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Programming in Java

I/O Stream

蔡文能交通大學資訊工程學系[email protected]


Page 2: 交通大學資訊工程學系 Programming in Java I/O Stream 蔡文能 交通大學資訊工程學系 tsaiwn@csie.nctu.edu.tw tsaiwn/java//java

交通大學資訊工程學系 蔡文能 io-第 2頁

Java Java Input/Output


the System classSystem PropertiesMiscellaneous System MethodsInput / Output StreamByte Stream vs. Character StreamCharacter Stream familyByte Stream familyData Sink StreamProcessing StreamRandom Access FileOther Input/Output Streams

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交通大學資訊工程學系 蔡文能 io-第 3頁

Java Java Input/Output

New Features in JDK 1.5 (JDK5.0)

Scanner and Formatter simplified input and formatted output java.util.Scanner printf ( java.util.Formatter )

Autoboxing Automatic wrapping and unwrapping of primitives

Enumerated Types Provides benefits of the Typesafe Enum pattern

Foreach loopGeneric Types (template) Compile-time type safety for collections without casting

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交通大學資訊工程學系 蔡文能 io-第 4頁

Java Java Input/Output

The System Class

java.lang.System class allows your Java programs to use system resources but insulates them from system-specific details.

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交通大學資訊工程學系 蔡文能 io-第 5頁

Java Java Input/Output

The Runtime Object (1/2)

The oval labeled Runtime represents the current runtime environment. An instance of the Runtime class.

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交通大學資訊工程學系 蔡文能 io-第 6頁

Java Java Input/Output

Runtime objects provide two services. They communicate with the components of the runtime


Getting information and invoking functions. Runtime objects are also the interface to system-dependent

capabilities. For example, UNIX Runtime objects might support the getenv and setenv functions. Other Runtime objects, such as for Mac OS, might not support.

The Runtime Object (2/2)

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交通大學資訊工程學系 蔡文能 io-第 7頁

Java Java Input/Output

Using the java.lang.System Class

You do not instantiate the System class to use it.All of System's variables and methods are class variables and class methods. They are declared static.

To use a class variable, you use it directly from the name of the class using Java's dot (.) notation.

class UserNameTest { public static void main(String[] args) {

String name; name = System.getProperty("user.name"); System.out.println(“Your name is “ + name);


Notice that the program never instantiates a System object. It just references the getProperty method and the out variable directly from the class.

Different from in C++

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交通大學資訊工程學系 蔡文能 io-第 8頁

Java Java Input/Output

System.out.println(…) ?

System.out is an object that is part of the Java languageprintln is a method invoked by the System.out object that can be used for console output The data to be output is given as an argument in

parentheses A plus sign is used to connect more than one item Every invocation of println ends a line of output

System.out.println("The answer is " + 42);

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交通大學資訊工程學系 蔡文能 io-第 9頁

Java Java Input/Output

The Standard I/O StreamsStandard Input Stream The System class provides a stream for reading text -- the standard input

stream. Referenced by System.in Use System.in.read to read the input entered by user.

Standard Output and Error Streams The standard output stream is typically used for command output.

Referenced by System.out The standard error stream is typically used to display any errors that occur

when a program is running.Referenced by System.err

The print, println, and write MethodsThe print and println methods write their String argument to the stream.System.out.println("Duke is not a penguin!");

The write method is used to write bytes to the stream. Use write to write non-ASCII data.

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交通大學資訊工程學系 蔡文能 io-第 10頁

Java Java Input/Output

Arguments to print and printlnprint and println methods both take a single argument: Object, String, char[], int, long, float, double, and boolean. println takes no arguments and just prints a newline to the stream.

public class DataTypePrintTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Thread objectData = new Thread(); String stringData = "Java Mania"; char[] charArrayData = { 'a', 'b', 'c' }; int integerData = 4; long longData = Long.MIN_VALUE; float floatData = Float.MAX_VALUE; double doubleData = Math.PI; boolean booleanData = true;

System.out.println(objectData); System.out.println(stringData); System.out.println(charArrayData); System.out.println(integerData); System.out.println(longData); System.out.println(floatData); System.out.println(doubleData); System.out.println(booleanData); System.out.println(); }}

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交通大學資訊工程學系 蔡文能 io-第 11頁

Java Java Input/Output

OutputThread[Thread-4,5,main]Java Maniaabc4-92233720368547758083.40282e+383.14159true

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交通大學資訊工程學系 蔡文能 io-第 12頁

Java Java Input/Output

Formatting Output Before JDK 1.5: The java.text.NumberFormat class allows you to

format values as currency or percentages The java.text.DecimalFormat class allows you to

format values based on a pattern

JDK 1.5 (5.0) and later: Java.util.Scanner You can also use printf function which similar to the

printf function in C language

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Java Java Input/Output


See examples in previous slides java.text.NumberFormat, java.text.DecimalFormat format function, format pattern parse function

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交通大學資訊工程學系 蔡文能 io-第 14頁

Java Java Input/Output

Method Detail in DecimalFormat


public StringBuffer format(double number, StringBuffer result, FieldPosition fieldPosition)

Description copied from class: NumberFormat Specialization of format. Overrides: format in class NumberFormat

Tags copied from class: NumberFormat See Also: Format.format(java.lang.Object)

