表一 - 重庆招考信息网 · Web viewafterwards again again and again once again against...

A a/an ability able be able to do sth. about above abroad absence absent absolute academic accent accept access accident accommodation accompany according account accurate ache achieve achievement acid across act action active activity actor actress actual AD/A.D. ad add addition address adequate adjust administration admire admission admit adopt adult advance advantage adventure advertizement/advertisement advice advise advocate affair affect affection afford afraid be afraid of Africa African after after all afternoon afterwards again again and again once again against age 1 2011 年 年年年 年年年年 一() 年年年年年年年年年年

Transcript of 表一 - 重庆招考信息网 · Web viewafterwards again again and again once again against...

Page 1: 表一 - 重庆招考信息网 · Web viewafterwards again again and again once again against age at the age of agency agent aggressive ago agree agree to do sth. agree with sb. agreement


Aa/anabilityable be able to do sth.aboutaboveabroadabsenceabsentabsoluteacademicaccentacceptaccessaccidentaccommodationaccompanyaccordingaccountaccurateacheachieveachievementacidacrossactactionactiveactivityactoractressactualAD/A.D.adaddadditionaddressadequateadjust

administrationadmireadmissionadmitadoptadultadvanceadvantageadventureadvertizement/advertisementadviceadviseadvocateaffairaffectaffectionaffordafraid be afraid ofAfricaAfricanafter after allafternoonafterwardsagain again and again once againagainstage at the age ofagencyagentaggressiveagoagree agree to do sth. agree with sb.agreementagricultureaheadaidaimair



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by airaircraftairlineairportalarmalbumalcoholalikealiveall all over all over the country/world in all not at allallowalmostalonealongaloudalreadyalsoalthoughaltogetheralwaysamateurambitionAmericaAmericanamongamountanalyse/analyzeanalysisancientandangerangry be angry with sb.animalannounceannualanother one after anotheranswerantanxiousanyanybody/anyoneanyhow

anythinganywayanywhereapartmentapologizeapologyappearappearanceappetiteapplaudappleapplicationapplyappointmentappreciateapproachapproveAprilareaariseargueargumentarm take sth. in one’s armsarmyaroundarrangearrangementarrivalarrive arrive at/in a placeartarticleartistas as … as not so…as as if/thoughasideashashamedAsiaAsianask ask for sth. ask sb. for sth.asleepassist


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assistantassociateassociationastonishatAtlanticathleteatmosphereatomattachattackattemptattendattention pay attention (to)attitudeattractaudienceAugustauntAustraliaAustralianauthorauthorityautomaticautumnavailableaverageavoidawake (awoke/awaked, awoken/awaked)awardawareaway be away from go/run awayawfulawkward


baggagebakebalanceballballetballoonbamboobananabandbankbarebargainbarkbarrierbasebasementbasicbasinbasisbasketbasketballbathbathebathroombattlebayBC/B.C.be (am, are, is, was, were, being, been)beachbear (bore, borne/born)beardbeat (beat, beat)beautifulbeautybecause because ofbecome (became, become)bed go to bed make the bedbedroombeebeefbeerbeforebegbegin (began, begun)beginning


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at the beginning ofbehavebehaviour/behaviorbehindbeliefbelievebellbelong belong tobelowbeltbenchbend (bent, bent)beneathbenefitbesidebesidesbest do one’s best all the bestbetter had betterbetweenbeyondbicycle/bikebigbillbillionbiologybirdbirthbirthdaybirthplacebiscuitbit a bit (of)bite (bit, bitten/bit)bitterblackblackboardblameblanketbleedblessblindblockbloodblouse

blow (blew, blown)blueboardboatbodyboilbombbonebookboringborn be bornborrowbossboth both…andbother bottlebottombowbowlboxboxingboybrainbrakebranchbrandbravebreadbreak (broke, broken) break down break outbreakfast at breakfast have breakfastbreastbreath hold one’s breath out of breathbreathebrickbridebridegroombridgebriefbrightbring (brought, brought)


