정민주(2012)항공사 kiosk 사용의도에 영향을 미치는 변수에 관한연구

經營學碩士 學位論文 A Study on Attributes affecting the Use of Kiosk at the Airport 韓國航空大學校 大學院 經營學科 鄭 珉 柱 2012年 8月


2006년을 기점으로 국내공항에는 Self Check-in을 할 수 있는 Kiosk가 도입되다. 항공사 Kiosk로 인한 기대효과로는 승객의 탑승수속 시간 절 약, 항공사의 인건비 절감, 공항의 공간의 효율적 이용 등을 들 수 있다. 그에 따라 항공사와 공항 측에서는 이러한 경제적 효용을 보다 많은 사람 들이 누릴 수 있도록 하기 위해 Kiosk의 보급을 늘이고자 하였으나 6년 이 지난 현 시점에서도 Kiosk 사용률은 지속적으로 낮은 수준에 머물고 있어 기술에 대한 충분한 효용을 얻지 못하고 있다. 따라서 승객들이 Self Check-in Service를 제공하는 Kiosk의 신기술을 수용하려는 준비는 되어 있는지, 승객의 항공사 Kiosk 사용 의도에 영향을 미치는 변수를 살펴보 기 위한 연구가 이루어져야 한다. 연구는 항공사 Kiosk가 TBSS에 해당되는 것을 살피는 것으로 출발한 다. TBSS와 혁신저항, 혁신의 확산 및 수용과정에 관한 배경이론을 살펴 보고 관련 선행연구에서 유의한 것으로 검증된 변수 및 모형들을 종합하 여 파악하였다. 그를 통해 항공사 Kiosk의 특성을 나타내는 변수로 상대 적 이점, 지각된 위험, 복잡성, 지각된 불안감의 4가지를 선정하였고 이 변수들과 혁신저항 및 태도, 행동의도 간 유의한 관계가 존재하는지를 측 정하고자 모형을 설계하였다. 인천국제공항과 제주국제공항에서 최근 1년 간 항공사 Kiosk를 사용해 본 경험이 있는 여객을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 228부의 자료를 수집하여 분석하였으며, 분석 결과 상대적 이점 은 혁신저항과 태도 모두에 유의한 영향을 미치나, 혁신저항에 미치는 영 향 보다 태도에 직접적으로 미치는 정(+)의 영향이 더 큰 것으로 나타났 으며, 복잡성과 지각된 불안감도 혁신저항에 정(+)유의한 영향을 주는 것 으로 나타났다. 또한 혁신저항이 사용자의 태도와 행동의도에 유의한 영 향을 준다는 것을 확인하였다. 이러한 연구 결과를 토대로 항공 여객의 항공사 Kiosk의 사용을 저해하는 요인을 파악하고, 그로 인해 영향을 받 게 되는 혁신저항이 태도 형성과 행동의도를 갖기까지에 이르는 인지구조 에 대한 이해를 돕고자 한다.

Transcript of 정민주(2012)항공사 kiosk 사용의도에 영향을 미치는 변수에 관한연구

  • 1. Kiosk A Study on Attributes affecting the Use of Kiosk at the Airport 2012 8
  • 2. Kiosk A Study on Attributes affecting the Use of Kiosk at the Airport 2012 8
  • 3. Kiosk A Study on Attributes affecting the Use of Kiosk at the Airport 2012 8
  • 4. 2012 7 () () ()
  • 5. . , . . , , , 2 , . - , , , 06 , Hillsong Church London, Brunel , , - . . , . . . - iv -
  • 6. Kiosk 2006 Self Check-in Kiosk. Kiosk , , . Kiosk 6 Kiosk . SelfCheck-in Service Kiosk , Kiosk . Kiosk TBSS . TBSS , . Kiosk , , , 4 , . 1 Kiosk 228 , , (+) , (+) . . Kiosk , . - v -
  • 7. 1 1 1.1 1 1.2 2 1.3 3 1.3.1 3 1.3.2 3 2 5 2.1 (TBSS) 5 2.1.1 5 2.1.2 7 2.1.3 (TBSS) 9 2.1.4 (TBSS) 14 2.2 16 2.2.1 (TRA) 17 2.2.2 (TPB) 18 2.2.3 (TAM) 20 2.2.4 (UTAUT) 21 2.2.5 (TAM) 26 2.3 29 2.3.1 29 2.3.2 29 2.3.3 34 - vi -
  • 8. 2.4 42 2.4.1 42 2.4.2 43 3 45 3.1 45 3.2 46 3.2.1 Kiosk 46 3.2.2 , 48 3.3 49 3.3.1 Kiosk 49 3.3.2 53 3.3.3 54 3.3.4 54 3.4 55 3.4.1 55 3.4.2 56 3.4.3 56 4 57 4.1 57 4.1.1 57 4.1.2 60 4.2 64 4.2.1 65 4.2.2 69 4.2.3 71 4.2.3 73 4.3 80 4.3.1 (AMOS) 80 (1) 80 (2) 86 - vii -
  • 9. 5 89 5.1 89 5.2 90 5.3 91 93 101ABSTRACT 108 - viii -
  • 10. < 1.1> 4< 2.1> TBSS (Dabholkar) 11< 2.2> TBSS , (Dabholkar) 12< 2.3> TBSS , (Dabholkar) 13< 2.4> TBSS 14< 2.5> UTAUT 22< 2.6> 25< 2.7> 26< 2.8> Rogers 5 39< 3.1> Kiosk 52< 3.2> 53< 3.3> 54< 3.4> 54< 3.5> 55< 4.1> 60< 4.2> 61< 4.3> Kiosk (1) 62< 4.4> Kiosk (2) 63< 4.5> 68< 4.6> 70< 4.7> (AMOS) 72< 4.8> () 75< 4.9> (AVE) 77< 4.10> 78< 4.11> 79< 4.12> 83< 4.13> - () 85< 4.14> - () 85< 4.15> SEM 87< 4.16> 88 - ix -
  • 11. < 2.1> (TRA), Ajzen & Fishbein(1980) 18< 2.2> (TPB), Ajzen(1985) 19< 2.3> (TAM), Davis(1989) 21< 2.4> (UTAUT), Venkatesh(2003) 24< 2.5> (IDT), Rogers(2003) 31< 3.1> 46< 4.1> 85< 4.2> AMOS 86 - x -
  • 12. 1 1.1 . . . 2006 SelfCheck-in Kiosk . Kiosk , . Kiosk . 5 Kiosk . Self Check-in Service Kiosk , Kiosk . Kiosk , . Kiosk Kiosk , , . - 1 -
