ى ا ى ا ا -...

اىى ا اة ا ا ا اﻟﻌدد رﻗم) ٢٦٤ ( ﻣﺎرس٢٠١٩ ع ث اد ا:مم ا ا www.cbe.org.eg

Transcript of ى ا ى ا ا -...

Page 1: ى ا ى ا ا - Enterpriseenterprise.press/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Bulletin_264.march_.20191-2.pdf- 4 - - 3- ﻲﺟرﺎﺧﻟا عﺎطﻘﻟا :ﺎﯾﻧﺎﺛ تﺎﻋوﻓدﻣﻟا

ى اى اا

ااة ا

٢٠١٩ مارس – )٢٦٤(العدد رقم

اد اثع

:مما ا www.cbe.org.eg

Page 2: ى ا ى ا ا - Enterpriseenterprise.press/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Bulletin_264.march_.20191-2.pdf- 4 - - 3- ﻲﺟرﺎﺧﻟا عﺎطﻘﻟا :ﺎﯾﻧﺎﺛ تﺎﻋوﻓدﻣﻟا

ات اور اى اى

ا ور اا دور

ى واا ا ااة -١

٢- دا ا اوا أ

٣- ىاا اوا

أ ا ا ار د اى -٤


- ت ا ور :ان اا مما ىى اا ا

www.cbe.org.eg - ت اماول أو اا دة مإ ةا ر أن رة إا ا ةه ا ا ا

تى ظد اا ى وى اا .

- ط لوا ره ا م ا : ان اا

اة. - اررع ٥٤ –ا اى اى – اد اثع

Page 3: ى ا ى ا ا - Enterpriseenterprise.press/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Bulletin_264.march_.20191-2.pdf- 4 - - 3- ﻲﺟرﺎﺧﻟا عﺎطﻘﻟا :ﺎﯾﻧﺎﺛ تﺎﻋوﻓدﻣﻟا

يالمصر يالبنك المركز

٥٥- ٥٤ أسعار الصرف األسبوعیة (بالجنیھ لكل عملة أجنبیة) ١٧

٥٩- ٥٦ سوق األوراق المالـــــــیة ١٨

٦١- ٦٠ يالمصر يالبنك المركز ياإلحتیاطیات الدولیة لد يصافو يإجمال ١٩

٦٩- ٦٢ ياألجنباإلحتیاطیات الرسمیة والسیولة بالنقد ٢٠

٧٤- ٧٠ رسوم بیانیة ●

يالقطاع الخارج

٧٨- ٧٥ میزان المدفوعــــــــــات ٢١

٨٠- ٧٩ حصیلة الصادرات السلعیة حسب درجة التصنیع ٢٢

٨٢- ٨١ المدفوعات عن الواردات السلعیة حسب درجة اإلستخدام ٢٣

٨٤- ٨٣ ب التوزیع الجغرافيالصادرات حس ٢٤

٨٤- ٨٣ يالواردات حسب التوزیع الجغراف ٢٥

٨٦- ٨٥ بین مصر وأھم الشركاء التجاریین يحجم التبادل التجار ٢٦

٨٦- ٨٥ يمعامالت المناطق الحرة مع العالم الخارج ٢٧

٨٨- ٨٧ ألھم الصادرات يوالجغراف يالتوزیع السلع ٢٨

٨٨- ٨٧ ألھم الواردات يوالجغراف يالتوزیع السلع ٢٩

٩٠- ٨٩ أھم الموازین السلعیة ٣٠

٩٢- ٩١ الموازین الخدمیة ٣١

٩٢- ٩١ قناة السویس يحركة المالحة ف ٣١/١

٩٤- ٩٣ اإلستثمارات األجنبیة المباشرة في مصر وفقا للدول ٣٢

يلمصرا يالبنك المركز


٥-١ ألھم التطورات ملخص -

١١-٦ تعاریف ومصطلحات -

٢١- ١٢ أھم المؤشرات االقتصادیة الكلیة -

١٤٦- ٢٢ والرسوم البیانیة الجداول -

يوالنقد يالقطاع المال

٢٣- ٢٢ واألصول المقابلة ينقود اإلحتیاط ١

٢٥- ٢٤ : السیولة المحلیة واألصول المقابلة لھا يالمسح المصرف ٢

٢٧- ٢٦ )يالمصر ي: الودائع ( بخالف البنك المركز يالمسح المصرف ٣

٢٩- ٢٨ ي: االئتمان المحل يالمسح المصرف ٤

٣١- ٣٠ : األصول والخصوم األجنبیة يالمسح المصرف ٥

٣١- ٣٠ البنود الموازنة يصاف: يالمسح المصرف ٦

٣٣- ٣٢ )يالمصر يللبنوك ( بخالف البنك المركز اإلجمالي يالمركز المال ٧

٣٥- ٣٤ )يالمصر يالتسھیالت االئتمانیة للعمالء من البنوك (بخالف البنك المركز ٨

٣٧- ٣٦ )يالمصر يالف البنك المركزالقروض المقدمة للعمالء من البنوك (بخ ٩

٣٩- ٣٨ )يالمصر يالبنوك (بخالف البنك المركز يالكمبیاالت المخصومة للعمالء لد ١٠

٤١- ٤٠ )يالمصر يالبنوك (بخالف البنك المركز يمحفظة األوراق المالیة لد ١١

٤٣- ٤٢ ) يالمصر يبنك المركز(بخالف ال يمؤشرات السالمة المالیة للقطاع المصرف ١٢

٤٥- ٤٤ النقد المصدر والمتداول ١٣

٤٧- ٤٦ ) وشبكة السویفتRTGSتتم من خالل نظام التسویھ اللحظیة ( يالعملیات الت ١٤

٥١- ٤٨ أسعار الخصم والعائد ١٥

٥٣- ٥٢ یة)(بالجنیھ لكل عملة أجنب العرضأسعار الصـــــــرف الیومیة لشھر ١٦

Page 4: ى ا ى ا ا - Enterpriseenterprise.press/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Bulletin_264.march_.20191-2.pdf- 4 - - 3- ﻲﺟرﺎﺧﻟا عﺎطﻘﻟا :ﺎﯾﻧﺎﺛ تﺎﻋوﻓدﻣﻟا

يالمصر يالبنك المركز

٩٦- ٩٥ يالدین الخارجـــــــ ٣٣

٩٨- ٩٧ حسب القطاع المدین يالدین الخارج ٣٤

١٠٢- ٩٩ رسوم بیانیة ●

قطاع مالیة الحكومة

١٠٨-١٠٣ العملیات المالیة الموحدة للحكومة العامة ٣٥

١١٢-١٠٩ يالدین المحل يإجمال ٣٦

١١٤-١١٣ الخزانـــة ياألرصدة القائمة من األذون عل ٣٧

١١٤-١١٣ األرصدة القائمة من األذون مقسمة قطاعیا ٣٨

١١٦-١١٥ رسوم بیانیة ●

يالقطاع الحقیق

١١٨-١١٧ مالة والبطالةعدد السكان وقوة العمل والع ٣٩

١٢٢-١١٩ مؤشرات األسعار المحلیة ٤٠

١٢٤-١٢٣ اإلجمالي بتكلفة عوامل اإلنتاج وفقا لألنشطة االقتصادیة باألسعار الثابتة يالناتج المحل ٤١

١٢٦-١٢٥ ر الجاریةاإلجمالي بتكلفة عوامل اإلنتاج وفقا لألنشطة االقتصادیة باألسعا يالناتج المحل ٤٢

١٢٨-١٢٧ اإلجمالي وأوجھ اإلنفاق علیھ باألسعار الثابتة يالناتج المحل ٤٣

١٢٨-١٢٧ اإلجمالي وأوجھ اإلنفاق علیھ باألسعار الجاریة يالناتج المحل ٤٤

١٣٠-١٢٩ اإلستثمارات المنفذة ٤٥

١٣٢-١٣١ نشطة االقتصادیة باألسعار الثابتةاإلجمالي وفقا لأل ياإلنتاج المحل ٤٦

١٣٢-١٣١ اإلجمالي وفقا لألنشطة االقتصادیة باألسعار الجاریة ياإلنتاج المحل ٤٧

١٣٤-١٣٣ ألھم الحاصالت الزراعیة ياإلنتاج الكم ٤٨

يالمصر يالبنك المركز

١٣٦-١٣٥ المنتجات الصناعیةألھم ياإلنتاج الكم ٤٩

١٣٨-١٣٧ إنتاج واستھالك الكھرباء يإجمال ٥٠

١٣٨-١٣٧ اإلنتاج والمبیعات ومتوسط أسعار المستھلك من األسمنت يإجمال ٥١

١٤٠-١٣٩ اإلنتاج والمبیعات ومتوسط أسعار المستھلك لحدید التسلیح ألھم الشركات المصریة يإجمال ٥٢

١٤٢-١٤١ يعدد السائحین وعدد اللیال ٥٣

١٤٦-١٤٣ رسوم بیانیة ●

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المركز المالي اإلجمالي للبنوك (بخالف البنك المركزي) -

من السنة ینایر٪ خالل الفترة یولیو/ ٧٫٨ملیار جنیھ بمعدل ٣٩٤٫٣مركزي بمقدار تصـاعد المركز المالي اإلجمالي للبنوك بخالف البنك ال

).٧رقم (كما یتضح من الجدول ٢٠١٩ ینایرملیـار جنیـھ في نھـایة ٥٤٧٤٫٨نـحو ىإللیصـل ٢٠١٨/٢٠١٩المالیة

أرصدة التسھیالت االئتمانیة الممنوحة من البنوك -

من ینایرخالل الفترة یولیو/ ٪١١٫٧ ملیار جنیھ بمعدل ١٩٠٫٠مانیة الممنـوحة مـن البنوك ارتـفاعا بمقدار ـتـسھیالت االئــتجلت أرصدة الــس

).٨(كما یتضح من الجدول رقم ٢٠١٩ ینایرملیار جنیـھ في نـھایة ١٨١٩٫٦نحو ىإللتـصــل ٢٠١٨/٢٠١٩السنة المـالیة

٪ من إجمالي ٦٠٫٩ نحو ما نسبتھ يحصول قطاع األعمال الخاص عل يصدة التسھیالت االئتمانیة لغیــر الحكومة الویشیر التوزیع النسبي ألر

٪ مــن تلك األرصدة، یلیھ قطاع ٣٣٫٦مــا نسبتھ ي. ووفقا لقطاعات النشاط االقتصادي، حصل قطاع الصناعـــة عل٢٠١٩ ینایرتلك األرصدة في

٪. أما القطاعات غیر الموزعة (شاملة ١٫٤ما نسبتھ يحصل عل الذيفقطاع الزراعة ،٪١٠٫٧اع التجــارة بنسبــة ثم قط، ٪٢٨٫٤الخدمات بنسبة

٪.٢٥٫٩ما نسبتھ يالقطاع العائلي) فقد حصلت عل

السیاسة النقدیة -

قرار لجنة السیاسة النقدیة وأسعار العائد

عائد اإلبقاء على كل من سعري ٢٠١٩مارس ٢٨وم الخمیس الموافق یكزي المصري في اجتماعھا ك المرقررت لجنة السیاسة النقدیة للبن

. الترتیب ىعل٪ ١٦٫٢٥و٪ ١٦٫٧٥٪ و ١٥٫٧٥وسعر العملیة الرئیسیة للبنك المركزي عند مستوىواإلقراض للیلة واحدة (الكوریدور) اإلیداع

٪.١٦٫٢٥وكذلك اإلبقاء على سعر االئتمان والخصم عند مستوى

بأجـل أربع عملیات بعائد ثابت إجراء ٢٠١٩ فبرایرع للبنوك لدیھ، حیث تم خالل شھر ـط ودائـك المركزي في ربـنـوتمثلت العملیة الرئیسیة للب

).١٥جدول ٪ (كما ھو موضح في١٧٫٣٧٩٪ و١٦٫٢٦٣بین ول أجال بعائد مرتبط بالكوریدور تراوحـات أطـملیـعأربع راء ـم إجـكما ت .سبوعأ

، وذلك لكافة اآلجال التي تم التعامل علیھا الحظ انخفاضھـیوك ـــالت بین البنـمعامـال ىعلـائد ـح ألسعار العـمرجـوسـط الـا یتـعلق بالمتـمـوفی

في (كما ھو موضح ٢٠١٩ فبرایر ١١ في مقارنة بالفترة المنتھیة ٢٠١٩ فبرایر ٢٥فــي االحتیاطي المنتھیةخالل فتـرة حساب نسـبـة

تابع). ١٥ جدول

سعر صرف الجنیھ المصري مقابل العمالت األجنبیة -

، حیث ٢٠١٩) التطورات الیومیة ألسعار صرف العمالت األجنبیة أمام الجنیھ المصري خالل شھر فبرایر ١٦یظھر الجدول رقم (

ك. فقد سجل المتوسط المرجح لسعر صرف الدوالر األمریكي في سوق اإلنتربنك یشمل أسعار العمالء وأسعار التعامل في سوق اإلنتربن٪. وبالنسبة ألسعار العمالء، فقد ٠٫٨جنیھ في بدایة الشھر) بمعدل تراجع بلغ ١٧٫٦٦٥٧جنیھ في نھایة الشھر (مقابل ١٧٫٥٣١١

٪، وكل من الدوالر األمریكي ٠٫٩یتي بمعدل ٪، والدینار الكو١٫٢٪، والیورو بمعدل ١٫٩انخفض سعر صرف الین الیاباني بمعدل ٪. بینما ارتفع سعر صرف كال من الجنیھ االسترلیني ٠٫٥٪، والفرنك السویسري بمعدل ٠٫٨واللایر السعودي والدرھم االماراتي بمعدل

٪.٠٫١٪، والیوان الصیني بمعدل ٠٫٨بمعدل

وأسعار اإلنتربنك أسبوعیا حسب آخر یوم عمل من كل أسبوع. ) تطور أسعار صرف العمالت األجنبیة١٧ویظھر الجدول رقم ( واالحتیاطیات الرسمیة والسیولة بالنقد األجنبي البنك المركزي، ياالحتیاطیات الدولیة لد وصافيإجمالي -

ىإللیصل ٢٠١٨/٢٠١٩من السنة المالیة رفبرای خالل الفترة یولیو/ ٪٠٫٥بمعدل لیار دوالر م ٠٫٢ بنحویات الدولیة ـتیاطـاالح صافي انخفض

).١٩شھور من الواردات السلعیة (كما ھو موضح في الجدول رقم ٧٫٩ ي، وبمـا یغــط٢٠١٩ فبرارملیار دوالر في نھایة ٤٤٫١نحو

من ینایر یولیو/ ملیار دوالر خالل الفترة ١٫٦ درهتراجع قـ، ب٢٠١٩ینایرملیار دوالر في نھایة ٤١٫٩وبلغت األصول االحتیاطیة الرسمیة نحو ملیـار دوالر في نھایة ١٠٫٤ملیار دوالر لتبلغ نحـو ٢٫٦رى بالنقد األجنبي بمقدار ـول األخـاألص انـخفـضت. كمـا ٢٠١٨/٢٠١٩یة ـالـنة المـالس

).٢٠دول رقم (كما یتضح من الج ٢٠١٩ ینایر

أوال: القطاع المالي والنقدي

واألصول المقابلة )0M(نقود االحتیاطي -

يـإل صلـلت ٢٠١٨/٢٠١٩الي ـام المــن العـم ینایر و/ــترة یولیــالل الفـ٪ خ٧٫٨عدل ـھ بمـار جنیــملی ٥٥٫٥قدار ــبم (M0) يـاطـود االحتیـت نقـانخفض

ملیار جنیھ ٤٩٫٥). وانعكس ذلك في انخفاض ودائع البنـوك بالعملة المحـلیة لـدي البنك المركزي بمقدار١دول رقم ضح من الجـھ (كما یتـنیـار جـیـلـم ٦٦٠٫٨

.٪١٫٣ملیار جنیھ بمعدل ٦٫٠٪، والنـقد المتـداول خـارج خـزائن البنك الـمركزي بـمقدار٢١٫٢بمعدل

نوك ـن البــم وصافي المطلوبات جنیھ،ملیار ٧٣٫٦یعادل نبیة للبنك المركزي بماـول األجـاألص يلتـراجع صافة ـیجـنت تیاطيـقود االحـفاض نـاء انخـوقد ج

وازنة ـود المـنـب لصـافيب ـالـد السـالرصی انخفاضوملیار جنیھ، ٦٫٣بمقدار ومةـالمطلوبات من الحك صافي ارتفاع د من ذلكـوح .جنیھ لیارـم ٦١٫٥دارـبمق

ھ.ـار جنیـلیـم ٧٣٫٣بـمقـدار

المقابلة لھا واألصول )2M (السیولة المحلیة المصرفي:المسح -

يـــل إلــلتص ٢٠١٨/٢٠١٩الي ــام المــمن الع ینایرولیو/ ـترة یـالل الفـ٪ خ٥٫٤دل ـمعـھ بــار جنیــملیـ ١٨٥٫٨دار ـقـمــة بـــلیـحـولة المـیــت السـفعــارت

ودــاه النقـال من أشبـو كـي نمـادة فـت ھذه الزیـكسـوقــد انع ).٢(كما یتضح مـن الجدول رقم ٢٠١٩ ینایرـر ـشھ ملیـار جنیھ في نھایـة ٣٦٤٠٫١ نحـو

.٪١٫٤ملیار جنیھ بمعدل ١١٫٩ مقدارب (M1)٪، والمعروض النقدي ٦٫٦ملیار جنیھ بمعدل ١٧٣٫٩ رمقداـب

٪، والودائع بالعمالت األجنبیة بما ٧٫٨ملیار جنیھ بمعدل ١٤٩٫٥لودائع غیر الجاریة بالعملة المحلیة بمقدار ود محصلة الرتفاع اـقـوتعد الزیادة في أشباه الن

ملیار جنیھ ٦٫٨دارـلیة بمقـلة المحـاریة بالعمـع الجـاعد الودائـتصفقد جـاءت لالزیادة في المعروض النقدي أما٪. ٣٫٤ دلـملیار جنیھ بمع ٢٤٫٤ یعادل

.٪١٫٢ملیار جنیھ بمعدل ٥٫١٪، والنقد المتداول خارج الجھاز المصرفي بمقدار ١٫٨ بمعدل

األصول المقابلة -

، محصلة الرتفاع صافــي األصول المحلیة لدي الجھاز المصرفي من ٢٠١٨/٢٠١٩من العام المالي ینایرتعد الزیادة في السیولة المحلیة خالل الفترة یولیو/

األصول األجنبیة لدیھ من جھة أخري، وذلك علي النحو التالي: صافي جھة، وتراجع

األصول المحلیة صافي -

العـام المـالي من ینایرولیو/ ـرة یـفتـالل الـ٪ خـ١١٫٢دل ــمعـملیـار جـنیـھ ب ٣٥١٫٨ ـفع صافــي األصـول المحـلیة لـدي الجـھاز المـصـرفي بـمـقدارـارت

ود الـموازنةـالب لصــافي البنـید السـ٪، وانخفاض الرص١٠٫٢دل ـجنیـھ بمع ملیار ٣٥٢٫٥لي بنحو ـان المحــادة االئتمـاع الي زیـزي االرتفـویع، ٢٠١٨/٢٠١٩

٪.٠٫٢ملیار جنیھ بمعدل ٠٫٧بمقدار

ملیـار جنیھ، ٢٧٨٫٣بمقدارالمطلوبات من الحـكومة صافي) محصلة الرتفاع ٤ان المحلي (كما یتضح من الجدول رقم ــوجـاءت الزیادة في االئتم

ملیار جنیھ. ٤٫٨بمقدار العام وقطاع األعمال ،ملیار جنیھ ٣٣٫٢األعمال الخاص بمقـدار ومن قطاعملیار جنیھ، ٣٦٫٢ بمقداروالمطلوبات من القطاع العائلي

األصول األجنبیة صافي -

، وجاء ٢٠١٨/٢٠١٩ الماليمن العام ینایرملیـار جنیھ خالل الفترة یولیو/ ١٦٦٫٠الجھاز المصرفي بما یعـادل انخفض صـافي األصـول األجنبیة لدي

ملیــار جنیھ، وصافي األصول األجنبیة لدي البنك المركزي ٩٢٫٤صافي األصول األجنبیة لدي البنوك بما یعادل كل من لتراجع محصلةاالنخفاض

).٥ملیار جنیھ (كما ھو موضـح بالجـدول رقم ٧٣٫٦ بما یعـادل

ملخص ألھم التطورات

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Page 6: ى ا ى ا ا - Enterpriseenterprise.press/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Bulletin_264.march_.20191-2.pdf- 4 - - 3- ﻲﺟرﺎﺧﻟا عﺎطﻘﻟا :ﺎﯾﻧﺎﺛ تﺎﻋوﻓدﻣﻟا

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الخارجيالقطاع ثانیا:

میزان المدفوعات -

سواق العالمیة الرغم من الضغوط التي شھدتھا األسواق الناشئة والمتمثلة في خروج رؤوس األموال األجنبیة منھا نتیجة لحالة عدم التیقن التي تسود األ ىعل

لسیاسة نقدیة تقییدیة، استمر میزان المدفوعات المصري في تحقیق فائض كلي خالل الفترة یولیو/سبتمبر من السنة المالیة ىالكبرلدول وانتھاج بعض ا

.ملیون دوالر ٢٨٤٫١بلغ ٢٠١٨/٢٠١٩

السابقة:المالیة ةناظرة من السنبالفترة الم ةمقارن العرضأداء میزان المدفوعات خالل فترة ىعلوفیما یلي عرضا ألھم التطورات التي أثرت

أوال: حساب المعامالت الجاریة

- وذلك من خالل التطورات التالیة: ،ردوالملیار ١٫٨استقر العجز في حساب المعامالت الجاریة عند نحو

رتفاع الفائض في ، كنتیجة أساسیة الار دوالر)ملی ٢٫٨ملیار دوالر (مقابل نحو ٤٫٣لیسجل نحو ٪٥٠٫٤بمعدل الفائض في میزان الخدمات تصاعد

متحصالت رسوم المرور بقناة السویس، كما ارتفعت ملیار دوالر) ٢٫٠الر (مقابل نحو ملیار دو ٣٫٢و نح ىإللیصل میزان السفر

ملیار دوالر). ١٫٣٨ملیار دوالر (مقابل نحو ١٫٤٤لتسجل نحو ٪٤٫٣بمعدل

كنتیجة اساسیة الرتفاعملیار دوالر)، ٥٫٨ملیار دوالر (مقابل نحو ٥٫٩لیسجل نحو ٪١٫٤ویالت الجاریة بدون مقابل بمعدل صافي التح عارتف

.ملیون دوالر ٨٤٫٧بمقدار تحویالت المصریین العاملین بالخارج

كنتیجة أساسیة الرتفاع ملیار دوالر)، ٨٫٩ل نحو (مقاب ملیار دوالر ٩٫٩لیسجل نحو ملیار دوالر ١٫٠بنحو ارتفع العجز في المیزان التجاري

، دوالرملیون ٩٤٥٫٨مقدار ارتفاع حصیلة الصادرات السلعیة بملیار دوالر، وقد حد من ھذا العجز ١٫٩المدفوعات عن الواردات السلعیة بنحو

النحو التالي: ىعل وذلك

o حصیلة الصادرات فاعرت، الملیار دوالر) ٥٫٨ار دوالر (مقابل نحو ملی ٦٫٨لتسجل نحو ٪١٦٫٢حصیلة الصادرات السلعیة بمعدل ارتفاع

حصیلة الصادرات السلعیة غیر ضتانخف. بینما ملیار دوالر) ١٫٨ملیار دوالر (مقابل نحو ٢٫٨لتسجل نحو ٪٥٧٫٦البترولیة بمعدل

.لیار دوالر)م ٤٫١ملیار دوالر (مقابل نحو ٤٫٠لتسجل نحو ٪٢٫٠ علىطفیف اقتصر بمعدل البترولیة

o الرتفاع كل من ملیار دوالر) ١٤٫٧ملیار دوالر (مقابل نحو ١٦٫٧لتسجل نحو ٪١٣٫١المدفوعات عن الواردات السلعیة بمعدل ارتفاع ،

المدفوعات عن الواردات و، ملیار دوالر) ٢٫٨(مقابل نحو ملیار دوالر ٣٫٥لتسجل نحو ٪٢٧٫١المدفوعات عن الواردات البترولیة بمعدل

.ملیار دوالر) ١٢٫٠ملیار دوالر (مقابل نحو ١٣٫٢لتسجل نحو ٪٩٫٩لسلعیة غیر البترولیة بمعدل ا

ثانیا: حساب المعامالت الرأسمالیة والمالیة

- ، وذلك من خالل التطورات التالیة: ملیار دوالر ١٫٦المعامالت الرأسمالیة والمالیة صافي تدفق للداخل بلغ نحو حققت

ملیار دوالر، ١٫٨ملیار دوالر، كما سجل إجمالي التدفق للخارج نحو ٢٫٩حقق االستثمار األجنبي المباشر في مصر إجمالي تدفق للداخل بلغ نحو

البترول في قطاع راتلتحقیق االستثماكنتیجة أساسیة ملیار دوالر (تدفق للداخل)، ١٫١وبذلك بلغ صافي االستثمار االجنبي المباشر في مصر نحو

ملیون دوالر. ٢٣٧٫٤، وتحقیق االستثمارات العقاریة ملیون دوالر ٤٧٨٫٨صافي تدفق للداخل بلغ

وـــملیار دوالر (مقابل صافي تدفق للداخل بلغ نح ٣٫٢حققت االستثمارات بمحفظة األوراق المالیة في مصر صافي تدفق للخارج بلغ نحو

ملیار دوالر ٣٫٢انخفاض استثمارات األجانب في أذون الخزانة المصریة لتحقق صافي مبیعات بلغ نحو يجع اساسا الملیار دوالر)، وھو ما یر ٧٫٥

دوالر).ملیار ٧٫٤(مقابل صافي مشتریات بلغ نحو

ر)، كما ارتفع اجمالي ملیار دوال ١٫٨ملیون دوالر (مقابل نحو ٤٨٢٫١تراجع المستخدم من القروض والتسھیالت طویلة ومتوسطة األجل لیسجل

ملیون دوالر (مقابل صافي استخدام ١٩٧٫٥ملیون دوالر)، لتسفر الفترة عن صافي سداد بلغ ٦٠٩٫٨ملیون دوالر (مقابل ٦٧٩٫٦ يالمسدد لیصل إل

.ملیار دوالر) ١٫٢بلغ نحو

المعامالت السلعیة: - ىإلملیار دوالر لیصـل ٢٫٩بنحــــو ٢٠١٨/٢٠١٩سبتمبر من السنة المالیة ل الفترة یولیو/ارتفـع حجـم التجـارة الخـارجیة السلعیــة خال

ذلـك نتیجة الرتفاع كل من حصـیلة قد جاء ملیار دوالر خالل الفترة المناظرة من السنة المالیة السابقة. و ٢٠٫٦ملیـار دوالر مقـابـل نحـو ٢٣٫٥ نحـو

ملیــار دوالر. وتعتبر دول االتحاد األوروبي الشریك األول في ١٫٩ملیون دوالر، والمدفوعات عن الواردات السلعیة بنحـو ٩٤٥٫٨لعیـة بنحو الصـادرات السـ

٪.١٩٫٤نسبتھ ٪، ثم الدول اآلسیویة (غیر العربیة) بما ٢١٫٠، یلیھا الدول العربیة بما نسبتھ اإلجمالي٪ من ٣٠٫١التجارة الخارجیة مع مصر بما نسبتھ

حصیلة الصادرات السلعیة:

ملیار دوالر خالل فترة العرض. ویرجـع ذلك أساسا الرتفـاع الصادرات البترولیة ٦٫٨٪ لتبلغ نحو ١٦٫٢ارتفعت حصیلة الصادرات السلعیة بمعدل

إجمالي٪ من ٥٨٫٦ملیار دوالر، وانخفاض الصـادرات غیر البتـرولیة ( ٢٫٨نحو يملیار دوالر لتصل ال ١٫٠الصـادرات) بنحــو إجمالي٪ مــن ٤١٫٤(

، فقد ارتفعت الصادرات من مجموعة السلعيالتصنیف يمستو ىوعلملیار دوالر. ٤٫٠نحـو ىعلملیون دوالر لتقتصر ٨١٫٧الصـادرات) بنحـــو

الخام ، ومجموعة الموادملیون دوالر ٩٥٫٣سلع تامــة الصنع بنحـو ملیار دوالر، ومجموعة ال ١٫٠الوقود والزیوت المعدنیة ومنتجاتھا بنحو

ملیون دوالر. ٢٣٢٫١ملیون دوالر، بینما انخفضت من مجموعـة السـلع نصـف المصنعة بنحـو ٤٤٫٩ بنحو

:المدفوعات عن الواردات السلعیة البترولیـة ملیار دوالر، وذلـك الرتفاع كـل مـن الـواردات غیـر ١٦٫٧غ نحو ـبلـ٪ لت١٣٫١عدل ــفعت المدفوعات عن الواردات السلعیة بمـارت

الواردات) إجمالي٪ مـن ٢١٫٠ملیار دوالر، والواردات البترولیة ( ١٣٫٢ـو ـــنح يملیـار دوالر لتصل إل ١٫٢ـو ــالـواردات) بنحـ إجمالي٪ مـن ٧٩٫٠(

فعت المدفوعات عن الواردات من مجمـوعة ـلعي، فقد ارتـالتصنیف الس يتوـمس ىوعلملیار دوالر. ٣٫٥و ـنح يملیون دوالر لتصل إل ٧٤٥٫٢ـو ــبنح

االستھالكیةملیون دوالر، ومجموعة السلع ٧٧٦٫٠لع الوسیطة بنـحو ـملیون دوالر، ومجموعة الس ٨١٧٫٥الوقود والزیوت المعدنیة ومنتجاتھا بنحـو

تثماریةــع االســخفضت من مجموعة السلـملیون دوالر. بینما ان ١٣٣٫١ام بنحــو ــواد الخـموعة المــومجدوالر، ونــــملی ٣٩٢٫٨و ــبنح

ملیون دوالر.١٢١٫٣ بنحــو :التوزیع الجغرافي للصادرات والواردات

من إجمالي حصیلة الصادرات السلعیة، ثم الدول ٪٣٨٫٤في المركز األول كسوق للصادرات المصریة بما یمثل األوروبيجاءت دول االتحاد

٪ من اإلجمالي.١٢٫٩المركز الثالث الدول اآلسیویة (غیر العربیة) بما نسبتھ ي، وفاإلجمالي٪ من ١٨٫٨العربیة في المركز الثاني بما نسبتھ

٪ من إجمالي المدفوعات عن الواردات السلعیة، وجاءت في ٢٦٫٨وبالنسبة للواردات، فقد احتلت دول االتحاد األوروبي المركز االول بما نسبتھ

٪ من االجمالي. ٢١٫٩المركز الثالث الدول العربیة بما نسبتھ ي٪ من اإلجمالي، وف٢٢٫٠المركز الثاني الدول اآلسیویة (غیر العربیة) بما نسبتھ

الدین الخارجي -

٪ مقارنة بنھایة ٠٫٥ ملیار دوالر بمعدل ٠٫٥ بزیادة بنحو ٢٠١٨ سبتمبرفي نھایة أمریكي لیار دوالر ـم ٩٣٫١و ـحـن يـارجـالخن ـدیـید الـغ رصـلـب

أسعار صرف معظم نخفاض ملیار دوالر، وا ٠٫٧قروض والتسھیالت بنحو ـدم من الـستخـافي المـادة صـلزی حصلةـمفاع ـلك االرتـاء ذـ. وج٢٠١٨یوـیون

ملیار دوالر أمریكي ٢٫٢ فقـد بلغت نحـو ،الخارجيملیار دوالر. وبالنسبة ألعباء خدمــة الدین ٠٫٢ بنحو األمریكيدوالر ـالقترض بھا أمــام ـالعمالت الم

ر دوال ملیار ٠٫٨ وــدوالر أمریكي، والفوائد المدفوعة نح لیارـم ١٫٤ددة نحوـاألقساط المس( ٢٠١٨/٢٠١٩ مبر من السنة المالیةـــالفترة یولیو/ سبتخـالل

الحدود اآلمنة وفقا للمعاییر فيالزالت وھي٪، ٣٥٫٤لغت ـمالي بـاإلج يج المحلـالنات ىإلارجي ـن الخـسبة رصید الدیـرات أن نـمؤشـظھر الـأمریكي). وت


قطاع مالیة الحكومة ثالثا:

العملیات المالیة الموحدة للحكومة العامة - أن إجمالي إیرادات الحكومة العامة (قطاع الموازنة العامة للدولة، يإل ٢٠١٧/٢٠١٨فعلي لوزارة المالیة خالل السنة المالیة تشیر بیانات التنفیذ ال

مما أسفر عن جنیھ،ملیار ١٣٣٦٫٠ملیار جنیھ، كما بلغ إجمالي النفقات نحو ٩١٦٫٠) بلغ نحو االجتماعي، وصنادیق التأمین القوميوبنك االستثمار

من الناتج ٪٩٫٧ملیار جنیھ (أو ما یمثل ٤٢٥٫٤حیازة األصول المالیة) نحو صافي(متضمنا يملیار جنیھ. وبلغ العجز الكل ٤٢٠٫٠دي بلغ نحـو عجز نق

).٣٥اإلجمالي) (جدول رقم يالمحل

العامة للدولةقطاع الموازنة -

اع الموازنة العامة للدولة (الجھاز اإلداري، واإلدارة المحلیة، والھیئات الخدمیة) بلغ أن إجمالي اإلیرادات بقط يوتشیر البیانات أیضا إل

يملیار جنیھ. وبلغ العجز الكل ٤٢٣٫٤وبذلك یبلغ العجز النقدي نحـو جنیھ،ملیار ١٢٢٩٫١ملیار جنیھ، كما بلغ إجمالي النفقات نحو ٨٠٥٫٧نحو

).٣٥اإلجمالي) (جدول رقم يمن الناتج المحل ٪٩٫٨ملیار جنیھ (أو ما یمثل ٤٣٢٫٧ لمالیة) نحواحیازة األصول صافي(متضمنا

يإجمالي الدین العام المحل - ،٢٠١٨ سبتمبراإلجمالي) فـي نھایة ي٪ مــن الناتج المحل٧٤٫٠ملیار جنیھ (أو ما یمثل ٣٨٨٧٫٨نحو يبلغ إجمالي الدین العام المحل

يرصید الدین المحل صافيبنك االستثمار القومي، وبلغ ىعل٪٦٫٧و االقتصادیة،الھیئات العامة ىعل ٪٨٫٥والحكومـة، يمستحق عـل ٪٨٤٫٨منـھ

السنة مبر منالفترة یولیو/ سبت ملیار جنیھ خالل ١٧٦٫٧، بزیادة قدرھا نحو ٢٠١٨ سبتمبرجنیھ في نھایة ملیار ٣٢٩٨٫٥ الحكومة نحو يالمستحق عل

صافيملیار جنیھ. أما ١٢٫٧ملیار جنیھ بارتفاع قدره نحو ٣٣٠٫٣نحو رصید مدیونیة الھیئات العامة االقتصادیة صافي. وبلغ ٢٠١٨/٢٠١٩المالیة

األوراق المالیة الحكومیة فيبنك وكذا استثمارات ال االقتصادیة،مدیونیة بنك االستثمار القومي مطروحا منھ المدیونیة البینیة للبنك مع الھیئات العامة

).٣٦ملیار جنیھ (جدول رقم ٢٫٠ملیار جنیھ بارتفاع قدره ٢٥٩٫٠ (أذون وسندات)، فقد بلغ نحو