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BritainBritishbroadbroadcast (broadcast/broadcasted,

broadcast/broadcasted)broombrotherbrownbrushbucketbuild (built, built)buildingburn (burnt/burned, burnt/burned)burst (burst, burst)burybusbushbusinessbusinessman/womanbusy be busy doing sth. be busy with sth.butbutcherbutterbutterflybuttonbuy (bought, bought)by by bus/car/plane/train/ship/airbye-bye

Ccabbagecafecagecakecalculatecall call forcalmcamelcameracampcanCanada

Canadiancancelcancercandlecandycapcapitalcaptaincarcarboncardcare take care of care forcarefulcarelesscarpetcarriagecarrotcarry carry on carry outcartcartooncasecashcastlecatcatch (caught, caught) catch up withcattlecausecautiouscaveceilingcelebratecentcenter/centrecentralcenturyceremonycertaincertainlychainchairchairmanchalkchallenge


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championchancechange change …intochannelchaptercharactercharacteristicchargechartchatcheapcheatcheque/checkcheekcheercheerfulcheerscheesechemicalchemistrychesschestchewchickenchiefchild (pl. children)childhoodchimneyChinaChinesechocolatechoicechoose (chose, chosen)chopstickChristianChristmaschurchcigarcigarettecinema go to the cinemacirclecircumstancecitizencitycivilcivilization

clapclass have classes after classclassmateclassroomcleanclearclerkcleverclimateclimbclinicclockcloseclothclothesclothingcloudclubcoachcoalcoastcoatcockcoffeecoincokecold catch/take cold have a coldcollarcolleaguecollectcollectioncollege go to collegecolour/ colorcombcombinecome (came, come) come back come down come from come in come on come outcomfort


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comfortablecommandcommercialcommoncommunicatecommunicationcommunismcommunistcompanioncompanycomparecompetecompletecomplexcompositioncomputercomradeconcentrateconcernconcertconcludeconclusionconcreteconditionconductconductorconferenceconfidentconfusecongratulationconnectconnectionconsider be considered asconsiderationconsistconstructioncontaincontainercontentcontinentcontinuecontrolconvenientconversationconvincecookcool

copycorncornercorrectcost (cost, cost)cottagecottoncoughcouldcountcountercountrycountrysidecouplecouragecourse of coursecourtcourtyardcousincover be covered withcowcrashcrazycreamcreatecreaturecreditcrewcrimecriminalcropcrosscrossingcrowdcruelcryculturecupcupboardcurecuriouscurtaincushioncustomcustomercustoms


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cut (cut, cut)cyclecyclist

Ddaddailydamdamagedampdancedanger in dangerdangerousdaredarkdarknessdatedaughterdawnday by day day after day day and night one day the day after tomorrow the day before yesterday the other daydeaddeafdeal (dealt, dealt) deal with a good/great deal (of)deardeathDecemberdecidedecisiondeclaredecoratedecorationdeed do a good deeddeepdefeatdefence/defense

defenddegreedelaydeliciousdelightdelighteddeliverdemanddentistdepartmentdeparturedependdepthdescribedescriptiondesertdeservedesigndesiredeskdesperatedessertdestinationdestroydetectivedeterminedevelopdevelopmentdevotedialogue/dialogdiamonddiarydictationdictionarydiedifferdifferencedifferentdifficultdifficultydig (dug, dug)digestdinnerdinning-roomdirectdirectiondirectordirectory


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dirtdirtydisableddisadvantagedisagreedisappointdisasterdiscountdiscouragediscoverdiscoverydiscussdiscussiondiseasedishdislikedismissdistancedistantdistrictdisturbdivedividedivisiondivorcedo (did, done) do some cleaning/cooking/shopping do well indoctordocumentdogdolldollardoordormitorydoubledoubtdowndownstairsdowntowndozendragdraw (drew, drawn)drawerdrawingdream(dreamed/dreamt, dreamed/dreamt)dressdrill

drink (drank, drunk)drive (drove, driven)dropdrowndrugdrumdrunkdryduckduedulldumplingduringdustdustyduty

Eeach each othereagerearearlyearnearthearthquakeeasteasterneasy take it easyeat (ate, eaten) eat upedgeeditoreducateeducationeffectefforteggeighteither either…orelderelectelectricelectrical


