كتيب البرامج التدريبية المنح من وزارة الاتصالات والمع



Fertile Land, Fertile Group The Road to Success ICT Training: a top priority A Step-by-Step Approach a. Super User Program a. Professional Training Program 3 a. Basic Skills Development Training Program b. The International Computer Driver’s License (ICDL) ICT Training Professional Training: the key to a vibrant IT industry- a featured article Basic Training Program Empowers Youth- a featured article Information & Communication Technology

Transcript of كتيب البرامج التدريبية المنح من وزارة الاتصالات والمع

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Table of Content

Fertile Land, Fertile GroupThe Road to SuccessICT Training: a top priorityA Step-by-Step Approach

The Basic Skillsa. Basic Skills Development Training Programb. The International Computer Driver’s License (ICDL)

Basic Training Program Empowers Youth- a featured article

Specialized Training Programs

a. Super User Programa. Professional Training Program

Professional Training: the key to a vibrant IT industry- a featured article

Looking to the Future

3ICT TrainingInformation & Communication Technology

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5ICT TrainingInformation & Communication Technology

Fertile Land, Fertile Group

Egypt is blessed with its people: over 76 million,62.2% aged between 15 and 64 – the perfect capitalfor nation-building. The Ministry of Communicationsand Information Technology (MCIT) has thereforetaken on the task of working with this fertile groupto develop each and every one of them to his/hermaximum capacity. This will allow Egypt to fulfillits dream of establishing a true information society,in which each member of this core group not onlyfeels at home in the global information society,but is able to play an active role within it. Withthis in mind, MCIT has devised a number of programs.

This brochure focuses on the information andcommunication technology (ICT) training initiative,the programs that it comprises, and what has alreadybeen achieved..

The Road to Success

It is MCIT’s conviction that knowledge of ICT willempower those without work and enable them to realizetheir full potential and thus find gainful employment.ICT opens doors to a future of endless opportunities,creativity and global interactivity. Therefore, thepopulation must be equipped to master the basic ITskills that the ICT revolution requires. The focushere is most definitely on people: MCIT is makingsure that everyone has the opportunity to continue,start or restart on the path to success.

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ICT Training: a top priority

Egypt considers ICT training a national priority,as reflected in its inclusion in the national plan.The government has developed numerous trainingprograms and formed partnerships with traininginstitutes with the aim of developing ICT capabilitiesacross the country. The key advantage to knowledgeof ICT is that it allows people of any age orbackground to advance rapidly in their career,whatever it may be, while at the same time supportingnational development. ICT is relevant in all fields,from design to implementation. By allowing everyoneto play a beneficial role in society, Egypt’s planto transform itself into an information-based societycan become a reality.

A Step-by-Step Approach

ICT has already become an important part of theeducational curriculum at schools and universities.To build on this, MCIT has devised a number oftraining programs, which are divided into two maingroups: Basic Skills Development Training andSpecialized Training. The underlying aim is notmerely to create a body of computer operators, butrather a backbone of IT professionals who cancomprehend problems, devise solutions and work inteams. There is plenty still to be done. Largenumbers of graduates have not been adequately trainedto use ICT in their fields of study, while the fastpace of ICT development means that the learningprocess is continuous. With this in mind, MCITfocuses on boosting the ICT skills of graduates,thus helping them to stay ahead in the labor market.

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Established in 2000 in cooperation with universitiesand research centers, the Basic skills DevelopmentTraining Program provides focused, hands-on, high-quality training with a low staff-student ratio. PCtraining, for example, is one-on-one. The programis already provided in 172 centers across Egypt,most located at university faculties. The three-month program comprises 360 hours of instruction,120 of which are dedicated to lab time, with no morethan 20 students in each lab or lecture room.Students are encouraged to work in teams and toadopt creative and innovative project ideas thatadd value to the industry.

This phase of the Basic Skills Development TrainingProgram is targeted towards new graduates who haveyet to find work, though it is open also to highschool graduates and other diploma holders. Toencourage all Egyptian youth, the program is freeof charge. Additionally, participants receive amonthly allowance over the course of the program:LE 150 for university graduates and diploma holdersand LE 100 for high school graduates.

