2012 Prospectus About MCAST - Welcome Pages



PROSPECTUS 2012/13 MIssIon stateMent Il-MIssjonI tal-KulleĠĠ to provide universally accessible vocational and professional education and training with an international dimension, responsive to the needs of the individual and the economy. Biex jipprovdi edukazzjoni u taħriġ vokazzjonali u professjonali li jintlaħqu minn kulħadd, b’dimensjoni internazzjonali, u li jaqdu l-bżonnijiet tal-individwu u tal-ekonomija. 1

Transcript of 2012 Prospectus About MCAST - Welcome Pages

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Il-MIssjonI tal-KulleĠĠ

Biex jipprovdi edukazzjoni u taħriġ vokazzjonali

u professjonali li jintlaħqu minn kulħadd,

b’dimensjoni internazzjonali, u li jaqdu l-bżonnijiet

tal-individwu u tal-ekonomija.

MIssIon stateMent

to provide universally accessible vocational

and professional education and training with an

international dimension, responsive to the needs

of the individual and the economy.



Page 3: 2012 Prospectus About MCAST - Welcome Pages

Publisher: Malta College of arts, sCienCe and teChnology, Main Campus, triq Kordin, Paola Pla 9032

00356 2398 7100 00356 2398 7316 [email protected] www.mcast.edu.mt

MCast is engaged in a constant consultation process with industry stakeholders to upgrade the quality of its programmes.  this is done to ensure that these are regularly updated to reflect the latest best practices and technologies required for students and will help students to achieve a more successful employment career.  MCast reserves the right to effect changes to the contents of the programmes according to these changing needs and circumstances. MCast reserves the right not to offer courses if there are insufficient applications. the programmes that are featured in this prospectus are governed by regulations, Policies and Procedures as approved by the Council of institutes. these documents are available for viewing in any of the institutes, the office of the registrar, or on the MCast website www.mcast.edu.mt.

this Prospectus has been compiled by MCast, who is also the copyright owner. no reproduction, copying, image scanning, storing or recording by any means in any form, for broadcasting or transmission through any medium of any part of this Prospectus is permitted without the express written consent of MCast. all intellectual property rights are reserved.

MCast shall not accept responsibility for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies that might occur.

2012. all rights reserved

Cover photo: MCast intitute of applied science student Maria fenech at ProMinent fluid Controls ltd, Malta.

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InstItute oF agrIBusIness 22

WelCoMe to MCast 4

InstItute oF applIed sCIenCe 40

InstItute oF art and desIgn 58

InstItute oF BusIness and CoMMerCe 122

InstItute oF CoMMunIty servICes 144

InstItute oF eleCtrICal and eleCtronICs engIneerIng 172

InstItute oF InForMatIon and CoMMunICatIon teChnology 200

MarItIMe InstItute 218

InstItute oF MeChanICal engIneerIng 230

MCast gozo Centre 266

Method oF applICatIon and other detaIls 296

InstItute oF BuIldIng and ConstruCtIon engIneerIng 88











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this prospectus is a manual of opportunities, an open invitation to those who want to improve their life and realise their potential through learning and career development.

It includes a wide range of courses, in a variety of disciplines, that enable you to select the competences and skills which you wish to develop. For the past ten years, MCast has worked to expand students’ horizons by opening pathways through which they can advance through different levels of qualifications, from the introductory and foundation levels to first degrees.

this College is a centre of excellence in vocational education and training, which is shaping our country’s human resources to realise its social and economic vision.

at the same time, MCast and the Ministry for education and employment’s Foundation for tomorrow’s schools, are currently working on the building of MCast’s new Campus, in paola. this project will be bringing together all MCast Institutes in new, state-of-the-art facilities, in one location. the new Campus will provide MCast with the space and resources required to cater for more students, whilst offering increased flexibility for new synergies between its Institutes. these collaborations will lead to the introduction of new courses and enhanced learning experiences. Coupled with the College’s ongoing efforts to constantly revise and improve its programmes and services, the new Campus will be giving students increased opportunities to learn more, and to achieve even more successful careers.

We look forward to welcoming you at MCast.

joseph Farrugiapresident of the Board of governors

Message from the President of the Board of Governors Joseph Farrugia

dan il-prospektus huwa manwal ta’ opportunitajiet, stedina bil-miftuħ lil dawk li jixtiequ jtejbu ħajjithom u jilħqu l-potenzjal tagħhom permezz tat-tagħlim u l-iżvilupp tal-karriera.

Fih se ssib firxa kbira ta’ programmi, f’varjeta’ wiesgħa ta’ suġġetti, li jwassluk biex tagħżel liema ħiliet tixtieq tiżviluppa. Matul dawn l-aħħar għaxar snin, l-MCast ħadem biex iżid in-numru ta’ opportunitajiet f’livelli differenti ta’ kwalifiki li jibdew mil-livelli t’isfel u jibqgħu telgħin sal-gradi li jwasslu għal-lawrja.

