02--蔡裕明 20190522 cfs · ¼ ± Ì < ° ô D 6 ¾ Ï ² ò y M neo-isolationism ô D Q £...

έᅫտ؞Ώ 15 ס2 35-65 2019 ѐ/؞ Taiwan International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 35-65 Summer 2019 當前國際戰略理論發展與前景 ችྈ ځ၁ኹጯĞฯ७ડğ౾ฮጯઘ ༊ᅫጼரநኢߏЯநຐᜭજĂԺӀৈજЯĉጼர ᑞထтңдጼۋ༊ᛏ౼ӀᘹఙĂϤٺڠனĂጼரଂᛏ ۋᖼតᔖҺጼۋͷјтңჯछщБநኢĄᅫጼர ˵ଂఢထтңჯ͵৩Ԕזჯᘭछᐹ๕Ăଂү߆ࠎඉᄃጱ זտᅳાĄώўд၆ٺ༊ᅫጼரநኢซҖᓁඕ ҤĂഇޞаඍ˭ЕˬયᗟĈҽጼඕՁ˘˘˝זІĂᅫጼர൴ णপᕇңĉ˝˘˘Іޢᅫጼரѣңጯఙᄃ߆ඉᖼШĉ༊ ᅫጼரѣңপᇈĉࠎޢඕኢĂဦଣտ༊ᅫጼரநኢ൴णᄃ ĄҽጼॡഇĂϡ၆ѣӀ۞߆ᐹ๕ቁ˧ณӮᏊ ޙϲᘦ۞ؠᅫ৩ԔĂҽጼඕՁҌ˝˘˘ІĂ۞ᅫጼர ٱĶᅳጱķ۞ᐹ๕ጼரĂᄮछ۞ᓄၷᄃπᖂдٺ ۞ĶķϔᄃҋϤཌྷᆊĂͽฟٸགྷᑻᄃˠᝋĂ ѣཌྷચϡᝋ˧ჯҋϤ۞ᅫ৩ԔĄ˝˘˘ІޢĂޢ߄ጼͽԵҌኜкᅫયᗟĂ౼Ᏼ˵ϔოཌྷ ۞૦Ăؠ۞щБӀৈĂᕚ௲ঔγ۞ ତᇆᜩщБĂ˵ឰछ۞༖ຏזщĂᄮĶ͵ڼķ ೇхдĂҌனĶӈयጼரķĂᗕᙝăϹٽ ཌྷдޥຐ౼࿅ጼர҂ณĄ ᙯᔣෟĈጼரăᅫጼரăछщБă˿щБ

Transcript of 02--蔡裕明 20190522 cfs · ¼ ± Ì < ° ô D 6 ¾ Ï ² ò y M neo-isolationism ô D Q £...

  • 15 2 35-65 2019 / Taiwan International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 35-65 Summer 2019


  • 15 2 2019/ 36



    Carl von Clausewitz

    On War

    war as the continuation of politics by other means

    2012 18 20

    Christensen, 1996: 7; Freedman, 2013

    B. H. Liddell-Hart

    grand strategy

    Thomas Schelling Colin Gray

    Schelling, 1980: 5

    Martel, 2015:

    121 national security



    Brands, 2014: 3


  • 37


    strategic adjustment Dueck, 2004:

    512 1945

    liberal internationalism Layne, 2017: 262-63, 267

    balance of power


    international order)

    Dueck, 2004: 513 Barry R. Posen Andrew

    L. Ross neo-isolationism

    selective engagement cooperative security

    primacy Posen & Ross, 1996

  • 15 2 2019/ 38



    entangling alliances Sloan, 2003

    forward-deployment Posen & Ross, 1996

    selective engagement

    Posen &

    Ross, 1996: 5-53

    Hoffman, 2013


    security hegemonic stability

  • 39

    Hentz, 2005: 1558-59

    Sloan, 2003; Posen & Ross, 1996


    Hoffman, 2013:

    46-51 assertive interventionism


    Hoffman, 2013

    Copley, 2008:


  • 15 2 2019/ 40

    Layne, 1998: 8-9

    George Kennan


    Marshall Plan


    1970 Henry Kissinger



    2017: 249-50 1

    Francis Fukuyama end

    of history Layne, 2017:



  • 41

    Friedman, 2003

    new world order

    engagement and enlargement


    Layne, 1998: 8



    2003: 30 1987 Paul Kennedy

    imperial overstretch The Rise and Fall of

    the Great Powers

  • 15 2 2019/ 42




    commercial liberalism

    1930 economic nationalism

    Layne, 1998


    pillar 1995

  • 43

    Nye, 1990; 2004

    soft power

    hard power

    smart power



    Halford J. Mackinder Alfred T.

    Mahan Nicholas J. Spykman

    1 2

    3 rimland


    Okuyama, 2015

    National Interest, 2017: 5

    Salman & Bick, 2017



    restraint Stephen Walt John Mearsheimer

    offshore balancing 1

  • 15 2 2019/ 44






    1950 /






  • 45

    1989 7

    Heilbrunn, 2015







    America’s unipolar moment

    2001 9 11


  • 15 2 2019/ 46

    coalitions of the willing 2

    Donald Rumsfeld

    flexible coalition



    Sloan, 2003

    Krauthammer, 2004: 15 democratic


    low-intensity conflict


    Tier, 2014: 51-64; Rigby, 2003: 19


    Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists.

