為什麼會有痛苦呢? - Why Suffering?


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Transcript of 為什麼會有痛苦呢? - Why Suffering?

Page 1: 為什麼會有痛苦呢? - Why Suffering?

Why Suffering?

為什麼會有 痛苦呢?

Page 2: 為什麼會有痛苦呢? - Why Suffering?

If there is a God, then why is there so much suffering and pain in the world? Why did God allow Hitler and all sorts of other atrocities? Why doesn't He put a stop to that, if He's in control?


Page 3: 為什麼會有痛苦呢? - Why Suffering?

First of all, God doesn't do those things—man does. And if God didn't allow evil men to carry out their evil plans, then He'd have to put a stop to man's freedom of choice, which is an important part of His great design. Man was put here to make a choice between good and evil, to do right or wrong. And in the process God gives us the opportunity to learn the benefits of loving Him and keeping the loving rules He has made for our own good.


Page 4: 為什麼會有痛苦呢? - Why Suffering?

"In the world you will have tribulation," Jesus told us. (John 16:33) In other words, troubles are more of a guarantee than a stroke of bad luck. Good and evil are both liberally distributed in the world, with no distinction as to the religious or moral inclinations of the individual. "[God] makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.“ (Matthew 5:45). God is not some kind of Santa who only brings presents for the good children.

耶穌告訴我們:「在世上你們有苦難。」(約翰福音16:33) 換句話說,人生不只是會有一次不幸的打擊,困苦實在是生活中的家常便飯。 不論個人的宗教信仰或道德觀念如何,明世上到處有善、有惡。「祂(上帝)叫日頭照好人,也照歹人;降雨給義人,也給不義的人。」(馬太福音5:45) 上帝不是只把禮物帶給好孩子的聖誕老人。

Page 5: 為什麼會有痛苦呢? - Why Suffering?

The Bible lets us know that we can expect to go through some difficult times while we’re on this earth. The good news is that it also promises that we won’t have to go through them alone. “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.” (Psalm 23:4). “I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken.” (Psalm 16:8)

聖經告訴我們,人活在世上,預期必會遭遇一些困難的時候。好消息是,它也承諾,我們不需獨自經歷這一切。「我雖然行過死蔭的幽谷,也不怕遭害,因為祢與我同在。」(詩篇23:4) 「我知道耶和華總是和我一起。我必不至動搖。」(詩篇16:8)

Page 6: 為什麼會有痛苦呢? - Why Suffering?

Christ did not come to do away with suffering; He did not come to explain it; He came to fill it with His presence. It is not a question of God allowing or not allowing things to happen. It is part of living. Our response to what happens is more important than what happens. Here is a mystery: one man's experience drives him to curse God, while another man's identical experience drives him to bless God. Your response to what happens is more important than what happens.

Text © Activated magazine; used by permission. Art (slightly adapted) © TFI. Presentation by www.freekidstories.org

基督降世並非為了解除苦難,也不是來解釋為何會有苦難,而是經由祂與我們同在,使我們能夠承受苦難。 問題不在於上帝是否允許事情發生,這乃是生命的一部分。我們對發生之事的反應,比發生之事本身更重要。這是一個奧祕︰一個人的經歷驅使他詛咒上帝;但另一個有類似經歷的人,卻驅使他讚美上帝。你對所發生之事的反應,比發生之事本身更重要。