迦流與一群說謊的暴徒 - Gallio and the Mob of Liars

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Transcript of 迦流與一群說謊的暴徒 - Gallio and the Mob of Liars

  • 7/27/2019 - Gallio and the Mob of Liars


    The year was approximately 52 A.D., 22

    years after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.Under the dynamic and inspired leadership

    of the Apostle Paul, Christianity was

    spreading throughout the Roman empire. But

    preaching the gospel was a hazardous and

    a dangerous mission that required a great

    deal of courage and faith in God!



  • 7/27/2019 - Gallio and the Mob of Liars




    One time, fleeing from his enemies in

    Turkey, Paul sailed across the Aegean Sea to

    Athens, Greece. From there he journeyed

    down the Grecian

    peninsula to the city ofCorinth.

    After only a short

    time there, Paul met a

    Jewish couple named

    Aquila and Priscilla, who

    were tent-makers byprofession. They readily

    received Jesus into their

    hearts and invited Paul to

    stay in their home. Paul

    helped them make tents,

    and every Sabbath daywent with them to the local Jewish synagogue

    where he preached and tried to persuade the

    Jews that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God.



  • 7/27/2019 - Gallio and the Mob of Liars


    The chief ruler of the synagogue was a

    Jew by the name of Crispus, and as he listened

    to Paul, he became convinced that what he was

    saying was the truth, so he and all of his

    household joyfully received Jesus into theirhearts! But there were other Jewish leaders

    who did not receive the

    Truth, and chief among

    them was a man named

    Sosthenes. In his hatred

    for Paul, Sosthenesbegan spreading vicious

    lies and rumors and soon

    had Paul and Crispus

    expelled from the


    Paul then went nextdoor to the house of

    Justus, a Christian whose house was built right

    beside the synagogue. From there, he began

    preaching the Gospel to the Greeks of Corinth,

    and soon a large number of them were

    converted to Christianity!

  • 7/27/2019 - Gallio and the Mob of Liars


    Sosthenes flew into a fury ! Weve got

    to stop Paul before he wins any more people to

    Jesus! Sosthenes declared, burning with hate

    and jealousy. And heres what well do.

    Paul was in Justus home when suddenly

    a mob, led by Sosthenes,

    burst into the house!

    There he is! Seize

    him! Sosthenes

    shouted. Paul rose to his

    feet, and instantly a

    dozen men were upon

    him and had pinned him

    to the wall!

    If I could judge you

    according to our religious laws, Sosthenessnarled, I would have you stoned to death

    right here on the spot!But Roman law

    requires that you get a civil trial, and we dont

    want to get ourselves in trouble by killing you,

    so well have to let the Romans condemn


  • 7/27/2019 - Gallio and the Mob of Liars


    But Ive broken no laws or done

    anything legally wrong. Paul answered his

    accuser, You have no case against me.

    Sosthenes stuck his face right up to Pauls,

    his evil eyes gleaming inches away, and said,Shut up, you dog, and look outside! There is

    a mob of several hundred Greeks with us who

    are now persuaded that you have broken

    Roman laws!And by the time we get

    finished accusing you, the Romans will crucify

    you just like they did yourJesus! With that,he spat in Pauls face, and led the mob down

    the streets of the city to the great marble

    palace where the Roman Governors judgment

    seat was.

    Now the proconsular Governor of Greece

    was Junius Annoeus Gallio, the younger

    brother of the famous Roman senator Seneca.

    Upon hearing that aserious legal crime had

    been committed, he admitted the mob of Jews

    and enraged Greek citizens into his court.

  • 7/27/2019 - Gallio and the Mob of Liars


    When they had assembled before the

    Governor, Sosthenes stepped forward and

    began to accuse Paul. This man, he charged,

    is persuading the people to worship God in

    ways contrary to the law! Sosthenes beganbringing one accusation after another against

    Paul, and the Governor became concerned at

    the multitude of serious criminal accusations

    that were being leveled against Paul!



  • 7/27/2019 - Gallio and the Mob of Liars


    Suddenly Governor Gallio smiled as he

    realized what was happening. This is ridiculous!

    he thought, this is nothing more than religious

    jealousy and arguments over tradition anddoctrinal differences!And yet theyre trying to

    get me to pass judgment on him by accusing him

    of having broken some legal law!

    Finally Sosthenes and the other Jews finished

    their accusations, and just as Paul was about to

    speak in his defense, Gallio rose to his feet andsaid, If you Jews were making a complaint about

    some actual wrong-doing or serious crime, it

    would be reasonable for me to listen to you. But

    since it involves questions about things having to

    do with your own religious laws, settle the matter

    yourselves! I will not be a judge of such matters!Motioning to the guards, Gallio had the mob

    driven out of the Court. Seeing Paul still standing

    there, he said to him quietly, You are free togo.

  • 7/27/2019 - Gallio and the Mob of Liars


    As Paul emerged from the court building

    and descended its great steps, he noticed that an

    angry quarrel had broken out between the Jews

    and the angry mob of Greeks who had been

    tricked and misled bySosthenes lies about

    Paul. Furious that

    Sosthenes had gotten

    them all stirred up

    over nothing, the

    angry crowd nowturned on him and

    began beating him

    for having deceived

    and used them!

    Paul stayed on

    in Corinth for quite some time after this, teachingand preaching the Word of God and winning

    thousands of souls to faith in Jesus! By the time

    he left, one of the strongest groups of Christians

    in all Europe had been established, and an untold

    multitude of people had found true happiness and

    meaning in life!

  • 7/27/2019 - Gallio and the Mob of Liars



    Dramatized Bible story from Acts 18

    Story and art The Family International - www.freekidstories.org
