
., .' \ '. • f ... , I " ' .. , Medical Department by P. Cooper -Page 1 Volume XXXI _IL HONORS FORMER PRESIDENT .. OF HOPE A. VllNNBXA , PlLllIUDEN'l'- ma:Jl.lTUS \ ,I DYety HO'Jl l'<to in OlrnlK'l ThunKl ... y morning was agroeably fIIIrprieod to _ bur old "Presy". Dr. A. Vennewa .mLlr. ing down the ehopcl' aisle, In a 80sb every studeDt "'lie to bia f ee t to do honor to him who had .erved: He<pe College lIB its eblef es ee uti ve and ad· min'istrator fOol scven yea ra. Dr .Vennoma Tcmgeed the omeo of Pre sident last year in order that he migh.t toke up minis terial work. Be· tore coming to Hope, ho oe\:1lpi ed' the . pulpit of the }'irS( Reform churcb of Pa_i e, N. J. At il'r •• ent he Jills the pulpit of the Reformed church in Mah' wah, N. J, Th e co un eil of ffope Oollege honored Dr . Venncmn last Wed nel!day by eleeting him of the nmtulio.·. In !ci. till to the students at ehnpel exercises, DT. Venn em a prais ed' Pr esi· Dimnent for assuming the r oi ns of management in fIIIeh a smooth and eJIiclent maon er ov er suc h '" critical period In the hiatory of the iut i tu.Uon. He alllO oongratulated the se hool for '- victorie ()ll th e ddboting platfo rm and ath letic fi eld'. lOr . Vennem& has bee n characterized all a "gI!nLleman of the old se hoo!''' HiB charming personality nnd oratori' ,cal elbility havo made bim one of the ' formed .bunch's gr""t p rcnchel'3. ;We 1I"ero all glad to sec him oIl nd are Iti.ng forwa rd to Rnother ,-lsit from him this J.lne. ••• H. H. S. LOSES TO HOPE; SCORE 6·3 P&A.OTlCE GAME REVEALS GOOD MATERIAL On af te rn oon Ihe Hope bue ba H toom 'lIet the players of the H"land High in a lively game. Beven innn i ngs were played nnd ot thr close of th e """ell 'h t11 e ",-or. slood 0·3 n 'Hope's favor. A B prn eiH'l' bl'(lllI (, it ilM pur· pase B ud lU allY fuultl't nnd er rors. But OJIIOII!: Ih o III OIIY •• n<lrida t •• for the Iro l1l whu wrl'(> gi vell 11 11 op' portnnity to .how thei r sk ill, mnn y g, ood 1 ,la)·er. w cr. r Hea le d, During thr cou rse of th i$ wee k the team rwill -be pllt through a vigorous d7il1 in preoparation fo r Ih,· first sc hed ' uled game at th e seaSOll, which ,,;11 be played 011 Friday art e nlO on, lI ay 9, again.t J unior College of Grand Rap · ds. A gam e has al 80 obl'e n .", Iedil led with KalaDUlz oo 0 litt le loter in th e .. R.on, Kaz oo'. reco rd in /b ase ball i. ft geod one and "'eing our l'!l mpetit or in mnny linea she " ill end'e a"or to do Iler very Ibest on th e locnl gri diron. But f the ,proper spi rit 'li nd inte re st is 8hawn we f ee l we ""n hold our own ber in bnse ball M we have in othor lines, Other ga me. hvo 'boe n sebeduled and willibe nnllil'Unced lat er. ••• lLient. Cornelius Do"". r, who served as a balklon dbecrver in tbe Field Ar · tillery for eleven months in Franco i. risiting in Holland, lLieu!. Doslter is .. former memb er of the ela S's 01. 1919. He will not retu rn to this year. DOMr '. home ia in Loulaville, Ky. -- . ¥n HeMl Yn tem1\. h8ll been V'itri lag ber ailter, MlIiI! Merie DaDhof for tfIW day.. PJtl_?it1dior. , Loo. Affair" ··TONIGHT or Three:More Days to Put Over the Victory Loan HOPE COLLEGE. HoIIud. Midqu. W",,'kr. May 7. 1919 Numb ... 33 A Class of 1919 EIGNS AS . Presents Tree PROFESSOR AlLBOR DAY OB8DVED OF ENGUSH }'ollawlnog -tbe custom of the yeal'fl, tho SI.'l.ior Clam presewted tho coUC'fle with a an oak ·looved moun{atn alh. The ceromonials WfYTe mo st fit · ting. After eneb member of the elan and laeulty hlld beaped .is ahovettul of di rt upo n tb e rooUl' tbe C\699 presented the tree to lobe college. He opako of th e lYee 119 a symbol, likening itB eharacteristice {o the qualities of a Senior. In his speech of 'n. c>ceptanee Prof. Wyand W ic bers told of the various dlrawtXl eb or plan,ling a tree IIpon the uortheast corner of the campus and contrasted them with the good points of th e Ioc'lIt-ion, ahowing how they out· nu.nbeT tb e b'adl Be pointed · out how a student'a deVillopment ia idenU· eal wi ti> the development of ,a tree and bow in this i'0wth n toaeher find his reward. A. ee leeted quart et sang II Far at Sea ." Tb o joined in tbe .ing· ing of II Old IDlpe." At To Roller" Cottage tbe seniors capped tbe climu at th ei r celdbration with big eats end a b ig Hme. Another Arbor <lay is done . I - .- Medical Depart- ment, U. S. Army (By Private Peter Coope r, Medi· cal Co rpa, U. 8, A.) Th e great war was -terminated 1n a great \oieto ry tor tbe Allies an d' Amen' ca =y jwnly If eel 'P,""ud of her own figh ti ng forces. The ArID3, Navy and Marine COJUl9 have all acquitted tbem· selves nobly. Moreover, eae.h of tb e many IInanches of theee 'three great unit. may take great pride in their ac hievemeat s fo r ea1:h proved an in· dilljpe nsi blo unit in tbe consummation of vioto ry, Nevertheless, the di ff ere nt brao.ches arc li ke tbe ar s, in tbat they do not $hine with equal brillian'tly. Be.fore the war it wae t be proud bout of the ),{edical Department, U, 8, A., tbat they beld tbe premie r po si tion among all the 'bora .. che . of th e cou ntry 's mill, ta ry and na va l orgu liizlltions, il<It it I\' S_ lN' t 10 th e pr ese nt war to trytbeir melal IIlId prove 1h. ju "" .. ., ... of t.heir claim. From the .t ,,"t1poi nt of effi cie ncy, :lchic\'cmen t, per, so nn el and morale, the A, rmy lI edical stan d'll un · paralleled. Tn sue h .. a. mill .. LIlry ro rm ality nnd co nl' ent ion we readily eon eede tbat enli!Jted. men and offieer s of th e Medi cal DepartmeDt are ut te n !<Il'P3!!11t'd l,y tbe sol dier of otber orgall iza1ions, Also , II bnttery of ar · tillrry will li kely win first honors ti me. ou t of ten from an amlbulan ce <o mpnny in a di vision review. Yet the wa r I<a s \'on not by so ngs Dod spec' tacl e, but by ,the plodding lore· ees wbose only aim WII8 achieve ment a nd in this the Med ical Deopartment is rnted 1 000/0 emeiont. Co nsioor first of all I that th e Medi· cal Department WitS tho only organl· zat io n prepclred tor tb e 'gigantfc emergency th'llt ealkld 4,000,000 men to the colora in less than t wo But ror this emergency the Medical D.rt. ment ha d! been preparing lri nee th. of the war and like the five wis e virgins theiT lamJll .. ere tr i mmed wben needed. A. for sellViee rend ered ov enel'll , the mnv ell of au rgcry as performed! by Medieai ollleera have won the atbniration not only at -the Am eri· dan peopl e Ibot 01. tbe ,",rid. IalUr· (0nI1a." " '''' I) PBOl'. A. ABUDi&yJlLl) BJllTGJaI "l'O I'1'AD UP POftGJLADV4T11 .A.t a meatin, of the counell, held lallt Wedne.y In W'nan1. C1b1tPC'l, tbe an.nouncement wa. Ind, tht Prof. Arthur Heuankvelct,' ..n. tant Prote.· sor of EDglieb, had handed in hll resig- nation to take elfe'et at the end of the school year. After four yean of teacbing at Hoope, Prof. Hen ainkoveld win l etve to t. u-p W'OM in EDgHsh ab CokllDbia Unive11lity nert. Fall, at the .. me time p'lannlllg to d:o to· warch a Ph. D. oogree. Mler gractnating from Hope wltll valemetd'rian honon anI geUlni bis A. B. degree here, Prof. HeuaiDlov " ld took up 'po«tgradllate work in Enghllh at the Ulliver!ity of Chicago, winning NOTICE Due to unfavorable weather conditions the inter-class field meet was postponed until next Sat- urday morning, when it will be carried out as was planned. Remember th e championship pennant which will be awarded to the class scoring the highest of points a Masters' degree. 1n 1915 he rMurn· ed to Hope a" ';nat ructor in Englieb and last year was made A.!8Iatant Profenor of EDgUah. Besides his 1I"or'\t in tbe Eng li.h De· partment Prot. HOI19inkveld hu been promine nt in t be musical trirel.. of botb the college and oi ty, A!J a piani.t he baa bee n considered one of the belt in the city a nd hie playing at various co ncert. and publie gatheringa, has at· tracted the atbniration of many murie· lov er.. In t he c:a,pa:eity of aeeompani.t and seerMary of the Hope Coll ege Sehool of Music, 8e haa done mu ch to make that departm ... t of the col1ege what it I'ow i •. His i nt ..... est in athlotica and meoWer · ship on Board of Controi at Atblet· ics haa caused a closer harmony a, nd eo iipcration the administra· ti ou and the student bodly. Prof. HI'<J.i ' nIoveld will leave b"bi nd a of hiendll Iloth in the college and- city, who with him th e be st 0' aue\: C'911 in ad'voaneed W'OrikI at 00 lumbia. . ... WINS SCHOLARSHIP It h88 beeome generally kOO'll'n that tbe Univeraity of llLinooie bas renewed its olfer of a se holarship in Chemistry to Otto Huntley, who grad\1ated with th e ClaM of '18. Huntley received the .8rSt olfer for the !le bolar8hip I .. t Spring, but be p&l!8cd ttp the adNu tll(e at thil opPor. tuni ity at ·i1attime \no()rder the U. 8. serviee. He eruised ill the ()Yd, nance department and wu .tationed at Plea.tumy ANenal, Dover, N. J. The oriJinal Rhol&nhip wu tor taOO, tuWon and oTeabge feu inekllt· ed. Th e Univentty haa no ... renewed the olfer and, 'by way of approval of hit fonner adion, h.. dIonilled tbe amount of tbe lieholar.h>p. IHuntleY" home i, in 'Hollnd. 11, """ tai<e up hi. WO* at nlinoU aut Septt.r. Jtt .tmnrtam Since God in His infinite wisdom and providenc e has removed from the circle of· his family and from our midst, the class of '19, H. C. P. jour dear friend and fellow-class- mate rrHEODORE A. COOK therefore, we. the class of '19 ex press our sincere sympathy to the bereaved parents, brother. and isters. in t hi s time of de ep sorrow. To all who knew him he was a true friend. He was a young man of ability and great promise. We knew him to be a zealous worke r, of a dispo- sition, and III every way worthy of our love and r e- spect. His happy, good-natur- ed characer was eve r a source of pleasure and inspiration to us. It is our earnest prayer that the aftlicted family may be sustained by the comforts which Heaven only can give. CLASS OF '19, H. C. P. John Ruissaard. Pres. Y. W .. O. A. Y. M. C. A. Irbe ft4tiy lIIeetlnc of tbe Y. W. C. A wu held rut Th\lJ8lla.y with n On Tueed.aY' oweniog " Bill ,. V411 large of "iris pteseDt. Altho Bezel apoke to tbe Y. M. members on we were greatiY' disappointed tll&t the IIOpi e "What ABlout Mi';ou'" ){iss MlarUnn De YOUllg 60uld not It WG.l clear that the leader w .. oJ. speU. to us, we weroe very b'IItPP1 to his subjoot. He drst drew our a tw n·. have M'18. Warn. huis, 0 medical • Uon to KIorca. hae been bard· oionary to India with DB. She told pretl9Cd: by Japan ju8t as Poland WIllI of many at her erpericneCll, both pa' by Germany. rw. went to the aid of thetic t"d bumorous, among 1he In· Poland, Shall ai.ct Korea too' We d ian women, ond mad .. us long to al· weroe glad to learn, hCJWIMlI' tb"t today leriate their soJrerinp in 80 far &8 we a new eIonve rt is made .every hour in ean. lIIer plea to us was for wom en tht little oounotry. The leader po inted meclieal ",i.i onaries, it ois only ill out the need8 of Ohiina, Japnn and thll way thllt we Qln ever hope to Arllibia. lIIe eloaed bY' calling onr at· chmUanize Inma. The ".,men ot In · tention to the Hope Il'ifh school in d'ia eling to tlrei r IDdu faith mueh India whieh has been named' more than dto tbe men, IUId iof th e Ill· college. ,A few years ago tbe atndenltl d'ian woman le cbrist.ian Bbe inJIuenee. p 1ed'ged to pny the !lBlary of i'\ll ptin · her hulfuand , We Dre indead gtateful eipnl'. A nOW drive in intereat at to M'rs. Warn. bu is for speaking to us. I this fund will 900n be begun and every Mh tl Eliubeth ZW&'IIler favored u", one wtll be erpeoted r eepon.d. In with a violin 9010, enjoyed, Y' oil . mission we ca n aid in th.ree ways, - __ ._ -- boy our monily, our prayoel'8 ond by onr EXCHANGES . , Do you iII now that tbe Morgan Park New. ruM a column III jokes tha t own serV'ice. us Te'Consider our ca r ee rs llnd ask God wbere be can \Ue us Ibest, -J , PrinL would a weeping laugh' TIllt Is a tyie'lll one: I "Little WnH e tried to ilx European politix. All he cMd n s si mply nix .Mn't he cute' H e's -0- Do you. know th at at several col·. leges next 'Wee k will Ix! Rough Nee4t IWBk,' -0- Do you know that there aro two splendid articlee in, tbe AlbiO'll College Pleiad,-iln e entitled II U I "'ere a Oollege Woman," the other, "If I were a Colilege Can'" Metbinlat you I .. m Rnd yonr 0,", un .. tte r ed se ntimenls clt'prt.e4 in -0- Do you IIno_ Ail right. ' Nulr 8ed. Do you. nolr-' Tlren 11 is bigh time yOU heeame aoqua,intett lI'ith the Mth whom we keep in toueh by exebail,e. When JIIlu are in Rome cto u B'omane oarbt to do .. na react the I eol. on the 'U'ehuge 8belt l.. tbe library. OOLLBGE OALENDAR SeDlar Claas (1'1&7. 'l'odq . Voorhees Tomorrow. Fle14 Meet, 1Iat1Irtlq. Mothers' Day Sunday lo&Ql'IUlI.tIon .. f Prof . B. D. II P"II4at ot Hope, Kq 16. .... 'Y" IKa7 11& 0tN' Glee Club OaacIn, Kq 111 8cJIoo1 of ....... ftal. liar IlL Bann Oratorical ODD_ Z1III8 a. LadJea' Oratodall oaat.R Z1III8 6- 11 .. Orr.tmtcal CoataIt Z_ 10. Wi ..... Procnm. hne 11. lIaceulMnate ...... 011, Z_ 11. 4l1Imnt lIaattnet, hne 17 Oopgp---. hne 11.



