1. Persoonlike besonderhede · 2016. 10. 21. · Skeinat, Biologie, Rekeningkunde 2.2 Naskoolse...

1. Persoonlike besonderhede 1.1 Naam: Hendrik Andries Snyman 1.2 Geboortedatum: 24 September 1953 1.3 Geboorteplek: Zastron 1.4 Huwelikstaat: Getroud 1.5 Kerkverband: N.G.-Kerk 1.6 Gesinsbesonderhede: Twee dogters (23 en 27 jaar) 1.7 Huisadres: Scholtzstraat 17, Universitas, 9322 Tel. (051) 5222127 1.8 Werksadres: Departement Vee-, Wild- en Weidingkunde, Posbus 339, Universiteit van die Vrystaat, Bloemfontein, 9300 Tel. (051)4012221 1.9 Nasionaliteit: Suid-Afrikaner 1.10 Identiteitsnommer: 5309245008081 1.11 Huidige betrekking: Professor en hoof van Weidingkunde vakdissipline 2. Akademiese kwalifikasies 2.1 Skoolopleiding: Matrikuleer 1971 Hoërskool Zastron Vakke: Afrikaans, Engels, Wiskunde Skeinat, Biologie, Rekeningkunde 2.2 Naskoolse opleiding: Universiteitsopleiding: (Alles aan UV verwerf) 1976 - B.Sc.Agric (Veekunde & Weidingkunde hoofvakke) 1978 - B.Sc.Agric (Honneurs) (Weidingkunde) (Met lof) 1982 - M.Sc.Agric. (Met lof) (Weidingkunde). Titel: Hidrologiese siklus van verskillende suksessiestadiums in die Sentrale Oranje-Vrystaat. (Studieleier: Prof D P J Opperman) 1985 - Ph.D. (Weidingkunde) Titel: Waterbalansstudies op natuurlike veld van die sentrale Oranje-Vrystaat. (Promotor: Prof W L J v Rensburg) 3. Professionele loopbaan: 3.1 Aanstellings: 1977 - Vakkundige beampte, Landbounavorsingsinstituut, Glen. 1978 - Junior lektor, UV. 1979 - Lektor, UV. 1987 - Senior lektor, UV. 1989 - Medeprofessor, UV. Julie - Desember 1995 Waarnemende departementshoof, UV

Transcript of 1. Persoonlike besonderhede · 2016. 10. 21. · Skeinat, Biologie, Rekeningkunde 2.2 Naskoolse...

Page 1: 1. Persoonlike besonderhede · 2016. 10. 21. · Skeinat, Biologie, Rekeningkunde 2.2 Naskoolse opleiding: Universiteitsopleiding: (Alles aan UV verwerf) 1976 - B.Sc.Agric (Veekunde

1. Persoonlike besonderhede 1.1 Naam: Hendrik Andries Snyman 1.2 Geboortedatum: 24 September 1953 1.3 Geboorteplek: Zastron 1.4 Huwelikstaat: Getroud 1.5 Kerkverband: N.G.-Kerk 1.6 Gesinsbesonderhede: Twee dogters (23 en 27 jaar) 1.7 Huisadres: Scholtzstraat 17, Universitas, 9322 Tel. (051) 5222127 1.8 Werksadres: Departement Vee-, Wild- en

Weidingkunde, Posbus 339, Universiteit van die Vrystaat, Bloemfontein, 9300

Tel. (051)4012221 1.9 Nasionaliteit: Suid-Afrikaner 1.10 Identiteitsnommer: 5309245008081 1.11 Huidige betrekking: Professor en hoof van Weidingkunde vakdissipline 2. Akademiese kwalifikasies 2.1 Skoolopleiding: Matrikuleer 1971 Hoërskool Zastron Vakke: Afrikaans, Engels, Wiskunde Skeinat, Biologie, Rekeningkunde 2.2 Naskoolse opleiding: Universiteitsopleiding: (Alles aan UV verwerf) 1976 - B.Sc.Agric (Veekunde & Weidingkunde hoofvakke) 1978 - B.Sc.Agric (Honneurs) (Weidingkunde) (Met lof) 1982 - M.Sc.Agric. (Met lof) (Weidingkunde). Titel: Hidrologiese siklus van verskillende suksessiestadiums in die

Sentrale Oranje-Vrystaat. (Studieleier: Prof D P J Opperman) 1985 - Ph.D. (Weidingkunde) Titel: Waterbalansstudies op natuurlike veld van die sentrale Oranje-Vrystaat. (Promotor: Prof W L J v Rensburg) 3. Professionele loopbaan: 3.1 Aanstellings: 1977 - Vakkundige beampte, Landbounavorsingsinstituut, Glen. 1978 - Junior lektor, UV. 1979 - Lektor, UV. 1987 - Senior lektor, UV. 1989 - Medeprofessor, UV. Julie - Desember 1995 Waarnemende departementshoof, UV

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1996 – 2001 Professor en departementshoof van Weidingkunde. 2002 – tot hede: Professor en hoof van Weidingkunde vakdissipline. 3.2 Professionele opleidingskursusse ondergaan:

Opleidingskursus in professionele vaardighede (Departement van Landbou, 16-19 Mei 1977). 13 Werksessies in: Professionele ontwikkeling en onderwys (Buro vir universiteit onderwys, UV, 1979/1980) Programmeringskursus in Fortran, UV, 1979. Kursus in kritieke prestasie area’s (BAO, UV, 1982). 10 Werksessies in: Ken jouself (BUO, UV, 1985). Werksessies in: Universiteitsonderwys (opstel van kursusmateriaal, groepbesprekings, motivering, metodes van aanbieding) (BUO, UV, 1989).

3.3 Lidmaatskap van professionele verenigings en dien op bestuur:

Professionele registrasie as Natuurwetenskaplike (South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions) Weidingsvereniging van suidelike Afrika (WVSA) (1977 tot hede). Professionele register: Weidingsvereniging van suidelike Afrika (1993). South African Association of Botanists (2003 tot hede). Weidingsvereniging van suidelike Afrika Raad: 1978-1982: Tesourier en Raadslid. 1993: Vise-president en Raadslid. 1994: President en Lid van Trust. 1995: Raadslid. 2002: Lid van oud presidente van WVSA-komitee. 2002 tot 2005: Raadslid van Trust.

3.4 Redaksionele betrokkenheid:

Adviserende redakteur vir die Tydskrif van die Weidingsvereniging van suidelike Afrika (vanaf 1984 tot hede). Gereelde beoordeling van plantkundige artikels in vaktydskrifte: African Journal of Range and Forage Science: • 1988 – twee artikels • 1989 – twee artikels • 1991 – twee artikels • 1992 – twee artikels • 1993 – een artikel • 1994 – een artikel • 1995 – twee artikels • 1996 – vyf artikels • 1998 – twee artikels • 1999 – een artikel • 2001 – een artikel • 2002 – een artikel • 2004 – een artikel • 2005 – twee artikels

Global Change Biology

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• 2005 – een artikel Journal of Environmental Management • 2005 – twee artikels • 2008 – een artikel Water Suid-Afrika: • 1999 – een artikel • 2000 – een artikel • 2008 – een artikel Koedoe: • 1992 – een artikel • 2005 – een artikel

Applied Plant Science: • 1996 – twee artikels • 1997 – een artikel

South African Journal of Botany: • 1994 – een artikel

Journal of Applied Ecology: • 2000 – drie artikels • 2001 – een artikel • 2002 – twee artikels

Journal of Arid Environments: • 2000 – een artikel

2002 - een artikel 2003 – twee artikels 2004 – vyf artikels

2005 - twee artikels 2006 – een artikel 2007 – sewe artikels 2008 – vier artikels 2009 – twee artikels

Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en tegnologie: • 1998 – een artikel

South African Journal of Science: • 2001 – een artikel

Journal of Plant Ecology: • 2002 – een artikel

Journal of Rangeland Ecology and Management • 2004- een artikel

Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development • 2005- een artikel Journal of Tropical Forest Science • 2007 – een artikel

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African Journal of Ecology • 2007 – een artikel • 2008 – een artikel Journal of Applied Geography • 2008 – een artikel African Journal of Ecology • 2008 – twee artikels Rangeland, Ecology & Management • 2007 – een artikel Austral Ecology • 2008 – een artikel Phillipine Agricultural Science • 2007 – een artikel Restoration ecology • 2005- een artikel

Oecologia: • 2006 – een artikel Oikos • 2007 - een artikel Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment • 2008 – een artikel Plant and Soil • 2009 – een artikel African Journal of Agricultural Research • 2009 – een artikel Soil Science Society of America Journal • 2009 – een artikel African Journal of Agricultural Research • 2009 – een artikel Arid Land Research and Management • 2009 – een artikel Land Use Policy • 2009 – een artikel African Journal of Plant Science • 2009 – een artikel Global Ecology and Biogeography

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• 2009 – een artikel

3.5 Reël van kongresse:

1978: Lid van reëlingskomitee – WVSA Kongres te Bloemfontein. 1993: Lid van reëlingskomitee – WVSA Kongres te Bloemfontein. 2001: Lid van reëlingskomitee – WVSA Kongres te Aldam (Willem Pretorius wildtuin). 2006: Lid van reëlingskomitee – Internasionale Turksvykongres 2006 te

Bloemfontein. 3.6 Sessievoorsitter vakkongresse:

Tree gereeld op as sessievoorsitter by: • Weidingsvereniging van suidelike Afrika kongresse. • Arid Zone Ecological Forum.

4. Akademiese en onderrig loopbaan: 4.1 Doseerwerk sluit in:

* Voorgraads: Kursusse: Fisiologie, fenologie en ekologie van weiplante. Intensiewe weidingproduksie. * Nagraads: Kursusse vir honneurs: Fisiologie, fenologie en ekologie, veld- bestuur. Aangeplante weidings. Natuurlewebestuur. Weiding- tegnieke. Ekskursies. Bied modules aan in Meestersgraad in Volhoubare Landbou. Bied modules aan in Meestersgraad in Omgewingsbestuur.

Bied module aan in Disaster Management (DIMTEC) Studieleiding aan nagraadse studente: * Studieleier en medestudieleier vir ‘n aantal M.Sc.- studente en

Ph.D.-studies (Kyk Bylaag A). * Eksterne eksaminering van Ph.D.- en M.Sc.-studies aan ander

universiteite (Kyk Bylaag A).

* Verantwoordelik vir die instelling van die eerste studierigtings:

- B.Agric.Honneurs, M.Agric. en Ph.D. in Natuurlewebestuur – 1998.

- B.Sc.Honneurs, M.Sc. en Ph.D. in Natuurlewe – 2000. - Dimtec module oor “ Management of fire Disaster” 2002

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4.2 Eksterne eksaminering:

Eksterne eksaminator (evaluering van semestereksamens en kurrikula):

University of North West vanaf 1996. Taung Agricultural College vanaf 1998. 4.3 Studentebeurse en pryse beding: * Permanente beurse – jaarlikse toekennings:

1989: Eerste Nasionale Bank – Beste B.Sc.Agric.-student in Weidingkunde – R1 000.

1990: Kynoch Kunsmis – Beste B.Sc.Agric.-student in Aangeplante weidings – R1 000.

1990: Weidingsvereniging van suidelike Afrika – Beste B.Sc.Agric-student in Weidingkunde – Medalje.

1989: FarmVision (Clover SA) – Beste nagraadse student in Weidingkunde – R1 000.

1999: De Beers – Beste student in Natuurlewebestuur – R1 000.

* Eenmalige beurse:

1998: G N C Zuma – Beurs May & Stanley Smith Charitable Trust – R9 000.

1999: G N C Zuma – Beurs LNR – R7 500. 1999: R Alberts – Beurs Namibië Landbou-unie – R3 000. 1999: P S Makhetha – Beurs May & Stanley Smith Charitable Trust

– R5 000. 2000: 5 Honneursbeurse by NRF (R8000 elk).

2001: 6 Honneursbeurse by NRF (R8000 elk). 1 M.Agric. studente-assistentskap (R12 000)

2002: 4 Honneursbeurse by NRF (R8000 elk) 2003: 2 Honneursbeurse by NRF (R8000 elk).

5. Navorsing: 5.1 Evaluering:

Vanaf 1998: Verwerwing van C3-gradering van die NRF. Vanaf 2008: Verwerwing van C2-gradering van die NRF. 5.2 Navorsingstemas en projekte:

Breë navorsingstema sluit in: Die volhoubare benutting en produksie van die weidingekosisteem in die halfdroë gebiede.

Navorsingsprojekte: * Hidrologiese siklus van veld in verskillende suksessiestadia (1978-1982), (Departement van Landbou befonds). R30 000.

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* Ontblaring- en waterstudies op meerjarige weiplante (grasse en bossies) in die veld en glashuis (1982-1985), (Departement van Landbou befonds). R45 000. * Waterbalansstudies op natuurlike veld van die sentrale Oranje- Vrystaat (1983-1987), (WNNR SNO befonds). R80 000. * Invloed van waterstremming op die groei van weiplante (1987- 1990), (SNF-UV befonds). R25 000. * Waterbalans en organiese materiaalinhoud van veld en bewerk- te grond. Vanaf 1994, (SNF-UV befonds). R20 000. * Invloed van waterstremming op die groei van Themeda triandra (1996-1998), (LNR befonds). R30 000.

* Medewerker aan “Restorasie ekologie van degradeerde weiveld” projek, gekoördineer deur Prof K Kellner – ontvang van Nasionale departement van Landbou (Hulpbronbewaring) (1999 tot 2002). R850 000.

* Veldbrand en die dinamika van die weidingekosisteem (1999- 2003). R67 000 NRF. * Veldbemesting (1995 – 2003).

* Wortelstudies op weiveld (2001-2004). R32 000 NRF. * Turksvy navorsing (2002-2005). R20 000 NRF. * Saailing vestiging en saadbankstudies op weiveld (2003-2005). R16 000 NRF. • Analyzing desertification processes in arid and semi-arid rangelands

in South Africa from plant to landscape scale (2005-2008) (Samewerking met prof K Wiegand, dr T Wiegand en prof K Kellner).

• Waterbalans- en ontblaringstudies op Karoo bossies - P J Malan projek.

• Dinamika van Seriphium plumosum (slangbos). Spesialiteitsrigting in navorsing: Waterbalans-, gronderosie- en bewaringstudies op weiveld en aange-

plante weidings. Hierdie omvangryke waterbalansstudie geniet landswye erkenning, terwyl

die gronderosie resultate deur die Afdeling Bodembewaring geïmplementeer word. Vorm van die mees aangehaalde navorsingsre-sultate in die RSA op die gebied.

Was verantwoordelik vir die ontwikkeling van die navorsingsterrein op Sydenham proefplaas van die universiteit (1978-1994), totstandbring en ontwikkeling van die nuwe navorsingsterrein van die departement Weidingkunde op die Weskampus van die Universiteit van die OVS - 1994.

Impak van brand op die funksionering van die weidingekosisteem in die semi-ariede grasveldgebiede. Van die brandriglyne word tans landswyd gebruik in evaluering van brandskade op weiveld.

Seriphium plumosum (slangbos) verspreiding en dinamika. Hierie is van die eerste basiese navorsingsbevindinge wat ook gebruik word in beheermaatreëls van die indringerplant.

Waterbenutting van Opuntia (cactus pear). Van die eerste studies uitgevoer op die wortelstelsel van hierdie sukkulente plant.

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5.3 Nagraadse skool: Stigter (1999) en voorsitter van die nagraadse skool in volhoubare

weidingbenutting aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat. 5.4 Befondsing ontvang vir oorsese besoeke:

1997 R25 000 vanaf Sentrale Navorsingsfonds van UV vir besoek aan Kanada. 1999 R24 000 vanaf NRF vir besoek aan Australië.

2001 R20 000 vanaf NRF vir besoek aan Brazilië. 5.5 Befondsing ontvang: Universiteit Vrystaat, Navorsingsinsentiewe

1997 – R9 000 1998 – R15 000 1999 – R46 000 2000 – R20 000 2001 – R62 000 2002 – R61 458 2003 – R61 456

5.6 Nasionale samewerking buite universiteit * Dr Philip Botha, Outeniqua proefplaas, George. * Dr H J Fouche, LNR. * Prof K Kelner, Universiteit van Potchefstroom. * Prof T O’Conner, Universiteit van Kwa-Zulu Natal. * Dr H C van der Westhuizen, Dept van Landbou. * Dr M Coetzee, Dept van Landbou, Middelburg, K.P. 5.7 Internasionale samewerking

• Dr A Illius – University of Edinburg, Scotland (Waterbalans-

studies). • Dr C van de Vijver – Wageningen University, The Netherlands (Evapotranspirasie op weiveld) • Dr T Wiegand – Leipzig, Germany (Modellering). • Dr Alec Holm, Dept of Botany, University of Western Australia.

(Biodiversiteit op weiveld). • Mr A Swemmer- Kansas State University-USA. Comparing the

response of SA and American grass communities to predict changes in future climate.

• National Centre for Environmental Analysis Synthesis workgroup (Melinda Smith). Kansas State University - USA. Compare South African and American grasslands in terms of the effect of fire and grazing on productivity and composition. Ek is betrokke by die

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verskaffing van my langtermyn data en is lid van hierdie werkgroep vanaf 2003.