Page 7: ى ا ى ا ا - Enterpriseenterprise.press/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Bulletin_264.march_.20191-2.pdf- 4 - - 3- ﻲﺟرﺎﺧﻟا عﺎطﻘﻟا :ﺎﯾﻧﺎﺛ تﺎﻋوﻓدﻣﻟا

- 6 –

- 5 -

القطاع الحقیقي رابعا:

الناتج واإلنتاج -، ٢٠١٨/٢٠١٩ملیار جنیھ خالل الربع األول من السنة المالیة ٨٩٥٫٩) نحو ٢٠١٦/٢٠١٧إلنتاج (باألسعار الثابتة بلغ الناتج المحلي اإلجمالي بتكلفة عوامل ا

٪، وكان من أھم القطاعات المساھمــة في معدل الـنمو للناتـج المحلي ٥٫٠ملیار جنیھ خالل الربع المناظر من السنة المالیة السابقة بمعدل نمو ٨٥٣٫٠مقابل

وبلغ النـاتج المـحـلي اإلجمالي بتكلفة عوامل اإلنتاج .السیاحة، االستخراجات، تجارة الجملة والتجزئة، الزراعة، االتصاالت، والصناعات التحویلیةالحقیقي،

).٤٢ ،٤١ ي(جدول٪. ٢٠٫٠معدل نمـو مسجال ملیـار جنیھ ١١٢٣٫٦ملیـار جنیھ مقابل ١٣٤٨٫١(باألسعار الجاریة) نحو

، ٢٠١٨/٢٠١٩ملیار جنیھ خالل الربع األول مـن السنة المالیة ٩٢٣٫٩) نحو ٢٠١٦/٢٠١٧ا بلغ الناتج المحلي اإلجمالي بسعر السوق (باألسعار الثابتة كم

ي بسـعر السـوق (بـــاألسـعاربلــغ الـناتج المحـلي اإلجـمالفي حین ،٪٥٫٣بمعدل نمو الربع المناظر من السنة المالیة السابقة خالل ھملیار جنی ٨٧٧٫٠بل مقا

).٤٤، ٤٣ ي٪ (جدول٢٠٫٣بمعدل نمو ملیار جنیھ ١١٦٧٫٦مقابل ملیار جنیھ ١٤٠٤٫١نحو الجـاریة)

، ٢٠١٧/٢٠١٨ملیار جنیـھ خــالل الفترة یولیو/مارس مـن السنة المالیة ٤٠٠٥٫٦)، فقـد بلـغ ٢٠١٦/٢٠١٧أمـا اإلنتاج المحلي اإلجمالي (باألسعار الثابتة

نتاج المحلي (باألسعار الجاریـة) ). وبلـغ اإل٤٦٪ (جدول رقم ٥٫١ملیار جنیھ خالل الفترة المناظرة من السنة المالیة السابقة بمعدل نمو ٣٨١٠٫٣مقابـل

).٤٧٪ (جدول رقم ٢٩٫٥ملیار جنیھ بمعدل نمو ٣٨١٠٫٣ملیار جنیھ مقابل ٤٩٣٣٫٥نحو

االستثمارات المنفذة - ، بمـعـدل٢٠١٨/٢٠١٩لسنـة المـالیة مـلیـار جنیــھ خـالل الربـع األول من ا ٢٠٠٫٠بلغ إجمالي االسـتـثـمارات المـنـفـذة باألسعار الجـاریة نحــو

٪ استثمارات ٤٠٫٠٪ من إجمالي تلك االستثمارات، مقابل ٦٠٫٠قام القطاع الخاص بتنفیذ نحو ومقارنة بالربع المناظر من السنة المالیة السابقة، ٪٣٣٫٣نمـو

).٤٥رقم (جدول عامة

معدل التضخم: العام واألساسي -ارتفاع���ا ٢٠١٩ م���ارس ١٠القیاس���ي الع���ام ألس���عار المس���تھلكین (حض���ر) ال���ذي أعلن���ھ الجھ���از المرك���زي للتعبئ���ة العام���ة واإلحص���اء ف���ي س���جل ال���رقم

، كم���ا ارتف���ع المع���دل الس���نوي للتض���خم الع���ام إل���ى ٢٠١٩ ین���ایر٪ خ���الل ش���ھر ٠٫٦بمع���دل ارتفاع���ھمقاب���ل ٢٠١٩ فبرای���ر٪ خ���الل ش���ھر ١٫٧ش���ھریا بمع���دل

المع����د م����ن قب����ل البن����ك -المع����دل الش����ھري للتض����خم األساس����ي ك����ذلك ارتف����عو. ٢٠١٩ ین����ایر٪ خ����الل ش����ھر ١٢٫٧مقاب����ل ٢٠١٩ ی����رفبرا٪ ف����ي ١٤٫٤نح����و

مقاب���ل ٢٠١٩ فبرای���ر٪ ف���ي ٩٫٢، وس���جل مع���دال س���نویا بل���غ ٢٠١٩ ین���ایرخ���الل ش���ھر ٪٠٫٤٪، مقاب���ل ١٫٠إل���ى ٢٠١٩ فبرای���رف���ي -المرك���زي المص���ري

. للمزی���د م���ن التفاص���یل یرج���ي الرج���وع إل���ي ص���فحة البن���ك المرك���زي المص���ري عل���ي ش���بكة المعلوم���ات الدولی���ة )٤٠(ج���دول رق���م ٢٠١٩ ین���ایر٪ ف���ي ٨٫٦


معدل التضخم وفقـا ألسعار المنتجین - سجل الرقــم القیاسي العام ألسعار المنتجین ، ٢٠١٨ دیسمبر٪ خالل شھر ٤٫٢بمعدل انخفاضھ، مقابل ٢٠١٩ ینایرخالل شھر ٪ ١٫٨شھریا بمعدل ارتفاعا

تابع). ٤٠٪ (جدول رقم ٩٫٠٪، مقـابل ٧٫٨وسجل ارتفاعا سنویا بمعدل

الذھب -

، كما بلغ متوسط سعـر ٢٠١٨ر ٪ مقارنة بشھر نوفمب٢٫٣بارتفاع بلغ معدلھ ٢٠١٨جنیھا خـالل شھـر دیسمبر ٥٢٣٨٫٦بلـغ متوسط سعر الجنیھ الذھب نحـو

تابع). ٤٠(جدول رقم ٢٠١٨جنیھا خالل شھر دیسمبر ٥٣٥٫٨نحو ١٨جنیھا، وعیار ٦٢٥٫١نحـو ٢١الجرام مــن الذھب عیار

الكھرباء -

، حیث انخفضت كل من الطاقة ٢٠١٨مقارنة بشھر أكتوبر ٢٠١٨٪ خالل شھر نوفمبر ١٢٫٨انخفض إجمالي الطاقة الكھربائیة المولدة والمشتراة بمعدل

٪ مــن ٨٨٫٧بتوزیع الطاقة المستخدمة التي تمثل و .٪٢٨٫٠مــن المشروعات االستثماریة المنتجة للطاقة بمعدل ٪، والطاقة المشتراة١١٫٣المولــدة بمعدل

٪ في االستخدامات ٢٤٫١٪ في األغراض الصناعیــة، و٢٨٫٥و٪ منـھا استخـدم في األغراض المنزلیة، ٤١٫٣إجمالي الطاقـة المولــدة والمشتراة، یتضح أن

).٥٠٪ تم بیعھ لدول الربط الدولي (جدول رقم ٠٫٤٪ في األغراض التجاریة، و٥٫٧و األخرى،

األسمنت -

بینم�ا، ٢٠١٨ ن�وفمبرـة بش�ھر مقارن� ٢٠١٨ دیس�مبر٪ خ�الل ش�ھر ٢٦٫٢إجمالي المبیع�ات بمع�دل و ٪،٢٨٫٥إجمالي اإلنتاج من األسمنت بمعدل رتفع كل منا

).٥١(جدول رقم ٢٠١٨ دیسمبر٪ خالل شھر ٠٫٢متوسط أسعار المستھلك بمعدل انخفض

حدید التسلیح -، ٢٠١٨ نوفمبرمقارنـة بشھر ٢٠١٨ دیسمبر٪ خالل شھر ١٧٫٠إجمالي المبیعات بمعدل بینما انخفض ٪، ٨٫٨إجمالي اإلنتاج من حدید التسلیح بمعدل رتفعا

).٥٢(جدول رقم .٢٠١٨ دیسمبر٪ خالل شھر ٠٫٢متوسط أسعار المستھلك بمعدل رتفع كما ا

تعاریف ومصطلحات

يالقطاع المال أوال:


.لدیھوالبنوك المسجلة المصري المركزيیتضمن البنك

:)0M( االحتیاطينقود

وتعتب�ر األس�اس للنق�ود بتعریفاتھ�ا لدی�ھ،وودائع البن�وك بالعمل�ة المحلی�ة المركزيلنقد المتداول خارج خزائن البنك تتكون نقود االحتیاطي من ا

إدارة الس�یولة ف�يوتس�تخدم كأح�د األھ�داف التش�غیلیة الوس�یطة للسیاس�ة النقدی�ة الق�وة،ویطلق علیھا أحیانا القاع�دة النقدی�ة أو النق�ود عالی�ة األوسع،

.المركزيللبنك الماليوتمثل نقود االحتیاطي واألصول المقابلة لھا تبویب آخر لبنود المركز ،)2M(المحلیة


یظھر حجم السیولة الذي) مبوبة بالشكل ي(متضمنا البنك المركز ي) ویمثل المیزانیة الموحدة للجھاز المصرفالنقديویطلق علیھ أیضا (المسح

ياألصول والخصوم غیر المبوبة) ف صافياألصول األجنبیة والمحلیة (بما فیھا صافيوجانب يف )[M2]قود بمعناھا الواسعالمحلیة (كمیة الن


:)2M( السیولة المحلیة

النقود.وأشباه الجاریة،أو ما یعرف بكمیة وسائل الدفع (M1) يتتكون من المعروض النقد

:)1M( يالمعروض النقد

كافة وحدات الجھاز يوالودائع الجاریة غیر الحكومیة بالعملة المحلیة لد الجمھور، يلد يأ يیتكون من النقد المتداول خارج الجھاز المصرف

المشتراة.مطروحا منھا أرصدة الشیكات والحواالت يالمصرف


والودائع بالعمالت األجنبیة غیر الحكومیة الجاریة (مطروحا منھا الشیكات المحلیة،تتكون من الودائع غیر الجاریة غیر الحكومیة بالعملة

.يالمصرفكافة وحدات الجھاز يوالحواالت المشتراة) وغیر الجاریة لد

األجنبیة:األصول صافي

ویمثل المقیمین،منھا التزاماتھ تجاه غیر غیر المقیمین مطروحا يعل ياألصول األجنبیة األصول المستحقة للجھاز المصرف صافيیمثل بند

المعنیة.خالل الفترة ي) مع العالم الخارجي(بما فیھ البنك المركز يمعامالت الجھاز المصرف صافيتغیر ھذا البند


ألوراق المالیة والتسھیالت االئتمانیة ا يوتتكون ھذه المطلوبات من االستثمار ف المحلیة،من القطاعات يیمثل مطلوبات الجھاز المصرف

منھا يوبالنسبة للحكومة یستبعد من مطلوبات الجھاز المصرف ،يالمصرف(بالعملة المحلیة والعمالت األجنبیة) الممنوحة لھذه القطاعات من الجھاز

القطاعات. يقتختلف عن نظیرتھا بالنسبة لودائع با يالحكومیة لدیھ نظرا لطبیعة ھذه الودائع والت الودائع

Page 8: ى ا ى ا ا - Enterpriseenterprise.press/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Bulletin_264.march_.20191-2.pdf- 4 - - 3- ﻲﺟرﺎﺧﻟا عﺎطﻘﻟا :ﺎﯾﻧﺎﺛ تﺎﻋوﻓدﻣﻟا

- 7 - - 8 -

والخصم:سعر اإلقراض حوزتھا يف يأو اعادة خصم للكمبیاالت الت وسلفیات،شكل قروض يللبنوك سواء ف يیمنحھا البنك المركز يالتسھیالت االئتمانیة الت يھو سعر العائد عل

یحددھا. يوفقا للشروط الت

:يالمصرالجنیھ يأسعار العائد علأساس متوسط األسعار لكافة البنوك وذلك يالودائع أو القروض یتم حسابھا عل يیجدر التنویھ أن ما یرد ذكره من أسعار للعوائد بھذه النشرة سواء عل

آخر. يالختالف األسعار من بنك إل

البنوك:أسعار العائد بین .ياألخرالبنوك يالبنوك بالعملة المحلیة لد ایداعات يیمثل متوسط أسعار العائد عل

الودائع لمدة ثالثة أشھر: يأسعار العائد عل البنوك. يودائع العمالء لد يعل يتمثل متوسط معدالت العائد السنو

فأقل:القروض لمدة سنة يأسعار العائد عل لعمالئھا.ل ما تمنحھ من قروض وتسھیالت ائتمانیة تحصل علیھ البنوك مقاب الذي يتمثل متوسط معدالت العائد السنو

الخزانة: يعملیات اعادة شراء األذون عل يأسعار العائد عل السوق. يبھدف امتصاص أو ضخ سیولة من وال والبنوك، يتتم بین البنك المركز يتتحدد من خالل المزادات الت وھي

:يمؤشرات السالمة المالیة للقطاع المصرف

األصول المرجحة يعدة الرأسمالیة إلالقا بأوزان مخاطر

يبأوزان المخاطر ف األصول وااللتزامات العرضیة مرجحة يإجمال يالقاعدة الرأسمالیة منسوبة إل يإجمال :

نھایة فترة البیان.

يمن رأس المال إل يالشریحة األول األصول المرجحة بأوزان مخاطر

أو الخسائر ل (رأس المال المدفوع واالحتیاطیات واألرباح المحتجزةمن رأس الما ي: الشریحة األول

نھایة فترة البیان. ياألصول وااللتزامات العرضیة مرجحة بأوزان المخاطر ف يإجمال يالمرحلة) منسوبة إل

حتجزة أو الخسائر المرحلة) حقوق المساھمین (رأس المال المدفوع واالحتیاطیات واألرباح الم ي: إجمال األصول يحقوق الملكیة إل

البیان.نھایة فترة ياألصول ف يإجمال يمنسوبة إل

متوسط األصول. يالربح عن آخر سنة مالیة معتمدة منسوبا إل يصاف: متوسط األصول يالعائد عل

حقوق المساھمین. متوسط يالربح عن آخر سنة مالیة معتمدة منسوبا إل صافي: متوسط حقوق الملكیة يالعائد عل

متوسط األصول المدرة للعائد وفقا آلخر سنة مالیة معتمدة. يالدخل من العائد منسوبا إل صافي: ھامش العائد يصاف

األصول ياألوراق المالیة / اجمال

األصول يالودائع / اجمال ياجمال

الودائع يالقروض / اجمال ياجمال

نھایة ياألصول ف ياجمال ياألسھم والسندات ووثائق صنادیق االستثمار منسوبة ال يت البنوك ف: استثمارا


البیان.نھایة فترة ياألصول فــــ ياجمال ي: أرصدة ودائع العمالء منسوبة إل

بیان.نھایة فترة ال يأرصدة ودائع العمالء وذلك فـــــ ي: أرصدة اإلقراض والخصم منسوبة إل

:)GOR( االحتیاطیات الرسمیة ياجمال

أساس تقییمھ ي(علوتتكون من الذھب )،المقیمین غیر يالخارج (لد يوالمستثمرة ف يالبنك المركز ياألصول األجنبیة لد يیعبر عن اجمال

واتفاقات الدفع المبرمة مع بالخارج،المراسلین يدائع لداألوراق المالیة األجنبیة، والو ي، ووحدات حقوق السحب الخاصة، واالستثمارات فشھریا) .يالدولصندوق النقد يواالحتیاطیات لد الدول،بعض

:)NIR( االحتیاطیات الدولیة صافي

األجل.االحتیاطیات الرسمیة مطروحا منھ االلتزامات األجنبیة قصیرة يیعبر عن اجمال

:)Reserve Assets Official( الرسمیةاألصول االحتیاطیة

غیر ياألصول الخارجیة ذات الطبیعة السائلة والموجودة تحت تصرف وسیطرة السلطات النقدیة، وتكون بالعمالت األجنبیة ومستحقة عل يھ

، واألوراق يالبات االخر، والنقدیة والودائع والمطيصندوق النقد الدول يلد يالمقیمین وتتكون من الذھب وحقوق السحب الخاصة ومركز االحتیاطالمؤسسات يتتمتع بدرجة عالیة من السیولة وقابلة للتداول). وفقا لھذا فقد تم استبعاد أرصدة المساھمات ف يالملكیة والسندات الت (حقوقالمالیة

الیھا. الحاجةا وقت المالیة الدولیة واإلقلیمیة واتفاقیات الدفع المبرمة مع بعض الدول باعتبارھا أصول لیس من السھل تسییلھ

:)Other Foreign Assets( ياألخراألصول األجنبیة العكس من األصول يالسلطات النقدیة غیر المدرجة ضمن األصول االحتیاطیة الرسمیة. وعل يھي تلك األصول السائلة بالعمالت األجنبیة لد

المقیمین. يأن تكون مطالبات عل خارجیة، فیمكناالحتیاطیة الرسمیة، فان ھذه األصول لیست بالضرورة أصوال

يالقطاع الخارج ثانیا:

المدفوعات:میزان -

(غی�ر مق��یم) خ�الل فت��رة زمنی�ة مح��ددة ، ي(مق��یم) والع�الم الخ��ارج يیس��جل المع�امالت االقتص��ادیة ب�ین االقتص��اد المحل� يھ�و بی��ان احص�ائ تص�نف يقیمین وغی�ر المقیم�ین المع�امالت المتعلق�ة بالس�لع والخ�دمات وال�دخل ، والمع�امالت الت�تتم بین الم يوتشمل المعامالت االقتصادیة الت

، وتنقس�م مع�امالت می�زان الم�دفوعات يتتضمن أصوال وخصوما مالیة مع العالم الخارج يكتحویالت بدون مقابل مثل المنح ، والمعامالت التوالمعامالت الرأسمالیة والمالیة ، ویتم اعداد المی�زان وفق�ا للطبع�ة الخامس�ة ل�دلیل می�زان المعامالت الجاریة يمجموعتین من المعامالت ھ يال

يیمك�ن استخالص�ھا م�ن می�زان الم�دفوعات ف� ي) ، وتتمث�ل أھ�م المؤش�رات الت�١٩٩٣(س�بتمبر يالمدفوعات الصادر ع�ن ص�ندوق النق�د ال�دول، ياالجم�ال يالن�اتج المحل� يونس�بتھ ال� ياردات السلعیة ، وموقف المی�زان الج�ار، ونسبة تغطیة الصادرات السلعیة للو يموقف المیزان التجار

يالمع�امالت الس�لعیة، وع�دد ش�ھور ال�واردات الت� ي، ونس�بة الس�ھو والخط�أ ال� ياالجمال يالناتج المحل يونسبتھ ال يوكذا العجز / الفائض الكل االحتیاطیات الدولیة . يصافیغطیھا

ة:الجاریحساب المعامالت مقابل.التحویالت بدون صافيوومیزان الدخل يوالمیزان الخدم يالمیزان التجار يوینقسم ال

: ویشمل يالمیزان التجار

أنھ�ا ال تش�مل يأ يحی�ث ی�تم تقییمھ�ا عن�د الح�دود الجمركی�ة لالقتص�اد المص�ر )،أساس (ف�وب يحصیلة الصادرات السلعیة وتقدر عل -

.يالخارجوتتضمن صادرات المناطق الحرة للعالم لتأمین،وامصاریف الشحن والنولون

تش�مل مص�اریف الش�حن والنول�ون والت�أمین كم�ا أنھ�ا تش�مل واردات يأساس (س�یف) أ يالمدفوعات عن الواردات السلعیة وتقدر عل -

.يالخارجالمناطق الحرة من العالم

:الخدمیةالمعامالت میزان يفوعات النقل والحكومة والسفر ، ویتم تقدیر متحصالت السفر (االیرادات السیاحیة) المدرجة فمتحصالت ومد يوتتمثل أھم بنودھا ف

.اللیلة المقدر باالتفاق مع ھذه الوزارة يالسیاحیة (وفقا لبیانات وزارة السیاحة) ومتوسط انفاق السائح ف يأساس عدد اللیال يالمدفوعات عل

Page 9: ى ا ى ا ا - Enterpriseenterprise.press/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Bulletin_264.march_.20191-2.pdf- 4 - - 3- ﻲﺟرﺎﺧﻟا عﺎطﻘﻟا :ﺎﯾﻧﺎﺛ تﺎﻋوﻓدﻣﻟا

الدخل: ٠مدفوعات دخل االستثمار ویشمل متحصالت و

يأوراق مالی�ة أو عل� يالخ�ارج س�واء كان�ت اس�تثمارات مباش�رة أو اس�تثمارات ف� يوتتض�من عوائ�د االس�تثمارات ف�: متحصالت دخ�ل االس�تثمار -

٠األجنبیة البنوك يالودائع ف

كم�ا أنھ�ا ٠الق�روض والتس�ھیالت الخارجی�ة وودائ�ع غی�ر المقیم�ین يدفوع�ة عل�الفوائ�د الم يوتتمث�ل أھ�م بنودھ�ا ف�: مدفوعات دخل االس�تثمار -

٠األوراق المالیة المحولة للخارج يتتضمن عوائد االستثمارات األجنبیة المباشرة واالستثمارات ف

التحویالت: صافي

.الخارج يتتضمن المنح والھبات من وإل يت الرسمیة والتكما تشمل التحویال بالخارج،وتشمل التحویالت الخاصة ومن أھمھا تحویالت العاملین

والمالي:الحساب الرأسمالي

الحساب ي، وتسجل ف يوالحساب المال يحركة رؤوس األموال ، ویضم عنصرین رئیسیین ھما الحساب الرأسمال يوالمال يیشمل الحساب الرأسمال

يالمستحق عل يملكیة أصول ثابتة أو قیام الدائن باسقاط الدین الخارج يتغییر ف يال يتؤد يتحویالت التتتكون من ال يالتحویالت الرأسمالیة والت يالرأسمال

يمقابل لھ ، كما تشمل حیازة األصول غیر المالیة أو التصرف فیھا مثل حقوق الملكیة الفكریة والشھرة التجاریة ، أما الحساب المال يأ يالمدین دون تلق

األصول وااللتزامات المالیة الخارجیة ، وتشمل االستثمارات األجنبیة المباشرة ، واستثمارات محفظة األوراق المالیة ، يالقتصاد ففتسجل فیھ معامالت ا

لعاملة التسھیالت االئتمانیة بآجالھا المختلفة والقروض متوسطة وطویلة األجل وإیداعات وإستثمارات البنوك ا يصافتشمل يوالت يوكذا االستثمارات األخر

٠ يمصر بالخارج وكذا األصول غیر االحتیاطیة والخصوم األجنبیة للبنك المركز يف

والخطأ:السھو صافي

للزیادة أو النقص ف (الفائض أو العجز يوھو عبارة عن الفرق بین المیزان الكل المدفوعات،میزان يتقدیر قیم العناصر المسجلة ف يیمثل بندا موازنا

٠ موع رصیدي المیزان الجاري والرأسمالي والمالي) ومجيالكل

:يالمیزان الكل

ووحدات حقوق السحب الخاصة يتشمل الذھب النقد يوالت يالبنك المركز ياألصول االحتیاطیة لد يأساس التغیر ف يعل يیتم احتساب المیزان الكل

٠األوراق المالیة واألذون يلین بالخارج واالستثمارات فالمراس يواالیداعات لد يصندوق النقد الدول يلد يومركز االحتیاط لدین الخارجي:ا

تقتضي يلغیر المقیمین والت معین،وقت يا يف ما،اقتصاد يالمقیمین ف يھو مبلغ الخصوم الجاریة الفعلیة ال االحتمالیة القائم عل يالدین الخارج ياجمال

عند نقطة أو نقاط زمنیة في المستقبل. ية و / أو المبلغ األصلأداء مدفوعات من جانب المدین لسداد الفائد

خدمة الدین:

یتم أداؤھا بالفعل للوفاء يمجموعة المدفوعات الت يالمدفوعات المتعلقة بالمبلغ األصلي والفائدة. وتعد خدمة الدین الفعلیة ھ يیشیر مصطلح خدمة الدین إل

المدفوعات المتأخرة. أما خدمة الدین المجدولة فھي مجموعة المدفوعات الالزم يلمبلغ األصلي والفائدة وأي رسوم علذلك ا يبما ف ،يالمعنبالتزام الدین

نھایة حیاة الدین المعني، بما في ذلك المبلغ األصلي والفائدة. يأداؤھا حت

طویل األجل: يالدین الخارج

أو أجل االستحقاق يأساس أجل االستحقاق االصل يویمكن تحدید أجل االستحقاق إما عل واحدة،من سنة أكثریبلغ أجل استحقاقھ الذي يھو الدین الخارج


األجل:قصیر يالدین الخارج

االستحقاق أساس أجل يأو عل ياساس اجل االستحقاق األصل يیبلغ أجل استحقاقھ سنھ واحدة أو أقل ویمكن تحدیدأجل االستحقاق إما عل الذيھو الدین


أجل االستحقاق األصلي:

التاریخ النھائي الستحقاقھا. يھو الفترة الزمنیة الممتدة من وقت إنشاء األصول/ الخصوم االقتصادیة ال

- 9 -


األجنبي يالمشتر ير في البلد المصدر بتقدیم قرض الھیئات ائتمان التصدی يأو احد يیقوم بموجبھ بنك أو مؤسسة مالیة أخر يھو ترتیب مال

بنك في البلد المستورد من أجل سداد قیمة مشتریات السلع والخدمات من البلد المصدر ویعرف ھذا االئتمان ایضا باسم االئتمان يمباشرة أو إل

سبیل المثال من خالل دفع سلف مقابل السلع والخدمات ي(عل البائع يال ياالئتمان المقدم مباشرة من المشتر يوال یشیر ھذا المصطلح ال ،يالمال



.يالمشتر يھو الترتیب التمویلي الذي یتم بموجبھ تقدیم االئتمان من المصدر إل


.يالقروض المقدمة من دائن ثنائ

األطراف:الدائنون متعددو

.يھؤالء الدائنون ھم مؤسسات متعددة األطراف كصندوق النقد الدولي والبنك الدولي وكذلك بنوك التنمیة المتعددة األطراف األخر

المساعدات اإلنمائیة الرسمیة:

تعتبر يوالت النامیة،الدول يیة فھو تشجیع التنمیة االقتصادیة والرفاھ يتدار من أجل تحقیق ھدف رئیس يالت يتدفقات التمویل الرسم يھ

)، وتضم تدفقات المساعدات االنمائیة الرسمیة ٪ ١٠االقل (باستخدام سعر خصم ثابت یبلغ يعل ٪ ٢٥ذات طابع میسر مع بلوغ عنصر المنحة فیھا

النامیة (اي "المساعدات اإلنمائیة الرسمیة الدول يجمیع المستویات ال يالمساھمات المقدمة من الھیئات الحكومیة المانحة عل السائد،بحكم العرف

وتضم متحصالت المساعدات اإلنمائیة الرسمیة الدفعات المنصرفة من المانحین الثنائیین والمؤسسات األطراف.المؤسسات متعددة يالثنائیة") وال

شجیع التصدیر، فیستبعد من المساعدات االنمائیة یكون الغرض الوحید منھ ھو ت الذيمتعددة االطراف، أما اإلقراض من ھیئات ائتمان التصدیر،


يقطاع مالیة الحكومة والدین المحل ثالثا:

العامة:العملیات المالیة الموحدة للحكومة - : يالوتنقسم تلك العملیات

مالیة الحكومة (الجھاز ية وموقف الفائض أو العجز فیشمل قطاع الموازنة العامة للدولة ویتضح فیھا بیان االیرادات والنفقات العام القسم األول :

للمفاھیم الدولیة- وتتضمن العملیات المالیة للحكومة ٠واالدارة المحلیة والھیئات الخدمیة) ومصادر تمویلھ ياالدار جانب الموارد : يف - وفقا

كما تشمل ٠) والمنحيمات واالستثمارات المالیة واالیرادات األخراالیرادات الضریبیة، وغیر الضریبیة (عوائد الملكیة وحصیلة بیع السلع والخد

جتماعیة جانب النفقات : األجور وتعویضات العاملین، والمشتریات من السلع والخدمات، والفوائد المحلیة والخارجیة ، والدعم والمنح والمزایا اإل يف

٠ يالمصروفات األخر يال، والمشتریات من األصول غیر المالیة (االستثمارات) بإالضافة

ویمثل ھذا القسم موجزا ٠ يوصنادیق التأمین االجتماع يویشمل القسم األول مضافا إلیھ العملیات المالیة الخاصة ببنك االستثمار القوم :يالثانالقسم

٠للعملیات المالیة الموحدة للحكومة العامة

الحكومة يالمستحق عل يالدین المحل صافي، يالتأمین االجتماع ي، والتسھیالت األئتمانیة من صندوقيواإلقتراض من جھات أخر القائمة،صید كل من األذون والسندات الحكومیة یمثل ر

تم يوالت يمدیونیة الحكومة لبنك االستثمار القوم ي، باالضافة اليالجھاز المصرف يأرصدة الحكومة لد يصافالدوالریة، و يوشھادة المصر

حدود رصید مدیونیة الحكومة يالحكومة ف ي،وتم نقل التزامات البنك لصنادیق التأمین والمعاشات ال ٢٠٠٦ /١/٧ارا من تصفیتھا اعتب

. ٣٠/٦/٢٠٠٦ يحت

العامة االقتصادیةمدیونیة الھیئات صافي ٠المصرفيالجھاز يذه الھیئات لدأرصدة ھ صافيو ،يالقومیشمل أقتراض الھیئات العامة االقتصادیة من بنك االستثمار

يبنك االستثمار القوم يعل المستحق يالمحلالدین تشمل: االستثمارات الحكومیة يوكذلك المدیونیة البینیة والت ،يالمصرفالجھاز يمطروحا منھا ودائعھ لد القومي،ویمثل مدیونیة بنك االستثمار

وقد توقف اقتراض الحكومھ القومي،تراض كل من الحكومة والھیئات العامة االقتصادیة من بنك االستثمار وأق المذكور،أذون وسندات قبل البنك يف

٠آنفاوتم تصفیة ھذه المدیونیة كما ذكر ٣٠/٦/٢٠٠٦من البنك المذكور أعتبارا من

- 10 -

Page 10: ى ا ى ا ا - Enterpriseenterprise.press/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Bulletin_264.march_.20191-2.pdf- 4 - - 3- ﻲﺟرﺎﺧﻟا عﺎطﻘﻟا :ﺎﯾﻧﺎﺛ تﺎﻋوﻓدﻣﻟا

)inflationore C( يمقیاس التضخم األساس رابعا:

أس�عار الم�واد الغذائی�ة يساسي من الرقم القیاسي العام ألسعار المستھلكین مستبعدا منھ أسعار السلع المحددة إداریا باإلضافة إل�یشتق معدل التضخم األ

م الخضروات والفاكھة، و یعد البنك المركزي المصري معدل التضخم األساسي كمؤشر توضیحي وتكمیلي وال یمكن اشتقاقھ ب�دون ال�رق ياألكثر تقلبا وھ

ع�ن مع�دل التض�خم القیاسي العام ألسعار المستھلكین المعد من قبل الجھاز المركزي للتعبئة العامة واإلحصاء، ولذا ال یعتبر معدل التض�خم األساس�ي ب�دیال

يی�ق لألس�باب المؤدی�ة إل�وفقا للرقم القیاسي العام ألسعار المستھلكین، ولذلك ف�إن الغ�رض الرئیس�ي إلع�داد مؤش�ر التض�خم األساس�ي ھ�و إج�راء تحلی�ل دق

.األسعار يالزیادة ف

والبنود المستبعدة من الرقم القیاسي العام ألسعار المستھلكین لحساب التضخم األساسي الذي یعده البنك المركزي المصري ھي:

من السلة السلعیة للمستھلكین. ٪٦٬٩العناصر الغذائیة األكثر تقلبا، وتمثل وھيالخضروات والفاكھة

من السلة السلعیة للمستھلكین. ٪١٨٬٦٦وتمثل العناصر المحددة إداریا

انتق�ال أث�ر تحس�ین معرف�ة الجمھ�ور ب�دینامیكیات التض�خم، وبالت�الي التقلی�ل م�ن يویھدف البنك المركزي المصري من نشر مقیاس التضخم األساسي إل�

ـذي یقلل بدوره من التـــــغیرات الحــــادة في التضخم.توقعات التضخم، األمـــــر الــ يصدمات األسعار المؤقتة إلــ

الطعام مستبعدا منھ الخضروات والفاكھة:

، وتش�مل الخب�ز والحب�وب ،والفاكھ�ةھو عبارة عن كل العناصر الغذائیة الت�ي تتض�منھا س�لة ال�رقم القیاس�ي الع�ام ألس�عار المس�تھلكین بخ�الف الخض�روات

الس�كریة،الس�كر واألغذی�ة جافة،جافة خضروات محفوظة ومعالجة والدھون، فاكھةاأللبان والجبن والبیض، الزیوت البحریة،المأكوالت األسماك و اللحوم،

من سلة الرقم القیاسي العام ألسعار المستھلكین. ٪٣١٬٠٨وتمثل والمشروبات، ،ياألخرالمواد الغذائیة


السلع المعمرة وغیر المعمرة التي تتضمنھا سلة الرقم القیاسي العام ألس�عار المس�تھلكین وتش�مل المالب�س واألقمش�ة وأغطی�ة الق�دم، ص�یانة عبارة عن يھ

ت المن�ازل ، المفروشات واألجھزة المنزلیة ، األدوات المنزلیة وأدوات المائ�دة، أدوات ومع�دا يوإصالح السكن ، األثاث ، السجاد وأغطیة األرضیات األخر

لیف�ون والف�اكس ، والحدائق، األدوات الصغیرة والمستلزمات المتنوعة ، مواد النظافة المنزلیة ، شراء المركبات ، قطع الغیار ، زیوت وشحومات ،مع�دات الت

.م القیاسي العام ألسعار المستھلكینمن سلة الرق ٪١٤٬٤٣معدات الصوت والصورة ومعدات التصویر وتجھیز المعلومات ، الترفیھ والخدمات الثقافیة، وتمثل

الخدمات المدفوعة:

واإلصالح وتأجیر الخدمات، التنظیفوتشمل تلك األفراد،ھي الخدمات التي تتضمنھا سلة الرقم القیاسي العام ألسعار المستھلكین التي عادة تقدم بواسطة

ص�یانة وإص�الح مع�دات النق�ل الطبی�ة،الخ�دمات المنزلی�ة،خ�دمات المن�ازل، إص�الح األجھ�زة المالبس، الخدمات المتنوعة المتصلة بالسكن، خدمات محلیة و

من السلة. ٪٥٬٨٧وتمثل الشخصي،محالت تصفیف الشعر والعنایة بالمظھر خصوصیة،دروس والصورة،وإصالح معدات الصوت الشخصي، صیانة

: يالخدمات األخر

المحتسب جدید، اإلیجارمات المدفوعة التي تتضمنھا سلة الرقم القیاسي العام ألسعار المستھلكین وتشمل إیجار قانون بخالف الخد يالخدمات األخر ھي

رح�الت الح�ج والعم�رة، خ�دمات الثقافی�ة،الخ�دمات والریاض�یة،الخدمات الترفیھی�ة خدمات التلیفون المحمول، النقل،خدمات المستشفیات،خدمات للسكن،

من السلة. ٪٢٣٬٠٦وتمثل خاص،اعم والمقاھي وما شابھھما، مصاریف تعلیم المط الفنادق،

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א אאאIndicators Main Macroeconomic

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2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

م م م م + م م أ أ م د

June June June June June + June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.