Transcript of 05-07-1919

Page 1: 05-07-1919



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' .. ,

Medical Department by P. Cooper

-Page 1

Volume XXXI



, PlLllIUDEN'l'-ma:Jl.lTUS \ ,I

DYety HO'Jll'<to in OlrnlK'l ThunKl ... y morning was agroeably fIIIrprieod to _ bur old "Presy". Dr. A. Vennewa .mLlr.ing down the ehopcl' aisle, In a 80sb every studeDt "'lie to bia fee t to do honor to him who had .erved: He<pe College lIB its eblef eseeutive and ad· min'istrator fOol scven yea ra.

Dr .Vennoma Tcmgeed the omeo of President last year in order that he migh.t toke up ministerial work. Be· tore coming to Hope, ho oe\:1lpied' the

. pulpit of the }'irS( Reform churcb of Pa_ie, N. J. At il'r •• ent he Jills the pulpit of the Reformed church in Mah' wah, N. J,

The couneil of ffope Oollege honored Dr. Venncmn last Wed nel!day by

eleeting him Pre.ideDt·Emorit~ of the nmtulio.·.

In !ci. till to the studen ts a t ehnpel exercises, DT. Venn em a praised' Presi· d~nt Dimnent for assuming the roins of management in fIIIeh a smooth and eJIiclent maoner over such '" critical period In the hiatory of the iut i tu.Uon. He alllO oongratulated the sehool for '- victorie ()ll th e ddboting platfo rm

and athletic fi eld'. lOr. Vennem& has been characte rized

all a "gI!nLleman of the old sehoo!''' HiB charming personality nnd oratori ' ,cal elbility havo made bim one of the


formed .bunch's gr""t p rcnchel'3. ;We 1I"ero all glad to sec him oIl nd are Iti.ng forwa rd to Rnother ,-lsit fr om

him this J.lne. •••



On Wedll~uy af ternoon Ihe Hope bue baH toom 'lIet the players of the H"land High in a lively pra~ t ke game. Beven innn ings were played nnd ot thr close of th e """ell 'h t11 e ",-or. slood 0·3 n 'Hope's favor.

A B prn eiH'l' bl'(lllI (, i t :-(' rn~d ilM pur·

pase Bud re\' eal ~~ 1 lU allY fuultl't nnd er rors. But OJIIOII!: Ih o III OIIY •• n<lrida t •• for the Iro l1l whu wrl'(> gi vell 11 11 op' portnn ity to .how thei r skill, mnny g,ood 1,la)·er. wcr. rHea led,

During thr cou rse of th i$ wee k the team rwill -be pllt through a vigorous d7il1 in preoparation fo r Ih,· first sched' uled game at the seaSOll, which ,,;11 be played 011 Friday art enlOon, lIay 9, again.t J unior College of Grand Rap· ds.