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交通大學資訊工程學系 蔡文能 io-第 15頁

Java Java Input/Output

Formatting Output with printf

Starting with version 1.5 (5.0), Java includes a method named printf that can be used to produce output in a specific formatThe Java method printf is similar to the print method Like print, printf does not advance the output to the next line

System.out.printf can have any number of arguments The first argument is always a format string that

contains one or more format specifiers for the remaining arguments

All the arguments except the first are values to be output to the screen

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交通大學資訊工程學系 蔡文能 io-第 16頁

Java Java Input/Output

C Style Output (1/5)

Java 5.0 在 java.util.Formatter 類別中開始支援 C-Style (C風格 )的輸出,除了使用屬於 Formatter類別的物件配合 System.out.println( )方法輸出之外,還可以直接使用類似 C語言 printf函數的System.out.printf() 方法。

System.out.printf(” ”控制字串 , 運算式 1, 運算式 2, ...); 控制字串中可以包含許多以百分比符號 (%)引導的控制符號, see next slide:

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交通大學資訊工程學系 蔡文能 io-第 17頁

Java Java Input/Output

C Style Output (2/5)控制符號 含 意

%% 在字串中顯示%

%d 以 10 進位整數方式輸出

%f 將浮點數以 10 進位方式輸出

%e, %E 將浮點數以 10 進位科學記號方式輸出

%a, %A 使用科學記號輸出浮點數,以 16進位輸出整數部份,以 10 進位輸出指數部份

%o 以 8 進位整數方式輸出

%x, %X 將浮點數以 16 進位方式輸出

%s, %S 輸出格式化字串

%c, %C 以字元方式輸出

%b, %B 輸出布林值 "true"或 "false"(使用%B則輸出 "TRUE" 或 "FALSE")。另外,非 null值輸出是 "true", null值輸出是 "false"

%n 輸出平台相依的換列字元,如果是在Windows 作業系統下實際上會置換為 '/r/n',如果是在Unix作業系統下則會置換為 '/n'

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交通大學資訊工程學系 蔡文能 io-第 18頁

Java Java Input/Output

C Style Output (3/5)

在上表中的大部份控制字符前,還可以加上如下所列的旗號 (flag):

特殊旗號 含 意

數字 (d格式等 ) 數字代表輸出的欄位總寬度

數字 1.數字 2(f格式等 )

數字 1代表輸出的欄位總寬度;數字 2代表輸出的小入部份欄位寬度

+ 正數前輸出 +,負數前輸出 -

空白 正數前輸出空白,負數前輸出 -

0 數字前輸出前導 0

- 輸出向左對齊

( 負數以加括號方式輸出

, 數字每隔 3位加一逗點

# (f 格式 ) 永遠加上小數點

# (x 格式 ) 輸出加上 0x字首

# (o 格式 ) 輸出加上 0 字首

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交通大學資訊工程學系 蔡文能 io-第 19頁

Java Java Input/Output

C Style Output (4/5)

我們使用以下的程式片段來說明 System.out.printf( )用法:

System.out.printf("%d %(d %+d %05d\n", 3, -3, 3, 3);System.out.printf("%.4f", 123.1234567); System.out.printf("%16.2e", 123.1234567);System.out.printf("% ,.2f\n% ,.2f\n", 1234567.123, -1234567.123);System.out.printf("|%f|%n|%12f|%n|%012f|",10.12345, 10.12345,

10.12345);System.out.printf(“%9s”,“C風格的輸出功能很好用 ");

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交通大學資訊工程學系 蔡文能 io-第 20頁

Java Java Input/Output

C 風格的輸出 (5/5)

上述的程式片段輸出的結果為:3 (3) +3 00003123.1235 1.23e+02 1,234,567.12-1,234,567.12|10.123450|| 10.123450||00010.123450|C 風格的輸出功能很 注意答案

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交通大學資訊工程學系 蔡文能 io-第 21頁

Java Java Input/Output

More about printf method

In addition, some Java classes like Date and BigInteger also have their formatting rules. Handles java.util.Date numeric types native types strings

See the java.util.Formatter class for more information.

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交通大學資訊工程學系 蔡文能 io-第 22頁

Java Java Input/Output

java.util.Scanner -- JDK1.5 (5.0)

Finally, Java has a fairly simple way to read input Scanner sc = Scanner.create(System.in); boolean b = sc.nextBoolean( ); byte by = sc.nextByte( ); short sh = sc.nextShort( ); int i = sc.nextInt( ); long l = sc.nextLong( ); float f = sc.nextFloat( ); double d = sc.nextDouble( ); String s = sc.nextLine( );

By default, whitespace acts as a delimiter, but you can define other delimiters with regular expressions.

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交通大學資訊工程學系 蔡文能 io-第 23頁

Java Java Input/Output

Testing Methods in java.util.Scanner

boolean hasNext()

boolean hasNext( Pattern ptrn )

boolean hasNextBoolean()

boolean hasNextDouble()

boolean hasNextInt()

boolean hasNextInt( int radix )

boolean hasNextLine()

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交通大學資訊工程學系 蔡文能 io-第 24頁

Java Java Input/Output

using java.util.ScannerScanner stdin = Scanner.create(System.in);

int n = stdin.nextInt();

String s = stdin.next();

boolean b = stdin.hasNextInt()