• Dr L Ingram – Department of Renewable Resources, Wyoming, USA (Dynamics of Themeda triandra).

• Prof K Wiegand (University of Jena), dr T Wiegand (Leipzig Germany), dr A van Rooyen (ICRISAT/DMP Zimbabwe) and prof B Kayombo (Botswana Agriculture Colledge/DMP)- (Analyzing desertification processes in arid and semi-arid rangelands in SA from plant to landscape scale).

• Dr Manda Page – School of Natural and Rural Systems Manage-ment, The University of Queensland Gotton, Qld 4343, Australia (Seed Bank studies).

• Dr. Yan Liang – China Agricultural University, Beijing (Root studies in Steppe).

• Dr Jan Ruppert – University of Cologne, Germany (Waterver-bruiksdoeltreffendheid op weiplante).

• Dr Vernon Visser – University of Sheffield, United Kingdom (waterbalans op weiveld).

• Me Suzanne Meyforth – University of Potsdam, Germany (produksiestudies op weiveld).

5.8 Publikasies, referate, navorsingsverslae en plakkate (Kyk Bylaag B). 5.9 Buitelandse akademiese besoeke:

Junie 1997 – Besoek Kanada en lewer ‘n referaat by die “XVII International Grassland Congress”. Besoek verskeie navorsingsinstansies in Kanada. Met die terugkeer is Europa besoek (Engeland, Nederland, Switserland, Duitsland en Frankryk).

Julie 1999 – Besoek Australië en lewer ‘n referaat by die “VI International Rangeland Congress”. Besoek verskeie navorsingsinstansies in Australië.

November 1999 - Besoek Botswana College of Agriculture vir nagraadse studente uitruiling.

Februarie 2001 – Besoek Brazilië en lewer twee referate by “XIX Inter-national Grassland Congress”.

September 2001 – Besoek Ethiopië vir studieleiding aan drie Ph.D. –studente. Besoek gebring aan talle navorsingsinstansies.

November 2002 – Besoek Eritrea vir samesprekings oor nagraadse studente en dosente uitruiling. Besoek die Universiteit van Asmara. November 2002 – Besoek Universiteit van Nairobi – Kenia vir nagraadse studente werwing en navorsingskoppeling.

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November 2003 – Besoek Ethiopië vir studieleiding aan Ph.D.-studente. Besoek universiteit Alamaya te Ethiopië vir samewerking. Junie 2005 – Besoek Ierland en lewer drie referate by ”XX International Grassland Congress“. (ook betrokke by n verdere 4 referate). Junie 2006 - Besoek Duitsland, Centre for Environmental Research, Dept of Ecological Modelling, Leipzig en Navorsingstasies in London. Oktober 2007 – Besoek Brazilië en lewer 4 referate by die VI International Congress of Cactus Pear and Cochineal. Julie 2008 – Besoek China (Hong Kong, Guilin, Yangshuo, en Beijing) en betrokke by 5 referate by die “XXI International Grassland“ en ”VIII International Rangeland Congress“ te Hohhot. Besoek dr Yan Liang Agriculture University Beijing vir samewerking.

5.10 Organisering van kongresse en simposiums: * 1978: Lid van organisasiekomitee van SA vereniging vir Plantkunde en Weidingsvereniging van suidelike Afrika kongres te Bloemfontein. * 1993: Lid van organisasiekomitee van Weidingsvereniging kongres te Bloemfontein.

* 2000: Reël van Wildsimposium te Bloemfontein – 150 persone. * 2001: Lid van organisasiekomitee van Weidingsvereniging kongres te Aldam (Willem Pretorius wildtuin). * 2001: Reël van Wildsimposium te Bloemfontein – 250 persone. * 2003: Reël van “Cattleman’s Conference” te Glen – 210 persone.

* 2004: Reël van “Cattleman’s Conference” te Glen – 200 persone. * 2005: Reël van “Cattleman’s Conference” te UV – 200 persone. * 2007: Reël van “Cattleman’s Conference” te UV – 150 persone. * 2008: Reël van “Cattleman’s Conference” te UV – 200 persone * 2009: Reël van “Cattleman’s Conference” te UV – 200 persone * 2009: Koördineerder 50-jarige Reünie komitee - Fakulteit Landbou

5.11 Lidmaatskap van statutêre rade, ondersoekkomitees en hoedanigheid: 1985 tot 1989 - Lid van Loodskomitee vir Karoobioomstudies - WNNR. Vanaf 1995: Veld- en Weidingnavorsingskoördineringskomitee. 1992: Dien op “Free State Rural Development Forum”. Vanaf 1996: Waternavorsingskommissie - evalueringskomitee. Jaarlikse evaluering van navorsingsvoorleggings vir die NRF. Vanaf 1998: Dien op Nasionale Produksie Advieskomitee van Nasio-

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nale Wolkwekersvereniging. 1998: Evaluering van 14 navorsingsverslae vir Nasionale Departement

van Landbou, op versoek van Landbouhulpbronbewaring. Vanaf 2000: Steering Committee on research on an analysis of

streamflow generation mechanisms in a wide range of small catchments. Waternavorsingskommissie. 2000: One of the eight participants in workshop for preparing plant protection research institute, Handbook No 11: Rehabilitation recommendations after alien plant control. (Ed.) Campbell P L printed: Arrow Pront: Pietermaritzburg ISBN 186849579, pp 124. Vanaf 2001: Steering Committee on modelling the impact of land cover and land management practices. Waternavorsingskommissie.

2001: Evaluering NRF navorsingsprojekte. Vanaf 2002: Dien op Turksvynetwerk werksgroep van suidelike Afrika. Vanaf 2002: Lid van “Prickly Pear Working Group” aan UV. Vanaf 2006: Steering Committee – Guidelines for irrigation management in

pasture production. Water Research Commission. 5.12 Spesiale toekennings en vererings: Referate en plakkate * Weidingsvereniging van suidelike Afrika: 1980 - Goue medalje - beste wetenskaplike inhoud van referaat -

Durban. 1983 - Goue medalje - beste voordrag en aanbieding van referaat - Middelburg, K.P. 1985 - Naaswenner - beste voordrag en aanbieding van referaat - Nasionale Kruger Wildtuin. 1987 - Goue medalje - beste voordrag en aanbieding van referaat Pilaansberg. 1993 - Naaswenner - beste voordrag en aanbieding van referaat - Bloemfontein.

1998 - Naaswenner beste plakkaat - Pietermaritzburg. 2005 – Beste plakkaataanbieding – Port Shepstone. * Arid Zone Ecology Forum: 1998 - Naaswenner beste plakkaat - Tshipise.

1999 - Wenner beste plakkaat – Vanrhynsdorp. 2001 - Wenner beste plakkaat-Calitzdorp. Southern African Wildlife Management Association (SAWMA) 2008 – Wenner beste plakkaat – Port Alfred.

* 2002 - Wenner beste artikel vir die tydskrif SA Koöp tydskrif geskryf. * 2003 - Eretoekenning vir Navorsing ontvang in Fakulteit Natuur- en

Landbouwetenskappe op grond van uitstaande navorsingsbydrae oor die jaar wat insluit wetenskaplike en populêr wetenskaplike publikasies, asook uitstaande projekte.

* 2003 - Geplaas onder die 10 beste navorsers aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat.

* 2004 - Toekenning vanaf UV - Navorsingsuitnemendheid. * 2007 - ‘n Reeks artikels oor die impak van brand op weiveld in

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droër gebiede wat verskyn het in “South African Journal of Botany”, is aangewys as beste publikasies vir hierdie spesifieke Joernaal vir 2005. Hiervoor word die Compton-prys ontvang. ‘n Onafhanklike paneel word

aangestel om die jaar se publikasies te beoordeel. 2008 – Artikel oor “Protein concentration in response to water stress in Themeda triandra”, wat verskyn het in “South African Journal of Plant and Soil” is aangewys as beste publikasie vir hierdie spesifieke Joernaal vir 2006. 2009 – Vereer deur die Weidingsvereniging van suidelike Afrika vir buitengewone/uitstaande diens. Prestasie is behaal deur 30 agtereenvolgende jaarlikse kongresse by te woon.

2009 – The long-term production data set (32 years) of prof H A Snyman was chosen to be analyzed in a workshop held at the University of New Mexico, USA (December 2008) to calculate the effects of precipitation on grasslands annual primary production (APP). It is the best grassland data available according to them, as a measure of APP.

5.12 Spesiale uitnodigings: Referaat gelewer aan al die Bodembewaringsbeamptes in RSA (1988) -

Gariepdam. Referaat - Wetenskaplike Vereniging Landbou-instituut (1987) -Glen. Referaat - Plantkundevereniging – (1988) - Bloemfontein. Opgetree as eksterne evalueerder van opleidingsprogramme en navorsing:

* 1995 Dept Akkerbou en Weiding - Universiteit van Stellen-

bosch. * 1996 Dept Plantproduksie - Universiteit van Pretoria. * 2004 Dept Akkerbou en Weiding - Universiteit van Stellen-

bosch. TV en radiopraatjies: SABC - Landbou Radio; Radio Hoogland & Radio

Oranje. (Kyk Bylae C). 1997: Lid van aanstellingskomitee - Universiteit Pretoria. 1999: Evalueringskomitee vir bevorderings – Potchefstroomse universiteit

vir CHO. 1999: Evaluering van voorlegging aan “United Nations Framework”.

Frame convention on climate change: National Committee on climate change. 2002: Uitnodigingslesing: Workshop on the sustainabllity of revegetated man-made features - Potchefstroom.

2003: Uitnodingslesing: Beesboerkonferensie, Landboukollege Glen. 2004: Eksterne evalueerder: opleidingsprogramme en navorsing, Dept

Akkerbou en Weiding – Universiteit van Stellenbosch. 2008: Sessie voorsitter met Internasionale “Rangeland and Grassland

Congress“ - China. Verantwoordelikhede : - Lei bespreking sessie. - Indien uitnodigingsspreker nie opdaag –

lesing oorneem.

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- Oorsig aan einde gee. 2008: Evaluering van projekvoorleggings Ph.D. studies, CT de Wit Graduate School for production, ecology and resources conservation, Wageningen University. Vanaf 2008: Dien op Advieskomitee vir Landbou opleiding. Grootfontein Landbou Kollege.

5.13 Eksterne evalueerder vir bevorderings:

* 2000 – Prof. N van Rooyen na vol professor (Universiteit van Pretoria).

* 2006 – Prof C S Dannhauser tot vol professor (Universiteit van die Noorde).

* 2007 - Prof K Kellner tot vol professor (Universiteit van Potchefstroom).

* 2008 – Prof P J K Zacharias tot vol professor (Universiteit KwaZulu Natal).

* 2008 – Dr W Truter tot senior lektor (Universiteit van Pretoria). 6. Lidmaatskap van Universiteitskomitees en hoedanigheid: - Departementshoofdekomitee vanaf 1996. - Lid van Landboufakulteitsraad vanaf 1978. - UV Gemeenskapsdiensorganisasie – bestuursraadslid vanaf

1982. - Studieleidingskomitee - Landbouwaterbestuur. - Hulpbronkomitee (sekretaris tot 1995). - Voorsitter Hulpbrongroep vanaf 1996. - Skakelkomitee (1986-1994). - Bestuursraad: Sentrum vir Landboubestuur vanaf 1996. - Navorsingskomitee vir Landbouwetenskappe vanaf 1996. - Lid: Senaat van UV vanaf 1996. - Akademiese Struktureringskomitee. - Sameroeper Ruimtekomitee Fakulteit Landbou vanaf 1997. - Kurrikulerings- en programmekomitee, Fakulteit Landbou vanaf 1998. - Sameroeper Ruimtekomitee – Fakulteit Natuur- en Landbou- wetenskappe vanaf 2001 tot 2004. - Proefplaaskomitee vanaf 2004. - Herbariumkomitee vanaf 2007. - Evalueringspaneel vir geskiedkundige oorsigpublikasie – Fakulteit Landbou- en Natuurwetenskappe 2009. 7. Gemeenskapsdiensbydraes: Skryf gereeld populêre artikels (Bylaag D). Tree gereeld op by boeredae, simposiums en ontvang gereeld groepe

(nasionaal en internasionaal) wat die navorsingsaktiwiteite besoek (Kyk Bylaag E).

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Advieslewering vir boere en privaatinstansies: - met behulp van telefoniese gesprekke - bring van besoeke. Uitvoering van die weidingkundige beplanning van plase vir die Helgaard

Steyn Trust (+ 6 000 ha), asook verskeie ander plase in veral die Vrystaat. Ouderling – N G Kerk Universitas. Beplanning van wildeenheid Sentraoes – 1998.

Betrokke by verskeie hofeise oor weiveld probleme, veral veldbrand (sluit in verslae, evaluerings en getuie lewering).

Lidmaatskap ATKV – 1990. Lidmaatskap FAK – 1980. BYLAES A Proefskrifte en verhandelings Studieleier en medestudieleier of promotor & medepromotor: 1. Richter, C.G.F. 1991. Gras-bosinteraksie in die bosveldgebiede van

Noord-Kaap. (M.Sc.Agric. - Met lof), UOVS. Hierdie M.Sc. van mnr Richter is aangewys as die beste M.Sc.Agric.-verhandeling in die Fakulteit Landbou vir 1991/92.

2. Brönn, A.v.Z. 1993. Invloed van Dichrostachys cinerea op die grond en

floristiese samestelling van die graslaag in die suuragtige gemengde bosveld. (M.Sc.Agric.). UV.

3. Reed, E. 1996. Die bestuur van bosverdigting in Noord-Namibië. (MVL).

UV. 4. Dames, C.J.v.W. 1997. Patch grazing dynamics under different grazing

management strategies in the False Thornveld of the Eastern Cape. (M.Sc.Agric.). UV.

5. Botha, W.v.D. 1998. Weidingkapasiteitstudie in die Karoo. (Ph.D.). UV. 6. Pitzi, Z. 2000. The influence of industrial effluent on soil and pasture

quality of Swelitsha district of the Eastern Cape. (MVL). UV. 7. Kriek, D.J. 2000. Die voedingswaarde van weimielies vir lammerooie in die

Noord-oos Vrystaat. (M.Sc.Agric.). UV. 8. Oosthuizen, I.B. 2001. Die invloed van waterstremming op die groei van

Themeda triandra. (M.Sc.Agric.). UV. 9. Delport, M.J. 2001. Die volhoubare bestuur van eenjarige medic in

kleingraan wisselboustelsel in die Overberg. (MVL). UV. 10. Van der Westhuizen, O. 2002. Ekonomiese lewensvatbaarheid van ‘n

langtermyn volhoubare vleisbeesproduksiestelsel in die Bronk-horstspruitdistrik (MVL). UV.

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11. Van der Westhuizen, H.C. 2003. Die gebruik van degradasiegradiënte vir

weiveldevaluering in ‘n semi-ariede gebied. (Ph.D) UV. 12 Tefera, S. 2003. Rangeland evaluation and pasturalists perceptions in the

Borana areas of southern Ethiopia. (Ph.D). UV. 13. Gedda, A.E. 2003. Rangeland evaluation in relationship to pastoralists

perceptions in the middle Awash Valley of Ethiopia. (Ph.D). UV. 14. Botha, P.R. 2003. Die produksiepotensiaal van oorgesaaide kikoe-

joeweiding in die gematigde kusgebied van die Suid-Kaap. (Ph.D.). UV. 15. Trytsman, G. 2003. An investigation into alternative forages for livestock at

Mlondenzi. (MVL). UV. 16. Richter, J. 2003 Lusern-verbouiing. (M.Sc.Agric.). UV. 17. Ramakatane, M.E. 2004. Root dynamics and water studies on Opuntia

species. (M.Sc.Agric.). UV. 18. Ratsele, C. 2004. Productivity studies on different Opuntia species,

(M.Sc.Agric.). UV. 19. Barnard, N.P. 2004. Die volhoubare benutting van Desmanthus virgatus.

(M.Sc.Agric.). UV. 20. Smit, S.P. 2005. Die volhoubaarheid van die suiwelkudde by die Hoër

Landbouskool Oakdale. (MVL). UV. 21. Piki, L.E. 2005. An investigation into a more sustainable utilization on

protection of the natural resource base (soil) in the southern areas of Taung district (MVL). UV.

22. Kassahun, A. 2006. Characterization of rangeland resources and

dynamics of the pastoral production systems in the Somali Region of Eastern Ethiopia. Ph.D.-thesis, UV.

23. Mantutle, B.E. 2007. Assessing farmers perception on sustainable use of

communal rangelands in the Lowland Zone of Lesotho. MVL. (UV). 24. Mugwabana, F.H. 2007. Implementing a veld condition assessment

method for Marakele National Park. MOB, UV. 25. Trytsman, G. 2008. An investigation into alternative forages for livestock at

Mlondozi (MVL). UV. 26. Makabanyane, P.P. 2008. Survey of indigenous fodder trees and shrub

feed to animals in Qwa-qwa, Free State. MVL. (UV). 27. Avenant, P. 2010. Benuttingstudies op Opuntia spesies. M.Sc.Agric. UV. 28. Vermeulen, S., 2009. Evaluating techniques for determining production

potential of cultivated pastures. M.Sc., UV.

