Андрей Бузина, Smetana

Viral day



Transcript of Андрей Бузина, Smetana

  • 1. Viral day

2. Smetana Mail.ru, , Kasperski Lab, Adidas,Teamo, Ginza Project, Pentax, PokerBand, , . : digital-,, , IKRA 3. Smetana 4. Smetanahttp://vsmetane.ru/ 5. Smetanahttp://www.facebook.com/SmetanaAgency 6. Moozg.ru 7. Seedr.ru 8. . Mail.ru 1.000.000+ ( 15.04.2011) Yandex- 4000+ 1000+ http://video.mail.ru/corp/glavred/_myvideo/[email protected] 12.04.2010 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PaucIzfQII kislenko: 1 019 000 "" 3 ddos: Like . : . !: , ..mr.red: . : !MilaDimi: 30- )) )) 9. . ( )600.000+ ( 27.12.2010) , Youtube 7 -10 -14000+ Slon.ru, Dp.ru, Metro, ,GZT.ru, Ads of the World, - tema, .smetana kom-studio 17.12.2010 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXOGlYrlb3wkuteev: vfrcbxtr: rusinmd: 10% - : .MISS_IVLIN: . ... . 10. . - " " 500.000+ ( 05.07.2010) 40.000+ zvezdochek. net T-1 , Youtube 2500+ Lenta.ru, Dp.ru, Metro, SpbIT Business FM .webplus 26.06.2010 , "Top-7 ", http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5u5Llw4rw4oGreatGuy83: " , !"Edgrak: " . ))) !!!"Pingwinner: " , ! 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Pentax. 260.000+ ( 04.05.2010) 28.000+ 7 T-10 - T-1 Youtube, 1000+ pentax 03.11.2009 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QzP84Z9sBo 1 2 Andreas Middeke, Pentax Europe, International Business Manager: Congratulations for canonvsnikon !!! PERFECT!!!lena_so: . , ?mrsmeet801: !!! . !Anton Koltashov: :)) , )))payalnic: - Pentax - . , 15. . Pentax OptioW80. 250.000+ ( 11.05.2010) 34.500+ 4 T-10 - 100+ 250% http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhbCviETMPEpentax 12.12.2009 , Pentax - petrucha: , , !marketerka: , yaromax: - , .kestrel: - . .- .ProoFF: !) - ! , ! 16. . , KupiKupon.ru 200.000+ ( 10.11.2010)20.000+ skukomonstr.ru ( kupikupon.ru/skukomonstr)T-3 Youtube100+ http://www.youtube.com/user/skukomonstr skukomonstr 25.11.2010 , kudbik: .: , , . " ". .Nimax: : . 200000 , . . . ... Kotovski: ... , )) . : ... - ((( 50% ... , 300 100 . 100 % . 17. . - Web Ready 2010. 50.000+ ( 04.10.2010), 15.000+ 5 T-10 - 100+ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ek2rKPqzKAgwebready 27.09.2010 alco_grafiki: ""? 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Digital - Will it Blend? Blendtech 800%. 9,5 . 35. Digital - 22,9 . . , Coca Cola. , . Fans rst 36. Facebook 40% Facebook , -. 39% . 37. 38. digital- 39. Digital - ( ) 40. Digital SMM- 41. - 26,7 . : , 2010 . (. ) 42. Digital 2010 40% . Carat Interactive AdWatch Isobar, FMCG- . 2012 , , 52 . 43. Digital 44. 45. Digital - 46. TwitterYouTube- Vkontakte Facebook Owned media Paid media Earned media , - (ambient , , , ) 47. media ; (owned media) ;; ; . ;;: , , , . ; (paid media) ; ; , ; . ; ;: , , . (earned media) ; ; . ;: , . 48. Digital - 49. 50. - . 51. 1. ( )2. ( = )3. ( ?)4. ( , ?)5. ( ? ?)6. We need fun! ( = , , ) 52. (peer-2-peer) ., 53. 54. 2 2-4 2-3 1-2 55. 1. (, reference, , digital- ), 1-3 -2. (, ( 3 ), 1 , 50.000 . , , , 3. ( + ), ( 150.000 2 / ) 1.000.000 .4. ( social media, , , , 2 . ), 2 , . (Youtube -. 200.000100.000 , - 1.000.000 500.000 .)5. ( -, , ), , .-6. ( - ( ), , , , 3 , , , -, , % .) 56. VIRAL - * " ",55% $0,05 16% $0,2-1,5** 9%$2-3,9***()* Nielsen, 2009** .*** CTR Yandex.ru 57. 1. , 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. BTL- 58. 1. FMCG2. 3. 4. -, 5. 59. 1. ( . )2. ( , , , ) - 3. ( % , )4. ( - 3 )5. ( >1 . )6. 60. RuTube, 2010 $9 , 275 61. affect.ru grape.ru mdvision.ru allbtl.ruksan.ru iq.rumfive.ru vsmetane.ru... 62. AIDAawarness = interest = desire = action = AIDA, E. St. Elmo Lewis, 1898 63. 