Il-Kulleġġ huwa ċentru ta’ eċċellenza fil-qasam tal-edukazzjoni u t-taħriġ vokazzjonali u istituzzjoni importanti li qed tħejji l-ħaddiema biex ikunu jistgħu jissodisfaw il-viżjoni soċjali u ekonomika ta’ pajjiżna.

Fl-istess ħin, l-MCast u l-Fondazzjoni għall-Iskejjel ta’ għada fi ħdan il-Ministeru tal-edukazzjoni u x-Xogħol, huma mpenjati fuq il-proġett tal-bini tal-kampus il-ġdid, f’paola. dan il-proġett se jwassal biex l-Istituti kollha tal-MCast jinġabru f’post wieħed u jibbenefikaw minn faċilitajiet ġodda tal-aqwa kwalita’. Il-kampus il-ġdid se jipprovdi l-ispazju u r-riżorsi kollha li huma meħtieġa biex tikber il-flessibbilta’ u biex numru akbar ta’ studenti jkunu jistgħu jiġu akkomodati. Is-sinerġiji li jiġu żviluppati bejn l-istituti huwa vantaġġ ieħor. dan kollu għad iwassal biex jiżdiedu l-korsijiet u biex jibqgħu jitjiebu l-esperjenzi tat-tagħlim.

Flimkien mal-isforzi li jagħmel il-kulleġġ biex dejjem jirrevedi u jtejjeb il-programmi ta’ studju u s-servizzi li joffri, il-kampus il-ġdid se jagħti opportunitajiet ġodda biex l-istudenti jitgħallmu iżjed u biex jiksbu karrieri aqwa.

nistennew li nilqgħukhom magħna fl-MCast.

joseph FarrugiaIl-president tal-Bord tal-gvernaturi

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Message from the President of the Board of Governors Joseph Farrugia

l-ewwelnett grazzi li ġbart dan il-prospektus u nagħtik merħba minn qabel jekk tiddeċiedi li tidħol fl-MCast. Fil-waqt li tkun qed taqra din il-pubblikazzjoni, żgur li tibda tifhem aħjar x’għażla kbira u eċċitanti ta’ korsijiet għandek quddiemek.Inti se tkun tista’ tagħżel il-kors li tixtieq u fil-livell ta’ studju li l-aktar jaqbel lilek skont il-ħtiġijiet u l-ambizzjonijiet li għandek. jekk issib ruħek f’diffikultà dwar xi ħaġa jew dwar xi aspett tal-kors li inti tkun għażilt, nistiednek tfittex il-parir mill-uffiċċju tal-karrieri li qiegħed fuq il-campus ewlieni fl-MCast, paola.

Il-korsijiet tagħna full time joffrulek rotot ta’ studju li fl-aħħar jistgħu jwasslu għall-grad fil-livell ta’ lawrja u għall-karriera li ttik sodisfazzjon. It-taħriġ li tieħu fuq il-makni u l-apparat bħal dak li ssib fl-industrija, joffrulek stampa ħajja tad-dinja tax-xogħol lil hinn mill-ħitan tal-Kulleġġ. l-industrija tapprova ħafna l-esperjenza prattika u l-ħiliet vokazzjonali tal-istudenti tagħna li dejjem laħqu livelli għoljin.

M’għandniex xi ngħidu, is-suċċess tiegħek fil-Kulleġġ jiddependi fuq is-sħubija għaqlija li jirnexxilek tibni mal-għalliema tiegħek. jekk turi li tixtieq titgħallem u jkollok l-entużjażmu mistenni biex tirnexxi, l-MCast ikun jista’ joffrilek kull opportunita’ biex tilħaq il-potenzjal kollu tiegħek.

prof. Maurice grechprinċipal u Ceo


thank you first of all for picking up this prospectus and an anticipated warm welcome if you decide to join MCast. as you read through this year’s publication, I am sure you will get a real sense of the exciting range of courses on offer in each MCast institute. you will also be able to choose the level of study which best fits your present needs and ambitions. If you are in doubt about anything or any aspect of your preferred course, I suggest you seek advice and guidance from the MCast careers office on the Main Campus, paola.

our full time courses provide routes of study that can ultimately lead to a degree and to a rewarding career. the training you will receive on industry standard machines and equipment will offer you a taste of the real world. hands-on experience is highly valued and our students’ vocational skills are at the forefront in terms of quality.

your success at College will of course depend upon a healthy partnership between you and your tutors. If you are committed and enthusiastic about your learning and your future, MCast will be able to offer you the opportunity to achieve your potential.

prof. Maurice grechprincipal and Ceo

Message from the Principal and CEO Prof. Maurice Grech











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“International Centre of Excellence”Konna l-ewwel istituzzjoni fl-ewropa li ġiet iċċertifikata bħala “International Centre of excellence” mill-edeXCel, organizzazzjoni ta’ fama internazzjonali. nagħmlu minn kollox biex intejbu l-kwalità tas-servizzi kollha li noffru, u biex l-esperjenza tat-tagħlim li tirċievi tkunlek waħda pjaċevoli, esperjenza li tinkludi l-aħħar teknoloġiji fil-kamp tat-tagħlim, lecturers u staff amministrattiv ta’ esperjenza kif ukoll investiment qawwi f’apparat mill-aqwa. għadna kif ibbenefikajna minn €20 miljun f’fondi tal-ue (Fond soċjali ewropew) biex fit-tliet snin li ġejjin inkomplu ntejbu l-kwalità tal-korsijiet kollha li noffru.