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29. Van Rensburg, G. J. 2010. Restorasie ekologie. (M.Sc.Agric.). UV. 30. Richter, C.G.F. 2010. Influence of intensity of tree thinning on two plant

communities of the Kalahari Thornveld. (Ph.D.). UV. 31. Malan, P.J. 2010. Water use and productivity of Karoo shrubs. Ph.D., UV. Eksterne eksaminator: M.Sc. & Ph.D. 1. Jordaan, G. 1994. ‘n Ondersoek na die voervloeisituasie op plase in die

Karoostreek en die bepaling van die rol wat Triticum sativum en Lolium multiflorum weidings in kleinveeproduksie kan speel. M.Sc.Agric. Universiteit van Fort Hare.

2. Smit, G.N. 1994. The influence of intensity of tree thinning on Mopanie

veld. Ph.D. University of Pretoria. 3. Reckling, I.F. 1996. Die invloed van bemesting op die kwaliteit en

kwantiteit van Digitaria eriantha Steud. onder semi-ariede toestande. M.Sc.Agric. Potchefstroom Universiteit vir CHO, Potchefstroom.

4. Marais, D. 1997. Waterverbruiksdoeltreffendheid van aangeplante sub-

tropiese voer- en weigewasse. M.Sc.Agric. Universiteit Pretoria, Pretoria. 5. Van der Merwe, J.P.A. 1997. The development of a data base and expert

system for rangeland reinforcement practices in southern Africa. M.Sc.Agric., Potchefstroom University for CHE, Potchefstroom.

6. De Beer, A. 2005. Die kwantifisering van veldtoestand en weidingka-

pasiteit van die graslaag van 'n aantal landtipes in die Noordwes Provinsie. Ph.D., Potchefstroom Universiteit vir CHO, Potchefstroom.

7. Ingram, L. 2002. Growth, nutrient cycling and grazing of three perennial

tussock grasses of the Pilbara region of NW Australia. Australië. Ph.D. 8. Mphinzane, W.N., 2002. Influence of livestock grazing within phosphorus,

under free range and controlled conditions in Botswana. Ph.D., University of Pretoria.

9. Boateng, S., 2002. Evaluation of a number of restoration technologies in

two degraded areas in the Mpumalanga Province. M.Sc., Potchefstroom University for CHE, Potchefstroom.

10. Jansen van Vuuren, A., 2003. The evaluation of bush thickening in two

management systems in three districts of the North West Province of South Africa: A Land Care Initiative. M.Sc., Potchefstroom University for CHE, Potchefstroom.

11. Van Heerden, M.C., 2003. Changes in grass species composition and

production in two rangeland management systems: A Land Care initiative

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in the North West Province of South Africa. M.Sc., Potchefstroom University for CHE, Potchefstroom.

12. Bobe, B.W., 2004. Evaluation of soil erosion in the Harerge region of

Ethiopia using soil loss models, rainfall simulation and field trials. Ph.D. University of Pretoria.

13. Lentsoane, P.M.M., 2004. Evaluation of erosion models and field

assessment methods as tests for monitoring and evaluation of soil erosion in Land Care. M.Sc.(Agric.). University of Pretoria.

14. Glaum, M.J., 2004. Re-vegetation of former Acacia mearnsii (Black wattle)

stands using three indigenous grasses. University of Kwazulu-Natal, M.Sc. Agric.-thesis.

15. Marais, D., 2006. Water use of perennial summer grasses in South Africa.

Ph.D.-thesis, University of Pretoria. 16. Arniyo, A.T. 2006. Ngorongoro crater rangelands: condition, management

and monitoring. M.Sc.Agric. University of Kwazulu Natal. 17. Coetzee, M. 2006. Best land-use strategies towards sustainable

biodiversity and land degradation management in semi-arid western rangelands in southern Africa, with a special reference to ants as bio-indicators. Ph.D. Nort West University.

18. Janse van Rensburg, J.C. 2007. Evaluation of restoration and manage-

ment strategies in the Mier area of the Kalahari region, South Africa. M.-Environmental Science, North West University.

19. Keen, C.S. 2007. Utilization of water and light resources by annual crops

planted between Leucaena leucocephala hedge-rows, under semi-arid conditions. M.Sc.(Agric.). Universiteit Pretoria.

20. Venter, W.D. 2008. Combining ability for crude protein in six selected

inbred x triticoscale genotypes., M.Sc., Universiteit Vrystaat. 21. Van den Berg, L. 2008. The evaluation and promotion of best practices for

the restoration of arid and semi-arid rangelands in southern Africa. Ph.D. North West University.

22. Myburgh, J.P. 2008. The control of Stoebe vulgaris encroachment in the

Hartebeesfontein area of the North West Province. M.Sc.Agric, University Potchefstroom.

23. Milne, T.A. 2008. The effects of thicket transformation on the diet and body

condition of Angora goats. M.Sc. Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth.

24. Johannsmeier, A. 2009. Seed bank study in the Kalahari. M.Sc.,

University of Pretoria.

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B. Publikasies, referate, navorsingsverslae & kongresbydraes Publikasies in geakkrediteerde navorsingstydskirfte (aan referente

voorgelê) (Vollengte artikels) 1. Snyman, H.A., Opperman, D.P.J. & Van den Berg, J.A., 1980.

Hidrologiese siklus en waterverbruiksdoeltreffendheid van veld in verskillende suksessiestadia. Handl. Weidingsveren. S. Afr. 15, 69-72.

2. Snyman, H.A. & Opperman, D.P.J., 1983. Die invloed van vog- en

ontblaringsbehandelings in hidrologiese eenhede op natuurlike veld van die Sentrale Oranje-Vrystaat. Handl. Weidingsveren. S. Afr. 18: 124-130.

3. Snyman, H.A. & Opperman, D.P.J., 1984. Afloopstudies vanaf natuurlike

veld in verskillende suksessiestadia van die Sentrale Oranje-Vrystaat. Tydskr. Weidingsveren. S. Afr. 1(4): 11-15.

4. Snyman, H.A., Van Rensburg, W.L.J. & Opperman, D.P.J., 1985. Grond-

en afloopverliesbepalings vanaf natuurlike veld, met behulp van 'n reënvalnabootser. Tydskr. Weidingsveren. S. Afr. 2(4): 35-40.

5. Snyman, H.A., Van Rensburg, W.L.J. & Opperman, D.P.J., 1986.

Toepassing van 'n gronderosievergelyking op natuurlike veld van die Sentrale Oranje-Vrystaat. Tydskr. Weidingsveren. S. Afr. 3(1): 4-9.

6. Snyman, H.A. & Van Rensburg, W.L.J.,1986. Effect of slope and plant

cover on run-off, soil loss and water-use efficiency of natural veld. J. Grassl. Soc. Sth. Afr. 3(4): 153-158.

7. Snyman, H.A. & Van Rensburg, W.L.J., 1986. Hidrologiese siklus van

natuurlike veld in die Sentrale Oranje-Vrystaat. S.A. Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie 5(4): 181-185.

8. Snyman, H.A., Venter, W.D., Van Rensburg, W.L.J. & Opperman, D.P.J.,

1987. Ranking of grass species according to visible wilting order and -rate of recovery in the Central Orange Free State. J. Grassl. Soc. Sth. Afr. 4(2): 78-81.

9. Snyman, H.A. & Van Rensburg, W.L.J., 1987. Sedimentverlies en

oppervlakafloop vanaf natuurlike veld in die Sentrale Oranje-Vrystaat. Water S.A. 13(4): 245-250.

10. Snyman, H.A., 1988. Bepaling van waterverbruiksdoeltreffendheid van

veld in die Sentrale Oranje-Vrystaat vanaf evapotrans-pirasiemetings. Water S.A. 14(3): 153-158.

11. Snyman, H.A., 1989. Evapotranspirasie en waterverbruiksdoeltreffendheid

van verskillende grasspesies in die Sentrale Oranje-Vrystaat. Tydskr. Weidingsveren. S. Afr. 6(3): 146-151.

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12. Snyman, H.A. & Van Rensburg, W.L.J., 1990. Korttermyn invloed van strawwe droogte op veldtoestand en waterverbruiksdoeltreffendheid van grasveld in die sentrale Oranje-Vrystaat. Tydskr. Weidingsveren. S. Afr. 7(4): 249-256.

13. Snyman, H.A. & Fouché, H.J., 1991. Production and water-use efficiency

of semi-arid grasslands of South Africa as affected by veld condition and rainfall. Water S.A. 17(4): 263-268.

14. Snyman, H.A. & Fouché, H.J., 1993. Estimating seasonal herbage

production of a semi-arid grassland based on veld condition, rainfall and evapotranspiration. Afr. J. Range For. Sci. 10(1): 21-24.

15. Du Preez, C.C. & Snyman, H.A., 1993. Organic matter content of a soil in

a semi-arid climate with three long-standing veld conditions. Afr. J. Range. For. Sci. 10(2): 108-110.

16. Snyman, H.A., 1993. The effect of defoliation during wilting on the

production of Themeda triandra and Eragrostis lehmanniana in semi-arid grassland. Afr. J. Range. For. Sci. 10(3): 113-117.

17. Snyman, H.A., 1994. Evapotranspiration, water-use efficiency and quality

of six dryland planted pasture species and natural vegetation, in a semi-arid rangeland. Afr. J. Range. For. Sci. 11(3): 82-88.

18. Snyman, H.A., 1995. Knowledge and the grassland scientist in a rapidly

changing Southern Africa. Bull. Grassld. Soc. Sth. Afr. 6(1): 41-47. 19. Venter, W.D., Snyman, H.A. & Van Rensburg, W.L.J., 1997.

Photosynthetic response to water stress in Themeda triandra and Eragrostis lehmanniana. S. Afr. J. Bot. 63(1): 37-41.

20. Snyman, H.A., Venter, W.D. & Van Rensburg, W.L.J. 1997. Transpiration

and water use efficiency response to water stress in Themeda triandra and Eragrostis lehmanniana. S. Afr. J. Bot. 63(1): 55-59.

21. Snyman, H.A., 1997. The influence of rangeland condition on the

hydrological characteristics in a semi-arid rangeland. Proc. XVIII International Grassland Congress, Canada. 2 (23):1-2.

22. Snyman, H.A., 1997. Die volhoubare benutting van die weidingekosis-

teem. Intreerede - 7 Mei 1997. Universiteit van die Oranje-Vrystaat, Bloemfontein. 20 pp.

23. Snyman, H.A. 1998. Dynamics and sustainable utilization of rangeland

ecosystems in arid and semi-arid climates of southern Africa. Journal of Arid Environments 39(4): 645-666.

24. Botha, W.v.D., Snyman, H.A. & Smit, G.N. 1998. Weidingkapasiteitstudies

in die Karoo. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap & Tegnologie 17(3): 127-128.

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25. Van der Westhuizen, H.C., Van Rensburg, W.L.J. & Snyman, H.A. 1999. The quantification of rangeland condition in a semi-arid grassland of southern Africa. African Journal Range and Forage Science 16(1): 9-21.

26. Snyman, H.A. & Oosthuizen, I.B. 1999. Rangeland and soil condition: their

effects on productivity in a semi-arid climate in South Africa. Proc. VII International Rangeland Congress: Townsville Australia 1:211-212. ISBN 0957739419.

27. Oosthuizen, I.B. & Snyman, H.A. 1999. The influence of water stress on

the growth reserves of Themeda triandra in the semi-arid grasslands of South Africa. Proc. VI International Rangeland Congress: Townsville, Australia 1: 209. ISBN 0957739419.

28. Snyman, H.A. 1999. Short-term effects of soil-water, defoliation and

rangeland condition on productivity of a semi-arid rangeland in South Africa. Journal of Arid Environments 43(1): 47-62.

29. Snyman, H.A. 1999. Die weidingekosisteem in ‘n vinnig veranderende

omgewing. S.A. Tydskr. Natwet. & Tegnol. 18(2): 37-42. 30. Snyman, H.A. 1999. Quantification of the soil-water balance, under

different veld condition classes in a semi-arid climate. African Journal of Range and Forage Science. 16(2&3): 108-117.

31. Snyman, H.A. 2000. Soil-water utilization and sustainability in a semi-arid

grassland. Water SA 26(3): 333-341. 32. Richter. C.G.F., Snyman, H.A. & Smit, G.N. 2001. The influence of bush

density on the grass layer of three veld types in the arid savanna areas of the Northern Cape. Afr. J. Range. For. Sci. 18: 103-109.

33. Snyman, H.A. 2001. Water-use efficiency and infiltration under different

rangeland conditions and cultivation in a semi-arid climate of South Africa. Proc XIX International Grassland Con-gress, Sao Paulo, Brazil. pp. 965-966. ISBN 7133-0107.

34. Snyman, H.A. & Oosthuizen, I.B. 2001. Influence of fertilization on

botanical composition and productivity of rangeland in a semi-arid climate of South Africa. Proc. XIX International Grassland Congress: Sao Paulo, Brazil. pp. 59-60. ISBN 7133-0107.

35. Oosthuizen, I.B. & Snyman, H.A. 2001. The influence of water stress on

the protein concentration of Themeda triandra Forsk. in a semi-arid climate of South Africa. Proc XIX International Grassland Congress: Sao Paulo, Brazil. pp. 53-54. ISBN 7133-0107.

36. Oosthuizen, I.B. & Snyman, H.A. 2001. The influence of water stress on

non-structural carbohydrate concentration in Themeda triandra. South African Journal of Botany. 67: 53-57.

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37. O’Connor, T.G., Haines, L.M. & Snyman, H.A. 2001. Influence of precipitation and species composition on phytomass of a semi-arid African grassland. Journal of Ecology. 89 :850-860.

38. Van der Westhuizen, H.C., Snyman, H.A., Van Rensburg, W.L.J. &

Potgieter, J.H.J. 2001. The quantification of grazing capacity from grazing and production values for species in the semi-arid grassland Biome of southern Africa. African Journal Range and Forage Science 18: 43-52.

39. Theron, J.F., Van Rensburg, W.L.J. & Snyman, H.A. 2002. The influence

of nitrogen and defoliation on nitrogen content of Lolium multiflorum cv. Midmar. African Journal of Range and Forage Science. 19(3):167-173.

40. Snyman, H.A. 2002. Short-term response of rangeland botanical

composition and productivity to fertilization (N and P) in a semi-arid climate of South Africa. Journal Arid Environments 50: 167-183.

41. Snyman, H.A. 2002. Fire and the dynamics of semi-arid grassland: in-

fluence of soil characteristics. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 19(3): 137-145.

42. Snyman, H.A. 2003. Revegetation of bare patches in a semi-arid

rangeland of South Africa: an evaluation of various techniques. Journal of Arid Environments 55(3): 417-432.

43. Oosthuizen, I.B. & Snyman, H.A. 2003. Impact of water stress on. growth

reserves and regrowth of Themeda triandra following defoliation. African Journal of Range and Forage Science. 20(1):41-45..

44. Snyman, H.A. 2003. Short-term response of rangeland following an

unplanned fire in terms of soil characteristics in a semi-arid climate of South Africa. Journal of Arid Environments 55(1): 160-180.

45. Snyman, H.A. 2003. Restoration of a degraded semi-arid rangeland in

South Africa. Proc. VII International Rangeland Congress: Durban, South Africa. pp. 963-965. ISBN 0958453489.

46. Du Preez, C.C. & Snyman, H.A. 2003. Soil organic matter changes fol-

lowing rangeland degradation in a semi-arid South Africa. Proc. VII International Rangeland Congress: Durban, South Africa. pp. 476-478. ISBN 0958453489.

47. Oosthuizen, I.B. & Snyman, H.A. 2003. Water stress and defoliation

effects of root development of Themeda triandra. Proc. VII International Rangeland Congress: Durban, South Africa. pp. 753-755. ISBN 0958453489.

48. Van Rensburg, G., Snyman, H.A. & Kellner, K. 2003. Rangeland

restoration and soil-water improvement in a semi-arid South Africa. Proc. VII International Rangeland Congress: Durban, South Africa. pp. 1264-1266. ISBN 0958453489.

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49. Wiegand, T., Snyman, H.A. & Kellner, K. 2003. From individual scale to

population and community scale. Modelling dynamics of the semi-arid grasslands of South Africa. Proc. VII International Rangeland Congress, Durban, South Africa. pp. 37-47. ISBN 0958453489.

50. Snyman, H.A. 2003. Fire and the dynamics of semi-arid grassland:

influence on plant survival, productivity and water-use efficiency. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 20(1): 29-39.

51. Tefera, S. & Snyman, H.A. 2003. Evaluation of rangeland conditions in

relation to land use and distance from water in semi-arid Borana, Ethiopia. Proceedings of 1st International Young Scientist Global Challenge Conference: 16-19 November 2003. Trieste, Italy.

52. Snyman, H.A. 2004. Short-term response in productivity following an

unplanned fire in a semi-arid rangeland in South Africa. Journal of Arid Environments 56(3): 465-485.

53. Wiegand, T., Snyman, H.A., Kellner, K. & Paruelo, J.M. 2004. Do

grassland have a memory: modelling phytomass production of a semi-arid African grassland. Ecosystems 7: 243-258.

