
Bratisl Lek Listy 2008; 109 (6) $ ` $$ Indexed and abstracted in Science Citation Index Expanded and in Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition CLINICAL STUDY Quality of life and psychological well- being in patients with various pacing modes Mitro P 1 , Kotianova A 2 , Bodnar J 1 , Skorodensky M 2 , Valocik G 1 1 3rd Department of Internal Medicine, Medical Faculty of P.J. Safarik University, L. Pasteur University Hospital, Kosice, and 2 Department of Clinical Psychology, Presov University, Presov, Slovakia Address for correspondence: P. Mitro, MD, PhD, 3rd Dep of Internal Medicine, Rastislavova 43, SK-041 90 Kosice, Slovakia. Phone: +241556152170, Fax: +421556152192 3rd Department of Internal Medicine, Medical Faculty of P.J. Safarik University, L. Pasteur University Hospital, Kosice, Slovakia. [email protected] Abstract: Aim: of the study was to assess the influence of different pacing modes on the quality of life (QOL), anxiety and depression. Methods: QOL was assessed in 101 patients (58 men, mean age 69.39±14.64 years) with implanted pace- maker (35 patients received VVI pacemaker, 17 patients VVIR, 21 patients DDD, 28 patients DDDR). QOL was measured by the SF-36 and Aquarel questionnaires, anxiety by Beck scale and depression by Zung scale. Results: No differences in QOL were observed between patients with single chamber and dual chamber pac- ing. Patients with rate- adaptive pacing had higher scores in SF 36 scales (physical component summary, mental component summary, vitality and bodily pain), Aquarel (chest pain and dyspnea) and they exhibited lower degree of anxiety and depression compared to non-rate-adaptive pacing. Differences were shown only in a group of dual chamber pacemakers, not in the group of single chamber pacemakers. There was a strong correlation between the degree of anxiety and depression and the QOL in pacemaker patients. Conclusion: Dual chamber rate-adaptive pacing offered better QOL and psychological profile compared to dual chamber non-rate-adaptive pacing. No differences were observed between single chamber and dual chamber pacing (Tab. 3, Fig. 3, Ref. 24). Full Text (Free, PDF) www.bmj.sk. Key words: cardiac pacing, rate-adaptive pacing, quality of life, anxiety, depression. Since the introduction of cardiac pacing using fixed rate ven- tricular pacemakers (VVI), several sophisticated pacing modes are available. Physiologic pacing maintaining AV synchrony (AAI, VDD, DDD modes) was shown to improve cardiac hemodynamics. AV synchronous pacing increases stroke volume and cardiac index, as well as decreases atrial pressures by as much as 3050 %. AV synchronization has an important role in maintaining an appropriate cardiac output at rest and at lower levels of activity. A number of studies demonstrated that at higher levels of exer- cise the chronotropic competence is the most important contribu- tor to cardiac output. Both rate adaptiveness and maintained AV synchrony are goals of physiologic pacing. Multiple studies docu- mented hemodynamic benefits of AV synchronous (DDD/R and AAI/R) and rate adaptive pacemakers (VVIR), pacemakers com- pared to fixed rate ventricular pacemakers (VVI). The hemody- namic benefits of DDDR over VVIR are less clearly documented. However, it is not clear if hemodynamic improvement achie- ved by physiological pacing correlates with improved survival, improved symptoms and better health related quality of life (QOL). QOL is being increasingly considered as an expected out- come of therapeutic interventions and rehabilitation programs in clinical cardiology. Assessment of the QOL in paced patients may be a better measure of symptomatic improvement than maxi- mal exercise capacity as most paced patients remain at low or moderate levels of physical activity. In the era of rising costs for implantation of highly sophisticated pacemakers is the assess- ment of QOL (which is an objective measure of the pacing be- nefit) of substantial value. Unfortunately, most studies concern- ing QOL in cardiac pacing were performed in a small number of patients or using non-validated questionnaires. Because of dif- ferent symptomatology QOL questionnaires developed for other cardiac diseases are not appropriate for paced patients. It was proposed to use a combination of a generic and disease specific questionnaires. The SF-36 is a widely used questionnaire, known for its validity and psychometric properties. It was used in cardio- logy for evaluation of angina pectoris, syncopal patients, heart failure, cardiac surgery patients and other diseases. The SF-36 consists of 36 items that can be combined into 8 health domains and 4 summary scores assessing physical and mental health. Each score is obtained by summation of item scores and is scaled form 0 to 100. Higher score in SF 36 means better QOL of the patient. A disease specific module added to SF-36 should cover a broad range of symptoms reported by pacemaker patients, should be multidimensional and well validated. The Aquarel question- naire (Assessment of QUality of life and RELated events) con- sists of three subscales: Arryhthmia (5 items), dyspnea and



Transcript of 10906-03

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Bratisl Lek Listy 2008; 109 (6)

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Indexed and abstracted in Science Citation Index Expanded and in Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition


