2 DAY OF REMEMBRANCE l Behind Barbed Wiremedia.janm.org/events/2019/2019-DOR-program.pdf2 DAY OF...


Transcript of 2 DAY OF REMEMBRANCE l Behind Barbed Wiremedia.janm.org/events/2019/2019-DOR-program.pdf2 DAY OF...

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Page 2: 2 DAY OF REMEMBRANCE l Behind Barbed Wiremedia.janm.org/events/2019/2019-DOR-program.pdf2 DAY OF REMEMBRANCE l Behind Barbed Wire PROGRAM SCHEDULE Postcard Design Elyse Imoto Program

2 DAY OF REMEMBRANCE l Behind Barbed Wire


Postcard DesignElyse Imoto

Program DesignScott ShimaElyse Imoto

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On February 19, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, which led to the exclusion and incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II. Families of Japanese ancestry were removed from the West Coast based solely on their nation of origin and veiled under the guise of national security. While behind barbed wire, keeping the family together and safe was of utmost importance to the incarcerees.

Today, also under the guise of national security, migrants from Central America are similarly being held in detention centers. Young children have been torn from their parents as they sought safety and asylum in the United States. Just like Japanese immigrants before WWII, these migrants dream of a decent life for their family and safety for their children. The legacy from the Japanese American redress movement is to make sure we stand up and speak out when we witness people being treated inhumanely by our government as we were during WWII.

The theme for this year’s Day of Remembrance program is “Behind Barbed Wire: Keeping Children Safe and Families Together.” It grew out of the scenes from last year that exposed the inhumane treatment of refugees and asylum seekers at our southern border as children were forcibly separated from their parents. The cruel government treatment brought back terrible memories of how Japanese Americans were treated during WWII.

- Day of Remembrance Committee

GATHERING CALL - Los Angeles Ichiza Taiko DRAMATIC READING #1 - Kondo Family Letters from CampWELCOME - Emcees Hideki Fukusumi and Carrie Morita Ann Burroughs, President and CEO, Japanese American National MuseumCOMMEMORATION / CAMP ROLL CALL AND PROCESSION Nishi Hongwanji BS Troop 738 & GS Troop 12135 Venice Japanese Community Center BS Troop 764 Christ The King Lutheran Church BS Troop 242


DRAMATIC READING #2 - Kondo Family Letters from CampIN MEMORIAMPANEL - Keeping Children Safe and Families Together Speaker and Moderator - Brian Niiya, Densho Content Editor Reshma Shamasunder - Asian Americans Advancing Justice Sigrid Toye - Tuna Canyon Detention Station Coaltion Leticia Bustamante - Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Amritpal Kaur - Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Lisa Okamoto, Immigrant Legal Defense CenterCALLS TO ACTION Tales of Clamor -traci kato kiriyama Nikkei Progressives quilt on display

CLOSING AND RECEPTION - Aratani Central Hall *(arranged by Carrie Morita and her kitchen crew)

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ANN BURROUGHS Ann Burroughs is the President and CEO of the Japanese American National Museum (JANM). For over 25 years, Ann Burroughs has worked with leaders, organizations, and networks in the USA and abroad to promote social justice and human rights. Prior to coming to JANM, she was the Senior Consultant at Social Sector Partners, an organization that focuses on supporting social sector organizations through strategic adaptation and repositioning. She has previously served as Executive Director of the Taproot Foundation and as the Executive Director of LA Works. She has worked as a consultant for the Omidyar Network, the Rockefeller Foundation and to the government of South Africa. Recently, she became Chair of the Japanese American Confinement Sites Consortium. She is the newly elected Chair of the Global Assembly of Amnesty International and the immediate past Chair of the Board of Directors of Amnesty International USA. Her life-long commitment to racial and social justice was shaped by her experience as a young activist in her native South Africa where she was jailed as a political prisoner for her opposition to apartheid.

HIDEKI FUKUSUMIHideki Fukusumi is a Program Coordinator for Kizuna, as well as an Adjunct Counselor at Mt. San Antonio College. He is also a member of Nikkei Progressives: a multi-generational grassroots, volunteer-based group that stands for immigrant rights, Muslims, and Little Tokyo and Japanese American issues. In his spare time Hideki spends his time working on multiple passion projects which include management of musicians, perfecting his yakitori skills, and developing his own personal brand called egodeath. egodeath is a mantra centered around the idea that we should always try and be better today than we were yesterday. Using music and food as the platform for this mantra, he coordinates events that bring folks together while using that platform to remind others that we all have a gift inside us that we can use to help others.