64. :) 65. 66. http://rutube.ru/tracks/272443.html 67. 68. 69. (viral video) (advergame) flash- - (community) ambient media ( ) , 70. (viral video) 71. (viral video) 72. (viral video) 73. () 74. () 75. () 76. 77. (advergame)http://www.cupsizechoir.com/?k=1 78. flash- 79. flash- 80. www.monet2010.com 81. The previous version of http://www.e-kon.se 82. - http://fucking-great-advice.ru/advice/139/ 83. - http://talisman.sochi2014.com/ 84. - http://thebattleofbrands.com/ru 85. pr- Hellmuth 86. 87. 88. , 89. ambient media ( ) 90. ambient media ( ) 91. http://www.youtube.com/blackbeetle 92. http://www.youtube.com/sochinewyear 93. http://www.fc-zenit.ru/mobile/recruit.phtml 94. 95. 96. 97. 1. Awareness Index (AI) : Brand Awareness, -. 2. Buzz : , . 3. Celebrity : , . 4. Distinctiveness : . 98. 1. : . 2. , , . 3. , ,. 4. : , . 5. : . 6. : , , . 7. : , 2-3 . . 7 , 1 5: 25-35 - , - 99. 100. 101. 102. Rich Fruit MixSmetana digital-24 2011 103. -3- Rich Fruit Mix -4- - 11 -- 18 - - 29 -- 30 - 104. : Rich: Rich Fruit Mix:Digital-: Rich Fruit Mix:20-35, :- : - 2011 . , (80%), : (20%) :, 105. 1.Rich Fruit Mix 106. RFM | 4 , 2 , . social media. - Rich Fruit Mix UGC-. 107. RFM | : : , Rich Fruit Mix , , . , Rich FruitMix .: ( ) Rich. , - , , , , . , . . : , . :1) -.2) , 108. RFM | 1: . , Rich . 109. 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Youtube. : , .: - . , . -, , ; . 129. | social media+: : , , : , , - #nanofrukty, . 130. | , . , -. . YouTube. 131. 1.3 . 4 | -: - : -, -, : , -, - Rich Fruit Mix . 132. 1.3 . 4 | : - : : - ( ), . . 133. | :" , . 100% " 134. | Youtube YouTube: , Youtube : , : (slow motion) . Youtube. , , . YouTube: Rich Fruit Mix. , !. , . 135. | 1. 2. 3. -, ( , . ) .: 136. . 137. The page is under construction 138. Smetana(812) 945-81-85 +7 921 340-95-32 [email protected] 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. . Seedr . ( 200.000 .) (2 ) ( 1.5 ) -Social media / 145. 146. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Promoted Videos12. / 147. 148. "Prodigy "Smetana 4 2010 149. : "" : MIKC : "Prodigy " : : 55 : Youtube.com / Vimeo.com / (36 MB) : "Prodigy - Out of space" cover, stereo (1,18 MB) : 20.04.2010 1. 215.000+ 04.05.2010 ~ .* 2. 3.798 miks-spb.ru 30 ** 3. 8 Top-10 - 4. Top-4 Top-3 Youtube 5. * , 1000+ views, 04.05.2010 : youtube.com180.690** 20.04 04.05.2010, Googleyaplakal.com 32.303Analytics webpark.ru 2.051tochka.net 1.562sibnet.ru1.225+ 150. adme.ruadvertology.ru sostav.ruvirusvideo.rudp.ruSocial media f5.rusmi2.ru news2.ruleprosorium.rudirty.ru lookatme.ruvkontakte.ru smetana 350 dolbanis /yo-yo.ru bigmir.net yaplakal.comfishki.net twitter.com 20 400 libo.ruziza.rucopypast.ru 151. login: http://www.youtube.com/user/NikolaiKuziaparole: escaper123 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. miks-spb.ru 157. miks-spb.ru, 38% 7%- 158. Like- 159. - oversharing , - - 160. - 161. -1. 162. -2. 163. -3. 164. -4. 165. -5. 166. -6. 167. -7. 168. -8. 169. -9. 170. -10. 171. 172. Cadbury 173. Wonderbra 174. Cadbury 175. Hi Tec 176. Dove 177. Dove Parody 178. Nike 179. Honda 180. Ok Go 181. Make The Girl Dance 182. T-Mobile 183. Mentos+Cola 184. Mentos+Carlsberg 185. Mr.W 186. Heineken 187. AIDES 188. Old Spice 189. Hell pizza 190. Intel 191. Tipp-Ex 192. Samsung 193. Samsung 194. Panda cheese 195. Baby Panda 102.304.163 196. Toyota 197. Samsung 198. Diesel 199. Le Barran Chicken 200. Le Barran Chicken 201. Puma 202. 947 , 6 203. Lurpak 204. 205. Finally 206. ! | www.vsmetane.ru | (812) 945-81-85 | andrey.buzina