54. Snyman, H.A. 2004. Estimating the short-term impact of fire on rangeland

productivity in a semi-arid climate of South Africa. Journal of Arid Environments 59: 685-697.

55. Snyman, H.A. 2004. Short-term influence of fire on seedling establishment

in a semi-arid grassland of South Africa. South African Journal of Botany. 70(2): 215-226.

56. Snyman, H.A. 2004. Soil seed bank evaluation and seedling establish

ment along a degradation gradient in a semi-arid rangeland. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 21: 37-47.

57. Theron, J.F. & Snyman, H.A. 2004. The influence of nitrogen and de-

foliation on the digestibility and fibre content of Lolium multiflorum cv. Midmar. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 21: 21-27

58. Van Rensburg, G.J., Snyman, H.A. & Kellner, K. 2004. Germination

analysis of a seed bank along a degradation gradient in a semi-arid grassland. South African Journal of Animal Science 34: 122-124.

59. Snyman, H.A. 2004. Effect of water stress on root growth of Opuntia ficus-

indica and O. robusta. South African Journal of Animal Science 34: 101-103..

60. Snyman, H.A. 2004. Sensitivity of above- and belowground productivity to

fire in a semi-arid grassland. South African Journal of Animal Science 34: 98-100.

61. Snyman, H.A. 2004. Effect of various water application strategies on root

development of Opuntia ficus-indica and O. robusta under

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greenhouse growth conditions. Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development 6: 35-61.

62. Abule, E., Smit, G.N. & Snyman, H.A. 2005. The influence of woody plants

and livestock grazing on grass species composition, yield and soil nutrients in the Middle Awash Valley of Ethiopia. Journal of Arid Environments 60: 343-358.

63. Snyman, H.A. 2005. Rangeland degradation in a semi-arid South Africa:

1. Influence on seasonal root distribution, root/shoot ratio and water-use efficiency. Journal of Arid Environments 60: 457-481.

64. Snyman, H.A. & Du Preez, C.C. 2005. Rangeland degradation in a semi-

arid South Africa: 2. Influence on soil quality. Journal of Arid Environments 60: 483-507.

65. Snyman, H.A. 2005. The effect of fire on the soil seed bank of a semi-arid

grassland in South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 71(1): 53-60. (Een van die reeks artikels wat aangewys is as beste publikasie vir die spesifieke tydskrif vir 2005).

66. Snyman, H.A. 2005. Influence of fire on root distribution, seasonal root

production and root/shoot ratios in grass species in a semi-arid grassland of South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 71(2): 133-144. (Een van die reeks artikels wat aangewys is as beste publikasie vir die spesifieke tydskrif vir 2005).

67. Snyman, H.A. 2005. Influence of fire on litter production, root and litter

turnover in a semi-arid grassland of South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 71(2): 145-153. (Een van die reeks artikels wat aangewys is as beste publikasie vir die spesifieke tydskrif vir 2005).

68. Snyman, H. A. 2005. Influence of water stress on root/cladode ratio and

water-use efficiency of Opuntia ficus-indica and O. robusta. Proceedings XX International Grassland Congress, University College Dublin, Ireland, pp. 686.

69. Snyman, H.A. 2005. Unplanned fires and sustainability of a semi-arid

rangeland in South Africa. Proceedings XX International Grassland Congress, University College Dublin, Ireland, pp. 611.

70. Du Preez, C.C. & Snyman H.A. 2005. Soil organic matter along a

degradation gradient in a semi-arid rangeland of South Africa. Proceedings XX International Grassland Congress, University College Dublin, Ireland, pp. 735.

71. Abule, E, Snyman, H. A. & Smit, G.N. 2005. Comparison of pastoralists

perceptions about rangeland resource utilization in the Middle Awash Valley of Ethiopia. Journal of Environmental Management 75: 21-35.

72. Van der Westhuizen, H.C., Snyman, H.A. & Fouché, H.J. 2005. A

degradation gradient for the assessment of rangeland condition of a

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semi-arid sourveld in southern Africa. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 22: 47-59.

73. Meeske, R., Botha, P.R. & Snyman, H.A. 2005. The evaluation of kikuyu

over-sown with ryegrass and clover in terms of milk production. Proceedings XX International Grassland Congress, University College Dublin, Ireland, pp. 143.

74. Meeske, R., Botha, P.R. & Snyman, H.A. 2005. The seasonal nutritional

value of kikuyu over-sown with ryegrass and clover. Proceedings XX International Grassland Congress, University College Dublin, Ireland, pp. 144.

75. Botha, P.R., Meeske, R. & Snyman, H. 2005. The seasonal botanical

composition, calcium and phosphorus content of kikuyu over-sown with ryegrass and clover. Proceedings XX International Grassland Congress, University College Dublin, Ireland, pp. 142.

76. Botha, P.R., Meeske, R. & Snyman, H.A. 2005. The seasonal dry matter

production and carrying capacity of kikuyu over-sown with ryegrass and clover. Proceedings XX International Grassland Congress, University College Dublin, Ireland, pp. 141.

77. Snyman, H.A. 2005. A case study on in situ rooting profiles and water-use

efficiency of cactus pears, Opuntia ficus-indica and O. robusta. Professional Association for Cactus Development 7: 1 – 21..

78. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Short-term response of burnt grassland to defoliation

in a semi-arid climate of South Africa. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 23: 1-11.

79. Oosthuizen, I.B., Snyman, H.A. & Pretorius, J.C. 2006. Protein

concentration in response to water stress in Themeda triandra Forsk. in a semi-arid climate of South Africa. South African Journal of Plant and Soil 23: 43-48. (Artikel aangewys as beste publikasie vir die spesifieke tydskrif vir 2006).

80. Snyman, H.A. 2006. A greenhouse study on root dynamics of cactus

pears, Opuntia ficus-indica and O. robusta. Journal of Arid Environments 65: 429-542.

81. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Root distribution with changes in distance and depth

of two-year-old cactus pears Opuntia ficus-indica and O. robusta plants. South African Journal of Botany 72: 434-441.

82. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Crude protein changes on grassland along a

degradation gradient in a semi-arid climate. South African Journal of Animal Science 36, 34-37.

83. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Estimating grassland production loss due to fire for a

semi-arid climate. South African Journal of Animal Science 36, 38-41.

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84. Solomon, T.B., Snyman, H.A. & Smit, G.N. 2006. Soil seed bank characteristic in relation to land use systems and distance from water in a semi-arid rangeland of southern Ethiopia. South African Journal of Botany 72: 263-271.

85. Snyman, H.A. 2007. Root studies on cactus pears, Opuntia ficus-indica

and O. robusta along a soil-water gradient. Hasseltonia 13 , 64-75. 86. Solomon, T.B., Snyman, H.A. & Smit, G.N. 2007. Cattle-rangeland

management practices and perceptions of pastoralists towards rangeland degradation in the Borana zone4 of southern Ethiopia. Journal of Environmental Management 82, 481-494.

87. Solomon T.B., Snyman, H.A. & Smit, G.N. 2007. Rangeland dynamics in

southern Ethiopia: (1): Botanical composition of grasses and soil characteristics in relation to land use and distance from water in semi-arid Borana rangelands. Journal of Environmental Management 85, 429-442.

88. Solomon, T.B., Snyman, H.A. & Smit, G.N. 2007. Rangeland dynamics in

southern Ethiopia: (2): Assessment of woody vegetation structure in relation to land-use and distance from water in semi-arid Borana rangelands. Journal of Environmental Management 85, 443-452.

89. Solomon, T.B., Snyman, H.A. & Smit, G.N. 2007. Rangeland dynamics in

southern Ethiopia: (3): Assessment of rangeland condition in relation to land use and distance from water in semi-arid Borana. Journal of Environmental Management 85 453-460.

90. Abule, E., Snyman, H.A. & Smit, G.N. 2007. Rangeland evaluation in the

middle Awash valley of Ethiopia (I) Herbaceous Vegetation. Journal of Arid Environments 70: 253-271.

91. Abule, E., Snyman, H.A. & Smit, G.N. 2007. Rangeland evaluation in the

middle Awash valley of Ethiopia (ii): Woody vegetation. Journal of Arid Environments 70: 272-292.

92. Abule E., Snyman, H.A. & Smit, G.N. 2007. Rangeland evaluation in the

middle Awash valley of Ethiopia. (III): Soil parameters and relations with environmental variables 70: 293-303.

93. Swemmer, A.M., Knapp, A.K. & Snyman, H.A. 2007. Intra-seasonal

precipitation patterns and aboveground productivity in three perennial grasslands. Journal of Ecology 95: 780-788.

94. Snyman, H.A., Fouché, H.J., Avenant, P.L. & Ratsele, C. 2007. Frost

sensitivity of Opuntia ficus-indica and O. robusta in a semi-arid climate of South Africa. Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development 9, 1-21.

95. Snyman, H.A. 2008. Productivity loss due to fire in a semi-arid rangeland

of South Africa. Proceedings of the Combined XXI International Grassland and VIII International Rangeland Congress, Hohhot, China (29 June – 5 July 2008). pp. 121.

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96. Snyman, H.A. 2008. Efficiency of water use by cactus pear (Opuntia spp.).

Proceedings of the Combined XXI International Grassland and VIII International Rangeland Congress, Hohhot, China (29 June – 5 July 2008). pp. 535.

97. Malan, P.J. and Snyman, H.A. 2008. Rooting of Karoo shrubs cuttings.

Proceedings of the Combined XXI International Grassland and VIII International Rangeland Congress, Hohhot, China (29 June – 5 July 2008). pp. 237.

98. Malan, P.J. and Snyman, H.A. 2008. Dry matter production and structure

of two palatable Karoo shrubs. Proceedings of the Combined XXI International Grassland and VIII International Rangeland Congress, Hohhot, China (29 June – 5 July 2008). pp. 238.

99. Botha, P.R., Meeske, R and Snyman, H.A. 2008. The cultivation of two

cultivation methods to over-sow perennial clovers into Kikiyu. Proceedings of the Combined XXI International Grassland and VIII International Rangeland Congress, Hohhot, China (29 June – 5 July 2008). pp. 90.

100. Amaha Kassahun, Snyman, H.A. and Smit, G.N. 2008. Livestock grazing

behaviour along a degradation gradient in the Somali region of eastern Ethiopia. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 25(1): 1-9.

101. Kassahun, A., Snyman, H.A. and Smit, G.N. 2008. Impact of rangeland

degradation on the pastoral production systems, livelihoods and perceptions of the Somali pastoralists in eastern Ethiopia. Journal of Arid Environments 72, 1265-1281.

102. Botha, P.R., Meeske, R. & Snyman, H.A. 2008.: Kikuyu over-sown with

raaigras and clover dry matter production, botanical composition and nutritional value. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 25(3): 93-101.

103. Botha, P.R., Meeske, R. & Snyman, H.A. 2008. Kikuyu over-sown with

raaigras and clover: grazing capacity, milk production and milk composition. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 25(3): 103-110.

104. Du Toit, G. van N., Snyman, H.A. and Malan, P.J., 2008. Physical impact

of grazing by sheep in the Nama Karob/grass rangeland of South Africa on litter and dung distribution. South African Journal of Animal Science 38, 326-330.

105. Du Toit, G. van N., Snyman, H.A. and Malan, P.J., 2009. Physical impact

of grazing by sheep in the Nama Karoo subshrub/grass rangeland of South Africa on soil parameters. Journal of Arid Environments 73, 804-810.

106. Liang Y, Han, G. Zhou, Snyman, H.A., Shan, D and Havstad K. M. 2009.

Grazing intensity on vegetation dynamics of a typical Steppe in

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Northeast Mongolia, China. Rangeland ecology and Management: 62 (4): 327-336..

107. Oosthuizen, I.B. & Snyman, H.A. 2009. Root dynamics of Themeda

triandra Forsk. in relation to water stress and defoliation at different phenological stages. South African Journal of Plant and Soil 26, 1-8.

108. Snyman, H.A. 2009. Root studies on grass species in a semi-arid South

Africa along a degradation gradient. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 130, 100-108.

109. Snyman, H.A. 2009. Root studies on grass species in a semi-arid South

Africa along a soil-water gradient. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 131, 247-254.

110. Amaha Kassahun, Snyman, H.A. and Smit, G.N. 2008. Soil seed bank

evaluation along a degradation gradient in arid and semi-arid rangelands of the Somali region, eastern Ethiopia. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 129, 428-436.

111. Ingram, L.J. & Snyman, H.A. 2009. Themeda triandra – King of grasses?

A review. Journal of Arid Environments (In Press). 112. Botha, P.R., Meeske R. & Snyman, H.A. 2009. Methods to establish

annual ryegrass and perennial clovers into kikuyu. African Journal of Range and Forage Science (In press).

113. Wiegand, T., Kellner, K. & Snyman, H.A. 2010 . Inverse pattern-orientated

modelling for calibration and optimization of bottom-up models: the example of a grassland simulation model. Ecological Monographs (In Press).

Hoofstukke in boeke 1. Snyman, H.A., 1999. Soil erosion and conservation. In: Tainton, N.M.

(Ed.). Veld management in South Africa, pp. 354-379. University of Natal Press, Scottsville, South Africa. 472 pp. ISBN 0869809474.

2. Snyman, H.A., 2003. Die volhoubare benutting van die weidingekosis-

teem. In: Du Preez, J., Coetzee, K. & De Beer, J.J. (Eds.). Volhoubare landbou en welvaartskepping in Suid-Afrika. pp. 30-32. United Litho Press, Pretoria. 103 pp. ISBN 0620297573.

3. Snyman, H.A. 2003. Vleisbeesproduksie en die doeltreffende

funksionering van die weidingekosisteem. In: De Klerk, D. and Bam, C. (Eds.). Improved fertility in Beef Cattle – Cattlemans’ Conference. Pp. 1-21. Department of Agriculture, Glen. 61 pp.

Gepubliseerde kongreshandelinge

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1. Snyman, H.A. 1997. The influence of range condition on the hydrological characteristics in a semi-arid rangeland. Proc. XVIII International Grassland Congress, (Canada) 2(23): 1-2.

2. Snyman, H.A. & Oosthuizen, I.B. 1999. Range and soil condition effect on

productivity in a semi-arid climate in South Africa. Proc. VI International Rangeland Congress, Townsville, Australia 1: 211-212.

3. Oosthuizen, I.B. & Snyman, H.A. 1999. The influence of water stress on

the growth reserves of Themeda triandra in the semi-arid grasslands of South Africa. Proc. VI International Rangeland Congress, Townsville, Australia 1:209.

4. Snyman, H.A. & Oosthuizen, I.B. 2001. Influence of fertilization on bo-

tanical composition and productivity of rangeland in a semi-arid climate of South Africa. Proc XIX International Grassland Congress: Sao Paulo, Brazil.

5. Snyman, H.A. 2001. Water-use efficiency and infiltration under

different rangeland conditions and cultivation in a semi-arid climate of South Africa. Proc. XIX International Grassland Congress: Sao Paulo, Brazil.

6. Oosthuizen, I.B. & Snyman, H.A. 2001. The influence of water stress on

the protein concentration of Themeda triandra Forsk. in a semi-arid climate of South Africa. Proc. XIX International Grassland Congress: Sao Paulo, Brazil.

7. Snyman, H.A. 2003. Restoration of a degraded semi-arid rangeland in

South Africa. Proc. VII International Rangeland Congress: Durban, South Africa. pp. 964-966.

8. Du Preez, C.C. & Snyman, H.A. 2003. Soil organic matter changes

following rangeland degradation in a semi-arid South Africa. Proc. VII International Rangeland Congress: Durban, South Africa. pp. 476-479.

9. Oosthuizen, I.B. & Snyman, H.A. 2003. Water stress and defoliation

effects on root development of Themeda triandra. Proc. VII International Rangeland Congress: Durban, South Africa. pp. 753-756.

10. Van Rensburg, G. Snyman, H.A. & Kellner, K. 2003. Rangeland resto-

ration and soil water improvement in a semi-arid South Africa. Proc. VII International Rangeland Congress: Durban, South Africa. pp. 1264-1266.

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11. Wiegand, T., Snyman, H.A. & Kellner, K. 2003. From individual scale to population and community scale: Modelling dynamics of the semi-arid grasslands of South Africa. Proc. VII International Rangeland Congress, Durban, South Africa. pp. 37-47.

12. Tefera, S. & Snyman, H.A. 2003. Evaluation of rangeland condition in

relation to land use and distance from water in the semi-arid Borana, Ethiopia. Proc. 1st International Young Scientist Global Challenge Conference, Triesta, Italy. 16-19 November 2003.

13. Snyman, H.A. 2005. Influence of water stress on root/cladode ratio and

water-use efficiency of Opuntia ficus-indica and O. robusta. Pro-ceedings XX International Grassland Congress, University College Dublin, Ireland, pp. 686.

14. Snyman, H.A. 2005. Unplanned fires and sustainability of a semi-arid

rangeland in South Africa. Proceedings XX International Grassland Congress, University College Dublin, Ireland, pp. 611.

15. Du Preez, C.C. & Snyman, H.A. 2005. Soil organic matter along a

degradation gradient in a semi-arid rangeland of South Africa. Pro-ceedings XX International Grassland Congress, University College Dublin, Ireland, pp. 735.

