ແບບຮຽນ ພາສາອັງກິດ ມ7

English for Lao Secondary Schools M7

Transcript of ແບບຮຽນ ພາສາອັງກິດ ມ7

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English for Lao Secondary Schools M7

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Writers: Viengkham PHONPRASEUTH Khamphanh PHIMSIPASOM Manoly DONGVAN



Managing Editors: Khamphanh PHIMSIPASOM


Editor in chief: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bouasavanh KEOVILAY Design and Layout: Khonesavanh CHANTHAVIXAY

Ministry of Education and Sports Research Institute for Educational Sciences


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Introduction The English textbook for secondary schools is the sixth in a series of seven textbooks which

are currently developed to respond to the new policy of the Ministry of Education and Sports on the reform of general education from 11 years to 12 years. Upon the new educational reform, the Ministry of Education has decided to add another year to the secondary school program in the academic year 2009-2010. To implement the new policy, the Foreign Language Resource Centre at the Research Institute for Educational Sciences in cooperation with the Faculty of Letters at the National University of Laos have formed a team to develop the curriculum and write the textbook with a teacher’s guide through financial support of the Basic Education Sector Development Project


Along with the textbook, the teacher’s guide has also been provided in order to help with more effective teaching. The teacher’s guide includes teaching techniques for each step of the lessons. There are also some instructions on how to use teaching aids and some suggestions for teachers and students on how to create teaching aids for their own classes.

However, the textbook is produced under the time pressure; therefore, some minor errors could not be avoided. The Foreign Language Resource Centre highly appreciates all comments and suggestions from readers and these are considered as a great contribution to the quality assurance of the textbook as well as to the development of the Lao National Education. The Research Institute for Educational Sciences avails itself of this opportunity to express its sincere thanks to all contributors.

Research Institute for Educational Sciences

ຄຄານາ ປມແບບຮຽນພາສາອງກດນແມນເຫມທ 7 ຊ ງແມນເຫມສດທາຍໃນລະບບສາສາມນສກສາຊ ງຂຽນຂນເພອຕອບຮບກບນະໂຍບາຍການປະຕຮບການສກສາຈາກລະບບ 11 ປ ຫາ 12 ປຮຽນ.. ເພອປະຕບດນະໂຍບາຍດ ງກາວໃຫປະກດຜນເປນຈງ ສນສ ງເສມພາສາຕາງປະເທດ,, ສະຖາບນຄ ນຄວາວທະຍາສາດການສກສາ,, ໂດຍສມທບກບຄະນະອກສອນສາດຂອງມາຫາວທະຍາໄລແຫງຊາດໄດຈດທມງານ ເພອພດທະນາຫກສດປມແບບຮຽນ ແລະ ຄມຄພາສາອງກດຊ ນມດທະຍມຂນ,, ໂດຍແມນການຊວຍເຫອຈາກໂຄງການພດທະນາການສກສາຂ ນພນຖານ SESDP.

ຄຽງຄກບປມແບບຮຽນເຫມນຍງປະກອບມປມຄມຄ ເພອຊວຍໃຫສາມາດປະຕບດການສດສອນຢາງມປະສດທຜນ. ໃນປມຄມຄໄດແນະນາຂ ນຕອນການສດສອນຂອງແຕລະບດຮຽນ. ນອກຈາກນຍງມການແນະນາການໃຊອປະກອນການສອນ ແລະ ການປະດດອປະກອນການຮຽນ-ການສອນໂດຍຄ ແລະ ນກຮຽນອກດວຍ.

ເຖງຢາງໃດກດປມປມແບບຮຽນສະບບນໄດສາງຂນໃນສະພາບອນຮບດວນ ຈງບອາດປາສະຈາກໄດຂຂາດຕກບກຜອງບາງປະການ.. ສະນ ນຈງຂສະເໜມາຍງຄ ແລະ ຜນາພານກຮຽນໃນການນາໃຊປມ ຖາເຫນວາສ ງໃດ ສມຄວນປບປງ ແລະ ດດແກ ກະລນາສ ງຄາຄດເຫນຂອງທານມາຍງ ສະຖາບນຄ ນຄວາວທະຍາສາດການສກສາເພອຈະໄດປບປງໃຫດຂນໃນຂ ນຕໄປ.. ທກຄາຄດເຫນຂອງບນດາທານລວນແຕເປນການປະກອບສວນເຂາໃນການ ພດທະນາການສກສາຂອງລາວໃຫນບມ ມຄນນະພາບດຍ ງຂນ.. ສະຖາບນຄ ນຄວາວທະຍາສາດການສກສາຂສະແດງຄວາມຂອບໃຈລວງໜາມາຍງທກໆທານນະໂອກາດນດວຍ..

ສະຖາບນຄ ນຄວາວທະຍາສາດການສກສາ

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The Research Institute for Educational Sciences (RIES) would like to

acknowledge the assistance and contribution of the organizations and people who

directly participated in the development and publication of the English textbook M.7

for Lao Upper Secondary Schools. Firstly, the RIES would like to express its sincere

thanks to the Secondary Education Sector Development Project that contributed

equipment and financial support to the development and publication of the textbooks

and teacher guides. Secondly, the RIES would like to extend its thanks to subject

experts who devoted their times, especially Bush on editing the textbook (DIC).

Lastly, the RIES would like to express its special thanks to the following people for

their participation in writer’s workshops:

Viengkham PHONPRASEUTH Research Institute for Educational Sciences

Khamphanh PHIMSIPASOM Research Institute for Educational Sciences

Manoly DONGVAN Research Institute for Educational Sciences

Ammaly ALATHEP Research Institute for Educational Sciences

Khonesavanh CHANTHAVIXAY Research Institute for Educational Sciences

Viengkham SINGVONGSA Research Institute for Educational Sciences

Vongmani SITHA Research Institute for Educational Sciences

Manivone PHAXAYAVONG Vientiane Secondary School

A special thanks to the following teachers for their contribution to improvement of this textbook.

Chanpheng THONPASONG Phonesavanh Secondary School (Champasack)

Yangchangthao HOUAVA Phonsavath Secondary School (Xaysomboun)

Chansamone OUDOMSITH Provincial Secondary School (Luang Namtha)

Phouthsady PHISITH Phanhluang Secondary School (Luang Phrabang)

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Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................ I

Acknowledgement ................................................................................................ II

Table of contents ................................................................................................. III ________________________________________________________________ Unit 1 Education............................................................................................. 1

Lesson 1 Education in Laos ................................................................ 1 Lesson 2 School days ......................................................................... 6 Lesson 3 Leaving school .................................................................. 11

________________________________________________________________ Unit 2 Road accident .................................................................................... 16

Lesson 1 Traffic problems in towns ................................................. 16 Lesson 2 Traffic signs ...................................................................... 21 Lesson 3 Traffic rules ....................................................................... 26

________________________________________________________________ Unit 3 Holidays ............................................................................................ 31

Lesson 1 Holidays in Laos ............................................................... 31 Lesson 2 Holiday plans .................................................................... 36 Lesson 3 At the roadside restaurant.................................................. 41

________________________________________________________________ Unit 4 Geography ......................................................................................... 46

Lesson 1 Laos ................................................................................... 46 Lesson 2 Weather ............................................................................. 51 Lesson 3 Tourist sites ....................................................................... 56

________________________________________________________________ Unit 5 Agriculture ........................................................................................ 61

Lesson 1 Coffee growing.................................................................. 61 Lesson 2 Farm animals ..................................................................... 66 Lesson 3 Irrigation ............................................................................ 71


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Unit 6 Revision .............................................................................................. 76 Review (unit 1-5) ................................................................................ 76 ________________________________________________________________ Unit 7 The environment ............................................................................. 83

Lesson 1 Living in the big cities ..................................................... 83 Lesson 2 Rubbish burning .............................................................. 88 Lesson 3 The lively cities ............................................................... 93

________________________________________________________________ Unit 8 The trends ........................................................................................ 98

Lesson 1 Population growth ........................................................... 98 Lesson 2 Economic development ................................................. 103 Lesson 3 Changes ......................................................................... 108

________________________________________________________________ Unit 9 Wildlife ........................................................................................... 113

Lesson 1 Endangered animals ....................................................... 113 Lesson 2 Conserving wild life ...................................................... 118 Lesson 3 Forest ............................................................................. 123

________________________________________________________________ Unit 10 The job opportunities ................................................................... 128

Lesson 1 Job application ............................................................... 128 Lesson 2 Fill in the form ............................................................... 133 Lesson 3 Job interview ................................................................. 138

________________________________________________________________ Unit 11 Revision .......................................................................................... 143

Review (unit 7-10) ......................................................................... 143

Irregular verbs ................................................................................. 151 _______________________________________________________ Bibliography ..................................................................................................... 154

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Lesson 1 Education in Laos

In this lesson students learn about the general education system in Laos through

study and thinking skills.

1. Vocabulary

general education ສາມນສກສາ entrance examination ການສອບເສງເຂາ particular ສະເພາະ pre-school ກອນໄວຮຽນ undertake ຮບປະຕບດ primary school ໂຮງຮຽນປະຖມ level ລະດບ continue ສບຕ secondary school ໂຮງຮຽນມດທະຍມ prepare ກະກຽມ option ທາງເລອກ vocational ດານວຊາຊບ practical ພາກປະຕບດ compulsory ບງຄບ knowledge ຄວາມຮ consist ປະກອບດວຍ technical training ການອບຮມດານວຊາສະເພາະ

2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words from the vocabulary box after the teacher.

3. Listen and practise Listen and repeat after the teacher, then practise the dialogue in pairs.

Manotham is attending a Young Scientists Conference in Malaysia.

Here he meets Samy, a student from Singapore.

Manotham: Hello, my name is Manotham. I’m from Laos. Samy: Hi, I’m Samy. I’m from Singapore. Nice to meet you. Manotham: Nice to meet you too. Samy: Manotham, I’m very interested in education systems in

Laos. Can I ask you? Manotham: Yes, of course. What can I help you?

Samy: At what age do children start school in your country?

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Manotham: If they attend pre-school, they normally start at the age of three. Samy: How long does it take for primary and secondary school? Manotham: Five years for primary school and seven years for secondary school. Samy: Oh, very interesting. After secondary school, where do students continue their study? Manotham: At the university, vocational or technical schools, but they have to take entrance examinations first for all institutions. Samy: Oh, really? Thank you very much for your interesting information. Manotham: You’re welcome.

4. Read and answer Read the dialogue again and answer true(T) or false (F). If it is false, give the

correct answer. The first one has been done for you.

1. Manotham is in Laos now. F (He is in Malaysia).

2. He is attending a workshop. _________

3. It takes more than 5 years for primary school in Laos. _________

4. Most children start pre-school at the age of three. _________

5. There is no university in Laos. _________

6. Samy is Malaysian. _________

7. It takes longer to study at primary school than at

secondary school. _________

5. Pre-reading Think about these questions. Discuss your answers with your classmates.

1. Before going to primary school, did you attend pre-school?

2. What did you learn at pre- school?

3. Do you still remember the subjects that you studied at primary school?

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5. What was your favourite subject?

6. What is your most favourite subject now? Why do you like it?

6. Match Match the words with their meanings

Example: (1-e)

1. consist __e__a. education with general knowledge

2. general education _____b. how high something is

3. pre-school _____c. school for pupils ages 6-11

4. primary school _____d. school for young pupils

5. secondary school _____e. be made up of something

6. level _____f. school for pupils ages 11-18

7. technical _____g. the thing that must be done

8. compulsory _____h. special, practical knowledge

7. Read and answer Read the text and answer the questions below.

General education in Laos

General education in Laos consists of pre-school, primary school and

secondary school. Most children in Laos start their education at about three

years old. pre-school takes three years to prepare children for primary school.

Children study at primary school from about six to eleven years old- a total of

five years. Primary education is compulsory in Laos. After finishing primary

school, they go to secondary school, which takes seven years to finish- four

years for lower secondary school and three years for upper secondary school.

Normally, students complete their general education at the age of about

eighteen. Students who pass the final exam in secondary school receive the

secondary school certificate.

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Students who pass the entrance examination can continue their education after secondary school. The highest level of education is university- this takes four to six years. Students who do not want to go to university can go to vocational or technical schools, which take three years. Another option is vocational hands-on training for a particular job.


1. Why do children go to pre-school?


2. At what age do children start primary school?


3. How old are students when they complete secondary school?


4. What do students have to do if they want to continue their studies after

secondary school?


5. How long does it take to study at university?


6. Why do people go to vocational school?


7. What is your future plan after completing secondary school?


8. Listen and complete Listen to the teacher and complete the text below. The first one has

been done for you.

General (1) …education… in Laos consists of pre-school, primary

school and (2)……………….. school. Most children in Laos start their

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education at about (3) ……… years old when they enter pre-school. Pre-

school takes three years, and (4)…………..children for primary school.

Children (5)………….. at primary school from about six to eleven years old- a

total of five (6)……..…. Primary education is (7)…….…… in Laos. After

finishing primary (8) ………….., they go to secondary school, which takes

seven years to (9) ………….- four years for (10)………… secondary school

and three years for (11) …………..….. secondary school. Normally, students

complete their education at the age of about eighteen. Students who pass the

final exam in secondary school (12) ……………the secondary school


Students who (13) …………….. the entrance examination can continue

their education (14) ………..….. secondary school. The highest level of

education is (15)…………..……- this takes four to six years. Students who do

not want to go to university can go to vocational or technical schools, which

take three years. Another option is vocational hands-on (16) …………..……

for a particular job.

9. Write Use the information from Exercise 8 to write one paragraph about your

school life.

Example: I started primary school when I was six years old.








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Lesson 2 Schools days

In this lesson students learn to talk about old school days, school subjects and learn

the expression I wish, I had/hadn’t.

1. Vocabulary

analyse ວເຄາະ canteen ຫອງອາຫານ statistics ສະຖຕ company ບລສດ enjoy ມກ situation ສະຖານະການ wish ປາດຖະໜາ regret ເສຍດາຍ solve ແກໄຂ slightly more ຫາຍກວາໜອຍໜງ garlic ກະທຽມ a bit more ນອຍກວາໜອຍໜງ order ສ ງ a lot more ຫາຍກວາຫາຍ receiver ຜຮບ a lot less ໜອຍກວາຫາຍ sender ຜສ ງ

2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words from the vocabulary box after the teacher.

3. Listen and practise Listen and repeat after the teacher, then practise the dialogue in pairs.

Bouth and Teng both work for the same company. They meet in the


Bouth: Hello, Teng. How are you?

Teng: Fine, thanks. And you?

Bouth: I’m fine. How’s your work?

Teng: It’s OK at the moment, but I think I might have problems


Bouth: Why?

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Teng: Well, I have to analyze all the statistics from the provinces,

and it’s too difficult for me.

Bouth: Oh, I see. How was your maths when you were at school?

Teng: I wasn’t very good at maths. I wish I had studied harder. I

see how important maths is now.

Bouth: What subjects did you like when you were at school?

Teng: I really enjoyed studying French.

Bouth: I don’t know any French. I wish I’d studied it.

Teng: So, what was your favorite subject?

Bouth: Maths. I was very good at maths when I was at school.

Teng: That’s great! You could help me to solve my problems,

couldn’t you?

Bouth: Sure. I’d be glad.

4. Read and answer Read the dialogue again and answer true (T) or false (F). If it is false, give

the correct answer. The first one has been done for you.


Bouth and Teng are friends. ___ T___

1. Bouth and Teng are students. __________

2. It’ s difficult for Teng to analyse statistics. __________

3. Bouth wasn’t good at maths. __________

4. Teng liked to study French. __________

5. Teng wishes he had studied French harder. __________

6. Bouth’s favorite subject was maths. __________

7. Bouth asked Teng for help. __________

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5. Grammar note I wish I had/hadn’t + past participle

I wish I had studied harder. ຂອຍເສຍດາຍທບໄດຕ ງໃຈຮຽນ.

I wish I hadn’t ordered garlic pork ຂອຍເສຍດາຍທສ ງໝຈນກະທຽມ.

� ຄາວາ wish ຈະແປໄດຫາຍຢາງໃນພາສາລາວອງຕາມເນອໃນຂອງປະໂຫຍກນ ນໆ. � ປະໂຫຍກນແມນເວາເຖງຄວາມປາດຖະໜາ. ຕວຢາງ: I wish I were rich ຂອຍປາດຖະໜາ ຢາກຮ ງມ. � ແຕໃນປະໂຫຍກນສະແດງເຖງຄວາມເສຍດາຍ. � ຕວຢາງ: I wish I had studied harder. ຂອຍເສຍດາຍທບໄດຕ ງໃຈຮຽນ. She wishes she had bought that shirt. ລາວເສຍດາຍທບໄດຊເສອໂຕນ ນ.

6. Write Write sentences using wish.


When Mala was at school, she didn’t play basketball.

She wishes she had played basketball.

1. She didn’t learn English.

………………………………………………………………………… 2. She didn’t study music. ………………………………………………………………………... 3. She missed a lot of lessons. ………………………………………………………………………... 4. She left school when she was fourteen. ………………………………………………………………………... 5. She didn’t learn how to swim. ………………………………………………………………………… 6. She didn’t make many friends. ………………………………………………………………………… 7. What do you wish?


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7. Read and answer Look at the two pie charts below, read the text below and answer the


(a) An international school (b) A Lao school

Chart (a) shows how much time is spent studying different subjects for

one class at an international school. Chart (b) gives the same information for

one class at a Lao school.

As you can see, both classes spend a lot of time on maths and science

subjects. Students at the international school spend twenty percent of their

time studying maths; the Lao schools spend eighteen percent of their time on

maths. The international students spend nearly a quarter of their time on

science subjects; science takes up one fifth of the Lao school curriculum.

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1. What does chart (a) show? …………………………………………………………………………

2. What does chart (b) show? …………………………………………………………………………

3. What subjects do both classes spend the most of their time on? …………………………………………………………………………

4. How much time does the international school take up on history and geography?


5. How much time does the Lao school spend on history and geography? …………………………………………………………………………

6. “Science takes up more than 20% percent in the international school”.

Is this statement true or false? …………………………………………………………………………

8. Write Describe a pie chart about Aloundeth Primary School time table.

Aloundeth Primary School timetable


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Lesson 3 Leaving School

In this lesson students learn to talk about their plans after graduation from school and

how to write a formal letter.

1. Vocabulary

interpreter ນາຍແປພາສາ announcement ປະກາດ

sender ຜສ ງ scholarship ທນການສກສາ

private sector ພາກເອກກະຊນ economy ເສດຖະກດ

graduate ຈບການສກສາ proud ພາກພມໃຈ

closing ceremony ພທປດ enclose ຂດຕດມາພອມ

Faculty of Letters ຄະນະອກສອນສາດ resume ຊວະປະຫວດ

Faculty of Engineering ຄະນະວສະວະກາສາດ signature ລາຍເຊນ

Faculty of Education ຄະນະສກສາສາດ chance ໂອກາດ

application form ຄາຮອງ/ໃບສະໝກ opportunity ໂອກາດ

advertisement ປະກາດ/ໂຄສະນາ overseas ຕາງປະເທດ

2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words from the vocabulary box after the teacher.

3. Listen and complete Listen to the teacher and complete the missing information.

(a) Saydavanh

“I’m very happy, (1) ___________ and excited to attend the closing

ceremony today. It is a very important day for me, after studying seven years

at secondary school. I’ve waited for this day (2) __________ I finished my

ສ.ວ.ສ ສະຫງວນລຂະສດ

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final (3) _________ two months ago. I’m (4) ___________ to go to the

university. I‘d like to study English at the Faculty of Letters. In the (5)

___________I’d like to (6) _________ for the government as an interpreter. I

hope that I’ll have a (7) __________ to study overseas one day.”

(b) Vilaysack

“I’d (1) ___________to study at the Faculty of Engineering at the (2)

___________ University. When I finish university, I’d like to work in the

private sector. I think I can make more (3) ___________, and I also think that

the private sector is good for the (4) ___________, if the private (5)

___________ grows, the economy will be stronger.”

4. Find Find words or phrases in the texts that mean:

Example: opportunity chance

1. a person who translates spoken language ………………………………..

2. in another country ………………………………..

3. develop ………………………………..

4. department of the university ………………………………..

5. complete ………………………………..

5. Speak Work in a group of four. Tell your classmates about your future plan. Use

Exercise 3 as an example.

