16287866 Tablolarla Butun Ingiliz Grameri

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Transcript of 16287866 Tablolarla Butun Ingiliz Grameri


    I - write I do not write do I write you - write you do not write do you write we - write we do not write do we write they - write they do not write do they write he - writes he does not write does he write she - writes she does not write does she write it - writes it does not write does it write

    in mant: Dnya yuvarlaktr (genel) , Ate yakar (genel) , nsanlar ackr ..... Gibi genel olaylar ve durumlar vurgulamak iin Simple Present tense kullanlr.

    1.Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen 2.Most animals kill only for food 3.The world is round

    Simple Present tense genelde olan olay ve durumla r vurgulamak iin kullanlr ,bunlar; gemite vard , u an var , gelecekte de olacak . rn : Dnyann dnmesi .

    1.I study for two hours every night 2.My classes begin at nine 3.He always eats a sandwich for lunch

    Simple present tense gnlk aktiviteleri ve alkanlklar vurgulamak iin de kullanlr.

    1.I don't recognize that man 2.He needs a pen right now

    Belirli fiilerin continuous tense ( imdiki zaman ) halleri olmadndan bu tens'te kullanlmalar zorunludur.

    Aadaki fiiler normalde continuous tenslerle kullanlmazlarAppreciate






































    Sonu s , sh , ch , x ile biten szcklerin oulu ve fiilerin geni zaman halleri -es taks alrlar.

    Finish FinishesWatch WatchesBus BusesBox BoxesSonu y ile biten szckler - ies taks alrlar , fakat y nin nnde sesli harf varsa sonuna sadece - s gelir

    Study studiesTry triesBaby babiesBoy boysSonu f veya fe ile biten szckler - ves taksyla oul olurlar

  • knife knivesshellf shellvesGeni zamnada Have fiili he , she , it iin has olarak deiir.

    I have a shover everyday John has a shover everyday

    Sklk belirten fiiller Smple present tens'te zneden hemen sonra gelirler

    always / Never / often / Sometimes / Usually + Present simple (Geni zaman)

    Sue always arrives at work early I usually go to work by car but sometimes I walk

    Julia never eats breakfast


    I am writing I am not writing am I writing you are writing you are not writing are you writing we are writing we are not writing are we writing they are writing they are not writing are they writing he is writing he is not writing is he writing she is writing she is not writing is she writing it is writing it is not writing is it writing Bu tens konuma annda devam eden (sren) aktiviteleri vurgulamak iin kullanlr ( U AN )

    John is sleeping right now I need an umbrella because it is raining John and marry are talking on phone

    Bu tens ayrca genelde sreklilik halinde olan aktiviteleri vurgulamak iin de kullanlr. I am taking five course this semester John is trying to improve his work habits She is writing another book this year

    Sonu - e ile biten fiillerde -e der - ing gelirmake making

    write writing

    come coming

    dance dancing Sonu - ie ile biten fiiller - ying taks alrlarlie lyingdie dyingtie tying Eer tek heceli bir fiilin sonu ( sesli + sessiz ) harf ile bitiyorsa son sessiz ikilenerek - ing taks alr.stop stopping

    run running

    get getting

    Bu kuraln istisnas udur : eer bir fiilin sonu ( -y ) veya ( - w ) sesizlerinden biri ile bitiyorsa, fiil tek heceli bile olsa son sessiz ikilenmez.

    swim swimming

    big bigger

    hot hotter

    thin thinner

    draw drawing

    play playingki veya daha fazla heceli fiilerde son sessizin ikilenmesine gerek yoktur happen happeningvisit visitingremember remembering Sonu iki sessizle biten tek heceli fiiler direkt olarak - ing taks alrlar help helpingwork working


    I - wrote I did not write did I write you - wrote you did not write did you write we - wrote we did not write did we write they - wrote they did not write did they write he - wrote he did not write did he write she - wrote she did not write did she write it - wrote it did not write did it write Simple past , gemite belirli bir zamanda balam ve bitmi bir durum veya aktiviteyi iaret eder.

    FORML : zne + Verb 2 ( Fiilin 2. hali )---- yani Simple past hali

    I walked to school yesterday He lived in paris for ten years , but now he is living in rome I bought a new car three days ago

    Eer Simple past tense ile kurulmu bir cmle (When) kalbn ieriyorsa : when ile balayan cmle dierinden nce olmutur aadaki ilk rnekte nce yamur balad sonra aacn altnda durdum ifadesi anlalmaldr.

