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laP^SAVJB'theehUaron.^MnMthaes or them.tuffer, linger, and <lie, because of Pin Worms. The only effect- ual remedyf or the'ie most troublesome and dangerousof illwormsinolilldrenbrkdults.lB founain Dr^ Gould's Pin-Worm Syrup: Purely vegetabiti'Safe aha certain.— 'A valurtleoathartite anaJbeneflirialioheaMg GEO. 0. ' aOOpWIN^OOiBostOBiMiaall'Briigif^ iigif^ , . :(mhlTa4w6m), -,)•? -1 p3redby.&AA4iiciEKs&3)ufoH7fN.p.l^4!Rue£ombara| aHS,78Ba highlyjiecommendfjetbjf th,e entire- Medical McuKyp.ftrance.' ...,,•.•>..', . .' f Are'amost energetic and effcclent Remedy In cases of Spermatprniea or Seminal Weakness; Nightlyj Dally or irVijmaitosr d efcclent emedy n c minal Weakness; Nightlyj Dally or irVijmaitosraBmTsslons; Sex&arweakhess or Impotency; 'iWeafcuess'ari'sihg from Secret Habits or Sexual Excesses; ' Relaxation of the Genital Organ*; \TeakSpine; "Lime 1 ! pr^Brickdust'? deposits iff the; Urine;; 'iMllky ©!*• chargea," Ac, and all the ghastly; train of symptos arising ,, team, Qveruse.or. Excesses. . , . A Pspphlet, containing fgU, paitioulajs,- with Dire*? t!6ns:aiict:.Advice,- print«din French, -German,' Spanish and. English, accompanies each box, and will be. sent by mall, free of cost, to any one: who will write, for! it. Price, $1 per Box, or Six Boxes for J5. „, | , ASK iJOSlDELAMARRE'S 8PECIFIQ PJtLS, AND :,,:"' (TAKE SO. 0J3HEBS.>.;.' .'. ; Sold by all the principal Druggists, or will be sent by mail,-securely se.aledjrbm, a(l obsMxoationfeii receipt. Agents fc few York. J. 0. Sprague^aneJ!. B.fl>.limphear for. Ogaenaborgh, N. Y. (ttSOd&weowly) A CARD TO THE LADIES. » " -' -"X& DuPONCO'S i } Grolden I*teriodical Pills, _ JOE FEMALES. i *Tii?aZMbZt>- in- conricttna Jrke<ruZa.ritiea, Jt&moving * Obstructions of the MoriViVy Tiirntt^fronvwltat- . '•. ever cane,' .<?«<?always suecessfnl as. Cf> PreVbnUvB ng themselve* hil i h &ONEIILL.ISJ.J "Females peculiarly sttiiatea, or" supposing themselve* ; so,afccauii6neaiigainst r nsihgithe8ePlU9 while in that condition, lest, they Invite inW&rriage,as the proprietpr '•• assumes np responsibility-after: this* admonition, altho* •'tlielf ^mlianesii-woultf'preyent any iibjary to'the health. OtOffliae'tlie FiHa'ilfe recommended for thei alleviation. Ilrii ht OtuOffliaetlie Fi of 'those: sinTerin'g' from any Irregularities 'whatever, as :-jr£H*iiii to*i>r*vent'ai* ; increase of Family''Where health wlirxipt-'permrt-Ill' Xn everyciisetb-ejr act^ike a cTraroH rTe»8a6gg1 ealttitothe che^k of the most delicate. | iPutt-antl explicit directions accompany; eachJbox. , SMce 3 *! per box ; C Boxes for $5. • Sold' by one drugr gistln'every town, village, city and hamlet'throughpuv theiforia. Soldlh Ogaenabiirg by-' B. <0. HajngheaT,,. Druggist, sole agent for this city. Ladies by-sending-Mm- $1 to the Ogdensburg iPost Of- fice, can baye theipUiB-sent. (confidentially) by jmall to any part of Hhe Country;feeof postage. i Sold by 1. H. Camp 4 Co , Watertown, N. Y., and De- mas Barnes * Co., New Tork. ( Sold by George Blrks, Prescott;, Ont. } (9t26d4wly) S. D. HOWB, Proprietor, Newport To Ladles.—If you require a reliable remedy, Why not use the Jest'? Experience, has proved that DB. HAB VET '8 FEMALE PILLS\ Have no equal, They are safe and sure in ordinary cases. Price $1 per box. \ VB, UARYET8 GOLDEN FEMALE PILLS Pour degrees stronger than the above, are Intended for special cases, and niay always be relied on. Price Five Dollars per Box. {^"Illustrated private circulars sent free. Enclose stamp. If yon cannot procure the Pills enclose the money and address Dr. J. BRYAN, 96 East 18 Street, New York,, and they will be sent free from observation by return mail. (ap2S(U13mwAwly) A. mi er i o a n H o ws ei, BOSTON, MASS. i TBE I,AKGE3T PIRST CLASS HOUSE IN NEW ENGLAND. lar^Vertical P.ailway, Suites and Single Apartments, with nathlng and" Water cohveuienbles connecting ; Billiard Balls, Telegraph Office and Cafe. Ueliatn-th-s-Sm) LKWIS KIOE A;SON. Young Men—The. utmost reliance may be placed FILLS,. t * ' For the Speedy and Permanent cure of Seminal Weak. ness or emissions, the result of Youthful indiscretion or Excesses. They can be used without detection or inter- ference with business, and they will restore you tOihealth and strength. Price '£_. Private circulars, with In •tractions sent free. Enclose stamp. j If you cannot procure the pills, enclose the money and address Dr. J. BRYAN, 96 East ISth St., New Yprkand they will be sent free from observation by return mall. ap23astaw&wly) JACKSON'S CATARRH SNUFF, AND TROCHE POWDER, ,,. A deUgMfttVand pleasant.Remedy in Catarrh, Head- ache, Bad Br&afii;'• Hoarseness, Asthma, £roncMM8, UOUQIIS, Deafness, do. And all disorders resuting from Colds In THROAT^ VO- CAL ORGANS and HEAD. This remedy does not "Dry Up" a Catarrh, but loos- ens it; frees the head from all offensive matter, quickly removing Bad Breath and Headache; allays&n&soothes the burning heat in Oatarrh; is so mild and agreeable In 1 Its effects that it positively ! CUBES WITHOUT SNEEZING. As a Troche Powder, is pleasant to the taste and nev- er nauseates;.when swallowed, instantly gives to the Throat and Vocal Organs a delicious sensation of cooli ness ana comfort. . . Is the best Voice Tonic in the woria. Try It.; Safe, re- liable and only S5 cents. gold by Druggists, or mailed free, aaaress. COOPER, WIISON * CO., Prop'rs, Phlladelphl*,. Wholesale Ageht,D. Barnes, & Co ,'New York. B. O.Latnphear, Agent for Ogdensbnrgh. (d PAIN We beg leave to call the attention of the public to this long celebrated and unrivalled [ J KAMIUY MEDICINE, j Xhe Pain Ealler is a purely vegetable compound, and While it is a most efficient remedy for Pain, it is a per- fectly safe medicine even in the most unskillful hands. FOR StJMMEK C0&IP1AINT, j Or any other form of bowel : disease in children or adalts, it is an almbs't certain cure ana has without aoribt been more successful in curing the various kinas of , • OHOEiBRA- ; Than any other known remedy, or even the moat skill- ful physician. In India, Africa ana China, lvbere this dreadful disease Is ever more or less prevalent the Pain Killeris considered bythe native ai well as European residents in those climates, I [je2d3taw&wlm) A3UBE REMEDY. BA'iOHELOR'a HAIR DYJE. i This splendid Hair Dye is the best in the woria 1 The only true and perfect Dye. Harmless, Rel!»ble,'Instan- taneous. No disappointments. No ridiculous -tinti.— Natural Black or Brawn. Remedies the 111 effects of bad dyes. Invigorates the Hair, leaving it soft audj beauti- ful. The genuine is signed William A. Batchelor. All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Son by all druggistsaha perfumers;'' Factory 81 Barclay St., New York. (de7dAWly) MANHOOU: HOW I.OST 1 HOW RE8TORBD1 Just publishea, in a sealea envelope. Price six cents., A Lecture on the Natural Treatment ana Radical Cure of Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility and Impediments to Mar- riage-generally ; Nervbushess;^Consumt*tion, Epilepsy, and Fits ; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self Abuse, Ac, by Robt. J. Oulverwell, Mj D., au- thor of the Green Book, &c. ] A Boon- to Thousands of Sufferers. \ Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, brtwo postage! stamps toCUAH. J. 0. KLINE 4C0..12T Bowery, New Yoi-kj Post Office Box 4536. i Also Dr. Culverwell's' Marriage Guide, Price 25 cents. (my6cl4.W3m] ' THE PEOPLE'S REMEDY. I Itiequired many years of laborious, research into the . properties of herbs and robta before'Biandreth's Pills ar- rived at their present state of perfection. They take all Impure and morbid accumulations from the bow.elSj and the blood. Their use in sickness saves money, time and health. This noble medicine saves suffdring, restores liealtb.andprolongsUife. Those who know their prop^ erties have the most unbounded confidence in them;^ When attacked by ever so serious adisease as pleurisy, colic, sudden prostration^ 4 c , when six or eight, pills -have been swallowed," they are, easy in their minds. And they have canse, for Brandreth's PiUi arg ^o ibroken 'reed. ' "" ''' ' ' • i The Princess of Wales znighthave been cured by;afew dose-, and all her weeks of agoiiy aaved." I believe this as I believe my exislence. ' . ii Principal Agency, Brandreth House, New York. See "B-Branareuy*? In.white .eletterg, in^the Govern- ment stamp. ,',f , , ,'-,'., "v" " . I Soldfeyalintuggista.; , /, , .•(myl2dtwlm) Only ftS Cents for Large Oottle*.—Moth- . .er *Bailey's Quieting-Syrup for- 'children^ which greatly assists the child through the months 1 of teething, allays all pain, reduces inflammatinn, correct! acldlty.of the Stomach, and never fails to regulate: the boweli.' ' old . j byj»aii)raggistB, Sold by J^OiiSpjague &TThe best medicine intheporld Is Dr. Lahgley'S Root aHd Herb Bitters—long a tried and standard remedy for Liver Complaints, BUlious diseaass, Humors of the Blood and Skin, Jaundice and' Dyspepsia, Indigestion, CostiveBess, Headache, and all diseases arising from Pis- btdered Stomach, Torpid Liver, or Impure Blood, j They cleanse the system, purify and new-create the blood, re- «tore-theappetlte, build up and strengthen the whole ' bodTi '6E0. Oi QOOSWIN 4 C0. J ,"Boston. ''Sbiaby sU Druggists. (mhlTd*wOm) WHAT EVERY HORSEMAN WANTS. A good, cheap and reliable liniment, Such an article Is -DR. TOBIAS! , ES PiHTBOTTLKS AT' ONE B O L l i * . for Lameness, Outs, Galls, Colic, Sprains, Ac, war- ranted Cheaper.than'any other; It is use by all the great horsemen on Long Island Courses. It will hot core Ringbone or Spavin, as there is no liniment jln $x- licence that.win. WhatlVis^t^tocure it positively does. -'No^ownerofnorsesairllfbe^wlthoutitaftentrylng one bottle. One dose revives and oftensaves the;llfeiOf an over-heated or driven hqrae., For Colic and , Belly- acheWtiai neverbailed. 1 Just__>__&_• the a_n rlie», just »o sure Is this valuable Liniment to be the;Horse ' -Embrocation of the day. Use it one and all. j -=Depo».Nb. 26 CortlandiSC; New-York. Sold by a h* Druggists and Storekeepers. _(myl2a3Uw*wlm) HOTEL AND HOUSE FOR _. T HB dCrDENSBtfRG -fOTEIi "AND *HE sl ,<uai ing house adjoining, situated in Catharine wtreet, ne», the terry Dock, we offered forq-le.; Foifejilon gWen'lmmediately. Enquire on the premises, of the ri(THiif.!%r3!iieiin6uth^i8:Hk«s'a house to let.'. However pretty itmaj be externally it is imp'osBible to judge of iti merits until you have seen the :inside. If behiniTtue ruby doors tbere are plenty of pearl white fixtures, you will ex- .claim, ?t once, "how beautiful." , To impart the 'utmost possible brilliancy there is nothing! f ifce "-"— _nt.So_odont. :• • • < r . >r . ' ' rSpalding^.Glut.i ,, . BOTTLHD Buss.—The bacchanalian, smack- ing his lips over champagne may pronounce it delious ; but ask the lady of pure taste what is 'the most''enchanting liquid' ever enshrined in 'ass, and. she. will recall the exquisite odor of halon'a new perfume, Flor' de Mayo, and tell you it-is bottled ecstasy. Sold by druggists. "Oh, twift at wheeli that kindling roll, Our life hurrying to the goal; Aicahty dustito feed the wind , Hall the tract 'twill leave behind. Then wherefore waite the rotes bloom, - ., Upon'the cold lnceniate.tomb." , Reader, waste not the rose's bloom and make premature dust to feed the wind by your inad- vertency.. Spring, has come, bringing in its train diseases incident to tbe season. (If you wish to ward offf disease, cleanse the stomach and, purify the blood. , The OldHomestead Wild Cherry Bitter3 are most efficacious in cleaaing and purifying, and' work like a charmin Dyspepsia, Nervbus Affections, Liver Complaint, Indigestion, General Prostration, exhaused vital Energy, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, Sour Stom- ach, Flatulency, &c. If well, use the Bitters and thus prevent disease—if unwell by their uscyounMiy be- made "whole. ; yy Sold by all druggists and general dealers,; T. B. Slingerland & Co., Proprietors, 19V Ghrvstie Street, Nuw York. ..