Financial & Monetary Sector اع ا واى

Growth rate of reserve money (M0) 20.6 14.6 33.3 -1.6 20.8 24.0 37.5 20.7 20.1 0.7 2.0 -5.5 -2.7 (M0) طد ام ل

Growth rate of money supply (M1) 25.4 19.3 21.6 14.8 23.5 16.0 16.6 16.6 13.8 14.4 13.8 13.4 11.7 (M1) ىوض اا ل

Domestic liquidity growth rate (M2) 18.4 17.0 16.4 18.6 39.3 18.4 17.9 17.0 16.4 15.4 14.0 13.3 11.9 (M2) ا ا ل

Money multiplier (M2 / M0) 4.08 4.16 3.63 4.38 5.05 4.82 4.71 4.96 5.04 5.24 5.31 5.94 5.51 (M2 / M0) دا

Currency in circulation / money supply 70.0 66.0 58.6 60.5 59.2 53.5 53.8 54.0 52.8 53.2 53.2 52.9 53.3 ا ااول / اوض اى

M2/GDP** 69.67 71.20 72.24 77.30 84.10 77.85 74.16 75.21 75.94 76.24 76.63 77.64 77.88 **ا ا ا / ا ا

Income velocity of money (GDP**/M2) 1.44 1.40 1.38 1.29 1.19 1.28 1.35 1.33 1.32 1.31 1.30 1.29 1.28 ( ا ا / **ا ا ا ) د ا ا

Growth rate of domestic liquidity in local currency 18.0 19.5 17.3 17.8 25.6 23.1 21.5 19.1 18.3 16.8 15.3 14.3 13.1 ا ا ا ل

M2 in local currency /GDP** 57.62 60.12 61.48 65.35 64.09 61.69 58.65 59.62 60.36 60.53 60.90 61.73 62.02 ** ا ا ا / ا ا ا

Total deposits growth rate 17.18 18.07 18.23 18.66 43.00 20.66 19.70 18.79 17.90 16.55 15.03 14.02 12.32 داا إ ل ا

Household deposits/ total deposits 77.9 78.6 75.5 75.7 77.6 78.6 79.0 78.8 78.8 79.1 79.2 79.1 79.6 داا إ / ع اا ودا

Growth rate of local currency deposits 16.3 21.5 19.8 17.7 26.8 27.4 24.8 22.0 20.7 18.60 16.9 15.5 13.9 ا داا ل ا

Household local currency deposits/ total local currency deposits 82.7 82.4 77.9 78.4 81.8 82.0 82.6 82.3 82.2 82.7 82.7 82.5 83.2 ا داا إ / ا ع اا ودا

Foreign currency deposits /total deposits 21.25 18.95 17.86 18.53 27.78 23.78 23.94 23.80 23.45 23.51 23.40 23.33 23.20 داا إ / ت ا داا

Foreign currency deposits growth rate 20.5 5.3 11.4 23.1 114.4 3.3 5.9 9.7 9.5 10.4 9.4 9.5 7.2 ت ا داا ل ا

Household foreign currency deposits / total foreign currency deposits 60.3 62.5 64.3 63.8 66.7 67.7 67.6 67.4 67.7 67.4 67.8 67.7 67.8 ت ا داا إ / ت ا ع اا ودا

Private business sector credit / total credit 27.5 24.0 22.7 20.5 23.9 23.2 22.6 22.3 22.1 21.9 21.8 21.7 21.9 ان ع ال اص / إ ان

Net claims on the government / total credit 59.8 64.3 65.3 67.3 63.6 64.1 64.7 65.0 65.3 65.4 65.5 65.7 65.5 ات ا / إ ان

Banking density (population in thousand for each banking unit) 23.2 23.4 23.6 23.4 23.7 23.4 23.4 23.3 ( ةو ند ا) ا ا

Note issue /GDP** 14.20 13.61 12.88 13.63 13.06 10.97 10.27 10.66 10.47 10.34 10.29 10.27 10.30 **ا ا ر / اا ا

Equity /assets*** 6.9 6.9 6.5 5.8 7.1 7.1 7.0 7.0 6.9 6.4 6.3 6.5 6.5 ق ا / ال***

Loans and discount balances to customers / assets*** 35.1 32.4 32.7 33.1 32.3 32.1 31.7 31.4 31.3 31.1 31.7 33.4 33.2 ااض وا ء / ال***

Loans and discount balances to customers / deposits with banks *** 46.3 41.1 41.4 44.5 47.1 45.9 45.7 45.5 45.7 46.2 47.3 47.7 47.6 ااض وا ء / ادا ى اك ***

Deposits /assets*** 75.9 78.7 78.9 74.4 68.5 69.9 69.4 69.1 68.5 67.4 67.1 70.0 69.8 ادا / ال***

Securities ( including TBs) /assets*** 41.8 45.4 46.2 45.1 34.8 33.1 33.5 33.7 33.2 33.5 32.2 35.0 33.6 اوراق ا ( اذون اام ) / ال ***

Securities ( including TBs) / deposits *** 55.1 57.8 58.6 60.7 50.8 47.3 48.3 48.8 48.4 49.8 47.9 50.0 48.1 *** داا / ( اما ذونا ) وراق اا

Loans to private sector /total loans to customers*** 83.6 84.0 80.5 70.6 63.9 61.8 61.4 61.8 61.8 61.0 59.3 58.7 59.1 اوض ا ع اص / إ اوض ا ء ***

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018

End of م م م م م أ أ م د ا آ

June June June June June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb.

Net International Reserves (US$ mn) 16687 20082 17546 31305 44259 44315 44419 44459 44501 44513 42551 42617 44060 اطت او (ن دور)

Gross official reserves (US$ mn) 16710 20104 17570 31307 44262 44318 44422 44463 44505 44516 42555 42621 44064 إ اطت ا (ن دور)

NIR in months of merchandise imports 3.3 3.9 3.7 6.4 8.4 7.9 7.9 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.6 x7.6

x7.9 وت اطا ا اردات ار ا د

in exchange rate in the previous volumes.

* ت ا أس ى.

*** With banks operating in Egypt, except the CBE.

* Growth rates are calculated on an annual basis.

** The GDP for the year ended in each quarter, was calculated according to the quarterly GDP data provided by the Ministry of Planning, Monitoring and Administrative Reform.

.٢٠١٩/٢٠١٨ ا ا د/ ةل ا اردات اس اأ رة x

.اد اا فا د ا اتا ع اا ٢٠١٦. و ٣ م فا ٢٠١٧/٢٠١٦ ا ت ا +

+ The FY 2016 /17 witnessed the liberalization of the exchange rate on 3rd November 2016. Reference may be made to the indicators by excluding the effect of change

** ب ا ا ا ا ر ادا امت ا ااردة ا وزارة ا وا واح ادارى.

Main Macroeconomic Indicators


ا دات اا أ

End of * * آ



- 13 - - 12 -

x Estimated on the basis of merchandise imports during July/ December of FY 2018/2019.

*** ى اك ا ا ا اى اى.

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2016/2017+ 2018/2019+(*)

ما ا ا ا اا ا ا اول ما ا ا ا اا ا ا اول

2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017+ 2017/2018+(*) Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1

External Sector رع اا

Balance of Payments (%) ان ات (%)

Merchandise Exports / Merchandise Imports 43.2 36.3 32.6 36.8 40.9 34.0 37.7 40.0 39.6 38.7 42.2 43.1 40.7 اردات اا / درات اا

Service Receipts / Service Payments 190.3 197.1 168.4 157.4 207.3 131.4 170.5 184.2 200.6 194.5 200.8 235.8 261.3 ت اا / ت اا

Current Receipts / Current Payments 96.4 84.5 72.4 80.5 92.6 75.4 84.2 91.7 90.9 91.2 90.5 97.6 91.9 رت اا / را ا

Current Receipts (Excluding Official Transfers) / Current Payments 80.9 81.1 72.2 80.3 92.3 75.2 84.2 91.3 90.7 91.1 90.4 97.0 91.7 رت اا / ( ت اون ا ) را ا

Services Balance / Trade Deficit 24.2 27.5 16.9 15.1 29.8 7.8 16.9 26.7 32.0 25.0 27.3 35.4 43.3 اان ا / اان ارى

Trade Balance / GDP -11.2 -11.7 -11.5 -15.9 -14.9 -4.3 -3.9 -3.7 -3.6 -3.9 -3.7 -3.7 -3.8 ا ا رى / اان اا

Current Account / GDP -0.9 -3.6 -5.9 -6.1 -2.4 -2.0 -1.2 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.8 -0.2 -0.7 ا ا رى / اان اا

Overall Balance / GDP 0.5 1.1 -0.8 5.8 5.1 2.2 1.7 1.2 2.0 0.2 2.1 0.7 0.1 ا ا ا / ان اا

FDI in Egypt (net) / GDP 1.4 1.9 2.1 3.4 3.1 1.0 1.0 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.7 0.4 ا ا ا / () ا ر اا

External Debt (%) (%) را ا

External Debt / GDP 15.1 14.4 16.6 33.6 37.0 28.7 31.5 33.6 32.3 33.1 35.2 37.0 35.4 ا ا ا / را ا

External Debt / Exports of Goods and Services ** 106.0 109.1 160.3 212.9 195.8 200.2 210.4 212.9 201.8 193.3 193.9 195.8 188.1 **وا درات اا / را ا

Short-term External Debt / Total External Debt 7.9 5.4 12.6 15.5 13.3 17.7 17.1 15.5 14.9 13.4 13.0 13.3 12.3 را ا إ/ة ا رن اا

Long-term External Debt / Total External Debt 92.1 94.6 87.4 84.5 86.7 82.3 82.9 84.5 85.1 86.6 87.0 86.7 87.7 را ا إ / ا ط را ا

Short-term External Debt / Net International Reserves 21.9 12.8 40.0 39.2 27.8 49.2 44.2 39.2 33.0 30.1 27.0 27.8 25.9 وت اطا / ا را ا

Government External Debt / Total External Debt 63.1 53.5 43.8 44.1 51.4 39.0 43.6 44.1 44.9 46.7 49.6 51.4 50.7 را ا إ / ا را ا

Government External Debt / GDP 9.5 7.7 7.3 14.8 19.0 11.2 13.7 14.8 14.5 15.5 17.5 19.0 18.0 ا ا ا / ا را ا

External Debt Service / Exports of Goods & Services 7.4 12.7 14.6 19.7 28.0 14.7 13.7 21.4 15.8 60.3 20.1 17.8 16.4 وا درات اا /را ا

External Debt Service / Current Receipts 4.3 8.5 9.8 12.3 17.8 8.7 8.3 13.6 10.3 36.6 12.8 11.3 11.3 را ا /را ا

Interest Payments / Exports of Goods & Services 1.6 1.5 2.4 3.3 4.6 3.8 3.0 3.4 5.6 4.0 5.4 3.5 6.3 وا درات اا / ا اا

Interest Payments / Current Receipts 1.0 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.9 2.3 1.9 2.2 3.7 2.4 3.4 2.2 4.4 را ا / ا اا

External Debt per Capita (US$) 506.4 513.5 573.1 754.1 883.9 691.9 705.0 754.1 771.2 790.8 841.2 883.9 873.6 م اد ا ار (دور)

+ Provisional. . أر +

** Merchandise and services exports are calculated quarterly on an annual basis. .ر ى سأ وا درات اب ا **


ا دات اا أMain Macroeconomic Indicators

- 15 - - 14 -


السنوات المالیة

(*) The annual GDP is calculated in US dollar by having the sum total of the quarterly GDP released by the Ministry of Planning, Monitoring and Adminstrative

Reform after being evaluated in US dollar based on the average exchange rate for each quarter..ر فا ر وو ،دارىح او ا و ا وزارة ا اردة اا ا ا ا ت ام ط رو ىا ا ا ب ا (*)

Fiscal Years

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Fiscal Sector ا ع

Consolidated Fiscal Operations of the General Government (%) (%) ا ةا ت اا

Expenditures as a percentage of GDP .. ا ا ا إ ت ما

Revenues as a percentage of GDP .. ا ا ا إ ادات ما

Cash Balance as a percentage of GDP .. ا ا ا إ ى ما ا

Overall Fiscal Balance as a percentage of GDP .. ا ا ا إ م ا ا

Primary Balance as a percentage of GDP .. ا ا ا إ م وا ا

Fiscal Operations of the State Budget (%) (%) ا ازم ت اا

Expenditures as a percentage of GDP 30.2 ا ا ا إ ت ما

Wages & Compensations of Employees/ Total Expenditures 26.1 ار وت ا/ إ ات

Domestic & Foreign Interest / Total Expenditures 29.8 اا ا وار/ إ ات

Subsidies, Grants & Social Benefits/ Total Expenditures 24.6 ا وا واا ا/ إ ات

Purchases of Goods & Services/ Total Expenditures 4.4 اء ا وات/ إ ات

Purchases of Non-Financial Assets (Investments)/ Total Expenditures 8.5 اء أل (ارات)/ إ ات

Other/ Total Expenditures 6.6 أى/ إ ات

Revenues as a percentage of GDP 18.1 ا ا ا إ ادات ما

Tax Revenues/ Total Revenues 71.7 اادات ا/ إ اادات

Property Income/ Total Revenues 14.1 ا ا/ إ اادات

Sales of Goods & Services/ Total Revenues 5.9 ا وات/ إ اادات

Grants/ Total Revenues 0.7 ا/ إ اادات

Financing Investment/ Total Revenues .. ارات/ إ اادات

Other/ Total Revenues .. أى/ إ اادات

Cash Balance as a percentage of GDP -12.1 ا ا ا إ ى ما ا

Overall Fiscal Balance as a percentage of GDP -12.5 ا ا ا إ م ا ا

Primary Balance as a percentage of GDP -3.5 ا ا ا إ م وا ا


2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Sept. Dec. March June Sept.*

Net domestic government debt / domestic public debt 82.6 84.7 88.4 87.2 85.0 85.0 84.7 84.8 84.4 84.8 ا ا ا / ا ا ا ا

Net public economic authorities debt / domestic public debt 4.1 3.2 0.5 4.0 7.0 7.2 8.2 8.1 8.6 8.5 ا ا ا / دا ت اا م

Net NIB debt (minus its intra-debt) / domestic public debt 13.3 12.1 11.1 8.8 8.0 7.8 7.1 7.1 7.0 6.7 ا ا ا / (ا ما و) ر اا م

Total domestic public debt/ GDP 82.1 85.3 86.6 96.7 91.1 74.7 77.0 79.7 83.3 74.0 ا ا ا / ا ا ا ا

.. Not Avaliable. .. غیر متوافر.

* Provisional * مبدئى


- 16 -

(%) م















2017/20182014/2015 2015/2016






















-3.9 -3.6

































21.7 19.1



Main Macroeconomic Indicators






ا دات اا أ

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End of (%)














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2017/2018** 2018/2019**

Real Sector ع اا

Rates of Change on Annual Basis (%) ت ا أس ى (%)

GDP at Factor Cost (Constant Prices) 3.6 5.2 5.2 5.0 (ر ا) جما ا ا ا ا

Agriculture, forests and fishing 3.2 3.1 3.0 3.1 ت واوا راع ا

Extractions (petroleum, natural gas, others) -1.8 7.7 8.7 11.6 ع اات ( ول - ز - أى )

Manufacturing industries (petroleum refining, others) 2.1 4.8 5.8 2.4 ع ات ا ( ول - أى )

Construction & building 9.5 10.0 9.1 6.0 ع ا واء

Wholesale and retail trade 5.2 3.7 3.0 3.5 وا رة ا ع

Financial Intermediaries & Auxiliaries 4.0 3.4 3.6 3.7 ع اط ا وام اة

Tourism 3.9 37.7 50.0 43.0 ع ا

Transportation and storage 5.3 3.8 3.4 3.5 وا ع ا

Communications 12.5 10.4 15.5 18.4 ع ات

GDP at Market Prices (Constant Prices) 4.2 5.3 5.2 5.3 (ر ا) قا ا ا ا

Final consumption 4.0 1.2 2.9 0.9 ك اا

Private consumption 4.2 1.1 2.7 0.8 اك اص

Public consumption 2.5 1.7 4.6 2.0 ك اا

GDP at Factor Cost (Current Prices) 27.5 27.1 38.6 20.0 (رر ا) جما ا ا ا ا

GDP at Market Prices (Current Prices) 28.1 27.9 40.0 20.3 (رر ا) قا ا ا ا

Total Domestic Production (Constant Prices) 3.6 .. .. .. (ر ا) ا ج اما

Total Domestic Production (Current Prices) 27.0 .. .. .. (رر ا) ا ج اما

Other Basic Indicators (%) ات أ أى (%)

GDP at factor cost/Total domestic production (at current prices) 66.2 .. .. .. (رر ا) ا ج امج/ اما ا ا ا ا

The share of private sector in GDP at factor cost and current prices 69.0 69.3 71.4 70.7 رر اج وما ا ا ا ا صع اا

The share of public sector in GDP at factor cost and current prices 31.0 30.7 28.6 29.3 رر اج وما ا ا ا ا ع اا

The share of agriculture sector in GDP at factor cost and current prices 11.7 11.5 14.3 13.8 رر اج وما ا ا ا ا راع ا

The share of manufacturing sector in GDP at factor cost and current prices 16.7 16.7 16.5 15.9 رر اج وما ا ا ا ا ت اع ا

Government final consumption/GDP at market and current prices 10.1 8.4 8.1 7.1 اك ا ا / ا ا ا اق ارى

Private final consumption/GDP at market and current prices 88.1 85.4 87.8 85.5 اك ا اص / ا ا ا اق ارى

Investments (Include change in stock)/GDP at market and current prices 15.3 16.7 13.3 14.6 إ ار ( ا اون) / ا ا ا اق ارى

Domestic saving/GDP at market and current prices 1.8 6.2 4.1 7.4 ادر ا / ا ا ا اق ارى

Domestic resource gap/GDP at market and current prices -13.5 -10.5 -9.2 -7.2 ة اارد ا / ا ا ا اق ارى

* Prices of 2016/2017 instead of 2011/2012 . * أس أر ٢٠١٧/٢٠١٦ أر ٢٠١٢/٢٠١١ .

** Preliminary data. . تم **

.. Not Avaliable. .ا ..

- 18-


أھم المؤشرات االقتصادیة الكلیة*


Main Macroeconomic Indicators*

** During 2016/2017ل

- 19 -

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GDP at current market prices ( LE billion ) 744.8 895.5 1042.2 1206.6 1371.1 1674.7 1860.4 2130.0 2443.9 2709.4 3470.0 4437.4 ( ر ) رىق اا ا ا

Productivity per worker (LE) (GDP at current market prices / number of employees) 34323 39800 45313 50697 58845 70962 77517 87654 98544 107091 133462 .. (د ا رىق اا ا ) ا إم

Average per capita GDP at current prices (LE) 10120 11908 13553 15332 17032 20299 21991 24539 27460 29774 36450 45699 رر ا ا ا ا دا م

(GDP at current market prices/ population in Egypt) ( ا ند ا رىق اا ا ا )

Population in Egypt on 1st July (million) 73.6 75.2 76.9 78.7 80.5 82.5 84.6 86.8 89.0 91.0 95.2 97.1 د ان ا أول (ن)

Number of employees (million) 21.7 22.5 23.0 23.8 23.3 23.6 24.0 24.3 24.8 25.3 26.0 .. د ا (ن)

Unemployment rate (%) 8.9 8.7 9.4 9.0 12.0 12.7 13.2 13.0 12.8 12.5 11.8 .. (%) ل ا

Participation rate (Labor force / population in Egypt 15 years and above %) .. .. 48.1 49.3 48.8 48.4 48.5 48.0 46.4 46.6 45.0 .. (% ١٥ ا نا / ة ا ) ل ا

Rate of natural increase ( per thousand ) 20.4 21.2 22.6 22.6 24.2 25.5 25.0 25.2 23.7 22.6 21.1 .. ( ا ) دة ال ا

Illiteracy (%) .. .. 27.9 26.3 26.1 24.9 25.9 25.3 20.9 20.1 25.8 .. (%) ا م

July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Additional Indicators ات إ

Number of Tourist Arrivals (thousand) 12213 7968 10243 6874 6624 9777 1101 1096 995 1081 996 1032 () دا د ا

Number of Tourist Nights by Departure (thousand) 142432 72919 99246 51779 50898 102557 12852 15745 12522 10688 9913 9306 ( ) در ا د ا

Total Production of Cement (Thousand Tons) 45984 46855 47412 49209 47630 47248 4014 3236 4411 3826 3658 4700 (ط ) ج اإم إ

Total Sales of Cement (Thousand Tons) 44606 46308 46782 49650 47079 46505 4119 2917 4394 3566 3644 4600 (ط ) ا تا إ

Total Reinforcement Steel Production (Thousand Tons) 7274 7348 7219 6825 6673 8033 804.0 540.0 645.3 865.7 632.5 688.0 (ط أ) ا جإم إ

Total Reinforcement Steel Sales (Thousand Tons) 6959 7320 7213 6565 6890 7774 673.0 400.0 552.3 649.4 612.0 508.0 (ط أ) ا ت إ

Total Electricity, generated and purchased (MM KiloWatt/Hours) 163374 166679 173671 185620 188683 195982 19914 19764 18363 16666 14537 .. إ ا ا اة و ااة (ن ك.و.س)

Total Electricity, utilizations (MM KiloWatt/Hours) 140869 143606 147049 156245 153131 158129 14091 14421 14448 14100 12895 .. إ اات اء (ن ك.و.س)

March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb.

Annual Inflation Rate (%) (Month /Corresponding Month of Previous Year) (ا ا ظا ا /ا) (%)ىا ل ا

CPI (urban)* 13.3 13.1 11.4 14.4 13.5 14.2 16.0 17.7 15.7 12.0 12.7 14.4 *() ر ا ا ر و

PPI ** 24.1 24.0 28.1 34.0 30.4 25.6 24.4 26.3 18.1 9.0 7.8 .. ** ر ا ا ر و

NB: It is worth mentioning that the Ministry of Planning, Monitoring and Administrative Reform revised the GDP volume estimates in light of the economic census for FY 2012/2013 that was issued by the CAPMAS ءوا ا ىز اا ر ى٢٠١٣/٢٠١٢، وا دىاد اا ء م ا ا ا ات ا دارىح اوا وا وزارة ا رة ار ا :ظ

in Dec.2014 for the first time after a halt of 15 years. The results of this economic census helped in the inclusion of a larger numbe of establishments as well as the access to new and actual sources of data. د ٢٠١٤ ول ة امع ب ١٥ . و ت م ااد ادى ر أ ات ل در ة و مت، ات اع

This, in turn, contributed to improving the estimates of the size of the informal sector. The said results were used in revising the GDP series for the period 2012/2013- 2014/2015. .ة ٢٠١٣/٢٠١٢-٢٠١٥/٢٠١٤ ا ا ا ا ه ا اا و .ا

* The 9th series of CPI was introduced in August 2010. The weights involved in the formation of the Index were taken ا م ا ا وزان اا ٢٠١٠، وإأ ر ا ا ر ا رت ا *

وامق واك ٢٠٠٩/٢٠٠٨ ذ ٢٠١٠ ة أس.

** The CAPMAS issued a new PPI time series using a base period (January 2016) instead of the year (2004/2005) starting from August 2017 . .٢٠١٧ أ را٢٠٠٥/٢٠٠٤ ا سة أ ٢٠١٦ ذ ر ا ا ر ة ز ءوا ا ىز ار اأ **

.. Not available. . ..










2016/2017 2017/2018

- 21 -

Main Macroeconomic Indicators (Contd.)



- 20 -

2008/2009 2011/20122007/2008 2017/2018

تابع أھم المؤشرات االقتصادیة الكلیة


from the results of the 2008/2009 survey of income, expenditure and consumption, using January 2010 as a base period.










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א א א

Financial & Monetary Sector

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2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

End of م م م م م م أ أ م د آ

June June June June June June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.

Reserve Money (M0) 317944 364473 485876 478076 577582 716309 735428 708343 704769 679987 674036 610957 660775 (M0) طد ام

Currency in circulation outside the CBE 260849 288651 313468 368459 452035 482541 473445 490994 481228 476126 474335 477220 476480 ا ااول رج ا اى

Banks' deposits in local currency with the CBE 57095 75822 xx172408 109617 125547 233768 261983 217349 223541 203861 199701 133737 184295 ودا اك ا ى ا اى

Counterpart Assets of Reserve Money 317944 364473 485876 478076 577582 716309 735428 708343 704769 679987 674036 610957 660775 طد ا ل اا

Net Foreign Assets 38235 37395 25278 -44863 3690 301494 303436 305641 289018 287187 275838 241932 227855 ل اا

Net Domestic Assets 279709 327078 460598 522939 573892 414815 431992 402702 415751 392800 398198 369025 432920 ل اا

Net claims on government ++

(A+B-C) 299806 419218 523893 619410 708637 715474 722660 741543 780999 739709 817154 743224 721804 (أ+ب-ج)++

ا تا

A - Securities 238831 240331 240330 390830 714454 683629 683648 683706 683732 687974 733864 709551 708037 أ - أوراق

B - Credit facilities 166006 223393 379673 316055 107521 76251 84223 86198 145523 102862 138319 90877 73581 مت ا - ب

C - Deposits 105031 44506 96110 87475 113338 44406 45211 28361 48256 51127 55029 57204 59814 ج - ودا

Net claims on banks -5811 -9045 -26334 59621 157141 201439 194968 181129 169826 182899 182073 144306 139926 ات اك

Net balancing items -14286 -83095 -36961 -156092 -291886 -502098 -485636 -519970 -535074 -529808 -601029 -518505 -428810 ازمد اا

Unclassified assets and liabilities (net) x -9522 -38754 -36961 -6107 176027 175388 178694 194182 200681 214186 220264 228918 238812

x ا تال واا

Open market operations -4764 -44341 xx 0 -149985 -467913 -677486 -664330 -714151 -735755 -743994 -821293 -747423 -667622 ت اق اح

ح، وق ات ا رإط ٢٠١٥ م ٣٠ ىا ى ا ك طا داا xx

- 23 - - 22 -

.ر اا و دا ت اا ++

ت رأس ال.x

.٢٠١٥/٧/٢ ا

++ Including public economic authorities and the National Investment Bank.

x Including capital accounts.

xx Under open-market operations, the deposit acceptance session scheduled on 30 June 2015 was

cancelled, and a substitute session was held on Thursday 2/7/2015.

1 - Reserve Money and Counterpart Assets ++ ل اوا طد ا١- م

( ن )

وا ام ا اى.+

( LE mn )

+ Derived from the CBE's balance sheet.


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2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

End of م م *م م xم م أ أ م د آ

June June June* June Junex June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.

Domestic Liquidity (1+2) (M2) 1296086 1516601 1765492 2094500 2918193 3454321 3466152 3515419 3549306 3563376 3581583 3628681 3640093 ( M2 ) (2+1) السیولة المحلیة

Money Supply (1) (M1) 344100 410554 499065 572935 707427 820574 814404 838278 840103 829155 827624 836045 832444 (M1) (١) ىوض اا

Currency in circulation outside the banking system 241011 270856 292699 346853 419058 438857 438067 452659 443526 440710 440189 441935 443936 ز ارج ا اولا ا

Demand deposits in local currency++ 103089 139698 206366 226082 288369 381717 376337 385619 396577 388445 387435 394110 388508

++ ا را داا

Quasi-Money (2) 951986 1106047 1266427 1521565 2210766 2633747 2651748 2677141 2709203 2734221 2753959 2792636 2807649 أه اد (٢)

Local currency time & saving deposits++ 727778 869976 1003432 1197746 1516480 1916789 1926822 1948308 1981013 1999976 2018831 2049094 2066289

++ا را داا

Foreign currency demand deposits++ 55152 62214 68631 75910 150042 149769 152732 150177 148800 148400 146826 144831 145038

++ت ا را داا

Foreign currency time & saving deposits++ 169056 173857 194364 247909 544244 567189 572194 578656 579390 585845 588302 598711 596322

++ت ا را داا

Counterpart Assets 1296086 1516601 1765492 2094500 2918193 3454321 3466152 3515419 3549306 3563376 3581583 3628681 3640093 ا ل اا

Net Foreign Assets 123198 119162 51487 -87389 61056 309532 282215 263877 216890 187905 144312 127476 143475 ل اا

Net Domestic Assets 1172888 1397439 1714005 2181889 2857137 3144789 3183937 3251542 3332416 3375471 3437271 3501205 3496618 ل اا

Domestic credit 1343140 1625141 1978211 2460115 3111270 3460290 3505696 3569617 3644048 3690564 3749035 3816202 3812786 ن اا

Net balancing items -170252 -227702 -264206 -278226 -254133 -315501 -321759 -318075 -311632 -315093 -311764 -314997 -316168 ازمد اا

Indicators ات

M2 / GDP ** (%) 69.67 71.20 72.24 77.30 84.10 77.85 74.16 75.21 75.94 76.24 76.63 77.64 77.88 (%)** ا ا ا / ا ا

Foreign currency deposits/ Total deposits (%) 21.25 18.95 17.86 18.53 27.78 23.78 23.94 23.80 23.45 23.51 23.40 23.33 23.20 (%) داا إ / ت ا داا

Income velocity of money (GDP** / M2) 1.44 1.40 1.38 1.29 1.19 1.28 1.35 1.33 1.32 1.31 1.30 1.29 1.28 ( ا ا /** ا ا ا ) د ا ا

Money multiplier (M2 / M0) 4.08 4.16 3.63 4.38 5.05 4.82 4.71 4.96 5.04 5.24 5.31 5.94 5.51 (M2 / M0) دا

** The GDP for the year ended in each quarter, was calculated according to the quarterly GDP data provided by the Ministry of Planning, Monitoring

and Administrative Reform.

of change in exchange rate in the previous volumes.

. اول اا تو ا ا إ وا ف ات ام رس ٢٠١٥ أ ءا *

2 - Banking Survey+ : Domestic Liquidity and Counterpart Assets ل اوا ا ا : +ا ٢ - ا

( ن )

.را دا اهت اات واا ح ع اوا (صوا ا) لع ا ودا ++

+ Extracted from the consolidated balance sheet of the banking system.

( LE mn )

.ز ا ةا اما وا +


** ب ا ا ا ا ر ادا امت ا ااردة ا وزارة ا وا واح ادارى.

* As of March 2015, data of Arab International Bank were added to the banking survey, thereby affecting the related tables.

- 25 -

.اد اا فا د ا اتا ع اا ٢٠١٦. و ٣ م فا ٢٠١٧/٢٠١٦ ا ت ا x x

The FY 2016 /17 witnessed the liberalization of the exchange rate on 3rd November 2016. Reference may be made to the indicators by excluding the effect

- 24 -


Representing deposits of the business sector ( public and private ) and the household sector, minus purchased cheques & drafts as regards demand deposits.

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2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

End of م م م م م م أ أ م د آ

June June June June June June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.

Total Deposits (Including Gov. Deposits) 1190819 1433728 1740158 2123069 3042155 3569515 3586091 3606748 3644707 3696506 3761331 3818461 3837247 ( ا ) داا إ

Government Deposits 126987 178846 252152 362060 524428 533505 538406 523188 520818 554094 602270 613706 624219 ا داا

In local currency 64654 83017 155384 264868 312384 419859 420339 404739 424024 457429 490230 498479 499889 ا

In foreign currencies 62333 95829 96768 97192 212044 113646 118067 118449 96794 96665 112040 115227 124330 ت ا

Non-Government Deposits 1063832 1254882 1488006 1761009 2517727 3036010 3047685 3083560 3123889 3142412 3159061 3204755 3213028 ا داا

In Local Currency 835422 1014712 1219985 1433387 1815641 2311316 2314679 2346520 2388039 2399754 2415966 2453065 2464063 ا

Public business sector+ 24123 26335 37893 43733 47290 55921 56128 58447 64429 64301 63544 63457 62775+ل اع ا

Private business sector 120945 151961 230350 265145 283490 357307 344093 353787 357729 349379 352232 364058 350439 ع ال اص

Household sector 686740 832147 942336 1116316 1475679 1885391 1903060 1921796 1955514 1974807 1990572 2015803 2041664 ع اا

Non-resident (external sector)++ 4555 5038 10187 9559 10792 12810 11520 12593 10449 11333 9700 9861 9266

++ ( را ع ا ) ا

Minus purchased cheques & drafts 941 769 781 1366 1610 113 122 103 82 66 82 114 81 ح ت وات اه

In Foreign Currencies 228410 240170 268021 327622 702086 724694 733006 737040 735850 742658 743095 751690 748965 ت ا

Public business sector+ 12592 13712 15049 17925 38388 41649 41572 40963 40826 40049 39605 40745 40456+ل اع ا

Private business sector 76572 74788 78840 99432 192900 190161 193451 196809 194430 199328 197039 199402 198732 ع ال اص

Household sector 135124 147635 169137 206491 463078 485365 490101 491223 493067 494999 498625 503506 502308 ع اا

Non-resident (external sector)++ 4202 4099 5026 3803 7800 7736 8080 8207 7660 8413 7967 8148 7605

++ ( را ع ا ) ا

Minus purchased cheques & drafts 80 64 31 29 80 217 198 162 133 131 141 111 136 ح ت وات اه

+ Includes all public sector companies subject or not to Law No. 203 for 1991.

++ Shown in the banking survey as foreign liabilities under item "Net Foreign Assets".

Banking Survey: Deposits (Except CBE) - 3 ٣ - ا ا: ادا ( ف ا اي اي )

- 26 - - 27 -

( LE mn )

.ل اا ت ااا ا ا ++

. ا ىا ع ات ا١٩٩١ و ن ٢٠٣م ا ع ات ا +


( ن )

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2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

End of م م م م م م أ أ م د

June June June June June June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.