    I stood under a tree when it began to rain when she heard a atrange noise she got up to investigate when I dropped my cup , the coffee spilled on my lap

    Eer gemi zaman (past tense) da kullanlmak istenen bir cmlenin fiili "be" ise gemi zaman belirtmek iin : yine bu fiilin gecmis zaman hallerinin was , were kullanlmas zorunludur. (Dzeltme icin Serkan a Tesekrler)

  • Positive Negative QuestionI was I was not was IYou were You were not were Youwe were we were not were wethey were they were not were theyhe was he was not was heshe was she was not was sheit was it was not was it

    Last year Rachel was 22 , so she is 23 now When I was a child , I was afraid of dogs we were hungry after the journey but we weren't tired the hotel was comfortable but it wasn't expensive was the weather good when you were on holiday those shoes are nice . were they expensive

    why were you late this morning


    I was writing I was not writing was I writing

  • he was writing he was not writing was he writing she was writing she was not writing was she writing it was writing it was not writing was it writing we were writing we were not writing were we writing you were writing you were not writing were you writing they were writing they were not writing were they writing

    in Mant : gemite sregelen bir eylem kesintiye uruyor.rn: dn tam okula yrrken yamur balad ( yrme eylemi srerken , bu ylemin belirli bir yerinde yamur eyleminin devreye girmesi)1. I was walking down the street when it began to rain2. While I was walking down the street,it began to rain3. I was standing under a tree when it began to rain

    1. de nce caddeden aaya yryordum,sonra yamur balad.rneklerde iki eylemde ayn zamanda meydana geliyor fakat biri, dieri baladnda ,daha nce balayp sreklilik halin dedir.

    4. At eight o'clock last night , I was studying5. Last year at this time I was attending school

    4. rnekte : Benim almam 8'den nce balad ve 8'de ben alyordum, muhtemelen almam sonrasn dada devam etti

    6. While I was studying in one room of our apartment my roommate was having a party in the other room

    Eer iki eylem benzer ekilde sreklilik halindeyse Past continuous cmlenin iki blmndede kullan labilir (baazen)

    7. It rained this morning8. It was raining

    Baaz durumlarda simple past ve past continuous ayn anlam verebilir (7 ve 8 deki gibi)


    I have written I have not written have I written

  • you have written you have not written have you written we have written we have not written have we written they have written they have not written have they written he has written he has not written has he written she has written she has not written has she written it has written it has not written has it written

    1. They have moved into a new aparttment.2. Have you ever visited Mexico.3. I have already seen that movie.4. I have never seen snow

    Present Perfect u fikri vurgular: u andan nce meyda na gelmi veya gelmemi bireyi anlatrken kesin zaman n nemli olmad durumlar. (Eer belirli bir zaman var sa Simple past kullanlr.)

    5. We have had four tests so far this semester6. I have written my wife a letter every other day for the last two weeks.7. I have met many people since I came here in june 8. I have flown on an airplane many times

    Present perfect birde u andan nceki bir aktivitenin tekrarn vurgular,her tekrarn kesin zaman nemli deildir

    9. I have been here since seven o'clock10.We have been here for two weeks11.I have had this same pair of shoes for three years12.I have liked cowboy movies ever since I was a child

    Present perfect tense ayrca for ve since ile kullan labilir. O zaman unu vurgular: Bir durum gemite balm u anda da devam ediyor

    Since + belirli bir zaman ( since : denberi )For + zamann sreklilii ( For : dr )

  • Present Perfect Simple nin kullanmlar1.kullanm: Gemite balam ve bugne kadar devam eden bir zaman periyodundan bahsediyorsak bu tensi kullanmak zorundayz. Bu zaman periyodu btn hayatmzdaki deneyimleri kapsayabilir. Hayatmz da herhangi bir deneyimi yaayp yaamadmz bu tens ile sorulur.

    Have you ever been to China ( Hi inde bulundunmu? ) Have you ever eaten caviar ( Hi havyar yedinmi ? ) I haven't been to India ( Hindistanda hi bulunmadm ) We have never had a car ( Hibir zaman arabamz olmad ) It's the most boring film I've ever seen . (Hayatmda grdm en skc film.)

