mein Uiat we ibouldnt par tbe Uicben a ( d r Urine wage, r b wbatt aood par for enrrbodr helpi' m iki Uia Oood l ln u i Juit trotuid Uw



A» HOUE OP T n u u a S f*— FLUB — -----------C«Md7’Carta»DB N m llr-N m

And ChapUr K*. I •T O I I M C B K rraM *

-pBBTUB »AT mOUT AT Ul— (Aad 8» , M « , aa l^ tM t* .-

8 * ® % UflRVMORE i f ^ •ONEiwifJ £ ■ 9 ^ JOURNEy



K o i t t I t’a An ta Pan. U d iTcN trer B a in Oar Prtfw*

. K P O a S - ^ -» .ADCT,T8 tie

A H o fm iD A T M O M jr o t lg g

■ For Heaven’s !

a W ^ m m A


t l Ib /kto —M t H - _____ latHlKvS^ . - >it. _

9 . — UUM^


ir ' ■

le —^ (roan depodt* to doted binki.’n ia t ^ It onlr tU ImmedlUi purpose. Then J U anoUur tdneUon, perbipi ewa,

1^ g o m s a in t U now cxamtolng _ binki to prtpantlon tor Uw open*

Uoo ot Uu depodt g u a ^ e a act on ;* Jinuarr 1. Bnndredi ot Uum bankt'* are not toi be able to meet tba

. nuR.P.O.'w lUpuid)UeUwpra>* (erred dock otm anrtecbnleallrJa- I Klrent bankt, Uiut bringing Uielr* Mlrencyttptq p a r .ln aconiaof oUur r UKirtoo tirberood'bope.'tha bankt'° vin hare to be liqutdaUd. Where It . It-poolbUr-tbli w U ® mergen. W hen U u t li unanlUni. u binkt w U be c lo u l

^ S f S f i S i o( t h e i e . b S i t o > ^ S1 tnd wlU) ai> touudU ta.aad maxi-

mom p im e n t to depodton. The:■ preilflpifdoeinotw anianew batch ^ odongdnvnoutbankrecetTcnhlpi

and liquldUUoni.Merrr-ao-Boaad

“ A»erieka"toomieb*a-irw-elther ; becomtogtcarter or people a n m on . ' paUent about them Bpoketmtn o( . . th i denUi labontorr toduit^. te»> : f Wring a t Uu NBA eodiM» :

; NOW! I55A r


; thel > ^ M h ! r 3 ^ the


H P iv m\|B»*hE7 >


g, ' -<C7wm* ' . JA AbmV- B

'a Bi^ore He

p — A “ ; ,

'___________ • coprm nt,

lat da ted tha t Aaertcani are aow btT- m toff oalr about h d t Uw deatai work

done Uiat Uwr tu d ^ o n the de* m p ttid o n ....T h i agriculture depart*

m en tU rdeu in f tocounlragentiaU m orar Uu couatr}’ a sew tbre«wMl

moTto hit enUUed-UoKiuUoei.''Tba h» p lctun “Indudu manr nnusud

under.wat«r mlcrolcoplo ahoU ot larrao and pupae.” U u ot Uie tOm

n . ll tree, but tnniportaUoa cbargei ,lr m uit bo pald.,.-01rlUaa cobiem* itr tloa oorpa cunpt h a n been a boon W m m«ny imwriplnyM relflTa e t t ^ It n a ; 1079 b a n been ctUed btek toto

h , Ute lerrlee'to act u junior OMicen? to U iecaffl^-& rtddlU on:7»tTrar

rcaenre medlcU oftlcan b a n been m emnlored. Conneetleut't Repnbll* Z can R e p n w la t ln C b a d a ll i Bake* up weU wttt«i ln:W tO oagn«loittlO l- j} rectory Irioinlpto- tb it be w«< a (1. profeitor o t p^oaophr i t a nnm* be ber Of unlnntUei. todudto* Y di; ch d w b i U tn Elk and a Blaion.... IH The r u l name of CUrtnce DUIon.

lenlor partner of DOlon. Bead as Co, i t c tann ie OlUon U powikL...Be waa bom to El Paw, T n u , when

ler htoparenU aad reJallTeaiUU rwJdar m ...o tdeeno tU ie rubbertlnm anu* o( (aeturen uiodatlon toM NRA of- »■ (idali Uiat Uier connimed oTcr (oar le* toni ot paper to dreuUUng amoni


E R H R O N i :k . DANGER!I ROMANCEtr . INTRIGUEl= = ^ = — ^ A -F ttttn -WttrA -------- ;

AUDETl'KrCOlBER'Pllen Lyon * Etiiest Tomn'ee “I know thinffs they don’t dnro to print. I know the drama . . . and comcdy , . . tho loves . . . Ihe hates . . . tho fine th inss and tho stink­ing th in g s . . . o f l ifo . . . and . w om en. . . down there on the W aterfront"

i c itn staa .


I 4 i B .£!%• 1 j r a M n I

Hel^ Comesl

B ^ 'S -

* • . '

;____________________ i g « r '■

t, im .^ r 'n u New York TrUnni. la t.

UT- Uulr memben coplea %t propoaed m v codci (or tbelr lnduitrr....New ^ Vork’i Benator R ord 6. Copdand ^ eiplalni tb i t be dwar* wtart a red

canaUonbecauieredlitUfflnlaUnc. ...Preddent Rooaerdt trequentlr lu f a boacb of gnpet oa U i a(flce

rbe dnk; he mundiea Uu fruit while ™»} he worka.,„o* (Coprrlgbt. i t t j , br tJnlled Featun

Bradieate, mcorporated)rgeiTt* —

iS T M iiT I S I ^1 F l i E i P H iike* •, . . - 1 ^

• '•^ lto jiB M i':iJu b ;:ih » to ''> d la m,. high tcbooi draniU et organUaUon. lie: wCl make Iti (Int- appearance thti

ermine a t a program a t the high loo. Khod auditorium in cortnecUon'wltb Co,

lenJ d f c --------- _________ ;____

IlilillljlUtlllllaj■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ M B

_ g 3 E E B l 6 S i B 3FLOlfR. Old-Roae.



2 -WHITE-Laundry Soa:

*' C K iSl'A irW ^diii^i

' SU G X iV C lSlrB arl

M n.K,TaUTinaUllI AMAIZO Golden Syn


LETTUCE ,Solld Hea


II BREAD, White &W.

I GOLDEN Byitam Coi



7 ' ^ T ....■..... M E .Pot Roast C 0 « Pound.______D & 0 C

.Hams._Whole.or H alf-P o u n d ____l ^ C

20 Lb. Pall ( g i Pure Lard__ i p X a D ?

■■ '___

' G em -state WoIf= ' , Popnlatlon f f M

- O ttC S tirT eyshW s''noBE <w. *.m-aaa(i ^

— T w fltO «i^liU 'been-afloufW pe4*^ cnL

°Pg* •- - - •ibna.-UM -rtata'predatory-aataul -

■board dlKloaed tcdar,to lu monUi- . ly report o t kini. ‘R u deaUa wloed . out.aU Uw known wolrt*. (or ^ .

la it Btaw c tn tu meaUooed only two, which ruffed alont Uw BdaoQ rlr> o Bear the Idaho countr-LemhI

. ooonty border, aad at U aet over toto ' M«lina.Parestrrof(lclalioaBdueU

in i Uu la to t lu trer n ld no otben i had beea found.

. W olm h a n bero Karoe ta tbla

tor a numbq ot rean , ^ t tev betos repotted to a decade. -

Durtos U» monUi ot September,. » « eorotei w m kUled and U wud

ealfc-BouBUM-and-adarr-to-trap.— p ^ i y l d out durtoff Uu m ona to*


Award of contiacU on (our projecia • w u UDOunced b e n , toda, Uu , itate bigbwar department. The coa* L

■r- trac t!’proTlde'tor expendlton o t ' f ♦5MW7J# on blghwari to lU Ne* ndatountle i.

Oeofge Prtncb, j r „ o f Btoekton.- Callforala, wJtb a bid el IMJ7i73, w u aucceuiul bidder tor conttmo-

___ tlM Of ISJH itillM nf WMrii t y InH ^ o l d t countr from Ororada

• Gibbbni and "feed comp««r, of S d t U ke citr , bid »lso,oe&3i to wto tbe award tor 1U7 mHt< ot eon*

____r tj r tJ e a .J a tSark-wttoly belweeo

On a bid or tin ,7 n .U aeorge Fd* lock comptoy, ot Bacramento, CiU*

— (ortlarob ta toad -u ie -con tneu to r— —— /.nnitrtifiiwfi b e tw ee a__ .B udt..andJ?piJddL tn.M I«nL iad.i^

Esmeralda eounUet . U u VUh coatinieUax comptay ot Ogden, w u tow with a bid' of tUSMlOO for i;onttmeUoa ot 3I«9

' mllH between Uignuuon’t aad OtiTle to While F)ne aad Bko equa*

laa. = a = ^ = a = ^ ^ s = !

EducaUoa uioclatlon. Tbe Uarle* Qutodub.dmllir group(tomQood* ing-coUege,' will ato preient a one* act par.

. ^ e program oa wbleb Uicm two iS,*: pUr*appearwiUbegtoat1:JOo'dodc •

wlUi a'Vocal td o br U i« 'Clarice Baunden, and Tlolto obligato br UUa Hdea Parrott. MlM Parrott w « alto pUy a TloUn ido . John W. Oondit,

itun lU te lopertolendent ot publie toitruction, will g in an addreit pn* i ecdtog the plari. k

T h e wedding.- by John Kiik* f » pdrlck. wUl be presented br Uu \I — M isqnen,-under-the-dlrectloa-ot—’ Mn. Bonnie Mae Slmpioa. The e u t I I I Includei johnBreekenildge.Ulrland HM se n n a . Violt Oooke, Pairli Ltad. n l ' l Rophena Kmter, John Harden and

.' i r ta i «cbaeter.A pIari-»TJe.'i*br-»ig«D*.OW«UIr7-

Rdli win ba .W T a'b r ibe,(otowtot;eut ' Uon. (rom Goodtog: Sam Cbapman, thii Vance Pemlng, Jack Oooding: RuUi

high H anattr.D oaB U kderandO onJoo wltb Xrwto.Mn.o.D.Merrll] la director.

. in o D T K W a , o Q e, w.u..gACK _

AND COBN J tM E S - ■ T l - '' LABOE g n a i n o , ■— l i e

BAUD DRKSRINO n n 'QUART JAB ...... ...... ^ g C

Soap, 10 B a rg ------- 23c

4 -W -M E L t< » V M :C 0 F g E ~ t VACUUM PACK J

27Cu). jj g T d l S r l ’i i g r S i g ^

i ig f lO T ^ g ‘S S E v ::5 7 c - -

M l Brands. Each ........fic

Synip, 10 Lb. Pail .59c

lOQO Sheet Roll. Ea. 5c

Heads. E a c h .... ........4c

t Special... S U 5 J 5 . 1

i W. W hea t Loaf . ....5c

I Com, No. 2 Tins 3-29c

? S ,lL h .T in s ,2 fo r2 3 c

a n iitB u tte r • • a T . l2 c


cc a ^ ^ i o o '1

9 a ' ‘! l - . - . 8 c ■

. . .

Page 5: · 2014-12-12 · m F i IBEn I Edutatlon Association E------OlKii af-HighStlioQiiOuU -

J f l l l E U ; B i E B 5 I E n _

L l l i f f l O l i L i. OilDWELU Oct X - n x MW

■ OQOpenUn buik i t Berktl«r hM M >~w5 m lbitn t of P WW) tP if lS

.tb# Nerthirestwn Turtey Orowen •isocUtlcm, Tlth b«tdanut«n- .t t f r

. 6 iltU k # a ty .T h tio iT tn ta llo n b M '* lj, lU le unlU la 'U onU u. ColoiKlo^ K

. .TTUli, Idiho, w ^tactum . 0 » i m M tn d N endt. Is tddltloQ to ttalf, th t ■ B .Korthn#t«ro Turlej a ttw en u u - BeUUon h u , h) Uu lu t th m m n . ■.bUUt up u o ^ U o c capital ot ip< ■proxlflUlelfWOflOO.Thli amount t* . ■

.(elher « lih Ui« tcminUmeot t ta n B

utoeUUoD I quiTter ol a minioo .M • doUan (or maklnf adraae* p t ; - IB

• imenU to the turkey roiw Ti a t the I g___ tlma of (ieUmT .____ _ ________ E

In Idaho, tbs IdihftEfBPToduecn I g with he»4otiimi»_atCald«tU and M bransh autlooa at Twin n u T lM

' Pocatello. wUl receive, pack aad ahlp ( i the IiSaho-Tolume ot tuikeji for the 19

----- Morthwattem - Turkey-a tow^ _ S— joclatton;-lt-ls »nnouneed-at-lhe --W

heidQuarten ot the Idaho Z a Pro* \'i ducera t|>*t .tiiB Npyeabtr Turkey h j

' C th# tin t half of Norember. D eT ~ MI inite reec\Yl:)s vUI h« an* ■

I npunctd. soon. During the first 10 ■^ day# Of Norember live birds' for ■

drt«lngwUlberee«lredatthaCald»n i l sUUon. After that tine dressed ‘

•hInJjicUlborecetred,L u t year the Idaho Ztt Produe- " X i

t n received tuc^yi a t IS alatloot a r

e n O rtto o . This ytw (he Idaho E|8 r t,Producers will rtceUt turkeyi In , each of th t principal turfay powln* . nil 'communltltt, whererer a croup ot el< l ^ u c e n detlru to hare tuiceys ^ handled through thla eoeperatl»e —

-It la loo early to announce any | | | | h definite prices os turkeys but thero IIUi

— jnom rind lca tlon-that-th r-tu rker — 7?— crop throughout the United BUtesU — U ~c(inaldei'ab!y-sm»Uer-than4a*t-ytte.

. and the eo:d storage holdings wlU be ■praeUcaUy cleaned up by Woretnber

. .1- . - RP' " today


" ____ • j I n *

~ 'm 5lo°*ub^of” 't t e 'H i Z i n ^ Wgh Khool under supervlsloo of MUs •BUnche Cunle held iU first raeellni ^ Monday eTcnlng. Tho club numben ^^te i about 40. Otflcen chosen vers John fu^ce ;Wtchle. prtsldenti HobetU Oridley.

••vleo president: t o t l t a Woody, aec- « t* r r ; BUly Woody, ir tasurtr; Der- ( jw r ■tha Woodhead. manager and adrer- Using manager. Leo Dennis. PUni

•were dlscusaed for the first play.. which WlU b t given In about three N|

4 weeki Tryeula for parts have ,been f b e ll ■ • ■I . Report cards for. the past six J*™*' ~ .weeks lohlghsdujol-werelssuedfn-. 8^

j’day.Thoso who gained the honor n lU w ere: . _. Senlon-Hlgh honors. Agnes Jen*I jn s and Bertha Woodhead; hoson.VenlM Pugmlre. John Ritchie. AMyi

— OUdys8hari>4 M-Z«r«lta.Woody^- j,.junlor»-H igh-hoaQ r^»«aiyiM - . / ' S dy and Tay Stacey: honors. Oonna Lou CowUy. May Olle, Mary Ascu-

-eta. Rlt* Largaa, Harry LeMoyne, . ahd Agnes Paijons.. Sophomopes-Hlgh honor*. Allein * Beddlngfleld: honor*. Thelma Klrt- ^ o t* .

- -tond rad Louisa Whorton. ;; Prtshtnen-U M ar Bell. Henry par- •

• <TOir.flamHays,MaryHendron.LoT- ■ells Uortenson. Luelle Parrot and ilh e ln a Woody.

■ >A b MERs' WANT DAMAGES, POB « B B raOM AXBPtANK ' PAnOO, N. D.-flparlu from a 3o*-fIylnj alrptono set their grain “

_j*flre.-ticoJannets.chm e..anl.they o ,- - „ •want tn tiO . .V . Q. ; Rtoben Anderson aad Oscar John- '■on bfouiht suit m ln s t Worthwcst_____

. ::Almy». inccrporatco.. jw in T U lf DAM ’• e V .o t shocked wheat and two of > u l t r went up In smoke,. , j


OMAHA. Neb. - Max <UtUe " ^ 1


- ; 8t.-Loulfc-U going to. try a come-B^ek-at-lhe-falr-ln-Chleago.---------I > B rtn ton ls tf . hU halrU graybut,J ;-I'm in the pink,-he aald. • X m

I OEAT nuR E « ) PROVE s n r s( ? -WHAT BRE USED TO RE*

_ j 0ld _ g ra i j .m a re .-j rf lC j« « w O ?. ••prove lo>lsllors~litrt.lomorrow:»!ie

—^-Jm v-*hat^sh«-us*“ —" -^DolU^wMlbom In Le^an county _• the year of th* land opening, tic k T o a n

la J8M. says her owner, Ed Yales.Tates will have his horse tn the (

'• A »hI conreyl

' Real Estate Translsrs KBogerK

Ptmlilied by th t tntennoontaln f : 'J ' ^Till. Quaiant, c«paB y

' —1 erty ws, Deed: T, P. C au l Co. to B. R. 10» . ui

■ Oroome. II. BE HB 7 10 IT. talned• E o s tra e a t ia w . T arrto H. R Mimnin

- irroSHO r P n a , we » lO Ig >nd i o f f aP t SB BE 1 10 IT. Petersoi• Deed: P. W. WUklson to U R. TlUe I >WiJtebfaA, U. Lot M Blk 60 TwJo erty on n u s . T U trai• Deed: H. 8. PalmlUer lo J. W. foreclosi Drlnstcd. lOM. Lots 18 and 31 6yl- Jennie ] iw tcr Newlbo Bub, ,. p»perti ' Deed: J.W ,Orlnst«dton.Danner, for tS82 Moo. Lois 16 and 31 Bylresler TTew- decree c #cn-Bub. -- —..... ■ - -- Oecd: S. P.'Ptater. Bherlff. to ---------J. E, Roberts, Tr and P. W. Harder 1—

. ttal.H B B W M d8 !ieW ^J«l«-._ . . .N ( « Deed: E. ? . Prster, SberUf, to J.IL a ra h an . tSS»41i. lots 10.11 and ,U, B it 3 Blue Lakes Addn to Twin fru is . Wal.' (Irecat ■ • — 8UI. Up • . clBsln

k n iE CARDUJAL *P«eU«r -------- G L E B "CLU B ' fl»te 1

Of Albion SUte Honrtal 'wm Entertain You T\V

o t x a KTTI .Today-3;S0 to 3:00 P. U.

. . {Be Sun to Tuns In


• Hitler Sei

f l^ T H (lao re g a rd f o r (he powlbi a n d th o 'G oncva d ia an n a m e D t.

~ u i8urinoTncnt m ti s t coDtiunSi'Ai D avis. A m erica 's am&asaador-ai m ie r M ussolini o f I ta ly . Mconvt election fo r N ovem ber 12.-H/P)

I P M i l i S i E f - h

RDPERT, Oct, 3B — Xeavlng here Ioday. In custody of Bheriff Bob iValton, Harry MeJunUn. Jerome, Imd Joe.I£ayt. giving hU addres* as IVlsconsh), wUI'slart loBolsotobe.- I;ln senring a i-to-U yca^ lirlson Ienn for forgery to which they IJU dtd tUU(r'Ui~3U3{8 U- LUlor " ■Mekstader's court In Rupert They Iren U keota Jerome Tuesday where 1enUnce w u pronounced by District h udge Adam B. BarcUy. the youths lelng brought back to RupertEach Is sbQut IB yean af.age. Tbe. ’

orgery-charge was pnferred by *'VaynB’Newcomb who cwhed an ’irder with the forged signature of . \Im Jensen. RupeH fanner. Instnict- .ng Nevvomb to pay to them DS for >enan-s noutoes In s lo ra r. The [joys .had been hauling spuds for .,ensen. |Sheriff Walton.plcked Kaye up In I

iHiSranaiocaledW eJlinm tirm n - - EItoaai^brought them to Rupert |


BURLEY, O et 3 8 -H it AuxUlaty * - > the American Legion Is putting on „

membership drive to make their T H uota of J3 members, according to t Irs. J, B., Chamberlain, president z In. Henry Dworshak. pruldent of » '-P lfth _ d litz lc ^ u n n tln t^ = jntest for Incnaslng menbetahlps 1th Burley. Rupert Haztlton and ANI dtn pilled a ^ ln s t Buhl. Twin Palls laberly aD d:n ier.:taB -«ote«-tt —^close AnnUtles d s y . - ......... ..3te.local unit win enjoy a dinner „ i the htoie of U n , Dworshak on f.'- orember 3 a t which time a number j l-ncw-fflembttrwUl-Be-taken-falo font’ >• “ I " " " " * " - . M ,


BURLEY. O ct'JB-D Istrlct oourt IS been recessed by Jud*e Adam B. *“ J tfclayunUl Monday, when th t Jury: ^ e n iM tm t^ to be ca to n iT " ™

'hn 0 , Smith h u brought iult alnit Robert 0 . Wake, both of ” " u t f T R r 'B s o n i tu n m a 'iT t w inlUre .damages, tojelher ' with her mlnoc toms. I t Is alleged 'by HlSf nith that Wake knocked him do«-n , Id beat him, breaking hls'DOU and ' herw lseinJurlngW ^' ' KB

«tait--fcW ;:irjblor;tioUectlott^-«und tjlftUfftdlydBetoAnjjrDoman,, The

' —----------- Chris

ractI trogI rs'oN * 'GOES TO NEW OWNER

_____ - s dls\ sherurs d « d under execution Chris nreying Ulle to IJO acrts adjoin- —-t th t town of Rogtrson on the ___ 'St loJ,E .noberU . trustee foi; the igerson MereantUt company, and _ W. Harder, his assignee, waa plac- 1] on record to Twin Palls oouniy I

arder’s office yesterday. The prop- y w u sold to {he trustee In May,0. under a dUtSlct court writ ob- ned by th t Rogenbn Meitantllt nnany addressed to Oeferte H ud.j _

leran; sureties on supersedeaa, gnUe to Twin Palls residence prop- I Iy on Blue Lata boulevard sorlh I II transferred by sheriffs deed on I f (Closure reoorded yesterday to i J iinie U . Orahan. Twin Falls. The Uperty w u sold In October..1923. IJPtS839.0j. under a dlstriet court U I

ree ralered In September, J»i3.

..N O T IC E .T O CA N A L . . ; .1 COM PANY

STO CK H O LD ER S . !W sto wfl] be sbnl o st of eo- I re canal lyiteB from NoTtabo > ll. to Komaber Ith, ISU. In*Bsln, ter tbe psrpMe ot la- wUoa aad rtpaln. After th*t lie water wlQ b t btld low tn maU -lo sld la repair work.TW IN FA L L S CA N A L


Oeaen! Msaager.

---------- ' 1 ------U:--------- :--------

Seeka'Approval At Honiej

ssibic serious conaequcnces involve ent ,parley the powers allied in th ir^m on^'statesm en irho~h8d*inTpo: )r-at-large; Sir John Simon, Britii: ionwhilo in Germany, Chancellor H ■(/P) Photos.___________ ' — _

---------------- N o - P a s t u r e B ^ O F - i

I H H B i g

j B


THIS cow, “Foremost Southern G: to bo taken to the Antarctic on i Edgar F. Cox of Buffalo is sho\


BURLEY. O ct 3S-R<d Crtas roU call will start hen Armistice dsy and be fafnntlnni. iinlll ThmtriTlriny Mn.Irel Oudmundsen, ehalrmaa of the ci,ur drive, for a.number of yean past, states that the Quota for CassU nAtr coiinly is 86a m.OTUrs,.Lut year; ^ only 340 wen enroUel curJi

I t Is partleuUitly urgent, declares the ; Mn. Oudmundsen, that the quota be flUed this year. Memberships s n _ lold In denomhutlons of II. 13.110. . *> and upwards, &0 cents from-each ' :(tam J sh b a S .

I t thl nerla


KIUBERLY. Oct » - Pleasant Parvo

Sunday. j)ofathrLar« » ' warleaderr HXO! rhe loplB,for.dli;usajDn w w -How , ThristBuchangtd-um n-M lBlO ij “ WA :oun tri»? .A rip tun^w a-read-by called ivinnlfred King. A talk. 'C hrist tnuul ^ t e s Individual Uve*."wM given high ly Edward Mo?»rty. Mrs. Webb led a leg I discussion on misslonsry work, valkl Siristlno Murray sang. inswt

W hat A bout You

I l k f iliA k^r| I F / ^ 1 5 ^ i J P f • - ihi

i c i r i u 7.... Bee.your-.denlUt-regularly.--..- -

and between times use'plenty of Young's Dairy mU k-lfs Tllamlns a n necessary to ptt* tea t tooth decay. • * -


. . PasteoriMd.3«IIf aa



« .... ,.. . . .

ie_As Powers Ponrler Arm

lived la Gcmai)y*a witM mwal fr 1 the World war concum d in the iportanttolea-in-the-intem ationa itiah foreign minister; Premier Di r H itler seeks public approval of

>r-Byrd!B Cow l -- ■' HI

— H cha

of I■ S a B E H w t U i i j P w a


l B H n 7 f i i l 9 K 7 8 & U n

•• Mri



■ ■ H 3I Girl," la one of the aninials weW >n Admiral Byrd's expedition., M ■hown with her.— Plioto. j j“= = S = B S S = S ; j<


BURLEY. Oet, :»-Puneral aerv- BUI CCS tor the Isle. Mrs. Acnlt Oee will « held Priday a t 4 .P. M. a t t h t : n ilrd .T -W ard -I.a tle f-D ay -S aln lw S hurch. with Bishop V W. Drakt of- ij®? lelatlnt. Bpesken 'wlU b t-John

■f m u c U y T ln tn in tB t^ U tn'lh^ J7 ? hirley city cemete/y.'la charge, of be Johnson mortuary. .