Domestic Credit (a+b) 1343140 1625141 1978211 2460115 3111270 3460290 3505696 3569617 3644048 3690564 3749035 3816202 3812786 االئتمان المحلى (أ + ب)

Net claims on government (1+2-3) 802539 1045186 1291427 1654910 1979641 2217557 2267020 2320965 2381263 2412573 2457228 2508563 2495875 صافى المطلوبات من الحكومة (١+٢-٣)

1 - Securities 832770 1004342 1193595 1614650 2155163 2266300 2308514 2336855 2345967 2427257 2433459 2518082 2451003 ١- أوراق مالیة

2 - Lending and discount 201787 264196 446094 489795 462244 529168 542123 535659 604370 590537 681068 661391 728905 ٢- إقراض وخصم

3 - Deposits 232018 223352 348262 449535 637766 577911 583617 551549 569074 605221 657299 670910 684033 ٣- ودائع

Claims on public business sector 42866 45417 63218 93073 148715 160177 161652 163860 164445 165380 166317 166715 164945 المطلوبات من قطاع األعمال العام

Securities 199 317 247 242 414 600 514 534 464 480 541 537 588 أوراق مالیة

Lending and discount 42667 45100 62971 92831 148301 159577 161138 163326 163981 164900 165776 166178 164357 إقراض وخصم

Claims on private business sector 369814 389275 448276 504258 744572 801381 793961 797614 803771 809861 818034 828496 834590 المطلوبات من قطاع األعمال الخاص

Securities 38615 40304 44842 44676 68344 71637 71348 72006 69644 70308 70653 70407 71550 أوراق مالیة

Lending and discount 331199 348971 403434 459582 676228 729744 722613 725608 734127 739553 747381 758089 763040 إقراض وخصم

Claims on household sector 127921 145263 175290 207874 238342 281175 283063 287178 294569 302750 307456 312428 317376 المطلوبات من القطاع العائلى

(a) Domestic credit in local currency 1261509 1477223 1756646 2109504 2321193 2525396 2580944 2646089 2693221 2715872 2698273 2808728 2832406 (أ) االئتمان المحلى بالعملة المحلیة

Net claims on government (1+2-3) 851425 1034569 1251096 1500936 1545112 1618411 1673252 1725065 1755269 1761846 1727421 1818097 1824799 صافى المطلوبات من الحكومة (١+٢-٣)

1 - Securities 774986 918842 1102265 1424297 1676901 1776559 1817136 1844730 1853159 1939345 1906355 2045133 1985877 ١- أوراق مالیة

2 - Lending and discount 175993 233825 390102 415791 248032 290856 306449 297246 357542 313786 349060 316598 386972 ٢- إقراض وخصم

3 - Deposits 99554 118098 241271 339152 379821 449004 450333 416911 455432 491285 527994 543634 548050 ٣- ودائع

Claims on public business sector 33873 35424 43989 65410 96035 114949 116762 119385 120625 121844 123420 124222 124429 المطلوبات من قطاع األعمال العام

Securities 199 317 247 242 414 600 514 534 464 480 541 537 588 أوراق مالیة

Lending and discount 33674 35107 43742 65168 95621 114349 116248 118851 120161 121364 122879 123685 123841 إقراض وخصم

Claims on private business sector 250706 263978 289573 338688 448642 520284 517543 524090 532506 539323 549559 563622 575394 المطلوبات من قطاع األعمال الخاص

Securities 34043 36159 37168 36366 52016 57369 56953 58766 57272 57935 57817 57801 59050 أوراق مالیة

Lending and discount 216663 227819 252405 302322 396626 462915 460590 465324 475234 481388 491742 505821 516344 إقراض وخصم

Claims on household sector 125505 143252 171988 204470 231404 271752 273387 277549 284821 292859 297873 302787 307784 المطلوبات من القطاع العائلى

(b) Domestic credit in foreign currencies 81631 147918 221565 350611 790077 934894 924752 923528 950827 974692 1050762 1007474 980380 (ب) االئتمان المحلى بالعمالت األجنبیة

Net claims on government (1+2-3) -48886 10617 40331 153974 434529 599146 593768 595900 625994 650727 729807 690466 671076 صافى المطلوبات من الحكومة (١+٢-٣)

1 - Securities 57784 85500 91330 190353 478262 489741 491378 492125 492808 487912 527104 472949 465126 ١- أوراق مالیة

2 - Lending and discount 25794 30371 55992 74004 214212 238312 235674 238413 246828 276751 332008 344793 341933 ٢- إقراض وخصم

3 - Deposits 132464 105254 106991 110383 257945 128907 133284 134638 113642 113936 129305 127276 135983 ٣- ودائع

Claims on public business sector 8993 9993 19229 27663 52680 45228 44890 44475 43820 43536 42897 42493 40516 المطلوبات من قطاع األعمال العام

Securities 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 أوراق مالیة

Lending and discount 8993 9993 19229 27663 52680 45228 44890 44475 43820 43536 42897 42493 40516 إقراض وخصم

Claims on private business sector 119108 125297 158703 165570 295930 281097 276418 273524 271265 270538 268475 264874 259196 المطلوبات من قطاع األعمال الخاص

Securities 4572 4145 7674 8310 16328 14268 14395 13240 12372 12373 12836 12606 12500 أوراق مالیة

Lending and discount 114536 121152 151029 157260 279602 266829 262023 260284 258893 258165 255639 252268 246696 إقراض وخصم

Claims on household sector 2416 2011 3302 3404 6938 9423 9676 9629 9748 9891 9583 9641 9592 المطلوبات من القطاع العائلى

- 29 - - 28 -

( ن )

ن اا : ا ٤4 - ا - Banking Survey : Domestic Credit


( LE mn )


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2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

End of م م م م م م أ أ م د آ

June June June June June June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.

Net Foreign Assets of the Banking System 123198 119162 51487 -87389 61056 309532 282215 263877 216890 187905 144312 127476 143475 ز اى ا ل اا

Central Bank of Egypt 38235 37395 25278 -44863 3690 301494 303436 305641 289018 287187 275838 241932 227855 ا اى

Foreign Assets 101685 115770 148098 149943 551514 775955 778266 780555 782008 784129 784256 746147 735245 ل أأ

Foreign Liabilities 63450 78375 122820 194806 547824 474461 474830 474914 492990 496942 508418 504215 507390 أ

Banks 84963 81767 26209 -42526 57366 8038 -21221 -41764 -72128 -99282 -131526 -114456 -84380 اك

Foreign Assets 118354 115838 86214 81532 339126 299818 274474 242299 217981 219316 201365 204486 246616 ل أأ

Foreign Liabilities 33391 34071 60005 124058 281760 291780 295695 284063 290109 318598 332891 318942 330996 أ

Net Balancing Items -170252 -227702 -264206 -278226 -254133 -315501 -321759 -318075 -311632 -315093 -311764 -314997 -316168 ازمد اا

1- Capital Accounts -200057 -233369 -263117 -305204 -495952 -500583 -504954 -508704 -513175 -517243 -520231 -524083 -532112 ١- ت رأس ال

2- Unclassified Assets and Liabilities (net) 22607 -468 -4748 16126 165281 109392 106630 107750 116254 117720 119332 120791 131626 ا ل واا -٢

3- Interbank Debit and Credit Position (net) 7198 6135 3659 10852 76538 75690 76565 82879 85289 84430 89135 88295 84318 ٣- ام واا اك

- 31 - - 30 -

6 - Net Balancing Items

5 - Banking Survey : Foreign Assets & Liabilities

( LE mn )

ا ل واا : ا ٥ - ا

( ن )

ازمد اا - ٦


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2015 2018 2019

End of د م د م د م أ أ م د

Dec. June Dec. June Dec. June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.

A- Assets أ - الCash 23621 31432 42248 57471 53350 68332 61393 67743 63875 55260 54286 55689 51904 م

Securities & investments in TBs 1105680 1283616 1590529 1537036 1698251 1680811 1722229 1750695 1755865 1832454 1794008 1901483 1836899 اما أذون راتوا أوراق

Balances with banks in Egypt, of which: 363903 374644 723492 876544 1023300 1165139 1162890 1178526 1216966 1239787 1300309 1169450 1107776 : ، كى ا ةأر

Loans and discounts 1783 1682 4686 4713 4320 3807 3225 3444 3441 3433 3577 3306 3273 اض وا

Balances with banks abroad , of which: 49710 51074 112392 283966 296424 250443 223438 188412 169270 178198 157897 161739 204985 : ، رجا كى ا ةأر

Loans and discounts 1310 1391 2306 2502 3835 4730 4815 1595 1760 2154 2099 2210 2167 اض وا

Loan and discount balances for customers 791499 942727 1300243 1426457 1463380 1629664 1631626 1632459 1657836 1701020 1770716 1814575 1819628 أرة ااض وا ء

Other assets 151088 162601 193732 239386 278638 286181 338568 378777 429466 456585 500722 329721 453642 أل أى

Assets = Liabilities 2485501 2846094 3962636 4420860 4813343 5080570 5140144 5196612 5293278 5463304 5577938 5432657 5474834 ل = اا

B- Liabilities ب - اCapital 96468 100726 113975 128420 140901 149119 149277 150577 150588 150584 150586 150590 150189 رأس ال

Reserves 44751 63002 139385 185846 180244 213732 213089 211318 212223 199925 201679 202841 205920 اطت

Provisions 66575 66880 104201 107859 110042 109294 112142 114092 114602 114795 113797 118183 118916 ات

Bonds and long-term loans 43556 48532 110999 123960 142173 145581 136913 136891 147827 150108 152886 166981 171085 ا وض طات و

Obligations to banks in Egypt 47543 60551 139602 286116 265227 296839 281182 272696 269122 316612 297973 267700 237005 كا تاا

Obligations to banks abroad 46701 86060 202495 194551 185945 188189 193730 180801 178347 202383 216684 190338 197387 اات اك ارج

Total deposits 1908676 2116117 2754165 3027811 3314141 3553634 3569007 3589730 3627164 3680455 3745456 3802591 3820996 داا ا

Other liabilities, of which: 231231 304226 397814 366297 474670 424182 484804 540507 593405 648442 698877 533433 573336 : ، ىأ

Cheques payable 7710 10984 12816 12300 15151 13281 11774 11648 12512 12119 13459 12925 13051 ا ت

20172016 2018

- 32 -


* As of March 2015, data of Arab International Bank were added to the banks’ aggregate financial position, . اول اا تك و ا ا ا إ وا ف ات ام رس ٢٠١٥ أ ءا *

- 33 -

7 - Aggregate Financial Position of Banks ( Except CBE ) ٧ - ا ا ا ك ( ف ا اى اى )

( ن )( LE mn )

thereby affecting the related tables.

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2015 2018 2019

End of د م د م د م أ أ م د

Dec. June Dec. June Dec. June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.

Total Credit Facilities, of which: 791499 942727 1300243 1426457 1463380 1629664 1631626 1632459 1657836 1701020 1770716 1814575 1819628 : ، مت اة اأر إ

For Government* 100718 173740 296606 354723 373831 452917 457901 449462 458848 487675 542750 570514 567392 *

In local currency 40429 100230 116274 142710 167594 216549 224439 213029 213896 212758 212540 227460 226793 ا

In foreign currencies 60289 73510 180332 212013 206237 236368 233462 236433 244952 274917 330210 343054 340599 ت ا

Non-Government 690781 768987 1003637 1071734 1089549 1176747 1173725 1182997 1198988 1213345 1227966 1244061 1252236 ا

Balances in Local Currency 509597 572348 617015 724503 760384 849775 851204 862702 881215 896654 913504 932971 948660 ا ةرا

Agriculture 6631 8384 9028 8259 9519 12855 12756 12646 13457 13981 14434 14899 15289 راا

Private business sector 6631 8384 9028 8259 9518 12855 12756 12646 13457 13981 14434 14899 15289 ؛ ع ال اص

Industry 142776 155761 171999 216526 219301 251598 249256 255895 257431 261431 264477 271051 275200 ا

Private business sector 116198 126179 140516 178576 179167 200729 197518 202871 203455 206174 208860 215859 220395 ؛ ع ال اص

Trade 53478 65631 72720 80081 86643 100506 101377 102906 106619 108704 112906 114586 115720 ارة

Private business sector 50099 61355 67684 74671 80682 95950 96660 98406 102325 103929 107842 109343 110513 ؛ ع ال اص

Services 114833 137789 137955 187381 192390 212305 213449 212728 217889 218634 222805 228970 233975 ات

Private business sector 91341 106478 103716 135120 137941 153381 153656 151401 155997 157304 160606 165720 170147 ؛ ع ال اص

Unclassified Sectors, of which: 191879 204783 225313 232256 252531 272511 274366 278527 285819 293904 298882 303465 308476 : ؛ ز ت

Household sector 191543 204470 224600 231403 251699 271752 273388 277549 284821 292859 297873 302787 307784 ع اا

Natural persons 188093 200556 220510 226088 246412 263730 267379 271641 278722 286764 291711 296491 301517 أاد طن

Non-profit local organizations 3095 3493 3616 4876 4495 7375 5387 5357 5539 5590 5659 5785 5779 ف ت

Foreign organizations in Egypt 355 421 474 439 792 647 622 551 560 505 503 511 488 ت أ

External sector 336 313 713 853 832 759 978 978 998 1045 1009 678 692 را ع ا

Balances in Foreign Currencies 181184 196639 386622 347231 329165 326972 322521 320295 317773 316691 314462 311090 303576 ت ا ةرا

Agriculture 2114 2025 4263 2693 2652 2354 2232 2210 2261 2282 2414 2561 2521 راا

Private business sector 2114 2025 4263 2693 2652 2354 2232 2210 2261 2282 2414 2561 2521 ؛ ع ال اص

Industry 85223 92238 192031 171384 167735 159830 155139 154737 154735 152898 151082 149417 144870 ا

Private business sector 80001 86203 170725 152027 145639 145848 140805 140771 139730 139711 138424 136242 132763 ؛ ع ال اص

Trade 16274 15849 31769 22635 18409 18371 20867 20037 19410 19359 20115 18630 18080 ارة

Private business sector 15502 14966 30432 21899 17889 18018 20533 19709 19101 19063 19820 18360 17825 ؛ ع ال اص

Services 66447 74812 139557 135570 126462 131503 128675 127775 126306 127163 124924 124152 121743 ات

Private business sector 49137 54067 106154 102982 95091 100609 98453 97594 97801 97109 94981 95105 93587 ؛ ع ال اص

Unclassified Sectors, of which: 11126 11715 19002 14949 13907 14914 15608 15536 15061 14989 15927 16330 16362 : ؛ ز ت

Household sector 2909 3403 7017 6938 7921 9423 9675 9630 9748 9891 9583 9641 9592 ع اا

Natural persons 2520 2828 6266 6575 7642 9140 9389 9347 9459 9644 9372 9434 9450 أاد طن

Non-profit local organizations 209 240 385 52 0 91 91 90 90 90 90 90 90 ف ت

Foreign organizations in Egypt 180 335 366 311 279 192 195 193 199 157 121 117 52 ت أ

External sector 8217 8312 11985 8011 5986 5491 5933 5906 5313 5098 6344 6689 6770 را ع ا

8 - Bank Credit Facilities for Customers ( Except CBE ) ٨ - ات ام ء اك (ف ا اى اى)

( LE mn ) ( ن )

* Including the government and public economic & service authorities. .دوا ا ت اوا ا *

- 34 -


- 35 -

20172016 2018

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2015 2018 2019

د م د م د م أ أ م د

Dec. June Dec. June Dec. June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.

Total lending, of which 786655 937126 1293424 1418421 1453064 1619214 1621178 1621971 1646258 1689536 1758886 1801975 1806895 ، اضة اأر إFor Government** 100718 173740 296606 354723 373831 452917 457901 449462 458848 487675 542750 570514 567392 **

In local currency 40429 100230 116274 142710 167594 216549 224439 213029 213896 212758 212540 227460 226793 ا

In foreign currencies 60289 73510 180332 212013 206237 236368 233462 236433 244952 274917 330210 343054 340599 ت ا

Non-Government 685937 763386 996818 1063698 1079233 1166297 1163277 1172509 1187410 1201861 1216136 1231461 1239503 ا Balances in local currency 505189 567038 611035 716856 750331 839864 841267 852672 870334 886001 902704 921739 937688 ا ةراAgriculture 6610 8358 9014 8159 9515 12844 12744 12622 13448 13972 14426 14894 15284 راا

Private business sector 6610 8358 9014 8159 9514 12844 12744 12622 13448 13972 14426 14894 15284 ؛ ع ال اص

Industry 141146 154074 170591 215041 216411 249662 247252 253906 255246 259297 262229 268467 272793 ا Private business sector 114578 124492 139108 177091 176277 198793 195514 200882 201270 204040 206612 213275 217988 ؛ ع ال اص

Trade 53101 65341 72261 79739 85904 99753 100786 102427 105965 108157 112389 113850 115013 ارة Private business sector 49770 61091 67319 74443 80040 95335 96179 98084 101869 103604 107568 108872 110102 ؛ ع ال اص

Services 114536 136972 137149 186699 191841 211587 212797 212099 217289 218097 222307 228505 233496 ات Private business sector 91044 105661 103002 134533 137454 152714 153052 150818 155441 156809 160147 165292 169702 ؛ ع ال اص

Unclassified sectors, of which 189796 202293 222020 227218 246660 266018 267688 271618 278386 286478 291353 296023 301102 ؛ ز تHousehold sector 189460 201980 221307 226365 245828 265259 266710 270640 277388 285433 290344 295345 300410 ع اا

Natural persons 186010 198066 217217 221050 240541 257237 260701 264732 271289 279338 284182 289049 294143 أاد طن

Non-profit local organizations 3095 3493 3616 4876 4495 7375 5387 5357 5539 5590 5659 5785 5779 ف ت

Foreign organizations in Egypt 355 421 474 439 792 647 622 551 560 505 503 511 488 ت أ

External sector 336 313 713 853 832 759 978 978 998 1045 1009 678 692 را ع ا

Balances in foreign currencies 180748 196348 385783 346842 328902 326433 322010 319837 317076 315860 313432 309722 301815 ت ا ةراAgriculture 2075 1979 4259 2693 2652 2354 2232 2210 2261 2282 2414 2561 2521 راا

Private business sector 2075 1979 4259 2693 2652 2354 2232 2210 2261 2282 2414 2561 2521 ؛ ع ال اص

Industry 85059 92124 191424 171261 167673 159548 154858 154436 154260 152403 150519 148839 144363 ا Private business sector 79837 86089 170118 151904 145577 145566 140524 140470 139255 139216 137861 135664 132256 ؛ ع ال اص

Trade 16263 15848 31769 22634 18409 18371 20813 19983 19410 19359 20115 18622 17948 ارة Private business sector 15491 14965 30432 21898 17889 18018 20479 19655 19101 19063 19820 18352 17693 ؛ ع ال اص

Services 66228 74694 139340 135311 126290 131268 128531 127700 126242 126840 124467 123424 120873 ات Private business sector 48918 53949 105937 102723 94919 100532 98377 97519 97737 96786 94524 94377 92717 ؛ ع ال اص

Unclassified sectors, of which 11123 11703 18991 14943 13878 14892 15576 15508 14903 14976 15917 16276 16110 ؛ ز تHousehold sector 2907 3403 7016 6937 7915 9420 9670 9630 9742 9883 9577 9637 9592 ع اا

Natural persons 2520 2828 6266 6575 7642 9140 9389 9347 9459 9644 9372 9434 9450 أاد طن

Non- profit local organizations 209 240 385 52 0 91 91 90 90 90 90 90 90 ف ت

Foreign organizations in Egypt 178 335 365 310 273 189 190 193 193 149 115 113 52 ت أ

External sector 8216 8300 11975 8006 5963 5472 5906 5878 5161 5093 6340 6639 6518 را ع ا

2016 2017 2018

٩ - اوض ا ء اك* ( ف ا اى اى )

( LE mn ) ( ن )

9 - Bank Loans* for Customers ( Except CBE )

End of آ

.ة اأر *

. دو ا ا ت او ا ا **

- 37 - - 36 -

* Excluding the discount balances.

** Including the government and public economic & service authorities.

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2015 2018 2019

د م د م د م أ أ م د

Dec. June Dec. June Dec. June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.

Total discounted bills, of which: 4844 5601 6819 8036 10316 10450 10448 10488 11578 11484 11830 12600 12733 ، ت اة اأر إ

For Government* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *

In local currency 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ا

In foreign currencies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ت ا

Non-Government. 4844 5601 6819 8036 10316 10450 10448 10488 11578 11484 11830 12600 12733 ا

Balances in local currency 4408 5310 5980 7647 10053 9911 9937 10030 10881 10653 10800 11232 10972 ا ةرا

Agriculture 21 26 14 100 4 11 12 24 9 9 8 5 5 راا

Private business sector 21 26 14 100 4 11 12 24 9 9 8 5 5 ؛ ع ال اص

Industry 1630 1687 1408 1485 2890 1936 2004 1989 2185 2134 2248 2584 2407 ا

Private business sector 1620 1687 1408 1485 2890 1936 2004 1989 2185 2134 2248 2584 2407 ؛ ع ال اص

Trade 377 290 459 342 739 753 591 479 654 547 517 736 707 ارة

Private business sector 329 264 365 228 642 615 481 322 456 325 274 471 411 ؛ ع ال اص

Services 297 817 806 682 549 718 652 629 600 537 498 465 479 ات

Private business sector 297 817 714 587 487 667 604 583 556 495 459 428 445 ؛ ع ال اص

Unclassified sectors, of which: 2083 2490 3293 5038 5871 6493 6678 6909 7433 7426 7529 7442 7374 ؛ ز ت

Household sector 2083 2490 3293 5038 5871 6493 6678 6909 7433 7426 7529 7442 7374 ع اا

Natural persons 2083 2490 3293 5038 5871 6493 6678 6909 7433 7426 7529 7442 7374 أاد طن

Non-profit local organizations 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ف ت

Foreign organizations in Egypt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ت أ

External sector 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 را ع ا

Balances in foreign currencies 436 291 839 389 263 539 511 458 697 831 1030 1368 1761 ت ا ةرا

Agriculture 39 46 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 راا

Private business sector 39 46 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ؛ ع ال اص

Industry 164 114 607 123 62 282 281 301 475 495 563 578 507 ا

Private business sector 164 114 607 123 62 282 281 301 475 495 563 578 507 ؛ ع ال اص

Trade 11 1 0 1 0 0 54 54 0 0 0 8 132 ارة

Private business sector 11 1 0 1 0 0 54 54 0 0 0 8 132 ؛ ع ال اص

Services 219 118 217 259 172 235 144 75 64 323 457 728 870 ات

Private business sector 219 118 217 259 172 77 76 75 64 323 457 728 870 ؛ ع ال اص

Unclassified sectors, of which: 3 12 11 6 29 22 32 28 158 13 10 54 252 ؛ ز ت

Household sector 2 0 1 1 6 3 5 0 6 8 6 4 0 ع اا

Natural persons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 أاد طن

Non-profit local organizations 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ف ت

Foreign organizations in Egypt 2 0 1 1 6 3 5 0 6 8 6 4 0 ت أ

External sector 1 12 10 5 23 19 27 28 152 5 4 50 252 را ع ا

- 38-

آ End of

- 39-

. دوا ا ت اوا ا * * Includes the government and public economic & service authorities.

( LE mn )

2016 2017 2018

١٠ - ات ا ء ى اك ( ف ا اى اى )

( ن )

10 - Discounted Bills at Banks for Customers ( Except CBE )

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2015 2018 2019

د م د م د م أ أ م د

Dec. June Dec. June Dec. June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.

Total Securities 1105680 1283616 1590529 1537036 1698251 1680811 1722229 1750695 1755865 1832454 1794008 1901483 1836899 وراق اا إ

Government sector 1044349 1223819 1490723 1440709 1601127 1582671 1624866 1653149 1662235 1739282 1699594 1808531 1742966 ع اا

Public business sector 329 306 242 448 635 600 514 534 463 481 541 537 588 ل اع ا

Private business sector 48294 47558 74875 74076 76735 79064 78739 79418 76939 77559 77897 77437 78537 ع ال اص

External sector 12708 11933 24689 21803 19754 18476 18110 17594 16228 15132 15976 14978 14808 را ا

In Local Currency 989921 1070906 1128448 1088193 1253936 1224933 1264977 1294488 1301236 1383858 1350777 1489320 1431385 ا

Government sector 950421 1033467 1075119 1034571 1195844 1164229 1204805 1232399 1240829 1322814 1289824 1428602 1369346 ع اا

Public business sector 329 306 242 448 635 600 514 534 463 481 541 537 588 ل اع ا

Private business sector 39089 37060 53020 53126 57416 60069 59623 61520 59909 60528 60377 60146 61416 ع ال اص

External sector 82 73 67 48 41 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 را ا

In Foreign Currencies 115759 212710 462081 448843 444315 455878 457252 456207 454629 448596 443231 412163 405514 ت ا

Government sector 93928 190352 415604 406138 405283 418442 420061 420750 421406 416468 409770 379929 373620 ع اا

Public business sector 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ل اع ا

Private business sector 9205 10498 21855 20950 19319 18995 19116 17898 17030 17031 17520 17291 17121 ع ال اص

External sector 12626 11860 24622 21755 19713 18441 18075 17559 16193 15097 15941 14943 14773 را ا

١١11 - Securities Portfolio at Banks (Except CBE) - اوراق ا ى اك ( ف ا اى اى )

2017 2018

( ن )

End of

- 41 - - 40 -


( LE mn )


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رس م د

Mar. June Sept. Dec.

First: Capital Adequacy أو : رأس ال

Capital Base / Risk weighted Assets(1) 15.7 15.6 16.0 16.2(١)ط وزان ل اا إ أة اا

Tier 1 Capital / Risk-weighted Assets(2) +++ 12.5 12.6 13.0 13.2+++ (٢)ط وزان ل اا ل إرأس ا وا ا

Common Equity / Risk-weighted Assets(1) # 9.3 9.4 9.3 9.6#(١)ط وزان ل اا إ ا ل ارأس ا

Financial Leverage## 6.1 6.3 6.4 6.4##ا اا

Second: Asset Quality م : دة ال Non-performing Loans / Total Loans 4.5 4.3 4.4 3.9 اوض ا إ إ اوض

Loan Provisions / Non-performing Loans 98.2 98.1 98.1 98.0 ا وضا وض إت ا

Loans to Private Sector / Loans to Customers 61.8 61.8 61.8 58.7 اوض ا ع اص إ إ اوض ا ء

Third: Earnings ا :

Return on Average Assets** 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 ا ال**

Return on Average Equity** 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5**ق ا ا

Net Interest Margin** 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9


Fourth: Liquidity ا : راAverage Liquidity Ratio: م ا ا ى اك :

Local Currency 40.3 40.5 42.2 44.3 ا

Foreign Currencies 73.5 67.5 63.1 59.7 ت ا

Liquidity Coverage Ratio LCR X LCR

X ا م

Local Currency 783.2 732.8 788.3 871.0 ا

Foreign Currencies 276.3 235.2 185.7 162.4 ت ا

Net Stable Funding Ratio NSFR X NSFR X ا ا م

Total in Local Currency and Foreign Currencies 203.7 222.1 218.4 218.2 ت اوا ا ا ا

Local Currency 229.9 255.4 250.5 253.4 ا

Foreign Currencies 157.6 165.3 159.9 153.8 ت ا

Securities+ / Assets 13.3 13.3 12.8 16.2 اوراق ا + / ال

Deposits / Assets 68.1 70.2 68.8 70.2 ادا / ال

Loans / Deposits داوض / اا

Total in Local Currency and Foreign Currencies 44.7 45.9 45.8 47.8 ت اوا ا ا ا

Local Currency 37.5 39.1 39.0 39.3 ا

Foreign Currencies 68.5 68.4 69.0 76.7 ت ا

رس م د

Mar. June Sept. Dec.

Total Number of Banks in Egypt 38 38 38 38 ك اد ا إ

Total Number of Branches, of which: 4118 4155 4177 4220 : ، وعا إVillage Banks 1017 1017 1017 1016 ك اى

Banking DensityXX 23.5 23.4 23.4 23.3xx ا ا

Total Number of Employees*** 115,535 117,540***د ا إ

Number of Debit Cards*** 15,829,349 15,438,963*** ت ا د

Number of Prepaid Cards*** 10,766,755 11,691,774*** ت اد ا

Number of Credit Cards*** 4,365,598 3,975,693د ت ان ***

Number of ATMs*** 11,754 12,200*** ATM ف ات ا د

Number of Points of Sale*** 72,503 77,479*** ا د م
































12 - Other Indicators for the Banking Sector (Except CBE) (cont.)

م م

2015 2016











- 42 -

** وفقا للموقف فى آخر سنة مالیة معتمدة ٢٠١٧.



*** ینشر فى نھایتى یونیو ودیسمبر.



(2) inclusion of interim net profit inTier 1 capital after a limited verification of the financial statements by auditors.




XXX تم إدراج عدد البطاقات المدفوعھ مقدما فى بند مستقل اعتبارا من دیسمبر ٢٠١٥.

(١) اذا تجاوز اجمالى التسھیالت االئتمانیة الممنوحة ألكبر ٥٠ عمیل واألطراف المرتبطة بھ بالبنك عن نسبة ٥٠% من محفظتھ االئتمانیة یتم رفع وزن المخاطر الترجیحى من ٢٠٠% إلى ٣٠٠% على قیمة التجاوز.

(٢) إدراج صافى األرباح المرحلیة ضمن الشریحة األولى من القاعدة الرأسمالیة بعد فحص محدود من مراقب الحسابات للقوائم المالیة.

+++ یجب أال یقل إجمالي الشریحة األولى مضافا الیھا الدعامة التحوطیة عن ٧٫٨٧٥%،٨٫٥% لعامى ٢٠١٩،٢٠١٨ على الترتیب.

# یجب أال یقل رأس المال األساسي المستمر مضافا الیھ الدعامة التحوطیة عن ٦٫٣٧٥% ، ٧٫٠% لعامى ٢٠١٨، ٢٠١٩ على الترتیب.

## نسبة استرشادیة بحد أدنى مقرر ٣%.

X یتم االلتزام بالنسبتین فى نھایة الربع على النحو التالى:

_ نسبة صافى التمویل المستقر بحد ادنى ١٠٠% على المستوى االجمالى لكافة العمالت ( عملة محلیة و عمالت اجنبیة معا) و لكل من العملة المحلیة و العمالت األجنبیة على حده.

+ ال یشمل أذون الخزانة .

XX عدد السكان باأللف لكل وحدة مصرفیة.

(1) if total credit facilities of bank's top 50 customers & their related parties exceed 50% of its credit portfolio, the risk weights will be raised from 200% to 300% over the excess value.

64,349 68,63051,384

3,825,294 5,858,054

## Guidance ratio with a minimum requirement ratio of 3%.

** As per latest approved fiscal year (2017).

XXX Prepaid Cards are shown as an independent item ,as of December 2015.

- NSFR equal to at least 100% for all currencies ( local currency and foreign currencies) and per local currency and foreign currencies.

* السنة المالیة تنتھى فى ٣٠ یونیو لبنوك القطاع العام و ٣١ دیسمبر للبنوك األخرى - قوائم مالیة مدققة (تتضمن فروع البنك الخارجیة).



- 43 -

_ نسبة تغطیة السیولة لكل من العملة المحلیة والعمالت االجنبیة على حده ٩٠%،١٠٠% على الترتیب لعامى ٢٠١٨، ٢٠١٩.

١٢- تابع مؤشرات أخرى للقطاع المصرفى (بخالف البنك المركزى المصرى)


The Tier 1 capital including conservation buffer should not be less than 7.875% and 8.5% in 2018 & 2019, respectively.

# Common equity including the conservation buffer should not be less than 6.375% and 7.0% in 2018 & 2019, respectively.

7,855 9,031

- LCR per local currency and foreign currencies is 90% and 100% for 2018 & 2019, respectivley.

X Both percentages are mandatory on a quarterly basis as follows:


*** Published at the end of June and December.


16,242,941 13,200,787 17,562,134

8,294,815XXX 10,052,093


* Fiscal year ends on June 30th for public sector banks, and on December 31st for other banks - audited financial statements (including banks' foreign branches).


XX Population in thousand per banking unit.


1017 1017

23.6 23.4 23.7




Excluding Egyptian T-bills .

38 38

3766 3882 4009


June June June

64.6 62.5

40.9 47.0

34.5 39.9

24.2 20.8

84.0 79.6

59.7 55.4

52.0 60.2

4.0 4.6

1.5 2.0

24.4 30.9

99.0 99.1

79.8 71.5

7.1 6.0

N/A 4.8



11.712.4 11.9

12.1 11.7







12 - Financial Soundness Indicators for the Banking Sector (Except CBE)

Indicators (%) اات (%)

2015 2016 2017


١٢- مؤشرات السالمة المالیة للقطاع المصرفى (بخالف البنك المركزى المصرى)

*ا ا

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2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

End of م م م م م م أ أ م د آ

June June June June June June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.

Banknote Issue by Denomination+ 264128 289875 314885 369321 453081 486726 479835 498224 489451 483392 481176 480176 481184

+ا ار ات

PT 25 143 146 159 166 170 173 173 173 173 173 173 174 174 ونو

PT 50 293 316 355 365 407 441 443 447 449 451 452 455 457 ن

LE 1 913 945 969 1029 1238 1387 1399 1414 1424 1438 1454 1474 1493 وا

LE 5 1902 1833 1828 2431 3080 4516 4442 4517 4428 4349 4285 4241 4126 ت

LE 10 3192 3516 3504 3089 3815 4994 4862 5426 5290 5149 5068 4997 4941 ة ت

LE 20 6654 6809 6749 6093 6899 8154 7872 8352 8119 7861 7648 7586 7436 ون

LE 50 25017 25279 30767 29115 28434 25128 24473 25008 24418 23935 23667 23612 23607 ن

LE 100 107212 115749 114574 132481 159390 160824 156985 160258 155296 152301 150064 147214 145447

LE 200 118802 135282 155980 194552 249648 281109 279186 292629 289854 287735 288365 290423 293503

Note issue / GDP (%)X 14.20 13.61 12.88 13.63 13.06 10.97 10.27 10.66 10.47 10.34 10.29 10.27 10.30 X(%)ا ا ر / اا ا

Currency in Circulation Outside CBE 260849 288651 313468 368459 452035 482541 473445 490994 481228 476126 474335 477220 476480 ا ااول رج ا ا اى

Subsidiary Denominations 377 408 428 436 448 490 498 507 515 526 536 548 560 وما ا

Paper * 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 *ور

Coins ** 338 369 389 397 409 451 459 468 476 487 497 509 521 ** م

Denomination of Currency in Circulation 260472 288243 313040 368023 451587 482051 472947 490487 480713 475600 473799 476672 475920 ت ا ااول

PT 25 142 145 158 166 170 173 173 173 173 173 173 174 174 ونو

PT 50 292 314 352 364 406 440 441 445 447 449 451 454 456 ن

LE 1 910 941 963 1027 1233 1381 1394 1409 1420 1435 1450 1468 1488 وا

LE 5 1839 1763 1803 2392 3048 4472 4400 4485 4398 4322 4250 4179 4067 ت

LE 10 2949 3263 3411 3018 3742 4900 4783 5343 5216 5088 4999 4898 4853 ة ت

LE 20 6465 6668 6636 6003 6670 7923 7662 8142 7922 7676 7544 7415 7267 ون

LE 50 24765 25154 30579 29004 28316 25002 24353 24919 24336 23873 23603 23499 23372 ن

LE 100 106192 115402 114027 132277 159129 158949 153258 156649 151389 148282 146297 145680 143342

LE 200 116918 134593 155111 193772 248873 278811 276483 288922 285412 284302 285032 288905 290901

Average value per note ( in LE ) 50.19 52.48 53.43 57.78 60.65 58.68 58.31 58.82 58.39 58.25 58.25 58.57 58.65 () ا ور

- 44-

13 - Banknote Issue & Currency in Circulation

. ٥٠،٢٥، ١٠٠ ما ا +

** Denominations of 1, 5 ,10, 20 , 25 , 50 piasters, and 1 pound.

* Denominations of 5 & 10 piasters.

ب ا ا ا ا ر ادا امت ا ااردة ا وزارة ا وا واح ادارى.x

. ١ ، ت ١، ٥ ، ١٠ ، ٢٠ ، ٢٥ ، ٥٠ **

- 45 -

* ت ٥ ، ١٠ وش .


( LE mn )

١٣ - ا ار وااول

the Ministry of Planning, Monitoring and Administrative Reform.

( ن )

+ Including coin denominations of 25, 50 and 100 piasters.

x The GDP for the year ended in each quarter, was calculated according to the quarterly GDP data provided by

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2018 2019

During م أ أ م د ل

2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.

Local Currency Transactions via RTGS* *(RTGS) ا ا ل م ا ت اا

1- Automated Clearing House (ACH) وما ا -١Number of transactions (thousand) 12886 13439 13500 12449 10688 758 943 790 854 934 814 963 872 () تد ا

Value of transactions (LE bn) 789 966 1047 1249 1652 119 139 119 131 141 130 144 135 ( ر) تا

2- Other Transactions via RTGS** **(RTGS) ل م ى ات ا٢- ا

Number of transactions (in unit) 1034549 1021058 1074548 1197635 1791922 164782 175423 101282 109692 122681 108901 119564 110575 د ات (ة)

Value of transactions (LE bn) 16421 22587 29709 33349 34402 2693 3496 3234 3164 3995 3696 3998 3739 ( ر) تا

Foreign Currency Transfers (Dollar Interbank Transactions) via the Fin-Copy System***

***Fin-Copy (رىوا مت ا) ا تا

Number of transactions (in unit) 4842 5482 3399 8367 18886 1010 1211 1086 957 1191 1019 1327 1363 د ات (ة)

Value of transactions (US$ mn) 8468 7597 9257 6916 18460 2064 3799 1612 2402 2898 2657 2097 3876 ات ( ن دور )

* The RTGS was launched on 15/3/2009. .٣/١٥/ ٢٠٠٩ (RTGS) ا ا ا *

** Including corridor operations and deposits for monetary policy purposes as of 15/3/2009. .٢٠٠٩/٣/١٥ ءا ا اض ا تاور وارت ا **

*** This service was introduced on 19/9/2004. .٢٠٠٤/٩/١٩ راا ه ا أ ا ***

ا و (RTGS) ا ا ل م ت ا١٤14- ا -Transactions via RTGS and SWIFT

- 46 -

السنوات المالیة

Fiscal Years

- 47 -


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2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

م ٢٦ م ٢٥ م ٣٠ م ٢٩ م ٢٨ ٣ ١٠ ١٧ ٢٤ ٣١ ا ٧ ا ١٤ ا ٢١ ا ٢٨

26 June 25 June 30 June 29 June 28 June 3 Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 31 Jan. 7 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 Feb. 28 Feb.