  • 47

    weapons of

    mass destruction, WMD states of concern

    Rees & Aldrich,

    2005: 905 3 1990 RMA


    Schwenninger, 2003



    pre-emptive global war

    against terrorism homeland

    security Bush



    Rice a common security framework for

    the great powers share a common security agenda Sanger,

    3 regional multilateralism

    global unilateralismRees & Aldrich, 2005

  • 15 2 2019/ 48

    2002 Sloan, 2003

    Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty


    adventurism Lin, 2016


    al Qaeda Islamic State, ISIS

    regime change

    the rise of the rest

  • 49

    Amsden, 2001


    liberal hegemony


    security dilemma

    Friedman & Logan, 2016: 14

    power transition

    Ikenberry, 2018

    4 H. R. McMaster National

    Economic Council Gary CohnMcMaster

    & Cohn, 2017

  • 15 2 2019/ 50


    World Bank 1945 global governance

    World Bank

    1945Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank,

    AIIB New Development Bank

    IMF 1945




    1973 SWIFT

    Paris Agreement

    2015 2017



    EU 1957 Euroscepticism




    AsianDevelopment Bank





    1994 2018USMCA

    n.a. 2019: 2-3, table 1

  • 51

    2011 11 Pivot to the




    21 Sustaining

    U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense White House,


    Stephen Walt

    offshore balancing


    et al.: 2012


    11 Darwin

    2012 1

    21 Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for

    21st Century Defense


    Chuck Hagel 2013 6 60%

    2014 4

    Senkaku Islands


    pivot strategy


  • 15 2 2019/ 52

    Pant & Joshi, 2015 2011 11

    Trans-Pacific Partnership, TPP

    de Santis, 2012

    Mearsheimer & Walt: 2016, 70-71

    liberal hegemony

    indispensable nation


    Mearsheimer & Walt:

    2016, 70-71

    Fortress America

    offensive realism

    Mearsheimer, 2014 Stephen Brooks

    William Wohlforth deep engagement


    Brooks & Wohlforth,

    2016; Roskin, 2016



  • 53

    failed state

    Layne, 1998

    Layne, 2017 1945 Pax


    Rothkopf, 2017

    Make America Great Again

    Layne, 2017: 10


  • 15 2 2019/ 54

    Mint, 2018

    Vladimir Putin



    primacy without



    North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA

    Transatlantic Trade

    and. Investment Partnership, TTIP 2019 2 2

    (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, INF) 1987

    INF 500-5,500




    Posen, 2018: 26-27

  • 55


    T. Allison Thucydides Trap

    Burt, 2017: 8


    M. Edelstein Ronald R. Krebs Foreign Affairs

    1986 Goldwater-Nichols Act

    Edelstein & Krebs,


    Ionut C. Popescu

    Popescu, 2016

    adaptive strategy

  • 15 2 2019/ 56

    Popescu, 2016

    David Edelstein Ronald Krebs

    Betts 2000: 50-50


    Edelstein & Krebs, 2015: 109-16 Henry Mintzberg

    emergent strategy

    Moore, 2011; MacDougall, 2014

    Kaine, 2017

    operational plans

    Joffe, 2015

    leading from behind we don’t have

    a strategy yet


  • 57

    less interventionist strategy of geopolitical restraint

    Layne, 2017: 10

    Trump Doctrine


    tactical transactionalism

    Zenko & Lissner, 2017

    extended deterrent


    zero-sum transactionalism

    Zenko & Lissner, 2017


    strategic theory strategic studies

    Garnett, 1975

  • 15 2 2019/ 58

    Feaver, 2009

    Brands & Kahl, 2017

    Zenko & Lissner, 2017


  • 59

    Layne, 2017:13-14


    negative perception spiral

    Layne, 2017: 271

  • 15 2 2019/ 60


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  • 65

    Current International Strategic Theory: Development and Prospects

    Yu-Ming Tsai Associate Professor, General Education Center, Shih Chien University

    (Kaohsiung Campus), Neimen, Kaohsiung TAIWAN


    The purpose of this article is to summarize the current international strategic theory and look forward to answering the following three questions: What is the characteristic of international strategic development after the end of the Cold War to September 11 attacks? What are the academic and policy changes in the international strategy after the September 11 incident? What are the characteristics of the current international strategy? Finally, the conclusion is to try to explore the development and prospects of current international strategic theory. Before the end of the Cold War until the September 11th attacks, the United States’ international strategy still held the dominant strategy of “American leadership.” After the September 11 incident, the United States faced the challenge of “the rise of the rest” and involved many international issues. Donald Trump’s victory also represented the rise of populism. He redefines the security interests of the United States and frees the United States from overseas conflicts without directly affecting US security. It also makes the allies of other countries feel uneasy, that “the United States will rule the world” will no longer exist, and even the United States has emerged as an “emergent strategy,” making bilateral and zero-sum traderism outperform strategic considerations in Trump’s thinking.

    Keywords: strategy, international strategy, national security, homeland security

  • 15 2 2019/ 66

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