Karriera ta’ sodisfazzjonaħna ma nippreparawkx biss għall-eżami. naħdmu id f’id mal-industrija biex flimkien nipprovdulek taħriġ prattiku fl-aħħar u l-aħjar prattiċi u teknoloġiji. għaldaqstant ħejji ruħek biex ixxammar il-kmiem biex dak li titgħallem fil-klassi tapplikah fil-workshops, fil-laboratorji jew fuq il-post tax-xogħol. l-għan aħħari tagħna hu li nagħtuk l-esperjenzi meħtieġa biex taqbad karriera tajba.

Opportunitajiet ta’ tagħlimta’ kull sena nipprovdu opportunitajiet ta’ taħriġ lil iżjed minn 6,000 student full-time. jekk verament tixtieq tavvanza fil-karriera tiegħek, għandna l-programm ta’ taħriġ li jgħodd għalik.

Għajnuna u entużjażmulil hinn mill-klassi, fl-MCast tkun tista’ tieħu sehem fl-isport u f’attivitajiet oħra, bħal dawk kulturali, li jgħinuk tagħmel ħbieb ġodda, issir iżjed kunfidenti u ttejjeb il-ħiliet tiegħek f’dak li hu teamwork u f’kif tikkomunika tajjeb. Ikollok ukoll opportunitajiet tidħol għal kompetizzjonijiet u avvenimenti nazzjonali u internazzjonali, kif ukoll tiġbor esperjenza liema bħalha permezz tal-programmi internazzjonali ta’ bdil ta’ studenti.

Il-Career advisers, l-għalliema tal-learning support unit, il-learning support assistants, il-Counsellors, iċ-Chaplaincy u ċ-Childcare Centre joffrulek ukoll firxa wiesgħa ta’ servizzi personalizzati ta’ għajnuna.

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International Centre of ExcellenceWe were the first in europe to be certified as an International Centre of excellence by the renowned international body edeXCel. our ongoing commitment to upgrade the quality of all our services and to provide you with an enjoyable learning experience includes the introduction of the latest teaching technologies, the employment of experienced lecturers and administrative staff, as well as extensive investment in state-of-the-art equipment. We have just been granted over €20 million from the eu’s european social Fund to continue upgrading the quality of all our courses in the next three years.

A rewarding careerWe don’t just prepare you for examinations. We collaborate with the leading industry players to give you hands-on training in the latest best practices and technologies. get ready to roll up your sleeves and put what you learn in the classroom to practice in our workshops, laboratories and in real work settings. our ultimate goal is to give you the appropriate experiences for a thriving career.

The learning opportunities you requireevery year, we provide training opportunities to over 6,000 full-time students. If you are determined to advance in your career, we have the right training programme for you.

A caring and vibrant campusBeyond the classroom, at MCast you will be participating in sport, cultural and other fun activities that help you make new friends, gain confidence and improve your teamwork and communication skills. you will also have opportunities to join national and international competitions and events, as well as to gain invaluable experience through international student exchange programmes.

We also provide you with a wide range of personal assistance services, through the support of our dedicated career advisers, the learning support team, the counsellors, the chaplaincy and our childcare centre.

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MCast Institute of art and design annual exhibition 2011











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Iċ-Ċentru tal-InformazzjoniMic-ċentru ewlieni tal-informazzjoni fuq il-Main Campus, tista’ ġġib informazzjoni dettaljata dwar il-korsijiet li joffri l-Kulleġġ fid-diversi Istituti kif ukoll dwar is-servizzi l-oħra li noffru lill-istudenti kemm qabel kif ukoll matul l-istudji tagħhom fl-MCast.

2398 7117 / 7100

[email protected]


Gwida għall-Karriera u Counselling PersonaliIl-Counsellors tal-MCast u l-Career advisers jaħdmu flimkien biex joffru servizz mill-aqwa lill-istudenti prospettivi u l-ġenituri tagħhom, kif ukoll lill-istudenti li ġa qed isegwu xi kors tal-MCast.

Gwida għall-Karrieral-edukazzjoni tiswa ħafna biex issib ix-xogħol li tixtieq. għaldaqstant il-kwalifiki biex tilħaq dan il-għan huma indispensabbli. permezz tal-kwalifiki meħtieġa, inti se jkollok aktar possibbilitajiet ta’ karriera mnejn tagħżel. Il-Career guidance advisers jgħinuk tagħmel l-għażliet li jgħoddu għalik.

