Розробка гри Подорож Великою Британією

КЗ «Орлівщинський НВК» Новомосковський район Дніпропетровська область Подорож Великою Британією (гра для учнів 7-8 класів) Travel the UK Вчитель англійської мови Компанієць Тетяна Миколаївна

Transcript of Розробка гри Подорож Великою Британією

Page 1: Розробка  гри Подорож Великою Британією

КЗ «Орлівщинський НВК»Новомосковський район

Дніпропетровська область

Подорож Великою Британією(гра для учнів 7-8 класів)

Travel the UKВчитель англійської мовиКомпанієць Тетяна Миколаївна

01 квітня 2016 року

Page 2: Розробка  гри Подорож Великою Британією

Подорож Великою БританієюЦілі та завдання:

створити позитивну мотивацію до вивчення англійської мови;повторити і закріпити вивчений матеріал про Велику Британію;ознайомити учнів із додатковою цікавою інформацією про англомовну країну;навчити дітей бачити результати колективної діяльності.

"Подорож" проводиться з учнями 7 – 8 класів. Всі учні є мандрівниками, які відправляються в подорож по англомовній країні Велика Британія. Кожен клас презентує свою проектну роботу про країну. Діти самі придумують назву своєї команди та її емблему. Протягом подорожі кожному класу видається мандрівний лист, в якому написані всі назви зупинок із завданнями та кількістю балів за їх виконання.

Хід заходу:Teacher: Dear friends, today we are going to travel around the country which is called Great Britain. You will see some very interesting films about the UK and the Queen. You will learn new facts about them. I wish you have a good time during your travelling. Good luck!№1: Watch the film “Ten facts about England”:

1. London is the largest city in Europe by population.2. British police do not carry guns except in emergencies.3. The oldest zoo in the world opened in England, in the city of London in 1828.4. French was the official language of England from 1066 to 1362.5. There are over 300 languages spoken by people in England.6. Ripon is the oldest city in England. It is also one of the smallest cities in England.7. The shortest war in history was between England and Zanzibar in 1896. Zanzibar

surrendered after 38 minutes.8. London was the first city in the world with an underground subway system.9. England made football, rugby and polo famous.10.England was the “birthplace” of the Industrial Revolution and many inventors and



1.London is the largest city in Europe by population. ____ 2.British police do not carry guns except in emergencies. ____3.The oldest zoo in the world opened in England, in the city of London in 1848. ____ 4.French was the official language of England from 1066 to 1562. ____5.There are over 300 languages spoken by people in England. ____6.Ripon is the oldest city in England. It is also one of the largest cities in England.____7.The shortest war in history was between England and Zanzibar in 1996. Zanzibar surrendered after 48 minutes. ____8.London was the first city in the world with an underground subway system. ____9. England made hockey, tennis and water polo famous. ____10.England was the “birthplace” of the Industrial Revolution and many inventors and engineers. ____

Page 3: Розробка  гри Подорож Великою Британією

№2: Watch the film “10 things you didn’t know about the Queen”: 1.The Queen’s dressmaker claims the Queen does not perspire. She also has someone break in her new shoes, so as not to blister the Royal feet.2.Her childhood nickname was Lilibet, as she could not pronounce Elizabeth.3.The Queen created a new breed of dog. The dorgi is a mixture of corgi and dachshund.4.The sturgeons, whales and dolphins in UK waters all technically belong to the Queen.5.Her Majesty is the only person in Britain who is not required to have a passport.6.The Queen sent her first email in 1976. She launched Buckingham Palace’s first official website in 1997.7.While on a six month tour in 1954 her Majesty became the first monarch to circumnavigate the globe.8.There have been 12 US Presidents, 12 UK Prime Ministers and 6 Popes during her reign.9.The Apollo 11 astronauts received a message of congratulations from the Queen for the 1st moon landing. The message is buried on the moon.10.During WWII the Princess Elizabeth joined the Women’s Auxiliary Territorial Service. She worked as a mechanic and truck driver.

