2008 職場新鮮人 英語履歷全攻略 講師:柯宜青 Karen Ko 劍橋國際教育顧問...

2008 職職職職職 職職職職職職職 講講職職職 Karen Ko 講講講講講講講講 講講講講講講講講 講講
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Transcript of 2008 職場新鮮人 英語履歷全攻略 講師:柯宜青 Karen Ko 劍橋國際教育顧問...

Page 1: 2008 職場新鮮人 英語履歷全攻略 講師:柯宜青 Karen Ko 劍橋國際教育顧問 劍喬台北語文中心 經理.

2008 職場新鮮人 英語履歷全攻略

講師:柯宜青 Karen Ko

劍橋國際教育顧問 劍喬台北語文中心 經理

Page 2: 2008 職場新鮮人 英語履歷全攻略 講師:柯宜青 Karen Ko 劍橋國際教育顧問 劍喬台北語文中心 經理.

大 綱

1. 英語履歷 CV & Resume 概要1. 英語履歷 CV & Resume 概要

2. 英語履歷 CV 種類 & 優缺點 & 範例解說2. 英語履歷 CV 種類 & 優缺點 & 範例解說

3. Cover letter & 範例解說3. Cover letter & 範例解說

4. 適合職場新鮮人的” 超強”履歷企劃 4. 適合職場新鮮人的” 超強”履歷企劃

5. 搭配”面試守則”為你的職場印象加分 5. 搭配”面試守則”為你的職場印象加分

6. Q & A 時間6. Q & A 時間

Page 3: 2008 職場新鮮人 英語履歷全攻略 講師:柯宜青 Karen Ko 劍橋國際教育顧問 劍喬台北語文中心 經理.

關於英語履歷 – 說法與概念


( 英式 ) : CV (Curriculum vitae)

- the course of your life

( 美式 ) : Résumé

- an article which gives the main points but no details

重要觀念 :

you are not actually telling your life story -

you are selling yourself !

Page 4: 2008 職場新鮮人 英語履歷全攻略 講師:柯宜青 Karen Ko 劍橋國際教育顧問 劍喬台北語文中心 經理.

關於英語履歷 - 目的與重要性

• A CV or Résumé is a marketing tool. 履歷是你行銷自己的最佳工具 !! With your CV you will be able to promote yourself. Imagine the

CV as being a brochure that will list the benefits of a particular service.

• A CV is the first step in the job search. 履歷是求職的前哨站 A good CV will decide whether the potential employers open

the door. If you are invited for an interview you would then be in a position to explain and expand on what is in your CV.

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關於英語履歷 – 下筆前該思考的事

When writing a CV…..

Look at it from your employers point of view. Would you stand out against the competition (the other candidates) and would the manager want to talk to you for a possible job?

下筆寫履歷前 , 請從面試者的角度來思考 2 件事 : 1. 這份履歷比其他競爭者突出嗎 ? 2. 你會邀請他來面試嗎 ?

Page 6: 2008 職場新鮮人 英語履歷全攻略 講師:柯宜青 Karen Ko 劍橋國際教育顧問 劍喬台北語文中心 經理.


1. 個人基本資料

4. 相關職能




2. 職位目標

3. 教育背景

6. 興趣或

基本技能5. 工作經驗

7. 推薦人

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英語履歷的組成元素 - 1/7

1. Personal Details 基本資料 : your name, address ,mobile numbers; email address/es. Details such as your date of birth, nationality, gender or place of birth are discretionary .

寫下 < 真實 > 並可 < 確實 > 聯絡到您本人的基本資料,生日 / 國籍 / 性別 / 出生地則可選擇性書寫


Yi-Ching (Karen) Ko

970 No.4,lane 115 106 7F,No.224, Yu-Shun Rd. Hualian City, Taiwan Zong-Xiao E. Rd. Taipei City,Taiwan (03) 8562888 ,0933999777 (02) 27116630,0933999777 (After 21-11-2008) (Before 21-11-2008)


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英語履歷的組成元素 - 2/7

2. Objective 職位目標 :This section gives the employer a brief glimpse of how your qualifications will benefit the company.


別寫下“你希望擁有什麼 ?” 要表示“你能為公司貢獻什麼 ?”

Example of "me-me”:

A position where I can gain experience in web page design skills.


A position which allows me to use my background in computer science to design attractive web page.

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英語履歷的組成元素 - 3/7

3. Education and qualifications 教育背景 : Only as far back as secondary school and in reverse chronological order with more space devoted to details about qualifications that matter most, normally your degree.