    I haven't eaten anything since breakfast ( Kahvaltdan beri hibirey yemedim )2.kullanm: Present perfect kullanldnda genellikle bugn ile bir balant vardr. Eer gemite olmu bir eylemin sonucu bugn etkiliyorsa yine bu tens kullanlr.

    Where's your key ? I don't know. I 've lost it ( u an anahtarm yok ) He told me his name but I 've forgotten it ( Adn sylemiti fakat unuttum )

    I can't find my bag. Have you seen it ? ( antam bulamyorum, onu grdnm?)3.kullanm: Gemile bugn balayan bir kpr olarak kullanlr. I started learninig english in septemberI am still lerning englishI have lerned English since september (Eyllden beri ingilizce reniyorum)-stteki iki cmleyi birletirdi. Aye is my best friend I met Aye seven years ago I have known her for 7 years ( onu yedi yldr tanyorum ) I am a teacher I started teaching 20 years ago I have been a teacher for 20 years. ( 20 yldr retmenim )

    Gone (to) ve been (to) arasndaki farkllk Jim is away on holiday. He has gone to Spain (Jim ispanyaya gitti ve hala orada)

    Jane has been to Italy . (Jane italyaya gitti ve geri geldi )


    I have been writing I have not been writing have I been writing you have been writing you have not been writing have you been writing we have been writing we have not been writing have we been writing they have been writing they have not been writing have they been writing he has been writing he has not been writing has he been writing she has been writing she has not been writing has she been writing it has been writing it has not been writing has it been writing

    Present Perfect continuous , yakn zamanda veya henz sona ermi bir aktivitenin ifadesinde kullanlabilirbu aktivitenin u an ile balants vardr.rn : Eve gittiniz ocuunuzun gzleri kpkrmz ve ne olduunu reneceksiniz . What have you been doing demeniz lazm ( What are you doing olmaz.)rn : A ahs avrupa turuna km ve B ahsyla ispanyada karlayor A' nn gidecei yerler sral : 1. France 2. England 3.Spain 4. Germany 5. ItalyA: What have you been doing ? ( Ne yapyorsun )B: I have been traveling around Europe(eer A ahs : What are you doing deseydi , B ahs o anda ne yapyorsa onu sylerdi , alveri yapyo rum vs. derdi.)A: Which countries have you visitedB: I have visited France and England and now I'm in Spain , I haven't been Germany and Italy yet.

    Right now I am sitting at my desk.1. I have been sitting here since seven o'clock.2. I have been sitting here for two hours3. You have been studying for five straight hourse

    Bu tens bir aktivitenin srekliliini vurgulamak iin kullanlr.Sz edilen aktivite gemite balad ve u an devam etmektedir. Tense bu anlam zaman simgeleyen kelimelerle veririz. Bunlar :For , Since , all morning , all day , all week.

    5. I have been thinking about changing my major.6. All of the students have been studying hard .Final exams start next week.7. My back hurts , so I have been sleeping on the floor lately. the bed is too soft.

    Presen perfect continuous tens zamann herhangi bir spesifik anlam dnda kullanldnda, genel bir aktivitenin son zamanlardaki srekliliini vurgular.

    8. I have lived here since 1985 I have been living here since 19859. he has worked at the same store for ten years He has been working at the same store for ten years

    Live , work , teach gibi continuous tensleri olan fiillerle since veya for kullanldnda , present perfect continuous ile present perfect simple arasn da pek bir fark olmaz. Yandaki rneklerde pek bir anlam fark yoktu

    Present Perfect Continuous

    Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4 Bu tens ile ilgili sorular download ede bilirsiniz. (Not: Sisiteminizde Excel kurulu olmaldr.)


    I had written I had not written had I written you had written you had not written had you written we had written we had not written had we written they had written they had not written had they written he had written he had not written had he written she had written she had not written had she written it had written it had not written had it written 1. My parents had already eaten by the time I got home2. Until yesterday, I had never heard about it .3. The thief simply walked in. Someone had forgotten to lock thedoor.

    Past perfect tense : gemite bir aktivitenin baka bir aktiviteden nce tamamlandn vurgular. yani:Ge mite olumu iki eylem var fakat 1. eylem , 2.cisin den nce olmu ite 1.eylem past perfec tir.