Crossword “10 things you didn’t know about the Queen”

1 23


6 78


Across:3. The Queen sent it first in 1976.5. Who claims the Queen does not perspire?6. The Queen created a new breed of dog, a mixture of corgi and dachshund.8. It lasted six month in 1954 when she became the first monarch to circumnavigate the globe.9. Who else, besides the whales and dolphins in UK waters, technically belong to the Queen?Down:1. Queen’s power during which in the UK there have been 12 US Presidents, 12 UK Prime Ministers and 6 Popes.2. Her Majesty is the only person in Britain who is not required to have it.4. Elizabeth’s nickname in her childhood, as she could not pronounce her name.5. One of her Majesty’s professions during the WWII.7. Where is the Queen’s message for the Apollo 11 astronauts buried?№3: Watch the film “Ten interesting facts about UK”:

Page 4: Розробка  гри Подорож Великою Британією

1. US eggs are illegal in Britain because they are washed, but British eggs are illegal in the US because they are not.

2. There is a limit of 12 minutes of commercials, per hour of television, in the UK.3. The UK is the first country in the world to allow the creation of babies from the

DNA of three people.4. In the UK all horses, ponies and donkeys must have a horse passport.5. The British Navy uses Britney Spear’s songs to scare off Somali pirates.6. The world’s shortest scheduled airline flight lasts 2 minutes. It connects two islands

in the UK.7. The “keep calm and carry on” slogan was originally dreamt up as a way of

preserving morale in the event of a Nazi invasion of Britain.8. The average woman in the UK has 150 different hairstyles in her lifetime.9. The average age in the UK for a first kiss is 15.10.The Queen of the UK is the legal owner of one-sixth of the Earth’s land surface.

Match the parts of sentences:

US eggs are illegal in Britain because they are washed,

There is a limit of 12 minutes of commercials,

The UK is the first country in the world

In the UK all horses, ponies and donkeys

The British Navy uses Britney Spear’s songs

The world’s shortest scheduled airline flight lasts 2 minutes;

The “keep calm and carry on” slogan was originally dreamt up

The average woman in the UK

The average age in the UK

The Queen of the UK is the legal owner of

has 150 different hairstyles in her lifetime.

but British eggs are illegal in the US because they are not.

per hour of television, in the UK.

to allow the creation of babies from the DNA of three people.

must have a horse passport.

to scare off Somali pirates.

it connects two islands in the UK.

for a first kiss is 15.

one-sixth of the Earth’s land surface.

as a way of preserving morale in the event of a Nazi invasion of Britain.

Page 5: Розробка  гри Подорож Великою Британією

№4: Watch the film “Ten greatest Britons”: Thomas Edison. The man who invented the light bulb one of the most commonly used invention in the world.Duke of Wellington. This man was a huge factor in the victory over the French in the battle of Waterloo without him Britain would probably been invaded by the French.Sir Douglas Bader. He was an R.A.F. pilot who lost both of his legs in a plane crash but insisted to carry on serving and flying and showed extreme bravery and determination in doing so.Queen Victoria. She is the longest running queen, running for 63 years. She led and maintained Britain’s Empire. She was the monarch that led her country through a golden age full of inventions and power.Isambard Brunel. He is one of the best inventors of all times having invented the railway and built numerous bridges and tunnels, the king of transport.Harold Ackroyd. He was a member of the royal army medical corps and received both the Victoria Cross and the Military Cross for extreme bravery in WW1 as he carried several soldiers to safety whilst being put under heavy machine gun and sniper fire.Charles Darwin. He was the man that contributed to the theory of evolution and wrote famous books all about his discoveries.Florence Nightingale. She was the nurse who changed the way of nursing to the way it is today. She helped improve overall treatment and dedication to patients.Alexander Fleming. He was the man who discovered penicillin therefore resulting in thousands of lives being saved from diseases that were thought to be incurable.Winston Churchill. He was the Prime Minister through the entirety of the WWII and throughout the war he gave encouragement and hope of thousands of people through his brilliant speeches and plans. He did not show fear but courage and through the terrible stages of the war he helped people get through it.

Guess. Who is this person?

1. The man who invented the light bulb one of the most commonly used invention in the world. ______________________

2. This man was a huge factor in the victory over the French in the battle of Waterloo.______________________

3. He was an R.A.F. pilot who lost both of his legs in a plane crash.______________________

4. She is the longest running queen, running for 63 years. ______________________5. He is one of the best inventors of all times having invented the railway and built

numerous bridges and tunnels. ______________________6. He was a member of the royal army medical corps. ______________________7. He was the man that contributed to the theory of evolution. ____________________8. She was the nurse who changed the way of nursing to the way it is today.