由最高學歷 - 高中學歷 < 倒敘書寫 > 即可,若有與工作要求相關的資格亦可一併列上


National Taipei University Bachelor of Arts: June 2001 Major: Sociology Minor: Education(teaching in social science) GPA: overall 3.89 (10/65)


B.A. Sociology Minor: Education(teaching in social science) National Taipei University June 2001 GPA (10/65): overall 3.89


A 80 - 100 分   4 點B 70 - 79 分   3 點C 60 - 69 分   2 點 D 50 - 59 分   1 點 E 49 分以下   0 點


(學分 × 點數)的總和 / 總學分

Page 10: 2008 職場新鮮人 英語履歷全攻略 講師:柯宜青 Karen Ko 劍橋國際教育顧問 劍喬台北語文中心 經理.

英語履歷的組成元素 - 4/7

4. Relevant Skills 相關技能 :Start by identifying which particular skills the employer is seeking and then give details. Use specific examples from your course, work experience, voluntary work and interests; in short, from any area of your life that seems appropriate.

針對雇主 / 企業的需求詳加描述相關的技能,並給予例證


•designed resume handout currently used by C.T. Language Centre

•produced complete instruction manual for new-web page

•Presentation skills in demonstrate “study-overseas”

Page 11: 2008 職場新鮮人 英語履歷全攻略 講師:柯宜青 Karen Ko 劍橋國際教育顧問 劍喬台北語文中心 經理.

英語履歷的組成元素 - 5/7

5. Work Experience 工作經驗 :

this can include paid jobs either during vacations or in term-time, paid and unpaid work placements, voluntary work - in fact, any situation in which you were working!

學生可描述假期的打工經驗或志工 / 義工經驗均可


Senior Consellor, sales department

Cambridge Taipei Language Training Centre

April 2002 - May 2007

•Good communication skills to give students well-preparation schedule•Good sales skills to break the day income record to NT200,000 •Edit IELTS preparation book (Listening / Reading / Writing / Speaking / V/M)•Edit English – learning website (www.e-ielts.org)

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英語履歷的組成元素 - 6/7

6. Interests 興趣 :Being involved in sports can demonstrate team working ability, for example, or travel can show your adaptability and independence. Don't give a long list of interests but concentrate on two or three and write about what you have learnt from them.

只需舉出 2-3 個興趣並提出例證,例如體育活動可表示你能“團隊合作”…


•Independent Travel Fall 2003 ,100 days , Europe

Spring 2005, 6 days, Japan (Osaka.Kyoto) Winter 2006, 5 days , Korea (Seoul) Fall 2007, 60 days, UK

•Summer / winter camp Volunteer Instructor

2000-2004 MBT CQ/LQ summer camp curriculum designer / instructor / team leader

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英語履歷的組成元素 - 7/7

7. Referees 推薦人 :Normally include two of these, unless more are requested. One should be an academic referee, probably your tutor, and the other someone who can comment on you from a different perspective such as an employer or long-standing family acquaintance.

通常寫 2 人即可,一位是你的老師;另一位則可是在任何領域證明您的能力的人


Judy Smith

Managing director, ABC ltd.

References Available Upon Request

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1. 2. 3. 4.









Page 15: 2008 職場新鮮人 英語履歷全攻略 講師:柯宜青 Karen Ko 劍橋國際教育顧問 劍喬台北語文中心 經理.

英語履歷表的種類 1/4

Chronological CV Style 依年代順序排列的履歷表 This style of organization is very conservative, and it is most useful for people who have work experience in positions which are closely related to their desired employment. This style is also most suited to people who have not had long periods of unemployment time between jobs. This format starts with the present, or most recent, job and progresses back in time.

依照任職時間 < 倒敘 > 寫成


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英語履歷表的種類 2/4

Functional CV Style 以職務為中心的履歷表 It works well for people who have had internships or cooperative experiences. This type of resume highlights previous work experience that has given you background experience for the job you are seeking.

It usually looks best to list the most important or impressive job first, and work downward in importance regardless of the dates of employment.

以描述過去的 < 工作職務與內容 > 為主強調求職者過去的經歷足以勝任求職的項目

將職務列出時的重點 : 1.與應徵職務相關性最大的優先列出 (而非依任職時間 )

2.描述法 ( 職務 / 公司 / 認職時間 )

Page 17: 2008 職場新鮮人 英語履歷全攻略 講師:柯宜青 Karen Ko 劍橋國際教育顧問 劍喬台北語文中心 經理.

英語履歷表的種類 3/4

Skills CV Style 以技能為中心的履歷表 The skills style is well suited to students who have gained valuable experience through a number of unrelated jobs and courses. This format is also appropriate for people who are making a significant change in careers. It emphasizes what you can do, not where you have worked.

However, try to match your skills to the position you are applying for.