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6. Read and answer Read Vonthong’s letter and answer the questions.

Laos Australia Institute Luang Namtha Secondary School Setthathirath Avenue P.o Box 117 Xiengnheun Village Laos Chanthabouly District Date: 25 March 2015 Vientiane, Laos

Dear Mr Pennington,

I saw your announcement about scholarships in the Vientiane Times last week, and I am interested in it.

I am twenty-four years old. I graduated from the National University of Laos (Faculty of Education) two years ago, and I have been teaching English in Luang Namtha Secondary School since then. I would like to study in Australia to improve my knowledge of teaching English as a foreign language.

I enclose my resume. Could you please send me more details and an application form?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours Sincerely,

(Ms) Vongthong Khamvong Questions:

1. Who is writing this letter? ……………………………………………………………………… 2. What is Vongthong’s postal address? ……………………………………………………………………… 3. What is her job? ………………………………………………………………………

ສ.ວ.ສ ສະຫງວນລຂະສດ

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4. Where did she study before teaching at Luang Namtha Secondary School? ………………………………………………………………………. 5. How long has she worked at Luang Namtha Secondary School? …………………………………………………………………….… 6. Who is she writing to? …………………………………………………………………….… 7. Why is Vongthong writing the letter? ………………………………………………………………………. 8. What did she enclose with the letter? ………………………………………………………………….……

Language note:

Look at the diagram of a formal letter. Notice where all the parts are on that page. The sender’s address (but not the name) is at the top on the right. The date is under the sender’s Address. The name and address of the person you are writing to comes next, on the left. All letters start with Dear + the name of the person you are writing to. If you don’t know the name, you can start with Dear Sir/Madam. Finish the letters with Yours Sincerely, then your signature, then your name (write clearly).

sender address and date

A formal letter

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7. Write Write a letter or an email asking for a scholarship to study in Japan (JICE) or

in Australia (AusAID) using the letter in Exercise 6 as an example.














ສ.ວ.ສ ສະຫງວນລຂະສດ

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Lesson 1 Traffic problems in towns In this lesson students learn about traffic problems in towns.

1. Vocabulary Read and remember the meanings of these words and phrases.

2. Listen and repeat

Listen and repeat the words from the vocabulary box after the teacher.

3. Listen and practise

Listen and repeat after the teacher, then practise the dialogue in pairs.

Thongdy: Hi, Vansy. Where are you going? Vansy: I’m going downtown. Thongdy: Are you driving your own car? Vansy: Yes, I am. Thongdy: I think, it’d better to use public transport. Vansy: What’s the problem if I drive my car?

Thongdy: The traffic in downtown is always busy. Vansy: Really? What is the best transport I could use?

collision ຕາກນ (ລດ..ອ ນໆ) inevitable ຫກລຽງບໄດ combine ລວມເຂາກນ injury ບາດເຈບ comply with ປະຕບດຕາມ major cause ສາເຫດໃຫຍ component ອງປະກອບ motorist ຜຂບຂ ລດ crash ຕາກນ public transport ຂນສ ງສາທາລະນະ crowded ໜາແໜນ rush hours ຊ ວໂມງຮບຮອນ downtown ໃນຕວເມອງ smoke ຄວນ (ຄວນລດ) exclusively ຕາງຫາກ (ພເສດ) speed limit ຄວາມໄວຈາກດ vehicle ພາຫະນະ transportation mode ແບບຂນສ ງ harm ອນຕະລາຍ(ຄວາມເສຍຫາຍ)

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Thongdy: You could use a public bus, taxi or tuk-tuk. Vansy: OK. I’ll go by bus and then take a tuk-tuk to a book shop.

4. Read and say Take turns to read and say the following sentences.

1. During rush hours, the traffic is very crowded towns. 2. People are in a hurry all the time. 3. Motorists sometimes break traffic rules. 4. Most cars use air conditioners. 5. The smoke from cars makes air polluted and it is very harmful to people’s

health. 6. Every day, there are a lot of road accidents, which are major causes of

losses in people’s lives and property. 7. In towns, there are not enough parking areas.

5. Read and match Read the following words or phrases and match them with appropriate pairs

of their Lao translations.

1. motorist ____a. ຈະລາຈອນໜາແໜນ 2. crowded traffic ____b. ສາເຫດໃຫຍ 3. major cause ____c. ຜຂບຂ ລດ 4. public transport ____d. ໃນຕວເມອງ 5. downtown ____e. ຊ ວໂມງເລງດວນ 6. speed limit ____f. ຂນສ ງສາທາລະນະ 7. smoke ____g. ຄວາມໄວຈາກດ 8. rush hour ____h. ຄວນລດ

6. Choose and complete Choose correct words in the box to complete the text below.

crowded, motorists, electric, happen, recorded, fast, pedestrian, collides, traffic, runners

ສ.ວ.ສ ສະຫງວນລຂະສດ

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Road accidents in Vientiane

Vientiane is the most (1)……………

city in Laos. Every day, there are a lot of road accidents. (2)……………… are in a

hurry to get to their work places. Some of them drive very (3)………… in crowded streets. Some of them are red light (4)……………… . As a result, a number of

accidents (5) …………..……. every day. Among a number of accidents motorbike accidents are (6)…………….. high. Students ride motorbikes to school. They do not pay attention to (7)……………. rules. They enjoy riding

with their friends and sometimes they race each other in crowded streets. Every day, people can see a car (8)……………. with a bus, a motorbike

crashes into a car, a motorbike hits a (9)………………, motorbikes crash into each other and sometimes a car hits an (10)……………. pole or traffic island.

These make a terrible image of the big city like Vientiane.

7. Grammar note

Present continuous tense for the future is used to talk about something that is already planned. ນກຮຽນອາດສງເກດໄດວາການໃຊ Present continuous tense for the future ແມນໃຊເວາເຖງເຫດການທເຮາໄດວາງແຜນເປນທຮຽບຮອຍແລວທຈະປະຕບດຕາມແຜນນ ນ. ຖວາເຮາໃຊສາລບເຫດການທມການວາງແຜນການລະອຽດລວງໜາແລວ. ເຊນ:

1. Next week, I’m visiting my grandparents in Vangvieng. 2. We are driving our own car to Vangvieng.

ປປະໂຫຍກທ 1: ໝາຍຄວາມວາອາທດໜາຂອຍຈະໄປຢາມພຕແມຕຂອຍຢວງວຽງ ປະໂຫຍກທ 2: ໝາຍຄວາມວາຂອຍຈະຂບລດເກງຂອງຂອຍເອງໄປວງວຽງ. ທງສສອງປະໂໂຫຍກແແມນມກການວາງແຜນແແລວ.


Put the correct verb form to complete the following sentences. 1. Vientiane ………..(has/is having) many old temples. 2. Next year, I…………(visit/am visiting) Paris, the capital of France. 3. I…………….(study/am studying) English at the National University of

Laos next year. 4. He……………(drives/is driving) his car to school every day.

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8. Read and answer

Read the text and answer the questions below.

Road construction

The road construction is very expensive and harmful to the environment. When the road construction is planned, road engineers are working on the design. After having finished the design work, the engineers are calculating the cost of the construction. They are setting time, budget, and bidding processes. The engineering work of the construction is made very carefully and gives all details in order to give bidders as much information and data as possible before the bidding is made. A project manager is advertising on social media about the road construction to invite bidders. The bidding forms are being distributed to companies willing to participate in the bidding process.

The winning company is signing a contract with the project manager immediately after the bidding process is finished. The winning company is carrying out the work under the contract conditions. The site engineers, workers and all heavy machines, e.g., dump trucks, graders, bulldozers, tankers, and backhoes, are being sent to the site. When the heavy machines start to work they destroy the natural environment. They are clearing the road tracks by cutting down big trees, digging or filling up land, cutting slopes, building bridges or culverts across rivers or streams. Sometimes the tracks cut through rice fields and residential areas. The road construction to provide a road link for transportation could support economic growth; however, the trade-off between the losses and the gains before making decisions should have been made carefully during the design work.


1. What is very harmful to the environment? …………………………………………………………………………… 2. Who are working on the design work? …………………………………………………………………………… 3. What are the engineers doing after the design work? …………………………………………………………………………… 4. What does a project manager do to invite bidders? …………………………………………………………………………… 5. How does the company work? ……………………………………………………………………………

ສ.ວ.ສ ສະຫງວນລຂະສດ

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6. How do they clear the road tracks? …………………………………………………………………………… 7. Why is the road construction needed? …………………………………………………………………………… 4. What should engineers do during a design work? ………………………………………………………………………………

9. Listen and complete:

Woman drivers On the transition from the twentieth to the twenty first century the

number of (1)………………..has increased rapidly in the Lao PDR. Since the

government has opened the country to foreign investors, many different types of businesses have been established in Laos. During this time, the opportunity for women to enter the labour (2)……….…. and get good (3)..……… is wide.

Women can work in many different (4)…………… and different (5)…………… or even becoming chief (6)……………… officers in many

companies. To cope with the new economic situation, women need to (7)……………. their culture and adjust their life (8)…………... In Vientiane

Capital, women drivers can be seen everywhere. They drive their cars to send their children to schools, their work places, market places, visit friends, and social events. Woman drivers are very (9)……………... They follow traffic (10)…………….. strictly and keep the speed limit to avoid accidents. They sometimes stop their cars to allow old people or children to cross the roads safely. This practice of woman drivers can help reduce the number of accidents in Vientiane Capital to a certain level.

10. Write Rewrite one paragraph about a road accident you have seen. (100 words). You can start like this:

While I was riding my motorbike to school yesterday, I saw an accident at the traffic lights near the Morning Market. …………………………………………………………………………………




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Lesson 2 Traffic signs In this lesson students will learn about traffic signs and rules.

1. Vocabulary

Read and remember the meanings of these words.

2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words from the vocabulary box after the teacher.

3. Listen and practise Listen and repeat after the teacher, then practise the dialogue in pairs.

Miss Champa: Hi, Kham. I’m having a driving test tomorrow. Mr. Kham: Really? Have you learnt all traffic signs and rules? Miss Champa: Yes, of course. Mr. Kham: Could you tell me what these signs mean?

acceleration ການເລງຄນເລງລດ paralyzed ອາມະພາດ confiscate ຍດເອາ pedestrian ຄນຍາງ control ຄວບຄມ priority ບລມະສດ even date ວນທຄ prudent ລະມດລະວງ odd date ວນທຄກ railroad ທາງລດໄຟ health ສຂະພາບ severity ຮາຍແຮງ healthy ສຂະພາບດ sign ປາຍ intersection ທາງສ ແຍກ strictly ເຂມງວດ killed ຖກເສຍຊວດ sufficient ພຽງພ motorist ຄນຂ /ຂບລດ zebra crossing ທາງມາລາຍ

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

ສ.ວ.ສ ສະຫງວນລຂະສດ

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Miss Champa: The first one means Stop and Give way. The Second means do not speed over 50 km/h. The third means do not enter. The fourth means do not park or stop your car. The fifth means there is a railroad crossing ahead that you need to give attention. The last one means wear a seat belt during travelling by car.

Mr. Kham: I think you know all the traffic signs. What about traffic rules have you read them?

Miss Champa: Yes, I have. Mr. Kham: I think you are ready for your driving test. Good luck. Miss Champa: Thank you.

4. Read and say

Take turns to read and say the following sentences. 1. When the traffic light is yellow, motorists prepare to stop or to go. 2. When the traffic light is green, all cars can go. 3. When the traffic light is red, all cars must stop. 4. At the round- about, the car in the round- about has a priority to go first. 5. Near the hospital, motorists shouldn’t sound the horn. 6. Motorists should slow down their cars while passing market places,

villages, schools, and other public gatherings. 7. Motorists should slow down their cars when seeing zebra crossings. 8. Do not stop your cars on the zebra crossings. 9. Give a signal light before changing the lane or turning. 10. Do not turn on headlight high beam while driving in cities at night.

5. Look and match Look at the following signs and match them with the number of suitable


a b c d e f g h

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6. Grammar note

Exercise: Choose correct words to finish these sentences.

1. Motorists……………(should/shouldn’t) turn their cars without giving a

signal light. 2. In Vientiane, motorists ……………(should/shouldn’t) drive their cars

within the speed limit. 3. In Laos, drivers …………(should/shouldn’t) use their mobile phones while

driving. 4. Drivers …………(should/shouldn’t) sound the horn near the hospital.

7. Read and answer Read the text below and answer the questions.

A prudent driver

Kham always drives his car carefully and follows all traffic rules. Kham has been driving a car since he was in year 5 of Vientiane high school in 2000. After his father bought him a car, he learnt to drive in a driving

____1. Do not park on odd dates ____5. Do not push the horn ____2. Do not turn left ____6. Do not overtake ____3. Do not enter ____7. Do not park on the even dates ____4. Do not turn right ____8. Round-about

Should and shouldn’t are used to give advice. ຄາວາ Should ແລະ shouldn’t ແມນໃຊສາລບຄາແນະນາໃນການກະທາອນໃດອນໜງ ແລະ ສ ງນ ນກເປນສ ງຈາເປນທຈະຕອງເຮດ ຫ ປະຕບດຕາມເຊນ: A. 1. You should stop your car when the traffic light is red. 2. You should give a signal light before turning your car. ເຮາຈະເຫນໄດວາສອງປະໂຫຍກນລວນແຕແມນສ ງຈາເປນທຈະຕອງປະຕບດຕາມເພອຄວາມປອດໄພໃນການຂບລດ. B. 1. You shouldn’t drive your car over the speed limit. 2. You shouldn’t go when the traffic light is red. ເຮາຈະເຫນວາສອງປະໂຫຍກນແມນສ ງທບຄວນປະຕບດເພອຄວາມປອດໄພໃນ.

ສ.ວ.ສ ສະຫງວນລຂະສດ

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school. He paid high attention to every lesson he learnt because he thought all of them were very important. After having a driving license, he began to drive his car to school. Before driving the car, he always checks the oil, water and brakes. After checking all those things, he starts the engine to warm up. While warming up the engine, he cleans inside the cabin of his car.

Kham is the best driver in his family and all his family members have confidence in him. He drives his car smoothly and runs within the speed limit. He always gives a signal light before turning his car. He drives prudently along the roads, both in downtown and countryside. When he drives past markets, schools and people gatherings, he slows down the speed and carefully drives on.

When he sees traffic lights, he strictly follows the lights. When the yellow light is on, he prepares to stop or to move on. When the red light is on, he stops his car every time. When the green light is on, he moves on. When traffic police want to check documents, he always cooperates with them. He talks to them politely and shows them all documents. Since Kham has been driving the car, he has never had accidents. He always checks his car before driving so his car never breaks down on the way to destinations. Kham also exchanges his driving experience with his family members and they always have confidence in his driving.


1. What does Kham do before driving his car? ………………………………………………………………………… 2. When does Kham clean his car? ………………………………………………………………………… 3. How does Kham drive his car? ………………………………………………………………………… 4. What does Kham do when he sees schools and markets? ………………………………………………………………………… 5. What does Kham do when he sees traffic lights? ………………………………………………………………………… 6. What does Kham do when traffic police want to check documents? ………………………………………………………………………… 7. Does Kham have any accidents?

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………………………………………………………………………… 8. Who does Kham exchange his driving experience with? …………………………………………………………………………

8. Listen and complete

Driving in Vientiane Capital During the rush hours in Vientiane

Capital, many accidents (1)……….. To avoid

such incidents, the traffic police have announced to the public to follow traffic rules strictly. Drivers should pay attention to the traffic rules and speed limit. They shouldn’t

change lanes without giving a (2)………..

Moreover, they should respect others’ (3) ……… and they shouldn’t zigzag in

crowded streets. Drivers should stop their cars while (4) …………… are

walking across the roads on zebra crossings. Students who are walking to schools shouldn’t walk on the streets, they should walk on (5) ………….

Students who are riding bicycles to schools shouldn’t ride in a (6) ……. of

two or more bicycles. They should ride (7) …….. one another as well as those

who are riding motorbikes. Government officials who drive ministry cars to work should drive (8) ………… to be good models for the public. Now, in Vientiane Capital the traffic is very crowded. Every morning and evening, traffic police have to (9)……….. the traffic at almost every intersection.

Although the traffic police pay high attention to the traffic control still there many accidents around the outskirts of Vientiane Capital. In summary, road accidents in Vientiane Capital will be increased unless all motorists (10) …………… the traffic rules and speed limit strictly.

9. Write

Write one paragraph about the traffic in a place/place you know. (100 words) …………………………………………………………………………………


signal, rights, pavements, row, happen,

behind, prudently, control, respect, pedestrians

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Lesson 3 Traffic rules

In this lesson students will learn about the traffic rules that they have to follow while

they are driving.

1. Vocabulary Read and remember the meanings of these words.

2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words from the vocabulary box after the teacher.

3. Listen and practise Listen and repeat after the teacher, then practise the dialogue in pairs.

Jone: What are the traffic rules like in Laos?

Khammone: The traffic rules in Laos are similar to those in France.

Jone: Oh, really. Why they are similar to those in France?

Khammone: Because they were written with the assistance of French


Jone: How can I drive in Laos?

Khammone: Well, you should always drive on the right side of streets.

similar ຄາຍຄກນ audible ທສາມາດໄດຍນສຽງ

assistance ການຊວຍເຫອ vibratory ທສ ນສະເທອນ

expert ຊຽວຊານ roadside ຂາງທາງ

high standard ມາດຕະຖານສງ rubbish ຂເຫຍອ

design ອອກແບບ bin ກະຕາຂເຫຍອ

tone bands ເສນສຽງນອຍໆ genuine ທແທຈງ

alternative ທາງເລອກ raised ribs ຄນຄນອຍຕາມໜາທາງ

instill ປກຝງແນວຄດ qualified driver ຜຂບຂ ທໄດມາດຖານ

permission ອະນຍາດ motorway ຖະໜນທໃຊຄວາມໄວສງ

rumble strip ແຖບສຽງທເປນສຽງຄາງ/ຮາ

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Jone: What about bicycles?

Khammone: In Laos, bicycles can use same lanes with cars, but cyclists

have to ride close to pavements. They shouldn’t ride in a large

group which makes roads become narrow.

Jone: What are the street signs in Laos look like?

Khammone: The street signs in Laos are all the same as in other countries.

Jone: Oh, I see. Now I can drive car in Laos. Thank you very much.

Khammone: Thank you.

4. Grammar note

When ແມນ subordinate conjunction ໃຊສາລບເຊອມຕປະໂຫຍກນອຍ clause ເຂາກນໃຫເປນ complex sentence. ແຕວາສອງປະໂຫຍກນ ນມປະໂຫຍກໜງເປນເອກະລາດ Independent clause ແລະ ປະໂຫຍກໜງແມນປະໂຫຍກຂນກບ dependent clause ຊ ງສາມາດໃຊໄດດ ງນ: ໃຊອະທບາຍສ ງໃດສ ງໜງທເກດຂນ ເມ ອເວລາ ສ ງໜງອກກາລງດາເນນຢ ແລະ ທງສອງສ ງນ ນເກດຂນໃນເວລາດຽວກນ ເເຊນຕຕວຢາງດ ງລມນ: dependent clause independent clause

When you are riding a motorbike, you should respect the traffic rules strictly. ໃຊເຊອມປະໂຫຍກນອຍທເວາເຖງສອງເຫດການທເກດຂນ ໃນຈດ, ເຫດການ, ແລະ ສະພາບການ ໃນການເຄ ອນໄຫວດຽວກນ. dependent clause independent clause When I met her, I was about to go home from the market.

ໃຊເຊອມປະໂຫຍກນອຍ ທເວາເຖງສອງເຫດການ ຫ ເງ ອນໄຂທເກດຂນ ຫ ຈະເກດຂນໃນປະໂຫຍກເອກະລາດ independent clause. dependent clause independent clause

When he gave his wife a present, she gave him a genuine sweet smile of thanks.

independent clause dependent clause I’ll start to think about it when I have to write my report.

ສ.ວ.ສ ສະຫງວນລຂະສດ

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Use when to join the following sentences.

