11-06-15 Medicine Paper by Dr Lubna Jafri

Medicine paper - Online 11th June 2015 (mixed ques from paper I and II) By Dr Lubna Jafri I have tried to state the main point of the ques as clearly as possible...yes some answers can be wrong…so you may double check in doubt. For now these are all i can recall...will add more as i remember. Hope this helps! 1) Most common cornyebacterium in clinical cases 2) Green discharge - pseudomonas 3) CSF had inc protein dec glucose and polymorph - give Ceftriaxone 4) # of cervical sclerotomes, vertebrae and nerves - 8,7,8 5) Nursing mother with herpes lesion - Acylcovir 6) Eversion damages - Deltoid ligament 7) formula needed to be applied for clearance in kidneys - ans was 20 ml 8) Alveolar ventilation to be calculated when Tidal volume is 500 and RR 10 9) After trauma and amputation - Neuroma 10) Most common cause of HTN - idiopathic 11) Left vent hypertrophy and pulm edema - Bicuspid aortic stenosis 12) JVP a wave due to Mitral stenosis (i think) 13) Cause of cervical and genital Ca - HPV 14) Heart shaped vertebra - Thoracic 15) About renal vessels - Left renal vein is ant to aorta and renal art 16) Neiserria - Penicillin G 17) Heart base formed by Left atrium 18) Biceps - supraglenoid tubercle 19) Difficulty abduction of arm only till 30 degrees, fine after that - supraspinatus 20) Aspirin overdose causes Alkalosis 21) Common carotid artery bifurcates at Upper border of thyroid cartilage 22) What is therapeutic window 23) Tachyphylaxis - rapid decrease in response to drug 24) Glycogen storage diseases cause Hepatomegaly and hypoglycemia 25) benign tumor - Leiomyoma 26) function of alpha macroglobulin 27) Metastasis feature - tumor invasion by loss of E cadherin 28) In our culture support to patient is by Family 29) Good patient doctor relationship depends on Active listening 30) Opioid stimulated chemoreceptor trigger zone 31) Construction work history along with pleural plaques - Asbestosis 32) betal chewing causes submucosal fibrosis 33) Some patient with visible peristalsis - pyloric stenosis

Transcript of 11-06-15 Medicine Paper by Dr Lubna Jafri

Medicine paper - Online 11th June 2015 (mixed ques from paper I and II)By Dr Lubna Jafri

I have tried to state the main point of the ques as clearly as possible...yes some answers can be wrong…so you may double check in doubt.For now these are all i can recall...will add more as i remember. Hope this helps!

1) Most common cornyebacterium in clinical cases2) Green discharge - pseudomonas3) CSF had inc protein dec glucose and polymorph - give Ceftriaxone 4) # of cervical sclerotomes, vertebrae and nerves - 8,7,85) Nursing mother with herpes lesion - Acylcovir 6) Eversion damages - Deltoid ligament 7) formula needed to be applied for clearance in kidneys - ans was 20 ml 8) Alveolar ventilation to be calculated when Tidal volume is 500 and RR 10 9) After trauma and amputation - Neuroma10) Most common cause of HTN - idiopathic 11) Left vent hypertrophy and pulm edema - Bicuspid aortic stenosis12) JVP a wave due to Mitral stenosis (i think)13) Cause of cervical and genital Ca - HPV14) Heart shaped vertebra - Thoracic15) About renal vessels - Left renal vein is ant to aorta and renal art16) Neiserria - Penicillin G17) Heart base formed by Left atrium18) Biceps - supraglenoid tubercle 19) Difficulty abduction of arm only till 30 degrees, fine after that - supraspinatus 20) Aspirin overdose causes Alkalosis21) Common carotid artery bifurcates at Upper border of thyroid cartilage22) What is therapeutic window23) Tachyphylaxis - rapid decrease in response to drug 24) Glycogen storage diseases cause Hepatomegaly and hypoglycemia 25) benign tumor - Leiomyoma 26) function of alpha macroglobulin27) Metastasis feature - tumor invasion by loss of E cadherin 28) In our culture support to patient is by Family29) Good patient doctor relationship depends on Active listening30) Opioid stimulated chemoreceptor trigger zone31) Construction work history along with pleural plaques - Asbestosis32) betal chewing causes submucosal fibrosis33) Some patient with visible peristalsis - pyloric stenosis34) Dorsal column transmits Propioception35) Conus medullaris is at L3 in children 36) PCOS scenario 