A game has al80 obl'en .",Iedil led with KalaDUlzoo 0 litt le loter in th e .. R.on, Kazoo'. record in /base ball i. ft geod one and "'eing our l'!lmpetit or in mnny linea she "ill end'ea"or to do Iler very Ibest on the locnl gridiron. But f the ,proper spirit 'lind interest is

8hawn we f eel we ""n hold our own ~in.t ber in bnse ball M we have in othor lines,

Other ga me. hvo 'boen sebeduled and willibe nnllil'Unced lat er.

••• lLient. Cornelius Do"". r, who served

as a balklon dbecrver in tbe Field Ar· tillery for eleven months in Franco i. risiting in Holland, lLieu!. Doslter is .. former member of the elaS's 01. 1919. He will not return to IIthoo~ this year. DOMr '. home ia in Loulaville, Ky. --. ¥n HeMl Yn tem1\. h8ll been V'itri t· lag ber ailter, MlIiI! Merie DaDhof for • tfIW day..

PJtl_?it1dior., Loo. Affair" ··TONIGHT

or Three:More Days

to Put Over the Victory Loan

HOPE COLLEGE. HoIIud. Midqu. W",,'kr. May 7. 1919 Numb ... 33 A

Class of 1919 EIGNS AS . Presents Tree PROFESSOR

AlLBOR DAY ::a~- OB8DVED OF ENGUSH }'ollawlnog -tbe custom of the yeal'fl, tho

SI.'l.ior Clam presewted tho coUC'fle with a tr e~, an oak·looved moun{atn alh. The ceromonials WfYTe most fit· ting. After eneb member of the elan and laeulty hlld beaped .is ahovettul of di rt upon tbe rooUl' tbe C\699 pre8ld~nt

presented the t ree to lobe college. He opako of the lYee 119 a symbol, likening itB eharacteristice {o the qualities of a Senior.

In his speech of 'n.c>ceptanee Prof. Wyand Wicbers told of the various dlrawtXleb or plan,ling a tree IIpon the uortheast corner of the campus and contrasted them with the good points of the Ioc'lIt-ion, ahowing how they out· nu.nbeT tbe b'adl Be pointed · out how a student'a deVillopment ia idenU· eal wi ti> the development of ,a tree and bow in this i'0wth n toaeher find his reward.

A. eeleeted quartet sang II Far at Sea." Tbo eo~ny joined in tbe .ing· ing of II Old IDlpe." At To Roller" Cottage tbe seniors capped tbe climu at thei r celdbration with big eats end a b ig Hme. Another Arbor <lay is done. I

- .-Medical Depart­

ment, U. S. Army (By Private Peter Cooper, Medi·

cal Corpa, U. 8, A.) The great war was -terminated 1n a

great \oietory tor tbe Allies and' Amen' ca =y jwnly Ifeel 'P,""ud of her own figh ting forces. The ArID3, Navy and Marine COJUl9 have all acquitted tbem· selves nobly. Moreover, eae.h of tbe many IInanches of theee 'three great unit. may take great pride in their achievemeats fo r ea1:h proved an in· dilljpensi blo unit in tbe consummation of viotory,

Nevertheless, the different brao.ches arc like tbe ars, in tbat they do not $hine with equal brillian'tly. Be.fore the war it wae tbe proud bout of the ),{edical Department, U, 8, A., tbat they beld tbe premie r posi tion among all the 'bora .. che. of the cou ntry 's mill, tary and na val orgu liizlltions, il<It it I\' S_ lN't 10 th e present war to trytbeir melal IIlId prove 1h. ju"" .. ., ... of t.heir claim.

From the .t,,"t1poi nt of effi cie ncy, :lchic\'cmen t , per,so nnel and morale, the A, rmy lI edical D~pa rt.ment stand'll un · paralleled. Tn sue h mat~e .. a. mill .. LIlry rormality nnd conl' ent ion we readily eoneede tbat enli!Jted. men and offieers of th e Medi cal DepartmeDt are ut te n !<Il'P3!!11t'd l,y tbe soldi er of otber orgall iza1ions, Also, II bnttery of ar· tillrry will li kely win first honors si~ time. ou t of ten from an amlbulance <ompnny in a di vision review. Yet the wa r I<as \'on not by songs Dod spec' tacle, but by ,the dil;g~nt plodding lore· ees wbose only aim WII8 achievement and in this the Medical Deopartment is rnted 1000/0 emeiont.

Consioor first of all Ithat th e Medi· cal Department WitS tho only organl· zat ion prepclred tor tb e 'gigantfc emergency th'llt ealkld 4,000,000 men to the colora in less than two ~an. But ror this emergency the Medical D.rt. ment had! been preparing lrinee th. ~Io!e of the 8pani~h ·American war and like the five wise virgins theiT lamJll .. ere trimmed wben needed.

A. for th~ sellViee rendered ovenel'll , the mnvell of au rgcry as performed! by .~meTjean Medieai ollleera have won the atbniration not only at -the Ameri· dan people Ibot 01. tbe ,",rid. IalUr·

(0nI1a." " '''' I)

PBOl'. A. ABUDi&yJlLl)

BJllTGJaI "l'O I'1'AD UP


.A.t a meatin, of the counell, held lallt Wedne.y In W'nan1. C1b1tPC'l, tbe an.nouncement wa. Ind, tht Prof. Arthur Heuankvelct,' ..n.tant Prote.· sor of EDglieb, had handed in hll resig­nation to take elfe'et at the end of the school year.

After four yean of teacbing at Hoope, Prof. Henainkoveld win letve to t. u-p p~gratJouate W'OM in EDgHsh ab CokllDbia Unive11lity nert. Fall, at the .. me time p'lannlllg to d:o w~rk to· warch a Ph. D. oogree.

Mler gractnating from Hope wltll valemetd'rian honon anI geUlni bis A. B. degree here, Prof. HeuaiDlov" ld took up 'po«tgradllate work in Enghllh at the Ulliver!ity of Chicago, winning

NOTICE Due to unfavorable

weather conditions the inter-class field meet was postponed until next Sat­urday morning, when it will be carried out as was planned. Remember th e championship pennant which will be awarded to the class scoring the highest num~er of points

a Masters' degree. 1n 1915 he rMurn· ed to Hope a" ';nat ruc tor in Englieb and last year was made A.!8Iatant Profenor of EDgUah.

Besides his 1I"or'\t in tbe Engli.h De· partment Prot. HOI19inkveld hu been prominent in tbe musical trirel.. of botb the college and oi ty, A!J a piani.t he baa been considered one of the belt in the city and hie playing at various concert. and publie gatheringa, has at· tracted the atbniration of many murie· lover.. In t he c:a,pa:eity of aeeompani.t and asM~ant seerMary of the Hope Coll ege Sehool of Music, 8e haa done mu ch to make that departm ... t of the col1ege what it I'ow i •.

His int ..... est in athloti ca and meoWer· ship on th ~ Board of Controi at Atblet· ics haa caused a closer harmony a,nd eo iipcration betwe~n the administra· t iou and th e student bodly.

Prof. HI'<J.i'nIoveld will leave b"bind a ho~ of hiendll Iloth in the college and- city, who with him the best 0' aue\:C'911 in bi~ ad'voaneed W'OrikI at 00 lumbia. . ...


It h88 beeome generally kOO'll'n that tbe Univeraity of llLinooie bas renewed its olfer of a seholarship in Chemistry to Otto Huntley, who grad\1ated with the ClaM of '18.

Huntley received the .8rSt olfer for the !lebolar8hip I .. t Spring, but be p&l!8cd ttp the adNu tll(e at thil opPor. tuniity at ·i1attime \no()rder to(!llt~r the U. 8. serviee. He eruised ill the ()Yd, nance department and wu .tationed at Plea.tumy ANenal, Dover, N. J .

The oriJinal Rhol&nhip wu tor taOO, tuWon and oTeabge feu inekllt· ed. The Univentty haa no ... renewed the olfer and, 'by way of approval of hit fonner adion, h.. dIonilled tbe amount of tbe lieholar.h>p.

IHuntleY" home i, in 'Hollnd. 11,

""" tai<e up hi. WO* at nlinoU aut Septt.r.

Jtt .tmnrtam

Since God in His infinite wisdom and providence has removed from the circle of· his family and from our midst, the class of '19, H. C. P. jour dear friend and fellow-class­mate

rrHEODORE A. COOK therefore, we. the class of '19 express our sincere sympathy to the bereaved parents, brother. and isters. in this time of deep sorrow. To all who knew him he was a true friend. He was a young man of ability and great promise. We knew him to be a zealous worker, of a ~enerous dispo­sition, and III every way worthy of our love and re­spect. His happy, good-natur­ed characer was ever a source of pleasure and inspiration to us. It is our earnest prayer that the aftlicted family may be sustained by the comforts which Heaven only can give.

CLASS OF '19, H. C. P. John Ruissaard. Pres.