=,.- (»p30dlm<bw6m) QjHThere are two special qualities which de- termine andfixthe- superiority of Mrs. S. Ai. Al- len's New Style, improved Hair Restoreror bresslng, in on.e bottle, over all other prepara- tionsforthe the hair., .First, the prompt, quick action^ great growth,'- life and -vigor -that 3t is Mure to: give to the Hair,'never foiling, byttfew applications to restore Gray or White Ha«r to its natural color, ImpaniDg to the Haii; a, de- lightful aroma, fresh, delicate and unchangeable in any climate. Second, its easy applieatiou, without any previous ' preparation of the] Hair; without that sticky and disagreeable sulphur odor i'oun'd and complained of in all other 1 pre- pajatioqs.. It never soils the skin or linen. La- dies will find it a standard toilet luxury to dress their Hair.. It retains the Hair in any desired position, and'js cboling healing and cleansing to the scalp, removing immediately all scurfj dand- ruff; and. pimples. : . ' Price $1. Sold by all Druggists. (jl8dt t y y ^ a beautilul humming bird was observed toturn inits rapid flight and endeavor to extract nectar from the floral ornament of an elegantly djressed..lady'a,bonnet.. - Before go- ing out she had used a few drops of Wood- worth's Flqr Del Santo, wh'o8e 5 exqui3ite penfume' fairly, captivated the bird. For sale everywhere. ••"' . — ^ ' ' 'fSpriiig, it is cheery, " ! • '• Winter Is dreary,, •'Green leaves hang, but the, brown' must fly; ' ' When he is shaken, '- Lone and forsaken, ' What: can an oltt roan dp but die ?" Wjiy.'.take Plantation Bitters, to be sure, and with them a pew lease' of life. The .old are made young again, the middle-aged rejoice, and the young become doubly brilliant by using this splendid Tonic. Dyspepsia, Heartburn,; Liver Complaint, Headache, Pains ia .tne Side,; Crick in the B.ack, anj., all, symptoms of Stomlacbic Derangeiuunt, ; yield at once to the liealthrgiving influence of Plantation Bitters. They add strength.to the system and buoyancy to the mind.! . ; y .. ,.^ . rr— I MAGNOLIA WATJBR.^-A delightful article—su- perior to Cologne and at half the price. ; TMdT-T.8-*w2w.1 : ; I PHALON'S «' FAPHUN LOTION, > For Beautifying the Skin and Complexion. : IllUOViiS iLI. : Enuptions, freckles, Pimples, Moth Blotches, Tan, tic, anH theSkin boft, fair and Blooming. For ladle>'In the Nursery it ia Invaluoble. For Gentlemen; after Shaving it has no equal. "PaphUn Lotion" ia the only reliable -remedy for dil- eaaet and blemishes of the Skin. > PHALON'S "PAPHIAN SOAP" for the Toilet, Nursery and Bath. , Will not chap the Skin. Price 25 cents per cake. Kior de M»yo. Flor de Mayo. A-Ne*Perfumeior the Handkerchief. £xqulste, Del- icate, Lasting Fragrance. EHlWN * SON, New York. Sold by all Druggists. (mhSldeodl;) Th6'Weed Sewing Machine. F." or Family Favorite. . The Weed Sewing Machine Company offer their new Machine to-the public in the belief thai they possess ex- cellence for.the use intended far superior to any hither-, to manufactured, not only in. mechanical construction but in genera adaptlvenesa to the purpose designed. They believe that they have succeeded In producinga machine that all can operate successfully, with a range comprising the entire sewing required inafamHy, aha doing it without annoyance, loss o f time or waste 1 ,! and In an effective and .thorough manner. Much time and money bubeen spent to perfect Its construction, to make It convenient to use and take care of, to ad away with troublesome feature! which have been the bane o( other machines and the torment of thousands of opera- tives. - •': . ••. -"V• • ', The Weed Family Favorite wat.'presentedtotrJe' public lnthe face: of a fierce and. determined onpoiltion, yet none of It's many competitors ever received'ao warm a welcome. The reason of Its great popularity is Its ad- mirable adaptability to the wants of the people and the ,paln9 taken by the Company to serve the public with systematic and scrupulous fldellty. An invitation Is ex- tended to every one to-come and make a personal exam- ination of our Machines and satisfy themselves. Salesroom at J. AllendorpVs Hotion Store, 28 Ford St., Ogdensbnrg. , , (je9.d*w,lm), ,.., 'sBkIJ>^nN Inodoroiis i-' ••'•. KID Glove Cleaner! WILL; Instantly clean Kia Clo-res, wltbont la]art•>«; the «»o»t delicate color and la entirely free from - •- M y Odor. • - < i t.The Qlovei can be cleaned on the hand and worn im- mediately. One bottle will lave you the prlcaof It do* enpklrsof Olovep . . .. ' J «9>,«fle by »U I>rugglst| and Jancy flopSf>Dealers. None cenlae without the •Igniture of : ...... O. WHU * CO., 1WFulten ak.rV.Y., (mhlOdom) ' Whole»leUg»nt». OGDENSBURG, N.~ Y. LOCAL. ANP MIBOBIiI.ANBOOg^ ifc , We publish ,t$e following article, itak< n from : the Prescott Telegraph,'t&& the annexed letters fjom Mr. ijurkis, lessee of the Prescott feyry, by request They may servo in some way j to call more general attention to difficulties which havo recently sprung 1 up in relation to the ferry, and: lead^to some steps to correct a disagreement' which works to the detriment of. the traveling public :— PKKSCOTT, July 8, 1S6S. EDITOR or mi RIPDSLIOA* AHDJOURXAL: SIR :—I enclose for publication in your influ- ential journal an extract from the Prescott Tde graph of how matters stand with the ferries be-' tween this place and your city, and also! a copy of my letter to Mr. Church, which I wrote him (after he had notified me to carry no more pas- sengers from Ogdcnsburg) inhopes that he would reconsider the matter and recall the notice; but up to this time have received no reply. I agreed with Hr. C. on the 1st inst., that the boats should carry each way, and to this moment have given no notice to the St. Lawrence or her agents to desist, being still in hopes that the managers of the boat would see the propriety of withdrawing their notice. My object in writing is not to cre- ate any ill-feeling thereby, but simply to place myself right before the public. 1 ' '5. I. P. PUBKIS,LeneoFresooltTeiry; ' Owing to tbe unjust and arbitrary conduct of the parties who at present control the Ogdcns- burg feny, the public on both aides of the river are just now exposed to very great inconvenience. The lessees of that ferry are bound by the terms of their lease with the Ogdensburg Council to make one trip every hour, whereas the lessee on this side is bound by his lease with the Prescott Corporation to make a trip every forty-fiye min- utes. The consequence of this is, the Prescott makes more trips than the St. Lawrence, and so gets more of the business. Now, instead of the proprietors of tbe St. Lawrence conforming to the Preacott'a rule of running, which they could very easily do, and thus secure an equal share of the business, besides affording increased accom- modation tothe public, what do they do ? They Say to the Frescott "unless you reduce your rate of running toours, viz: to one trip per hourwe will prevent you from carrying a single passen-, ger from our side of the river." It was in vain that the proprietor of the Frescott urged hia in- ability to do this without breaking his license and inflicting additional inconvenience on the public. The arbitrary prohibition was enforced yesterday, and the Prescott is now restricted to the carrying of passengers from her owniside of the river. The St. Lawrence having to attend to her railway business is necessarily absent from the ferry for several hours in the day, during which time nopassenger can now cross by the regular feny to the other side. Yesterday, we: understand, several persons missed the train ow- ing to this cause. They were on the dbek at Ogdensburg imploring to be taken over, but the Prescott was debarred by the threat of severe penalties from taking them on board. Of course the proprietor of the Prescott, Mr. I. B. Purkis, might retaliate by forbidding the St. Lawrence to take passengers from this side, butfiebag generously forborne so far from resorting to such, a course. We are sure the sympathy of every lover of fair play will go with him in this mnttor. One thing is pretty certain, if the St. Lawrence were the property of private individuals andnot of a Railway Company, we should never have heard of such shameful trifling with the inter- ests of the public as in this case. If a Railway Company thinks proper to leave its legitimate calling and interfere in a comparatively humble business, built up by private enterprise, its ser- vants, should, at least, endeavor, not to! allow themselvesto be out&one byprivate individuals in honorable and '.upright' dealings with the public—Prescott Telegraph. [ PBESOOIT, July G, 1868. H. T. Church, Esq., Agent Steamer St. Lawrence, Og- densburg.- , I DEAR SIR :—I regret that it is out of iny pow- er to agree to your proposal -th'at the Prescott should make trip about with the St. Laurence on the ferry unless you alter your running, time, as my license obliges me to run a round trip every forty-five minutes, and to deviate from this will hazard mylicense, a position I trust you do not wish to force me into. With regard, to your other proposal, that-each boat shall onlyj ferry one way, I cannot see how we can do it' without inconvenience to the^public and injury to ourselves or to the party causing it. I would advise' you not to put matters in such a disagree- able position. Would it not be better for you to hare your time'altered and make trips oftener ? This would obviate the difficulty and satisfy the public. Please give, this a. fair consideration that we bay avoid any unpleasant consequences. Youra.truly, .._ I. D. KNIKIS. P. S.—I would remind you that we had a fair understanding that we were to run the boats on each others licenses. i. D. POKKIS. Reablotions of Respect. - At a regular meeting of the members of the Clerks' Association, held in their rooms July 2, •1868$ the /following; preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted : • • '• Whereas, It has pleased^llmighty God, in his Allwise Providence, to remove from us our much esteemed friend and brother, R. Barnes Petti- bone, who was taken away by alingering disease, and who has, aa we believe, gone to enjoy the reward of the "just made perfect;" therefore, . Resolved, That while we humbly bow to this dispensation of Divine Providence, we do, never? theless, deeply regret the loss of this wprtny and' esteemed member of our Association. ; Resolved, That the death of Brother Pcttibone, in the morning of life, brings forcibly home to ourselves the fact pf theiShortneiB of life, 'and is another proof that the young may die, and demonstrates the vanity of all earthly hopes and aspirations. 