■ toalB, VISnOBS FBOJI ASaENTlNB-' tract

'HA0QIMAI7, Oet .M-^-Uri" and

outh America, wen arrirals tn Hag- ‘-gr. rl reumradayaadvUltedtlUk&mday ethrHrA.Panonibomft-Mf.'W at- — 1 erUabrotherofUra.Parsoas.M ra. arbara wirth. ot Roehelter. Mina- » la . a aliter Mrs. Panons. who eeompanled tMffl. remained a t the “ 'i ? arvona home for a.lo& gerilslt

lOnflCHOOIrOftm-flQUAD— ® MEETS TEAMMATESim®;."” "'

WAYNESBURO,- P«.^- PhyilcUns t • - = LDed .for ro lan t«ers-:fo r ',a -b lood !-^ ansfuslon (or Paul Thompson.! ’ — Igh school football player who cut leg artea- In K fall .while sleep- olklng,’Thompson's 10 teammstu iswcred the coll.

lu r Children’s

: T eeth? L'nirt'^ Rluses ’of our per- I

fectly :>uieurlsed milk every day will do more than any- .1 Ihing eUe to assiar^Jbe proper healthy growth of your child-. fen's t« th . ‘ • \ \

Show This Ad ' - | VTO YOUR . D

_ . DENTIST........ , , rHe'll Tell You I

U-sTnie,I ' Fern

; DAIRYS 'B E S T ’ ‘ -J

and Cram

» . It

rmsCtisis ; I

1] from tho Lcjigue o t NatlOBs th e belief th a t th e e ff o r t s f o r lonal-d rB m a-w er»4 Ionn ftii-H .- r D aladicr o f F ranco and P ro ­

o f th e R eich 's position a t a n


S i S S v i S S KU making prepantlons for the tisli of the grand matron ot th t order In Idaho on Saturday evealn( te x t

HoUliter Royal Kelghbon wbo'at- tended lodge In 'U anatn Tuesday evening wen Mrs. Samantha' Cote, U Mn. Besile m ie r . Mrs. A m aa^ Lawrenee. Mrs. Fannie Humphrlea. Mis. Mauds 'MuIsB. Mis. O tiiiudi - M ort Mrs. Helen Rlppe and M n. * NeUIe Blrickllng. ■ . .

Tuesday Bridge club w u enter- S' Ulned this week a t 'th e home ot 0 ^ Neale B. Hazard. P r lt tto r high icon WM awarded to M n. J . M. l> Pierce. Low scon w rh t' to cl Mrs. 0 . A. Boss. P

The ReUef society m it with b fi good attendance Ust week a l the 0 home ot U n ..P on tt Striekllng. a

Mias Anna Losler and Mlks O nce Lotler spent tht-week-end a t the a: Burton.Smith home to-TWln W U . 01 ^ M a J, A. P a ^ ^

ed friends here Monday and Tues-

, Qsgu-PeUrsoa h u ntum ed Xrem . j»;Ujfte weeks' trip lo WUeonsln ^ pplntf and loathe Ohlcago t | l r . - -. " w . and 'U rt'H arry W attr^ 'and

llltle daughter. RoberU, and UUa I*' Pern Low. have moved to PortUnd. •?

J. M. Bnttep^ Twin PaUs, w u a ^ butlneu tlsllor ber^ one d a y 'lu t ^ we^k. ^ b«

, Mr. and Mrt. George Custer and - family have moved here from Berg- "

Jo t Btandtet ieft paturday on a I week's trip to BoUe;

Mrt. W. Hayhurst, Twin FaUs. spent the week-«i>d a t the home of•neraacgmer.~Mti.- J oe'g u hdne:— ; "


BURLEY. Oct as - T ht Belter ^TTtah-efaa-^jryeiU iaifSftjriioon It t the hone-of Mn. A. S . BM - smith

of haM made lacts snd a tslk w u g ln a by Mn. Jetse f ln n d t a city besuUflcatlon prognm ts planned te raaka the two city parks more st- tracUire. ,

Tbe Sunshine department of this Club aut<yeslerdsy for-a-letson la

bemenlsT h m e d r a ^ i n i lo n lead- tr, giving a demonslntlon.

— HAOERBWA'MD'pmTS----------. HA0ERMAN.0ct3S-ClrcIenum- . >erl of the Ladles’ Aid soclely.of Ihe UethodUt church, met a t the home jf Mrs. W. O. Tupper Priday in an - iIH ay e ea s to m Ji^ d a r.w u ^ _ n oulltlng and a tovered dlih iunrR- _


T V n I C-T C 1 "I Y F r i r U b !k««p iho SiTiudgo of Typ»< w rife r Ink from .Your Hands arid Flngamoilt wHh . . •


F orm fa"jB lov t"Y ouC in ’f 5e9 ’ B fF * e l...W ai! iM off In Wafer

.W ifhAnyToIlefSosp M Dtpt, S'wit..Dfwj StenK Suiieiii

. Me ■ 3!e . SOt iOc *isJiDyyca.M>t<u I

^ / I

|fllEffl.E .S.F£nS.|

BURLEY. O ct 3 f t-E T e rg r to n ehapUr. Order of the Eulem Star,

“ entert*la»d-tb»-traBdrwotthrtc4tir ron. Mn. Edna Heckalhom, Mostow,

. h tn yesterday on her offlrial vUlt to the local chapter. A luncheon wu served at noon by tht Past Matrons' club a l the home ol Mrs. Prank Beach, wllh-covers lor H.

In the altemoon a school of In­struction w u held at the Muonlc hall Kith ofllcen and members at­tending.

At seven o'dock > was _

*' of Sie 'Vlve‘‘p in U ^ ''^ i i *d»jraM 1■ in cpiors of the order. A short after-

dlnner'prognn w u given with Mrs. George Seholer u toastmuter. Kits.

~ mnryT5*orsn»k-g#»8*th6'idar«j _ o| welcome; Mn. H. E. WcUel of 1

wire glvrn by MUs Rosella IfCM- ' cnns and Wilson Smedley.

_ JliLH nlU t.ordcr of business took " , jSJscfat s!so P. M. In the Masonic

haU ilth Uie rliuallstlo woric ex- emplllled by Mn. Mujorio Kllnk.

_ ronhy mtlron. Kverrtt Orinilh.' worthy patron' and Gall Orohosky.

WUUam. Beltleld. Luela Swanson,• Btmlce Youmans, Sarah Kinney.

. Sarah Painter. ICallB Hall. Marlt Smith. Winifred Sautter, Mae Grif­fith. Jessie Rcdfleld. Ardllh King.

, , Marie TWner. Edith Behroeder.'* Mary Keefer and Ftank Rcdffeld. c A basket of roses and a gift w u ^ presented lo.tbs-h onorad-gu tst-ln . a ceremony pnpared by Mrs.'Mar- , Jorle RJlnk.

Mrs. Keckalhdme commended the offlcen for their woric and sUled

. that m on men wen In attendance than at ariy chapter ahe had TUltedc

_ She dellverwl ta taipMn r address

r o r ttf » n ^ ^ ^

li nefrtshmenls wen served follow- a Ing th t meeting wlth-Mn. Prank

Parke ^charge. About to membtrr and »lsllOTaltended,Attho banquet

1. coYcn wen Uld tor eo.

e, HAGERJIAN GROUPS PLAN a HALLOWETN ACnVttlES i _ H »firp tnw , (Vt _II 3 Ot the Methodist ladles' Aid so­

ciety havo announced a-party to be ■. given Hallowe’en night a t Ihe Melh- )t odist chuich. ' ■ h Date for the Hallowt'en party lo I be given at the Latter Day ’ Saints0 church fponsorrd by th t Mutual !m> -

pronment society b u been changedB from Friday. October 3T. to Saturday, ic October 38, accordlag to announce­

mentc A Hallowe'en social with appropri­

ate program wlU be given by meaiben L of the Romanized U tter Day SalnU t church Hatlowe'cn night___________


- HAGERMAN, Oct 38-Earl Behrie- _ ber, who oonducts an apiary a t Hag- . ermaii.;uuncenUymDvcilt4Goodr A Ing' lo. live where he h u another . branch of hU business. Beryl Prat-1 ler. who formerly resided a t th t . I Ralph Painn place, will occupy thet Martin pUee ncated by Mr. Schrel-

ber.] --------- —


L b.P.JtQQYEB_A_aO M -.____' SUUon No. 1. lOS BhH

V, Lakes Blvd. S.' Station No. t,

' t o Main N. Kt


, . . " V <f>

E v e r y i

CHANGEC ontains Eka-I u c t h igh ia ant

l U t t l l l l i

' ___


U Owsley j r u hostess to memben of ^ : | | tha.Baserm aa ClTle. elub a t ..hir jo _ h o m u i i u n ^ - 'a f t e r o ^ j i m ^

o ruodo Jacobsen assUUng. Twelve J I n membei* ot Uu club and two guesU !?

wen prew a t 0 .iK»ts wen Mn. Sam i f f i t y T B T H H S r a r m o B n ^ =

*• Gr«&dTlew; who U vUlUng ber auat ' “t Mn. ArUo Allen. At tht business u session, tha season's program w u ^ pUnoed. During tha winter the* club wtU donate a new book eaeb „

month ta the Hagerman pubUo 11- ^ brary. The next meeting a t ^ the hoou of Mrs.'ArUn Allen N orm - ^

“ m .n i M 'n i A in iiB n ' t A i i i - , .] ; ;

* Mn. p « n t e o f S^ ~ . ' ■ ■ —r -

l E m o!Tj ■ J- -■ r . .. .

HATSr-l'lio New Number In ;

^ -«n(W n-dreflB lep-«ffeotSrJf5n»in!y. SO FTIE& -in cap and bere f!j priced BOc'to 11.00. ‘

DBESSES—In the differea “ tfaolon weaves, and some very r- of k s lt boudos Just arrived.

>d C^A TSr-Fur, or do th wit In dress and in tailored and s]i

“ " n ^ ' i S w a ^ r B r " «

i | PA JA M A S—>If .

i i - —



\ <2kIt M • a 1 *

I ^ »


■ _CENTgAI.___I rhlP.STaNE

s‘ “ S : -

f c f c , A w i t h s

H I L —

...-.-J-:-^ TO p o i


y y / h e r e i t ' s

MOSUPERica-bcazol, 8 p u r e p e tro le u m p ro d - a n t i- k n o c k a n d m ilc s s c Q ualities.

“ JM mbenof lii'ttm ^w O T ^. °Mtor the oee«iloo.-tDChiiUnribs.c.'A;''''>-‘'>i

Jones, a daaghtofci^«aatts

;>« ed here and irUl.speod the wtater:':'?.'! " attbeWafnerborne. , ,

BEEKCtASa caiMPIONBm , .HAGERMAN. O ct'tt-ln lhe 'ln -

^ ter^Iaa baaketbaU . games to H ac r eriMn high school the janlor boya' " defeated the sophomore boys Frtdar ‘

“ by a scon of M'll and the senior “ • glrisdefealedthesojiMmongUlsH- ', •

. 10. Tbe tenlon and juniors Of. both 'c ' Itfyi- and glrU* leatni wJll play W - , •;

- ' j rtay eTenlagr<^ ebw a?, t^ Ur> ,L —

^ lo o n s m tB t'.. •, . J

:r In .tailored and sports styles 44n«WMeoFtmeRts-i>ow-ready.-

I beret styles ntid narrow brim a.

, - V . .!fereat BjatcrJals o f silk or very''good lookinsr now dresses - red. ■ ' : ■: 5

h with, o r w ithout fu r trims, nd sports styles, ihduding the

H^T-flftmpflv* efyT^f frtf ■-

- y - i j a s a a a a a s

- CAKKAnmyiitATittn^ , :vitalU uc«(aL * b ^ . . . - --'C wheat A h ibg 'liahh hart M

- le t t la- tn c ry tiay^facnl* ■ ' ■I ^ v b a a ^ d v Gcta pad*

• l^ f tto m o a o if tU e a tt^. fS#pefsenlag. I - ■■■■ ,-A-

0 1 0 ^ : ^ y H E A T _


ENIENTtY^tOCATOD’ _____ | _ : r -

™ - -- ' ^*lllFlU.Atm) 00, ' ----- 1;ORCfl---------- --- — -1, 0^ W to4.An, Ks....,


H S U P E R S H E U ,

S E H A I F A O A L *

i ; ; . 8 0 U N 0 ^ I R I I M = :

P O R T L A N D . I !


e T H f N ^ N : T O e = =

r s b o f a V e a r . "

' ■ 1 ' ' - " i

Page 6: · 2014-12-12 · m F i IBEn I Edutatlon Association E------OlKii af-HighStlioQiiOuU -

? |.r— —I NeilyDons

z i | i : t r o ^ ^ l

8 hasaJi

m s ^~ & m i n c

| ; . | ' ' ^ N e c k l i n e

' ■ W w t ^ f l B i r t ^ ^

',t - - - ! | — - t o « J r tW U |h - » m ! w .-; ., S L n eoUcr a iI.- ' ^ « Ih fm iab M d trim ,« id

"f J " ; VeUtt Y ooT lbei‘»*oi ‘< % MikalIl*>BlMl7B»(l*.

■ J ^ . . l . . . ■k D o u a lin tjt « : « • . . ,o n d tb e p r ie e U o M e l^ Ittn o rtn rifflilo g fM *


: S ■ N O T

S E V E N I N G A N D .... 5 D I N N E R D R E S S E i

a - ^ v A - S ^ E s p t d k r S d e c t r i% Purchased For This Frid&

. ^ Aod Saturday

Crepcj, ftatins &nd netfl. Sot ^ two-tone combinations. Pt ^ Ullo shades aad bUck. Y

S .. nrill bo ablo to make a chan ia r selection from this n

\ BTOup. Those dresses wi % personally selected for you

$ 9 . 9 0 H . $ 2 9 . 7


N E W G b L F L E X ^ D R E S S E S '

$24.75 $29.7S Aa E iclnslte Line Al

;; - T h e L D.

^ A i ^ ^ ^ t j ^ K d ^ n c h I

Jfc ‘^ t e d “States. Americ W elo6o approach to th a t perf'

S slmpUclfr which becomes ( 'q a lu ta iristeoS"of drab a

a , contmonplace#

■ ^ $ 2 4 - 7 5 ^ $ 2 9 . 7

n i y - . - ;

: A - - . .. • ■ •

i g•‘K I t I s n ’i

IS . for Atte

o l z z z - t e z :

_ N E L r

D o n

" g ' ■ :

fo r .d r e s s f

m l * -U l— ^ -----------------------------—■r- ' ••— •

E” - Z $ S 7 5’aJ

I Some , ■ ,Pas- You

:harm- ,< i u » . **«>«•* *S MW V MTSKM

R O i m

. . ..-.A . dab of I ^ a n d you’r5X . magic this I

Rothmogi ).75_ m odern li

charmand these Autu

^ f . {he camp

, woman’.“ " j present a „

fur timm

).75 l y . - - - ; •'

■ i f j i u u u u a r M J e / ^

I’t R i g h t , B r i l

i te n t io n ....


E f i

B . a n d f s t n tM l B M a m d tv S snglH iU IIfunypronouncdi

dnw H and ilm ld ir t, glv« tl

r M w are h ltM h ird D n M ...' dM fw ly tm w ttM iia iA h ai

crechaH d iea rfa iK lbeheo tr« » nlMly wHh Hw itwpli* clwck. . . and yeuH b« • lit i b blow A rt It D m #p b I

— :-------- :-tl>*.N*Jly.Ooii-fMtuf*s,p|-p*{•et fit and cartfiH flntiMn

n f f o T s p o r t* fo r t r a r e l


tt’re feacly to go. Like lis Battering plain tailored" oot gives a smart and I silhouettej_a„seWeel nd is really indispensable itumn days and evenings*T the motor/perfM for in p u s /c ^ p ie t .e s any ’s wardrobe.' We also a wonderful collection of' mmed models/superb'. RothmootC r '

o l

g ii n g I t B a c k ”

8EADY.T0-H q ___________ ■ DEPARTMI


'A - S j ^ a t N E W

I $16-1 J

6nm■ ■

te o n .p u i ' f l j riiit*d T j r b t l ^ *-pw----------- --------------iHm. ^

They consist o t • ~ ■ sport outfita with

In; blouses and sk . . . ribbed and lacj

wools for more • ■ ' wean Faille sUki

......------• . -an i-co rd ed sheeig / ' ; are all the ven

Dumben and cha

would be $18.95 ni________ frocks, but for

’ ”TT>ecUl” occa8ion~---------------- o ffe re d -a t- th ia__ price—

-------------- - ^ $ 1 6 - 5


^ HI t-----------


** iP' — * - - W y * ; 7 :

0 in>f IIb - , . : ^ r '

U C k M M M M M M M M


f AND-.iDAY I H ilT oref—IW ,

! ) S C b HAS ALT I T A Q u d i t y g s

l i l U ' liiey hare

r . iI fm . K A Y S

CSoMd 0\ _____________ M a rk e t tr --------------------- Depieask^ .Tod,

o [^ -o .p Ie w S tr le e .Fnth contrast* - i p k a w , Si i skirts*.New ;lacy weave . f t S tS h a

nore forma) ofsUks, crepes ttam pedheers. They------ ' l a b e l r o fvei7 newest , g^jtroy 1charming In 'tlonally h

Isnnaims- “■or Ih l. one mov«dboj n - t b e r - » r t - - — j C Wo iMs one-low - to b e a s -

- - —described

' THIGB r lh»t « • Th* w a UlH .

n u r e s m t l ]. to w . Beam

TUUJ ttiperi

, ^ 8 0 B K

Tbsstwrai] UmM Ml

M di7 -a»n i|

H P 1 2 B E ^

1 ■ •mtUBlCCNI ■ a n B e tm ’fI ■ nctnUpriMI m to d u «on3d:f ■ oUwr ItBM a

■ lurprM tt



gsoAi today are the beil .feh’i been forced to n a l

^8 1 8 1 SDSY OOOD8 S

F a b r i c G l oYSBE, VAN 'EAALTE A


39. ^[ Ont. A t T h . Lowest i Point Of The EntireKk>n! 7 tg t i ln r7 « « H -------------bd4.v ^ T o 7 * « . i \• i l y .irs ta ; S U p ^ ^ ^ ^ ; % . Four-ButtOQ Lengths.. Stitching- and- Applt—

rw ^Tone Eifects.: All^t Shades. An S ites 8 to 8.

of these s Io t m are ed o r carry the paper ^ , 'o f K a y « r , - V a a - I U a r t « r - ^ ^ y Knit, aod other na- ly knows names: Others > ^ O l a e - la b ^ a n d all identi- m marks carefully re- 1 before we closed them 7 e 'g u s iin lee 'eW fT » tt

K d : ^ 3 9 c

^ S t a r S


K O M - 'E a & H O U S E O F B

■■; , : T ~ : : B E C T O s i P =

HIS 16 A CONSIGNMENT PRDl« • SHiB ih i t V* b m M noe«T (mt U »t • m ’t *cU m n t m . ^ m flrte* e b w n tb o tt imL tnrr j tu abn *im a <m oUw mImM ri«rci to d m

■ • Uih war.

3 0 N E W P A L L S P O R T CM tn an of the a n r V U th idft. s l m ai

CMU a n msda on tb« WM CMit iperlor n m m t tn fiW o aod

J E A V E R ’S F I N E R S P O R ^ 6 . 6 4

n u U 41 S n to iln itrUnc and (ton eo tu h u b(|m M«a In T v ta .A lu M •m in t r t r e tb ir wtD-b* offend t« yw

E A V E R ’S f i n e s t F U R 1 C O A T S . $ 2 8 .8 4

^ tod iu l iu « u«« «y|tr t b«(t coatf. Ill* Reutr-Ti>.Wear U a

w» bsasU r. c tn t ttB r tu wtx Old b« a t Uiesa coatt Wa do la r canp tr M a t r tfu ltt and r w wCl be »t the la ito iil •.■

’’ O O T B A L L -



C U R E D A T t h e L D .S

ert bnys o* the entire ma: lake the drastic advances

S p e c i a l

id b p Artment ■ ; 1. ' ! '-i

o v e s ?1 A N D O T H E R ' j


1 =

S p e d a l

ROPOsmoN m(M BP b ttCM M il . f la n B t f M l« f i n M | HibVBt th b Una, B eanr WJ n a U l n u iteckt ta ■

[* COATS 1w a n aiasri«d t r a a K . ^3wt iBd Uiat a e a u a ' ' --------

______ _____________________________

) R T C O A T S _

rtordr felrk i. Not «se —

^i1.-S16.64_R T R B tf M B D —

a a l R kmMarket i l « Bpaet «< '

wtiat Um itfn lir p!lM iptre thiat nloee wlUi

L__ $28.84H H i

r - T W I N F A L

— ------- ------------ — ^

D .S 1 ^ 0 R E .. T O D A Y

mark^L~Quality m ahufai^ ces to cover increased la l^

»t yrioe fluotiw

l £ j

T .

AA _________ ^

~ " ~ T ) I I I- — b - L i I - i ^ ~ r

L L S V S . N A

y I

Page 7: · 2014-12-12 · m F i IBEn I Edutatlon Association E------OlKii af-HighStlioQiiOuU -

l l j j l M

" W endell M eeting L auncties I

; M ovem ent lo O rganize

N ortfi S ide A ssociation

- - W lW Jai..'O et. » - 6OTen M m

’ i *TOtae. which uuneh.«j»ttaip»lin ’' : to oicaalat Uis Nottb aMe lliy " O roim i laoeUtloa. with local — ralti*tlaoo8b«i»-08odlfl|-»a<l-J«* - . n o i t eountlA to lecan “unity ot

: ■ tin i ^ » U n « of b»y tn _

~ A eteunlttM npo it which out*' iisM th l otpnlaUoQ pnw dsn,

?-iteOa84-U>»-h»y r»d» ; m y cut in .. jtcp a MiMU, properlj cutm *nd . itMked, f r a ol tm h , wtedi u d •• o th»g m « .U K o .ih i7 « x l» » iw M ! ■■ brtn r« i<»ndt«t >rla*^H iy »rwUa| .

below. th!i t t u d v d ihould brtac a h u t i i t i r Jowtr pritt," n » 17 jwlct

'w u bucd OS NA 1 iviy m m a ti Jtorefflbe l t t 8U eubie « e t to Uu

eoouQlUM reported ‘ usdir i • m n t coDtflUoos Uu ecft o( r»l«< J '■ a » fcton of h«r i» »pproitot»iy '

u ." n a u » t *m w d g to w atoM _i_

' ' t in t eott p w » email proRL*• , “to tha In taw l of th t Uwrto*

iodttftry,” Use coamlltet nport^ .. ra fair criee ttf both p n « r and . tej-w imul h* aatotatoed."; . ita« rtaa ln U o o p lu v tO T S M f«

’’ ilin a tr t Uio houi# of <lile*»Ui to ; wbieh caeh coamtmlty

i i to tii t t uu»-deltn tg .-T l» -fW •" m m u a u » i at w pr<ctei»i«*-»>

" I o t a hdd h m Tuttdty erenl&r. October J l. .

, DdeCBt*^ n a e t lw i : ( 'DttUe* of Uu houn of deteiatai

' *' iac li^ .'- ' 1. s to d ; Of U u h a r altuatlon aad

■ toaifcet eoodlUou (or ( ro w ^ fo ld * M

w ’ Tha foaowlni S b

^ ■ S ea l w 5 S of t b » W P o w o r a ^ S ‘I' M a U o a w u announced: '

• itottle. W tiaa iv , October > .■BH«inan..Hiunday, October a # ; p * ’ ;J 1 Jerome. Saturday, October as. • ?■= . V 'I'ooodlnc local ll to elect IU nem* y- ber of Uu-houie of dileiatca on }“ .' ICoaday, October lO ..- V .C T iu iB U co o ftte W e ad d ltaa lM ^ ^ : :;inm B .w e affected with Uu lUcUoo I “I

J . .R > to i ^ ~ c I a lnMa

’ ' -.tener, deteiate. . S e«: : f A mabeahlp-ooouamee-fflr-Uu lu v . '~ W »w {ia 'loe ti 'n< '«P peIsM '< eB ' iMfl

vt:0.-3. Ohtpmitt, Juace prte« ♦fieafrow, Oail^ ■ WHmrn icrti;


'■•■■I- (Ooaunti^ f « m P a n Om) *j • j

“ y th ptiee or'totd.'W but'fell off 9 to Loiii

• . o io lf rb il# -«n ff lS d ^ ^ e k f - # l - ilk* ■ ' " j m a ihare. • dcbe;

OfTfchkOoaHdeai To

- ' dUcoo n i tmtnL A lUady coatloua>Ijooi ' ' ^ M t e e u p w i r d l r ^ o f u o o d t y npn- Tneeday w u hardly - to hare the I

Jieen estpected, U»y aald. lliey uw tary

’ ^ iT to ^ a te tlu K r a n i £ ^ ^ ta* S ta . .lilnd Ur. RootertUI poUcy w u na* A

' aound* - fbccD

ia^~6ttcuUTe orteV'fef Pretident d iin ■Rocaenlt, auUiorkini th i rtcon* in u

___Mnietloo eotporallon to make Uie mm___ tQllpt:ri:buca.'and the pubUeatloa It

of treuury tttuliUoni InttrucUnc noun mlala and aauy oKlcei la the man* uUt»

— ntr4n-Khlch.8oidJaaoJnJiiiidlRl.. tor li Both Uie nrcuUre onltr and th e iv u

~~"rnuiBUtms, tltbM ih'U iued Udljf. IV It ___ w*re daltd jreitertJay. ThU.-U w u l i del

~ ^ lT ln r * ^ u a t l6 n e diw halm r Innsactloni were made o{th Khen.