Those who complete the program not only find themselveswith a wider choice of job opportunities, butalso benefit from a greater understanding ofwhat the digital world offers & the part theycan play in it.

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Students who excel in the basic program are eligiblefor an additional 100 hours of instruction in anaccredited training center to receive the InternationalComputer Driver’s License (ICDL). The ICDL is aninternational certificate that demonstrates competencein computing knowledge and skills.

However, admission to the extra training to receivethe ICDL is not restricted to the Basic DevelopmentTraining Program graduates. Any person can take theaptitude test. If his scores are high, he can qualifyfor receiving the ICDL training.

Those who successfully complete the ICDL course havesufficient computer skills for most jobs in boththe public and private sectors.

The ICDL syllabus was designed and is regularlyupdated by a panel of experts to ensure that itscontent remains of relevance to the marketplace andreflects the latest advances in technology. Thefocus is on computing and practical applicationsand their use in the workplace and society. Theprogram consists of seven modules as follows:

Basic concepts of information technologyUsing computers and managing filesWord-processingSpreadsheetsDatabasesPresentationInformation and communication

By obtaining an ICDL, the students becomeinternationally qualified for the worldwidemarketplace. The person then becomes able todemonstrate his/her competence in basic computerskills. Thus, the ICDL is beneficial for both theICT industry and those serving it. Benefits include:

Empowerment of the youngIncreasing participants’ employment prospectsEncouragement of job developmentCreation of new jobsDevelopment and expansion of the ICT industry

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computer server,” Inas said, “and to be promoted inthe service industry you need to know how to usea computer.”

Inas describes learning to use PowerPoint, a programto design presentations, as the most interestingexperience.

MCIT designed the Basic Skills Development TrainingProgram to integrate Information Technology (IT) inthe daily activities of Egyptians. In a sense,building a digital culture.

To ensure that the program is accessible to allEgyptian youth, the Basic Skills Development TrainingProgram is not only free of charge, but universitystudents receive a monthly bursary of LE 150 overthe course of the three-month program, while highschool graduates receive LE 100 per month.

In a more advanced step, students who excel in thebasic program qualify for an extra 100 hours ofinstruction in one of the accredited training centersto receive the International Computer Driver’sLicense (ICDL), an international certificate thatdemonstrates a person’s competence in computingknowledge and skills in accordance with internationalstandards.

Obtaining the ICDL provides its holders withopportunities to work in both the public and privatesectors.

The largest training center is run by the AmericanUniversity in Cairo and is located in the Dokkidistrict of Cairo. The Center for Adult and ContinuingEducation (CACE) has around 620 students and 40instructors.

Ahmed Rashidi, the associate manager of CACE, praisesMCIT’s commitment to training Egyptian youth. “Thisis a very good ministry initiative, they are trainingyouth to deal with the future,” Rashidi said.

The Basic Skills Development Training Program doesnot just teach students how to use popular software;it also explains how the hardware works. “The courseteaches students to deal with computers from theinside out,” Maha Mahmoud, an instructor at the AUCcenter, said.

An article posted on MCIT website on February 27th, 2003

Basic training program empowers youth

The hum of computer fans grows louder down the secondfloor hall of Cairo University’s Faculty of Engineeringbuilding. Inside a spacious classroom, 24 computerssit in four rows as students focus intently on thescreen.

There are 21 labs like this throughout Cairo Universityand over a hundred more across the country. Thestudents, all recent graduates, have come back toschool to learn how to use computers.

"We were only taught with books at university, notwith computers,” Mohammed Abu Bakr, a 26-year-oldCommerce graduate, said. Mohammed explained hesigned up for the computer course because he needsto learn how to use computers to improve career asan accountant. “Taking this course does not onlyimprove my chances of finding work, it also improvesthe salary I will be offered,” Mohammed continued.

Yet, Mohammed is one of thousands of graduates whohave come to realize that their hopes for a successfulcareer depend on their knowledge of InformationTechnology and general computer use.

Recognizing the necessity of introducing the languageof technology to the young generation of university

graduates, the Ministry of Communications andInformation Technology (MCIT) launched a series oftraining programs to help young graduates take itstep by step and acquire the knowledge they need.The first program was the Basic Skills DevelopmentTraining Program.