1. I arrived at school. I saw a girl sitting in a classroom. ……………………………………………………………………………… 2. I saw an accident. I walked out of the school. ……………………………………………………………………………… 3. I said thank you very much. He gave me a birthday present. ……………………………………………………………………………… 4. I’ll ask you. I have a problem. ……………………………………………………………………………… 5. I do it right. I do something. ……………………………………………………………………………… 6. I was young. I listened to the radio waiting for my favorite songs. ……………………………………………………………………………… 7. I was watching a television. Someone knocked at the door. ……………………………………………………………………………… 8. I always stop my car. The red light is on. ……………………………………………………………………………… 9. I saw an accident. I stopped my car. ……………………………………………………………………………… 10. I ask someone to pick up and put the rubbish into the bin. I see someone

just drop them anywhere. ………………………………………………………………………………

5. Listen and complete Listen to the teacher and choose the words in the box to complete the text below.

Qualified drivers

Safety can be improved by methods that encourage safe (1) behavior of drivers. All drivers should have been trained (2)......................... to become

properly, lessons, drunk, drivers, strictly,

follow, traffic, period, permissions, behavior

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qualified drivers. In many countries, drivers must have driving (3).................... When they pass a driving test they will receive their (4)....................... of driving for one year. After that, they could have their full licenses if they have no accidents during the (5)..........................of permission of driving. Using this method, drivers will get used to safe behavior and complying with (6).................... rules. These will become the values instilling in drivers themselves. They will never drive while (7)...................., and restrict themselves on mobile phone use while on the move. The (8)........................... who have been trained, and passed the period of permission of driving will automatically(9)........................ traffic laws. They will realize that red-light running is a violent. Moreover, they will follow road signs (10).................... and good behavior while driving. In brief, qualified drivers can be trained in driving schools that can include the above methods in their training lists.

6. Read and answer

Read the text below and answer the questions.

Roads for safety driving

In most developed countries, road designs are very important for safety driving. Well-designed roads can help save drivers lives. However, the construction costs of high standard roads are so expensive that many countries could not afford them. The high standard roads have "tone bands" impressed on the edges of the legal lanes, so that drowsing drivers are awakened by a loud hum while they are drifting off the edge of the roads. Tone bands are also referred to as "rumble strips," depending on the sound they created. An alternative method is the use of "Raised Rib" markings, which consists of a continuous line marking with ribs across the line at regular intervals. They were first authorized for use on freeways or motorways as an edge line marking to separate the edge of main lanes. The objective of the marking is to make the roadsides be seen clearly by motorists in both day and night times.

ສ.ວ.ສ ສະຫງວນລຂະສດ

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It also provides an audible, vibratory warning to motorists that their cars are swerving off the roads. When these standards are used in building roads, they can help reduce accidents on motorways. Truck drivers have confidence in using the motorways with these standards.


1. What are important for safe driving? ………………………………………………………………………… 2. What can help to save drivers’ lives? ………………………………………………………………………… 3. Why don’t many countries build high standard roads? ………………………………………………………………………… 4. What do high standard roads have? ………………………………………………………………………… 5. Where are the “tone bands” placed?

………………………………………………………………………… 6. What makes drivers awaken when their cars swerving off the roads? ………………………………………………………………………… 7. What are differences between “tone bands” and “raised ribs”? ………………………………………………………………………… 8. Where was the method first authorized for use? …………………………………………………………………………

7. Write

Write a paragraph about the roads in your town (100 words). You can start

like this:

In the town where my family live has a number of roads and traffic






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Lesson 1 Holidays in Laos

In this lesson students learn about the holidays in Laos and the use of future “will”.

1. Vocabulary Read and remember the meaning of the following words.

riverside ແຄມນ າ diving ດານ າ

sunbathing ຕາກແດດ canoeing ພາຍເຮອຄະນ

camping ການພກແຮມຢໃນປາ trekking ຍາງເດນທາງໄລຍະໄກ

cave exploring ສາຫລວດຖ າ art galleries ຫອງສະແດງສນລະປະ

2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words from the vocabulary box after the teacher.

3. Look and write Look at these important days in Laos and write what they are both in Lao and


Example: January




ປໃຫມສາກນ International New Year’s Day



ສ.ວ.ສ ສະຫງວນລຂະສດ

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- Do you go to school on these days? Write more holidays that you know: ………………………………………………………………...………... ………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………..

4. Listen and practise Listen and repeat after the teacher then practise the conversation in pairs. Tomorrow is a holiday. Thongdy, Maly and Khamta are talking about it (they haven’t decided where to go for their holiday).

Thongdy: We won’t have a class tomorrow. Where shall we go for our

holiday? Khamta: Well, we’ll probably go to Maly’s house. Her garden gate’s

broken. We’ll help her to fix it. Thongdy: That’s a good idea. Maly, will you please offer us a papaya salad,

chicken barbecue and bamboo soup? Maly: Sure. I promise I’ll do the cooking myself. Khamta: Thongdy, what time shall we meet at Maly’s house?

Thongdy: How about at 9:00 am?

Khamta: Maly, Is that a convenient time for you?

Maly: It’s just the right time for me. By that time I’ll be back from


Thongdy: Great. See you all tomorrow at 9:00 am.

Maly: Ok, see you then.









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5. Grammar note

We use will (’ll) when we decide to do something at the time of speaking (the speaker has not decided before). We are not talking about arrangements or intentions. Example:

I’m going to visit my friend this weekend. (ຜເວາມແຜນການໄວກອນແລວ) Tha : I have got a headache. Chanh: Have you? Wait here. I’ll get an aspirin for you. (ຜເວາຕດສນໃຈກບທ) The negative of will is won’t (or will not) We often use will in these situation: � Promise: Panda: Mum, if I get 10 on my maths test, will you take me out for ice-cream? Mum: Yes, I’ll take you out for ice-cream. I promise. � Offers to help: Sonevilay: I lost my ring. Phong: No problem. I’ll help you find it. � Request for help: Vongphet: I need to change the oil in my car. Will you help me? Khan: Of course, I’ll help you. � Predictions about the future: Tan: Some statistics predict that there will be around 10 billion people in the world by 2050. Vern: I think they are right. There won’t be enough food for everyone. � Refusal of things Vanh: I can’t open this bottle of beer. Da: Yeah. The cork won’t come out.

� Do not use “shall” with he/she/it/you/they. The negative of shall is shan’t (or shall not).

� Note that we use shall (not will) in the questions shall I…? and shall

ສ.ວ.ສ ສະຫງວນລຂະສດ

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we…? (For offers, suggestions etc) - Where shall we go for our holidays? We often use will with these words and expressions: probably, (I’m) sure, (I) expect,(I) think.

6. Rearrange Rearrange the words to make the correct response to each question.

Example: What will you do on the New Year’s Day?

a/will/go/in /my/countryside/with/I/on/ picnic/the/family

I will go on a picnic with my family in the countryside.

1. What will you do on Pimai Lao? a/will/ceremony/have/I/baci …………………………………………………………………

2. What will you do on Labour’s Day? built/new/my/will/help/father/I/to/fence/a …………………………………………………………………

3. What will you do on Women’s Day? classmates/with/a/I/have/my/party/will/small …………………………………………………………………

4. What will you do on Teachers’ Day? some/my/I/flowers/give/teachers/will ……………………………………………………….…………

5. What will you do on Lao National Day? plant/my/home/I/mother/flowers/and/will/help/stay/to


7. Read and write Read the information about holidays.


� The period when children are not at school is called the holidays or the vacation.

� A day when people don’t work is a national holiday or public holiday.

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� Festivals are special occasions which people celebrate by taking part in traditional activities.

Holiday activities

lakes and rivers sunbathing, swimming, diving, fishing, canoeing, …

mountains walking, climbing, trekking, camping, cave exploring, …

towns and cities sightseeing, visiting temples, museums, art galleries, …

Imagine that you will go on a holiday. Use the information above and the

questions below to help you decide what to write.

………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………….. ……..……………………………………………

Where will you


Who will

you go with?

How will you get there?

What holiday activities will you


Where will you stay?

How long will you stay there?

What will you do on

your school holidays?

ສ.ວ.ສ ສະຫງວນລຂະສດ

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Lesson 2 Holiday plans In this lesson students learn to talk about their holiday plans.

1. Vocabulary

disappointed ຜດຫວງ spend ໃຊຈາຍ,ໃຊເວລາ

planning to ວາງແຜນຈະ competition ການແຂງຂນ

hoping to ຫວງວາຈະ looking forward to ຄອງຄອຍຖາ

2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words from the vocabulary box after the teacher.

3. Listen and practise Listen and repeat after the teacher, then practise the dialogue in pairs.

Keo: Have you got any plans for the school holidays?

Vieng: Well, I’ve got a few plans. I’m

going to help my uncle in his shop, because my aunt is having a baby in a few weeks.

Keo: What will you do then? Vieng: I’m going to visit some relatives out

of town. Actually, I’m looking

forward to relaxing a bit. What about you? What are you doing during your holidays?

Keo: I’m planning to stay with my grandparents in Sam Neua. I haven’t been there since I was in primary school. They need some help around the house.

Vieng: How long will you stay there? Keo : My brother and I are going there for two months. Vieng: It’s a pity! I thought we could see each other over the holiday and

have some fun together.

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Keo: That would be great. Not too worry. We can get together after the school break. Anyway, I’m not leaving for Sam Neua until next week. Why don’t you come over to my house on Saturday? I’ve just

got some new pop music cassettes. Vieng: OK, I’d love to.

4. Read and answer Take turns to read and answer these questions.

1. Has Vieng a plan for school holiday? ………………………………………………………………...……

2. What is she going to do? ………………………………………………………………………

3. What is Keo planing to do? ………………………………………………………………………

4. How long is she going to stay in Sam Neua? ………………………………………………………………………

5. When is she going to leave Sam Neua? ………………………………………………………………………

5. Grammar note

The present continuous with a future meaning: when you are talking about what you have already arranged to do, use the present continuous. Example: A: Are you planning to go anywhere during your holidays? B: I’m planning to visit my grandparents in Sam Neua. I’m going to……………………..( + verb ) ຂອຍຈະ …………..

I’m hoping to……………….…...( + verb ) ຂອຍຫວງວາຈະ …………

I’m planning to ………………....( + verb ) ຂອຍວາງແຜນຈະ ............

I’m looking forward to………….. ຂອຍຄອງຄອຍຖາ …………………

Looking forward to can be used with a noun, or with a verb-ing.

I’m looking forward to the holidays. I’m looking forward to seeing my grandparents.

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● Do not use will to talk about what you have arranged to do: What are you doing this evening? ( not what will you do ) Mina is getting married next month. (not Mina will get married…….).

6. Complete

Complete these sentences by choosing suitable words in the box.

1. Over the school holidays, Vieng is …………… ……………. help her

mother in her shop. 2. Vieng……………. ……………. to visit some relatives during the school

break. 3. Vieng is looking………..….. …………….. relaxing on the holidays. 4. Keo is ……………. to visit her grandparents in Sam Neua …………….

the holidays. 5. Keo is planning …………... ……………. her grandparents around the

house. 6. Vieng and Keo ……………. both ……………. forward to the school


7. Read and write Read and make the questions to ask your friends.

A. A friend of yours is planning to go on holiday soon. You ask him about his

plans. Use the words in brackets to make your questions.

Example: ( where / go ) Where are you going?

1. ( how long / stay ? ) ……………………………………………………………………....

2. ( when / leave ? ) ………………………………………………………………….…...

are/looking to help going to

planning/during is hoping forward to

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3. ( go / alone ? ) …………………………………………………………………....….

4. ( go / by car ? ) ..………………………………………………………………….….

5. ( where / stay ) …………………………………………………………………...….

B. Kham is going on holidays. You have to write sentences about her holiday

plans. Use the words in brackets to write your sentences.

Example : ( go / Pakse ) She is going to Pakse.

1. ( leave / next Friday )


2. ( stay / in Pakse for two days )


3. ( go / with a friend of hers )


4. ( stay / in a guesthouse )


5. ( go / by bus )


8. Answer the questions Answer these questions about yourself.

1. Are you planning to go anywhere during your holidays? …………………………………………………………………..…..

2. How are you going to spend your school holidays? ………………………………………………………………...…….

3. When are you going to take your school holidays? ……………………………………………………………………....

ສ.ວ.ສ ສະຫງວນລຂະສດ

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4. How long are you going to stay on holidays? …………………………………………………………………..…..

5. What are you going to do? ……………………………………………………………………....

6. Are you doing anything special over the holidays? ……………………………………………………………………….

9. Ask and answer Take turns to ask and answer the questions from exercise 10 about holiday


For example:

A: Are you planning to go anywhere during your holidays?

B: No, I’m staying at home. How about you?

A: Are you going to do anything special over the holidays?

B: Yes, I am. I’m hoping to compete in the girls’ basketball competition.

10. Write Write paragraphs about your holiday plans. Say where you are planning to go,

and some things you are planning to do. Use going to, hoping to, planning to

and looking forward to.









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Lesson 3 At the roadside restaurant In this lesson students learn to talk about food, drink and the services at a roadside

restaurant; how to form contractions.

1. Vocabulary

2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words from the vocabulary box after the teacher.

3. Listen and practise Listen and repeat after the teacher, then practise the dialogue in pairs.

Linda is working in Vientiane as a teacher. She’s with some friends and

students on the way to Vangvieng for a short holiday. It’s lunch time and

everyone is very hungry, so they stop at a restaurant.

Linda: Oh look! This restaurant’s got a menu in English. Joe : That’s good for us. Let’s order some drinks. I’m really thirsty. Linda: OK. Let me see that menu. What would you like to drink? Joe: I like cold Pepsi. Linda: How about food? What would you like to order for lunch? Joe: Well, I’ll order grilled fish. Linda: Do you like papaya salad? Joe: Yes, I like papaya salad, too. You could have papaya salad with sticky

rice and bamboo soup. Linda: Oh, yes, I love bamboo soup. They also have papaya salad with

barbecued chicken, dried beef and some drinks.

grilled fish ປງປາ bamboo soup ແກງໜໄມ

rice cooked in bamboo ບ ງເຂາຫາມ pickled vegetables ສ ມຜກ

green salad ຍາສະລດ white rice ເຂາຈາວ

dried beef ຊນງວແຫງ pork sausages ໄສກອກໜ

ສ.ວ.ສ ສະຫງວນລຂະສດ

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Joe: Well, Barbecued chicken and dried beef sounds good. Let’s have

papaya salad with barbecued chicken and sticky rice. Tess: OK! Give our order to the attendant.

4. Look and say Look at the menu and take turns to ask and answer as the example below.

Nam Ngeum Restaurant


Meat and fish (all served with rice)

Salad and vegetables

bamboo soup Price: 10 000 kip

chicken soup Price: 20 000 kip

Fish soup Price: 20 000 kip

Noodle soup Price: 15 000 kip

barbecued chicken Price: 25 000 kip

pork sausages Price: 20 000 kip

grill fish Price: 15 000 kip

dried beef Price: 15 000 kip

Pickled vegetables Price: 15 000 kip

Papaya salad Price: 10 000 kip Mixed vegetables

Price: 15 000 kip Green salad

Price: 15 000 kip

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Drinks Example:

Waiter: May I take your order?

John : Yes. I'd like chicken and papaya salad, please.

Nancy : I'll take noodle soup.

Waiter : And what would you like to drink?

John : I'd like a cup of coffee, please.

Nancy : Just water, please.

Waiter : Would you like something for dessert?

John : Yes, I'll have mixed fruit, please.

Nancy : No thanks. How much does it


Waiter : It’s 60.000kip. Would you like

anything else?

John : No, thanks.

Pepsi Price: 5 000 kip

mango juice Price: 12 000 kip coffee

Price: 10 000 kip orange juice

Price: 15 000 kip

sticky rice with coconut milk and

mango Price: 10 000 kip

Lao desserts Price: 5 000 kip fruit salad

Price: 15 000 kip Rice cooked in

bamboo Price: 10 000 kip

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5. Grammar note

ໃຫສງເກດ: ຮບແບບການຫຍຄາກລຍາເຂາກບຄາແທນນາມຈະນາໃຊໃນ ການຂຽນຈດໜາຍເຖງໝສະນດດ ງຄາເຊນ: I am/You are/he is/she has Full form I am he is/ he has she is/ she has it is/ it has there is we are you are they are I have you have they have we have Full form I had, I would you had, you would

they had, they would we had, we would he had, he would she had, she would it had, it would I will, I shall you will we will, we shall it will

Short form I’m he’s she’s it’s there’s we’re you’re they’re I’ve you’ve they’ve we’ve

Short form I’d you’d they’d we’d he’d she’d it’d I’ll you’ll we’ll it’ll

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Put the full forms of the verbs to complete the following sentences. The first one has been done for you.

1. She’s with some friends and students on the way to Vang Vieng for a holiday.

- She is with some friends and students on the way to Vang Vieng for a holiday.

2. You’d better start your work tomorrow. - You………. better start your work tomorrow.

3. I’d like barbecued chicken with sticky rice. - I……….… like barbecued chicken with sticky rice.

4. Here’s a menu. What would you like to have? - Here……….... a menu. What would you like to have?

5. I’m not sure. We’ll order later. - I……….… not sure. We……….……. order later.

6. You’re welcome. - You …………… welcome.

7. This restaurant’s got a menu in English. - This restaurant …………………got a menu in English.

6. Rearrange Rewrite these words in the correct order. The first one has been done for you. Example: English / restaurant / This / ’s / got / menu / in / a

- This restaurant’s got a menu in English 1. or one bill / Would / like / to / get / separate bill/ you

- ………………………………………………………………………? 2. Your / bill / lunch / is / 45 000 / kip.

- …………………………………………………………………….…. 3. me / makes / sleepy /A/ big/ lunch

- ………………………………………………………………………. 4. What / you / like / to / have / breakfast / for / would

- ……………………………………………………………………….? 5. English /Do / you / have / menu / in / a

- ………………………………………………………………..………?

7. Write Write a paragraph about a roadside restaurant in your village. (100 words) ( big, small, convenient, food, clean…………..) …………………………………………………………………………………



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Lesson 1 Laos In this lesson students learn about the names and some facts of 17 provinces and one

capital city in Laos.

1. Vocabulary

2. Listen and repeat

Listen and repeat the words in the box after the teacher.

3. Look and say

A. Read the names of the provinces

B. Look at the empty map. Write the names of the provinces on the map.

north ທດເໜອ include ປະກອບດວຍ south ທດໃຕ border ຊາຍແດນ east ທດຕາເວນອອກ hospitable ໂອບອອມອາລ west ທດຕາເວນຕກ landlocked ບມທາງອອກສທະເລ surround ອອມຮອບ square kilometer (km2) ຕາຕະລາງກໂລເມດ peaceful ສະຫງບສກ friendly ເປນມດ

Xiengkhouang Bolikhamxay Savannakhet

Sekong Houaphan Xayaboury

Luang Prabang Phongsaly Luangnamtha

Bokeo Oudomxay Khammouane

Salavan Champasack Attapeu

Vientiane Capital Vientiane Province Xaysomboun

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C. Draw a mind map about the locations of the provinces in Laos.





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4. Listen and practise

Listen and repeat after the teacher. Then practise the dialogue in pairs.

Chan is at the conference in Brunei and he meets a new friend, LindaLinda: Hi, Chan. I’m going to Laos next month for my holiday. I don’t have much information about it. Where is it exactly? Chan: Well, Laos is in South-east Asia. Linda: What countries does Laos share borders with? Chan: In fact, Laos borders with five countries: China to the north,

Myanmar to the north east, Vietnam to the east, Cambodia to the south and Thailand to the west. Will you go to all these countries?

Linda: I don’t think so. I’ll go to Laos first; then I’ll go to Thailand. Is it convenient to travel from Laos to Thailand?

Chan: Well, There are a lot of border check points in Laos. There are two border check points in Vientiane Capital-one at Wattay Airport, the other on Mittaphap Bridge, where you can get a visa.

Linda: Oh! That’s wonderful my dear. Thanks for your information. It’s really useful.

Chan: You’re welcome Linda.

5. Grammar note

-There is/are and have/has Both of them have the same meaning.

Example: There is a border check point in Khammouane province.

There are two border check points in Savannakhet.

Vientiane has two border check points.

6. Look and answer Look at the map in exercise 3 and answer the questions.

1. How many provinces are there in the north of Laos? __________

2. How many provinces are in there the centre of Laos? _________

3. How many provinces are in there the west of Laos? __________

4. How many provinces are in there the south of Laos? __________

5. How many provinces are in there the east of Laos? ___________

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7. Read and answer Read the text and answer the questions below.