D et(n tn A B tb o H lrt« B .r.C rr— .M r.-Roourdt'a order aulhoriae oc . the tntoU and^imy

.Ui^jtqulremanU of .ttia ordff at)dlBllui ~ d e i w i l ^ T n e « i M ^ r n ^- - “^ e BTOloTwelrerWM-aarmtpoM j —

• of llie mrtal. Hi# Irtaiury rejula-1------Uoni tupplemtnlcd IhU with n aet ^ H dlrrcUoni on the procedure to be H ronovm. H' Later, the leranilncUon corpora* ^ ^ F

’ 'tloDauthoH M SanU nieofm oOO ^ B | of ahort term witea maturing F*b- PTO

' ruary 1. in t . to be us»d In the pur> chase of gold. ' ,

” 'The notes will not bear any bi* k U / tereil and wUl (o to told o rre ri »t

• • coe f ^ h of one per tr a i prr an- 'Bum dlicount In onler to net Uie , ' ,

__‘foM ouner tha quoted pric? from--d a y to d iy « tisbk liili« loid.-win tic 1 ^ ,

AtenuVer CorpetatioD------- ChalRaaa J e n a of Jhe n ro , Jn ,, Mnouncins the laue u ld tubaerip- • /

• Turaim T ': , . 5 ■ 1 0 • i s c CTORE r

T O D A T S ,

— : i ::;FEATORE ^M cD O N A iD ’S P O R E *

. SniK CH O CO LA TE '! CH O W N S S

’ ■ . A L SO “ — NOT-FUDGE— ^-------- <•

.' V ^ P p U K D - J l l S C

•v' :. ' ' \ W F E A ^ . .

g l i O ^ T H E B ^ T FO

B HI M l ing Adventn

CUadlUa Colbert aad E n e it I t tm

In Rosy Attraction H(




liBd Io-Um rwaaaUe «p(e« and la- ^ (rl|M orf3ftdtbfpfflaa/aek.*bUieir ‘ proalacBl to la wtUtBmee Cabot tn ^ thb BRO'Badlo pletore ef A n u p ^ £ 111 Ufa w hkliw u filmed a t UwValt* £ ed Btatea nara) academy and b«w U J ^ ^ ^ a a d Saturday a . ,

- ' ' ' ^ Int

Uou nU b t be made Uirouth Uie federal retenre banki ufUcaiigenU fee U» coiporaUon. t i

T ie told owner who wuhea to " binr noUi In Uie manner pmlded," l a OonM. “»ni h » « nn dtfflyt'UT J tn coanrtlns h u notea Into caih al.

I3eral jtmtto ip tem for ih^fluoW prteeol|oldonthedayUialheaul>- icrltea for tha Reconitrucuon Plv nanw _ >*t

Tbe te it 'o t Cummliiga' opinion WM not made public. A formal eute- a e a t from the JuiUce department merely n ld : BI

aUoraey.ieneral aald U ut h« had dellnred to the prtildent a formal optnloo fully lupportlnf Uie noiltlon uken br Uie pruldenl and < (he Beconitructlon finance torpor- po. :aUoo-to-oonn»cUon,wUh.Uie.aale.o£. iiu 'debenlurea for (old.” \ trl ' Today'a lotd price « u fixed by go' Uiijama.procodureaiJi{jrett«nlay. an Jooei and Uenry MorgeaU)au,‘ J r , hei repretentlat Uie preefdent, oaUed a t -1 the treuury and wUh acUng Been- Da tary Dean Achuon icanntd '|oU cil ud.act)anie.auoiaU«nt.fi9mJ<oni an don. . • ' of

A mimeographed aUlemcnt had Pa ^ n p re p a y tor Uio prew wlUi the *3

ciilon w u reacW thU wai filled D| In aad coplea were hurried to newi- nen two floon below.'

It dUtcred Irom yeiterdayl an­nouncement In that the latter itlp* , uUted Uiat Ihe'gold ahould be paid tor In RFC debentures. Hovevfr, It ^

I debenture ind a note ilnce nelUier mriiiiy-CBltgWfBl- baeklng end <U worth depend! enltrely upon c rc i r Of tte iMuer. _______ '

BtRTttft AT DltSS aoODINO. OeU :» -B om to Mr. ®‘

and Mn. Harold Blroud. DlU*,.on =

^ “ » 3 B r ^ C h x i i t e j nBll^ .o n 6»tiirJay, Ocgber~Tl,~.~^ _


liM rirtixa trprtKiiK KitttUc « v H

■ D

< i ) |R d M * F I R E M A N ;;

is making ,s

Twin FaUs Ia smokeless city “

Taod U -iy tlo i ditljeodi la ig the fo ra ot Iu-|« ctth foci u t - iflgt 10 tboM wbo Bire it • U chuc* to mike ihclr beatlac o rp « m p (tau u n o k t1 e tt.U t “

D e tw e ile r iCOAL CO.


llllllllll itnre A t ui7)heuin m m m m m m m m m m f




ae t r m ta 1 C om tb* Vatafre<t.<* ^


. HoUywoodcritia’a lm d y ^ T i n i S aodalmed Hoot Olbaon'a l i i a t itar> rtnc picture, ‘* n u plfhUnc Panoa." pi aow playlot a t Um Idaho Uieatre are auured o t a more Uian pleattaf (c

'aftenwoo^ or erenldcK enWitata* meat whea Uiey aee It. B<

The itory U an appeatlng tonusUc dnm a, which h u been ( In n a back PI m u a d of ilde-aputunf comedy. Full .

2 teW bni"w ilb"ttie"atmoipbere of pc " t b e ^ t wcit, Uii ICdir B tm Uoot -

the opportunity not only to deaiui- Ja ‘itn t« hU ability tn a dual n le , but _ tlkewue permlU him to turn In one v of Um moit eonrlnclni perforauacca - of hla carcer.'It haa cftea been aald « U ut Hoot Olbcon U the only weitim atar whoie work not only tclalna.tho sUxDour of Uie popular old woftemi, aa bju t^ ln t^ n w a nowUy teto ^thcm |»

■ -Inaelecang tho -cu l,-H oo t laTe to ' penonalconalderaUon to every appU* M* canL Thui'Uarcellne Day. Robert' Praar,Blaaley.BlTaione.6keeteraiU ca* Robblni, Oharlea Klnf, Julea Oowtei. f<| ' PhU Dunham and EUkI Wales were }* ‘ aelectod tor lupportini rolea became “

Uoot w u conrlnced UUt Uiey could ‘ : InlCTprtthUitorymorouUitactoniy P“

to hla Ifgloni bl 'fana' Uian any oUier f 'I ___________ ■ K

, 7 f iU C K M A iy_P A Y S FIN E

otJ^<‘ » ^ a t o n w W e

, O pod^p Jerome, owner ot a fleet ^ J- Bhdmotortruckarpleaded BuUly la » . JiuUco ot tho Peace Quy T . Swopela 0® >' court la Twin M li , and w u ua< ^

leneed W pay WO fine, whlch’be paid., PantalDS Cooper, alate tnnto-of* ni ; floer. algaed Uw complaint.

‘ b u h l H A N 'S K IW A NIS -


1 CKlCAao. Oei X WV-The ap. V’h* polntment of lletKcnant goremort Um C. ter lh> tft»h-Trt«h»-KI«nU riLi.

trlct by J. J. Boyd of Buhl, Idaho,. hU r gonnor-elect for Uie dUtrtct, w u in I. Klwante International wli . headquorten here today.I -For truh-tiie new omclals are Or.■ Darld W, Hendenon ot a t t Lake ch I City and Jacob Coleman ot Prora. or 1 amll9tJ(l*bollifyareUE.OJennon a

ot Pixatcllo and B a ir M. D eu ot pn I PayeMe. UrI They wlU take office Korember 1. Ta)


______ EdBUIIL, Oct, M -M em ben of Uie

' XlnnL> club were addreaied a t Utttr toe weeklyJuneheony«it«rdayby Ua}oT

r i S B S i S S t i S S, tfttf.Mftonal.afTitrand pre»ent a*-

' necllon with thUaubJcctiUted Uiat T LloytU, International laiurance linn be' ot London, were making beU at oddr 181 or Uiree to one tha t Eiirbpo would ot i ■-=... S', .■ " . t i =I— ■ :

- H E L L O - B P r o g ^

CKtl Cart ot Maiiy ' U i ^ ^ TrtM In on Kcw W torrf V-« Al*»yi Your Mopey'a Worth In

Quality C«ed Cara.

15'j0 Purd Std. Coupe_____ »MSSedan —

193] ford V-s'TUdor 6«dSn40}IMO DcSolo S e d a n '^H ___ tt1»1S30 Dodge SU Sedan Z41S$'IfX Font Truck, rood ___117]132J Pofd Pickup - |ityIBS otex Sedan_________i mU30 Bulck Coupe______. . m}K1 scudcbaker Coupe _ U » 9

ChmJer B edaa_____ »100

Q l UI C i H 'm ' Tour O arr-

U n i o n M o t d r C o .

Your FORD D talir I v i n H ah o

I -------------------------------------------- «

1 ■ - '

' ■ T ^ FALM D A E r r

H i BI s B w m .

j "I F rench P re m ie r C a r r l e s 'O u l>

I Pledge to C ontinue P re -

■ d e t e s s t r t F o r e l p Polloy Lu>

— « I PAIUS. (Friday). O ct.« t4V Pre- u

aJer Alt>ut fiarraut early today a n ' hi

I * |,PWith hlmMlf aa premier and mln* IF

liter of martne. he choae former Pre-1 *t• mier Oalidler-u-mlnUter-ofi'waiT -

andJ»eptiPaol-B«n<«a-toKJeceed p,I ! z : ; » Im minuter of tortlgn af- tir taifi. ~— ^

tleoneB onncL vuaU ochoiento o hold hfi tonn« PMUlon u mtnUter T(

■ irtlBintsrTlieoihermlnUlrU a-w or^i umooDcec} aa foltoa^:

, vJce-premlfr and minuter otJua-1 m Ue*-Albert DaUmler. former foln-|W of the InterloN-Oamllle i OhautefflP* (mdc postx cl;y uhiMfe nf Ihu hudw t-^bel Oar« j ta

**iilnbt«r ot arlcuUuro — Uenry f t QueuUle Itame port>,

UlnlJter ot comnerce-U. lAurent- UQmac. ................................. pr

. M i n ^ o f porti and4e?f>nph»~ ae

• Mtaliter of public w nki-Joaeph Di ‘ Paganon (ume post). Oi I u in u u r ot labor — Eugeni Frot ri! I {came post). Pi , u ia i(ur(treduetaJoa»& B L eU »|.n

Bonne. Pci Minister et eolonlei <_ jnncoU : Pletri. • M.1 MlnWet of alr-P lerte co t (lame ch t poalUoQ). - — fS '

! Jai^uM Stem. I :. Mlalttcr of penaloai - Blppolyte U, ) Ducoa. I OlI UtnUter of health-PhUlppe Mar- on [ combe*. • WI BUU for u n mag . ^I Pledged to conUnue a policy ot fl* ^ , aanclal rutoratlon, Prm ler Bor>I rautwcrkedceatelealyalQceh^idea- ^ . to fonn a cabinet replacing Uiat of ^ . U, OaUdler. which fetl Sfoaday.

There have been tereral prerloui ^ i cabinet lineups unottklallyAnnoune*, td, all ot them ihowlng serttal mtn< _ ' I Uten la the pcsU Uiey occupied la , Uie former cabinet. ^

« , Sarraut, a popular leaator. publliber and radical Socialist party <

a t the marin« mlnUtry support o f , 2!'' Uie whole left wing, eacept Commu* n liu and fiocUIUtiratUiough he w u ^ promlKd (he backing of dissident SodalliU' u d scattered votci from > Uu ck_ttr and right pnttiee. ' ®-

noNaUoni ahd In foreign a ffiln would! ' be like that of M. DaUdler, he aald.On war dcfits bla Tjewpbln^'wu M t ^ made known. "n

— mi



JUNOnOMCITY,Kas,(}etfMW) ® -fJ . W. Schmidt, former sen- ^ ator. cattleman and bank director. P*" whose etforta led to rtstoraUon-of the o td iu te capltoi on the fo rt nil- ery^TsserraUonraied unexpectedlj^t^S>' hU home hero today. HehadrtHded,?** la BUey county for W yeara. The ” widow u d sis sons turvlre. =

Charles Rolpla ^ -M uasooE E , oua.. Oct. a rw v ^

Chariei Kolpla, V). once a member of the bodyguard ot KaUerWUhelm H.of.Qma«ny_#nd.a_clis4malc.ot i “J President von Illndenburg la mill- ^ Ury school, died on h li.ta rm Jear • ? TahlcQuah, today, lie oame to the

ot Oklahoma in IBTO. ' ‘ eO'fcdwin B. CaUln ^

ANACONDA. Monu Oct. 50 M>- "" Edwin B. CaUln. 73, lha last n r* 7TtTlag member ot the tin t sUff ot *Uu Anaconda. Standard, died to- «« after har>. i t Ing ^ n 111 since September 11.

NKW yoiiK , o c t . ' j m - j i ^ r t ^' i£issis:Sss=s±£s ^

be lnroJred In another war within .. E IS monUtt. lie lummarlttd wei ot Uit national guard units ot Idaho. h>:

I S D A N G E R O U S 0 1

S M O O T H , S U M M E U

b Ik ' I

^ U n U I M ]^ L > B

C O G S WT I R E A N D S E R V I i

405M A IN E .......... _


' ™aCHE™ATHER U :■ FOB ANNUAL MEETI r (ConUnoed'prra Pate One) .

< f t i^ B e 'o 'N e U J ? a » ^ fO»; it lege dramatic department under dU

rtcUon ot Mr*. C. D. Merrill, • l> BecUenalMeeUan

cialtzed discussion a t 3:45 p. m. Bee* Uons ot offlcen for each ro u p to

I* sen-e for U»e comlni year i ^ be 1' held, mecUa«s scheduled u follows:

I PUer: U lu Clartce Saunders. Twin K lFailj; MUs AdtU A.'Woods. AlbldD '* 1 state normal. . < -rr -lntermedUterroora-30lrUn.-XTad p. Mitcheil. Bhoabone. du lnnaaJ3a

Uu procTMn WlU be .MUs Mabel R. ~rMlHefrAlbtoa »t>tfr^noreial;. m a0 OptI Snider, Ooodlag: MUs JeanU r {Ttrren. Maroa school. T lkr; Mlia Eel<

I Upper grade*. r c a o S U U O . »«w-• I man, Richfield, chairman. MUs VeuI• j PUrel, Richfield, will gtri a demon*

e iM Q slc , rowTaMTjrT. Bahtoldie, chalnnan. O s the profTim are Qua*

• j ta r O. Pbcbtoer. Jerome; W. A askWarner, Kimberly; U W. Beebout,

r ftlea. and Oral a Uike, BuhL SocUl science, room lOe. lUxel R.

• McCoy. Qoodlng, ehalrmaa On Uu program are O. P. Merrill. Jerome.

- and oy d to g high khocJ aenloti.

1 Dahrl Bockwlts. Burley, chairman. On Uu program are ValetU L l le f

t rison. Jerome; JuanlU SUtcllff, Twin n u s ; Helen Jensen Morgan, Twin

s ,PU2>; Anna Jaeobeen, TSlff; Jtuby Poole. Burley,

s Foreign language. Tooia 30S..UU1 Uargaret Scethoff. Ooodlng coUege,'

B chairman. On the prostam are MUs -]KaUileen-P0Tey,-aad MUa-WUma

I High school prlnclpaU, room 101, t V. N. Tarr. Twin Palls, ehalrmaa.

I On Uie prosram a n A 18ugg , Jer*. ome: 0 . D. M e r ^ Ooodlng; John- W.Condle.BoUe.

Science, room IW. Pau) Ludlow,, Filer. clulmuuuOn the program are . Janies Tomlin and John Platt, Twin . FalU.

gram'are Mai'DerslJy--CalJ, UM , Martha Farrar. Twin Falls; o . D.. Merrll]. Ooodlng,. Couhes, room. W . Floyd Luft,. Buhl, clulrman. DUcusslons by i m

Bowen. Buhl: Sd Lacy, Rupert; Jack Hayes, Higamin.

; P. T. A , room 103, Mrs. W. P. Ban*I ey, Twin PUU, ehalrmaa On tho [ programareW.B.8mlUi.TwlnFalU;: I Dr. John U CUfton; 0 . P. Potts, iu>,! perintendent of U e deaf and blind . jchMj. Ooodlng.; Saturdays sessions open at a.

m.. and a t 1:IS for the final tfier*, nonn miftliflf.^ O t«5ryih*'cEargo oTthe conren. J Uon are n . P. WUlmorUi. > superin*

man; LoU J , liudyl Buhl, Tlca chair* man; W, C. Nuxmaa. Filer, Ttee

. FalU, secretary.

r jranotiT E B co iu D ss w rraT4NKEB NEAR flAN FSANCI6C0

, SAN PRANOISOO, O et S« *. T ie Admiral Laws. freighUr-of Uie Pacific Steamship line , w u dam*

> aged about the bow la a coIUslon ,wJih Uj# tanker teboc of the Oener-

^U:Petroleum company la a-daas«.fos ; 'oft MUo Rock Just ouUlde Uu Oold*I en Oste today,

: Barringfon-HoUtegsworth,-«.- stsge star of 30 yean ago and a pioneer moUon picture actor under Uie natne ot Herbert Barrington, died todayam u-hcina-lflrT arry tow fi: For many years .he played wlUi Richard Mansfield and achieved

Too Late To Classifyro n RENT E x c a i n r r pab-~ture.-HO,acrt»smllea sooth'Bur* ley comer. Buhl; 300 acres feur nniH um m ut itHii. « mile eastr F tii?ne;tW g..m iJ^U i._ _FOR’fiA I£ ON SALE OROONOe .. S a t, SS head, extra good spoUed wesner pigs; 7 good milk cows, entire h'erd.


COME INAnd Let Un Shoir You

k T h e N ew , G n a n n te e d


I E qualed E lsew here.

^ H W in te r a lso calls f o r a> H chasffo o f oU->anti*V B frcczo a n d p e rh a p s aI M b a t t ^ c h a rg e —W«*J!M l check y o u r c a r w lth -

.....- o u t ob liga tion .

H D o n 't F o rg o t O ur■ \Y asatch G oW en.Eaglo■ G w o H n e ^ fo p —

' m v z c o ^ .W e A lso S en G as . A l W hol«*tle

v e l i 7 ^VICE STATION '




ET DEVELOPS IN.fOW/^ (ConUnued y r ro Paga One)

dU ta f liooo farmers have ordered i strike but no results hare y tt beejreported.

Nebraska holiday leaders hare pro ^ cU tm em itrike.JJ* approfwWSA .^ P. 0. Crocker, aecrttary ot Uu Re. ' to braska «ssocUUon.' u scrt« l Uia J * "rtganflas of the ctirrent talk, Ui

KaUonal PWmen’ Holiday asKcU. ^ Uon-U not oppoaed-to.UujaA^W( iqv *0 »°<e o n ^ r ft. I t ia t fs wtun

J S ' r S K S t o m O T w u i d b nsending a fmir*polnt prograa-to i

conference in De. MoImi

^ His r w d l u :( la _I» Payment ot t ^

naUonal.debt, U u tnU nst bear- ___la f chaxie o& the taxpayeta and t<

X Payment of war retm ni* ad- jQ. justed coopenutlon claims la m

~°'^^ ^ [a e d late~>cUdn'by t S l e J It*, era! goremment "against ptoflteen mk w hoaretaktnf ad ra ata g eo rth e n . n± pobUc.*

1 RMucUon or U u tariffs ig R. 'foreign countrtea can sell goods tc

lh« get money to buy oor lurplas fana se, products.”

North Dakota O ornnor Langeil t te wtieatTuubaigo h u caused 'a Ttrt nal in . itandstUl of shlpmenu from Uiat e> sU te .' rln . I


S i (C o o ^ u cd R m P ag « O ae)

« manUirwlUnedoctloii-of-wm-prtM

^ P“* b y ^ ^ ^ ^ T t o ^ ^ goaL

MeaawhlU. he aunouaced Uut ™ wheat farmer* conUoUlng about to _ per ceat of Uie naUOD^ wheat acre. ^ age bad signed agreeaMoU to cun S taU plaatlnga for next year 15 par

cent and Uiat Uie flow otll02M0/)00 ^ In ^ IxneflU to Uiem m iU start

^ - -Durtag-Uw day farm admlnUtnt. n o n ’se ttp e rc en t u tho lnU res tra te

on loans to com growan to be nude ^ through Uii newly created'commod. M Ity credit corporation, n u lo a n i win

be made on com la lealed ware* houses oD farms In the sUtes that

a . haw farm warehouse acU. Tlie ho inuiU wm be made on Uu basU e( U; prices centering a t SO oenU pcf u l bushel for number 3 December com od a t Chicago.

Durtag a press conference, Wallace a. bdlcated Uiat Uie recent Increase la T* rye ImporUUont w u auslng con*

cem In official farm elrclea but Uut HT Mi WUlTtdMi: len ^ r 1mpoMlMe-t» n* declare an embargo on ImporU of Uw tr** ' ' '■Ir* COSDSM Btrlkenlee ■ Wallace’s address w u directed to Eta fnrrr-n nt West where a

sUike h u been called by a farm or* gankaUon. WlUiout reretrlng d lr^ * jy, to. the strike, ho eouaselled

'O pstlence*- He paid high tribute to Prealdenthe Roosevelt, asserting, 1 hontsUy be* a* llere Uiat Uiere h u nerer been ta on Washington a.presldeat'or gorem*

nent u lym^ t ^ t t e with /anners u

S •*W aS »«"^o*it clear that he ccn* sldered Uie wheat program a 'suo*

_ ctss.' The area contnflled by Ua ~ contracting wheat farmen U Bl,* go n5.8«actta. A 18 per cent reduction %r means that plaaU np on Uie 670;tS he farms controUed by Uiese growers ed would be reduced 7,7SSM0 a a ts r£ tr w U iU l f recent y n r s If Uierful- iUi tin Uielr eoatracta.•d .>0“

L BROWNING'SB-ir* — ------------------- ------------------

ed • ■ -

Barfijtins- N A S H ^ E D A l C s r i t iL , i k - wire wheels find trunk rsdc all in f irs t class conaition------ --- V * * * ^


_ _ $ 6 5


D cS 9 T 0 1931 S I X SEDAN Lone of the prcttlent cars on 4 h * ~ r o a d ^ J i a a _ f i iS _ m r L wheels, practicallr new General 6-ply t l r « , uphol- stcrlng and point in ex-

r £ ‘ l _ ^ $ 5 0 0

D O D C P sitX .1931 COUPE, you can’t beat this for a good looking, Q / 4 7 P 8cn-iccable coupe O



r : '

OCTOBEB 27, 1933 _ .

-- Twin F a lls R illing - ly ,, U p h e l ^ t B o ise

BOISB. Oct. ae MV-The itota su* ) ' pnme court today (ustalned tbe

Twin FalU dUtrlct eourt la penniU

^ t e r V o . Ihler and Misthliaa Ihicr.Itie question of the mortgage

‘**0 "moratorium" w u not Involved.• ^ The foreclosure w u protested by

Uie Ihlen on the grounds Uie Con- tlneatal Icsurahoe company w u dolaz b u s in e s s In Idaho wlUi* o r t ^ corporaUoa Ucens* aad for U ut nsson eould no t laUlate a

• r * suit 'f te supremo cmirt held UiatUm company did not actually en-

jjJJ* w rtirba tow ^^e tiit^bu t

T h T c o M t^ n d U ut Uie mart- ^ * gtge ttansacUon took pUce tn Bll- " 5 a , aou..ColkeUaiLfLloterest accmlng

on Uu indebtedness, Uu courTiSil* ^ ed. does not eonsUtute dolnc busl-

SS . — —


' weeL Ontr o are In fbree. The of* M flee reo^shUaUon Just effected. U

1, I , expected by Johnson to pnxluoe

***^rt testa on either steel or Ford HTi. cases could result only If, In the *-y. fir.t rm . ttwi nwridmt ordered the (h it steel men to take hU terms on a

mine contract and Uiey decide to nght; and In Uie second. Ford low bids were submlUed and re jectk aad be decided to go to court for ndnss.

-oy 1X«I« S t to lla Ford Bid ' to .U u ^ ease word got about

U ut Uu war department already had___ decided to ellnttnate Uie P o r i com*priM par^from-oonslderaUon-but-eloser out* study-Ud pofnt-out' tbat sL tha company would not have' to '

Uut , ~ " ' ~ = ISO

S : V FORTIFY YOlilOT \ —Against Co— — X^TroUbleJQiis.rat.ratelade u p


E %% jBM sJL^ CORAGRl»“ / Percalx D:

S tx t U O rphena-1 t

an*tbat —- ~ = = = = ^ = :Uw

S r P u B ED(d will. Sen a l Farm en

« ' MONDAY,-flCTC' l» 3 0 ------ HEAD OFan*111 Servfal weZl'broke testts, *fl hors— -fMd-«addU4>orst>UJ}heUsadjt CO* extra good fee Uds; 2 k U Hcs

t o ' _ 3 0 ------ H EADOBl,oJ a n - ----------------- D airy-C ow and

^ CHA3. AND ClMl- -W.'J.-IIOLlENBEOK,-ABHl*n«f.

E r b

i - H IN youH t a r o io b W *«» ««e^ in I Tb* fiaal waak, {Deluding I ^ • bannarceUbrqtloiiom»t^

: L O W E S T Hi IN H IS

J 4 ^a

^ Ooed la D« Lose Coaehe

. ::S58.) Ftrit Class Ecoad Tr


J n r cwopMe btermaUen aik : Twin Fans, id ii

c ■ | l ^ l l | | T H

) 1 S 6 Bids ar« ia 'now-oa M n t t n d * '. . . for Uu.ClrUlan Ooaserratlon corps,

ktg su* and Uu Aird figure U low. but Uu d tbe point may not arUe alne« Uig ttid 'enniu w u submitted by a Ford dealer, wbo om ed Jto 6 iL to U U l$ m * til« taU ,eo 4 i^ ._ Ibier. 80 far despite Doa.twogalUon et '

r |« B NIlAauUiorUybyHearyFord.Qfne-c_ laJs do not regard him u tloUUnf b r tbe code. HU wage and hour InotU*

' Ceo* loas wen cndentood to be la line, r j ? * but ho along w lU isennl otter maa- w ia* utaeturer* bate not yet tamed ta ^ flguits tegueated by Uu naUoaal ? . . . . automobUe chamber of coaa iem 1 tha t yndff tattorUaUon of Uu code. i S ir The rofd oompaay maintains to * “ J W^ihbgton a d J f f l ^ / o f T W J J p -

meut sales welttH**^>rha»lniMn th» „ past suppUed Uie United States wlUi

. n il. enormous oumbtrs of automobike“ J tratfa- • _______ ^

ODDITIES OF LIFEp . (Continued f t c o Page Oas)

i jn ' Itr t ' dlTOiCBToniplatatrflhe-U-fIf* ■ nU weeksKiId Nlra MarUne BetUemyel UCM and her moUier. Cleo, acci»es Mon*-

ree SeUlemyer ot deserting her and

le) ^ ~


TULSA Okla. - Called for Jary ' duty, A W. Gordon, 81. refused to cUlm age exemplloa

TU notahlrk my duty." he said.m a - « e was m * l i ^ i r, Jiirm to d tt --------« to —— l> low fiRE,, M U C E DEPARTMENTS d g d B O f UAU, ONEXETTSa .