  • 13. 1.2 Kiosk . Kiosk 228 .AMOS 18.0 , Kiosk , . Kiosk Kiosk Kiosk . , Kiosk Kiosk . TBSS , . , Kiosk Kiosk . . . Kiosk . - 2 -
  • 14. 1.3 1.3.1 . , (TBSS) (TAM) (IDT) Kiosk . , , . , 1 Kiosk . , SPSS 18.0 for Windows Amos 18.0 . , , , , .1.3.2 5 .1 , , .2 TBSS, , , .3 , .4 , , .5 , - 3 -
  • 15. . 1.1 1 2 TBSS 3 4 5 - 4 -
  • 16. 2 2.1 (Technology-Based Self-Service: TBSS) (Technology) . . . (TBSS: Technology-based Self-service) . Anselmsson(2001) (Self-Service) . - . (TBSS;Technology-based Self-service) .2.1.1 (Service) (Self Service) (Service)" . (Silvestro and Johnston,1990). (Johns, 1999). .(Bitner et al., 1997) , . .(Gronroos, 1998). . - 5 -
  • 17. , , . . . , (Bateson, 1985). . (Bateson, 1985). . , . , , (Wang and Namen,2004). Bateson(1985), Bitner et al.(1997), Hoe and Dendry( 2002) . 1900 Kelly (Customized Service) . . . - 6 -
  • 18. 2.1.2 (Service Encounter) (Service Encounter) . (Moment of Truth) (Shocktak, 1985). (Bitner, 1990: Bitner et al., 2000) . Carlzon(1987) . . . . . . . . , . , . , . . . - 7 -
  • 19. (Walker et al., 2002) . . . , (Walker and Craig-Lees, 2000). . , . () , . . . . TBSS . TBSS . TBSS , . - 8 -
  • 20. 2.1.3 (Technology-Based Self-Service:TBSS) (Dabholkar, 1994a) . (TBSS) (Dabholkar, 1994a). TBSS , (Debholkar, 1996, Anselmsson, 2001). Meuter(2000) TBSS . (2000) TBSS , . (Self ServiceTechnology:SST) . SST TBSS (Wang and Namen,2004). Kiosk TBSS . Dabholkar(1994a) TBSS . . TBSS . . , . Dabholkar TBSS . - 9 -
  • 21. 1) , . () () . 2) . . 3) . , . TBSS 8 2.1 . TBSS . . TBSS , , , . TBSS . 1.1 . - 10 -
  • 22. 2.1 TBSS (Dabholkar) - - CELL 1A CELL 2A ( ) () . . CELL 1B CELLB . ( ) . . CELL 3A CELL 4A ( ) / CELL 3B CELL 4B ( ) . . TBSS , , , . TBSS , ATM, , , . TBSS . - 11 -
  • 23. . . . Dabholkar , , , , TSBB . Dabholkar 2.2. 2.2 TBSS , (Dabholkar) - - CELL 2 CELL 1 () (AA) CELL 3 CELL 4 / . TBSS Dabholkar(1994) Anselmsson(2001) (Kiosk) . Wang Namen(2004) , Dabholkar(1994) Anselmsson(2001) . TBSS Cell 1 . Cell 1 (Kiosk) , . Cell1 - 12 -
  • 24. . Cell2 (: ) . 2.3 TBSS , (Dabholkar) / CELL 1 CELL 2 (: Kiosk) (: ) CELL 3 CELL 4 - 13 -
  • 25. 2.1.4. (Technology-Based Self-Service; TBSS) , . TBSS TBSS . TBSS , TBSS . 2.4 TBSS Wang and (Relative Namen(2004) Advantage) Wang and (Observability) Namen(2004) Ram(1987) . (Complexity) Davis(1989) Ram(1987) (Perceived Risk) . Davis(1989) Wang and (Compatability) Namen(2004) Dabholkar (Speed) (1996) Dabholkar (Control) (1996) Dabholkar and Bagozzi (Reliability) (2002) - 14 -
  • 26. Davis et al. (Perceived (1989)Ease of Use) Davis et al. (1989), (Perceived Davis et al.Usefulness) (1993) Dabholkar, (Enjoyment) (1994b) Bandura(1997)(Self Efficacy) Sheith(1981) Parasuraman (Habit) (2000) Meuter(2005) Dabholkar and (Perceived Bagozzi Anxiety) (2002) - 15 -
  • 27. 2.2 TBSS . , , . . . (Theory of Reasoned Action: TRA), (Theory of Planned Behavior: TPB) . (Technology Acceptance Model), (Theory ofAcceptance and Use of Technology: :UTATU) . . (,2004). Kiosk Davis(1989)(TAM) , Kiosk . - 16 -
  • 28. 2.2.1 (Theory of Reasoned Action: TRA) (Theory of Reasoned Action; TRA) , TRA Ajzen & Fishbein(1980) . . Ajzen & Fishbein . (Attitude towardBehavior) , . (Subjected Norm) . Ajzen & Fishbein(1975) . (TAM) . Davis et al(1989) , (Salse consensus) . Okeefe(1990) . . Davis et al.(1989) , . - 17 -