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交通大學資訊工程學系 蔡文能 io-第 25頁

Java Java Input/Output

格式化的輸入 (1/3)除了 nextInt( )方法之外, Scanner還提供許多其他的方法以方便

使用者進行輸入操作,以下我們一一介紹:方法名稱 功能

hasNext() 檢查輸入串流中是否仍有待輸入的 token(輸入單元 )

hasNext(String 比對字串 ) 檢查輸入串流中是否仍有待輸入且與比對字串吻合的 token

hasNextBigDecimal() 檢查下一個待輸入的 token是否能夠輸入為 BigDecimal 物件

hasNextBigInteger() 檢查下一個待輸入的 token是否能夠輸入為 BigInteger 物件

hasNextBigInteger(int 基底參數 ) 檢查下一個待輸入的 token是否能夠輸入為以基底參數為基底的 BigInteger 物件

hasNextBoolean() 檢查下一個待輸入的 token是否能夠輸入為以不區別大小寫的 true/false建立的布 林值

hasNextByte() 檢查下一個待輸入的 token 是否能夠輸入為一個位元組值

hasNextByte(int 基底參數 ) 檢查下一個待輸入的 token是否能夠輸入為一個以基底參數為基底的位元組值

hasNextDouble() 檢查下一個待輸入的 token 是否能夠輸入為一個倍精準度浮點數值

hasNextFloat() 檢查下一個待輸入的 token是否能夠輸入為一個浮點數值

hasNextInt() 檢查下一個待輸入的 token 是否能夠輸入為一個整數值

hasNextInt(int 基底參數 ) 檢查下一個待輸入的 token是否能夠輸入為一個以基底參數為基底的整數值

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交通大學資訊工程學系 蔡文能 io-第 26頁

Java Java Input/Output

格式化的輸入 (2/3)hasNextLine() 檢查是否仍有一列待輸入的資料

hasNextLong() 檢查下一個待輸入的 token 是否能夠輸入為一個長整數值

hasNextLong(int 基底參數 ) 檢查下一個待輸入的 token是否能夠輸入為一個以基底參數為基底的長整數值

hasNextShort() 檢查下一個待輸入的 token 是否能夠輸入為一個短整數值

hasNextShort(int 基底參數 ) 檢查下一個待輸入的 token是否能夠輸入為一個以基底參數為基底的短整數值

next() 輸入下一個待輸入的 token (以字串傳回 )

next(String 比對字串 ) 輸入下一個待輸入且與比對字串吻合的 token

nextBigDecimal() 將下一個待輸入的 token輸入為 BigDecimal 物件

nextBigInteger() 將下一個待輸入的 token輸入為 BigInteger 物件

nextBigInteger(int 基底參數 ) 將下一個待輸入的 token是輸入為以基底參數為基底的 BigInteger 物 件

nextBoolean() 將下一個待輸入的 token輸入為以不區別大小寫的 true/false建立的布 林值

nextByte() 將下一個待輸入的 token 輸入為一個位元組值

nextByte(int 基底參數 ) 將下一個待輸入的 token輸入為一個以基底參數為基底的位元組值

nextDouble() 將下一個待輸入的 token 輸入為一個倍精準度浮點數值

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Java Java Input/Output

格式化的輸入 (3/3)nextFloat() 將下一個待輸入的 token輸入為一個浮點數值

nextInt() 將下一個待輸入的 token 輸入為一個整數值

nextInt(int 基底參數 ) 將下一個待輸入的 token輸入為一個以基底參數為基底的整數值

nextLine() 輸入一列資料 (以字串傳回 )

nextLong() 將下一個待輸入的 token 輸入為一個長整數值

nextLong(int 基底參數 ) 將下一個待輸入的 token輸入為一個以基底參數為基底的長整數值

nextShort() 將下一個待輸入的 token 輸入為一個短整數值

nextShort(int 基底參數 ) 將下一個待輸入的 token輸入為一個以基底參數為基底的短整數值

useDelimiter(String 分隔樣板字串 )

設定以分隔樣板字串來作為區隔 token的依據

delimiter() 取得分隔樣版 (以 Pattern物件傳回 )

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交通大學資訊工程學系 蔡文能 io-第 28頁

Java Java Input/Output

JDK1.5 (5.0) Autoboxing/UnboxingWrap ints into Integers

Extract ints from Integers

This is now legal:

Integer x = 6; //6 is boxed

Integer y = 2*x + 3; //x is unboxed, then the answer 15 is boxed

You could hide primitives entirely!

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Java Java Input/Output

Enumerations (JDK1.5)An enumeration, or “enum,” is simply a set of constants to represent various values.

Here’s the old way of doing it: public final int SPRING = 0;

public final int SUMMER = 1;public final int FALL = 2;public final int WINTER = 3;

This is a nuisance, and is error prone as well.

Here’s the new way of doing it: enum Season {SPRING, SUMMER, FALL,


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Java Java Input/Output

Enumeration Type Issues

Are they just integers? Type safety How are they input and output? Brittleness in the face of changes

Can they be treated like classes? Methods Extensions

Name clashes?

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Java Java Input/Output

enums are classesAn enum is actually a new type of class. You can declare them as inner classes or outer classes. You can declare variables of an enum type.

Each declared value is an instance of the enum class.Enums are implicitly public, static, and final.

enums extend java.lang.Enum and implement java.lang.Comparable.