Y. W . . O. A. Y. M. C. A.

Irbe ft4tiy lIIeetlnc of tbe Y. W. C. A wu held rut Th\lJ8lla.y with n On Tueed.aY' oweniog " Bill ,. V411 large n~r of " iris pteseDt. Altho Bezel apoke to tbe Y. M. members on we were greatiY' disappointed tll&t the IIOpie "What ABlout Mi';ou'" ){iss MlarUnn De YOUllg 60uld not It WG.l clear that the leader w .. f~ oJ. speU. to us, we weroe very b'IItPP1 to his subjoot. He drst drew our atwn·. have M'18. Warn. huis, 0 medical • Uon to KIorca. ~orea hae been bard· oionary to India with DB. She told 1I~ pretl9Cd: by Japan ju8t as Poland WIllI

of many at her erpericneCll, both pa' by Germany. rw. went to the aid of thetic t"d bumorous, among 1he In· Poland, Shall ~ ai.ct Korea too' We dian women, ond mad .. us long to al· weroe glad to learn, hCJWIMlI' tb"t today leriate their soJrerinp in 80 far &8 we a new eIonvert is made .every hour in ean. lIIer plea to us was for women tht little oounotry. The leader pointed meclieal ",i.ionaries, ~or, it ois only ill out the need8 of Ohiina, Japnn and thll way thllt we Qln ever hope to Arllibia. lIIe eloaed bY' calling onr at· chmUanize Inma. The ".,men ot In· tention to the Hope Il'ifh school in d'ia eling to tlrei r IDdu faith mueh India whieh has been named' ~ter ' our more than dto tbe men, IUId iof the Ill· college. ,A few years ago tbe atndenltl d'ian woman le cbrist.ian Bbe inJIuenee. p1ed'ged to pny the !lBlary of i'\ll ptin· her hulfuand , We Dre indead gtateful eipnl'. A nOW drive in th~ intereat at to M'rs. Warn. buis for speaking to us. I this fund will 900n be begun and every Mh tl Eliubeth ZW&'IIler favored u", one wtll be erpeoted ~ reepon.d. In with a violin 9010, enjoyed, Y' oil . mission wo~ we can aid in th.ree ways,

- __ ._-- boy our monily, our prayoel'8 ond by onr


,Do you iIInow that tbe Morgan Park New. ruM a column III jokes that

own serV'ice. ~t us Te'Consider our ca reers llnd ask God wbere be can \Ue

us Ibest, -J, PrinL

would m&'k~ a weeping will~ laugh' :-------------~ TIllt Is a tyie'lll one: I

"Little WnHe tried to ilx • European politix. All he cMd n s simply nix .Mn't he cute' He's si~ty.x."

-0-Do you. know that at several col·.

leges next 'Week will Ix! Rough Nee4t IWBk,'


Do you know that there aro two splendid articlee in, tbe AlbiO'll College Pleiad,-ilne entitled II U I "'ere a Oollege Woman," the other, "If I were a Colilege Can'" Metbinlat you I .. m Rnd yonr 0,", un .. ttered sentimenls clt'prt.e4 in tb~


Do you IIno_ Ail right. 'Nulr 8ed. Do you. nolr-' Tlren 11 is bigh time yOU heeame aoqua,intett lI'ith the eoll~ Mth whom we keep in toueh by exebail,e. When JIIlu are in Rome cto u B'omane oarbt to do .. na react the I eol. ~rt on the 'U'ehuge 8belt l.. tbe library.


SeDlar Claas (1'1&7. 'l'odq .

Voorhees D~. Tomorrow. loter~ Fle14 Meet, 1Iat1Irtlq.

Mothers' Day Sunday lo&Ql'IUlI.tIon .. f Prof. B. D.

Dfmnm~ II P"II4at ot Hope, Kq 16. ~ .... 'Y" ~r, IKa7 11&

0tN' Glee Club OaacIn, Kq 111 8cJIoo1 of ....... ftal. liar IlL Bann Oratorical ODD_ Z1III8 a. LadJea' Oratodall oaat.R

Z1III8 6-

11 .. Orr.tmtcal CoataIt Z_ 10. Wi ..... Procnm. hne 11.

lIaceulMnate ...... 011, Z_ 11.

lJWu~hne1" 4l1Imnt lIaattnet, hne 17 • Oopgp---. hne 11.

Page 2: 05-07-1919

P·lhlloll.d .. or, W04.ud., durl., lb. 001. I.,. ,Mr b, Ilud •• \o 01 Hop. 0011.,..


P. J. SI., ....................... .. Editor 'I1Ioo<Ior. O. Yol.""' .. • . •....•. · .AIoIoI •• ~ JIeI •• K . B.II ................... Lllenr, P.1er G. B.ker ............ ...... 1Ioporl ... Jobo H. Ke •• I;1 ................. A.lhl.llea J ... I, Bemmll .. ... .•.... . .•.... Escb.D,. Lucile Heematr • .•...•.• ••........ Alumnl Otrtrud, Platen •• . ...•..•. . Oampu New. Peter PrIQJ •.•• • .• •.••.••... Oampu, Ntw, Eva T. Puke .......... .... .. . Rapld Fir.

, K ... II. D. ~VolI .... ............ Rapid Fire • 1UID ... D.putmlnl

Be.ar), 1101keboer ... . .....••..•... Manl,er H •• r, 7110\ .............. . ...... A.lIIII •• 1

I W. Vander Yeer .•. • • •• ...•• . .. ClrcuJatioD JaD6 Potu, .. .. ............. .. .. A" lttant

Tmu .. .. ...... U .50 per ,. ... In adn ... 81ql. Oopl.. ............ .... FIn O.nu

Accepled tor lIalllDf, .. L Svec111 nile ot pOltace provided kJr " Sochon 110a, A.ct ot Oelobu, 1917, l ut hor iled October 10, U18.

N OTIOE All copy for pu.\Jftiention ill the An·

\ ehor mu" t be iu the hllnd. of the editor on Ihe Friday nOon preceding the dote ot puhlien tic n.


Wilson, the Le,lIoA'Ile

Mr. Wilson i fighting fol' the League a no othel' tates· man in the world i fightino for it. H is npp aling traight to the peopl from the cynics. Th people are wary and war-worn. Th·y IJav · not th str ngth to cmwl out of the pit of sorrow aud desolation an ~ ang-ui h. Thei l' oul nre blin I .with suffering. They Ii at the mercy of intrigne and chi­cane and sophistry. Iu their ha1'l'0wed impot nce they hear the regenerating word poken' by the Pre ident. IL is wnt >1' in the desert. It is light in tJ\(l darkne, s. It is food in the famine. In their agony thr peopl s of ]~u rop mi. e th ir b nt beads and hop against hope in the evangel thnt come from acro s th s a.

- The London Stnl'. ••


There were ,hings that Ihe German. (li dl n.1lt!. the lIIen 0 / Ihe Allies did nol do. fl'h ere stili are ,Irings wl,ich f{ult uri lltB do "nd 6]lortS1llen do not tol erale. 1f there is "ny 1hing wUl'!le tho", r ee k le~ Bol. heV'i!lllt it is the Spiro it ot K'IIllu re. 11 i~ lNId to find Ibi. dlR'lIse in II eoliege SlndC'llt"; it is !!Ou· der lI>dllll!oitin II afopcile. AnJ;H is tbe 1II0rO' rogretmblo 10 see an otbeTw;,;e Irue··blue fporl ill n lIIomen1 ot hasti· ness st~o]ling to perpe1l'a,te nn imito' tion of IDlnni sbnen.

In nil inopariolity, let it be said tbnl it ,. unb~iev .. 'blo that th& Freshman cln. -, upon sOC'Ond' thot , would hnve even eo,,,,illered doi ng lIUeh net ions as WNO <'<! rn last .Friciay. Th i. i~ no erit · i"': 1:111 ()f th e 1aking of the banner or r,r th e cln.· , rcrap or th e fi lih<fceding. EvPr.'· a ~tlon 1I .. , t tor on Iho port ot uot h cln M \\'o lt eho.l'Oeteriz d by 0

spirit ot tuir 'Play. Bu t a it oIteD do"~ lurn O'lt, th e )'ouo.gltr ol_en nid not lendw the limit' of troeency wh en onee they WetO atarted. Unfor· lunately onc of the SOJlboom.ore~ losl '·"n eioWln in tbe melee. With tbe rry " J,ef the 8oph~ la1<o core ot hi m," Ihe 'Fre hm en nou eholontlyleft for Ibo C".UIl'p Ut.

For wlrat :followed there ~ neither ert""uatlon <If C"CUM. It wa. aD aet

ot nodali t m of whicb oven tho Oer

Ola'n& m'ighot IuIve boen proud. That it wu dono in a moment oI ellCit_ent croce not ,;u.Iity it. While tho 8opho· moree were securing melMul atfend' antee lor the man the Fresbmen bad 'dn' inj'llred and wilro doing their ellt 10 bring h1m to, tbe .room' ot all . the Sophomoro giTI8 nnd 101l0\Vll wore elacked 1n Ibe ~wo dormitorle1l. 01 only were Ih,y fiII'a ed, but ill n apiril of pure w'nllionuelis, 1)00.1<., p nnon ls, piCltulW and pOHters 1hot hod laken hour~ and ' d'lly1l at work, wero' com' pletely .ruIned. 'I'he Bible ns 0& lit· tic r~ct.ed as the choo.peBt lolUle-! . With Icnv<!s crumpled oud eOVeM bent ba'ek, i'l loy whore Ih e l'reshmcn b~ll Ihrown /I it" on tho fl oor. Taking ad · .. antage of th o nbsence of'" 1ho olher 01'0 who were Ir),;ng 10 resu.Hllle the man the Freshmen ho,l ~hokod' to unoon

iousn .... , doing what tbey dru-ed nol 00 in the prosenee til the 8ophoD,ores, ' he same Frewl,men perplltroted a. Olean al1<l fo \\"rdly 0 triel< n. ever wa­laid at the door of any Ho peite.