CARRIE MORITACarrie Morita has been involved with various Little Tokyo community groups since 1971. She helped to create a Saturday program out of JACS-AI working with children teaching them about JA history. Carrie has also served on the Little Tokyo Recreation Center Board for over 30 years which is known today as the Budokan Project. She was a teacher with LAUSD for 36 years and retired in 2011. She has, most recently, been teaching an Arts and Crafts class to Seniors at the FEL (Far East Lounge) for 4 years. She works with SLT (Sustainable Little Tokyo) and with Nikkei Progressives. Carrie has often set up receptions for different community groups including Day of Remembrances for the past 20 years.

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6 DAY OF REMEMBRANCE l Behind Barbed Wire




LA TAIKO ICHIZA L.A. Taiko Ichiza is a premier Japanese drum ensemble, established by a group of experienced players in September 2016. The group’s primary style is naname (slant) style which is also called Sukeroku Style. We are dedicated to the advancement of the art of Japanese culture and spirit. Our group name Ichiza means a group of people gathering together for a common purpose – for us, to create the sense of “oneness” between us and our audience.Ensemble Members: Daniel Yaguchi, Sarah Gibson-Cortes, Yuki Inoue

EDWARD HONGEdward Hong is an actor who is so obsessed with Cinnabon that he markets himself frequently with it by the moniker of the “Cinnabon Monster”. He has appeared on numerous TV shows such as Kevin (Probably) Saves The World, Angie Tribeca, Devious Maids, New Girl, Lopez, General Hospital, and many more. On film he can be seen in Please Stand By (starring Dakota Fanning and Alice Eve) playing the Cinnabon Guy, All The Creatures Were Stirring (starring Constance Wu), and Hot Air (starring Jere Burns and Matthew Gray Gubler). In the theatre world, his credits include DHH in Yellow Face (Beverly Hills Playhouse), Nhan/Khue in Vietgone (TheatreSquared), Tom/Marshall in Church & State (Skylight Theatre Company), and David in The Why (The Blank Theatre). He is currently repped by Chris Lee at Authentic Talent & Literary Management.

KELVIN HAN YEEKelvin Han Yee has acted with American Conservatory Theater, Oregon Shakespeare Festival - Ashland, Berkeley Repertory Theater, Huntington Theater, Stratford Festival Theater, San Francisco Mime Troupe, East West Players, Asian American Theater Company and Lodestone among others. In 1986 he was cast in the first American feature film shot in the People’s Republic of China, A Great Wall (Is A Great Wall), and has appeared in many films including Milk, Lucky You, The Island, Copycat, True Crime and Faith Under Fire. His television credits include S.W.A.T., Westworld, GLOW, Chicago PD, Hawaii Five-0, The Mentalist, Lie To Me, Criminal Minds, Prison Break, 24, Chuck, Entourage, Accidentally On Purpose, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Nash Bridges and in Soap Operas. He has drawn from his own background as an at risk youth to mentor incarcerated youths and bring arts education to public schools. He can be seen in the film Destroyer with Nicole Kidman and an upcoming 9-1-1 on FOX.

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Japanese American Citizens League / Pacific Southwest District Council:Downtown Los Angeles ChapterGreater Los Angeles ChapterGreater Pasadena ChapterRiverside ChapterSan Diego ChapterSan Fernando Valley ChapterSan Gabriel ChapterSouth Bay ChapterSELANOCO ChapterVenice - West LA ChapterVentura County Chapter

Gann MatsudaJune HibinoKathy MasaokaYvonne Wong NishioElyse ImotoChrist The King Lutheran Church BS Troop 242Sharilynne JungKimi Maru

Jan Tokumaru Carolyn TsuidaGayle Wong“More than Flour”- Sheri MiyamotoNishi Hongwanji BS Troop 738 & GS Troop 12135Venice Japanese Community Center BS Troop764Patty NaganoThe Rafu Shimpo

Mark Hirai (Elite Graphics)Hideki FukusumiCarrie Morita and her Kitchen CrewAsian Americans Advancing JusticeLA Ichiza TaikoHaruka RoudubeshMarie Masumoto

California Teachers Association Gedatsu ChurchTuna Canyon Detention Station Coalition Historic WintersburgAsian American Drug Abuse Program (AADAP)Japanese American Bar Association (JABA)Evergreen Baptist Church of Los AngelesLittle Tokyo Historical SocietyKoyasan Buddhist TempleTule Lake CommitteeJapanese Cultural Center, Long BeachGrace First Presbyterian Church, Long BeachThe Gathering / The Episcopal Diocese of Los AngelesSacred Resistance / Episcopal Diocese of Los AngelesAsian Pacific Labor Alliance (APALA)


NIKKEI FOR CIVIL RIGHTS AND REDRESS Suzy Katsuda, Richard Katsuda, Kay Ochiwww.NCRR-LA.org


