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! , THE SUN, EK19AYv ll 3, 1871. , ,' a ! umar; !IJ.'-L'.i'imjj..i-JUj,i- r' II Shliita far AIL i ll!IIAV. MAItrii o. luvi. iAininrinrnte To-lia- r. , t,.., u ,l ;is in, ;i rtftb Aleuue Dnidre H i tiraud Opera tlen.oLt drawl IImS, II I i:Jh' 1h'str-'l- oi t It. I '. I NlbU'.llarilcit-T- .. nl 110 t. I I New V art. I Irea. ! IK tl. if-- , . taJray tflfila, I' i I Olnpl theatre ,.l,'j. , i J HWi;JV U'jll tor .11. I M MUtt Tata'tr Ciii'j.. I aViraaelieo llla.trcli Ml ,) 'Ytiy Veler"eOaerallen.e tWiMe-ft'i. 1 IbVn.a-- k PiieuieelleTanael-Ofit- u Valuta, I SAatlaet'e-llT- .. IJaelHtih. I .' I Maea'e llu. .am-M- u CS'LU Hi". i ' Term efTiic Sun. - . IIaIIT, ff ?'' ." .lUft,, . f 6 nn t... iUii,iv, . . . iwi ,1 Tie naif . l.. . . . ,18 00 1utr' il'Mln', ti II U Hi". ni'M4lrul SO IO Kniitif I jhri . I tO 1riijhhtiliMlit.i.t II J ! rfrfw 9it .Mt ST ttO I .U.1Ml .1 opi, tllit feU.,,' , MUllMltff. rije,.al la.f. I ffkll a,.1.rlt. 1 ..H.lte Mtu. k Uaat.iri A"ir.ntt4, int., .... 4.S '( Iw It..' (It , Mil I'. 'lk-f- HI .tU)Tl..l, l SO rHM ti i M, lr vi Mwi'mv,. t 1111. rr li.., 7. ( M rriAUL IKftfr Mil a4 I"'!). Nt IrV, . . mO It. '. Hue,, llirt.a. U" t.." UI iU M tt, lf a.,, lull i , t,..a Mint ik "Aa.." llur .1, I l.r .4 t' , I a, f'. ..... X fift I tiMBllillUl.lVliti ivfili) II. lrff v. 4. .11 ...f.Hrr4.r !). mi. It .l m H VC ill ..4 s.utl ik"J, uv 81 ( 11 l'l.V , .Ilk. MU..t 4 tVltffflW. a i Aa....."..!. il...ti,.a.-MtiMi- . 'I Su-- Ae.thlilta.M- - thuf 11 ii 4 AU I N1lklik .1 l hkUl 11 LlkO . Illflll IHI l4i. ! l'or llm ccoiiii!iJ.itlon of resMlns up ' ' lojrn.lTorilcier., fr Tu Hc.N nlllbortflTiiH at nurrcitiltr tjIm u the np lonn i.lTiT'iiem'nt oQ, 1 Ms Willi hint 4wnb'l irorl. (i( l.lejnociwoor l:rOii3- ' Jtj) mil Mil' .ttenur, Irnnik A. M. loST. M. f .... - - ' 1 .Vciv York Dciuocrnls mill llic rrpl- - J j itencf Tlio Kct Vorls Di'inocrjcr oiij;lit to cxtfrl , , powerful inllucnco in tLo neit National Cimveiillnii of their putty. Tliis is duo to t ' til A1 number uf tho vottB nliliib the J fitato la iircltj- - sure to rnel fdr tlio Dcino- - ,' cratlc cimiliilatr, ami to tlio li!j,'li ttand!ni In ' ' tho party of of ln:r loading ttatcsiucn, ! j ami to tli not 1cm important fct that their I lit supporters can cnutributc an hnmonsa amount I ol yionpyor thu tbo canvass. .! llolJIpi! tbls vautsco c'ound, tho Dcinocrntii M t till tatu may pt'rbaps be ablo to dcslB- - I : uMo the Presidential etandard-bcare- I'M fi h Vc too h5tlty BESuincd In eomo I ; j I qWfltt'i thai tlio Democracy of Hew York II liavc no candidates of their ortn whom they j : ! .iqlend to press for tho nomination In 1872; j, tbf4t((py fayprho election of a Western ' lnai and t'jat tho Rreat niAes.of them second : tbo aspirations of Mr. Uc.ndiucks. Wo j I Ihinh this is a mistake. Tlio party in this , I tf(at taktn as a whole, havu ut least tlireo i ) ' f. odjdttteB, and wo will namo tbcm in tho i J ' nil; of their seniority. They nro HuilATIU j tiKTMOl it, Samohd K. Ciiiiuh, and John I i i ,Ooy. iSi.v:ot:n ranks among tho forrinust j nUtwien of tho country. Thnuch trained ' ( I in 'tiro consi'ivnllve school of Van Huiiun ' J i apd Maiicv, ho has kept pretty well up to , tl tlio ldotB of our inoro projrensivo times, i wjiiln ho has bhotvn commcutUiblo tUill In ' tUxi'iog I'liur of tho I'ouds which have of lato f years difiruclcd tho party In this Mate, nut , t. iIm it... rmul Ucnit-crar- ; ntrnmn Tainninny Hall, it ith boih ot ' i however, ho has always stood well. In 18US ij h showed as much couregc as tact, wlwn ho ' wenKo tho West on his famous Mumping ' ; J our after tho October elections ; courage, be-- i j ' cause thoio elections hr.d demonctratod that J p by no pofh.bility could he rscupo defeat in ! ' t t Jovi-mbcr- ; tact, in Icnorlnj; dead issuntf, and ijr ufiniiiK his spi'cches almost wholly to quit- - , tipna of trade, llnanco, and taxation, which l. h knew wwo In a jear or two to occupy that , l V pla,co in the public mind to lonR euyrofsod ' ' slaverj- - audltB adjunct. As hu was beat- - ,', cilnlffiS byQeu. Q HAM' on what will bo ! Irtjatod a defunct ifuts in 1873, Oor. Huv- - irniiH will. If tho HenubbVaiiB are to bcoldo iZ ' ' . "- ; j j tsCuitvlveu as ' nmomlnatn Uhant, veiy J likelv fcecoino tho Dcraocralic candidate, and j woolO cmtainly bo elctcd ovist tin) nun who j .' j Oafaatct) blm fuur yean prvlouoly. Mr. On cm it Isadhclplu of Tompkins aud ii WxiaiiT, who were so luii(; leadors to the '( , ijrcifivc ttinu of thu Nuw Yurk lomoe. j raey. Mo has an exndlont war record, is l"klj popular with thu m!(n, always out I J ( raiui hie atsociates on Uia sajiio ticket, Juva hcretofcre tilled with ability and credit B ,,, ( tho rwpomnble olHce of Comptroller, l.lout.- - I V Ubvwnor, and l'reiidout of thu Canal Board, ij', j vim tho mot i'oiisp;cuouB Di inocrut in our Y 'ate (")ntlitutioi'.Al (Vuvoolion, au.'l m now. B .1, "with health fully wiuuhiK diniu)' t ' ft' lion as thuchief JiwJgoof the li!l.-- judicial ' tiibuual lu tho State. A btatrHUiau of ac inowltdged capacity, and stondioir ijuite aloof from all the fnctions which huvo dis- turbed the harmony of tho party both in tw York and nlmwkeri!, ho would be n jxwarful candldute for tbo Presidency, we lo Uov llor'fMAN Injutiice in I sptesnituiK him as a coiupotitor for tho suwiicatloii next year. uiuci uf his iutunate ftWd ray he i not, but on tho contrary uaNrt thath Mof tho oolnion that Inanmach s tho DtliMicr&tk' candidate In lb'it was from. Kew Jewy, aud In 18 from New 1Vrk, 1m ought not now to bo leli cti d from tVncst. There, is much furce In this view uf th sitTistlou ; for, lliouyh New York is (JnvMt certain V bo for tko Democratic noml-tu- next jw, undoubtedly the great ma-rlt- of thn ultctorul vntrs by which lus is AkKtttl mukt cume from States lying wvst of U Ulairluuiies, ami thvrcfow thet seiliou of th Unkiu may well claim tho cuudHlaip. ta. UoFr.vw, too, muy naturally think lHat If he throws Ids inllucnco turn lu liivor of a Western coudJdaiv, thu compliment may 4)0 redprocated la ltfll, and ho thua enjoy I lh honor of ritnniiij; lor I'renhlunt of the 4)tiitil StaUh in thu jiar wlujn the wholo Auutii.-Qi- i jxiople will be cvlebratiiitf tho ono lvwlrdlh anuiitrw.iy of thr IVdaration ol ludVpcudciii r. However, If the Conven-iiam- . nlviil(l iliniic to plaeu Uov. UorniVN In tlo Ikld wo pwiiiii' he would not emu-laloth- cxiinph' ol i'.vi-a- uii1 put aniilo Uo crown tuco too oti n, bet rather, liku Baruis, inifrht piovo to bo w jlllny. The fvl knvtm of Hi. Ywmnuny ar not wont to dr. ollue lioiiors of that litorlpuon. We ulj the DtujKiucy of olhei patlb I iUp Vnlon to keep a nharji eye oil thlr, Vthrvn la ihis Simh, nm) bo otiroful in th ckctlouof dtbium, t, tlm XnimuJ Coo-- WxtiVtH wive, tluwujibi, full, of toUws, lavish of, vwiuj-.K)- ,, ovurOoiiiis lilbmtVlWl IRtUe H, Tlorli inua el tht'p k4arta upve, nwttlimtjiyi! iilvilj number for tho Presidency, tho ncsophlstl. cated dclo(fttca from tho rursl Stales may bo euro that they will succeed. (Jrnnt In (ho .Vow Congress. In tho prcfcnt t'ongreM tho Uepublicans havo n mnjoi lty of forty oht in tho Konate, . and of niiiclj n.iic in tho Houw. Tho next ('oi)Rrcts sfsiinllcs on Saturday of this wok. In tho Sonata tlio llepubllcan will lo forty, nnd in tho llouso thirty thrco. The States of California, Connecti- cut, New llamptilih'C, nnd Texas limo not yet electetl mrmhem of tho House, thus leav- ing fourteen vacancies. Thcso scats will probably bo up-mll- divided between the two political panic?, thus fixing tho llepubllcan majority at thlity threo when tho llouso lo full. This Is a ery serious fulling oft" from tho llcpulllcnn inajorlllcs'ln tho two Houses of tho Foity-lliB- t Congress, nnd especially In tho Hrprrsenltttlvrt,' luanch. Wltlialtopubllcan majority of iilnety-iiin- to lean upon lu that Houre, (Ion. Quant hrs barely been nblo to carry through that body cmc mcosurrs upon which ho was known to havo set his heart, such, for example, hb tho patsago of tho Sun Dcmlnjjo resolution, whllo others which ho was undcistotd lo favor, havo s'gnnlly failed. If tho Prcddi nt has fared thus In tlio Con- gress which la about to expire, how will ho be treated by tlint which Is just coming Into power, with n Jkpubllcan majority to nar- row that defeat will follow a chango of sev- enteen votes on a roll of tho yens nnd nnys 7 H Is a fact wheso blgnlllcnnco even Ocn. On ant cannot overlook, that n large sharcof thoro Itrpubllcans who havo from tlmo to timo gono batk upon his pet incisures In tbo Forty-lin- t Congretf, ro reelected to tho Forty-secon- Thcso members, with porno now men whoto attachment to tho President is known to bo viry fcelle, will so demoral- ize tho party In tho llouto thnt lcn. IIitANT, unless ho displnjsmoro than his usual sto- lidity and olstir.sry, will not venturo to try as many experiments with tho Incoming Cornrcss ob ho has with tho outgoing. Of coureo everything will run smoothly at tho Organization ou Saturday. Tho warring of factions, which will surely crush Gkast befcro thry havo dono with him, will break out at n later ilry, when great questions of policy and tho selection of candidates for Pretidcnt demand tho attention and distract the co u d tela of tho nuw Congress. The ltcolution In Cuba. Were wo to bellcvo tho reports furnished by tho Spaniith authorities in Havaua, 0ic Cuban Ilcpubllc has so long boon defunct that ono might as well attempt to revivify n corpeo by galvanism or any other artificial means as to endeavor to rceuscltstc tho revo- lution In that ibland. Tho truth is that tho causo of In edom thero Is steadily advancing, and has met with nothing like n fatal blow. Tho Spaainrds alllrm that they havo cap- tured tho cargo of tho Hornet. In corrobo- ration of this statement they havo naraded in tho aXMiunl lu Havana a cannon said to have been landed from her. Thli C"1 Iron, and beam tho '--1-- 01 118 orl'"' It wn 111 ,ue roJu' Spiinish foundry nt Trubin, In t'obiile. Tho only gnn on board inn iiuiiiri ttax an American brass Again, tbo list published In ho Havana paiiers a6 tho captuieil fioin tho Hor- net coincides exnitly with tho Custom Hou.'e clenruncM from this iratt nuilo by tho Cubans, auj! docs not Include a lot ol arms and tuuinunition which bho did land, but which did not paM through thiil Custom ifouac. Further, the Spanish (lorcnimcnt has declared through lis organ?, Chi, that tho coptured carjjo would bo brought to Havaua by thu steamer .MaM, and then by tho Montezuma. Doth thcso steamers ar- rived at Havana without tho captured eargo. Tho Qornvt landed on tho shores of Cuba sixteen oflicer f tho army of "'JtCS btatco of Colombia. It is stated In ITavaua papers that almost all who landed had Ixvjn captured, but so far they have failed to givo the Dame of a adagio oiio. It is likely that if any one had bien taken, tlio uwiics of tho whole would havu bn revealed. So far, therefore, it ia fair to Infer that neither tho officers nor the bowiuer nor tlm anna landed by tho Hornet havo n captured. Accordiug to tho Si:itiish tiltgran orery Cubau lender of any ri'imto but sunendered. Thu btcteineut of a l'nw facts w.ll dkpcl auy bi'liof of this sort. HtiOiAlslc Vauona (lli'.Miu.TA) 1 still In tho Cuban though oflicial deljlled recounts of his sur- render havo been publibh.-d- . Ciilt.NlCl.lO l'.Mino, of Camogucy, lia, ai'conllng to tho Spanlarihs acecptetl tho chuiriicy of Ids ene- my, and come Into their Hues wlih bin land ly and wjuio twcnty-llv- armod retulitora. At last dates ho had not put In an appourance, cither at Havana or Puerto Piluclpc. (icn. VAUMAStu.v lcll llaami for the district of Las VilluH, for tlio purpotvj of receiving per- sonally tho subuiUwiou of fODio of thu Cuban in that station, who, it was stated, declined to surrenditr to any but tho Captain-Ocii.ra- l. Vai..masf;)A got an far as Tlla Chira, aud 11 ml big tfi&t Imi had been deceivul, returned lu ilIhifusL to Havana, The VittriixU la Mxrim of Fob. .", pub-llslte- d on the evuuf tho departure of the mail steamer for Spain, given la jroof of its statement that "tho rebellion In ndi"".," an absurd account of au eugageuieut in the neighborhood of Puerto Priucipe, In which it stoti'b that the Spanish troops had to light "various bodies of tbo enemy;" that "the iaburgenta were very numerous;" that "a very Ir.bk II ro wan direcUd on mu Uiclr men ;" that " the tJeueral oomniuniling found out that the wuemy had rxsourees ," tlut " lit one moment tlm Cubans were In nuch nuiuU-ri- i that thoy surrounded us the Spaniard lu front, in tho rear, and ou both sides;" tlut " wlion the whole of the battal- ion arrived, thtihilbi which commaudiil tbo road wero crowned i.itli numerous bodies of tb enemy, which intiva-e- d all tho time;" that " tho llro becatue generul at all points oceiipicd by tho enemy ;" that " pcrfi'i t shower of bolls fell uvou our k'lhlicrc," ami thi'D, to wind it up, thiil they, tuoSpmilirJ.i, had ono killil, thrco wuitudeil, ami two brunj.'d. Hereupon " the Oeneral ordered a ijtrkt m ordrr to attoud to tho wouiuled, u')uuj of whoot were lu a dmiginnis Fioiu which wo ar to heliuvo that th Spau,wdtke such, tewd'ir care of tlujlr nii thft a itoriui boxuliouis witlulrawn i o(4r to twtk wwundsot throe mji. At vu)tl.i v)ce, Miumcu) ill AVr tha ttraiA tlb us. COO vjt 7CQ iinuriwitn. -- .. i ntf .i --- .tfghtlDjf behind BmfiujaSMfr behind trees, "and In tho buslij ond' ffrlng two or three Irbunii) caili, wcro dofcnMd by 200 Spaniards lighting In tho open, ahd lnn tho Span- iards lost two killed. Agnln, 400 Cubcns under Dumiu:ta tho nttackeil n lower nino mil'3 from Puerto Priudpo. Tlio tower is defended by twenty-flv- o Spaniards, of whom fourteen nro killed, soven severely woundoil, and tho other four bl ghtly wounded, and tho Cubans arc diivt n off. That Is, four sllghlly wounded Span-lard- s waiter ICO Cut aim. Tho fcnmc tele- gram Informs us that 000 Cubans under Maximo ClOMrv. detented 100 Spaniards nt Maynrl, In the Fattcrn Department, and that the Spaniard!) lost 100 men. This is cvl dcntly ft mlRtaho tor which tho operator, the lelcgrnphlcone, will probably be gnrrotcd. Tho object of thus endeavoring to sup- press the revolution on paper Is well under- stood in Havana. Vti.MAP.:i.i wniitn to bo Captain 0 nrral of tho Iflaml, which place ho now o:dy hohla by n munly tcmpeirrry teiiuri', and as ho to the tool of the volunt-er- a they clamor fur his appointment. lie Muds ho cannot conquer Cuba by arm-"- , nnd r,o lo tho method of all his pr.nlee-tMi- rs ho kills tho revolution on paper. Tho dlf semination of tbcto absurd rejiorts of tho collapse- - of tho Cuban w ar of Independ- ence) has been diligently agisted by an ng nt of ono of our contemporaries In Iluvsnn, who liko tho traitor XavuMMM Auamio, is cur- rently' lielleved to havo recelveil forty thou- sand iIoIUm from tho Spanlbli Oovrnnient. Thin man, Piiicij wo notlco that Intcly, as If nbhamed or his name, ho culls hiuittdf Pit. i v. isabrulhcr in law of Cohnk-m- P.Mtno ; was formerly n watehmnker in Puerto PrineiH', and onco Pnitiil Stales Con- sular Agent In Nucvilas. Ho camo ta this country somo time klnce.whon tho 11 INKS were being del ated on in Concem, with Idlers to the Minister in Wash- ington ; and nlthouj.'h bo passed hlmivlf ofl'to tho Cubans here eso warm ally of ihc ri volu- tion, ho left his family In Puerto Prinrlpe, In tho hands of tho Spaulanls an hostages that ho would servo their causa Ho Is now em- ployed by them In Havana in misleading the oiitsldo world. .Second-Han- d nooks. Tho rales of second-han- books aro be- coming enormous. Wo suppone Ihc owners ore fearful lest after they nro dead a will should bo found In somo odd volume, that will dispose of their property in a way thoy never expected. If thefo wills aro held to be genuine, It may soon be nccetsary to renew the old lnw which they had In Salem against witchcraft. In tho MauMchiibclU Legislature a few dajs fiu the Committee on Hanks and Hanking pave a licaiinu to cciUin ndtocntea of repealing the law to Mcicut Laul.iiiit by iudititloal, in 1 lie course of it bich iouc siuguliir linancul tlieorici wcro ftdtuiiccd. A Mr. Waokun cihib'"-- Micciincu uf a i urrency which be nr "rVaBI! Dl1 which be ct im.'l " 7 '." iitenee. L- - l"," gr'"1'". J KpIJ " iiit poor repri ,jjtm,i f ;!)t tifiil atlU lr. Mr. YV.iiHt!' I'urrru.'v wmjl,,ihJ of (otnclliinj; in Ibr linililuilo of u luiik lull, about Hi" tite of tlio lifly-ccu- t M.'np, vi IiuJi is tiU.i u ki a rrulul-in- s inrilium li; omc nl Hit) proplo ut t'liftonilatc, uhen. lie 'ii u. 