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Abstract: Aim: of the study was to assess the influence of different pacing modes on the quality of life (QOL),anxiety and depression.Methods: QOL was assessed in 101 patients (58 men, mean age 69.39±14.64 years) with implanted pace-maker (35 patients received VVI pacemaker, 17 patients VVIR, 21 patients DDD, 28 patients DDDR). QOL wasmeasured by the SF-36 and Aquarel questionnaires, anxiety by Beck scale and depression by Zung scale.Results: No differences in QOL were observed between patients with single chamber and dual chamber pac-ing. Patients with rate- adaptive pacing had higher scores in SF 36 scales (physical component summary,mental component summary, vitality and bodily pain), Aquarel (chest pain and dyspnea) and they exhibitedlower degree of anxiety and depression compared to non-rate-adaptive pacing. Differences were shown onlyin a group of dual chamber pacemakers, not in the group of single chamber pacemakers. There was a strongcorrelation between the degree of anxiety and depression and the QOL in pacemaker patients.Conclusion: Dual chamber rate-adaptive pacing offered better QOL and psychological profile compared to dualchamber non-rate-adaptive pacing. No differences were observed between single chamber and dual chamberpacing (Tab. 3, Fig. 3, Ref. 24). Full Text (Free, PDF) www.bmj.sk.Key words: cardiac pacing, rate-adaptive pacing, quality of life, anxiety, depression.

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Single-chamber pacemakers (VVI/R)

( n=52)

Dual-chamber s pacemakers (DDD/R)

(n= 49)

Statistical significance (p)

Men 30 28 Women 22 21


Mean age 64.03 ± 13.8 62.7 ± 15.6 0,51 NYHA class I or II 46 41 0.68 NYHA class III or IV 4 5 0.73 History of CAD 50 46 0.67 Hypertension 31 27 0.64 History of diabetes mellitus

11 14 0.38

Mean time from first implantation

6.66 ± 6,64 5.72 ± 4,8 0.32

Mean number of pacemakers implanted

1.38 1.37 0,96

Rate – adaptive pacemaker

17 21 0.39

Sinus node disease 20 11 AV nodal disease 32 38


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Rate-adaptive pacemakers (VVIR)

( n= 17)

Non-rate-adaptive pacemakers (VVI)

( n= 35)

Statistical significance (p)

SF 36 Physical Functioning (PF)

49.11 ± 29.43 45.00 ± 26.70 0.616

Social Functioning (SF)

60..29 ± 34.86 59.29 ± 28.50 0.912

Role-Physical (RP) 47.81 ± 44.68 32.44 ± 37.63 0.200 Role-Emotional (RE) 64.71 ± 46.36 51.43 ± 42.27 0.308 Mental Health (MH) 60.24 ± 19.52 62.07 ± 14.92 0.704 Vitality (VT) 45.88 ± 22.37 44.29 ± 21.36 0.804 Bodily Pain (BP) 61.76 ± 32.40 52.17 ± 25.94 0.255 General Health (GH) 32.76 ± 18.57 34.97 ± 16.30 0.664 SF – 36 composite scores

Change in Health (CHH)

45.59 ± 30.92 43.57 ± 27.35 0.812

Physical Component Summary (PCS)

45.59 ± 30.92 41.68 ± 18.85 0.553

Mental Component Summary (MCS)

55.36 ± 19.96 54.75 ± 16.81 0.908

Perceived Health Status (PHS)

37.35 ± 22.07 24.88 ± 20,.81 0.052

Aqaurel Chest pain 18.41 ± 9.29 20.62 ± 8.38 0.391 Dyspnea 21.29 ± 7.24 21.83 ± 6.52 0.790 Arrhythmia 11.18 ± 5.07 12.24 ± 4 43 0.444 Anxiety ( Beck) 18.29 ± 13.34 19.37 ± 12.49 0.776 Depression (Zung) 39.24 ± 10.0 43.42 ± 9.07 0.137

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Rate-adaptive pacemakers (DDD)

( n= 21)

Non-rate-adaptive pacemakers (DDDR)

( n= 28)

Statistical significance (p)

SF 36 Physical Functioning (PF)

46.19 ± 23.54 58.75 ± 21.59 0.069

Social Functioning (SF)

63.69 ± 29.02 71.88 ± 29.39 0.337

Role-Physical (RP) 46.43 ± 41.30 45.54 ± 41.42 0.941 Role-Emotional (RE) 42.86 ± 41.02 59.52 ± 42.90 0.177 Mental Health (MH) 52.76 ± 20.62 66.71 ± 17.49 0.014 Vitality (VT) 40.23 ±.16.69 55.18 ± 18.53 0.005 Bodily Pain (BP) 54.86 ± 26.63 67.75 ± 29.04 0.118 General Health (GH) 33.10 ± 24.91 44.93 ± 16.61 0.050 SF – 36 composite scores

Change in Health (CHH)

46.43 ± 21.18 51.79 ± 16.57 0.361

Physical Component Summary (PCS)

42.96 ± 21.63 54.32 ± 16.57 0.038

Mental Component Summary (MCS)

49.32 ± 17.70 62.95 ± 15.80 0.007

Perceived Health Status (PHS)

29.76 ± 27.41 40.71 ± 24.13 0.117

Aqaurel Chest pain 15.46 ± 7.09 20.48 ± 8.36 0.028 Dyspnea 18.04 ± 5.27 23.95 ± 5.57 0.001 Arrhythmia 10.29 ± 4.67 12.52 ± 4.41 0.096 Anxiety ( Beck) 12.86 ± 9.04 23.24 ± 14.73 0.004 Depression (Zung) 37.68 ± 7.05 42.71 ± 8.85 0.031

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