1 2 · izgledao život stanovnika Istre s kraja 19. i početka 20. stoljeća, čime su zarađivali...

Katun lindarski 60, Pazin, Croatia | M: +385 (0)98 723 442 [email protected] | www.agroturizam-ograde.hr Pazin, Croatia | T: +385 (0)52 622 460 M: +385 (0)91 2622460 | [email protected] Trg Istarskog razvoda 1, Pazin, Croatia | T: +385 (0)52 622 220 [email protected] | www.emi.hr Valvasorova 1, Pazin, Croatia | M: +385 (0)91 512 1528 [email protected] | www.facebook.com/pazincave Pazin, Croatia | T: +385 (0)52 622 460 M: +385 (0)91 2622460 | [email protected] Jurine i Franine 15, Pazin, Croatia | T: +385 (0)52 616 676 M: +385 (0)91 544 0918 [email protected] | www.facebook.com/bunkerica Šime Kurelića 4 , Pazin, Croatia | M: +385 (0)91 168 3126; +385 (0)91 168 3126 [email protected] | www.facebook.com/zipline.pazin Ulica 154. brigade 4, Pazin, Croatia | M: +385 (0)95 850 1214 [email protected] | www.planinarsko-drustvo-pazinka.hr Trg Istarskog razvoda 2, Pazin, Croatia | T : +385 (0)52 625 040 ; +385 (0)52 616 866 [email protected] | www.muzej-pazin.hr Upoznajte izvornu Istru U bujnoj prirodi koja okružuje agroturi- zam Ograde upoznat ćete samoniklo bi- lje, dok ćete na poljima agroturizma ubi- rat sezonsko voće i povrće. Na radionici suhozida imat ćete priliku vidjeti kako se nekad gradilo u Istri, a pritom i doživjeti kako žive domaće životinje. Napomena: uz najavu Zabavni presjek istarske etnologije Etnografski muzej Istre prikazuje kako je izgledao život stanovnika Istre s kraja 19. i početka 20. stoljeća, čime su zarađivali za kruh, koje su alate koristili ili što su jeli, a posjetiteljima će nuditi vođene ture po postavu. Ponor ispod Pazina Pazinska jama nalazi se na kraju kanjona rijeke Pazinčice, ispod gotovo 100 me- tara visoke okomite stijene. Uz jamu se vežu brojne priče i legende. Danas nudi zip line i speleo avanturu, a ravnodušni- ma nije ostavila ni Dantea, Julesa Verna te mnoge druge. Drukčiji pogled na Pazin Pazinske večeri začinit će tematske ve- čeri u buffetu Bunker s koncertima, lokal- nim pivama, pub kvizovima i drugim za- nimljivim događanjima. Otkrijte podzmeni svijet Pazina U speleoavanturi posjetitelji prolaze kroz kanjon rijeke Pazinčice i potom ula- ze u ponor Pazinske jame dubok 270 me- tara gdje nauče sve o njegovom nastan- ku i posebnostima. Napomena: uz najavu Adrenalinska injekcija Zip line preko Pazinske jame adrenalin- ska je avantura koja se sastoji od četi- ri djela i sveukupne dužine 280 meta- ra. Dok se prelijeće jama na visini od 100 metara otvara se prekrasan pogled na Kaštel i ponor ispod. Napomena: uz najavu Putevima neistražene prirode Planinarsko društvo Pazinka prenosi dugu tradiciju planinarenja, koju možete i samostalno doživjeti, a nudi i priliku za autentično outdoor iskustvo. Napomena: uz najavu Povijest grada na dlanu Muzej grada Pazina nalazi se u Pazin- skom Kaštelu. Kroz tri velika odijela pri- kazuje kulturu i život grada Pazina, Pa- zinštine i središnje Istre, a posjetiteljima će nuditi vođene i samostalne ture po postavu. Meet the authentic Istria In the lush nature surrounding Agrotour- ism Ograde, you will learn about wild plants and pick seasonal fruits and veg- etables in the agrotourism fields. Con- struction methods that were once used in Istria will be presented at the drywall workshop and you will also see how the domestic animals live in