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electricityelectronicelephantelevenelseemergencyemployemptyencourageend in the endendingenemyenergeticenergyengineengineerEnglandEnglish in EnglishEnglishman (pl. Englishmen)enjoy enjoy oneselfenoughenterentertainmententireentranceentryenvelopeenvironmentenvyequalequipequipmenteraserescapeespeciallyEuropeEuropeaneveeven even if/thougheveningeventever ever since for ever

everyeverybody/everyoneeverydayeverythingeverywhereevidenceexactexamination/examexamineexample for exampleexcellent exceptexchangeexciteexcitingexcuseexerciseexhibitionexistexistenceexitexpandexpertexpectexpectationexpenseexpensiveexperienceexperimentexplainexplanationexplodeexploitexploreexportexpressexpressionextensionextraextraordinaryextremeextremelyeye



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face face to face make a facefact as a matter of fact in factfactoryfailfailurefairfairlyfaithfallfall (fell, fallen) fall asleep fall illfalsefamiliarfamilyfamousfanfancyfantasticfar far away far from so farfarefarmfarmerfartherfastfastenfatfatherfaultfavour/favorfavourite/favoritefearfeatherFebruaryfeefeed (fed, fed)feel (felt, felt) feel like doingfeelingfellowfemale

fencefestivalfetchfeverfew a fewfictionfieldfiercefifteenfifthfiftyfight (fought, fought)figurefilefill fill infilmfinalfind (found, found) find outfinefingerfinishfirefirmfirst at first first of allfishfistfit be fit forfivefixflagflameflashflatflightfloatfloodfloorflourflowflowerflufluent


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flyfogfoldfollowfond be fond offoodfoolfoolishfoot (pl. feet) on footfootballforforbid (forbade/forbad, forbidden/forbid)forceforecastforeheadforeignforeignerforestforget (forgot, forgotten)forgive (forgave, forgiven)forkformformerfortnightfortunatefortunefortyforwardfoundfountainfourfourthfoxFrancefree set freefreedomfreeze (froze, frozen)FrenchFrenchman (pl. Frenchmen)frequentfreshFridayfridge (refrigerator)friend make friends with

friendlyfriendshipfrightenfrogfrom from…on from…tofront in front offrontierfruitfryfuel

full be full offun make fun offunctionfuneralfunnyfurfurniturefurtherfuture

Ggain gamegaragegardengasgategathergaygeneralgenerationgenerousgentlegentleman (pl. gentlemen)geographyGermanGermanygestureget (got, got) get along (with)


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get away get back get down get in get off get on get on with sb. get through get together get upgiftgiraffegirlgive (gave, given) give back give out give upgladglanceglassglobegloryglovego (went, gone) go away go back go by go fishing/shopping/skating/swimming go for a walk go on go on doing sth. go on with one’s work go out go overgoalgoatgodgoldgoldengolfgood be good atgoodbyegoodsgoose (pl. geese)governgovernmentgrade

gradualgraduallygraduategraduationgraingrammargrand granddaughter grandfather


grannygrapegraspgrassgratefulgreatGreekgreengreetgreetinggrey/grayground ground floorgroupgrow (grew, grown) grow upguaranteeguardguessguestguideguiltyguitargungym

Hhabithairhaircuthalf half an hourhallham


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hamburgerhammerhand hand in hand outhandbaghandkerchiefhandlehandsomehandwritinghandyhang (hung/hanged, hung/hanged)happenhappinesshappyharbour/harborhardhardlyhardshiphark-workingharmharmfulharmonyharvesthathatehave (had, had) have got to have sth. on have tohehead use one’s headheadache have a headacheheadlineheadmasterhealthhealthyhear (heard, heard) hear from hear ofheart learn/know sth. by heartheatheavenheavyheight

hello say hello tohelp help oneself to help sb. with sth.helpfulherhere here and thereherohersherselfhihide (hid, hidden/hid)highhighwayhillhimhimselfhirehishistoryhit (hit, hit)hobbyhold (held, held) hold onholeholiday on holidayholyhome at home go homehomelandhometownhomework do one’s homeworkhonesthoneyhonour/honorhopehopefulhopelesshorsehospitalhosthot hot dog