以描述您的 < 工作職能 > 為主強調求職者擁有的工作技能或資格足以勝任求職的工作,適合新鮮人或是“轉職者”

列出您修過的課程 / 志工經驗 .. 等等,試著與您爭取的職位連結

Page 18: 2008 職場新鮮人 英語履歷全攻略 講師:柯宜青 Karen Ko 劍橋國際教育顧問 劍喬台北語文中心 經理.

英語履歷表的種類 4/4

Imaginative CV Style 創意式履歷表This style is most effective for people who are seeking employment in a field which demands creativity and individuality, such as graphic design, creative writing, or landscape architecture. You should research your companies thoroughly to see if they are open to creative resumes.

This type of resume acts like a mini-portfolio item because it demonstrates a combination of layout, graphics, text integration, and audience selection. These resumes can be extremely impressive if they are well-designed.

呈現您的 < 作品集 > 為主適合創意工作者,像“網頁設計師”、“攝影師”…這樣的履歷表可以將過去的作品及結成冊甚至網頁展示或影音檔,設計得宜,會有極大的正面效果

Page 19: 2008 職場新鮮人 英語履歷全攻略 講師:柯宜青 Karen Ko 劍橋國際教育顧問 劍喬台北語文中心 經理.

您適合哪一種 CV?

• If you are job hunting …… it is a good idea to have several CV's

with different profiles or objectives. For example, you can have a CV for a sales supervisor and

the other for a shop floor manager. Your 'sales supervisor' CV can highlight achievements in this area, the CV would be tuned to that particular in terms of job descriptions and


正在求職的你 可以依不同的職稱改寫 / 強調該職位需求的履歷 !

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CV Quick Tips 小叮嚀 1/2

Make your name stand out with Bold Text, Underlining, or ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.

•Keep your resume clear and easy-to-read with a few different font styles and sizes. But avoid the busy look of too many styles and sizes and leave plenty of white space.

•"You are the best candidate for this position because..."

•GPA is not mandatory, but employers may assume it is even lower if it is missing.

•Use different font styles to emphasize certain items and lines.

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CV Quick Tips 小叮嚀 2/2

•Use action / positive verbs in the description of your jobs and activities.

•You don't have to send a reference sheet with your resume. It's your choice.

•Always list your phone numbers and addresses. ALWAYS.

•Match your resume style to the company and position you want.

•Research your company before preparing your resume. Be alert to the possibility of changes in the company.

•Check your spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Page 22: 2008 職場新鮮人 英語履歷全攻略 講師:柯宜青 Karen Ko 劍橋國際教育顧問 劍喬台北語文中心 經理.

關於 Cover letter – 說法與概念

Cover letter (附函 ) 的說法

( 英式 ) : Cover letter

( 美式 ) : Covering letter

-a letter or a note containing an explanation or additional information, sent with a CV

隨履歷附上的說明信函,描述您應徵此職位的動機 / 個人的優勢,爭取面試的機會 !

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關於 Cover Letter - 目的與重要性

* You need to use the CV cover letter to create a good

impression so that the employer or recruiter will want to read your CV. It will have more impact if it is individually written in response to a particular role or advertisement.


* You should ensure the tone of the text is formal as would be the case with a paper CV cover letter. It is a mistake to be too informal as this can be seen as unprofessional.


Page 24: 2008 職場新鮮人 英語履歷全攻略 講師:柯宜青 Karen Ko 劍橋國際教育顧問 劍喬台北語文中心 經理.

Cover letter 組成元素 1/6

1. Your contact details 個人資料

This should include your name, address, telephone number and email address. Remember make it easy for the employer to contact you.

2. Employer/agency details 面試者或公司的資料

This should include whom the letter is going to, company name and full address. If you know the name of the person e.g. if it is mentioned in the advertisement then use it. If no particular name was mentioned use a department title e.g. Personnel manager or Managing director

3. Date 寄送日期 You should use long date format in full e.g. 27th April 2006 and not 27/4/06

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Cover letter 組成元素 2/6

4. Salutation & Opening 致意與開頭

If you know the name use it e.g. Dear Mr Smith. If you don’t know, use Dear Sir/Madam. It is preferable to use a name. The company’s web site is often a good place to search for the appropriate individual.

5. Letter title 書信抬頭

Centre and bold the text. This will enable the addressee to know immediately that this is an application

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Cover letter 組成元素 3/6

• Paragraph 1 – Why you are writing?

You want to try & get the interest of the Employer. You should start the letter with the reason for writing and indicate the position that you are applying for along with how you heard of the vacancy. This is also a good place to tell them why you are interested in the position and convey a genuine interest in the company.

* The company website will be a good source of background information !!