Biex ngħinuk tagħmel għażla informata dwar l-edukazzjoni u l-karriera tiegħek, ikkuntattjana għal appuntament jew żur l-uffiċċji tagħna fl-MCast student house.

2398 7135 / 7136

[email protected]

Counselling personaliIl-Counselling jgħin lill-istudenti biex ifittxu u jsibu dak li fil-ħajja jagħmilna kuntenti. Fl-MCast is-servizz li noffru huwa ffokat fuq l-iżvilupp u d-direzzjoni li flimkien iwasslu biex l-istudent ifassal id-destin tiegħu. Bħala student aħna ninkoraġġuk tagħmel appuntament u tiġi tkellimna kull meta tiltaqa’ ma’ xi sfida li tista’ tkun ta’ tfixkil. permezz tal-interazzjoni bejn

l-istudent u l-counsellor, tkun tista’ timmaniġġja aħjar dawn is-sitwazzjonijiet diffiċli, tiżviluppa r-riżorsi tiegħek li jafu jkunu moħbija u tagħraf tintebaħ aħjar bl-opportunitajiet li jeżistu.

2398 7129 / 7133

[email protected]

Ħiliet ta’ Għajnuna – Minn Student għal Studentta’ kull sena l-Counsellors jorganizzaw kors ta’ taħriġ ta’ 30 siegħa dwar il-ħiliet bażiċi ta’ għajnuna. l-istudenti li jidħlu għal dan il-kors ikollhom l-opportunità jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet tagħhom ta’ komunikazzjoni, kreattività, intuwizzjoni u responsabbiltà etika fost oħrajn. Il-parteċipanti li jmorru tajjeb jingħataw ċertifikat ta’ attendenza. Wara dan it-taħriġ, il-Counsellors jikkoordinaw network volontarju ta’ student-2-student taħt superviżjoni biex ninkoraġġixxu lill-istudenti joffru l-għajnuna tagħhom lil studenti oħra li jkollhom bżonn.

[email protected]

Gruppi ta’ Appoġġl-esperjenzi tal-ħajja jistgħu jaffettwawna. Il-gruppi ta’ appoġġ jinvolvu sa għaxar studenti u facilitator (counsellor) li jiltaqgħu kull ġimgħa biex jiddiskutu suġġetti varji li jintgħażlu mill-istess studenti. Ix-xogħol fi grupp jippermetti tip ta’ interazzjoni li mhix possibbli f’ħidma bejn żewġ persuni. għaldaqstant, l-esperjenza tista’ sservi tajjeb biex tindirizza xi problema emozzjonali. Ix-xogħol li jsir fi gruppi huwa ta’ benefiċċju fil-klassi u fil-workshop u jista’ jwassal għal riżultati aqwa kemm fl-istudent bħala individwu kif ukoll fil-klassi kollha.

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Il-Librerija u ċ-Ċentru tar-Riżorsi tat-TagħlimIl-library and learning resource Centre (llrC) li jinstab fil-Main Campus tal-MCast, għandu wkoll ħames ċentri simili fl-Istituti, li huma maqtugħin mill-Main Campus, inkluż il-gozo Centre.

l-llrCs joffru firxa wiesgħa ta’ riżorsi u materjal ieħor ta’ interess ġenerali, biex jgħinuk fl-istudju tiegħek. Issib kotba, magazines, Cd-roMs, aċċess bla ħlas għall-Internet kif ukoll kollezzjoni kbira ta’ films. għal iżjed dettalji u jekk tixtieq tagħti titwila lejn il-katalgu online estensiv tal-librerija, idħol www.mcast.edu.mt/llrc.

Iċ-Ċentru jinkludi wkoll faċilitajiet, bħal ma huma spazji għal xogħol fi gruppi u oħrajn li huma riżervati għall-istudju individwali. Issib ukoll il-computers li tista’ tipprattika fuqhom u li tista’ tużahom għal xogħol bil-Word, excel, access, powerpoint u għażla ta’ programmi oħra. hemm ukoll photocopiers u printers li tista’ tuża bi ħlas minimu.

l-llrCs miftuħa għall-istudenti u l-impjegati kollha tal-MCast. nistidnuk tfittex l-għajnuna li teħtieġ, billi tkellem lill-membri tal-istaff f’dawn iċ-ċentri, sabiex tagħraf tagħmel l-aħjar użu mill-faċilitatjiet li noffru.

2398 7500

[email protected]

L-Uffiċċju tal-External Affairs dan l-uffiċċju twaqqaf fl-2011 bil-ħsieb li jiżviluppa l-għanijiet industrijali u vokazzjonali tal-MCast fl-interess kemm tal-istudenti kif ukoll tal-istaff. Ir-responsabbiltajiet tiegħu jinkludu l-immaniġġjar tal-korsijiet part-time ta’ filghaxija, il-korsijiet ad hoc ta’ natura kummerċjali għall-industrija, l-International office u l-iżvilupp ta’ partnerships ma’ universitajiet u kulleġġi barranin. nilqgħu ukoll lill-istudenti barranin li jiġu għal taħriġ fl-MCast.