OZSVBt - SeiTO tin tnOt. Uiita tire chiefs, 40 firemen, thrsa

about police emettency can and aU patrol* yhad men helped Oerald Shawcrolt maB com* hUletter.Inddentally,Uiemayorflg> elowr —

r o U E S B L F N O W >

C o l d s a n d S i n u s ^ ^ ,

^ _____

l lG R E E N H O W

X D i s t r i b u t o r

.^-1 l« » >. M,' M l. I )• U p.

E s a ^ :rm ers .C orral, ' ^ I n Falla

CTOBER 30,1 P. Mi,) OF HORSES —— 30n horsa tn a 2 (« S years old; s m rs lMia pany, 1 w a n cld, wtlicht 4M lbs„ ___Ht Heary Wort Uam uTlO R O jH

VD OP CATTLE .------30

r afid-Feedcf-Stecrs._______________

D GENE HUGHES ,•n « f.------MBS.-HOLlEipEa£,.Ctek.

• — ..............

■ « thfti g ro d es t oi E x p o ^ d ^ ' Sng Aindstic*, D or, ^ b * .(ba la moal tuccM shd F d r in-bistoryl

R A it tR B E § ' 3 IS T 0 R Y


from Twin Fan# ' *

Coaehrs snd Tomtst 81e«pe«

i58;4S ■md Trip from Twin FaOs


I aak J. l: FULLER. Tiekrt Ageni i l |I. Idab<k PbM). OL I


Page 8: · 2014-12-12 · m F i IBEn I Edutatlon Association E------OlKii af-HighStlioQiiOuU -

I— ' - , - ' ;.

-YafeHMentors at Two

— Umversities-Rap- -^Gridiron Pftjicies

F a ta n l E ll'« 'F a m o m P lar

S t ir s up In te r e s t Am oni

Eastern experts; H3n(are — : ' Id ea s Rem ain ilnc lianaeJ

Bjf EDWABO J . NEIL i (AuocU ttdPrw Bpoiti Writer) ^ NEW YORK. Oct. 2«-K(»wlh*tUn

BIk Three o( the c u t. B tm rd , t i h u d Princeton, tra bU om Urfc iuppr ttaOf *(«Ja la *-rcMl*U Wj for n a e kam d i ( iH it, tbs expeiti« o w u u d r t i i i ■ b i p p t neTinluAUy to Yftle'i (udoui non- KoutlD* policy. ,

A btlf d o a m n B<o T id Jonea, then the Eli hetd eouh and BU Boper, ttlrector ot Prtaoctm't pUr. Joined lo- the f ln t urecm ent uoodi nuOor coUsBea not to aeout each oth« er^ pli;a end In m U o n i In lanui ^ UnlDtry to their meetlni. Por.a

------- oj»ponenUrthen.appUad-lt^«oIj-Uthe B rom aad Princeton racaea H am rd nerer did ioln In tba a«»ee. nent.

OffWaOrtJphoMaPoUejT • Otflelally Yala and Prinoeton, Uu

■ (ConUnoedJcnPavalO)

— Bu W in s ^ ef— Pirates, 13 to 6

W est E nd ' FooU iall A rtis t!

Invade R u p e r t a n d T ake

. T h rilling Q rld B a tll i

tlon tended tha Plrato strooihoU--------her»-thU attcraooo.aA lJttld-.tlM

loeala out ot reach oT Uoucbdova tm the eoslng acecoda o( pU r la thi

. meuittae.acootilng,gp .two.fnna tai to win. 13 to 0, la a Bl( Ten confer*

-iT w d ty i Fune.Yektiir^ paitta, wai.ona of the moat thrOUas

----- - and hard'fcusht eonteata erer ex­hibited on the local rSdlron. Thrllli ralora u a reiult ot tha paiiet and poverfal offeoslra paya ot both clerent kept (tie fana on thetr feet

------- inoft-ofHhe-iaaie.------ :--------------The flrat period WM erenlr match-

- ad wllh a aeenaw battIa..Earl7 In the Mcond period Buhl pUnted to Rupert on the latter^ 3)>7ear Uae

-------- whfWThe-baljTnrt-tanbledaBd theIndiana recorered placing them* eelTcalnapotlUoQtoaeoie Two line bucki railed to p in a foot aa the

:------- jw o rae fe iu ln power ti<hien(d.-Onthe IMrd pla; Coach Fiord Bowen' anregatlon uneorked ft-pau that

—tn a i on tha 10*rara Una. From than Iha baU w u buekM o m but an at* tempted plaoa-Uck for th«-estza point talle<( for » 8 to 0 haU-Uma acore. ■ • ■ •

_____ _ i n l w p t P**a • '■•nie thW perlod'tha BuBTUdi

punted and paoad thetr way to mid*--------neid-froirwhleh-poeltlorf-Ooaeh-Bd------- L M ar'a-an tan lw n .ln ta rw p tad .a

Buhi pau and n tum ed th t plgikla t0 th a la l te i ru .7v«iunebafm b**

M ingiow nei.B ttttbasaU aM em n atopped a aerloui th re a and .tha ’i third period cloaedacoreki8.ABoth8r I axchancaofpunU lalhellntlpttiod \ placed .th* ban on the M-7ard:llna

— ir'Bsbl't^feaaeMleDtrtMBzlhan;* lexlETTif'ptBcs'wen uncorked that

-^^•dw wed-tha'XBtfiaac!-onUoita25« yard line. A loni ;«>a waa completed aa the t«eelw itumbled'OTBr' tba loal Une'but Uie ball w u breuiU btek lo the M oot Ine from when It waa bucked orrr on the next play, n e extra point waa added by a Una bock for a 11 too lead.

With but aeconda left to plajr tha Rupert an rtrauon tinleaihed an air


v is i t in g G rld s te r j T rium ph

.O yer Q eodlng A ggregation

In C p n l e r a c e - C on lesl

QOODDIO. Oct. M (Special to n e Nm)-W ead«U h ith mhod football aq u d (ended the local irldtron' ben

. . th l i afterooon tnd tm tite d on.tba ' Joesendo faH toO aeonby ia tk far

rood a aerlu of paaaea a k o i * |tb loma exceUeat pontlai tn d t (aw Una p U ^ TMay^ | t » waa a coa*

Wcsden opeaed up the fin t half after ftUlag ta n ln throutb the

f Uat with the forward panel that netted t (oaehdowa and the extra point for t ' 7 to 0 half-thae aeon. Tbe aecond half went much a i the ftmaenlcD with Ooteh P. S. Cratch* fields boyi td n c c ln s iteadUy on P«*P« UW# «Tn; w t t f f •son j

m m----- r — - S - T ---- --

Prmcetj) FrotbanSdh^N

iesPlan ~long MM u*.jg e d CE

■ g » ? - « S S = 2.........

er) « u u i» a B uu n.-an«e'— " .

%'Si S K j “ ^ =lu feS ------------>m»- --------- n OGRY-non* Oolendo n . Wromlnc__

D a m n . oslondo (k>U«ft___ ’<nua. m2b u m "

S ---------------riO ft. PAIUU a ouuomlt Tl. OolrmttT ef eeut&c fa t % OMUonl* A(ts« n . rrMM--------

ly-to -vw«r»itr«i-oin(on>i**u«-ia(i uaec. WMtOBitw « • —««*• SOU

^ S S v / w f r r a T o i u i ^ ^

n a i n . wire . ... .

. • ®

— S S S P S

i i s t s i , , " —

rak e Haosen Defeatsi t i i e - . n . , r ]

M C o a c h - R a y - S m ltb U o o U ia

» u » ■ T ea m O vercom es L ead Im a t __ ■ ____win by 32 to f? Scoi^ H A K S^, O r t .V (Special to Tl

a * Hewa)-After tnOUnc by t M lo bmia cotmt a t tbe half tbe Uaoten h!i ' ^ .’acbool football tquad came (rom b

hind lo chalk up three totiehdow ' <*** tn the third period tn 4 another

'die in tbelr O ita B aoutb aide dlrl los UUe n tre b by defetUai the A

« b lo n n a j l« n .a to l« .1^ . '7>u lo u l e lm n aco:^ early tl

period'wbea 'Uw'AJWea be grounded t p tu on the fourth doi

I tha o(thegtm«onthelrownlt<yardU] t.SS^tnd.w en-beld.-.H tnien.iajK ifl,u

.of tbelr opportunity u Ihey fiDEai ^ tbe U yard! on three plaja bot fal rtnK ed to maka good the<try tor ex^ B==rpointrOew!tK)rTUto«uile4sd»«u:

right btek wUb plenty ol fight i !>■>. unooifc t d tn llng patilni altt( i ^ . l b a t netted t toQchdown tbe flr .Una Ptriod and tnolber the aecoad pe

. lodtiidlabotbcaaea (he extra poll ' w u added f ff » balf*time ecnat i

U dl M to# .---- ------ ------ ----------mid* Ooaeb Boy Bmttbl eleren ittgf !i-H 't-iiU rliH h»-thM -pertod-«ot4(i id*t|lea-ef-Une bocka-tsd ead-ruDi thi nkla'ripped the vtiltotf line to ihrtdi i a be* tba loetli ran orer three louthdoin fesae.tad adtted o w c x tn polat. Acala J . tba jtba la it period tba JoctU'aooied an itharlbuckedoykrtbeexlrt point for a ! • r io d to U o o o s t,- lln a :A L B lO H ^ :_ -.-iHAHSB- ■ ' - ( t n — • mit h a i : ^ U t r k b a a ^ H i y a eJ5i-4>blppett--.-i—S U .^ . I W to |t aItted D ow n___ O_______ Shot

tba Vimmtr,- H - ’ ' - ’ BfTlOlf

■hen De AUey-------t ------- scoplay, o r ty ^ ‘ V. Bi' Ub* d . U o y d ____ q ____ —. nugb<

' ■ B. lio y d ____ H___ u— . Tripp]f th a u a c f t r l ia i___ H--------L. to l la *ir BeU________ F_____ 0. flmll■“ N Seon by peitodi:

A lblco________ 7 t fl 0-1, - ■ a o t a i - 3

SubeUtutlani; ^ . o a -'IRoide Eagelklng,- Ttemayne. 0 . Uoji Aaeade. Beeley, U Bell, Boomguk

. ^ t a d ' Satehwan; .B a a M a -R il ^ yWwhllflyYflit Hiagi. Ytmm M l y g tne . Staager. ._________

aad tha e x tn polat to bUBk the lo niu,

npn Ootch M. W. T tte l aggregttla threatened to a o o n b st twice darSo

tlon the gime and on both occuloai <U< not adnnee beyond tbe :o -rtrd Usi

[M f IVBtfUeally oo galai wcrr made b. — ellber t«tn} through .the line, du _ to the 'atnbbom defen«ofbothele n e Teaa..Wendell'a tuperb pamng al >baQ ttck netted tbe two Mona and th ben conference win.•tba W INDSU.----------- OOODINCktor (i4> («]few Bilckla___ T __________ RU» * n DUOlhalf flnlllnt nthe F l r t b ---- r. i^nui

r tr t U. Weinberg q Uellco n . ZoUlnger - - b Knljh'tbe Prince w jujkocIxh* Price _______ p •

on SnhfUtottoni: ,WendeU - None,nrvJoocidm c-JktertM a. . .

. . T f f i n « ’« .T J in » iT ;

TE GRIZ :on Foot)M e ^ 0 c t i ^ 2 8


— j a a g — a

*•' II!' *“ Z Z I Z w gwntwM*

■.......: , : ■■■


s g . ! a . - — i a■ tJWfBlB . M

M X — 0.1!

6V-M0BIITAIN------ ^ :-------

PAR WESTnit&«n tMifflmi. ---------- f .r

~ ~ (.T

30UTHWE8T'•» • » .y .u ^ n . • T<1

.......... . ? r


-- .. )].i;

aa»im« , , , ^ m c a ir iw r? iu « ‘! Z r

; Kimberly Takes i?en Conference Tlo tb a l l C oacliJhon ip so ri!s_G rid sU i

ad to O vercom e O akley Les

S core .. T ( i ' - S c o r e i 3 - 6 .Victoi

^ KIUBERL7, OcL M (SpeeU ^ ^ J n a N e w t) - X t m b e r ty Bui

«X>»» P « ^In tba .aecond ipiatUr tn d anotb In the third period to regliter a I

“*v “ to*« victorr hen thla aflemooo or B^n«‘ ibrOtklarhigb-ichool-eleTen-la-

‘“™ : haid-tought clan A,' noa-BIg TH “> •"* eocfereneegtme.

<HUey uncorked a lin t period t ttck t b i Wd.wsH.to4efett.tbaJ < a lg n d ite n u C !0tc h l£ a .O n ] " T a ltd i ripped through the Ui tn d tround end lo icon t toucl doire-lhe-opentng-pidod.ol.plty. p taew u ttu m p ted to id d lh e ex t: point but waa incomplete doling U

r r ^ f ln t Periwl ot pUy wtth t M o . , icw rforO ikteyr— ralUck ®o«l» J- V. TKompion'i aggrtgi I fln t tlon cuae back' the aecond peril ^ with « whirlwind atUck that ml 1 n ^ t « t ta ' tao itm ent of forwtrd pan

tn d Une bucka to net t toochdow_____ n e extra point m backed o r s r :

. . . g tre'the lo c tli 't J-point lead.-’n > W d O M p r to a i t o M l K i u m e ,

tb r b t l l to tlw »lillonH(HfMd4h » th it froB T ftith l«al-C 3U bdftri* -tii nd i u (or t Bice gain tnd with excellc: idovni loterterence raced the 40 yaidi fi

In a toochdowa n e extra point ti ed and wta tniitieeoiful. m a n

fxw T .yr nU B B U ,IKBBI (8) (rs»-

flhobe B. Hale ,r . , . .~ e -,— — Bltnu .^dldi T O ro a t- - .- • ,g — _____ J w

QjQ H u a t e r ^ , , gb—._ _ C lilb o i

S d £ L Z Z 2 h b " " 5 a « b ^U trtla d a le ____lb ------------ Dod<

amllb ^ b y p e r i o d i : 1 3 S 4 Otkley ____________ « 0 0 0-

0- U Kimberly ---------------0 7 8 0-11- U -0 Q b tu c a tle a i;O tk le r -N o n (

loader. Slffiber]y>.^6Uyler;'Fttloof>rorrt] UoTd. Keegta.

® ------------

^ T o w a n P f e p f e r -

h . 1. . T o F a c e A g g i e s

i .B « I n U t e S t a d i u nlortng _____nidld ____dUae. • SALT UUCE (OTY. Oct. M Ml • ^ br -BUp' TDWsa of Twin M U . Uabi I due a ttr In many Gem xttte'achool grl tj cie. h ttilea ,-now tti^haaon ttlbB t;n i ^ l l . Tcnlty of OUb, at todays i)wkni ^ the lb Otea* ttadlua tbeorbed jccn

m an fine polnU about tha dutlea o niNO U>« RedJklns’ regular guard. P n (Al Mftffj^nxie, w)w. win be out 'oT tb

- r o u game when UUh meeta tbe Logai Agglea b e n Saturday. UcKeiut

n i,a„ will be on the ildeUnn beeaoie « Injuriet,

onton • n w M pUred tw n ih ta t bal 'en«n ag tln it Brigham Touag o n in n lt 7r t n ta tbe guard pcelUon I t i t week, tm Ueller ta expected by Cctch Ike A naitno Inlsht to UU the p p capably. b»ck Bcotita report the Farmer elerei

the beft to jean , and the CapiU Kooe; team i« taking tha cooung game ae


m v wEwa; TOM tm a . ida


Mosow Vandalsa - M f f l g t e

t " -On McLean fielM o n ta n an s E n te r G rid T

~ 5 irof?sfist t i e t i

— I n - S c f w o K i - H I s t o r y -

C o a s t C on fe rence Pli

IM KOSCOW; Get; M -Idaho'i Va m i d u i la c « t tough battle 00 UtcLt « i tWd Saturday when t b n .meet

• M g tm a 'o r th a .a e a io a . 'n e Idab *■' M onltnt game atK o*»w ti tba oc

iJ T tbla week and. 'u o n ta n tU n te l by expert! t fa

! i ' orita'OTtf'Xdabo for tbe f ln t Ui ».« lo y t a t i - m arloUea, after ami

11-0 lu 'tb e waitecn football world d w eekatio la . bolding W M hW ' 8UU to jb U*« toargla, coQtinu their powerful drirs S a tu r d i

i-T agilait tbelf borne itale rlvali, i ^1*2 K U liIiT W H nrata trln -fdeciel

, HUboT««mpha

u n u n t baa aot bHten Idaho m two yean, but the la it two gair

jM * hare been terifflo batUei. Idaho r upthreetoochdowwandklckedea IQAI Ig tln it the O riouu te (hi

. 0-u . i m Uoacow. appearance, only■ — I UTe *

J ? laihaltat-^Barteft-Hadtheariali *?:!! luoeenfuny completed-each try*f<

potet ft tie game wtiuld hare ren lu r r ; n e final aeon w u JI-W la ld ah i

f a w . to d i m on welcome time:------- ' gun w u n e n r ftred on UacLei

field, n e i m leore w u » to

**T W O rffiS ’ innde Moacow wl . tbe ittc a g a t team atore Mootai

joined the coait coalerence, and th M .I a n determined to get out of tb$ a T i l l tar a t Idaho'f expenu thli year. Tl l U l Vandali. Ukewbe uniucceuful

play thU .far.tbU fa — ^ figura trt fhtUr itfi, ihrir firp IWT

• Tlctflfy t tw Montina.sU O -

W c U i e l d l e a n L .r to rv ................. ■’

: Triiiniplis, 12-1idowa --------

v is i tin g T eam H eld Scon

r t ^ T — le ss ;— T w o— Touchdow tt Ten

M ade in Second P e rksd a t-tia Jih .____________ _______________

RIOBFIEU), Oct. 38 (SpecialI U u The Ncwi) - Blchfleld high echo «Kb* footbtU eleren broke telo tbe vi

they admlnutered 1 13 lo 0 dele t« the H tttlloo lada te t lecor

8*toH> pjrtod icoring iptee. Tbe Blchfle — TT rn iua B0t-uu3jr lield .th B -Tfate Ttgt* M onkai but let them down with bi jeriod two fln t downa one o l which w mU* gtlnM by metni o f t penalty on 11

Wnea I6ctl pkirtera. Coach Edwte Fryci down, iqutd Rgiitend U t in t downi I rsr to the meantimfc . • ' , „ .~ n e ' n i local! accounted for their fir anced touchdown oa K night football whi

-thrawond^ m y a r w lU i L ^

x l l ^ C ^ V u E i ^ n ' i tggRtalUII for nut up t atttbbom defenitre the le It t r r oad half and cltboogb the looaibC'

got withte the 10*yanl line twhs f f l s s r•Bcotf nAZ&TON j a c m a

« e ta j S«!M ------- .Bcnm it'tnaeU -------- Biau o o Beckley . . . . . . . .Q -------------- CnBrunt Qroie ------- » O. BtereJwood Bruno " Er»Ubom Howard______ ^T__:------- OoalWeree p»rli ____b XJtlnitfW»th*a Webb q - 0 . (Jonn^Jddi Chadwick_____« ________ C»P

i _ 8 Preelore ------- F 0, Cotiai

.T j? i ;fUchlleld ;-------------- 012 .0 ( -1

Subitiiutioni:. ttoaeltonf3iU < aijuad. Rlcbfleld-auder and FUtc

- r - ^ M g a i r f l a n s - T a -

,g S t a r t F i r s t S t r i n i

l i m HOHAaA. CaU (>ct. M (;P)-Wll] l U n the dceUration “anybody who too

. the h'enda team lightly ahouldhar hu hcAd eumlned." Coech Edvar

” (BUp) Madlgan of St. MaiT'a an '4 5 ft noonfed ««Ja7 would Jlart hi . E r f ln t itrtni vanlly team tgalw l tb

WolTCi In ihelr annual football cn counter at San frtnclico tomorrow


Spux Myrn, PocateUo Ugbtwelghhalf fighter who twice w u a chtUenge:

;«Ky for the wcirld'a Junior welterwtlgh'■ tn d ehtmplonJhlp.wUlreluratothortai n n g here Monday night te the mate boui

at the arma. Ke me«la 'Saima] lerea Georse of Salt Lake Clly. tt wtD bi ,plttl hU flr»t bout te nearly a year w e ie - a half. hU own prefertnces bctej

a u ie of b li laactlTlty.

P A H O . F R ro A Y M O R N IK Q . C

FAVORI............ s : s s s .

aches 0;♦ ■■■■ 7

J a y H a w k J o l t e r

i T i i t B 9 | S M


van*tcL ub

t:ontaatfcreoce B B K :Idabi^ haooly I game

itf tT *It Ume tiaat*

Id (VO n Q t H a j B i H B aK S I OR»dUkND B8AC Jtteued nutiOi^KAMaA^

i r d t y S— aiU,de-S e d a l T e - m B g ^ H ^ ^ I

l»bo t n ' B 9 B 9 E | F ? > ^ ? i S ^gamea

iho n o ned each one o r f f l e ^ tecka of a Va i t b ^ t i i fo l K aiuu team that b <uy to K anju Slate Saturday tfleR

ly-for* = = g — ■ ~ s s

G o p h e r Co«Cr€tt6]timerstcLeta

w w ttb h S ootant

v-T he ful ta


'e rlod

^ ioI W M l P W H W lH iu M

30 wte B I « W M tH w W m g-when______ _____ _______________"151**] FRANCIS WJND, UnlTcnlty

Mlnnewla-a backfleld handy who/figured in toe deftat of

■■ Lund paaua .punta tn d calli « na li.-yn Photo.

m e n ------------------------------------- ^

ivs McEvoyrHomsl); isK oss-B row niaiboya

twice --------

B aseball M en G enerally

^ ^ l B v e _ S t . - b i u l r - T e a

“ a - T f a r c h l s e M l h l r i '

Sleren* 'Er»ln 'ST. LOniS. Oct. 28 M>-Affali Joalte the money loateg Uit place Bt. L

lEitooe Brown* ol the American league Oonnor to eontlnae a t J m t temporarily. Cappi der the direction ot U C. McZ

. nUry Tice preildent, tnd-Rogcn Hors :onnor newly tcqulrtd manager.

* . . TbU beaune known today «lth 0 - 0 fUtegoflhewUlofPhUlpDcCit 0 - lJ Um , jw n tr of the club, who *|

Entire thouaaadi of dollan l i l r l f atffli FUtcI. log to erttte t winner. Exe«u

named by BoU declined lo lay whi er the Browni wouM be pUced

0 a>e,oarkct.------------------- ------. i n n . , Btll, who waa a'W K tatul Im

trtaUit, gaw ftU time »»well M_ money la chailtg a w»u o' iho «

-With but apparently made no provt ) took for tho managtmcnt of the club i1 hare' er bU death. No mention v u m dttard te the wUI of the SI. LouU prop.I an-, acofininoricftguc farm a t MUw r t ^ ^ tf id Saa Antonio, Ttxai.»t tbe .• After t fcw toall bcqunU t e )II cn* t u r n and frlend»,-IJaU left Ihe irrow. nalnder of hU estate to hli wli

' u d two children, n e value of ;cittte w u net eaUmatcd.

7 « B n l I » i™ "I BpeaUng of the BrowMf alter wm w u retd; Von WcL«. Balrt d buitecaa taaoclale aald *‘we wlU

relght to do what we thtek Mr. Ball« enger hare conilde»ed for the beit Inl reW t eali of til concemcd. '1 ring McBvay U out there t t ' 'bout ofneaandwehaToMr.lIomiby.i

tha dub can function and will do I rab o - BtaebaU men gtneraUy bellete Ir and club erratuaUy will be add. I t ibeteg rumored after Balla'a death latt Si

day, tb t t tbe magnate had agr

l.’OOTOBilB «r, uw

ITESIN) ^ o s e - N

! ! _ BoiKtadFdds. | f ' , t ^- . • ■•TL*

T hree K n o e k o u l « ® f tc

| H - _ o l o L E I g h t J M _

B b . k M T hum b S to p s H

I B M D L T O F n ^ O A B D ^ ■ 1 AT LEGION P tm o a BC ^ ■ l Mala B m 't

ue k ty Brown, Jeromi, knocked out Eddia Angc^ B

H U I (whalctl knoduut o w •1^11 Sleepy Cuan!nglitm.Twte»

O B M H t. knocked, out Don St«ij a c m .