寫下您應徵此職位的動機與緣由,這是個大好機會告訴你未來的雇主你就是“最佳人選” !

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Cover letter 組成元素 4/6

• Paragraph 2 – What you can offer them

Here you describe briefly why you think you should be considered for the role. You should summarise relevant qualifications for the position along with your experience and skills. Also give a brief example of one or two jobs you have worked in that relate to the position.

* Try to make sure that it is not just a list of what is in your CV but is individualised to the job application.

此處你可以寫下你擁有的相關工作經驗與資歷 * 不要只是“列出”,要寫一段話將他們串聯在一起,並且與 CV 上的


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Cover letter 組成元素 5/6

• Paragraph 3 – Summary and next step

Refer to your enclosed CV and also ask for the interview. You may at this point suggest that you will be making a follow up call. It is also important that you thank the reader for their time and consideration and tell them that you look forward to hearing from them.



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Cover letter 組成元素 6/6

• Closing

Use “Yours sincerely” if you are sending the letter to a named person, otherwise use “Yours faithfully”. Add a few blank lines and finish with your name. The space between is used for your signature once printed.


Finally you may want to add your telephone number and email address beneath your name.

*Remember you want to make it easy for them to contact you.


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Cover letter Quick Tips 小叮嚀

• The cover letter should consist of 1 page on plain white A4 paper.

• You should use a font that offers a clean and clear appearance.

• Aim for a maximum of three paragraphs. Remember simple is best.

• Use upbeat and positive language and avoid exaggerated statements.

• Ensure there are no spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes.

• Always use black ink.

• Express yourself with confidence.

• Be concise and to the point. Try to avoid repeating what's in your CV.

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Interview 如何看待面試這件事…

The interviewer hopes that YOU are the right person for the job. They are under pressure to fill the position so that they can get back to their own work. Therefore you are in a greater position of strength than you think. Concentrate on what you have to offer in the way of qualifications and experience instead of feeling intimidated.

以面試者的觀點來看待“面試”這件事… .

An interviewer has 3 aims: 面試最重要的 3 個目的

1) To learn if you are the right person for the job.2) To assess your potential for promotion3) To decide whether you will fit into the company environment.

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贏得面試 - 準備為上 ! 1/3 The key to a successful job interview is in preparation


Job interview questions you may be ASKed…

Q - How would you describe yourself? A - You should describe attributes that will enhance your suitability for the position. Have some ready in advance.

Q - What are your long-term goals?A - These should be career orientated. Make sure you have goals to discuss.

Q - Why did you leave your last job? A - This could be for more responsibility; a better opportunity; increased income. Do not be detrimental to your previous employer. He could be the interviewer’s golfing partner.

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贏得面試 - 準備為上 ! 2/3The key to a successful job interview is in preparation !

Q - Why do you want this job? A - Your answer should be: more responsibility or better opportunity or similar. Not: because it is closer to home or the gym.

Q - What are your strengths? A - You should highlight accomplishments and experiences that relate to the position for which you are applying. Also, give examples of situations where your strengths have been demonstrated.

Q - What are your weaknesses? A - This should not be a list of deficiencies. Don’t mention anything that could make the interviewer question your ability to do the job, for example “I am always late for everything.” Instead, discuss a weakness that could also be a strength such as “I am a workaholic!”

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贏得面試 - 準備為上 ! 3/3The key to a successful job interview is in preparation !

Good interview questions for YOU to ask

The questions must be about the position and the company. Avoid questions about salary, benefits and facilities until after you have been offered the job.

Example questions relating to the position

* What are the main responsibilities of the job? * What is the career path relating to this position?

Example questions relating to the company

*What is the company hoping to achieve in the next 12 months? *What new products are the company planning to introduce in the


Page 35: 2008 職場新鮮人 英語履歷全攻略 講師:柯宜青 Karen Ko 劍橋國際教育顧問 劍喬台北語文中心 經理.

Interview Quick Tips 小叮嚀

*You should be clean and smart in appearance! *Arrive 15 minutes early. *Make sure you have the correct address and know how

you will get there. *Make sure you have a mobile phone and a telephone

number so that you can ring ahead if circumstances beyond your control are making you late

*Be polite to everyone you speak to! *Have a copy of your CV with you.*Do your homework on the company and the nature of

its business.

Page 36: 2008 職場新鮮人 英語履歷全攻略 講師:柯宜青 Karen Ko 劍橋國際教育顧問 劍喬台北語文中心 經理.









Page 37: 2008 職場新鮮人 英語履歷全攻略 講師:柯宜青 Karen Ko 劍橋國際教育顧問 劍喬台北語文中心 經理.

Q&A謝謝大家 !

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