Istria. Note: with prior appointment An entertaining overview of Istrian ethnology The Ethnographic Museum of Istria dis- plays instances of life in Istria in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by showing how people made a living, what tools they used or what they ate, while also offering guided tours of each exhibit. Abyss below Pazin The Pazin Cave is located at the end of the Pazinčica River canyon beneath an almost 100 m high vertical rock. There are numerous stories and legends as- sociated with the cave. Today, it offers zip-lining and caving, while in the past it made a lasting impression on Dante, Ju- les Verne and many others. A different view of Pazin Themed nights featuring concerts, local craft beers, pub quizzes and other inter- esting events will spice up the Pazin eve- nings at Buffet Bunker. Discover the underground world of Pazin In this caving adventure, visitors will pass through the Pazinčica River canyon and then descend through the 270 m deep Pazin cave sinkhole, where they will learn all about its formation and distinctions. Note: with prior appointment A shot of adrenaline Zip-lining over the Pazin cave is a 280-meter long adrenaline-packed ad- venture in four parts. While zip-lining over the cave at 100 meters, a stunning view expands of the castle and the sink- hole below. Note: with prior appointment Traversing unexplored nature The Pazinka Hiking Society honours a long tradition of hiking, which you can experience for yourself, and also offers an authentic outdoor experience. Note: with prior appointment History on the palm of hand The Pazin Town Museum is located in Pazin Castle. Three large departments showcase the culture and life in the town of Pazin, the Pazin region and Central Is- tria, with the museum also offering guid- ed tours of each exhibit. 1 2 Z i p L I n e PA z i N s K A j a M A A g R o t U R i z A M o g R A d e S p e L Eo A d V e n T U r e E t N o g R A f Sk i M U z e J I s T r e M u z E J g R a d A P a z I N a b u F f E T b u N k E R P a z i n c a ve z i p - l i n e A g r ot o u r i s m O g r a d e Vladimira Gortana 2, Pazin, Croatia | T: +385 (0)52 621 045 M: +385 (0)98 982 8045 [email protected] | www.contineo.com.hr Vaš prijatelj u otkrivanju Pazina Smještena na Trgu Male Fontane u Pazi- nu, agencija nudi tematski vođene ture po gradu poput „književne šetnje pazi- nom“, a možete i iznajmiti bicikl te samo- stalno istraživati krajolik i okolicu. Your friend in discovering Pazin Located at the Mala Fontana Square in Pazin, the agency offers themed tours of the town, such as a "literary walk through Pazin", and you can also rent a bike to ex- plore the scenery and surroundings by yourself. C o n T I n e O t u R . A g e N c I J a Co n t i n e o Tr a v e l A g e n c y C a v i n g a d ve n t u r e P a z i n c a v e P a z i n k a Hi k i n g S o c i e t y Ethnographic M useu m o f Is tria P a z i n Town M us e u m Bajkovite ljepote pazinske rječice Samo 7 minuta udaljena od centra nalazi se dolina rijeke Pazinčice. Od Pazinskog kaštela slijedeći uzvodni tok potoka, doći ćete do Pazinskog i Zarečkog krova, koji su dio ekološke mreže Natura 2000. The enchanting beauty of the Pazin river The Pazinčica River valley is only 7 min- utes from the centre. If you go upstream from Pazin Castle, you will reach Porečki and Zarečki Krov, which are part