I4S, knocked out Ben taan.Tw te.nUi, I ti.

i ^ ^ ^flU ghlly-m i-U ita-U -TO un ^ ^ 0 ’letther puablag w u offered i H n aight OD BIU Chlldl Americat

gtoa punch Bowl fight meau .wbat w u dUbed out to tba o o

' ring tana who tbnaged tbi

« I tn n m l u t H U M M on d c t i t o m r t n m u i m

:___ , route tn d the fourth, one of tbifightf o T u r w i M t r r a w tcloie of the fourth frtma when

X 6 F ’ ' b id to g]r> ttp wilb t b

. . ^ Spotting h li tfpedaUy frt ^ 4 ^ competitor ft ftrong eight pc

Mickey Brown ditrre b o a a « w hook to tbe d ite te tbe cloatei K oadi Of the third round to put: ^ Arego tin y for the ootmt. V u S gV ' dox te the wty the boyi could

It and ir te , the two ftetlUU the crowl te t n uptotr

d S f e \ tttrttoflA l*h.neJetom eboyi

S l ^ l u ^ P l n i t y 'of Jw d-u ied * - d r in .l ra a .. tb t- that cx^ecUd often enough t

9 s K UTcr pUnly of'punUhment. V W m - k tr« c t . .^ tb tn f e t s k . ln jh e

T '*'**' t tk i* Bretfhit ^ ■ - In (be etrly ptrt.of the thlr V Boln boy w u- knocked down ■4 . itayed for t count of eight 01 S -A knee to take t weU-«troed reit 9 . ^ . befon the knockout blow. M

dropped hU gutrd to let Arego m W 'te tnd then came up wlUi • te

n Q B Uter.l a tbe Kffli'Wtedup Jimmy I

h H ihowedflaabei of form that mti I B ^ B one'of tbe-bett'm ttdict.ot.tba H R ton when he mixed with Glut I S R n n of Kimberly te lour furioui r ” '■*1* o( alujgtng. wapM tn--------- - eltlty hetry work te tbe etriyjn'alty of in d exhU)lUd tn uactnny tbill idy m tn iwd with hU d»la tn d then du to f the gettw ayw lth 'lt. _

alU ilg* • n n e tfter time Dueey^ tippe w ouUbtreUftedOiutoutoftbi

.. If they had conneeM but u ll--------- the Klmbeily Ud took plenty1 AU the power of t. a t. tn d p

; l | | f of 9eed te m e m n t k n Dum 5 U y ~ t>eelaliy'l6rtmatbt*-lor tn y 11

* . h eahatom eeL H anuconldn t

n i i h l iS f l h l ! ^ ! a ! £ ! B im « ? K ^ Iv l U U It a broken thumb.-

Don SUreni, opened ft whirl i tu c k t m the fln t wuad e long th irU ite d through tba

llv Bfl- wund to iweep t bewildered S ’ Cvnntegbtm rtrtiiaUy out oi

re a m ’s

ee*::&T>^«FSBrurr--I«wrie(- h tdS le ten i under e o n ln l .

f fa ln o t S te fen im ad e Jh e nlitaki 3, ‘ i ^ Ihrowteg htfflielf wide open t f

tb n e ytrd off-Uckle opaUughI

CataW «nsfc ouL Ernie took one oa tbe i WTcrcd for about three aeccodi

e n tv t ****“

I IndUH . ■II u hU jucb fku I t naaelbn A i ao clip, Dietrich I. OleniM Fctrr I. rovUlon .B ehlU ,B «pert8.lubtft* WesdaO 14, Goedlag •.» mad* lUnbtHr 11. Oakler «.woperty Cattleferdn.B«m»t«r7. HUwau- • luneeo U . Albleo 14.

FniUaod 1, FVR* 7. to^nl* .XtWwtU » , Fayette ft _

1 widow' wllh Htrry P. Slndtlr, wetitfa]

man. to glre him l in t ' chtoo purchaie the property.

Ketroy. bowercf, n i l h |-» :ter the nothing of ntcb an agreement, i I'ldoee clalr w u t cioee (Hend of tba WlU try LouU dub owner, and when 1 would owned the BL Louli francblae of winter* old Federal league, Btecltir open

- te the nm e loop t l Newtrk.— t t tha Prealdent WUUtm BarrldgL of

by, and Amerioan league, h u offered to doio.” the famUy te dUpcdng ot tba (I eve the chUe If Ibey wUh to do ao. Be It w u dared, bowerer, that be did not itsun* KeTplheletmwouldbereaiOTedt agreed BLLouU,


ds MARK® N A M P A 1

- - - - - -T W IN F■ •T !iIi-» ft«n )oon IJiM oln

.tb tf l l s e i t i o o tb a i l e lau le i ir te n uo d o s i . ib u s f a r undefeated

i h e i n i p o f l t h s B n i l n i n m — L ea i t w i c f t Je a d . '.Ih tt E ru jM j . D ~. * « w e n t a « e I n - c o B f 8 r e r ! B r0»

I H anes ;- N a in p » h M . played b u t _ ’B I r ;T « -conferenco; gi

~ t i r o s ^ A rp ti ts t i r e a t i lU ii i t i M te U T W c w orer tba RBpert

» ___ ntM . AUbou^ bartag playedI BOWt c n i p m u tba* m lltUa U kn

ouUidi o( tba Rupert game t na. lU . Uxtr e ttn p tn t ln atrngtb.0. Bolae BuUdoa t n lepfltad to be oe ^ ■ th* -beatlert «gregtUona te

i t i ^ , tn d undef ,the giiUtna fin, 144. % e y . .M a r t e e i^ fo m g Ru

' ° * w R o B o j t t i t o e i t f o o l b i i th ii aeetloo t^ d a te . n e N t

rteFallt. elerea il tho only.tatm te theSterem, 3 te d « f« n a M d tb a LO OO ^I nlKT, t n eutatee of FDer wbo te t n te FaUi. ^ ty lng poettello t t tbe G tta . B err^* tcaMrow. n e conference lead I

«Uk« te thiM two gunei.' .

ounda-of, tb M O T io a » -o p S ^ !« « ^ m d U it woody Plane wbo i in f fe r in r f ricao ^ t a LDjt9*d dtouldtt .neelnd- lenu. but ■ ■lOOWdOf — ' — ' .. . ^ s s

SlK rdPfflodD ri^thelrr*- • ^ _ . ' , ,

fthabeat l A f U l f i n l lM tt- th e (- ?»*“ »rbenOhit ...ft brskfo - • • r ~ *

' friendly F ln o '' E xh ib ition of Foott

i r s F e a tu r e t B a ttle S la i

On O lenns F e rry FI

n ld taka . —GLBfNBFERflT,0ct.3a(Bp<

“ i s ? to n * Newal-Wetrtcb high eel (oolbtUelennatagtdAccmabtek

U ^ k e y ^ n ro u g h o u t tbe fln t period Oc tiiVVW A..V. Cartei'a aggrtgaUon pui

— (he TWton-back to th ilrow a ,Une uuf >lU»t{gh hddlflf Uwa tl

Ihlrd'tbe aU the fln t period ftUed to klown-tnd Theaeeond perlodm com pan titoncew ly even but t e th t third frame OcrtaU Juat John Dtmell'i aquad found tr. Mickey itilda and tnardied down tha 1rego walk for flouchdown. Dietrich reglstft tcrrlflo another counter bu( (t w u dUqol l j M m l ^ u ^ l L c l l t tlq r »1 » r t l

^ Aimough tbe SUtHch Uda (far oyDueqr enedte aeon aerertl other tlmea m td ifo r U tt quarter the loctl defenae pR - tb tje t* . '«ut<^U lutB tnct uutet. n e loctl eleren uied niII nn n d i traua paaiet te tn ittempt to tr >ma Hpa* come tbe rUllon* Ittd but onl)

few-«f-lh»ae-wert.aaece*aful_ to lu g ti , to the teUnepUng of

J duck to D i e i ^ qutrterbuk. K. Robert _______ _ who

DIETRICH GLENNS T O ttba rteg (j, u

f 'K.-lW «3«lln*Q.;|--------- M -Jl

g a , ' r = | f r z i M g

0 t o p . K r , — 0 0 . » <

B e a l = S c i i d s 4 l h 3F n e =

- ^ B i a a : o ; S e a 1 - N i i

ta in o( , SAN FRANClfiOO,'b^ 38 m i tf le r ft na l R h ^ . who broke teto t light tn d time buebaU with the San Pri im te the eUcoSeaUofthePacUlecotitlcai

will return to that club next aeai nay Ue* la the deal which lent Plteher 1 It iw od. sUne to the Chicago White’S rrtcktoan owsen of the BeaU announced tbd Iba.iitat T hetranifcrofR hyne.lowftb the chin, league ihortitop.completea.thed » d i tn d u which Stine w u tnded to ttoce. Box for Outffelder f i f u Funk i

G tnother pUyer. Punk haa been w n n r p theseau ilnceearly iu taeaion . y [ | ^ j •_During hU^iMlor league c tn

P tntej. tho PhlladclphU Athlet 1 - the Uoiton Red Sox, la d the Wb

1. . Sox.

— ■ C A M '« t> U ftrrA 0 6 L L = r IM T H S a S T H ftO O M litfay on o K fiT b f i iM t t im« M t o c f W W e y - ^ H o o t p .

RMrtT.aft.J)ROUJN M-fciuw ^ n tS te * ^ tbe B t r

m B tn ( 7 U s D• oftbe ) J E » “v en ted

S' r f t h e ^ M m vto t ld M

u tn n * ^Be de* (cfi.not be* H m

i W H

l A r s H E A V Yl;:t e a m m e e t s[-F A L tS -B R m N gncolB field wiQ.bft tba.ioeiM of oBa o au le i of tiia soasoB a i tb e N bbim Ba)l sat«d in-Slff T n reo n ^ tlo n -w m in T U l IB in an attem pt to b61d a Big T ea coi u I u ]& tu rn will be o ut to a tta in • <66 e r e n c e * ^ .

_______week to- tb> gtfae with Foc*t«n<I 'v J - (jther *"'* one 1 o u t one jiQ,.up u u t atarUd l u t wetki » : gam e gam* wmdoubUen open'tba M m

^ t S ^ i i i S u w S i n i r e S ^Indlcatet th* fore* tha t wQ ti

“ u taowa thrown teto thU tftem oool b ttnam* u to b r.t^B ru iaa .v th ." n e n 'w m be.remembend that I M be cne t f ptUa defeated Nampt I t i t *etioa o

u te tbe uia » m p t gridbtn wbea, lo tb iU u c ta uatlBliiuteiefplay.Bm ltbw eop* «r Rupert up t N aapa fua bto on h it own a tDCgTeiav jifSliBft UM ff IfT a foolbilLla chaBgtnglb*»»ty lrom t1to6 tlfl la N i i w t c r y n r N a a tp t to ' f t iS t o T ^ la te th * B ^ th t Bmtea. Tbw, then b aa oir w^jownt* KO n ta U rn ta n w m w m ta t

u rtU yteoe tae th itoA ltye ( t«U9' Gtte.Otty bttUa,-i.lead tl I t ^ n teban< 'mtatlag be

■ lag bald b e n todty ta d tccaecw bMiUboat S e ita ia .w in i to r t_ tM j4 > _ o ^ lUr^WWd m tBpetmit tetmO TW aod* n r t e g ^ I ln to ftttend to fiTpfufaSftt tO d n d - lM t g a au .'- . . ..

I r i v e S b o s i i o i i e T a k e s

1 ' • 1 • 1 0 ’ i Y

Football V IsltO B ■SooW .:m ; : M

S ta g e d ' In F ln i tP e f iM t j L o i i i l l u i

y F ie ld B rin g i S M G n m l i

; , h S K n n ) - » r t i t t a ;U » -« i J i M nteuU* ol play ce a tomM

''owa toftt 'flrft toudulewa...l|r nM bi-oC 'i

r r s i & s t j f f i r i s s s gr5 S ff iS ‘«f^S‘-» 5 S!SJi tbett rua-t«-etoeli-Tlctcir»(tir »'»MBi

‘. " S S J H m M a o m . , •; V> . . ■ . . . » ; ^

0B W t-7 T = ; T .‘,.L-------- - flBMK '- ± :S±nJS a1 im etnd Peweby pertedir .1 l i _ « ^

'a S « l « i t o i l e b » m S iA l& !o u & l W u ln iW“ J g g B tm g . OCTrt. M « A ;

O.WtUttr ■■'

^ S S e a s t l e f o r d A d d s - -

i K ^ V i c l o ^ W l___-WUUI ■ •

* .S H W hirlw ind D rive S c o r w W lr

3 ! v i O P E O n i B ®

[ * N i n e ^ ' r l d - ® e g a f i o n > 2 7 r t b : 7

t e t ^ i * OA8TLEF0RD, OcL 38 (Spedal an P r ta - t® Tbe--New i)-cutle(ord high i r t l c a ^ . ichool football eUren uncorked a rtaeaaon »blrl«tedttU ckbenthU tfteraooa

to batter down the itubbom HoUU- ter reaUtance t&d htng up ftnoUxi

" “ rS*7* confcmce wte by defeaUng tbe Til* lton37to7 . TTm local deMftpnab.

^ ed OTtf two touebdowna tbe tln lperiod, making good ooe e x tn potel

2 ^ “ ? w g a t e T l J to O l t td th t t d t a S S the outcome of tbe gtme. T

n e aecond pcrlod.CHtlefordftdd-

0 half-Uoe count. Ootcb ADen Vao • A lta 'a lid l» ifdedU »fln tlaeo r* te

_____ tbe third period tnd added tbe *«i»------------ poteU Ootd) A. J. Rledien* d m n

broke Ioom te the final period on jft

U L gU O L L lsm OAaTLEFOnp

s u i l w S ir a i .: . :___ I ___ - V m i i l

N ■ s . — ?— »sss' ' > ‘ Clart - '--- 'w - --K im S S^ a . — g —

K ju p e r ..I I P ' " .' Bht* f B ton by pettodiK x^. U

BoO W er.;::::iis?=J« • l l r ?

1 ^ D ta a ir .X « w la .B i* M ,n M a iB

Page 9: · 2014-12-12 · m F i IBEn I Edutatlon Association E------OlKii af-HighStlioQiiOuU -

liB iiM iP lfc 'H a n y Frofess.lpiial T rad e rs

‘ ■ .S ta n d A s lc h - t o - W a lc h

F o r T echnical R eacllon

i m a r k e t s AT A O U N C E^--------»tSW-TORKrOcy«^IV«------- V Ur - ^ fl(otU ; -BMrr prttw . o t - r - f

m io i woken. £: . B oaIi:Irrtsu l»r:0 .a .ioT eia. ^

m m tiflnn. , U it* i

- - fS S IS iS S f- S f t .d T r : SSS

and (tnlni! local uA flouU»«a' ieutng.----------------------------— HoStB' SM ir; to w f; p w tpot n j j |ii

Bond. i l l t i aCof/ee: Bartir t ^ r . tnd« ^

Klllnc. ' . i m l<

^ ’''BiffeA SO l-----------: - - — = f i £Wheat: L o« r; lold pri« dto-

; " w iS fE U T : oheit w ik iw i “ f J

'.■«>« s r “i, t t j w d . „ p S ;: . • ------------------------— -------------- lU ki.

------ b ; JOt»etirKKM )lg^----- -(AuocUled Vtm rtaandU VWto)

„SSL’' » g S S 5 S W• that « « a t atrtloD* on Ua quoUH

tWng prtoeUad Boaelw lo w d d ^- ojuQtlBB dollar. dnncUllon w ilt* •</. m

, s r » « V . K., B o u tu r policy. A / 4U

s u m u d

' ' wtre off m m th la • potal ML u

leeesS - h««tb*LosdooquoUUant:

: __ Irtwn It WM innw oert oar COTO- T toa n m d A ti t f l* . ttienitc»dted.lti <

;'.: 2 ( S S m U» whole. tD d laW eoo-pe r c«

: ? ' 5 s j f s r & r a : s j s

lie k lia Ineeotlw to lo o m * tw lr- »e*nl|»lni.itoetoi*ttl»dbM lc lnto TW

eeewUilai Of fc rut iDd Biny lire-ex tiu i. tw too ii Ind tif itood'Ulda to *m 8 ^ • ;•. wbeUur ■ Uebnltil rewUon w « V r t I

■. bnwtni. WlUv Tolom* wlttwS to 10J«. • ' Jh iM tho m iltel.oW ooi.

^ n ^ S g 2 T « l e p b 0 D e . i U l M ^ ^ -

\ : 5 S i 2 a r B ' . W S . ' “ : ™■ • «M «l* point UUT. Korth ABUTlnn, BJ«1^- FDUIO Bone* Of Mew Jeteer. Wttt-. f“ « " ...-.-laibfluie,D uPont.A aole*n8m elt- ^ ™ " ~ l n o m t m , A lu to Juoew. B e «

T - r^ b o e k r W « * Vori'Oentna.-AW.-lo a TOnttO B. flouUiem. Pidfle. ^ u d Obanpetko snd Ohlo v m M But< in tbo neJibboihood o( o « t#«o # ^ u d t biU polnU. (X nen)-U olon ■jUiAtA lUihUr. onlted 8UU* In-

iSwSol u d HalloMl Dl*.

“i r i s ™u d B onatak t htppcd op aOM Bn.0 . B. Bmte AdnoM - 314.

— -.TJ;iU«d.8tattt loteniiM nt bondi ; . ' ' Bldud Bp ft UlOt o( tbetr rtctn ll; '

t o t round, but tbolnreitment BIT- ok te tiuera llyw p tlttd lm p ilM lrlow -b y .r

;Bfptemter fortlin trtde t » n Uu ipriq

S q i ^ roM n p tr ocnt i t a n ib t out• . p tnloui moath wbereu tb* uiual crtan

Muonal f tln U uouad H per oiQt. 3U: < • 71>* l i r r r impimrement thl* j w W lo

w u attilbuUd Id p u t to ezchtnt* to n nte* u d biih tr boa* prtott. . Be to ------------- ----------------- 1------------ ....

• ^ = = = = = = E81— — T\m U ~ t ' f l T g ~Tr<tP lf CTg ’~ = = = j W i l i = r J U i i l A = M f l t y v ^ ^ m t

u m i butcbm. leo te »0 pem fLJU e ter:

-------------------> EjKfSSI? g “!? E mwllooiowc ,pni.p -------- , ,

K j o y 5 i M o t « f = = : J 2i m .

' tm. etA ptio«, , in tqC fl n ijbnutw rtw ----------- ------------------ >M

•«fu-Wk»iMi« U<htilf,*------------------- S'S

In■ B M n ^ h u b e r^ lM ^ e tM X ^ U u d |t«4,

w bei J d l i m h*« but'

■ y ^ t wja.^ pB uM low ..„ .— ,»v 11«

. . . . ‘C Ja - .. " d 2 s ^ S ^ — - —-n s S “ «IM ooT tr^^^ 3 MO bid.

Tunipi. Wnm ___

—_C«i«ty..,M. .. .Hr . J

■ fcuur. WJ.*— : Ui. ■ Thl aad a e '— CM-««US t'T~“’

' B i ; , " ’ _ - s a t

■ s i ® r H a f k e t " A v e r « g 8 S ^ -

»«omp4B»)i • JJ • , - »e

^ ~ ~ g g ? r r ” ! i i « .« 2 .™ '

S t . ’l S c S S S i ! S «

‘f i i •

' . n M M o n i T Y _- w wTmf _T T t r c E LKVUJlOTWIORK.Oc».MW>-Io'te*«» ,I tUpl* e«nni©dll7 )Mcnber Jl. IMl. >»»! W»


rtrtooi d»r ----------------- ’~ l l i i

s f f - "a U |b - t e u

I oMBpaUsf Ue »b*w pftet k « l . id'Uw feUowtoi eommedlll**. " J« |

1 th*"iS «U ^ e* «SS*d*t*r* Bwdi W bnl 11. eotUa » . b tpI, i M H. •**« W. ’•ipper s. hidet fc torn I. mbb*r t «il»da < e o f to 4 .1 c d .l t f T tH .c o e » * i ^

CO V E R N M ^ BONDS § j NSW YORK. Oct; 39 - Bood ^ § loUtioni: K 1

lib e b t y ’ ! AB \i t 33.41,------------- --------- L 1M.1314U t n m --------------------iM i ; K mU41i,33.JB-------------------- 10J.1J

___ IS£A 8iJB I___ b! ^

iit*44-U------- * ----- ^


“ i- ic '- ...... ....— «J» ^

4.S .Dontb* H-J«4; < mootbi « - l gjpo

Prim* commercial P»P*rJ«. gi* ] Buken* »ee«plueu: TJnwanj- nmii I.- _____ o«n«

FOBOON eXCUANOt , g g TtlWYORK. O eU 3 « m -fo rtljn g g j (cbanit: 8t<>dr; m o e o demand o n n M : cables BM; U onlRtl In New a m i ■ork JMflU: New Y6rk la Montreal» « • _____ \ T i

. COTTON 1 s t,-N * w - T 0 t t s . .0 c u n m - = -T h i i<m

cotton mirfcet«loaed lUad; x m t.oct.»^polnl;^. K S,

■ M TtA U «[“

s |“tS : ru ra l e p o tu d nearby $«.W: “ «« utur* •40. ■ Hit

a v g ^ T s r v . . « « K

' ^ 1 ' e S i ” a i t 8t. Loula ipot ^ kud lulur# I4.W. ' —

AnUmony: Spot W-TB. 0 /

aiLVEBNSW VOIUC. Oct. 24 W) - Bar

Urer: Steady and u n c b u p d »t


jr:n*celpU lcar.« ln ick i:ilcB dy; jB nr»-to-^S crlfiham *-1f.-roek ~m iprlnp 10010 lie ; colored »c to 10c; ^ ■ esbom ebUkeni le. rooaun 7»c. ^ ‘ Purkew lla to 14c. Bprinn ducti 7c r . r o1Se;,ol47o 10 »c! QeCM B liC. fcJ,

Butter: RecelpU 8Ul tubs; aUady; Tcsnery tpcclali, tn score 33Uo to I4e;eilra*. 93 score. 33c: extr»flrau. ^ )Oto»accs«,aOM elo23o!tlnta,IS 10 n Kort, IBHc to I8H0; seconds, je lo «7 score. IT'ic lo Ifci ittn d - l u in )t.N score. centnlludctnaU 31e: J *

E m ; Recejpts 3t7» cas«; t lm ; {Jp pxlra*ilrsts'8lu; litsU Krsded'flrsw K»ic.^rtntiee«lpt*41U frtoJU fcc. ^


ter: RecelpU.143,000 pounds; M pg,teor* 31c, , |r»

E (p ; None; unch&med. KUChwJtLJiimft; iinchAiitcd. - ,te<

r i t i f m N c I s r a l M n u m Z n2i-BAN rRANCW Q0.-0cU.21jnr-. IM

Butlerial23l0 23Hc. RestuncbsDf- n ; ed. . ' ; • - . ■ « J

Dulter; H «or« a c ; fil *cor« 3Ic; ,h00 score 30c. ' |t.(

Ej m : U, B. extras. U rje 3JWc; «hmediums SlHc; tmalU tS’iC. ora

Cberse; Flil or triplets lie . j i j------- (0

SUGAR |l.<NEW VORU Del. 3« — RAW

suiar was .nuJci today wlUi no *»le» ^ reported. Nearby orfetlnjs were , Uihl. JJO uked. or unchanged (rwn ynterdAy* quoUUon. Jftirward slilp- meni PhUlpplnes eould b* had s i I eooeesilons. c r i t 334 wtlh bids ot — jJl.A ald la hti ftt«iptible In , midc _ ,<tusrtera. , '

In Juiurtt Uie underton* *ni steady a t the out^el Influenced by the hljlier sold price unouneement, ^ but dereloped easiness when demand ^ failed to broaden. The market cined1 to 3 points net torer. Sales verc l lM tc iu ,' Final prlcea were within a point or two of the loweiU

December ckued 138, January 138. Marsh 1J», May lJ3 -3 i July US bid. September 1.44 bid.-

Th* refined market w u unchin*- ed a t 4A) for fine sruulatcd. but . second were itesdler with tiolden ceoerally asking fm n 4i2U l0 4i7W. ' .


LOS ANGELES. OeL' I t UV-Po- Utoea; Stndy. nnchaotel

rDAII0"r0TAT0ES • IDABO r&LLSj 0 ^ U 4


/ % J 0 ' T K B s '^ T O L D O S

- — T N .* r.- -W A S 'FS R O <5c505r

t i f ^ I Q ■

i n


(By Tb* * i«dat« l Pr««» I jum Uw dOMlwwg

UIl»d Cbta * D7*-«» , »» UiJi 51^; UIU J* k ?S 5

S u S i o u T r r M ’* sVS n f^ -s a n 'y ! :ua TH * T»1--------in f i 1»U 114^ “»•»

S u!S ffi!‘i‘W r = a f f i !! ai S S & V o h t o _ a ! a ! » 'k a<~|;IMdll AVUUOB _L_ IJ5» n i. » %

1l i l t

S S i S s I | i |

S f T O i 7 i i i m n u w«;

s s i E i i ; ; li" T „a S S ^ S * ^ L l i : i e HU }SU Ito.' 8SSS,2?‘n;i55rr:a Sji J ?;SJOraUa M i* ____ 3% 3U 3Ji CK<s is i 'K s rK is a .i » i » s i i a " r « = . ! ’; . i i s ! S S S ! r = S » f.!! SjiSaT.I J. T.I « 12 UU Bwll

uiuiiwm *«»«. — -25- -

I j H i -uiMOurt Pteine___ 4<l sli 4i( TrtUtiimKl PaeUlo j t _ JU i„ 5 Ani

w S : = . 5 l .1!! .!!! s 1

Ntt Burtty ■■ . — 9ih an '3 k niii H>» TwX^CwtfU— *>% * J i Aub

D Al— Shipping point tafom stloa t3,S (or WedJietdayi C

UpperTalleyjC4rioadaf.o.b.e»sh leti (nek: BoscU V. B. 1 mostly tOc te UU tSe; an oeutonal speelsl car b lfb- Wy er; a few u low as 18e a t eciUln 800 p«laUiU.S.3 47 tiirtoU ebalkeot. eon we!*hte»ihlo|Towe»5RM*«UlI.8. en 1 miMlly 88e (o Ue: • tew bitherjJU^ m B.tmo«llyUetoSOc. " ^ fiwn rw lnT alls -B S liy rC arlH arr.-* : ~ ab. Itack to dealers iBniseU U. B. I fee. mottly t»e lo I8ei an oemlenal car loai

botk ootwelfbt eash (a crowtn Roa- at I aila U. S. 1 Ue t* SS«] 00 eeeulonal tpetlsl tot bliher a t » (ew poInU: If.B. 1 meatty 30C! > few lots lower; , track sales farm pack* * u h to r « * - . j m i R uK tsU .B .l mostly 7Sei»(ew ^ hlfbtrt a (*w-points m low u .70«(0 7!Wei aomo present ahlpmen'- repreient dellmie* on eonlraeU;

CHICAGO.OetMon (USD A )- roUtoei: Receipt* ISl carloads; on ^ track U3 tirlo*d*i total UnlUd KUtes shlpmenu M l ctrloadsi about ” tteadM appllerllbenI, demand and ™ Irnitlni tlflw; t* ff | *rwii>d-wt>lU*.m > .t».>La;.J^otUdDiikeU ^liOO, few i m s Bed B Im Ohloi lU # to JlJOs -MlnneaoU round *L •rhltn V, 8. No .1 and partly paded |t.08 to fUOi floBth Dakota round , white* pwttjr m d e d 18c to l l ; Col- orado McClure* 11.43] Idaho RnaieU $t,Uta}I.SS.rewbl(ber,mosllrtl.(» p (0 11,BJ: eomblnatlon pack »lJ8.«o “® ll.U i U. 8. No. 3 1118. - ‘


:| LieocMiETs III - — ----- J tof - OGBEN LIVESTOCK I

- W D EWr O c r 3a~W (U ' B D 'A l - m , Hcfji RecelpU 9B8; steady; top H « y Ml bfjl ilrh'elni: mixed welghU and

e n d 's MJ8 to I4J0; packing tows 1d _ , I ,,


J. I fm T G U y c A '« _ SOCKMElMl

I / / / - cO v F * « A h d G


; , P L _. ■ - i ’ ,

raws, TWIN J'ALia, lUAH o;


O T f f K — — ----------------^

m H w lf c B pouf' pour

S£.-S tif!5w m = i ^ 3 Su i j ■; u j j i

Si sili’* w L , iSj ““ '1

l l p h r :£ S .S 'S r - l! ffl! J »»lusdud mifldi__ 24 ZJ S i to KiSffiSSja.?!!™ <s’‘3 U B a » t ( r o in r * J = r « j^ t^ i H - —

| - r ~j;r “ .n“ lSl*n«T— M'k J3)i 3i 8 DES^I 11 £ S H . — 'f f ii ” % g fg g s v » ^ { ! i U f Zti a n ^ b ^ T - fj,,.

