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    Stefano Mirtis

    facebook wall



    timeline archive:

    a personal collectionof curiosities

    Stefano Mirtis

    facebook wall


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    Stefanos facebook timeline 52/52 2011

    Pyongyang, North Korea

    Flat Land

    Flatland (a Romance of Many Dimensions) is a

    great book by Edwin Abbott Abbott. But Flat Land

    is also the literal translation of Pyongyang, the

    North-Korean capital. A book has been now

    published, the first architectonical guide on this

    secluded world. A lot of interesting images and

    thoughts by Philipp Meuser. If you are curious

    about his fascinating images and you want to know

    more: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/...

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    MM1 Pero

    It took me some weeks, but I am now moreless

    able to use this timeline in an acceptable way.

    The other day I went to see this exhibition by JoyHolland in Pero. A very nice work in an

    unexpected art gallery. More will follow about it.

    For the time being some cute "auguri" from the

    middle of nowhere...

    Greetings from Milanese


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    Entering the Soft Room

    I went back once more to Gianni Pettena archive.

    Lots of strange things. Most of them I am not so

    sure I like them so much. But some are actually

    quite special. More on his Stanza at: http://www.


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    Pyongyang, North Korea

    Lots of People, Very Very Sad

    I watched a lot of images and video of Kim Jong Il

    funeral. Most of Western journalists write about

    people's fake sadness. I think they are actually

    really really sad. If they were acting, it means

    they have hundred thousand trained actors ready

    to perform. Anyway, very impressive to see so

    many people really desperate. More images at:


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    Il Teatro Manzoni

    Cape Cod Chandelier

    Out of Pipilotti Rist Parasimpatico exhibition, one

    thing that was 100% lovely was this spectacular

    Chandelier. A great hanging lamp made out of

    hundreds underwears.

    This is what I like of artists.

    This skill of being always better than designers.

    Ms Rist comes to Milan, the design capital of the


    Every year we have the best designers designing

    all kind of lamps. Every possible shape, solution,


    Then, Pippi Longstockings arrive and with a single

    fixture she kicks the shit out of all of them. Brava

    brava brava.

    More images of the chandelier and the rest of her

    works at:

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    Mina audio comment on Pipilotti Rist: http:


    Cheetah died (well, one of

    the twelve Cheetah died...).

    I was very sad to hear about the death of Cheetah.

    Well, to be true I wasn't even aware she (actuallyshe was an him) was still alive. Someone you

    thought he was dead, but then you get to know he

    was alive (and you get to know it the day he dies).

    Mmmmmmhhhh... Very very sad. : ( More about

    Cheetah at: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/

    this fact that there were 12 different cheetas

    playing the same role, didn't help to keep a

    precise track: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheeta

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    January 1, 2012

    At this dinner with Marco Zanini, there was a

    moment when he said: "The only thing being in

    short supply is time. Nowadays people spend all

    their energy being worried about money, stocks,

    economy, investments... ...all of this can be fixed.

    Time cannot.

    And people very rarely think about this".

    Toluca, Mexico

    Muscolar Architecture (very

    stylish, though)

    A couple of days ago, Ricardo Legorreta died. Very

    good architect, although I liked very much his

    early works, before he took the Barragan loop.

    Very modern, very powerful, very stylish. More on

    Legorreta at: http://www.facebook.