  • 29. . (1999) . 2.1 . 2.1 (TRA), Ajzen & Fishbein(1980)2.2.2 (Theory of Planned Behavior: TPB) 1985 Ajzen . (Ajzen, 1985, 1989). , (Perceived Behavioral Control) . 2.2 . - 18 -
  • 30. 2.2 (TPB), Ajzen(1985) . , (Ajzen, 1991, Mathieson 1991, Taylor & Todd, 1995b). , (Ajzen,1991, Matheison, 1991). Ruth(2000) , (Facilitatingconditions) (self-efficacy) . , , . (,2009). - 19 -
  • 31. 2.2.3 (Techonolgy Acceptance Model: TAM) (Technology Acceptance Model: TAM) Davis . , . Saga andZmud(1994) 20 Davis(1989) (TAM) IS . Ajzen & Fishbein (1975, 1980) (PerceivedUsefulness) (Perceived Ease of Use) (Attitude) (Behavioral Intention) (Davis, 1989; Venkatesh & Davis, 2000). . , , . , . . , . . . Mathieson(1991) - 20 -
  • 32. Adams, Nelson Todd(1992) , , , . Hendrickson, Messey Cronan(1993) . TAM . 2.3 Davis (David and Venkatech, 1996). 2.3 (TAM), Davis(1989)2.2.4 (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Useof Technology: UTAUT) Venkatesh(2003) 8 , . 8 , 40% 69%(Adjusted R) . UTAUT 8 2.5 . - 21 -
  • 33. 2.5 UTAUT Fishbein & (TRA) Davis et al. TRA Ajzen(1975) IS , IT TRA TAM Davis(1989), Venkatech &(TAM) Davis(2000) TAM2 TAM TRA Ajzen (1991) Taylor & (TPB) : DEcomposed Theory of Planned Todd(1995b) Behaviour(DTPB) TAM TAM TPB Taylor & TPB Todd(1995)(C-TAM -TPB) TRA TPB Triandis PC Triandis IS PC (1977), Tompson et(MPCU) al.(1991) . Davis et (MM) al.(1992) IS Rogers(1995 ),Moore & Benbasat IDT) 1960 (1991) - 22 -
  • 34. Bandura SCT (1986), Compeau & (SCT) Higgisn (1995b) , , 3 2 . , , , , , 4 . 2.4 . 2.4 (UTAUT), Venkatesh(2003) (Performance Expectancy) - 23 -
  • 35. (Venkatech, 2003). U- (2008) U- . (Social Influence) (, 2010). . (2010) . . 2.6 . - 24 -
  • 36. 2.6 TAM; (Perceived Davis(1989) Usefulness) MM; Davis et (Extrinsic al.(1992) Motivation) MOCU; Thpmpson et(Performance (Job-fit) al.(1991) Expectancy) IDM; Moore & (Relative Benbasat (!991) Advantage) SCT; Compeau (Outcome & Expectation) Higgins(1995b) TRA, TAM, TPB, C-TAM-TPB; (Subjective Fishbeim & Norm) Ajzen(1975); Ajzen(1991) (social MPCU;Influence) Thompson et (Social Factors) al.(1991) IDM; Moore & (Image) Benbasat (1991) TAM; (Perceived Ease Davis(1989) of Use) MPCU; Thompson et (Effort (Complexity) al.(1991)Expectancy) IDM; Moore & (Ease of Use) Benbasat (1991) - 25 -
  • 37. 2.2.5 . . 2.7 . 2.7 (Attitude toward Behaviour) (TRA) (Subjective Norm) (Perceived Usefulness) (Perviced Ease (TAM) of Use) (Subjective TRA/TPB . TAM2 Norm) (Attitude TRA towards Behaviour) (Subjective TRA (TPB) Norm) . IS (Perceived , Behavioral Control) TAM (Attitude toward TRA TPB Behaviour)(C-TAM TRA/TPB - 26 -
  • 38. (Subjective Norm) (Perceived TPB -TPB) Control) (Perceived TAM Usefulness) (Job-fit) (Complexity) (Long-term Consequences) , ,PC (Affect towards , , , Use) (MPCU) (Social Factors) (Facilitating Conditions) (Extrinsic Motivation) (MM) (Intrinsic Motivation) (Relative Advantage) , (Compatability) (IDT) (Complexity) (Triability) (Obserbability) - . - 27 -
  • 39. (Outcome Expectations-Pe rformance) - (Outcome . Expectation-Per . sonal) (SCT) (Self-efficacy) (Affect) (Anxiety) . Kiosk , Kiosk . - 28 -