2398 7220 / 2398 7219

[email protected]

Is-Servizzi għall-Indukrar tat-Tfalstudenti mill-Istituti kollha tal-MCast li għandhom it-tfal minn trabi tat-twelid sal-età ta’ tliet snin jistgħu jagħmlu użu mill-Magic Wonders Child Care Centre, li qiegħed fil-Main Campus, biex huma jkunu jistgħu jissuktaw bl-istudji tagħhom filwaqt li t-tfal ikunu qed jigu mħarsa professjonalment. Iċ-Child Care Board jipproċessa l-applikazzjonijiet kollha għal dawn is-servizzi.

2398 7161 / 7370

[email protected]

L-MCAST Chaplaincyhemm mumenti fil-ħajja meta nħossu l-ħtieġa ta’ għajnuna spiritwali jew pariri pastorali. F’sitwazzjonijiet bħal dawn iċ-Chaplain tal-MCast Fr john Curmi u t-tim tiegħu lesti li jiltaqgħu miegħek f’kull ħin u f’kull istitut tal-MCast. tista’ tiltaqa’ ma’ Fr Curmi wkoll fil-kappella tal-MCast fuq il-Main Campus. tista’ wkoll tagħmel kuntatt ma’ Fr Marco portelli fl-Istitut tal-Inġinerija tal-Bini u l-Kostruzzjoni, in-naxxar, l-Istitut tal-arti u d-disinn, il-Mosta, jew l-Istitut tas-servizzi fil-Komunità. lil Fr joe giuliano u Fr Ivan scicluna, oFM Cap issibhom fl-Istitut tat-teknoloġija tal-Informazzjoni u l-Komunikazzjoni u Fr Manuel Calleja fl-Istitut tal-Inġinerija Mekkanika.

2180 6706 jew 7924 0956 (sMs)

[email protected]

Il-Learning Support UnitIl-learning support unit (lsu) joffri għajnuna lil dawk l-istudenti li ma jkollhom l-ebda kwalifika formali jew li m’għandhomx il-livelli meħtieġa fil-Malti, l-Ingliż, il-Matematika u l-It. dan l-appoġġ jingħata permezz ta’ programmi speċjalizzati bbażati fuq pjanijiet ta’ tagħlim individwali wara li l-istudenti jagħmlu test inizjali ta’ valutazzjoni.

2398 7517 / 7518

[email protected]

Għajnuna għal Bżonnijiet fit-Tagħliml-istudenti bi ħtiġijiet partikolari, inklużi dawk b’diżabbiltà u/jew diffikultajiet fit-tagħlim, jingħataw l-appoġġ meħtieġ għall-istudji tagħhom fl-MCast. sabiex jibbenefikaw minn dan is-servizz, l-istudenti għandhom jikkuntattjaw lill-Koordinatur tal-Inklużjoni u jitolbu appuntament qabel ma japplikaw għall-kors. Kull applikant jingħata intervista kunfidenzjali biex jiġu evalwati u diskussi l-ħtiġijiet partikolari tiegħu u t-tip ta’ appoġġ li l-Kulleġġ se jkun qed joffri.

l-istudent jista’ jagħżel li jnaqqas jew iwaqqaf kull għajnuna li jkun qed jirċievi wara li jkun talab b’mod responsabbli li jsir hekk. Kull informazzjoni li tingħata tibqa’ kunfidenzjali u l-lecturers jiġu informati biss jekk inti taċċetta li jsir hekk. l-istudenti li ma jressqux it-talba tagħhom qabel ma jippreżentaw l-applikazzjoni tagħhom jistgħu jitilfu ċ-ċans li jibbenefikaw minn dan is-servizz.

2398 7127

[email protected]











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The Information Centreat the MCast Main Campus Information Centre you can get detailed information about the training programmes offered by the College’s Institutes, as well as the support services which we offer to students before and during their studies at MCast.

2398 7117 / 7100

[email protected]


Career Guidance and Personal Counsellingthe MCast team of Counsellors and Career advisers works together to offer an optimum service to prospective students and their parents, and to MCast students.

Vocational Guidanceeducation plays an important role in securing the job you are aspiring for. the first stepping stones or pre-requisites for choosing your dream career are the qualifications required to achieve it. With the adequate qualifications, you will have a greater choice of career options. our career guidance advisers can help you in selecting the courses suitable for you.

to help you make informed education and career choices, contact us for an appointment or visit our offices at the MCast student house.

2398 7135 / 7136

[email protected]

Personal CounsellingCounselling helps students seek more happiness and fulfilment out of life. at MCast, this service is more growth-oriented and focuses on the goals that provide direction in life and on empowering the students to create their own

destiny. as a student, you are encouraged to call for a personal counselling appointment whenever you are faced with difficult life challenges. through the student-counsellor interaction, you will be able to manage your challenging situations, develop unused resources and handle life-opportunities more effectively.