Luang Prabang Luang Prabang is a big province in the north. It shares the border with

Vietnam and there is one border check point. It also has borders with six provinces. The capital of Luang Prabang province is Luang Prabang city. Twelve different ethnic groups live in the province, and it has about 360,000 people. There are 12 districts, 796 villages and 63,582 households in the province.

This city is the old capital of Laos. It is on the Mekong and Khan rivers. Many people say it is very beautiful because it has many old and beautiful temples. Tourists like to visit the temples and the National Museum (old Royal Place). They also like to travel up river by boat to visit the Buddha caves.

People can go to Luang Prabang by plane, by boat or by car. From Vientiane, people can travel by car or bus on Road Number 13 North. They can also go by boat up the Mekong River or fly from Luang Prabang to Chiengmai in the north of Thailand.

1. Where is Luang Prabang province? ...................................................................................................................

2. What country does Luang Prabang have a border with? ...................................................................................................................

3. How many provinces does Luang Prabang have borders with? ...................................................................................................................

4. How many people live in Luang Prabang? ...................................................................................................................

5. How many ethnic groups live there? ...................................................................................................................

6. What are two things tourists like to do in Luang Prabang? …………………………………………………………………………... 8. Ask and answer

One person is student A and the other is student B. Don’t look at your

partner’s chart. Then take turns to ask for information. Write what is missing

in your chart.

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A: How many districts are there in Savannakhet province?

B: There are_________

Student A: How many ….…?

Student B: How many ….…?

provinces districts villages people Households

Savannakhet 15 1,543 114,400 Bokeo 5 118,200 Oudomxay 475 35,815

Write about a province using the information from your chart. Example: In Savannakhet, there are 15 districts, 1,543 villages, 700,000 people and 114, 000 households.

In Bokeo _______________________________________

9. Complete Choose a province and complete the chart below.

10. Write Write about the province that you know well as the example in Exercise 7.



Provinces Districts Villages People Households

Savannakhet 703,000 Bokeo 265 21,974 Oudomxay 7 313,380

Name of province Where? How many people? Districts Villages Capital Tourist attractions How/travel?

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Lesson 2 Weather

In this lesson students learn about the different seasons.

1. Vocabulary

Read and remember the meanings of these words

rainfall ຝນຕກ scarf ຜາພນຄ muggy ຮອນອບເອາ landscape ພມທດ mild ອອນເບາ sandcastle ປາສາດຊາຍ feature ລກສະນະ, ຮບແບບ chilly ເຢອກເຢນ snowman ຫນຫມະ lush ຂຽວສະອມ sultry ຮອນເຫອໄຫໄຄຍອຍ significant ສາຄນ winter ລະດໜາວ spring ລະດໃບໄມປງ autumn ລະດໃບໄມຫ ນ summer ລະດແລງ

2. Listen and repeat

Listen and repeat these words in the box after the teacher.

3. Look and Match

Look at the words in the box and match to the pictures.

It’s ………… It’s …………. It’s . ………… It’s . …………

raining windy sunny cloudy

icy foggy snowing

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It’s ………… It’s …………. It’s …………

4. Match

Climate charts for Laos

Temperature and rainy days statistics for Vientiane, Laos

Look at the chart and match the sentences in column A with climate charts in column B.


1. The maximum temperature (�F) in January is

2. The high statistic of rainy days in Vientiane is in

3. The minimum temperature( �C ) of rainy days is

4. The average temperature ( �F ) from January to December is

5. The small number of rainy days for minimum temperature in

Vientiane is






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5. Listen and answer

Listen to the text and answer True or False.

1. Laos is surrounded by 5 countries. ………………

2. It has borders with only Vietnam and Thailand. ……….……..

3. Laos has a single dry season between May and September. ………

4. In the north of Laos, it is cooler during the winter season. ………

5. The weather seems to be humid during the dry season. …………...

6. Read and complete

Choose the words from the box to complete the paragraph below.

season hot climate

distinct cool colorful

time green rainy

Laos generally enjoys a mild tropical (1) ………., but it can get quite

chilly in the cool (2)……….. Temperatures range from 10-40 degrees Celsius

in the Mekong Valley, and may dip below zero in the mountains and on the

XiengKhouang and Bolaven plateaus. There are three (3) ………. seasons: the

(4) ……… season from November to February, the (5)…….…. season from

March to May and the (6)……….. season which lasts from June to October.

Most people find the best (7) ……… to visit is from October to February.

However, the low season offers lush (8) ……. landscapes in the rainy season

and the (9)………..Lao New Year festivities in April

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7. Read and answer Read the text and answer the questions below.

Two distinct seasons Laos has two distinct seasons - the wet and the dry.

The wet season in Laos runs from around May to October, and as with

many Southeast Asian countries, the wet season is characterized by a

downpour for a few hours each day rather than all-day. During wet season,

the land transportation in Laos can be slow and soggy.

On the upside, boat transport comes into its own during the great wet.

Rivers are high so the slow boats can make better pace. Along the Mekong

River many of the rapids are submerged, helping the slow boats with their

deeper drafts, but if you're considering a speedboat trip, be warned that the

heavy rainfall brings a lot of refuse into the river.

The dry season in Laos has two distinct sub-sections -- first comes the

cool dry season and then comes the hot dry season -- the former is one of the

most popular times to visit Laos. The cool dry season runs from November to

February and the hot dry season from March to April. What makes the hot

season even more unbearable is the smoke factor -- from March to May

farmers set fire to rice stubble and mildly degraded forest to improve soil

fertility in preparation for a new rice crop.

In summary, the dry season runs from November to April. November to

February is cooler while March and April are blisteringly hot. April is the

hottest month.

Wet season runs from May to October, though it may start a little early

in a couple of northern provinces in Laos. August is the wettest month.

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Answer these questions

1. How many distinct seasons are there in Laos? ……………………………………………………………………….…

2. What is land transportation like during wet season in Laos? ……………………………………………………………………….…

3. What are the two distinct sub sections for dry season in Laos? ………………………………………………………………………….

4. How long does the cool dry season last? ………………………………………………………………………….

5. What is the hottest and wettest month in Laos? ………………………………………………………………………….

6. What season do you prefer? Why? ………………………………………………………………………….

8. Write Write about the weather in your province using the information in exercise 6

as a guide.














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Lesson 3 Tourist sites In this lesson students learn more about tourist sites in Laos.

1. Vocabulary

2. Listen and repeat

Listen and repeat the words in the vocabulary box after the teacher.

3. Listen and practise Listen and repeat after the teacher. Then practise the dialogue in pairs.

John spends a holiday in Laos and meets his friend, Thada.

Thida: When did you arrive in Vientiane?

John: Yesterday evening. Anyway, Thida, I would like to have a holiday in

other provinces. Could you tell me where I should visit?

Thida: I think Luang Prabang or Champasack provinces are the best places to

visit in Laos. These provinces are world heritage sites. Luang Prabang

was declared in 1996 and Watphou Champasack, in 2001.

John: How can I get there?

Thida: Champasack is in the south; you can go by bus, van or plane. If

you go Luang Prabang by plane, it’ll take about you one hour. If you

go by bus, it’ll take about 8-10 hours.

John: How long does it take to get to Luang Prabang by bus?

alternative ທາງເລອກ artifact ສ ງທສາງຈາລອງ

religious ceremony ພທທາງສາດສະໜາ sculpture ການແກະສະຫກ

destruction ການທາລາຍ evolved ວວດທະນາການ

dammed ສາງເຂ ອນກ ນ inspire ກະຕນໃຈ

chronological ຕາມລາດບເຫດການ

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Thida: It usually takes about 8 hours, but sometimes it takes longer in the

rainy season.

John: It’s difficult to decide, but I think I’ll go to Luang Prabang this time

and next time I’ll go to Champasack.

4. Match

A. Match the places of tourist sites under the right pictures.

…..………….……. …….....……………. ….…………………

……..……………. …………………...… ……………………

…..……..……..….… .………….……....…

Wat Sisaket Ho Phakeo Museum

Patuxai ( Victory Gate) Ing Hang Stupa

National Museum Wat Phou

Xiengkhouang Buddha Park Ang Nam Ngum ( Nam Ngum Dam)

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

8. 7.

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5. Grammar note

First conditionals

The first conditional is used to express a possible situation and its result.

Possible situation result

Example: If you go to Pakse by bus it will take about 12 hours.

If +Present Simple tense + will + verb

Example: If you go to Pakse, you’ll see Wat Phou.( spoken language)

If you go to Pakse, you will see Wat Phou.( written language)

6. Choose Choose the right word or phrase to write under each picture.

stupa rocket festival trade fair

market boat racing festival Lao New Year

1. ……………………. 2. …………………..… 3. …………………..

4. …………………...… 5. ………….………….. 6. ………………...…

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7. Listen and answer Listen to the events that happened in Champasack in the year 2015.

8. Complete Write the important days to complete the sentences below.

8 March ………………………………..……….…... 13-15 April ………………………….…………..….. 1 June ………………………………………….…… 7 October …………………………………………… In October ……………………………..……………. In December………………………………………… 2 December…………………………………...……...

9. Read and answer

Read the text and answer the questions below.

The rocket festival Traditionally the rocket festival is held in the sixth Lunar month

(around May or June) and it is believed to bring rains so that rice planting can begin. Celebrations typically take two to three days and include music and dance performances, competitive procession of floats, dancers, musicians, and culminate on the third day with competitive firings of home -made rockets. Large bamboo rockets are built and decorated by monks and villagers and

What was in Champasack in the year 2015? Dates ……………: Weekend trade fair on the Lao-Thai border February 20-28: …………………………………….. ……………: Pang Stupa festival ……………: Nanging Stupa festival ……………: Lao New Year festival at Pakse ……………: Rocket festival June : ………………………. At Laksaoet October 14 : ……………………… in Pakse ……………: Boat racing festival at Khong Island

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carried in procession before being blasted skywards to let the rain god Phayathaen know it is time to send the rains. The higher a rocket goes, the bigger the praise for its builder. Designers of failed rockets are thrown in the mud or pond. Many villages get together in an outlying area to fire these huge rockets into the sky, while those on the ground celebrate by drinking, singing and dancing. It is a great fun day out for all, although it can get a bit raucous and unruly at times.


1. When is the rocket festival held? ………………………………………………………………………

2. Why do people celebrate the rocket festival? ……………………………………………………………………… 3. How long do people celebrate the rocket festival? ……………………………………………………………………… 4. What do people do with the designers of failed? ……………………………………………………………………… 5. Do they enjoy celebrating the rocket festival? ………………………………………………………………………

10. Write ( Brainstorm)

Choose one festival or special day that you know well in Laos. 1. What’s the name of the festival? That Louang festival

2. Where/when is it held?

3. Who takes part in it?

4. Why is it held? 5. What happens at the festival? (preparations, special food, ceremonies)

6. How do people feel about the festival?

7. Do people enjoy it?

Is it celebrated in the same way now as in the past?

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Lesson 1 Coffee growing In this lesson students learn about the process of coffee growing and the use of

passive voice.

1. Vocabulary

bush ພມໄມ establish ຈດຕ ງ/ສາງຂນ

hoe (v) ເສຍຫຍາ cultivate ສບຊາວ/ກຽມດນປກຝງ

export ສ ງອອກ income ລາຍຮບ

chemicals ສານເຄມ fertile ອດມສມບນ

plantation ການປກຝງ crops ຜນລະປກ

fertilizer ປຍ/ຝນ soil ດນປກຝງ

destroy ທາລາຍ plateau ທງພຽງ

harvest ເກບກຽວ weed (V) ຫກຫຍາ 2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words from the vocabulary box after the teacher.

3. Listen and practise John meets Keo at the coffee shop.

John: This coffee tastes so good. Is this brand made in Laos?

Keo: Yes, this is Lao coffee.

John: Oh, that’s Interesting. Where is it planted?

Keo: In Paksong on Bolaven Plateau. The land is highly fertile with a cool

wet climate.

John: That’s why it is suitable for growing coffee.

Keo: Yes.

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John: How do you know about coffee plantation so well?

Keo: I used to help my family to cultivate land and grow coffee.

Jonh: What a surprise!

4. Read and answer Read the text and answer the questions below.

Growing up on a coffee plantation

I grew up in Paksong, a small town to the east of Pakse city in Champasak Province. My family still lives there. Paksong is on the Bolaven Plateau, which is highly fertile with a cool wet climate, suitable for growing coffee. Most people who live there get their incomes from growing coffee.

I remember when I was young, I used to work hard. I helped my family to cultivate land and grow crops, especially coffee. I still remember how we established the coffee plantation.

First we prepared a field for growing seedlings. We cut down small trees and bushes, but we left the big trees to stop the soil from becoming too dry. After that, we sowed the seeds in the prepared soil. Next, we prepared the plantation area. We cleared the land of all trees and bushes. We planted the seedlings in rows of about two metres apart. We had twenty hectares of coffee plantation in the mountains. At that time, coffee was grown in the traditional way. The plants grew without fertilizers or other chemicals. We simply weeded and hoed the soil.

After seven years, we had our first harvest of coffee beans. About eighty percent of our income came from coffee production every year after that.

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Coffee is a major agricultural export item for Lao PDR, which is one of the few coffee growing countries in Southeast Asia. Many people in Paksong are returning to coffee growing.


1. Where is Paksong? ………………………………………………………………………

2. How do most people in Paksong make a living? ………………………………………………………………………

3. What kind of weather is the best for growing coffee? ………………………………………………………………………

4. How long does it take before coffee beans can be harvested? ………………………………………………………………………

5. Is coffee-growing increasing or decreasing in Paksong? Why? ………………………………………………………………………

5. Grammar note

Passive voice

The passive voice is often used in formal writing or speech. We use it when who or what causes the action is unknown or not very important. What happened or will happen is more important. For example: (Active): The war destroyed some coffee plants. (Passive): Some coffee plants were destroyed (by the war). The passive is used because what were destroyed is more important than who or what destroyed them. The passive can be used in all tenses. Present simple: am / is / are + past participle, e.g. Lao coffee is exported to many countries. Past simple: was / were + past participle, e.g. Coffee plants were destroyed by war. Present perfect: has been / have been + past participle, e.g. The land has been developed for coffee-growing.

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6. Rearrange Rearrange the words to make correct sentences and rewrite them as

passive sentences.


seedlings / a field / for growing / We / prepare

- We prepare a field for growing seedlings.

- A field is prepared for growing seedlings.

1. from becoming / the taller trees / leave / to stop the soil / too dry/ We

- …………………………………………………………………..…

- ……………………………………………………………………..

2. into / sow / the prepared soil / We / the seeds

- …………………………………………………………………..…

- ……………………………………………………………………..

3. We / all trees / the land / of / and / clear / bushes

- …………………………………………………………………..…

- ……………………………………………………………………..

4. in rows / We / the seedlings / two metres apart / about / plant

- …………………………………………………………………..…

- ……………………………………………………………………..

5. the soil / hoe / weed / We / and

- ……………………………………………………………………….

- ……………………………………………………………………….

7. Listen and complete Listen and complete the text below.

First, a field……………….. for the seedlings. Small trees and bushes

were cut down, but big trees ……………..…. Then the seeds were sowed in

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the prepared field. Next, the plantation area ………………….. by clearing the

land. After that, the seedlings were planted in rows. ……………..………..

because at that time, coffee ………………………….by traditional methods.

8. Write Why do you think more people are growing coffee in Paksong?

Try to think of four or five reasons, and write them in the space below.


















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Lesson 2 Farm animals In this lesson students learn some activities on the farm and the causative passive.

1. Vocabulary

cattle (ຝງ)ງວ, ຄວາຍ pen ຄອກສດ straw ເຟອງ vaccinate ສກຢາປອງກນ fish pond ໜອງປາ raise ລຽງສດ graze ເລມຫຍາ rice barn ເລາເຂາ plough ໄຖ (ນາ) vet (veterinarian) ສດຕະວະແພດ wool ຂນແກະ

2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words from the vocabulary box after the teacher.

3. Listen and complete Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks. Then practise the dialogue in


Ms. Naly is a vet. She is visiting Mr. Bounma- a farmer.

Ms. Naly: How long (1)……… …………. been raising cattle?

Mr. Bounma: Since I got married, about eight years ago.

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Ms. Naly: How many cattle do you have?

Mr. Bounma: Well, I’ve got (2)….…….….buffaloes and (3)……...…..cows.

Ms. Naly: What do you do with (4)……..…… in the wet season?

Mr. Bounma: In the wet (5)……………….. , I keep them in a pen or (6)

…………… my rice barn. I feed them with (7)…………….

and rice straw.

Ms. Naly: What about the (8)……………. season?

Mr. Bounma: In the dry season, I let them (9) …….……… freely. In the

evening, I put them in a pen.

Ms. Naly: Do you have your (10) ……………… vaccinated?

Mr. Bounma: Yes, twice a year. A (11)…………..… from the district comes

to the village and gives vaccinations.

Ms. Naly: Is it (12)…………………… of charge?

Mr. Bounma: No, but it’s cheap and I don’t (13)…………..….. my animals

to get sick. They are no good to me then!

4. Match Match the verbs with the phrases.

Example: 1 – b

1. build 1 - b a. the cattle

2. feed _____ b. a new fence

3. plant _____ c. the rice fields

4. vaccinate _____ d. a fish pond

5. plough _____ e. a new vegetable garden

6. dig _____ f. a new rice barn

7. repair _____ g. chickens in the farm

8. build _____ h. the motorbike

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5. Read and answer Read the text and answer the questions

Farm animals

Farm animals in this section, are featuring just some of the animals that

reside on the farm. You can find lots of interesting animal information about

your favourite farm animals. You can discover and learn what life is like on

the farm for sheep, pigs, cows, buffaloes, goats, ducks, chickens and horses.

Farm animals are bred for many purposes. Chickens give us eggs.

Buffaloes, cows and goats provide us with nutritious milk and meat. Different

breeds of sheep produce many kinds of wool fibers which are made into

clothing. Pigs provide us with bacon and pork. Horses are used as working

animals, sports and leisure activities.

However, all these animals are not just there to provide us with

materials, aid and provisions. They also make wonderful pets, which give us

years of pleasure and devotion.

Read the text and answer true or false. If it is false, give the correct


1. In this text, we are talking about animals living on the farm. ………….

2. Farm animals are raised for many purposes. …….……

3. Goats are farm animals. ……….…

4. We can get wool fibers from horses. ………….

5. Pigs are working animals. ………….

6. Pets give pleasure for human. ………….

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6. Grammar note

Causative passive Mr. Bounma is not a vet. He does not vaccinate his animals. He pays a vet to vaccinate his animals.

Mr. Bounma has his animals vaccinated twice a year.

7. Write Use going to and causative passive form to write about the things

Mr. Bounna will do and pay other people to do.


- Mr. Bounma is going to build a new fence. (Things he will do)

- He is going to have a new rice barn built. (Things he will pay other

people to do)

- …

-- ……………………………………………………………………

- ……………………………………………………………………

- ……………………………………………………………………

- ……………………………………………………………………

- ……………………………………………………………………

Things that Mr. Bounma will do himself

Things that Mr. Bounma will pay other people to do

- build a new fence

- take some chickens to the market

- plant a new vegetable garden

- repair his motorbike

- build a new rice barn

- vaccinate the cattle

- plough the rice fields

- dig a new fish pond

have/has object past participle

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8. Look and write Look at the pictures and write sentences about some of the them you are

going to have them done.


1 I’m going to have my cassette player repaired.

2 ………………………………………..……

3 …………………………………………….

4 ……………………………………………..

5 ……………………………………………..

6 ……………………………………………..

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Lesson 3 Irrigation In this lesson students learn to talk about the advantages of irrigation in Laos and

how to use auxiliaries with passive verbs.

1. Vocabulary

advantage ຂສະດວກ/ຜນດ contain ບນຈ

brew ຕ ມ/ກ ນ drainage ການລະບາຍນ າ

amount ຈານວນ roast ຂາງໄຟ (ອບ)

huge ໃຫຍ/ມະຫາສານ moisture ຄວາມຊມ

artificial ທຽມ volatile ການລະເຫຍເປນອາຍ

convert ປຽນແປງ aroma ກນຫອມ

manufacture ການຜະລດ purchase ຊ

extraction equipment ເຄ ອງມສະກດ

2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words from the vocabulary box after the teacher.