First : Interest Rates on Egyptian Pound أو :أر اا اى

The Key Interest Rates* *ا ر اأ

Discount Rate 8.75 9.25 12.25 17.25 17.25 17.25 17.25 17.25 17.25 17.25 17.25 17.25 16.25 16.25 دة اإ

Overnight Deposit & Lending Rates at the CBE (Corridor)** ى ااع وااض ى ا اى ة واة (ارور) **

Deposit Rate 8.25 8.75 11.75 16.75 16.75 16.75 16.75 16.75 16.75 16.75 16.75 16.75 15.75 15.75 ااع

Lending Rate 9.25 9.75 12.75 17.75 17.75 17.75 17.75 17.75 17.75 17.75 17.75 17.75 16.75 16.75 ااض

The Rate of Main Operations+ +ت اا

Interest Rate on TBs Repo Transactions++ ++ اما ذون اءدة ات إ ا

7 days ٧

Weighted Average of Interest Rates ا ا ر ا ودا اك

on Banks' Deposits Accepted by the CBEX -: Xىا ى ا طا

- Fixed Rate -

6 days 17.25 ٦

7 days 9.25 12.25 17.25 17.25 17.25 17.25 17.25 17.25 17.25 17.25 16.25 16.25 ٧

8 days 8.75 ٨

- Corridor Linked Rate - رور

28 days XX19.229 17.257 ٢٨

49 days 17.273 17.257 ٤٩

56 days 17.268 17.267 17.266 16.263 16.264 ٥٦

112 days XX20.925 ١١٢

210 days 17.377 17.379 ٢١٠

. xx

15 - Discount and Interest Rates وا ر ا١٥ - أ

( Annually % ) (% )

Week Ending ع اا

2019 2019

* In its meeting on 28/3/2019, the MPC decided to keep the CBE's key interest rates unchanged. . ى دونا ى ا ا ر اأ ء٢٠١٩/٣/٢٨ ا ر ا ا ا رت *

** These rates were first announced on 2/6/2005 in the press release of the MPC, and were applied as of 5/6/2005. .٢٠٠٥/٦/٥ أ٢٠٠٥/٦/٢، و ر ا ا ن ره ا نأ ا


.٢٠١١/٣/١٠ ر ا ا ا ا ن ٢٠١١/٣/٢٢، و اء اا راا ة ٧ أ (Repo) اءدة ات إت ا اءإ ءا ++++

7-day Repo transactions were launched as of Tuesday 22/3/2011, according to the MPC Press Release issued in its meeting on 10/3/2011.

ى ت ر ادا ى ا اى ٧ أ ذات ا ا اء أع، وذات ا ا رور ،وا أ ا رس ٢٠١٨ ارء أع.x

+ According to the MPC meeting held on 21/3/2013, the CBE's main operations would be Repos or deposit auctions depending on the prevailing market liquidity conditions. و ن ا ا ر ٢٠١٣/٣/٢١، ن ات ا ت إدة اء (Repo) أو ادات ااع وا د ط ا اق.


and on Wednesday of every week for corridor linked rate which has been applied as of March 2018.

- 49 -

xx Variable Rate.

- 48 -

x Bank deposit acceptance operations are conducted by the CBE on Tuesday of every week for 7 day maturity (fixed rate)

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م ١٩ م ٢٦ م ١٨ م ٢٥ م ٣٠ ٧ م ٢٩ ٦ م ٢٨ ٥ ١٠ ١٧ ٢٤ ٣١ ا ٧ ا ١٤ ا ٢١ ا ٢٨

19 June 26 June 18 June 25June 30 June 7 July 29 June 6 July 28 June 5 July 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 31 Jan. 7 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 Feb. 28 Feb.

For: Overnight ة: واة

Less than one week أ أع

One week أع

Less than one month أ

One month

Over one month أ

Interest Rates on ر اأ

Deposits & Loans at Banks** : ادا واوض ى اك** :More than one-month and less than or equal to three-month deposits 6.70 6.80 7.50 11.20 11.70 12.20 12.20 أ وى أو وأ ة أ داا

More than three-month and less than or equal to six-month deposits 7.30 7.50 8.20 12.60 12.90 12.60 12.50 أ وى أو وأ أ ة أ داا

More than six-month and less than or equal to one year deposits 8.40 8.80 8.90 12.20 12.90 12.20 11.90 وى أو وأ أ ة أ داا

Less than or equal to one year loans    11.30 11.60 13.40 18.00 18.20 18.10 17.40 وى أو ة أ وضا

Treasury Bills X : :

 X امأذون ا

91- day bills 10.677 10.636 12.246 11.672 13.960 13.974 20.375 20.970 19.358 19.531 19.190 18.715 18.478 18.114 18.132 18.202 17.453 17.663 أذون ٩١

96- day bills - - - - - - - - 19.531 19.531+ - - - - - - - - أذون ٩٦

182 - day bills 10.874 10.825 12.522 12.304 14.908 14.917 20.413 21.032 19.361 19.555 19.708 19.342 18.829 18.439 18.362 18.530 18.565 17.373 أذون ١٨٢

266 - day bills 10.922 10.922+ 12.326+ 11.933 15.118+ 15.115 20.350+ 21.155 18.755+ 19.539 19.967+ 19.275 19.275+ 18.203 18.203+ 18.543 18.543+ 17.911 أذون ٢٦٦

271 - day bills - - - - - - - - 19.555 19.555+ أذون ٢٧١

272 - day bills - - - - - - - - - - أذون ٢٧٢

273 - day bills 10.975+ 10.895 12.574 12.574+ 15.087 15.087+ 20.662 20.662+ 19.362 19.362+ 19.668 19.668+ 18.684 18.684+ 18.296 18.296+ 17.686 17.686+ أذون ٢٧٣

357 - day bills 10.971 10.971+

12.270+ 12.505 14.188

+ 15.185 20.307+ 21.047 18.427

+ 19.113 19.975+ 19.371 19.371

+ 18.404 18.404+ 18.200 18.200

+ 17.104 أذون ٣٥٧

364 - day bills 11.115+ 10.938 12.723 12.723

+ 15.185 15.185+ 20.390 20.390

+ 18.928 18.928+ 19.760 19.760

+ 18.904 18.904+ 18.133 18.133

+ 18.182 18.182+ أذون ٣٦٤

Other Saving Vessels*** : أو إدر أى*** :

Investment certificates with periodcal  return xx xxورىا ر ذات ادات ا

    With Tenor 3 Years 9.75 10.25 12.75 16.25 15.00 15.00 15.00 ة ث ات

    With Tenor 12 Months - - - - 15.75 15.75 15.75 ة

Investment certificates with accumulated return xx 9.25 9.75 10.75 10.75 10.75 10.75 10.75xxا ر ذات ادات ا

Post office saving deposits 8.50 8.00 8.00 10.25 10.25 10.25 10.25 ا وق ودا

Second : Interest Rates on Foreign Currencies ت ا ار اأ : م

3- Month Foreign Currency Deposits in Egypt xx : :

XX ر ة ت ا داا ر اأ

In US Dollar ر اوMinimum 0.1051 0.1269 0.2840 0.5830 1.0510 1.2350 1.1830 أدم

Maximum 0.2289 0.2764 0.6185 1.2696 2.2889 2.6895 2.5763 أ

In Euro رو

Minimum 0.0534 0.0345 0.0345 0.0345 0.0345 0.0345 0.0345 أدم

Maximum 0.1423 0.0920 0.0920 0.0920 0.0920 0.0920 0.0920 أ

In Pound Sterling ا

Minimum 0.1380 0.1438 0.1383 0.0749 0.1661 0.2327 0.2142 أدم

Maximum 0.3863 0.4025 0.3872 0.2097 0.4651 0.6516 0.5996 أ

8.396 8.969


From 20/6 - 03/7/2017







2016 2017



11.915 17.051

من ٦/١٠- ٢٠١٤/٦/٢٣Interbank Interest Rates* :

From 1/1-14/1/2019


15 - Discount and Interest Rates (contd.)


Week Ending 

من٦/٩ - ٢٠١٥/٦/٢٢من ٦/١٩ - ٢٠١٨/٧/٢

( Annually %)


from 10/6-23/6/2014 from 9/6 – 22/6/2015

من ٦/٢١ -٢٠١٦/٧/٤من ٦/٢٠ - ٢٠١٧/٠٧/٣أر ا اك* :

من ١/١ - ٢٠١٩/١/١٤

ع اا

From 21/6 – 4/7/2016

وا ر اأ - ١٥

(% )

من ١/١٥ - ٢٠١٩/١/٢٨

17.930 17.171

من ١/٢٩ - ٢٠١٩/٢/١١

From15/1-28/1/2019 From29/1-11/2/2019









 xx  Source : National Bank of Egypt.

   x  Represents the interest rates of the accepted bids in the sessions held on every Tuesday of each week.



   *  Weighted average of actual transactions.


   +  According to the rates of the preceding week .


أر ا اءات ا ات ا امد اء أع .x   


       (on deposits and loans)  have been compiled according to the Domestic Money Monitoring System (DMMS).




** ارا ٢٠٠٥ ب ا ا ر ا اك ودا ٨٠% إ ادا ى از ا وذ أس ى.    **  As of Sept. 2005, weighted average interest rates  have been calculated ,based  on a sample of banks whose deposits represent  around 80% of the total deposits of the banking system





17.000 -

- -

ا ل م (وضو ودا) ر ات أم ل وا ٢٠١٠ م راوا،ا ك اد ا ٢٠٠٧ ار راوا

.(DMMS) ى اق اا

.ا ر ا ا ا دة وا ، ا وق ر وودادات ا ر اول أا ***

.ع ار ا و +

*** The table shows  the interest rates on investment certificates and on the post office saving deposits that usually change with  the key interest  rates changes made by the Monetary Policy Committee.      

- 51 - - 50 -

ار : ا ا اى.xx


.ت ا ا ا *    



       on a monthly basis.  As of Sept. 2007, the number of  banks in the sample increased. As of June 2010, maturities have been changed and the data on interest rates


من ٢/١٢ - ٢٠١٩/٢/٢٥





17.016 17.101



17.250 17.250

16.918 16.978

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Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell

First: Interbank Rates مق ا ر اأ :أو

Weighted average

Second: Market Rates ءر اأ :م

US dollar 17.6158 17.7151 17.6214 17.7197 17.5703 17.6703 17.5567 17.6567 17.5564 17.6564 17.5592 17.6592 17.5614 17.6608 17.5603 17.6600 17.5601 17.6601 17.5014 17.6014 17.5025 17.6025 17.5100 17.6100 ر اوا

Euro 20.1772 20.2998 20.1677 20.2873 20.0723 20.1883 19.9953 20.1180 19.9125 20.0347 19.8910 20.0131 19.8549 19.9691 19.8291 19.9470 19.8675 19.9842 19.7171 19.8385 19.7656 19.8873 19.8371 19.9539 ارو

Pound Sterling 23.0556 23.1944 23.0135 23.1437 22.8466 22.9731 22.7412 22.8671 22.7338 22.8562 22.7339 22.8545 22.6542 22.7754 22.6176 22.7373 22.6772 22.7992 22.4158 22.5368 22.5765 22.6949 22.6439 22.7662 ا ا

Swiss Franc 17.6884 17.7952 17.6602 17.7659 17.5545 17.6614 17.5461 17.6531 17.5318 17.6352 17.5521 17.6592 17.4879 17.5940 17.4226 17.5285 17.4641 17.5705 17.3504 17.4565 17.4068 17.5149 17.4576 17.5591 ام اى

100 Japanese Yens 16.0860 16.1812 16.0340 16.1279 15.9875 16.0829 15.9970 16.0895 15.9967 16.0908 15.9992 16.0948 15.9359 16.0276 15.9017 15.9978 15.8643 15.9560 15.7599 15.8528 15.8379 15.9327 15.8390 15.9309 م ١٠٠

Saudi Riyal 4.6969 4.7237 4.6983 4.7249 4.6848 4.7118 4.6812 4.7082 4.6811 4.7081 4.6821 4.7090 4.6827 4.7093 4.6822 4.7090 4.6821 4.7091 4.6664 4.6935 4.6667 4.6937 4.6687 4.6957 ال ادى

Kuwaiti Dinar 58.1285 58.4755 58.1027 58.4462 57.8807 58.2389 57.8245 58.1711 57.8102 58.1606 57.8270 58.1947 57.7791 58.1274 57.7546 58.0997 57.8074 58.1538 57.5514 57.8974 57.6214 57.9888 57.6385 57.9849 ر اا

UAE Dirham 4.7958 4.8231 4.7969 4.8246 4.7830 4.8111 4.7793 4.8074 4.7792 4.8073 4.7806 4.8091 4.7812 4.8084 4.7803 4.8083 4.7809 4.8082 4.7642 4.7924 4.7647 4.7929 4.7666 4.7947 راا را

Chinese Yuan 2.6109 2.6273 2.6117 2.6280 2.6042 2.6207 2.6021 2.6187 2.6021 2.6186 2.6025 2.6190 2.5863 2.6015 2.5935 2.6087 2.5957 2.6118 2.5817 2.6003 2.5823 2.6008 2.5876 2.6035 ان اا

Special Drawing Rights** ** ا ق ا ةو

Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell

First: Interbank Rates مق ا ر اأ :أو

Weighted average

Second: Market Rates ءر اأ :م

US dollar 17.5147 17.6131 17.5156 17.6153 17.4908 17.5908 17.4853 17.5853 17.4764 17.5736 17.4778 17.5778 17.4786 17.5786 17.4794 17.5794 ر اوا

Euro 19.7566 19.8763 19.8679 19.9828 19.8486 19.9691 19.8301 19.9523 19.8444 19.9636 19.8600 19.9789 19.8924 20.0132 19.9423 20.0652 ارو

Pound Sterling 22.6290 22.7490 22.8385 22.9615 22.8553 22.9807 22.8305 22.9523 22.8591 22.9845 23.0497 23.1728 23.2850 23.4077 23.2407 23.3666 ا ا

Swiss Franc 17.4103 17.5150 17.4998 17.6065 17.4734 17.5803 17.4696 17.5835 17.4816 17.5859 17.4621 17.5637 17.5207 17.6280 17.5991 17.7069 ام اى

100 Japanese Yens 15.8104 15.9034 15.8083 15.9040 15.8016 15.8934 15.7938 15.8884 15.7815 15.8707 15.7614 15.8530 15.8077 15.9039 15.7771 15.8731 م ١٠٠

Saudi Riyal 4.6700 4.6966 4.6702 4.6972 4.6636 4.6906 4.6621 4.6892 4.6597 4.6860 4.6601 4.6872 4.6603 4.6874 4.6606 4.6876 ال ادى

Kuwaiti Dinar 57.6465 57.9911 57.6853 58.0347 57.6114 57.9618 57.5837 57.9321 57.5639 57.9127 57.5798 57.9532 57.5864 57.9597 57.5986 57.9721 ر اا

UAE Dirham 4.7679 4.7955 4.7681 4.7961 4.7614 4.7895 4.7602 4.7877 4.7574 4.7848 4.7584 4.7858 4.7580 4.7862 4.7583 4.7864 راا را

Chinese Yuan 2.5877 2.6027 2.6046 2.6211 2.6043 2.6194 2.6031 2.6203 2.6106 2.6290 2.6097 2.6254 2.6155 2.6307 2.6130 2.6319 ان اا

Special Drawing Rights** ** ا ق ا ةو

16- Daily Exchange Rates for February 2019 (In LE per Foreign Currency Unit )* ١٦- أسعار الصرف الیومیة لشھر فبرایر ٢٠١٩ ( بالجنیھ لكل عملة أجنبیة )*

February 2019 February 2019

3 4 5 6

17.6657 17.6707 17.6280 17.6060 17.6110 17.6112

17 187 10 11 12 13 14

17.6099 17.6125 17.6083 17.5522 17.5524 17.5617

24.2482 24.2690 24.279424.3893 24.3561 24.401524.6357 24.6012 24.5035 24.4512 24.3964 24.4213

February 2019 February 2019

19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28

17.5286 17.531117.5650 17.5690 17.5393 17.5371 17.5269 17.5285

24.4298 24.436224.2999 24.3730 24.3577 24.3325 24.3656 24.3798

Pound Sterling 0.085946 (8.09%).

- 53 - - 52 -

* Average foreign exchange rates, according to CBE data. * أر ف ات ا ط مت ا اى اى.

** Effective 1/10/2016, the relative weights of the five currencies in the SDR basket were re-evaluated. Accordingly, the value of one SDR equals the sum of the ، (% ٤١,٧٣ زن اا) ٠,٥٨٢٥٢ ر اوت : اا ع وى ٢٠١٦/١٠/١ راإ وا SDR ا ق ا ةو **

five currencies as follows : US$ 0.58252 (relative weight of 41.73%),euro 0.38671 (30.93%), Chinese Yuan 1.0174 (10.92%), Japanese yen 11.900 (8.33% ) ,and .(%٨,٠٩) ٠,٠٨٥٩٤٦ ا ١١,٩٠٠ (٨,٣٣ %) وا ما ١,٠١٧٤(١٠,٩٢%) ، وا ان ارو ٠,٣٨٦٧١(٣٠,٩٣ %) ، واوا

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Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell

First: Interbank Rates مق ا ر اأ :أو

Weighted average

Second: Market Rates ءر اأ :م

US Dollar 17.8615 17.9558 17.8624 17.9558 17.8628 17.9564 17.8636 17.9564 17.8643 17.9563 17.8654 17.9558 17.8688 17.9556 17.8722 17.9558 ر اوا

Euro 20.1907 20.3027 20.3827 20.4966 20.3493 20.4613 20.2984 20.4128 20.3206 20.4342 20.3684 20.4804 20.3704 20.4694 20.3368 20.4337 ارو

Pound Sterling 22.8663 22.9924 22.9781 23.1074 22.8143 22.9429 22.8083 22.9375 22.6180 22.7362 22.5569 22.6764 22.5861 22.6995 22.4582 22.5705 ا ا

Swiss Franc 17.7621 17.8612 17.9557 18.0570 17.9598 18.0557 17.9534 18.0539 18.0102 18.1047 17.9787 18.0769 18.0822 18.1682 18.1223 18.2145 ام اى

100 Japanese Yens 15.7426 15.8285 15.8130 15.8972 15.7687 15.8555 15.8436 15.9287 15.7478 15.8302 15.8987 15.9835 16.1373 16.2127 16.5914 16.6736 م ١٠٠

Saudi Riyal 4.7610 4.7867 4.7608 4.7862 4.7609 4.7863 4.7615 4.7865 4.7617 4.7864 4.7627 4.7871 4.7634 4.7855 4.7643 4.7872 ال ادى

Kuwaiti Dinar 58.6605 59.0225 58.7269 59.0866 58.7321 59.0554 58.7232 59.0476 58.6792 59.0724 58.7080 59.0963 58.8273 59.0780 58.9065 59.2035 ر اا

UAE Dirham 4.8623 4.8889 4.8625 4.8889 4.8626 4.8890 4.8634 4.8888 4.8630 4.8890 4.8637 4.8889 4.8654 4.8887 4.8652 4.8889 راا را

Chinese Yuan 2.5734 2.5880 2.5762 2.5902 2.5722 2.5862 2.5924 2.6068 2.5955 2.6100 2.5893 2.6031 2.5962 2.6083 2.6004 2.6130 ان اا

Special Drawing Rights** ** ا ق ا ةو

Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell

First: Interbank Rates مق ا ر اأ :أو

Weighted average

Second: Market Rates ءر اأ :م

US dollar 17.8736 17.9572 17.8763 17.9561 17.8650 17.9544 17.6050 17.7044 17.5564 17.6564 17.5014 17.6014 17.4908 17.5908 17.4794 17.5794 ر اوا

Euro 20.5904 20.6957 20.3843 20.4789 20.3071 20.4124 20.2387 20.3548 19.9125 20.0347 19.7171 19.8385 19.8486 19.9691 19.9423 20.0652 ارو

Pound Sterling 22.7960 22.9098 23.0693 23.1813 23.2906 23.4126 23.1206 23.2601 22.7338 22.8562 22.4158 22.5368 22.8553 22.9807 23.2407 23.3666 ا ا

Swiss Franc 18.3037 18.3913 18.0186 18.1009 17.9116 18.0085 17.7291 17.8310 17.5318 17.6352 17.3504 17.4565 17.4734 17.5803 17.5991 17.7069 ام اى

100 Japanese Yens 16.5252 16.6040 16.4349 16.5129 16.2883 16.3743 16.1885 16.2844 15.9967 16.0908 15.7599 15.8528 15.8016 15.8934 15.7771 15.8731 م ١٠٠

Saudi Riyal 4.7648 4.7876 4.7656 4.7874 4.7631 4.7875 4.6939 4.7207 4.6811 4.7081 4.6664 4.6935 4.6636 4.6906 4.6606 4.6876 ال ادى

Kuwaiti Dinar 59.0219 59.3157 58.9489 59.2337 58.8807 59.1970 58.1157 58.4614 57.8102 58.1606 57.5514 57.8974 57.6114 57.9618 57.5986 57.9721 ر اا

UAE Dirham 4.8656 4.8892 4.8663 4.8889 4.8632 4.8885 4.7930 4.8202 4.7792 4.8073 4.7642 4.7924 4.7614 4.7895 4.7583 4.7864 راا را

Chinese Yuan 2.6348 2.6473 2.6397 2.6524 2.6318 2.6455 2.6248 2.6403 2.6021 2.6186 2.5817 2.6003 2.6043 2.6194 2.6130 2.6319 ان اا

Special Drawing Rights** ** ا ق ا ةو



24.357724.9837 24.9124 24.8717

17.9148 17.6110 17.552217.6599




November 2018

17.9119 17.9155



24.7260 24.8186 24.7787

17 - Weekly Exchange Rates ( In LE per Foreign Currency Unit )* ١٧- أسعار الصرف االسبوعیة ( بالجنیھ لكل عملة أجنبیة )*

29/11/2018 6/12/20108 27/12/201815/11/2018 3/1/201922/11/2018 13/12/2018 20/12/2018

December 2018 January 2019December 2018

- 55 -

، (% ٤١٫٧٣ زن اا) ٠٫٥٨٢٥٢ ر اوت : اا ع وى ٢٠١٦/١٠/١ راإ وا SDR ا ق ا ةو **

* أر ف ات ا آ اع.

. (%٨٫٠٩) ٠٫٠٨٥٩٤٦ ا ١١٫٩٠٠ (٨٫٣٣ %) وا ما ١٫٠١٧٤ (١٠٫٩٢%) ، وا ان ارو ٠٫٣٨٦٧١ (٣٠٫٩٣ %) ، واوا

* Average foreign exchange rates on the last working day of the week.

** Effective 1/10/2016, the relative weights of the five currencies in the SDR basket were re-evaluated. Accordingly, the value of one

SDR equals the sum of the five currencies as follows : US$ 0.58252 (relative weight of 41.73%), Euro 0.38671 (30.93%),

- 54 -

Chinese Yuan 1.0174 (10.92%), Japanese yen 11.900 (8.33% ) ,and Pound Sterling 0.085946 (8.09%).

January 2019

24.436224.248224.6593 24.3964


17.9179 17.9186


17.9159 17.9151 17.9125

24.6793 24.7501



February 2019



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2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

End of م م م م م م أ أ م د آ

June June June June June June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.

Listing ا

No. of listed companies (Unit) 210 213 221 222 222 224 223 221 222 222 220 220 220 د ات اة (ة)

No. of listed shares 40147 43800 53304 61773 64110 74608 75343 75563 76930 73830 72032 73204 73636 د ا اة

Market capitalization ( LE ) 321679 477641 485175 382541 687419 910827 873584 881717 803863 751582 750702 749713 793408 () ل ارأس ا

Listed Bonds ( LE ) 328030 446907 602401 756722 717387 728679 736782 753646 739418 732839 728854 719231 732517 () ة ات

Government*, of which : 315090 436367 592787 745070 709265 722624 728902 745649 731649 723715 719780 710378 723803 : ،*

Bonds of the primary dealers 314978 436260 592690 745005 709215 722573 728853 745600 731600 723665 719731 710326 723752 ات ان ان

Companies 3474 2445 1500 2458 4025 2862 2859 2193 2195 2194 2194 2194 2163 ت

Securitization 4466 3095 3114 4194 4097 3193 5021 5804 5574 6930 6880 6659 6551 ر

Public juristic entities** 5000 5000 5000 5000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 **رت ا ات

Trading ااول

Total Value of Traded Securities during the Month ( LE ) 10859 41657 12631 13863 19804 21137 22642 18857 32048 26807 28378 24142 23104 () ل ا اوا وراق اا إ

Floor Trading دا ارة

Shares 4674 17933 8195 8856 15526 15688 16532 11953 15443 18260 21922 17146 17276 أ

Bonds, of which : 954 11285 3685 4621 3617 2356 3249 5145 13885 5282 4140 4357 3368 : ،ات

Bonds of the primary dealers 954 11285 3685 4621 3617 2356 3249 5145 13885 5282 4140 4357 3368 ات ان ان

Mutual fund documents 0 0 26 119 144 314 128 90 70 145 54 71 149 و د ار

Over the Counter Trading رج ارة

Shares 5231 12439 725 267 517 2779 2733 1669 2650 3120 2262 2568 2311 أ

Bonds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ات

Mutual fund documents 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 و د ار

Other Indicators ات أى

P/E ratio of the most active companies *** 10.99 15.35 22.33 11.31 14.48 14.02 13.45 13.05 11.61 10.83 10.49 10.46 10.81 *** طم ت ا ا

The Market of Small and Medium Enterprises (Nilex)**** ****(ا ر) ة وات اق ا

No. of listed companies (Unit) 23 24 33 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 د ات اة (ة)

No. of listed shares 228 265 460 672 1017 1061 1076 1077 1077 1077 1077 1077 1077 د ا اة

Total value of traded securities ( LE ) 9 51 43 63 27 19 21 42 14 18 21 114 16 () اوا وراق اا

The market capitalization of shares ( LE ) 963 1062 1202 1198 1142 1118 1159 1143 1124 1148 1164 1156 1159 () ل ارأس ا

** Bonds of Public juridical entities were listed on the Egyptian Exchange as of December 2010. The second tranche of the first

and second bond issues with fixed interest rate were redeemed at their final redemption dates in April and June 2011, respectively.

The first tranche of the first and second bond issues with variable interest rate were redeemed at their final redemption date, .٢٠١٦ و ا

and were cancelled in July 2016.

.٢٠١٠/٦/٣ راا ا ر اولء ا ****

- 57 - - 56 -

**** Trading in the Nilex started on 3/6/2010.

ا ر اق ا ل ى أ وم ٢٠١١، اك ا او اار اول وام ات ذات ا ا ر اق


ات ذات ا مول واار اا ما ك اا ٢٠١٠، و د راا وراق اا ر رت اات ا **

.ا / ا = ا ***

وراق اق ا - ١٨

( ن )

18 - Stock Market

.ات ان، وات او ،( نن اا ) امات ا *

Source: Financial Regulatory Authority (FRA) and the Egyptian Exchange (EGX).

*** P/ E = price / earning.

. ا روا ا ا ر: اا

* Including Treasury bonds (encompassing primary dealers), housing bonds and development bonds.


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2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

End of م م م م م م أ أ م د آ

June June June June June June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.

The Egyptian Exchange Indices * * ا رات ا

EGX 30 4752.2 8162.2 8371.5 6942.5 13395.8 16348.6 15580.2 16009.4 14616.5 13250.3 13319.5 13035.8 14126.7 EGX 30

EGX 30 Capped 6750.1 11947.1 11137.4 9031.6 16730.4 21334.8 20184.7 20674.0 18730.8 16749.1 17164.0 16741.8 18012.5 EGX 30 Capped

EGX 50 EWI 1853.4 1430.1 1259.9 2076.3 2736.5 2584.0 2603.5 2278.4 2105.8 2185.2 2149.7 2286.4 EGX 50 EWI

EGX 70 360.2 591.1 444.7 351.0 649.4 804.6 744.5 747.4 712.4 695.4 681.6 693.8 683.8 EGX 70

EGX 100 643.0 1034.3 941.8 743.7 1509.2 2062.1 1930.1 1936.4 1810.8 1739.1 1706.8 1727.2 1722.9 EGX 100

Nile 839.2 763.8 657.2 631.6 510.1 465.0 476.2 465.7 448.7 471.2 473.6 467.5 472.9 ا

Sectoral Indices ات اا

Banks 1421.4 2397.4 3727.1 3263.2 6183.5 6772.3 6627.4 6862.3 6485.6 6229.9 5852.5 5832.6 6460.7 اك

Basic Resources 368.7 766.8 391.4 325.1 864.8 1219.9 1168.6 1119.3 998.1 921.8 918.6 911.5 938.4 ارد اا

Chemicals 649.1 908.0 668.5 628.7 1201.2 1892.0 1789.1 1963.6 1821.0 1676.3 1584.1 1441.5 1469.4 اوت

Construction & Building Materials 1305.8 2105.6 1537.6 1041.5 1466.7 1257.7 1141.4 1137.3 923.3 923.1 1005.2 935.8 985.5 ا واد اء

Financial Services (Excl. Banks) 288.5 643.4 474.1 352.2 649.0 837.9 808.3 828.5 773.4 729.0 726.6 722.4 792.5 ات ا (ء اك)

Food & Beverages 1032.6 1401.9 1273.8 1106.5 1417.0 1716.7 1652.6 1690.8 1487.8 1382.1 1456.8 1474.0 1468.0 ا واوت

Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals 1420.2 1723.4 2796.3 2562.5 3901.1 5228.7 4881.3 4717.3 4362.5 4412.5 4439.5 4599.7 4617.6 دووا ا ا

Industrial Goods & Services and Automobiles 797.0 1297.2 1221.7 945.6 1618.5 3316.9 3132.0 3275.7 3009.2 2632.8 2756.3 2959.4 2927.4 ات وات ا وارات

Household & Personal Products 423.4 800.6 868.7 629.1 1884.5 2786.3 2571.2 2436.6 2149.8 1896.8 2150.9 1935.4 2010.9 وا ت اا

Real Estates 653.3 1406.1 1440.5 1052.7 1721.5 2201.7 2096.9 2107.0 1852.1 1564.6 1628.5 1573.5 1718.7 ارات

Telecommunications 444.9 621.9 359.3 369.6 634.1 527.8 486.3 495.8 400.1 347.7 431.0 436.1 505.1 ات

Travel & Recreation 166.9 345.9 205.9 136.8 235.5 454.3 390.9 444.7 379.6 407.1 426.1 438.9 488.7 وا ا

Privatization ا

No. of Companies Sold (Accumulated), of which: 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 282 : ، (اا) ت اد ا

Anchor investor 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 ر

Majority IPOs 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 را

Sale Proceeds (Accumulated) (LE mn), of which: 53644 53644 53644 53644 53644 53644 53644 53644 53644 53644 53644 53644 53644 : ، (ى ن) (اا) ا

Anchor investor 32208 32208 32208 32208 32208 32208 32208 32208 32208 32208 32208 32208 32208 ر

Majority IPOs 6064 6064 6064 6064 6064 6064 6064 6064 6064 6064 6064 6064 6064 را

.٢٠١٣ راا ا و ، وا ا ٥٠ أ ىوا ، EGX 50 EWI وزانوي ا ا را

EGX 30 Capped index was introduced in February 2019 as a substitute for EGX 20 capped. The new index comprises

.٢٠٠٣ راا ب اا و

Source : The Egyptian Exchange (EGX).

وراق اق ا - ١٨

In February 2014, the Nile index was introduced. It was computed as of July 2012.

ام ار اEGX 30 ارا رس ٢٠٠٩.

.٢٠١٢ راا ا ٢٠١٤ و ا ا نا

18 - Stock Market (contd.)

ت اف ا أ ىا EGX 70 نوا EGX 30 إ CASE 30 ا را *

the most active 30 companies in terms of traded value and liquidity and was computed as of January 2003.

.ا رر: اا


* The Egyptian Exchange CASE 30 Index was renamed EGX 30, while the EGX 70 index was introduced as of March

- 58 -

The Egyptian Exchange has launched equally weighted index EGX50EWI . This index comprises the top 50 companies

2009 to cover the top 70 companies other than the 30 constituent companies of EGX 30.

in terms of liquidity and activity. It has been calculated as of July 2013.

.٢٠٠٩ أ راا EGX 70و ، EGX 30 مت اا ىا EGX 100 نا

- 59 -

،اول واا ا ٣٠ أ ا ا و ،EGX 20 Capped ل ٢٠١٩ ا EGX 30 Capped نا

EGX 100 was also introduced, encompassing the constituent companies of EGX 30 and EGX 70, as of August 2009.

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2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018

End of م م م م م أ أ م د ا آ

June June June June June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb.

Net International Reserves 16687 20082 17546 31305 44259 44315 44419 44459 44501 44513 42551 42617 44060 وت اطا

Gross Official Reserves 16710 20104 17570 31307 44262 44318 44422 44463 44505 44516 42555 42621 44064 ت اطا إ

Gold 2662 2420 2602 2602 2641 2587 2564 2545 2631 2612 2716 2804 2842 ا

SDRs 1274 1168 793 770 2706 689 651 651 643 580 586 591 528 ا ق ا اتو

Foreign currencies 12695 16453 14128 27904 38898 41026 41193 41253 41217 41310 39242 39216 40686 ت اا

Loans to IMF 79 63 47 31 17 16 14 14 14 14 11 10 8 وا وق ا وض

ا اردات ار ا د

NIR in months of merchandise imports 3.3 3.9 3.7 6.4 8.4 7.9 7.9 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.6 x7.6 x7.9 وت اطا

- 61-

.٢٠١٩/٢٠١٨ ا ا د/ ةل ا اردات اس اأ رة x

- 60 -

x Estimated on the basis of merchandise imports during July/ December of FY 2018/2019.