    4. Sam had already left when we got there 5. Sam had left before we got there6. Sam left before we got there7. after the guests had left. I went to bed

    4. de : nce sam ayrld sonra biz oraya vardk. (yani: biz vardmzda sam ayrlmt). Eer bir cmlede before veya after kullanlyorsa genellikle past per fect tense gerekli deildir. Simple past 6. ve 8. ci rneklerde belki kullanlabilir. Not: 5-6 ve 7-8 ayn an lamdadr.

    When Sarah arrived at the party , Paul had already gone home When we got home last night , we found that somebody had broken into the flat Karen didn't want to come to the cinema with us because she had already seen the film. I didn't know who she was . I had never seen her before

    The house was dirty. They hadn't cleaned it for weeks


    I had been writing I had not been writing had I been writing you had been writing you had not been writing had you been writing we had been writing we had not been writing had we been writing they had been writing they had not been writing had they been writing he had been writing he had not been writing had he been writing she had been writing she had not been writing had she been writing it had been writing it had not been writing had it been writing

    Gemite olmu iki eylem var ve bunlardan nce olann sreklilii past perfect continuous tense ile vurgu lanr.1. Our game of tennis was interrupted. we'd been playing for about half an hour when it started to rain very havily.2. Ken give up smoking two years ago. He'd been smoking for 30 years.1. The police had been looking for the criminal for two years before they caught him2. The patient had been waiting in the emergency room for almost an hour before a doctor finally treated her 3. He finally came at six o'clock I had been waiting for him since four - thirty.

    Past perfect continuous: gemite bir eylemden nce baka bir eylemin sreklilik ierisinde oldu unu vurgular.

    4. When judy got home, her hair was still wet because she had been swimming5.Her eyes were red because she had been crying

    Bu tens ayrca gemiteki bir eyleme yakn zamanl fakat ondan daha nce olan balantsz bir eylemin srekliliini vurgulamak iin de kulanlr.


    I will write I will not write will I write you will write you will not write will you write we will write we will not write will we write they will write they will not write will they write he will write he will not write will he write she will write she will not write will she write it will write it will not write will it write


    I am going to write I am not going to write am I going to write you are going to write you are not going to write are you going to write we are going to write we are not going to write are we going to write they are going to write they are not going to write are they going to write he is going to write he is not going to write is he going to write she is going to write she is not going to write is she going to write it is going to write it is not going to write is it going to write Konuma annda gelecee dnk bir eylemi ifade etmek iin will kullanlr. Going to ise nceden yaplan planlar ve niyetler iin kullanlr.rn: biri paltosunu giydi darya kyor. onu gren kii will ile soru sorar, kan kiinin diyelim ki o saatte biriyle bulumas gerekiyor ( nceden planlam ) going to ile cevap verir.1. He will finished his work tomorrow.2. He is going to finish his work tomorrow

    Will veya be going to , gelecek zaman vurgulamak iin kullanlr.


    I will be writing I will not be writing will I be writing you will be writing you will not be writing will you be writing we will be writing we will not be writing will we be writing they will be writing they will not be writing will they be writing he will be writing he will not be writing will he be writing she will be writing she will not be writing will she be writing it will be writing it will not be writing will it be writing

    I will be doing something = bireyler yapyor olacam ( bir eylemin ortasnda olacam )rn : The football match begins at 7:30 and ends at 9:15 so during this time ,for example 8:30 , Kevin will be watching the match.- This time tomorrow I'll be travelling through france- In the 21 st century, people will be living to the age of 1301. I will begin to study at seven. You will come at eight . I will be studying when you come. 2. Right now I am sitting in class . At the same

    The future continuous tense gelecek zamanda bir aktivitenin sreklilik halinde olacan vurgular.

  • time tomorrow I will be sitting in class.3. Don't call me at nine , because I won't be home .I am ging to be studying at the library.

    be going to nun continuous formu: be going to + be + - ing

    4. Don't get impatient . She will be coming soon5. Don't get impatient . She will come soon

    Baazen future continuous ile simple future arasnda ok ok az bir farkllk vardr veya hibir farkllk yoktur. zellikle gelecekteki olay belirsiz bir zaman da meydana gelmise.