K a r » " . ; ^ 5 ; ! as &CURB UAliKET »»<!

HXW YoriK, o«u 54 t*V«uib mar- ktl auowiloni cloirt:Aoailnn Super rowtf------------- Jt» Oy ICtnual Ultlo BKtne , „ 11|( 61B*c"rte iStff to d ~ a iiM rrzz zz i*llBKine uood and Btur* pt...... — 40 pcuIlKla U i n l n i _________ S u -

SiHs“!i==='ii;; „sTO

. .... .. srBci«-.«iR8 ■B^!<f.^Wn t n ^ n d^^ P * a y . . bell

Trt Cob C o r p ™ 8 ABHrlun l<D»(r ind U tH l.:_ -* - DKUIe IMwit u d I'V'* *, , to Am«rtt»n roteisn J'owtr wmtmu * ' ' nou AiBPrlnn Gu and Btctne ___m l <m

a g y a v - ” — “Aubuni Auto 37 JJ-;...........■■ ' = g c.w jo dow n_:______; !i*J

CitUe: Rocelpu IC70: Callfomla *®, (ctders 84; a lo ^ fc v early sales and *<1 UU Wednesday steady; lew loads Ion Wyomlni iteen 83,28 to 83-80; load e n 800 ppund.Utih{eeders.83:.oddlot« 88.1 eonunonudm edJum stcenudhclf- W en 83J8 lo 13; best ataugbler cows los l 2.M ;bu!kdrivelnillU dow A lo81; <nl

'fiw lou bulU 82 lo 83,50. fro:i-8B « [n i« e lp u -lB 3 3 rC D lo n id o stw ! feeder* 888; Ute Wednesday fir* loci leads B8 pound Idaho lambs'with ket

al 84.75; drlreln lambs 84 to 84.78.. sloi------- ed


A )-Iloci: Jlecelpu 300; steady to “ V weak; bulk good to choice llgblT e i g h iT H iU f W im iiX t lu l iy ; ” 5llghl IlghU Quotable 84J8 lo 84.78; ^

rS S h n u S ’u i ^ ^ ^ l a U W r i M f f l w'day’dow a'tS feo ;— -^

CslUe: RKelpU 38, calres 70; f6wopentng*slesaroundsieady;fcw 1"! pUIn steers 83.80 to $3: low cutter to and cutter cows 81 to 83; bulls 83 bet to 83J8; realers quotable downwardfrom.87. — ■ , ___________• Sheep: BtcelpU 200; about jteady; i

Vicdluoi 10 |tUUl~WOOtra't*uilu s i US Ol U35T:iBoicomitnwrw:83.TJ:rii» J0« yearUncs8);slaughlcrewcsquoui)Ie 18(m o 81iO ^ - : - ■ • * r


D A l-H o p : Recelpta 100; steady lo pUtUgblly Wjher'; C a llT o r^ ti.lO; 83:lieaTta* 84.10.-- . ^ I

CaUle: ReoelpU e00;slow. steady; kllmedium (ed sleers 88J0; (ew giau bUiteers83J0:gr*sshtKershetdsround tO]It; grass cow* 83.80 to 83; best held Uaround 83iO; cutter grades 1138 to to81J8; bnlU up to 1 C a lm : Recelpu po4Uf slow, stMdy; southwestcms }4 go<lo 84.80; (e w tta le n l8 i0 to HJO. |1.

Slw p j j y e l p ^ n w ^ y **'

ST. JOBEpn L iv m o c K 8T. JOSEPH. Oct. 38 m (U S O sK

c A N rS ftf tK e IT / -TUBiM t liMTHB J eM >;M R. ( »DGET /V^OOPCT- V A ^ w r r H j ^ ^ / — ' \ SAMTA .

: O /F KIDAT i W ltNW C ;-OOTO

S O m E z A ^ y - r G M

r r . . -MAT KiMO \ I CH tPi

SO A P SO U 1 ( W rt'-

MfM i

U)-Hopt-R*ielpts.iOOOhllgbt.*nd li tsedluD weight butcben 19 to 38c 8( higher; top 8t90; bulk leo to 380 lo [pounds 84J8 to. 8i38; 380 to *00 el Ipaunds i C d i a visa! 380 lo 800 fl Munds 84.10; tew lo tt 33S to 380 cl 'pounds 8J.U to 13,78. . *>

Bheep: RecelpU 3000; two oUds pi New Mexico lambs 80 pound (Tertges 0 8&S0, strtlght; about steady; QuaUly pi eonsjdered; otherwis* lltt|e ilone; generally bidding 24c lower; holding ai b a t natlTca ateady a t 88.78; best fed

'" S u l“ w iX u i l4 ) l . lo c k « .u « l -(eeders steady; load eholeo'helfeta H88.00; moit early aales (ed yearllnSk IIand Steen 84.70 to 88.78; 078 pound \long yesrllngf 88.10; two loads grass- pe n 8338; beet cows 81J0 to 82J0; 8-cutter grades 8U8 (o 81J8; bulls up 81to 83381 top Tcalers 88; about three bloads stoekers 8338 to 83.85. tl

-JA N .PtA K CiSfflJiyK TO CT^^^ _B SAN FRANOBCO, OcU 28 W CO g

8 D A)-Hoga: RecelpU 700. Includ- H Ing 475 direct; (airly acUve, butchers steady; light UghU 38e under Mon- » day-s bigh time; Uip.Calltonila but- t ehera liM ; light llghU I5i5; 330 to t' 3i0 pounds 88;'packbi} sows 83.38 u down. •'

sUady;.Iaa<lJ81.pound.b)ns yearllnc ^ fed California steen 8538; two loads t< tlghlwelght grass sleers 84.75; other 1medium under l lU pound Oregon P and Idaho grasMrs 84 lo 8438; com- b mon'to 8): load medium gm u cows t M.78; fat eligible 83; culten most- nOy 81 JO; good bulU quoted lo 83i0. <

Sheep: RecelpU 35; nominally v steady; good cbolce wooled Umba 90 8 pounds down quoted to possibly 88.-88; small lot trucklns on sale. e

CUICAGO UVEBTOCK o CmCAGO. Oct. 28 Ml <U S 0 A ) - 3

Hogs: Recelpu 17J00; holdoma i JOW; ii^ k c i •ctlTergenerallylO'to J 18e higher than Wednesday's arer- f age on most eUstes; quoUty [ belUTthan"usus];'bulk b*lUr grade '200-MT7in»uniU1430nir»433rtOP ' |4ilOsparlngly; 380 t»}80-pouwl*84 lo 84.50; outstanding 300 to 300 c pounds uitward lo 84.50; most 140 lo > 90 pounds 8<38 to 8<.50: pigs 83.75 I

lo8i3J;losd74poundi84.3Soatpec- i Ulty p«"1»lwg wi»lnl» I3.40 to 83J0; smooth light IlgbU to t 4;exu«m(lyheaT7klnds8t40down. 1

Cattle: RecelpUSSOO; fewlatesalrs ilccnscallngorerllOOpoimdssteady I lo'weak; moaUy sleadr.howcTtr, with llghl ealUe strong: practical top long jrearUng steen 88; light hell- ers. part load 8838; few loU I5£8 to 88.10; Kvtral loads 1880 pound bul- I locks 84iK): 1800 pounds 84.78; two ■ loads 1311 pound-steeb 8338; moU | weighty bullocks being holdorera ' from Wednesday clearance. faUlygpodbut-numennujoadsirelghty-bu-locka being held f o r W w tekl mar­ket: all cows strong to shade hUti- ' sr; bulls snd,w .alfnJully..iH adyj, , stocked and feeden^alrly weU clean- ed up a t firm to higher prlcts. ,

Sheep; RecelpU 11,000, alow; most , sa ltt 18 to 35e lower but many na- , lire* and mott rangen as yet un*! sold; good to chole* nstlva 88.75 to ' 87 :-u yet only odd loU higher; ex- : treme top 8738; choice 83 pound fe^[ CalltoniU clipped la n ^ 88JW; look

- the-ttm iiroul*r60-peun*-«ontan*. feeding lamb* 88; aged aheep show- I Ing some weakness a t around 8liO . lo 83M on dealrable naU^p ewu;I best llgblwelghU held toward 82.75.

KANSAS CITT LIVESTOCK [ ANSAK8 CITY. Oct. 28 Ml (U 8 y OTiy««ossrRe«1pU8000rftoldorer»

! K S S i r i t a S S Sages; lop 84J0 on cliolc&180 to 330 pounds;-coodand .cliolec KO .to 3S0 pounds USi to M30; packlng mwi

} 378 to 580 pounds 8350 to 8330; Stock ) plpgoodandc>)Olce70lo 130 pounds

8338 to 83i8..Catlle: ReeelpU 3000; calres 800;

; killing classes ot cattle strong to 18c s hlglxr; stoekers and feeders aleady;

too jreuUDS M; steen good J and choice 850 to 1800 pftonds 8135 B to 8&38; common u d medium 850 s pounds up 8175 to 84J8; beltcn.4 good and cbolce &50 to 000 pounds

IIJ# to 8835: cows good'83« to9 m lm ^(m U k ( ^ w iUum to

er steen good and eholc* 83J0 to M, Sheep: Recelpu 4000; naUre Umbs

5 steady: top and bulk 8«<83; range

T vJh w T y' ! § THE


ffeBBn-iiTrl 933. ■

U P S — tiW C L S

- - B e -A V

d Umin rtt*djr;.mo«taalfa 8«J8.V> ULt e 90; I loads reeding Umbs 88J8; odd 0 lou *heep aUady; lamba good ahd 0 ebcU* (XI 80 pounds down 8835 to (r 87| yn iU ng-w tthen m*dluap=te : 0 cholc« 90 lo 110 pounds 83.78 lo 85;

eww good and choice 90 to JSO s pounds 81.50 to P M ; feeding lambs s (range) good and choice 50 to 75 y pounds 8835 lo 88.; (X}-QuotaUons based on ewes g and vetbers.

O M A ^ L im T O C K

a Bogs: RecelpU 3500; acUn; mostlyk lOo higher: top llgbU lo shlppend I4J0 paid spulngly; top UgbU to- packets 8t38; bulk 180 to 3t0 poundsi; 84JO to 8438; 350 to 350 pouodi 83.- ,p 81 to t4J0; bulk all wHgbU beavy '« butcben scarce; packing sows (ully '

steady; smooth IlgbU to shlppen ‘

n pl^W'lo'*SiOr»hippenfbdugbll200 J

t Cattle: ReoelpU 3500 (ed iteers | I. and yearlings moderately uneren;> yearlings stesdy; 8T3 pounds 88.80; a l»o loads 1110 pounds MJO: welghU U under 800 pounds moderately aellre. ‘

(ullyslesdy; weighty steen and med- .. turn wetehU slow, about steady; she it !

5 teeaenTuIIysfeady; (edW eer*-ud ' ,r yearlinn 85 lo 85,75; choice 1215 < ,n pound welchU Included a t 85.78;I- bclfen 84.78 to 85J0; bt« s cows 81.85 rs to 83.40; cuUer grades 8135 lo H.75:>. medium nnllre bulls 83.15 to 83.50;

(ew wcslems 81.00; practical top ; I* vealen 88; few lots stoekers 83i0 to n 8<35... Sheep: ReeelpU OOOO; lambs un-

eren. 10 to 25e lo « r ; blilk sorted native and fed wooled lamhs 88.85: one deck choice natlre oftcrlngs 80.-

« 70; sorttd range lambs 8835 to 88X0; n lt(LcUpP«> to 85.75; led

fwding Umhi 85J0 to 88; fcitf eom- in mon light (eedera down to . l v ..........

“ ----------- deo txrH u eep--------- ^M DENVEIU.Oct.26(,TllU8DAl-W 81icep:Bee«lpU3I.500; 7000 through,to naUve* 85J0; bteller grade 8835:75 holding better range.lamba a t 87;e- sheep sUady; 133 pound ta t ewesly 1175; feedlpi lambs stesdy: medium S to lo (idH ngen85 .75 r*aw n-|S « n. breeding ewes 83 per head; top fat es Umbi UU Wednesday 87; feeder toply WJO. _____

» n o o Lf. BOSTON. Oct. 28 Ml (U 8 D Al­to Sentiment In the Boalon wool mar- it. kel ahow a bttlo Improvement Buy- ro en are beglnnlnj to maks sooia-ln- at qulrles and a mUe wool h u been „ bought Good French combir.8 84s :{v and (Iner terrllory wools in orlglnftl ,1 b m h4ve realted.BOo to 81c, aeouf “ ed. basis.' sleady' c6mp4t»‘d -w iur f . price* for tha p u t seieral weeks." Damspdlnmoat houses, howertf.U

“* noticed u a result oi Inquiries silm- uUled In Australia In the past (ew

f . day*. _____

"• CHICAGO CASH GRAIN “ CHICAOO, OcL 28 Ml - Wheat:'*! No.'3 mued SOUc------------ -----------

Com; No. 2 mixed 48<ic to 4Te; Na

w- n e w ^ i l t o / ^ e l I w r t o t o 4 3 ^ JO No. 4 yeUow 31Ko lo 43!4e; No. 3 u ; wblU tic.75. OaU: N a 3 whllo 38tic to 38Hc;

No. 3 while 35ctd’i7 ‘4e.Rye: No sales. _____ ___

8 Barley 47e to 71c. ^cr» ~Timolhy-a«»d48.75.tot835cKt-----^ - C torttjeedJaiQ .t<Lm.M.citt.___ft-' -------- - . ............k30 WlVNirEQ CASH WHEAT 350 •WINNIPEO.-Oct.- Sfl-UV-Caih' iwi wheat; No. 1 northern 6]‘ic; No. 3 Kk northern 60!4e; No, 3,notlhern 58c. Ids OaU: No. 3 white SOHc; No.' 3

white 37 3-4C. . 1

IS PORTLAND HAYly; PORTUND, Oct. 38.M1 - lUy: >od Steady, unchanged.135 ■ ■ ■ .550 . ■in, Thert I* No Better Feed Thao

(!I.OBE A-1For The Family Cow

^ --------- Get A nag Today------- -

«■ ‘ G L O B E -S E E D & FE E D“*« m 4th Are. So. Phone 481

x :


h e h i ty A w i th h is V^iiThG L O V E -you KMOW |;i- p

W H W -T H A T -

J '


Artr.F. . . ■

C A U SE r■JJB M B P S P l " I l T*i m 301M*.*T0 / '■A W F O u —0 IF H 6 / / T ^


' *M!___________

_____________________ — ^ *■“ ,*

n r a i i i i E T ^n _____ j "

» JS -C e n tA d ra n te o fQ o W a m ) “

Urge Russian Shipments ^= ■ ^ e a l ^ { ^ V a l l n n ^ G r a i n : “ s ------- “ Ita By JOBN P. BODGOAN ai a. (AssoelaledFreasMarketEdltor) all • . CHICAGO, Oct. 38-Thrt* cenU • ec „ bushel'lumble In w&eatWkt* today t i S « n t hand te hand wUh jeUlcf tl> ,tt basedUrgelyonbutlBcenUadTaace n or gold.a ~A*gooaiosny'trBdet*-tortflhepo- go alU on-that-lh*J8.cenU.o((l^.ad.. ju

Tuce ot gold today waa not enough ali n losUmuUU any agptsslTO buying ot ex Q. wheat or cUxr cenals, but Instead nl lol appeared an IneenUre to itallM on gi ,ta holdlnp. ExlRmtly large. Russian pc re. ahlpmenU ot wheat acted also u «<j. weight on taluM. t ihs Wheat elOMd about rci 5c lhB-day’s-boltom-leHJ,-3i;-3-c«nU Ei

nd ohangid-to-l centJower..oaU.l*i-3 *a IIS cenU off, and proyUlons unchanged sb [5; lo 20eenudown. nc«s tfrerpool Sfsrtet IVcak laIJ. Disappointment orer the tact that tb iO* tho Washington gold quotation to- nc M day was l«s llian in various quar- u te n had been hoped tor gave wheat at • prices here a W!l a i the outseU The ra

n . disturbing etfcct m u Intensified by si ^ tresknca el iiia 2Jrer(K»I wheal tf IJ, market, where enUrged siilpment* Ir 0 . from Russia atlracUd much alien- kl ;g- Uon. The Rustlan total ihis week 'ed w u IM4/M0 buihcli, compared lo pi

8COJOO a week previous, with Ih? c( S . B isnrarrtglom u-rw holw how lnc -

S.&XJXO buiheli wheal exporU-lh;«tkKalnst857JXiQ tbaeor- b< responding week Iti I833i : a:

l _ JtalUe, IheffeeUT*>h -Neither ln-«hM t-niii-i.iiii Mti<- P 2j ; prlceralhesalanyilmedltpUymucI) t7j \1gor. Word thal tbe Wuhlngtan n s admlnlstrauon would loan 5Q' cent*}Qj a bushel on No, 3 grades Of com had i ) - only-a-traMlcBt-sUaiulaUng.ln(lu- _ (at ence, and w u praeUcally confined a op to Occember com eonlmts, the only h

ones that vere quoted below the el loan buls. “ . , t<

Pr(Sj»etlTT-cnHallmcnt~of-ruraJ » I - otferlnsa of com led to the largest p ir- com shipping demand experienced g ly- here in a long while. Call for oaU, a In- howevco_wu relatirely small. fi 'cn Provisions'rifleded 'u p lum s' ot 11 B4s hog valucj. but subsequently went o: inl downhill with grains. , B

j!" I

w lil*' I'*, a? *5p; « = f l h s i I I r l

" ® m m N D WHEAT {. . . P O R T I A , Oct. 3d ( ^ W h e a t t

future* cloied: May 78c, Deeembet •70c. Cash: Big B«nd.BluesUm 77c! |

- S S l f f l S K i S i S S -

c i u : NoTS whlU 833.* — ---------Car rw«lpU; Wheat 33. (lour 3L

). 2 • ••'.Ue.



Bean Growers’ Warehouse

*1 rilO N E 84


he 's CHALIENSED A V r —

“ g 5 ? . w H W r r c 7 “^ P U B U C rtY JlV -'

Mif 1


. UNIVERSITIES RAP m -----------G B lP m P O L fC lE S

I (CoaUnued trom Page 8)

latter ronunlng tcUtJoas with Oar- i vard ader a lapae alnce 1838. allU W

jd m alnuio theJr iHUx la ibt iw a- T scouting policy. Harvard, and Bead OMCh Eddl* Caie;r« scouUag aU pooeau. aim (eel aa they did w hen.

J - IhBJnatler came ud oririnaiiT. ■But In tis cu jttio o h H aiw n R lo r--------

the reoordf, ooachea both a t Yatt 'u d Pitooelon hav* exprcated oppo- • altlm to Ihe official atutude or th*

i ■ eontrol£lBg powm In tha alhletli ay admlnlstntlons oMh* two unlvenf- Of tie*. . 'we s ^ d one coaeb a t Yal« rtcentln

Dl/Anilt j l l s a l l u t Created O ' —f K t a aorU f ■ttmwi n«i- . JO T ,^ ltm ak t3 .(o r.o*w .iJU «m «____gh alluallons. Wo aecut all other teamsof except Brown and Prtnoeton. T teh- ad nleaUy we come down to the iwa on games with no knowledge or our op- an ponenU. Actually that's impombl*.I a "To maintain the' strict letter oT-

t i a flon^wutlag .rule, wg coatdat mt read lh» ntaspaper with accounta ot ':U aJacetoLpJaya..jr_«Q_fnyi«*Ij^Ue_____m. alumnus sisrU to tell of what 'ha--------i-3 sawiast w e i a t iwneewD, we must ';ed stop him. and explain tha t he can­

not glr* ussuch loformaUon. I t leads ' to.a smirking kind of a situation

lat that pcnonally i do not beUcre Is 10- neeeaary.xr- "Last season, (or Inttanct, coache* tac alfendlng the PHncelon-Yalo (rcsh- •he r a u game a t Princeton eould not by sU yfoseeU ierw acetonranltyplar cat that afternoon, although we m re sL) JjjyJted to do so. un0»jrtajjy, « wu:n- kind of a silly situation, w v n 't 117".•ek The same feeUng has been ex- i to pressed, unoffUUUy of coune, by L

Ihe coaches a l Prlnccton. f in r —“lt-!eads-lo-liypoerisyA»ald-oii*~_i Ihe 'a t s not exactly grown up. I don't OT- believe any coach.Ukei thal sort of

aH -arnnsfafn t-— ------------------------- --

“ WHfcWINSOVER' i”« PIRATES, 13 TO 6al*^ (Contlnutd (rom Page 9)

^ k that netted yatdago'on ew tr n ^ hand u theji pushed the Invadlni . the eleven back In a last mlnuto al- , tempt lo acore, The ball.was on tbe r t l 18-yaM-lln*-wlth.butJ.#ecoDds t o _ _ « t pUy anj. another pas* waa called ced going over .the goal for a touchdown sU, as the gun ended the battle, Tha

trr /o r extra point by m e tn ol » of line buck (ailed and the game closed ..

M l ona .lJ to JS aW rlele rr .B urn, .RU PER T

(13) (fl)•* - -Wr-fUnnnn. ..... Kf^hfffT.y Baughmsn _ _ T . „ , I J e w l l y n

Crawford-------0 - « _ ' Broadhead / .

!j{J Klrkbrlde------- T ____Chrtsiemon

-------- q Z H Z H Winn

• Piper ------------H --— NewcombI . - J o e l l n _______ sianlerI torebyperiods: 1“ 3 * 3 '4• Buhl ------------ . _ 0 8 0 7 - t t

• Oannon, Eyder, WaU. Buckendortf, Chllda u d Mone. Rupert-Craven, x Abo, aa rse r and Nelson.

:ber ’= = = ■ — —

1 •: - - M A R K E t .F o i c : i : i n----------- C 0 ) V E n r C R I s m = a n 3 = =l u ALFALFA S E E D -

If yoo de not wtih (o aeQ ea t m today's market; we will make yea

a labitanllal cash advane* glv- "laTyen tbe opportunity of re- eelvlog tbe average market priea tbroagheat tbe year.

Set H e Se(are Yea Trade.I ^ C e d e r q u i s t


. Located Ai tk* Ol9»f. aexi U fu ilie

- -F n iit---- W<m.SSI f . n . Ito iS lI

I ' Twin Fans, Idaba

. ...I —. 1 - -»


Page 10: · 2014-12-12 · m F i IBEn I Edutatlon Association E------OlKii af-HighStlioQiiOuU -

. (ConttauM-FroP

n s ld M in th i mad poBlA th a t 'o U . fB im adi Uu lU lv d Jim Baa* U

___ _ d * I .J i t t j« r i iu J b « U 5 ? 2 5 tiS * ^ •' t te e m u o( Ib i U f T i lT i ta a T ai!

K a to R lM a h M te ld .u a (lu i IH be bJltDBlddta. b i e .h iA M a ^ ^ .t lu t b t h u u t n i r itolco Uw t»-BOW V»B B*fC m f a ld i . b*t h u ^

. ihai Vm u V»a B«fr. th*U 9wm. ^


;____ w iw M *Bi^y*h»ndod »nd « •— ~pU ia i lhrriiB»U*B-» CiwUnt.—- fts

c j u p u r i r . : '-------------------- ^JIIF5-«T0Ri:------- ------ tnj_____ J lm went ont " ' ' • it

'“Hfl o b r lS a r iS a n T T t ia l iS f r Hi l7eiltheRlthou|htZ '4trindoutThit .*

’ IS m up to, M J TO>t «/(er l}lm— .-------miU bU IlhU rM j»IIJBJLllB_lfi» n

lUliii. 1 lei him get to the top ;tnd K>

So{(tothtritM ,andtbeniro!]ow . thi him. He turw d oTf “ '1 V nm i down here. Whtn i |o t to the j t loor. he v u (hlnln«>Mi torch tii ihi ' inund the reom. ni:

*-l U>ou(h( I'd n U u r Uke lo koov iti vhtl he v u ir ttr . I -U n a n tb e r t]n »dd-I felt u ir I did know. H t put tin

mtches, and itnick a natch. He an' r u }uit Kolni to Ufht the eaodU |o,

in tha mtntlepleee, wben I m iked %,. n to the room. I oughtto haw wait- dk

' Id, bo t'tbe hearr houieholdir le t deIhe belter of nw r-thm ' « u tome- •Ihlng K damned rllinf about the ju

’ n r he itnick that match." he He r a n a abort laugh, “t uldfiM

— iJWhat-Ui*-*>Uotat fal------ tie re rL an d J ie .d ro ii^ .th t.n iU b , wi

trabbed bU toT«b, e h a rg c d ^ h t In- te>to the middle of me. and banged the iti<door In my face IBfore I got m j nilbreath b aet I t makes me wund like .a (ttrr, but ha i r u moai uncommon be<

' nlppr- I tv u llk a lrT ln g to c e th o ld rslor a eat. I wlih I'd leen his face.” n

“You_^dldnt~*htn be itruek the «

whcde tblnc didn't taka half a mln< Ui uU. A aliteppedtntotharoom .he ha dropped Uw na tch and butted mt. | I hoped you’d u e n him." mt

’ a t did he vantT" u id Can* va Une. titi

Jim looked p u t her with a itrain* thi td e zp rtu lo a ln h ljey e s. nu

”1 -1 don’t know -" There w u a i». paute. Ho made a morement u 1( ] ihaklnf Mmethlng orr. ‘‘Ha may tv hare been a burgtar-or Juit a com- an

• mon or garden tnunp." blr-Vrt.“ afdC»foIln«. W lifd ld h « ,b :

i 'look WU. that? She came, a Ilt.Ua m y neartr. "Jlm -w hal'i tho m ilter?: ih,

He n i frowning In a pualed t

------- •■-■Minmt-abcFut-thU'-rdom'-—-It's - •iuU come back to me." jIt

Th«r« Isn't v> 7 th lnc^ d about po ' that. Why tho u td n f~ p u dream

, about.ltr X often dreanvabout place* ih, I know." ; ‘ ' wti

~T7iei w u aomethlng odd about thi

aioot J t Why? WeVo aJwaya caJUd It the Blue Room. W hy'didn't I L dream ot It like that? I ra ta n - - ^

____ blf trown deepened—‘why ^ u l d I _ •make'up a perfectly' new'^!«iHplIon /, ofUanddrtam of ih a t r

*1 don't know." u ld Canlloe. — *^ou can do anything In a dream - thej'fo Quite mad." Bha allppei h»r hand through hU arm. "Jim, I've i ro t (Imply heaps to ten yoii."