Gross and Net International Reserves with the CBE - ١٩19 - إ و اطت او ى ا اى اى

(US$ mn) ( رن دو )


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I.Official reserve assets and other foreign أو: ال اط ا و ال ا اى

currency assets (approximate market value) (ا ا ) ا

A. Official reserve assets ا طل اأ- ا

(1) Foreign currency reserves (in convertible foreign currencies) ا ت ا تط(١) ا

(a) Securities وراق ا(أ) ا

of which; issuer headquartered in the reporting country but located abroad ؛ ادرة ت ا او رة ان، ارج

(b) Total currency and deposits with: (ب) إ ا وادا ى :

(i) Other national central banks, BIS and IMF وا وق او وت اا ى وا طا ك اا :أو

(ii) Banks headquartered in the reporting country م :ك ا او رة ان

of which; located abroad ؛ اا ارج

(iii) Banks headquartered outside the reporting country نرة ا ورج ا ا ك :

of which; located in the reporting country نرة ا وا ا؛ ا

(2) IMF reserve position وا وق ا ى طا (٢)

(3) SDRs ا ق ا اتو زة(٣) ا

(4) Gold (including gold deposits and, if appropriate, gold swapped) (٤) ا ( ودا وت د ا ، اذا وت)

- Volume in fine troy ounces و ا -

(5) Other reserve assets (specify) (٥) ال اط اى ( ا )

- Financial derivatives ت اا -

- Loans to non-bank (non-residents) ت وض اا -

- Other ىأ -

B. Other foreign currency assets (specify) ب- ال اى ا ( ا )

- Securities not included in official reserve assets ا طل اا رج ا وراق اا -

- Deposits not included in official reserve assets ا طل اا رج ا داا -

- Loans not included in official reserve assets ا طل اا رج وض اا -

- Financial derivatives not included in official reserve assets ا طل اا رج ا ت اا -

- Gold not included in official reserve assets ا طل اا رج ىا ا -

- Other - أى

Up to 1


More than

1 month &

up to 3


More than 3

months &

up to 1 year

Up to 1


More than

1 month &

up to 3


More than 3

months &

up to 1 year

II.Predetermined short-term net drains on foreign currency assets (nominal value) (ا )ا لا دةا ة ا تاا : م

1- Foreign currency loans, securities, and deposits -13061.64 -674.90 -2644.40 -9742.34 -18319.12 -554.05 -3239.96 -14525.11 ا وودا وض وأوراق -١

- Outflows ( - ) Principal -10717.84 -310.54 -2278.29 -8129.01 -15921.60 -258.43 -2970.77 -12692.40 ا ( - ) رت اا

Interest -2343.80 -364.36 -366.11 -1613.33 -2397.52 -295.62 -269.19 -1832.71 اا

- Inflows (+) Principal 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ا ( + ) ات اا

Interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 اا

2- Aggregate short and long positions in forwards and futures in foreign currencies ا ا ت ا وا د اا و ا ا ا ٢- إ

vis-á-vis the domestic currency (including the forward leg of currency swaps) (ت اد ا ا )

( a ) Short positions (-) (-)ا ا (أ)

( b ) Long positions (+) (+)ا ا (ب)

3- Other (specify) -3194.16 0.00 -47.08 -3147.08 -799.27 -67.06 0.00 -732.21 ٣- اى ( ا )

- Outflows related to repos ( - ) -3194.16 0.00 -47.08 -3147.08 -799.27 -67.06 0.00 -732.21 - ات ار ا ت إدة ااء ( - )

- Inflows related to reverse repos (+) ( + ) اء ادة ات إ ا ات اا -

- Trade credit ( - ) - ان رى ( - )

- Trade credit (+) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - ان رى ( + )

- Other accounts payable ( - ) ( - ) ا ىت أ -

- Other accounts receivable (+) ( + ) ا ىت أ -



2018 2019آ








20 - Official Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity ا وا ت اط٢٠- ا

( US$ mn ) ( بالملیون دوالر )

End of


Maturity Breakdown

The expected disbursements of contractual loans to be received within the next year are illustrated in section V in this table. ات ا اوض ا وا ل ا اد واردة ا ا اول .

- 63 - - 62 -

Maturity Breakdown

(residual maturity) (residual maturity)































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Up to 1 month

More than 1

month & up to

3 months

More than 3

months & up

to 1 year

Up to 1 month

More than 1

month & up to

3 months

More than 3

months & up

to 1 year

III. Contingent short-term net drains on foreign currency assets (nominal value) (ا ) ا لا ة ا ت ااا :

1 - Contingent liabilities in foreign currency -4872.55 -24.00 -4630.55 -218.00 -4897.01 -4631.01 -48.00 -218.00 ت ا ت اا١- ا

(a) collateral guarantees on debt falling due within 1 year -290.00 -24.00 -48.00 -218.00 -290.00 -24.00 -48.00 -218.00 ل ن اا تم (أ)

(b) other contingent liabilities -4582.55 0.00 -4582.55 0.00 -4607.01 -4607.01 0.00 0.00 (ب) اات ا اى

2 - Foreign currency securities issued with embedded options (puttable bonds) ( كر ا ات) ر د و ا ت ا درةا وراق ا٢- ا

3 - Undrawn, unconditional credit lines provided by: : ا وطا و ا ما ٣- ا

(a) Other national monetary authorities, BIS and IMF and other international organizations (أ) ات ا اط اى و ات او ووق ا او و ات او اى

- Other national monetary authorities (+) (+) ىا طا ت اا -

- BIS (+) (+) وت اا -

- IMF (+) (+) وا وق ا -

- Other international organizations (+) (+) ىأ ت دو -

(b) Banks and other financial institutions headquartered in the reporting country (+) (ب) اك وات ا اى ا ا ا ا ر ان (+)

(c) Banks and other financial institutions headquartered outside the reporting country (+) (ج) اك وات ا اى ا ا ا رج ا ر ان (+)

4 - Undrawn, unconditional credit lines provided to: : إ ا وطا و ا ما ٤- ا

(a) Other national monetary authorities, BIS and IMF and other international organizations (أ) ات ا اط اى و ات او ووق ا او و ات او اى

- Other national monetary authorities ( - ) ( - ) ىا طا ت اا -

- BIS ( - ) ( - ) وت اا -

- IMF ( - ) ( - ) وا وق ا -

- Other international organizations ( - ) - ت دو أى ( - )

(b) Banks and other financial institutions headquartered in the reporting country (-) (ب) اك وات ا اى ا ا ا ا ر ان (-)

(c) Banks and other financial institutions headquartered outside the reporting country (-) (ج) اك وات ا اى ا ا ا رج ا ر ان (-)

5 - Aggregate short and long positions of options in foreign currencies vis-á-vis the domestic currency ا ا ت ا رد ا و ا ا ا ٥- إ

(a) Short positions ا ا (أ) (i) Bought puts (أو) رات اه

(ii) Written calls اء رات (م)

(b) Long positions ا (ب) (i) Bought calls (أو) رات اء اه (ii) Written puts رات (م)PRO MEMORIA: In-the money options (ر ر اد ا) را ر اد ا (1) At current exchange rate (١) اف اري (a) Short position ا (أ) (b) Long position ا (ب) (2) +5% (depreciation of 5%) (%٥ ضا) %(٢) +٥ (a) Short position ا (أ) (b) Long position ا (ب) (3) -5% (appreciation of 5%) (%٥ دةز) %(٣) -٥ (a) Short position ا (أ) (b) Long position ا (ب) (4) +10% (depreciation of 10%) (%١٠ ضا) %(٤) +١٠ (a) Short position ا (أ) (b) Long position ا (ب) (5) -10% (appreciation of 10%) (%١٠ دةز) %(٥) -١٠ (a) Short position ا (أ) (b) Long position ا (ب) (6) Other (specify) (٦) أى (ا) (a) Short position ا (أ) (b) Long position ا (ب)

20- Official Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity (contd.)

2018 2019

( US$ mn )

ا وا ت اطا -٢٠

( بالملیون دوالر )


(residual maturity)

- 65 -

Maturity Breakdown

End of



Maturity Breakdown

(residual maturity) آ


- 64 -

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IV.Memo items د إ : را

(1) to be reported with standard periodicity and timeliness: (١) د رج دورى و ت دة : (a) short-term domestic currency debt indexed to the exchange rate فا و ا ا ة ا مأ- أدوات ا

(b) financial instruments denominated in foreign currencies and settled by other means (e.g. in domestic currency)

(ا :ل) ىق أ ا ت ا دوات اب- ا

- Derivatives (forwards, futures or options contracts) - ات ا (اد ا أو ا أو د ارات) - short positions ا ا إ - - long positions ا ا إ -

- Other instruments - أدوات أى

(c) pledged assets مل اج- ا

- included in reserve assets طل اا -

- included in other foreign currency assets ا ىل اا -

(d) securities lent and on repo اء دةإ إ أو د- أوراق

- lent or repoed and included in section l - أو إ إدة اء و ر ا اول

- lent or repoed but not included in section l - أو إ إدة اء و ر ا اول

- borrowed or acquired and included in section l - أو و ر ا اول

- borrowed or acquired but not included in section l - أو و ر ا اول

(e) financial derivative assets (net, marked to market) (ق و ) ت ال اأ -

- forwards د اا -

- futures د اا -

- swaps دد ا -

- options - د ارات

- other - أى

(f) derivatives (forwards,futures,or options contracts) that have a residual maturity greater than one year

ة اا ا (راتد ا أو أو ا د اا) ت او- ا

. ا ت ن وا ا

- aggregate short and long positions of forwards and futures in foreign currencies vis-á-vis the domestic currency (including the forward leg of currency swaps)

ا ت ا وا د اا وا ا ا إ -

(دت ا ا ا ذ ) ا

(a) short positions (-) (-) ا ا (أ) إ

(b) long positions (+) (+) ا ا (ب) إ

- aggregate short and long positions of options in foreign currencies vis-á-vis the domestic currency

ا ا ت ا راتد ا وا ا ا إ -

(a) short positions (-) (-) ا ا (أ)

(i) bought puts (أو) رات اه

(ii) written calls اء رات (م)

(b) long positions ا (ب)

(i) bought calls (أو) رات اء اه

(ii) written puts رات (م)

20- Official Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity (contd.)

( US$ mn )

ا وا ت اطا -٢٠

( بالملیون دوالر )



June End of

- 67 - - 66 -



3970.8 5210.0


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(2) to be disclosed at least once a year: :ا ةة وا ا رج د (٢)

(a) currency composition of reserves (by groups of currencies) (تت ا ) ط مت ا(أ) ا

- currencies in SDR basket ا ق ا ات اا -

- currencies not in SDR basket ا ق ا اا تا -

- by individual currencies (optional) (را) -

Up to 1 month

More than 1 month & up to 3 months

More than 3 months & up

to 1 year

Up to 1 month

More than 1 month & up to 3 months

More than 3 months & up

to 1 year

V. Predetermined short-term net flows affecting the official reserves (1) (١) ت اطا ةوا دةا ة ا تا :

A. Foreign currency loans and securities ا وضوا وراق اأ- ا

1. Inflows ا ت -١

2. Outflows ٢- ت رج

B. Other 7687.85 640.65 1281.31 5765.89 12858.79 1071.57 2143.13 9644.09 ب -أى

- External debt disbursements (2) 2164.25 180.35 360.71 1623.19 7211.59 600.97 1201.93 5408.69(٢)

را ا ا -

- Suez Canal foreign currency sales to CBE (+) (3) 5523.60 460.30 920.60 4142.70 5647.20 470.60 941.20 4235.40

(٣) - ت ة ا ا ا إ ا اى (+)



(3) These sectors are obliged to sell their surplus of foreign currencies to the CBE. ه ات ا ا إ ا اى.


20- Official Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity (contd.)

( US$ mn )


(٢) ار إ اظ ااردة أ ا ام اذج.

Maturity Breakdown

(residual maturity) (residual maturity)

ا وا ت اطا -٢٠

( بالملیون دوالر )



Maturity Breakdown




End of 2019


- 69 - - 68 -

(1) This section is added to shed light on certain items that positively affect the official reserves. .ت اطا إ د اا ءء ا ا ا إ


(2) Refer to the footnote at the bottom of section II of the template.

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- 71 - - 70 -















June 13 June 14 June 15 June 16 June 17 June 18 July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.19

Foreign Assets األصول االجنبیة

Foreign Liabilities الخصوم االجنبیة

ملیار جنیھ (LE bn)

Foreign Assets & Liabilities of the Banking Systemاألصول والخصوم األجنبیة للجھاز المصرفى














June 13 June 14 June 15 June 16 June 17 June 18 July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.19


Domestic Liquidity السیولة المحلیة

Money Supply المعروض النقدى

Reserve Money نقود االحتیاطى

Annual Change Rate in Monetary Aggregatesكلیة معدل التغیر السنوي في المتغیرات النقدیة ال












June 17 Jan.18 June 18 Jan.19

Foreign Currencies عمالت أجنبیة

Local Currency عملة محلیة

Total Deposits at Banks by Currency إجمالى الودائع لدى البنوك حسب العملة













June 13 June 14 June 15 June 16 June 17 June 18 July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.19

External sector القطاع الخارجى

Household sector القطاع العائلى

Private business sector قطاع االعمال الخاص

Public business sector قطاع االعمال العام

Government sector القطاع الحكومى

ملیار جنیھ (LE bn) Total Deposits at Banks by Sectorتإجمالى الودائع لدى البنوك وفقا للقطاعا

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- 73 - - 72 -















June 17 Jan.18 June 18 Jan.19

ملیار جنیھ )LE bn(

Domestic Credit by Sector القطاعاتحسبالمحلىاالئتمان

Household sector القطاع العائلى

Private business sector قطاع االعمال الخاص

Public business sector قطاع االعمال العام

Government sector (Net) صافى القطاع الحكومى



















June 14 June 15 June16 June17 June18 July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.19 Feb.

Net International Reserves (NIR) الدولیةاالحتیاطیاتصافى

NIR صافي االحتیاطیات الدولیة

NIR in months of merchandise imports عدد شھور الواردات السلعیة التى یغطیھا صافي االحتیاطیات الدولیة

ملیار دوالرUS$ bn










Overnight لیلة واحدة

Less than one week أقل من أسبوع

One week أسبوع

Less than one month أقل من شھر

Interbank Interest Rates أسعار العائد بین البنوك(%)











June 14 June 15 June 16 June 17 June 18 July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.19 Feb.

More than six-month and less than or equal to one year deposits الودائع لمدة أكبر من ستة أشھر وأقل من أو تساوى سنة

Less than or equal to one year loans القروض لمدة أقل من أو تساوى سنة

Discount rate سعر إعادة الخصم

Discount & Interest Rates on Deposits & Loans at Banksالخصم و العائد على الودائع و القروض لدى البنوك أسعار(%)

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- 74 -







3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28



Daily Developments in the Average of Market (buy) and Interbank Exchange Ratesof US $ during February 2019

٢٠١٩فبرایر وأسعار االنتربنك للدوالر االمریكى خالل شھر) شراء(التطور الیومى لمتوسط أسعار العمالء

Weighted average interbank rate متوسط أسعار االنتربنك Average market rate (buy) ( شراء(متوسط أسعار العمالء










Weekly Developments in the Average of Market (buy) and Interbank Exchange Rates of US $وأسعار االنتربنك للدوالر االمریكى ) شراء(التطور االسبوعى لمتوسط أسعار العمالء

Weighted average interbank rate متوسط أسعار االنتربنك Average market rate (buy) ( شراء(متوسط أسعار العمالء

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אא External Sector

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21- Balance of Payments

2016/2017* 2018/2019*(+)

ما ا ا ا اا ا ا اول ما ا ا ا اا ا ا اول

2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017* 2017/2018* Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1

Trade Balance -34159.3 -39060.4 -38683.1 -37274.8 -37276.0 -10068.2 -9069.2 -8698.4 -8908.2 -9839.6 -9255.6 -9272.6 -9895.1 اان ارى Export proceeds ** 26022.6 22245.1 18704.6 21728.2 25827.0 5182.5 5486.1 5798.2 5839.4 6215.7 6755.8 7016.1 6785.2 ادرات** Petroleum exports 12355.9 8891.9 5674.3 6589.5 8773.0 1406.8 1659.9 1996.9 1782.5 2029.1 2202.5 2758.9 2810.0 و درات

Other exports 13666.7 13353.2 13030.3 15138.7 17054.0 3775.7 3826.2 3801.3 4056.9 4186.6 4553.3 4257.2 3975.2 درات اى

Import payments** -60181.9 -61305.5 -57387.7 -59003.0 -63103.0 -15250.7 -14555.3 -14496.6 -14747.6 -16055.3 -16011.4 -16288.7 -16680.3 ت ااردات** Petroleum imports -13246.9 -12366.1 -9293.6 -12015.5 -12489.8 -3055.5 -2853.4 -3337.6 -2752.9 -3231.7 -3410.0 -3095.2 -3498.1 و واردات

Other imports -46935.0 -48939.4 -48094.1 -46987.5 -50613.2 -12195.2 -11701.9 -11159.0 -11994.7 -12823.6 -12601.4 -13193.5 -13182.2 واردات اى

Services Balance 8274.4 10742.9 6533.0 5614.2 11122.4 784.1 1532.9 2323.1 2847.3 2462.7 2528.8 3283.6 4283.1 ان ات Receipts 17437.2 21811.8 16079.3 15400.1 21486.9 3283.5 3708.1 5080.8 5678.2 5068.2 5038.1 5702.4 6938.4 ات Transportation 9466.0 9850.3 9534.6 7911.2 8707.9 1762.4 1815.1 2429.7 2267.9 2087.1 2029.5 2323.4 2242.8 ا

Of which: Suez Canal dues 5369.1 5361.7 5121.6 4945.3 5706.7 1214.2 1202.0 1228.7 1382.2 1386.3 1389.7 1548.5 1441.2 منھا : رسوم المرور فى قناة السویس

Travel ( tourism revenues ) 5073.3 7370.4 3767.5 4379.7 9804.3 825.8 1256.7 1539.0 2696.7 2282.5 2271.4 2553.7 3930.9 (ادات اا) ا Government receipts 654.4 1381.5 378.0 776.4 636.7 60.9 67.9 585.1 131.7 138.0 163.6 203.4 166.0 ت Others 2243.5 3209.6 2399.2 2332.8 2338.0 634.4 568.4 527.0 581.9 560.6 573.6 621.9 598.7 ت اى Payments 9162.8 11068.9 9546.3 9785.9 10364.5 2499.4 2175.2 2757.7 2830.9 2605.5 2509.3 2418.8 2655.3 ات Transportation 1717.2 1535.0 1339.1 1332.1 1480.2 291.1 334.2 400.6 382.6 351.3 368.6 377.7 448.5 ا Travel 3044.5 3338.2 4091.0 2739.9 2451.5 636.2 448.3 550.2 649.3 511.9 542.2 748.1 717.0 ا Government expenditures 1073.9 854.1 777.1 1124.1 1493.5 217.8 325.3 424.0 449.0 540.1 238.4 266.0 183.1 تو Others 3327.2 5341.6 3339.1 4589.8 4939.3 1354.3 1067.4 1382.9 1350.0 1202.2 1360.1 1027.0 1306.7 ت اىInvestment Income Balance -7262.7 -5700.9 -4471.7 -4568.5 -6279.6 -1134.8 -1054.4 -1249.8 -1519.3 -1520.3 -1664.3 -1575.7 -2048.0 ان د ار Receipts 194.2 212.8 396.9 497.9 835.4 94.4 129.3 192.6 229.0 183.7 212.0 210.7 227.7 ات Payments 7456.9 5913.7 4868.6 5066.4 7115.0 1229.2 1183.7 1442.4 1748.3 1704.0 1876.3 1786.4 2275.7 ات

Of which: Interest paid 652.5 643.6 752.0 1231.9 1616.1 306.4 323.3 343.3 415.5 401.8 399.6 399.2 508.3 منھا: فوائد مدفوعة

Current Transfers 30367.9 21875.8 16790.7 21835.1 26470.9 5755.3 5764.0 6071.9 5826.0 7112.4 6460.6 7071.9 5908.9 رت اا Private (net), 18447.7 19205.4 16689.2 21686.1 26264.7 5716.2 5754.4 6005.4 5782.9 7087.2 6435.4 6959.2 5861.2 () ا

Of which: Remittances of Egyptians working abroad (1)18518.7 19330.0 17077.4 21816.3 26392.9 5756.0 5780.4 6033.9 5824.3 7098.8 6464.4 7005.4 5909

(١)منھا: تحویالت المصریین العاملین بالخارج

Official (net) 11920.2 2670.4 101.5 149.0 206.2 39.1 9.6 66.5 43.1 25.2 25.2 112.7 47.7 () ا Balance of Current Account -2779.7 -12142.6 -19831.1 -14394.0 -5962.3 -4663.6 -2826.7 -1553.2 -1754.2 -1784.8 -1930.5 -492.8 -1751.1 رت اان ا Capital & Financial Account 5189.5 17928.9 21176.7 31015.1 21996.5 9676.7 8919.9 4496.9 6247.4 4180.1 8617.1 2951.9 1558.0 و ا أب اا

Capital Account 194.1 -122.9 -141.4 -113.3 -150.7 -29.6 -59.6 -14.7 -40.3 -41.0 -37.0 -32.4 -35.0 أب ااFinancial Account 4995.4 18051.8 21318.1 31128.4 22147.2 9706.3 8979.5 4511.6 6287.7 4221.1 8654.1 2984.3 1593.0 ب اا Direct investment abroad -326.6 -223.3 -164.2 -175.1 -271.2 -46.0 -39.7 -27.4 -52.4 -79.5 -68.1 -71.2 -65.8 ار ا ارج Direct investment in Egypt (net) 4178.2 6379.8 6932.6 7932.8 7719.5 2414.8 2278.0 1367.8 1843.0 1919.9 2256.3 1700.3 1099.9 () ر اا Portfolio investment abroad 65.9 47.2 192.1 208.4 -20.8 107.0 44.0 29.7 13.9 10.7 -49.7 4.3 -75.4 إر ا ارج Portfolio investment in Egypt (Net) 1237.2 -638.6 -1286.8 15985.3 12094.8 1053.8 7588.3 8184.1 7478.5 540.7 6905.5 -2829.9 -3240.3 () ر اإ

Of which: Bonds 926.7 -1147.5 -1444.8 5491.5 5293.2 27.0 3995.7 2301.3 5.8 -108.9 3294.5 2101.8 -121.3 منھا: سندات

Other Investments (Net) -159.3 12486.7 15644.4 7177.0 2624.9 6176.7 -891.1 -5042.6 -2995.3 1829.3 -389.9 4180.8 3874.6 () ىرات اا Net Borrowing 207.2 5036.2 7102.7 9699.2 10278.8 3863.4 3107.2 587.5 657.3 3889.5 2402.6 3329.4 1081.2 ااض Medium- and Long-Term Loans -956.2 -482.5 -186.3 5156.8 6738.5 2854.0 1319.9 -9.7 993.6 2065.2 1238.4 2441.3 -488.8 ا و ط وض Disbursements 1153.4 1753.5 2523.4 7641.1 8846.4 3348.2 1871.0 503.3 1563.0 2603.5 1879.4 2800.5 153.3 ا Repayments -2109.6 -2236.0 -2709.7 -2484.3 -2107.9 -494.2 -551.1 -513.0 -569.4 -538.3 -641.0 -359.2 -642.1 اد Medium- and Long-Term Suppliers' Credit -56.3 257.9 1505.3 2795.1 1118.5 516.5 973.3 627.9 235.1 175.5 122.0 585.9 291.3 ا وط رد ت Disbursements 8.1 313.0 1560.7 2912.2 1313.6 553.6 999.1 664.7 275.5 233.2 175.1 629.8 328.8 ا Repayments -64.4 -55.1 -55.4 -117.1 -195.1 -37.1 -25.8 -36.8 -40.4 -57.7 -53.1 -43.9 -37.5 اد

- 75 -- 76 -


ات اا

Fiscal Years ل

(US$ mn)

٢١ - ان ات

(ن دور)

2016/2017* 2017/2018*(+)

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2016/2017* 2018/2019*(+)

ما ا ا ا اا ا ا ام ا اول ا ا اا ا ا اول

2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017* 2017/2018* Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1

S .T. Suppliers’ Credit (Net) 1219.7 5260.8 5783.7 1747.3 2421.8 492.9 814.0 -30.7 -571.4 1648.8 1042.2 302.2 1278.7 ()ة ا رد ت

Other Assets -2278.1 -1220.6 -3476.9 -12095.7 -4511.9 -2168.3 -3221.8 -6460.3 -3606.8 334.3 -1927.7 688.3 1905.7 ال اى

CBE -44.6 -28.0 -104.4 -27.5 -116.4 -1989.6 4.1 1970.3 -22.0 -4.9 -32.9 -56.6 -9.6 ا اي اي

Banks 661.5 4774.3 2092.1 -9462.5 2161.7 234.1 -3109.4 -6370.6 -2142.0 1516.4 -231.7 3019.0 4638.9 ك

Others -2895.0 -5966.9 -5464.6 -2605.7 -6557.2 -412.8 -116.5 -2060.0 -1442.8 -1177.2 -1663.1 -2274.1 -2723.6 أى

Other Liabilities 1911.6 8671.1 12018.6 9573.5 -3142.0 4481.6 -776.5 830.2 -45.8 -2394.5 -864.8 163.1 887.7 ا اى

CBE 1903.7 5474.1 5857.7 8128.6 -3879.2 4607.8 -320.1 391.2 -507.5 -2605.4 -235.2 -531.1 1006.1 ا اي اي

Banks 7.9 3197.0 6160.9 1444.9 737.2 -126.2 -456.4 439.0 461.7 210.9 -629.6 694.2 -118.4 ك

Net Errors & Omissions -931.2 -2061.4 -4158.6 -2903.9 -3246.5 114.5 -2127.3 -211.2 584.2 -1880.1 -1311.5 -639.1 477.2 وا ا

Overall Balance 1478.6 3724.9 -2813.0 13717.2 12787.7 5127.6 3965.9 2732.5 5077.4 515.2 5375.1 1820.0 284.1 ان اا

طل اا ا

Change in CBE Reserve Assets (Increase -) -1478.6 -3724.9 2813.0 -13717.2 -12787.7 -5127.6 -3965.9 -2732.5 -5077.4 -515.2 -5375.1 -1820.0 -284.1 ى ا اى (ادة - )

Indicators (%) ات (%)

Merchandise Exports / Merchandise Imports 43.2 36.3 32.6 36.8 40.9 34.0 37.7 40.0 39.6 38.7 42.2 43.1 40.7 اردات اا / درات اا

Service Receipts / Service Payments 190.3 197.1 168.4 157.4 207.3 131.4 170.5 184.2 200.6 194.5 200.8 235.8 261.3 ت اا / ت اا

Current Receipts / Current Payments 96.4 84.5 72.4 80.5 92.6 75.4 84.2 91.7 90.9 91.2 90.5 97.6 91.9 رت اا / را ا

Trade Balance / GDP -11.2 -11.7 -11.5 -15.9 -14.9 -4.3 -3.9 -3.7 -3.6 -3.9 -3.7 -3.7 -3.8 ا ا رى / اان اا

Current Account / GDP -0.9 -3.6 -5.9 -6.1 -2.4 -2.0 -1.2 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7 -0.8 -0.2 -0.7 ا ا رى / اان اا

Overall Balance / GDP 0.5 1.1 -0.8 5.8 5.1 2.2 1.7 1.2 2.0 0.2 2.1 0.7 0.1 ا ا ا / ان اا

FDI in Egypt (net) / GDP 1.4 1.9 2.1 3.4 3.1 1.0 1.0 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.7 0.4 ا ا ا / () ا ر اا

* Provisional. . أر *

** Including exports and imports of free zones. ** درات وواردات اط اة .

(ن دور)

21- Balance of Payments (contd.) ٢١ - ان ات

Fiscal Years ل

(US$ mn)

(+) ب ا ا ا اى ور ط مت ا ا ا ا ااردة ا وزارة ا و ا و اح ادارى، ور

.ر فا و

(+) The annual GDP is calculated in US dollar by having the sum total of the quarterly GDP released by the Ministry of Planning, Monitoring and

Adminstrative Reform after being evaluated in US dollar based on the average exchange rate for each quarter.

.٢٠١٦/ ٢٠١٧ ا ا رء، اوا ا يز اا يا وة ا ا ا وم ،ز ات ام دا (١)

- 78 -

- 77 -


ات اا 2016/2017* 2017/2018*(+)

(1) Worker Remittances data is based on ITRS taking into consideration results of the survey that was conducted by CAPMAS,

this modification was applied starting from FY 2016/2017.

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2016/2017** 2018/2019**

الربع الثانى الربع الثالث الربع الرابع الربع األول الربع الثانى الربع الثالث الربع الرابع الربع األول

2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017** 2017/2018** Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1

Total Exports *** 26022.6 22245.1 18704.6 21728.2 25827.0 5182.5 5486.1 5798.2 5839.4 6215.7 6755.8 7016.1 6785.2 إ ادرات *** Fuel, Mineral Oils & Products, of which : 12471.3 9027.4 5767.3 6796.6 8961.8 1455.9 1722.6 2034.6 1848.8 2075.0 2238.7 2799.3 2886.5 : ، و مت اد واا

Crude oil 7715.0 6158.2 3557.9 3876.0 4600.8 857.7 1004.9 1105.4 969.0 945.9 1362.4 1323.5 1305.4 ول

Oil products x 4640.9 2733.7 2116.4 2713.5 4172.2 549.1 655.0 891.5 813.5 1083.2 840.1 1435.4 1504.6

x و ت

Raw Materials, of which : 1482.5 1655.3 1544.6 1652.0 1964.5 333.1 507.9 443.0 437.5 407.0 561.3 558.7 482.4 : ، اد ااFresh, chilled, or cooked vegetables 529.7 625.1 635.9 415.9 523.9 68.6 132.2 105.4 108.3 111.9 147.3 156.4 118.0 دة أو أو زط

Fresh or dried fruits 158.4 212.9 227.8 352.8 474.8 63.6 101.9 106.2 106.9 72.1 142.3 153.5 120.7 او زط ا

Potatoes 153.8 139.3 177.8 202.9 198.0 33.6 52.4 75.6 54.3 36.6 52.6 54.5 46.0 ط

Raw cotton 51.2 37.2 13.9 60.2 84.8 12.6 12.1 24.2 12.4 22.9 34.0 15.5 14.1 ا ا

Semi-finished goods, of which : 2598.9 2382.1 2740.3 4006.2 4302.9 962.0 1181.0 885.5 1048.9 983.2 1261.4 1009.4 816.8 : ، ا م اGold 488.8 557.4 1154.7 1870.1 1749.2 403.2 515.4 376.0 431.9 324.1 638.8 354.4 141.3 ذ

Ethylene-propylene polymer 444.9 441.7 445.1 515.9 705.5 150.9 138.4 122.1 188.5 185.8 152.1 179.1 202.3 وو ات ا

Organic and inorganic compounds 670.3 680.8 454.2 539.3 568.9 138.1 173.9 115.3 112.1 131.5 170.9 154.4 184.3 او ت

Animal or vegetable fats, greases, and oils 103.0 85.4 105.2 143.2 106.6 28.5 44.9 38.8 24.5 32.8 24.5 24.8 24.2 ام أو ن مت ودوز

Pipes, tubes, and hoses 54.6 65.0 54.7 41.1 25.7 9.7 10.2 5.8 7.2 9.5 5.0 4.0 5.0 اطو او ام

Cast iron 318.4 138.6 87.5 348.6 366.1 79.6 115.5 120.9 72.3 56.4 92.6 144.8 88.2 ز

Finished goods, of which : 9464.9 9176.3 8649.7 9267.1 10596.9 2430.0 2072.6 2434.8 2503.9 2750.3 2694.2 2648.5 2599.2 : ، ا اTextiles 849.3 794.6 760.7 771.2 895.5 184.3 192.0 190.9 205.4 226.5 226.1 237.5 248.8 أ

Household electrical appliances 355.7 544.2 612.7 496.4 740.4 118.3 83.0 124.7 202.4 201.1 159.1 177.8 195.6 ل ا ةأ

Ready-made clothes 774.5 810.5 690.9 649.8 715.9 159.4 159.4 167.7 172.7 170.6 191.5 181.1 184.3 ة

Milk, Dairy products and cheese 280.9 310.2 284.5 291.7 226.3 66.2 55.8 53.1 46.4 63.1 63.6 53.2 48.7 و ن وأ

Phosphate or mineral fertilizers 705.1 364.9 515.3 761.5 964.8 252.3 193.2 177.6 209.6 293.9 213.3 248.0 208.4 م او ةأ

Medicines, serums, vaccines, and pharmaceuticals 290.5 267.8 228.5 301.4 391.9 75.0 55.7 83.5 100.2 100.3 111.4 80.0 77.9 فت وأل ووا ادو

Wires and cables 745.6 753.1 565.0 458.4 542.9 123.0 87.7 136.7 129.2 119.4 149.0 145.3 117.8 اك وت

Cane or beet sugar and pure sucrose 178.4 69.7 185.1 210.0 176.7 54.2 19.0 56.2 59.6 33.2 37.0 46.9 46.6 وز موا (ا) رم او

Aluminum and articles thereof 250.9 289.6 198.3 264.1 344.1 62.3 63.2 64.5 60.2 75.3 100.7 107.9 111.4 و ا

Communication and telephone equipment 45.0 51.8 210.8 297.1 109.3 88.9 83.1 51.0 46.1 21.5 14.8 26.9 46.7 أة وات

Passenger vehicles 93.1 120.9 181.3 213.1 76.2 97.3 36.9 18.0 23.7 13.7 25.5 13.3 14.6 رات رب

Carpets and other floor coverings 190.8 193.1 169.5 180.9 251.5 43.3 54.5 39.8 61.1 68.4 63.3 58.7 46.5 د وا ارت

Glass & glassware 178.3 157.4 122.6 212.9 297.4 51.4 64.1 56.6 69.3 77.0 67.4 83.7 73.2 ج وز

Soap and organic detergents 270.8 200.5 248.5 236.8 233.6 70.6 69.4 56.0 64.2 72.6 58.2 38.6 71.0 ا اتن و

Undistributed Exports 5.0 4.0 2.7 6.3 0.9 1.5 2.0 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 زا دراتا

. (ا در) ا ا س اأ ا *

** Provisional. . أر **

*** Including exports of free zones. *** درات اط اة.

x Including natural gas & bunker and jet fuel. x از ا، و ا واات د .

(US$ mn)

Fiscal Years

2016/2017** 2017/2018**

22 - Proceeds of Merchandise Exports by Degree of Processing * ٢٢- حصیلة الصادرات السلعیة حسب درجة التصنیع *

(ن دور)

- 80 -

ات اا

- 79 -

* According to the Harmonized System (Degree of Processing) .