  • 40. 2.3 (Innovation Resistance) 2.3.1 . Havelock(1969) , , , , , ,, , 4,000 . Zaltman(1973) , 3 . , . Biemans(1992) Hirschman(1982) (tangible product) . Roger(1995) , ( ) , , .2.3.2 1940 , , , , , , . , . - 29 -
  • 41. , . , Rogers(1983,1995) (Innovation Diffusion Theory) . , . . , (Rogers,1983). (Adoption) , (Rogers and Shoemaker,1971), (Diffusion) (Channels) (Time) (Communication) (Rogers, 1995). S (Rogers, 2003). , S . Rogers(2003) . - 30 -
  • 42. 2.5 (IDT), Rogers(2003) (Innovator), (Early adopter), (Early majority), (Late majority), (Laggard) . 2.5% , . 13.5% . (34%) (34%) , , (Rogers, 2003) - 31 -
  • 43. . Rogers(2003) , , , , , , , . Rogers , , , , 5 .5 , . Kearns 25 27% . Rogers 5 26% . Rogers 5 .(1) (Relative Advantage) . , . . . , .(2) (Compatibility) , . . , . - 32 -
  • 44. (3) (Complexity) . , . .(4) (Trialability) . , . .(5) (Observability) . . , .Rogers(1975) . 1989 Davis (TAM) , . - 33 -
  • 45. 2.3.3 . , , , , 5 . . . , . . (Adopters), (Non-adopters), (Discontinuers) 3 (Rhoda, 2010). (Innovation Resistance) (IS) . Zaltman and Wallendork(1983) . Ram(1987) , . (Hirscheim andNewman, 1988) IS (Markus, 1983) . IS . Markus(1983) . , - 34 -
  • 46. . Marakas andHornik(1996) . Martinko et al.(1996) , . , . Timmos(2003) , , , , . Lapointe and Revard (2005) , , ,, 5 IS . () (. ) . , . , , . Adams, Berner, and Wyatt(2004)IS . Lucus(1975) IS . , . Dewan, Lorenzi, andZheng(2004) . . . . . , . , . - 35 -
  • 47. (1) Sheth(1981) Sheth(1981) . 2 (Habit) (Perceived Risk) . (, 2005). , . . . . . 2 . 4 . , . , . , . - 36 -
  • 48. . . . - . - ., , .(2) Ram(1987) Ram(1987) . Sheth(1983) . Ram , , . . . . . (Perceived Innovation Characteristics) Ram . (Relative advantage), (Compatibility), (Perceived - 37 -
  • 49. Risk), (Complexity), (Inhilitiry effecton adoption of profitable) 5 , (Triability), (Diversity), (Communicability), (Reversibility), (Realization) 5 . (Consumer Characteristic) Ram . , , , , , . , , . (Charateristic of Progation Mecahnism) . , , . , , .(4) Rogers(1995) (Adoption) , (rejection) . , Rogers(1995) . Rogers , , , , , . - 38 -
  • 50. . 2.8 Rogers 5 1) (knowledge) .2) (Persuasion) .3) (decision) . 4) (implementation) . (5) (confirmation) ) .(5) (1994) (1994) , . Crawford(1977) , , , . , , . Ram . Ram , , , . - 39 -
  • 51. Ram , . Ram , . Rogers . , Ram . , , .(6) Sznigin Foxwell(1998) Sznigin and Forxwell(1998) . , . (Rejection), (Postponement), (Opposition) . (Rejection) . (Advantage) - 40 -
  • 52. . . (RelativeAdavantage) . (Postponement) , . . . (Opposition) . . .(7) Bagozzi(1999) Bagozzi(1999) . (Goal) . (Goal setting) (Goal striving process) . , (initial resistance), (evaluaive process), (emotional resistance andacceptance), (Behavioral Intention), (adotion decision) . (choice of means), (action planning), (goal persuit), (control), (actual adoption or not) . - 41 -
  • 53. , . , .2.4 , (Bouling, Kalra,Staelin&Zeithaml 1993). . , . , (Engel, Blackwell & Minaird, 1995). , , , IS . , , , . .2.4.1 (Intention on Continuos Use) Davis(1989) (Mechanism)1) , (Davis et al, 1989). , 1) (Mechanism) . , , . . - 42 -
  • 54. , . , (Intention on ContinuosUse) . . , , (Dorsch, Grove &Darlen, 2000). , (Bhattacherjee. 2001).2.4.2 . Peterson(1988) . . , . Mckenna(1991) , , , - 43 -