The Basic Skills Development Program train graduatesto use the basic computer programs and applications.Students learn how to use basic computer programslike Windows, Microsoft Office, Access and FrontPage.

Back to Cairo University, four floors up fromMohammed’s class, Inas William, a 27 –year-oldCommerce graduate, is taking the same course but inan all women’s class. The faculty of Engineeringset up segregated classrooms due to the overwhelmingdemand from female graduates. Women now make up morethan half of the registered students in the entireBasic Skills Development Training Program.

Inas has already spent time working at a hotel. Shethen decided to go back to school and enroll in thetraining program to gain more skills that would helpher jump up her career ladder.

“All aspects of a hotel are now connected to one

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Specialized Training Program

There was a time when Egypt’s telecommunicationsand information technology infrastructure was noton a par with that of its international counterparts.MCIT has thus worked hard to achieve its goal ofdeveloping the national infrastructure and it hassuccessfully positioned Egypt as a regionaltelecommunications and IT hub.

In 2000, MCIT established the Specialized TrainingProgram, an intensive human resource developmentinitiative in the ICT field. The emphasis here ison forming a strong public-private partnership, witha view that large numbers of communications and ITspecialists will fuel a vibrant ICT industry andthat the private sector will then continue to developthe national ICT infrastructure.

To ensure the success of the program, which providesparticipants with in-depth knowledge and experienceof state-of-the-art technologies, MCIT provided alarge grant and entered into partnership withmultinational IT companies.

The Specialized Training Program is divided into:Super User Program (Application Oriented)Professional Training Program (Programming Oriented)

Super User Program

The application-oriented Super User Program isdesigned to equip participants with the skills neededto use IT applications in various aspects of theirlives. The applications covered are relevant to thelegislative, judicial, medical and business fieldsamong many others.

All ICDL holders are eligible for this program,which accepts professionals from various fields whowant to learn how to use software and IT applicationsspecific to their industries. Participants receive300 hours of specialized training upon completionof which they are tested in basic English languageand computer skills.

The Super User Program is divided into four tracks:

Call CentersMaintenance and Repair – Hardware Specialty (A+)and Network Specialty (Net+)Office Administration – Microsoft Office Specialty(MOS) including IT administration in all corporationsGraphics and Multimedia

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The call centers component of the Super User Programwas first provided in 2004, with the aim of trainingthe human resources to expand and yet untapped sectorof the IT industry with considerable potential forgrowth.

With a budget of LE 5 million, the call centerprogram provides international quality training forsome 800 students a year, who are then qualifiedto become call center agents, supervisors and otherpersonnel. Participants receive training in theEnglish language, enunciation and customer service,as well as instruction on how to handle differenttypes of caller and how to work effectively underpressure. At the end of each two-month program,successful participants receive an internationallyrecognized certificate as proof of their achievements.

MCIT aims to foster the export potential of the callcenter industry through its focus on computer,language, marketing and communication skills. Egypthas already become a regional call center hub forthe Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The country’sthriving business community, political stability,a highly qualified, young, multilingual workforceand low labor costs are all factors that havecontributed to this success.

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The programming-oriented Professional Training Programis divided into two tracks:IT Specialists Training ProgramTelecommunications Program (Communication & Networking)

IT Specialists Training Program

This program, focusing on the development of softwareapplications, is offered at over 40 training centers.Courses, which include real-life practical projects,are operated by a range of major private organizationsand companies – including IBM, ICL, Orascom and theArab Academy for Science & Technology & Marine Transport–which offer specialized training in a variety offields.

The program covers:Software DevelopmentEPRDatabasesCRMWeb DevelopmentGraphics and MultimediaNetworkingSoftware Engineering Quality

The IT Specialists Training Program lasts six months,after which successful participants receive aninternationally recognized certificate in their field

of specialization.Starting 2005, the IT training program entered a newphase, which features a longer technical trainingcomponent of nine months, a new focused set of tracks,greater concentration on soft skills and languagetraining, and on-the-job training for three monthsfor a select number of graduates.