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(ن دور)

2016/2017** 2018/2019**

ما ا ا ا اا ا ا اول ما ا ا ا اا ا ا اول

2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017** 2017/2018** Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1

Total Imports *** 60181.9 61305.5 57387.7 59003.0 63103.0 15250.7 14555.3 14496.6 14747.6 16055.3 16011.4 16288.7 16680.3 إ ااردات *** Fuel, Mineral Oils & Products, of which : 13490.7 12726.3 9536.9 12367.7 13034.6 3161.7 2929.9 3434.5 2852.0 3357.5 3579.4 3245.7 3669.5 : ، و مت اد واا

Oil products x 11153.9 9873.7 8382.9 10116.6 9955.4 2135.8 2517.8 3022.1 2278.0 2607.2 2653.4 2416.8 2728.1

x و تCrude Oil 2093.0 2492.4 910.7 1898.9 2534.4 919.7 335.6 315.5 474.9 624.5 756.6 678.4 770.0 ول

Raw Materials, of which : 7495.4 7461.8 5419.7 6191.7 5926.8 1592.4 1450.8 1817.6 1424.2 1517.4 1453.8 1531.4 1557.3 : ، اد اا Wheat 2232.5 2045.1 1723.5 2177.1 1570.9 531.5 516.7 855.9 320.6 419.8 374.2 456.3 551.3 Iron ore 632.6 547.2 388.9 640.3 495.3 251.5 155.9 71.4 123.5 155.7 91.1 125.0 130.3 تMaize 1257.7 1311.7 1334.1 1437.4 1573.1 328.9 356.6 375.6 381.7 376.1 395.6 419.7 378.5 ذرةRaw cane sugar 494.2 344.7 235.1 117.6 68.1 34.1 1.5 16.6 45.2 7.7 0.3 14.9 9.1

Intermediate Goods, of which : 17280.7 15783.5 15323.0 15749.7 19766.8 4085.7 4271.5 3928.2 4731.2 5029.1 4840.3 5166.2 5507.2 : ، ا اSpare parts and accessories for cars and tractors 1804.6 1846.3 1452.9 1280.0 1280.5 353.1 297.1 253.3 297.9 306.0 321.6 355.0 444.4 ر وااء رات واارات

Polypropylene 1407.3 1331.4 1149.0 1227.6 1410.2 285.5 310.7 319.9 358.9 296.0 363.6 391.7 314.4 و اتOrganic and inorganic compounds 1561.9 1773.4 1655.2 1524.3 1546.8 431.0 434.5 358.6 427.4 377.4 371.7 370.3 417.4 او تSpare parts for machines and appliances 1692.8 1549.0 1599.5 1028.4 1293.7 303.0 250.3 265.6 291.1 374.1 311.4 317.1 289.4 ر وااء ات واةAnimal and vegetable fats, greases and oils 1399.8 855.2 862.8 1139.4 1039.4 257.2 348.0 325.2 183.5 225.6 325.5 304.8 238.8 ام او ت من وزود Paper and paperboard 962.5 998.8 980.8 503.6 469.0 105.6 124.6 108.8 115.6 117.2 111.5 124.7 130.2 ورق وورق ى

Investment Goods, of which : 7160.5 8875.8 9638.8 8806.2 8927.6 2339.6 2595.9 1686.2 2043.5 2482.8 2596.6 1804.7 1922.2 : ، را اCommunication and telephone equipment 1037.8 1246.2 1137.8 495.0 366.5 102.3 122.2 58.5 92.3 103.9 75.3 95.0 98.6 أة واتLiquid and air pumps 944.3 900.9 826.1 614.1 444.7 112.7 136.0 159.6 137.8 153.2 70.3 83.4 174.4 ت ا واءData treatment computers 616.7 574.9 457.1 533.2 447.1 142.8 116.5 129.6 85.8 97.5 125.7 138.1 168.2 () تا تاCranes and bulldozers 717.9 890.0 840.9 155.5 146.9 21.8 33.6 16.3 49.1 27.4 23.7 46.7 28.7 روا واومش

Consumer Goods 13994.2 15082.2 14646.2 12634.2 12993.9 3235.0 3116.7 2734.9 3236.7 3243.8 3258.4 3255.0 3629.5 ا ا A - Durable Goods, of which : 3295.8 3892.3 3832.0 2764.5 2755.1 712.0 599.1 476.9 711.9 695.7 631.4 716.1 951.0 : ، ةا أ- ا

Passenger vehicles 1140.0 1608.3 1506.8 857.6 764.2 246.0 143.8 132.3 178.6 194.7 178.1 212.8 321.4 رات ربHousehold electrical appliances 565.3 668.5 577.8 465.8 323.1 87.0 91.0 54.3 88.1 77.5 65.0 92.5 94.5 ل ا ةاTelevisions 288.5 332.0 580.5 307.2 259.1 100.9 47.9 11.4 80.6 76.5 42.5 59.5 69.3 مت

B - Non-Durable Goods, of which : 10698.4 11189.9 10814.2 9869.7 10238.8 2523.0 2517.6 2258.0 2524.8 2548.1 2627.0 2538.9 2678.5 : ، ةا ب- اMedicines 1172.7 1453.2 1429.2 1520.4 1329.6 375.7 464.0 316.4 290.2 352.8 347.8 338.8 404.3 أدوMeat and offals 1076.0 1025.3 996.9 938.5 1142.3 210.5 149.1 237.7 338.9 311.5 249.9 242.0 214.2 وأء وأطاف Pharmaceutical preparations, gauze pads, and vaccines 1187.9 1429.6 1402.5 1165.9 1072.9 296.6 298.2 274.3 302.5 252.8 277.9 239.7 268.8 ات وش والTextiles 1043.6 1239.4 1003.2 886.6 1098.6 216.2 217.3 224.9 279.5 242.4 278.3 298.4 324.9 أReady-made clothes 1185.8 887.3 621.1 354.8 300.9 92.6 76.5 80.2 80.3 81.9 68.8 69.9 73.4 ةDairy products 273.9 230.1 343.9 519.2 572.8 156.3 139.8 84.3 126.1 120.9 168.8 157.0 132.2 ن وأYarn 441.7 424.2 378.7 367.6 314.9 79.8 94.4 109.6 97.0 75.5 60.4 82.0 68.1 Tea 239.9 209.8 237.9 196.4 243.4 49.4 58.6 34.8 55.2 66.9 73.1 48.2 66.6 ى Organic Soap and detergents 128.0 171.1 316.8 292.1 264.0 102.3 79.8 56.8 26.7 78.5 92.8 66.0 41.5 ا اتن وMeat preparations 412.1 302.1 396.0 130.7 126.4 27.9 32.4 20.2 40.1 29.5 25.9 30.9 35.4 اتArticles for the conveyance or packing of goods 6.5 0.6 3.8 140.3 152.7 32.5 37.9 43.7 63.5 30.8 25.0 33.4 40.1 ا أو فأLive, fresh, chilled or dried fish 301.9 401.3 385.7 338.7 376.4 81.4 75.2 104.4 79.2 93.7 95.6 107.9 132.2 دة أو أو زأو ط كأ

Undistributed Imports 760.4 1375.9 2823.1 3253.5 2453.3 836.3 190.5 895.2 460.0 424.7 282.9 1285.7 394.6 زا ارداتا* According to the Harmonized System ( Degree of Use ). .( اا در ) ا ا س اأ ا *** Provisional. . أر ***** Including imports of free zones, and commodity grants and loans. .وض اوا ة ، واا طواردات ا ***x Including gas, and bunker and jet fuel. x از ، و ا واات د .

2016/2017** 2017/2018**

(US$ mn)

23- Payments for Merchandise Imports by Degree of Use * ٢٣ - المدفوعات عن الواردات السلعیة حسب درجة االستخدام *

- 81 - - 82-

ات اا

Fiscal Years

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2016/2017* 2018/2019*

ما ا ا ا اا ا ا اول ما ا ا ا اا ا ا اول

2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017* 2017/2018* Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1

Total Exports ** 26022.6 22245.1 18704.6 21728.2 25827.0 5182.5 5486.1 5798.2 5839.4 6215.7 6755.8 7016.1 6785.2 إ ادرات **

EU 10069.0 7473.8 6034.5 7031.9 8979.1 1652.3 1841.9 2064.3 2124.7 2009.3 2418.1 2427.0 2605.4 ورود اا

Other European countries 1371.0 1300.8 1325.3 1712.1 2126.6 456.5 413.2 455.4 502.7 515.2 599.3 509.4 472.0 اول اورو اى

Russian Federation & C.I.S. 183.9 511.7 244.3 213.8 301.2 22.6 61.1 98.4 42.8 59.6 102.7 96.1 39.6 ا ودول ا دا رو

USA 2510.6 2185.8 1275.2 1813.3 2080.7 363.7 423.3 546.0 411.1 574.4 480.7 614.5 652.3 ة ات اا

Arab countries 5472.4 5514.3 5749.7 6409.0 6037.7 1716.9 1581.5 1447.7 1363.0 1589.0 1622.8 1462.9 1278.0 ول اا

Asian countries (excluding Arab countries) 3467.4 3110.1 2064.4 1670.1 2678.9 345.1 459.3 517.8 614.3 504.1 713.1 847.4 873.8 (ا ) ول اا

African countries (excluding Arab countries) 485.3 498.2 508.2 527.9 670.8 155.3 111.0 123.3 129.2 221.0 193.1 127.5 132.0 (ا ) ول اا

Australia 16.0 25.5 21.3 37.8 33.5 13.5 10.4 6.6 4.3 9.6 12.7 6.9 6.7 اا

Other countries and regions 2447.0 1624.9 1481.7 2312.3 2918.5 456.6 584.4 538.7 647.3 733.5 613.3 924.4 725.4 دول وط أى

* Provisional. . أر *

** Including exports of free zones . ** درات اط اة .

2016/2017* 2018/2019*

ما ا ا ا اا ا ا اول ما ا ا ا اا ا ا اول

2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017* 2017/2018* Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1

Total Imports** 60181.9 61305.5 57387.7 59003.0 63103.0 15250.7 14555.3 14496.6 14747.6 16055.3 16011.4 16288.7 16680.3 إ ااردات **

EU 16229.0 17815.3 17415.7 15894.0 16708.8 4094.4 3828.9 4099.8 4307.3 3988.1 4104.6 4308.8 4463.4 ورود اا

Other European countries 4287.4 4471.2 4072.4 4182.2 4258.2 1021.9 1214.7 1029.7 898.5 1064.2 1073.6 1221.9 1257.5 اول اورو اى

Russian Federation & C.I.S. 2633.0 2977.9 3950.6 4295.2 4833.3 1151.8 1054.1 1319.6 1012.1 1382.6 1416.5 1022.1 1025.8 ا ودول ا دا رو

USA 4167.9 3904.2 2587.5 2906.0 2940.6 727.9 675.5 673.8 637.2 719.1 769.0 815.3 867.5 ة ات اا

Arab countries 16679.0 13612.5 10423.7 10971.1 12370.7 3048.6 2595.0 2590.5 2715.7 3553.1 3210.4 2891.5 3652.9 ول اا

Asian countries (excluding Arab countries) 12158.6 13301.2 11402.4 10749.3 12558.5 2745.4 2625.7 2514.6 2921.8 3122.3 3084.1 3430.3 3670.4 (ا ) ول اا

African countries (excluding Arab countries) 476.0 553.8 735.4 794.6 697.3 259.3 185.6 183.4 277.1 193.6 119.7 106.9 161.0 (ا ) ول اا

Australia 257.2 365.7 345.9 233.7 279.9 40.9 67.0 66.0 69.4 60.1 80.4 70.0 148.4 اا

Other countries and regions 3293.8 4303.7 6454.1 8976.9 8455.7 2160.5 2308.8 2019.2 1908.5 1972.2 2153.1 2421.9 1433.4 دول وط أى

* Provisional . . أر *** Including imports of free zones . ** واردات اط اة .


24 - Exports by Geographical Distribution ٢٤- الصادرات حسب التوزیع الجغرافى

٢٥- الواردات حسب التوزیع الجغرافى

(ن دور)


(US$ mn)(ن دور)

ات اا

Fiscal Years

2016/2017* 2017/2018*

- 84 -

25 - Imports by Geographical Distribution

(US$ mn)

ات اا

Fiscal Years

- 83 -

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Value % Value % Value % Value % Value % Value % Value

Total 5839.4 100.0 14747.6 100.0 20587.0 100.0 6785.2 100.0 16680.3 100.0 23465.5 100.0 2878.5 ا

Main Trade Partners 3763.5 64.5 8157.0 55.3 11920.5 57.9 4254.8 62.7 9859.1 59.1 14113.9 60.1 2193.4 رء اا أ

China 82.1 1.4 1264.9 8.6 1347.0 6.5 71.9 1.1 1566.7 9.4 1638.6 7.0 291.6 ا ا

United States of America 411.1 7.0 637.2 4.3 1048.3 5.1 652.3 9.6 867.5 5.2 1519.8 6.5 471.5 ة ات اا

Saudi Arabia 224.0 3.8 673.2 4.6 897.2 4.4 195.0 2.9 1285.4 7.7 1480.4 6.3 583.2 دا

United Arab Emirates 594.9 10.2 870.5 5.9 1465.4 7.1 471.1 6.9 956.1 5.7 1427.2 6.1 (38.2) ارات ا اة

Italy 544.5 9.3 534.5 3.6 1079.0 5.2 904.4 13.3 462.2 2.8 1366.6 5.8 287.6 إ

Germany 289.5 5.0 754.6 5.1 1044.1 5.1 289.3 4.3 747.2 4.5 1036.5 4.4 (7.6) مأ

United Kingdom 402.7 6.9 588.0 4.0 990.7 4.8 458.1 6.7 527.8 3.2 985.9 4.2 (4.8) ا اة

Switzerland 231.9 4.0 440.1 3.0 672.0 3.3 254.3 3.7 591.1 3.5 845.4 3.6 173.4 ا

India 291.1 5.0 417.1 2.8 708.2 3.4 344.8 5.1 434.7 2.6 779.5 3.3 71.3 ا

Russia 39.0 0.7 630.9 4.3 669.9 3.3 34.2 0.5 663.6 4.0 697.8 3.0 27.9 رو

Turkey 259.2 4.4 408.5 2.8 667.7 3.3 193.8 2.9 499.9 3.0 693.7 3.0 26.0

France 166.1 2.9 491.3 3.3 657.4 3.2 160.4 2.4 502.3 3.0 662.7 2.8 5.3 م

Kuwait 36.0 0.6 157.7 1.1 193.7 0.9 27.1 0.4 476.7 2.8 503.8 2.1 310.1 ا

Spain 191.4 3.3 288.5 1.9 479.9 2.3 198.1 2.9 277.9 1.7 476.0 2.0 (3.9) مأ

Other Countries 2075.9 35.5 6590.6 44.7 8666.5 42.1 2530.4 37.3 6821.2 40.9 9351.6 39.9 685.1 اول اى

* Provisional. . أر *

** Based on volume of trade. ** ب أس ادل اري .

2016/2017 2018/2019

ما ا ا ا اا ا ا اول ما ا ا ا اا ا ا اول

2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1

Exports to the rest of the world 4188.0 4407.0 4047.0 5295.0 6071.0 2047.0 1051.0 1263.0 1572.0 2365.0 1347.0 787.0 2170.0 را ا درات اا

Oil industrial exports 515.0 235.0 395.0 629.0 941.0 112.0 109.0 242.0 268.0 297.0 273.0 103.0 273.0 و درات

Non-oil commodity exports 3673.0 4172.0 3652.0 4666.0 5130.0 1935.0 942.0 1021.0 1304.0 2068.0 1074.0 684.0 1897.0 و درات

Imports from the rest of the world 4008.0 5790.0 5542.0 6455.0 4593.0 1822.0 966.0 956.0 1745.0 1418.0 999.0 431.0 1199.0 را ا ارداتا

Oil industrial imports 190.0 548.0 878.0 746.0 717.0 143.0 246.0 221.0 93.0 338.0 184.0 102.0 281.0 و واردات

Non-oil commodity imports 3818.0 5242.0 4664.0 5709.0 3876.0 1679.0 720.0 735.0 1652.0 1080.0 815.0 329.0 918.0 و واردات

Net transactions with the rest of the world (-) 180.0 (1383.0) (1495.0) (1160.0) 1478.0 225.0 85.0 307.0 (173.0) 947.0 348.0 356.0 971.0 ( - ) را ا تا

* Source : General Authority for Investment & Free Zones (GAFI). * ار : ا ا ر واط اة .

( US$ mn )

Fiscal YearsDuringل

ات اا 2016/2017 2017/2018


( ن دور )


Volume of Trade

الواردات الصادرات

July/September 2018/2019*


27- Free Zones Transactions with the Rest of the World * ٢٧- معامالت المناطق الحرة مع العالم الخارجى *


حجم التبادل التجاري

Volume of TradeImportsExports


- 85 - - 86 -

٢٦- حجم التبادل التجاري بین مصر وأھم الشركاء التجاریین

(US$ mn) (ن دور)

حجم التبادل التجاري

July/September 2017/2018*



26- Egypt's Volume of Trade with its Main Trade Partners

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EU Other Euro.

Coun. USA




Countries Other Total Value EU

Other Euro.

Coun. USA




Countries Other Total Value

Total Exports: 2124.7 502.7 411.1 1363.0 614.3 823.6 5839.4 2605.4 472.0 652.3 1278.0 873.8 903.7 6785.2 إ ادرات:

Main Commodities: 1335.6 330.8 269.3 605.4 431.2 677.3 3649.5 1709.5 330.9 468.3 579.1 682.7 761.0 4531.5 :ا أPetroleum products

x 431.4 69.4 64.3 80.4 34.3 133.8 813.5 584.9 42.7 264.2 188.0 195.5 229.3 1504.6x و ت

Crude Oil 418.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 250.1 300.0 969.0 616.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 332.9 356.5 1305.4 ول

Textiles 58.9 52.2 50.5 15.7 23.1 5.0 205.4 68.6 47.0 69.1 28.5 28.7 6.9 248.8 أ

Phosphate or mineral fertilizers 102.5 47.8 10.8 28.0 15.5 5.0 209.6 57.4 84.6 8.3 23.6 27.1 7.4 208.4 م او ةأ

Ethylene-propylene polymer 46.2 82.4 17.6 24.9 12.6 4.8 188.5 59.9 61.3 15.3 43.5 18.2 4.1 202.3 وو ات ا

Household electrical appliances 57.1 5.3 3.9 109.4 20.6 6.1 202.4 53.0 16.2 4.1 104.4 10.0 7.9 195.6 ل ا ةأ

Ready-made clothes 42.3 18.2 52.7 18.2 40.3 1.0 172.7 42.7 21.2 56.5 20.3 41.1 2.5 184.3 ة

Organic and inorganic compounds 38.6 17.0 10.1 19.6 16.5 10.3 112.1 66.3 43.2 13.4 32.4 15.4 13.6 184.3 أو ت

Gold 5.3 31.9 51.1 155.0 8.6 180.0 431.9 0.1 6.0 18.8 8.5 0.1 107.8 141.3 ذ

Fresh or dried fruits 52.1 1.3 2.4 30.3 5.4 15.4 106.9 66.4 2.4 3.5 30.3 6.9 11.2 120.7 او زط ا

Fresh, chilled, or cooked vegetables 40.0 5.3 5.2 44.9 3.6 9.3 108.3 43.0 6.3 7.5 47.7 5.5 8.0 118.0 دة أو أو زط

Wires and cables 42.3 0.0 0.7 79.0 0.6 6.6 129.2 51.2 0.0 7.6 51.9 1.3 5.8 117.8 اك وت

* Provisional . أر *

x Including natural gas & bunker and jet fuel. x از ا، و ا واات د .

EU Other Euro.

Coun. USA




Countries Other Total Value EU

Other Euro.

Coun. USA




Countries Other Total Value

Total Imports: 4307.3 898.5 637.2 2715.7 2921.8 3267.1 14747.6 4463.4 1257.5 867.5 3652.9 3670.4 2768.6 16680.3 إ ااردات :

Main Commodities: 1635.4 321.9 215.8 1746.0 786.4 1409.5 6115.0 1882.8 553.5 279.4 2456.9 1101.2 1329.6 7603.4 :ا أ

Petroleum products x 478.0 67.1 77.9 890.0 38.8 726.2 2278.0 628.2 187.7 21.0 1320.6 133.9 436.7 2728.1

x و ت

Crude oil 50.3 0.0 0.0 424.6 0.0 0.0 474.9 20.5 18.8 0.0 730.7 0.0 0.0 770.0 ول

Wheat 53.8 0.2 3.3 3.8 0.0 259.5 320.6 99.2 1.1 14.8 0.0 0.2 436.0 551.3

Spare parts and accessories for cars and tractors 97.5 12.4 6.9 16.6 160.8 3.7 297.9 133.8 19.8 6.5 24.4 245.3 14.6 444.4 ر وااء رات واارات

Organic and inorganic compounds 161.5 36.6 32.9 82.4 102.9 11.1 427.4 159.2 46.9 39.2 54.7 107.1 10.3 417.4 او ت

Medicines 152.6 62.5 8.5 26.5 30.7 9.4 290.2 204.9 122.4 20.1 17.5 26.6 12.8 404.3 أدو

Maize 56.9 4.7 11.6 15.7 1.1 291.7 381.7 5.7 1.2 95.7 6.2 0.5 269.2 378.5 ذرة

Wood in the rough and densified wood 173.9 4.2 3.0 13.4 29.5 21.0 245.0 188.4 8.9 7.7 6.8 46.8 77.5 336.1 و

Textiles 21.5 53.6 3.2 20.5 179.9 0.8 279.5 32.4 42.7 2.9 20.1 221.8 5.0 324.9 أ

Cast iron 65.5 48.3 2.2 73.8 31.2 70.2 291.2 65.4 71.7 17.8 82.8 37.1 48.4 323.2 ز

Passenger vehicles 105.0 2.6 12.3 22.6 32.9 3.2 178.6 164.3 6.0 9.9 30.9 103.5 6.8 321.4 رات رب

Polypropylene 87.4 8.7 26.7 127.2 106.3 2.6 358.9 55.5 7.0 20.9 118.7 110.1 2.2 314.4 و ات

Spare parts for machines and appliances 131.5 21.0 27.3 28.9 72.3 10.1 291.1 125.3 19.3 22.9 43.5 68.3 10.1 289.4 ر وااء ات واة

* Provisional. . أر *

x Including gas & bunker and jet fuel. x از، و ا واات د .

(US$ mn)

(US$ mn)

28 - Main Exports by Commodity & Geographical Distribution ٢٨- التوزیع السلعي والجغرافي ألھم الصادرات

(ن دور)

(ن دور)

July/September 2017/2018*

29 - Main Imports by Commodity & Geographical Distribution ٢٩- التوزیع السلعي والجغرافي ألھم الواردات

July/September 2018/2019*

During ل

- 87 - - 88 -

July/September 2017/2018* July/September 2018/2019*

During ل

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ادرات ااردات ا / ا ادرات ااردات ا / ا

Exports Imports Surplus / Deficit Exports Imports Surplus / Deficit

Oil merchandise balance 1782.5 2752.9 (970.4) 2810.0 3498.1 (688.1) اان ا ول

Crude oil 969.0 474.9 494.1 1305.4 770.0 535.4 ول

Oil products 675.0 1582.9 (907.9) 1240.6 2091.6 (851.0) و تBunker and jet fuel 96.1 60.1 36.0 183.2 70.5 112.7 وطات دNatural gas 42.4 635.0 (592.6) 80.8 566.0 (485.2) ز ط

Foodstuff Merchandise Balance (without cereals), of which: 717.9 1565.7 (847.8) 747.0 1455.1 (708.1) : ،(بون ا) ااد ا ان اا

Meat and edible offals 3.0 338.9 (335.9) 4.6 214.2 (209.6) افء واطوا

Milk and dairy products, eggs, poultry, honey and edible products 47.2 132.3 (85.1) 49.6 155.9 (106.3) ت.ط .رط. . ن وا Edible vegetables, plants, roots and tubers 185.4 64.0 121.4 195.4 50.6 144.8 ا تور ودرمت ووم Animal or vegetable fats, greases and oils and products thereof 24.6 183.2 (158.6) 24.2 238.7 (214.5) ا و او م ام تن وزود

Miscellaneous food preparations 37.3 63.5 (26.2) 34.0 51.2 (17.2) ا ات

Sugar and sugar confectionery 85.4 243.2 (157.8) 64.5 100.8 (36.3) تو Edible fruits and nuts 147.1 27.8 119.3 161.2 33.2 128.0 روا اPreparations of vegetables, fruits or nuts 41.7 11.8 29.9 32.5 8.9 23.6 ا ر او اتو ات

Merchandise Balance of Cereals and Milling Products, of which: 89.1 1065.6 (976.5) 79.3 1272.9 (1193.6) : ، ت اب و ان اا

Maize 1.0 381.7 (380.7) 0.2 378.5 (378.3) ذرة

Wheat 0.0 320.6 (320.6) 0.0 551.3 (551.3) Soya beans 2.3 265.7 (263.4) 1.0 217.5 (216.5) ل اRice 19.5 21.3 (1.8) 18.5 25.2 (6.7) أرز

Merchandise Balance of Textile Materials and Articles thereof, of which: 534.7 764.9 (230.2) 595.8 793.6 (197.8) : ، و اد ا ان اا

Apparel and clothing accessories 172.8 80.9 91.9 184.3 73.3 111.0 ا او أ

Cotton textiles 205.2 131.6 73.6 248.7 123.3 125.4 ت

Synthetic fibers 24.5 282.6 (258.1) 12.0 300.4 (288.4) ا فا

Carpets and other floor coverings 61.0 14.0 47.0 46.5 16.2 30.3 اد م ت اار د وا

Cotton yarn 23.9 96.5 (72.6) 19.6 61.9 (42.3) ا

Raw cotton 12.4 32.0 (19.6) 14.1 41.4 (27.3)

Merchandise Balance of Chemical Products, of which: 610.9 1331.6 (720.7) 653.3 1491.5 (838.2) : ، وت ات ا ان اا

Pharmaceuticals 100.2 595.9 (495.7) 78.0 674.3 (596.3) ت ا

Organic and inorganic Chemicals 147.5 440.8 (293.3) 184.4 422.8 (238.4) وا ا و ت

Fertilizers 209.5 27.9 181.6 208.4 56.4 152.0 اه

Merchandise Balance of Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof, of which: 605.2 2474.1 (1868.9) 527.8 2713.6 (2185.8) : ، اؤوأ ات اة وات وا ان اا

Household electric-motor appliances and spare parts 202.5 207.0 (4.5) 195.7 264.9 (69.2) ر و ل ا ةأ

Electrical appliances for telephone (including Intercom and mobile phones) 46.2 252.0 (205.8) 47.2 287.0 (239.8) (ت اموا ،ما ) ةأ

Liquid and air pumps and spare parts 9.8 212.3 (202.5) 7.9 254.7 (246.8) ر اء ووا ا ت

Wires and cables 129.2 72.5 56.7 117.8 129.5 (11.7) اك وت

Automatic data processing machines 28.6 85.8 (57.2) 14.9 168.2 (153.3) ات اا ت

Air-conditioning machines and spare parts 11.9 82.9 (71.0) 8.4 62.5 (54.1) ر اء وا ةت وأا

Merchandise Balance of Base Metals and Products, of which: 332.5 1187.5 (855.0) 451.0 1497.0 (1046.0) : ، و ددن ا ان ااIron & steel and articles thereof 210.0 881.2 (671.2) 278.8 1094.6 (815.8) ز و - و

Aluminum and articles thereof 60.2 76.9 (16.7) 111.4 161.6 (50.2) و ا

Copper and articles thereof 35.6 170.3 (134.7) 33.5 139.7 (106.2) س و

Merchandise Balance of Vehicles, Cars and Other Means of Transportation , of which: 79.6 643.8 (564.2) 95.7 1026.6 (930.9) : ، ىا ا ت ووت وا ان اا Spare parts and accessories for cars and tractors 32.4 297.9 (265.5) 68.9 444.4 (375.5) ر وااء رات واارات

Passenger vehicles 23.7 178.6 (154.9) 14.6 321.4 (306.8) رات رب

* Provisional . . أر *

July/September 2018/2019*

- 89 -

ا ازا ٣٠ - أ


30- Main Merchandise Balances

(US$ mn)


- 90 -

July/September 2017/2018*

(بالملیون دوالر)

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2016/2017* 2018/2019*

ما ا ا ا اا ا ا اول ما ا ا ا اا ا ا اول

2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017* 2017/2018* Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1

Transportation Balance 7748.8 8315.3 8195.5 6579.1 7227.7 1471.3 1480.9 2029.1 1885.3 1735.8 1660.9 1945.7 1794.3 ان ا

Receipts 9466.0 9850.3 9534.6 7911.2 8707.9 1762.4 1815.1 2429.7 2267.9 2087.1 2029.5 2323.4 2242.8 ت

Payments 1717.2 1535.0 1339.1 1332.1 1480.2 291.1 334.2 400.6 382.6 351.3 368.6 377.7 448.5 ت

Travel Balance 2028.8 4032.2 (323.5) 1639.8 7352.8 189.6 808.4 988.8 2047.4 1770.6 1729.2 1805.6 3213.9 ان ا

Receipts 5073.3 7370.4 3767.5 4379.7 9804.3 825.8 1256.7 1539.0 2696.7 2282.5 2271.4 2553.7 3930.9 ت

Payments 3044.5 3338.2 4091.0 2739.9 2451.5 636.2 448.3 550.2 649.3 511.9 542.2 748.1 717.0 ت

Government Services Balance (419.5) 527.4 (399.1) (347.7) (856.8) (156.9) (257.4) 161.1 (317.3) (402.1) (74.8) (62.6) (17.1) ت اوت واان ا

Receipts 654.4 1381.5 378.0 776.4 636.7 60.9 67.9 585.1 131.7 138.0 163.6 203.4 166.0 ت

Payments 1073.9 854.1 777.1 1124.1 1493.5 217.8 325.3 424.0 449.0 540.1 238.4 266.0 183.1 ت

Other Services Balance (1083.7) (2132.0) (939.9) (2257.0) (2601.3) (719.9) (499.0) (855.9) (768.1) (641.6) (786.5) (405.1) (708.0) ان ات وات اى

Receipts 2243.5 3209.6 2399.2 2332.8 2338.0 634.4 568.4 527.0 581.9 560.6 573.6 621.9 598.7 ت

Payments 3327.2 5341.6 3339.1 4589.8 4939.3 1354.3 1067.4 1382.9 1350.0 1202.2 1360.1 1027.0 1306.7 ت

* Provisional. . أر *

2016/2017 2016/2017

ا ا اا ا ا اول ما ا ا ا اا ا ا اول ما ا ل

2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2

Oil Tankersمت اول

Number 3825 4158 4415 4322 4571 1127 1074 1104 1232 1069 1166 1219 1270 اد

Net Tonnage (in millions of tons) 152.3 168.3 178.2 180.0 193.2 45.7 45.0 45.6 51.8 44.1 51.7 55.7 60.3 ( ن ط ) ا ا

Other Vesselsمت اى

Number 12919 13386 12837 12682 13289 3052 3243 3334 3384 3105 3466 3427 3452 اد

Net Tonnage (in millions of tons) 778.9 823.6 808.9 815.1 899.8 193.0 214.1 221.8 224.7 216.1 237.2 239.2 235.4 ( ن ط ) ا ا


Number 16744 17544 17252 17004 17860 4179 4317 4438 4616 4174 4632 4646 4722 اد

Net Tonnage (in millions of tons) 931.2 991.9 987.1 995.1 1093.0 238.7 259.1 267.4 276.5 260.2 288.9 294.9 295.7 ( ن ط ) ا ا

Source : Suez Canal Authority. . ة ا : را

- 91 - - 92 -

During ل

ات اا

31/1 -Traffic in the Suez Canal

السنوات المالیـة

Fiscal YearsDuring

2017/2018 2018/2019


31 - Services Balances

(US$ mn) (ن دور)

Fiscal Years

ة ا ا - ١/٣١

ا از٣١ - ا


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2016/2017* 2018/2019*

ما ا ا ا اا ا ا اول ما ا ا ا اا ا ا اول

2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017* 2017/2018* Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1

Net Foreign Direct Investment 4178.2 6379.8 6932.6 7932.8 7719.5 2414.8 2278.0 1367.8 1843.0 1919.9 2256.3 1700.3 1099.9 ارات ا اة Inflows 10855.8 12546.2 12528.7 13366.1 13163.1 3981.0 3348.8 2605.3 3093.2 3480.9 3668.9 2920.1 2873.3 ا تUSA 2230.3 2115.8 883.0 1832.9 2244.4 498.9 482.2 352.7 432.7 585.3 604.5 621.9 613.8 ة ات ااEU 6610.0 6522.5 7876.7 8710.5 7952.3 2848.7 2384.1 1476.8 1868.2 1967.7 2322.6 1793.8 1582.8 ورود اا

Germany 194.2 190.2 201.5 147.6 122.3 49.6 20.2 26.4 23.8 30.8 48.0 19.7 58.0 مأ

France 347.4 230.2 251.2 535.8 240.3 409.7 32.9 19.9 52.5 105.0 23.7 59.1 31.3 م

UK 5078.5 4989.7 5944.5 5518.6 4552.8 1790.9 1835.8 710.1 1051.6 1096.6 1321.5 1083.1 745.1 ا اة

Italy 16.8 37.1 42.1 82.9 130.0 18.0 17.3 20.0 27.2 47.1 15.8 39.9 35.8 إ

Greece 46.1 4.5 2.0 0.6 1.8 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.5 0.9 0.4 0.4 امن

Spain 5.5 28.4 153.7 44.4 57.4 23.9 4.1 12.0 20.2 11.2 19.9 6.1 1.9 مأ

The Netherlands 192.4 181.6 245.6 219.1 349.1 14.6 8.0 30.1 16.9 24.8 240.2 67.2 82.5 ا

Portugal 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 1.6 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.9 0.0 0.1 ال

Bulgaria 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 ر

Belgium 617.0 663.8 678.2 1988.1 2288.6 523.3 428.3 621.0 638.4 521.6 628.6 500.0 544.3

Luxembourg 46.9 141.0 169.1 46.8 59.3 0.2 0.5 20.8 0.3 58.0 0.0 1.0 15.5 ج

Denmark 10.8 13.3 6.7 3.5 33.4 0.5 0.6 0.3 1.2 28.6 2.0 1.6 1.7 اارك

Sweden 14.2 10.7 89.5 6.9 14.4 2.9 0.9 0.5 12.0 0.6 1.4 0.4 1.4 ا

Austria 2.6 5.1 11.4 18.5 15.3 4.3 6.2 5.5 6.3 1.3 5.3 2.4 0.5 ا

Cyprus 4.1 7.4 16.1 24.0 6.1 7.0 10.8 5.5 1.7 2.3 0.2 1.9 4.0 ص

Romania 2.4 6.2 1.1 3.2 6.0 0.6 1.2 1.1 3.0 1.9 1.0 0.1 0.6 مرو

Latvia 0.2 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0

Ireland 0.7 2.6 51.6 3.9 33.0 1.3 0.4 1.0 7.7 4.5 11.8 9.0 56.7 أا

Poland 2.2 0.9 2.8 4.2 2.5 0.2 0.1 0.6 1.4 0.1 0.0 1.0 0.4 ا

Czech Republic 9.5 3.3 5.1 5.3 6.0 0.5 3.7 1.1 2.2 3.8 0.0 0.0 0.1 ا

Malta 2.8 2.2 0.7 55.4 31.6 1.0 12.8 0.0 1.5 28.4 0.9 0.8 2.0

Estonia 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 مإ

Hungary 5.7 1.6 3.4 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 ا

Croatia 9.2 1.6 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 وا

Slovenia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4

Arab Countries 1290.1 2667.5 2277.7 1800.0 1925.5 375.5 300.8 416.4 478.8 722.3 500.9 223.5 402.1 ول ااSaudi Arabia 284.4 649.1 313.0 343.7 296.7 63.8 37.7 167.5 77.0 87.1 78.6 54.0 97.3 دا

United Arab Emirates 401.2 1382.5 1328.7 836.9 1075.4 200.0 161.1 147.2 136.6 521.7 328.4 88.7 143.4 ارات ا اة

Tunisia 6.7 1.2 4.5 2.3 3.4 0.6 0.1 0.3 0.2 2.7 0.2 0.3 0.6 م

Kuwait 129.6 236.8 132.5 149.8 111.5 20.2 20.1 35.3 43.7 21.9 15.5 30.4 49.1 ا

Qatar 109.1 94.4 194.8 169.4 165.0 10.9 9.7 25.3 94.7 32.2 16.1 22.0 60.0

Libya 11.6 10.0 3.3 2.7 2.2 0.7 0.6 1.0 0.1 0.4 0.9 0.8 0.8

Jordan 22.0 17.5 21.7 34.6 32.3 5.6 17.8 7.0 0.6 27.4 2.2 2.1 1.7 اردن

Bahrain 193.7 136.5 164.7 113.0 88.0 40.0 28.4 10.3 26.0 12.6 39.6 9.8 4.6 ا

Lebanon 87.7 100.1 73.3 92.5 102.1 20.1 11.3 6.8 85.2 2.6 6.4 7.9 35.8 ن

Oman 13.4 11.6 11.9 6.2 4.5 2.0 0.8 3.0 0.5 1.5 1.1 1.4 1.7 ن

Yemen 2.5 3.2 0.9 2.7 3.3 0.0 1.4 1.0 1.0 0.1 0.8 1.4 2.0 ا

Sudan 0.8 2.2 1.8 0.4 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.3 ادان

Others 27.4 22.4 26.6 45.8 40.8 11.6 11.8 11.5 13.1 12.0 11.1 4.6 4.8 أى

Other Countries 725.4 1240.4 1491.3 1022.7 1040.9 257.9 181.7 359.4 313.5 205.6 240.9 280.9 274.6 دول ا اىSingapore 3.6 7.3 18.3 11.5 7.5 4.6 2.1 3.1 1.0 1.2 1.7 3.6 12.2 را