Supports equals, “==”, compareTo, ordinal, etc. Enums override toString() and provide valueOf(…), name(). Example:

Season season = Season.WINTER;System.out.println(season ); // prints WINTERseason = Season.valueOf("SPRING"); // sets season to Season.SPRING

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Java Java Input/Output

Advantages of the new enumEnums provide compile-time type safety. int enums don't provide any type safety at all: season = 43;

Enums provide a proper name space for the enumerated type. With int enums you have to prefix the constants (for example,

seasonWINTER or S_WINTER) to get anything like a name space.

Enums are robust. If you add, remove, or reorder constants, you must recompile, and

then everything is OK again.

Enum printed values are informative. If you print an int enum you just see a number

Because enums are objects, you can put them in collections.

Because enums are classes, you can add fields and methods.

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Java Java Input/Output

Enums really are classes public enum Coin { // enums can have instance variables

private final int value; // An enum can have a constructor, but it isn’t public

Coin(int value) { this.value = value; } // Each enum value you list really calls a constructor

PENNY(1), NICKEL(5), DIME(10), QUARTER(25); // And, of course, classes can have methods

public int value( ) { return value; } public static void main( String[] args ) {

int sum = 0;for ( String arg: args )

sum += Coin.valueOf( arg ).value();System.out.println( sum + " cents" );

} }

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Java Java Input/Output

Other features of enumsvalues() returns an array of enum values. Season[] seasonValues = Season.values();

switch statements can now work with enums. switch (thisSeason) { case SUMMER: ...;

default: ...} You must say case SUMMER:,

not case Season.SUMMER: It’s still a very good idea to include a default case.

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Java Java Input/Output

Enum Semantics

Only one copy of each value (instance) of an Enum class is allowed. The operator == works fine. No new instances allowed. No public constructors allowed. No subclasses allowed (messy semantics).

Each instance must be created. Static initializers cannot refer to the instances.

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Java Java Input/Output

Useful enum Collection ClassesOptimized for enumerations:

EnumSet Uses a bit set implementation.

EnumMap Used to store additional information for each enum

literal. Often declared inside the enum itself.

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Java Java Input/Output

Persistence Properties

enums implement Serializable.

Their serialized form as a byte array does not change even if the list of literals is modified.

This means that data in a file does not become obsolete, and network peers can be at different revision levels. Robust in the face of modifications.

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Java Java Input/Output

Static import facilityimport static org.iso.Physics.*;

class Guacamole { public static void main(String[] args) { double molecules = AVOGADROS_NUMBER * moles; ... }}You no longer have to say Physics.AVOGADROS_NUMBER.Are you tired of typing System.out.println(something); ?Do this instead: import static java.lang.System.out; out.println(something);

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Java Java Input/Output


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Java Java Input/Output

Prototype of the System ClassPeruse of the javap

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Java Java Input/Output

System PropertiesKey Meaning

"file.separator" File separator (for example, "/")"java.class.path" Java classpath"java.class.version" Java class version number"java.home" Java installation directory"java.vendor" Java vendor-specific string"java.vendor.url" Java vendor URL"java.version" Java version number"line.separator" Line separator"os.arch" Operating system architecture"os.name" Operating system name"os.version" Operating system version"path.separator" Path separator (for example, ":")"user.dir" User's current working directory"user.home" User home directory"user.name" User account name

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Java Java Input/Output

Reading System Properties

Reading System Properties The System class has two methods to read the system properties: getProperty and getProperties.

The simpler version of getProperty :System.getProperty("path.separator");

Another version requires two String arguments: First argument is the key to look up. The second argument is a default value to return if the key cannot be

found or if it has no value.

System.getProperty("subliminal.message", "Buy Java Now!");

The getProperties method returns a Properties object. Use the various Properties class methods to query the Properties objects for specific values or to list the entire set of properties.

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Java Java Input/Output

Writing System Properties

Writing System Properties System's setProperties method takes a Properties

object that has been initialized to contain the key/value pairs for the properties that you want to set.

Example:myProperties.txt :

subliminal.message=Buy Java Now!

Changing the system properties within an application will not effect future invocations of the Java interpreter for this or any other application.

java.vendor=Acme Software Company

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Java Java Input/Output

import java.io.FileInputStream;import java.util.Properties;

public class PropertiesTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // set up new properties object // from file "myProperties.txt” FileInputStream propFile = new FileInputStream("myProperties.txt"); Properties p = new Properties(System.getProperties()); p.load(propFile);

// set the system properties System.setProperties(p); // display new properties System.getProperties().list(System.out); }}

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Java Java Input/Output

Forcing Finalization and Garbage Collection

Finalizing Objects Before an object is garbage collected, the Java runtime system gives the object a

chance to clean up after itself. You can force object finalization to occur by calling System's

runFinalization method.


Running the Garbage Collector Ask the garbage collector to run at any time by calling System's gc method:

System.gc(); Running the garbage collector to ensure that it runs at the best time for your

program.Rather than when it's most convenient for the runtime system to run it.

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Java Java Input/Output

Providing Your Own Security Manager The SecurityManager class in the java.lang package is an abstract

class.Providing the programming interface and partial implementation for all Java security managers.

Get the current security managerUsing the System class's getSecurityManager() method:

SecurityManager appsm = System.getSecurityManager();

Once you have the security manager, you can request permission to allow or disallow certain operations.

SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();if (security != null) { security.checkExit(status);}. . .// code continues here if checkedExit() returns

If the security manager approves the exit operation, the checkExit() returns normally. If the security manager disallows the operation, the checkExit() method throws a SecurityException.