'II. .' hilniitd " l.iibtir for labor," anil llic 'criuieu iliuitj luj is lis maik of value " Ono hour' aiJt In luructik i'.ii:;, or rilit poundl cf com." It liu alio on It llic words " not Irajiafi rallc," r.Litii ii iiipt jul to eAcrpt it ft oin the poiially ofll't'lair. Mr. WimiM c orcd urli leuJtliou a to alloit tjiv itsui' of HJi ik'n liption of eiirrciiey lor largi? (tnouotx. To tlit siicgciilioii tlut uiuni-- bouil on i:oui not be it oi tli ujuic it' n half ai much iu St. l.buit as in Ilutlon, aud tlut individual notes of tli.j liml wouli) proie neiililns ttl(crc the uiukrrwit not knoivii, it urn sngcly rcillcd that, " the vUtio of a llilu was not in considerations, other than that money in tbli ciaa represented nouietiing, while paper or gold did not," A rj. iUiafll. ::r, nhs wwc 4pM, fvr &t ikorin8 cltSscs, said tkat ah could not borrow ruoiy fiom a bank vilth whleh to bujld a hoiut; but nhen she had rnongh of thsw acknowWdifuieots of com or labor due Ittr abs wu.ilJ gathrr all ttiena debtor and build kt boute, Immte under the imprcisiou that pcl W'nilil ratber work tor orders tor roro tlian for ntucn-bacs- and that l)Celtrri,',hU' and liOimnknt' labor could eonmnicalljr bo mail aiailible in put'ini; up a dwelling. W do not know how many ponons bought tickcta in tire Uauiilteoi Ojkmh llnnio lottery. Wc cuit't jy who drew the prti. Wo bare no positive iufuroutiou ai to nlictbcrtbe priiesncre Ciiily ilrann, Hut its do knotr that ar.y nun who bnp a tkket in any ep.noa'e il railing Is a fool, ntul ilcserri-- lo lt'30 big uioury. Ttiii is tlio only -- .itihfwtion that w can ite lo tlio buutlrvd RHit louieu nbu haio recently us that Uiey Iiam bfiu.tiviudkil in llic llamillon Ojun Houm) Lonrrj," and tlitl the.. " want tlic fraud uxpos'd in the ontiimu ol'tour nioit TaluaUe pT, Tim Si-x- . ' " Thero lsalwayn noinethln)f going on in I.itllo l'cillini;liii," trnuuphajilly rvuiaiLi-- au cutbualaitle citizun of that noted tonn on the oc- casion of au eclijuie of tho inuou. There ii always KOUictbing ptiiii u to Hoiloo, too, aud tioo.uenlly luatlcis of uiturrjl happen thei'a which could not by any iioiHibilily haio occurred in any other city. A liltlo inuUc aao l'taunu m the lion of the day, lull tint ilUlirKuLiheJ actor has ltt tht Hub, umlnow Kldc'i' Ki.irr, the euiincnt revival- ist, uipar lo provida I bo etiitcmeut ueoeawrr to a lloitou'uui'auxittanop. The Wdcr ii uoUd far aud wide fur Die vittd and jraphlo plvhires nhich ho alvcj liH beat ers of tko tormciiti airait-iu)- ; lbs viivkeil lu a futuie stutu of puuiiliiutul. and an admirer iiriU'i of blru that be Uaa well acipiaintrd with bull m if be luid boeu brought up jail, and as Iboriiufbly vmod in tliedoiueof tho Kiil Oik as if bit i enjojal a lt)( aud Dmiillar penonn) aeiuaiutasio m ila, bin). Tlw Klucr Ijji botn luildiiije u series of biciiUbi; iu 'frungut Temple, In nlilch, ii nl tvilh him, tbo tti. iota of a liuiy iuul buruiiiK btmutouc hrslbir bale been tbe burjmiol'hli dibrouiv. 'flic Iter. Jlr. Haiih, a Vintariiii elcim'inau, bolicviu Itial such s'yW of prevelilni; ws pernieiniis m ila lliIUl', toulit to C'lUUluiact 111 rflfV.'ts by ataliouln blmlf al th outer ikior of li Teui-pi- e and dislributliitf to paaicu by iciluiu trml.t itruid bv tho Auieiimu l oii.itiiui Avsonati .n. Klilcr Kxait upoa hurinn Mr, lUicu'a nut luoiud to etC'""liiij wiulli, and, ncconlini,' to the lloston Htnttil, inforiurd n iiiiDilur ol hid healers that a iiiit'iubto Intidil Mas oul-ld- v ilia tiibutiui; I r.itt i, urn! ttked them lu puy that lie ml jbt be kliaUn oicr hell uulil ho itv. pcutcd. It it i polled Ih&t the ll.t. Mr, kVnov, lo of Tremoiit Temple a Kfiitletuaa in retiurd to whote namo llmo cvUlt in the publlo uiiud a confused aitociation Hilli li;ti' ber was leas eharitaljls tbuu bis oldi r co- adjutor, and advised tho audivne uot lo pray fur " tbo iiiisuajils Ulllt) lietil." a ho Has uvt vtui-t- gracing for. If tb prayers were ma4e, Ills ! tbal ilea it uubeediil, tor Ur. IltK V Bl - ik - JL-- J-- irlalntalncikHspbst and oelttriivVW dfneWnWV the ebnotlelis dwstrlflid IlterMuWf haVJ3n the frldnds of dct KyArr InVoltd llrt strong arm1 of tho lait, and" had tho tract distributer ar- rested on tbo charge of violullnja city ordlnanca nhich ajs that "nd pttt l Ml stand In any street for tb" putpo'C of i:tii"llng cillery or for lb'- - sals of any nrticl. ir P'f 'lit elrel': of any bui,ines cr calling ut Ics Jjly liccuted by tbo Iloutd of AU'.'tuien." Mr. Hiteu rsvc bail in (200 to snsvrei tho ehnrj1, but al his exan.ina. tiotiintlio Mtitiie'pal Contt on Tued.iy, bo was ilinehargrd, Jndgo lltcix ileclillng that his cmo did not propi rly cotun 1111111'? tho ordinance. Cpt. Abi'.r.ur nr.Uttoirr. thcdlallnfluished author of tbo VatulTbilt l'n)tisc, has returned to Ilia city from his vUit in M'aehington. Judntng from tbo roporU which wo havo seen lu tlio pjptr, this visit was an eminently Inltresllnfl one. The meeting between (.'apt. Dc (Jnoot aud Cot rex in the ante-roo- of the Senott Chamber is as exceedingly cor-di- and cngs-iiii- ?. Heading the aecoittitS er It niokci 0110 sorry f)r CotrAX; for the redaction mutt have crossed bit mind as bo was conversing with tho gallaul Cuptuln, that there is noit no hope that any great roulptor will ever mould in eii'Jmiiiy brsfi tlio llkincss of fTcnirtta Cou'AX ns ono of the l'l.i'l'-'til- . Capt. Us Or.oor - ho It not yet marrll, n it eecu as much as bis fiiend Joixxu 1o IntLrticwed SetmtOY Punto, St'iistor Su!xi:n, and many other diitiriu;ulshcd aUtesiucn. Scuahir PeMOx especially eccras to havo made an impression upon his luliid. Since his return he has been buny meklnjj the drawings for the pedcttsl of the (Treat ttatuo of PustKLiy, which Is to be placed neir the Si eftlco In Printing llouso Mpinr, nnd alto In dcsltnipg the fence by which this Intel eiKhi work will be sur- rounded afl?r It Is fltilihcd. Wo rerrret to learn that this statue will not bo ready for erection be- fore the latter ttarl f tbo snrumer. Meanwhile, whit Is belog dene about tho statue of the flon. Hoss TnESDf Have (he Cominittco ttho bate tho mailer la charge biken ady steps to prOPtire from our sculptors t Mr. Titttn is a lino subject fnrtlieart of tlio ttituary; and we that au 'ueslriaiv ttatne of him would bo exeeedingly appropriate. Tlic horc should bo a hiirli iini.. After the statue of Tcam-li- s l as been put up In Printing Hn ise s.piare, tve g,Wc notiio that ne shall set on ft a movement to erect a staluo of tho other roM American prlulor, Hoatca Oktt.-Lr.r- , in front of Tryon row, opposlts tornisnii. Get jour tubtcrlptions r'adyl President Oiunt's remarkablo tnesago l:i fTor of ralsinj? the salary of the Minister to Pruli has created preat atonishmetit In Paris, vrherc they Cod it difficult lo sen h'jnr it is that, the assumption of the Imperial purple by tho chief ruler of a nation rcnJ..rt thj pollUcal iustl. tutions of that nition like those of the United Stales. It is probable that onlng to thdr own misfortunes tlic French have not kepi thcmselres full; informed ropeetin the pronrc'slre charac- ter our Gorcrmnenl is assuming under the pres- ent Aduiiuittralion. Many of our readers doubtlcsH "Vo heard of tbo Iter. H. A. IIoiunp, l""'r lnoBn ,hs famous in Hoy IVcacher of Kcn'--- V' his beardless but tremendous h's j oulb a"J -- wr fli urn called sinners to repentance. lis vtss a Metliodist, aud reiirali s re- joiced iu his pivtence. Uf late ho has toned downv-t- o such a droe in lor I that he lias con- cluded lo joiu the 12piiCoial Cburcb. Ibe letter lu Hindi bs auaijuoas tliit change is a very cluractcrUtlc one. '1 he II 1'reacln.r had a precocious but a most until cipline 1 uiiinl. Hit imainuliou was frirent, bat hU literary tattocx-cidiij.- y bal; on.l lli.w qualities h mak s nian.lVit in but Liter. It addrotied to t la - I'.loer of tlio district in which be preanbed. " 1 leasu tbo Mcthodiit," uts the Hoy Pioucher, "with a sorrow that shrinks fum the mockery of esprssieu ;" nbcrcupou he al onco proceeds to dilato ou that sirrovr, to imtiilje frci ly loibc; "mookery of expression" iu the fanciful way that is characteristic of tb inau. Auiocg his causes of gri jf ai nevrance fiuui the MetbodUt Church oj p.-- r tlio folloiving: " All my inlertwiuini; tloirers of fuindship bare rowr up iiiibin itsboiJeraaud ben Mlb igmal culliir.-- . All the dlvcrailiod tl.irw'.uls ot my combine to weave its ii.eujO into " rfJ .ni M my life. Te le il !t to tesr the beart itself io twain ; but bcturr lliiathan auninn which cannot be proUuigcd nithuat dissimula- tion." This way not be very bad mitinc, but it ctr-- ' taialy Is But wry good. Tlw Hwts uf rbelorie nted little cripiir.s, and Ibe "llueui of rsrnl- - niseencc" that uvaves the Im-i- of church into the tint of a man's lll'e, It vnt that Dr. Ulair wnutd biro cut ah oik Keally, so far an this letter is an evidence, it does nut scry distinctly appear that tb Mclbo- - ititt t'burch's Ion ia likely to prove tlm Kpiscopal Chnrch't piiu. Mr. IIulisms il la ntated, is i.tuiivi-n- Sit holy vidi-rs- . SV'ouM It nut be well lor him to Include "Campbell's Kb lorie " in his eurriculuiu' Tbo diildicii of the pr'twnl dny nro becom- ing na fiitmliur wlih the 1ni vju.1l rlmrail-'rittic- j of our Pietkhut ns llu-I- r prtdecessnrs of curlier geu'TttloD neie vtltb tha trutliful nature of lltosus Wtsuisciot, as Illustrated in the famous story of Ibr little hatchet and the puat trre. lu Tin Haul last summer, at tho boaso of s prominent Kcpubltcan, a party tf littU rhildren from 7 to IJ year of age nere playing at cbnnules. Tha cnnuluduig stllublo of a wont was wrnlcd, and this is tlx way it iras gitrn: A Utile Kiilnnlered, and, after boiviug to little boy .icatcii In iim room, liandea mm a pacKuire, say. nig, "llcie is a prrteut vTottb ten tluiusutid dol. Iar." Neat ciuue a liltlo boy, who said, "We base juat bought for you a rery nice house." Then cuinc u tblld, not mora than sight years olJ, loading a big Ntwtvundtaiid dog, altuvst as tall as kimtclf, and 'aid, " 1 bivo btought you a sice pup, and I waut to be Postmaster.'' In an inaliuit Uuy vinces all out the room were shout- ing "IttiNr! (in st I (IkAM!" Though Pieni-di- (latm will not be ruilclcd, thcro i.s littles danger that he will be furgottcu aftir his term ol" ollicv espirc. Li(Uor dealer In Ohio coiupiuin thnt un- der tlio niiT lair women who havo shiftless bus-bau- at riiiug them for support on tbegronuil tkat the uiru are pmsented unm piovliliux fox Hmu laimhra in eoatcipioiioo of thwr indiilgoncs inliiiuor; and Ibji women get vordiets in their Carnr, aoaiorime cten m lieu It Li pron d that the improvident huib.iuds will not vtmk vilicu they aro perfectly tobir. Tho tonseiu.uco it that in somo uri-- t of tl.o Slate a luariied insn cannot get a dunk nf llipior without 11 mitten permis- sion from int wife -- and a rery imI con 0 11 is. lu lbtiit, uuc llunlingtoti na arruated iu I mil 'ana lor liat mg a lioro lielon'iu; Ij tl.a United tftiitti In Ids iotmiioo, hu ruylaj atumpted to l'-- i tinteioaitnt braud bj aud nlvlnii htlto i.touimn to l'ult,l Nuin uolccrt la rciard to tlio luih r. In 1601, In the Circuit Court of llivley 'omit)-- , In liter asue bl:Jr. lluutiiislon rt eorrml SJi.WJ0ilJluiiPsnjalntl t!n. J. (' Meljult-to- aud d. U. Skeeo, nlio wcro l'rovou .Mui'ilia) mid itM.-lu- il at the Hum of tke arrutt. Tlio t'n.umlttaf oa Claim has reioil'l in fator of an ai'iorisliou of tl!,f)l) le relmbuire Mmrs. Melilttou 0114 Sufu for tho auiouut of damsjet n covered froia tnrm far dolus; Uialrdaty under the uUIUr orders l Uieii tiintrlor otVr lisxiua-tts- te Biiy Us oast, et court la tfca caar, tmouat. lor la ttyeral kscdrit' iclUik. !1T,T WEED'S LEOISLAtUftfe. ritn ntinf.ic is voi.oksc dr the A3f:.un:.Y , it it-il- l. - - A Mvrlr noiit lliivteen I.ltllijotiu rtnr! Itepnhllenn llnrtnonr lepfror cd Tliroithu Ihc Odlnni ol tlio foul t'linlo t pou llil) .Ulni'H. turiouor.Qcnca ot Ilia Km. Aiiunr, Maich 2. This gjiicrnl ords dsn Ho mornhw sesrlnn of t:io Airetiiblrjuas In tlio con. Itntlon of bills In Connnl'tro of tlio Wholo. Thcro was a Icujtlij iliacu"tl)n over a Mil Introdileo'l by Mr. Vavi or Trori wlilrti pro-- I Ibi's lilo iTuraieo companies from s'ltltnt np a claim of Iraud alter thrco annual umrnts had been made. It wis bitterly opposoil by Mr. Berlblier of Wcitchetltr, who Is lanrly lotoreitcd In the U'o tnsuraneo s. Atr. Alyor J H the (treat was that egints were cntp'ojed by tbcfe eoairenlos wltbout rceard to their cipabllltlos for the pasltlon, and whole rocrcscntathin In many exesvsero ftlioand not? sustained by thocompanlis. lto believed tiio tmttsga of tbo law would, lead cmapauios to bo inoro cnrolul In the taking of ris'.s and as to Ikf character of men whom tiivy employed at ajents. Jto Imped it would Was, Mr. Hutted bclloyed Titr svstesi or urn ixientNoa to bo snsoond. Tlio o' Jeet Bcmnod lobototet ns many eollcles as puslbl', wltbout duo caution as to the risks tik.'n. Ito bctlev eJ that all pollcl shotld bo undo non forf'iitable, and Hint when a man vJ any money ou a policy and It nnablo to keep np Ms payments, he Should recelye a yalld polity pro rati to the seta he bad paid In, or the value Ol such a polley in money. Itr. Hoyrs of JtoiT York also advocated the bill, and In the confab of his renurks nhtcd tifi cvao of s toor w'daian lio;e hutb'oid had recently died, sod llic rtl'.llnt up of whoso pot-Ic- to haJ, IJy a sjife-- of f)gorln which he was tot-ill- itaahta lo corhcrehend, on loans, Intoreit. Ae., thi eompsny dctnu'h d thlt woman out nf Ho bOlrveJ llist a brji ntim- - ber of the llfo lnnrinci cotnp-inl- of this Stato wero natiund, and l. hoped that aoins measure" venoIJ bo fatten to protect tho polley boM'rs rfnlnst couiptnkt wliicti wrro piflnj Some of Ihnlr onl-- . cert as hljh ai s.l.tM it year salary, and the accnts of which wcro niskln? from (XS.OX) to I SO on a year by tho enormous percent-- a t.ld thorn by thee conipaoln. Wr. I.IUliJolin i.'o adiouited tho pa.tiitn nf ihe I iw He bi'lined that ver irdieell'n should he llirown wound relief I oldeis who by this meatri air taking the pnvanllon ti htn tomrthlnS for their faml'ln whrnttiry nredoad, .Mr, l(lkri was cerot.e.1 to the bill, as wn also Mr. Albaricrr. Tho dl'di'tlon was lonj. anj li some (sstsnen hlf'iT, bm th bl I was Orally ordered to a U Ird rcsdlnx by a vote of SI to 'it. Thcra was alto A uvit.Y srAnalsd waicti Ultli-joh- and Alrf r tMa nuen-lu- g enr a hill auUiorlilits Ike fconelnc olctlun ton In aid of tue rointnictlon ol the Lake Duta-rl- o Hhore ludroad. 