3. Read and answer Read the text and answer the questions below.

Irrigation All crops need water to

grow. In many areas natural

rainfall does not provide enough

water, so irrigation is used to

water the fields artificially. With

irrigation, it is possible to use

much more land to increase the

amount of food that the land can


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Irrigation has been used for thousands of years. The Egyptians were

irrigating land around the Nile River seven thousand years ago. The Chinese

has been using irrigation for more than four thousand years. Since 1800 the

amount of irrigated land in the world has increased from about 8 million

hectares to about 222 million hectares. Today, China and India have more land

with irrigation systems than any other countries to feed their huge populations.

Irrigation can also cause problems, however. Rain water does not

contain any salt, but all irrigation water contains some. Over the years, the

amount of salt in the soil slowly increases, and this damages the crops.

Irrigated land needs to have good drainage so that the salt can be washed out

of the soil.


1. What do crops need?


2. Why is irrigation used to water the fields?


3. How is it possible to use much more land?


4. How long has the irrigation been used?


5. When did the Egyptian use irrigation?


6. How much has the amount of irrigated land in the world increased?


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4. Match Match the words with their definitions.

1. artificial watering of land ____a. crops 2. not natural ____b. increase 3. very big ____c. artificial 4. removing water from the soil ____d. huge 5. become more ____e. irrigation 6. plants grown by farmers ____f. drainage

5. Complete Complete these sentences by writing suitable words in the blanks.

1. Irrigated land can more food. 2. Without water, crops cannot . 3. India and China need to use irrigation because they have very large______. 4. The Chinese started using irrigation over four thousand years . 5. Irrigation has many advantages, but it can also problems. 6. Sometimes, irrigated soil contains too much . 7. Irrigated land must have good .

6. Grammar note

produce population salt grow ago cause drainage

Modal auxiliaries in Passive forms.

After modal verbs (will, can, must) and some other verbs use be+past


Subject +modal verbs + be + past participle.

e.g Salt can be washed out of the soil by a good drainage.

Coffee beans will be harvested after seven years.

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7. Read and answer Work in a group of 4 to discuss and write the answers.


When must we dig a fish pond?

It must be dug at once.

1. When will you build a new rice barn?


2. When must we prepare the plantation area?


3. When can we irrigate our rice fields?


4. When must we cultivate the land for growing crops?


5. When will you harvest the coffee beans?


8. Read and complete Read and complete the sentences below.

Example: Trees will be cut down (cut down).

1. They …………………… (take) to the paper mill.

2. The bark …………………… (remove).

3. The wood …………………….. (break) into small chips.

4. The chips ……………………… (mix) with water.

5. The mixture ……………………. (make) into a pulp.

6. Chemical and dyes …………………… (add) to the mixture.

7. The pulp ………………….. (press) by rollers to remove the water.

8. The paper …………… (send) to factories, newspaper offices, etc.

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9. Listen and complete

The first paper (1)………….…..in China. It (2)………….….nearly two

thousand years ago. The method of making paper (3)………..….……to

Europe by the Arabs.

In the 8th century, paper (4)………….……for many years, because it

was (5)……………..Until the 19th century old (6)……………..was used to

make the pulp. Many paper products (7) ………………..

10. Read and write Read and write the following sentences, into passive verb forms.

Example: They should tear down this building.

This building should be torn down.

1. We must clean up the pollution in our rivers.

………………………………………………….……..………………… 2. Your adviser has to sign this form before they will allow you to take this

class. …………………………………………..……………………………….

3. They might hold the graduation ceremony outside. ……………………………………………………….…………….……..

4. We mustn’t tell Mina about our surprise. ……………………………………………………………….………..…...

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Review Unit 1-5

In this unit students will review Unit 1-5 to improve their language skills.

1. Write Imagine that you are in these situations. For each situation, write a sentence

with I wish…


You’ve swum in the river too long and you feel sick.

I wish I hadn’t swum so long.

1. You are in the countryside and there is a beautiful view, but you didn’t

bring your camera.


2. When you were young, you didn’t study hard. Now you regret this.


3. Last week you were interviewed for a job. They offered you the job, but

you decided not to take it. Now you regret this.


4. You didn’t have breakfast this morning, so you are very hungry now.


5. You went to bed late last night. Now you feel very tired.


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2. Match Match English words with their Lao equivalents.

Example: (1-b)

1. maths ____a. ພມສາດ

2. history __1_b. ຄະນດສາດ

3. geography ____c. ຟຊກສາດ

4. science ____d. ວທະຍາສາດ

5. language and literature ____e. ປະຫວດສາດ

6. foreign language ____f. ເຄມສາດ

7. physics ____g. ຊວະສາດ

8. chemistry ____h. ພາສາລາວ ແລະ ວນນະຄະດ

9. biology ____i. ພາສາຕາງປະເທດ

3. Find

Read the text and find words or phrases in the texts that mean:

1. opportunity …………………..……

2. a person who translates spoken language ………………………….......

3. in another country ……………………………...

4. department of the university ……………………………...

5. join a course of study ………………………….......

General education in Laos General education in Laos consists of pre-school, primary school and

secondary school. Most children in Laos start their education at about three

years old when they enter pre-school. Pre-school takes three years to prepare

children for primary school. Children study at primary school from about six

to eleven years old- a total of five years. Primary education is compulsory in

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Laos. After finishing primary school, they go to secondary school, which takes

seven years to finish- four years for lower secondary school and three years

for upper secondary school. Normally, students complete their general

education at the age of about eighteen years old. Students who pass the final

exam in secondary school receive a secondary school certificate.

Students who can pass the entrance examination can continue their

education after secondary school. The highest level of education is university-

this takes four to six years. Students who do not want to go to university can

go to vocational or technical schools, which take three years. Another option

is vocational hands-on training for a particular job.

4. Write Rewrite these sentences from active into passive form.

Example: We advertised the job last week.

The job was advertised last week.

1. We received seven applicants.


2. The manager interviewed three people today.


3. He has written notes about each of them.


4. He is considering the applicants at the moment.


5. He will make a decision soon.


5. Read and complete Read the letter below and complete it by writing suitable words in the blanks.

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6. Translate Translate these traffic rules into Lao.

1. When the traffic light is yellow motorists prepare to stop or to go.


P.O. Box 117 Vientiane

5 April 2010 Mrs Clak (Personnel Manager)

Lincoln Engineering Services Ltd.

P.O. Box 2897

Vientiane (1)……………. Mrs Clak, I saw your advertisement in yesterday’s Vientiane Times, and I would like

to (2) …………….for the position of Electrical Engineering.

I am twenty-five years old. I studied electrical engineering at the National University (Faculty of Engineering), and I (3) …………..two years ago. I have (4)…………. as an electrician for my father’s company (5)since that

time. I am interested in working on hydro-electricity projects, and I would be happy to work in the provinces.

I enclose my (6) ………….(7) …………… you please send me more details and an (8) …………………….form?

I (9)…………………. forward to hearing from you.

(10)…………………. Sincerely,

Vilaysack (Mr) Vilaysack Inkhalavong

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2. At the round- about, the car in the round- about has a priority to go first.


3. Motorists should slow down their cars while passing market places,

villages, schools, and other public gatherings.


4. Motorists should slow down their cars when seeing zebra crossings.


5. Do not stop your cars on the zebra crossings.


6. Give signal light before changing the lane or turning.


7. Do not turn on headlights high beam while driving in cities at night.


7. Write Write the name of the traffic signs.

…………………. …………………. …………………..

…………………. …………………. …………………

8. Write Use when to join the following sentences.

1. I arrived home. I saw a present on the table.


2. I saw an accident. I walked out of the market.


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3. I said thank you very much. He gave me a birthday present.


4. I’ll ask the teacher. I have a maths problem.


5. I do it right. I do something.


6. I was young. I could swim.


7. I was doing homework. My mother cooked breakfast.


8. I always stop jogging. I feel tired.


9. I saw a snake. I stopped my car.


10. I ask someone to pick up and put the rubbish into the bin. I see someone

just drop them anywhere.


9. Write

Write the verbs in brackets into the present perfect passive.

1. Since the 19th century, wood has been used (use) for making pulp.

2. Many different paper products ………………………… (develop).

3. A lot of pollution …………………… (cause) by bleaching paper to make

it white.

4. Many lakes and rivers …………………….. (destroy) by pollution from

paper mills.

5. Since the 1980s more and more paper ………………………(recycle).

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10. Puzzle How many words can you find about agriculture? (There are 16).











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Lesson 1 Living in the big cities In this lesson students learn about living in the big cities and then compare to the one

in the rural areas.

1. Vocabulary

2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words and expressions from the vocabulary box after

the teacher.

3. Read and match

Read and match the English words and expression with the correct Lao


influence ອດທພນ potential ຄວາມອາດສາມາດ

adequate ພຽງພ hygienic ມອານາໄມ

mental ດານຈດໃຈ populous ພນລະເມອງໜາແໜນ

physical ດານສຂະພາບ ignore ບເອາໃຈໃສ, ຖເບາ

pollution ມນລະພດ lack of ຂາດເຂນ

interaction ການພວພນ compulsion ຄວາມກດດນ

pure ສະອາດ, ບລສດ demand ຄວາມຮຽກຮອງຕອງການ

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Living in Big Cities

Most people in our world believe that it is better to live in big cities

than to live in small villages, and this belief further gives rise to a trend where

large numbers of village people migrate to big cities. This trend can be easily

seen in most parts of the world, as the pollutions in big cities has increased.

Mostly people come to big populous cities because they find it very easy to

get good earning opportunities, whereas villages fail in providing adequate

earning potentials for their people. Moreover, in cities, there is more demand

for services, thus creating more job opportunities for a large number of people.

However, there are a number of other issues which we mostly ignore, due to

earning compulsions. Though big cities provide a good potential of earning to

a large number of people, they also cause some disadvantages. Some of these

things are highlighted below.

� Lack of open and hygienic housing facilities for the people in big

cities because large numbers of these migrants can only afford to live in small

and unhygienic conditions.

� Scarcity of pure water and air, as most of big cities of the world are

polluted very badly.

� High level of noise pollutions in big cities as compared to small

villages which create lot of physical and mental health problems to people.

� Higher traffic on the roads, increasing the chances of fatal accidents

and problems in travelling, less quality time for oneself and family, less

opportunity to commune with nature and appreciate its beauty.

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N/O English words and expressions

Lao translations

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

migrate opportunity ignore demand adequate potential hygiene mental problem pure influence

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j.

____ ____ ____ __1_ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

ພຽງພ ຄວາມອາດສາມາດ ຄວາມຮຽກຮອງຕອງການ ການຍກຍາຍຖ ນຖານ ໂອກາດ ມອານາໄມ (ທ)ບລສດ, ບລສດ ບເອາໃຈໃສ, ຖເບາ ອດທພນ ບນຫາດານສຂະພາບຈດ

4. Read and Answer True or False

Read the text in Exercise 3 and answer True or False. If it is false, give the

correct answer.


Most people migrate to small villages. F Most people migrate to big cities.

1. Mostly, people migrate to big cities because it is very easy to find jobs. ______

2. Small villages fail in providing earning potentials to the people. ______

3. There is more demand for services in small villages. ______

4. People living in big cities have more quality time for themselves and their families. ______

5. The rate of physical and mental problems of the people in big cities is higher than the people in small villages. ______

6. We can easily find pure water and air in big cities. ______

7. People in the small villages have adequate opportunities to commune with

nature and appreciate its beauty. ______

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5. Grammar note

6. Read and complete Read and circle the correct comparative form of adjectives.

1. Sorry I’m late. It took me ………. to get here ……….. I expected. (longer

… than / more long … than) 2. My toothache is ……….than it was yesterday. (more painful / painfuler)

Comparison “–er” is used for the comparative with one syllable adjectives.

Bounkong works harder than most of his friends.

Adjectives Comparatives hard harder cheap cheaper

“er and ier” are used with one or two-syllable adjectives ending with –y.

Adjectives Comparatives strong stronger

funny funnier

easy easier

“more” is used with some two – syllable and all longer adjectives.

Adjectives Comparatives serious more serious successful more successful

There are also some exceptions for some irregular adjectives and adverbs such as good, bad, little, much, far … when making comparisons.

Adjectives Comparatives little less far farther/further

After comparatives, “than” is usually used.

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3. She looks about 20, but in fact she’s much ……….than she looks. (more

older / older) 4. The problem is not so complicated. It’s ……….than you think. (simpler /

more simpler) Your English has improved. You speak much ……….than

you did when we last met. (gooder / better) 5. Health and happiness are ……….than money. (importanter / more


7. Rearrange Put the following words into the correct sentences. Example:

important/ happiness/ Health/ are more/ and/ money./ than

Health and happiness are more important than money.

1. from/ influence/live /the /city /of /overseas /from /people.


2. Education / development / big / depend / cities./ and / on / economic


3. People / cities / quality / in big / living / time / oneself / for / have less / and



4. communication / benefits / have / People / developments./ from


5. is more / demand / There / services / for / number / of people. / for large


8. Write Write 5 impressions about life of the people in your village or city.

…………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………

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Lesson 2 Rubbish burning

In this lesson students learn about how to preserve better environment in their own


1. Vocabulary

2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words and expressions from the vocabulary box after

the teacher.

3. Read and practise Read the conversation after the teacher and practise it with your partner.

Khamsone sells food at the market. She usually wraps her food in banana

leaves, but Davanh uses plastic bags.

Davanh: You know, people do not use banana leaves to wrap food nowadays. Why do you still use them?

Khamsone: Well, I’ve always used banana leaves. I don’t see any reasons

to change it.

awareness ສະຕຕ ນຕວ garbage ຂເຫຍອ convenient ສະດວກສະບາຍ consist of ປະກອບດວຍ experiment ເຮດການທດລອງ dioxin ສານໄດອອກຊນ (ທາດພດ)

messy ບເປນລະບຽບ/ຮກ fertilizer ປຍ, ຝນງາມ

encourage ຊກຍ, ປກລະດມ charity ມນນທ (ຄວາມມໃຈບນ)

effect ຜນສະທອນ dangerous ອນຕະລາຍ rubbish ຂເຫຍອ disposal ການຖມຂເຫຍອໃສບອນທເໝາະສມ

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Davanh: But banana leaves are expensive – plastic bags are much cheaper.

Khamsone: Yes, I agree. Luckily, I grow banana plants in my garden, so I don’t have to buy them.

Davanh: I think plastic bags are much more convenient. My customers like them too.

Khamsone: That may be true, but look at this street! It’s so messy,

plastic bags are everywhere. They will stay there forever if people don’t pick them up, unlike banana leaves. If leaves are thrown along the street, they will disappear and become natural fertilizer after a few years.

Davanh: Yes, I think you’re right.

4. Read and answer Read the conversation in Exercise 3 and answer the following questions.

1. Why does Davanh prefer plastic bags to wrap her food for customers?

…………………………………………………………………………… 2. Why does Khamsone prefer banana leaves to wrap her food for her


…………………………………………………………………………… 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using plastic bags?

Advantages: ………………………………………………………… Disadvantages: ………………………………………………………

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using banana leaves?

Advantages: ………………………………………………………… Disadvantages: ………………………………………………………

5. What way you can help community to reduce the using plastic bags?


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5. Read and match Read and match the English words and expressions with the correct Lao


Burning rubbish Burning rubbish is

common cause of air

pollution. This has a

harmful effect on people’s


In the past, most

people used to burn garden

rubbish. This did not cause

any serious damage to

people’s health. Nowadays,

however, there is a lot of plastic in household rubbish. When plastic is burnt, it

produces poison called dioxin, which can cause cancer and skin disease. Many

people still burn their rubbish. Some people are too lazy to put their rubbish

out for collection, and some people may not know that burning plastic is

dangerous to health.

Local authorities are trying to reduce the burning of rubbish. Vientiane

Capital, for example, sends trucks to collect rubbish every day. Other ideas

have been suggested to help solve this problem. One idea is an awareness

campaign, telling people about the dangers of burning some types of rubbish.

Another idea is an “anti-pollution day”, which could raise awareness of the

importance of a clean and healthy environment.

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English words and expressions

Lao translations

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

cause effect consist of plastic dioxin anti-pollution day awareness dangerous health environment rubbish

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k.

____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __1_ ____ ____ ____

ສານໄດອອກຊນ(ສານພດ) ສະຕຕ ນຕວ ສຂະພາບ ຂເຫຍອ ສ ງແວດລອມ ວນຕານມນລະພດ ປະກອບດວຍ ສາຍເຫດ ປລາສະຕກ ຜນສະທອນ ອນຕະລາຍ

6. Listen and complete Listen and complete the missing words in the blanks.

Beijing has a big problem with ……………... The city is full of plastic bags and disposable cups and boxes. China’s 1.2 billion people ………… about 100 million tons of ……………. each year. This includes about 220 million food boxes and 2.3 billion plastic bags. Beijing, a city of 12 million people, ………….… up to 15,000 tons of household …………… each day.

……………… is not new in China. Just a few years ago, very little was thrown away in Beijing. Office workers used coffee jars as cups. Orange peel was hung out to dry and used in Chinese ……………... That was before the arrival of fast food and ……………….. packaging. These days, people can be seen poking through the rubbish, ………………. different kinds of things that can be recycled, such as bread to feed the animals and ………….. …….. and empty cans to sell to recycling companies.

produces waste rubbish produce garbage

plastic bags recycling looking for supermarket medicine

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7. Write Make a list of things that your family throws away, then write sentences

about what your family does with these things with your partner.


Empty water bottles

We collect the drinking water bottles and sell them to the recycling companies.

1. ………………………………………………………………….. .

2. ………………………………………………………………….. .

3. ………………………………………………………………….. .

4. ………………………………………………………………….. .

5. ………………………………………………………………….. .

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Lesson 3 The lively cities In this lesson students learn about the lively environment and the development of the


1. Vocabulary

2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words and expressions from the vocabulary box after

the teacher.

3. Read and complete Use the words and expressions in the box to complete the text.

biggest tidy traffic plants machine passengers concrete relax trees crossroads

Vientiane today Vientiane is the capital and the (1) ……………… city of the Lao

People’s Democratic Republic. Vientiane is developing rapidly, as we can see from the new asphalt and (2) ……………… roads leading to schools,

hospitals, hotels and residential areas. Moreover, there are many public parks for residents to (3) ……………… and exercises in after a tiring day at work. Public parks are on essential part of the capital and should always be kept (4) ………………. To achieve this, everyone should cooperate by cleaning up

achieve (ເພອ) ບນລເປາໝາຍ additionally ນອກຈາກນ ນ asphalt ທາງປຢາງ crossroad ທາງສ ແຍກ concrete ຊເມນ condition ສະພາບ congestion ການສນຈອນ conjunction ເສນທາງຕກນ cooperate ການຮວມມ furthermore ຍ ງກວານ ນ direct traffic ກາກບການຈະລາຈອນ emissions ປອຍຂນໄປ ensure ຮບປະກນ rapidly ຢາງໄວວາ minimize ຫດຜອນ noxious fumes ຄວນພດ

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their refuse and not leaving litter around. In addition, people should protect (5) ……………… in parks because they are not only attractive but also help to reduce pollution and provide shade.

The roads (in VT) have been improved and (6) ……………… lights

have been installed in many locations to ease congestion. Traffic police stations are located at the (7) ……………… and junctions to direct traffic on busy roads. Many of the main roads in VT now look more attractive because concrete flowerpots on traffic island have been removed and replaced with soil and some nice (8) ………………, which add more charm to the capital city.

Vehicle owners should regularly check the condition of their (9)…………… to ensure safety and minimize emissions because noxious

fumes can damage the health of others. Furthermore, public bus operators should stop (10) ……………… from throwing their rubbish out of the

windows. Road users should show awareness of traffic rules to ensure safety on the road. To keep the city lively, residents and visitors should all take care of it; keep it clean, green and safe.

4. Read and answer Read the text in Exercise 3 and answer the questions.

1. What should the roads users do if they want to make cities lively? ………………………………………………………………………… 2. What should the vehicle owners do to keep safety in the cities?

………………………………………………………………………… 3. Why do main roads in Vientiane look more attractive now?

………………………………………………………………………… 4. Why there are many public parks in Vientiane?

………………………………………………………………………… 5. What is the English official name of Lao country? ………………………………………………………………………… 6. What is the capital city of Lao P.D.R?


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7. Why are many traffic police stations located at the crossroads and junctions?

………………………………………………………………………… 8. What can we see that tells us there is rapid development in Vientiane?


