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    Published by: Syahee.com

    Copyrights @syahee.com 2016

    No part of this book can be used without the permission

    of contributors and the publisher.

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    1. : ................................4 2. : .5 3. AMOR: Sandra Sarmiento Guatemala6

    4. NGELES DE FUEGO: Josep Lleix-


    5. INTROSPECCIN: Mara de los . Camacho


    6. ONRICO: Luz Mara Lpez..9

    7. - 2 -: Patricia Temple10

    8. SIEMPRE ES VERANO: William Prez Vega...11


    Yuri Zambrano15

    10. : 16

    11. : 17 12. A WORD: Sakshi Chanana.18


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    - Sandra Sarmiento

    Signos msticos

    Slo un ritmo La sonrisa del tiempo

    La meloda del amor.

    Ambos corazones


    En la misma flor


    Armona sublime

    El mismo poema El mismo libro

    Pero diferentes espritus.

    Nadando en el mismo ocano

    Como la luna y el sol

    En el mismo universo Pero dos fuerzas descomunales.

    El poder del amor

    Pasin magnfica l vive por ella

    Ella lo ama.

    Nadie pierde

    nadie gana

    Sonidos y luces Naturaleza y cosmos.

    La fuerza del amor Ms poderosa que las guerras

    Abraza la intensidad

    si en tus maanas rezas.


    Mystic Signs

    Just one rhythm The smile of the time

    The melody of the love.

    Both hearts


    In the same flower Dancing.

    Harmony sublime The same poem

    The same book

    But different spirits.

    Swim in the same ocean

    Like moon and the sun

    In the same universe But two huge forces.

    The power of the love Magnific passion

    He lives for her

    She loves him.

    Nobody loses

    Nobody wins Sounds and light

    Nature and cosmos.

    The strength of love More powerful than wars

    Embrace the intensity

    If you pray in your mornings.


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    -Josep Lleix-Fernndez

    ngeles de fuego,

    llamas que queman

    en la hoguera los recuerdos.

    Solsticio de verano,

    chispas que vuelan buscando un


    para adentrarse en un corazn

    y el amor poder compartir, vivir-lo.

    Noche corta, noche de brujas

    que bailan provocando el deseo,

    de beber ms de aquel brebaje

    que enamora, que hace enloquecer

    y embriagarse.

    He bailado contigo, bruja,

    he bebido el elixir de tus labios

    a la luz de las llamas y de la luna.

    Me has ofrecido tus pechos,

    robado el corazn

    y anulado la razn.

    Solsticio de verano.


    -Translated by Luz Mara Lpez

    Angels of fire,

    flames that burn

    the memories in the pyre.

    Summer Solstice,

    sparks that fly searching for a


    to venture in a heart

    and share love, live it.

    Short night, witches night

    that dance provoking desire,

    to indulge more of such concoction

    that endears, drives mad

    and enraptures.

    I have danced with you, witch,

    drank the elixir of your lips

    by the light of the flames and the


    You have offered me your breasts,

    stolen my heart

    and annulled all reason.

    Summer Solstice.

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    - Mara de los . Camacho Rivas

    Sal a buscar el verano de mi

    primer chillido;

    Transit por varias dcadas

    Pobladas de brochas

    Retiradas en las arenas.

    El asiduo afn, brill por su


    (ya no iba de arriba para abajo

    O de abajo para arriba).

    En la ruta,

    No escuch ni pronunci

    inminentes discursos

    Tampoco las cartas en agenda

    Estaban a mi espera.

    Slo me detuve en el baile

    De las flores que un da sembr

    Slo escuch la msica

    De las palabras que no deben


    Slo vi cunto puede morir o

    crecer una semilla


    -Translated by Luz Mara Lpez

    I went out searching for the

    summer of my first squeal;

    Did transit for several decades

    Populated with brushes

    Retired in the sands.

    The assiduous eagerness, shone

    through its absence.