1 Iwru tins been n crolcald-acr- s hiivnoi thai ctntlemrn lr some Um, and It rulmluat-- 4 u-d- when Mr. Altoid ovpatcil tola bill, whlcfc it uim nt Utllrjitlin'j pets. J'bosrone sa Hen ". and wan lively fioiod by (l.e Deraocrals. IVm Jin liviue. JSlon, 'imt many olViw ra!ll around UiH'Jcbn, Brains liim o, while V'li"f.T)ui Ctunbsll, Moalr)-- , frcar. and n .iosen mlitr iMmeer.Ut paid lbs nm aitei tlonto the OnonU.-e- e uianb llvth wcrn loudly nntitaaded, but It was uvlleeatbv taat al) tho hand tlnpnuur and ki tvas dona by the psuoiruU, tbo K'tnt nHmlly btiel uiccl. swiyjred by lUlsairen tovturo between tbu ld 6iautM ttii-i- r mii. Tiiii hli dii(rjr1idl hope ot barmcoy amtnz tlo lint ijunU. krrMawtmi,fl'rM''l)ier.tst a cmn-iin,- ' n. , very mucti etattd. Tkeball was owk1 tij lb ilaoniUta tlitnt. In irply (v inme K'aeaal rvnorkt 01 Lltllrjohn iu later of tae louicool Ihe kill, as to'lona: 11 r. Alrord 'ill tn dU not Intend ta enter Isto ttiH Ir'.atc, but en btli'Trd tills loan bunjint in bo wroiiy, aud llit it avulil ultltnnttly I. Uj U.c iticit injury ol 11- pnoplc of Uw hltlr, and too men wl.o saw adtacato I it la the oatt would And tbal iW bid mtdi. ngi ist r.iuUk- -, au I itvald wtta tbuiuw ro.rd 01 I'mlr dec's lu ilia reject aiiziit be ligtt -- l util frnsi 1I10 memory 01 aim. Here Mr. I ililfjoim eprsiur to lit f'ct like a routed lU'r. tints, l'mloa, Jncopi, (I'llrlcr, and tiny oH.erinr.tll-r.- il aro.mJ lUin. lleeaid that Cray bans wLonld ut bring connlaUnct . ly loin r iUl. NiIjou, auJ lil.uj Hi i.ial Sir. Aliom I'.J 0W lor town bonding l.ii li ukt CAicuiaUd t, bvHeQt C t. u vlirro Lu lived. lli-ri- ' Mr. Sli-or- at Let 1.1 01 to 11 iron tbc lime. Jlr. Utllijkil.n reutkd, that tl.o city ol hjr.i'ii-- o v.ji locdo.1 10 ibe e.unlof aud tost turn hrro atiAni;r.utiJ In l- -- liw a trollon that It ihi'y b)ndeil tuaro "hoiild ncor le a mortgage debt v 'it ution ue tonn; jni 11 r. Alvool v,. unv hero nikiu tie Lejlelaturo to tvtvxl Uiot poti-io- a In nr4r to r.ct, tbc vctift or U10 taspiycraot b)rar Cite by am tniotnu I'SJIO. rtmtren.e aptilaDi by all Ibe He tun II itat well oudiTKio'x) that a bill which be odvooutod last mntcjr looking k the inUroaiuf tot eon.lliuouey Iuul ini! r a imo yretrst b"ii opposed by bia Irlvad lioni Onoudgt. HnwHhel to lx" that ifratleuun Ihit i 1. lutha ponir .,! trro'O llh..ui he to nniilblUto liu bgtlu"fs by I addill'inal duties on salt. tTrcinemhnit .trm!ae by .Hoaoley, Co)t, Fte.df, Cvuaoil au all Ine nofi'iirt of tug tWvlA. one of the, 'uVii t'aCC rtiaoopolles thai lM'f t.r fiiiy. iuitiia;3tr T() ni j ,fn trn,. i -- 1. 11 In th" ral and r"spcrcn Kim at a tlatMinin ..t fioor'i hcltl-ilor- . lint when ha Bontckt to ociiy M olr i- - flsof Ibi tValu enilhut euiejrd he would le'l him awl this nil fir th. am limg- - Ihat they la.ul hinn a aeittemeni urt uud ow. itnaulaioua dapping of liau'.n by tho LKnocriH.J llio i)nin!.vfi Hunt kii-- l ha hail but a fair words tu aay, ttul bo voi.Ut try ta da ro will) lua taaa ta geatlruna utim On we 1:0. Tkni (enlttnuut hud netted mi& a ii whleh 10 muhl not mt out. Il nikt I vol' d hir bills to bond kicnlltmt nllhiu uy uwn Ltiei'.ini'mJ llu nouU auro hit grmieraaa null il tn hnl bvn In Dim I1ju wtmu fliuw bilh vtrre uu-t- ke would Law o;po ml thcbi, T.a (culltuiBai had said mat t if n more hanJ cl.lDlml .t i.bout to br .juuultid by tit action inm In rulo of rtyrac'itn. T lit bill ho refer lo rilrm iku couvnl ut Uw, eliy Ii4etr. Ttcn aaw ru ire ba t rtaodT He would li'ip llic ratut4lbUlts ot his aollua. Ilj h.1 ca the lloor nl tlm Ilusso, Sbd taoal-- l m lo at Ho.l give blni USr, aa d.tasted of all dniilrv ui juv. lely by ir facniK' nieaLsto prime I an, incisure nt jt mu .a Ibe ei.vnrii.iot Uttk-tyao- f rtshl, tnd pilielpK'. nnd U' Ire. tlio from (Mnej(a ni't ttilt linuie uili;ht run! .wtn p. j that whether tr) sliaald analbibm bit Inline. b ptiisti iiiiiat ox mr . mora aiplnut by Iba bait lMiuliteei- - or nut.lie aliviild aland tv re uli 1 aU Ibe rbrra lie nl van. if every bill of hhwae tunk lo utter deitni. Ioji to flctil hit prlaolphi. n and tone, or. ll.oug con- tinued appiauio by it Deower li I Aflar leutatke by Itr. feuitKirn, wbo looit exeuvtkia to nr. JJullejiihn'n sailnc ka did not ivpreMnt th dUltiet wiioh U4 came rrooi, sir. ,lirm aald thai, thinli it hm dual U lateirmn iho tiaruuiay wKlcb prevailed annua- ibe ptatlemae, in order to bate aunt SilMuait ttoiui, b wciakl moto that tha Coiaiatttae rlxi and inaai protms, wbicli was done. BobsturKatly, Mr. ilwrit vHlteJ II r. Llitielahm and endranornd to efft a tin ka Diet with inllfr.Fi'Dl ocoeet. IJiirtuit Ike aeiulou ia Iba Aisestuly trtlerdat. Mi. 1 iti.riobu undertook to Ikraw Tni opivu of tea eon. riMC upon thewioarsnad Wades vskin. He kald he be. lined iku the wbalo fault iu rolol wult the Itlrly thoumad stleers of PrantylranU wbo desired to taru. tu teten rwvrt n man of euuil Imvllll-oc- e and ladealry is New Y01K btute tu.ik twe tr three daii to earn. The ruluvr ol rrnaiyl aidawas leKla4 to lujaie iae uir wan of .New Yorh (or hit uwa advani(e. fie ejld fault dm uot lie with the re.iecta.bfci toudlsic coat caainasltt, set with lliearaeploa of Ue wlaerl ttirmtct,i-e- ; nor did It lie wllb the mllreed. far lut Ue ad eaaea ef the price of rod I Ike vrioe at IImi trintiiut latlou tbrrt-'i- bad remained Iba aaiiM. Ae Sir. Lit. tlejobu It n itainlto enndldate lor the Ijeuhkilero and deponds la a tiiat lainMir apoii ike totee of wurkltigoirii tu iindbtei Sere, it nvnld be well for tUcoi lo make note ef this, at an ludK-allo- af What tie w ill da hn tiielr Int. rests aro bniunhl in coullicl wlih Ikean of tailrnud and other laotivp. bliet, cf which ke It lire lefn nuilnt heni. Ue. Mwole. f Klll. a niau wUn telJuai takca up the time uT the Itoute la rreehJlylrir. took et rrpliosa lo Mr MlUejoria's Biun tko in a tetUnK little epeeeei, 't he Allnuy while ftttiur aearly fall resrU of Nr. Uut-Jokn'- and ollir tt'nlleiaen'a .fwebe, eullirlt uriiorrd Mr. ilueel.t a. aad fur t.Vit reaou I .exl jwi n tMtia ol w'uil he trdd, in utikr dill lle tturk.lae.uiu uf K n(H countv aud lie hutv may know that there kl one laan Ui Ibe lfitlitiim tvho kelleiaa Ike labortr wortliy ut his hire. Mr. Wnt ley aald the mineri hao do cbanre to b- - bounl ktru, but hs knrir thst Ikuy w"r llm men who had the wealth of I'rniuv.lvaaia. lu mtj our one huaitr-'- r Ibeie uiiii nnnuv Iku (euti.niau frtiui Otwet h.d cbarirvdttltli tocaiviuir tuch cuor iikiiui reaiiinerntliiii foe tbnlr labor tvitti brouabl bp troui i uc ol Hie'e niiue-- ttitf, l.irli wriiiet, srcauie ei uf these coal uuninasics em too raemi to fur nlah another mode of ejrris. Hekntrv thai iVo man bad to prvlert ibcinn lev, bit ia doln Ililt, they hid euily oi:one Hie eiuuplc of t'te cool ciMupaiilee ant ntlliaid enrpumiiOHa, who had combined I koep up tha unem of eitil iitid the witKeiof norkl ijriaen Onnn. II -- iiole lur about ten mlniit i and wan II.I' .hjm lo uli the clotett uitruiion Ihrouthoul. Tltl. ciiiuintx's m t'1 'irtr. The bill to .uiU.pcl'.o Hie bnpfMieort ol N'i w VorV. tornliuJW.OOOruiouilli rortnelwhetlioritiliehur ly came uy u the Menl'( t'ooiulite ol the Whole this iuarnin& clenbtor Jiortoiiuf Nt1 York 190k to ay thst Ida cbureee agalaal the iselituilnu which hehndbij.u Induced to wrtteol, bal. lu his spUoon, luyued Out uJltrly usfouadad. Tbii yartles avtktng the ctunit Md reduced mt ssldeae tu miipuri el tkini, wd it VM eutiitlt uotiaeed that Ike Kittltmleii trar au eaeeKtslK HSUt rnecsfECQBKTvieteevMeew-Mrvi- i .y i luti eriafltimVdcjerylni.iflhcsitluf fie aulliorltlet. Henkvee Cralmer fullow I M tho sarni effeet, md jibo bill to s t' lrl reading if.tnvs to it'ii.a nstt. isr tu. FrY.JtOf' Mtr, t.y'sl.l.l to'0 tie disabilities nnder WHICH -- lient 11 'w Inborln retpn" In holding eat.ite, catre un In I'onmlMi u oi tlio Vi'ho'n In tin K.'i Ho. Mr. Murphy supported tbo p.illev nf t.10 bill In art UMo argdarcnt. It iras tlcasierl st con.d'Mi')ts lenglli hv other Sennto.-i- , ml a It seeim d proper to havo II id In in.'i" plosrcst wii A' ally moved, end It wl come up tor uVcn'-fsr- liHesttiV. SI. GI.M.T. Fcnntor oirnr- dtlio follmvlni rosotntlon: i.SfA, Tnvt the f'ommlltee on It.Utroati m dl-r- t. 'I in ivi on to U1I1 1. oily ttfttiln led lit. the n.ult or te ir in v tiipu.itlti ihucucac of tbo recent ac-- 1.1- ui ki ..- - lls'nrnirsh. lis iniroditi-lfn- was nreeedM hyn aniryom-ver.sli.n- I'iieii-tle- ii hilMeen Tom Cru inter and Harry (tenet, flu. (Iislfitiln 61 tho lltitrrisd f'im-mlttc- atchliti COmlnllteo t'jd resolatlou wohld seem to tca drive. The resolution w'Ks Utd on ike tlblntolio prl'itert, Ci earner noting he iVuiiM pbt It on lis rsJt!o nt an early day. Orsel etlicntly regards ihc matter as a flinir t him personally, nilts MttODl'tEn. flenslor Tweed Introdnred tlio fcl'owlng Mils: Incorporating Ilia Xey York Advcrtitlng Com. tatty, Uho shsll tiate tbo rrlvllem to en ct columns npon wl leli tb post hills, and nor flvo per Ibe net csrtilhzs to tint cur; amendlnd tne set to cor- rect abnva In tlm city of Nuw York In rrUylnt; plfenient ley property oWtwri snd other, vnennyer 1 porllorl nt tho rflTemenl is teniporarlty removed j Piovl'llni Hist oiler April 1, 1371. Ill notaries poldlo hall he appointed I) tbo eecrntory ot State, (o hold am, e lor tf o ioin ; niipllenlonS for appointment to be mads lo I he Feeretary of Htatc. and caetr one td inj to the ecrc'arv or htalo 1 10, to go loth lh" Mhiary- Kiind, Henstor rTcsiner latrMneed a bill provldln that Smith H. bane, William II. Traccy, or U.clr nsltn. crs. iharproccetl to etynliiso n coriioratltfii known ns the Jsoif Yorie Fleam Tralllt (,'otiipinyj tald t'einpany Mull urgsnln) on a eafillal of V),U)o, and the ccr:ons nasied siull be dlreetott. Aorin!i: jt.ntn'a An Art In Itrlntlnn lo the WldenlaB nnd ftriiluhtenlna nf Ilrnndvrny In llm City of Netr Yorb.iinil In Itcirulntei tlio l'rnc-tlc- o In thnt 1'rncredlna. raieeu lebnmry .7, 1T!I thfce-Sftli- b lne cretenU TUM'jovK of Oi KMMof Stw )prk, trprcKnttilt Aintatand Auunblu, tlo toad ut tmnnl. An atiaeat from the ordie of Ibe flseclal To. mm 1I1 ni'i rrnm l.ourl, lierewi'tire inane and teieil, ilia I of the towmrMiiiu-rfo- and Attettinent ha the matter of Iho appll-rsuo- of 'lie Mayer, AMennes, end ComnionHiy of tbteiiy 01 New vora'. for lbs widecinrt and itralahl-eninao- f l!ro9d..y. nivler etianler fjo 01 inelawaof rsi. afnl the am etneauatory (hereof, henis ehipief ftiol HieittfnpflnW.ptiiy ba utken bf tho tent Mayor, sldirmi 1, and Comn.oa.tlly 10 the leenorsl Terui of mo Cni .ii. 'nil lieTttrtmrni. " any t m'beTrrn the et nirstlon ot lour vmuilit from tbo dale of .aid order ol conflrrisiloot tucb arrest thall be t.tarrt at au il (rim a nrnteniiei.Titirtf rtanon, nnil may hti briiiiznl on at Suy (lentral lerin in the aaiit tint le eatlile.I to yietereaee on Oil eaiendM nter ail other afbee'.i ami bnine-a,ai- il may ba inovod by aald llsynr, Alituiaien. anil loioumnaliy out of In reiTiliaHKier.iinanviiay of nOrneril Te.m. heo.2. lliaaiiteatamherucdliy th- - f.rll fcoon of th ae iht I Im npon irro menu ibnrof. and wlih Ii. e etteei nt 11 1 iu tauic wee an ortcmal moihin lor tlie eoonrmation ot llu) ttul irori ut ue taie. Cam- - I'trn S. n anpett ithor:re.t by tne frit tectlna of Ibia act all buuken oy icrvlce. I11 ttmna'ec Of on be half errntl Mayor AMTIuen, mi cmnnionattr, af into inter npoa sue nieiii") ur coeaael uaiueit lu the orjer to apptale.i fiuui. m l by l ubllea. nan oteiuHi noueoonee a week nf two weeat. In two u.nlt pat.era kniili.nal in tha cm ot Xct Votk. and wbcaaj taken tneii appeal tnall operate ntilll ttio fiay of aeUam, or proceciliBst Drwiett, or toertalter 10 lu brousbt. nxalnni the ..ifl Itiyor. Aldermen. and roinmoualty, or am oneer OtereoLfer the ruloreeeieu er oollorilon of any award, fordaniacn made by ralil (.omrulttlnn. era la any peraau or pertnnt. 'ITie apncal miy be broucbt to Learluc by (ha ttul Mator, Alrtennen, and eoniniutiaiiy, or Miy i crtori IDtticttcJ In cam l roccod-ta- open lne n'M aotiee of arxuwienti prorliien. howt 'r, tlnoaia itmur, aiSciiuoii. aruteumuionaliy nay on rnwic uuou ierv lee of ructi nptioe 01 arnmrent only itA.t yaeauHid ninlcA in froui Anyandeieiy pertoii iul-- r SrhVi.jiimtti'riiiiniMTOilttedtoC-- assrd opoa tnM appcjttn wrrKia.or Uy attorney or eouuicl. He I. Wilorn trMne limttci for the UkliuE utttyt appeal, ud Bulwiihliaocisc I'nnea-tlene- thcreir, lne aait ttaror, Al'Icraien, audi 0.11 Motility may, at t' option, note, perorea Jiea of tlm Coerl tu tna fir. I OepvuriDti rnywr atfrreial tttiitor Cbaiabert, 11 vAcuro ui tald or dec iietilitfurniii.-id- al auvual Ttru.; mlU reporL Aed It Until hew; duty of tlijr'.4 loiiricr JU'lrrf. aiwh'eh or b'toih whom tueli nintWn may hcpnJi- to h"iw llu l am) If It thall apjiear to me eaidlourt er Juiltee thru there wr.t mi) orror, nut. Ukv, irieiilatlty, or illegal act Ui ibe tald prpesed-lajtiurtfi- ila.-,l- aj ai'J tlraialiloairr 01 Uroad'tiy, lUotj t'lle cf tl" ...ii iuoci4,(tii.i. fx f Italian aw iiearlo tal l C1U1I ur .lu ..ccllial (Ue V eitinrult for tieni tit or lie a it a nt . for dam.v;e,()r any or either of tucin t itr beene'ia-O- or asjuikor loetiuiialile. or op. pru't '. at reiiicc 'aU Muioe. Aidernieu. and n. or any per.on or pertont aiieeteo lucreby, Ibi '.tiii.oiul or Iiiii'e thall tactic .all order of ion, trin ttiei jpon h nullnnlvold, acdvbill r. we Mie laio-- Imhm 10 Com: u-j iucrt. a uiajot ll ol ti. 'iu .1 all fv: thu hr4,fot t liinuii tinner, vi).' limit I loreej to .jiiend and eoi . .el tu &at.t lepoit or 10 11. like a m w a.ttinent Inwaole or In pari, at llm nut 01 .lu.i'iv mil il'reet, an I t thol oiirt . uli 'o.l rciiori thtii houiuds v itbla tlx uontlu nltti llm orox reourinjllio uuliartuthe talr Cvuumt- loetif, um'I .a II bu for cau Cruiauont't Oie C'uurl upuji ut tneDJy daie' b iioWicaUja In at Liatt IDO daily ucr. tpapcri iniaoeliy if " ork. At t'nj rt .eoi ihi srttiiablleetior. ol inch notice, tlin tallComiiiiuKiaeri tlt.