16. Meeske, R., Botha, P.R. & Snyman, H.A. 2005. The evaluation of kikuyu

over-sown with ryegrass and clover in terms of milk production. Proceedings XX International Grassland Congress, University College Dublin, Ireland, pp. 143.

17. Meeske, R., Botha, P.R. & Snyman, H.A. 2005. The seasonal nutritional

value of kikuyu over-sown with ryegrass and clover. Proceedings XX International Grassland Congress, University College Dublin, Ireland, pp. 144.

18. Botha, P.R., Meeske, R. & Snyman, H. A. 2005. The seasonal botanical

composition, calcium and phosphorus content of kikuyu over-sown with ryegrass and clover. Proceedings XX International Grassland Congress, University College Dublin, Ireland, pp. 144.

19. Botha, P.R., Meeske, R. & Snyman, H.A. 2005. The seasonal dry matter

production and carrying capacity of kikuyu over-sown with ryegrass and clover. Proceedings XX International Grassland Congress, University College Dublin, Ireland, pp. 141.

20. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Root distribution of cactus pears Opuntia ficus-indica

and O. robusta. Proceedings International Cactus Pear conference, Bloemfontein. pp.30.

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21. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Water-use efficiency of cactus pears Opuntia ficus-

indica and O. robusta. Proceedings International Cactus Pear conference, Bloemfontein. pp. 29.

22. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Effect of water stress on root dynamics of Opuntia

ficus-indica and O. robusta. Proceedings International Cactus Pear conference, Bloemfontein. pp. 32.

23. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Influence of water stress on root/cladode ratio and

root length of Opuntia ficus-indica and O. robusta. Proceedings International Cactus Pear conference, Bloemfontein. pp. 31.

24. Fouché, H.J., Avenant, P. & Snyman, H.A. 2006. The influence of frost

and drought on young cactus pear plants. Proceedings Cactus Pear Conference, Bloemfontein. pp. 33.

25. Snyman, H.A. 2007. In situ rooting profiles of Opuntia spp. Proceedings of

the VI International Congress on Cactus Pear and Cochineal, Joäo Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazilië. pp. 6.

26. Snyman, H.A. 2007. Water stress and root growth of Opuntia spp.

Proceedings of the VI International Congress on Cactus Pear and Cochineal, Joäo Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazilië. pp. 7.

27. Snyman, H.A. 2007. Water-use efficiency of Opuntia spp. Proceedings of

the VI International Congress on Cactus Pear and Cochineal, Joäo Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazilië. pp. 8.

28. Avenant, P.L., Fouché, H.J. & Snyman, H.A. 2007. Influence of late-

seasonal frost on Opuntia spp. in a semi-arid climate of South Africa. Proceedings of the VI International Congress on Cactus Pear and Cochineal, Joäo Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazilië. pp. 9.

29. Snyman, H.A. 2008. Productivity loss due to fire in a semi-arid rangeland

of South Africa. Proceedings of the Combined XXI International Grassland and VIII International Rangeland Congress, Hohhot, China (29 June – 5 July 2008). pp. 121.

30. Snyman, H.A. 2008. Efficiency of water use by cactus pear (Opuntia spp.).

Proceedings of the Combined XXI International Grassland and VIII International Rangeland Congress, Hohhot, China (29 June – 5 July 2008). pp. 535.

31. Malan, P.J. and Snyman, H.A. 2008. Rooting of Karoo shrubs cuttings.

Proceedings of the Combined XXI International Grassland and VIII International Rangeland Congress, Hohhot, China (29 June – 5 July 2008). pp. 237.

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32. Malan, P.J. and Snyman, H.A. 2008. Dry matter production and structure of two palatable Karoo shrubs. Proceedings of the Combined XXI International Grassland and VIII International Rangeland Congress, Hohhot, China (29 June – 5 July 2008). pp. 238.

33. Botha, P.R., Meeske, R and Snyman, H.A. 2008. The evaluation of two

cultivated methods to over-sow perennial clovers into Kikuyu. Proceedings of the Combined XXI International Grassland and VIII International Rangeland Congress, Hohhot, China (29 June – 5 July 2008). pp. 90.

Gepubliseerde navorsingsverslae 1. Opperman, D.P.J., Van Niekerk, G. & Snyman, H.A., 1980. ‘n Ondersoek

na die produksievermoë en benutting van Lolium multiflorum (Midmar) onder besproeiing onder praktiese boerderytoestande - te Petrusburg - plaas Koppie Alleen. Finale verslag aan misstofvereniging van Suid-Afrika.

2. Opperman, D.P.J., Van Niekerk, G. & Snyman, H.A., 1982. ‘n Ondersoek

na die produksievermoë en besproeiing van Lolium multiflorum (Midmar) en Lolium perenne (Ariki & Nui) onder praktiese boerderytoestande te Bloemfontein - plaas Thorngrove. Finale verslag aan Misstofvereniging van Suid-Afrika.

3. Snyman, H.A & Opperman, D.P.J., 1983. Ontblaring- en vogstudies op

meerjarige weiplante (grasse en bossies) in die veld en glashuis. Finale verslag, Departement van Landbou Tegniese Dienste.

4. Opperman, D.P.J., Van Niekerk, G. & Snyman, H.A., 1984. ‘n Ondersoek

na die besproeiing, bemesting, produksievermoë en ekonomie van Lolium multiflorum (Midmar) - te Bloemfontein - plaas Hebron. Finale verslag aan Departement van Landbou.

5. Snyman, H.A. & Van Rensburg, W.L.J., 1986. Ontblaring- en vogstudies

op meerjarige weiplante in die veld. Finale verslag, Karoobioomprojek, SNO.

6. Venter, W.D., Van Rensburg, W.L.J. & Snyman, H.A., 1994. Die invloed

van waterstremming op die proteïen- en koolhidraatinhoud van Themeda triandra en Eragrostis lehmanniana. Finale verslag aan Sentrale Navorsingsfonds, UOVS.

7. Theron, J.F., Van Rensburg, W.L.J. & Snyman, H.A., 1995. Produksie van

Italiaanse raaigras (cv. Midmar) onder besproeiing by verskillende bemestingspeile en snyfrekwensies met spesiale verwysing na die

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kwaliteit- en kwantiteitseienskappe. Finale verslag aan Landbou Navorsingsraad (LNR), Pretoria.

8. Snyman, H.A., Smit, G.N., Vorster, L.F. & Oosthuizen, I.B. 1998.

Volhoubare benutting van die weidingekosisteem met wild - distrik Ficksburg: Verslag Sentra-oes, Ficksburg.

Verhandelings en proefskrifte 1. Snyman, H.A. 1982. Hidrologiese siklus en waterverbruiksdoeltreffendheid

van veld in verskillende suksessiestadia van die sentrale Oranje-Vrystaat. M.Sc.Agric.-verhandeling, Universiteit van die Vrystaat, Bloemfontein. (Met lof).

2. Snyman, H.A. 1985. Vogbalansstudies op natuurlike veld van die sentrale

Oranje-Vrystaat. Ph.D.-thesis, Universiteit van die Vrystaat. Konferensiebydraes Nasionale kongresse: 1. Snyman, H.A. 1980. Hidrologiese siklus van veld in verskillende

toestande. Handl. 15de Kongres, Weidingsver. S. Afr. Durban. pp. 23-24. (Goue medalje ontvang – beste wetenskaplike inhoud).

2. Snyman, H.A. 1983. Vog- en ontblaringsbehandelings in hidrologiese

eenhede. 18de Kongres, Weidingsver. S. Afr. Middelburg, K.P. (Goue medalje ontvang – beste voordrag & aanbieding).

3. Snyman, H.A. 1984. Afloopstudies vanaf veld in verskillende toestande.

19de Kongres, Weidingsver.S. Afr. Cedara. 4. Snyman, H.A. 1985. Grond- en afloopverliesbepalings vanaf weiveld met

behulp van 'n reënvalnabootser. 20ste Kongres, Weidingsver. S. Afr. Nasionale Kruger Wildtuin. (Naaswenner – beste voordrag en aanbieding).

5. Snyman, H.A. 1985. 'n Reënvalnabootser vir die bepaling van afloop- en

sedimentverliese vanaf weiveld - Arid Zone Ekologiese Forum. Zuurberg Inn, Addo.

6. Snyman, H.A. 1986. Toepassing van 'n gronderosievergelyking op

weiveld. 21ste Kongres, Weidingsver. S. Afr. Glen, Bloemfontein. 7. Snyman, H.A. 1987. Rangskikking van grasspesies op grond van sigbare

tekens van verwelking. 22ste Kongres, Weidingsvern. S. Afr., Pilaansberg. (Goue medalje – beste voordrag en aanbieding).

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8. Brönn, A.v.Z., Smit, G.N. & Snyman, H.A. 1992. Die invloed van Dichrostachys cinerea in die suuragtige gemengde Bosveld van Noord-Transvaal. Bull. Weidingsver. S. Afr. 3(1): 28.

9. Snyman, H.A. 1993. Evapotranspirasie, waterverbruiksdoeltreffendheid en

droëmateriaal van ses droëland aangeplante weidings. Bull. Weidingsveren. S. Afr. 4(1): 22. (Bloemfontein). (Naaswenner – beste voordrag en aanbieding).

10. Du Preez, C.C. & Snyman, H.A. 1993. Organiese materiaal van grond in 'n

semi-ariede klimaat met drie langtermynveldtoestande. Bull. Weidingsvern. S. Afr. 4(1): 29. (Bloemfontein).

11. Richter, C.G.F., Van Rensburg, W.L.J. & Snyman, H.A. 1993. Die invloed

van bosverdigting op die graslaag van drie lokaliteite in die bosveldgebiede van Noord-Kaap. Bull. Weidingsveren. S. Afr. 4(1): 19. (Bloemfontein).

12. Snyman, H.A. 1995. Kennis en die weidingkundige in 'n vinnig-

veranderende suidelike Afrika. Bull. Weidingsver. S. Afr. 6(1): 41-47. (Kroonstad).

13. Brönn, A.v.Z. & Snyman, H.A. 1995. Die invloed van Dichrostachys

cinerea op grondfaktore en floristiese samestelling van die graslaag in die suuragtige gemengde Bosveld. 30ste Kongres, Weidingsver. S. Afr. Kroonstad.

14. Brönn, A.v.Z. & Snyman, H.A. 1996. Die invloed van Dichrostachys

cinerea op grondfaktore en floristiese samestelling van die graslaag in die suuragtige gemengde Bosveld. Hand. 31ste Kongres, Weidingsver. S. Afr. Nelspruit: pp. 114.

15. Brönn, A.v.Z. & Snyman, H.A. 1997. Sourish mixed bushveld dynamics.

Hand. 32ste Kongres, Weidingsver. S. Afr., Port Elizabeth. 16. Oosthuizen, I.B., Snyman, H.A. & Du Preez, C.C. 1997. Veld condition and

water-use efficiency in a semi-arid climate. Proc. Arid Zone Ecology Forum, Prince Albert: pp. 17-18.

17. Snyman, H.A., Oosthuizen, I.B. & Du Preez, C.C. 1998. Short-term range

and soil conditions on productivity in a semi-arid climate. Hand. 33ste Kongres Weidingsver. S. Afr., Pietermaritzburg. pp. 28. (Naaswenner – beste plakkaat).

18. Oosthuizen, I.B. & Snyman, H.A. 1998. Effect of fertilization on botanical

composition and productivity of veld in a semi-arid climate. Proc. Arid Zone Ecology Forum, Tshipise, pp. 26. (Aangewys as beste plakkaat).

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19. Snyman, H.A. & Oosthuizen, I.B. 1999. Short-term response of rangeland to fertilization in a semi-arid climate. Hand. 34ste Kongres, Weidingsver. S. Afr., Warmbad: pp.33.

20. Botha, W.v.D., Snyman, H.A. & Smit, G.N. 1999. Voorspelling van

weidingkapasiteit. Hand. 34ste Kongres Weidingsvereniging. S. Afr., Warmbad, pp. 130.

21. Barnard, N. & Snyman, H.A. 1999. Desmanthus adapted for the arid

subtropics. Hand. 34ste Kongres Weidingsvereniging. S. Afr., Warmbad, pp. 94.

22. Oosthuizen, I.B. & Snyman, H.A. 1999. Growth reserves translocation in

Themeda triandra during water stress. Hand. Arid Zone Ecology Forum, Vanrhynsdorp, pp. 42. (Aangewys as beste plakkaat).

23. Snyman, H.A. 2000. Veld degradation and soil-water distribution in a semi-

arid grassland. Hand. Arid Zone Ecology Forum, Kakamas, pp. 40. 24. Oosthuizen I.B. & Snyman, H.A. 2000. A survival strategy of Themeda

triandra Forsk. under water stress. Hand. Arid Zone Ecology Forum, Kakamas, pp. 42.

25. Van Rensburg, G.., Snyman, H.A. & Kellner, K. 2000. The effect of

localized game concentration on soil organic matter in a semi-arid area. Hand. Arid Zone Ecology Forum, Kakamas. pp. 41.

26. Tefera, S. & Snyman, H.A. 2000. Sustainability of Rangeland utilization by

Nomadic pastoralists in Ethiopia. Hand. Arid Zone Ecology Forum, Kakamas. pp. 13.

27. Ebro, A.G., Zileshi, Z., Snyman, H.A. & Smit, G.N. 2000. The botanical

composition of rangelands in the dry midrift valley of Ethiopia. Hand. Arid Zone Ecology Forum, Kakamas. pp. 34.

28. Oosthuizen, I.B. & Snyman, H.A. 2001. The influence of water stress on

the protein concentration in Themeda triandra in a semi-arid climate. Hand. 36ste Weidingsvereniging van suidelike Afrika Kongres, Aventura Aldam. pp. 47.

29. Van Rensburg, G., Snyman, H.A. & Kellner, K. 2001. The influence of veld

degradation on production and soil organic matter in a semi-arid grassland. Hand. 36ste Weidingsvereniging van suidelike Afrika Kongres, Aventura Aldam. pp. 52.

30. Snyman, H.A. 2001. Quality and water-use efficiency of grassland in

different conditions in a semi-arid climate. Hand. 36ste

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Weidingsvereniging van suidelike Afrika Kongres, Aventura Aldam, pp. 49.

31. Brönn, A.v.Z. & Snyman, H.A. 2001. The influence of Dichrostachys

cinerea on sustainable veld management in the Sourish Mixed Bushveld of the Northern Province. Hand. 36ste Weidingsvereniging van suidelike Afrika Kongres, Aventura Aldam, pp. 30.

32. Van Rensburg, G., Snyman, H.A. & Kellner, K. 2001. Seedbank evaluation

along a degradation gradient in a semi-arid grassland. Hand. Arid Zone Ecology Forum, Calitzdorp. pp. 49-50.

33. Oosthuizen, I.B. & Snyman, H.A. 2001. Growth reserves and regrowth in

Themeda triandra under four different water treatments. Hand. Arid Zone Ecology Forum, Calitzdorp. pp. 59-60 (Aangewys as beste plakkaataanbieding).

34. Tefera, S., Snyman, H.A. & Smit, G.N. 2002. Right and its implication for

the use of management of Borana pastoral rangeland system in Ethiopia. Eerste Handelinge van Gesamentlike Kongres van Weidingsvereniging van suidelike Afrika en Suid-Afrikaanse vereniging van Diereproduksie, Christiana Aventura. pp. 20.

35. Ebro, A.G., Snyman, H.A. & Smit, G.N. 2002. Study on range livestock

management practices of pastoralists in the Awash valley of Ethiopia. Eerste Handelinge van Gesamentlike Kongres van Weidingsvereniging van suidelike Afrika en Suid-Afrikaanse vereniging van Diereproduksie, Christiana Aventura. pp. 21.

36. Snyman, H.A. 2002. Mechanical techniques and species evaluation for

restoration of bare patches in a semi-arid grassland. Eerste Handelinge van Gesamentlike Kongres van Weidingsvereniging van suidelike Afrika en Suid-Afrikaanse vereniging van Diereproduksie, Christiana Aventura. pp. 87.

37. Van Rensburg, G., Snyman, H.A. & Kellner, K. 2002. Impact of

degradation on soil seedbank sustainability. Eerste Handelinge van Gesamentlike Kongres van Weidingsvereniging van suidelike Afrika en Suid-Afrikaanse vereniging van Diereproduksie, Christiana Aventura. pp. 252.

38. Oosthuizen, I.B. & Snyman, H.A. 2002. Response of Themeda triandra to

water stress and defoliation. Eerste Handelinge van Gesamentlike Kongres van Weidingsvereniging van suidelike Afrika en Suid-Afrikaanse vereniging van Diereproduksie, Christiana Aventura. pp. 79.

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39. Botha, P., Meeske, R., Burger, W.J. & Snyman, H.A. 2002. The effect of

over-sowing Kikuyu pasture with annual Ryegrass and perennial Clover on pasture yield and milk production. Eerste Handelinge van Gesamentlike Kongres van Weidingsvereniging van suidelike Afrika en Suid-Afrikaanse vereniging van Diereproduksie, Christiana Aventura. pp. 113.