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Java Java Input/Output

Writing a Security Manager (1/3)

Writing a Security Manager An security manager example that restricts reading and writing to the file

system. This example prompts the user for a password.

When the application attempts to open a file for reading or for writing. All security managers must be a subclass of SecurityManager.

class PasswordSecurityManager extends SecurityManager { . . .}

PasswordSecurityManager declares a private instance variable password to contain the password that the user must enter in order to allow the restricted file system accesses.

PasswordSecurityManager(String password) { super(); this.password = password;}

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Java Java Input/Output

Writing a Security Manager (2/3)

The SecurityManager’s accessOK()method prompts the user for a password and verifies it.private boolean accessOK() { int c; DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(System.in);

String response;

System.out.println("What's the secret password?"); try { response = dis.readLine(); if (response.equals(password)) return true; else return false; } catch (IOException e) { return false; }

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Java Java Input/Output

Writing a Security Manager (3/3) three overridden checkRead() methods and the two overridden

checkWrite() methods:public void checkRead(FileDescriptor filedescriptor) { if (!accessOK()) throw new SecurityException("Not a Chance!");}public void checkRead(String filename) { if (!accessOK()) throw new SecurityException("No Way!");}public void checkRead(String filename, Object executionContext) { if (!accessOK()) throw new SecurityException("Forget It!");}public void checkWrite(FileDescriptor filedescriptor) { if (!accessOK()) throw new SecurityException("Not!");}public void checkWrite(String filename) { if (!accessOK()) throw new SecurityException("Not Even!");}

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Java Java Input/Output

Implementing a Security ManagerImplementing a SecurityManager is simple. Create a SecurityManager subclass. Override a few methods. The tricky part is determining which methods to override and implementing

your security policy.

Installing Your Security Manager Installing your security manager as the current one for Java application with

the setSecurityManager() method from the System class.

try { System.setSecurityManager(new PasswordSecurityManager("Booga Booga"));} catch (SecurityException se) { System.out.println("SecurityManager already set!");}

You can set the security manager for your application only once. Browser sets its security manager during its startup procedure.

So most of the time, applets cannot set the security manager because it's already been set.

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Java Java Input/Output

Operations On Approved BycheckAccept(String host, int port)checkConnect(String host, int port)checkConnect(String host, int port, Object executionContext)


checkListen(int port)checkAccess(Thread thread)threadscheckAccess(ThreadGroup threadgroup)

class loader checkCreateClassLoader()checkDelete(String filename)checkLink(String library)checkRead(FileDescriptor filedescriptor)checkRead(String filename)checkRead(String filename, Object executionContext)checkWrite(FileDescriptor filedescriptor)

file system

checkWrite(String filename)

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Java Java Input/Output

Operations On Approved Byinterpreter checkExit(int status)package checkPackageAccess(String

packageName)checkPackageDefinition(String packageName)

properties checkPropertiesAccess()checkPropertyAccess(String key)checkPropertyAccess(String key, String def)

networking checkSetFactory()windows checkTopLevelWindow(Object window)


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Java Java Input/Output

Miscellaneous System Methods

Copying Arrayspublic static void arraycopy(Object source, int srcIndex, Object dest, int destIndex, int length )

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Java Java Input/Output

public class ArrayCopyTest { public static void main(String[] args) { char[] copyFrom = { 'd', 'e', 'c', 'a', 'f', 'f', 'e',

'i', 'n', 'a', 't', 'e', 'd' }; char[] copyTo = new char[7];

System.arraycopy(copyFrom, 2, copyTo, 0, 7); System.out.println(new String(copyTo)); }}

Note that the destination array must be allocated before you call arraycopy and must be large enough to contain the data being copied.

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Java Java Input/Output

Getting the Current Time The currentTimeMillis method returns the current time.

In milliseconds.

Since 00:00:00, January 1, 1970.

The time difference between mouse clicks is used to determine whether a user double clicked.

If the time period between the clicks is smaller than 200 milliseconds, the two mouse clicks are interpreted as a double mouse click.


public static long currentTimeMillis()

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Java Java Input/Output

Examplepublic class TimingIsEverything extends java.applet.Applet { public long firstClickTime = 0; public String displayStr; public void init() { displayStr = "Double Click Me"; addMouseListener(new MyAdapter()); } public void paint(Graphics g) { g.drawRect(0, 0, getSize().width-1,

getSize().height-1); g.drawString(displayStr, 40, 30); } class MyAdapter extends MouseAdapter {

public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) { long clickTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long clickInterval = clickTime - firstClickTime; if (clickInterval < 300) {

displayStr = "Double Click!! (Interval = "+

clickInterval + ")";firstClickTime = 0;

} else { displayStr = "Single Click!!";firstClickTime = clickTime;

} repaint(); }


注意還需要 import 一些 package 的 class

再注意 : java.awt.* 並不包括java.awt.event.*

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Java Java Input/Output


Exiting the Runtime Environment To exit the Java interpreter, call the System.exit method:

System.exit(-1); The interpreter exits with the integer exit code that you specify to

the exit method. The exit method causes the Java interpreter to exit, not just

your Java program.

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Java Java Input/Output

Input/Output Streaming

Input Stream

Output Stream

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Java Java Input/Output



open a stream

while more information

read information

close the stream


open a stream

while more information

write information

close the stream

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Java Java Input/Output

Byte Streams vs. Character Streams

Divided into two class hierarchies based on the data type (either characters or bytes) on which they operate.