37) Menopause - inc LH and FSH38) Nucleus in midbrain - CN III39) 2nd week of typhoid fever - Widal plus blood culture 40) kallman syndrome - arcuate nucleus41) Atypical TB - resistant to anti TB drugs 42) Corneal epithelium 43) Bitemporal hemianopsia - lesion at optic chiasm 44) Vibration from Dorsal column45) Pseudo mem colitis - C difficile46) RIver blindness47) Man is intermediate host in Hydatid cyst 48) Sheehan syndrome typical scenario49) Diffuse loss of vibration - check gastric mucosa biopsy50) Medially rotated arm of child - lesion in upper trunk of brachial plexus 51) Something about gastrocolic refles52) B12 def check urine for methylmal acid53) In late preg uterus becomes sensitive to Oxytocin54) Bleeding after pregnancy complication - DIC55) Child born at home has echymosis - Vit K def56) Some symptoms including facial palsy - cerbellopontine angle57) Asthma - < FEV158) Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - disarray of myocytes59) Skin lesions along Ophthalmic branch of CN V60) raised direct bili and Alk Phosph - extra hepatic cholestatis61) Maximum AV difference of O2 in Cardiac muscle62) Carbohydrate product of digestion63) Spindles attaching to chromatids - Anaphase 64) Autosomal dominant - half of the children affected65) Heterozygous trait and both express fully - Co dominance66) left shift of Ox Hb curve - CO poisoning67) Diarrhea - Non anion gap metab acidosis68) Reciprocal but not dual supply - Salivary gland69) PPD - cytotox T cells70) Atropine causes Dry mouth71) what indicates pt given Warfarin and not heparin - inc prothrombin (i think)72) Cimetidine dec clearance of Warfarin73) Dermis contains type I collagen74) Kidney Tranplant rejected within 10 mins - antibody mediated75) Labetalol - A and B receptors76) Anaphylxis due to penicillin - Broncospasm is typical feature77) Collagen - abundant in Lig flavum ?78) Severe flexion of neck injured - Lig Nuch ?79) Uterus to lab majora - round lig80) Cardiogenic shock due to MI

81) Anaphylatoxin - C5a82) Helps in phagocytosis - C3b83) Virus - Alt proteins84) Cancer mostly due to inc protoncogene85) no occurence of chromosome shortening - Telomerase ?86) typical picture of microcytic hypochromic anemia87) Which lobe has 2 segments - Right middle 88) Iron tranfered as Transferrin89) Thiazide - hypokalemia90) Infarction mostly due to Art occlusion91) Reactive hyperemia not seen in - ischemia92) Aplasia - lack of cell production93) Splenectomy most effective in - Heredit Sphero94) Basilar artery forms - 95) most common chromosomal abnormality - Downs96) ESR more than 100 in Multiple Myeloma97) MHC - HLA antigens98) Thirst stimulated by AT 299) Erythropoetin secreted from Mesangial? or Renal tubular cells 100) Something about free water clearance101) Vit D acts by gene expression102) Normal saline causes ... ? inc plasma Na, inc plasma osmolarity, inc urine osmolarity103) Blood loss, dec BP - symp activity inc104) most imp factor delaying wound healing - infection?105) CSF - 500 ml/day106) Glucocorticoids cause - dec glucose utilization in cells107) Hormone inc during sleep - Cortisol (not sure though)109) Growth hormone inhibited by Somatostatin110) HIV hallmark - progressive immunosupression111) Hep B infection - keep checking SGPT112) Machinery murmur - PDA113) Something about long bones - i marked haversian canal (total fluke)114) As compared to ICF, ECF has - low K115) pO2 close to 100 in Left to Right shunt116) Some values given and asked which graph represents better. Confusion between bar or pie chart 117) Primordial germ cells - by 3rd week118) After bed rest leg pain and swelling - DVT119) megaloblastic due to - folate and cobalmin120) Philadel chromosome - CML121) Metab acidosis - causes inc breathing 122) X linked agammaglob - pyogenic infections123) Dead space - humidifies and filters air

At the moment I dont even remember the most difficult ones…Please pray for me.