-if- ileuo-i- t latbt ottleeot tho IVponusnl or I'ublo Wurtt 10 laid cliv an abitract 01 then propoa'-- l Itrotr. alio .mif Hit nnardt nuUefor uamike and tbo uv nmentt impo.ed for brneflt, wlilci aumraet .hail remain In ajd oNce. opou to nubile aud etiminjlloa 11 i'.Ii ibe repoitot Ibatani CuiHinhitlonm reieutc t lur coutriu.iuou, at herrlu smvidiid. AnltuUi pivccee,ngtuni..'ialllunien. 112S;'1 ojuj;! til IJJ or iko r ir oihef itpeiT orrlTd Toiumlloneje,ajid iho tu a aad exnenaeaoti aM prjcceoms thatl by od i"eiietui; t IU'' Uwe now ev.iiui; relaitag to itieapcninef I'rroie and avtuuu lit 'be city cf New yor'i. nleil, hun jrer. t at m maXlu im 4 eorretted or vevMtteieru. tad retort laoteiili ommlttlonertuuty a..ttanra'1'l all pMitrif wnkArtiliey may uceni beu. rfluedbyuid Impruvauiaiil. wkeUiarlke tame ba or nelcuumlool witata the limit cr inheres eieevled Iriuo e'menl far by the aH runted Miy 11. liie buej clianUi sue of IV a true or ISJn, aoi) .a much of is. I lil'nnlKm KX. atpiorklMlir thoeieiun-lio- n of aoy rio:eiie 0dl uViiemeol IsbVeSy rV pealed. Ibetitlee 01 rioiu-- e yf ynrii motion in intn. acrheremafleriiteotlonelikalf a'tooreraie uniil ike klailnj nnd deteriruoalluo llwrroC as u Hay of upon xtltuil.. itit-nite- i lroeeotai.aDroiixkt or tkoieelnriii ke hroejkt aaats't tald Mayor, Alucr-aiei- i. and CitanooLSlty. or ary nttteer tharear for the eahiteeuiwt or collcvunn ol any award kir daaiKn ninaa by tna ConuuiaaJeaeri lo any iwnenorret'oai. Skc. 5. t roala hentofflre taied In trite matter ka'loe paid Uki nerox. niriuio; ed In tUcmkl urn. eeetlacM eelUlwl tsarelo. In IDirilk airuiiitr at It vuiil order ot coaflriaalion were net vacaieA. fjn. The niuMoa menlioaeillaiteelionfoar ef thlt ail tdull ho beard upon the piuoeedince nereiofoie hud In too tald maitcr, and also iipAn tueat utker tutpera ami tuih tfllfUvlit unt proofi aatbe laid klator. and Coumioaaliy ami any pereon liuereited, uitv aeo ill to rcat upiiu ihe benriez lieinra iho eonrt or Jui' Ice t and tha raid mutton may be hronapl oa. iiun notiee or not kiw tban fn. uaje k) or in ike aamo and the tent Mayiir. Aldenoeo, ami Common, ally. 10 bi' .eryed upon tu mtoraryeor conutel named ut Ibe iTtlrr tetmofoni eotere'l at tpenal trrui, at laealionod, and by patilioanou nl euoti tiotioa in at leaal two newspapcra pubuehrd m Ihc eliy of Sow York lor ailetti aro dayt pmionsio thotuuo iiiMiilorvt la tald noti-- e tor the makleicor ih motian. All irovedlnn kerelo ouikantMlobe taken hv 1I14 il)or. aldej-iuen- ami cufoiii'inalty of taevity rr New York 1 u t.i utkea b) tbe mayitr of takl city In (he aaaH. and oa behaii or the said liair, .iVlcruiili. anil Cauta-mally- . Sic 1, Ibe act iball tike tfiect Iniumllalt'.y. l.OI 1 110X1 ItD'.t ESTATE. Analber tVIII Illacoterrtl t'urla.ille r Ike 1'ln.l tVllt-lleim- ril ISitiN lie Nntrr Head It -- The Unnllemeu ttli tvere) lulerexleU. The folloiyiug is a copy of the will pr p.tred by Mr V. R. Bell, wbo bolde a ailoattou lu the Hetttlarr's Office Ua thla city. The late lamls Uoaard iljncd Uila doesroral on tlw tutfurday pievioai lo the rieculios ot the will of Peb. II, mH.un tho So- ciety foe Ike Pretention of lo Aaluult the toe la.iiniur of bit wraW'i. Tht follottlns will It niertdy writlra oa a esrel of ftilv tp paor, aud is the doeumcut which Mr. lierith says Ibe ililuj nit a teld tut wsa never iild over to hlai. and Hut he hardly knew Ita enntcnta, onlj he Mt certain that them had beta too mu h yru'piug ou Ike uit ot tnuie ixiaons iiitixr.Ud iu il. It l" atattd Ikal Wal- ter Janet, named In Ike tint will, purchased of Oman! aawa prnprtty at Is Walker street, aad aialnst lint property there la now due a sum of tX,X aecured by aioilcute. If thlt It ia Iho Itsaey would kato )ual cleared thin debt had Hie heeond win 101 beet mail. Ilttlsase up poorttiou of the will by him to Mr. Cajoobell, euo nf inn eti cut. ot the will, fuiylne 11 wat ot courea bow ofno ntc. It lus. however, beui nbieaj in the baudt ol tha Surrogate, ue Mr. IW'raU thai everytblag aball be done to mttl the libit of all parUes. ins I'ltist wiu. I. tjonli roaaid.'uf the illy t, New York. Mine nf touoif mind au.1 iiicuierj. do aiaVa Ikltuir Un will aud UHauicat, in laauner f'Jloa i.c ; Iriif.iievhe. aiut oen.ueath 10 ray ftlnid Walter im imuof lao.WO. I ulve nad btmuealh la my frl.nd William It Ui 11 ike uaa al tn set) at a rtiueailnaai r. All Hie real, retidue. ;irul rrnaiader ol my real nun aud prrto ml I cite, iti, aud iwaunaiu 10 lav rivtoiition or Liueliy in Anion.)., or aMih iieury IKrrli 1. 1'irtident, the Intertii ef v hxh only it lo he uted by iai.1 I Buiiiiuale unit aprwiiii Meary l'.erh 10 be eteeutor nf Ula my taut will anil iuUtnuiit. In ullueti wbrteitl I hata herein Ml my kind and enl, Ihli eievenlu day of I elirn iry, 111 tne caro(our Lord oiw tbuuiaud clslilb-mle- d uij .e wilt iiiu. I.11UIS lUiH.Mlfi. Waned, icaled. and iinbhihvd, d ilellietil by llio teti jur at Int tail will aiivl loiatncDI. lu Hie pr 1 m-- e 1 1 11a. nno nl lit- - icitiial aiwt III lilt meteaee ami In the prceute u( aea other, tiate hvrelo lubtcilbrd 0111 nan ue at si itia-e''- W. w. Will III.IWPOON. IU Weil llihttreit. .1. J.LOl'i'l.Y.iloiiibavenuc. '1 11 DM AH UU.ll , St. Vlbi'int'i lloii'ltil. I bo word ' latl " 111 Ibe cftcttilli 'tie Il'i li.ed bo fore etecutiOD, Kltiridire T. llerry. Hq., la the cotin.el for Ihn fineieiy lor the freienlnm of Cruelty lo Aninult 11 tli't are. Tie tnalter wld not come up bi in e Hu,. rogate Hutchlk(t until Ajui. kite teoie Yen re uud One, Tke of Iho Hoard ol Health thia week Vent the tapieof KIWu UairiUau. Iilth Ut, uat.l 101 stare and U days, tvKodied, a Tneejay laai at 'M(et Mit-fourt- sires. kt Ita In id lu ftee.-Ver- lUlllj Ore ).! SVXltEAMS. I Like ' stories, tbe Trench braii!M I Is ssaln "to be eonllunel." I A 1 i lit' hullut, it Is said, will not go tlrcugb A more than tlilitr tliccn ot psncr. Thcro are 01,000 clergrmeti in tl.c I'uitcJ' Stater, whose average pay It eb mt f,W r. A Ciitnirdst'iamer has arrived iu lloston, anrjt "was an object of admiral loi to til wioiuvrttt 11 'he stesmnt itowlr no the harbor." A woodman, In felling n tree In Owen county Iii'llina', fdnhd afllie Mie the ikelelm ef a 'jcar.tibicbj eiidentiy bad lain there lor half a century. Tbo London Mcnauni announecs IliLlMr. Sett ira li " deyollni h's tenure front po'flC" to thf nrepiratlon of 'A'ltlstorr ol the Otrica'icLi of 1L0 tt orld to America.'" likansas polities fuVnJsh a new wcrd fti "Drlndletalla," which tt applied to tie intinbcti ot ibe I.ef Mature who were elected aa I'.tpnM.otnf, but trio act vtllh tbo Democratf. A street in Peoria, III., whl h about a year seo was called Turtlo Uoyo avenue, on of th numli-- r of ncwly.marrle 1 eoui-tc- Mvlog in it it reported), Is now known at N'urtery row. "In a moment of thorough't et 18 pnenlo exhibition " which vVaililncton ei ; 1 !'t Cartil. rat, thd Chicajyo 7Ytei declares It merfiryrir ihti tkm cuplttl or the United Slates 'Mould be toca'es In titft a e plire aa WathinKton. Pathcr Oavoizi, whoso antl-Psp- std antf. Iloman Pathdlld dlfeohres created o maeh cseil. ment In 1 till conntry, Inlendi to rpend tae reinalr.rler of hit dti In Ilme, the new atmotpb-r- e ol that city beina much inoro conzcntal lo him than the old, The apiustcrs of Illinois have formed n roct. efy lo prohibit " kinmi b'forc marrlaye,-- ' ThlaUaj ylrtnal addition or altosetbcr, for If cen. tcmporanconi chronlclci ba true, there livery 1101a klitms after roarrlazo In thai tate-- at Past, at faf ii ' hotban li are concerned. They have UNcovered In some remote cornet; ofMatiicbusetti, a lineal dctccndsct of IfroryDen iter, the tint rresldent of Harvard Colleze. The fr leftdw ofltirrard pripose the gratuitous eduesilOD at that Inulmllon ot Ihe little ton ef Mr. Damler, wbo 11 tlto named Henry, aa an appreciative t'.il.Kjnlil of tlwt tervlceiot hit anecttor, 1 Lord homo is to wear at his wedding a fulB ItirhlanJ cosmmo. bevcral bouiei usf Kdinbursti are at preient builly engtcd la nutlacj Kottone ornaments ire to he Introduced , lbs mount. Iniwltl entirely contlit of cold, rlcnly eaaed,cver piece ef Jewelry baying enjraicd on It btlJes arm of tke house of A re) 1. Jttdgd Sharswood, of tht Pnprcme Court off renntyvanls, hat decldeil thst a life depoilt eompatst could not be made ttriililif In as nltncamist execoa , tioo Ivued to levy npon the eonleattcf eiafs rente or Iraied front ll.iloee lUJh contcata are in the aclssA pmitnlon of the renter of the tafe, and have 1.01 0a! deposited with or deniKed to th? couioany. In I.'ngland a opparttn hat been perfected, which his been tettel wtthhltblr tiliafaelory feiulta. The Directors of the Sftwerbr Drtdze rlonr Boeleiy ttatelhat Ibey eipen let tWJ est' tnn anparatut, whleh not only etTeeted ihc oomcaptlott ofUictnioke, but enabl.'d them toariad a iuqi h u lat- er quantUy of fie. r tht p In tie rrccedine half j car, so a latins la fael ot ltX Tbc cenleniry birthday of Sir Walter Seclt h to be celebrated In Kdlubnrakoa the 0:"i of Ancsrs next, A committee, eoutl.tini of a lireis number if tbe nolteioch (nd geullenieaof Scotland and bthertj bit ben appointed to make the Decenary arrattsa -- menu for tbe event, and this committee his exiendelj 10 tbe American pebjie a cerdfal lavitatloD to ptrUcU patelo'liccxcrcliesoftheoccaaioa. t Tfib Apostle Hllot, of It 01 hum trits., fu tT Church r.ecotd," tint yhe f.vUotrtus it.u.iiuj)t, wblchv 11 copied traiuMirp. It ii under Uie dtterf lK. "Ttit winter wat one of o mlldcitr ever wa l.aj. no mow alt winter loncnoribarp wcathr but they had louc OoUa at Conectleot wca was macb ipoyla to jr cone In theineadowi. wo never bad a bad day to gee prchki tUilnllint nltlblt wlru-.r- , praucl be tha Lor L" A jonng man in Osivego, who started to tW tend a raatqueisda pmy oa Tbursdsr, att'red aid a; coulredathetfippwiSatsn unal'y Is nu aprllytn--ter- ed Ibenroni; ho'ite. to tha conttcrna'ioa of Ihe lc mate. Ihc old cnlloaian. father ot iho family, tc pcclally, vyas greatly alarnic. and will, a wild tbrlck. "Alalia. lavctbo children t" hi mate bit exit tbronft. the rear door, clciely loiloncl by Uitiaaa J aU Utln little oues. In onlcr to prcveul the paymeet of i..or.ey an, forced endortemcntt, or to ne wroa; pirtiei, .lit lit cuitoni In Hnxlani to cnx-- i a b'll or c- h- by 'rawlcef a ten mark scroti the tiee 01 the paper '"1'iiuely tnai . I'll lor Wit. Tblt It a t tu unlvirial'y uuderitood U J thalcouutryi and any dra.'t, iluxk, or eiln r paper re I q r a llm paimceitof money, when io croued, llletla 11 worthlcu In the hand of the fitnler, at it Is by obllue line cancello), unle'i rrceentel byiomoono Knn r u;tioDaU; to the proper to tc.lte rJ ment. Piof. F. Orsco Culvert, fif KugUi', lu i'a coined Dial Hie carboruvtet of potaah peetet the tame tireperty of jrolecllua iron atad ileal fr:nt ruit at do thete alkalkt in a cautle ttale. If aa Iron blade Is half Uumencd Id a tolutlgu of tub 1 it tie) above Bainrd carbonatct, It exerlifo protecilt so actlOD that that lonlonof IbttTba wb'ci '.sespa4Us the Inluencs of tbe damp stmotpiier .1 a'rd.sao osldU", even alter a period of two yeiri. Hnallu rs- -( lullt kavo teen obtained with sea Her, 'o which batfl beea added Ueoaibonatct ofpotaihor tods. The spa pPcatDnaoftkiifietaraaumerouaand laipertsas. j tiiguor Verdi, In bis letter declining Ikes office of Director or Ihc Naples Conaerratclie, iapiacej of tho lato Mercidante, rcommcoii ta the attdieM, the irtcilce cf fugJel, to ibniy Paleitriea an4 ktarw I cello, to attend to recitative, to cechew Ike uiailo ef is el I reture, to learn to ounpote with rieoJenk, ut aiste1 I tbe varloua parts naturally, aad uiodu-al- e without afl I feclation. He caultoni pupils aiainil Jleldlos W tsa ' fatrlaatlou ot llorli harmony and orchettrallon, oa chonttof ihoditcliilihcdictcuth. Ue tnjrcste a broadr literary ca'.ture, and recommentiUicm tj write lnroo laith.and then. If they an srtltt'e erianirt' lion, they may beeomooo'nroaen. ImUiRtmr, ho la am edvoealoof tlie old rvhool wiu'i woderu dtcli niOOJ. The adileo iaC'tod, but h by uo meant .a acotlm.ei with Slano: Yuan piaeLco m mutical oouipuMllon. Tbo twcuty.vevcuth day of the iiu'lli duricfi the war Vraace and Co to any hss been art! evenuulouc. fha T.iti of Auf,u-- t wat uurked ty victor) of the Uermans over tbc 1'rrDCh near tiutancy, la which tue (ienerat of h'' French lereen wat taken ptlMucri no t i'so br Ibe nee nn'cfof ope. railont arouud Sedan. On the cvenlnc of tbe fTto ol Septetiiberbtraibourgcapita'ate't. (la t'ie mornloc est tboilh of OcloVn'r llaaa'i.c'i army and, tl u fortreti oi Hull anriendoiea. On tl.o r,th of Nonnitxi su victory viae won by tbc llm lilviiloa ot the liciuian anny over the I'reneh Norttern array, the lalier IjtUif tcveril Uiauaand meu.aud bei.if driven back toward tlm Souiuie, aod tba Couaua uodut Ooekeu, in eoiuvqueiit'f f the vicionr.ltiklua peiiee. tion of .VuieiLtcn Um roil.. ma dir. on tbe t;t ol lkccuit'i be;so the b mil irdinent of 'ho lor lit aroonct I'arlt. on th t of January tbc bombardment ef ItB fort and of the city itself ceawd. tint in Chester county, X. ('., lately, aehtcH peddler wat tramplat aloec, hot, drt'y, and llredy when lie caoie to a ineellu: aonte tvatrcio mefnf Kneudt were engaged iu tllcnl OetoUo.,. TSeperlpa tttiu tradetiuan thouyhl he would aa.k la and reeU Ue loak a teat upon n beach, dan'-- Ut ba' hu clocks upon the floor. There wat a painful tlUiasa in ttmmcottnc home, ahieh vrat brukeui'y oocoftse cloeki, which oommincod tlriklns fanoaily. Tk I peddler wki in anjacouy. be' he hop I etery eilaakf the doeli w cold atop, lustrad of tbal l (truck Jat lour hundred and tkiny luuv by tie t .uil exaat cC etcry l'rlend la thenieettne, for tbe belt diKlplleeJ f thtiu couldn't belt nnoilxries! ibe itr. -- re. Ihca sp rose onset the rrletidi.nttheeui ef lie 'oor tnedi tui ihlrtuuv Uioke, auiiialdi " 1'rkt.d. wit 'tee settf late, perhapt thee had tic' lei DiO'i-'- fl i,n II y Kciwy. or then will not loath ihy lei'luat 011 Luen ttte 'J em energetic ai lb vebetaiai t 1110 plus. " tub srisnrumi'i hull. Ai 1 waa eotntnx dna n 'he creel, I tutt Ihe aad'letl tiyM . Silling belole a enlld) A d'tll .01 drue,l in wtiKe. A i'arlt h.ll wa tin hel lieai,'. Her ee aniu (line i Aini InoWintr ilom. In'.-i- Lei ;otn I taw tier ptnV kid t.ioe. f , llrt veil, thrown b thowed lue 'hall et Ktpr'tiinii wat i r.ue , Her etrrl vie loi u il 1 co't l Her lath nut tied h, li'i o. Uetide In r ui n b vtv d is, Aod, at I went I hi netr, UI. arntil. Umn h n,i a ierv lout.. Wat lerilble lo li m. Juit then tbo .linn door opened wiaf, And out iwu ctuldren , Tlie la! onatei'-i-- hrmliei ihik. 'I bo br. t inih lo the mi-- . And tome iluv put luhnM il . An! .oinu tieio . ei i An I taking now ino ho . p'tec. Uuy nun io n'i di,4i. We wbo am eoo'i 'ti'i u i ii et ui Soen very w lea iivm.; Tluire luiitl hivr 'M.n.uieiitaiitd Of ranily ill the ti.,1 i' lha laolav llm w innilt bbe uncai to I u- -t , Uav mini moi dol. nr 'av rat, O' oi kla pun i ih I- .- loout-trrua- and o i fa oitle hhe mu;hl bo m. I lo heathen dull. ,u m .,-- Uinct luiprwilpg hoot, o ,t;U lenj. ' Tit .ad tu Ihh.k l.ov. out' tu ia Can ba ao .'ie.1 m .'I , I laar my leu. will 1,1 tu li late And 1 aliwiral Iliereu. ' -J- fen-pi'e afeutfutx. HIHHilllf i