    (I wasnt going anymore from top to


    Or bottom up).

    In the route,

    I did not hear or pronounced

    imminent speeches

    Neither the letters in agenda

    Were waiting for me.

    I only stopped at the dance

    Of the flowers that one day I sow

    Only listened to the music

    Of words that should not perish

    Only saw how much a seed could

    die or grow

    Planted in the summer.

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    - Luz Mara Lpez

    La vida es un infinito susurro

    Que toca atreverse atrapar

    Destino inescapable

    Escrito en las paredes del tiempo

    Fluyendo siempre hacia la

    corriente de aire

    Para iluminar el alma

    Pisando sobre la tierra

    - otra vez y siempre -

    Anticipado pasaje

    Reconstruyendo un sueo

    Comenzar aun otro viaje

    Caminando sobre las propias


    Buscando la luz de otro horizonte

    Y finalmente, rendirse

    Anidado en el misterio

    Contenido en el latido

    Como si nada ms importara,

    Solo el sentimiento

    Por debajo de la piel.


    -Translated by Luz Mara Lpez

    Life is an infinite whisper

    One must dare to grasp

    Unescapable destiny

    Written on the walls of time

    Flowing always towards the wind

    To enlighten thy soul

    Stepping over the ground

    - again and ever -

    Expected passage

    To rebuild a dream

    Begin yet another journey

    By walking over own shadows

    Seeking the light of another


    And finally, surrender

    Nested in the mystery

    Within a heartbeat

    As if nothing else matters,

    Just the feeling

    Beneath the skin.

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    - 2 -

    - Patricia Temple

    La locura te enamora, te seduce, te apasiona.

    Promete mucho pero es

    perversa. Miente, juega contigo a ser un


    En un precipicio que atrae al


    La locura se niega a ceder el

    paso. Te ha envuelto en su


    Vives en tu propio mundo Inventas amigos, creas



    Por momentos,

    Recibes visitas inesperadas. Es el precio,

    Y el premio tambin.

    - 2 -

    -Translated by Luz Mara Lpez

    Madness falls in love with you,


    Becomes own passion,

    Promises a lot but it is perverse.

    Lies, plays to be your equilibrist

    On a precipice that attracts the


    Madness refuses to give passage.

    It has wrapped you up in its drunkenness

    Lives in your own world

    You do invent friends, create stories.


    At times,

    You get unexpected visits.

    It is the price, And the prize too.

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    -William Prez Vega

    Hoy repas los talleres del silencio

    En el borde de todas las lejanas,

    En el fondo de las minas,

    En el costado de los pueblos crucificados,

    En el sol de las 12 horas expropiadas

    Que nunca hay tiempo para reponer,

    En la mujer de cuatro paredes invisibles,

    En la aldea que se amontona sobre la indiferencia,

    En la espalda del da doblado sobre los surcos,

    En el hambre que nunca pasa de moda,

    En el polvo descalzo que arde en las pisadas,

    En la sed de las charcas del llanto,

    En los escombros de los pueblos

    Cuyo cielo llueve metralla a cualquier hora

    Y traspasa de fuego la carne viva,

    En la niez que corre sin saber a dnde

    Porque el miedo les quema la inocencia

    Y la noche se niega a terminar,

    En el agujero oscuro de la galaxia de las guerras,

    En los ojos del terror que gritan angustia

    Porque el consuelo se aleja de las manos estiradas

    Que pululan en las grandes ciudades,

    En las noticias viejas

    Que cubren la piel de la vergenza

    Mientras en palacio adornan

    La mesa de los sacrificios.

    Porque sobre el lomo del sudor

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    Siempre es verano al medio da

    Y la explotacin quema el hueso de cada clula,

    Hasta la fibra oculta en las neuronas,

    Ms all de cualquier da del ao

    Y los Pentgonos de un solo lado

    Dibujan calendarios de petrleo y plvora.