  • 55. . . - 44 -
  • 56. 3 , . , .3.1 Kiosk . Sheith and Venkatech(2004) . , . , Kiosk . Kiosk . 1984 Rogers TAM , . Kiosk , . Kiosk Kiosk . 3.1 , . - 45 -
  • 57. 3.1 3.2 .3.2.1 Kiosk Kiosk Kiosk . Kiosk Kiosk . , Ram(1993) , , ( ) . Meuter(2005) - 46 -
  • 58. . , , Ram(1993) . 2 . , , , . , , , . TBSS Ram Markus(1983), Ang and Pavre(2004), Martinko et al.(1996) Rogers(2003) 8 , .H1-1. .H1-2. .H1-3. . Sheth(1981) . 2 (Habit) (Perceived Risk) - 47 -
  • 59. . , . . Parasuraman(2000), Meuter(2005) .H1-4. .3.2.2 , Davis(1989) , . Sheith(1981), Ram(1987) . Bagozzi and Lee(1999) . . Davis(1989) . , .H2-1. .H2-2. . Davis(1989) Venkatesh(2003) UTAUT . - 48 -
  • 60. . .H3-1. .3.3 , .3.3.1 Kiosk Kiosk Kiosk . Kiosk Kiosk Kiosk . Kiosk . Kiosk . , , . Kiosk . Kiosk , Kiosk .(1) - 49 -
  • 61. , . . Check-in Check-in Kiosk , Check-in . 4 Likert 7 .(2) . , Self Check-in Kiosk Check-in Kiosk Check-in Kiosk . 3 Likert 7 .(3) . Kiosk , ATM Kiosk . . (-) , (+) . 3 Liker 7 . - 50 -
  • 62. (1) Kiosk Kiosk . Meuter(2005) . Kiosk . 3 Likert 7 . - 51 -
  • 63. 3.1 Kiosk 13 Likert 7 1. Kiosk . 2. Kiosk . 3. Kiosk . 4. Kiosk . 5. Kiosk . 6. Kiosk . 7. Kiosk ( , ) . 8. Kiosk . 9. Kiosk . 10. Kiosk . 11. Kiosk ( , , ) . 12. Kiosk . 13. Kiosk . - 52 -
  • 64. 3.3.2 . . , . . 5 Liker 7 . 3.2 5 Likert 7 1. Kiosk . 2. Kiosk . 3. Kiosk , . 4. Kiosk . 5. Kiosk . - 53 -
  • 65. 3.3.3 Davis(1989) TAM TRA, TPB, UTAUT . Kiosk . Venkatech & Davis(2000), Wang et al(2003), Curran & Meuter(2005) 2 Likert 7 . 3.3 2 Likert 7 1. Kiosk . 2. Kiosk .3.3.4 . Kiosk , Kiosk . 2 Likert 7 . 1 7 . 3.4 2 Likert 7 1. Kiosk . 2. Kiosk . - 54 -
  • 66. 3.4 3.4.1 . 8, Kiosk 13, 5, 4, 5 Likert 7 . 3.5 : 1 ~ 8 8 Kiosk : 1 ~ 13 13 Likert : 1 ~ 5 5 7 : 1 ~ 4 4 : 1 ~ 5 5 35 - 55 -
  • 67. 3.4.2 Kiosk Kiosk Kiosk , . . Kiosk Kiosk . Kiosk . 1 Kiosk (pre-test) . 300 , 2011 11 3 12 3 4 . 243 228 .3.4.3 SPSS 18.0 . . (Exploratory Factor Analysis) . , AMOS 18.0 . - 56 -
  • 68. 4 4.1 4.1.1 1 Kiosk . 243 228 93.8% . , , , . 4.1 Kiosk 98(43.0%), 130(57.0%) . 20 2(0.9%) 20 85(37.2%), 30 78(34.2%),40 42(18.4%), 50 24(10.5%), 60 1(0.4%) 2030 71.6% . Kiosk . 40 29.3% . 101 ~ 200 72(31.6%),201 ~ 300 53(23.2%), 301 400 40(17.5%), 401 ~ 500 26(11.4%), 501 25(11.0%) . 101 ~ 400 71.3% . () 74(32.5%), () 97(42.5%), () 46(20.2%) 95.2% . Kiosk - 57 -
  • 69. . 78(34.2%), 73(32.0%) 66.2% 22(9.6%), 21(9.2%) . , . 4-1 . - 58 -
  • 70. 4.1 () (%) 98 43 130 57 20 2 9 21 - 30 85 37.2 31 - 40 78 34.2 41 - 50 42 18.4 51 - 60 24 10.5 61 1 0.4 100 12 5.3 101 -200 72 31.6 201 - 300 53 23.2 301 - 400 40 17.5 401 - 500 26 11.4 501 25 11.0 () 11 4.8 () 74 32.5 () 97 42.5 () 46 20.2 73 32 3 1.3 20 8.8 78 34.2 6 2.6 5 2.2 22 9.6 21 9.2 228 100% - 59 -
  • 71. 4.1.2 Kiosk Kiosk . , , Kiosk Kiosk , Kiosk , Kiosk , Kiosk . 1 . 4.2 . 4.2 () (%) 165 72.4 44 19.3 19 8.3 1( ) 92 40.4 2 ~ 5 122 53.5 6 ~ 9 5 2.2 10 9 3.9 1 ~ 3 119 52.2 4 ~ 6 70 30.7 7 ~ 9 24 10.5 10 15 6.6 1 165 72.4%, 44(19.3%) 19(8.3%) , . , - 60 -
  • 72. . 87.3% 20 30 . 2-5 122(53.5%) , 92(40.4%) . 6-9 5(2.2%),10 9(3.9%) . . Kiosk Kiosk , Kiosk . 1~3 199(52.5%) . 4~6 70(30.7%), 7~9 24(10.5%), 10 15(6.6%) , (LCC) . (Full ServiceCarrier) . - 61 -
