人體試驗委員會 嘉南Handout

談談談談談談談談談談談談 談談談談談談談談談 談談談談談談談談談談談談 談談談談談談談談談 IRB IRB 魏魏魏 魏魏魏 魏魏魏魏魏魏魏魏魏魏 魏魏魏魏魏魏魏魏魏魏 魏魏魏魏魏魏魏 魏魏魏魏魏魏魏 , , 魏魏魏魏魏魏魏魏 魏魏魏魏魏魏魏魏



Transcript of 人體試驗委員會 嘉南Handout

  • 1. IRB ,

2. IRB

  • (Institutional Review Board, EthicsCommittee )

3. The main tasks of the IRB/EC

  • WHO guideline
  • Toassess the scientific meritsof the research
  • To verify that the research is inconformity with the laws and regulation , especially in relation with the protection of human subjects
  • To evaluate theethical acceptabilityof the research

4. IRB /

  • Regulation
      • Good Clinical Practice
  • Ethics
  • Science

5. ,Clinical Trial


96 7 17 0960223088 7. (2005/01/07) Good Clinical Practice GCP

  • ICH E6Guidance for Industry E6 Good Clinical Practice

8. (2005/01/07)

  • , , ,

9. Helsinki Declaration

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6


11. -- 12. IRB/EC Subject protection Autonomy Beneficence Justice Informed consent Good clinical practice 13. Whats Science?

  • Measurable
  • Reproducible
  • Comparable

14. 15. ( )

  • .

JIRB IRB IRB 16. ( ) IRB 17. ( ) 18. ( ) 19. ( ) 20.

  • ( )


    • 9666

22. 23. DOH96.6.6

  • ,
  • :

24. DOH96.6.6

  • :


26. (SAE)

  • (Serious Adverse Event) SAE
  • SAE

27. (SAE)

  • 15 7
  • (SUSAR, suspect unexpected severe adverse reaction)



  • 2


  • monitor
    • sponsor, CRO
  • audit
    • IRB,third party
  • inspection
    • regulatory authority

31. audit 32. IRB Monster or Partner? 33. JIRB http://www.jirb.org.tw 34. Contact us: CSMUH Chinese Medicine Clinical Trial Center http://www.csh.org.tw/into/herb James Cheng-Chung Wei, MD, PhD ( )[email_address]