    Not : teklif sorularnda mutlaka shall kullan . will kullanma shall we phone to see what time the film start shall I carry that heavy case for you


    I will have writen I will not have writen will I have writen you will have writen you will not have writen will you have writen we will have writen we will not have writen will we have writen they will have writen they will not have writen will they have writen he will have writen he will not have writen will he have writen she will have writen she will not have writen will she have writen it will have writen it will not have writen will it have writen

    Future Perfect tense : Gelecekte , kesin bir zamandan nce bireyin tamamlanm olacan vurgular rn: 1.He will have finished his exams by december.2.Kevin's football match ends at 9:15 so after this time ,for example at 9:30 the matcah will have finished.3.Sally always leaves for work at 8:30 in the morning , so she will not be at home at 9 o'clock.She will have gone to work. ( sally sabahlar daima 8:30 da ie gider bundan dolay saat 9 da evde olmayacak,ie gitmi olacak)4.We are late. The film will already have started by the time we get to the cinema ( Ge kaldk, biz sinema ya varana kadar film balam olacak.)5.When their first child was born ,they had been married for three years. - past perfect Ted and Amy have been married for 24 years - present perfect Next year they will have been married for 25 years - future perfect

    I will graduate in june . I will see you in july. By the next time I see you , I will have graduat ed

    I will have finished my homework by the time I go out on a date tonight.

    The future perfect tense : Gelecekte baka bir zaman veya olaydan nce tamamlanm bir aktiviteyi vurgular.


    I will have been writing I will not have been writing will I have been writing you will have been writing you will not have been writing will you have been writing we will have been writing we will not have been writing will we have been writing they will have been writing they will not have been writing will they have been writing he will have been writing he will not have been writing will he have been writing she will have been writing she will not have been writing will she have been writing it will have been writing it will not have been writing will it have been writing

    Future Perfect continuous : gelecekteki bir zaman diliminde bir eylemin srekliliini vurgular .rn: She will have been teaching here for thirty years by the time she retires next year.rn: Margeret was born in 1950. by the year 2000, she will have been living on this earth for 50 years1. I will go to bed at ten p.m. he will get home at midnight, at midnight I will be sleeping . I will have been sleeping for two hours by the time he gets home.

    The future perfect continuous ,gelecekte baka bir zaman veya olaydan nce bir eylemin sreklilik iinde ola can vurgular.

    2. When Professor jones retires next month, he will have taught for 45 years.3. When professor jones retires next month , he will have been teaching for 45 years

    Bazen Future perfect ve Future perfect continuous ayn anlam verir . rn: 2 ve 3 teki gibi. Ayrca szko nusu aktivitenin gemi zamanda balam olabile cei de dikkate alnmaldr.

    1. Ann and Andy got married on june 1.st. Today is june 14 th. Ann and Andy have been married for two weeks.By june 28 th , they will have been married for four weeks.2. This morning I came to class at 9:00. Right now it is 10:00, and I am still in class , I have been sitting here for a half an hour . By 11:00I will have been sitting here for two hours.3. I am getting tired of sitting in the car . Do you realize that by the time we arrive in phoenix, we will have been driving for twenty straight hours.4. I don't understand how those marathon runners do it . The race began over an hour ago . By the time they reach the finish line , they will have been running steadily for more than two hours. I don't think I can run more than two minutes.5.We have been married for a long time . By our next anniversary , we will have been married for 43 years.


    Simple Present : Active : Mary helps johnPassive : john is helped by Mary Present Continuous:Active : Mary is helping johnPassive : john is being helped by Mary Present Perfect:Active : Mary has helped johnPassive : john has been helped by Mary Simple Past:Active : Mary helped johnPassive : john was helped by Mary Past continuous:Active : Mary was helping johnPassive : john was being helped by Mary Past Perfect:Active : Mary had helped johnPassive : john had been helped by Mary Simple Future:Active : Mary will help johnPassive : john will be helped by Mary Be going to:Active : Mary is going to help johnPassive : john is going to be helped by Mary Future Perfect:Active : Mary will have helped johnPassive : john will have been helped Mary Note: The continuous forms of the present perfect , past perfect , future and future perfect are very rarely used in the passive.