    Hasta que arrebatemos a los mismos de siempre,

    Al uno por ciento dueo de los cambios climticos,

    Todas las estaciones del ao

    Y vayamos pintados de la misma consigna,

    Con un incendio de abismos y palacios,

    Una hoguera de templos y Pentgonos

    Que es igual a decir arca sin fronteras

    O fiesta de Casa Blanca derrotada,

    Que significa Wall Street echado al abismo

    Y aprendamos, todos juntos, todas juntas

    A dibujar primaveras de esperanza.

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    -Translated by Luz Mara Lpez

    Today I reviewed the silence workshops

    On the edge of all distances,

    At the bottom of the mines,

    On the flank of the crucified towns,

    In the sun of the 12 expropriated hours

    That never there is time to replace,

    In the woman of four invisible walls,

    In the village that piles over the indifference,

    In the backbone of the day folded over the furrows,

    In the hunger that never goes out of fashion,

    In the barefooted dust that burns in the footsteps,

    In the thirst of the weeping ponds,

    In the rubble of the towns

    Whose sky rains shrapnel at any time

    And impales with fire the living flesh,

    In the childhood that runs not knowing where

    Because fear burns their innocence

    And the night refuses to end,

    In the dark hole of the galaxy of wars,

    In the eyes of terror which scream anguish

    For consolation moves away from the stretched hands

    That swarm in the big cities,

    In the old news

    That cover the skin of shame

    While in palace they do adorn

    The table of the sacrifices.

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    Because over the spine of sweat

    It's always summer at noon

    And exploitation burns the bone of each cell,

    To the hidden fiber in the neurons,

    Beyond any day of the year

    And the one-sided Pentagons

    Draw calendars of oil and gunpowder.

    Until we snatch the same old ones,

    The one percent owner of the climatic changes,

    All seasons of the year

    And we go colored with the same slogan,

    With a blaze of abysses and palaces,

    A bonfire of temples and Pentagons

    Which is the same as saying ark without frontiers

    Or defeated White House party,

    Which means Wall Street thrown into the abyss

    And we learn, all together,

    To draw Springs of hope.

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    - Yuri Zambrano

    Ahogarse en un vaso con agua

    smil huracnico-invocante

    cuando me recibes en el oleaje volcnico de tu vientre.


    - Translated by Yuri Zambrano

    To drown in a glass of water

    tempestuous-invoking simile

    when you receive me in the volcanic waves

    of your womb.

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    So quietly the moon night

    A stroll along the edge of the lake

    Look to the boundless sky

    Water's face is so small

    No need to receive everything to

    the bottom of the lake

    Bowed to lift the lotus leaf

    That has been turned into the mud

    in the roots

    Night is quiet.

    Night is so deep

    When the frogs set foot on the


    The moon is getting lost

    So quietly the moon night still

    Autumn night as spring, the water

    looks deep

    The heart only used to read the

    moon is not closed

    New sorrows underway

    Miscellaneous chores why hanging


    Raised head and strode away

    Waved hand, no longer care about

    Night was quiet.

    Night was so deep

    Croaks of frightened frogs even

    here and there


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    A WORD

    - Sakshi Chanana

    My words seem to die

    A slow painful death

    With an attempted murder

    Of our love

    Or Shall I say habit?



    Smothering any way

    That connects us

    Wonder if any ember can kindle it


    Death separates everyone


    Why do we create the spaces of


    For the people

    When they are alive.

    My chiselled inanimate existence,

    carefully crafted by you

    Hurts, but does not deter me


    I wont let you die

    Before your time.

    You shall come to life

    In every moment

    A tear trickles down

    My soul

    You shall breathe

    With the random ramblings of my


    My lost-present love

    You would walk oblivious

    In the terrains of my heart


    When you would sleep

    I shall enclose you in my arms.

    You must outlive

    What you have created

    And who you have become.

    My love- you shall be more than a

    speck in the universe

    For my words, though dying shall

    immortalize you!


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