الذكاء الاصطناعي في الدفاع عن الفضاء الالكتروني

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: . . .


(AI): . .

Turing test : , . , . .

: . . (Heuristics). Symbolic Processing Knowledge Representation: (,, ( . Inference Making Sufficient Solutions Meta-Knowledge Declarative Languages Learning Mechanisms Knowledge Searching Dynamic Knowledge Human-Based Interfacing

: : : . : : . :


: :

:: Narrow AI : General AI

: . .

(Cyberspace) :


: (.(Viruses ((Worm: . ((Logic Bomb: ( Trojan Horse): .

Conficker worm )): 2008 , . , Google, Yahoo, Facebook, MSB, Microsoft . , Kaspersky, Norton, Mcafee , .

: 2009



artificial neural network ANN ) ) (Expert Systems) (Intelligent Agent) (search)

(neural nets) : , . element parameters. .

. neurons processing elements .

. .



: : . . . . .

(Expert Systems): . . .

3 : knowledge base: . Inference engine: . user interface: .

: . . . . . . .

: .

: . . . . .

: (Intelligent Agent)

:- : . - : . - : ( ) "- .

: (Simple reflex agent) (Model based reflex) (Goal based agent) (Utility Based agent)


. . : .

(learning) : (knowledge Base) . : Symbolic learning Parametric learning .

: Supervised learning : . Unsupervised learning: .

. . . . .