  • 73. 4.3 Kiosk (1) () (%) 120 52.6 108 47.4 1 ~ 3 90 39.5 4 ~ 6 57 25.0 7 ~ 9 15 6.6 10 66 28.9 1 ~ 3 195 85.5 Kiosk 4 ~ 6 17 7.5 7 ~ 9 10 4.4 10 6 2.6 4.3 Kiosk . Kiosk 1 . 1 Kiosk . 1.2 . Kiosk 120(52.6%) , 108(47.4%) . 1~3 90(39.4%) . 10 66(28.9%) 4~6 57(25.0%), 7~9 15(6.6%) . Kiosk 1~3 195(85.5%) . 4 Kiosk 14.5% - 62 -
  • 74. Kiosk . 4.4 Kiosk (2) () (%) 148 64.9 (: -) Kiosk 70 30.7 (: -) 13 5.7 (: -) 33 14.4 (: -) 96 42.1 133 58.3 61 26.8 152 66.7 Kiosk ATM 134 58.8 93 40.8 , , 59 25.9 1 0.0 4.3 Kiosk Kiosk . 1.1 1 , . Kiosk 148(56.1%) . 70(30.7%), 13(5.7%), - 63 -
  • 75. 33(14.4%) . Kiosk . Kiosk 152 66.7% . , Kiosk 96(42.1%), 133(58.3%), 61(26.8%) . ATM 93(58.8%), 59(40.8%) Kiosk .4.2 (Structural EquationModel: SEM) . .(, 2003: ,2004) . (Exploratory Factor Analysis) , (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) (Habibi, 2008). Leavee(1988) , . . Rogers(1988) TAM , AMOS . - 64 -
  • 76. 4.2.1 (Exploratory Factor Analysis) (Unintentionality) . (Reliability) . (score) . . (Dependability), (Stability),(Consistency), (Predictability), (Accuracy) (, 2010). (InternalConsistency) Cronbachs . Cronbachs (Carman & Zeller, 1979). (Split-half Reliability) Cronbachs . Cronbachs , . Nunnally(1967) Cronbachs 0.6, 0.8, 0.9 , Cronbachs 0.60.7 . . . - 65 -
  • 77. . , . , . . (Exploratory Factor Analysis) . (Maximum Likelihood Estimate: MLE) (Oblimin) . . , 228 . (Francis, 2004) KMO Bartlett . Kiosk . , , , , . 4.5, 4.6 . (Eigen Value) 1 , (Factor Loading) 0.4 . Cronbachs - 66 -
  • 78. . 1.1 Kiosk . 28 .40 2 26 . 9 .40 5 , 1 . 20 7 . KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) .917, Bartlett 5714.350, .000 . 0.6 . 83.8% . 7 , , , , , , , . - 67 -
  • 79. 4.5 Cronbach 4 .903 .901 3 .866 .755 1.188 5.940 .906 2 .713 .697 8 .960 .942 1.179 11.837 .933 7 .849 .824 11 .953 .919 10 .753 .863 .297 13.324 .949 12 .728 .821 5 .925 .896 4 .823 .866 5.843 42.539 .941 3 .791 .785 1 .920 .888 4 .872 .842 3 .792 .773 .675 45.912 .938 2 .742 .838 5 .632 .533 1 .735 .895 .557 48.697 .936 2 .717 .868 1 .876 .999 7.036 83.875 .961 2 .714 .870 KMO .917 5104.339Bartlett 190 .000 - 68 -
  • 80. 4.2.2 (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) (Confirmatory FactorAnalysis) . (,2006). (,2007) SEM , 1.1 . GFI, AGFI, NFI, RFI, IFI, CFI 0.9 (Mulaik et al., 1989). RMR, RMESA 0.05 , 0.8 (Brown and Cudeck,1993). RMR SRMR SRMR . SRMR .029 . . - 69 -
  • 81. 4.6 X (CMIN) 0.05 .000 () ( ) CMIN/d.f 3 1.788 ( X) SRMR 0.08 .029 ( ) GFI 0.9 .902 () AGFI 0.9 .861 () PGFI .640 () RMSEA 0.05 ~ 0.08 .059 () NFI 0.9 .950 () IFI 0.9 .977 () RFI 0.9 .936 () TLI=NNFI 0.9 .971 () CFI 0.9 .977 () PNFI .756 () PCFI .766 () - 70 -
  • 82. 4.2.3 (Reliability Analysis) , . . 4.7 . 0.7 0.8 . AMOS (Squated Multiple Correlation:SMC) SPSS R 0.4 1 . 4.7 . - 71 -
  • 83. 4.7 (AMOS) SMC 2 .668 .817 3 .735 .857 4 .905 .951 7 .887 .942Kiosk 8 .862 .928 10 .879 .937 11 .878 .937 12 .829 .910 3 .777 .882 4 .874 .935 5 .882 .939 1 .870 .933 2 .816 .903 3 .762 .873 4 .829 .911 5 .526 .725 1 .888 .943 2 .871 .933 1 .948 .974 2 .902 .950 - 72 -
  • 84. 4.2.3 (Validity Analysis) (Validity) . , . . . (accurate) (consistent) . . . (Convergent Validity) (DiscriminantValidity) . .(1) (ConvergentValidity) . , (, 2008). (Standardized Factor Loading), (Average VarianceExtracted), (Construct Reliability) , 3 . - 73 -