______________________9. He was the man who discovered penicillin. ______________________10.He was the Prime Minister through the entirety of the WWII. __________________

Page 6: Розробка  гри Подорож Великою Британією

№5: Watch the film “Seven facts about UK”: What you didn’t know about the United Kingdom.Drowned in beer. London has experienced many disasters since it was established two millennia ago. One such event was a beer flooding in 1814, when a huge vat ruptured, releasing 1.4 million liters of beer. This wave actually killed 8 people.Accents. There are around 56 main accents in the UK, but with hundreds of noticeable variations. In fact, on average, accents change every 40 km and sometimes even less.The egg dispute. Fun fact: US eggs are illegal in Britain and British eggs are illegal in the USA. Why? US eggs are illegal in the UK because they are washed. British eggs are illegal in the US because they are not. Mommy, Daddy and…a third person. Since 2015 the United Kingdom allows in vitro fertilization using DNA from three people. The technique obviously raises significant ethical issues. However it could prevent mitochondrial diseases that lead to heart disease, blindness or other illnesses.Longest reign. Queen Elizabeth II is the longest reining British monarch in history. She ascended to the throne on February 6th 1952. She surpassed Queen Victoria, her great-great grandmother, on September 9th 2015.Keep calm and carry on. This poster has become very popular in recent years. But it was actually designed in 1939 in preparation for the predicted attack and invasion by the Nazis. However it was hardly displayed and was little known until a copy was rediscovered in 2000.Conquerors. At its height the British Empire was larger than Africa, close to the size of the Moon. Today it is officially called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The Queen however is still the ruling monarch of 16 independent nations, including Canada, Australia and New Zealand!

Complete the numerals and dates:(2; 1814; 1.4; 8; 100; 56;40; 3; 2015; 3; February 6th; 1952; September 9th; 2015; 2; 1939; 2000; 16)What you didn’t know about the United Kingdom.Drowned in beer. London has experienced many disasters since it was established __millennia ago. One such event was a beer flooding in ____________, when a huge vat ruptured, releasing ____million liters of beer. This wave actually killed ___ people.Accents. There are around ___ main accents in the UK, but with _______s of noticeable variations. In fact, on average, accents change every ____km and sometimes even less.The egg dispute. Fun fact: US eggs are illegal in Britain and British eggs are illegal in the USA. Why? US eggs are illegal in the UK because they are washed. British eggs are illegal in the US because they are not. Mommy, Daddy and…a _____ person. Since _____ the United Kingdom allows in vitro fertilization using DNA from ____ people. The technique obviously raises significant ethical issues. However it could prevent mitochondrial diseases that lead to heart disease, blindness or other illnesses.Longest reign. Queen Elizabeth __ is the longest reining British monarch in history. She ascended to the throne on ___________________. She surpassed Queen Victoria, her great-great grandmother, on_______________________.Keep calm and carry on. This poster has become very popular in recent years. But it was actually designed in ________ in preparation for the predicted attack and invasion by the Nazis. However it was hardly displayed and was little known until a copy was rediscovered in______.Conquerors. At its height the British Empire was larger than Africa, close to the size of the Moon. Today it is officially called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The Queen however is still the ruling monarch of ____ independent nations, including Canada, Australia and New Zealand!

Page 7: Розробка  гри Подорож Великою Британією

№6: Watch the film “Quiz about famous British people”: Listen to the dialogue and guess the persons:

- Hi Chris. I’m doing a school project about the UK. Can you tell me some famous British people please?

- Sure Eita. I can give you some ideas. Let’s do a quiz!- The first question is easy. Who is this famous footballer?- Too easy! That’s _________________________.- Very good. OK. How about this very famous English lady? Do you know who she

is?- Hmmm. I know her face but I can’t think of her name. Can you give me a clue?- OK. Here are 3 choices: 1. Queen Elizabeth. 2. Princess Diana. 3. Princess Anne.- OK. I’ve got it. _____________________.- Very good! More difficult now. Who is this famous author?- _____________________. I know because we are studying Romeo and Juliet at school

now.- Excellent! I know you like reading books, so maybe you know this author too?- Oh, she’s the lady who wrote Harry Potter, but I can’t remember her name. I give p.

