1 SORTING Dan Barrish-Flood. 2 heapsort made file “3-Sorting-Intro-Heapsort.ppt”

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Transcript of 1 SORTING Dan Barrish-Flood. 2 heapsort made file “3-Sorting-Intro-Heapsort.ppt”

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• Dan Barrish-Flood

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• made file “3-Sorting-Intro-Heapsort.ppt”

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• Worst-case running time is Θ(n2) on an input array of n numbers.

• Expected running time is Θ(nlgn).

• Constants hidden by Θ are quite small.

• Sorts in place.

• Probably best sorting algorithm for large input arrays. Maybe.

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How does Quicksort work?

• based on “divide and conquer” paradigm (so is merge sort).

• Divide: Partition (re-arrange) the array A[p..r] into two (possibly empty) sub-arrays A[p .. q-1] and A[q+1 .. r] such that each element of A[p .. q-1] is ≤ each element of A[q], which is, in turn, ≤ each element of A[q+1 .. r]. Compute the index q as part of this partitioning procedure.

• Conquer: Sort the two sub-arrays A[p .. q-1] and A[q+1 .. r] by recursive calls to quicksort.

• Combine: No combining needed; the entire array A[p .. r] is now sorted!

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Partition in action

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Quicksort Running Time, worse-case• worst-case occurs when partition yields one

subproblem of size n-1 and one of size 0. Assume this “bad split” occurs at each recursive call.

• partition costs Θ(n). Recursive call to QS on array of size 0 just returns, so T(0) = 1, so we get:

• T(n) = T(n-1) + T(0) + Θ(n), same as...• T(n) = T(n-1) + n• just an arithmetic series! So...• T(n) = Θ(n2) (worst-case)• Under what circumstances do you suppose we

get this worst-case behavior?

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Quicksort, best-case

• In the most even possible split, PARTITION yields two subproblems each of size no more than n/2, since one is of size floor(n/2), and one is [ceiling(n/2)]-1. We get this recurrence, with some OK sloppiness:

• T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n (look familiar?)

• T(n) = O(nlgn)

• This is asymptotically superior to worst-case, but this ideal scenario is not likely...

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Quicksort, Average-case

• suppose the great and awful splits alternate levels in the tree.

• the running time for QS, when levels alternate between great and awful splits, is just the same as when all levels yield great splits! (with a slightly larger constant hidden by the big-oh notation). So, average case...

• T(n) = O(nlgn)

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A lower bound for sorting (Sorting, part 2)

• We will show that any sorting algorithm based only on comparison of the input values must run in Ω(nlgn) time.

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Decision Trees• Tree of comparisons made by a sorting algorithm.• Each comparison reduces the number of possible

orderings.• Eventually, only one must remain.• A decision tree is a “full” (not “complete”) binary tree;

each node is a leaf or has degree 2.

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• Q. How many leaves does a decision tree have?• A. There is one leaf for each permutation of n

elements. There are n! permuatations.

• Q. What is the height of the tree?• A. # of leaves = n! ≤ 2h

• Note the height is the worst-case number of comparisons that might be needed.

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Show we can’t beat nlgn

• recall n! ≤ 2h ... now take logs• lg(n!) ≤ lg(2h)• lg(n!) ≤ h lg2• lg(n!) ≤ h ... just flip it over• h ≥ lg(n!)• ( lg(n!) = Θ(nlgn) ) ...Stirling, CLRS p. 55• h = Ω(nlgn) QED• In the worst case, Ω(nlgn) comparisons are

needed to sort n items.

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Sorting in Linear Time !!!

• The Ω(nlgn) bound does not apply if we use info other than comparisons.

• Like what other info?

1. Use the item as an array index.

2. Examine the digits (or bits) of the item.

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Counting Sort

• Good for sorting integers in a narrow range

• Assume the input numbers (keys) are in the range 0..k

• Use an auxilliary array C[0..k] to hold the number of items less than i for 0 ≤ i ≤ k

• if k = O(n), then the running time is Θ(n).• Counting sort is stable; it keeps records in

their original order.

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Counting Sort in action

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Radix Sort• How IBM made its money, using punch card

readers for census tabulation in early 1900’s. Card sorters worked on one column at a time.

• Sort each digit (or field) separately.• Start with the least-significant digit.• Must use a stable sort.


1 for i ← 1 to d

2 do use a stable sort to sort array A on digit i

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Radix Sort in Action

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Correctness of Radix Sort

• induction on number of passes• base case: low-order digit is sorted correctly• inductive hypothesis: show that a stable sort on

digit i leaves digits 1...i sorted– if 2 digits in position i are different, ordering by

position i is correct, and positions 1 .. i-1 are irrelevant– if 2 digits in position i are equal, numbers are already

in the right order (by inductive hypotheis). The stable sort on digit i leaves them in the right order.

• Radix sort must invoke a stable sort.

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Running Time of Radix Sort

• use counting sort as the invoked stable sort, if the range of digits is not large

• if digit range is 1..k, then each pass takes Θ(n+k) time

• there are d passes, for a total of Θ(d(n+k))

• if k = O(n), time is Θ(dn)

• when d is const, we have Θ(n), linear!