5. Read and practise Practise the dialogue in pairs.

Somephone and Jane are friends and they are talking about lively cities in Laos.

Jane: Good afternoon Phone. Great to meet you again Somephone: Nice to meet you, too. How long are you going to stay in Laos

this time? Jane: I will be here for about three weeks or more if I enjoy it. Somephone: I hope you enjoy it. Where do you plan to stay? Jane: I am not sure. What does Vientiane look like now? Somephone: It has been developed rapidly. Jane: Are there any new things? Somephone: Yes, there are. Asphalt and concrete roads, leading to schools,

hospitals, hotels and residences have been built. Jane: Are there any places to relax and exercises? Somephone: Yes. There are many public parks for residents to relax and

exercise in after work. Jane: Sounds interesting now. How about the traffic in Vientiane,

now? Somephone: It’s safer. Police always direct the traffic on every busy road. Jane: Are the roads or city cleaner than 10 years ago? Somephone: Yes. Residents and visitors are requested to keep it clean and

safe. Jane: Good. I will stay in Vientiane this time.

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6. Read and answer Read the text in Exercise 3 and write whether the sentences are True or

False. Correct if the sentences are WRONG.

1. There are not many public parks for residents to relax and exercise in Vientiane._______


2. To keep the city lively, everyone should clean up their refuse and not leave litter around._______


3. Planting and protecting trees in parks will help to reduce pollution and provide shade. _______


4. The roads in Vientiane have not been improved. _______


5. Noxious fumes can improve the health of others. _______


6. Road users should keep the roads clean to ensure safety on the road._____


7. To keep the city lively, residents and visitors should build more roads and import more vehicles. _______


7. Listen and complete Listen and complete the following dialogue.

A: Are there new things in Vientiane nowadays?

B: Yes, there are. Asphalt and (1) __________ roads, schools, hospitals,

hotels and residence have been (2) __________ and (3) __________.

A: Are there any places to (4) __________ and exercise?

B: Yes. There are many public (5) __________ for residents to relax and

exercise in after work.

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A: It looks (6) _______ now. How about the (7) ______ in Vientiane now?

B: It’s (8) ______ now. Police always direct the traffic on every busy road.

A: Are the roads or city (9) __________ than 10 years ago?

B: Yes. Residents and (10) _______ are requested to keep it clean and safe.

A: Nice to hear that. Hope that Laos will become a (11) __________ tourist

centre in Asia and in the world.

B: Thank you.

8. Rearrange Put the following words into the correct sentences.

Example: capital / What / of Lao / is the / PDR ? / city

What is the capital city of Lao PDR ?

1. The / big city / gradually / in the / improving. / of life / is / quality


2. every / ways / pure. / is / rural / The / of / life


3. want to / and / in the / city. / I / live / work / big


4. direct / always / on every / the traffic / busy road. / Police


5. public / in / many / ? / Vientiane / are there / Why / park

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Lesson 1 Population growth

In this lesson students will learn about the population growth in Laos and “Present

real conditional sentence”.

1. Vocabulary

2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words and expressions in the box after the teacher.

3. Grammar note Present real conditional sentences.

1. If + S + V1 + Obj. (If the birth rate is higher than the death rate, the population will increase.)

2. S + will + infinitive verb +obj.

(The population will increase if the birth rate is higher than the death rate.)

(,) S + will + infinitive verb + obj.

If + S + V1 + Obj.

Usages - Talks about something that MAY or Will happen in the future.

- Talks about something that MAY or Will be TRUE in the future.

census ການສາຫວດພນລະເມອງ tributary ສາຂາແມນ າ rank ຈດດາດບ, ຢໃນລະດບ infrastructure ໂຄງລາງພນຖານ average ສະເລຍ life expectancy ອາຍຍນສະເລຍ current ປດປະຈບນ decrease ຫດລງ estimate ປະເມນຕລາຄາ ethnic group ຊນເຜາສວນນອຍ growth ການເຕບໂຕ linguistic ກຽວກບພາສາ, ພາສາສາດ determine ການດ, ຕດສນໃຈ comprising ປະກອບດວຍ great burden ພາລະອນຍ ງໃຫຍ classify ຈດເປນໝວດ, ແຍກປະເພດ impose ບງຄບ, separate ແຍກອອກ fraction ເສດສວນ, ສວນນອຍໆ

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4. Complete these sentences by using the first conditional sentences. 1. If Lao people use Lao products, our country will be modern quickly.

2. Women in Laos ………. (live) longer if they……….. (have) a few


3. If Lao population………… (increase) quickly, Laos …………. (face) a big

problem in the future.

4. It ………… (be) crowded in the future if most people ………..(move) to

live in Vientiane Capital.

5. If the birth rate……..(decrease), the population………..(decrease).

5. Read and practise Practice the dialogue and practise it in pairs.

Yamane: How do you do? Somephone: How do you do? Yamane: What is your name? Somephone: My name is Somephone. Yamane: Nice to meet you Somephone.

I am Yamane, from Tokyo, Japan. Where are you from? Somephone: I am from Laos. Yamane: Where is Laos? Somephone: It’s bordered by Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, and Cambodia. Yamane: Oh, really? What is the total population of Laos? Somephone: It’s around 7 million estimated in July 2009 and will be around

8 million in 2020. Yamane: Is the population of Laos increasing every year? Somephone: Yes, it is. But it isn’t very high each year. Yamane: What is the growth rate of Lao population? Somephone: It’s 2. 32 % estimated in 2009. And what is the total population

of Japan? Yamane: It’s 127.6 million, estimated in 2009

Note: 2.320 = two point three two, zero. 2,320 = two thousand three hundred and twenty.

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6. Read and answer Read the text and then answer the questions below.

The population Since the last census taken in July 2009, the population of Laos was

estimated at about 6,834,345(six million eight hundred thirty four thousand three hundred and thirty five) and it was rated as the 102nd rank of the world population. The population is increasing at an average of 2.4 % (2009, est.) each year. It is estimated that if Laos continues to grow at its current rate, the population will almost double in the next 25 years.

The growth rate is a factor in determining how great a burden would be imposed on a country by the changing needs of its people for infrastructure, resources, and jobs. Most Lao people live in valleys of the Mekong River and its tributaries. The average population density is 26 people per square kilometer, giving Laos the lowest population density in Asia. The highest population in Laos is in Vientiane municipality, with more than 150 people per square kilometer, while the lowest population density is in Xaysomboun Province, at 8 per square kilometer.

As life expectancy at birth is 55 years, only a small fraction of the population is over 60 years old and almost half of the remaining population is under the age of 15.

There are about 49 ethnic groups in Laos with 4 main linguistic families that are found all across Laos, with each comprising their own culture and tradition. These groups can be classified into three different groups: Lao Theung, Lao Soung and Lao Loum.


1. What was the population of Laos estimated in 2009? ………………………………………………………………………...…..

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2. How many groups of Lao people are there? …………………………………………………………………...………..

3. What is the average life expectancy at birth of the Lao people? …………………………………………………………………...………..

4. Where do most Lao people live? ………………………………………………………………………...…..

5. What will the population be in the next twenty-five years? …………………………………………………………………………….

6. What is the growth rate of Lao population? ………………………………………………………..……………….…..

7. In which rank is Lao population rated? ……………………………………………………………..……….……..

8. What is the average density of Lao population? ………………………………………………………….……………..…..

9. How many linguistic families are found in Laos? ………………………………………………………………………...…..

7. Listen and complete Listen and complete the text by using the words and expressions in the box.

expectancies census working decreases

shows growth rate declining increase

The population projection 2005-2020 Based on the enumerated population in 2005, population (1)

……………… projections have been made up to 2020. The main projection (2) ………… that fertility and mortality are reasonably (3) ………… and

the population will (4) ………to 7.9 million in 2020. Total fertility rate declines from 4.5 in 2005 to 2.1 in 2020. Life (5) ……..…… for males and

females increase from 59 and 63 in 2005 to 70 and 74 years in 2020, respectively. Infant mortality (6) ………....…… from 70/1000 in 2005 to

34.2/1000 in 2020. Net migration is assumed to increase from 15,000 people in 2005 to 20,000 people in 2020.

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The natural (7) ……..… of the population will remain 2.4 % from 2005

to 2010, but it will drop to 2.2 % in 2010 and to 1.9 % in 2015 and to 1.4 % in 2020. The population in (8) ……..…… ages will slowly increase as

percentage of total population, from 57 % in 2005 to 59 % in 2010 and 61 % in 2020.

8. Look and write Write the sentences by using the information in the graph as given in the

samples below.


1. The population of Laos in 2009 was 0.9 million bigger than in 2003.

2. The population has increased from 2003 to 2009.

1. ………………………………………………………………… 2. ………………………………………………………………… 3. ………………………………………………………………… 4. ………………………………………………………………… 5. ………………………………………………………………… 6. …………………………………………………….……………

The population has increased from 2003 to 2009.



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Lesson 2 Economic Development In this lesson students will learn about economic development in Laos from the

reading texts.

1. Vocabulary

2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words and expressions in the box after the teacher.

3. Read and practise

Practice the dialogue and practise it in pairs.

Yamane: What are Lao economic trends?

Somephone: It continues to grow gradually. Yamane: What are the major forces to make the economic growth? Somephone: They might be from natural resources or the tourism industry. Yamane: Do hydropower dams contribute to Lao economic growth? Somephone: Yes, very much. Yamane: What is the Lao economic projection rate in 2010? Somephone: I think, it’ll reach 7.7 percent.

sustainable ທຍນຍງ, ທຮບປະກນ natural resource ຊບພະຍາກອນທາມະຊາດ

anonymity ລບ, ບບອກຊ contribute ປະກອບສວນ demand ຕອງການ, ຄວາມຮຽກຮອງ private sector ພາກເອກະຊນ gauge ຄວາມກວາງຂອງທາງລດໄຟ robust ແຂງແຮງ ensure ຮບຮອງ, ຮບປະກນວາ shift ປຽນ expansion ການຂະຫຍາຍກວາງ stable ໝນຄງຖາວອນ hydropower dam ເຂ ອນໄຟຟານ າຕກ assist ຊວຍເຫອ

implementation ການດາເນນການ market oriented ກນໄກຕະຫາດtourism industry ອດສາຫະກາການທອງທຽວ manufacturing ການປະລດ

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Yamane: Wow that sounds interesting. What is the rank of economic growth compared to other East Asian counties?

Somephone: It’s the third fastest after Indonesia and China. Yamane: Does the Lao economy have a clear future? Somephone: Yes, it does. What are Japanese economic trends? Yamane: It remains stable in recent years, but they have a very good


4. Read and answer.

Read the text and then answer the questions below

Lao economic growth projection

(Source: Vientiane Times: 08-04-2010)

The implementation of the government policy shifting from a centrally

planned economy to a market oriented financial system in 1986, allowing the

private sector to play a role in the development of the national economy. Lao

economy continues to grow gradually. The World Bank released its East Asia

and Pacific Economic Update for 2010 projecting Lao economic growth to

reach 7.7 percent (%) this year, the third fastest rate in East Asia after

Indonesia and China.

According to the World Bank (WB), natural resources and tourism

industry will remain the major driving forces behind the economic growth in

Laos. Hydropower dam and mining expansions are expected to contribute

about 3.6 percent of total economic growth.

According to the WB, Lao fiscal growth reached 6.7 % in 2009, the

second highest in East Asia after China. The bank said that the strong growth

was due to stable demand for Lao mining products in China. The World Bank

urged the Lao government to focus on breaking into manufacturing and

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becoming part of global production chain to ensure sustainable economic

growth in the future.

Recently, the government is aiming to maintain the economic growth at

7.5 % in the 2009-2010 fiscal years, after reaching 7.6 % in the previous year.

Stable economic growth will assist its efforts to move Lao from the least

developed nations group by 2020.

a. Questions:

1. When did the government shift the economy from centrally planned to a market oriented financial system? …………………………………………………………………………

2. What does the government have to focus on ensuring economic growth in the future? …………………………………………………………………………

3. Do the hydropower dams and mining products contribute to the total economic growth? …………………………………………………………………………

4. What are the major forces that will drive the economic growth in Laos? …………………………………………………………………………

5. What was the economic growth rate in the 2009-2010 fiscal years? …………………………………………………………………………

b. Read and Answer (True or False)

Use the information in the text to answer the following sentences True or

False if it is false, give the correct information.

1. Laos is implementing a centrally planned economy system …………………………………………………………………..……..

2. Lao economic growth rate will reach 7.9 percent in 2010. …………………………………………………………………….…..

3. Lao government is aiming to maintain the economic growth at 7.5 % in the 2009-2010 fiscal years. ………………………………………………………………………...

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4. The strong growth of Lao economy was due to the demand of Lao people living in the countryside. ………………………………………………………………………..

5. Lao economic growth was rated the first highest in East Asia.__________ ………………………………………………………………………..

6. Natural resources and tourism industry will be the major driving forces for the economic growth in Laos. ………………………………………………………………………..

7. Hydropower dams and mining expansions contribute about 3.0 % to total economic growth in Laos. ………………………………………………………………………..

5. Listen and complete Listen and complete the text by using the words and expressions in the box.

Integration community political-security open

link up build competitive declaration

integrated harmonized exist

ASEAN economic community

Following the formal signing, the AEC will officially ………. (1) on

December 31st 2015. It forms one of three pillars of the ASEAN ………..

(2) a broad framework of regional(3) ………. The other two are the (4)

………. Community, which aims to (5) ……… the region's foreign affairs

and security interests; and the Socio-Cultural Community, which seeks to

(6)……….. People-to-people connections. The AEC seeks to reduce

barriers to trade, services, investment and skilled labor across ASEAN,

with the aim of making the region more (7) ………… economically. The

recently signed (8) ………. and indeed the establishment of the AEC will

not mean that the region will begin to act as a completely (9) …………

economic bloc. Among many things, this would entail regulatory

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uniformity (10)… …..production standards, commonality on labor laws and

a general reduction of non-tariff trade barriers, of which many still

(11) ……… in the region. This, however, is not the end game, as ASEAN

was never meant to be an EU-like union.

6. Write Write about the advantages and disadvantages of living in big cities, and give

reasons why people immigrate to live in big cities. (Write at least 100 words).

Ex. Most of Lao people move to live in Vientiane Capital, because they think

that it is a modern city and there are many job opportunities. It has a lot of

factories and companies so they can get the jobs and earn money easily. On

the contrary living in Vientiane Capital has a lot of air pollution, traffic jams

and crowded.....................................................................................................















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Lesson 3 Changes In this lesson students will learn about the changes that happen in their villages and

passive voice.

1. Vocabulary

2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words and expressions in the box after the teacher.

3. Grammar note 1. The Passive Voice (future and perfect)

1. Subject + will + be + V3 (for future simple tense) + Example

Water will be supplied to all houses.

2. Subject + have/has + been + V3 (for past until now) + Example

The village has been developed quite a lot.

The passive voice is usd for

Something has been done or will be done by somebody.

Remember: they, we, are not followed by “by” when they change into

passive voice.

construct ກສາງ hygiene system ລະບບສກຂະອະນາໄມ

development ການພດທະນາ supply ສະໜອງ

earn their living ຫາລຽງຊບ living condition ສະພາບການດາລງຊວດ

facility ສງອານວຍຄວາມສະດວກ raising animal ການລຽງສດ

Irrigation system ລະບບຊນລະປະທານ

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4. Change these sentences into passive voice 1. They will build a lot of tall buildings in Vientiane capital soon.

Ex. A lot of buildings will be built in Vientiane capital soon or a lot of

buildings in Vientiane capital will be built soon.

2. They have just built the ITEC Mall.

………………………………………………………………………...…… 3. People in big cities have used pocket Wi-Fi to link internet.

………………………………………………………………………...…… 4. People in the country side have drunk clean water for many years.

…………………………………………………………………………..…. 5. Lao people will use high speed train soon.

……………………………………………………………………………... 6. We have used the new satellite for a few years.


5. Read and practicse Read the dialogue and practise it in pairs.

Bounsong and Vilaykone are old friends; they haven’t seen each other for a

long time.

Bounsong: Vilaykone? Vilaykone: Bounsong I can’t believe it’s you. I haven’t seen you for

many years. Bounsong: That’s right Vilaykone. It’s been a long time. How have you

been? Vilaykone: Fine thanks. And how about you? Bounsong: Everything is fine with me, too. Vilaykone: Bounsong, do you still live at Nongbone village? Bounsong: No, I haven’t lived at Nongbone village for several years. Vilaykone: Where do you live now? Bounsong: I live at Donenoun village. And how about you? Do you still

live at Thangone village? Vilaykone : No, I haven’t lived at Thangone village since 1995. Bounsong: Where do you live now? Vilaykone: I live at Nongteng village.

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Bounsong: Tell me, Vilaykone. Are you still a barber? Vilaykone: No, I haven’t been a barber for 6 years. Bounsong : Really? What do you do exactly now? Vilaykone: I’m a taxi-driver. And you? Are you still a house painter? Bounsong: No, I haven’t been a house painter since 2000. Vilaykone: Really? What do you do now? Bounsong: I’m a carpenter. Vilaykone: And do you still play khene? Bounsong: No, I haven’t played khene for over ten years. And how about

you? Do you still go fishing at the weekends? Vilaykone: No, I haven’t gone fishing at the weekends since I got married. Bounsong: Well. Vilaykone, I’m afraid I have to go now. We should get

together soon. Vilaykone: Good idea, Bounsong. Bye.

Bounsong: Bye. See you later.

6. Read and answer Read the text and then answer the questions below.

My village Most people in my village are farmers. They earn their living by

growing rice, and vegetables and raising animals. The village has been developed quite a lot in the last thirty years. Houses, roads, living conditions, farming conditions, other facilities, including hygiene systems have been improved and changed a lot, now.

30 years ago

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My village now

Today, farmers use machines for rice farming. Also new methods for growing crops and raising animals have been introduced to them. Irrigation systems have been constructed in the village so farmers can grow rice and raise animal in both wet and dry seasons. New roads have been built, which provides easier access to the delivery of the crops to market places.

In the next 10 years

In the next ten years, there will be more development in the village. People will earn more money and build new houses. They will have more food to eat and will be able to buy more things. Roads will be repaired and new ones will be built in the village, and travelling will be more comfortable and convenient. According to the plans of village authorities, a new hospital, school buildings, a market and a stupa will be built in the next few years. Electricity and water systems will be improved and supplied to all houses soon.

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1. What will be developed in the village in the next ten years? …………………………………………………………………………

2. Will there be any development in the village in the next ten years? ………………………………………………………………….………

3. What do most people do in the village? …………………………………………………………………………

4. Are there any irrigation systems in the village now? …………………………………………………………………………

5. How do people in the village earn their living? …………………………………………………………………………

6. Were there any machines for rice farming in the village 30 years ago? …………………………………………………………………………

7. What will people in the village have in the next ten years? ……………………………………………………………………..…..

7. Complete and practise Complete the dialogue and then practise it with your partner.

A. Will big buildings be built in your village in the next few years?

B. ………………………………………………………………………..

A. Will roads be repaired and constructed?

B. ……………………………………………………………………….. A. Will new shops be opened along the roads in the next five years? B. ……………………………………………………………………….. A. Will there be a new big market soon in your village? B. ……………………………………………………………………….. A. Do you expect a new school will be built in your village in the next ten

years? B. ………………………………………………………………………..

8. Write Write about the changes in your village from ten years ago until now and in

the next ten years by using the information in the text as a guide for you.



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Lesson 1 Endangered animals In this lesson students learn how to protect the wildlife.

1. Vocabulary

ivory ວດຖທເຮດດວຍງາຊາງ accidentally ໂດຍບງເອນ

horn ນ (ແຮດ) rare ຫາຍາກ, ມໜອຍ

habitat ບອນຢ extinct ສນພນ

net ແຫ, ມອງ destroy ທາລາຍ

endangered ໃກສນພນ tusk ງາຊາງ

hunter ນກລາສດ critically ຢາງຮນແຮງ

disappear ສນຫາຍ estimate ຕລາຄາ

decline ຫດລງ decoration ການປະດບ

decade ທດສະຫວດ disappointed ຜດຫວງ

2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words from the vocabulary box after the teacher.

3. Pre – reading Read and answer the questions.

What wild animals are there in Laos?

Do you know what they are called in English?

Why do some people hunt them?

Have you ever eaten any wild animals?

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4. Read and answer Read the text and answer the questions below.