The writN oJ 1hls t1 oe~ not W'ri1e n. on nl'lJ" rel!lll!<n1an bul in Ihe erup~~ ' it)' ot n R"'1leite, as one who bcN~ve,

Ihat the Ane~or . houl,1 sJleak pillinl." Ihe un var nished !'Toth. Oth msc th i .. t iclc would nc,'er h!\~ ~en wrillen

Thc onl~' plea in d~en.e of th 'oullger .Iaosmea I tha t they neled

in n moment of mill" hos lineS!. At 0

.... rlnin poi nt sporl~nD'''hll) ehnnge. to r(1\,·"~..;.mi-Boll<h~ ,·I~ m , if yon "":1I1 t Ihe technicol nn", e-lleeom~ Kult ur Pre.h men, K" It n r nm," go a 1111 C\'er~

·", it.lion of KnllnT m'L-t go. -.--_. MOTBEBS' DAY

To !!ludents, e'il<'einliy, the nomc oC motne r i. most lCIerl'd and denr. Mos: of us hO\'e erperlen eed I\-h'llt it menns 10 be 0011'0.1' from her. 80me ot u have ",i~l her kindl." ro'o nnt! gener.,u. "mile tor long pe r iot1~ of t illl e. Then. the dl't"ar .. in4e r\'Ois hn" f co",e to .OD ell ll, w~ I rn\' C'lIhi ~10 1lI (, o.1h1 01l'CC ga in

experi enced her "lVeet prelWnce. n er mile \\"2 S th e same . Her ("o n ern nr

great os ('nr. Aad \\'e left ogoin nma7 .. ,] at th e 10"e of a mother.

Wl,o h:!s nOI seen " mat her wat~ h ing long allYs on,l nighls nl the brd of her sirk 'Chil,11 n er palien'ee is unend· ing, her earo Is Ihe mo.t tend.,. in Ih . I\·orld. Or po ibl." ~'o u rememoor yonr "'olher \\'ot ehl ug at your bed onel len 'derly enring for you Ihrough a 10n11 I;Icriou8 ill lie . •

Yon have rome home IIred onll Iii. , ro"rnged. Sho W05 IheTe to gree1 ~·o"

nile) r(!{lSSIITC' ,\'ou . R er m(Jlhcr's {'(t ­

ress sool hed nwn." all .,·onr care •. The on;!\\'er Ii~ s in n )folher'. Lo,'

A 1II0th er'l> 10\'0 which i. not nllVa~'f

r"'lnittod uul whi rh remniOR as flxeel and si nce,. as n. l'll ar in the hea,·enR.

Govern or Slec per !by proelam(lIion hn. se t a idr n<"Xt Sundny, ~In .r I I, to he ob!IPn 'cd ns UotbcTS' 'D'ny. rr. c311 upon bolh olel and .voun'g 10 galh· " in Iheir plnl·.' of ""rship "nd te takr pori in srrviccs awroprial e 10 Iho l1n~·. Wr nrr to ".,,,,1)011,,. on, :0 ... Cor the ",olher. of th e l,olinn by wen ring n red fl olVer for the li vin~

mol hc'T ~nel n wh ile f or th e Ilear dr pnrl ed.

On Ih.1 ,loy mo." we th imk nr Mnl h or ron"tn ntl,l'. Send! her a long, enro fuli~' wrilten letter. Send a hax rd' hll tIlJo'l~ along with ~t nnd mni l hN 1 d OZ~D OIl the fines t ro~C9 yo n can find . She'S worth itl .. - --


.Por Ihe informnl lon of Ihe gr".r.; hOlly of Rlnd r"l ~ 0",1 IC'acnlty We tatl hero(' thaI. in a 'onhtneo lI' it h th e pr" ee"t estnhlLlol'<1 'hy 6:1 ela . se. 'hntorc them ,the l)rel1<'nl SPniors «hou ld Im" r !tjlJ)rnred at tho Chapol -exere ls.s in heir bn eJllan reat e gOWl>') on Fridn.v

marniDg, April :!.'i. tBnl Ihe ~niors did not appenr. n-C<jllentlY, Iho cla811 oC 1919 mu. t fn ee liie unplelt.!nnt eho rgt

'''~ bear tho unimPl)'v distODction of .I,~ in/: th - jir~t violator~ ri! .Ihi" lime' honorrd trallilion, 'Perpetnated by 53 graudolin/: cia .& 4)ctore them.

Wi! inevilably W, Doet tbe cless of 1019 no l(i1lger ftel uy r~umility to tho eollr~ Ibat h .. nurtured! them

, .

for lour l<lng ycars ' Did they intend to Ibe origill<ll, and by !JO doint di . credit eomplotely Ihe ",orthy tradl' tlon oI Ihe IICbool, to cut all pre' eedelll to the windS, wet taking tbe feli," into tbooir ~Wll hlUld .dmlnl.tor tho 10'1\' .to thei r Ahnn ~fat r, ~yhom

: boy &I'ould love und honor' Are we 10 bclieve Ibat tid. al,irit I. indloolivc 01 th e 8>1 tit ud'; that thi> "1M!! ..r 1919 ._mes IWnnls t'he honored' l7adit ions

at Trope' By way ot nl>bi Ihe Seniors otl'er

I.hc following: fl'h ey h.,d Inle,/ded 1'0 aPl)('ar ill

ell1l!p<·I, everythi ng W~ Nlady even the faM,\ly wcro In their a,lal'e., Ibut Ih ~

Junior8 hnd' occnpied the Hea t" whl"h Ihry wero to lake .

T hose \I'M IItt end ed Cl'apel \i,at morning 'know the /·net8. When Il . Senio," ,aw the J UDioMl in their eat . they ull'l.l PnlIIident Dlmnent' al I n· lion 10 Ihe o!rair. lie graciou.ly rp· "POnlled QJ,ll thc Jun io.. willlngl~

'hanged their ""ats III hi. reqne t.

I're.ill. n t n inrncn t, I hMeullOn d1'lnyed the .. erei~s long cnollgh to ello3ble Ihe ' nio .. to eult·r. nul t)w npKS of lillO {oiled to appear. How nrO we to ;nl erpret Iheir ntt itmle! Wou kl t hc~'

ho ve us Qleliel'e Iho.t 80 "mo ll On otb ' 101:10 as an und'orsee n delo~ ot a 1e\\ ml)11l cul .' tint con.NI Ihem 10 Illrow o Ibt· \\~,,,I . th e Irensure!l trailitions of

I he ~ollegel Th. n II the nior. "J)rnl Ihe r~mn i n

Il' r ~/ Ih e da.'· ,t I oul.,· .niors eou l'Pend :l !IOI·inl lin),." Art er hnvi ng c","nmit · ted '''' ,u'llartlanoL le ,,!r.uso aga.in t the Irntlit,ional hLI.or)' .,f 1'llIPe, th , cni<l" lro~eeJ('(l along th e lines or Iheir orllt· inality anti, in O)n "nb ,,'{ul, high · hand· ,,(} m:lIl'DH, 10 n mBn, delwernll· l)' kip' pcd all Iheir classes on Frida,\'. April 2li. It hn.ibeen the "«stom in I Ill' 1)1Il<t !or lhe lower ,,1:1. c. to look nl' til I he

t>!,lont for nn exontl)lc fit good be bm;o r "nd ""hola rl,\' contluel.-We are at a 10 .. what to so)'.

The · ,li or.~ h",'e agaill r~ rrc,1 to Ihe 10 : of th ei r bonner ·to Ih' nexl '(}weT In when the)' were phomores. We i nt~rrrct such posl·bcJ.!um whi ning n. Ihis, a. nn nd·mi .. ion t<l 1'0.1 ~ct.nl.

Bnl th i3 Illleslio n bu. no ,bearing upon Ihe matter in hn,!d.

F'or tbeir "nduci f'rida.'·. April 26. Ihe cia ef 1919, in the opi nion ot Ihe n xt .1" , th;; .rllnio,", o.we" on apol· "gy 10 the taeull~'" the admin.islrat ion, nnll tho ge nernl "' nd ;"01 ~jody. Thei r tr('use is grave. Thry unceremonious·

' .1' lIi.reg!'ll",1 0 ti Ule·honored worthy Iratlition at 1lol'e. They " .. lil)erately rr mniJl£-\1 n",~ly rfrom th eir ~IR £''\: s with no . ""n.o whot.,·cr, Ihereby set l ing a "'O"t nnflorlnnnio examJll o tor the lo \\'cr eltL ... es. T he1lC are no m nll iD!!. To p",.ident Dlmnent th e ela!!8 ot 1919 olVe. ~n npology lor Iheir dis· ,o",tcons co nlluel. Mt er he, in ae' "oron n e with Ih!'i r requ esl, hod oued th e Juni oMl to change their sra ts, tI,e), igno red' his etl'ort on!b ill tailed to JI)p nr.