of the Natura 2000 ecological network. D o l I N a r I J e k E P a z I N č i C E P a z i n č i c a V a l l e y pa Z I n S k a J A m a P a z i n c a ve 5 9 6 8 7 10 3 4 P l a NI n a Rs KO d R . p a Z I n K a Neotkriveni putevi Istre The undiscovered paths of Istria Neotkriveni putevi Istre Dok je lijepa istarska obala sve pozna- tija, unutrašnjost Istre krije potpuno novi, drukčiji i neotkriveni svijet koji pruža brojne zanimljivosti. Središte i polazište za njezino otkrivanje je Pa- zin, glavni grad županije, koji još uvijek čuva onu neposrednost nekadašnjeg nažina života na istarskom poluotoku. Prekrasna mjestašca kao što su Be- ram ili Lindar oduševit će svakoga tko zakorači njihovim ulicama, a o burnoj povijesti i bogatoj kulturnoj baštini svjedočit će Pazinski kaštel kao i broj- na kulturna događanja koja se odvijaju diljem grada. No neće vas razočarati ni ljupka pazinska starogradska jezgra kao ni osebujna i netaknuta priroda kroz koju prolaze pješačke i biciklističke staze, sa zelenim obroncima, blagim br- dašcima, nemirnom rijekom Pazinčicom i njezinim slapovima Pazinskim i Zareč- kim krovom. Imat ćete priliku otkriti svo bogatsvo i blagodati prirode od samoniklog je- stivog bilja do pomalo zastrašujuće ljepote Pazinske jame i legende koje se prepričavaju s koljena na koljeno o divu Dragonji. Ponos grada, ona je pra- vi prirodni fenomen, a speleoavantura otkrit će vam njezinu unutarnju ljepotu. S druge strane, jamu možete i preletjeti zip-lineom koji će vas natjerat da pro- mislite o slavnom bijegu Mathiasa San- dorfa, književnog lika poznatog pisca Julesa Verna. The undiscovered paths of Istria While the gorgeous Istrian coast gains increasing recognition, a completely new, different and undiscovered world lies hidden in mainland Istria, providing a plethora of sights. The central and starting point for its exploration is the county capital Pazin, which has pre- served the immediacy of the traditional way of life on the Istrian peninsula. Beautiful villages, such as Beram or Lindar, will delight anyone passing through their streets, while Pazin Castle and an array of cultural events taking place throughout the town, bear witness to the town’s storied history and rich cultural heritage. Not that you will be disappointed with the lovely historic centre of Pazin or the striking and unspoilt nature, complete with green hillsides, the rushing Pazinčica river and its waterfalls Pazinski and Zarečki Krov through which lead hiking and bike trails. You can discover nature in all its abun- dance and glory, ranging from wild edi- ble plants to the somewhat formidable beauty of the Pazin cave, as well as the legends of the giant Dragonja that are passed on from one generation to an- other. The Pazin cave, the pride of the town and a real natural phenomenon, reveals the inner beauty of the region and offers a speleoadventure. You can also fly through the Pazin cave with a zip line which will lead you to contem- plate on the famous escape made by Mathias Sandorf, the hero of the epony- mous novel by Jules Verne Skini našu aplikaciju i istraži Pazin Otkrij i slatku stranu Pazina uz Download our application and explore Pazin Discover the sweet side of Pazin with HR/ENG Turistička Zajednica središnje Istre Ulica Velog Jože 1, HR-52000 Pazin | T: +385(0)52 622 460 M: +385(0)91 2622460 | [email protected]