1 , ( •'"' ,. '• ". | Resolved, That although we have been deprived of one of:.our<best-memt>er9j y e t w e -'cannotJtrat feel that our loss is his eternal gain, andwe should seek toemulate hi9 virtues,and follow hia example;, that we, too, mayfeeready when the summons come for us. . t . < j Resolved, That we earnestly sympathize with the relatives and friends of our departed friend, knowing full well that the blow which deprived us of a beloved companion, also' deprived them of adutiful son and a loving brother, and the community of a young man of the highest promise. . . . ! Reiohed, Tha.tour room be draped in mourn- ing foctthe space-of thirty days, in token of remembrance of our. deceased cqmpaniori, and that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased and'also inserted in our city papers. • . . ' ' • GEO. A. WRIGHT, ••-•••. «-•'• * 0: 8. NOETHCP, R.G. MRGU80N, .... : . -. ,-, ..juji-ji- ...... -Committee. Fined for Violation of the City Excise - Mrs. Coteau was arrested for selling spirituous liquor,.^without license, cohtrarylto the provisions of- the-city charter, convicted andfined'fiftydol- lars or stand committed. Mrs. C. resjdes «n the west side of Commerce' street/.near the Rome, TVatertown k ;bg_e__burg Railroad Depot; •„•- - '•: ' ; ;^ ;" ; '. ..-, ,,- Tb« M«ndl«fiohm. We arerequested to say the Men Quintette Club are pointed hitherward and will pay us a viBit before long., They htte » ~~ ' reputation^e^uria Aipois a former Tiittfc/f The attemptkburnthe:SherikriH(|uHe, ou Thursday morning, indicate* the'preserioe in our midst of some fiend'i'in" human-form; and the necesaity-for a: night watch, in jthe* heart jof the, city;' '- : '0fie,f>f;Mf "biisineii 'Mfi aiigmtB the qityi'^pi?^misi.nM.'m'eri'auggiits the propriety of the buainess mien-on Ford itrect mniting in the employment i<)f such a watch.: f h Twenty-fire centa per week from each person; ; interested would cov.cr the ""expense of a reliable; hight'-watcli.; ' ''' .,, -V.' \ '" \ •'.''••' -.Fenton has appointed Hcber Sykes, of Canton, ,is Special Sur^igftle of St:Xawrcnce County, in place-of Elam R. Paige, removed from the State.. w'" ' <, ; jH|. .'.'•>.. ' BY m NKW YORK, 9.—American fGold' l.-Of. PORT COIBORNE, &-jrThe'' fojujciwing j vessels passed here to-day: >: [[ '\ S-. Prop. Prairie State, Ogdensburg to Toledoi— Prop. Cleveland, Ogdensburg to Toledo.— 1 Prop. City of New York, Ogdensburg! to Chicago. Schr. Mount Blanc, Ogdensburg. to Erie. t , . tu ...... ',:}•,,•';'.; : [Special dlipatch to'Tii'i Jo0R!(iL.i I Fire at Bangor. BANGOR, N. Y., 9,—the store occupied by" J. G. & W % H, garny, at.. North Bangor, |WiS de- stroye'd hffeethisimbniihf. j ;' ' It was probably the work of an incendiary, 88 the windows were found up, and some goods were found in the road about half a mile dis- ;tant. Loss.^above insurance, about:(l,000. NEW TORK, §?-i-Tlie Contention" wan .cajie^- to order at 10.20. | '" Mr. Vallandigham read & letter from Mr. Pen- dleton, dated July 2d, authorizing a withdrawal of his name whenever it should become desira- ble. Hedeemed the success of the party far more important than tbe gratification of Any per- sonal feeling. Hr. Fendleton's name was with drawn after thanking those who had voted* for him for their fidelity. \ 19th ballot—Connecticut went back to Eng- lish; Delaware for Hancock; Illinois for Hend- ricks; Massachusetts for Hancock; Ohio.for Packer; Tennessee and Pennsylvania fdr Han- cock. Tbe.vote stood: Hancock 135j; Eng- lish 6; Packer 22; Doolittle 12; Hendricks 'H; Blair 18*; Field 15; Chase i ; Thofl. B. Seymour 4. j <• 20th ballot—Arkansas left Hancock for Hend- ricks. Morrissey offered bets that English Wd be chosen. .Massachusetts went. eleven for Hancock'. The^vote*stood":-• "TSriglish 16]; /Han-' cock '142* ; [cheers;] Doolittle 19; Hendricks 121; Blair 13; Field 9; Seymour 2. [ 21st ballot—Massachusetts gave four for Chase amid great cheering in the galleries and hisses on the floor. The vote stood: English 19; Hancock 135£; Johnson 5; Doolittle 1 2 ; Hendricks 132; Field 8; Chase 4; Mc'Clellan ; Hoffman $. \ . , 22d ballot—Gen. McCook, of Ohio, in a very* complimentary speech, cast the vote of Ohip-for Seymour. Mr. Seymour returned thanks'ibr the compliment, but insisted that he would'not be the candidate of tbe Convention. He-closed with an eloquent tribute to Pendleton ind his magnanimity. Mr. Vallandigham insiateiJ upon Mr." Seymour yielding to the demonstration in his behalf. {'[:.,,; Mr Kernan, of New Tork, said the New-Xort? delegation had had no part or lot in this^ move- ment by Ohio, but he now urged Mr. StylintiuV to yield as amatter of duty, The ballot, was then takeu, and Mr. Seymour received 1 the entire 317 votes of the Convention. f The wildest enthusiasm prevailed. Cannon were fired in the street, and bands of music; played. , - ' V Niw YoRn, 9.—On the first ballot for Vice President F. P. Blair, Jr., received 317 voiies and was unanimously nominated for Vice Pr« sident. NEWXOBKJ.IO.—Herald special says: Rev- erdy Johnson, the new. Minister to England, re- tired from the Senate this afternoon/ He had not intended to vacate his seat until th'e 10th inst., but the pressure of private business to be transacted before his departure for England, caused him to hasten his resignation. { Mr. Johnson was very much moved when he rose tobid farewell to the body of which he had been an honored member for more than six years and bis heart was so full thathe was obliged to call on his colleague, Senator Tickers, who read from the manuscript Mr. Johnson's written fare- well address. NKW YORK, 10.—It is stated that afWthe Democratic nomination had been made yesterday by the Convention, tbe Chase Executive Com mitteehelda meeting, and "passed resolutions ratifying-the nomination of Grant afia4Cojfax. A serious accident occurred, yesterday) after- noon, by the bursting of a gun while a -salute was being fired in Union Square, in honor of the nomination of Seymour. One of the guns in use,' exploded while the gunner was ramming in the cartridge. . . ., , 1 Dispatches have been received'by the |W"orld from all sections of the country, expressiveof great enthusiasm over the Dernocratic. ( nbmina- tion. .**• '" '..*' '#3 ."..!' WASHIHGTOU, 10.—rThe Senate" rejected Perry Fuller as Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Many responses have been received to ttie Con- gressional call for accounts of the decoration of the-graves of Union soldiers: ~ '• ~ | It is considered important that similar j infor- mation be sent from all parts of the cpun'try where there were such observances and addressed to Fra'nk Moore, New Yoft. '' i Tribune special says: The inquiry of;Sena- tor Edmunds, to-day, asking ;the Secretary of State to report what States have ratified the 14th Constitutional amendment, will develop the •iatetestiBg and impprtaut fact tliat wi^h the ratification of tlie amendment byvtthetiSta'tes of South Carolina and ..Louisiana,' now "pending, that amendment' will;b'e a part bl'the 'Cpnatitu- tiohof the'United State's. "' '" ''H• . -:,11 It will be remembered that the l»st Legisla- tures of NeW JerseyafldDm'b revokpd their as- sent to the amendme»t'aid'caUed-upon Mr. Sew- ard to return their certificates of ratification, but that officer declined to-comply, taking the r ground that the act was in itself anirrevocable one and must stand or fall at once by the suc- cess , or failure of the requisite number of States to ratify the same after all had passed upon it, but independent of the action of j those two State3 the amendment will be ratified within the next week 6y'the legislatures of G'eorgia and Alabama which'will', place its. validity aa part of the Constitution beyond a question. in the Southern Stateabeyond the power-of the rebels,tochange it^even if they had control of iheGovernment. •*><•'• ' "••''' i .,) < ; . _ . .. i -TRENTON^. 10—-TheRepublican State C<in crribr, and chose an i LONDON, 9.—The Queen asks Parliament to vote a pension of £2,000 per annum to General Sir Robert Napier for his distinguished services in Abyssinia. ! SYRACUSE, 10.—A matt'byitue name of Martin Powling wad run over by the ; cars two b'locks west of the'depot, last njgEt, and had'both legs cutoff. •..••'ia: -. • .' V •-'•«•'I'-f; 1 " ', PoritTf-Markets closed firm. "j ... SilMll.edObarrelR it 2 I K8 I [email protected] new m r " Beef quiet,,,,,.. « j OiBKBtl. <!).• ^^w^y of prutto>, Mj NQ. S^IJDSqiljBANKJBrJIJ.p .. '.'I'M '...--.•'.-••..,!. Are closing out their stock of ,_., ,. Jon! A tilreu- on^ln r<*ara tathe facllldei to any:adaf«IS'-on receipt of \J IT andraoeeMroUyoomulud on all formi [of print* aiifnitrt* hU old •MablUktd^BMpltaU No. D, Beaver tL, S^lfc^^w^yoKitoT^^thJ^oBr^iaS J^^aS to perfam eum J^rw« OiC^MM):o(.«btauunf.th«;MfMt ai remodlW the» dlMUM, offer tor laoMBCDUtotb* uforlwiatt.o&aqnlckjwainpidean, to be obtained at no.otk«roa<>i In Am«rlc». | TOTJNO MEN addicted to weret habtti, who, have Im- -Mired their health anddettrojred the Tigor of their mln*», [hoi deprlTinf themielvei of the"pleuurei of married Ufe.arenoUuedrttatln:#MiltJn|»:J.TeUtt'they wUj «nd » friend to coniole mad «phyriclmn who hu cured thonundi, in almoit every part of the United 8Ute«, who appliedto;Pr.T,brokoB<4owA,iB:be«ltb,.iiow rejoloe ia aUitb^malMlU*aMraHtaad:aaii;happr; Bie reader liof oouieaware tbattbo; drtlow of tiie enbject wlU prevent a more minute deeerlptton of thl»terribledlieue. M, B.-Periont at.a dtotaaoe can.bei eared at }iome,..J»jr addreethiia lftterto^ J. .l^.eMJoeliiii a:nmittaap>!7; Medidnu iecurely packed from obwrratlon, lent to' as j pirt of the world. -All eaeee warnuitedL Ko charge for SVloi. No etadeht or boji einployed. Mottoi-Udi— adireeialllettento J. MLIJHL M.'?^ . •'T^^r " . WeiBeaTefetreet.In>«w>t T 1 i - V.- 1 >:. I , 1 l.li '•''"'-.I-'' •'.: 'NB1T 4 "1 v'-" . } _-* •J*-.v i' ' . 'i ' f. ^ I I '1 : .' : ?• .•:'.•! -iv.t:- ./• .'t- - . i ; .' -.--• ;.• Milk & Baldwm's. '•i " HANDS HANDSOME DRESS « 0 0 D S only, tii-. 18 cents per yards. STREET. . i i Ayer's Gherry Pectoral, For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, WhoopiriK Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Probably never before in the whole History of medicine, nasanything w6n so widely and sodeeply upon the confidence of mankind, as this excellent remedy for pulmonary complaints. Through' alone series of years, and among most of the races of men it has risen' higher and higher in their estima- tion, as it :ha9'become betterinown. It* uniform character and powertocure the various affections of the lungs ana throat, have made it known as a re- liable protector against them. While adapted to milderiorms'of disease ahd'to young children', it is at the same time the most effectual remedy that can be given foe incipient consumption, and the dan- gerous affectionof the throat and lutigs. As a pro- vision against suaOen attacks of Croup, it should, be kept on hand in every family, and uideed as 3 aU are sometimes subject to colds and coughs, all should be provided -with this antidote for them.. , Although settled Consumption is thought in- cufalile, stillgreafnumbcrs of cases where the dis- ease seemed settled, have been completely cured, and the patient restored to sound health by the Cherry Pectoral. So complete Is its niastery over the disorders of the Lungs and Throat, that the most obstinate of them yield to it. When noth- ing else could reach them, under the Cherry Pec- toral they, subside and disappear.: : ; Singer*'ah* PtitXie Speaker* find great pro- tection from it. Asthma is always relieved and often wholly cured by it. ! Jtronchiti*. is generally cured bytaking the Cherry Pectoral ia small and frequent doses. So generally are its virtues known that we need not publish the certificates of them here, or do more than assure the public that its qualities are fully maintained. _ s IT'S Ague Cure, Chill fever, Homittent Fever, DumlJ Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever; &c, and indeed all the affections which; arise or •* ntiasniatio deed all the affeoM -malariousY marsh, uii 'SI <"• .