The .Tunio rs. •••


When in need of anything in Drugs, Candies or Toi let

Articles, Ca ll at

John Vaupell 2 Wett 8th Stat!

GIIlLS 11 Give The

Rose Cloak Store A I'ry Out

69 East Eiahlh . Street ------.

Your Commencement A folicy with the

franklin Life Ins. Co. 1918 biggest in the history of tl:ecompa ny. 1919 going stronger, Consult

W. J, Olive P .... 1124

LAWRENCE DRUG'CO. KID GLOVES Candl .. , IceCrum, SOda" Hot Drinks,

Soaps and To,let Artldet Anything 'ht can .be bought at I

drug store The Kid Glove industry in

Eut'ope ~nd America is quite at a stanll·sttll for lack uf rtlW rna· terials

- - - - -,-

All Sorts of ~ood Eats We deal with a house hav­inll the product of two of thll bets equipped French fsctories snd call supply you the best VII lues ubl81t1able

for class and society and bunch parties lit

Mo)enrutr & Do Goede


Dependahle Dry ~, • f nterprise Shoe Store 210 River Avt: Ht.lIand, Micb.

Nut 10 lnl. ru.ban Phone 1014



> at (


Stevenson t s Jewelry Store • 24 East Eighth st.

Base Ball and Tennis Goods Anything in Ihat line at the

Superior C igar Company 206 River Ave,

New Spring' Suits •


Young Mens Waist Seam Models


P. S. Bater & Co. at prices that are ~ight

Developing, Printing -AND-

... Everything Photographic

AT COSTER'S 19 E. Eighth Street Citz. Phone 1582

Geo. H. Huizenga & Co. Jewelers, Optometrists

Now at our New Location '

18 west 8th street

Wykhuysen & Karreman

OPTICIANS ' 10 E. 8th st.

Page 3: 05-07-1919

• ,

I I u tile he .IU. tor dl_ tltJ..p r.tt I rtm t OIIi1.a -.t lie reprded al • .chili .. ... ffarD fpa fn .tate, &lid tIbe "lIalabow :n..,," be &II

•• _ _____ ___ ,_______ _______ ___ e_l_ of hope to the alano ... of the

••••••••••••••••• oj . //'1'D !law OBIlfA" • ~ ............... .

~r Eut, jut. .. tile ;briWlan t cooate!· l!t.tIoa of .tara hu be. eo lone a lOu."e of light nd readiDl to the pao· pl. of bbeo .W.t.

•• •

Compliments FROM. THE -

, ,


Electric Shoe Hospital

Shoes Rellaired While-U·Wait

a ...

(Read 'botoro tbe Knl~eri>odker

ac-elety by Mr. Uti Y'liin. Chen)

II'orW. population &lid uomelllllrcd qulln.tith .. lit T8IW .... terl&ll. For io· .ten ,i L lI'IIII beet. eet.lma-ted that the e ... l mine<! in tht> BIlUlihi t1rtM~o only wiLl, it operated, luwo enaough to meet tho demand CJf ~ho ... bolo ... orld's eOll'

sumpt.ioo lor I>W'O l.h<!1aaand yeare. Tho fronot lioell of ,,-tUoe OVOIII now extend from FraJJI:& tlrrough Ru.esia im 0 China. When tho figbtlng In Eul'Ope I. ovor , lbe e risi • .in Ob ilia will bOO'Ome moro oeute. It wl)Jl no t be merely fin econ01nio 81rugglo, but I.t. wm al80 be politieta.l anu 8Oeia~ and roligious.


C. J . LOKKER, Mar. 13 E. 8th St.

We Jar.vo b_ aoousto.med to tWnk of <JMna, u a eor;t. of topey·turvoydom Wlllere mOb shakil tholr D1Y1I hand. i&-

U. S. ARMY (CooUued from }'irn 1'''_1

-" .tead of their tribndw', where tbey be·

mounlable diflleultiea WIlre laced wben the " tlu" epidemic added to the al· ready onerous burden of tho medlca1 organizatioa ~Ill , tbo rcmarkalbly low eelllualty rate amoug tbo Ameri<lUn Ex· peditlonary FIoNCf l!jlCalc.a volumes 01 praise lor tbe cmtle ney of the Medical Department.

Guarantee in Wr;ting~· glo to read a t the ibllllk of tho iliook have the d_c.t fil"At Olld ~ho 8C111p laat U tbel. feast, 811d where the men

~ w!'llr ~nigh1> silk goWl and Itavo their haitln long :tIrnld. down their bad< (n" a.ny moro since ,tbe new repUblic wa sot -up), wbilo bile wamtm go sIOOut in trousors anel jaCilteta. 'l'ho <vcry fallt

" U,at todDY I am Rtlltn('llng here in west· em dross nnd follow ' ''OMOnt eusooms wilt Ibe rogn.rdod by SOlDB B8 evidence of ptogreos; ibut a.tter all, sueh tb~n'ga

~'. a. tbeee do not necessarily meon. chang· ing.


.. •


ChilKl Willi kno'WlII j .. the Europeon nations fr01ll -tlmo irmnemoriol. Dur· ing the. l6lh eon1ury Morco Pol'O, the fa.mou. Ibolion missi oD'!Iry, eamo to Chlll'o ond! other oriental eounidos Ibrio~ing witlr him tbe Ohristia.n rolig· ion in tbe lonn of OathoJoicl9Jn. By tbnt limo thC! EBBt wns moro known to l'be WeJJt IUld the wemcrn ei;vilization be· ~n to nurk'e itB wn.y In the EMt. It i8 t be country Where ~IO grent phiJ090' pller Confueiu8 was ~oro, ..... ho stood in equol ronk with Socmttl!, Plaia, and other weslern. philollOphers, gh'ing to 'the wO'Tld ethica~ dllctrin~ t be bm or thei r kinod, and baving mucb similarity to the teachings of Obri wt . The other minor OIrin~ pbil_pher like Laoze and Touze are wo.tb being mentioned. Their 'phHosopbie, bave mucb interes l anlt \'8lue to th~ modern !leholara. It i. the country wbere t·bo <people first formuloted ,the In'gred,ent41 oot gun· pO'Wdel' nnd invented the lirst compass, faeiHtalin'g tbe po!l!ibility of the

Tho IntrieiLte, . pratent polltleal ait· ootiOI> In OblD':l ocb.n be annly"ed at· tenl'ptJvely In .. brief W8y. A ropu'blie was declared III 19]!l. A partiament 'WIIs elected of >MlieJa th Idr9t r.nsi· bi H1y W53 to dl'Oft a permaooOl( COli'

.titutiolli. Bot.orc long HIO lialuo at

Tho re.aICO lor the 'fIuperiority of thl' Department ean be explained ln large port. wben tbe tY'Pe of it. :person· ne~ Is eon sid red. <lShove-laila," so' callod, tho oecenary In otbor depart· menU, ' ere not eounted aOUlng the Medical personnel. J'ractieally every omcGr in the Medlenl Depulment is a pneilcing pbysi~ion aod the mediool profession is everywhere held' in high esteem. Sueb IlI1!n as Ptener" Wolcb, Vaugbon, .Mara, Blue, Irelnnd, OOTlftlS and olbers of likp renown direeted the Army's medi cal atrain a'l?d the Depart· ment's lueceMt was inev~ruble.

As for the enlilfled personnel, it mu&t he ,known to every soldier who hn' passed tbru 0 Rceciving Borra'C'k or Depot Birgode llaat ollly tbo llO men are ebosen for the Medlent ~rotmen t who are capable of rend ring intelJi · ~oent acrvlee. This tnet in large mens­ure aeeounb Jar the bigh morale oof t'he IWldical personnel in tbe mid!t of try· iog emergencies.

The tll/aogle is completed by the Anny Nurse Oorp", and the work of. the Red Cro.s nur~1 will long illum' Ine tbe annal. of Ibe OreaL War. urs· n were never drafted'. Elvery last one of these Angels or M<lrey was a Volun ·

WONDER if you are one of those fellows that are hard to fit. If

• you are here's an opportunity to get ..

one of the new Spring Models at ·a safe and sane price with an absolute assura nce of satisfactory fit.

THIS is the whole story with the exception of the fact that the

w(:ar and the service are guaranteed in writing.

The Progressive Store

Lokker . Rutgers Company toer anw tbe romonce of war linds its I !...-------- -------------- ------I greatest !Guree in Ihe wonderful work of tbe Bed Cross .Nurse.