Transcript of… ·...

Page 1:… · !, THE SUN, EK19AYv ll 3, 1871. ,,' a ! umar;!IJ.'-L'.i'imjj..i-JUj,i-r' II Shliita

!, THE SUN, EK19AYv ll 3, 1871. ,

,' a ! umar;!IJ.'-L'.i'imjj..i-JUj,i-


II Shliita far AIL

i ll!IIAV. MAItrii o. luvi.

iAininrinrnteTo-lia- r.

, t,.., u ,l ;is in,;i rtftb Aleuue Dnidre

H i tiraud Opera tlen.oLt drawl IImS,II I i:Jh' 1h'str-'l- oi t It.I '. I NlbU'.llarilcit-T- .. nl 110 t.I I New V art. I Irea. ! IK tl. if--, . taJray tflfila,I' i I Olnpl theatre ,.l,'j. ,

i J HWi;JV U'jll tor .11.

I M MUtt Tata'tr Ciii'j..I aViraaelieo llla.trcli Ml

,) 'Ytiy Veler"eOaerallen.e tWiMe-ft'i. 1

IbVn.a-- k PiieuieelleTanael-Ofit- u Valuta,

I SAatlaet'e-llT- .. IJaelHtih.I .' I Maea'e llu. .am-M- u CS'LU Hi".


Term efTiic Sun.- . IIaIIT, ff ?'' ." .lUft,, . f 6 nn

t... iUii,iv, . . . iwi,1 Tie naif . l.. . . . ,18 001utr' il'Mln', ti II U

Hi". ni'M4lrul SO IO

Kniitif I jhri . I tO1riijhhtiliMlit.i.t II J

! rfrfw 9it .Mt ST ttOI .U.1Ml .1 opi, tllit feU.,,' , MUllMltff. rije,.al la.f.I ffkll a,.1.rlt.1 ..H.lte Mtu.k Uaat.iri A"ir.ntt4, int., .... 4.S'( Iw It..' (It , Mil I'.

'lk-f- HI .tU)Tl..l, l SOrHM ti i M, lr vi Mwi'mv,. t 1111. rr li.., 7. (

M rriAUL IKftfr Mil a4 I"'!). Nt IrV, . . mO It.

'. Hue,, llirt.a. U" t.." UI iU M tt, lf a.,, lulli , t,..a Mint ik "Aa.." llur .1, I l.r .4 t', I a, f'. ..... X fiftI tiMBllillUl.lVliti ivfili) II. lrff v. 4. .11

...f.Hrr4.r !). mi. It .l m H VC ill ..4 s.utl ik"J, uv81( 11 l'l.V , .Ilk. MU..t 4 tVltffflW.

a i Aa....."..!. il...ti,.a.-MtiMi- .'I Su-- Ae.thlilta.M- - thuf 11 ii 4 AU

I N1lklik .1 l hkUl 11 LlkO . Illflll IHI l4i.

! l'or llm ccoiiii!iJ.itlon of resMlns up' ' lojrn.lTorilcier., fr Tu Hc.N nlllbortflTiiH at

nurrcitiltr tjIm u the np lonn i.lTiT'iiem'nt oQ,1 Ms Willi hint 4wnb'l irorl. (i( l.lejnociwoor l:rOii3-

' Jtj) mil Mil' .ttenur, Irnnik A. M. loST. M.

f .... - -

'1 .Vciv York Dciuocrnls mill llic rrpl- -

J j itencfTlio Kct Vorls Di'inocrjcr oiij;lit to cxtfrl

, , powerful inllucnco in tLo neit NationalCimveiillnii of their putty. Tliis is duo to


' til A1 number uf tho vottB nliliib theJ fitato la iircltj- - sure to rnel fdr tlio Dcino- -

,' cratlc cimiliilatr, ami to tlio li!j,'li ttand!ni In' ' tho party of of ln:r loading ttatcsiucn,! j ami to tli not 1cm important fct that their

I lit supporters can cnutributc an hnmonsa amount

I ol yionpyor thu tbo canvass..! llolJIpi! tbls vautsco c'ound, tho Dcinocrntii

M t till tatu may pt'rbaps be ablo to dcslB- -

I : uMo the Presidential etandard-bcare-

I'M fi h Vc too h5tlty BESuincd In eomoI ;

j I qWfltt'i thai tlio Democracy of Hew YorkII liavc no candidates of their ortn whom they

j: ! .iqlend to press for tho nomination In 1872;

j, tbf4t((py fayprho election of a Western' lnai and t'jat tho Rreat niAes.of them second

: tbo aspirations of Mr. Uc.ndiucks. Woj I Ihinh this is a mistake. Tlio party in this

, I tf(at taktn as a whole, havu ut least tlireoi

) ' f. odjdttteB, and wo will namo tbcm in thoi J

' nil; of their seniority. They nro HuilATIU

j tiKTMOl it, Samohd K. Ciiiiuh, and John

I i i ,Ooy. iSi.v:ot:n ranks among tho forrinustj nUtwien of tho country. Thnuch trained' ( I in 'tiro consi'ivnllve school of Van Huiiun'

J i apd Maiicv, ho has kept pretty well up to, tl tlio ldotB of our inoro projrensivo times,

i wjiiln ho has bhotvn commcutUiblo tUill In' tUxi'iog I'liur of tho I'ouds which have of latof years difiruclcd tho party In this Mate, nut, t. iIm it... rmul Ucnit-crar-

; ntrnmn Tainninny Hall, it ith boih ot'

i however, ho has always stood well. In 18US

ij h showed as much couregc as tact, wlwn ho' wenKo tho West on his famous Mumping

'; J our after tho October elections ; courage, be--

i j ' cause thoio elections hr.d demonctratod thatJ p by no pofh.bility could he rscupo defeat in

!' t t Jovi-mbcr- ; tact, in Icnorlnj; dead issuntf, andijr ufiniiiK his spi'cches almost wholly to quit- -

, tipna of trade, llnanco, and taxation, whichl. h knew wwo In a jear or two to occupy that

, l V pla,co in the public mind to lonR euyrofsod' ' slaverj- - audltB adjunct. As hu was beat- -

,', cilnlffiS byQeu. Q HAM' on what will bo! Irtjatod a defunct ifuts in 1873, Oor. Huv- -

irniiH will. If tho HenubbVaiiB are to bcoldoiZ ' ' ."-

; j j tsCuitvlveu as ' nmomlnatn Uhant, veiyJ likelv fcecoino tho Dcraocralic candidate, and

j woolO cmtainly bo elctcd ovist tin) nun whoj

.' j Oafaatct) blm fuur yean prvlouoly.Mr. On cm it Isadhclplu of Tompkins aud

ii WxiaiiT, who were so luii(; leadors to the'( , ijrcifivc ttinu of thu Nuw Yurk lomoe.j raey. Mo has an exndlont war record, is

l"klj popular with thu m!(n, always outI J

( raiui hie atsociates on Uia sajiio ticket,Juva hcretofcre tilled with ability and creditB ,,,

( tho rwpomnble olHce of Comptroller, l.lout.- -

I V Ubvwnor, and l'reiidout of thu Canal Board,ij', j vim tho mot i'oiisp;cuouB Di inocrut in ourY 'ate (")ntlitutioi'.Al (Vuvoolion, au.'l m now.

B .1, "with health fully wiuuhiK diniu)'t

' ft' lion as thuchief JiwJgoof the li!l.-- judicial' tiibuual lu tho State. A btatrHUiau of ac

inowltdged capacity, and stondioir ijuitealoof from all the fnctions which huvo dis-

turbed the harmony of tho party both intw York and nlmwkeri!, ho would be njxwarful candldute for tbo Presidency,

we lo Uov llor'fMAN Injutiice in I

sptesnituiK him as a coiupotitor for thosuwiicatloii next year. uiuci uf his iutunateftWd ray he i not, but on tho contraryuaNrt thath Mof tho oolnion that Inanmachs tho DtliMicr&tk' candidate In lb'it was

from. Kew Jewy, aud In 18 from New1Vrk, 1m ought not now to bo leli cti d fromtVncst. There, is much furce In this viewuf th sitTistlou ; for, lliouyh New York is(JnvMt certain V bo for tko Democratic noml-tu-

next jw, undoubtedly the great ma-rlt-

of thn ultctorul vntrs by which lus isAkKtttl mukt cume from States lying wvst ofU Ulairluuiies, ami thvrcfow thet seiliou ofth Unkiu may well claim tho cuudHlaip.

ta. UoFr.vw, too, muy naturally thinklHat If he throws Ids inllucnco turn lu liivorof a Western coudJdaiv, thu compliment may4)0 redprocated la ltfll, and ho thua enjoyI lh honor of ritnniiij; lor I'renhlunt of the4)tiitil StaUh in thu jiar wlujn the wholoAuutii.-Qi- i jxiople will be cvlebratiiitf tho ono

lvwlrdlh anuiitrw.iy of thr IVdarationol ludVpcudciii r. However, If the Conven-iiam- .

nlviil(l iliniic to plaeu Uov. UorniVNIn tlo Ikld wo pwiiiii' he would not emu-laloth-

cxiinph' ol i'.vi-a- uii1 put aniiloUo crown tuco too oti n, bet rather, likuBaruis, inifrht piovo to bo w jlllny. The fvlknvtm of Hi. Ywmnuny ar not wont to dr.ollue lioiiors of that litorlpuon.

We ulj the DtujKiucy of olhei patlbI iUp Vnlon to keep a nharji eye oil thlr,

Vthrvn la ihis Simh, nm) bo otiroful in thckctlouof dtbium, t, tlm XnimuJ Coo--

WxtiVtH wive, tluwujibi, full, oftoUws, lavish of, vwiuj-.K)- ,, ovurOoiiiislilbmtVlWl IRtUe H, Tlorli inuael tht'p k4arta upve, nwttlimtjiyi! iilvilj

number for tho Presidency, tho ncsophlstl.cated dclo(fttca from tho rursl Stales maybo euro that they will succeed.

(Jrnnt In (ho .Vow Congress.In tho prcfcnt t'ongreM tho Uepublicans

havo n mnjoi lty of forty oht in tho Konate,

. and of niiiclj n.iic in tho Houw. Tho next('oi)Rrcts sfsiinllcs on Saturday of this

wok. In tho Sonata tlio llepubllcanwill lo forty, nnd in tho llouso thirty

thrco. The States of California, Connecti-

cut, New llamptilih'C, nnd Texas limo notyet electetl mrmhem of tho House, thus leav-

ing fourteen vacancies. Thcso scats willprobably bo up-mll- divided between the twopolitical panic?, thus fixing tho llepubllcanmajority at thlity threo when tho llouso lo

full.This Is a ery serious fulling oft" from tho

llcpulllcnn inajorlllcs'ln tho two Houses oftho Foity-lliB- t Congress, nnd especially In thoHrprrsenltttlvrt,' luanch. Wltlialtopubllcanmajority of iilnety-iiin- to lean upon lu thatHoure, (Ion. Quant hrs barely been nblo tocarry through that body cmc mcosurrs uponwhich ho was known to havo set his heart,such, for example, hb tho patsago of tho SunDcmlnjjo resolution, whllo others which howas undcistotd lo favor, havo s'gnnlly failed.

If tho Prcddi nt has fared thus In tlio Con-

gress which la about to expire, how will hobe treated by tlint which Is just coming Intopower, with n Jkpubllcan majority to nar-

row that defeat will follow a chango of sev-

enteen votes on a roll of tho yens nnd nnys 7

H Is a fact wheso blgnlllcnnco even Ocn.On ant cannot overlook, that n large sharcofthoro Itrpubllcans who havo from tlmo totimo gono batk upon his pet incisures In

tbo Forty-lin- t Congretf, ro reelected to thoForty-secon- Thcso members, with porno

now men whoto attachment to tho Presidentis known to bo viry fcelle, will so demoral-

ize tho party In tho llouto thnt lcn. IIitANT,

unless ho displnjsmoro than his usual sto-

lidity and olstir.sry, will not venturo to tryas many experiments with tho IncomingCornrcss ob ho has with tho outgoing.

Of coureo everything will run smoothly attho Organization ou Saturday. Tho warringof factions, which will surely crush Gkastbefcro thry havo dono with him, will breakout at n later ilry, when great questions ofpolicy and tho selection of candidates forPretidcnt demand tho attention and distractthe co u d tela of tho nuw Congress.

The ltcolution In Cuba.Were wo to bellcvo tho reports furnished

by tho Spaniith authorities in Havaua, 0icCuban Ilcpubllc has so long boon defunctthat ono might as well attempt to revivify n

corpeo by galvanism or any other artificialmeans as to endeavor to rceuscltstc tho revo-

lution In that ibland. Tho truth is that thocauso of In edom thero Is steadily advancing,and has met with nothing like n fatal blow.

Tho Spaainrds alllrm that they havo cap-

tured tho cargo of tho Hornet. In corrobo-ration of this statement they havo naradedin tho aXMiunl lu Havana a cannon said tohave been landed from her. Thli C"1Iron, and beam tho '--1-- 01 118 orl'"'It wn 111 ,ue roJu' Spiinish foundry ntTrubin, In t'obiile. Tho only gnn on boardinn iiuiiiri ttax an American brass, tbo list published In ho Havanapaiiers a6 tho captuieil fioin tho Hor-

net coincides exnitly with tho CustomHou.'e clenruncM from this iratt nuilo by thoCubans, auj! docs not Include a lot ol armsand tuuinunition which bho did land, butwhich did not paM through thiil Customifouac. Further, the Spanish (lorcnimcnthas declared through lis organ?, Chi, thattho coptured carjjo would bo brought toHavaua by thu steamer .MaM, and then bytho Montezuma. Doth thcso steamers ar-

rived at Havana without tho captured eargo.Tho Qornvt landed on tho shores of Cuba

sixteen oflicer f tho army of "'JtCSbtatco of Colombia. It is stated In ITavauapapers that almost all who landed had Ixvjn

captured, but so far they have failed to givothe Dame of a adagio oiio. It is likely that ifany one had bien taken, tlio uwiics of thowhole would havu bn revealed. So far,therefore, it ia fair to Infer that neither thoofficers nor the bowiuer nor tlm anna landedby tho Hornet havo n captured.

Accordiug to tho Si:itiish tiltgran oreryCubau lender of any ri'imto but sunendered.Thu btcteineut of a l'nw facts w.ll dkpcl auybi'liof of this sort. HtiOiAlslc Vauona(lli'.Miu.TA) 1 still In tho Cuban oflicial deljlled recounts of his sur-render havo been publibh.-d- . Ciilt.NlCl.lO

l'.Mino, of Camogucy, lia, ai'conllng to thoSpanlarihs acecptetl tho chuiriicy of Ids ene-

my, and come Into their Hues wlih bin landly and wjuio twcnty-llv- armod retulitora. Atlast dates ho had not put In an appourance,cither at Havana or Puerto Piluclpc. (icn.VAUMAStu.v lcll llaami for the district ofLas VilluH, for tlio purpotvj of receiving per-sonally tho subuiUwiou of fODio of thu in that station, who, it was stated,declined to surrenditr to any but tho Captain-Ocii.ra- l.

Vai..masf;)A got an far as TllaChira, aud 11 ml big tfi&t Imi had been deceivul,returned lu ilIhifusL to Havana,

The VittriixU la Mxrim of Fob. .", pub-llslte- d

on the evuuf tho departure of the mailsteamer for Spain, given la jroof of itsstatement that "tho rebellion In ndi"".," anabsurd account of au eugageuieut in theneighborhood of Puerto Priucipe, In which itstoti'b that the Spanish troops had to light"various bodies of tbo enemy;" that "theiaburgenta were very numerous;" that "avery Ir.bk II ro wan direcUd on mu Uiclrmen ;" that " the tJeueral oomniunilingfound out that the wuemy had rxsourees ,"tlut " lit one moment tlm Cubans were Innuch nuiuU-ri- i that thoy surrounded us theSpaniard lu front, in tho rear, and ou bothsides;" tlut " wlion the whole of the battal-ion arrived, thtihilbi which commaudiil tboroad wero crowned i.itli numerous bodies oftb enemy, which intiva-e- d all tho time;"that " tho llro becatue generul at all pointsoceiipicd by tho enemy ;" that " pcrfi'i t

shower of bolls fell uvou our k'lhlicrc," amithi'D, to wind it up, thiil they, tuoSpmilirJ.i,had ono killil, thrco wuitudeil, ami twobrunj.'d. Hereupon " the Oeneral ordered a

ijtrkt m ordrr to attoud to tho wouiuled,u')uuj of whoot were lu a dmiginnis

Fioiu which wo ar to heliuvo thatth Spau,wdtke such, tewd'ir care of tlujlr

nii thft a itoriui boxuliouis witlulrawni o(4r to twtk wwundsot throe mji.

At vu)tl.i v)ce, Miumcu) ill AVr thattraiA tlb us. COO vjt 7CQ iinuriwitn.

-- .. i ntf .i ---.tfghtlDjf behind BmfiujaSMfr behind trees,"and In tho buslij ond' ffrlng two or threeIrbunii) caili, wcro dofcnMd by 200 Spaniardslighting In tho open, ahd lnn tho Span-

iards lost two killed. Agnln, 400 Cubcnsunder Dumiu:ta thonttackeil n lower nino mil'3 from Puerto

Priudpo. Tlio tower is defended by twenty-flv- o

Spaniards, of whom fourteen nro killed,

soven severely woundoil, and tho other fourbl ghtly wounded, and tho Cubans arc diivt n

off. That Is, four sllghlly wounded Span-lard- s

waiter ICO Cut aim. Tho fcnmc tele-

gram Informs us that 000 Cubans underMaximo ClOMrv. detented 100 Spaniards nt

Maynrl, In the Fattcrn Department, and thatthe Spaniard!) lost 100 men. This is cvldcntly ft mlRtaho tor which tho operator, thelelcgrnphlcone, will probably be gnrrotcd.

Tho object of thus endeavoring to sup-

press the revolution on paper Is well under-

stood in Havana. Vti.MAP.:i.i wniitn to bo

Captain 0 nrral of tho Iflaml, which placeho now o:dy hohla by n munly tcmpeirrryteiiuri', and as ho to the tool of the volunt-er- a

they clamor fur his appointment. lie Muds

ho cannot conquer Cuba by arm-"- , nnd r,o

lo tho method of all his pr.nlee-tMi- rs

ho kills tho revolution on paper.Tho dlf semination of tbcto absurd rejiorts

of tho collapse- - of tho Cuban w ar of Independ-

ence) has been diligently agisted by an ng ntof ono of our contemporaries In Iluvsnn, wholiko tho traitor XavuMMM Auamio, is cur-

rently' lielleved to havo recelveil forty thou-

sand iIoIUm from tho Spanlbli Oovrnnient.Thin man, Piiicij wo notlco thatIntcly, as If nbhamed or his name, ho cullshiuittdf Pit. i v. isabrulhcr in law of Cohnk-m-

P.Mtno ; was formerly n watehmnker inPuerto PrineiH', and onco Pnitiil Stales Con-

sular Agent In Nucvilas. Ho camo ta thiscountry somo time klnce.whon tho 11 INKS

were being del ated on in Concem,with Idlers to the Minister in Wash-

ington ; and nlthouj.'h bo passed hlmivlf ofl'totho Cubans here eso warm ally of ihc ri volu-

tion, ho left his family In Puerto Prinrlpe, Intho hands of tho Spaulanls an hostages thatho would servo their causa Ho Is now em-

ployed by them In Havana in misleading theoiitsldo world.

.Second-Han- d nooks.Tho rales of second-han- books aro be-

coming enormous. Wo suppone Ihc ownersore fearful lest after they nro dead a willshould bo found In somo odd volume, thatwill dispose of their property in a way thoynever expected.

If thefo wills aro held to be genuine, Itmay soon be nccetsary to renew the old lnwwhich they had In Salem against witchcraft.

