元宵節學習單 Lantern Festival Activity

元宵節 元宵節 元宵節 元宵節學習單 學習單 學習單 學習單 Lantern Festival Activity 由來 OriginThe Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month. This day's important activity is watching lanterns. Throughout the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220), Buddhism flourished in China. One emperor heard that Buddhist monks would watch sarira, or remains from the cremation of Buddha's body, and light lanterns to worship Buddha on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, so he ordered to light lanterns in the imperial palace and temples to show respect to Buddha on this day. Later, the Buddhist rite developed into a grand festival among common people and its influence expanded from the Central Plains to the whole of China. 元宵節通常在每年農歷的正月十五日。元宵主要的活動就是看燈。東漢明帝時 期,明帝提倡佛教,聽說佛教有正月十五日僧人觀佛舍利,點燈敬佛的做法,就 命令這一天夜晚在皇宮和寺廟裏點燈敬佛,令士族庶民都掛燈。以後這種佛教禮 儀節日逐漸形成民間盛大的節日。該節經歷了由宮廷到民間,由中原到全國的發 展過程。 會話 Conversation:Annie: I feel I've been doing nothing but eating in the past few days. Why don't we go out and do something fun? 過去這幾天,我覺得自己除了吃東西外,什麼也沒做。我們出去做點好玩的事 吧! Bob: Sure. What do you have in mind? 好啊。你想幹嘛? Annie: Let's go to Ping Xi tomorrow to light sky lanterns. 我們明天去平溪點天燈吧 Bob: What's a sky lantern? 什麼是天燈? Annie: It's like a small hot air balloon. You can write messages on it and let it fly into the sky. 就是小的熱氣球啦。你可以在上面寫些留言,讓它飛到天空中。 Bob: Oh, another festival? Is it as fun as the Chinese New Year?

Transcript of 元宵節學習單 Lantern Festival Activity

Page 1: 元宵節學習單 Lantern Festival Activity

元宵節元宵節元宵節元宵節學習單學習單學習單學習單 Lantern Festival Activity

【由來 Origin】

The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month. This day's

important activity is watching lanterns. Throughout the Han Dynasty (206

BC-AD 220), Buddhism flourished in China. One emperor heard that Buddhist

monks would watch sarira, or remains from the cremation of Buddha's body,

and light lanterns to worship Buddha on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, so

he ordered to light lanterns in the imperial palace and temples to show respect

to Buddha on this day. Later, the Buddhist rite developed into a grand festival

among common people and its influence expanded from the Central Plains to

the whole of China. 元宵節通常在每年農歷的正月十五日。元宵主要的活動就是看燈。東漢明帝時





【會話 Conversation:】

Annie: I feel I've been doing nothing but eating in the past few days. Why

don't we go out and do something fun? 過去這幾天,我覺得自己除了吃東西外,什麼也沒做。我們出去做點好玩的事


Bob: Sure. What do you have in mind? 好啊。你想幹嘛?

Annie: Let's go to Ping Xi tomorrow to light sky lanterns. 我們明天去平溪點天燈吧

Bob: What's a sky lantern? 什麼是天燈?

Annie: It's like a small hot air balloon. You can write messages on it and let it

fly into the sky. 就是小的熱氣球啦。你可以在上面寫些留言,讓它飛到天空中。

Bob: Oh, another festival? Is it as fun as the Chinese New Year?

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Annie: Sure. It's also called the "Little New Year." It's on the fifteenth day of

the New Year. This day also marks the end of the New Year holiday. 當然。這也叫「小過年」。它是新年的第十五天。這一天也代表了新年假期的結


Bob: Then we should definitely have some fun tomorrow. 那我們明天當然要好好玩一玩了。

Annie: Yeah. 是啊。

Bob: What other fun activities do people do on Lantern Festival? 人們在元宵節還做些什麼好玩的活動?

Annie: Well, there will be a huge display of decorative lanterns at the Chang

Kai-Shek Memorial Plaza. There might even be a "lantern riddle party"

somewhere. 嗯,在中正紀念堂的廣場將會有大型的裝飾燈籠展示。某處還甚至可能會有「猜


Bob: "Lantern riddle party?" You mean the guests need to solve

riddles about lanterns? 「猜燈謎大賽」? 你是說來賓必須猜出有關燈籠的謎題?

Annie: No. Some people write riddles, paste them on the lanterns, and invite

the guests to solve the riddles. 不是。有些人寫謎題,黏在燈籠上,然後邀請來賓來猜謎題。

Bob: That sounds interesting. Can't wait! 聽起來挺有趣。我等不及了!

【單字 Vocabulary】

Lantern Festival:(n.) 元宵節;燈籠節

sky lantern:(n.) 天燈


message:(adv.) 留言;訊息

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festival:(adj.) 節慶;節日

marks:(v.) 標示;標明

definitely:(adv.) 無疑地;一定地

display:(n.) 展示;展覽

decorative:(adj.) 裝飾的

lantern:(n.) 燈籠

memorial:(adj.) 紀念的;追悼的

plaza:(n.) 廣場

riddle:(n.) 謎語



【猜謎 riddle】

1. There are four apples in a basket and there are four girls, how can you

divide them so each girl can get an apple and one of the apple still in the

basket? 四個有一個籃子中,有四個蘋果。你要怎麼把這些蘋果分配才可以使每個


Answer:Give three girls an apple each,and give the fourth girl her apple

in the basket. 答案:三個女孩各拿一個蘋果,並把放在籃子裡的蘋果給第四個女孩。

2. What is a dog with no tails (尾巴)?

Answer:Hot dog


3. When is it a bad time to meet (遇見)a white cat?


Answer: When I am a mouse 答案:當我是一隻老鼠

4. When ET leave the Earth, how many English letters left? ET離開地球後,英文剩下幾個字母?

Answer: 21 (because ET drive his UFO home) 答案:21個 (因為 ET搭 UFO回家了)