For your meals and luoch .. while in Rollind slop at the f.'enee of n,,"vi~tion. Nor do (he Chi·

lack o~Jaer kiod\! of civilization. e American. government hilS been

j for m!any years, sending men over to srudiy the OhiDC!I& melhlldlt of farm;ng p.o·d Illoking .tor ticnv /Hnnts to In4 ro. duee Into tbe States. The we t ;,. su· perior chicfly in material comfort" due to tbo erea.! pl'Ogre!l!l bere in 'Pbysical IIClenee, but att er al~ thOflc tbings arc

Ipreme 'POwer MIa dm wn betweoll lb. l' rceidr'nt, Yuan BInh bi aJld the ,pAr'

a.uu~ IIt. Dut a~. er Presidl!'llll Yuan'. \JI'agic de.nth in 1~6, this parliament wu reconvened. It l'C8UlDed ita worfr. of dro.ftollg n p8/11l1aD0D'l1 consti tution tor the .mUon. and! tbe IItrngg.lo 00'

bween tbe pnrtieot II' S also resumed. This reeu}\ed In a I~ng eivil war. Un' &rtunatcly, my homo town, Amoy,.!au !been for a few mool~ WIder fire, be . iug sl t.uat e'<! on the bn'ttle zOlle. The pnrtiC8 111011', bowover, W6r Ibe parlia. ment and! Pl'Elride'llt 1,i Yoonhung agn inltt the Premier, Tunn Obi·sul nnd his en.blnot. As a genera~ in tho army, bho pl'emier summoued to bis nid tb sUp'pollt oot bi& fellow geo mls nnd the annles they com_nded. Wben th~ }I'IIrliament bad 'IIl'most eonrplC'ted tbe eon&t;tutiOll tbe army inlCl'Veued. It at'! emlite\l I he rest 01'0 tion of I be Em· pire, whiclL Jons1e.t .barely a wl'('k, nnd . bho .. oome I he rest.aro tion of t'lle Be· pu.blile. lI'he PrOOlier Tuan \\'n~ now in, power, Pretlidellt Li hOI} .etired n.n~

tho Parliament hnd agaill been dis· 901"ed. Since then tbo conditions in all part. of tbe COUll t ry lrnV& Ilecoml\ incroolringly oo.oti •. Tile sotrthwe tern provinces lin V& unltoll In prooles\ ogaln.t ~hc eD lIstitutionalit v of thr. Pek'ing government, whiela, r~ illl turn

denouneed tbe rtibe~Jion of the Oonton fo~es. The gcnerm!s in the nnny hil.vo not eo'll!oo to interlero 1111 politics ond have beeome increasingly powerful. The people aro getlling Ured of civil wor, hlley su ll'er great 10s!!CII of prop· erty nlld life. But b hind tho dnrl!

Prepared at the beginning, arid reno doring a tull measure of seryiee tbru· out Ihe war, the MedlearlDepa.tment i5 as aoti~ a9 ever, even. JI.OIW, io 1he rehabilitation of tbe wounded, tbo maim\ld and tbe blind. And io tbis


CitiJeo's Pbooe 10. 1

, •

34 W. 8th at. Rolland, Micb.

phase of its work Ihe ' Deparilment is ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;: a:ehieving wonderful succe88 In helping • the .sdIdier to help bimltdlI. ,..-_________________________ .

not _tial to tivinmUon. Other· wise, Sbakespeare and! ,st. Paul were unciviliud . One may hBvc ' a know/. edge of phy.ai'eal lleienee and still .be n bartiarian, Wlint bi. Im.owll!dgc to in · vent engines of de.~tion witb whiCh 10 temIy the world •• nd bring it unoer hi s· s-1.

loomy clouds, there ehoDe the 'brlgbol ppy sun.ligb1. Just r«en'IJy an ann·

is ce WIIS signed, and a pe'll .. e negotia· tion WIlS helld ot Slrnnghai, tlrat great

city of tJae For Eost, with tbe hop tht the war will never ho reo sumeo. Yet t,here oro sltlll gre'llt pos· .lbi Uties in· the Door .tuture. Obinn ha .. owakenoo. The dift'eren~o between

The wnr i. oodlld but tho .... orld will

be blC1!lS8dl tbru aU the coming years at a rcsul t of rhe W1lnd"erllul discover' ies made 'boy Americao medical offieers in the field .. of !W'gery and loternal medicine.


A full line


Van Tongerens Tbo Chinese ore as D rll<le, diSilOnct ,from other Orien1al. . They are unlike the Japanese, Siamese, the J8vanllllC. or the oath/es of India.. Their. phy· sical, mI!'D.UlI, andl mora} chorlllCte ri stiAl8 disll ngu i8h ,1bem from other Oriental

th.o Cb.in~ of the Boxer insurrection (yl'llr 1900) nnd of tOday' 15 marvel· ously greDt. In Indu try tbe ago or fillOiorl es had begun. In wplte of the

In tbe crucible of. contlict tbe Medi· cal Department, U. 8. A ., hu demon· . trnted its true wortb and tbe whole world marvels at Its olmost Incred;''ble II<lhievemenis. Well migbt tbe Amerl· can people feel proud of this great branch of service, finlt io war, liut in pence, and first. in the hearts Qf all '--------------------:"--------'

rIICC9i their social alld poUtieal history war, businC6S with foreign countrie!. hu boon dift'erenti and since tlte opium i3 gtto~ing repidly. Wn.T with the Engli.h In 1 64 they have PoJit ieaJJy, the old Empire (I nd nuto.

. ~ken on we t",:", eivllizati~n. pro~. emey are gone forever. I n. loeal gov. s.vely end steadIly and a!lSlmlh.t~d It I emment O!aina hM been democrntit. int~ their own elvlliutioTh Tbey have I for ngee: witlb the fft'et thiLt the rul~ of bUIlt up D .grcnt system of public in· I alan elders ana. gild eommiHees b'll&

etrueUcrn lrom tbe primary IJebool tbru ooen carried Into prnetice belore. Bo t'he univl".ftlity, .at first 1n t'he bigber far ~s It can see, lhe greatest lllel< In gra.dea "Mit!. the aid of ma.ny lorelgn Chinn is -tbe .trengtil 01. eiml"lleter aod teachera, no ... replaee'eII for the most the light of ,Obristian1ty( Chin .. need .. pa.t by native toa~bers DB return~ J ews Ohrist · tellla1 lit \I!Ie sbc ~ed~ iIIAIdents 'hrrai JaJlo'n., Europe, or IMre Jiglht. ..... peat dbrkne!!18 thM AmerJea. Industrially, tbe ChineJIC ' lras no~ yet ..... ,.eilOO i~ Iargely have inL~dueed iD'to tbe eOIl'l\-1ry the hhe igno ...... f ~ pe<>pl& that hns

humanity. .... --ALUMNI NEWS I

Rev. T. W. Muilenllu"&" '89, home lXIi_oouy on the Pac.ifie Coast, at· tended the H1>pe Oollege Council, wbieh W08 i n ecaeion this pOl't ..-eel<. He wm altio alltend tho Board 0If Su· perlntendent" W. T. S., the Partieular Synoo 01. Obieoago W'bi~b meets bere and Ihe ileneral Synod at ADOOry Park, N. Y. Rev. Mullellburg IB a reprellCntaHve of tbo Ola\i8is of Cas: cades. --l a ory sywtem and mt'IIM lor develop· betn l1be __ .t .J1l'be greet trouble • Rev. J . F. Heemstra, '95, of tbe First

ing bankiolg Jrasinel& w1lieh males I in lhe tRMl'1' ~fllanHy teaches Be/ormed C'bureh at ehiettgo, bas been po !.ble gr!'llt indue! rlat dovel<apmente. u. to IlIIII Ia ' of Ood, and in ext ended! a caU from th~ Relormed Many nall1'oada Ir&vo been built, aod, I terma ". .'V. And, tllis Is tho ebureh of Soutb Hollan'CI, rH. bought ami built atOllllll!lhip for freight I tud ... nee' ,... in tbe riding U')l •• _

tr~ have been opeNted with ,",ell. t I of tho I BII'" 01 a naiaon and the , T I' e' Emma-' OlDlDonr, m going out .udee.. It i.s my bope that Chins ... iH I' !leIiaClt.., ., 1M 'Irorld at hlrge. aod! 100lIl at lOme new hata. ' od"uec not o!,e"flded on material pro· TN 1ft .... in llbe Chinese flag. Emil"..-J'But tomorrow'. Sunday, gr~ only, bnt mONl a.ad .piri.tnll as weN', ... Ia an~ient OIrin_ phi· and the ebope. are elosed." well. I Fa..,., .... "'mary eolon nd were. Emma..J'You lillyl I mean Ib iO'

Witb r.rd tq poHtiea, to _Ire i 0 .. ."." .0 Jl;ve Chinen virlnH : Ing to e1aurch." • Ohill1lo Mfa lor Demoen~1, it a real I J du, Piety, Wi.sdom I nd --pa.t of tbe world 1Mr. It I. allo aD e lin C!QHa~ a1'ro algol· ']9-" Il'6ve you teen )'Oor (Senior) , . , import.aJrt and '-rp pe.1It of the mGg' 'Of tb& tve great naekil l folly ' " gle: 10 Cbilla are 41118 q*rter ql the of tile Dlltion. 80 long 'In-J'No, I have Jonlor IeDae."

- ,

Just received Dew line of


In the new Waist Seam Models in blue ~nd dark green. Our Shoes will give satisfaction in wear, style and price.

NOTI ER. VANARK&WI NTER Our Motto; "What We Save You Helps Us Both "

The_ photographs ~at please are ~e rich old Dutch Sepia

Made by those who know how at

E. J. Mac DermaQd'. Studio ZEELAND, MICHIGAN I


Page 4: 05-07-1919


'A". rcnra t 5 ':t:!!:!.F •

SOIT COLLARS Waterman 6 Conklin II CAMPUS NEWS .j DuMez Fountain Pens ------

Dry Goods, Coats and Cloaks and Millinery

O. J. 01011 .... P.M .• H. J . Lal ..... 0..1ot W.. W .. , ..... .In' , Oooklar

FIUT STATE BANK With lamp DtpgtmlDt

LOU D • The Student's Fountain Pen. Buy the pen that was mace for YOUR hand and style of writ· ing


enough to be noticed Just received at



• The Model Dtug store

G. T. HAAN Prop.


HOLLAND FURNAOE 00. Bolland, l.nchigan

W orl~ 's Large!> t Direct ] nstallers uf Furnaces

lio To This Store For Music Studies, Sheet Music, Song Books, Ukuleles, Guitars, Violins and Every­thing M usica!.