2398 7129 / 7133

[email protected]

Helping Skills – Student-2-Studentevery year our Counsellors organise a 30-hour training course in ‘Basic helping skills’. students who take up this training have the opportunity to develop their communication skills, creativity, insight and ethical responsibility amongst others. successful participants are presented with a certificate of attendance. Following this training, the Counsellors coordinate a supervised voluntary student-2-student network to encourage the participating students to help other students in need of support.

[email protected]

Enrichment Groups and Group Activitiesour different life experiences can influence our wellbeing. enrichment groups involve weekly sessions of up to ten students and a group facilitator (counsellor), who meet to discuss various themes chosen by the participating students. the characteristics of group work enable a type of interaction that is not possible in one-to-one sessions. thus, the experience can also be a highly-respected method of addressing emotional distress. students also learn to help each other and work as a team. effective teamwork is beneficial in class and in workshops and can also lead to superior individual and class results.











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The Library and Learning Resource Centre the MCast library and learning resource Centre (llrC) is located at the MCast Main Campus and has another five similar centres at the off-site Institutes in Malta and gozo.

the llrCs offer a whole range of resources to support your studies at MCast, as well as other general interest material. these include books, periodicals, Cd-roMs, free Internet access, as well as an extensive film collection. For more details, and to look through the library’s extensive online catalogue, log on to www.mcast.edu.mt/llrc.

the Centre also includes study facilities, such as areas for group discussion work and quiet areas for individual study. Computers are also available for practice and use of Word, excel, access and powerpoint and other selected programmes. photocopying and printing facilities are available at minimal charges.

llrCs are open to all MCast full and part-time students and employees. you are welcome to approach any member of staff at these centres for assistance in making the best use of our facilities.

2398 7500

[email protected]

The External Affairs Officethis office was established in 2011 to enhance the industrial and vocational objectives of MCast in support of the students’ interest and of the academic standing of the staff. Its responsibilities include the management of MCast part-time evening courses, commercial ad hoc courses for industry, the International office and the development of partnerships with foreign universities and colleges, and the hosting of foreign students at MCast.

2398 7220 / 2398 7219

[email protected]

The Child Care ServicesMCast Magic Wonders Child Care Centre enables parents to participate in learning whilst their children are professionally cared for. students of all MCast Institutes who currently have children from newborn to up to three years of age can make use of this centre at the MCast Main Campus, in paola. all applications for child care services will be assessed by the Child Care Board.

2398 7161 / 7370

[email protected]

The MCAST Chaplaincythere are moments in life when we feel the need for spiritual guidance or pastoral counselling. In such cases, the MCast Chaplain, Fr john Curmi and his team are available to meet you anytime at any of the MCast Institutes. you can also visit Fr Curmi at the MCast Chapel, at the Main Campus. you may also contact Fr Marco portelli at the Institute of Building and Construction engineering, the Institute of art and design, or the Institute of Community services, Fr joe giuliano and Fr Ivan scicluna oFM Cap at the Institute of Information and Communication technology and Fr Manuel Calleja at the Institute of Mechanical engineering.

2180 6706 or 7924 0956 (sMs)

[email protected]

The Learning Support Unitthe learning support unit (lsu) offers support to students who have no formal qualifications or who do not have the required levels of Maltese, english, Maths and It basic skills. this assistance is based on specialised programmes tailor-made to the individual student’s learning plans, following an initial assessment test.

2398 7517 / 7518

[email protected]

The Inclusive Education Unitthe Inclusive education unit (Ieu) provides the necessary support to MCast students with particular needs, including disabilities and/or learning difficulties. to benefit from this service, you may contact the Inclusion Coordinator and ask for an appointment before applying for an MCast course. you will be offered a confidential interview to assess and discuss your particular needs and the kind of support that the College will be offering you.

all support is optional and can be reduced or stopped upon your responsible request. Information provided remains strictly confidential and lecturers are only informed with your consent. Matching human resources to students’ needs is of paramount importance. students who put forward their request prior to the submission of their application will be helping MCast provide them with a better service.

2398 7127

[email protected]

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the two-year pathway to Independent living programme provides students with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities/learning difficulties an opportunity to follow a structured programme of study in the area which is closer to students’ needs. It is particularly designed to help them acquire the skills required to gain and maintain employment.

students are encouraged to participate in one-day weekly supervised placements within the College during their first year, and in industry during their second year. they are also given ample opportunities to experience hands-on learning in all subjects.

prospective students in this programme should have basic skills in literacy and numeracy, be able to tolerate classroom environment and be willing to take up employment. the specific entry requirements are:

• School Leaving Certificate (completed compulsory education)

• A recent psychological report (not older than 3 years)

• Medical and / or Psychiatric report (in case of medical/ mental health concerns)

• School reports (including the last IEP).