    Active :Etken (in zne tarafndan yapld belliyse) Passive:Edilgen (in zne tarafndan yapld belli deilse)Verbs that can be used in the passive :1.Most transitive verbs can be used in the passive. A transitive verb is a verb which has an object. The police caught the thief

    S V O The thief was caught by police2. Intransitive verbs cannot be used in the passive . An intransitive verb is a verb which does not have an object.Rodney fell and hurt his leg.Passive constructions with the infinitive:Doru olup olmadn bilmediimiz bir bilgi aktar mak istediimizde veya bu bilginin kaynan vermek istemediimizde passive yapy u fiillerle kullanrz : think ,believe , report , consider , know , say , expect , + infinitive.1. Bilgi u anki bir durumla ilgiliyse : passive + infini tive. rn: The queen is believed to be one of the richest people in the world. rn: Mr Smit is thought to be staying with friends2. Bilgi gemiteki bir durumla ilgiliyse: passive + the past infinitive ( to have + past particip le )rn: Cher is said to have had a face lift.NOT: The passive of doing = being done , seeing = being seen.rnekler:Active: I don't like people telling me what to doPassive: I don't like being told what to doActive: Mr Miller hates people keeping him waitingPassive:Mr miller hates being kept waiting

  • ACTIVE MODAL PASSIVE MODALBob will mail it it will be mailed by bobBob can mail it it can be mailed by bobBob should mail it it should be mailed by bobBob ought to mail it it ought to be mailed by bobBob must mail it it must be mailed by bobBob has to mail it it has to be mailed by bobBob may mail it it may be mailed by bobBobo might mail it it might be mailed by bob

    ONDITIONALS:1. if + simple present + simple present ( Genel dorularda )

    2. if + simple present + simple future ( Gelecek iin olas durumlarda )3. if + simple past + would + infinitive ( u an ve gelecek iin hayali durumlarda )4. if + past pperfect + would have + past participle ( Gemi iin hayali durumlarda )

  • 1. if + simple present + simple present ( Genel dorularda ):a. if you don't water plants, they die ( bitkileri sulamazsan lrler )b. if Mike reads on the Train , he feels sick. c. if you put paper on a fire , it burns quickly.d. if the phone rings , answer it . ( talimat verildiinde zne yok.) 2. if + simple present + simple future ( Gelecek iin olas durumlarda )a. if it doesn't rain soon , a lot of crops will die. ( Eer yaknda yamur yamazsa birok mahsul lecek )b. if we don't leave now , we'll miss the train.c. if you pass your exams , I will give you a job.d. if you don't turn that music down , you will go deaf.e. if we leave now , we may catch the train.f. if you come to london again , you must call and see us. ( some modal verbs can be used instead of will) 3. if + simple past + would + infinitive ( u an ve gelecek iin hayali durumlarda )a. if I were a carpenter , I would build my own house ( Eer bir marangoz olsaydm kendi evimi yapmak isterdim )b. you would feel healtier , if you did more exercises.c. if people didn't drive so fast , there wouldn't be so many fatal accidents.d. if you went to africa , you would have to have several injections.e. if I were you , I would't drive so fast. 4. if + past pperfect + would have + past participle ( Gemi iin hayali durumlarda )a. if bob had asked me to keep the news a secret , I wouldn't have told anybody.( Eer bob haberleri gizli tutmam istemi olsayd kimseye sylemezdim.) USED TO: 1. Used to + infinitive ( Used to expresses a habit , activity , or situation that existed in the past but which no longer exists.) - used to ; gemite var olan fakat u an olmayan alkanlklar,aktiviteler ve durumlar vurgulamak iin kullanlr.1. My father used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day . ( babam gnde 40 sigara ierdi )2. Jack used to live in chichago.3. Before I had a car , I used to cycle to work.4. I didn't used to have foreign holidays . Now I go abroad every year.5. Where did you use to go for your holidays 2. be used to + - ing ( alkn olmak ) 1. I must go to bed early. I'm used to having ten hours sleep a night. ( yataa erken gitmeliyim ,gecede 10 saat uyumaya alknm.)2. Mary is used to cold weather.3. I am used to sitting at this desk, I sit here every day. 3. get used to + - ing ( almak ) 1. If you come to england you will have to get used to driving on the left hand side of the road ( ingiltereye gelirsen yolun solundan srmeye almak zorunda kalacaksn.)2. Bob moved to alaska. After a while he got used to living in a cold climate.3. You get used to seeing the sun every day.4. I will never get used to getting up early.