«-.-si ' s s ( .• : . _YOB«,9, ' Ashes—Market nominal at [email protected]. \ ' Cotton—Marketquiet at32i@33 for M.jU. ' ' FiourT-yKeqeiptB 3,600, ;bbls. .ntMarketr dull; i' .. } •(•: i ,.:i-'. .'i|i-KU ii ' •-.' J- - Sales 9,100 tbbls. at :6;[email protected] sup. fine state and w>ste,rii^8.18^8,i8tf ; ;jfor clioice' |*i fltate';- 1 V*XO(^DXO»X'V XOl* COuliUlOl^? vO O^OICft"OAEfJfc ^~^7A8v* e m : [email protected] common to good Rhipping 'VHiM-^tit SbuWBod^ Ohio. •" w f ^ "Wheat—Receipte 142,000 bushel*. Market: As its name implies, it does Cure,' and does riot fail. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Bismuth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonous substance._ whatever, ,it in nowise injures any patient; The number and importance of its cures hi the ague dis- tricts, are literally beyond account, and we believe without a:parallel, in.the.history of Ague medicine. Our pride.isgratifled l>y the'ackno'wledgmehts we receive of the radical cures effected inobstinate, cases, and where other remedies had wholly failed. Unacclimated.persons, either.resident in, or traveUing through miasmatic localities, will be pro- tected by taking the A.OXTB CUKE daily*' For IAver Complaint*,, arising from torpidity of theXiver, it is an excellent remedy, stimulating the Liver into healthy activity. I ForBmousDUorders.andliyerComplainte.itis •iii . .. ; SPKCIAI. NOTICE; ... } ._ nrio oat, TACVBRN, OR HO^EL KntPKBB IN BT.; J . Lawrence County: It having come to ths knowl- edgejpf ,the nUenlcnM.that certain, hotel keeper* »uf- fergambling In »ome form within the Inn, Tavern or Hotelkeptbjthem: Ton are hereby notified that aU manner of tambUBf, or-tb* keepmgofagamiDg table of 'aw de«rtpUbn,'iHffiIn.theliin,.Tavern or.Hotel kept •byVoo,OTinany o««-»anieIjSia*af J far»m Keftn ' the«to,iicontraryJtotheprovl»ibniot»BiAotlenU..™, ^ABaettosapp*Mlml«Bperaoe«ran^to reguhttethe ialeoflirtoxlo^UqBOrt? pitted April 16tb; 186T, ^ . t _ -"-"'•— -ihS bond «nttred tatobrjon; -•'- ' --—-••• | every £ jCiJtasUwftwlm)OraunlnlOMiiof Kxotae.St.I*w Oo. Shawls, Skirts, Parasols, Fan«, Ate. %"T .At :Erlce»ltli»t 3>EtX.i COMPEMMO , ; COB8EX8 cheaper AGENTS for the ImproTea DAVIB'glWINGi MA- CHINE, which lieieelled by-risrie'for dBr»bUltv ind range of work. TBe mortilmplem»cMn¥ jet invented Every machine warranted. " •" I - IS ''".WS> I Personswiahingtoobtsina good Michlne lhouldex- 1 »nilne before purchulngeliewherei " ' " v '*:} r <:-v*. .'.' • ; • : ' t ' i • •%• • i ' . } > , - i t s GEO. A. pODDS. [»pl8dtwtf) JUBSON BAlik BDtLDING,6I FOBDIBT. . . ' i .-> i.i_ Ji'iiiL, . JUjrays on band the: cboloct Clgan, Wines «nd ilq- VSE'COND ABRIVAX :pjf| •, ; —^5'W -. j ••:••••: Great^eduetioja^ips^ Owing to ihedepressed.condlUon of -the^msrket I now offer my lmjo*n»e stock oX. .. , : :i - •*?&!• ,5..*, .. .. v..-,?•;•!•• ••'; - > , - « - ;(.'.--T. ' V .- : •>•; ..'. f • t h OonBlitihg of' Black &Colored Silks, -. , i .'.- ir * . . ' "^ .'. Alexander, Frcncii Jt f Hub IPopHai, . .;•• . ' . -• .'•'"' ••• <•"•'• ' ' i f -ij ' Black & Colored Crenadioea, i _ Black v Colored Alpaca*! •A • •• '",' Orcandles, . __.' . i i And in fact everything In the line of Dresi Gooils at 25 t per centbtlow por former prices. j ii .j JUST .EECEIV^B . •., 200 %/ At Prices that-cannot be beat in Northern Hew- York. Of all kindi'at wholes»leindi retail."In tliis; partlcolar branch ire defy compttltionand will not t«' > >,'; undersold. " ; • , ';; lohumbngjbutfacUwhich cxa,be proved SI. FRANK'S, i ':• (dty -'...- ,., . .53).Tord 8treet,*'0gaen9bu'rg.;; i gBNM..W»ANTIlft,a6Jt ,J)AlJ .-. Authorized and A-atKentie >i j •; T LIFEOFGBN. VI.TS8ES 8. GR^NT. Comprising, a comgleteaccarate hiitory of his event-', fal and interesting career, -with an authentic narrative, of his invaluable military service!, adding alsj> in In- partiil estimate of, his character as.» Man, a Soldier and: a-Statesman.' By Hori Oharlei A. Daa», late Assistant ---'-xy ofwir.-^tlie SSrtogfleld Kepubllcan MyVi* or'USK BBAINABD, Rochester, N. T. "I * : r £ a 1 ': ~<*mto*> BOOTS ANB SHOJ|i . CHEWER THAN EVER, j Johnson Bros., 1 -1 AT THUS HEW STOKS, | ;, 0T SXATE STREET, \ I ale » sp -. t ,.y J \ Y- %T £\ I H»Te just opened »hd are-now oifering for, sale » splen- did Summer stock at~ " \ Boots, Shoes, (Jaiters. . AT PRI0E8 THAT . - DEFV COMPETITION. . " ' THE STOCK KHBKACSS Prom a Shoe I*ce to: the Finest Work m i y We manufacture to order French and American Calf Boots arid Shoes, Sewed or' Pegged, «t Reasonable Rfttetf. ii-".i' ' • • .-. $ ^r ^_ AND SEE FOR TOTJRSBLVES.f Next Door to the Post 0BBce,'8tjte Street, Ogdenaburftj (je3d*w2ra) JOHNSON BROS. O UR STOCK Of SUMMER piiOTHIN& 13 THE cheapest and'the Tbes't." •• ~ * j DEVXiN* jCOijVqr BrotUlwajr, corner of Grand Street, Brnadwuy, corner of UTairren Street, ••'• /:'^-msw^-Ti&amr'-' " •Hk't*^^Bo¥'S : iNI> i TroiDTH>a-' r SUIT3 FOB D.RESS.or \J SchoolOPnrpOies are .are the most tasteful i«ii tfie- market. ' ' rur - DEVLIN * CO. Broadway, corner of 6rand,8treet. i#»«aw»*58F|ff of W««|!|teee I V TORK. OM1)EEAKTME1JT IS,TjlIttBDiWIJIH t and best European and American fabrics; ' DEVEIN t. CO". "" Br&^way, cornerrpf;flrand8&«et. •>. ^ { Broadway, corner orWarren Street NEW TORK. f u*W ;a ytW.''"!'"••>^ ii '-Yd V .1% 1 s W . f f pHB 0»MMI88ldNBK8 OF EXCISE Wttli fj S t b ' i k ^ P ' ^ ^ j U '.T\ 7ioo% : £QvsTB *«Nf m r mjt THaP•f^a'^afT if ' 'li 5 " 1 itT'TPV ^"a^t 1 ^ i «f 5 M"TTs> i "' •M^^I^If mKiwp rate liiitory of hia MiliUry fand;Clvil Career. »wvv*«v^vwt» ',"1 y»u«j«•„»-T»•*•* m• • • w^ >-^**^iw^i^^»w^jj™*;-^—';>Vvll *•• vlXC preienttime. Thelargeit cpmmbBiongiver^ Weem- pJojf:%(Re'n«rilA|enti.andotherextraiiiducemenuto Sfwf^-i;"£$&$$¥'*£•&£, -»? ? *?«^otJnM** SB^-!Sfti^-BaHi!S!^tt:.:3teae»mJ^ye dnjjUBi " term* address, JIJB; BURR 4 po.jl •A - A . ,-* 1] H??!"W li ''V* Jl -T IL * 1Jl ''-*V** :i.aJU-:, OFFicxAL aUsrJFdKir or tbe rj s : pav^i-, Character, Conduct ahd'BesuUs. i Agent li Kiwtoh, Pair refioru 72 .dbsclbers In three iayj),, Auother inBostohVlOS subSCTibers in four days'.-igend'for'CHrculaM'anJ'let'ou'rter'ins^nd a full ae.criptlbn-' S^Oie-.wortV-A'aaresi^SifcTIOilAi VVB- KKI3£ 'i "iKsiis. ,'• : .ui- ' f.:;r,:, •••, .... >.;•;.--; :>Crt '." *-Js.Vv ''---OK '- "•;. •'-'-^••ii And a variety of df-'vtluable and useful wtlcles (or sale AT $i-*oa «*OH AamqiiE. A.clieck- describing-an-arti^le selected^bxn our stock fortale a t t If will WSentoi receipt tBeregelpt of three centa to paj pMtage; ''• H<» cbareo forfSeiiedales or Checks maaeal ttOmEatabltislijiient. Band for CiroularsjRs this la the most liberal sale of kind injjlie "country.; iJlddreM.ij" .-.-.:.• t ..-•- ,-."•-• ' :•!:•«• ' SAaSHAlMi* CO.* ' .; ••> , .-•--. , 24 Friend Street, Boston, Mass. ig^^WMt ^r^^^d^ male, to introduce the Genulnelmproved Commoc Sense Family Sewing Machine. This machine wUlStltoh, Fell, •HerarTuekrQulltrCbrd-BlncirBraid andrEmbrolder in a most superior manner. Eric* only; *18i fully warran- ted for,flve jears. We.wlU paj $1000 for any machine that will iejr a Btrongeri most: beiutlfuior-' more elastic 'eekm than ours, it makes the "Klastlc 'lock Stitch."— Every,»econd>»titob-canbe cut'amd-still.;the cloth will •6otseparatewlthouttearlng "VTe pay agent from »tS to |21H) per month and expenses j or a commission from which'twicethat amount-can be made. Address SE- 0OMB4 00;Pitt»burgPji,,or Boston.Mass. (74ra7OjV:^rDpn'tbe imposed upon by other parties palming off worthless cast iron machines, unier the same name or otherwise. 'Ours lithe only genuine and really practical cheap machine manufactured.. , jiojuirmig^Baikay lllustratia* &dlcai ;i Bdo)ei, 066- taining important.. Physiological- Information, for lien and Wpmen,ient free on receipt o,r*5 cent*, by address- ing . . ••: IJr. JOHN" VANDEHPOOL, - No.»0 Clinton*lioe. New York City. ... -•vfjKc%»j3i.a»«,. ,,j. .- Male and Female Agents in every: village,- tewn and city ^ ;i;E Of DryandTancjr/Gbods. Agents making money. For ; •"' Ml'paftlculars.aaareM.',' ""-; '•_"••;; iARjaaftiyii-iR&co., 5.68, Washington Street, Boston, Mass. .CO'.'S : IMMENSE ONE •: DOtLAK SALK ' Of DryahafSancyiBo(>dSj,8UterPlated:Ware,Cutlery, c.,4^. Senai6.cts.',eacMortiie,name)6£;one or more UclSwhic^wf jilll,seU for. ;:•••:- '• One Dollars Eacliv: •' _ Agents wanted In every town and city In the country. Extra ihaucemeiit Offered. Circulars sent free. Ad- dress KIMBiLL A CO., 3 .Tremo'nt Eow, Boston, MaBS. '«6x'2516: '•'" ' " ?~ ''"" mANCir^ or Soul Charrking. How 'either se» may fsjclnate and gain the affectloos of tbe 'Atner, or.iany'one^ttiej'CboQBe,ins&hUy.;^al^^-'to eecare prosperity in lbve'or business': Every one can acquire this singular power. This queer, exciting bout ha'. 1 been publlshed'.by us ten years, ttie sale of which has been enormohs, ana-is the only book of the kind inthe Ec- gUih Language. 'Sent by maiifdr 25'cent*, or five for |1 together with a guide to' the unmarried. Addrees T. WILLIAM *jCg:yBnbllfliCT»iPtffl^elhla^:' CJT'Perspns; think-of advertlilng to »n extent will do well before making contracts"to apply to ' ''' _ jFwan.estitiiter tTdsihiyeiacllUie(fqr;securihg.thein sertlpn of AdvertUemenU in all newspapers and period : lual^^a^lpw;^t^'s Ad(lresstlLemat * : Send stamp for circular.. Compiete llfits of Newspa- pers publishedin any State sent, for 25 cents. •-K.il;..- We are agents for over one hundred roreisn and bo- mestlcManuiacturers, and are prepared 40 furnish the wholeeburitry with Dry arid Fancy Goods, Silks, ShaWIs Jto«U W JflWf: Lttanoji: S_ewtag Bla- y y Jewetojv«Uver Warei JurrflWrf,: chihesV'«e.,.at-tn^ uMform pfl^e;p ^ ONE DOLLAR FOB KAOB ARTIOLB. Send your clubs or ten and upwards,, for deserlpUye checks showing what article can be obtained for f ten cents for each check. with ,-..u'« .' ••• veiKCULARS 8EMMXB- ' Present! wbrtilfrom IS.fo'fiWseSf frei of charge to agents sending clubs. Agents wantedtoevery town.. : - ODSHMAN * CO,, . 10 ArohStreet, Boston, Mass. SHAW'S Chemical Electro Silver Plating Krild, .makes worn out hvieiHwari a| iOT^[new; ?&*%'&]$&'&«&**• |ar*Sample/foftrial sent ffeffoy xmon "receipt of 25 cents to pay for s'aeicttfg. and postage. Addiess J. SHAW, Chemist, SO jBlii Street, Bridgport, Conn.— Agents wanted'everywhere. _ . . . TOBACCO ANTIDOTE. Warranted to remove all desire for Tobacco or the money refunded! This, great renieay is an excellent ap- petiser. It purifies the blood, invigorates the system, possesBes great nourishing and strengOiening power, en- ables the stomach to digest the heartiest fooa, makes deep refreshing, and establishes robust health. Smokers andOtc jersfbr Forty years cured. ?rice 60 Cent* Box, post free. A treatise on the Injurious ef- fects of Tobacco, with notices from Uie Press, references d)||^^^|^c^gtrr S JlLEaANt G _ Si S. BABRIB * OOi Medal.. Samples by mail 2S cts.— GOODS AT ONE DOLLAR. sit* iajefotl.., _____ andequal|irlceof ^ , , ..„ One-Hollar fo^Ea«b Article. Our goods are all new and pt First Class quality, ai reot trom the Manufacturers. Allwe^sklB-tri-l. ;.. , i ._^,." ' . •. . t-iAsiaipW-atsureihaveiarraSgeiS^wlfh me, pWhe most re-ioleSerca-lMeKo-se- in Boston, i 5*fc->^ THB OitlKNTAIi TEA COMPANY, For their standard- Te;a» and Coffees. Every article sold by.ttemii«.warr;__ted..to; ;givg. entire satisfaction, and their guarantee placed'-poif each package; Male and female agents wanted everywhere, and satisfaction guar- anteed in all cases. Greater Inducement, than any other house in ths tHOle. BeforejorderlngieliewhereglvssSia trial. Clr- Z SEE! ^.S k«J 7T.1t tlDlviv