40. Snyman, H.A. 2002. Tree op as sessievoorsitter by die jaarlikse kongres

van die WVSA. Acted as session chairman during the GSSA annual congress. Christiana Aventura, Mei/May 2002.

41. Tefera, S., Snyman, H.A. & Smit, G.N. 2002. Soil seedbank characteristics

of communal Borana rangelands in Ethiopia. Hand. Arid Zone Ecology Forum, Middelburg. pp 24-25.

42. Gedda, A.E., Snyman, H.A. & Smit, G.N. 2002. The potential and

limitations of wildlife production in the middle of Awash Valley of Ethiopia. Proc. Arid Zone Ecology Forum, Middelburg. pp 35-36.

43. Van Rensburg, G., Snyman, H.A. & Kellner, K. 2002. Water infiltration

evaluation along a degradation gradient in a semi-arid grassland. Proc. Arid Zone Ecology Forum, Middelburg. pp 40-41.

44. Oosthuizen, I.B. & Snyman, H.A. 2002. Response of Themeda triandra

roots to water stress and defoliation. Proc. Arid Zone Ecology Forum, Middelburg. pp 41-42.

45. Oosthuizen, I. B. & Snyman, H.A. 2003. Relationship of root mass and

length under combined water stress and defoliation in Themeda triandra. Proc. Arid Zone Ecology Forum, Kathu, Noord-Kaap. pp. 27.

46. Ramakatane, M.E. & Snyman, H.A. 2003. Influence of water stress on

root/shoot ratio and water-use efficiency of two Opuntia species. Proc. Arid Zone Ecology Forum. Kathu, Noord-Kaap. pp. 36.

47. Ratsele, C. & Snyman, H.A. 2003. Root dynamics of two Opuntia species.

Proc. Arid Zone Ecology Forum. Kathu, Noord-Kaap. pp. 37. 48. Snyman, H.A. 2003. Restoration of bare patches in a semi-arid grassland.

Proc. Arid Zone Ecology Forum. Kathu, Noord-Kaap. pp. 20. 49. Snyman, H.A. 2003. Unplanned fires and sustainability of a semi-arid

grassland. Proc. Arid Zone Ecology Forum. Kathu, Noord-Kaap. pp. 38.

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50. Snyman, H.A. 2004. How plants handle the aboveground management tasks of fire, grazing and animal impact. South African Holistic Management Conference, 30 March 2004 to 1 April 2004, Vryburg.

51. Snyman, H.A. 2004. Water utilization by Opuntia ficus-indica and O.

robusta. Proceedings 2nd Joint Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa and the South African Society of Animal Science, Goudini Spa, Worcester, pp. 146.

52. Botha, P.B., Meeske, R. & Snyman, H.A. 2004. The seasonal botanical

composition, calcium and phosphorus content of kikuyu oversown with ryegrass and clover. Proceedings 2nd Joint Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa and the South African Society of Animal Science. Goudini Spa, Worcester .pp. 173.

53. Botha, P.B., Meeske, R. & Snyman, H.A. 2004. The seasonal dry matter

production and carrying capacity of kikuyu oversown with ryegrass and clover. Proceedings 2nd Joint Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa and the South African Society of Animal Science. Goudini Spa, Worcester pp. 175.

54. Botha, P.B., Meeske, R., Greyling, J.F. & Snyman, H.A. 2004. Regression

for the rising plate meter to determine the dry matter yield of kikuyu, kikuyu/ryegrass and kikuyu/clover. Proceedings 2nd Joint Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa and the South African Society of Animal Science. Goudini Spa, Worcester pp. 174.

55. Snyman, H.A. 2004. Sensitivity of above- and belowground productivity to

fire in a semi-arid grassland. Proceedings 2nd Joint Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa and the South African Society of Animal Science. Goudini Spa, Worcester pp. 145.

56. Snyman, H.A. 2004. Effect of water stress on root growth of Opuntia ficus-

indica and O. robusta. Proceedings 2nd Joint Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa and the South African Society of Animal Science. . Goudini Spa, Worcester pp. 147.

57. Van Rensburg, G.J., Snyman, H.A. & Kellner, K. 2004. Germination

analysis of a seed bank along a degradation gradient in a semi-arid grassland. Proceedings 2nd Joint Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa and the South African Society of Animal Science. . Goudini Spa, Worcester pp. 149

58. Meeske, R., Botha, P.R. & Snyman, H.A. 2004. The seasonal nutritional

value of kikuyu over-sown with ryegrass and clover. Proceedings 2nd Joint Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa and

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the South African Society of Animal Science. Goudini Spa, Worcester pp. 176.

59. Meeske, R., Botha, P.B. & Snyman, H.A. 2004. The evaluation of kikuyu

over-sown with ryegrass and clover in terms of milk production. Proceedings 2nd Joint Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa and the South African Society of Animal Science. Goudini Spa, Worcester pp. 177.

60. Burger, W.J., Botha, P.R., Meeske, R. & Snyman, H.A. 2004. The

economic implications of over-sowing kikuyu with annual ryegrass or perennial red and white clover. Proceedings 2nd Joint Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa and the South African Society of Animal Science. Goudini Spa, Worcester. pp. 108.

61. Snyman, H.A. 2005. Root dynamics of Opuntia ficus-indica and O. robusta

as affected by water stress. Proceedings 31 st South African Association of Botanists Congress, Bloemfontein, pp 87. South African Journal of Botany 71: 285.

62. Syman, H.A. 2005. Water utilization by Opuntia ficus-indica and O. robusta

over a soil-water gradient. . Proceedings 31 st South African Association of Botanists Congress, Bloemfontein, pp 86, South African Journal of Botany 71: 284.

63. Swemmer, A.M., Klapp, A.K. & Snyman, H.A. 2005. Grass productivity and

global climate change. The role of rainfall timing in determining the annual aboveground phytomass of two South African grasslands. Proceedings 31 st South African Association of Botanists Congress, Bloemfontein, pp 68, South African Journal of Botany 71: 284.

64. Kassahun, A., Snyman, H.A. & Smit, G.N. 2005. Threats to pastoralism in

the horn of Africa with special reference to the Somalion region of Eastern Ethiopia. Proceedings Arid Zone Ecological Forum, Barrydale, Western Cape, pp. 31-32.

65. Van Rensburg, G., Snyman. H.A. & Kellner, K. 2005. Seed germination

studies in a semi-arid environment. Proceedings Arid Zone Ecological Forum, Barrydale, Western Cape, pp. 41-42.

66. Van Rensburg, G. & Snyman, H.A. 2005. Handleiding 40 ste kongres van

die Weidingsvereniging van Suidelike Afrika, Port Shepstone, KwaZulu Natal, pp. 60. (Aangewys as beste plakkaat).

67. Meeske, R., Botha, P. R. & Snyman, H.A. 2005. Milk production from

kikuyu pasture over-sown with clover and ryegrass. Handleiding 40

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ste kongres van die Weidingsvereniging van Suidelike Afrika, Port Shepstone, KwaZulu Natal, pp. 29-30.

68. Botha, P.R., Meeske, R. & Snyman, H.A. 2005. Forage quality and

quantity from kikuyu pasture over-sown with ryegrass and clover. Handleiding 40 ste kongres van die Weidingsvereniging van Suidelike Afrika, Port Shepstone, KwaZulu Natal, pp. 13-14.

69. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Estimating the short-term nutritive value of grassland

along a degradation gradient in a semi-arid climate. Proceedings of the 41st Congress of the South African Society for Animal Science, Bloemfontein, pp. 146.

70. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Estimating production loss due to fire for a semi-arid

grassland. Proceedings of the 41st Congress of the South African Society for Animal Science, Bloemfontein, pp. 147.

71. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Impact of fire on the productivity of a semi-arid

grassland. Proceedings 41st annual Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa, Klein Kariba, pp. 49.

72. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Root studies on Opuntia ficus-indica and O. Robusta.

Proceedings 41st annual Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa, Klein Kariba, pp. 60.

73. Kassahun, A., Snyman, H.A. & Smit, G.N. 2006. Livestock grazing

behaviour along a degradation gradient in the Somali region of Eastern Ethiopia. Proceedings 41st Annual Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa, Klein Kariba, pp. 83.

74. Kassahun, A., Snyman, H.A. & Smit, G.N. 2006. The influence of

rangeland degradation on the feeding behaviour of livestock in the Somali region of Eastern Ethiopia. Proceedings Arid Zone Ecological forum, Kamieskroon, Northern Cape Province, pp. 37

75. Fouché, H.J. & Snyman, H.A. 2006. The influence of frost and drought on

young Cactus Pear plants. Proceedings Arid Zone Ecological forum, Kamieskroon, Northern Cape Province, pp. 40.

76. Botha, P.R., Meeske, R. & Snyman, H.A. 2006. The evaluation of two

over-sowing practises in terms of the seasonal production of kikuyu over-sown. Proceedings 41st Annual Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa, Klein Kariba, pp. 73.

77. Solomon, T.B., Snyman, H.A. & Smit, G.N. 2006. Cattle rangeland

management practices and perceptions of pasturalists towards rangeland degradation in the Borana zone of southern Ethiopia.

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Proceedings 41st Annual Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa, Klein Kariba, pp. 86.

78. Van Rensburg, G., Snyman, H.A. & Kellner, K. 2006. Seed germination

trials in a degraded semi-arid environment. Proceedings 41st Annual Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa, Klein Kariba, pp. 95.

79. Snyman, H.A. 2007. Influence of degradation on the short-term nutritive

value of a semi-arid grassland. Proceedings 42 Annual Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa and 4th Annual Meeting of the Thicket Forum, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 16-20 July 2007. pp. 39-40.

80. Snyman, H.A. 2007. Water utilization of Cactus pears Opuntia ficus-indica

and O. Robusta. Proceedings 42 Annual Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa and 4th Annual Meeting of the Thicket Forum, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 16-20 July 2007. pp. 93-94.

81. Van Rensburg, G.J. and Snyman, H.A. 2007. The effect of localized game

concentration on soil organic matter in a semi-arid area. Pro-ceedings of the South African Wildlife Management Association (SAWMA) Symposium, Ukhlahlamba Drakensberg Park (18-21 September 2007).

82. Van Rensburg, G.J. and Snyman, H.A. 2008. Rangeland restoration and

soil water improvement in a semi-arid South Africa. Proceedings of the South African Wildlife Management Association (SAWMA) Conference, Moekweni Beach Resort, Port Alfred, Eastern Cape (16-19 September 2008). (Aangewys as beste plakkaat op kongres).

83. Vermeulen, S., Botha, P.R. and Snyman, H.A. 2008. Evaluation of the dry-

weight-rank technique to determine the botanical composition of cultivated pastures. Proceedings 43 Annual Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa. Badplaas, Mphumalanga (21-25 July 2008). pp. 37-38.

84. Malan, P.J. & Snyman, H.A. 2009. Morphological study of the leaves of

two Karoo shrub species. Proceedings 44th Annual Congress of the Grassland Society of southern Africa, Unisa, Roodepoort, 20-24 July 2009, pp. 79.

Internasionale kongresse:

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1. Richter, C.G.F., Van Rensburg, W.L.J. & Snyman, H.A. 1994. Evaluation

of the chemical tebutiuron for bush encroachment. Bull. Grassland Society S. Afr. 4(1): 62. Harare, Zimbabwe.

2. Brönn, A.v.Z. & Snyman, H.A. 1996. The influence of shrubs on soil

factors in the sourish mixed bushveld. International Eco-World Con-gress, September 1996, Midrand, Johannesburg.

3. Snyman, H.A. 1997. The influence of range condition on the hydrological

characteristics in a semi-arid rangeland. Proc. XVIII International Grassland Congress, (Canada) 2(23): 1-2.

4. Snyman, H.A. & Oosthuizen, I.B. 1999. Range and soil condition effect on

productivity in a semi-arid climate in South Africa. Proc.VI International Rangeland Congress: Townsville, Australia 1: 211-212.

5. Oosthuizen, I.B. & Snyman, H.A. 1999. The influence of water stress on

the growth reserves of Themeda triandra in the semi-arid grasslands of South Africa. Proc. VI International Rangeland Congress: Townsville, Australia 1: 209.

6. Oosthuizen, I.B. & Snyman, H.A. 2000. Water stress influence on growth

reserves of Themeda triandra. Hand. 35 Weidingsveren. S. Afr. Kongres. Zimbabwe pp. 43.

7. Snyman, H.A. & Oosthuizen, I.B. 2001. Influence of fertilization on

botanical composition and productivity of rangeland in a semi-arid climate of South Africa. Proc. XIX International Grassland Congress: Sao Paulo, Brazil. pp. 59-60.

8. Snyman, H.A. 2001. Water-use efficiency and infiltration under different

rangeland conditions and cultivation in a semi-arid climate of South Africa. Proc. XIX International Grassland Congress: Sao Paulo, Brazil. pp. 965-966.

9. Oosthuizen, I.B. & Snyman, H.A. 2001. The influence of water stress on

the protein concentration of Themeda triandra Forsk. in a semi-arid climate of South Africa. Proc. XIX International Grassland Congress: Sao Paulo, Brazil. pp. 53-54.

10. Snyman, H.A. 2003. Restoration of a degraded semi-arid rangeland in

South Africa. Proc. VII International Rangeland Congress: Durban, South Africa. pp. 963-966.

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11. Du Preez, C.C. & Snyman, H.A. 2003. Soil organic matter changes following rangeland degradation in a semi-arid South Africa. Proc. VII International Rangeland Congress: Durban, South Africa. pp. 676-679.

12. Oosthuizen, I.B. & Snyman, H.A. 2003. Water stress and defoliation

effects on root development of Themeda triandra. Proc. VII International Rangeland Congress: Durban, South Africa. pp. 753-756.

13. Van Rensburg, G, Snyman, H.A. & Kellner, K. 2003. Rangeland

restoration and soil-water improvement in a semi-arid South Africa. Proc. VII International Rangeland Congress: Durban, South Africa. pp. 1264-1266.

14. Wiegand, T., Snyman, H.A. & Kellner, K. 2003. From individual scale to

population and community scale: Modelling dynamics of the semi-arid and grasslands of South Africa. (Spesiale uitnodigingsreferaat). Proc. VII International Rangeland Congress, Durban, South Africa. pp. 37-47.

15. Tefera, S. & Snyman, H.A. 2003. Evaluation of rangeland condition in

relation to land use and distrance from water in the semi-arid Borana, Ethiopia. Proceedings of the 1st International Young Scientist Global Challenge Conference, Triesta, Italy. 16-19 November 2003.

16. Abule, E., Snyman, H.A. and Smit, G.N. 2003. Rangeland evaluation in the

middle Awash Valley of Ethiopia: Woody vegetation. Proceedings of the 11th annual conference of the Ethiopian Society of Animal Production (ESAP), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. pp. 334-344.

17. Abule, E., Snyman, H.A. and Smit, G.N. 2004. Determination of rangeland

condition using the benchmark method: A study in part of the middle Awash. 12th Annual Conference of the Ethiopian Society of Animal Production, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Pp. 10-14.

18. Snyman, H. A. 2005. Influence of water stress on root/cladode ratio and

water-use efficiency of Opuntia ficus-indica and O. robusta. Proceedings XX International Grassland Congress, University Colledge Dublin, Ireland, pp. 735.

19. Snyman, H A 2005. Unplaned fires and sustainability of a semi-arid

rangeland in South Africa. Proceedings XX International Grassland Congress, University Colledge Dublin, Ireland, pp. 611.

20. Du Preez, C C & Snyman H A 2005. Soil organic matter along a

degradation gradient in a semi-arid rangeland of South Africa.

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Proceedings XX International Grassland Congress, University Colledge Dublin, Ireland, pp. 735.

21. Meeske R, Botha P R & Snyman H A 2005. The evaluation of kikuyu over-

sown with ryegrass and clover in terms of milk production. Proceedings XX International Grassland Congress, University Colledge Dublin, Ireland, pp. 142.

22. Meeske R, Botha P R and Snyman H A 2005. The seasonal nutritional

value of kikuyu over-sown with ryegrass and clover. Proceedings XX International Grassland Congress, University Colledge Dublin, Ireland, pp. 143.

23. Botha P R, Meeske R & Snyman H A 2005. The seasonal botanical

composition, calcium and phosphorus content of kikuyu over-sown with ryegrass and clover. Proceedings XX International Grassland Congress, University Colledge Dublin, Ireland, pp. 144.

24. Botha P R, Meeske R & Snyman H A 2005. The seasonal dry matter

production and carrying capacity of kikuyu over-sown with ryegrass and clover. Proceedings XX International Grassland Congress, University Colledge Dublin, Ireland, pp. 141.

25. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Root distribution of cactus pears Opuntia ficus-indica

and O. robusta. Proceedings International Cactus Pear conference, Bloemfontein, pp. 30.

26. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Water-use efficiency of cactus pears Opuntia ficus-

indica and O. robusta. Proceedings International Cactus Pear conference, Bloemfontein, pp. 29.

27. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Effect of water stress on root dynamics of Opuntia

ficus-indica and O. robusta. Proceedings International Cactus Pear conference, Bloemfontein, pp. 28.

28. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Influence of water stress on root/cladode ratio and

root length of Opuntia ficus-indica and O. robusta. Proceedings International Cactus Pear conference, Bloemfontein, pp. 31.

