Разработка для Sailfish OS на примере мессенджера для...

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Transcript of Разработка для Sailfish OS на примере мессенджера для...

1. Sailfish OS [email protected] 2. Sailfish Qt Creator Sailfish SDK Sailfish OS 3. Sailfish OS 4. Sailfish OS 5. Sailfish OS Linux ( ) Mer 6. Sailfish OS 7. Qt Creator 8. Qt Creator 9. Qt Creator 10. SDK. Clipboard Screen StandardPaths ApplicationWindow PageStack Theme 11. SDK. BackgroundItem BusyIndicaor Button ColorPicker ColumnView ComboBox DatePicker DockedPanel Drawer 12. SDK. IconButton IconTextSwitch Keypad OpacityRampEffect ProgressBar RemorseItem RemorsePopup SearchField Separator 13. SDK. Slider Switch TextSwitch TimePicker TouchBlocker ValueButton 14. SDK. - DetailItem EnterKey Label TextArea TextField 15. SDK. HorizontalScrollDecorator ListItem Page PageHeader ScrollDecorator SilicaFlickable SilicaGridView SilicaListView SilicaWebView 16. SDK. SlideshowView VerticalScrollDecorator ViewPlaceholder 17. SDK. AddAnimation FadeAnimation RemoveAnimation 18. SDK. ContextMenu MenuItem MenuLabel PullDownMenu PushUpMenu 19. SDK. Dialog DialogHeader ColorPickerDialog DatePickerDialog TimePickerDialog 20. SDK. CoverAction CoverActionList Cover CoverBackground CoverPlaceholder 21. Kat ? 17 13:15 http://bit.ly/198YALW http://bit.ly/1MPj0IX v0.1.0 () v0.2.0 () 22. . CoverAction { iconSource: "image" onTriggered: { // ... } } CoverActionList { id: coverAction CoverAction { // ... } } 23. . SilicaListView { // ... model: ListModel {} delegate: DialogItem {} header: PageHeader { // ... } footer: Button { // ... } VerticalScrollDecorator{} } 24. . PullDownMenu { // ... MenuItem { text: "" onClicked: } } Page { // ... onStatusChanged: Component.onCompleted: } 25. . SilicaFlickable { PageHeader {} SilicaListView { clip: true } TextArea { EnterKey.enabled: EnterKey.iconSource: EnterKey.onClicked: } PushUpMenu {} } 26. . Dialog { DialogHeader { acceptText: "" cancelText: "" } SilicaListView { Component { ContextMenu {} } } onAccepted: } 27. . SilicaListView { delegate: Item { Label { textFormat: Text.StyledText linkColor: Theme.highlightColor wrapMode: TextEdit.Wrap onLinkActivated: Qt.openUrlExternally(link) } } } 28. ! [email protected]