Transcript of 1 2 · izgledao život stanovnika Istre s kraja 19. i početka 20. stoljeća, čime su zarađivali...

Katun lindarski 60, Pazin, Croatia | M: +385 (0)98 723 [email protected] | www.agroturizam-ograde.hr

Pazin, Croatia | T: +385 (0)52 622 460 M: +385 (0)91 2622460 | [email protected]

Trg Istarskog razvoda 1, Pazin, Croatia | T: +385 (0)52 622 220 [email protected] | www.emi.hr

Valvasorova 1, Pazin, Croatia | M: +385 (0)91 512 [email protected] | www.facebook.com/pazincave

Pazin, Croatia | T: +385 (0)52 622 460 M: +385 (0)91 2622460 | [email protected]

Jurine i Franine 15, Pazin, Croatia | T: +385 (0)52 616 676 M: +385 (0)91 544 [email protected] | www.facebook.com/bunkerica

Šime Kurelića 4 , Pazin, Croatia | M: +385 (0)91 168 3126; +385 (0)91 168 3126 [email protected] | www.facebook.com/zipline.pazin

Ulica 154. brigade 4, Pazin, Croatia | M: +385 (0)95 850 1214 [email protected] | www.planinarsko-drustvo-pazinka.hr

Trg Istarskog razvoda 2, Pazin, Croatia | T : +385 (0)52 625 040 ; +385 (0)52 616 866 [email protected] | www.muzej-pazin.hr

Upoznajte izvornu Istru

U bujnoj prirodi koja okružuje agroturi-zam Ograde upoznat ćete samoniklo bi-lje, dok ćete na poljima agroturizma ubi-rat sezonsko voće i povrće. Na radionici suhozida imat ćete priliku vidjeti kako se nekad gradilo u Istri, a pritom i doživjeti kako žive domaće životinje.

Napomena: uz najavu

Zabavni presjek istarske etnologije

Etnografski muzej Istre prikazuje kako je izgledao život stanovnika Istre s kraja 19. i početka 20. stoljeća, čime su zarađivali za kruh, koje su alate koristili ili što su jeli, a posjetiteljima će nuditi vođene ture po postavu.

Ponor ispod Pazina Pazinska jama nalazi se na kraju kanjona rijeke Pazinčice, ispod gotovo 100 me-tara visoke okomite stijene. Uz jamu se vežu brojne priče i legende. Danas nudi zip line i speleo avanturu, a ravnodušni-ma nije ostavila ni Dantea, Julesa Verna te mnoge druge.

Drukčiji pogled na Pazin

Pazinske večeri začinit će tematske ve-čeri u buffetu Bunker s koncertima, lokal-nim pivama, pub kvizovima i drugim za-nimljivim događanjima.

Otkrijte podzmeni svijet Pazina

U speleoavanturi posjetitelji prolaze kroz kanjon rijeke Pazinčice i potom ula-ze u ponor Pazinske jame dubok 270 me-tara gdje nauče sve o njegovom nastan-ku i posebnostima.

Napomena: uz najavu

Adrenalinska injekcija

Zip line preko Pazinske jame adrenalin-ska je avantura koja se sastoji od četi-ri djela i sveukupne dužine 280 meta-ra. Dok se prelijeće jama na visini od 100 metara otvara se prekrasan pogled na Kaštel i ponor ispod.

Napomena: uz najavu

Putevima neistražene prirode

Planinarsko društvo Pazinka prenosi dugu tradiciju planinarenja, koju možete i samostalno doživjeti, a nudi i priliku za autentično outdoor iskustvo.

Napomena: uz najavu

Povijest grada na dlanu

Muzej grada Pazina nalazi se u Pazin-skom Kaštelu. Kroz tri velika odijela pri-kazuje kulturu i život grada Pazina, Pa-zinštine i središnje Istre, a posjetiteljima će nuditi vođene i samostalne ture po postavu.

Meet the authentic Istria

In the lush nature surrounding Agrotour-ism Ograde, you will learn about wild plants and pick seasonal fruits and veg-etables in the agrotourism fields. Con-struction methods that were once used in Istria will be presented at the drywall workshop and you will also see how the domestic animals live in Istria.

Note: with prior appointment

An entertaining overview of Istrian ethnology

The Ethnographic Museum of Istria dis-plays instances of life in Istria in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by showing how people made a living, what tools they used or what they ate, while also offering guided tours of each exhibit.

Abyss below Pazin The Pazin Cave is located at the end of the Pazinčica River canyon beneath an almost 100 m high vertical rock. There are numerous stories and legends as-sociated with the cave. Today, it offers zip-lining and caving, while in the past it made a lasting impression on Dante, Ju-les Verne and many others.