Telecommunications Program (Communication& Networking)

This program is designed for engineers only (electronics,computers, communications or computer science) whohave earned their Bachelor’s degree within a periodof not more than three years from the time of application.

The three- to eight-week program is provided at theheadquarters of the National Telecommunications Institute(NTI) in Nasr City, Cairo, which is also responsiblefor quality assurance. Participants select one trainingprovider from among Cisco, HP, Nortel, Ericsson,Lucent, EGTI-Siemens, Huawei, Alcatel and ZTE. Thesecompanies are committed to employing 70% of thosetrained.Interested candidates can complete an online applicationform available at the MCIT website. Those selectedwill be called for a pre-admission interview and tests.

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based in Egypt or in the region, which is perceivedas one possibility of increasing the national income.

“We are talking about building a strong IT industry,but what is actually the raw material for thisindustry?” Dr. Ekram Fathy, senior advisor to theminister for HRD and Training, asks. “The raw materialis humans,” he answers.

The plan is for Egypt to emerge as a regional basefor IT services such as call centers, databaseadministration and Web hosting. “These are all humanhungry services,” Dr. Ekram said.

The goal is to, “enhance the resumes of graduatesso they can find better jobs in the market,” Dr.Ekram explains. In a sense, the Professional TrainingProgram combines the theoretical knowledge studentsare taught in universities with practical experienceto work in the IT sector.

“Based on the material I am learning in this courseI will be able to work with this equipment in themarket,” Ahmed Moustafa, a 23 Cairo Universitygraduate taking the Ericsson course. According toMoustafa, the training gives him the capabilitiesfor future employment.

Randa, Nermeen and Ahmed are among thousands ofyoung Egyptian graduates who want to see theircountry take quick and steady steps to become theIT hub in the region. Together, they look forwardto an exciting future being part of Egypt’s firstspecialized cadre of IT professionals.

An article posted on MCIT website on March 24th, 2003

Professional Training: the key to a vibrant IT industry

21ICT TrainingInformation & Communication Technology

Twelve students huddle around the instructor watchinghim closely as he fiddles with a networking switch.

These students represent the selected group who hasbeen accepted into the Telecommunications Program,which is part of the Professional Training Program,offered by the Ministry of Communications andInformation Technology (MCIT).

The Telecommunications training program is administeredby the National Telecommunications Institute (NTI)to train a new breed of Egyptian IT professionalson using equipment manufactured by international ITcompanies.

Randa Mahmoud, a 22 Engineering graduate of AinShams University, and Nermeen Diaa, from the facultyof Engineering at Cairo University, who are bothstudying to become Communication and Networkingspecialists.

To Randa, this is a great opportunity to get handson experience. “There is a lot of practical work,this is very important,” she said.

Nermeen agrees. She said the best part about theprogram is getting to use the state-of-the-art

equipment. “It makes a big difference, I had neverseen networking switches before taking the course,”Nermeen added.

“The faculty is a bit theoretical, but in this courseyou get to see the components and see how theywork,” continued Nermeen.

Nermeen Diaa, Randa Mahmoud and their fellow studentsreceiving the Telecommunications Training Programare part of a wider base of engineers targeted byMCIT to position Egypt as the regionaltelecommunications and Information Technology (IT)hub for the Middle East and Africa.

The goal is to ensure that there are highly skilledEgyptian IT professionals to meet the needs of therapidly growing IT sector.

The newly trained professionals form the nucleus ofEgypt’s high tech community. The aim is not onlyto reduce Egypt’s need of importing foreign ITtechnicians, but reversing the trend by exportingEgyptian IT consultants and specialists to the world.

The program’s philosophy is to create a base ofprofessionals who can work for international companies

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MCIT prides itself on playing a proactive andeffective role in Egyptian society, aware thatprogress in the field of ICT promotes developmentin all other sectors and therefore benefits thecountry and its citizens as a whole. MCIT has byno means exhausted the possibilities for new andinnovative ways of educating the public and achievingits goals, and it can only be encouraged by the factthat the Egyptian model has inspired a number oftraining programs in other developing countries withsimilar experiences.

Looking to the Future23ICT TrainingInformation & Communication Technology