  • WISHES: Wish'i deitirmek istediimiz fakat kontrolmz dnda olan veya gemite

    kalm olmas sebebiyle deitiremediimiz olaylar ifade ederken kullanrz. Future: I wish + past simple:

    1. She can't came tomorrow ( o yarn gelemiyor) 2. She will not tell me 3. He isn't going to be here

    I wish she could come tomorrow ( onun yarn gelebilmesini isterdim.) I wish (that) she would tell me I wish he were going to be here

    Present: I wish + Past simple:

    1. I'm not a student ( u an renci deilim )2. I don't know french3. It is raining right now4. I can't speak japanese

    I wish I was a student( keke renci olsaydm )I wish I knew frenchI wish it weren't raining right nowI wish I could speak japanese

    Past : I wish + Past perfect:

    1. I didn't work harder.( ok almadm )2. John didn't come.3. Mary could't come.

    I wish I had worked harder( keke gemite daha ok alsaydm )I wish he had comeI wish she could have come

    Wish ...Would:Genellikle bir durumdan ikayet ederken kullanlr.1. u anki bir durumdan ikayet ederken kullanrz:

    1. A dog is barking 2. The road is icy

    I wish tahat dog would stop barking.I wish you wouldn't drive so fast.

    2. Kontrolmz dndaki bir olay hakknda ok sabrsz olduumuzda You're waiting for the bus I wish the bus would come.

    Not1: if only genellikle wish in yerine kullanlabilirve bir anlam deiikliine yol amaz.rn: if only Sue was here . She'd know what to do. (keke sue burada olsayd o ne yapmas gerektiini bilirdi). Not2: I wish I would OLMAZ CAUSATIVE VERBS :

    1. I made my brother carry my suitcase ( YAPTIRIM, baka seenei yok.)

  • 2. I had my brother carry suitcase ( RCA, rica ettim diye yapt.)3. I got my brother to carry my suitcase ( KNA etmeyi baarma.) Not 1: make ve have den sonra fiilerin simple formunun, get den sonra ise infinitive ( to ' lu ) hallerinin kullanlmas gerekir.Not 2: Have ve get den sonra past participle kullanlrsa, bu; cmleye passive anlam verir ve bu gibi haller de have ve get arasnda pek bir anlam fark yoktur, Normalde have ,get den biraz daha formaldir. 1. I made my brother carry my suitcase ( YAPTIRIM, baka seenei yok.)1. Mrs. Lee made her son clean his room.2. The doctor made the patient stay in bed.3. I made my son wash the windows before he could go outside.2. I had my brother carry suitcase ( RCA, rica ettim diye yapt.)1. I had the plumber repair the leak.2. Jane had the waiter bring her some tea.3. I hade my watch repaired. (passive)3. I got my brother to carry my suitcase ( KNA etmeyi baarma.)1. The students got the teacher to dismiss class early.2. Sam was reluctant , but we finally got him to play his guitar for us.3. I got my watch repaired (passive) rn: I really must get my eyes tested . I'm sure I need glasses.rn: Get your hair cut.rn: Sad movies make me cry.

    REPORTED SPEECH:TOM: I'm feeling ill

    Tom'un sylediini 3. kiiye anlatmann iki yolu var:1. Tom said ` I'm feeling ill ` (Direkt olarak cmleyi almak) - Yazarken; mutlaka iki trnak arasna al2. Tom said that he was feeling ill ( Cmleyi bir derece past'lamak )

  • Cmleyi bir derece pastlamak: DIRECT SPEECH: REPORTED SPEECH:Present simple:I'm a nurse , she said

    Past simple:She said she was a nurse

    Present continuous:I'm not going , he said

    Past continuous:He said he wasn't going

    Past simple:Tony did it , she said

    Past Perfect:She said Tony had done it

    Present perfect:I haven't read it , she said

    Past perfect:She said she hadn't read it

    Past continuous:I was lying , he said

    Past perfect continuous:He said he had been lying

    Will:I will get it , she said

    Would:She said she would get it

    Can:I can speak french , he said

    Could:He said he could speak french

    May:I may be late , she said

    Might:She said she might be late

    Must:I must go , he said

    had to:he said he had to go

    NOT: Past perfect , Might , Ought to , Could , Should , Would - Bunlar Reported speech te deimezler.