A different view of Pazin

Themed nights featuring concerts, local craft beers, pub quizzes and other inter-esting events will spice up the Pazin eve-nings at Buffet Bunker.

Discover the underground world of Pazin

In this caving adventure, visitors will pass through the Pazinčica River canyon and then descend through the 270 m deep Pazin cave sinkhole, where they will learn all about its formation and distinctions.

Note: with prior appointment

A shot of adrenaline

Zip-lining over the Pazin cave is a 280-meter long adrenaline-packed ad-venture in four parts. While zip-lining over the cave at 100 meters, a stunning view expands of the castle and the sink-hole below.

Note: with prior appointment

Traversing unexplored nature

The Pazinka Hiking Society honours a long tradition of hiking, which you can experience for yourself, and also offers an authentic outdoor experience.

Note: with prior appointment

History on the palm of hand

The Pazin Town Museum is located in Pazin Castle. Three large departments showcase the culture and life in the town of Pazin, the Pazin region and Central Is-tria, with the museum also offering guid-ed tours of each exhibit.

1 2

Zip Line Pazinska jama

agroturizam ogradeSpeLeo adventure

etnografSki muzej istre muzej grada Pazina

buffet bunker

Pazin cave z ip- line

Agrotourism Ograde

Vladimira Gortana 2, Pazin, Croatia | T: +385 (0)52 621 045 M: +385 (0)98 982 8045 [email protected] | www.contineo.com.hr

Vaš prijatelj u otkrivanju Pazina

Smještena na Trgu Male Fontane u Pazi-nu, agencija nudi tematski vođene ture po gradu poput „književne šetnje pazi-nom“, a možete i iznajmiti bicikl te samo-stalno istraživati krajolik i okolicu.

Your friend in discovering Pazin

Located at the Mala Fontana Square in Pazin, the agency offers themed tours of the town, such as a "literary walk through Pazin", and you can also rent a bike to ex-plore the scenery and surroundings by yourself.

Contineo tur. agencija Cont ineo Travel Agency

Cav ing adventure Pazin cave

Pazinka Hiking Soc iety

Ethnographic Museum of IstriaPazin Town Museum

Bajkovite ljepote pazinske rječice

Samo 7 minuta udaljena od centra nalazi se dolina rijeke Pazinčice. Od Pazinskog kaštela slijedeći uzvodni tok potoka, doći ćete do Pazinskog i Zarečkog krova, koji su dio ekološke mreže Natura 2000.

The enchanting beauty of the Pazin river

The Pazinčica River valley is only 7 min-utes from the centre. If you go upstream from Pazin Castle, you will reach Porečki and Zarečki Krov, which are part of the Natura 2000 ecological network.

Dolina rijeke PazinčiCePazinč ica Valley

paZinSka jama Pazin cave







3 4

Planinarsko dr. paZinka

Neotkriveni putevi Istre

The undiscovered paths of Istria

Neotkriveni putevi Istre

Dok je lijepa istarska obala sve pozna-tija, unutrašnjost Istre krije potpuno novi, drukčiji i neotkriveni svijet koji pruža brojne zanimljivosti. Središte i polazište za njezino otkrivanje je Pa-zin, glavni grad županije, koji još uvijek čuva onu neposrednost nekadašnjeg nažina života na istarskom poluotoku.

Prekrasna mjestašca kao što su Be-ram ili Lindar oduševit će svakoga tko zakorači njihovim ulicama, a o burnoj povijesti i bogatoj kulturnoj baštini svjedočit će Pazinski kaštel kao i broj-na kulturna događanja koja se odvijaju diljem grada. No neće vas razočarati ni ljupka pazinska starogradska jezgra kao ni osebujna i netaknuta priroda kroz koju prolaze pješačke i biciklističke staze, sa zelenim obroncima, blagim br-dašcima, nemirnom rijekom Pazinčicom i njezinim slapovima Pazinskim i Zareč-kim krovom.