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Java Java Input/Output

Data Sink Streams vs. Processing Streams

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Java Java Input/Output

Character Streams

Subclasses of Reader and Writer implement specialized streams.

They are divided into two categories: Those that read from or write to data sinks.

(shown in gray in the following figures) Those that perform some sort of processing.

(shown in white in the following figures)

They both can handle any 16-bit characters in the Unicode character set.

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Java Java Input/OutputCharacter Stream Family

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Java Java Input/Output

Reader (Character Input Stream)

java.io Class Reader --- Since: JDK1.1

java.lang.Object | +-- java.io.Reader Direct Known Subclasses:

BufferedReader, CharArrayReader, FilterReader, InputStreamReader, PipedReader, StringReader

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Java Java Input/Output

Writer (Character Output Stream)

java.io Class Writer --- Since: JDK1.1

java.lang.Object | +-- java.io.Writer

Direct Known Subclasses: BufferedWriter, CharArrayWriter, FilterWriter,

OutputStreamWriter, PipedWriter, PrintWriter, StringWriter

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Java Java Input/Output

Byte Streams

Programs should use the byte streams, descendants of InputStream and OutputStream, to read and write 8-bit bytes.

These streams are used to read and write binary data such as images and sounds.

Subclasses of InputStream and OutputStream provide specialized I/O. Dividing into two categories: data sink streams and processing


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Java Java Input/OutputByte Stream family




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Java Java Input/Output

InputStream (Byte Input Stream)

java.io Class InputStream --- Since: JDK1.0

java.lang.Object | +-- java.io.InputStream

Direct Known Subclasses: AudioInputStream, ByteArrayInputStream, FileInputStream,

FilterInputStream, InputStream, ObjectInputStream, PipedInputStream, SequenceInputStream, StringBufferInputStream

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Java Java Input/Output

OutputStream (Byte Output Stream)

java.io Class OutputStream --- Since: JDK1.0

java.lang.Object | +-- java.io.OutputStream

Direct Known Subclasses: ByteArrayOutputStream, FileOutputStream, FilterOutputStream,

ObjectOutputStream, OutputStream, PipedOutputStream

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Java Java Input/Output

C 裡面的 stderr, stdin, stdout

C++ 的 cerr, cin, cout

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Java Java Input/Output

Similar APIs

Reader and InputStream define similar APIs but for different data types. int read()int read(char cbuf[])int read(char cbuf[], int offset, int length)

int write()int write(byte cbuf[])int write(byte cbuf[], int offset, int length)

Byte input Stream

Character input Stream

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Java Java Input/Output

Data Sink Streams -- Outline

Sink Type Character Streams Byte StreamsMemory CharArrayReader,




Pipe PipedReader,PipedWriter


File FileReader,FileWriter


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Java Java Input/Output

Data Sink Streams (I)

CharArrayReader/CharArrayWriterByteArrayInputStream/ByteArrayOutputStream Use these streams to read from and write to memory. You create these streams on an existing array. Then use the read and write methods to read from or write to the

array.StringReader/StringWriter and StringBufferInputStream Use StringReader to read characters from a String as it

lives in memory. StringWriter collects the characters written to it in a StringBuffer, which can then be converted to a String.

StringBufferInputStream reads bytes from a StringBuffer.

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Java Java Input/Output

Data Sink Streams (II)

FileReader/FileWriter and FileInputStream/FileOutputStream These streams are used to read from or write to a file on the native

file system. FileInputStream is meant for reading streams of raw bytes such

as image data. For reading streams of characters, consider using FileReader.

FileOutputStream is meant for writing streams of raw bytes such as image data. For writing streams of characters, consider using FileWriter.

PipedReader/PipedWriter and PipedInputStream/PipedOutputStream Implement the input and output components of a pipe. Pipes are used to channel the output from one program (or thread)

into the input of another.

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Java Java Input/Output

File Streams

The file streams -- FileReader, FileWriter, FileInputStream, and FileOutputStream

-- each read or write from a file on the native file system.

FileReader and FileWriter read and write 16-bit characters. Most native file systems are based on 8-bit bytes. These streams encode the characters as they operate according

to the default character-encoding scheme.

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Java Java Input/Output


java.io Class File --- Since: JDK1.0

java.lang.Object | +-- java.io.File

All Implemented Interfaces: Comparable, Serializable

public class File extends Object implements Serializable, Comparable { /* … */ }

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Java Java Input/Output

File Streams -- Example

import java.io.*;public class Copy { public static void main(String[] args)

throws IOException { File inputFile = new File("farrago.txt"); File outputFile = new File("outagain.txt");

FileReader in = new FileReader(inputFile); FileWriter out = new FileWriter(outputFile); int c;

while ( (c = in.read()) != -1 ) out.write(c);

in.close(); out.close(); }}

-1 means EOF

(End Of File)

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Java Java Input/Output

File Streams – Example (cont.)

import java.io.*;

public class TestReadFile {

public static void main(String arg[]) throws Exception {

FileReader fr =new FileReader("c:\\homework\\test.txt");

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( fr ); do { // read data line by line

String data = br.readLine();

if(data==null) break; // End Of File System.out.println(data);

} while(true);

} //main


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Java Java Input/Output

Example of Processing StreamsWhen to use pipe streams Pipes are used to channel the output from one program (or thread)

into the input of another program. Without pipe streams, the program would have to store the results

somewhere (such as in a file or in memory) between each step.