In tho MauMchiibclU Legislature a fewdajs fiu the Committee on Hanks and Hankingpave a licaiinu to cciUin ndtocntea of repealing

the law to Mcicut Laul.iiiit by iudititloal, in 1 lie

course of it bich iouc siuguliir linancul tlieoriciwcro ftdtuiiccd. A Mr. Waokun cihib'"--Micciincu uf a i urrency which be nr "rVaBI! Dl1

which be ct im.'l " 7 '."

iitenee. L- - l"," gr'"1'". J KpIJ "iiit poor repri ,jjtm,i f ;!)t tifiil atlU lr.

Mr. YV.iiHt!' I'urrru.'v wmjl,,ihJ of (otnclliinj;in Ibr linililuilo of u luiik lull, about Hi" tite oftlio lifly-ccu- t M.'np, vi IiuJi is tiU.i u ki a rrulul-in- s

inrilium li; omc nl Hit) proplo ut t'liftonilatc,uhen. lie 'ii u. 'II. .' hilniitd " l.iibtir for

labor," anil llic 'criuieu iliuitj luj is lis maikof value " Ono hour' aiJt In luructik i'.ii:;, orrilit poundl cf com." It liu alio on It llic words" not Irajiafi rallc," r.Litii ii iiipt jul to eAcrptit ft oin the poiially ofll't'lair. Mr. WimiM c

orcd urli leuJtliou a to alloit tjiv itsui' of HJiik'n liption of eiirrciiey lor largi? (tnouotx. Totlit siicgciilioii tlut uiuni-- bouil on i:ouinot be it oi tli ujuic it' n half ai much iu St. l.buitas in Ilutlon, aud tlut individual notes of tli.jliml wouli) proie neiililns ttl(crc the uiukrrwitnot knoivii, it urn sngcly rcillcd that, " the vUtioof a llilu was not in considerations, other thanthat money in tbli ciaa represented nouietiing,while paper or gold did not," A rj. iUiafll.::r, nhs wwc 4pM, fvr &t ikorin8cltSscs, said tkat ah could not borrow ruoiyfiom a bank vilth whleh to bujld a hoiut; butnhen she had rnongh of thsw acknowWdifuieotsof com or labor due Ittr abs wu.ilJ gathrr allttiena debtor and build kt boute, Immte

under the imprcisiou that pcl W'nilil

ratber work tor orders tor roro tlian for ntucn-bacs-

and that l)Celtrri,',hU' and liOimnknt'labor could eonmnicalljr bo mail aiailible input'ini; up a dwelling.

W do not know how many pononsbought tickcta in tire Uauiilteoi Ojkmh llnniolottery. Wc cuit't jy who drew the prti. Wobare no positive iufuroutiou ai to nlictbcrtbepriiesncre Ciiily ilrann, Hut its do knotr thatar.y nun who bnp a tkket in any ep.noa'eil railing Is a fool, ntul ilcserri-- lo lt'30 big uioury.Ttiii is tlio only -- .itihfwtion that w can ite lotlio buutlrvd RHit louieu nbu haio recently

us that Uiey Iiam bfiu.tiviudkil in llicllamillon Ojun Houm) Lonrrj," and tlitl the.." want tlic fraud uxpos'd in the ontiimu ol'tournioit TaluaUe pT, Tim Si-x- . '

" Thero lsalwayn noinethln)f going on inI.itllo l'cillini;liii," trnuuphajilly rvuiaiLi-- aucutbualaitle citizun of that noted tonn on the oc-

casion of au eclijuie of tho inuou. There ii alwaysKOUictbing ptiiii u to Hoiloo, too, aud tioo.uenllyluatlcis of uiturrjl happen thei'a which could notby any iioiHibilily haio occurred in any othercity. A liltlo inuUc aao l'taunu m the lion ofthe day, lull tint ilUlirKuLiheJ actor has ltt thtHub, umlnow Kldc'i' Ki.irr, the euiincnt revival-

ist, uipar lo provida I bo etiitcmeut ueoeawrrto a lloitou'uui'auxittanop. The Wdcr ii uoUdfar aud wide fur Die vittd and jraphlo plvhiresnhich ho alvcj liH beat ers of tko tormciiti airait-iu)- ;

lbs viivkeil lu a futuie stutu of puuiiliiutul.and an admirer iiriU'i of blru that be Uaa wellacipiaintrd with bull m if be luid boeu brought upjail, and as Iboriiufbly vmod in tliedoiueof thoKiil Oik as if bit i enjojal a lt)( aud Dmiillarpenonn) aeiuaiutasio m ila, bin). Tlw Klucr Ijjibotn luildiiije u series of biciiUbi; iu 'frungutTemple, In nlilch, ii nl tvilh him, tbo tti.iota of a liuiy iuul buruiiiK btmutouc hrslbirbale been tbe burjmiol'hli dibrouiv. 'flic Iter.Jlr. Haiih, a Vintariiii elcim'inau, bolicviu Itialsuch s'yW of prevelilni; ws pernieiniis m ilalliIUl', toulit to C'lUUluiact 111 rflfV.'ts by

ataliouln blmlf al th outer ikior of li Teui-pi- e

and dislributliitf to paaicu by iciluiu trml.titruid bv tho Auieiimu l oii.itiiui Avsonati .n.Klilcr Kxait upoa hurinn Mr, lUicu'anut luoiud to etC'""liiij wiulli, and, ncconlini,'to the lloston Htnttil, inforiurd n iiiiDilur ol hid

healers that a iiiit'iubto Intidil Mas oul-ld- v ilia

tiibutiui; I r.itt i, urn! ttked them lu puy thatlie ml jbt be kliaUn oicr hell uulil ho itv.pcutcd. It it i polled Ih&t the ll.t. Mr,

kVnov, lo of Tremoiit Temple a Kfiitletuaain retiurd to whote namo llmo cvUlt inthe publlo uiiud a confused aitociation Hillili;ti' ber was leas eharitaljls tbuu bis oldi r co-

adjutor, and advised tho audivne uot lo pray fur" tbo iiiisuajils Ulllt) lietil." a ho Has uvt vtui-t-

gracing for. If tb prayers were ma4e, Ills !

tbal ilea it uubeediil, tor Ur. IltK

V Bl -ik - JL-- J--

irlalntalncikHspbst and oelttriivVW dfneWnWV

the ebnotlelis dwstrlflid IlterMuWf haVJ3nthe frldnds of dct KyArr InVoltd llrt strongarm1 of tho lait, and" had tho tract distributer ar-

rested on tbo charge of violullnja city ordlnancanhich ajs that "nd pttt l Ml stand In anystreet for tb" putpo'C of i:tii"llng cillery or forlb'- - sals of any nrticl. ir P'f 'lit elrel': of anybui,ines cr calling ut Ics Jjly liccuted by tboIloutd of AU'.'tuien." Mr. Hiteu rsvc bail in(200 to snsvrei tho ehnrj1, but al his exan.ina.tiotiintlio Mtitiie'pal Contt on Tued.iy, bo wasilinehargrd, Jndgo lltcix ileclillng that his cmodid not propi rly cotun 1111111'? tho ordinance.

Cpt. Abi'.r.ur nr.Uttoirr. thcdlallnfluishedauthor of tbo VatulTbilt l'n)tisc, has returned to

Ilia city from his vUit in M'aehington. Judntngfrom tbo roporU which wo havo seen lu tlio

pjptr, this visit was an eminently Inltresllnflone. The meeting between (.'apt. Dc (Jnoot aud

Cot rex in the ante-roo- of the

Senott Chamber is as exceedingly cor-di-

and cngs-iiii- ?. Heading the aecoittitS er It

niokci 0110 sorry f)r CotrAX; for the redactionmutt have crossed bit mind as bo was conversingwith tho gallaul Cuptuln, that there is noit no

hope that any great roulptor will ever mould ineii'Jmiiiy brsfi tlio llkincss of fTcnirtta Cou'AXns ono of the l'l.i'l'-'til- . Capt. Us Or.oor- ho It not yet marrll, n it eecu as much as bisfiiend Joixxu 1o IntLrticwed SetmtOY Punto,St'iistor Su!xi:n, and many other diitiriu;ulshcd

aUtesiucn. Scuahir PeMOx especially eccras tohavo made an impression upon his luliid. Since

his return he has been buny meklnjj the drawings

for the pedcttsl of the (Treat ttatuo of PustKLiy,

which Is to be placed neir the Si eftlco In

Printing llouso Mpinr, nnd alto In dcsltnipg thefence by which this Intel eiKhi work will be sur-

rounded afl?r It Is fltilihcd. Wo rerrret to learn

that this statue will not bo ready for erection be-

fore the latter ttarl f tbo snrumer. Meanwhile,

whit Is belog dene about tho statue of the flon.

Hoss TnESDf Have (he Cominittco ttho bate tho

mailer la charge biken ady steps to prOPtirefrom our sculptors t Mr. Titttn is a lino

subject fnrtlieart of tlio ttituary; and we

that au 'ueslriaiv ttatne of him would bo

exeeedingly appropriate. Tlic horc should bo ahiirli iini..

After the statue of Tcam-li- s l as been put upIn Printing Hn ise s.piare, tve g,Wc notiio that neshall set on ft a movement to erect a staluo oftho other roM American prlulor, Hoatca Oktt.-Lr.r- ,

in front of Tryon row, opposlts tornisnii.Get jour tubtcrlptions r'adyl

President Oiunt's remarkablo tnesago l:i

fTor of ralsinj? the salary of the Minister toPruli has created preat atonishmetit In Paris,

vrherc they Cod it difficult lo sen h'jnr it is that,the assumption of the Imperial purple by tho

chief ruler of a nation rcnJ..rt thj pollUcal iustl.tutions of that nition like those of the United

Stales. It is probable that onlng to thdr ownmisfortunes tlic French have not kepi thcmselresfull; informed ropeetin the pronrc'slre charac-

ter our Gorcrmnenl is assuming under the pres-

ent Aduiiuittralion.

Many of our readers doubtlcsH "Vo heard

of tbo Iter. H. A. IIoiunp, l""'r lnoBn ,hsfamous inHoy IVcacher of Kcn'--- V'

his beardless but tremendoush's j oulb a"J -- wrfli urn called sinners to repentance. lis vtss aMetliodist, aud reiirali s re-

joiced iu his pivtence. Uf late ho has toneddownv-t- o such a droe in lor I that he lias con-

cluded lo joiu the 12piiCoial Cburcb.Ibe letter lu Hindi bs auaijuoas tliit change is

a very cluractcrUtlc one. '1 he II 1'reacln.r had aprecocious but a most until cipline 1 uiiinl. Hitimainuliou was frirent, bat hU literary tattocx-cidiij.- y

bal; on.l lli.w qualities h mak snian.lVit in but Liter. It addrotied to t la -

I'.loer of tlio district in which be preanbed." 1 leasu tbo Mcthodiit," uts the Hoy

Pioucher, "with a sorrow that shrinks fum themockery of esprssieu ;" nbcrcupou he alonco proceeds to dilato ou that sirrovr, toimtiilje frci ly loibc; "mookery of expression"iu the fanciful way that is characteristic of tbinau. Auiocg his causes of gri jf ai nevrancefiuui the MetbodUt Church oj p.--r tlio folloiving:" All my inlertwiuini; tloirers of fuindship bare

rowr up iiiibin itsboiJeraaud ben Mlb igmalculliir.-- . All the dlvcrailiod tl.irw'.uls ot my

combine to weave its ii.eujO into "rfJ .ni M my life. Te le il !t to tesr thebeart itself io twain ; but bcturr lliiathan auninnwhich cannot be proUuigcd nithuat dissimula-tion."

This way not be very bad mitinc, but it ctr-- 'taialy Is But wry good. Tlw Hwts uf rbeloriented little cripiir.s, and Ibe "llueui of rsrnl- -

niseencc" that uvaves the Im-i- of church intothe tint of a man's lll'e, It vnt that Dr. Ulairwnutd biro cut ah oik

Keally, so far an this letter is an evidence, itdoes nut scry distinctly appear that tb Mclbo- -

ititt t'burch's Ion ia likely to prove tlm KpiscopalChnrch't piiu. Mr. IIulisms il la ntated, isi.tuiivi-n- Sit holy vidi-rs- . SV'ouM It nut be welllor him to Include "Campbell's Kb lorie " in hiseurriculuiu'

Tbo diildicii of the pr'twnl dny nro becom-ing na fiitmliur wlih the 1ni vju.1l rlmrail-'rittic- j

of our Pietkhut ns llu-I- r prtdecessnrs of curliergeu'TttloD neie vtltb tha trutliful nature oflltosus Wtsuisciot, as Illustrated in the famousstory of Ibr little hatchet and the puat trre. luTin Haul last summer, at tho boaso of sprominent Kcpubltcan, a party tf littU rhildrenfrom 7 to IJ year of age nere playing atcbnnules. Tha cnnuluduig stllublo of a wontwas wrnlcd, and this is tlx way it iras gitrn: A

Utile Kiilnnlered, and, after boiviug to little boy.icatcii In iim room, liandea mm a pacKuire, say.nig, "llcie is a prrteut vTottb ten tluiusutid dol.Iar." Neat ciuue a liltlo boy, who said, "Webase juat bought for you a rery nice house."Then cuinc u tblld, not mora than sight yearsolJ, loading a big Ntwtvundtaiid dog, altuvst astall as kimtclf, and 'aid, " 1 bivo btought you asice pup, and I waut to be Postmaster.'' In aninaliuit Uuy vinces all out the room were shout-ing "IttiNr! (in st I (IkAM!" Though Pieni-di-

(latm will not be ruilclcd, thcro i.s littles

danger that he will be furgottcu aftir his term ol"

ollicv espirc.

Li(Uor dealer In Ohio coiupiuin thnt un-

der tlio niiT lair women who havo shiftless bus-bau-

at riiiug them for support on tbegronuiltkat the uiru are pmsented unm piovliliux fox

Hmu laimhra in eoatcipioiioo of thwr indiilgoncsinliiiuor; and Ibji women get vordiets in theirCarnr, aoaiorime cten m lieu It Li pron d that theimprovident huib.iuds will not vtmk vilicu theyaro perfectly tobir. Tho tonseiu.uco it that insomo uri-- t of tl.o Slate a luariied insn cannotget a dunk nf llipior without 11 mitten permis-

sion from int wife -- and a rery imI con 0

11 is.

lu lbtiit, uuc llunlingtoti na arruated iu I mil'ana lor liat mg a lioro lielon'iu; Ij tl.a Unitedtftiitti In Ids iotmiioo, hu ruylaj atumpted to

l'--i tinteioaitnt braud bj audnlvlnii htlto i.touimn to l'ult,l Nuin uolccrt larciard to tlio luih r. In 1601, In the Circuit Courtof llivley 'omit)-- , In liter asue bl:Jr. lluutiiislon rteorrml SJi.WJ0ilJluiiPsnjalntl t!n. J. (' Meljult-to-

aud d. U. Skeeo, nlio wcro l'rovou.Mui'ilia) mid itM.-lu- il at the Hum of tke arrutt.Tlio t'n.umlttaf oa Claim has reioil'l in fator ofan ai'iorisliou of tl!,f)l) le relmbuire Mmrs.Melilttou 0114 Sufu for tho auiouut of damsjetn covered froia tnrm far dolus; Uialrdaty under theuUIUr orders l Uieii tiintrlor otVr lisxiua-tts-

te Biiy Us oast, et court la tfca caar, tmouat.lor la ttyeral kscdrit' iclUik.


ritn ntinf.ic is voi.oksc dr theA3f:.un:.Y ,it it-il-

l.- -

A Mvrlr noiit lliivteen I.ltllijotiu rtnr!Itepnhllenn llnrtnonr lepfror

cd Tliroithu Ihc Odlnni ol tlio foul t'linlot pou llil) .Ulni'H.

turiouor.Qcnca ot Ilia Km.Aiiunr, Maich 2. This gjiicrnl ords

dsn Ho mornhw sesrlnn of t:io AiretiiblrjuasIn tlio con. Itntlon of bills In Connnl'tro of

tlio Wholo. Thcro was a Icujtlij iliacu"tl)n over aMil Introdileo'l by Mr. Vavi or Trori wlilrti pro-- I

Ibi's lilo iTuraieo companies from s'ltltnt np a

claim of Iraud alter thrco annual umrnts had beenmade. It wis bitterly opposoil by Mr. Berlblier ofWcitchetltr, who Is lanrly lotoreitcd In the U'o

tnsuraneo s. Atr. Alyor J H the (treatwas that egints were cntp'ojed by tbcfe

eoairenlos wltbout rceard to their cipabllltlos forthe pasltlon, and whole rocrcscntathin In manyexesvsero ftlioand not? sustained by thocompanlis.lto believed tiio tmttsga of tbo law would, lead

cmapauios to bo inoro cnrolul In the takingof ris'.s and as to Ikf character of men whom tiivy

employed at ajents. Jto Imped it would Was, Mr.Hutted bclloyed

Titr svstesi or urn ixientNoato bo snsoond. Tlio o' Jeet Bcmnod lobototet ns

many eollcles as puslbl', wltbout duo caution as tothe risks tik.'n. Ito bctlev eJ that all pollcl shotldbo undo non forf'iitable, and Hint when a man vJany money ou a policy and It nnablo to keep np Ms

payments, he Should recelye a yalld polity pro ratito the seta he bad paid In, or the value Ol such apolley in money. Itr. Hoyrs of JtoiT York alsoadvocated the bill, and In the confab of his renurksnhtcd tifi cvao of s toor w'daian lio;e hutb'oidhad recently died, sod llic rtl'.llnt up of whoso pot-Ic-

to haJ, IJy a sjife-- of f)gorln which he wastot-ill- itaahta lo corhcrehend, on loans,

Intoreit. Ae., thi eompsny dctnu'h d thltwoman out nf Ho bOlrveJ llist a brji ntim- -

ber of the llfo lnnrinci cotnp-inl- of this Statowero natiund, and l. hoped that aoins measure"venoIJ bo fatten to protect tho polley boM'rs rfnlnstcouiptnkt wliicti wrro piflnj Some of Ihnlr onl-- .

cert as hljh ai s.l.tM it year salary, and theaccnts of which wcro niskln? from (XS.OX)

to I SO on a year by tho enormous percent-- a

t.ld thorn by thee conipaoln. Wr.I.IUliJolin i.'o adiouited tho pa.tiitn nf ihe I iwHe bi'lined that ver irdieell'n should he llirownwound relief I oldeis who by this meatri air taking

the pnvanllon ti htn tomrthlnS for their faml'lnwhrnttiry nredoad, .Mr, l(lkri was cerot.e.1 tothe bill, as wn also Mr. Albaricrr. Tho dl'di'tlonwas lonj. anj li some (sstsnen hlf'iT, bm th bl Iwas Orally ordered to a U Ird rcsdlnx by a vote ofSI to 'it.