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hotelhourhousehousewifehouseworkhow how far how long how many how much how oldhoweverhugehumanhumour/humorhumourous/humoroushundredhungerhungryhunthurry hurry up in a hurryhurt (hurt, hurt)husband


inchincidentincludeincomeincreaseindeedindependenceindependentIndiaIndianindicateindustryinferinfluenceinforminformationinjureinjuryinkinnocentinsectinsideinsistinspectinstead instead ofinstituteinstitutioninstructinstructioninstrumentintelligenceintendinterest a place of interestinterestinginternationalInternetinterruptinterviewintointroduceintroductioninventinventionintentioninvitationinvite


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JjacketjamJanuaryJapanJapanesejarjazzjeansjetjewelleryjobjoin join in join upjokejournalistjourneyjoyjudgejudgmentjuiceJulyjumpJunejuniorjust just now just thenjustice

Kkeep (kept, kept) keep on doing sth.keykeyboardkickkid

killkilokilogramkilometre/kilometerkind a kind of all kinds ofkindergartenkindnesskingkingdomkisskitchenkitekneeknifeknock knock at knock into sb.know (knew, known)knowledge

Llablabour/laborlackladderladylakelamblamplandlanguagelaplargelast at lastlate be late for (school)latelylaterlatterlaughlaughterlawlawyer


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lay (laid, laid)lazylead (led, led)leaderleafleague league memberleaklearn (learnt/learned, learnt/learned)least at leastleatherleave (left, left)lectureleft on the leftleglegallemonadelend (lent, lent)lengthless less thanlesson do one’s lessons have lessonslet (let, let) let in let outletterlevelliberatelibertylibrarianlibrarylicence/licenselidlielie (lay, lain)lifelifetimeliftlight (lit/lighted, lit/lighted)lightinglike be likelikelylimit

linelinklionlipliquidlistlisten listen tolitre/literliteraryliteraturelitterlittle a littlelivelivelylivingliving-roomloadloaflocallocklonelylong before long long ago long before no longer not… any longerlook look after look at look for look out look up have a look take a looklooselorrylose (lost, lost)losslot a lot of/lots ofloudlovelovelylowluck


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luggagelunch have lunch

Mmachinemadmadame/madammagazinemagicmaidmailmailbox (letter box)mainmajormajoritymake (made, made) be made from be made in be made ofmaleman (pl. men)managemanagermankindmannermany a good/great manymapMarchmarchmarkmarketmarriagemarryMarxismmassmastermatch have a matchmaterialmathematics/mathsmattermaturemaximumMay

maymaybememealmean (meant, meant)meaningmeansmeanwhilemeasuremeatmediamedicalmedicine have some medicinemediummeet (met, met)meeting have a meeting hold a meetingmembermemorymendmentalmentionmenumerchantmerelymerrymessmessage take a message formetalmethodmetre/metermiddaymiddle in the middle ofmidnightmightmildmilemilkmillion millions ofmind never mind make up one’s mindmine


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mineministerminorityminute in a minute just a minutemirrorMissmissmistake (mistook, mistaken) by mistake make a mistakemisunderstandmixmixturemodelmodernmodestmoment just a moment the momentMondaymoneymonitormonkeymonthmoonmoralmore more or less no more not…any more once moremorningmostmothermotormotorcyclemountainmountainousmouse (pl. mice)mouthmovemovementMr.Mrs.Ms/Ms.much


Nnailnamenarrownationnationalnationalitynativenaturalnaturenavynearnearbynearlyneatnecessaryneckneed in need ofneedleneighbour/ neighborneighbourhood/ neighborhoodneither neither … nornephewnervousnetnevernewnewsnewspapernextniceniecenight at night


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nineninetyninthnonoblenobodynodnoise make a noisenoisynonenoodlenoon at noonnornormalnorthnorthernnosenot not only… but also…notenotebooknothing have nothing to do withnoticenounNovembernow now and thennowadaysnowherenuclearnumber a number ofnursenut


occuroceano’clockOctoberofoffofferofficeofficerofficialoftenohoilO.K. / okayoldon and so on on and ononce at once once upon a timeone one by oneoneselfoniononlyontoopenopeningoperaoperateoperationoperatoropinionopposeoppositeor or sooralorangeorder in order in order that in order toordinaryorganise/organizeorganisation/organization