MCast provides one learning support assistant per class (one-to-one support/facilitation is offered in approved cases only). students pass through a selection process which includes an interview and an Initial assessment test. the course is held from Monday to Friday.

this programme is offered at the MCast Main Campus, in paola, and at the MCast gozo Centre, in Xewkija.

dan il-programm ta’ sentejn jipprovdi opportunità lill-istudenti li jkollhom diżabbiltà jew diffikultajiet żgħar jew moderati, biex isegwu programm ta’ studju strutturat f’qasam li huwa qrib tal-ħtiġijiet tal-istudenti. dan huwa maħsub biex jgħin lill-istudenti jiksbu l-ħiliet li huma meħtieġa biex isibu impjieg u jżommuh.

l-istudenti mistennija jipparteċipaw, taħt superviżjoni, fi placements ta’ ġurnata waħda fil-ġimgħa fl-istess Kulleġġ matul l-ewwel sena tal-kors u fl-industrija matul it-tieni sena. jingħataw ukoll opportunitajiet biex jesperjenzaw tagħlim prattiku fis-suġġetti kollha.

l-istudenti li jixtiequ jidħlu għal dan il-programm huma meħtieġa jkollhom ħiliet bażiċi ta’ lingwa u matematika, u jridu jkunu kapaċi jittolleraw ambjent ta’ klassi u lesti li jsibu impjieg. Biex tibda l-kors irid ikollok:

• Ċertifikat tat-Tmiem tal-Iskola • Valutazzjoni Psikoloġika (mhux eqdem minn

tliet snin)• Rapport Mediku u/jew Psikjatriku (fejn applikabbli)• Rapporti tal-Iskola (inkluż l-aħħar IEP).

Il-Kulleġġ jipprovdi assistent ta’ appoġġ fit-tagħlim wieħed għal kull klassi (m’hemm l-ebda appoġġ jew faċilitazzjoni personali ħlief f’każijiet partikolari). l-istudenti jgħaddu minn proċess ta’ selezzjoni li jinkludi intervista u test ta’ valutazzjoni Inizjali. Il-kors isir mit-tnejn sal-Ġimgħa.

dan il-programm jiġi offrut fil-Main Campus tal-MCast f’raħal Ġdid, kif ukoll fiċ-Ċentru tal-MCast f’għawdex, ix-Xewkija.

IL-PROGRAMM PAThWAy TO INdEPENdENT LIvINGPathway to Independent Living Programme

2398 7320 / 7321

[email protected]











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Il-faċilitajiet tal-isport fl-MCast issibhom fil- Main Campus u fl-Istitut tal-Inġinerija tal-Bini u l-Kostruzzjoni fin-naxxar. Inti tkun tista’ tieħu sehem f’diversi attivitajiet kemm dawk kompetittivi u dawk li m’humiex, inklużi l-football,il-basketball, il-volleyball, il-handball, il-badminton, it-tennis, it-table-tennis, il-weight-training, il-break dance, iċ-chess, il-martial arts u l-weightlifting.

Matul is-sena 2012 l-MCast se jniedi gym ġdid mgħammar bl-apparat meħtieġ biex studenti u l-pubbliku ġenerali jkollhom aktar opportunitajiet ta’ taħriġ fiżiku.

norganizzaw ukoll attivitajiet fi mkejjen lil hinn mill-campus, bħal ma huma l-isport fuq barra, vjaġġi avventurużi barra minn Malta u programmi ta’ bdil ta’ studenti. l-MCast jorganizza wkoll kompetizzjonijiet bejn l-istituti u jipparteċipa f’oħrajn ma’ istituzzjonijiet post-sekondarji. It-tim tal-isports jipprovdi informazzjoni dwar programmi u avvenimenti tipiċi bħal ma huma dawk li jinvolvu l-weight-training, l-eżerċizzju, l-immaniġġjar tal-piż, ix-xjenza tal-isport, il-kompetizzjonijiet nazzjonali, korsijiet marbuta ma’ oqsma varji u għaqdiet sportivi.

Sports at MCAST

our sports department’s facilities are located at the Main Campus and at the Institute of Building and Construction engineering, in naxxar. you may join various competitive and non-competitive activities including football, basketball, volleyball, handball, badminton, tennis, table-tennis, weight-training, break dance, chess, martial arts, and weightlifting.

during 2012, we will also be opening a new, fully-equipped gym to provide students and the general public with new fitness training opportunities.

We also organise activities in various off campus locations, including outdoor sport, youth exchanges and adventure trips abroad. MCast also holds sports competitions between institutes and participates in competitions with other post-secondary institutions. our sports team also provides information regarding weight-training programmes, exercise programmes, weight management, sports science, national competitions, sports courses and sports clubs.

2398 7367

[email protected]

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Bħala student tal-MCast, tkun tista’ tieħu sehem f’għadd ta’ programmi li jiftħulek opportunitajiet ġodda ta’ tagħlim u żvilupp lil hinn minn xtutna. l-uffiċċju Internazzjonali tagħna jinfurmak dwar il-parteċipazzjoni tal-MCast fi programmi differenti tal-unjoni ewropea, fosthom leonardo da vinci, erasmus, grundtvig u Comenius. dawn l-inizjattivi jipprovdu l-fondi u l-appoġġ loġistiku meħtieġ biex l-istudenti jiksbu esperjenzi ġodda ta’ taħriġ vokazzjonali u edukazzjoni f’pajjiżi oħra tal-ue.


as an MCast student, you will be invited to participate in several programmes that open up new learning and development opportunities beyond our shores. our International office will be informing you about MCast’s participation in the eu’s leonardo da vinci, erasmus, grundtvig and Comenius programmes. these initiatives provide the necessary funding and logistical support to help students gain new educational and vocational experiences in other eu countries.

