弓首蛔虫病 toxocariosis

By 张张张 张张张 张张张 张张12 张张张13 张


弓首蛔虫病 toxocariosis. By 张文琪 赵梦娇 曾娟萍 李雪( 12 号) 李雪( 13 号). Introduction. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of 弓首蛔虫病 toxocariosis

By 张文琪 赵梦娇 曾娟萍 李雪( 12号) 李雪( 13 号)

Introduction Toxocariasis is a zoonotic (animal to human)

infection caused by the parasitic roundworms commonly found in the intestine of dogs (Toxocara canis) and cats (T. cati). Toxocara canis and T. cati are found worldwide in the soil. Toxocariasis is one of the most commonly reported zoonotic helminth infections in the world.

关键词 : 犬猫弓首蛔虫、 弓首科( toxocaridae )、犬弓

首蛔虫 (Toxocara canis) 、猫弓首蛔 虫( T.cati )、 狮弓蛔虫( toxascaris leonina )、 小肠、 土源性、公共卫生


Visceral larva migrans (VLM) and ocular larva migrans (OLM) are two clinical manifestations that result in definable syndromes and present as serious health

problems wherever they occur .

内脏幼虫移行症、 眼部幼虫移行症

犬弓首蛔虫 (Toxocara canis)Types : 犬弓首蛔虫,该蛔虫是幼小犬寄生的主要蛔虫 狮弓首蛔虫,常发生于成年犬。但成年犬对于两种蛔

虫均为终末宿主。 have round body with spiky cranial ( 尖的头盖) and

caudal part (尾部) , covered by yellow cuticula(角质层)

Female : 9~18cm ,尾端直,阴门开口于虫体前半部Male : 5~11cm ,尾端弯曲,有一小椎突,有尾翼 Egg : oval or spherical shape with granulated (颗粒

状) surface , thick-walled, and measures from 72 to 85 μm.



猫弓首蛔 虫( T.cati )White Parasites appearance:similar to Toxocara canis Female : 4~12cmMale : 3~6cm ,尾部有一小的指状突起 .Intermediate hosts: mice other rodents birdsInfective stage: egg with L3Prepatent period :6-8 weeks

Egg : 几乎无色, subglobular (亚球形),厚的凹凸不平的卵壳。

Life cycle Life cycle

Development and migrating in dogs less than 6 months

InfectivInfective stagee stage((被狗摄被狗摄食)食)





Migrating in dogs more than 6 months

Development in cats

Cats eat L2 . The L2. are migrating in cats .Cats are effected through sucking or eating

L3. , the larva won’t be migrating .

attention : T.cati won’t infect baby cats through placenta.

epidemiology Infection source : dogs and cats infected by

toxocariosis , environment polluted by infected animals’ stool .

infection routes : peroal infection (经口), diaplacental infection (经胎

盘) susceptible animals :

dogs , cats ,humanbeing .

犬猫弓首蛔虫是土源性的,有贮藏宿主( paratenic hosts )如蚯蚓,蚂蚁和其他土壤无脊椎动物,人特别是小孩不注意卫生饮了被虫卵污染的生水,或者吃了生的或未煮熟的组织(含有虫卵的),如肝脏,就会感染。

Pathogenesis Robbing nutrition Mechanical injury : Visceral larva migrans

(VLM) (脏幼虫移行症) ocular larva migrans (OLM) (眼部


Secondary infection



DiagnosisDifficult in diagnosing by symptoms .Diagnosis is based on  fecal examination (粪

便检查,用饱和盐水漂浮法检查虫卵) or ELISA test ( Elisa 实验) .

Finding toxocariosis in intestine or bile duct (胆管) in Autopsy (尸检) .

Treatment and prevention Treatment by medicine Albendazole (阿苯达唑) Fenbendazole (芬苯达唑) Ivermectin (伊维菌素)注:苏牧和喜乐蒂牧羊犬对此种药

物十分敏感,极易过敏,甚至导致死亡 . 因此禁用 .

Comprehensive prevention:deworming . excrement management (粪便管理) dietary hygiene (饮食卫生)