Transcript of 1 Kiwp BYnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85054113/1868-07-10/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · •...

Page 1: 1 Kiwp BYnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85054113/1868-07-10/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · • laP^SAVJB'theehUaron.^MnMthaes or them.tuffer, linger, and

• laP^SAVJB'theehUaron.^MnMthaes or them.tuffer,linger, and <lie, because of Pin Worms. The only effect-ual remedyf or the'ie most troublesome and dangerousofillwormsinolilldrenbrkdults.lB founain Dr Gould'sPin-Worm Syrup: Purely vegetabiti'Safe aha certain.—'A valurtleoathartite anaJbeneflirialioheaMg GEO. 0.

' aOOpWIN^OOiBostOBiMiaall'Briigif^i igif^ ,. :(mhlTa4w6m),

- , ) • ? - 1

p3redby.&AA4iiciEKs&3)ufoH7fN.p.l^4!Rue£ombara|aHS,78Ba highlyjiecommendfjetbjf th,e entire- Medical

McuKyp.ftrance.' ...,,•.•>..', . .' f

Are'amost energetic and effcclent Remedy In cases ofSpermatprniea or Seminal Weakness; Nightly j Dally orirVijmaitosr

d efcclent emedy n cminal Weakness; Nightly j Dally or

irVijmaitosraBmTsslons; Sex&arweakhess or Impotency;'iWeafcuess'ari'sihg from Secret Habits or Sexual Excesses;

' Relaxation of the Genital Organ*; \TeakSpine; "Lime1!pr^Brickdust'? deposits iff the; Urine;; 'iMllky ©!*•chargea," Ac, and all the ghastly; train of symptos arising

,, team, Qveruse.or. Excesses. . ,. A Pspphlet, containing fgU, paitioulajs,- with Dire*?t!6ns:aiict:.Advice,- print«din French, -German,' Spanishand. English, accompanies each box, and will be. sent bymall, free of cost, to any one: who will write, for! it.

Price, $1 per Box, or Six Boxes for J 5 . „, | ,ASK iJOSlDELAMARRE'S 8PECIFIQ PJtLS, AND

:,, :"' (TAKE SO. 0J3HEBS.>.;.' .'. ;Sold by all the principal Druggists, or will be sent by

mail,-securely se.aledjrbm, a(l obsMxoationfeii receipt.

Agents fcfew York. J. 0. Sprague aneJ!. B. fl>. limphearfor. Ogaenaborgh, N. Y. (ttSOd&weowly)

A CARD TO THE LADIES.» " -' -"X& DuPONCO'S • i }

Grolden I*teriodical Pills,_ J O E F E M A L E S . i

*Tii?aZMbZt>- in- conricttna Jrke<ruZa.ritiea, Jt&moving* Obstructions of the MoriViVy Tiirntt^fronvwltat- .'•. • ever cane,' .<?«<? always suecessfnl as.

Cf> PreVbnUvBng themselve*


"Females peculiarly sttiiatea, or" supposing themselve*;so,afccauii6neaiigainstrnsihgithe8ePlU9 while in thatcondition, lest, they Invite inW&rriage,as the proprietpr

'•• assumes np responsibility-after: this* admonition, altho*•'tlielf mlianesii-woultf'preyent any iibjary to'the health.

OtOffliae'tlie FiHa'ilfe recommended for thei alleviation.I l r i i ht

OtuOffliaetlie F iof 'those: sinTerin'g' from any Irregularities 'whatever, as:-jr£H*iiii to*i>r*vent'ai*;increase of Family''Where healthwlirxipt-'permrt-Ill' • Xn everyciisetb-ejr act^ike a cTraroH

r T e » 8 a 6 g g 1ealttitothe che k of the most delicate. |iPutt-antl explicit directions accompany; eachJbox. ,SMce3*! per box ; C Boxes for $5. • Sold' by one drugr

gistln'every town, village, city and hamlet'throughpuvtheiforia. Soldlh Ogaenabiirg by-' B. <0. HajngheaT,,.Druggist, sole agent for this city.

Ladies by-sending-Mm- $1 to the Ogdensburg iPost Of-fice, can baye theipUiB-sent. (confidentially) by jmall toany part of Hhe Country; fee of postage. i

Sold by 1. H. Camp 4 Co , Watertown, N. Y., and De-mas Barnes * Co., New Tork. (

Sold by George Blrks, Prescott;, Ont. }(9t26d4wly) S. D. HOWB, Proprietor, Newport

T o Ladles.—If you require a reliable remedy,Why not use the Jest'? Experience, has proved that

DB. HAB VET '8 FEMALE PILLS\Have no equal, They are safe and sure in ordinary cases.


Pour degrees stronger than the above, are Intended forspecial cases, and niay always be relied on.

Price Five Dollars per Box.{^"Illustrated private circulars sent free. Enclose

stamp.If yon cannot procure the Pills enclose the money and

address Dr. J. BRYAN, 96 East 18 Street, New York,, andthey will be sent free from observation by return mail.


A. mi e r i o a n H o w s ei,BOSTON, MASS. i

TBE I,AKGE3T PIRST CLASS HOUSE IN NEW ENGLAND.lar^Vertical P.ailway, Suites and Single Apartments,

with nathlng and" Water cohveuienbles connecting ;Billiard Balls, Telegraph Office and Cafe.

Ueliatn-th-s-Sm) LKWIS KIOE A;SON.

Y o u n g Men—The. utmost reliance may be placed

• FILLS,. t * 'For the Speedy and Permanent cure of Seminal Weak.ness or emissions, the result of Youthful indiscretion orExcesses. They can be used without detection or inter-ference with business, and they will restore you tOihealthand strength. Price '£_. Private circulars, with In•tractions sent free. Enclose stamp. j

If you cannot procure the pills, enclose the money andaddress Dr. J. BRYAN, 96 East ISth St., New Yprkandthey will be sent free from observation by return mall.

ap23astaw&wly)JACKSON'S C A T A R R H S N U F F ,

AND TROCHE POWDER, ,,.A deUgMfttVand pleasant.Remedy in Catarrh, Head-

ache, Bad Br&afii;'• Hoarseness, Asthma,£roncMM8, UOUQIIS, Deafness, do.

And all disorders resuting from Colds In THROAT^ VO-CAL ORGANS and HEAD.

This remedy does not "Dry Up" a Catarrh, but loos-ens i t ; frees the head from all offensive matter, quicklyremoving Bad Breath and Headache; allays&n&soothesthe burning heat in Oatarrh; is so mild and agreeable In1

Its effects that it positively !CUBES WITHOUT SNEEZING.

As a Troche Powder, is pleasant to the taste and nev-er nauseates;.when swallowed, instantly gives to theThroat and Vocal Organs a delicious sensation of cooliness ana comfort. • . .

Is the best Voice Tonic in the woria. Try It.; Safe, re-liable and only S5 cents.

gold by Druggists, or mailed free, aaaress.COOPER, WIISON * CO., Prop'rs, Phlladelphl*,.

Wholesale Ageht,D. Barnes, & Co ,'New York.B. O.Latnphear, Agent for Ogdensbnrgh.


PAINWe beg leave to call the attention of the public to this

long celebrated and unrivalled [J .» KAMIUY MEDICINE, j

Xhe Pain Ealler is a purely vegetable compound, andWhile it is a most efficient remedy for Pain, it is a per-fectly safe medicine even in the most unskillful hands.

FOR StJMMEK C0&IP1AINT, jOr any other form of bowel:disease in children or adalts,it is an almbs't certain cure ana has without aoribt beenmore successful in curing the various kinas of

• , • OHOEiBRA- ;Than any other known remedy, or even the moat skill-ful physician. In India, Africa ana China, lvbere thisdreadful disease Is ever more or less prevalent the Pain

• Killeris considered bythe native ai well as European• residents in those climates, • I

[je2d3taw&wlm) A 3UBE REMEDY.BA'iOHELOR'a HAIR DYJE. i

This splendid Hair Dye is the best in the woria 1 Theonly true and perfect Dye. Harmless, Rel!»ble,'Instan-taneous. No disappointments. No ridiculous -tinti.—Natural Black or Brawn. Remedies the 111 effects of baddyes. Invigorates the Hair, leaving it soft audj beauti-ful. The genuine is signed William A. Batchelor. Allothers are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sonby all druggistsaha perfumers;'' Factory 81 Barclay St.,New York. (de7dAWly)


Just publishea, in a sealea envelope. Price six cents.,A Lecture on the Natural Treatment ana Radical Cureof Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, InvoluntaryEmissions, Sexual Debility and Impediments to Mar-riage-generally ; Nervbushess;^Consumt*tion, Epilepsy,and Fits ; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resultingfrom Self Abuse, Ac, by Robt. J. Oulverwell, Mj D., au-thor of the Green Book, &c. ]

A Boon- to Thousands of Sufferers. \• Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address,

postpaid, on receipt of six cents, brtwo postage! stampstoCUAH. J. 0. KLINE 4C0..12T Bowery, New Yoi-kjPost Office Box 4536. i

Also Dr. Culverwell's' Marriage Guide, Price 25 cents.(my6cl4.W3m] '

THE PEOPLE'S REMEDY. IItiequired many years of laborious, research into the

. properties of herbs and robta before'Biandreth's Pills ar-rived at their present state of perfection. They take allImpure and morbid accumulations from the bow.elSj andthe blood. Their use in sickness saves money, time andhealth. This noble medicine saves suffdring, restoresliealtb.andprolongsUife. Those who know their prop^erties have the most unbounded confidence in them;^When attacked by ever so serious a disease as pleurisy,colic, sudden prostration^ 4 c , when six or eight, pills

-have been swallowed," they are, easy in their minds. Andthey have canse, for Brandreth's PiUi arg ^ o ibroken

'reed. ' "" ''' ' ' • iThe Princess of Wales znighthave been cured by;afew

dose-, and all her weeks of agoiiy aaved." I believe thisas I believe my exislence. ' . ii •

Principal Agency, Brandreth House, New York.See "B-Branareuy*? In.white .eletterg, in^the Govern-

ment stamp. ,',f , , ,'-,'., "v" " . ISold fey alintuggista.; , / , , .•(myl2dtwlm)Only ftS Cents for Large Oottle*.—Moth-

. .er *Bailey's Quieting-Syrup for- 'children^ which greatlyassists the child through the months1 of teething, allaysall pain, reduces inflammatinn, correct! acldlty.of theStomach, and never fails to regulate: the boweli.' ' old

. j byj»aii)raggistB, Sold by J^OiiSpjague

&TThe best medicine intheporld Is Dr. Lahgley'SRoot aHd Herb Bitters—long a tried and standard remedyfor Liver Complaints, BUlious diseaass, Humors of theBlood and Skin, Jaundice and' Dyspepsia, Indigestion,CostiveBess, Headache, and all diseases arising from Pis-btdered Stomach, Torpid Liver, or Impure Blood, j Theycleanse the system, purify and new-create the blood, re-«tore-theappetlte, build up and strengthen the whole

' bodTi '6E0. Oi QOOSWIN 4 C0.J,"Boston. ''Sbia bysU Druggists. (mhlTd*wOm) •

WHAT EVERY HORSEMAN WANTS.A good, cheap and reliable liniment, Such an article Is


ES PiHTBOTTLKS AT' ONE B O L l i * .for Lameness, Outs, Galls, Colic, Sprains, Ac, war-

ranted Cheaper.than'any other; It is use by all thegreat horsemen on Long Island Courses. It will hotcore Ringbone or Spavin, as there is no liniment jln $x-licence that.win. • WhatlVis^t^tocure it positivelydoes. -'No^ownerofnorsesairllfbe^wlthoutitaftentrylngone bottle. One dose revives and oftensaves the;llfeiOfan over-heated or driven hqrae., For Colic and , Belly-acheWtiai neverbailed.1 Just__>__&_• the a_n rlie»,just »o sure Is this valuable Liniment to be the;Horse

' -Embrocation of the day. Use it one and all. j-=Depo».Nb. 26 CortlandiSC; New-York. Sold by ah* Druggists and Storekeepers. _(myl2a3Uw*wlm)


THB dCrDENSBtfRG -fOTEIi "AND *HE s l ,<ua iing house adjoining, situated in Catharine wtreet,

ne», the terry Dock, we offered forq-le.; FoifejilongWen'lmmediately. Enquire on the premises, of the

ri(THiif.!%r3!iieiin6uth^i8:Hk«s'a houseto let.'. However pretty itmaj be externally it isimp'osBible to judge of iti merits until you haveseen the :inside. If behiniTtue ruby doors tbereare plenty of pearl white fixtures, you will ex-.claim, ?t once, "how beautiful." , To impart the'utmost possible brilliancy there is nothing! f ifce"-"— _nt.So_odont. :• • • <r. >r . ' '

rSpalding^.Glut.i ,, .

BOTTLHD Buss.—The bacchanalian, smack-ing his lips over champagne may pronounce itdelious ; but ask the lady of pure taste what is'the most''enchanting liquid' ever enshrined in

'ass, and. she. will recall the exquisite odor ofhalon'a new perfume, Flor' de Mayo, and tell

you it-is bottled ecstasy. Sold by druggists.

"Oh, twift at wheeli that kindling roll,Our life 1» hurrying to the goal;Aicahty dustito feed the wind

, Hall the tract 'twill leave behind.Then wherefore waite the rotes bloom,

- ., Upon'the cold lnceniate.tomb." ,Reader, waste not the rose's bloom and make

premature dust to feed the wind by your inad-vertency.. Spring, has come, bringing in itstrain diseases incident to tbe season. (If youwish to ward offf disease, cleanse the stomachand, purify the blood. , The Old HomesteadWild Cherry Bitter3 are most efficacious incleaaing and purifying, and' work like a charm inDyspepsia, Nervbus Affections, Liver Complaint,Indigestion, General Prostration, exhaused vitalEnergy, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, Sour Stom-ach, Flatulency, &c. If well, use the Bittersand thus prevent disease—if unwell by theiruscyounMiy be- made "whole. ;

y y• Sold by all druggists and general dealers,; T.