please tell me.- ____________________ ! I’m surprised you didn’t get that one!- Me too. I’ve read all the Harry Potter books. Give me another one.- OK. Who is this very famous English scientist?- I have absolutely no idea. He looks very old. Can you give me some choices?- Sure. 1. Sir Isaac Newton. 2. Stephen Hawking. 3. Charles Darwin.- Stephen Hawking isn’t so old, so it must be Newton or Darwin. I’ll guess

_____________________________________.- Correct! Well done! You got 4 out of 5correct. Nice one Eita!- Thanks but the last one was just a lucky guess. That was fun. Let’s do a quiz again


№7: Introduce your favorite musical groups and sing the songs:

Page 8: Розробка  гри Подорож Великою Британією

ДОДАТОК Answers:№1 “10 facts about England”

1. London is the largest city in Europe by population. True 2. British police do not carry guns except in emergencies. True3. The oldest zoo in the world opened in England, in the city of London

in 1848. False 4. French was the official language of England from 1066 to 1562. False5. There are over 300 languages spoken by people in England. True6. Ripon is the oldest city in England. It is also one of the largest cities

in England. False7. The shortest war in history was between England and Zanzibar in 1996 .

Zanzibar surrendered after 48 minutes. False8. London was the first city in the world with an underground

subway system. True9. England made hockey, tennis and water polo famous. False10.England was the “birthplace” of the Industrial Revolution and many

inventors and engineers. True

№2 “10 things you didn’t know about the Queen”


3e m a i li s 4l

g s i5d r e s s m a k e r

n p l r6d o r g i i


r b v 8t o u rt e e o

9s t u r g e o n s

№3 “Ten interesting facts about UK”US eggs are illegal in Britain because they are washed, but British eggs are illegal in the US because they are not.There is a limit of 12 minutes of commercials, per hour of television, in the UK.The UK is the first country in the world to allow the creation of babies from the DNA of three people.In the UK all horses, ponies and donkeys must have a horse passport.The British Navy uses Britney Spear’s songs to scare off Somali pirates.The world’s shortest scheduled airline flight lasts 2 minutes; it connects two islands in the UK.The “keep calm and carry on” slogan was originally dreamt up as a way of preserving morale in the event of a Nazi invasion of Britain.

Page 9: Розробка  гри Подорож Великою Британією

The average woman in the UK has 150 different hairstyles in her lifetime.The average age in the UK for a first kiss is 15.The Queen of the UK is the legal owner of one-sixth of the Earth’s land surface.№4 “Ten greatest Britons”:

1. The man who invented the light bulb one of the most commonly used invention in the world. Thomas Edison

2. This man was a huge factor in the victory over the French in the battle of Waterloo. Duke of Wellington

3. He was an R.A.F. pilot who lost both of his legs in a plane crash. Sir Douglas Bader

4. She is the longest running queen, running for 63 years. Queen Victoria5. He is one of the best inventors of all times having invented the railway and built

numerous bridges and tunnels. Isambard Brunel6. He was a member of the royal army medical corps. Harold Ackroyd7. He was the man that contributed to the theory of evolution. Charles Darwin8. She was the nurse who changed the way of nursing to the way it is today. Florence

Nightingale9. He was the man who discovered penicillin. Alexander Fleming10.He was the Prime Minister through the entirety of the WWII. Winston Churchill

№5: “Seven facts about UK”:

What you didn’t know about the United Kingdom.Drowned in beer. London has experienced many disasters since it was established two millennia ago. One such event was a beer flooding in 1814, when a huge vat ruptured, releasing 1.4 million liters of beer. This wave actually killed 8 people.Accents. There are around 56 main accents in the UK, but with hundreds of noticeable variations. In fact, on average, accents change every 40 km and sometimes even less.The egg dispute. Fun fact: US eggs are illegal in Britain and British eggs are illegal in the USA. Why? US eggs are illegal in the UK because they are washed. British eggs are illegal in the US because they are not. Mommy, Daddy and…a third person. Since 2015 the United Kingdom allows in vitro fertilization using DNA from three people. The technique obviously raises significant ethical issues. However it could prevent mitochondrial diseases that lead to heart disease, blindness or other illnesses.Longest reign. Queen Elizabeth II is the longest reining British monarch in history. She ascended to the throne on February 6 th 1952 . She surpassed Queen Victoria, her great-great grandmother, on September 9 th 2015 .Keep calm and carry on. This poster has become very popular in recent years. But it was actually designed in 1939 in preparation for the predicted attack and invasion by the Nazis. However it was hardly displayed and was little known until a copy was rediscovered in 2000.Conquerors. At its height the British Empire was larger than Africa, close to the size of the Moon. Today it is officially called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The Queen however is still the ruling monarch of 16 independent nations, including Canada, Australia and New Zealand!