Meyer's Music House 1; W. 8th St. Holland, Mich.

ine melQbere ot tbe Y. W. O. A. B O&binet went to KalfllKZOO O'Ver tlle rose O.pllal, 8Uplu ... VIld1n4t4 hobo week ond to attend a eaibineL ,"Oullcil flI7.000.OO

ot collnge .. aoei. Ilona of Mloh'igan. --Holland, Mich.

J)tpOoIt .. ,1,UO,OO.oo

===========~_ 00 •. 81b BI. .ad Olaln l .l ••. Eoll.ad. )(jcb. iFriday, A~r d'lly, OlLmo alr 4 aUI'

priso boliday 10 Lbo ,Juniors aud ~pbl. Tho Seniorl bad Lbe day t~ pla'llt tbltir tree and tbe " .Presh," aooording to custom Oft Ibo l1gee, to oleau ·Iho cam· pou. But tbo Juniors aud Sopbs had not e.JJP\lolod II holiday.

-v-AL II recollt SenlDr 'class meeling,

M1 Mamio Klooto ot Grand Rapids, IVU cleet.ed 48 olle of the commenCe' ment day olallS oralors. --ElI5ign Rooolph H",bcrman, hom o 011 a ft/teon·day furlough, le-ft }' riduy morning for Now York Oity.

- v -

We've got the

Ice Cream for those next

class partif 8

Waganaar & Hamm, t.'it •. Phone 1470 55 W. 81h at.

S'TOP! ! at the CASH AND CARRY STORE for those

EATS!! ArendSmitb

~ohn J. Rutgers Co.

"The House of New Ideas"

In Clothing Haberdashery and Shoes.


Dr. G. W. Van Verst DENTIST

Tower Bldg. Phone 1265

Damstra Brothers

Hot W dter, Steam and Va~ Heating Sanitary Plumbing

23 wesl Eil\bteenth S reel

Dr. J ames O. Scott DENTIBT

Evening Appointmenls Tuearlny and Saturday from 7 10 g

Boon 8:30 to 12 A. oM. 1 :30 10 5 P. M.

• E . 8th. St. Bo1lan4, IIIlch.


-: 0: -

Capitol SI()(I.OCO.OO

4% Surplus' and Profit,. $00.227.74

-!u. -

Interest paid' on Time Deposl'ts Compounde<l

&em] ·Ana • • 111


Cit •. Phone 1522 50 E. Eigblh st

O"J h 1 10 12 a.m. Holland u ce ou rs 1 to 5 p m. Mich .





CliPJ)Cd rrom the Jlldiulollilln, CaDII' Jaelk90n'" lIewsp1l\lCr: " Sergenllt P etC! Cooper-"The ai h'er trumpe t "JII'uks 110 more." No longer \\'ill \\'e shun the barraclu and forgo the pi en ure oT noou ·time bunk fatigue . ., P elc" has been witb UI a long lime, nnd wh ile we hato to see biOI dOli n collnr anu tie allu tho other orname llt~ or n great eh'ilizalion our besl regards go OUI 10 Ihe l ormor editor of Ihe Hospita l page autl 0110 of tho irid ·.nl lights of tho Baso Hospilal. Tho boy from the Dykes has beelL 00110 ot the ruling power. of 36; anw we Irem1>lcd on his approacb le8i be hold forth ill his best oralorical manner Bomo such peaceful diseu9I! ion as Ibe merilll of tbe Oid Army or hi. tamous treatise on tbe •• U~e and Abuae ot Slang." II Pele" bas Ibree 8l.ripes on his arm tWbieb be claims that you <!'on't get by banging around cor· ners, ibut Sunday be donned I he most bo:oming Ibing in !Ii ripes; a nice red inver led II V". We elect him to the Rotunda of the Nellr Oreat by r ·a 011 of: ·Fir8ily, his 1I 0bie 'brow, Seeoutlly, tho timo be lake. to get uressed in Ihe morning, Tbird'I)" ,because that, won' derful 118 it may seem, he goes hOUle with as good a character a Ibe one he lost wben he ennsled."


John Ter Borg who ... rved with the Arlillery in 85th Dh,9iOD resum ed hi. .tooiea at Hope 10 t Monuay. Be will gradllate \lilb Ibe tin of J919.


DE VRIES & DORN80S TheJlome of Cood P\ualture

Quality and Prompt Servic:&' -~ MODEL LAUNDRY •


The Printery on that next printing job



15 west Hlth st

·H. H. De Maat

me Place of Service

Boquets for parties

Decorations for festivities

Twelfth Street' Floral Shop

Pluim Huizen~a Phone 1501 ...

me Home of Qualitg

Say, Bunch--We Got

The Tailor for Ladies and Gents is showinlt a fine line of Candies

-­OH.A.PEL NOTES La8i Wednesday Miss Harriet Balter

)dd oo special enjoyment to Ihe chllopel sen' ices ill th e torlll ot a violin 11010. She pJ:nyed II .M!ert.ass " by Wicnilllw~lk;

ThmS<!'IIY morn ing severnl member> of tbo Oollege Council were present at Ihe Ohnpel exercises. TIl all bUI Ihe Fro hies it seemed like old times to have Dr. Vellll cllla on tbe pial (onn . IIr is :ttill " Pr(,x ~" f It) thi! s ludl!ntl s.

II Re\"'(\ r ion t t't 'r,'''J>f.'' \\'38 th e tb eme 0.1 Prcsiuclil Diullleul',s remarks in Chnpel on .F'riday Ulornin.g. Hi. reo mur.1<ts were jus t ,,"<1 fnir nnrl woll laken !'y Ih e lud'·lIt s ..


THE TUG OF WAR Al Ihe 1,"'1 mee ting of th e ,udellt

Coulll'ii, th o menibel'8 (}ceitl. d nOI to hold th e anllua t lug-ot·war th i. yeur. 1'1 .. ehlllleuge. Ia. ucd Iby Ihe .'r . 1001011 311d, l'homore clnflSc arc nol vn1i(l IJcc nu~ th e Stutl~ llt CO ll ll'cil W3!1 ILOI taken into w ltiri c1 ern t:o ll . 'Tll(~ reason !'o r t !l i. netioll e ll Ihe parI ot th e Stu' den Council are that there i. an eVI' .Ient hl ~k of ellthu8iasm tor the lug·of· \~ar, due 10 it s long pOSltponemcnl, nnd Ihat the remsinder o.t his J~r i. pret · Iy well tnleell up will, other nctivities. From ali ou~\Vnr<l aJ'pearan'CillI both In Brc ';llt,iafied' 'II'i tb tll'i" deelsion.

~r~d~nt, Student Couneil. - ---()ur 'Let1ler jDePt.

Denr Rapill 'Fir,,-II \Vhnl i. Moanl by th phrase 'skipping periods""

II D" C1'nr. me.nib\>r li D" Cl membe~"Be ]Jatie;nt. Vou

97-99 E. 81k St. tilL .... 1.42

~"'t"I_'''''"_I_I1''/& .\. W. BAKER .\. A. BOONE


... , :::1 We M.et All Boals and Trains OHlC, 7Z W • • ST. HOLLAND. IIICH.

:::1 more than ever be· :::, -:;~~~~~~~~~~~ Core there is going ;;; to be a demand Cor

I I ::: :::

I have rpsumed my practice in diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose

, Ph t h I and Throat at 22 west 81 h St., :: _0 ograp S ;:: nbove Woolworth's 5 and 10 cent I i Store.

, 80 don't Cail to place ::: Office Hours, 9 to II A M. i your orders early at I 2 to 5 p. M.

I T6E LA CEY I T';:~:;:::H~:: ,~ M. 1 S T U D I 0 ::: Dr. A. Leenhouts • . (Upstairs ) I 119 f. 81h :i t . • Hulll nd, Micb . i ============ VAlt_lt .. tt_lt_II.''''t.:~


A Good Manager i one who knows that the

spending end is more impot tant than the earning e'nd .• his \\·ork. .

The best way to keep the earning end up is to keep the

"'-----____ .J spending end down. That is samples and style!! for Ladies suits and coats, made to your in- . dlvidual measure and very reason- Ice able in price. Come in and look

Oh yes, and just what a savings account in ;n.ea r Rapid .'ir~WlI OD hiatory telk!

",11 learn."

them over.

212 College Avenue


Cream, too UI that Adam wn in Ihe GarMII it Our bank does. Start one to· do not teil us what kind ot 0 gur· . day.

Pure fruit flavors jlen it MS. Cau you expI8~n' S Spriatsma & S'on QuaiitgCandgShop ' (,e~;~~m;ba~~t ::e ae~:7.;::: b~~\ I . Peoples State Bank

eaoae Adam Wfr nakee. HOLLAND. MICHIGAN ' Holland, Mich,

• . •