Imat ćete priliku otkriti svo bogatsvo i blagodati prirode od samoniklog je-stivog bilja do pomalo zastrašujuće ljepote Pazinske jame i legende koje se prepričavaju s koljena na koljeno o divu Dragonji. Ponos grada, ona je pra-vi prirodni fenomen, a speleoavantura otkrit će vam njezinu unutarnju ljepotu. S druge strane, jamu možete i preletjeti zip-lineom koji će vas natjerat da pro-mislite o slavnom bijegu Mathiasa San-dorfa, književnog lika poznatog pisca Julesa Verna.

The undiscovered paths of Istria

While the gorgeous Istrian coast gains increasing recognition, a completely new, different and undiscovered world lies hidden in mainland Istria, providing a plethora of sights. The central and starting point for its exploration is the county capital Pazin, which has pre-served the immediacy of the traditional way of life on the Istrian peninsula.

Beautiful villages, such as Beram or Lindar, will delight anyone passing through their streets, while Pazin Castle and an array of cultural events taking place throughout the town, bear witness to the town’s storied history and rich cultural heritage. Not that you will be disappointed with the lovely historic centre of Pazin or the striking and unspoilt nature, complete with green hillsides, the rushing Pazinčica river and its waterfalls Pazinski and Zarečki Krov through which lead hiking and bike trails.

You can discover nature in all its abun-dance and glory, ranging from wild edi-ble plants to the somewhat formidable beauty of the Pazin cave, as well as the legends of the giant Dragonja that are passed on from one generation to an-other. The Pazin cave, the pride of the town and a real natural phenomenon, reveals the inner beauty of the region and offers a speleoadventure. You can also fly through the Pazin cave with a zip line which will lead you to contem-plate on the famous escape made by Mathias Sandorf, the hero of the epony-mous novel by Jules Verne

Skini našu aplikaciju i istraži Pazin

Otkrij i slatku stranu Pazina uz

Download our application and explore Pazin

Discover the sweet side of Pazin with


Turistička Zajednica središnje IstreUlica Velog Jože 1, HR-52000 Pazin | T: +385(0)52 622 460 M: +385(0)91 2622460 | [email protected]














117 4




5 6a

Pazinski Kaštel

Pazinski kaštel je kroz povijest pre-živio različite vladare, a do današ-njeg dana ostao je najstarija i najve-ća sačuvana fortifikacijska utvrda na području Istre.

Pazin Castle

Throughout its history, Pazin Castle has outlived a host of rulers and has remained to this day the oldest and largest preserved fort in Istria.


Nastanak Pazinske jame

Dragonja je bio div koji je stvo-rio rijeku Pazinčicu tako što je za-orao brazdu, a potom i Pazinsku jamu udarivši nogom u tlo, tik uz Pazinski kaštel, gdje i danas poni-re rijeka.

The Origin of Pazin Cave

Dragonja was a giant who created the Pazinčica River by plowing the furrow and then the Pazin cave by knocking on the ground, just be-side the Pazin Castle, where the river is still sinking underground.


Istarsko govedo

Boškarin, tradicionalno istarsko govedo koje je simbol težačkog života u Istri prošlih stoljeća, da-nas je uvršten u sam vrh specijali-teta istarske kuhinje.

Istrian cattle

The traditional Istrian cattle "boškarin", which is a symbol of hard work in Istria in the centu-ries gone by, has earned the rep-utation of being a first-rate Istri-an speciality.


gdje jesti / odsjestiWhere to eat / stay

Kulturna baštinaCultural heritage

Mjestašce s osebujnim slikarstvom

Tri kilometra sjeverozapadno od Pazina nalazi se Beram, malo mjesto s prekra-snim srednjovjekovnim freskama.