H tr eyu were u eager u a lL ------ chUd'»t.M)e.TOtited ;pf

“ T J a i ly X r o s s - MAonoai Solution ot Yaettn

L ornc«n i •---------- -— -------- /v l e l i lli c u o M m i ^ u L O W M S

L f lu l IclL lA II IN IE B Lu wm 'It Ic li! c k i f f l 'ia hub' a»»i------M S ^ f n i m T ui t . [ w jo f j .w . B g, tyS; I I I

j f ^ IL KlBlefrvbUt I H ^ la H & U i s lEf l It. witb lO lN B l lL lL lS BIL _ J u t ^ « ^ a ----- § | ] i | f l RlPfe

s e F “ 'tl.D i(a r .U.WrttUc • ' M. IL Tnintcrw. impUnwata11. tnUBH dti> ■«; » S '‘a*<lrw IT.

sssis isr. a S ”

s o u s = i i o i : t U D & :

m ta tH M U O i- I>rom'tjUl'Utue)'---------------------- J--------------------------- to td t : J la cnwdaLtoteth tf in >>»

TTiipffj puiKlnif'oHi"tiP* other for fln t place. Tha l u t comer

' ■

. r ' ^ t f o t r"To aea whether it w u you wbo

algned tha t old rtguu r. I thought It 1 went and looked. we ibeuld

. know.-- ' • ■ ■ .,_______ __ _

penM. Bo aald, "WeUr quietly enough.' "1 koow It w un 't y o u -b u t-"

-But whatl " TOera w u th* flddy ^- fetUng of belnr uncertain whera th*

n » t Hep w u to take him.‘It w am t a pniper algnatur*>-

]uit a lort of h lm d jT 'P ln ^ print* |- tap-And-th*^erk letM n bered-that -

t -7li4tetUngo(clijdln«<i Incnawd.- . you iu rea 't bad anytblnf> wTnny with your arm, Jim. YOU j 1 Haven't—bare you? And’tbat prortl ■ J thatlfwainVyou."

> J{e w u looking acrou a t tha1 ihutured window oppoalle - th( .,

narrow window with tho blue cur* i t talni, tha window that w u lll'a a ' f l i l t . . Ha w u lUent. She w u get*

L prflTI ]i anything. A crook might hara m yi good reawiU for not glrlng away 1 a ipetlmen of hU bandwrlUng. Tou 1■ dldnt get hold oIuij«ne wbo couldt describe hlmt" ' ' 1- *I tried." u ld Caroline. "I did try. t Jim. Bui tha woman a t the addrttt ho gira u ld »he nerer took men ,

iflodgen. to ha mujt hare glrtn a : ^ faU*~*ddr«i..=rThtn^trUd-K«(ta j

' tenlbly c b a ^ and all that, but u I aH* serer aet ayei on HesU'a young f man il wain't much good.” 't Jim n t luDlng forward on tba > 1 bed, hU elboin on hU knett and i rs lb tr a blank look on hU face. I t

w u u If ha had pul up hU ilm llan a and behind them were aetUiif out- Oaiallna'a.puBk.plecea.-XbeyJIUcd i

• blm a ^ o a b l U which he tiim lf> had been able to produce.• Up to tha Ume or hU Undine hU l

memaiy w u perfectly clear, Thera I■ w u a (Ix weekC gap. The pleoei

fitted Into th* gap. H« had Unded on [■ tha l in t ot July. Ha might hare I

manUdNeita William* on the twen* ,‘ ly-mib.t I t between the flr»t and tha 1 f twenly-fUth ha had run off the ralU- andconcelredlhecraiy Weaofrob* J

blng Omer Van Bei« ha would prob-* ably hare taken itepa to eonr h ii i » lr»ck*.-Why. eren If eraty, he *• ihould<haTe married Neita Wllllanu- wu-beyOBd-hlm.-Hfr*ttekeDedrl(-u -> a torni ot luletdal manlo and left

11 a t lh a U ......................» -Tr*-jBrhiaprm oTB -to-t«ll-Ton: * Jim." laid Caroline. She began to

t pour oul tho itor7. oUiei-lntexTiur ' » wllh u u . nodgenr-I dldnt know •* that I r u g o lu to follow ber, but . . w tienalM golouUf-thetraln.tom e. * t tb ln t ]uit yanked ma out of my test ^* ttpdjuihtd-m e.on to ihe plftlfotm. ‘ t and tba next thing X knew, we wtre J cHmblofMrtdeKlHpmcUcalJrJunff . ln1und. and 1 w u Imploring ber to ’

• Ull ma alL" 't _:W Jial.dld ahe UU y o u r _____' ! *' (Copyright, IMJ. J, B. Upplnoolt *

_____________C^)_____________ *

cTo Be ConUnuedl . 'j


i IL K. Derby announced the arriril 1; of a boy and gift a t Saint Valentine'* ^

W ofa^P u ra is^ Ilettrda/a PuBla t Cositcratt

I.IU PM rfli [f tlu lT le l PW - — —

?J tti'KaUr* mital■ L IA B IQIOlNl a Uik*U n . I

U U T IfB T t C to. Pr«M*4 ,

i P m i M l i i S ' '” '

^BUIwWI t.iH l' Tail T tT"’" '' -N I LIE

llE i lo ii l " E r"“ •“ f f is a r •aEV.J!?'

LBteK tflk* 4>.U>k*amU>


~ l ~ r & n

. ' t ™ f A t i a P A H .T m

~ ' . f - w c R « NOT y»M f i i a i o w

Vie n v io u c a u r v ie w » f i ^

-_ ' i>ieD A a > L i: in - u s » u . o

S - l “ 7 —

ho V ■STlv/Iibt \ W h i l i JUd , \ W \ ^ \

Uy ( M

i -It* ..............

!-m -tabies-[Of ..«(M atai«flW tearer2>*l»«B < ^ M ^ . n M»«s r attfagJ h ro a g h J i ltt

OBZaON SnOBT LINZ w. Eutboond ,h! (EffectlreJulylO,lM})

Train 672 Uarei — _ _ 3 : M P. U.Ttala M leaves_______ 8:M A. M.

rt. WestbomdTrain 871 leave*_______ 10:» A. M.

m Train M3 leave* ---------- l : i t P. M.!ry WELLS BBANCn•ay . Bottbboiud'ou Titln SS9 leave#_______ 4:00 P. U.lid N ^ b e o n d

' Train X40 arrives___ p U O P, M.u n io n PACmoisTAOES

^ EutbeoadArrive*--------------J.— W in a; u .

( t l Uayes • ' 0:a ^ „ Atrive m - :. ~ ,~ • la - t p c y

U WeitbesBd .A rrlra • ■ A. M.

j i t U a v u _______________9:10 A. U.od Arrive*_______________S :a P. U.I t Leaves-------- __________ 8:M P. M.

i n NOBTR BIDE STAGES Mt Jerome. WendeU and Goedlngad Afriwi a-K *■ M


liU Leavei _ : ------- ii-m a.U .tra R itom ------------------------ 8 JO P. U.M TWIN FAULS-WELLSon U ave*______________ 10:M A. M.ive Arrivti *»•« p. u .:n* '

Lha Home, WendeU. October 33. ilU A daughter w u bom to Ur. and >b* Ur*. A. P. KlDgsland October » .


RUPERT, Oct. J6 - VUlltd br - - Augumioiqvat;j»oeauilo. n « eiary.

of the state Federation of Ubor, i - a group'of H Rupert men orgaiiUed » a local unlon.h*ra4(oaday.cvc!ilu£

Henry Troeger w u elected p ^ dent: Harley 'Davldion, vln*prtil* dent: BUI' Lowder, financial u m - tary: Carl Lowder, treu u n r, and iC.

S 0.-SedrrtckrrecMdlnr*aerel*rr.— S A mertlng tor Uonday, October SO. to will be held a l the court houie. A

commlUea headed by Pote Kirk w u • appointed to invutlgale a lullable.

haU forpermanent homeot Uie labor

EDUCATOR ADDRESSES > ' BURLEY ROTARY'CLUBn -v i ' BURLEV. Oct. 3 8 -p r. John O.— C lltH ^-^ad-ct-th* jdspartmeat-of = : educatloD, Ohio BUte unlvently, - I ipok* to Rotariaos a t their lunch- _ w n mfrting TUwdar. Dr. CUtton- m rB tndueed -by It. IL

Snyder ot tha Albion Normal school, and tpok* on "What Boy* of School Age Are TTilnklng."


Young Earl 8tplth-a variety of farm I relief eoosUts ot caning gullara

^ r l a l s - ^ - iU jeaii' ext>etUaie-M can create an lutrum ent worth tlOO


Z j u s t k i d s ^

' ( ^ • A s x r e o scM erH iM fi-S y s N E V E R ATslSWEREO ' E L S E -V W V T M A HERMV N O W Cl L j . .


• \

im js . r m fr F A L W m is o

... THE GUMj

4INK’N6'RE / • n

f t _____ L *iwiwe» I ■1 -----------------

I w

:W atit^la — ___ ________ •


I I ' I I

i AnWaatAdaaliT*a8daeUv*aBd .------------= « a W T E 5 T S W : ----- : '

^ 1 " » * * » « I

For Sale or Trade ■ ,^ BUtO D 008, 315 HARRISON. ]

5 l ( L J V C I W . j m , ttffROVTO i € . mod*tn.bou*e. W H te W ^ a rS re . *•' New! TT [ ,

[|. REaiSTERED -JEnSEY BULL, 8 'II yean old. Very fine animal S'.i

mile* w utheu t of town. A. L. Oood. a. rich. ................ .. . j

EQUrrV XN-BIX-ROOM MODERN JiouM in E u l.p a rt of town on I

psTtd-*tKe^for-llne-of-{am-*qul»»- i

3: HelpWanled-Hale d. Mb} w a n t t o ' t o r n m u o H '4. routes In Camu, Blalna and LUi* , _ coin counties. Reliable buiUerihouJd

earn 135 weekly and Increiio rapidly. Write Rawlflgb COh Dept. ID-DO'U.

Id Denver. Colo, or leeH.J.BchFlHer, Twin n U i, Idaho.

„ JEROME P-T. A^EARS j ---VlslT]NG-OmGrAir&-» JBIOWR P. Bowlea. ,

Ur*. E. 7 . alelUer. Ur*. a. ZTW i: ' •d Und and-Mrs. Roy Evans, ofUclda , £ ot tlie Idaho concrcss- of Patni*^ Teacbers,anda]lof.TwfnMU,were ! I.' watured 'ipeaktn • a t r lha • Parent- ■ [ . Teacher astoeUUon meeUng Tues* ' C. day evening a t Uie high acbool. ‘- ..Oaring Uie.buslnes* hour, tboalmi , 10 of the local organltaUon wtre drawn ; A up, (tieia being C h iu -n lftre. coop- . u eraUon with Uacben’on Use part of le parent*, and beneficial legUIatlon for jf ehUdrcn..Tha.mtmbenhip_roU.ln*.

crtaKd to o\-er 50 memben a t U)U . mcftrng.

The Latter Day SalnU quartet, ( compoKd ot .Mesut. Frank Walker.

Q Arthur Jorgenson, Henry Giles and I Oarl Oitler sang. i

if-' I A REAIIL I lu A c re s o i very good la ol. I E lcclrlc lty . S a rfa ee d road.

I » 0 0 0 .0 0 C u h . Balatsce t u y I 80 A m s T w in F a lls T ract I ' a l L o n f B caeh.

. . l i 15 A cres n e a r T w in Fall ■m I |176 .00 -p« r a c rc . Good U nrii

g | — ■® p s o T i T i r r n o . '


^ A M K V U rt~ \\R .H E R M n > >

■J T H ^ v u H r \ v n w J K V t J H

---------------_________ _____H O. FRroAY MOBNINQ. OCK

¥ P S - f i A P I ^ Y I N

H B A b S - VOU N & V 6 R KMO'

a u : R1(»M T- - V4B. b W r - H E B


T M I s o e iy M i/i


, rnCE FLOOR WAX, FK0NE'4SS, ^ Fuller Bruih Maa Buhl I ^ a S3.

fun. bliheit p r tM Idaho Junk

” WE HAVE STORAOE SPACE 7DR apple* al the Olobe. S4 4th Ave.

8ouUi.Phona401, , ^ ' ;

ATTENnON F0U I5-TA K B AB- ” vanuga of Cipper'4 Faimar Na- ^ t l o n a l J r o t e c U is ^ lu J .^ j ; a r l : S ' «en.flubscripUon Agent la all North- _ writSUtei._______________

Wanl^toRenl_ EXPERIENCED FARMER W IT H M equipment and help wUhea to rent TO

For S^e—Fumllurft^ ^ AND D8ED FUBKXTORf OF

. ill klndi. Coal Rangu a* low u 110 eacn. We trad* and buy *r seU.

^ Will nay cub for i to ra and retrtg- Ig' eratofi and tumltur*. Moon^ Palnl ^ aod Pumllura Stor*. Pbon* S.

= U J t

WDY'SBLACKJ»URflBBBrWTOi -v jy in-Palls.-and-B uhL -R tU tfn Nfw». I

lea. Y n .TOW5 ; wTlil watch 00 Main *tr»et. Return “ le Singer Sewlpi Machine Co. R*-

n i " * ■ 'nt- . . —

' ForSalrtutomobllts-im ' -_ - - - _-wn cHEVnOLCT TRCCK. OOOD x>- . shape, *73.3Jd 8th Are. Kortb. . ofter ; ■

Si v'.Fiir Saln^Uvestock—;et, QUERNSEY UILIC COW, i er. e n coming two yean old, 1 year- £d llaga, 8 calves' breeding ,!i to 0/lS

from good mUk cows. Phone 0IU*J2.

!A t BUY

•ad. Close io town. $7000.00.’ lay terms.■ract land (o trade /o r acreage

Falte. Improved, Rood land, enris .' ' '

U t E S ^ Q N —------ ---------- -- • Phone-818-



<1G HAM W E N T 7 0 TM fijM E R ic a n N M w ? a n d &f^\o■ TO T H E S W E E T E S T «3!raL .

t h i n g


DTOBER 27.1088


j g J U R N S D O U R ^ I

'rH E * C A U 6 e ‘0 P D R lT O N < i gi V D O I N C r ................. BlE B ^ A JJL 0 P ' r W r C O I > 4 - - S


I W ffR E H A P P V - \. W AND w a b o v e

rgains-(' ■' 'ForSale- Fralls,.VeB6faWoTO. ro R W li^H A V AND CA RR W .

(Ott-RJ. / .

ONIONS. CARROTS, POTATOES is j ; loraala.Pbone0l97Ji

CHQICB JQNATHAM APPLM link frke from wonns. good alte and

color, call at 4313rd Ave. East. WUl

5 ^ FOR SALE - APPLES, ONIOH head letluee. One and Uirw*

— fourths mile east of .Twin on Sim* «5 - berly Roid. D. B. V oiburi..Na- ^ —i r i i TONATiUNa U RO E FOR " n rarth- leason, no water core. p u ie d 'In i^ -— noniadTuldiiamtnW Tnilersontii ^ South P a r t IL T, Blake.

Ap p l e s - bananas 3M, Jona. thani a c . WUidtaUs lOo a boi. Nfl

r r . worm*. A. E. Boone, H mUe West Shojhone St. Bridge. Twin FWU.

«*• ALX. VARIETIES OF WINTBt AP< >■ * , Pies now ready. i» buibel or truck

loidi at E. L. WoniMiraKMrdi: = 3m llescu ion lU taberiyR W

south. • ■ _________

JONATHAN AND DELXCI0U8 ■Cl apples sre now ready a t CrysUJ

Sprlop Orehart. FUer, Idaho. Foi lal* by truck load or buihel lata

frtj. Prices reasonable. Phone 6JB.

•*“ * FOR BALE-DttlClOTO APPLES Me to dolUr box. buUt. Bushel oi

— truck losd. Hyde ranch. From Kim* berly. two mile* lOuUi, two cut, one»half louUi.

r r APPLES - o R i - i u s o o l d en , P * Johnathans.- Wlnattp*.'-Rome*, ■“"* a g - p e r bcihel-w t Tee.- f t «e -froM

worm*.''Wynn Orehard. a miles west,ju>‘S™ a p p le s --A L L VARHnra8. AU ^ fd c c t,10.buaht}sgoodcuuilli0

- T heA om rnm a wonderful salian* ^ the best apple In'the world for eat.

Ing and cooking. Fargo orchard. .! 1 • mile norUi. 1 mile weit of Five PotnU

TwlnFaUs. ■ .. .________

DEUCIOUa,-A a e L E fl_CO LO t ' - picked estra fancy. I1 .U :. eztn = fancy and fancy, tUO; fancy aU

0 grade » c : 0 grade. (So.and 98o.— orchard m a 8Jo; orehard-run-Jo^___ thana 3Se; free from worm*. Brtni3F- conlalnen. Kenyon Qreen.iif;. — •J3. - DEUClOtlS APPLES '

Beady new.. Briog eontatotij— and tav*. ThU et«p very short ■ I tbU year. One mil* *a4 «t “ ■WaftlBgi«rBtl.-*et.------------—

U. A. 8TB0NK Alw.Jwuthaa.

» For RenKUflfumlihedf o r ”" R ^ - " c H o i r a " R o u n

aellert Real E m u . Phoo* » « IM-W. ________________

— P w " p w « nFD tovcn; . R<pfi> i_ Jiiiuueill IIUUH iiexr~9ickel iUuaiI ’ Fumice htal. s n znd AveTlCFbonit m

— ' r ^ . z'

1 • . .

“ I ITMROUSrt Afvl A t l / F u V f t l ^ ) R £ m k x e O KILl-ED IM , VV»MOeRFUL C tR l, X ''NA& •

£ 0 BROKEKl'HEARTI 3 H S L .EPT H OM B AND OtI A 3 IF IMTD T H lt'i f t l R i j

• i


^ ■ W H A T S VjD R r V m ^ @ H - ; AMI - HOW

t o PAY

_ r T j U J B O R R O W E b -

tJjpporfi)l8s ' ' For Rfint-*fuml>hed

8-ROOU UODCRH FURNISHED___ . bouH. 403 3od Welt.'.OES ---------------------------------:-----------

ROOM Ito, ttJ 3RD NORTH, OAU>— n a a t t e r U O F r U . . |

»<> FOR REN1UROOU AND BOARD. Win Olo*a in. 318 tod North.

^ ROOM FOR RENT. BtXT m U S t h u t . 144 eu> Are. HocUi. OaU

S S : 383-J. ______________

HOUSEBZSPINO r o o m s rURX- UM lsb*d eompUt*. Th* Oifcrd. 431

MalTNorth.- . —

DANCY TBREE BOOM APT. VA- ^ cat*d today. FumUhtd ccnplet*. o n a .‘nwoaford. 43$ Main North.I. No ----------------------------------------------TIM BOUSES AND A F A R m ims. Houses tor u ie a t bargain prloefcT p' ^ Shoabcne St. Booth. W. g. Sangcf.

FULLY F U R N I S a g P APART-^ Im en tT >t~7uiUin*rf~Inh a g W ^ ilomt-^faoDts m and HI ___ tpecUveljr,____________’ • ■

0 ^ THE PARK H O m 0 F F B B 8 *i«eUI monthly winter ra ta oa

warm sunny room*' to permanent guetUforUta«Utlermoathi,begtn*

- ninf November 1, phona 4Si ParkJ S , «"*•*• 'll or

“ **■ - ^ ^ ^ S a l i M lw e n a n w u i


LUMfiSt AND SACKS OF AIL ■ klndi. Idaho Junk Houia.

IliO. CALLER. DEOOY' DUOS8.W. A. om*, , .OrUva,'R. ? . 0 . a. Flier. * • reat> ---------------------------------------------rt.,1 FOR S A U -N E W U*HORiB «tnt*. electrla motor, t . B, • B**Bun.

^ NEW W M AJRWAT OXAHOt With an attaehmenu. tM -phoo*

3»o: » » _____________ ■' ' ■

UBEDMYWASHDW UAOKUnS in good shspt, ehaap. 0 .0 . ABds^

_ SOQ Co.

IlUMOER. n e w a n d SECOND m f hand ucki. any quaaWy, Xdaho « r t Junk ROUH. t t

BDBTTIO Krr'T O 'M ItSS'OnT," Montana. vU Bult*. Cheap. 339

3nd. Av*. North.

io n s 'A 1 X -P P » ~ BEET- PPII**— *r, IIO. At B*aU rtneb, H ain*(J louthTwla.FalU.


jfiM f rm HAIJ! - VTH ro aOTOKATM®5e _ « i* n n r r a W ! ^ a n a n .“ <>cWbon* Andenon Co., ?Taihar Deparimani

— - B o m - m

- g r - ------- j-TAK>H*-*^MOt»Uli

^ • / W ’ ’* W TTV ' -




= = = s = = s = : ^ = s s ! 3 ' ! ' ' '

UlD. * - . •• •

— ■;-,ProfeMlonal.. , '•m t ^ — ................ .....0 ^ A tto iu a n r s . ■ '♦

------0 . a BALU-OT*r o w Book B imrnjr. . ■ , » ■ . . ;^ SW IEUT * k W S K L f f - j m ; -

VA« • - • • • * . D ENTISn . - • ' • ■ i'« ■ ' DR.'T.L^O ARn(n>D «BlM .O r*r‘

w o o l i ^ O T O _ -B |to r t r ifc '-

iS? = = = ^ = ^ = = = = = = = - ;

w ! ■' ' ‘' ■ ' S t o e s i . ^ . ' T ^ y v

B fr- " t m n i K u . '■ ■

_ n t b . ^ tn a i] iM .;iiu M U > ir ..

M O T T A iro a k b v ’ : ^ recovered. CleaQ n d caittd Into : .:

batU..30a lb. W«*h*d aad caidtd.' r^ tO o lb .T w laF aU illa ttrM lM ta7 .. - ™ 3 3 l 3 a d A n . 8 o u t h . « l « * , H ^ ; : . ;

I : Wanl«(-HtanMeo'iii,J: , ■■"** W AK TBJ?O UIffllT-i«KIB.',*,d' ;■ >AR: ^em rtf.'P iianaatf ■,


~ RIlIA BU !4PA m .W A »T8«A N O — T.' A. t m . . .

- W ANTED-OLD:BOSSES'AMD'— r c c t r t j t e h r ia ,p b o o tm o .w ,.- , . „

^ OOINO TO.XOS ANOBLBB flUN-V ' ' . diy. Room lor two^ihtts.«ip*iiN.

____Fhen*Mt. ■ .• - 1 . jv :';-

i® * WANT OOOD WATCH DOOiAJR^ Hon* da l* cc B u U .« a l* .W « U B « :4 ir-“

careNewt, ■ ' '

a n » UASKTT r o R w b i a t a n d - ' ider- ciovtr «**d. Olobt Seed * Oraiib :

« ic c » » l . • . ■ . ■ • ' : • -

“ WANTED-USED.OABS -TO S E tt, A oacoculinmrat^wlll n a re u h fo r

^ U ghtw a.jpo .fl. Whit* 00.