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Java Java Input/Output

Pipe StreamsWith pipe streams, the output from one method could be piped into the next.

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Java Java Input/Output

Example using Pipe StreamsThe calling sequence of the reverse and sort methods from the main method.FileReader words = new FileReader("words.txt");Reader rhymingWords = reverse(sort(reverse(words)));

The reverse method :public static Reader reverse(Reader source) { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(source);

PipedWriter pipeOut = new PipedWriter(); PipedReader pipeIn = new PipedReader(pipeOut); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(pipeOut);

new ReverseThread(out, in).start();

return pipeIn;}

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Java Java Input/Output

Example: Annotation The bold statements in reverse create both ends of a pipe -- a PipedWriter and a PipedReader -- and connects them by constructing the PipedReader "on" the PipedWriter.

Using Streams to Wrap Other StreamsBufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(source);...PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(pipeOut);

First line opens a BufferedReader on source, the argument to reverse (a Reader). So, it can use BufferedReader's convenient readLine method.

The PipedWriter is wrapped in a PrintWriter so that the program can use PrintWriter's convenient println method.

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Java Java Input/Output

Processing Streams -- Summary

Process CharacterStreams Byte StreamsBuffering BufferedReader,


Filtering FilterReader,FilterWriter


Converting betweenBytes and Characters


Concatenation SequenceInputStreamObject Serialization ObjectInputStream,

ObjectOutputStreamData Conversion DataInputStream,

DataOutputStreamCounting LineNumberReader LineNumberInputStreamPeeking Ahead PushbackReader PushbackInputStreamPrinting PrintWriter PrintStream

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Java Java Input/Output

Processing Streams (1/3)

BufferedReader and BufferedWriter

BufferedInputStream and BufferedOutputStream Buffer data while reading or writing

Reducing the number of accesses required on the original data source.

Buffered streams are typically more efficient than similar nonbuffered streams.

FilterReader and FilterWriter

FilterInputStream and FilterOutputStream Abstract classes, like their parents. They define the interface for filter streams, which filter data as it's

being read or written.

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Java Java Input/Output

Processing Streams (2/3)

InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter InputStreamReader reads bytes from an InputStream and

converts them to characters using either the default character-encoding or a character-encoding specified by name.

OutputStreamWriter converts characters to bytes using either the default character-encoding or a character-encoding specified by name and then writes those bytes to an OutputStream.

SequenceInputStream Concatenates multiple input streams into one input stream. ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream Used to serialize objects. DataInputStream and DataOutputStream Read or write primitive Java data types in a machine-independent format. Note the byte-ordering problem. (若是不同電腦系統換資料 )

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Java Java Input/Output

Processing Streams (3/3)


LineNumberInputStream Keeps track of line numbers while reading.

PushbackReader and PushbackInputStream Two input streams each with a 1-character (or byte) pushback

buffer. When reading data from a stream, you will find it useful to peek at

the next item in the stream in order to decide what to do next.

PrintWriter and PrintStream Contain convenient printing methods. These are the easiest streams to write to, so you will often see

other writable streams wrapped in one of these.

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Java Java Input/Output

Example: Concatenate Files (1/3)

How to Concatenate Filesimport java.io.*;

public class Concatenate { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { ListOfFiles mylist = new ListOfFiles(args);

SequenceInputStream s = new SequenceInputStream(mylist);

int c;

while ((c = s.read()) != -1) System.out.write(c);

s.close(); }}

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Java Java Input/Output

Example: Concatenate Files (2/3)import java.util.*;import java.io.*;

public class ListOfFiles implements Enumeration { private String[] listOfFiles; private int current = 0; public ListOfFiles(String[] listOfFiles) {

this.listOfFiles = listOfFiles; } public boolean hasMoreElements() {

if (current < listOfFiles.length) return true; else return false; }

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Java Java Input/Output

Example: Concatenate Files (3/3)

public Object nextElement() { InputStream in = null;

if (!hasMoreElements()) throw new NoSuchElementException("No more files.");else { String nextElement = listOfFiles[current]; current++; try {

in = new FileInputStream(nextElement); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

System.err.println("ListOfFiles: Can't open " +

nextElement); } } return in;


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Java Java Input/Output

Example: Filtered Streams (1/3)

Working with Filtered Streams Using Filtered Streams

To use a filtered input or output stream, attach the filtered stream to another input or output stream.

DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(System.in);

String input;while ((input = dis.readLine()) != null) { . . . // readLine( ) deprecated}

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Java Java Input/Output

Example: Filtered Streams (2/3) Using DataInputStream and DataOutputStream

DataOutputStream must be attached to some other OutputStream.

DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream( new FileOutputStream("invoice1.txt"));

Use DataOutputStream's specialized writeXXX methods to write the invoice data according to the type of data being written.

for (int i = 0; i < prices.length; i++) { dos.writeDouble(prices[i]); dos.writeChar('\t'); dos.writeInt(units[i]); dos.writeChar('\t'); dos.writeChars(descs[i]); dos.writeChar('\n');}dos.close();

Write as:19.99 12 Java T-shirt9.99 8 Java Mug

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Java Java Input/Output

Example: Filtered Streams (3/3)

reads the data back in using DataInputStream's specialized readXXX methods.

try { while (true) { price = dis.readDouble(); dis.readChar(); // throws out the tab unit = dis.readInt(); dis.readChar(); // throws out the tab desc = dis.readLine(); System.out.println("You've ordered " + unit + " units of " + desc + " at $" + price); total = total + unit * price; } } catch (EOFException e) {}System.out.println("For a TOTAL of: $" + total);dis.close();

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Java Java Input/Output

Write Your Own Filtered Streams

Writing Your Own Filtered StreamsA list of steps to take when writing your own filtered input and output streams:

Create a subclass of FilterInputStream and FilterOutputStream.

