သံလံုုငယ္ building a pc.pdf

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Transcript of သံလံုုငယ္ building a pc.pdf

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BBuuiillddiinngg aa PPCC

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PC ႔ ႔

႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႕ ႔ ႔ ႔

PC tower ႔

႔ ႔ (screw driver) ႔ (plier) ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ... ႔ ႔ ( ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ (screw) ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ )

1. Thermal compound cpu ႔ heat sink ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ( ႔ compound cpu RAM power on ႔ )

2. cpu slot ႔ ( ႔ )

3. Screw ႔ ႔ ( ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ )

4. Motherboard user guide (ASUS board 1066 MHz DDR II RAM slot MB abilities error )

5. Slots connectors power power on

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႔ ႔ device ႔ ႔ ႔ …

( ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ )

႔ ႔ tower ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ screw ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔

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႕ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔

႕ ႔ optical drive ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ drive ႔ ႔ ႕ ႕ ႔ ႔

႕ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႕ ႔ ႔ ႔ casing power supply ႔ ႔ ႔ ( ႔) ႔ power supply ႔ ႔ ႔

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႔ screw ႔ casing ႕ ႔ screw ႔ ႔ ( ႔ ႔ ႔ ) ႔ ႔ ႔ screw ႔

႔ ႔ screw ႔ (mini-jumper ႔ ႔ motherboard ) Round head screw 6.0mm ႔ motherboard ႔ ႔ 6mm ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔

screw ႕ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ motherboard ႔ ( ႔ ႕ ႔ ) insulating washer motherboard ႔ board ႔ Hex Nut screw 5x6mm ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ motherboard ႔ motherboard ႕ ႔ ႔ motherboard ႕ ႔ ႔ ႔ ( ႔ ႔ ) PCB space support ႔ ႔ motherboard ႔ ( ႔ ႔ ႔ motherboard ႔ motherboard ႔ ႔ ႔ )

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Speaker ႔ ႔ motherboard motherboard ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ motherboard motherboard ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔

႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ( ႔ ႔ ) ႔ ႔

motherboard ႔ ႔ ႔ Board ႔ ႔ ႔ motherboard ႔ slot ႔ ႔ ႔ ( ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔)

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1. ATX power connectors

2. CPU socket 3. CPU and chassis fan connectors 4. RAM slots 5. CPU overclock switch 6. IDE connector for HDD 7. SATA connectors 10. system panel connector 14. USB connectors 16. IDE connector for floppy 18. front panel audio connector 20. Express Gate (now! only ASUS)


႔ ႔ ) 1. ATX power connectors power supply MB ႔ connectors 24-pin EATXPWR ႔ 4-pin ATX12V cpu ႔ 4-pin ႔ ( ၈ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ DDR II RAM slot ႔ ႔ ၄ ) ၂၄ ႔ 2. CPU socket ႔ ႔ i7 CPU ႔ 775 pin Core 2 Quard CPU ႔ ႔ CPU ႔

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3. CPU and chassis fan connectors ႔ motherboard ႔ CPU fan ႔ channel fan ႕

3-pin fan ႔ 4-pin fan ႔ ႔ cpu fan - ႔ 3-pin ႔ 4. RAM slots ႔ ၆ ႔ (PC ) ႔ ႔ user guide ႔ DDR III ႔ ႔ ႔ 5. CPU overclock switch ႔ CPU overclock ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ switch ႔ overclocking ႔ ႔ motherboard ႕ user guide switch volt Default ( ႔ Default setting ) 6. IDE connector for HDD ႔ Hard disk IDE ႔ motherboard ႔ ႔ HDD ႔ ႔ IDE optical drive connector board IDE drive ႔ (IDE ) 7. SATA connectors ႔ ႔ 4 8 sata drive ႔

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Motherboard ႔ casing ႔ switch ႔ ႔ ႕ ႔ ႔ user guide 10. system panel connector ႔ casing ႔ ႕ ႔ power restart power HDD ႔ motherboard speaker 14. USB connectors ႔ ႔ ႕ ႔ USB ႔ USB extra card connector ( USB extra card ႔ ) 16. IDE connector for floppy ႔ motherboard floopy ၀ ႔ ႔ ႔ ႔ board HDD ႔ optic ႔ IDE ႔ 18. front panel audio connector ႔ casing ႕ ႕ ႔ ႔ casing ႕ ႕ sound connector ႔ connector ၀ ႕ ႔ ႕ ႔ ႔ casing ႔ 20. Express Gate ႔ ASUS ႔ ႔ function ASUS motherboard OS ႔ ႔ ႕ power buttom ၅ ႔ ႔ menu browser, skype, movies and song player, photo viewer ႔ mini game ၀ ၀ ႔ ႔

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skype massenger skype ႕ function ႔ ၀ (Express gate ႕ version skype Google talk, Yahoo, AIM, QQ ႔ MSN massenger sharing ႔ email ႔ ) hard disk ႔ CD drive ႔ ႔ storage device ႔ ႔ ႔ windows motherboard driver cd express gate Install 500 MB ႔ ၀ boot ႕ Express gate on/off ႔ waiting time BIOS ႔ ၀ ႔ application hardware ႔ ႔ Express Gate ႔ http://event.asus.com/mb/expressgate ႔