Thcra was altoA uvit.Y srAnalsd waicti Ultli-joh- and Alrf r tMa nuen-lu- g

enr a hill auUiorlilits Ike fconelnc olctlunton In aid of tue rointnictlon ol the Lake Duta-rl- o

Hhore ludroad. 1 Iwru tins been n crolcald-acr- s

hiivnoi thai ctntlemrn lr some Um, andIt rulmluat-- 4 u-d- when Mr. Altoid ovpatcil tolabill, whlcfc it uim nt Utllrjitlin'j pets. J'bosrone

s a Hen ". and wan lively fioiod by (l.eDeraocrals. IVm Jin liviue. JSlon,

'imt many olViw ra!ll around UiH'Jcbn,Brains liim o, while V'li"f.T)ui Ctunbsll, Moalr)-- ,

frcar. and n .iosen mlitr iMmeer.Ut paid lbs nmaitei tlonto the OnonU.-e- e uianb llvth wcrn loudlynntitaaded, but It was uvlleeatbv taat al) tho handtlnpnuur and ki tvas dona by the psuoiruU,tbo K'tnt nHmlly btiel uiccl. swiyjred bylUlsairen tovturo between tbu ld 6iautM ttii-i- r

mii. Tiiii hli dii(rjr1idl hope ot barmcoyamtnz tlo lint ijunU.krrMawtmi,fl'rM''l)ier.tst a cmn-iin,- ' n., very mucti etattd. Tkeball was owk1 tij lbilaoniUta tlitnt. In irply (v inme K'aeaal rvnorkt01 Lltllrjohn iu later of tae louicool Ihe kill, asto'lona:

11 r. Alrord 'ill tn dU not Intend ta enter IstottiH Ir'.atc, but en btli'Trd tills loan bunjint

in bo wroiiy, aud llit it avulil ultltnnttly I.Uj U.c iticit injury ol 11- pnoplc of Uw hltlr, and toomen wl.o saw adtacato I it la the oatt would Andtbal iW bid mtdi. ngi ist r.iuUk- -, au I itvald wttatbuiuw ro.rd 01 I'mlr dec's lu ilia reject aiiziitbe ligtt -- l util frnsi 1I10 memory 01 aim.

Here Mr. I ililfjoim eprsiur to lit f'ct like arouted lU'r. tints, l'mloa, Jncopi, (I'llrlcr,and tiny oH.erinr.tll-r.- il aro.mJ lUin. lleeaid thatCray bans wLonld ut bring connlaUnct .

ly loin r iUl. NiIjou, auJ lil.uj Hii.ial Sir. Aliom I'.J 0W lor town bonding

l.ii li ukt CAicuiaUd t, bvHeQt C t. u vlirroLu lived.

lli-ri- ' Mr. Sli-or- at Let 1.1 01 to 11 iron tbc lime.Jlr. Utllijkil.n reutkd, that tl.o city ol hjr.i'ii-- o

v.ji locdo.1 10 ibe e.unlof aud tost turnhrro atiAni;r.utiJ In l- -- liw a trollon that

It ihi'y b)ndeil tuaro "hoiild ncor le a mortgagedebt v 'it ution ue tonn; jni 11 r. Alvool v,. unvhero nikiu tie Lejlelaturo to tvtvxl Uiot poti-io- a

In nr4r to r.ct, tbc vctift or U10 taspiycraot b)rarCite by

am tniotnu I'SJIO.rtmtren.e aptilaDi by all Ibe He

tun II itat well oudiTKio'x) that a bill which beodvooutod last mntcjr looking k the inUroaiuf toteon.lliuouey Iuul ini! r a imo yretrst b"ii opposedby bia Irlvad lioni Onoudgt. HnwHhel to lx"that ifratleuun Ihit i 1. lutha ponir .,! trro'O llh..uihe to nniilblUto liu bgtlu"fs by I

addill'inal duties on salt. tTrcinemhnit .trm!ae by.Hoaoley, Co)t, Fte.df, Cvuaoil au all Inenofi'iirt of tug tWvlA. one of the,

'uVii t'aCC rtiaoopolles thai lM'f t.r fiiiy.iuitiia;3tr T() ni j ,fn trn,.

i --1. 11 In th" ral and r"spcrcn Kim at atlatMinin ..t fioor'i hcltl-ilor- . lint when haBontckt to ociiy M olr i- - flsof Ibi tValu

enilhut euiejrd he would le'l himawl this nil fir th. am limg- - Ihat they la.ul hinna aeittemeni urt uud ow. itnaulaioua dappingof liau'.n by tho LKnocriH.J

llio i)nin!.vfi Hunt kii-- l ha hail but a fairwords tu aay, ttul bo voi.Ut try ta da rowill) lua taaa ta geatlruna utimOn we 1:0. Tkni (enlttnuut hud netted mi& a

ii whleh 10 muhl not mt out. Il niktI vol' d hir bills to bond kicnlltmt nllhiu uy uwnLtiei'.ini'mJ llu nouU auro hit grmieraaanull il tn hnl bvn In Dim I1ju wtmu fliuw bilhvtrre uu-t- ke would Law o;po ml thcbi, T.a(culltuiBai had said mat

t if n

more hanJ cl.lDlml .t i.bout to br .juuultidby tit action inm In rulo of rtyrac'itn. T lit billho refer lo rilrm iku couvnl ut Uw, eliy Ii4etr.Ttcn aaw ru ire ba t rtaodT He would li'ipllic ratut4lbUlts ot his aollua. Ilj h.1 ca thelloor nl tlm Ilusso, Sbd taoal-- l m lo at Ho.l giveblni USr, aa d.tasted of all dniilrv ui juv.lely by ir facniK' nieaLsto prime I an,incisure nt jt mu .a Ibe ei.vnrii.iot Uttk-tyao- f

rtshl, tnd pilielpK'. nnd U' Ire. tlio guiteni.infrom (Mnej(a ni't ttilt linuie uili;ht run! .wtn p.jthat whether tr) sliaald analbibm bit Inline. b

ptiisti iiiiiat ox mr. mora aiplnut by Iba bait lMiuliteei- - or nut.liealiviild aland tv re uli 1 aU Ibe rbrra lie nl van. ifevery bill of hhwae tunk lo utter deitni. Ioji toflctil hit prlaolphi. n and tone, or. ll.oug con-tinued appiauio by it Deower li I

Aflar leutatke by Itr. feuitKirn, wbo looitexeuvtkia to nr. JJullejiihn'n sailnc ka did notivpreMnt th dUltiet wiioh U4 came rrooi, sir.,lirm aald thai, thinli it hm dual U lateirmniho tiaruuiay wKlcb prevailed annua- ibe ptatlemae,in order to bate aunt SilMuait ttoiui, b wciaklmoto that tha Coiaiatttae rlxi and inaai protms,wbicli was done. BobsturKatly, Mr. ilwrit vHlteJII r. Llitielahm and endranornd to efft a

tin ka Diet with inllfr.Fi'Dl ocoeet.IJiirtuit Ike aeiulou ia Iba Aisestuly trtlerdat.Mi. 1 iti.riobu undertook to Ikraw

Tni opivu of tea eon. riMCupon thewioarsnad Wades vskin. He kald he be.lined iku the wbalo fault iu rolol wultthe Itlrly thoumad stleers of PrantylranU wbodesired to taru. tu teten rwvrt n man of euuilImvllll-oc- e and ladealry is New Y01K btute tu.iktwe tr three daii to earn. The ruluvr ol rrnaiylaidawas leKla4 to lujaie iae uir wan of .New

Yorh (or hit uwa advani(e. fie ejld fault dm uotlie with the re.iecta.bfci toudlsic coat caainasltt, setwith lliearaeploa of Ue wlaerl ttirmtct,i-e- ;nor did It lie wllb the mllreed. far lut Ue adeaaea ef the price of rod I Ike vrioe at IImi trintiiutlatlou tbrrt-'i- bad remained Iba aaiiM. Ae Sir. Lit.tlejobu It n itainlto enndldate lor the Ijeuhkileroand deponds la a tiiat lainMir apoii ike totee ofwurkltigoirii tu iindbtei Sere, it nvnld be well fortUcoi lo make note ef this, at an ludK-allo- afWhat tie w ill da hn tiielr Int. rests aro bniunhl incoullicl wlih Ikean of tailrnud and other laotivp.bliet, cf which ke It lire lefn nuilnt heni.

Ue. Mwole. f Klll. a niau wUn telJuai takcaup the time uT the Itoute la rreehJlylrir. took etrrpliosa lo Mr MlUejoria's Biun tko

in a tetUnK little epeeeei, 't he Allnuywhile ftttiur aearly fall resrU of Nr. Uut-Jokn'-

and ollir tt'nlleiaen'a .fwebe, eullirlturiiorrd Mr. ilueel.t a. aad fur t.Vit reaou I .exljwi n tMtia ol w'uil he trdd, in utikr dill lletturk.lae.uiu uf K n(H countv aud lie hutv mayknow that there kl one laan Ui Ibe lfitlitiim tvhokelleiaa Ike labortr wortliy ut his hire. Mr. Wntley aald the mineri hao do cbanre to b- - bounl ktru,but hs knrir thst Ikuy w"r llm men who had

the wealth of I'rniuv.lvaaia. lu mtj ourone huaitr-'- r Ibeie uiiii nnnuv Iku (euti.niaufrtiui Otwet h.d cbarirvdttltli tocaiviuir tuch cuoriikiiui reaiiinerntliiii foe tbnlr labor tvitti brouabl bptroui i uc ol Hie'e niiue-- ttitf, l.irli wriiiet, srcauieei uf these coal uuninasics em too raemi to furnlah another mode of ejrris. Hekntrv thai iVoman bad to prvlert ibcinn lev, bit iadoln Ililt, they hid euily oi:one Hie eiuuplcof t'te cool ciMupaiilee ant ntlliaid enrpumiiOHa,who had combined I koep up tha unem of eitiliitid the witKeiof norkl ijriaen Onnn. II -- iiole lurabout ten mlniit i and wan II.I' .hjm lo uli theclotett uitruiion Ihrouthoul.

Tltl. ciiiuintx's m t'1 'irtr.The bill to .uiU.pcl'.o Hie bnpfMieort ol N'i w VorV.

tornliuJW.OOOruiouilli rortnelwhetlioritiliehur lycame uy u the Menl'( t'ooiulite ol the Whole thisiuarnin& clenbtor Jiortoiiuf Nt1 York 190k

to ay thst Ida cbureee agalaal the iselituilnuwhich hehndbij.u Induced to wrtteol, bal. lu hisspUoon, luyued Out uJltrly usfouadad. Tbii yartlesavtktng the ctunit Md reduced mt ssldeae tumiipuri el tkini, wd it VM eutiitlt uotiaeedthat Ike Kittltmleii trar au eaeeKtslK HSUt

rnecsfECQBKTvieteevMeew-Mrvi- i .y i lutieriafltimVdcjerylni.iflhcsitluf fie aulliorltlet.Henkvee Cralmer fullow I M tho sarni effeet, mdjibo bill to s t' lrl reading

if.tnvs to it'ii.a nstt. isr tu.FrY.JtOf' Mtr, t.y'sl.l.l to'0 tie disabilities

nnder WHICH -- lient 11 'w Inborln retpn" In eat.ite, catre un In I'onmlMi u oi tlio Vi'ho'n Intin K.'i Ho. Mr. Murphy supported tbo p.illev nft.10 bill In art UMo argdarcnt. It iras tlcasierl stcon.d'Mi')ts lenglli hv other Sennto.-i- , ml a Itseeim d proper to havo II id In in.'i"plosrcst wii A' ally moved, end It wl come up toruVcn'-fsr- liHesttiV. SI. GI.M.T.

Fcnntor oirnr- dtlio follmvlni rosotntlon:i.SfA, Tnvt the f'ommlltee on It.Utroati m dl-r-

t. 'I in ivi on to U1I1 1. oily ttfttiln led lit. the n.ultor te ir in v tiipu.itlti ihucucac of tbo recent ac--

1.1- ui ki ..- - lls'nrnirsh.lis iniroditi-lfn- was nreeedM hyn aniryom-ver.sli.n-

I'iieii-tle- ii hilMeen Tom Cru inter andHarry (tenet, flu. (Iislfitiln 61 tho lltitrrisd f'im-mlttc-

atchliti COmlnllteo t'jd resolatlou wohldseem to t c a drive. The resolution w'Ks Utd on iketlblntolio prl'itert, Ci earner noting he iVuiiM pbt Iton lis rsJt!o nt an early day. Orsel etlicntlyregards ihc matter as a flinir t him personally,

nilts MttODl'tEn.flenslor Tweed Introdnred tlio fcl'owlng Mils:

Incorporating Ilia Xey York Advcrtitlng Com.tatty, Uho shsll tiate tbo rrlvllem to en ct columnsnpon wl leli tb post hills, and nor flvo per Ibenet csrtilhzs to tint cur; amendlnd tne set to cor-

rect abnva In tlm city of Nuw York In rrUylnt;plfenient ley property oWtwri snd other, vnennyer1 porllorl nt tho rflTemenl is teniporarlty removed jPiovl'llni Hist oiler April 1, 1371. Ill notaries poldlohall he appointed I) tbo eecrntory ot State, (o hold

am, e lor tf o ioin ; niipllenlonS for appointment tobe mads lo I he Feeretary of Htatc. and caetr one

td inj to the ecrc'arv or htalo 1 10, to goloth lh" Mhiary- Kiind,

Henstor rTcsiner latrMneed a bill provldln thatSmith H. bane, William II. Traccy, or U.clr iharproccetl to etynliiso n coriioratltfii knownns the Jsoif Yorie Fleam Tralllt (,'otiipinyj taldt'einpany Mull urgsnln) on a eafillal of V),U)o, andthe ccr:ons nasied siull be dlreetott.

Aorin!i: jt.ntn'a Art In Itrlntlnn lo the WldenlaB nnd

ftriiluhtenlna nf Ilrnndvrny In llm Cityof Netr Yorb.iinil In Itcirulntei tlio l'rnc-tlc- o

In thnt 1'rncredlna.raieeu lebnmry .7, 1T!I thfce-Sftli- b lne cretenU

TUM'jovK of Oi KMMof Stw )prk, trprcKnttiltAintatand Auunblu, tlo toad ut Mfau.ittmnnl. An atiaeat from the ordie of Ibe flseclal

To. mm 1I1 ni'i rrnm l.ourl, lierewi'tire inane andteieil, ilia I of the and Attettinent ha the matter of Iho appll-rsuo-

of 'lie Mayer, AMennes, end ComnionHiy oftbteiiy 01 New vora'. for lbs widecinrt and itralahl-eninao- f

l!ro9d..y. nivler etianler fjo 01 inelawaofrsi. afnl the am etneauatory (hereof, henis ehipiefftiol HieittfnpflnW.ptiiy ba utken bf tho tent Mayor,sldirmi 1, and Comn.oa.tlly 10 the leenorsl Terui ofmo Cni .ii. 'nil lieTttrtmrni. " any t m'beTrrn theet nirstlon ot lour vmuilit from tbo dale of .aid orderol conflrrisiloot tucb arrest thall be t.tarrt at au il

(rim a nrnteniiei.Titirtf rtanon, nnil may htibriiiiznl on at Suy (lentral lerin in the aaiit tint

le eatlile.I to yietereaee on OileaiendM nter ail other afbee'.i ami bnine-a,ai- il mayba inovod by aald llsynr, Alituiaien. anil loioumnaliyout of In reiTiliaHKier.iinanviiay of nOrneril Te.m.

heo.2. lliaaiiteatamherucdliy th- - f.rll fcoon ofth ae iht I Im npon irro menu ibnrof. andwlih Ii. e etteei nt 11 1 iu tauic wee an ortcmal moihinlor tlie eoonrmation ot llu) ttul irori ut ue taie. Cam- -

I'trn S. n anpett ithor:re.t by tne frit tectlna ofIbia act all buuken oy icrvlce. I11 ttmna'ec Of on behalf errntl Mayor AMTIuen, mi cmnnionattr, af

into inter npoa sue nieiii") ur coeaaeluaiueit lu the orjer to apptale.i fiuui. m l by l ubllea.nan oteiuHi noueoonee a week nf two weeat. In twou.nlt pat.era kniili.nal in tha cm ot Xct Votk. andwbcaaj taken tneii appeal tnall operate ntilll ttio

fiay of aeUam, orproceciliBst Drwiett, or toertalter 10 lu brousbt.nxalnni the ..ifl Itiyor. Aldermen. and roinmoualty, oram oneer OtereoLfer the ruloreeeieu er oollorilonof any award, fordaniacn made by ralil (.omrulttlnn.era la any peraau or pertnnt. 'ITie apncal miy bebroucbt to Learluc by (ha ttul Mator, Alrtennen, andeoniniutiaiiy, or Miy i crtori IDtticttcJ In cam l roccod-ta-

open lne n'M aotiee of arxuwienti prorliien.howt 'r, tlnoaia itmur, aiSciiuoii. aruteumuionaliynay on rnwic uuou ierv lee of ructi nptioe 01arnmrent only itA.t yaeauHid ninlcA in

froui Anyandeieiy pertoii iul-- rSrhVi.jiimtti'riiiiniMTOilttedtoC-- assrd opoatnM appcjttn wrrKia.or Uy attorney or eouuicl.

He I. Wilorn trMne limttci for theUkliuE utttyt appeal, ud Bulwiihliaocisc I'nnea-tlene-

thcreir, lne aait ttaror, Al'Icraien, audi 0.11Motility may, at t' option, note, perorea Jieaof tlm Coerl tu tna fir. I OepvuriDti rnywratfrreial tttiitor Cbaiabert, 11 vAcuro ui tald ordec iietilitfurniii.-id- al auvual Ttru.; mlUreporL Aed It Until hew; duty of tlijr'.4 loiiricrJU'lrrf. aiwh'eh or b'toih whom tueli nintWn mayhcpnJi- to h"iw llu l am) If It thall apjiear to meeaidlourt er Juiltee thru there wr.t mi) orror, nut.Ukv, irieiilatlty, or illegal act Ui ibe tald prpesed-lajtiurtfi-

ila.-,l-aj ai'J tlraialiloairr 01 Uroad'tiy,lUotj t'lle cf tl" ...ii iuoci4,(tii.i. fx f Italian awiiearlo tal l C1U1I ur .lu ..ccllial (Ue V eitinrult fortieni tit or lie a it a nt . for dam.v;e,()r any or either oftucin t itr beene'ia-O- or asjuikor loetiuiialile. or't '. at reiiicc 'aU Muioe. Aidernieu. and

n. or any per.on or pertont aiieeteo lucreby,Ibi '.tiii.oiul or Iiiii'e thall tactic .all order of

ion, trin ttiei jpon h nullnnlvold,acdvbill r. we Mie laio-- Imhm 10 Com: u-j iucrt. auiajot ll ol ti. 'iu .1 all fv: thu hr4,fott liinuii tinner, vi).' limit I loreej to .jiiend and eoi . .eltu &at.t lepoit or 10 11. like a m w a.ttinent Inwaoleor In pari, at llm nut 01 .lu.i'iv mil il'reet, an I

t thol oiirt . uli 'o.l rciiori thtii houiuds v itblatlx uontlu nltti llm orox reourinjllio uuliartuthetalr Cvuumt- loetif, um'I .a II bu for cauCruiauont't Oie C'uurl upuji ut tneDJy daie'

b iioWicaUja In at Liatt IDO daily ucr. tpapcriiniaoeliy if " ork.