  • 85. , (C.R2)0.001 . - 75 -
  • 87. (AVE: Average Variance Extracted) . . 0.5 . AVE Fornell andLarcker(1981) Hair et al.(2006) . AVE . AVE (Fornell & Lacker) = AVE (Hair et al.) = AVE AMOS Output . . (Construct Reliability) , .7 . . Construct Reliability = AMOS Output . AVE 1.1. - 76 -
  • 88. Fornell and Larcker Hair et al. AVE Hair et al. .761 .5 . 0.9 . 4.9 (AVE) AVE AVE Alpha CR (Fornell (Hair ) Larcker) .906 .964 .900 .769 .933 .916 .846 .874 .949 .966 .906 .861 .941 .957 .880 .845 .938 .983 .922 .761 .936 .942 .891 .880 .961 .933 .874 .926(2) . , . , . , 95% (2 ) 1 . - 77 -
  • 89. . , AVE . AVE AVE . AVE (Fornell and Larcker, 1981). 4.10 4.11 . 4.10 1.000 .433 1.000 .488 .618 1.000 .470 .505 .866 1.000 .523 .546 .793 .801 1.000 .678 .391 .457 .476 .569 1.000 .673 .426 .509 .460 .602 .857 1.000 - 78 -
  • 90. 4.11 AVE1 AVE2 .900 .769 0.187 .846 .874 .900 .769 0.238 .906 .861 .900 .769 0.221 .880 .845 .900 .769 0.274 .922 .761 .900 .769 0.460 .891 .880 .900 .769 0.453 .874 .926 .846 .874 0.382 .906 .861 .846 .874 0.255 .880 .845 .846 .874 0.298 .922 .761 .846 .874 0.153 .891 .880 .846 .874 0.181 .874 .926 .906 .861 0.750 .880 .845 .906 .861 0.629 .922 .761 .906 .861 0.209 .891 .880 .906 .861 0.259 .874 .926 - 79 -
  • 91. .880 .845 0.642 .922 .761 .880 .845 0.227 .891 .880 .880 .845 0.212 .874 .926 .922 .761 0.324 .891 .880 .922 .761 0.362 .874 .926 .891 .880 0.734 .874 .926 .866 . .4.3 4.3.1 (AMOS) (1) (Structural Equation Model) , .(Kline, 2010). . . (CovarianceStructure Modeling) (Covariance Structure - 80 -
  • 92. Analysis) . (Measurment Model) (Structure Model) (, 2001). . . (Tremblay & Gardner, 1996). TAM Kiosk Kiosk . Kiosk 4 . , , , 4, , , 3 . AMOS 18.0 . (Mazimum Likelihgood) . , (, 2000). . X . X , X (Brown & Cudexk, 1993). . (Absolute Fit Index) - 81 -
  • 93. (Incremental Fit Index) (Hu & Bentler, 1995). AGF, AGFI, SRMR, RMSEA . (Baseline Model, Null Model) NNFI, NFI,CFI . GFI , 0 1 . .9 (Kline, 2010), . AGFI GFI , 0 1 . AGFI . SRMR .08 0 . RMSEA . , (Parimony-adjusted Index) (Kline, 2005). RMSEA .05 , .05 .08 , .1 (Browne & Cudeck,1993). NNFI Tucker and Lewis(1973) TLI(Tucker-Lwis Index) . NNFI , . .90 . NNFI 1 NFI. . CFI - 82 -
  • 94. . . X . 4.12 . 4.12 X 287.037 d.f 157 NFI .942 p .000 IFI .973 X/d.f 1.828 RFI .930 SRMR .069 NNFI .967 GFI .880 CFI .973 AGFI .840 PGFI .658 PNFI .778 RMSEA .063 PCFI .804 X .000 NNFI, IFI, RFI, NNFI, CFI .90 . GFI, AGFI .90 SRMR .069 .08 RMSEA.063 . . - 83 -
  • 95. , (M.I: Modification Index) . . . , . , . . , . , , , . . (M.I: Modification Index) 24.597 e18, e19 e20, e20 10 . . , 5 1 2 34 . 4.1, 4.13 4.14 . - 84 -
  • 96. 4.1 4.13 - () X d.f p X/d.f SRMR GFI AGFI PGFI RMSEA 287.037 157 .000 1.828 .069 .880 .840 .658 .063 228.057 154 1.481 1.481 .032 .904 .870 .663 .048 4.14 - () NFI IFI RFI NNFI CFI PNFI PCFI .942 .973 .930 .967 .973 .778 .804 .954 .985 .943 .981 .984 .773 .798 - . - 85 -
  • 97. , . Kiosk .(2) . (+,-) , . . 4.2 4.15 . 4.2 AMOS - 86 -