29. Avenant, P.L., Fouché, H.J. & Snyman, H.A. 2006. The influence of frost

and drought on young Cactus pear plants. Proceedings International Cactus Pear Conference, Bloemfontein, pp. 32.

30. Snyman, H.A. 2007. In situ rooting profiles of Opuntia spp. Proceedings of

the VI International Congress on Cactus Pear and Cochineal, Joäo Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazilië. pp.6.

31. Snyman, H.A. 2007. Water stress and root growth of Opuntia spp.

Proceedings of the VI International Congress on Cactus Pear and Cochineal, Joäo Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazilië. pp. 7.

32. Snyman, H.A. Water-use efficiency of Opuntia spp. Proceedings of the VI

International Congress on Cactus Pear and Cochineal, Joäo Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazilië. pp. 8.

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33. Avenant, P.L., Fouché, H.J. and Snyman, H.A. 2007. Influence of late-

seasonal frost on Opuntia spp. in a semi-arid climate of South Africa. Proceedings of the VI International Congress on Cactus Pear and Cochineal, Joäo Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazilië. pp. 9.

34. Snyman, H.A. 2008. Productivity loss due to fire in a semi-arid rangeland

of South Africa. Proceedings of the combined XXI International Grassland and VIII International Rangeland Congress, Huhhot, China. (29 June – 5 July 2008).

35. Snyman, H.A. 2008. Efficiency of water use by cactus Pear (Opuntia spp.).

Proceedings of the combined XXI International Grassland and VIII International Rangeland Congress, Huhhot, China. (29 June – 5 July 2008).

36. Malan, P.J. and Snyman, H.A. 2008. Rooting of Karoo shrub cuttings.

Proceedings of the combined XXI International Grassland and VIII International Rangeland Congress, Huhhot, China. (29 June – 5 July 2008).

37. Malan, P.J. and Snyman, H.A. 2008. Productivity of Pentzia incana and

Nenax microphylla in two soil types. Proceedings of the combined XXI International Grassland and VIII International Rangeland Congress, Huhhot, China. (29 June – 5 July 2008).

38. Botha, P.R., Meeske, R. and Snyman, H.A. 2008. Over-sowing of Kikuyu

with raaigrass. Proceedings of the combined XXI International Grassland and VIII International Rangeland Congress, Huhhot, China. (29 June – 5 July 2008).

C. TV optredes (Agri TV) en radio praatjies 1. 12 July 2003 AgriTV: Hoe kan ‘n veeboer reënval meer effektief op sy plaas benut en

volgehoue produksie van die weidingekosisteem verseker./How can a cattle farmer use rainfall more efficiently to ensure sustainable production of the ecosystem.

2. 25 October 2003 AgriTV: Wortel dinamika by Turksvye./Root dynamics of Cactus pear. 3. 6 December 2003 AgriTV: Impak van veldbrand in die droër dele./Impact of veld fires in drier

areas. 4. 15 January 2007 Radio Pretoria: Weiveldebestuur.

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5. 22 April 2009 RSG (Radio): Slangbos die indringer. 6. 12 Junie 2009 AgriTV: Veldagteruitgang. 7. 25 Junie 2009 AgriTV: Slangbos as probleemplant.

D. Populêr-wetenskaplike en ander wetenskaplike publikasies en referate

1. Snyman, H.A., 1984. Die invloed van verskillende suksesiestadia van

natuurlike veld, op die effektiewe reënval. Glen Agric. 13(2), 13-15. 2. Snyman, H.A., 1985. Reënval as beperkende omgewingsfaktor wat

plantsamestelling en produksie beïnvloed. Glen Agric. 14. 1 & 2, 21-24.

3. Snyman, H.A., 1985. Boer kan doeltreffendheid van reën verhoog. Goue

Vag 15(9), 4-5. 4. Snyman, H.A., 1985. Toestand van weiveld bepaal weidingkapasiteit.

Goue Vag 15(10), 4-5. 5. Snyman, H.A., 1985. Hoe doeltreffend benut natuurlike veld vog?

Veeboerdery 11, 8-9. 6. Snyman, H.A., 1985. 'n Reënvalnabootser vir die bepaling van afloop- en

sedimentverliese vanaf natuurlike veld. Referaat, WNNR-navorsingsimposium, Zuurberg Inn, Addo.

7. Snyman, H.A., 1986. Natuurlike weiveld glad nie so stabiel. Goue Vag

15(11), 16-17. 8. Snyman, H.A., 1986. Swak veldbestuur bevorder erosie. Goue Vag

15(12), 4-5. 9. Snyman, H.A., 1986. Verhoging van effektiewe reënval op weiveld.

Referaat, Landbounavorsingsinstituut, Glen - wetenskaplike vereniging (18 April 1986).

10. Snyman, H.A., 1987. Raad teen gronderosie. Kroonstadwester 10(2): 20-

22. 11. Snyman, H.A., 1987. Grondverliese as gevolg van reënwaterafloop van

veld. Glen Agric. 16(1): 3-6.

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12. Snyman, H.A., 1988. Waterbalansstudies op natuurlike veld van die Sentrale Oranje-Vrystaat. Referaat, Werkswinkel-Bodembe-skerming, Verwoerddam.

13. Snyman, H.A., 1988. Hidrologiese siklus op natuurlike weiveld. Referaat,

Plantkundevereniging Bloemfontein. 14. Snyman, H.A., 1988. Weiveldbewaring: die moeite werd! Kroon-

stadwester 11(5): 26-27. 15. Snyman, H.A., 1989. Ontblaring van die natuurlike veld. Goue Vag 19(1):

26-28. 16. Snyman, H.A., 1990. Water-use efficiency of some veld grasses. The

Farmer 18(2): 33-34. 17. Snyman, H.A., 1990. Plantbedekking: 'n Teenvoeter vir gronderosie.

Kroonstadwester 13(1): 39-40. 18. Snyman, H.A., 1990. Oordeelkundige weiveldbestuur noodsaaklik vir

oorlewing. Kroonstadwester 13(1): 54-55. 19. Snyman, H.A., 1990. Die regte ontblaringsintensiteit en -frekwensie op

natuurlike weiveld. Kroonstadwester 13(1): 59-61. 20. Snyman, H.A., 1990. Eers 'n grasboer en daarna 'n veeboer.

Kroonstadwester 13(2): 16-21. 21. Snyman, H.A., 1990. Die korttermyn invloed van 'n strawwe droogte op

veldtoestand en afsterwing van semi-ariede grasveld. Glen Agric 9(2): 15-17.

22. Snyman, H.A., 1991. Evaluering van grasspesies vir die herwinning van

kaal kolle in die semi-ariede grasveldgebiede. Glen Agric 10(1) 1-5. 23. Snyman, H.A., 1993. Streef na optimale veldtoestand en

weidingkapasiteit. SA Koöp 9(5): 25-28. 24. Snyman, H.A., 1993. Die ekonomie van veld in verskillende toestande. SA

Koöp 9(11): 33-34. 25. Snyman, H.A., 1994. Die invloed van ontblaring en wortelontwikkeling by

grasse. SA Koöp 10(4): 21-24. 26. Snyman, H.A., 1995. Ekonomiese implikasies van weiveld in verskillende

toestande. OVK Boerenuus 3(2): 30-31. 27. Snyman, H.A. 1997. Die dinamika en volhoubare benutting van die

weidingekosisteem. Intreerede - 7 Mei 1997. Universiteit van die Oranje-Vrystaat, Bloemfontein.

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28. Snyman, H.A. 1999. Kovsies bied nou Natuurlewebestuur aan. SA Game & Hunt. Junie 1999. 18 pp.

29. Snyman, H.A. 2000. Plant wat omgewing kan red vir volhoubare boerdery.

Landbouweekblad 24 Maart 2000, 8-11 pp. 30. Snyman, H.A. 2001. Take the guesswork out of veld reclamation.

Farmer’s Weekly, 4 May 2001, pp. 18-19. 31. Snyman, H.A. 2001. Herstel veld met die regte tegniek. Landbouweek-

blad. 1 Junie 2001. 14-16 pp. 32. Snyman, H.A. 2001. OVK veeboere het rede om positief te wees voor die

winter. OVK Nuus. 3-4 pp. 33. Snyman, H.A. 2001. Kaalkolle in die veld kan herstel word. Ons Eie. 28-

29 pp. 34. Snyman, H.A. & Oosthuizen, I.B. 2001. Get your grasslands ready for

drought. Farmer’s Weekly, 26 October 2001, 36-37 pp. 35. Snyman, H.A. 2001. Grasboer en dan eers veeboer. Ons Eie. November

2001, 34-35 pp. 36. Snyman, H.A. 2001. Boere moet nie met bewaring laat slap lê nie.

Landbouweekblad. Desember 2001, 40-41 pp. 37. Snyman, H.A. 2002. Dink mooi voor bemesting van natuurlike veld.

Landbouweekblad. Februarie 2002, 30-31 pp. 38. Snyman, H.A. 2002. Mensgemaakte droogtes op weiveld. SA Koöp 18(4):

10-11. (Wenner artikel). 39. Snyman, H.A. 2002. Sorg vir jou weiding. Bonsmara Nuusblad 4: 24-26. 40. Snyman, H.A. 2002. Winterbeplanning. Wolboer. Maart 2002. 41. Snyman, H.A. 2002. Veeboer en die komende winter. Ons Eie 37: 32-33. 42. Snyman, H.A. 2002. Bestuur jou risiko’s: die impak van ongeluksvure

moet nie onderskat word nie. Ons Eie 37: 50-54. 43. Snyman, H.A. 2002. Brand van weiveld: Ja of Nee. Landbouweekblad, 3

Mei 2002. pp. 18-21. 44. Snyman, H.A. 2002. Ongeluksvure en weiveldbestuur in die droër

gebiede. SA Koöp 18(7): 5-7.

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45. Snyman, H.A. 2002. Suurder en minder smaaklike bulte kan verander

word. SA Koöp 18(7): 22-24. 46. Snyman, H.A. 2002. The burning question? Farmer’s Weekly. 17 May

2002. pp. 16-18. 47. Snyman, H.A. 2002. The shocking facts of burning. Farmer’s Weekly. 24

May 2002. pp. 20-22. 48. Snyman, H.A. 2002. Hou elke druppel water op jou plaas. Wolboer. Julie

2002. 49. Snyman, H.A. 2002. Risikobestuur met ongeluksvure in droër weivelddele

opgelos. Ons Eie. Augustus 2002, 37(3): 62-63. 50. Snyman, H.A. 2002. Better soil-moisture management in the dry regions.

Farmer’s Weekly. 30 August 2002. 16-17. 51. Snyman, H.A. 2003. At the root of veld problems. Farmer’s Weekly, 17

January 2003. pp. 28-30. 52. Snyman, H.A. 2003. Dis ‘n fout om te boer dat die stof so staan. SA Koöp.

Februarie 2003. pp. 4-5. 53. Snyman, H.A. 2003. Agteruitgang van veld gestuit. Landbouweekblad, 28

Februarie 2003. pp. 13-14. 54. Snyman, H.A. 2003. Weiveldbestuur: Pionier na klimaks. Ons Eie,

Februarie 2003. pp. 35-38. 55. Snyman, H.A. 2003. The damage wild fires do. Farmer’s Weekly, 21

March 2003. pp. 29-30. 56. Snyman, H.A. 2003. Slaan die weiveld se toestand net so hoog aan as die

wolprys. Wolboer, Maart 2003. pp. 23. 57. Snyman, H.A. 2003. Effektiewe wortelstelsel by weiveld: belangrik in

droër gebiede. SA Koöp, Maart 2003. pp. 4-6. 58. Snyman, H.A. 2003. Gevaartekens flikker vir winter op weiveld. Wolboer,

April 2003. pp. 15. 59. Snyman, H.A. 2003. Weiveldagteruitgang se invloed op wortelgroei. Ons

Eie, April 2003. pp. 32-34.

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60. Snyman, H.A. 2003. Worteltipes by Opuntia spesies. Turksvyblad, April 2003. pp. 6-7.

61. Snyman, H.A. & Du Preez, C.C. 2003. Veldagteruitgang en grondkwaliteit

in droër dele. SA Koöp, Mei 2003. pp. 4-5. 62. Snyman, H.A. 2003. Controlling the uncontrollable. Farmer’s Weekly, 6

June 2003. pp. 62-63. 63. Snyman, H.A. 2003. Brand van weiveld en wortelgroei in droë dele. SA

Koöp, Junie 2003. pp. 4-7. 64. Snyman, H.A. & Du Preez, C.C. 2003. Invloed van veldbrand op grond-

kwaliteit in droër grasvelddele. Ons Eie, Augustus 2003. pp. 40-44. 65. Snyman, H.A. 2003. Waterverbruiksdoeltreffendheid by Turksvye (Opuntia

spesies). Ons Eie, Augustus 2003. pp. 55-58. 66. Snyman, H.A. 2003. Reënwortels verander die herstel van die turksvyplant

na ‘n droogte nie in ‘n turksvy. Turksvyblad, Augustus 2003. pp. 13-14.

67. Snyman, H.A. 2003. Die waarde van turksvye in bestaansboerdery. SA

Koöp, Augustus 2003. pp. 4-7. 68. Snyman, H.A. 2003. Turksvye ‘n nuttige weidingsgewas. Landbou-

weekblad. 5 September 2003. pp. 42-44. 69. Snyman, H.A. 2004. Weiveld na ‘n brand. Wolboer. Februarie 2004. pp.

15-16. 70. Snyman, H.A. 2004. Gebrande veld moet rus ..... en rus. Landbou-

weekblad. Januarie 2004. pp. 16-18. 71. Snyman, H.A. 2004. Doringlose turksvye: Effektiwiteit van die wortel-

stelsel. Turksvyblad. Februarie 2004. pp. 4-5. 72. Snyman, H.A. & Van der Westhuizen, H.C. 2004. Herstelresep vir veld.

Landbouweekblad. Januarie 2004. pp. 20-23. 73. Snyman, H.A. 2004. Toestande nie so rooskleurig. Wolboer. Februarie

2004. pp. 4. 74. Snyman, H.A. 2004. Delay grazing on burnt veld. Farmer’s Weekly. 13

February 2004. pp. 34-35.

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75. Snyman, H.A. 2004. Ontaarding van volhoubare produktiwiteit van die turksvy in ‘n turksvy. SA Koöp. Februarie 2004. pp. 8-12.

76. Snyman, H.A. 2004. Beweiding van droër weivelddele na brand. SA

Koöp. Februarie 2004. pp. 4-6. 77. Snyman, H.A. Don’t create your own drought. Farmer’s Weekly. 12

March 2004. pp. 37-38. 78. Snyman, H.A. 2004. Good veld: organic insurance. Farmer’s Weekly. 2

April 2004. pp. 21-22. 79. Snyman, H.A. & Potgieter, J. 2004. Let them eat cactus. Farmer’s

Weekly. 23 April 2004. pp. 38-39. 80. Botha, P.R. & Snyman, H.A. 2004. Kikoejoe, raaigras en klawer ‘n

wenresep. Landbouweekblad. 16 April 2004. pp. 42-45. 81. Snyman, H.A. 2004. Waterverbruik van turksvye in verhouding tot die van

ander voergewasse. Die Turksvyblad. April 2004. pp. 7-8. 82. Snyman, H.A. 2004. Delay grazing on burnt veld. Agri-Outreach 7(1): 1-3. 83. Snyman, H.A. 2004. Aanpasbaarheid van die turksvyplant maak dat hy nie

‘n turksvy is nie. Ons Eie. Augustus 2004: 58-61. 84. Snyman, H.A. 2004. Moenie die impak van vuur op weiveld onderskat nie.

Senwester. September 2004, pp 51-54. 85. Snyman, H.A. 2004. Wortelverspreiding by turksvye (Opuntia spesies) en

volhoubare produksie. Die Turksvyblad, Julie 2004, pp 6-9. 86. Snyman, H.A. 2004. Oorbeweiding bemoeilik herstel. Landbouweekblad

24 September 2004, pp 26-28. 87. Snyman, H.A. 2004. Wortelstelsel kort meer aandag. Landbouweekblad

Oktober 2004, pp 34-36. 88. Snyman, H.A. 2004. Brand knou wortels. Landbouweekblad, Oktober

2004, pp 23-24. 89. Snyman, H.A. 2004. Fire and the grass seed bank. Farmer’s Weekly, 19

November 2004, pp 42-43. 90. Snyman, H.A. 2005. Risikobestuur in droë weivelddele . S A Koöp, 22 (5):

6-9, Maart 2005.

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91. Snyman, H.A. 2005. Is gronderosie nog ‘n probleem in SA. Senwester, pp 60-64.

92. Snyman, H.A., Fouché, H.J., Ratsele, C. & Avenant, P. 2005. Cold and/or

frost sensitivity of Opuntia ficus-indica and O robusta in a semi-arid climate of South Africa. Die Turksvyblad, April 2005, pp11-15.