B. Slingerland & Co., Proprietors, 19V GhrvstieStreet, Nuw York. . . = , . - (»p30dlm<bw6m)

QjHThere are two special qualities which de-termine and fix the- superiority of Mrs. S. Ai. Al-len's New Style, improved Hair Restorer orbresslng, in on.e bottle, over all other prepara-tions for the the hair., .First, the prompt, quickaction^ great growth,'- life and -vigor -that 3t is

Mure to: give to the Hair,'never foiling, by tt fewapplications to restore Gray or White Ha«r toits natural color, ImpaniDg to the Haii; a, de-lightful aroma, fresh, delicate and unchangeablein any climate. Second, its easy • applieatiou,without any previous ' preparation of the] Hair;without that sticky and disagreeable sulphurodor i'oun'd and complained of in all other1 pre-pajatioqs.. It never soils the skin or linen. La-dies will find it a standard toilet luxury to dresstheir Hair.. I t retains the Hair in any desiredposition, and'js cboling healing and cleansing tothe scalp, removing immediately all scurfj dand-ruff; and. pimples. : . '

Price $1. Sold by all Druggists.( j l8dt

t y y ^ a beautilul humming bird wasobserved to turn in its rapid flight and endeavorto extract nectar from the floral ornament ofan elegantly djressed..lady'a,bonnet.. - Before go-ing out she had used a few drops of Wood-worth's Flqr Del Santo, wh'o8e5exqui3ite penfume'fairly, captivated the bird. For sale everywhere.

••"' . — ^ '

' 'fSpriiig, it is cheery, "! • '• Winter Is dreary,,•'Green leaves hang, but the, brown' must fly;

' ' When he is shaken,'- Lone and forsaken, '

What: can an oltt roan dp but die ?"Wjiy.'.take Plantation Bitters, to be sure, and

with them a pew lease' of life. The .old aremade young again, the middle-aged rejoice, andthe young become doubly brilliant by using thissplendid Tonic. Dyspepsia, Heartburn,; Liver

Complaint, Headache, Pains ia .tne Side,; Crickin the B.ack, anj., all, symptoms of StomlacbicDerangeiuunt, ;yield at once to the liealthrgivinginfluence of Plantation Bitters. They addstrength.to the system and buoyancy to themind.! . ;

y • .. , . ^ . r r — IMAGNOLIA WATJBR.^-A delightful article—su-

perior to Cologne and at half the price. ;TMdT-T.8-*w2w.1 : ; I


For Beautifying the Skin and Complexion.: IllUOViiS iLI. :

Enuptions, freckles, Pimples, Moth Blotches, Tan,tic, anH theSkin boft, fair and Blooming.

For ladle>'In the Nursery it ia Invaluoble.

For Gentlemen; after Shaving it has no equal.

"PaphUn Lotion" ia the only reliable -remedy for dil-eaaet and blemishes of the Skin. >

PHALON'S "PAPHIAN SOAP" for theToilet, Nursery and Bath. , Will not chap theSkin. Price 25 cents per cake.

K i o r d e M » y o .

Flor de Mayo.• A-Ne*Perfumeior the Handkerchief. £xqulste, Del-icate, Lasting Fragrance. EHlWN * SON, NewYork. Sold by all Druggists. (mhSldeodl;)

Th6'Weed Sewing Machine.

F." or Family Favorite. .The Weed Sewing Machine Company offer their new

Machine to-the public in the belief thai they possess ex-

cellence for.the use intended far superior to any hither-,

to manufactured, not only in. mechanical construction

but in genera adaptlvenesa to the purpose designed.

They believe that they have succeeded In producing a

machine that all can operate successfully, with a range

comprising the entire sewing required inafamHy, aha

doing it without annoyance, loss o f time or waste1,! and In

an effective and .thorough manner. Much time and

money b u been spent to perfect Its construction, to

make It convenient to use and take care of, to ad away

with troublesome feature! which have been the bane o(

other machines and the torment of thousands of opera-

tives. - •': . ••. -"V • • • ',

The W e e d Family Favorite wat.'presentedtotrJe' public

l n t h e face :of a fierce and. determined onpoi l t ion , y e t

n o n e o f It's m a n y competitors ever r e c e i v e d ' a o w a r m a

welcome. The reason of Its great populari ty i s Its ad-

mirable adaptability to the wants of the people and the

,paln9 taken by the Company to serve the public with

systematic and scrupulous fldellty. An invitation Is ex-

tended to every one to-come and make a personal exam-

ination of our Machines and satisfy themselves.

Salesroom at J. AllendorpVs Hotion Store, 28 Ford St.,

Ogdensbnrg. , , (je9.d*w,lm), ,.., 'sBkIJ>^nN

Inodoroiisi - ' ••'•.


Glove Cleaner!


Instantly clean Kia Clo-res, wltbontla]art•>«; the «»o»t delicate color

and la entirely free from- •- M y Odor. • - < i

t.The Qlovei can be cleaned on the hand and worn im-mediately. One bottle will lave you the prlcaof It do*enpklrsof Olovep • . . .. 'J «9>,«fle by »U I>rugglst| and Jancy flopSf>Dealers.

None cenlae without the •Igniture of: . . . . . . O. W H U * CO., 1WFulten ak.rV.Y.,(mhlOdom) • ' Whole»leUg»nt».




, We publish ,t$e following article, itak< n from:the Prescott Telegraph,'t&& the annexed lettersfjom Mr. ijurkis, lessee of the Prescott feyry, byrequest They may servo in some way j to callmore general attention to difficulties which havorecently sprung1 up in relation to the ferry, and:lead^to some steps to correct a disagreement'which works to the detriment of. the travelingpublic :—

PKKSCOTT, July 8, 1S6S.


SIR :—I enclose for publication in your influ-ential journal an extract from the Prescott Tdegraph of how matters stand with the ferries be-'tween this place and your city, and also! a copyof my letter to Mr. Church, which I wrote him(after he had notified me to carry no more pas-sengers from Ogdcnsburg) in hopes that he wouldreconsider the matter and recall the notice; but

up to this time have received no reply. I agreedwith Hr. C. on the 1st inst., that the boats should

carry each way, and to this moment have givenno notice to the St. Lawrence or her agents to

desist, being still in hopes that the managers ofthe boat would see the propriety of withdrawingtheir notice. My object in writing is not to cre-ate any ill-feeling thereby, but simply to placemyself right before the public. 1 ' '5.

I. P. PUBKIS,LeneoFresooltTeiry; 'Owing to tbe unjust and arbitrary conduct of

the parties who at present control the Ogdcns-burg feny, the public on both aides of the riverare just now exposed to very great inconvenience.The lessees of that ferry are bound by the termsof their lease with the Ogdensburg Council tomake one trip every hour, whereas the lessee onthis side is bound by his lease with the PrescottCorporation to make a trip every forty-fiye min-utes. The consequence of this is, the Prescottmakes more trips than the St. Lawrence, and sogets more of the business. Now, instead of theproprietors of tbe St. Lawrence conforming tothe Preacott'a rule of running, which they couldvery easily do, and thus secure an equal share ofthe business, besides affording increased accom-modation to the public, what do they do ? TheySay to the Frescott "unless you reduce your rateof running to ours, viz: to one trip per hour wewill prevent you from carrying a single passen-,ger from our side of the river." It was in vainthat the proprietor of the Frescott urged hia in-ability to do this without breaking his licenseand inflicting additional inconvenience on thepublic. The arbitrary prohibition was enforcedyesterday, and the Prescott is now restricted tothe carrying of passengers from her owniside ofthe river. The St. Lawrence having to attend toher railway business is necessarily absent fromthe ferry for several hours in the day, duringwhich time no passenger can now cross by theregular feny to the other side. Yesterday, we:understand, several persons missed the train ow-ing to this cause. They were on the dbek atOgdensburg imploring to be taken over, but thePrescott was debarred by the threat of severepenalties from taking them on board. Of coursethe proprietor of the Prescott, Mr. I. B. Purkis,might retaliate by forbidding the St. Lawrenceto take passengers from this side, but fie baggenerously forborne so far from resorting to such,a course. We are sure the sympathy of everylover of fair play will go with him in this mnttor.One thing is pretty certain, if the St. Lawrencewere the property of private individuals and notof a Railway Company, we should never haveheard of such shameful trifling with the inter-ests of the public as in this case. If a RailwayCompany thinks proper to leave its legitimatecalling and interfere in a comparatively humblebusiness, built up by private enterprise, its ser-vants, should, at least, endeavor, not to! allowthemselvesto be out&one by private individualsin honorable and '.upright' dealings with thepublic—Prescott Telegraph. [

PBESOOIT, July G, 1868.H. T. Church, Esq., Agent Steamer St. Lawrence, Og-

densburg.- , I

DEAR SIR :—I regret that it is out of iny pow-er to agree to your proposal -th'at the Prescottshould make trip about with the St. Laurenceon the ferry unless you alter your running, time,as my license obliges me to run a round trip

every forty-five minutes, and to deviate fromthis will hazard my license, a position I trust

you do not wish to force me into. With regard,to your other proposal, that-each boat shall onlyjferry one way, I cannot see how we can do it'without inconvenience to the^public and injuryto ourselves or to the party causing it. I wouldadvise' you not to put matters in such a disagree-able position. Would it not be better for you tohare your time'altered and make trips oftener ?This would obviate the difficulty and satisfy thepublic. Please give, this a. fair considerationthat we bay avoid any unpleasant consequences.

Youra.truly, .._ I. D. KNIKIS.P. S.—I would remind you that we had a fair

understanding that we were to run the boats oneach others licenses. • i. D. POKKIS.

Reablotions of Respect. -

At a regular meeting of the members of theClerks' Association, held in their rooms July 2,•1868$ the /following; preamble and resolutionswere unanimously adopted : • •

'• Whereas, It has pleased^llmighty God, in hisAllwise Providence, to remove from us our muchesteemed friend and brother, R. Barnes Petti-bone, who was taken away by a lingering disease,and who has, aa we believe, gone to enjoy thereward of the "just made perfect;" therefore,. Resolved, That while we humbly bow to thisdispensation of Divine Providence, we do, never?theless, deeply regret the loss of this wprtny and'esteemed member of our Association. ;

Resolved, That the death of Brother Pcttibone,in the morning of life, brings forcibly home toourselves the fact pf theiShortneiB of life, 'and isanother proof that the young may die, anddemonstrates the vanity of all earthly hopes andaspirations.1, ( •'"' ,. '• ". |

Resolved, That although we have been deprivedof one of:.our<best-memt>er9j ye twe -'cannotJtratfeel that our loss is his eternal gain, and weshould seek to emulate hi9 virtues,and follow hiaexample;, that we, too, may fee ready when thesummons come for us. . t. < j •

Resolved, That we earnestly sympathize withthe relatives and friends of our departed friend,knowing full well that the blow which deprivedus of a beloved companion, also' deprived themof a dutiful son and a loving brother, and thecommunity of a young man of the highestpromise. . . . !

Reiohed, Tha.tour room be draped in mourn-ing foctthe space-of thirty days, in token ofremembrance of our. deceased cqmpaniori, andthat a copy of these resolutions be sent to thefamily of the deceased and'also inserted in ourcity papers. • . . • ' '

• GEO. A. WRIGHT,• • - • • • . «-•'• * 0 : 8 . NOETHCP, •

R . G . M R G U 8 0 N , . . . .: . - . ,-, ..juji-ji- . . . . . . • - C o m m i t t e e .

Fined for Violation of the City Exc i se

- Mrs. Coteau was arrested for selling spirituousliquor,.^without license, cohtrarylto the provisionsof- the-city charter, convicted and fined'fifty dol-lars or stand committed. Mrs. C. resjdes «nthe west side of Commerce' street/.near theRome, TVatertown k ;bg_e__burg RailroadDepot; •„•- - '• : ' ; ;^ ;" ; ' .

..-, ,,- Tb« M«ndl«fiohm.

We arerequested to say the MenQuintette Club are pointed hitherward and will

pay us a viBit before long., They htte » ~~'reputation^e^uria Aipois a former Tiittfc/f

The attemptkburnthe:SherikriH(|uHe, ouThursday morning, indicate* the'preserioe in ourmidst of some fiend'i'in" human-form; and thenecesaity-for a: night watch, in jthe* heart jof the,city;' '-:'0fie,f>f;Mf "biisineii 'Mfi aiigmtB theq i t y i ' ^ p i ? ^ m i s i . n M . ' m ' e r i ' a u g g i i t s thepropriety of the buainess mien-on Ford itrectmniting in the employment i<)f such a watch.:

f hTwenty-fire centa per week from each person;; interested would cov.cr the ""expense of a reliable;

• h i g h t ' - w a t c l i . ; ' ''' .,, - V . ' \ ' " \ • ' . ' ' • • ' •

-.Fenton has appointed Hcber Sykes,of Canton, ,is Special Sur^igftle of St:XawrcnceCounty, in place-of Elam R. Paige, removed

from the State. . w'" ' < , ; jH| . .'.'•>.. '

BY m• NKW YORK, 9.—American fGold' l.-Of.

PORT COIBORNE, &-jrThe'' fojujciwing j vesselspassed here to-day: >:[[ '\ S-.