Override the read and write methods. Override any other methods that you might

need. Make sure the input and output streams work


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Java Java Input/Output

Random Access Files (RAFs)Example: Zip archives contain files and are typically compressed to save

space. Zip archives also contain a dir-entry at the end

Indicating where the various files contained within the zip archive begin.

Without RAFs, you have to do the following:Open the zip archive. Search through the zip archive until you located the file you wanted to extract.Extract the file.Close the zip archive.

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Java Java Input/Output

With RAFs

You can extract the same file from the zip archive more efficiently using the seek feature of a random access file: Open the zip archive. Seek to the dir-entry and locate the entry for the file

you want to extract from the zip archive. Seek (backwards) within the zip archive to the position

of the file to extract. Extract the file. Close the zip archive.

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Java Java Input/Output


Using Random Access Files The RandomAccessFile class implements both the DataInput and

DataOutput interfaces for reading and writing. When create a RandomAccessFile, you must indicate whether you will be

just reading the file or also writing to it.

new RandomAccessFile("farrago.txt", "r");

new RandomAccessFile("farrago.txt", "rw");

When the file is first created, the file pointer is 0, indicating the beginning of the file.

Calls to the readXXX and writeXXX methods adjust the file pointer by the number of bytes read or written.

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Java Java Input/Output

Manipulating Pointers

RandomAccessFile contains three methods for explicitly manipulating the file pointer. skipBytes

Moves the file pointer forward the specified number of bytes.


Positions the file pointer just before the specified byte.


Returns the current byte location of the file pointer.

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Java Java Input/Output

Writing Filters for RAFsCheckedDataOutput vs. CheckedOutputStream CheckedDataOutput does not extend FilterOutputStream. Instead, it implements the DataOutput interface.

public class CheckedDataOutput implements DataOutput

CheckedDataOutput declares a private variable to hold a DataOutput object.private DataOutput out;

The constructor for CheckedDataOutput is created on a DataOutput object rather than on an OutputStream. public CheckedDataOutput(DataOutput out, Checksum cksum) { this.cksum = cksum; this.out = out;}

This constructor does not call super(out) like the CheckedOutputStream constructor did.

This is because CheckedDataOutput extends from Object rather than a stream class.

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Java Java Input/Output

CheckedDataInput vs. CheckedInputStream

CheckedDataInput vs. CheckedInputStreamCheckedDataInput requires the same changes as CheckedDataOuput:

It does not derive from FilterInputStream but implements the DataInput interface instead.

It declares a private variable to hold a DataInput object which it wraps.

The constructor for CheckedDataInput requires a DataInput object rather than an InputStream.

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Java Java Input/Output

Example (1/2)

The Main Programs This example has two main programs to test the new filters :

CheckedDITest : which runs the filters on sequential access files (DataInputStream and DataOutputStream objects)CheckedRAFTest : which runs the filters on random access files (RandomAccessFiles objects).

CheckedDITest creates a DataInputStream and a DataOutputStream and uses the checksum filter on those.

cis = new CheckedDataInput( new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream("farrago.txt")), inChecker);cos = new CheckedDataOutput( new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("outagain.txt")), outChecker);

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Java Java Input/Output

Example (2/2)

CheckedRAFTest creates two RandomAccessFiles, one for reading and one for writing, and uses the checksum filter on those:

cis = new CheckedDataInput( new RandomAccessFile("farrago.txt", "r"),inChecker);

cos = new CheckedDataOutput(new RandomAccessFile("outagain.txt", "rw"), outChecker);

When you run either of these programs you should see the following output:

Input stream check sum: 736868089Output stream check sum: 736868089

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Java Java Input/Output

And the Rest . . . java.io contains the following classes and interfaces: File

Represents a file on the native file system.You can create a File object for a file on the native file system and then query the object for information about that file (such as its full pathname).

FileDescriptor Represents a file handle (or descriptor) to an open file or an open socket.

StreamTokenizer Breaks the contents of a stream into tokens.Tokens are the smallest unit recognized by a text-parsing algorithm (such as words, symbols). A StreamTokenizer object can be used to parse any text file.

Parsing a Java source file into variable names, operators….. Parsing an HTML file into HTML tags.

FilenameFilterUsed by the list method in the File class to determine which files in a directory to list. The FilenameFilter accepts or rejects files based on their names.

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Java Java Input/Output

Other Input/Output Streams

Other input and output streams in the java.util.zip package, including these: CheckedInputStream and CheckedOutputStream

An input and output stream pair that maintains a checksum as the data is being read or written.

DeflaterOutputStream and InflaterInputStreamCompresses or uncompresses the data as it is being read or written.

GZIPInputStream and GZIPOutputStream Reads and writes compressed data in the GZIP format.

ZipInputStream and ZipOutputStream Reads and writes compressed data in the ZIP format.

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Java Java Input/Output

Introduction to Java Programming