— - WANTOHXX)!; AND HEATINO . ' trrr.- ■:*leve(,parlorfanae*s.HanyUtt*«— .* » pave buy*.«en».trades, ' . , ■ ■.• ■ '

“ ^ f l f ^ S . 8 M ^ ttfw o r? ^ rU lS r- ' ' ^ Phone 191 Twin m s r « ^ aod ICK

^ .Situations WanW j^^ WORK-,WANTED - B 0T8“ * N » ' '“

aiii* attesdinc ttak 'a se h eo l' or ITM B tiiln is* O T ln ig ^^

^ Room while aUeadtaf |cbool.-Whak— have youtPhon* 188. ,

' AMeUVT»MUOt\ •


:N»lNO TO n M O W L O S T t.MCT* R S U ft V E W aS A C O JI , .H e a E AND B E C A S « A J ' '

‘X3W SOU K N O W .,V ^ V « t^ ^

Page 11: · 2014-12-12 · m F i IBEn I Edutatlon Association E------OlKii af-HighStlioQiiOuU -

l i i B i i P t aHOUiBl p ilMillSi; M r i R e tc c c a H enstook, S a l- '

n ion R iver P ro leo t P ionee r,

S u ffe rs G rave H u rls In _

C rash a t R oad C rossing

. I to . Beb6cc» Heiutock. M. UoUl*-

. wutb ot lloUUter UU 7*dURUy — iflexnosn. BoUi c m wtre p»cUe*l-

-------rtrtild»».NB»«l».''irhneMliKibom O fa tw t Uam T ttki, re*

•• . K tTtdaieTB rtcutontljem btliiD f , . T la rtUndlof pJiyjlcUn « t Uii

• r tun ty jeaen ltio jp lW beniU talu t ' j t l lM a ld th itM n -U e afU e k lo n *

m ta WM KrtOM. 81» w u lul/er- in i with A in c to ra l ikuU, om ^-

' ‘‘" 'S S h e r r t ^ r S ^ i i ^ S I y S a r 1

• M a to r iiU ttrA n jr KBduUp told oTUnti ticM two <

• ■ < r - t tw puita«molorUUto U to Ml*. Henrtock m 0 « U W

. if t t f t t e ■eddenl. beUrtnf ^ B •itM WU d u l . f lb i w u broutfit to nei

A -> S ^ S D rO b ^ U rH ea ito e k . B«t.UTfj i t UM f»m ir boon « » ru m ffliT

' looUnnit ot BolUiler. >ullltn .B in7A lm ader.a< U u|l)t< r. Uoo

lik n t t le n to d M AnCilt*., A family-eaiM to idiHo fto n er

D u r a OUT, ODlondOk tBd]lT«d tor l u i ;-------r jw ^ t t r o - t a - T w tB j r t lU J i* ^ Ufr

“ “ d ta d tb o a t io i iu i i fo . r : J im a«art« lt la d *J*at t h # w u ir * tth '* '|r o o p o f T « n o io r^ w - t b #

::■ S ' S S r n l S S S t K S ^.V -B oU H ter. ben

-.Stffki^laBUUto W.tb iM eid ta to e a im d u iM d ro T t m u

cn tT lM b J ltm r { r tn tbe eu t. K it XBDbtldtfi. b m W o ( tn ek U n . cbi|

\ («r ta lb ( mUdlo wltb Bbe^ d T tm tb it tb o lm p r la to rb o tb a e U ]bMtfUfbU ibn rtd in lU bodyffii ^ (B tb i door u 4 tba ether bMk o( ti

V-UI 'li tti. I t i t i ^ t n im etneer, u ld Xupbiidp told tra

■ him b* d id 'ac t ••• tb# o w

on tb# blibwky, u d U ut b* liu iad .>.g — to' Mi hl» b n > « bnU l w u too Uto. ~a1

to tb# #outb. S 2w « ts o rB tre tth # rw d ln le r^ e o . q,

. *ad t t t b e»mi to m t ^ JU W t au

■ .V *^mithUlty 1# IPod from tin bUh ? ? ^ . - ir tu rt tb# » « ld ir t « w a « j . M

tb e* h # ilopi t o ' tb# e u t tb i t . 1 K t o t e r f M t b tb# Tt#W ot » ?

‘ m eeolBi oote tbo blciiw v ^ _ _ _ | S ^ a t e e t l o B ^ O o w » « 4 S-------- Iba tecldenl oecurrrt tbout l ; » „ e ,

tfelocL ' ooin• ■ -------------- ------------ «cUi

-iDDWUlIE 'I— . h»n

or r t o a w trom TWtlnf “ t tU tm l I t th» Twtn n U i lode# —

-------h»U .U ita l| .5 l»n •.•erte* ot .p w p w ettB p ter tbU dUlrlcl

^ troD Buhl. FUer,— ^ -S d W - a uiHr - « »d-Bup*rt-were SSL

ptttea t to wfirk ent % tcbrduU tor — tb# »#Mlota. . . »

............ . |||MUnt»;i»{UlqbO=htW.rit-------msdet»frota«l^Uie-*£be'diIIt.bclHE

Occtmber 6 »t nopert, 3nn\i^ »* l TwJo P»nj jwd M uch 7 *l DuhL DtlTte wwk WtU be ecnterred »t

T. J. Uojd. j)u l p in d muter nr«nrt n enreienUtiT# of the

■ * aoTCTltn o n n a lod«, #t«i iiiv:, . A .ic-ataa*Ur>B<dilr;Qrwvl-^P.ti»in t»TH fhort t^ n « rt« * B m e n uwer#'imt<l.VW Un8rtprtKn«iiY«

• ' “ w treT 'E d fn rn in lt’ TnKon. -K. -R. “ “ H irdlnjj Burley, 8«rt Weiler. Cor­

ey Spencer: Ilupert. J. 3. Jenxn, C, A.-V*n niper; BuW. Rer. 0 . L. KemUll, Clyde WllUims: mitr. Tl.C. A. A. Cariifn: 7 »')nm u , c « i i retMfoy, o . w . Off.rlih. ____________>

DR. CUFTON ADDRESSES ’ ^“^INmtS:KlW ANiAN&I Cr. J. U a ih o a . OMo 8Ule Uni- ' tn ilty p n ttv o r ef eduatlon tod t

wtmber of t>* tW uabat. Ohie^Kl-

____ T»In riiU KIwuiU club’* wtckljrnifettoj # l luncheon irtte rdw .' nr. CTlftTO tm phutw l tb« ImpotUnee

_ Welcome teachers

|— W bll« In T w in F all* L e t th # R oyal d o y o u r D ry

a e a n ln j r a n d P r c s s ln i r


133 S hoshone S outh

W . L . D O S S ,.P ro p , t . f t io n e 279 .

i ' ; W e CalT-Por a o d p c ilv c r

• V . • .

■ r M U M O T IU J M I


S1 ^ ' ibi

T dJdat konr T»P» w u wtUo* u o S la bb ^

—i W TrHhwt no I t tbootht It w u BK»d«y.* ^

S H E IDEGflKSlIflii

— I "i Class of 44 Qualify for Na- IS -llnnarorganlzallonwork^

At , Boise Convention' i r ' — 'J.’

BOHU Oct. M (BpetUl to Tb# Newi)-Idabo 6UU Onoce eon* ^ Tcatd In (pecUl lenloo tn tb i Odd ^ IWlow b»U here tonljht to eon- w ftr tb# n f lb (ttfiM 'upeo » , tnd B.wbo now worcaulldiU# for th#| - B«mitb dep te tb i t li lo b# coa.| \ (orred upon iOOO a n n t t n by tbe wll MtlontL O rtnt# tn # i u ^ eonrtn* en Uon V BoUt. Nonmber tS-34. om

A pot tuck k( wbUb 0U*< ^ er W, JobnioB. Murtioib. Twin wU n u ll County Fomon# Orkai# mu^ P” UrrlPtreducod.TU»lB».iU UO nn»a,,j^

Tided'■ prbiiiun'of enterttlnm enlT^ w u lened to Buhl Oily bill before *» tbs BUt# O nn t« leuloni. . ^

OtfUen of.ib# tU U O ru ^ . u - ” , listed by #00# otber O nni« aen« ben eonferrtd th# Sixth de tm . W. m W. D eal Nunpe. lUt# O nni# ^ muUr, opened the BUth depee Sg Kulon. and then to<A th# lUto cbiplaln’a part. Inlroduelnf I n E. Bbea, Spokane, nitronil deputy, u m- aellng m uU r in cDafetTlnc of the i d ^ . :fo»

IVln Tani County Pomona Bo O nn te 'i detree team, cooipoeed ot w

are all memben of the n ie r 1 Oranie. eoalentd the I llth depee. Jai -8U U -annc«o»le«n-and-o tben:— wbo took p irt In the 6Utb d tre e ' wort, betides th# acting m uter and-UI aetlnc cbapUln, w ere;/

Charle# Uonlux, ereneer and m uter of Ada county a n n s e ; Itbx c , D. Feebler, Buhl, lecturer; H n . , DWUy. Flora: Mn. B nilniton, SL UarUi. Udy auUtant iteward; U n.U 0 . Cobb. W er. actlns lecreUiy; ^ t & SU iuttl. Buhl acting g a te- '^ . keeper: lAtke v, Sonner, Falrrlev, ^ aetloc.iulitanl.<U w ardM ebo-D #-^ mond, member ot Valley-View, Ada ^ oouniy. O nnto and lUle, deputy, " acUM steward. • •“

Idaho, SUte Onnge will open "J tettloni In-BoUe on-Mon* day, Korember I), and the nation* " al Orange will ooofer the Sennth degrfe a t afternoon and cnntng Kttloni on WedntKUy, Korember,®' I7,--lt-wa-anliMticed.- R a llroad i^ hare granted one<enUa-mIle fare I®" to O nagim »ttet>dlnt tUU and

of education u a factor In detemtn- Ing Id tbo l fiituit. He « u lntrt>- duced by Judge 0. P.'DuraU, m em ' ct b n ^ fjh a elubli.wogram committee.'. Iff

^W eicoMake Sampson’s Tw



. • ...

Also the Famdi

' TSale Of RepoMcwK

' Y


isymiftfclpi j B B i i i :

C laim fo r * 1 2 0 0 H a ll.ln su r - T'

- — a nofrP rom lum P re c ip i ta te s _

In tr ic a te L egal D ispute

UUgatlon over MU proceed! Of the •io n crop Of 100 (icr¥J oLTwln Pall* oflcount? applfl otcbiirdi'; occuplfd the {»l

‘ day in'‘d!iTHfl MUTl'TlUB ■|nienJij; JRand will be remmed thli morning wwhen flr t aitomryi rrprwoUng de- jfcndaoU begin pre«nUllon of Ibelr t* eaaea. OreUrd Und* Inrolred a nlhfl«LoperaleOl_John w._Hardla pj,

, and hU »on. J. Iloiaind'HardlririB »{!: KlmberJy. TVIn n U i and W er dU- w

tricU. -nitf t» on trial beforeJudgt W7ATBalKbek"i»itliounnilty; jq,

. - Ib a - iu i t waa ln*lltuUd by A mr t I..8w im ,T irin^5r{oc5I!e5rnK lO .

premium and Inlereil on 116,000 baU Iniunnee policy. H.lnrolTM a dl»-

_nntcd_m ortM O _fl^nion the 100- ■ •••acre'apple-erop, u n d ^ T l I i a in E roi

uaertlon that the Iniunnce w u ln> m tended to corer not aU. but only one- ji, half ot the crop, and that the In- ne

, tunnee policy w u not deUrcred to ui them.

I Teillmonyyeaterdty Indicated tbat tbe dtal for the Iniurancexu made

' Ute one atlemoon between J. Rol- ig, ,'U nd Hardin and Walton G. Swim, ‘

m a b n iinanB oe ttie-o rATthur — LSw lm .

r In pretenllng the eau for Mr. _ 8wtm, bU attomeyi, A. P. Parry and *;

‘j.PaulThD m an,calltdlolhtw ltnea Jl ) i t u d yettcfday, Walton 0 . Swim;. Arthur L. Swim; MU* Mary Own*; “ 1 Frank J, Smith, county auditor and " . reootder: J. RoUadd lUrdln, and IL t B. iM g . produce dealer,

: i ~ J e lu Two Aellou ^ S I mi•I Veneer Produrticompany. Denrer, gr

i wltb a claim for apple boxa dellT- ' • er«d to tb# Kardlni. w u named u (c

on# ot the defendanu tn tbl# actloo, .k . and yaterday acquietced Iti Joining rt I wltb tb it action a lull ihal it had l i■ proTloudy inilllulcd agalnit Arthur■ U Swim. J. R. Bothwell U attem er Z

';-^W ank'LHkpKin'3 ^ f m i [ ^ f , tbrd are altomeTa for A. W. Barnett

and eompany, CWcago, who adranc- ed ISOOO loLlIie Hardlni lor labor.

' and luppliea in handling the 1933 r crop, and who yesterday turned orer f?■ to the court a |9I3 check of which ^ I ITOiM w u balance due lo tho lU r- H ' dlni for tala ol about to carloadi' ot? applet, and IJOT.M recorered from < raUroadcarrten for damage 10 applet

tfl’tranilie \ Harry Benoit appean u attorney . ‘for ReUly Alklnton and company, 11 I Bolie. one of th# defendanU wbo U nf f a u y ^ 'Ul'haTi puTchaied 10 car- ^

r L e ^ adrUor for Ihe Hardlnt b I. Jamet W. porter. Twin PalU.

S^CHa S i R C O N F E R S -


*• . . . . .-------r Th# Qretnhind dtfree w u con- V ^.ferredupon a Urge number ot Pu- ',. ture Parmer pledgei l u t etfning a t „ ; . th o Twin FalU f tilu n Farmen . meelln^. ThoM rccelrlng the dejrw

Bowj-er, Roy cederburg. S; J Howard Egberl, Melrln Ehlen, Jtck ? , .E»ani, peorge Hendrlckt, Robert S, '■.Lelchlller. Harold NelMn, Jay Kew- ® „ man, Richard SUndly, Lawrence . atom. Elmer Yo\im. Marx Jotlyn

and Harold Doty. h Olen DarU w u in charge ot the " , enlertainment commltlee and Oilen „ ,f Sommer the refrethmfnl commlUee. i,‘-Ron«W -Piefee,-prfeldent-of-tlie J ) > locit Futun Farmen chapter, pre- } aldtd. ■I •—«: sii

= ■ ANNOUNCEMENTS 51------- mi

Twin FalU Orange will meet thli Ui CTenlng t l 8 o'tlock In the Odd Ttl- i

•.'.lonhallfo rarttu Ia rM U lon . be

ame-Teai^ i n F a l l s S t o r e y o u r h c a

L e c t r i c

R E F R I G E R A T O R ?

A N D '

-------- ----------O R C H E S

. . I N

m o u s M A Y T A G E L E C T R

P u r c h a s e .

T E A C H E R S S P E C I A t

iciwcrt A nd U sed IlndIos.rLThIs I s /

You C«nnol A fto rd To M i» l

^ - A S Q U A R r t i S ^ S



r:SEW S,_TW N g f f M , I D M (

Pil80MN-=J iE S p i i .Twin Falls Business Men : —Wrtslle With Serious ^

Questions Under NRA Code

Twin FaUi merthanU 111 three and ^ one-half'hour leulona lu t night, h< faired to'craek Ihe problem tha t the ih M V ^fnuJuaH or n u u mereaiBU ~Uld atIhelrdoonUpt. tu

Effcrt<.howerer,wUI be continued, uSecauie KRA regulaUoni rcQUln io that then thall be poated In eaebplace of builneu wilbln 10 dayi irttJuTbcfobw JSTnralO Tentof'tho S tmA duslffeatlon or Kbedute under bewhich thit-gtore choo>e».to.PDer»lo Lfor the year. . / ‘ * ’ S

llcallr conitant r e U t lo ^ p between - ' (to n houn and m fln t t f wigea. •

tnU ot imaller townt which are I glren unlimited leeway under the new code, it involred In th# dceldoQ that U lo-be made.

AblgqueiUonforTwloFalUmer- C. chaaU lo an»wer U whether tbey th can afford to keep their aloret open to lonier, and pay more wagu.


The nreratllng butlneu boun la Twin Falli, »ln<e the adrent ot the PO NRA. ealli for opening of depart- ment atom and almltar butineltet a l 9 A. U. and doting a l 6 P. U . B< weekdayt, and Q P. M. Baturdayi, op Oro:erlM tnd tome other butinetset te open an hour earlier.

meellDg Ust nlibl for coatldentlon ne ol thli problem.' th

McrchanU divided for group eon- ferenc« after W. A. VanEngelen, chairman of Twin FalU Chamber of Pi commerce merthanU bureau, called bo the meeting to order In tbe high u: Khool building t u l nlghl. apd read .provUioot ji_ ibcje«_fiO je.jrh lch bad-been dull^prM hy.Blrmall. u id Lc a number of nrpUnatory telegramt Bi from the PorUand dUtrtit KRA Uc lupervltor. - rw

Other groupa walUd for an agree­ment on the ptrt of the group tha l ; included depeitment ttoret, wearing to apparel and variety ttores. and that t agrcemtnt wu -norTorthcom lng ih after ihree and one-half houn ot t i debate. " ' t t


Teteher* of cUhtJOuntlca allend-tng a two-day Idalio'Educatlon u - - tft-i»iitfn diiirki convention In Twin w Palli, ire -10 be honored guetU a t [J a dance vlilch Twin FalU M ailelani! Ra club will ipontor a l DanceUnd pa- & Villon thlt cvenlnj. John B. Robert- Rton, eommiltce chairman, announced [3lajt errnlnj. Jn this ertnl tho B glelana will 'coopenle with. TwinFa)trChamber-of-Oommirc«-wmqb. uU lo tupply enterUlnment featuna. BOther memben of the MagWtni; |committee, whieh wat appointed at f ta weekly mcellnit at luncheon yes- P;terday, are Ralph Tulloch and Prank KCcibk. H

Pioccedt of this evening*! teach- nen ’ dance will be. turned w er to !»Twin Faltt Parcnt-Teacher a tw la - Btl^ 'hol-lun«h-nindrthe >la{lcUai E, I:

Mfficlnu vfjtefdtr heard PtantU «Shcneberger. commlllee cKOrfUlT Kreport on arranjemenU tor the Ma- Uglclant' "Bowery- coatume ball for |memben and itielr guesU a t Dance-. |Und Monday evening, 1

Connie lU tel w u elccled lo mem- ■bership................................. ..............■

lehers- 1icadquartcrs during]" I

I • I

ESIRA—_____ _____II N S T R U M E N T S • '

r R I C W A S H E R . -

lingJou W i sh Tn.. _


s An Opportunity

1 ■

I------^ ---------- 7, ---- -

M O , r a ro A Y M o im n ig , o c i

“Herfi’s-Tncfe j Baa-BaasEr . T<iiiftn R h # e iu B « Ile m :'lR v B o i

I, . Vliilllri

t Mary of tbe nunery. rhyme U nt ^ Ibe-only.UlUe g lrU ibaJ iu aJUUUt. . lamb wltb fleeee a i wWte u anow- 6 who foUowa ber to ichooL ' .

Carmen Vaaquft, pupil of Unooln achool, “ e tbe children Uugh and

d p u y 'tn barroom the olher day when (, her pet-Umb followed her. th o u ^ e lhUUmeltwua'l''aga!nttthBrule.''3 - in ie ao faw r ia ? u>p<n'»'- nwBT

have been atudylng peU in their i. U osuage'clutu.. Their. 1 nilruetor •e told them Ihey might bring their pels b lo tchooL The Umb'a arrival, w u 1 kiiowawell enough In advance tor a « penlobe'iriide'otoraBge-cratergOd T heaTy’buIfdlng paper. - A. \ »» . >nnw« trlfti." Otrmen ' ^ p l a l n e d 'r i ^ r . ju *he put him

Ihrouah the pacei. a rW lam bV faforitelrick 'w ailoceli

;BR€VITI€Sfl ___D

l,My« let Beebetlei^Mr. and Mra. '• C. J. fichroeder. Flier, a n to leave y thU morning fpr Rochetter. Mlnne- B loU. ,

Home Ftom VtalU-Mr. and U n . " t a a f w iiu r ,iBluraed Tiiunday a from a Tbli to 'Salt Lake City and a polnU In Wyoming.

a Undergecf O pentlon-.O eO Ege U Benoett, Hueltou, underwent an I. operaUoo a l the Twin FalU county a tenerfJ boapltal yttterda y . .

g OuKtode B»le-W. J. RoUeobeek o' ana wuKarBmlUntUinted”WWP a netday ennlag from Ogden where

they conducted a botM tale. ' -

I. son Arrlret-Mr. and Mra. Frank1 PlUgerald are'.tbe-ptrenU ot a tond bom Oetobtf «S, a l Wooda prlratel> unllarlum, TU'Seeoad avenue can.

t Butte, Montana,.obUtned a maitUge K Uccnie at the Twin FalU founty

rceorder'a offke.yeaterday.

t Ftuen'u D taUiKd-E. J . P ^ - g ton, Buhl;'w . W. l*arry. Bubl; W. t e. DeiUolx, Twin FUU, wen among g tho pallenU. dUmltted from the 't Twin FalU coonty genenl hospital

jetterdiy. .. • .•

R eU llm V ttlt^M r.tndM n. John B>-en. Blrmlngbam, Iowa, and tbelr eon and wife, Mr. and Mra. Earl

, Oyen, Mapleton._Iowa,’ a n guetu of

r Mra.E. 0 .Bell and M la o W e D e lf : aafl'her brother. F.,8. BelL

- Olrlt-Win-Dcbal«=>-MaxIn^.8oed- , tra u and Mildred' S w e e t^ lrm a -

n ‘ ________ -iji.i_ijujc.~Ti

t M j r

d ^

w\ 'We cordially inviti

inspect our line o-eoata------------------


S ub lly ta ilo red , slim lilh o u c lJ , « o f t f u r j . b c aiitilu l fab 'rica caplin v a le w t h w a rm th and rfefrancc. _ - '


sty le and ( Modem

The Mayl

•. \


liS iT^ddies:^l^ucatedLambBooBtlng-Idaho-Dalry B ta in e as o ti o f ‘MUk DnriiiR I'eU ’” Itin g P ay . . ;m t down )ni “tbank you* for the nlppled lUt. botlte of w nm Milk hU Toung mis- •»* tm i ofAred him.

m fact, ha w u <0 obliging in ^ “iwallowlng the turplut" tha t an ad-

ditlonal quart of milk had to be pur­lin cbated befon thed ayw uom .'*•" the other peU’who to

Kir PenUn eat wllb ilrenitb eyea, wbo tor won ber for proudly like a coat of <ts aable, and a canary bird wbo taag r u every Mme tbe lamb bleated.-Aiid tbe r a l*mb bleated practically eveiy timea a Oarmen-go»-out-of*hU algbb-------

flo Oumea^f aeat fOr tbe da^ w u un mOTMl liMrt tn Hv» Thgn’ thUilffl lamb could put hU moUt little note

Ihrougti'the ban of hU pen tnd txz toueauttTUnaiD Cbeiiiiieir------- -

S tlT«,Lengenwalter-and-Vletor-Ooertten; negative, Jo an Inler-dau prelim- Inaiy -dehato yetterday afternoon. Qoertan w u an auxiliary tpeaker to complete the ncgaUve team.

BetotB Frcn HteoBti^.4<n. 7. s! Bell, who tang a t the nipreme con-

, Tentioa of tha P. E O. SUterbood pa. BOdUlervUitedhertlalcratOreen-i«y a tu T T iB Jo u H T sa r in w w rp n j:«d Beil, wbo went to OreeneuUa fol­

lowing a butlneu trip to Kew Mex- ' Ico, returned thU week to Twin FalU.

ggv> Scboei n u Aitembir - Dr. J. L. ^ty ClIfloD, of the deptrUnentof educa­

tion, Ohio SUte iinlverslly, on a tour ot nortbweit teachen' .InsUlulet,

« • “The Value of Education to the 8tu- ’ dent." He wlU tpeak a t the dlatrlct

conference of the Idaho EductUon aatocUUon hen today, and wlU tnvel to BoUe to addresa a tlmHar

^ Wheat Board CennBea-«emben

JP ment committee met tn th# cbunty ageofi oltSce ycjtexday to begin checking up appUeatloni by this county^ growcn for cath beneflU

w* under cootncu to reduce wheat crop acreaget. Memben ot the eom-

S* mllteeanC.B.Lladiey.TwlnF8Ui: u l WalUr Reete. Cutlelord, and H. 0 .

Lauterbach, Hanien.

ihn ^ ■------------- ■ - ------- -,eir '■ "■■■'

C om ing tv e n u

The Fldellly cUu of Ihe’Uetho* dill E^iacopar^urcb will have an

9d- »pron-paHy-Prlday.eTening4nJbB la- parion ol the church.

F eaS er^lYelcome■lite you to come in and of smart, 'distinctive


Smnrtly tailored in to tl ‘ • tweeds— elephants car

cloth. Polo and camels _: ' hair. Now colors . . .. Smiirt sleeves,and shoul-

dcr trims.


I Quality at a rat^Price—--------

yfair ShopN AVE. 'WEST


B a r g a i n 1 6 8 0

I ^J » P a ■

_ y r ' - f ~

__L__ ! jkZLX

M mTIE 53lX.;r


Fast Col' 85-Inchc3',wId0 1[o* on

o’clock fonthe^xcepil

Guaranteed fast color! tity won't last long! co|no early I ^

m S S S lS S iW .^^

6 Pr. Boys Dress Pani Each____________

• 1 Men's Port Wool Unlpn.___________9 Pr. Men’s Bnlbrigffo: Pair ----------- -------

- . 1 Infant's Slik Quilted ~ 7 a c k H ~ _____

S Red Flannel Wool-Sli■; Each - .......... 1 .....

11 Boys' I/Mithereltc Coats. Each .............

-D-HunlinB-ShclUVeiU Each _______S Boy.t’ Lealhorelte II

-Each ____________- 9 Boys’ Fabric Belts.


• .Eflgh .....

18 Ladies’ Dresses. Each ......Boys’ Christmas Gift 1Each...-----------60 Pr. Children’. Felt

16 Bx; Gift SlationcrjEach________ ____

—30-DcckrGllt-Edg6'Bi Deck ____________

“ i~m i :e I


1 TABLE 21 1 l .D.S. GAltMtl ^ BOYS SUEDl



I O bahs_____' WHITE-KING GIU

SOAP. PKG...... ..WHITE EAGLE SC PKG__________ _


n B a s e m e n t

0 M E N ’S _

Work _

Full cut, >rclf made, 2- button pockets I Stock i

up now! Save! ' f

201%jYDS._____________ ^

Mir Prinis;o* on sale th is mominjT^Vt ^ :ccpilonolly Low P riw .o f—. '

olbr! Quan- .-flL'C m ^ B e t t e r ^

_____49c ■. 25 c _)

rl»sm Drawers. l()c

25c .... $1.98

rctto Sheep-Lined (J»2 Q g

!“± z = . r f 5 0 c : -Lto llclmola. l O C

.........le-Tan... ■.

........ : s i . o o , 'Gift Boxes. l O C

F d t Slippers. - y j 9 {» _

• 25c~ ss6-BHii8irctnii---- 2(5 c” 1



*emey Co. -FALLS, IDAHO '