Prop. Prairie State, Ogdensburg to Toledoi—Prop. Cleveland, Ogdensburg to Toledo.—1

Prop. City of New York, Ogdensburg! toChicago. Schr. Mount Blanc, Ogdensburg. toErie. t, • . t u ...... ' , : } • , , • ' ; ' . ;

: [Special dlipatch to'Tii'i Jo0R!(iL.i I

Fire at Bangor.

BANGOR, N. Y., 9,—the store occupied by" J.

G. & W%H, garny, at.. North Bangor, |WiS de-stroye'd hf fee thisimbniihf. j ;' '

It was probably the work of an incendiary, 88the windows were found up, and some goodswere found in the road about half a mile dis-;tant. Loss.^above insurance, about:(l,000.

NEW TORK, §?-i-Tlie Contention" wan .cajie^-to order at 10.20. | '"

Mr. Vallandigham read & letter from Mr. Pen-

dleton, dated July 2d, authorizing a withdrawalof his name whenever it should become desira-ble. He deemed the success of the party farmore important than tbe gratification of Any per-sonal feeling. Hr. Fendleton's name was withdrawn after thanking those who had voted* forhim for their fidelity. \

19th ballot—Connecticut went back to Eng-lish; Delaware for Hancock; Illinois for Hend-ricks; Massachusetts for Hancock; Ohio.forPacker; Tennessee and Pennsylvania fdr Han-cock. Tbe.vote stood: Hancock 135j; Eng-lish 6; Packer 22; Doolittle 12; Hendricks

'H; Blair 18*; Field 15; Chase i ; Thofl. B.Seymour 4. j <•

20th ballot—Arkansas left Hancock for Hend-ricks. Morrissey offered bets that English W dbe chosen. .Massachusetts went. eleven forHancock'. • The^vote*stood":-• "TSriglish 16]; /Han-'cock '142* ; [cheers;] Doolittle 19; Hendricks121; Blair 13; Field 9; Seymour 2. [

21st ballot—Massachusetts gave four forChase amid great cheering in the galleries andhisses on the floor. The vote stood: English19; Hancock 135£; Johnson 5; Doolittle 12;Hendricks 132; Field 8; Chase 4 ; Mc'Clellan

; Hoffman $. \ . ,22d ballot—Gen. McCook, of Ohio, in a very*

complimentary speech, cast the vote of Ohip-forSeymour. Mr. Seymour returned thanks'ibr thecompliment, but insisted that he would'not bethe candidate of tbe Convention. He-closedwith an eloquent tribute to Pendleton ind hismagnanimity. Mr. Vallandigham insiateiJ uponMr." Seymour yielding to the demonstration inhis behalf. {'[:.,,;

Mr Kernan, of New Tork, said the New-Xort?delegation had had no part or lot in this^ move-ment by Ohio, but he now urged Mr. StylintiuVto yield as a matter of duty, The ballot, wasthen takeu, and Mr. Seymour received1 the entire317 votes of the Convention. f

The wildest enthusiasm prevailed. Cannonwere fired in the street, and bands of music;played. , - ' V

Niw YoRn, 9.—On the first ballot for VicePresident F. P. Blair, Jr., received 317 voiies andwas unanimously nominated for Vice Pr« sident.

NEWXOBKJ.IO.—Herald special says: Rev-erdy Johnson, the new. Minister to England, re-tired from the Senate this afternoon/ He hadnot intended to vacate his seat until th'e 10thinst., but the pressure of private business to betransacted before his departure for England,caused him to hasten his resignation. {

Mr. Johnson was very much moved when herose to bid farewell to the body of which he hadbeen an honored member for more than six yearsand bis heart was so full thathe was obliged tocall on his colleague, Senator Tickers, who readfrom the manuscript Mr. Johnson's written fare-well address.

NKW YORK, 10.—It is stated that afWtheDemocratic nomination had been made yesterdayby the Convention, tbe Chase Executive Committeehelda meeting, and "passed resolutionsratifying-the nomination of Grant afia4Cojfax.

A serious accident occurred, yesterday) after-noon, by the bursting of a gun while a -salutewas being fired in Union Square, in honor ofthe nomination of Seymour. One of the gunsin use,' exploded while the gunner was rammingin the cartridge. . . ., , 1

Dispatches have been received'by the |W"orldfrom all sections of the country, expressive ofgreat enthusiasm over the Dernocratic.(nbmina-tion. .**• '" ' . . * ' '#3 . " . . ! '

WASHIHGTOU, 10.—rThe Senate" rejected PerryFuller as Commissioner of Internal Revenue.

Many responses have been received to ttie Con-gressional call for accounts of the decoration ofthe-graves of Union soldiers: ~ '• ~ |

It is considered important that similar j infor-mation be sent from all parts of the cpun'trywhere there were such observances and addressedto Fra'nk Moore, New Yoft. '' i

Tribune special says: The inquiry of;Sena-tor Edmunds, to-day, asking ;the Secretary ofState to report what States have ratified the14th Constitutional amendment, will developthe •iatetestiBg and impprtaut fact tliat wi h theratification of tlie amendment byvtthetiSta'tes ofSouth Carolina and ..Louisiana,' now "pending,that amendment' will;b'e a part bl'the 'Cpnatitu-tiohof the'United State's. "' '" ''H• . -:,11

It will be remembered that the l»st Legisla-tures of NeW JerseyafldDm'b revokpd their as-sent to the amendme»t'aid'caUed-upon Mr. Sew-ard to return their certificates of ratification,but that officer declined to-comply, taking ther

ground that the act was in itself an irrevocableone and must stand or fall at once by the suc-cess , or failure of the requisite number ofStates to ratify the same after all had passedupon it, but independent of the action of j thosetwo State3 the amendment will be ratified withinthe next week 6y'the legislatures of G'eorgiaand Alabama which'will', place its. validity aapart of the Constitution beyond a question.

in the Southern Stateabeyond the power-of therebels,tochange it^even if they had control ofi h e G o v e r n m e n t . •*><•'• ' " • • ' ' '

i . , ) < ; . _ . . .

i -TRENTON . 10—-TheRepublican State C<in

crribr, and chose an i

LONDON, 9.—The Queen asks Parliament tovote a pension of £2,000 per annum to GeneralSir Robert Napier for his distinguished servicesin Abyssinia. !

SYRACUSE, 10.—A matt'byitue name of MartinPowling wad run over by the ;cars two b'lockswest of the'depot, last njgEt, and had'both legsc u t o f f . • •..••'ia: - . • .' V •-'•«•'I'-f;1" ',

PoritTf-Markets closed firm. "j ...SilMll.edObarrelR i t [email protected] new m r "Beef quiet,,,,,.. « j


^^w^yof prutto>,

• Mj NQ. S^IJDSqiljBANKJBrJIJ.p.. '.'I'M '...--.•'.-••..,!.

Are closing out their stock of,_., ,. Jon! A tilreu-on ln r<*ara tathe facllldei

to • any :adaf«IS'-on receipt of

\ J IT and raoeeMroUy oomulud on all formi [of print*aiifnitrt* hU old •MablUktd^BMpltaU No. D, Beaver tL,S^lfc^^w^yoKitoT^^thJ^oBr^iaSJ^^aS

to perfam eum

J^rw«OiC^MM):o(.«btauunf.th«;MfMt airemodlW f « the» dlMUM, offer tor

laoMBCDUtotb* uforlwiatt.o&aqnlckjwainpidean,to be obtained at no.otk«roa<>i In Am«rlc». |

TOTJNO MEN addicted to weret habtti, who, have Im--Mired their health anddettrojred the Tigor of their mln*»,[hoi deprlTinf themielvei of the"pleuurei of marriedUfe.arenoUuedrttatln:#MiltJn|»:J.TeUtt'they wUj«nd » friend to coniole mad «phyriclmn who hu curedthonundi, in almoit every part of the United 8Ute«, whoappliedto;Pr.T,brokoB<4owA,iB:be«ltb,.iiow rejoloe iaaUitb^malMlU*aMraHtaad:aaii;happr; Bie readerliof oouieaware tbattbo; drtlow of tiie enbject wlUprevent a more minute deeerlptton of thl» terrible dlieue.

M, B.-Periont at.a dtotaaoe can.bei eared at }iome,..J»jraddreethiia lftterto^ J. .l^.eMJoeliiii a:nmittaap>!7;Medidnu iecurely packed from obwrratlon, lent to' as jpirt of the world. -All eaeee warnuitedL Ko charge forSVloi. No etadeht or boji einployed. Mottoi-Udi—adireeialllettento J. MLIJHL M.'?^ .• ' T ^ ^ r " . WeiBeaTefetreet.In>«w>t T

1 i

- V.- 1 >:. I

, 1 l.li

'•''"'-.I-'' •'.: ' N B 1 T

4 • "1 v'-". } _ - *

• J * - . v

• i' ' . 'i '

f. ^ I I '1

: .' : ?• .•:'.•! - i v . t : -./• .'t-

• - . i ; . ' - . - - • ; . •

Milk & Baldwm's.

• ' • i "


18 cents per yards.


. i


Ayer's Gherry Pectoral,For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs,

such as Coughs, Colds, WhoopiriKCough, Bronchitis, Asthma,

and Consumption.Probably never before in the whole History of

medicine, nasanything w6n so widely and sodeeplyupon the confidence of mankind, as this excellentremedy for pulmonary complaints. Through' aloneseries of years, and among most of the races ofmen it has risen' higher and higher in their estima-tion, as it :ha9'become betterinown. It* uniformcharacter and power to cure the various affectionsof the lungs ana throat, have made it known as a re-liable protector against them. While adapted tomilderiorms'of disease ahd'to young children', it isat the same time the most effectual remedy that canbe given foe incipient consumption, and the dan-gerous affectionof the throat and lutigs. As a pro-vision against suaOen attacks of Croup, it should,be kept on hand in every family, and uideed as3aUare sometimes subject to colds and coughs, allshould be provided -with this antidote for them.., Although settled Consumption is thought in-cufalile, stillgreafnumbcrs of cases where the dis-ease seemed settled, have been completely cured,and the patient restored to sound health by theCherry Pectoral. So complete Is its niasteryover the disorders of the Lungs and Throat, thatthe most obstinate of them yield to it. When noth-ing else could reach them, under the Cherry Pec-toral they, subside and disappear.: :

; Singer*'ah* PtitXie Speaker* find great pro-tection from it.

Asthma is always relieved and often whollycured by it. !

Jtronchiti*. is generally cured by taking theCherry Pectoral ia small and frequent doses.

So generally are its virtues known that we neednot publish the certificates of them here, or do morethan assure the public that its qualities are fullymaintained. _ s

IT'S Ague Cure,Chill fever, Homittent Fever, DumlJAgue, Periodical or Bilious Fever; &c,and indeed all the affections which; arise

or •* ntiasniatiodeed all the affeoM-malariousY marsh,uii 'SI <"• .«-.-si ' s


( . • :.

_YOB«,9, 'Ashes—Market nominal at [email protected]. \

' Cotton—Marketquiet at32i@33 for M.jU. ' 'FiourT-yKeqeiptB 3 ,600 , ; b b l s . . n t M a r k e t r

d u l l ; i' . . } •(•: i , . : i - ' . .'i|i-KU i i ' •-.' J-- Sales 9,100 tbbls. at :6;[email protected] sup. fine stateand w>ste,rii^8.18^8,i8tf; ;jfor clioice' | * i fltate';-

1 V * X O ( ^ D X O » X ' V XOl* COuliUlOl^? vO O^OICft"OAEfJfc ^~^7A8v*em: [email protected] common to good Rhipping'VHiM-^tit SbuWBod^ Ohio. •"w f ^

"Wheat—Receipte 142,000 bushel*. Market:

As its name implies, it does Cure,' and does riotfail. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Bismuth,Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonous substance._whatever, ,it in nowise injures any patient; Thenumber and importance of its cures hi the ague dis-tricts, are literally beyond account, and we believewithout a:parallel, in.the.history of Ague medicine.Our pride.isgratifled l>y the'ackno'wledgmehts wereceive of the radical cures effected in obstinate,cases, and where other remedies had wholly failed.

Unacclimated.persons, either.resident in, ortraveUing through miasmatic localities, will be pro-tected by taking the A.OXTB CUKE daily*'

For IAver Complaint*,, arising from torpidityof theXiver, it is an excellent remedy, stimulatingthe Liver into healthy activity. I


•iii .

.. ; SPKCIAI . NOTICE; ... } ._nrio oat, TACVBRN, OR HO^EL KntPKBB IN BT.;J. Lawrence County: It having come to ths knowl-

edgejpf ,the nUenlcnM.that certain, hotel keeper* »uf-fergambling In »ome form within the Inn, Tavern orHotelkeptbjthem: Ton are hereby notified that aUmanner of tambUBf, or-tb* keepmgofagamiDg table of'aw de«rtpUbn,'iHffiIn.theliin,.Tavern or.Hotel kept•byVoo,OTinany o««-»anieIjSia*af Jfar»m Keftn 'the«to,iicontraryJtotheprovl»ibniot»BiAotlenU..™,^ABaettosapp*Mlml«Bperaoe«ran^to reguhtte theialeoflirtoxlo^UqBOrt? pitted April 16tb; 186T,

^ . t_ -"-"'•— -ihS bond «nttred tatobrjon;- • ' - ' --—-••• | every

• £ jCiJtasUwftwlm)OraunlnlOMiiof Kxotae.St.I*w Oo.