Mjesto koje se oduprijelo Napoleonovoj vojsci

Lindar je mirno mjesto udaljeno svega tri kilometra jugoistočno od Pazina, a obavljao je važnu obrambenu funkciju za zaštitu nekadašnje Pazinske grofovije.

A village that boasts distinctive artwork

Three kilometres northwest of Pazin lies Beram, a small village with some awe-in-spiring medieval frescoes.

A village that resisted Napoleon's army

Lindar is a quiet village, located just three kilometres southeast of Pazin, which played an important defensive role in the protection of the erstwhile County of Pazin.

BeramLinDar G



Šarmantne ulice isprepletene dojmljivim znamenitostima

Razvitak starogradske jezgre u Pazinu za-počinje Kaštelom, koji je sve do 19. stolje-ća bio glavno gradsko središte odvojeno od predgrađa.

Charming streets dotted with fascinating sights

The development of the historic centre in Pazin begins with Pazin Castle, which was the main town centre that was separated from the outskirts until the 19th century.

Stara gradSka jezGraThe historic centre of Pazin e


11 Hotel LovacŠime Kurelića 4, Pazin, Croatia | M: +385 (0)98 723 [email protected] | www.hotel-lovac.com.hr

AZRRIGortanov Brijeg 1, Pazin, Croatia | T: +385 (0)52 351 [email protected] | www.azrri.hr

1 Agroturizam OgradeKatun lindarski 60, Pazin, Croatia | M: +385 (0)98 723 [email protected] | www.agroturizam-ograde.hr


TradInEtno Festivalwww.tradinetno.com, [email protected]


Festival palačinki / Pancakes Festivalwww.pazin.hr, [email protected]

Veseli prosinac u Pazinu / Happy decemberwww.pazin.hr, [email protected]


Dani otvorenih vrata agroturizama Istre/Agrotourism open door daywww.dovai.eu, [email protected]

Martinje u Bermu /St. martin s day in beramwww.central-istria.com/hr/dogadjanja-events


Lindar – Mohorovawww.central-istria.com/hr/dogadjanja-events

Jazzva puna glazbe / Jazz concertwww.puckouciliste-pazin.hr, [email protected]


Rimwww.pazin.hr, [email protected]


Noć muzeja / Museum s nightwww.nocmuzeja.hr


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10 |11 |12 |

A |B |C |D |E |F |g |

Agroturizam Ograde Agrotourism Ograde

Speleo adventure Pazin cave Caving adventure

Dolina Pazinčice Pazinčica Valley

Pazinska jama Pazin cave

Muzej Grada Pazina Pazin Town Museum

Etnografski muzej Istre Ethnographic Museum of Istria

Zip Line Pazinska jama Pazin cave zip-line

Planinarsko društvo Pazinka Pazinka Hiking Society

Contineo turistička agencija Contineo Travel Agency

Buffet Bunker

Hotel Lovac

AZRRIAgency for the rural development of Istria

Pazinski Kaštel Pazin Castle

Nastanak Pazinske jameThe Origin of Pazin Cave

Istarsko govedo Istrian cattle

Stara gradska jezgra The historic centre of Pazin




f4 km

g4 km

19 km

123 km


Dani meda / Honey dayswww.lipa-pazin.hr, [email protected]

Dani mednih delicija / days of Honey delicacies of central Istriawww.central-istria.com/hr/dogadjanja-events

Sajam poljoprivrednih proizvoda / Agricultural Products Fair

Pazinski kolač koji osvaja srca

Pazinski cukerančić je tradicionalna istar-ska slastica, suhi kolač koji se najčešće pripremao za svadbe, a danas je njegova priprema proglašena nematerijalnim kulturnim dobrom Republike Hrvatske.

The pastry from Pazin that wins hearts

The Pazin "cukerančić" is a traditional Is-trian sweet, a dry pastry that was usual-ly made for weddings and its preparation has been inscribed on the list of intangible cultural heritage of the Republic of Croatia