Japanese American Cultural & Community Center (JACCC)Daren Mookowww.JACCC.org

JAPANESE AMERICAN CITIZENS LEAGUEMiyako Kadogawa, Nancy Takayamawww.jaclpsw.org

PROGRESSIVE ASIAN NETWORK FOR ACTIONVivian Matsushigehttps://www.facebook.com/progressiveasians

MANZANAR COMMITTEEJen Chomori, Misao Chomori, Bruce Embrey www.manzanarcommittee.org

KIZUNAScott Shimawww.gokizuna.org

JAPANESE AMERICAN NATIONAL MUSEUMKoji Steven Sakai, Courtlyn Shimadawww.janm.org

NIKKEI PROGRESSIVESCarrie Moritawww.facebook.com/nikkeiprogressives

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NIKKEI PROGRESSIVES@nikkeiprogressives



MANZANAR COMMITTEEmanzanarcommittee.org

“If we do not act, we shall surely be dragged down the long, dark, and shameful corridors of time reserved for those who

possess power without compassion, might without morality, and strength without sight.”

Martin Luther King, Jr. “A Time to Break Silence,” April 4, 1967

NP just completed its first FAMILIES BELONG TOGETHER Quilt. The Quilt is a tangible show of support for immigrants and refugees who suffer from detention, family separation and harsh conditions at the border. Funds donated will go to detainees and families who have been separated.

Help us make a second quilt! We also need help spreading the word about the Quilt to get more groups/individuals involved.

Find us on facebook and Instagram, or reach out to us at [email protected]

With the passage of EO 9066, racism, fear, and greed were allowed to surface above our nation’s commitment to its core value of equal protection under the law. Go For Broke National Education Center is committed to educating and inspiring people to act with equality and courage in life everyday so that this dark history is never repeated.

The Japanese American National Museum is honored to again participate in the 2019 Day of Remembrance in Los Angeles. The human tragedy brought on by the signing of Executive Order 9066 must never be forgotten and never repeated. In joining with other organizations to mark this day, we are reminded of the power of solidarity and the strength of our collective voices.

The Manzanar Committee will hold its 50th annual Manzanar Pilgrimage, Saturday, April 27, 2019 at the Manzanar National Historic Site. The Pilgrimage serves as an important reminder of what can happen when our country fails to uphold Constitutional rights for all, whether immigrants, Muslims or communities of color. Please check our website at manzanarcommittee.org; email [email protected] or call (323) 662-5102 for more information.

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PROGRESSIVE ASIAN NETWORK FOR ACTIONfacebook.com/progressiveasiannetworkforaction


Kizuna is proud to join the organizing committee the Los Angeles Day of Remembrance program. It is vital that we continue community education efforts that bringing this story to the next generation, preserving the legacy of the the World War II incarcerees and those who fought for redress, so that this troubling time in history is never repeated.

OCA-Greater Los Angeles is the local chapter of OCA - Asian Pacific American Advocates, a national nonprofit organization founded in 1973 and dedicated to advancing the social, political, and economic well-being of Asian Pacific Americans (APA) in the United States. From its inception in 1991, OCA-GLA has made an impact in the greater LA area through community service, advocacy and organizing, education and leadership development. OCA-GLA has fostered the active participation of APAs in both civic and national matters, striving to instill a sense of social responsibility through leadership opportunities and community empowerment activities. OCA-GLA is proud to be affiliated with the Day of Remembrance Committee and the annual observance of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Executive Order 9066 on February 19, 1942, which led to the wrongful incarceration of 120,000 Japanese Americans living on the West Coast during WWII. The February 16 convening reminds all of us how critical are community unity, vigilance and response as the nation grapples with confrontation and erosion of our civil liberties.

The importance of the Day of Remembrance: In 1942, when the nation turned its back on Japanese Americans, only a few stood up for us. The Issei and Nisei suffered tremendously. The Day of Remembrance is an important reminder about the long-lasting impact of government actions on men, women and children, and the importance of not allowing such travesties to occur again- to any group.

Because of their WWII incarceration, Nikkei understand the long-lasting impacts of governmental injustices. It’s important to extend our support to those being maligned and mistreated by the government today. The refugees and asylum seekers are people and deserve to be treated humanely.

Progressive Asian Network for Action (PANA) supports the Day of Remembrance to take a stand for the civil rights of immigrants. Separating children from their families and incarcerating them is similar to the treamtment Japanese Americans during WWII. PANA not only condemns the atrocities by Trump but seeks positive proactive legislation for immigrants, such as an immediate path to citizenship, a “clean” dream act, immediate reunification of families stuck in courts, the end to deportation of Asian former prisoners and mutually beneficial foreign policies that would not drive workers out of their countries in order to survive.

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