Shawls, Skirts, Parasols, Fan«, Ate.

%"T .At :Erlce»ltli»t 3>EtX.i COMPEMMO

, ; COB8EX8 cheaper

AGENTS for the ImproTea DAVIB'glWINGi MA-CHINE, which lieieelled by-risrie'for dBr»bUltv indrange of work. TBe mortilmplem»cMn¥ jet inventedEvery machine warranted. " •" I-IS''".WS> I

Personswiahingtoobtsina good Michlne lhouldex-1

»nilne before purchulngeliewherei "'" v'*:} r <:-v*.. ' . ' • ; • : ' t ' i • • % • • i ' . } • • > , - i t s

GEO. A. pODDS. [»pl8dtwtf)

JUBSON BAlik BDtLDING,6I FOBDIBT.. . ' i .-> i.i_ Ji'iiiL,

. JUjrays on band the: cboloct Clgan, Wines «nd i lq-


• , ; — ^ 5 ' W - . j ••:••••:


Owing to ihedepressed.condlUon of -the^msrket I nowo f f e r m y l m j o * n » e s t o c k o X . .. , : : i - •*?&!• • , 5 . . * , . .

• . . v . . - , ? • ; • ! • • • • ' ; - > , - • • « - ; ( . ' . - - T . ' V .- : • > • ; . . ' .

f • t h

OonBlitihg of'

B l a c k & Colored S i lks , -. , i. ' . - i r * • . . • ' • " . ' .

Alexander, Frcncii Jt f Hub IPopHai,. . ; • • . ' . -• .'•'"' ••• < • " • ' • ' ' i f -ij ' •

B l a c k & Colored Crenadioea ,

i _Black v Colored Alpaca*!

•A • ••

'",' Orcandles,. __.' . i i

And in fact everything In the line of Dresi Gooils at 25•t per centbtlow por former prices. j

ii .j JUST .EECEIV^B . •.,

200 %/At Prices that-cannot be beat in Northern Hew- York.

Of all kindi'at wholes»leindi retail."In tliis; partlcolarbranch ire defy compttltionand will not t « ' > >,';

undersold. " ; • , ';;lohumbngjbutfacUwhich cxa,be proved

SI . F R A N K ' S , i ':•( d t y - ' . . . - ,., . .53).Tord 8treet,*'0gaen9bu'rg.;; i

gBNM..W»ANTIlft,a6Jt ,J)AlJ.-. Authorized and A-atKentie >i j •; T

LIFEOFGBN. VI.TS8ES 8. GR^NT.Comprising, a comgleteaccarate hiitory of his event-',

fal and interesting career, -with an authentic narrative,of his invaluable military service!, adding alsj> i n In-partiil estimate of, his character as.» Man, a Soldier and:a-Statesman.' By Hori Oharlei A. Daa», late Assistant— ---'-xy ofwir.-^tlie SSrtogfleld Kepubllcan MyVi*

or'USK BBAIN ABD, Rochester, N. T.

"I *: r £ a 1 ': ~<*mto*>


Johnson Bros.,1 -1

AT T H U S HEW STOKS, | • ;,

0T SXATE STREET,\ Iale » sp

-. t ,.y J \ Y- %T £\ IH»Te just opened »hd are-now oifering for, sale » splen-

did Summer stock at~ " \

Boots, Shoes, (Jaiters.. AT PRI0E8 THAT .

- D E F V COMPETITION.• • • . " ' •


i»Prom a Shoe I*ce to: the Finest Work m

i y We manufacture to order French and AmericanCalf Boots arid Shoes, Sewed or' Pegged, «t ReasonableRfttetf. • i i - " . i ' ' • • . - . • $

^r^ _ AND SEE FOR TOTJRSBLVES.f NextDoor to the Post 0BBce,'8tjte Street, Ogdenaburftj

(je3d*w2ra) JOHNSON BROS.

OUR STOCK Of SUMMER piiOTHIN& 13 THEcheapest and'the Tbes't." •• ~ * j

DEVXiN* jCOijVqrBrotUlwajr, corner of Grand Street,Brnadwuy, corner of UTairren Street,

••'• /:'^-msw^-Ti&amr'-' "

•Hk't*^^Bo¥'S:iNI>iTroiDTH>a-'rSUIT3 FOB D.RESS.or\J SchoolOPnrpOies are .are the most tasteful i«ii tfie-market. ' ' r u r - DEVLIN * CO.

Broadway, corner of 6rand,8treet.i#»«aw»*58F|ff o f W««|!|teee


OM1)EEAKTME1JT IS,TjlIttBDiWIJIHt and best European and American fabrics;

' DEVEIN t. CO". ""Br&^way, cornerrpf;flrand8&«et. •>. {Broadway, corner orWarren Street NEW TORK.

f u * W ; a

ytW.''"!'"••>^ii'-Yd V .1%

1 s W . f fp H B 0»MMI88ldNBK8 OF EXCISE Wttl i

f j S t b ' i k ^ P ' ^ ^ j U

'.T\ 7ioo%:£QvsTB *«NfmrmjtTHaP •f^a'^afT i f ' 'li5"1 itT'TPV "a t1^ i«f5M"TTs>i"'•M^^I^If mKiwp

rate liiitory of hia MiliUry fand;Clvil Career.

»wvv*«v^vwt» ',"1 y»u«j«•„»-T»•*•* m• • • w^ >-^**^iw^i^ »w jj™*;- — ';>Vvll *•• vlXC

preienttime. Thelargeit cpmmbBiongiver^ Weem-pJojf:%(Re'n«rilA|enti.andotherextraiiiducemenutoSfwf^-i;"£$&$$¥'*£•&£, -»??*?«^otJnM**SB^-!Sfti^-BaHi!S!^tt:.:3teae»mJ^ye dnjjUBi" term* address, JIJB; BURR 4 po.jl

•A - A . ,-*1]H??!"Wli''V*Jl-TIL*1Jl''-*V** :i.aJU-:,OFFicxAL aUsrJFdKir or tbe

rjs:pav^i-, Character, Conduct ahd'BesuUs.

i Agent l i Kiwtoh, Pair refioru 72 .dbsclbers Inthree iayj),, Auother in BostohVlOS subSCTibers in fourdays'.-igend'for'CHrculaM'anJ'let'ou'rter'ins^nd a fullae.criptlbn-' S^Oie-.wortV-A'aaresi^SifcTIOilAi VVB-

K K I 3 £ 'i "iKsiis.,'• : . u i - ' f.:;r,:, • • • , . . . . > . ; • ; . - - ; : > C r t

'." *-Js.Vv ''---OK '- "•;. •'-'-^••ii

And a variety of df-'vtluable and useful wtlcles (or saleAT $i-*oa « * O H AamqiiE.

A.clieck- describing-an-arti^le selected^bxn our stockfortale a t t If will WSentoi receipt tBeregelpt of threecenta to paj pMtage; • ''•H<» cbareo forfSeiiedales or Checks

maaeal ttOm Eatabltislijiient.Band for CiroularsjRs this la the most liberal sale of

kind injjlie "country.; iJ lddreM.ij" .-.-.:.• t..-•- ,-."•-• ' : • ! : • « • ' S A a S H A l M i * CO.*' .; ••> , .-•--. , 24 Friend Street, Boston, Mass.

ig^^WMt r^^^d^male, to introduce the Genulnelmproved Commoc SenseFamily Sewing Machine. This machine wUlStltoh, Fell,•HerarTuekrQulltrCbrd-BlncirBraid andrEmbrolder in amost superior manner. Eric* only; *18i fully warran-ted for,flve jears. We.wlU pa j $1000 for any machinethat will iejr a Btrongeri most: beiutlfuior-' more elastic'eekm than ours, i t makes the "Klastlc 'lock Stitch."—Every,»econd>»titob-canbe cut'amd-still.;the cloth will•6otseparatewlthouttearlng i£ "VTe pay agent from »tSto |21H) per month and expenses j or a commission fromwhich'twicethat amount-can be made. Address SE-0OMB4 00;Pitt»burgPji,,or Boston.Mass.

(74 ra7OjV:^rDpn't be imposed upon by other partiespalming off worthless cast iron machines, unier the samename or otherwise. 'Ours l i the only genuine and reallypractical cheap machine manufactured.. ,

jiojuirmig^Baikay lllustratia* &dlcai;iBdo)ei, 066-taining important.. Physiological- Information, for lienand Wpmen,ient free on receipt o,r*5 cent*, by address-ing . . ••: • IJr. JOHN" VANDEHPOOL,

- No.»0 Clinton*lioe. New York City.

... -•vfjKc%»j3i.a»«,. , , j . .-Male and Female Agents in every: village,- tewn and city

^ ;i;EOf DryandTancjr/Gbods. Agents making money. For

; •"' Ml'paftlculars.aaareM.',' ""-;'•_"••;; iARjaaftiyii-iR&co.,5.68, Washington Street, Boston, Mass.

.CO'.'S: I M M E N S E ONE•: D O t L A K S A L K '

Of DryahafSancyiBo(>dSj,8UterPlated:Ware,Cutlery,c.,4^. Senai6.cts.',eacMortiie,name)6£;one or moreUclSwhic^wf jilll,seU for. ;:•••:-

'• One D o l l a r s E a c l i v : •'_ Agents wanted In every town and city In the country.Extra ihaucemeiit Offered. Circulars sent free. Ad-dress K I M B i L L A CO., 3 .Tremo'nt Eow, Boston, MaBS.

'«6x'2516: ' • ' " ' " ?~ ' ' " "

mANCir^ or Soul Charrking. How'either se» may fsjclnate and gain the affectloos of tbe'Atner, or.iany'one^ttiej'CboQBe,ins&hUy.;^al ^-'to eecareprosperity in lbve'or business': Every one can acquirethis singular power. This queer, exciting bout ha'.1 beenpubllshed'.by us ten years, ttie sale of which has beenenormohs, ana-is the only book of the kind in the Ec-gUih Language. 'Sent by maiifdr 25'cent*, or five for |1together with a guide to' the unmarried. Addrees T.WILLIAM *jCg:yBnbllfliCT»iPtffl^elhla^:'

CJT'Perspns; think-of advertlilng to »n extent will dowell before making contracts" to apply to ' ''' _

jFwan.estitiiter tTdsihiyeiacllUie(fqr;securihg.theinsertlpn of AdvertUemenU in all newspapers and period

:lual^^a^lpw;^t^'s Ad(lresstlLemat * :

Send stamp for circular.. Compiete llfits of Newspa-pers published in any State sent, for 25 cents.

• - K . i l ; . . -We are agents for over one hundred roreisn and bo-

mestlcManuiacturers, and are prepared 40 furnish thewholeeburitry with Dry arid Fancy Goods, Silks, ShaWIsJ t o « U W J f l W f : Lttanoji: S_ewtag Bla-y yJewetojv«Uver Warei JurrflWrf,:chihesV'«e.,.at-tn^ uMform pfl^e;p ^

ONE DOLLAR FOB KAOB ARTIOLB.Send your clubs or ten and upwards,, for deserlpUye

checks showing what article can be obtained for ften cents for each check.


,-..u'« .' ••• veiKCULARS 8EMMXB-' Present! wbrtilfrom IS.fo'fiWseSf frei of charge toagents sending clubs.

Agents wanted to every town.. :- ODSHMAN * CO,, .

10 ArohStreet, Boston, Mass.

S H A W ' SChemical Electro Silver Plating Krild, .makes worn out

hvieiHwari a| iOT^[new; ?&*%'&]$&'&«&**•|ar*Sample/foftrial sent ffeffoy xm on "receipt of

25 cents to pay for s'aeicttfg. and postage. Addiess J.SHAW, Chemist, SO jBlii Street, Bridgport, Conn.—Agents wanted'everywhere. _ . . .

TOBACCO ANTIDOTE.Warranted to remove all desire for Tobacco or the

money refunded! This, great renieay is an excellent ap-petiser. It purifies the blood, invigorates the system,possesBes great nourishing and strengOiening power, en-ables the stomach to digest the heartiest fooa, makesdeep refreshing, and establishes robust health.

Smokers andOtc jersfbr Forty years cured. ?rice60 Cent* Box, post free. A treatise on the Injurious ef-fects of Tobacco, with notices from Uie Press, referencesd)||^^^|^c^gtrrS


Medal.. Samples by mail 2S cts.—


sit*iajefotl.., _____andequal|irlceof ^ , , ..„

One-Hollar fo^ Ea«b Art ic le .Our goods are all new and pt First Class quality, ai

reot trom the Manufacturers.Allwe^sklB-tri-l. ;.. „ , i . _ ^ , . " ' . •. .

t-iAsiaipW-atsureihaveiarraSgeiS^wlfh me, pWhe mostre-ioleSerca-lMeKo-se- in Boston, i 5*fc->^

THB OitlKNTAIi TEA COMPANY,For their standard- Te;a» and Coffees. Every article soldby.ttemii«.warr;__ted..to; ;givg. entire satisfaction, andtheir guarantee placed'-poif each package; Male andfemale agents wanted everywhere, and satisfaction guar-anteed in all cases.

Greater Inducement, than any other house in thstHOle. BeforejorderlngieliewhereglvssSia trial. Clr-

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