International Opportunities

2398 7219

[email protected]

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MCast students participating in a fashion show as part of an eu programme in

collaboration with art and design and fashion schools in denmark, Italy and scotland.











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Il-Korporazzjoni tax-Xogħol u taħriġ qiegħda għal darb’oħra toffri skemi ta’ apprentistat abbinati ma’ numru ta’ programmi ta’ taħriġ mgħallma fl-MCast.

apprentistat jikkonsisti f’taħriġ fuq u ‘l hinn mill-post tax-xogħol għal perjodu speċifiku ta’ żmien. Kull min jagħżel li jidħol f’apprentistat, ikun meħtieġ jagħmel perjodu ta’ żmien f’wieħed mill-Istituti fi ħdan l-MCast, sabiex jakkwista tagħrif bażiku meħtieġ għax-xogħol partikolari magħżul. l-apprentist jgħaddi l-kumplament taż-żmien fuq post tax-xogħol biex jakkwista l-ħiliet prattiċi.

l-apprentistati mhux biss jiffaċilitaw il-bidla mill-bank tal-iskola għas-suq tax-xogħol, iżda jagħtu wkoll opportunita` lill-parteċipanti li jakkwistaw ħiliet li ma jistgħux jakkwistaw kieku jqattgħu l-ħin kollu tagħhom f’istituzzjoni edukattiva.

Minħabba li l-apprentisti jkunu fuq il-post tax-xogħol, huma jgawdu l-istess kundizzjonijiet tax-xogħol applikabbli għal ħaddiema oħra, iżda fuq bażi pro rata.

Il-Korporazzjoni tmexxi żewġ skemi differenti; l-ests (skema ta’ taħriġ estiż) u tas (skema ta’ taħriġ tekniku). Ċertifikat tal-journeyman’s fil-livell ta’ Mgħallem jingħata lil min jispiċċa l-apprentistat tal-ests b’suċċess. Ċertifikat tal-journeyman’s fil-livell ta’ tekniku jingħata lil min jispiċċa l-apprentistat tat-tas b’suċċess.

It-tul tal-apprentistat ivarja skond il-programm ta’ taħriġ li wieħed ikun qed jipparteċipa fih.

jekk inti qed tapplika biex tipparteċipa f’xi programm tal-MCast bl-apprentistat għall-ewwel darba, tista’ tapplika wkoll mal-etC fl-istess żmien. jekk inti diġa` student fi ħdan l-MCast, agħmel kuntatt mal-Korporazzjoni ħalli nkunu nistgħu ngħinuk.


the employment and training Corporation is once again supporting a number of training programmes offered at MCast on apprenticeship basis.

an apprenticeship consists of on-the-job and off-the-job training for a specific period of time. the programmes begin at one of the MCast Institutes, where the apprentice acquires the underpinning knowledge needed in the chosen occupation. this will be followed by the actual work training at an employer’s establishment for the acquisition of hands-on practice.

apprenticeships facilitate the transition into the labour market and give participants the opportunity to acquire competencies that will otherwise not be acquired. since apprentices will be in employment, they will also benefit from other conditions of employment enjoyed by their co-workers, on a pro-rata basis.

the etC runs two different schemes. the ests (extended skill training scheme) and the tas (technician apprenticeship scheme). the journeyman’s Certificate at Craftsman level is awarded on successful completion of the ests apprenticeship while the journeyman’s Certificate at technician level is awarded on successful completion of the tas apprenticeship. the duration of apprenticeships varies according to the training programme being followed.

If you are joining an MCast apprenticeship programme for the first time this year, you have to apply with etC when you apply to join MCast. If you are already an MCast student, please contact the etC for further guidance.

Apprenticeships at MCAST

2220 1302

[email protected]


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Board of Governors

Management and Administration

President/President:Mr joseph Farrugia

Deputy President/Deputat President:dr tonio portughese

Membri/Members:prof Ing jonathan C Borgdr anne Marie CallusMs helga elluldr Francis FabriMs phyllis FarrugiaMr Michael j Malliadr sue vella

prof Maurice grechPrincipal and Chief Executive Officer

Mr anthony salibaDeputy Principal - Student and Academic Services

Mr ray FarrugiaRegistrar

eur Ing emanuel attardChief Officer External Affairs

Ing vincent MaioneQuality Assurance Director

Mr oscar BorgAdministrative Director

Mr alan vellaFinancial Controller

Mr laurence zerafaLibrarian











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00356 2398 7100

00356 2398 7316

[email protected]


MCAST Main CampusCorradino Hill, Paola PLA 9032