93. Snyman, H.A. 2005. Waarom moet bossies langer as grasse rus na

beweiding. SA Koöp, vol 22(6), Mei 2005, pp. 26-28. 94. Snyman, H.A. 2005. Short-term influence of fire in a semi-arid grassland

on (1): productivity. Grassroots 6(2): 14-19. 95. Snyman, H.A., Fouché, H.J. & Avenant, P. 2005. Kies regte

turksvykultivar. Landbouweekblad, 29 Julie 2005. pp. 18-21. (No. 1411)

96. Snyman, H.A. 2005. Cactus Pear. Agri-Outreach, Prais (Programme for

Agricultural Information Services) 8(1): 7-9. 97. Snyman, H.A. 2005. Volhoubare produksie op gebrande veld. Senwester,

September 2005. pp. 40-41. 98. Snyman, H.A. 2005. Short-term influence of fire in a semi-arid grassland

on (2): root distribution, seasonal root production and root/shoot ratio. Grassroots 5(3): 20-28.

99. Van Rensburg, G. & Snyman, H.A. 2005. Soil degradation impact on

seedbank sustainability. Grassroots 5(3): 19-20. 100. Snyman, H.A., Fouché, H.J. & Avenant, P. 2005. Cactus pear emerging as

a valuable food crop. Farmer’s Weekly. 21 October 2005, pp. 24-26.

101. Snyman, H.A., Fouché, H.J., Avenant, P. 2005. Don’t plant cactus pears in

frost-proof sites. Farmer’s Weekly, 21 October 2005, pp. 22-24. 102. Snyman, H.A. 2005. Gebrande veld te gou bewei – jou vingers ook

verbrand. SA Koöp, November 2005, 23(1): 8-9. 103. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Bestuur van weiveld in droër dele na ’n onbeplande

brand. Limousin. Pp. 55-58. 104. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Cactus Pear: Great fodder. Farmer’s Weekly, 18

February 2006. pp. 26-27.

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105. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Short-term influence of fire in a semi-arid grassland on (3): litter production, root and litter turnover. Grassroots 15(4): 25-28.

106. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Veld management: the secrets in the roots. Farmer’s

Weekly. 10 February 2006, pp. 22-24. 107. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Gesonde wortelstelsel by weiplante versag droogtes.

SA Koöp, February 2006, 23(3) pp. 8-10. 108. Botha P., Meeske, R. & Snyman, H.A. 2006. Improve kikuyu pastures by

oversowing. Dairy Mail 13(3), 84-87, March 2006. 109. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Dankbaarheid oor die goeie reënval – hoe raak dit die

veeboer die komende winter. SA Koöp. Maart 2006, Volume 23(4): pp. 21-22.

110. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Short-term influence of fire in a semi-arid grassland

on (4): soil characteristics. Grass Roots 16(1): 16-27. 111. Botha, P., Meeske, R. & Snyman, H.A. 2006. Oversow kikuyu to optimize

milk production. Dairy Mail 13(4): 81-83. 112. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Benut die volle grondprofiel op jou plaas vir

volhoubare weiveldproduksie. Bonsmara blad, pp. 177-183. 113. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Benut die volle potensiaal van natuurlike hulpbronne.

SA Graan. Mei 2006, pp. 44-46. 114. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Short-term influence of fire in a semi-arid grassland

on (5): seedling establishment. Grassroots 6(2): 20-33. 115. Botha, P.R, Meeske R & Snyman, H.A. 2006. Forage quantity and quality

from kikuyu pasture over-sown with ryegrass and clover. Elsenburg Joernaal/Journal. Vol. 3 No 1, March 2006. Departement Landbou: Wes-Kaap, pp. 2.

116. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Delay grazing on burnt veld in the drier regions

(sweetveld). Go Farming 1(4): 25-26. 117. Snyman, H.A. 2006. To burn or not to burn in the drier Grassveld areas.

Go Farming 1(3), 11-12. 118. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Sweet and sour rangelands. Go Farming 1(3), 8-9. 119. Snyman, H.A. 2006. Short-term influence of fire in a semi-arid grassland

(6): the soil seed bank. Grassroots 6(3): 20-32.

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120. Snyman, H.A. 2007. Nie net weiveld groei lekker na goeie reënval. SA

Koöp, Desember 24(2): 22-24. 121. Snyman, H.A. 2007. Short-term influence of fire in a semi-arid grassland

on (7): defoliation. Grassroots 5(4): 8-21. 122. Snyman, H.A. 2007. Fisiologiese benadering tot weiveldbenutting. Graan

SA Januarie 9(2): 25-27. 123. Snyman, H.A. 2007. Turksvyplant – nie noodwendig n turksvy nie. Graan

SA. Februarie 9(2): 30-32. 124. Snyman, H.A. 2007. Short-term influence of fire in a semi-arid grassland

on (8): two less palatable grass species (Cymbopogon plurinodis and Elionurus muticus). Grassroots 7(1): 11-23.

125. Snyman, H.A. 2007. Turksvyplant se reënvalbenutting alles behalwe n

turksvy. Bonsmara Joernaal, April 2007, pp. 28-31. 126. Snyman, H.A. 2007. Understand your veld: rain, rest and rotation.

Farmer’s Weekly, 1 June 2007, pp. 52-53. 127. Snyman, H.A. 2007. Invest in your fodder bank. Farmer’s Weekly, 8 June

2007, pp. 46-48. 128. Snyman, H.A. 2007. Droogte se gevolge op weiveld. SA Koöp, Junie

2007 24(7), 12-13. 129. Snyman, H.A. 2007. How to rest your veld. Agri-Outreach, September

2007 10(2): 6-9. 130. Snyman, H.A. 2007. Veld management. Agri-Outreach, November 2007

10(3): 11-15. 131. Snyman, H.A. 2008. Cactus pear Opuntia ficus-indica and O. robusta and

their water utilization. Grassroots 7(4): 41-48. 132. Snyman, H.A. 2008. Versorging van weiveld: na ’n droogte en

ongeluksvuur. Agriland, Januarie/Februarie 52(1): 14-15. 133. Snyman, H.A. 2008. Influence of degradation on the short-term nutritive

value of a semi-arid grassland. Grassroots 8, 22-26. 134. De Waal, H.O., Fouché, H.J., Snyman, H.A. 2008. Dealing with fires

during drought. Agri-Outreach 10(5), 5-7.

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135. Snyman, H.A. 2008. Weertendense en weiveldbeplanning. Agriland, Mei/Junie 2008, 52(3): 18-20.

136. Snyman, H.A. 2008. Brandgevaar: kennis kan verlies bekamp. Agriland,

Julie 2008, 52(4): 24-26. 137. Snyman, H.A. & Mouton. J. 2008. Die invloed van droogte op jou vee en

weiding. Senwester, Junie 2008, 16-19. 138. Botha, P.R., Meeske, R. & Snyman, H.A. 2008. The evaluation of kikuyu

over-sown with ryegrass and clover in terms of milk production. Grassroots 8(2): 25-27.

139. Snyman, H.A. 2008. Ontblaring en wortelgroei by weiplante. The

Dairymail 15(9): 27-30, September 2008. 140. Snyman, H.A. 2008. Bestuur weiveld reg. Landbouweekblad. 10 Oktober

2008, pp. 24-25. 141. Snyman, H.A. 2008. Nursing burnt veld back to health. Farmer’s Weeky.

26 September 2008, pp. 31-32. 142. Snyman, H.A. 2008. Kennis van wortelgroei by weiplante noodsaaklik.

Agriland 52(6), 58-59. 143. Snyman, H.A. 2008. Wanneer om weiveld weer te bewei na n brand.

Graan SA, 10(11): 64-65. 144. Snyman, H.A. 2008. Kennis van weiveld – moeder van sukses. Merino

SA. pp. 36-40. 145. Snyman, H.A. 2009. Laat gebrande veld lank rus. OVK Nuus 10, 14-16.

(Januarie 2009). 146. Snyman, H.A. 2009. Slangbos – die bedreiging in weiveld. SA Koöp.

Januarie 2009. 26(2), 8-10. 147. Snyman, H.A. 2009. Die impak van water op wortelgroei by weiplante.

Agriland 53 (1): 58-60. 148. Snyman, H.A. 2009. A snake in the grass. Farmer’s Weekly, 30 January

2009, pp. 26-27. 149. Snyman, H.A. 2009. Wortelgroei en veldagteruitgang. Agriand 53(2): 56-

57. 150. Snyman, H.A. 2009. Slangbos bedreig weiveld. OVK Nuus 11(1), 48-49.

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151. Snyman, H.A. en Le Roux, P.A. 2009. Wat bepaal die voorkoms van

Slangbos. Ons Eie 44, 55-58. 152. Snyman, H.A. 2009. Troef slangbos met veesout. Landbouweekblad, 17

April 2009, pp. 4-6. 153. Snyman, H.A. 2009. Slangbos die aggressiewe indringer in weiveld se

ontkiemingspotensiaal. Senwester, April 2009, pp. 26-29. 154. Snyman, H.A. 2009. Germination potential of Seriphium plumosum

(bankrupt bush), slangbos or vaalbos. Grassroots 9(1), 43-48. 155. Snyman, H.A. 2009. Salt beats slangbos. Farmer’s Weekly, 8 May 2009,

pp. 22-23. 156. Snyman, H.A. 2009. Slangbos die produksiedief op weiveld. Agriland

53(3): 34-36. 157. Snyman, H.A. 2009. Beweide veld moet herstel en nie net rus nie.

Bonsmaraland 2009, pp.61-63. 158. Snyman, H.A. 2009. A philosophical approach to the distribution and

spread of Seriphium plumosum. Grassroots, May 2009 9(2): 29-37. E. Gemeenskapsdiensbydraes Aanbiedinge: boeredae, simposiums en navorsingsbesoeke.

Nasionale gemeenskap: 1. 2 November 1982. Die rol van aangeplante weidings. Lesing Petrusburg boeredag. 2. 10 Junie 1983. Doeltreffende veldbestuur. Lesing Aliwal-Noord boeredag. 3. 10 April 1984. Boeredag UOVS - besoek navorsing te Sydenham. 4. 9 November 1984. Vrystaatse tak vir Diereproduksie - besoek navorsing te Sydenham. 5. 2 September 1985. Reënvalnabootser: goeie demonstrasiewaarde. Lesing simposium,

Zuurberg Inn, Addo.

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6. 14 November 1985. Effektiewe reënval. Lesing boeredag Stadsboerevereniging. 7. 11 April 1986. Boerevereniging van Sentrale OVS. Besoek navorsing te Sydenham. 8. 18 April 1986. Waterverbruiksdoeltreffendheid. Lesing navorsingsafdeling te Glen. 9. 26 Augustus 1986. Zastron, Rouxville & Wepener boereverenigings besoek navorsing te

Sydenham. 10. 10 September 1986. Spoorweë personeel - Ingenieursafdeling besoek navorsing te Sydenham. 11. 22 Mei 1987. Potchefstroom weidingseksie besoek navorsing te Sydenham. 12. 23 September 1987. Weiveldbewaring - Lesing Lindley boeredag. 13. 20 Oktober 1987. Herwinning van kaalkolle. Lesing Burgersdorp boeredag. 14. 17 Maart 1988. Gronderosie gevaar. Lesing bewaringsbeamptes te Gariepdam. 15. 28 April 1988. Volhoubare benutting van die ekosisteem. Lesing Plantkunde-vereniging -

Bloemfontein. 16. 17 Mei 1988. Vogstudies op weiveld. Lesing Boshoff boeredag. 17. 15 September 1988. Effektiewe benutting van reënval. Lesing Heilbron boeredag. 18. 23 Augustus 1989. Waterbalansstudies op weiveld. Teekamerlesing, UOVS. 19. 14 Maart 1990. Ken u plantegroei. Lesing Petrusburg boeredag. 20. 30 Mei 1990. Mensgemaakte droogtes. Lesing Edenville boeredag. 21. 14 November 1990. Beter waterverbruik by weiveld. Lesing Koppieskraalboerevereniging -

Grootvlei Gevangenis. 22. 12 Maart 1991. Veldtoestand. Lesing Zastron boeredag.

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23. 8 Junie 1991. Grondbewaring. Lesing Bloemspruit Vroueburo, Tydren. 24. 20 April 1993. Grasidentifisering. Lesing grasdag te Zastron. 25. 3 Mei 1995. Ekonomie van veld. Lesing Bethulie boeredag. Knapdaarboerevereniging. 26. 10 Augustus 1995. Veldherwinning. Lesing Sentrale boerevereniging, Bloemfontein. 27. 2 September 1996. Studente en personeel van Universiteit Fort Hare besoek navorsing by

Sportgrond, UV. 28. 10 Junie 1998. Swart studente en dosente van Universiteit Transkei besoek navorsing by

Sportgrond, UV. 29. 6 April 1999. MVL-studente besoek navorsingsterrein, UV. 30. 17 September 1999. Studente en dosente van Universiteit Fort Hare besoek navorsingsterrein,

UV. 31. 1 Junie 2000. MVL nagraadse groep besoek navorsing. 32. 14 Februarie 2001. Dept Landbou: Kort kursus oor veldbrand. 33. 4 Junie 2001. MVL nagraadse groep besoek navorsing. 34. 3 Junie 2002. MVL nagraadse groep besoek navorsing. 35. 6 September 2002 Volhoubaarheid van weidingsgewasse as deel van volhoubare

landboupraktyke. Lesing: Workshop on the sustainability of re-vegetated man made features. – Potchefstroom.

36. 2 Junie 2003. MVL studente besoek navorsing – UV. 37. 20 Junie 2003. Duitse studente besoek navorsingsterrein – UV. 38. 1 Oktober 2003. Beginsels by volhoubare benutting van die weidingekosisteem. Lesing:

Beesboerdery Kongres – Glen Landboukollege.

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39. 30 Maart 2004. How plants handle the aboveground application of the management tools

of fire, grazing and animal impact. Holistic Management Conference, Vryburg.

40. Junie 2004. MVL-studente besoek navorsingsterrein. 41. November 2004 Veldbestuur in die Sentrale grasveld Lesing: Boeredag-wolkwekersvereniging, Smithfield. 42. 24 Februarie 2005 Die benutting van die weidingekosisteem vir volhoubare diereproduksie. Lesing: Boeredag, Vrede. 43. 24 Mei 2005 Veldbestuur vir volhoubare diereproduksie in die droër weivelddele. Lesing: Boeredag, Edenburg. 44. 19 Januarie 2006 MVL-studente besoek navorsingsterrein. 45. 20 Februarie 2006 Volhoubare benutting van die weidingekosisteem. Lesing: Boeredag

Clocolan (Bonsmare telersgenootskap). 46. 5 Mei 2006 Integrasie van natuurlike en aangeplante weiding. Lesing: Boeredag

Kleingraan Instituut, Bethlehem. 47. 16 Augustus 2006 Veldbestuurbeginsels: Lesing: Boeredag Slabberts-boerevereniging,

Slabberts. 48. 20 Januarie 2007 MVL-studente besoek navorsingsterrein. 49. 19 Junie 2007 Mensgemaakte versus klimatologiese droogtes. Lesing Boeredag, Barkly-

Oos Boerevereniging te Rhodes. 50. 19 Augustus 2007 Volhoubare weidingproduksie. Lesing Kaalspruitboerevereniging. 51. 31 Oktober 2007 Weiveldbestuur. Lesing Smithfield studiegroep, Smithfield. 52. 17 Januarie 2008 MVL-studente besoek navorsingsterrein. 53. 22 Januarie 2008. Elsenburg navorsingsgroep besoek my proewe.

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54. 14 Februarie 2008 Wortelstudies op weiveld en die invloed op bestuur. Lesing Smithfield

studiegroep. 55. 7 Oktober 2008 Vermeulen-Fenthum, S., Botha, P.R. & Snyman, H.A. 2008. Die

produksiepotensiaal van weiding vir melk- en vleisproduksie.. Inligtingsdag Outeniqua Navorsingsplaas, pp. 75-77.

56. 6 Maart 2009 Slangbos die aggressiewe indringer. Boerevereniging Zastron. 57. 28 April 2009 Beheer van slangbos. Boerevereniging Tweespruit. 58. 27 Augustus 2009 Seriphium plumosum beheer. Boerevereniging Dordrecht. Internasionale gemeenskap: 1. 4 Oktober 1996 Studente en dosente van Lesotho besoek navorsing by Sportgronde – UV. 2. 6 Maart 1997 Swart studente en dosente van VSA besoek navorsingsterrein by

Sportgronde – UV. 3. 28 Augustus 2000 Studente en dosente Universiteit Namibië besoek navorsingsterrein – UV. 4. 13 September 2000 Studente en dosente van Venda Universiteit besoek navorsingsterrein –

UV. 5. 22 Maart 2001 Studente & dosente van Duitsland besoek navorsingsterrein – UV. 6. 30 Mei 2001 Navorsers van Australië besoek navorsing – UV. 7. 3 September 2001 Studente en dosente Universiteit Namibië besoek navorsingsterrein – UV. 8. 19 Mei 2003 Veertien navorsers van “Faculty of Agriculture - Auburn University” in

Auburn, Alabama, VSA besoek ons navorsing. 9. 29 Julie 2003 Navorsers van Sydney Universiteit, Australië besoek navorsing – UV. 10. 1 Augustus 2003 Navorsers van Universiteit California, VSA besoek navorsing – UV.

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11. 5 November 2004 Navorsers uit VSA, besoek my navorsing - UV.- 12. 12 November 2007 Navorsers uit Argentinië besoek my navorsing – UV.