  • 98. 4.15 Kiosk Estimate=.204,C.R.= 3.729 (-) H1-1 . Estimate=.134, C.R.=2.866, Estimate=.279, C.R.=2.565 .01 (+) H1-3, H1-4 . Kiosk (+) H1-2 .80 . 4.15 SEM () C.R.3) H1-1. *** .204 .217 .058 3.729 (-) H1-2. .134 .135 .079 1.710 (+) H1-3.(+) .342 .374 .131 2.866** H1-4. .279 .262 .099 2.656** (+) *** H2-1.(-) .285 .247 .062 3.962 H2-2.(-) .185 .247 .065 6.856*** *** H3-1.(+) .748 .855 .052 13.122 *** H4-1. (+) .501 .461 .067 6.856 *p 1.96 p < .025, |C.R.| > 1.645 p < .05 - 87 -
  • 99. H2-1 H2-2 Estimate=.285, C.R.=3.962 Estimate=.185, C.R.=6.856 .005 . H3-1 Estimate=.748, C.R.=13.122 . Davis(1989) TAM . H4-1 , Estimate=.501,C.R.=6.856 .005 . 4.16 H1-1 . H1-2 . H1-3 . H1-4 . H2-1 . H2-2 . H3-1 . H4-1 . 4.16 . H1-2 H4-1 . - 88 -
  • 100. 5 5.1 Kiosk , Kiosk . , . . , Kiosk (-) (+) . , (-) . , Kiosk . , (+) . , (-) (+) . - 89 -
  • 101. 5.2 ., . . , Kiosk , Kiosk Kiosk . Kiosk . Kiosk . . Kiosk . Kiosk Self Check-in . (Self Baggage Drop) Kiosk . (+) Kiosk . - 90 -
  • 102. , , , . 3 . 1 , 2 , Kiosk . 3 , Kiosk Kiosk .5.3 ., Kiosk Kiosk . . , Kiosk . (Self Baggage Drop) . , . Davis - 91 -
  • 103. . - 92 -
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  • 112. ? . KIOSK . , . , . . 8 , . : : (: 010-7223-4111, [email protected]) - 101 -
  • 113. Kiosk() (Self- Check-in) . Kiosk , , . - (Self Check-in Kiosk) .. .1. ? 2. ? ( )1 2-5 6-9 10 3. 1 ? 1-3 4-6 7-9 10 4. Kiosk ? 5. ?1-3 4-6 7-9 10 6. Kiosk ?1-3 4-6 7-9 10 - 102 -
  • 114. 7. Kiosk ? () (: -) (: -) (: -) (: -)8. Kiosk ? () ATM , , ( ) - 103 -
  • 115. . Kiosk . Kiosk . Kiosk . Kiosk . Kiosk . Kiosk . kiosk , , . Kiosk . kiosk . kiosk ( , ) . kiosk . kiosk . kiosk . - 104 -
  • 116. Kiosk . . Kiosk ( , , ) . Kiosk . Kiosk . - 105 -
  • 117. . Kiosk . Kiosk Kiosk . Kiosk , . Kiosk . Kiosk . Kiosk . Kiosk . Kiosk . Kiosk . Kiosk . Kiosk . - 106 -
  • 118. . .1. ? 2. ?20 21 - 30 31 4041 50 51 60 61 3. ?100 101 - 200 201 - 300301 - 400 401 - 500 500 4. ?() ()() ()5. ? ( ) - 107 -
  • 119. ABSTRACT A Study on Attributes affecting the Use of Kiosk at the Airport Chung, Min Joo Dept. of Business Administration Graduate School of Korea Aerospace University (Advisor : Prof. Park, Jin-Woo Ph.D.) The purpose of this study is to identify the attributes affecting the passengerintention towards using Self Check-in Kiosk at the airport. The researchmodel is designed based on Innovation Resistance and significant effectsbetween the variables. I have developed a theoretical model which integratesthe influence of Resistance Model and Technology Acceptance Model(TAM).The hypotheses were tested on a sample of 228 air travellers at InCheonInternational Airport and Jeju International Airport in Korea. The researchshows 4 points of result. First, Relative Advantage effects on both InnovationResistance and Attitude, but influenced positively and directly with Attitudethan Innovation Resistance. Secondly, Complexity and Perceived Anxiety alsoeffect positively on Innovation Resistance. Thirdly, Innovation Resistanceinfluenced negative significant effects on Attitude and Behavioral Intention. At - 108 -
  • 120. the last, I found out new significant hypothesis which is Relative Advantageseffects on Attitude through M.I(Modification Index). The Purpose of thispaper is to find out significant variables that hinder the User intentiontowards use of Kiosk at the airport and to understand individuals cognitivestructure with Innovation Resistance. - 109 -