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originother the other(s)otherwiseought ought toouroursourselvesout out ofoutdooroutdoorsouteroutlineoutputoutsideover over and over over thereovercoatovercomeoweownownerox (pl. oxen)oxygen

PPacificpackpackagepacketpagepainpainfulpaintpainterpaintingpair a pair ofpalacepalepanpandapaper

paragraphparcelpardon beg one’s pardonparentParisparkpart take part inparticularpartlypartnerpart-timepartypass pass bypassagepassengerpasser-by (pl. passers-by)passportpastpathpatiencepatientpatternpausepay (paid, paid) pay for sth. pay offP.C.P.E.peapeacepeacefulpeachpearpeasantpenpencilpennypensionpeoplepepperperpercentperfectperformperformance


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perfumeperhapsperiodpermitpersonpersonalpersonallypersuadepetphoto/photograph take photosphysicalphysicspianopick pick out pick uppicnic (picnicked)picturepiepiece a piece ofpigpilepillpillowpilotpinping-pongpinkpioneer the Young Pioneerspipepityplace take one’s place take place take the place ofplainplanplane/aeroplaneplanetplantplasticplateplatformplayplayer

playgroundpleasantpleasepleasedpleasureplenty plenty ofplotploughpluspocketpoempoetpoint point out point topoisonpolepolicepoliceman (pl. policemen)policypolitepoliticalpoliticianpoliticspollutionpondpoolpoorpopularpopulationporkportpositionpositivepossesspossessionpossibilitypossiblepossiblypost post officepostcardpostmanpostponepotpotatopound


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pourpowderpowerpowerfulpracticalpractise/practicepraiseprayerpreciouspredictpreferpreferencepregnantpreparationpreparepresent at presentpresidentpresspressurepretendprettypreventpreviouspriceprideprimaryprincipleprintprisonprisonerprivateprizeprobablyproblemprocedureprocessproduceproductproductionprofessionprofessorprofitprogramme/programprogressprojectpromise make a promise

pronouncepronunciationproperprotectprotectionproud be proud ofproveprovideprovincepubpublic in publicpublishpullpumppunishpunishmentpupilpurchasepurepurplepurposepursepushput (put, put) put away put on put sth. down put uppuzzle

Qqualityquantityquarrel quarrel aboutquarterqueenquestionquickquietquite


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Rrabbitraceradio on the radiorailrailwayrainraincoatrainyraiserangerankrapidrareratraterather rather thanrawrayreachreactread (read, read)ready be/get ready (for)realrealityrealise/realizereallyreasonreasonablereceivereceptionrecentrecipereciterecognizerecommendrecord keep a recordrecorderrecoverrecreationredreducereferreference

reflectrefuseregardregardlessregisterregretregularregulationrelaterelationrelationshiprelativerelaxreliablereliefreligionreligiousrelyremainremarkremember Remember me to …remindremoverentrepairrepeatreplacereplyreportrepresentrepublic the People’s Republic of Chinarequestrequirerescueresearchreserverespectresistresponsibilityrest take/have a restrestaurantresult as a resultretellretire


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returnreviewrevolutionricerichriddleride (rode, ridden)right all right on the right right nowring (rang, rung) ring back ring off ring upriperise (rose, risen)riskriverroadroastrobrobotrockroleroll roll overroofroom make room forrootroperoseroughroundroutinerowroyalrubberrubbishruderuinrulerulerrun (ran, run) run awayrushRussia


Ssadsadnesssafesafetysailsailorsalarysalesalesman/womansaltsame all the samesandsandwichsatisfactionsatisfySaturdaysausagesave save one’s lifesay (said, said)scarfsceneschedulescholarshipschool after school at school go to schoolschoolmatesciencescientificscientistscoldscore scores ofscreamscreensea by seasearchseasonseat


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take a seat be seatedsecondsecretsecretarysectionsecuresecuritysee (saw, seen) see sb. offseedseekseemseizeseldomselectselfishsell (sold, sold) sell outsend (sent, sent) send for send upsensesensitivesentence make sentences with sentence sb. to deathseparate separate … from …Septemberseriousservantserveserviceset (set, set) a set of set off set out set upsettlesettlementsevenseveralseveresew (sewed, sewn/ sewed)sexshadeshadow

shake (shook, shaken)shallshameshapesharesharpshave (shaved, shaved/shaven)shesheep (pl. sheep)sheetshelfsheltershine (shone, shone)shipshirtshockshoeshoot (shot, shot)shopshoreshortshortlyshortsshotshouldshouldershoutshow (showed, shown/showed) on showshowershut (shut, shut)shysicksicknessside by the side of side by sidesighsightsignsignalsilencesilentsilksillysilversimilarsimple