    Direct Speech: Reported Speech:I he,shetoday that daytomorrow the next day , the following day

    yesterday the day before , the previous daytwo days ago two days before , two days earliernow thenhere therecome gothis the or itthat the or itthese thethose the

    NOT: Reporting advice , commands , requests and warnings these kind of speech using the verbs : advice, tell ,ask and warn + Personal object pronoun + infinitive.1.You really should stop (advice)She adviced me to stop2.Don't interrupt me (Command)He told me not to interrupt him3.Could you close the door please (Request)She asked me to close the door4.if you tell anyone , I will.... (warning)She warned me not to tell anyone

  • RELATIVE CLAUSES: Bir relative clause bize cmle iinde aklayc bir bilgi verir.

    nsanlar iinWhoThat

    Canszlar ve Hayvanlar iinWhichThat

    rn: A building was destroyed in the fire .It has now been rebuiltThe building that/which was destroyed in the fire has now been rebuilt. rn: Some people were arrested. They have now been releasedThe people who/that were arrested have now been released. Who , that , which' i baazen hi kullanmasak ta olurWho,that,which ' ten sonra ZNES olan bir cmle balyorsa ; who,that,which ' i hi yazmasak ta olur. Fakat who,that,which bir znenin yerine kullanlyorsa mutlaka yazmak zorundayz, bir nesnenin yerine kullanlyorlarsa yazmasak ta olur. 1.The woman who I wanted to see was away.2.Have you found the keys that you lost3.The dress that Ann bought doesn't fit her very well

    1.The woman I wanted to see was away.2.Have you found the keys you lost3.The dress Ann bought doesn't fit her very well

    rn: The woman lives next door. She is a doctorThe woman who lives next door is a doctor ( She dt yani: zne dt burada who veya that mutlaka yazlmaldr.)rn: Have you found the keys? you lost them.Have you found the keys which you lost ( them dt yani : nesne dt )Have you found the keys you lost.

    We use WHOSE in relative clause instead of his / her / their

    1. We saw some people whose car had broken downtheir

    2. A widow is a woman whose husband is deadher

    3. I met a man whose sister knows youher

    You can use WHERE in relative clause to talk about a place1. The hotel - we stayed there - wasn't very clean The hotel where we stayed wasn't very cleanWHAT = the thing (s) that1. Did you hear what they said ( the things that they said )2. Tell me what you want and I ' ll try to get it for you.3. I don't agree with what you 've just said.4. I don't trust him. I don't believe anything that he says (what kullanlmaz)I don't believe anything he says.What kullanlm olsayd : anything the thing that he says. OLMAZ5. They give their children everything that they want. (what kullanlmaz)They give their children everything they want.what kullanlm olsa : everything the thing that they want. OLMAZWHOM Whom sadece yaz ingilizcesinde kullanlr ve who , that , which ' in hi yazlmasa da ( who bir nesnenin yerine kullanlmsa ) olduu durumlarda who nun yerine whom kullanlr.

  • rn: The woman who I wanted to see was away on holidayThe woman whom I wanted to see was away on holiday.The woman I wanted to see was away on holiday. Whom preposition larla da kullanlr ( to whom , from whom , with whom....)The woman with whom he fell in love , left him after a few weeks ( he fell in love with her. )ki tr relative clause vardr:type 1 : The woman who lives next door is a doctor. ( Burada who kadn hakknda bize bilgi veriyor.)type 2 : My brother jim , who lives in london, is a doctor. ( Buradaki who my brother'i aklamyor nk zaaten onun jim olduu verilmi ---- ite bu tip relative clauseler , extra information veren tiptekilerdir.ve bunlar: iki virgl arasna alnrlar , extra information ,Extra information veren relative clauselerin zellikleri:1. Bunlarda that kullanlmaz. yani:Kiiler iin sadece who , Nesneler iin sadece which kullanlr.2. who ve which' i mutlaka kulllanmak zorundasn , ihmal edemezsin.3. Where , whose ,whom kullanlar yine ayndr.rn: john , who speaks french , works as a tourist guidern: Colin told me about his new job , which he is enjoying very much ,rn: We stayed at the Grand hotel , which Ann recommended to us ,rn: This morning I met Diane , whom / who I hadn't seen for ages ,In extra information clauses . You can use a preposition before whom and which ( to whom / with whom / about which / for which.....)rn: Fortunately we had a map , without which we would have got lostrn: This is mr carter ; who I was telling you about.NOT: Konuma ingilizcesinde ise prepositionlar genellikle relative clausenin verb (fiil) in den sonra gelir. all of , most of , non of , neither of , any of , either of , some of , many of , much of (a) few of , both of , half of , each of , one of , two of

    + whom (people)+ which (things)

    rn : Marry has three brothers , All of them are marriedMary has three brothers , All of whom are married.rn: Two men , neither of whom I had ever seen before , come into my office.rn: They ' ve got three cars , two of which they never use.