At t'nj rt .eoi ihi srttiiablleetior. ol inch notice, tlintallComiiiiuKiaeri tlt.-if- ileuo-i- t latbt ottleeot thoIVponusnl or I'ublo Wurtt 10 laid cliv an abitract 01then propoa'-- l Itrotr. alio .mif Hit nnardt nuUeforuamike and tbo uv nmentt impo.ed for brneflt, wlilciaumraet .hail remain In ajd oNce. opou to nubile

aud etiminjlloa 11 i'.Ii ibe repoitot IbataniCuiHinhitlonm reieutc t lur coutriu.iuou, at herrlusmvidiid. AnltuUi pivccee,ngtuni..'ialllunien.112S;'1 ojuj;! til IJJ or iko r

ir oihef itpeiT orrlTd Toiumlloneje,ajid ihotu a aad exnenaeaoti aM prjcceoms thatlby od i"eiietui; t IU'' Uwe now ev.iiui; relaitag toitieapcninef I'rroie and avtuuu lit 'be city cf Newyor'i.

nleil, hun jrer. t at m maXlu im 4 eorretted orvevMtteieru. tad retort laoteiili ommlttlonertuutya..ttanra'1'l all pMitrif wnkArtiliey may uceni beu.rfluedbyuid Impruvauiaiil. wkeUiarlke tame ba ornelcuumlool witata the limit cr inheres eieevledIriuo e'menl far by the aH runted Miy 11.liie buej clianUi sue of IV a true or ISJn, aoi) .a muchof is. I lil'nnlKm KX. atpiorklMlir thoeieiun-lio- n

of aoy rio:eiie 0dl uViiemeol IsbVeSy rVpealed. Ibetitlee 01 rioiu--e yf ynrii motion in intn.acrheremafleriiteotlonelikalf a'tooreraie uniil ikeklailnj nnd deteriruoalluo llwrroC as u Hay of

upon xtltuil.. itit-nite- i lroeeotai.aDroiixktor tkoieelnriii ke hroejkt aaats't tald Mayor, Alucr-aiei- i.

and CitanooLSlty. or ary nttteer tharear for theeahiteeuiwt or collcvunn ol any award kir daaiKnninaa by tna ConuuiaaJeaeri lo anyiwnenorret'oai.

Skc. 5. t roala hentofflre taied In trite matterka'loe paid Uki nerox. niriuio; ed In tUcmkl urn.

eeetlacM eelUlwl tsarelo. In IDirilk airuiiitr at Itvuiil order ot coaflriaalion were net vacaieA.fjn. The niuMoa menlioaeillaiteelionfoar ef thltail tdull ho beard upon the piuoeedince nereiofoie hudIn too tald maitcr, and also iipAn tueat utker tutperaami tuih tfllfUvlit unt proofi aatbe laid klator.

and Coumioaaliy ami any pereon liuereited,uitv aeo ill to rcat upiiu ihe benriez lieinra iho eonrtor Jui' Ice t and tha raid mutton may be hronapl oa.iiun notiee or not kiw tban fn. uaje k) or in ike aamoand the tent Mayiir. Aldenoeo, ami Common,ally. 10 bi' .eryed upon tu mtoraryeor conutel namedut Ibe iTtlrr tetmofoni eotere'l at tpenal trrui, atlaealionod, and by patilioanou nl euotitiotioa in at leaal two newspapcra pubuehrd m Ihc eliyof Sow York lor ailetti aro dayt pmionsio thotuuoiiiMiilorvt la tald noti-- e tor the makleicor ih motian.All irovedlnn kerelo ouikantMlobe taken hv 1I14il)or. aldej-iuen- ami cufoiii'inalty of taevity rr NewYork 1 u t.i utkea b) tbe mayitr of takl city In (heaaaH. and oa behaii or the said liair, .iVlcruiili.anil Cauta-mally- .

Sic 1, Ibe act iball tike tfiect Iniumllalt'.y.

l.OI 1 110X1 ItD'.t ESTATE.

Analber tVIII Illacoterrtl t'urla.ille r Ike1'ln.l tVllt-lleim- ril ISitiN lie Nntrr HeadIt -- The Unnllemeu ttli tvere) lulerexleU.

The folloiyiug is a copy of the will pr p.tredby Mr V. R. Bell, wbo bolde a ailoattou lu theHetttlarr's Office Ua thla city. The late lamls Uoaardiljncd Uila doesroral on tlw tutfurday pievioai lothe rieculios ot the will of Peb. II, mH.un tho So-

ciety foe Ike Pretention of lo Aaluult thetoe la.iiniur of bit wraW'i. Tht follottlns will Itniertdy writlra oa a esrel of ftilv tp paor, aud isthe doeumcut which Mr. lierith says Ibe ililuj nit ateld tut wsa never iild over to hlai. and Hut hehardly knew Ita enntcnta, onlj he Mt certain thatthem had beta too mu h yru'piug ou Ike uit ottnuie ixiaons iiitixr.Ud iu il. It l" atattd Ikal Wal-ter Janet, named In Ike tint will, purchased ofOman! aawa prnprtty at Is Walker street, aadaialnst lint property there la now due a sum oftX,X aecured by aioilcute. If thlt It ia IhoItsaey would kato )ual cleared thin debt had Hieheeond win 101 beet mail. Ilttlsase up poorttiouof the will by him to Mr. Cajoobell, euonf inn eti cut. ot the will, fuiylne 11 wat otcourea bow ofno ntc. It lus. however, beui nbieajin the baudt ol tha Surrogate, ue Mr. IW'raU

thai everytblag aball be done to mttl thelibit of all parUes.

ins I'ltist wiu.I. tjonli roaaid.'uf the illy t, New York. Mine nftouoif mind au.1 iiicuierj. do aiaVa Ikltuir Un willaud UHauicat, in laauner f'Jloa i.c ;

Iriif.iievhe. aiut oen.ueath 10 ray ftlnid Walterim imuof lao.WO.I ulve nad btmuealh la my frl.nd William It Ui 11 ikeuaa al tn set) at a rtiueailnaai r.All Hie real, retidue. ;irul rrnaiader ol my real nun

aud prrto ml I cite, iti, aud iwaunaiu 10 lavrivtoiition or Liueliy in Anion.)., or aMih

iieury IKrrli 1. 1'irtident, the Intertii ef v hxh only itlo he uted by iai.1

I Buiiiiuale unit aprwiiii Meary l'.erh 10 be eteeutornf Ula my taut will anil iuUtnuiit.

In ullueti wbrteitl I hata herein Ml my kind andenl, Ihli eievenlu day of I elirn iry, 111 tne caro(our

Lord oiw tbuuiaud clslilb-mle- d uij .e wilt iiiu.I.11UIS lUiH.Mlfi.

Waned, icaled. and iinbhihvd, d ilellietil by llioteti jur at Int tail will aiivl loiatncDI. lu Hie pr 1 m-- e

1 1 11a. nno nl lit- - icitiial aiwt III lilt meteaee ami In theprceute u( aea other, tiate hvrelo lubtcilbrd 0111nan ue at si itia-e''-

W. w. Will III.IWPOON. IU Weil llihttreit..1. J.LOl'i'l.Y.iloiiibavenuc.'1 11 DM AH UU.ll , St. Vlbi'int'i lloii'ltil.

I bo word ' latl " 111 Ibe cftcttilli 'tie Il'i li.ed bofore etecutiOD,

Kltiridire T. llerry. Hq., la the cotin.el for Ihnfineieiy lor the freienlnm of Cruelty lo Aninult 11

tli't are. Tie tnalter wld not come up bi in e Hu,.rogate Hutchlk(t until Ajui.

kite teoie Yen re uud One,Tke of Iho Hoard ol Health thia week

Vent the tapieof KIWu UairiUau. Iilth Ut, uat.l101 stare and U days, tvKodied, a Tneejay laai at'M(et Mit-fourt- sires. kt Ita In id lu ftee.-Ver-

lUlllj Ore ).!


Like ' stories, tbe Trench braii!M IIs ssaln "to be eonllunel." I

A 1 i lit' hullut, it Is said, will not go tlrcugb Amore than tlilitr tliccn ot psncr.

Thcro are 01,000 clergrmeti in tl.c I'uitcJ'Stater, whose average pay It eb mt f,W r.

A Ciitnirdst'iamer has arrived iu lloston, anrjt

"was an object of admiral loi to til wioiuvrttt 11

'he stesmnt itowlr no the harbor."A woodman, In felling n tree In Owen county

Iii'llina', fdnhd afllie Mie the ikelelm ef a 'jcar.tibicbjeiidentiy bad lain there lor half a century.

Tbo London Mcnauni announecs IliLlMr.Sett ira li " deyollni h's tenure front po'flC" to thfnrepiratlon of 'A'ltlstorr ol the Otrica'icLi of 1L0

tt orld to America.'"likansas polities fuVnJsh a new wcrd fti

"Drlndletalla," which tt applied to tie intinbcti ot ibeI.ef Mature who were elected aa I'.tpnM.otnf, but trioact vtllh tbo Democratf.

A street in Peoria, III., whl h about a yearseo was called Turtlo Uoyo avenue, on of th

numli-- r of ncwly.marrle 1 eoui-tc- Mvlog in it itreported), Is now known at N'urtery row.

"In a moment of thorough't et 18

pnenlo exhibition " which vVaililncton ei ; 1 !'t Cartil.rat, thd Chicajyo 7Ytei declares It merfiryrir ihti tkmcuplttl or the United Slates 'Mould be toca'es In titft a

e plire aa WathinKton.Pathcr Oavoizi, whoso antl-Psp- std antf.

Iloman Pathdlld dlfeohres created o maeh cseil.ment In 1 till conntry, Inlendi to rpend tae reinalr.rler ofhit dti In Ilme, the new atmotpb-r- e ol that citybeina much inoro conzcntal lo him than the old,

The apiustcrs of Illinois have formed n roct.efy lo prohibit " kinmi b'forc marrlaye,-- ' ThlaUajylrtnal addition or altosetbcr, for If cen.tcmporanconi chronlclci ba true, there livery 1101a

klitms after roarrlazo In thai tate-- at Past, at faf ii' hotban li are concerned.

They have UNcovered In some remote cornet;ofMatiicbusetti, a lineal dctccndsct of IfroryDeniter, the tint rresldent of Harvard Colleze. The fr leftdw

ofltirrard pripose the gratuitous eduesilOD at thatInulmllon ot Ihe little ton ef Mr. Damler, wbo 11 tltonamed Henry, aa an appreciative t'.il.Kjnlil of tlwttervlceiot hit anecttor, 1

Lord homo is to wear at his wedding a fulBItirhlanJ cosmmo. bevcral bouiei usfKdinbursti are at preient builly engtcd la nutlacjKottone ornaments ire to he Introduced , lbs mount.Iniwltl entirely contlit of cold, rlcnly eaaed,cverpiece ef Jewelry baying enjraicd on It btlJesarm of tke house of A re) 1.

Jttdgd Sharswood, of tht Pnprcme Court offrenntyvanls, hat decldeil thst a life depoilt eompatstcould not be made ttriililif In as nltncamist execoa ,tioo Ivued to levy npon the eonleattcf eiafs renteor Iraied front ll.iloee lUJh contcata are in the aclssApmitnlon of the renter of the tafe, and have 1.01 0a!deposited with or deniKed to th? couioany.

In I.'ngland a opparttnhat been perfected, which his been tettel wtthhltblrtiliafaelory feiulta. The Directors of the SftwerbrDrtdze rlonr Boeleiy ttatelhat Ibey eipen let tWJ est'tnn anparatut, whleh not only etTeeted ihc oomcaptlottofUictnioke, but enabl.'d them toariad a iuqi h u lat-er quantUy of fie.r tht p In tie rrccedine half j car, soa latins la fael ot ltX

Tbc cenleniry birthday of Sir Walter Seclth to be celebrated In Kdlubnrakoa the 0:"i of Ancsrsnext, A committee, eoutl.tini of a lireis number iftbe nolteioch (nd geullenieaof Scotland and bthertjbit ben appointed to make the Decenary arrattsa --

menu for tbe event, and this committee his exiendelj10 tbe American pebjie a cerdfal lavitatloD to ptrUcUpatelo'liccxcrcliesoftheoccaaioa. t

Tfib Apostle Hllot, of It 01 hum trits., fu tT

Church r.ecotd," tint yhe f.vUotrtus it.u.iiuj)t, wblchv11 copied traiuMirp. It ii under Uie dtterf lK. "Ttitwinter wat one of o mlldcitr ever wa l.aj. no mow altwinter loncnoribarp wcathr but they had louc OoUaat Conectleot wca was macb ipoyla to jr cone Intheineadowi. wo never bad a bad day to gee prchkitUilnllint nltlblt wlru-.r- , praucl be tha Lor L"

A jonng man in Osivego, who started to tWtend a raatqueisda pmy oa Tbursdsr, att'red aid a;coulredathetfippwiSatsn unal'y Is nu aprllytn--ter- ed

Ibenroni; ho'ite. to tha conttcrna'ioa of Ihe lcmate. Ihc old cnlloaian. father ot iho family, tcpcclally, vyas greatly alarnic. and will, a wild tbrlck."Alalia. lavctbo children t" hi mate bit exit tbronft.the rear door, clciely loiloncl by Uitiaaa J aU Utlnlittle oues.

In onlcr to prcveul the paymeet of i..or.ey an,forced endortemcntt, or to ne wroa; pirtiei, .lit litcuitoni In Hnxlani to cnx-- i a b'll or c- h- by 'rawlcefa ten mark scroti the tiee 01 the paper '"1'iiuely tnai .

I'll lor Wit. Tblt It a t tu unlvirial'y uuderitood U Jthalcouutryi and any dra.'t, iluxk, or eiln r paper re I

q r a llm paimceitof money, when io croued, llletla11 worthlcu In the hand of the fitnler, at it Is by tk.tfobllue line cancello), unle'i rrceentel byiomoonoKnn r u;tioDaU; to the proper to tc.lte rJment.

Piof. F. Orsco Culvert, fif KugUi', lu i'acoined Dial Hie carboruvtet of potaah peetetthe tame tireperty of jrolecllua iron atad ileal fr:ntruit at do thete alkalkt in a cautle ttale. If aa Ironblade Is half Uumencd Id a tolutlgu of tub 1 it tie)above Bainrd carbonatct, It exerlifo protecilt soactlOD that that lonlonof IbttTba wb'ci '.sespa4Usthe Inluencs of tbe damp stmotpiier .1 a'rd.saoosldU", even alter a period of two yeiri. Hnallu rs- -(

lullt kavo teen obtained with sea Her, 'o which batflbeea added Ueoaibonatct ofpotaihor tods. The spa

pPcatDnaoftkiifietaraaumerouaand laipertsas. j

tiiguor Verdi, In bis letter declining Ikes

office of Director or Ihc Naples Conaerratclie, iapiacejof tho lato Mercidante, rcommcoii ta the attdieM,the irtcilce cf fugJel, to ibniy Paleitriea an4 ktarw I

cello, to attend to recitative, to cechew Ike uiailo ef is el I

reture, to learn to ounpote with rieoJenk, ut aiste1 I

tbe varloua parts naturally, aad uiodu-al- e without afl I

feclation. He caultoni pupils aiainil Jleldlos W tsa 'fatrlaatlou ot llorli harmony and orchettrallon, oachonttof ihoditcliilihcdictcuth. Ue tnjrcste a broadrliterary ca'.ture, and recommentiUicm tj write lnroolaith.and then. If they an srtltt'e erianirt'lion, they may beeomooo'nroaen. ImUiRtmr, ho la amedvoealoof tlie old rvhool wiu'i woderu dtcli niOOJ.The adileo iaC'tod, but h by uo meant .a acotlm.eiwith Slano: Yuan piaeLco m mutical oouipuMllon.

Tbo twcuty.vevcuth day of the iiu'lli duricfithe war Vraace and Co to any hss been art!

evenuulouc. fha T.iti of Auf,u-- t wat uurked tyvictor) of the Uermans over tbc 1'rrDCh near

tiutancy, la which tue (ienerat of h'' French lereenwat taken ptlMucri no t i'so br Ibe nee nn'cfof ope.railont arouud Sedan. On the cvenlnc of tbe fTto olSeptetiiberbtraibourgcapita'ate't. (la t'ie mornloc esttboilh of OcloVn'r llaaa'i.c'i army and, tl u fortreti oiHull anriendoiea. On tl.o r,th of Nonnitxi su

victory viae won by tbc llm lilviiloa ot theliciuian anny over the I'reneh Norttern array, thelalier IjtUif tcveril Uiauaand meu.aud bei.if drivenback toward tlm Souiuie, aod tba Couaua uodutOoekeu, in eoiuvqueiit'f f the vicionr.ltiklua peiiee.tion of .VuieiLtcn Um roil.. ma dir. on tbe t;t ollkccuit'i be;so the b mil irdinent of 'ho lor lit aroonct

I'arlt. on th t of January tbc bombardment ef ItBfort and of the city itself ceawd.

tint in Chester county, X. ('., lately, aehtcHpeddler wat tramplat aloec, hot, drt'y, and llredywhen lie caoie to a ineellu: aonte tvatrcio mefnfKneudt were engaged iu tllcnl OetoUo.,. TSeperlpatttiu tradetiuan thouyhl he would aa.k la and reeUUe loak a teat upon n beach, dan'-- Ut ba'hu clocks upon the floor. There wat a painful tlUiasain ttmmcottnc home, ahieh vrat brukeui'y oocoftsecloeki, which oommincod tlriklns fanoaily. Tk I

peddler wki in anjacouy. be' he hop I etery eilaakfthe doeli w cold atop, lustrad of tbal l (truck Jatlour hundred and tkiny luuv by tie t .uil exaat cC

etcry l'rlend la thenieettne, for tbe belt diKlplleeJ fthtiu couldn't belt nnoilxries! ibe itr. -- re. Ihca sprose onset the rrletidi.nttheeui ef lie 'oor tneditui ihlrtuuv Uioke, auiiialdi " 1'rkt.d. wit 'tee settflate, perhapt thee had tic' lei DiO'i-'- fl i,n II y Kciwy.or then will not loath ihy lei'luat 011 Luen ttte 'J emenergetic ai lb vebetaiai t 1110 plus. "

tub srisnrumi'i hull.Ai 1 waa eotntnx dna n 'he creel,

I tutt Ihe aad'letl tiyM .

Silling belole a enlld) d'tll .01 drue,l in wtiKe.

A i'arlt h.ll wa tin hel lieai,'.Her ee aniu (line i

Aini InoWintr ilom. In'.-i- Lei ;otnI taw tier ptnV kid t.ioe. f ,

llrt veil, thrown b thowed lue 'hall etKtpr'tiinii wat i r.ue ,Her etrrl vie loi u il 1 co't l

Her lath nut tied h, li'i o.Uetide In r ui n b vtv d is,

Aod, at I went I hi netr,UI. arntil. Umn h n,i a ierv lout..

Wat lerilble lo li m.Juit then tbo .linn door opened wiaf,

And out iwu ctuldren ,Tlie la! onatei'-i-- hrmliei ihik.

'I bo br. t inih lo the mi-- .And tome iluv put luhnM il .

An! .oinu tieio . ei iAn I taking now ino ho . p'tec.

Uuy nun io n'i di,4i.We wbo am eoo'i 'ti'i u i ii et u i

Soen very w lea iivm.;Tluire luiitl hivr 'M.n.uieiitaiitdOf ranily ill the ti.,1 i'

lha laolav llm w inniltbbe uncai to I u- -t ,

Uav mini moi dol. nr 'av rat,O' oi kla pun i ih I- .-

loout-trrua- and o i fa oitlehhe mu;hl bo m. I

lo heathen dull. ,u m .,-- Uinctluiprwilpg hoot, o ,t;U lenj.

' Tit .ad tu Ihh.k l.ov. out' tu iaCan ba ao .'ie.1 m .'I ,

I laar my leu. will 1,1 tu li lateAnd 1 aliwiral Iliereu. '

-J- fen-pi'e afeutfutx.

HIHHilllf i