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sincesincerelysing (sang, sung)singlesink (sank/sunk, sunk/sunken)sirsistersit (sat, sat)situationsixsizeskateskillskinskipskirtskyslavesleep (slept, slept) go to sleepsleevesliceslightslightlyslowsmallsmartsmell (smelt/smelled, smelt/smelled)smilesmokesmoothsnakesnowsnowyso so … that … so thatsoapsocialsocialismsocialistsocietysocksoftsoilsoldiersolidsome

somebody/someonesomehowsomethingsometimessomewheresonsongsoon as soon as sooner or latersorrowsorrysortsoulsoundsoupsoursouthsouthernsowspace in spaceSpanishsparespeak (spoke, spoken)speakerspecialspecialistspecificspeechspeedspell (spelt/spelled, spelt/spelled)spend (spent, spent)spiritsplendidsplitspokenspoonsport have sportsspotspread (spread, spread)springsquaresqueezestaffstagestair


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stampstand (stood, stood)standardstarstarestart start doing sth. start to do sth.starvestate the United Statesstatementstationstaysteadysteal (stole, stolen)steamsteelstepstick (stuck, stuck) stick to stillstomachstonestop stop doing sth. stop sb. from doing sth. stop to do sth.storestormstorystraightstrangestrangerstrawberrystreamstreetstrengthstressstrict be strict withstrike (struck, struck)stringstrongstrugglestudentstudystudio

stupidstylesubjectsucceedsuccesssuccessfulsuchsuddensuddenlysuffersugarsuggestsuggestionsuitsuitablesuitcasesummersunsunlightSundaysunnysunsetsunshinesupersuperiorsupermarketsupper have suppersupplysupportsupposesure be sure to do sth. make suresurfacesurprise in surprisesurroundsurroundingswallowswearsweatersweep (swept, swept)sweetswim (swam, swum) have a swimswingsword


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Ttabletable tennistailtailortake (took, taken) take a walk take away take down/out/off take food/medicine take the train/a boat/a bustaletalk have a talk talk about talk oftalltanktaptapetasktastetaxtaxpayertaxiteateach (taught, taught)teacherteamteartear (tore, torn)technicaltechniquetechnologyteenagertelegramtelegraphtelephone/phonetelescopetelevision/TVtell (told, told)temperature

templetemporaryten tens of thousandstendtensetensiontenttermterribleterrortest have a testtextthanthankthatthe theatre/theatertheirtheirsthemthemselvesthentheorytherethereforethesetheythickthief (pl. thieves)thinthingthink (thought, thought) think about think ofthinkingthirdthirstythirteenthirtythisthoroughthosethoughthoughtthousandthread


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threethroatthroughthroughoutthrow (threw, thrown)thunderThursdaythustickettidytietigertighttilltime all the time at the same time from time to time have a good time in time on timetimetabletintinytiptiretiredtitletotoasttobaccotodaytogethertoilettomatotomorrowtontonguetonighttoo too…totooltooth (pl. teeth)toothachetoothbrushtoothpastetop on top of

topictotaltouch keep in touch withtoughtourtourismtouristtoward(s)towertowntoytracktractortradetraditiontraditionaltraffictraintrainingtranslatetranslationtranslatortransporttraptraveltravellertreasuretreattreatmenttreetrialtricktriptrouble in troubletrouserstrucktrue come truetrulytrusttruthtry try on try one’s bestT-shirttube


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Tuesdayturn turn into turn off turn on turn over turn totwelfthtwelvetwentiethtwentytwicetwisttwotypetypicaltyre/tire

Uuglyumbrellauncleunconsciousunderundergroundunderstand (understood, understood)unfairuniformunionuniqueunituniteuniteduniversaluniverseuniversityunknownunlessuntil not… until…unusualup up and downuponupperupset

upstairsupward(s)urgeurgentususe make use ofused be used to used tousefuluselessuserusual as usualusually