Endangered animals

All over the world, many beautiful and unusual animals have become

extinct, and many more of them are in danger of becoming extinct for a

variety of reasons.

One endangered animal is the elephant. Hunters kill elephants for their

ivory tusks. Ivory is used to make decorations and jewelry. Tigers are also in

danger of becoming extinct.

In 1998, it was estimated that there were only about 2,000 tigers left in

the wild. Hunters kill them for their fur and their bones. The rhinoceros is one

of the rarest animals in the world. Rhinoceros horns and tiger bones are used

in traditional Chinese medicine, and can be sold for very high prices. Another

animal in danger is the panda. It is only found in China and it eats a special

kind of bamboo. When forests are cut down, the pandas have nowhere to live

and their natural food source is destroyed.

Whales are hunted for both meat and oil. In some parts of the world,

Japan for example, people pay a lot of money for whale meat. Dolphins are

mainly found in the sea and some kinds of dolphins are in danger of

extinction. The main reason is that dolphins get caught accidentally in fishing

nets which are used to catch tuna and other fish.

In Laos, deer, pheasant and wild peacock are becoming endangered.

These animals have been traditionally hunted for centuries with no problems,

but now their numbers are declining. The animals are hunted for their meat,

which is popular in Laos. Some restaurants around the country even specialize

in serving meat from wild animals.

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In the south of Laos, there is a rare kind of freshwater dolphin called the

Pakha. It is already almost extinct. There are only a few hundred left. Their

natural habitat ( the Mekong river ) has become polluted, and over-fishing has

reduced their food supply. The Pakha may disappear forever over the next few


At present, all of these animals are endangered and some of them will

definitely become extinct in the near future. What will we say to our children

when they ask why there are no tigers left in the world? Or why ivory was so

important that we killed all the elephants?


1. Why are tigers valuable? ________________________________________________________

2. Why is the panda in danger of extinction? ________________________________________________________

3. What is the main danger for sea dolphins? ________________________________________________________

4. Give two seasons why the Pakha may disappear soon? ________________________________________________________

5. What is the most valuable part of the rhinoceros? Why? ________________________________________________________

6. Why are wild animals hunted in Laos? ________________________________________________________

5. Read and arrange Read the text in Exercise 4 again and arrange the pictures in correct order.

______________ _______________ ________________

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________________ __________________ ________________ __________________

_________________ __________________

6. Speak

In group of 6-9 conduct a role play: some students represent endangered

animals (tigers, elephants….) 1-2 students are hunters, and 1-2 students are

working for wild population protection agency. Create the situation how to

protect the endangered animals.

7. Listen and complete …………….species are the species which have been …………. by the

International…………..for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red……………as

likely to become……….…..….“Endangered” is the………………most severe

conservation status for………….…..populations in the IUCN’s ……………..

after Critically Endangered (CR).

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8. Write Read and complete these sentences using the information from the text in

Exercise 4.

1. In 1998, it was estimated that there were only about…………….tigers left

in the wild.

2. Rhinoceros horns and tiger bones are used in ……………..….Chinese


3. In Laos, deer, pheasant and wild peacock are becoming ………………..…

4. The pakha may………..……..forever over the next few ……….………….

5. Ivory is used to make …………………….. and …………………………. .


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Lesson 2 Wildlife conservation

In this lesson students learn how to conserve wildlife; revision the use of should/must


1. Vocabulary

conserve ອານລກ rifle ປນຍາວ Forespace ອງການຟສະເປດ volunteer ອາສາສະມກ creation ການປະດດສາງ scheme ແຜນການ hand-over ສ ງມອບ/ຮບ-ມອບ illegal ຜດກດໝາຍpreserve ສະຫງວນ poacher ນາຍພານເຖ ອນnegotiation ການເຈລະຈາ encourage ຊກຍ

2. Listen and repeat

Listen and repeat the words from the vocabulary box after the teacher.

3. Listen and practise

Listen and repeat after the teacher. Then practice the dialogue in pairs. Chanh: What’ up in the news?

Keo: Hunters in Houayxai district gave their rifles to local authorities because they want to conserve wild animals.

Chanh: That’s the right thing to do!

Keo: Yes. They are aware that preserving the forest is important because natural forests are tourist attractions and will bring (a good income) into the area.

Chanh: Any other villagers’ participation?

Keo: Villagers have been trained in forest security because they need to protect the forest from poachers.

Chanh: That’s a good programme!

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4. Pre-reading Read and answer these questions.

Have you ever seen any wild animals in the forest?

What kind of animals have you seen?

Where have you seen them?

5. Read and answer Read the text and answer the questions below.

Wildlife conservation

The villagers of Ban Toup, Houayxai district, have decided to give their traditional hunting rifles to the local authorities. This will help create a protected area around NamKan- Nam Nga.

This happy event is the result of negotiations between various government departments, local authorities, the villagers and the Forespace Forest project team. All these groups are working in the Nam Kan protected area to preserve the forest and encourage eco-tourism. Wildlife conservation is a very important part of the program.

The hand-over of the rifles is important because it shows rural support to stop illegal hunting. In Bokeo, the action is part of a long-term plan to create an area of pristine forest which will be opened to tourists and scientists who want to study and experience the amazing bio-diversity of Laos.

Forespace has plans to create a tree-top walk-way that will show the secrets of the forest to visitors. Forespace has been training villagers in forest

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security as part of their scheme to protect wildlife .Villagers from local tribes have volunteered to become members of a forest guard team which protects the area from poachers. The team also records wildlife including monkeys, birds and large mammals, and collects other information that can be used to protect the environment.


1. Who have decided to give their traditional hunting rifles to the local authorities?


2. Who work to conserve wildlife?


3. Why is the hand-over of the rifles important?


4. What is a long term plan?


5. What are plans of the Forespace?


6. Match Match English words or phrases with their Lao translations.

1. eco-tourism ____a. ການປກປກຮກສາປາໄມ

2. bio-diversity __1_b. ການທອງທຽວອະນລກສ ງແວດລອມ

3. walk-way ____c. ປາດງດບ

4. forest security ____d. ຊວະນານາພນ

5. forest guard team ____e. ທາງຍາງ

6. pristine forest ____f. ເຈາໜາທປາໄມ

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7. Speak Work in a group of 4 and discuss the hunting of wild animals.

Think of reasons for hunting and reasons against hunting.

Write in the two lists of reasons.


For Against

Hunters need money to support their families.

There are plenty of other kinds of food to eat, without eating wildlife.



















8. Listen and complete

Listen to the dialogue and complete the missing information.

1. Da: There’s a programme about wildlife on TV tonight.

Noy: Really? Then I ……………………….………….. it.

I’m doing ………… on wildlife.

2. Vong: What’s the ……………. can help in protecting the wildlife?

Sy: Lao TV …………..…………………advertisements about how

wildlife is disapprearing.

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3. Anan: What can we do to ……………… the wildlife?

La: We ………………stop hunting endangered animals.

9. Write Work in a group of four. Then make a list of all the things that could be done

to help conserve wildlife in Laos.


People shouldn’t buy wild meat at the market.

There could be radio advertisements about the advantages of preserving the
















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Lesson 3 Forests

In this lesson students learn about forest conservation in Laos and around the region.

1. Vocabulary

arid ແຫງແລງ destruction ການທາລາຍ

designate ຈດສນ protect ປອງກນ

timber ໄມທອນ economy ເສດຖະກດ

plantation ເຄ ອງປກ deforestation ການທາລາຍປາໄມ

reforestation ການປກຕ ນໄມໃຫເປນປາ established ສາງ,ຈດຕ ງ

commercial ກຽວກບການຄາ profit ກາໄລ

2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words from the vocabulary box after the teacher.

3. Listen and practice

Listen and repeat after the teacher. Then practice the dialogue in pairs. John: I’ve read from the newspaper that there is a high slash and burn

practice in the northern part of Laos.

Keo: Yes, it used to be like that. But now the government has the law

over forest protection.

John: That’s a good deal. Cutting trees may cause natural disaster like


Keo: I can’t agree more.

John: Is timber still the main export product for commercial purpose?

Keo: No. Now the government has control over deforestation. There is

also a reforestation plan to replant trees in the vulnerable areas.

John: Well done.

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4. Pre-reading Read and answer the questions.

Which areas of Laos are heavily forested?

In which parts of the world, are forests being destroyed?

Why do you think this is happening?

5. Read and answer

Read the text and answer the questions below.

Twenty years ago, one third

of the total land area in Asia was

covered by green forest. These

forests were rich in thousands of

kinds of plants and animals. Now

however, because of deforestation,

many of these areas have become

arid and it’s getting worse all the

time. This has destroyed the

habitat of many rare animals and is

also a cause of natural disasters,

such as floods. To slow down the

destruction of forest, most Asian

countries have introduced laws to

protect them. Many countries have signed international agreements to

conserve their forests. Thailand, Sri Lanka and Cambodia have all designated

more than 10% of their land as protected areas. China, India, Indonesia,

Vietnam and the Philippines have all started large-scale reforestation


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In Lao PDR, the government encourages people to protect forests and

to plant as many trees as possible. Plantations have been established to

produce timber for commercial purposes. This makes a profit for the timber

companies, provides employment for local people, and helps the Lao economy

to grow. It also reduces the need to cut timber from the natural forest.


1. What has happened to Asian forests during the last twenty years? _________________________________________________________ 2. Name two bad effects of deforestation. ________________________________________________________ 3. What has Sri Lanka done to protect its forests? ________________________________________________________ 4. Give two good reasons for establishing timber plantations. ________________________________________________________ 5. What did you do to protect forest? ________________________________________________________

6. Match Match English words with their Lao translations.

1. deforestation a . ຊກຍ

2. reforestation b. ໂຄງການ

3. programs c. ການຕດໄມທາລາຍປາ

4. disaster d. ທາງທາມະຊາດ

5. encourage e. ການປກໄມໃຫເປນປາ

6. commercial f. ກຽວກບການຄາ

7. natural g. ໄພພບດ

Answer: (1-c)…………………………………………………………….……

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7. Complete Complete these sentences by choosing suitable words from exercise 6 to fill

in the blanks.

1. Cutting too many trees can result in ___________disasters, such as floods.

2. Many countries in Asia have started reforestation ______________.

3. Most Asian countries have reduced ____________ to protect their forests.

4. In Lao PDR people are ____________ to protect forests and to plant trees.

8. Rearrange Rearrange these words to make correct sentences.

1. encourages / to / forests / to / many / possible / protect / and / people / the / government / trees / plant / as / as / .


2. countries / introduced / protect / have / laws / to / the / of / destruction / forest /many/ .


3. been / plantations / established / have / to / timber / produce / for / purposes / commercial / .


4. disappear /the may / forever / pakha / next / over / few / the / decades / . ________________________________________________________

5. children / will / say / What / our / we / to / they / when / why / are / ask / . ________________________________________________________

9. Speak Work in a group of 4 and discuss how to protect forest and why we conserve


One person from each group tells the rest of the class.

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10. Write Write in the space below.

How can we protect the forest?








And why do we conserve the forest?








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Lesson 1 Job application

1. Vocabulary

2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words from the vocabulary box after the teacher.

3. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat after the teacher. Then practise the dialogue in pairs.

Noy: Hi, Bounmee, I haven’t seen you since graduation ceremony in

August. Have you got any job? Bounmee: Not yet. Currently, I am still applying for vacant positions in both

public and private organizations. And how about you? Noy: Fortunately, I have got a job as a full time supervisor at a mining

company. Bounmee: Wow! How could you get your job so early? Do you have any

tips to recommend? Noy: Sure, if you want to get a job easily and quickly, you need to look

for job advertising on the Internet or daily newspapers. Bounmee: OK. After finding the job I like, how should I prepare to apply? Noy: First, you need to look at the procedure, criteria and qualification

requirement. For example, field of study, level of education, work experience, English proficiency, and other mentioned skills.

Bounmee: I thought I had met all requirements when I applied for many jobs during the last three months, but I haven’t been offered any

vacant position ຕາແໜງຫວາງ position ຕາແໜງ announcement ປະກາດ candidate ຜສະໝກ application ການສະໝກ deadline ສດທາຍ/ປດຮບສະໝກ submit ຍ ນເອກະສານ experience ປະສບການ curriculum vitae (CV) ຊວະປະຫວດຫຍ encourage ສ ງເສມ English proficiency ຄອງແຄວດານພາສາອງກດ

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positions yet. Are there any things that I should do more? Noy: Besides that, you must attach a full curriculum vitae or CV as part

of the application. Have you attached your CV when you submitted the application forms?

Bounmee: Yes, I have. But I am not sure what information I should include in my CV.

Noy: Let’s go to my office. I will show you how to write a CV and to fill the application form.

Bounmee: Thank you so much for your kind assistance. Noy: You are welcome.

4. Read and write

True or False Write T for the true and F for the false statements.

1. Noy and Bounmee haven’t seen each other since graduation ceremony________ (T)

2. Bounmee has already got a job as a full time supervisor at a mining company_________ (F) (Noy has)

3. It is difficult to find vacant positions advertised every day________ (F) There are many

4. Bounmee hasn’t been offered any positions yet__________ (T) 5. Bounmee hasn’t attached his CV when he submitted the application

forms_________ (F) (He has) 6. It is necessary to look at the criteria and qualification requirement when

applying for a job__________ (T) 7. You must attach a full curriculum vitae or CV when applying for a job.(T)

5. Read and match Match these English phrases and words with their Lao translations.

1. Application form _____a. ສະເໜໃຫ 2. Kind assistance _____b. ແຕງຕ ງ

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3. Offer _____c. ຕາແໜງຫວາງ 4. Mention _____d. ຕດຂດ ຫ ແນບເອກະສານ 5. Attach _____e. ຂ ນຕອນ 6. Work experience _____f. ແບບຟອມສະໝກ 7. Procedure _____g. ອງການຈດຕ ງທເປນຂອງລດ 8. Appoint _____h. ກາວເຖງ 9. Public organization _____I. ການຊວຍເຫອ

10. Vacant position _____j. ປະສບການໃນການເຮດວຽກ

6. Grammar note

7. Choose and complete Now choose the right words from the bracket to complete these sentences.

(have, has, since, for).

1. She has studied English ……………….. five years. 2. Laos and Vietnam ………….….. been members of ASEAN for many

years. 3. The king …………... invested a lot of money to improve transportation. 4. My parents have lived in Vientiane ………………..1980. 5. …………… the end of financial crisis, the average incomes have


ການໃຊ Since ແລະ For ໃນປະໂຫຍກທເປນ Present perfect simple tense. ໂຄງສາງຂອງ Present perfect simple tense ມໂຄງສາງດ ງຕໄປນ S+have/has+past participle+since/for - Since: ໝາຍຄວາມວາ “ຕ ງແຕ” ໃຊພນລະນາເຫດການທເກດຂນຕ ງແຕຊວງເວລາໃດ

ໜງຕເນ ອງມາຈນຮອດປະຈບນ. ຕວຢາງ: I have worked here since 2005. ຂອຍເຮດວຽກຢບອນນມາ ຕ ງແຕ ປ 2005. (ໝາຍຄວາມວາປະຈບນນກຍງເຮດວຽກຢບອນດ ງກາວ)

- For: ມຄວາມໝາຍວາ “ເປນເວລາ” ໃຊພນລະນາຈານວນເວລາ (ຈານວນມ, ອາທດ, ເດອນ,, ປ…) ທເກດຂນແຕຕ ນຈນຮອດປະຈບນ.. ຕວຢາງ:: I have worked here for five years. ຂອຍເຮດວຽກຢບອນນເປນເວລາ 5 ປແລວ.

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8. Read and answer Read the curriculum vitae (European style) and answer the questions below.

Curriculum Vitae

Personal information First name Soutchai Surname Soulilath Address House No:346, Unit 31, Hongkae Village,

Xaysettha District, Vientiane, Laos. Telephone(s) 856 21 452480 Mobile: 856 20 55511411 E-mail [email protected] Nationality Lao Date of birth 23 February 1990 Gender Male Desired employment / Occupational field

Required position: Accountant

Education and training

Title of qualification awarded

17/06/2008. Upper Secondary School Certificate at Vientiane Secondary School. 07/2011 Accounting at Pakpasack Technical school

Personal skills and competences

Mother tongue(s) Lao Other language(s) Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing Listening Reading Spoken


Spoken production

French Language none basic good basic average English Language good good good good average

Computer skills and competences

I have finished a three-month computing course.

Other skills and competences

I can play the guitar.

Driving licence Driving licence categories A and B

Insert photo here

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1. Where does Soutchai live?


2. What is his telephone number?


3. What is his nationality?


4. What languages can Soutchai speak?


5. Can Soutchai play the guitar?


6. When was Soutchai born?


7. What position does Soutchai want to apply for?


8. Can Soutchai drive?


9. Read and write Now read the CV above and create your own CV.










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Lesson 2 Fill in the form

1. Vocabulary

2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words from the vocabulary box after the teacher.

3. Listen and Practise Listen and repeat after the teacher. Then practise the dialogue in pairs.

Sunny: Could you tell me what CV stands for?

Namfonh: CV is an abbreviation form of curriculum vitae. Where do you find


Sunny: I find it on the list of job application form and CV is part of it.

Namfonh: Are you applying for a job?

Sunny: Yeah! I am seeking a part-time job because I need to earn some

money by myself.

Namfonh: I think it is a good idea to start working, as we will graduate next


Sunny: Could you help me writing my CV and checking my form?

Namfonh: Yes, of course. Your CV must cover three main areas, namely

personal information, educational background, and work


Sunny: What is personal information?

competence ຄວາມສາມາດ ຫ ເກງ a part-time job ອາຊບເສມ night shift ການເຮດວຽກໃນຜດກາງຄນ institute ສະຖາບນ day shift ການເຮດວຽກໃນຜດກາງເວນ available ມໄວໃຫ, ສະໜອງໃຫ,ມ permanent ຖາວອນ seek ຊອກຫາ mention ກາວເຖງ major ວຊາຫກ, ສາຂາວຊາຮຽນadditional ເພມເຕມ related to ພວພນເຖງ, ກຽວຂອງ marital status ສະຖານະ(ໂສດ, ແຕງງານ) title ຄານາໜາຊ ເຊນ: ທາວ,ນາງ,ດຣ…

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Namfonh: This first part of your CV must include title, gender, name, date of

birth, place of birth, marital status, permanent address, and other

information related to yourself.

Sunny: What should I mention about my education?

Namfonh: You must mention names of schools, college or university with the

year of completion, and your major study.

Sunny: How about work experience? Are there any things that I can


Namfonh: In this part, you should talk about your last positions and the

working period. I mean when did you start working and stop


Sunny: Unfortunately, I have never worked before, so there is nothing I

can include in this part.

Namfonh: I suggest that you mention your English proficiency and computer

skills which will be your advantages.

Sunny: Thanks for your advice.

4. Choose and complete Choose the words or phrases from the box to complete the job application

form below.

Luang Prabang Province Mr. single

National University of Laos 10/7/1981 55503812

Bachelor of Education 2000-2005 Male

Thongdy Luanglath Excellent Lao

6/3 Unit 1, Lanexang Avenue accountant night shift

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Personal Information.

Title: (1)………………….……..... Gender: (2) …………………....…. First name and family name: (3)………………………………………… Date of birth: (4) ………………… Province: (5)………………...…… Marital status: (6)…..……………. Nationality: (7)…………...……… Address: (8)……………………… Telephone: (9)……………………

Educational background

Further Education:(Vocational Education, College, University, etc.) Name of institution: Certificate/Degree/Major (10)…………………………. (11)……………………..…… From (12):……………………..……

Computer skills: Please tick (�)

� Microsoft Word � Excel � PowerPoint �Internet/E-mail English: Speaking (13):……………..

Listening: … Good . Writing:..Basic… Reading:..Excellent…

Required position: (14)………………………………………………… Required working time: (15)……………………………………………

Note: - Please attach your CV with a 3x4 Photo. - Women and ethnic groups are encouraged to apply. - English and computer skills are advantages.

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5. Read and answer Look at the following application form and answer questions below.

Application form

Please tick (�) and fill the form with the appropriate information. I. Personal Information. Title: � Mr � Ms � Mrs � Miss � Others: Gender: � Male �Female First name: ...Latsamy……. Family name:.….Duangdy……. Date of birth: _04_ /_10___/_1985_

Place of birth:… ThongkhankhamVillage, Chanthaboury District, …..

Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR Marital status: �Single � Married � Divorced � Others:… Nationality: Lao Address: Dongdok Village, Xaythany District, Vientiane Capital Telephone: 856-21 999999.

II. Educational History Name of elementary school: Thongkhankham Elementary School

From 1991 to 1996

Name of lower secondary school: Chaoanou Lower Secondary School From 1996 to 1999

Name of upper secondary school: Vientiane Secondary School

From 1999 to 2002

Further Education: (Vocational Education, College, University, etc.) Name of institution: Certificate/Degree National University of Laos Bachelor of Engineering

From 2002 - 2007

Name of institution: Certificate/Degree …………………………. ………………………..

From: ……………. to …………………..…

Computer skills: Please tick (�) � Microsoft Word � Excel � PowerPoint �Internet/E-mail English Please tick (�)

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Speaking Writing Listening Reading

Excellent �


Average �

Basic � �

III. Experience. ………2007-2008 …..Worked for Lao Mining Company ….…………….… ………2008-2010……Worked for TTC Industrial Company…………….… …………………………………………………………………………...…...


1. Is Latsamy Duangdy single or married? ………………………………….

2. When was she born? …………………………………………………...…

3. Where was she born? …………………………………………………......

4. What is the name of her primary school? ……………………………...…

5. What did she do between 2002 - 2007? …………………………………..

6. Can she use a computer? …………………………………………...……..

7. When did she work for Lao Mining Company? ……………………...…..

8. Where does she live? ………………………………………………..……

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Lessons 3 Job interview 1. Vocabulary

2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words from the vocabulary box after the teacher.

3. Listen and practise Listen and repeat after the teacher. Then practise the dialogue in pairs.

Interviewer: Good morning Thongdy. My name is John Smith. I’m the

director of this company. Could you briefly talk about your personal information, please?

Thongdy: Good morning Mr. Smith. As you may know from my CV, my name is Thongdy Duangdy. I am 24 years old. I am single. I am good at mathematics, so I decided to study accounting to work as an accountant.

Interviewer: Where do you live? Thongdy: Currently, I live with my parents at Dongdok Village, which is

much closer to the university campus. Interviewer: What do you like do in your free time? Thongdy: In my free time, I like watching TV and playing the guitar. Interviewer: Can you tell me any relationships or connection between

accounting and what you love doing in your free time?

Interview ການສາພາດ campus ວທະຍາເຂດ interviewer ຜສາພາດ interviewee ຜຖກສາພາດ accept ຍອມຮບ fantastic ມະຫດສະຈນ connection ການເຊ ອມຕກນ exchange rate ອດຕາແລກປຽນ stock market ຕະຫາດຮນ accounting ການບນຊ competent ມຄວາມສາມາດ, ເກງ moral ມສນທາ punctual ຕງກບເວລາ relevant ກຽວຂອງ, ພວພນກບ trustworthy ວາງໃຈໄດ appreciate ເຫນຄນຄາ identity card ບດປະຈາຕວ body language ພາສາມ, ທາທາງໜາຕາ eye contact ການແນມຕາ panic ຕກສະທານ, ຢານສ ນ

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Thongdy: Well, I can get a lot of daily information from watching TV like exchange rate and information about the stock market. In addition, music can make me happy and this can help me calculate things better.

Interviewer: That sounds fantastic. Where did you study accounting? Thongdy: I studied accounting at many private schools, but all of them

were short courses. However, I really finished a three-year programme from Pakpasack Technical College.

Interviewer: Have you ever worked before? Thongdy: No, I haven’t. Interviewer: What do you think is the most important thing of being good

accountants? Thongdy: I believe that a good accountant should be competent, honest

and moral. Interviewer: There are many candidates who want to work for my company.

Can you give me any reasons why I should choose you? Thongdy: I am very punctual, hardworking and trustworthy. Interviewer: OK, thank you for coming. My secretary will announce the

result shortly. Good luck. Thongdy: Thank you very much. I will appreciate it very much if I am

kindly considered.

4. Read and match Match these English phrases and words with the right Lao translations.

1. self confidence ______a. ສະພາບປກກະຕ 2. extra information ______b. ຄວາມໝນໃຈໃນຕວເອງ 3. expect ______c. ບດປະຈາຕວ 4. normal condition ______d. ກະກຽມ 5. exhausted ______e. ຜນທເປນລບ 6. Pakpasack Technical College ______f. ຂມນເພມເຕມ 7. identity card ______g. ເມ ອຍຫາຍ, ອອນເພຍ 8. be prepared to accept ______h. ວທະຍາໄລເຕກນກປາກປາສກ 9. being positive ______i. ຄດແຕໃນແງດ 10 negative result ______j. ຄາດຄະເນ, ຄາດໝາຍ

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5. Grammar note Quantifiers: much, many, a little (of), a few, a lot (of)

6. Choose Complete the sentences below with the right words/phrases from the brackets.

(how much, how many, much, many, a little, a few) 1. ……………….subjects do you have to study this year? 2. I could answer only……………….questions during my interview. 3. ……………….money do you need? 4. The interviewers asked me…………………personal information. It was

very short. 5. ……………….students cannot pass the examination this semester. 6. I don’t expect…………….. from my interview because I didn’t answer all


7. Read and answer Read the text and answer the questions below.

Tips for interviews When you apply for a job, it is important to keep in mind that in

interviews, application forms and curriculum vitae are equally important in the selection process. A job interview is normally the last stage of the selection process and only short-listed candidates are invited to have an interview. Candidates who are contacted for the interviews need to be prepared in order to do well during the interview.

Here are some tips and general practice that should be applied during the interview. An interview always begins with the greeting session, which normally takes approximately ten seconds. Then it is time for either

How much/much/a little ໃຊກບຄານາມທນບບໄດ (Uncountable noun) Ex: A. How much water do you drink? B. I drink a little of water, not much. How many/many/a few ໃຊກບຄານາມທນບໄດ(Countable noun) Ex: A. How many litres of water do you drink per day? B. I drink a few litres. a lot ສາມາດໃຊໄດກບຄານາມທນບໄດ ແລະ ນບບໄດ Ex: A. I drink a lot of water and I sing a lot of Lao songs.

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interviewers or interviewees to briefly introduce themselves. After the greeting and the introduction, is usually the main part of the interview. This third part is the most important, which normally covers educational background, work experience, and other relevant issues related to the information within the CV and application form. It is crucial to prepare answering “WH questions” like what, when, where, why, who, which and how. For example, what did you do in your previous organization? What was your last salary? What salary do you propose if you work in our company? etc. In order to answer well, the candidates should answer the same and relevant information as it has been filled in the application form and CV.

There are many other things that candidates need to remember before going to the interview. Firstly, candidates should dress appropriately because dressing well and looking good can impress the interviewers. Secondly, it is important to keep eye contact with them during the interview. Another last important thing to note is that you need to apply for jobs in many different organizations at the same time. The reason is that you will have more chances to get a job if you apply for more than one organization.


1. What do you need to keep in mind when you apply for a job? ……………………………………………………………………………..

2. How long does a greeting take? ……………………………………………………………………………..

3. What types of questions does the interviewee need to prepare for answering? ………………………………………………………………….…………

4. What should interviewees do in order to answer well during the interview? …………………………………………………………………..………..

5. What can impress the interviewers? ………………………………………………………………..……………

6. Who are invited to the interview? ………………………………………………………………………..……

7. What is the second part of the interview? ……………………………………………………………………………..

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8. Why do you need to apply for jobs in many different organizations at the same time? …………………………………………………………………………….

8. Write Arrange the words or phrases from the box to its right sequence.

Job seeking strategy

Step 1. How to get the information about vacant position.

1. find newspaper and ……………………………………..………..

Step 2. Curriculum Vitae consists of three main parts:

2. First part …………………………………………………...……..

3. Second part ………………………………………………..….….

4. Third part …………………………………………………..…….

Step 3. Submitting documents.

5. Application form with two pieces of 4x6 …………………...……

6. Copies of certificates and …………………………………….……

7. Submit all required documents before the…………………..….…

Step 4. Interview session.

8. Only …………………… are invited for an interview.

9. After ….greeting,……. you need to ……………… yourself.

Step 5. Notice/Result.

10. If you are offered a job you, will be ……….....…shortly after the


contacted diploma personal information introduce education and training short-listed candidates read vacancy announcement photograph deadline greeting work experience/personal skill

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Review Unit 1-5

In this unit students will review Unit 7-10 to improve their language skills.

1. Listen and complete

Fill in the blanks with the missing words

My family lives in the (1) …………. about150 kilometers from

Vientiane Capital. My village is (2) …………. on the 13th north road, which is

surrounded by mountains and rivers. The weather of my village is (3)

………….. Early in the morning, villagers can feel fresh air, which makes

them very fresh to work on their (4) ………….. Every day, a number of local

and foreign visitors visit my village. They enjoy going to the mountains and

swimming in the rivers. In fact, my village is the (5) …………. tourist

destination in Lao PDR.

2. Match the words with their suitable Lao interpretations. Write the correct number in front of the suitable Lao interpretation.

1 environment ____a. ຍາຍໄປເຮດວຽກຢບອນອ ນ

2 asphalt ____b. ປະກາດຫາຄນມາເຮດວຽກຊວຍ

3 noxious fume ____c. ຊມຊນ ແລະ ປາທາມະຊາດ

4 natural resource ____d. ຮກສາໃຫມຢຕະຫອດໄປ

5 rehabilitation ____e. ສມບດທຫາໄດຕາມທາມະຊາດ

6 sustainable ____f. ລດແລນບມຂຝ ນ

7 emigrate ____g. ຫາຍໃຈເອາຫາຍລະວນຫວ

8 announcement ____h. ເຮດໃຫຄນສປກກະຕ

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3. Rearrange Rearrange the words in italic in these sentences in correct order.

1. People / to big cities / come / because/ very easy / they find it / to get good

earning /opportunities / in these populous cities.

2. Most people/ in our world/ that it is better / believe / to live/ in big cities

than in villages / small.

3. When there / a landslide / was, a lot of/ people/ homeless / were.

4. The knowledge of traditions that / passed down / been / had /from

generations to generations

5. Currently, I / vacant potions / still applying for / am /in both public and

private sectors.

4. Write

Make sentences with the words given

1. believe:…………………………………………………………………….

2. ignore:………………………………………………………….…………..

3. living condition:……………………………………………………………

4. hidden wisdom:……………………………………………………….……

5. sustainable:…………………………………………………………..……..

5. Conversation Conversation: Fill in the missing words and practise it.

Two friends are talking about the population growth in Laos after their

geography lesson in the library.

A: How do you understand the ……… of population growth in our country?

B: I think it will increase gradually, although the ………….. has launched a

family plan nationwide.

A: How can we do to ………. the growth rate of the population?

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B: I think the family ……….... can help mitigate the growth at a certain level.

However, if we need to control the growth …….…., we have to provide

education for all our citizens.

A: Why do you think education can help ……..… the growth?

B: Because people who have ………….. education can make their plans

appropriate for their own economics. Importantly, they don’t need free

labour from their family members.

A: I see. So education for all will help reduce the ………..……. growth of

Laos and other countries.

B: Sure. Only education can ……..… ..

6. Grammar note 1. Adjective comparative “…..er-ier than……..”, which use with one or two

syllable adjectives and use ….is/are more…. than…… with three syllable

adjectives. Also there are some exceptional adjectives that do not follow

these rules.

Put the right comparative adjectives given in the following sentences.

a. This exercise is (easy)…………………………….…the previous one.

b. My brother is (strong)……………………………….me.

c. Toyota is (expensive)…………………………..……Hyundai.

d. He behaves (bad)…………………………………….his younger brother.

e. Miss Somphone is (beautiful)……………….………miss Anong.

2. The passive form/voice (future and present perfect).

Put correct passive forms to complete the following sentences.

a. The Lao PDR. (be)……………….a member of ASEAN since 1997.

b. The High Speed Train Rail (build) ….... through Laos in few years’ time.

c. Most of Lao natural resources (exploit)……………after the government

opened the country to foreign investors.

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d. In the near future, Lao natural resources (deplete)………………..if the

government has no proper natural resource management.

e. By the end of 2015, the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) (establish).

3. Modal verbs (must, mustn’t and don’t have to)

Put the right modal verbs given in the following sentences.

a. In Laos, people …………….…..…..touch a monk’s head. It is


b. Children ………………………....…sit lower than older people.

c. In Laos, men and women…………………...…….kiss in public.

d. Women …………………………….…sit far away from monks.

e. When entering Thailand, Lao people…………………..get visas.

4. How to use (since and for)

Put (since or for) to complete the following sentences.

a. I have been studying English …..……. four years.

b. I have been speaking English………..I should in FaNgum High School.

c. Laos has been a member of ASEAN …………. 23rd July, 1997.

d. The Lao PDR. was established ….... forty years on 2nd December, 2015.

e. She has been married to her husband …………… she was twenty four

years old.

5. Conjunctions (and, or, but, so, although)

Choose the correct conjunction to join two clauses to make a

compound sentence.

- Use and to join two similar clauses, to join a noun with a noun to join

a verb with a verb, or a series of nouns or verbs.

- Use or when there are two choices or more to choose one thing.

- Use but to join two clauses with opposite or different ideas.

- Use so to join two clauses with the cause and the result.

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- Use although to join two clauses with opposite or different idea like but.

a. I drive my car from my house, ……..….… I stop to pick up my friend.

b. This weekend, I will go to visit my parents…….I will go on a picnic

with my friends.

c. My friend invited me to her party…….I needed to welcome my friends

from the United States.

d. In Phongsaly, the weather is too cold…….I have to take my warm

clothes if I go there.

e. I always give her a souvenir………….she does not like me.

7. Listen and complete The objective is to allow students listen to the text and remember the missing

words to fill in the blanks.

Listening 1:

Wildlife in Laos

Laos is a small country, but it is home to over one hundred

(1)………..of large mammals such as Tiger, Asian Elephant and Gaur (a

species of wild cattle). Laos is also home to an impressive (2)… ………. of

primates including five species of gibbon, five species of macaque and fours

species of leaf monkey including the incredibly beautiful Douc Langur.

In recent years, Laos has received international attention after the

(3)…………… of an incredible (4)…………of species new to science. These

Primates ກມສດທສະຫາດເປນຕ ນ ຊາງ…, macaque ລງຂາແດງ, leaf monkey ລງລມ,ລງກນໃບໃມ, Douc Langurg ລງ ທະນ ທມຂນຕາມໜາ. Saola ໂຕເສາຫາ, antelope-

like creature ສດປະເພດກວາງ, ຟານ, ເຍອງ, ຊາຍ, ອງ, ມ ງ, muntjacs ກວາງໃນເຂດອາຊຕາເວນອອກສຽງໃຕ, Kha-nyou ໜກະຍ, porcupines ເໝນ

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recent discoveries include the Saola, a strange and beautiful (5)………..

dwelling antelope-like creature, an incredible diversity of small deer species

known as muntjacs, a small striped rabbit and a completely new

(6)…………of rodent known locally as the Kha-nyou and closely

(7)………….. to porcupines.

In addition to mammals, Lao (8)………….. over 165 species of

amphibians and reptiles, including species (9)……….. as the Rock and

Burmese Pythons, King Cobras and the large and noisy Tokay Gecko (Gekko

gecko) a formidable resident of many Lao houses.

Indeed, opportunities to view this incredible diversity of wildlife are

steadily growing. The increase in ecotourism and traveler interest in viewing

wildlife now provides positive incomes for (10)……. to conserve many of

these species.

Listening 2: ASEAN Cultures

People of ASEAN (1)……….….. countries have a diversity of cultures.

They practise many (2)………….. religions, but they respect others’ beliefs.

The (3)……….….. of ASEAN is “one vision, one identity, one community”.

This slogan implies itself a (4)…………….. in a variety. Many religions are

practised by ASEAN people ranking from Buddhism, Christianity, Islam,

Muslim, and Animism. Their traditions are different (5)…………… to their

religions for examples: Buddhism has a Buddhist lent, Muslim has a

Ramadan, and Christianity has thanks giving (6)………...…… and Baathist.

The culture is also identified by their traditional suits. Each different country

has its own style of clothing. This fills significant (7)……………. mixtures.

People of individual country wear their (8)……………..…. suits on the

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special religious events or formal reception. In ASEAN member countries,

people have different skills in producing their textiles.

Now ASEAN Foundation tries to (9)………...…… people in the region

preserve their own traditions and develop their (10)………..……. products in

a sustainable manner. ASEAN people are very proud of their own cultures,

which form a colourful mixture in their unity.

8. Read and answer

Economic Development

In most countries in the world, governments have made their economic

plans to bring their countries out of poverty and provide happy lives for their

people. In Laos, the government shifted economic policy from a central

planned economy to a market oriented economy in 1986. In conjunction with

the new policy, the government also opened the door to welcome foreign

investors. Since then the private sector has played important roles in the

growth of Lao economy. Foreign investment has increased in multiple of

service and manufacturing sectors. A number of banks and tourist agencies

have been established in big cities throughout Laos. The number of garment

factories has increased rapidly since the labour cost in Laos is lower than in

other countries in the region. As Laos is a landlocked country with 60% of

land as mountains. This provides sources of water for hydropower dams. The

Lao government takes this special geographical formation of the land to invest

in hydropower dams for local consumption and exportation to neighbouring

countries. Now the exportation of electricity has become the major revenue of

the Lao government. As a result, the growth rate of Lao economy has

increased gradually. According to the World Bank, the average growth rate of

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Lao economy is 7% a year. However, the economic growth has aligned with

the destruction of the environment; every government should consider the

losses and the gains before making a decision to invest in economic



1. Why do most governments in the world make their economic plans?


2. What policy did the Lao government shift from?


3. What did the Lao government do in conjunction with its new policy?


4. Which sector has played major roles under the new policy?


5. What does the Lao government do to benefit from the special geographical

formation of its country?


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Irregular verbs

Infinitive Past tense Past participle be was/were been

become became became

begin began begun

bend bent bent

bite bit bitten

blow blew blown

break broke broken

bring brought brought

build built built

burn burnt burnt

buy bought bought

catch caught caught

choose chose chosen

cost cost cost

cut cut cut

dig dug dug

do did done

draw drew drawn

drink drank drunk

drive drove driven

eat ate eaten

fall fell fallen

feed fed fed

feel felt felt

fight fought fought

find found found

fly flew flown

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forget forgot forgotten

get got got (or gotten)

give gave given

go went gone

grow grew grown

hang hung hung

have had had

hear heard heard

hide hid hidden

hold held held

hurt hurt hurt

keep kept kept

know knew known

learn learnt learnt

leave left left

lend lent lent

let let let

lose lost lost

make made made

mean meant meant

meet met met

pay paid paid

put put put

ride rode ridden

ring rang rung

rise rose risen

run ran run

say said said

see saw seen

sell sold sold

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send sent sent

shine shone shone

shoot shot shot

show showed shown

shut shut shut

sing sang sung

sink sank sunk

sit sat sat

sleep slept slept

speak spoke spoken

spend spent spent

stand stood stood

steal stole stolen

sweep swept swept

swim swam swum

take took taken

teach taught taught

tell told told

think thought thought

throw threw thrown

understand understood understood

wake woke woken

wear wore worn

weave wove woven

win won won

write wrote written

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- Gammidge, M. Grammar Work- Teacher’s Book 2. Cambridge University Press, 1998.

- Gammidge, M. Grammar Work- Teacher’s Book 1. Cambridge University Press, 1998.

- Gammidge, M. Grammar Work- Student’s Book 1. Cambridge University Press, 1998.

- Vale, D. Heinemann, M. Picture Grammar for children 1, Topic based, Grammar Practice, English Language Teaching, Oxford, 1998.

- Vale, D. Heinemann, M. Picture Grammar for children 2, Topic based, Grammar Practice, English Language Teaching, Oxford, 1998.

- Seidl, J. Grammar ONE, Oxford University Press, 1998.

- Liz & Soars, J. New Headway Beginner Student’s Book, Oxford University Press, 2006

- Oxenden, C. Latham-Koenig, C. and Seligson,P. New English File- Elementary Student’s Book 2006.

- Steven J. Bill Biss, M with Graham,C. Side by Side, Activity workbook 1, third edition, 2001.

- Wiggins G. and McTighe J. Understanding by Design, Overview of UBD & The Design Template, 2003 ASCD.