Page 10: Розробка  гри Подорож Великою Британією

№6: “Quiz about famous British people”:

- Hi Chris. I’m doing a school project about the UK. Can you tell me some famous British people please?

- Sure Eita. I can give you some ideas. Let’s do a quiz!- The first question is easy. Who is this famous footballer?- Too easy! That’s David Beckham.- Very good. OK. How about this very famous English lady? Do you know who she

is?- Hmmm. I know her face but I can’t think of her name. Can you give me a clue?- OK. Here are 3 choices: 1. Queen Elizabeth. 2. Princess Diana. 3. Princess Anne.- OK. I’ve got it. It’s Princess Diana.- Very good! More difficult now. Who is this famous author?- William Shakespeare . I know because we are studying Romeo and Juliet at school

now.- Excellent! I know you like reading books, so maybe you know this author too?- Oh, she’s the lady who wrote Harry Potter, but I can’t remember her name. I give p.

please tell me.- Joan Rowling ! I’m surprised you didn’t get that one!- Me too. I’ve read all the Harry Potter books. Give me another one.- OK. Who is this very famous English scientist?- I have absolutely no idea. He looks very old. Can you give me some choices?- Sure. 1. Sir Isaac Newton. 2. Stephen Hawking. 3. Charles Darwin.- Stephen Hawking isn’t so old, so it must be Newton or Darwin. I’ll guess Sir Isaac

Newton.- Correct! Well done! You got 4 out of 5correct. Nice one Eita!- Thanks but the last one was just a lucky guess. That was fun. Let’s do a quiz again


Page 11: Розробка  гри Подорож Великою Британією

№7: SongsBEATLES “Let it be”

When I find myself in times of troubleMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdom let it beAnd in my hour of darknessShe is standing right in front of meSpeaking words of wisdom let it be

Let it be, let it beLet it be, let it beWhisper words of wisdom let it be

And when the broken-hearted peopleLiving in the world agreeThere will be an answer let it beFor though they may be partedThere is still a chance that they will seeThere will be an answer let it be

Let it be, let it beLet it be, let it beYeah there will be an answer let it be

Let it be, let it beLet it be, let it beWhisper words of wisdom let it beLet it be, let it beLet it be, let it beWhisper words of wisdom let it be

And when the night is cloudyThere is still a light that shines on meShine until tomorrow let it beI wake up to the sound of musicMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdom let it be

Let it be, let it beLet it be, yeah let it beOh there will be an answer let it be

Let it be, let it beLet it be, yeah let it beWhisper words of wisdom let it be

QUEEN “We will we will rock you”

Buddy you’re a boy make a big noisePlayin’ in the street gonna be a big man some dayYou got mud on yo’ faceYou big disgraceKickin’ you can all over the place

We will we will rock youWe will we will rock you

Buddy you’re a young man hard manShoutin’ in the street gonna take on the world some dayYou got blood on yo’ faceYou big disgraceWavin’ your banner all over the place

We will we will rock youWe will we will rock you

Buddy you’re an old man poor manPleadin’ with your eyes gonna make you some peace some dayYou got mud on your faceYou big disgraceSomebody better put you back into your place

We will we will rock youWe will we will rock you

Page 12: Розробка  гри Подорож Великою Британією

1. True or False 10 – ____2. Crossword 10 – ____ 3. Match the sentences 10 – ____4. Who are they? 10 – ____5. Numerals and dates 18 – ____6. Quiz: Who is this person? 5 – ____7. Song + Presentation 7+10 – ____

Total score: 80 _________


Rating table

Page 13: Розробка  гри Подорож Великою Британією

1. True or False 10 – ____2. Crossword 10 – ____ 3. Match the sentences 10 – ____4. Who are they? 10 – ____5. Numerals and dates 18 – ____6. Quiz: Who is this person? 5 – ____7. Song + Presentation 7+10 – ____

Total score: 80 _________


Rating table

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