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Wwagewait wait forwaiterwaitresswake (woke, woken)walk have a walkwallwantwarwarmwarmthwarnwashwastewatchwaterwatermelonwaveway by the way on one’s way to on the wayweweakweaknesswealthwealthywear (wore, worn)weatherwebsiteweddingWednesdayweekweekdayweekendweeklyweighweightwelcomewellwell (better, best) as well as well aswell-knownwest

westernwetwhalewhatwhateverwheatwheelwhenwheneverwherewhereverwhetherwhichwhile after a while in a short while once in a whilewhisperwhitewhowholewhomwhosewhywidewifewildwillwillingwin (won, won)windwind (winded/wound, winded/wound)windowwindywinewingwinnerwinterwipewirewisdomwisewishwithwithinwithoutwoman (pl. women)wonder


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wonderfulwoodwoodenwoolword have a word with sb. in a word in other wordswork at work work hard at work out out of workworkerworldworldwideworry worry aboutworseworstworth be worth (doing)worthwhileworthywouldwoundwrite (wrote, written) write down write towrong be wrong with






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表二abnormal aaboard prepabstract a&nabsurd aabundant aaccelerate vaccess n&vaccurate aacknowledge vadjustment nadmirable aadore vadvertise vairmail nalongside adalphabet namaze vambulance namuse vamusement nancestor nankle napart a&adappeal n&vapplicant nappreciation nappropriate aapproximately adarchitecture narrest vaspect nassistance navenue nbakery nbarrier nbattery nbeast nbehalf nbeneficial abid n&vblank a&nboot nborder nbored a

bound aboundary nbroken abudget nburden ncab ncarrier ncategory ncelebration ncell ncentigrade ncentimetre/centimeter nchangeable achemist nclassic acleaner ncommunist a&ncompetence ncompetition ncomprehension nconcept nconscience nconsequence nconsiderate aconstant aconstruct vcontemporary acontrary a&nconvenience ncooker ncookie ncorporation ncurrency ndata ndebate n&vdecrease vdelicate adiet ndisability ndiscourage vdisgusting adistinction ndistinguish vdownload n&vdrawback ndustbin ndynasty n


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Easter nelegant aemperor nenjoyable aenlarge vequality nessay neventually adeyesight nfacial afingernail nfireworks nflexible afluency nfoggy afolk afundamental afuneral ngallon nglare vglue ngram ngraph ngrocery nguidance nheel nhesitate vhug videntity nignore villegal aimmigration nimport n&vinstant ainterpreter ninterval njungle nliberation nmarathon nmemorial nmillionaire nmist nmistaken amonument nmosquito nmotto nmoustache n

mushroom nnationwide a&adnest nnetwork nnovelist nOlympic aoppose voptimistic aorgan noutstanding aownership npaperwork nparallel nparking nparrot npassive apavement npercentage npermanent apermission npetrol nphysician npianist npineapple nplug n&vporter npray vpredict vprescription npresentation npreserve vpunctual apunctuation nqualification nquestionnaire nqueue nquit vrag nrainbow nrainfall nreceipt nrecycle vreform n&vregardless arelevant arepresentative nrequirement n


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reservation nrespond vrevision nridiculous arocket nsacrifice n&vsalty asatellite nscholar nscratch n&vsenior a&nseparation nsettler nshallow asharpener nshelter nshortcoming nsideways adsignature nsignificance nski n&vskip vslavery nslide n&vslip n&vsoccer nsorrow nspokesman/woman nspoonful nstatesman/woman nsteep astorage nstraw nstress n&vsubjective asubstitute vsuffering nsunburnt/sunburned asurvival nsuspect n&vswift asystematic atarget n&vtasty ateamwork ntendency nterminal a&n

thankful atheft ntiresome atomb ntourism ntowel ntransform vtremble vtutor ntypewriter ntypist nunbearable aunbelievable aundertake vvain nvalid avase nversion nviolence nviolent aviolinist nvirtue nvisual avital awaiting-room nwander vweed nwestward(s) adwhichever pronwidespread awildlife nwithdraw vzone n