Switzerland 94.5 165.0 127.9 148.4 185.6 36.1 21.7 33.1 30.0 35.7 54.4 65.5 10.8 ا

Japan 66.4 50.6 89.9 93.0 162.1 23.6 12.0 35.8 122.6 14.0 24.3 1.2 2.7 ان

Canada 10.4 10.2 17.2 18.1 18.4 12.0 1.3 3.4 2.9 3.2 4.0 8.3 5.5 ا

China 6.3 60.5 119.3 150.6 135.8 28.5 50.6 55.3 18.6 44.2 26.7 46.3 20.7 ا

Taiwan 1.7 2.0 0.8 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ان

Turkey 31.0 44.3 77.5 35.5 41.0 4.9 11.0 13.6 5.8 13.9 8.6 12.7 2.8

Bermuda 20.1 1.3 0.1 41.3 50.0 26.3 0.0 15.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 0.0 0.5 دا

India 21.5 6.1 12.5 8.9 90.7 0.3 0.6 1.4 1.3 1.3 0.6 87.5 0.5 ا

Korea 47.3 163.5 224.1 123.3 13.1 44.7 19.2 10.5 1.5 11.2 0.4 0.0 0.2 ر

Australia 12.5 16.2 9.9 3.6 1.9 0.1 0.7 1.3 0.7 0.3 0.1 0.8 1.1 اأ

Norway 5.3 7.2 13.3 2.7 10.6 0.4 0.7 0.9 6.3 2.2 1.1 1.0 0.6 وا

Others 404.8 706.2 780.5 385.4 324.2 76.4 61.7 185.8 122.8 78.4 69.0 54.0 217.0 دول أى

Outflows -6677.6 -6166.4 -5596.1 -5433.3 -5443.6 -1566.2 -1070.8 -1237.5 -1250.2 -1561.0 -1412.6 -1219.8 -1773.4 ت رج * Provisional. . أر *

2016/2017* 2017/2018*

- 93 -- 94 -

(�المليون دوالر)

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Egypt by Country - ٣٢32 - ارات ا اة و ول

(US$ mn)

ات اا

Fiscal Years

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2016/2017* 2018/2019*

ما ا ا ا اا ا ا اول ما ا ا ا اا ا ا اول

2014 2015 2016 2017* 2018* Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1

Total External Debt ** 46067.1 48062.9 55764.4 79032.8 92643.9 67322.6 73888.6 79032.8 80831.9 82884.5 88163.9 92643.9 93130.7 **را ا إ

Rescheduled bilateral debt+ 8440.5 6242.9 5249.6 4252.0 3727.9 4330.2 4167.0 4252.0 4031.4 4059.4 3870.8 3727.9 3406.7

+ و دا وض اا

ODA 5624.7 4637.2 4524.5 4015.0 3536.5 4088.3 3940.6 4015.0 3812.2 3837.0 3668.5 3536.5 3240.9 اة

Non-ODA 2815.8 1605.7 725.1 237.0 191.4 241.9 226.4 237.0 219.2 222.4 202.3 191.4 165.8 اة

Other bilateral debt 6104.0 5491.7 6299.9 6572.4 7644.0 5973.1 6437.4 6572.4 6672.4 6956.7 7657.3 7644.0 8699.2 اوض ا اى :

Paris Club countries 3646.1 2200.9 3553.5 3710.8 4430.5 3423.9 3571.1 3710.8 3813.0 4105.1 4629.2 4430.5 4441.4 ر دىدول م

Other countries 2457.9 3290.8 2746.4++ 2861.6++ 3213.5++ 2549.2++ 2866.3++ 2861.6++ 2859.4++ 2851.6++ 3028.1++ 3213.5++ 4257.8++ اول اى

Multilateral Institutions 12228.6 12246.3 14089.9 21751.6 28416.8 19481.1 21174.5 21751.6 23412.1 26036.9 27020.7 28416.8 28176.5 وت اا

Suppliers' & buyers' credit 546.4 1546.5 3118.9 6505.2 8433.9 4548.9 4779.3 6505.2 7204.8 7509.0 7883.6 8433.9 9357.3 وا ردت ا

Bonds 6085.3 4937.7 3493.0 8984.5 14277.7 2687.4 6683.2 8984.5 8990.3 8881.5 12175.9 14277.7 14156.4 ات

Deposits 9000.0 15000.0 16300.0 18537.4 17400.0 18200.0 17887.4 18537.4 18287.4 17906.1 17650.0 17400.0 17400.0 ودا

Private sector debt (non-guaranteed) 11.3 22.5 195.4 155.3 459.9 156.6 155.5 155.3 158.9 406.5 400.7 459.9 440.4 (ما ) صع ان اد

Short-term debt 3651.0 2575.3 7017.7 12274.4 12283.7 11945.3 12604.3 12274.4 12074.6 11128.4 11504.9 12283.7 11494.2 ا ا

Currency and deposits 1392.5 1295.3 1478.3 3824.1 3783.9 4420.4 4374.8 3824.1 3619.2 3918.8 3947.1 3783.9 3717.7 ت وودا

Loans & trade credits 2258.5 1280.0 5539.4 8450.3 8499.8 7524.9 8229.5 8450.3 8455.4 7209.6 7557.8 8499.8 7776.5 وض و ت

Total Debt Service (during the period) 3198.9 5609.1 5084.7 7320.1 13253.5 1241.0 1256.7 2333.3 1814.2 6805.7 2369.5 2264.1 2244.8 إ أء ا (ل اة)

Interest (paid) # 716.0 666.2 835.8 1215.6 2170.2 323.2 280.0 370.3 642.5 449.6 635.6 442.5 868.3

#ا اا

Principal (repaid) 2482.9 4942.9 4248.9 6104.5 11083.3 917.8 976.7 1963.0 1171.7 6356.1 1733.9 1821.6 1376.5 ا ادة

Indicators (%) اات (%)

External Debt /GDP ## 15.1 14.4 16.6 33.6 37.0 28.7 31.5 33.6 32.3 33.1 35.2 37.0 35.4

##ا ا ا/را ا

Debt Service /Exports G&S - - - - - 14.7 13.7 21.4 15.8 60.3 20.1 17.8 16.4 و ا درات اا/را ا

Debt Service /Exports G&S (Annually) 7.4 12.7 14.6 19.7 28.0 16.8 16.7 19.7 16.6 28.5 29.3 28.0 27.6 ا ار/ادرات ا و ا (ى)

Debt Service /Current Receipts - - - - - 8.7 8.3 13.6 10.3 36.6 12.8 11.3 11.3 را ا/را ا

Debt Service /Current Receipts (Annually) 4.3 8.5 9.8 12.3 17.8 10.8 10.5 12.3 10.4 17.9 18.6 17.8 17.8 ا ار/ا ار (ى)

Interest Payments /Exports G&S - - - - - 3.8 3.0 3.4 5.6 4.0 5.4 3.5 6.3 و ا درات اا/ا اا

Interest Payments /Exports G&S (Annually) 1.6 1.5 2.4 3.3 4.6 2.9 3.1 3.3 4.0 4.1 4.6 4.6 4.8 اا ا/ادرات ا و ا (ى)

Interest Payments /Current Receipts - - - - - 2.3 1.9 2.2 3.7 2.4 3.4 2.2 4.4 را ا/ا اا

Interest Payments /Current Receipts (Annually) 1.0 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.9 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.9 2.9 3.1 اا ا/ا ار (ى)

External Debt per capita (US$) 506.4 513.5 573.1 754.1 883.9 691.9 705.0 754.1 771.2 790.8 841.2 883.9 873.6 م اد ا ار ( دور)

* Provisional. . تم *

** Different from World Bank data. .وا ت ام **

+ According to the agreement signed with Paris Club countries on 25/5/1991. . ١٩٩١/٥/٢٥ ر دىدول م ق ا و +

++ Including liquidity support facility agreement provided by China Development Bank to the Central Bank of Egypt. .ا ا ىي اا ا ا د + +

# Including interest payments on bonds floated abroad. # اا ا اات او رج.

Adminstrative Reform after being evaluated in US dollar based on the average exchange rate for each quarter. .ر فا و

33 - External Debt

(US$ mn)

را ٣٣ - ا

آ End of

(ن دور)


- 95 -


## ## The annual GDP is calculated in US dollar by having the sum total of the quarterly GDP released by the Ministry of Planning, Monitoring andب ا ا ا اى ور ط مت ا ا ا ا ااردة ا وزارة ا و ا و اح ادارى، ور

- 96 -

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(ن دور)

2016/2017 2018/2019+

ما ا ا ا اا ا ا اول ما ا ا ا اا ا ا اول

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018+ Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1

Total External Debt * 46067.1 48062.9 55764.4 79032.8 92643.9 67322.6 73888.6 79032.8 80831.9 82884.5 88163.9 92643.9 93130.7 *را ا إ

Long-term Debt 42416.1 45487.6 48746.7 66758.4 80360.2 55377.3 61284.3 66758.4 68757.3 71756.1 76659.0 80360.2 81636.5 ا ط ا

Short-term Debt 3651.0 2575.3 7017.7 12274.4 12283.7 11945.3 12604.3 12274.4 12074.6 11128.4 11504.9 12283.7 11494.2 ا ا

General Government 29054.0 25707.2 24436.7 34874.7 47648.8 26259.8 32237.6 34874.7 36308.4 38710.1 43741.7 47648.8 47210.1 ا ا Long-term Debt 29054.0 25707.2 24436.7 34874.7 47648.8 26259.8 32237.6 34874.7 36308.4 38710.1 43741.7 47648.8 47210.1 ا ط ا

Bonds 6085.3 4937.7 3493.0 8984.5 14277.7 2687.4 6683.2 8984.5 8990.3 8881.5 12175.9 14277.7 14156.4 اات

Loans 22968.7 20769.5 20943.7 25890.2 33371.1 23572.4 25554.4 25890.2 27318.1 29828.6 31565.8 33371.1 33053.7 اوض

Central Bank 11004.5 16317.5 22173.8 30324.3 26560.3 30232.8 29915.6 30324.3 29927.5 27403.3 27305.4 26560.3 27459.2 ا اي Long-term Debt 10504.5 16317.5 18973.8 22137.7 20235.9 21694.5 21406.2 22137.7 21884.2 21458.1 21203.3 20235.9 21233.8 ا ط ا

Loans 115.6 56.7 1419.7 2353.7 1573.6 2286.7 2297.0 2353.7 2328.4 2272.5 2247.2 1573.6 2580.2 اوض

Currency and Deposits 9000.0 15000.0 16300.0 18537.4 17400.0 18200.0 17887.4 18537.4 18287.4 17906.1 17650.0 17400.0 17400.0 داوا ا

Special Drawing Rights ** 1388.9 1260.8 1254.1 1246.6 1262.3 1207.8 1221.8 1246.6 1268.4 1279.5 1306.1 1262.3 1253.6 ** ا ق ا

Short-term Debt 500.0 0.0 3200.0 8186.6 6324.4 8538.3 8509.4 8186.6 8043.3 5945.2 6102.1 6324.4 6225.4 ا ا

Loans 0.0 0.0 3200.0 5334.3 3609.0 5259.5 5229.6 5334.3 5340.0 3179.0 3240.0 3609.0 3605.2 اوض

Currency and Deposits 500.0 0.0 0.0 2852.3 2715.4 3278.8 3279.8 2852.3 2703.3 2766.2 2862.1 2715.4 2620.2 داوا ا

Banks 1544.3 2386.9 3963.2 4095.6 6046.8 4248.1 4027.8 4095.6 4600.1 6094.6 5324.1 6046.8 6148.5 اك Long-term Debt (Loans) 651.8 937.2 2050.5 3043.8 4202.9 2665.4 2714.8 3043.8 3320.4 3863.6 3704.6 4202.9 4719.8 ا ط ا (وض)

Short-term Debt 892.5 1449.7 1912.7 1051.8 1843.9 1582.7 1313.0 1051.8 1279.7 2231.0 1619.5 1843.9 1428.7 ا ا Loans 0.0 154.4 434.4 80.0 775.4 441.1 218.0 80.0 363.8 1078.4 534.5 775.4 331.2 اوض

Currency and Deposits 892.5 1295.3 1478.3 971.8 1068.5 1141.6 1095.0 971.8 915.9 1152.6 1085.0 1068.5 1097.5 داوا ا

Other Sectors 4464.3 3651.3 5190.7 9738.2 12388.0 6581.9 7707.6 9738.2 9995.9 10676.5 11792.7 12388.0 12312.9 ات اى Long-term Debt (Loans) 2205.8 2525.7 3285.7 6702.2 8272.6 4757.6 4925.7 6702.2 7244.3 7724.3 8009.4 8272.6 8472.8 ا ط ا (وض)

Short-term Debt (Trade Credit and Advances) 2258.5 1125.6 1905.0 3036.0 4115.4 1824.3 2781.9 3036.0 2751.6 2952.2 3783.3 4115.4 3840.1 ا ا ( ت ر وت )

Indicators (%) اات (%)

Long-term External Debt / Total External Debt 92.1 94.6 87.4 84.5 86.7 82.3 82.9 84.5 85.1 86.6 87.0 86.7 87.7 را ا إ / ا ط را ا

Short-term External Debt / Total External Debt 7.9 5.4 12.6 15.5 13.3 17.7 17.1 15.5 14.9 13.4 13.0 13.3 12.3 را ا إ/ا را ا

Short-term External Debt / Net International Reserves 21.9 12.8 40.0 39.2 27.8 49.2 44.2 39.2 33.0 30.1 27.0 27.8 25.9 وت اطا / ا را ا

Government External Debt / Total External Debt 63.1 53.5 43.8 44.1 51.4 39.0 43.6 44.1 44.9 46.7 49.6 51.4 50.7 را ا إ / ا را ا

Government External Debt / GDP*** 9.5 7.7 7.3 14.8 19.0 11.2 13.7 14.8 14.5 15.5 17.5 19.0 18.0 ***ا ا ا / ا را ا

+ Provisional.

* Different from World Bank data. .وا ت ام *

** Representing the equivalent of SDRs allocated to Egypt by the IMF. .وا وق ا ق اتو دل **

.ر فا و

ع اا را ٣٤ - ا

. تم +

- 98 - - 97 -

34 - External Debt by Debtor


(US$ mn)

آ End of June

*** The annual GDP is calculated in US dollar by having the sum total of the quarterly GDP released by the Ministry of Planning, Monitoring and Adminstrative Reform after being evaluated in US dollar based on the average exchange rate for each quarter.

*** ب ا ا ا اى ور ط مت ا ا ا ا ااردة ا وزارة ا و ا و اح ادارى، ور

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-99- -100-





2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019

(US$ bn) دوالرملیار

التصنیع درجة حسب السلعیة الصادراتMerchandise Exports by Degree of Processing


Fuel, Mineral oils & Products وقود وزیوت معدنیة ومنتجاتھا Raw Materials المـواد الخـام

Semi-finished Goods الســلع نصف المصنعة Finished Goods الســلع تامـــة الصنع








2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019

(US$ bn) دوالرملیار

االستخدام درجة حسب السلعیة الواردات Merchandise Imports by Degree of Use


Fuel, Mineral oils & Products وقود وزیوت معدنیة ومنتجاتھا Raw Materials المـواد الخـام

Intermediate Goods السلع الوسیطة Investment Goods السلع االستثماریة

Consumer Goods السلع االستھالكیة









اإلتحاد االوروبى EU

الدول االوروبیة االخرى

Other Euro. Coun

روسیا اإلتحادیة .Russian Fed

الوالیات المتحدة األمریكیة


الدول العربیة .Arab Coun

الدول اآلسیویة .Asian Coun

الدول األفریقیة .Afr. Coun

دول أخرى .Other Coun

)US$ bn( دوالر ملیار

الجغرافي للتوزیع وفقا الخارجیة التجارةForeign Trade by Geographical Distribution

July/September 2018/2019

Importsالواردات Exportsالصادرات Volume of Tradeحجم التجارة








البترول Oil

المواد الغذائیة بدون الحبوب

Foodstuffs without cereals

الحبوب ومنتجات المطاحن

Cereals and Milling Products

المواد النسیجیة ومصنوعاتھا

Textile Materials and

Articles thereof

منتجات الصناعات الكیماویة

Chemicals Products

األالت واالجھـزة ة والمعدات الكھـربائیـ

واجزاؤھا Electrical

machinery and equipment

المعــادن العــادیـة ومنتجاتھا

Base metals and Products

المركـبات والعـربـات ووسائل الـنـقـل

االخرى Vehicles and


(US$ bn) دوالرملیار

السلعیة للمجموعات وفقا الخارجیة التجارةForeign Trade by Merchandise Groups

July/September 2018/2019

Importsالواردات Exportsالصادرات Volume of Tradeحجم التجارة

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- 102 - - 101 -




Trade Balance Services Balance Investment IncomeBalance

Unrequited CurrentTransfers (Net)

Capital & FinancialA/C

Overall Balance

المیزان التجاري المیزان الخدمي میزان دخل االستثمار صافي التحویالت الجاریة بدون مقابل

حساب المعامالت الرأسمالیة والمالیة

المیزان الكلي

المدفوعات لمیزان التفصیلیة البنود BOP Detailed Components

2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018

ملیار دوالر (US$ bn)













Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1

2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019

دوالر ملیار )US$ bn(

ومكوناتھ الجاري الحساب Current Account & Its Components

Trade Balance المیزان التجاري Services Balance المیزان الخدمي

Investment Income Balance میزان دخل االسثتمار Unrequited Current Transfers- net صافي التحویالت الجاریة بدون مقابل

Current Account Balance رصید المعامالت الجاریة







Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1

2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019

الخارجى الدین ھیكلExternal Debt Structure

Bilateral debt & Depositsقروض ثنائیة وودائع

Multilateral Institutions المؤسسات الدولیة

Bonds سندات

Suppliers-buyers credits & Non-guaranteed Debtتسھیالت الموردین والمشترین والدین الغیر مضمون

Short- term debt دیون قصیرة األجل

ملیار دوالر (US$ bn)












Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1

2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019

الدین الخارجى وفقا للقطاع المدین External Debt by Debtor

Other Sectors القطاعات األخرى Banks البنوك Central Bank البنك المركزى General Government الحكومة العامة

ملیار دوالر (US$ bn)

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Fiscal Sector

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The Budget Sector

The General


The Budget Sector

The General


The Budget Sector

The Budget Sector

The General


The Budget Sector

The General


Total Revenues 456788 519449 465241 538378 491488 659184 755110 805741 915974 إ اادات

Tax Revenues 260289 260289 305957 305957 352315 462007 462007 628083 628083 ادات اا

Taxes on Income and Profits from: 120926 120926 129818 129818 144743 166897 166897 206919 206919 : حرل واا اا

EGPC 46060 46060 36000 36000 37313 42464 42464 51976 51976 اول

SCA 14312 14312 13400 13400 14903 22300 22300 29062 29062 ة ا

CBE 4042 4042 3691 3691 13245 3860 3860 0 0 ا اى

Other Units 25099 25099 38512 38512 36926 47259 47259 61492 61492 وات أى

Payable by individuals 31413 31413 38215 38215 42356 51014 51014 64389 64389 دل ااد

Taxes on Property 18761 18761 21107 21107 27990 36539 36539 51353 51353 اا ات

Taxes on Goods and Services 91867 91867 122930 122930 140525 208624 208624 293809 293809 اا ا وات

Taxes on International Trade (Customs) 17673 17673 21867 21867 28091 34255 34255 37505 37505 ا ارة او ( ارك )

Other Taxes 11062 11062 10235 10235 10966 15692 15692 38497 38497 ا أى

Non-Tax Revenues 196499 259160 159284 232421 139173 197177 293103 177658 287891 ا اداتا

Property Income from: 58115 69402 82683 94980 69452 95199 111142 70317 93881 : ا ا

EGPC 21809 21809 25414 25414 7820 5944 5944 7900 7900 اول

SCA 18084 18084 19214 19214 14755 29381 29381 23718 23718 ة ا

CBE 9283 9283 13417 13417 29462 19427 19427 5233 5233 ا اى

Economic Authorities 1630 1630 10093 10093 7820 10989 10989 8297 8297 دت اا

Companies 3157 3157 3295 3295 2272 5230 5230 6863 6863 ات

Other ( from EGPC & TML** ) 245 245 128 128 .. 7187 7187 125 125 أى ( اول، وا ا ل )

Other 3907 15194 11122 23419 .. 17041 32984 18181 41745 أى

Sales of Goods and Services 28499 28499 26457 26457 29052 38058 38058 44693 44693 ا وات

Financing Investment 6180 6180 10614 10614 .. 27282 27282 31430 31430 ارات

Grants 95856 95856 25437 25437 3543 17683 17683 1989 1989 ا

Current 81744 81744 24226 24226 .. 368 368 242 242 ر

Capital 14112 14112 1211 1211 .. 17315 17315 1747 1747 رأ

Other 7849 59223 14093 74933 .. 18955 98938 29229 115898 أى

+ Data for the General Government is not available. . ا ت اما +

.. Not Available. .ا ..

** TML : Third Mobile License.

* ا ةا ت ا٣٥ - ا

( بالملیون جنیھ )

35 - Consolidated Fiscal Operations of the General Government *

( LE mn )

Actual 2013/2014 Actual 2016/2017 Actual 2017/2018Actual


- 104 - - 103 -

Actual 2014/2015

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Total Expenditures 701514 759847 733350 805929 817844 1031941 1116985 1229132 1335980 إ ات

Wages & Compensations of Employees 178589 180829 198468 200933 213721 225513 227709 236920 239076 ت ار وا

Wages and allowances 146869 148940 162311 164597 173827 181245 183249 192920 194859 ار وات

Social contributions 16705 16852 18997 19159 20606 23184 23358 26303 26495 ا اا

Other 15015 15037 17160 17177 19288 21084 21102 17697 17722 أى

Purchases of Goods and Services 27248 27556 31276 31580 35662 42450 42825 47879 48296 اء ا و ات

Goods 12084 12103 14448 14474 16536 21678 21721 26118 26180 ا

Services 11786 11940 13549 13721 15029 16719 16945 20912 21153 ات

Other 3378 3513 3279 3385 4097 4053 4159 849 963 أى

Interest 173150 159330 193008 179035 243635 316602 284746 437359 415097 اا

Domestic 168154 154334 188308 174335 238569 307003 275147 415152 392890

To NIB & SIFs 24481 0 26038 0 .. 46249 0 50253 0 ا ا دو ر اا

To Others 143673 154334 162270 174335 .. 260754 275147 364899 392890 أى

Foreign 4996 4996 4700 4700 5066 9599 9599 22207 22207 ر

Subsidies, Grants and Social Benefits 228578 298002 198569 282116 201024 276719 386255 329076 455498 ا او ا و ا ا

Subsidies 187658 187658 150198 150198 138724 202559 202559 243538 243538 ا

To Petroleum 126180 126180 73915 73915 51045 115000 115000 120804 120804 اول

To GASC 35493 35493 39395 39395 42738 47535 47535 80500 80500 ا ا

To Others 25985 25985 36888 36888 44941 40024 40024 42234 42234 أى

Grants 5190 5190 6211 6211 7806 8919 8919 6713 6713 ا

Social Benefits 35200 104624 41037 124584 53919 64194 173730 77751 204173 ا اا

Contribution to SIFs 29200 0 33213 1 43956 45235 0 52500 0 ا ا د ا

Other 6000 104624 7824 124583 9963 18959 173730 25251 204173 أى

Other 530 530 1123 1123 575 1047 1047 1074 1074 أى

Other Expenditures 41067 41209 50279 50348 54552 61516 66244 72314 72349 ات اى

Defense 31844 31844 41477 41477 .. 48934 48934 55002 55002 اع

Other 9223 9365 8802 8871 .. 12582 17310 17312 17347 أى

Purchases of Non-Financial Assets (Investments) 52882 52921 61750 61917 69250 109141 109206 105584 105664 اء أل ( ارات )

Fixed assets 38437 38476 45547 45714 54637 88327 88392 94131 94211 ل اا

Others 14445 14445 16203 16203 14613 20814 20814 11453 11453 أى

+ Data for the General Government is not available. . ا ت اما +

.. Not Available. .ا ..

( LE mn )

( ) * ا ةا ت ا٣٥35 - ا - Consolidated Fiscal Operations of the General Government * (Contd.)

Actual 2016/2017 Actual 2017/2018Actual

2015/2016+Actual 2014/2015

( بالملیون جنیھ )

Actual 2013/2014

- 105 - - 106 -

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Total Revenues 456788 519449 465241 538378 491488 659184 755110 805741 915974 إ اادات

Total Expenditures 701514 759847 733350 805929 817844 1031941 1116985 1229132 1335980 إ ات

Cash Balance -244726 -240398 -268109 -267551 -326356 -372757 -361875 -423391 -420006 ا اى

Overall Fiscal Balance (including net acquisition of financial assets) -255439 -254715 -279430 -284314 -339495 -379590 -366401 -432697 -425385 (ل ازة ا ) ا ا

Primary Balance++ -82289 -95385 -86422 -105279 -95860 -62988 -81655 4662 -10288

++ وا ا

Financing Sources 255439 254715 279430 284314 339495 379590 366401 432697 425385 در ا

Domestic Financing 277319 258399 327728 296593 .. 398784 347980 429784 382963 ا ا

Banking Financing 244363 240151 248454 248580 .. 206048 180395 176201 175947 ا ا

Central Bank 119349 119349 105724 105724 .. 80602 80602 4149 4149 ا اى

Other Banks 125014 120802 142730 142856 .. 125446 99793 172052 171798 اك اى

Non- Banking Financing 32956 18248 79274 48013 .. 192736 167585 253583 207016 ا ا

NIB -3513 0 -1792 0 .. 6519 0 111544 0 ر اا

SIFs 26261 0 34365 0 .. 31717 0 60882 0 د ات

Other 6373 6373 596 596 .. 159829 159829 98135 98135 در أى

NIB Borrowing 0 8040 0 1312 .. 0 13085 0 125859 ر اا اضا

Special Accounts for Economic Authorities 3835 3835 46105 46105 .. -5329 -5329 -16978 -16978 دت ا ت اا

Blocked Account Used in Amortizing Part of CBE Bonds 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0 ا اب ا اك ات ا اى

Foreign Borrowing 4022 4022 -25119 -25119 .. 188211 188211 230332 230332 راض اا

Arrears 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0 اات

Others, of which : -25387 -7191 -35987 32 .. -25933 11682 -43681 -4172 : ،ىا

Special Accounts for Budget Entities 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0 ازمات ا ت اا

Financing Effects for Eliminations 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0 ا ا دات

Exchange Rate Revaluation 1242 1242 549 549 .. 0 0 2004 2004 دة اوق ا

Net Privatization Proceeds -315 -315 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0 ت ا

Privatization Proceeds 35 35 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0 ت ا

Treasury Contribution to the Fund 350 350 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0 دة اوق ا اما

Difference between Treasury Bills Face Value & Present Value -1051 -1051 -9540 -9540 .. -46987 -46987 -43062 -43062 امذون ا وا ا ا قا

Foreign Debt Reclassification Diff. and Related FX Diff. 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0 وق إدة ا ار ا م ت أى

Discrepancy -391 -391 21799 21799 .. -134485 -134485 -142680 -142680 د

Cash Balance as a percentage of GDP (%) -11.7 -11.5 -11.0 -11.0 -12.1 -10.7 -10.4 -9.6 -9.5 (%) ا ا ا إ ى ما ا

Overall Fiscal Balance as a percentage of GDP(%) -12.2 -12.1 -11.5 -11.7 -12.5 -10.9 -10.6 -9.8 -9.7 (%) ا ا ا إ م ا ا

Primary Balance as a percentage of GDP(%) -3.9 -4.5 -3.6 -4.3 -3.5 -1.8 -2.4 0.1 -0.2 (%) ا ا ا إ م وا ا

Revenues as a percentage of GDP (%) 21.7 24.7 19.1 22.1 18.1 19.0 21.8 18.3 20.8 (%) ا ا ا إ ادات ما

Expenditures as a percentage of GDP (%) 33.4 36.2 30.2 33.2 30.2 29.7 32.2 27.9 30.3 (%) ا ا ا إ ت ما

Source: Ministry of Finance. . ر: وزراة اا

* Includes the Budget Sector, NIB and SIFs. .ا ا دو ،ر اا و ،ا ازمع ا


+ Data for the General Government is not available. . ا ت اما



Overall Fiscal Balance after excluding Interest Payments from Total Expenditures. ++ ا ا اد ت اا إ ات.

.. Not Available. .ا ..

Actual 2017/2018

- 107 - - 108 -

35 - Consolidated Fiscal Operations of the General Government * (Contd.)

( LE mn ) ( بالملیون جنیھ )

( ) * ا ةا ت ا٣٥ - ا

Actual 2013/2014 Actual 2016/2017Actual

2015/2016 +Actual 2014/2015

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د رس م *

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Sept. Dec. March June Sept.

Gross Domestic Debt (1+2+3-4) 1,527,378 1,816,582 2,116,345 2,620,662 3,160,864 3,314,365 3,415,926 3,538,035 3,696,401 3,887,819 (١+٢+٣-٤) ا ا ا 1- Net Domestic Debt of Government (A+B+C+D+E) 1,261,141 1,538,459 1,871,332 2,285,644 2,685,898 2,818,264 2,895,148 3,000,618 3,121,804 3,298,482 (+أ+ب+ج+د)ا ا ا -١A- Balances of Bonds & Bills 1,269,289 1,478,846 1,722,165 2,290,527 3,024,480 3,157,298 3,253,899 3,373,691 3,405,440 3,511,419 أ- ارة اات واذون

Treasury Bonds : 786,024 944,176 1,125,969 1,474,532 1,838,777 1,841,498 1,826,866 1,842,876 1,858,300 1,886,772 : ا اما ات .

Treasury bonds with the CBE 238,830 240,330 240,330 390,830 642,330 643,830 613,830 613,830 613,830 616,530 . ات اام ا ى ا اى اى

US dollar bonds issued for commercial banks ( NBE - Banque Misr ) 0 21,390 22,560 26,310 49,584 48,403 48,819 48,324 49,018 49,105 ( - ىا ا ا) رك اا ر او درةات اا .

Bonds offered abroad ** 5,539 6,166 6,108 8,832 18,309 17,764 19,756 32,062 36,336 38,659 . اات او ارج**

US$ 5,539 6,166 6,108 8,832 18,309 17,764 19,756 32,062 33,573 35,907 ور

Euro 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,763 2,752 رو

Egyptian treasury bonds + 315,478 436,510 596,940 745,005 728,991 719,500 734,461 732,919 740,398 749,456

+ ا اما درة ات .

International euro bonds ( private placment for the account of CBE) ++ 0 0 0 0 72,123 70,373 70,650 70,308 71,299 71,425

++.اات او (اح اص ا اى)

Government notes to compensate for the actuarial deficit in social insurance funds 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 ت اا د ارىا ا ا اما ك .

Housing bonds 106 101 92 62 46 46 48 48 48 48 . ات ان

The equivalent of the retained 5% of corporate profits to purchase government bonds 1,998 2,051 2,124 2,199 2,270 2,280 0 0 0 0 ات اء تح اأر ٥% ا ا م .

Bonds of the Insurance Funds (against the transfer of NIB debt to the Treasury) 219,507 233,704 254,532 298,653 323,124 337,302 337,302 343,385 345,371 359,549 اما إ ر اا م م تا و ات .

Bonds of Barwa Real Estate Investment Company. 2,566 1,924 1,283 641 0 0 0 0 0 0 . ات وة ر ارى

Treasury Bills : 483,265 534,670 596,196 815,995 1,185,703 1,315,800 1,427,033 1,530,815 1,547,140 1,624,647 : ا اما أذون .

LE 425,847 471,521 531,543 656,740 858,004 994,939 1,141,119 1,211,942 1,227,566 1,305,319 اى

US$ 46,914 51,166 53,307 145,576 300,218 292,935 257,455 289,425 291,648 292,163 ور

Euro 10,504 11,983 11,346 13,679 27,481 27,926 28,459 29,448 27,926 27,165 رو

B- Borrowing from other entities 25,348 15,686 5,640 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ب - ااض ت أى

C - Credit Facilities from the Social Insurance Funds 1,225 1,225 450 250 250 0 0 0 0 0 ا ا و مت ا - ج

D - The Masri Dollar Certificate*** 1,421 2,256 2,207 1,125 248 0 0 0 0 0

***روى ادة ا - د

E- Net Government Balances with the Banking System -36,142 40,446 140,870 -6,258 -339,080 -339,034 -358,751 -373,073 -283,636 -212,937 ز اى ا ة اأر -

2- Net Debt of Public Economic Authorities 63,256 58,360 11,341 103,720 222,329 239,013 278,518 287,289 317,607 330,323 دا ت اا م -٢ Net Balances of Public Economic Authorities with the Banking System 11,943 6,331 -41,524 52,171 170,713 185,275 208,303 217,571 245,916 256,069 ز اى ا دا ت اة اأر .

Borrowing of Public Economic Authorities from NIB **** 51,313 52,029 52,865 51,549 51,616 53,738 70,215 69,718 71,691 74,254 ****ر اا دا ت ااض اا .

3- Net NIB Debt 266,595 280,946 293,902 309,591 336,934 354,945 370,287 398,909 473,022 517,349 ر اا م -٣ NIB Debt 268,388 282,674 295,339 315,201 344,080 363,021 378,115 407,759 484,045 525,186 ر اا م .

Deposits of the NIB with the banking system (-) 1,793 1,728 1,437 5,610 7,146 8,076 7,828 8,850 11,023 7,837 (-) ز اى ا ر اا ودا .

4- Intra-Debt 63,614 61,183 60,230 78,293 84,297 97,857 128,027 148,781 216,032 258,335 ا م٤- ا Government debt to the NIB (investments in government securities) 12,301 9,154 7,365 26,744 32,681 44,119 57,812 79,063 144,341 184,081 ( أوراق راتا) ر اا ا م .

Loans of public economic authorities to NIB 51,313 52,029 52,865 51,549 51,616 53,738 70,215 69,718 71,691 74,254 ر اا دا ت اا م .

Indicators اتGDP at Market Current Prices +++ 1,860,400 2,130,000 2,443,900 2,709,400 3,470,000 5,251,000

ا ا ا اق ارى+++

Gross Domestic Debt / GDP ( % ) 82.1 85.3 86.6 96.7 91.1 74.7 77.0 79.7 83.3 74.0 (%) ا ا ا /ا ا ا

Net Government debt / GDP ( % ) 67.8 72.2 76.6 84.4 77.4 63.5 65.2 67.6 70.3 62.8 ( % ) ا ا ا /ا ا ا

Net public economic authorities debt / GDP ( % ) 3.4 2.8 0.5 3.8 6.4 5.4 6.3 6.5 7.2 6.3 ( % ) ا ا ا / دا ت اا م

Net NIB debt (minus its intra-debt) / GDP ( % ) 10.9 10.3 9.5 8.5 7.3 5.8 5.5 5.6 5.8 4.9 ( % ) ا ا ا /( ا ما و ) ر اا م

Source: Central Bank of Egypt - Ministry of Finance - National Investment Bank. .ر اا - ى - وزارة اى اا ر : اا

* Provisional *

** Represents holdings of financial institutions ( the banking and insurance sectors ) resident in Egypt. . ا ( ع او ز اا ) ت ازة ا **

*** In order to support the national economy and finance the development plan, the National Bank of Egypt issued a US dollar certificate in May 2012 for *** دة ادر ور ا أر ا ا ٢٠١٢ ٣ ات ٤% داد أ، و أدم أ دور وون أ ، وط ارج

Egyptians resident abroad to invest their savings in the Egyptian market. The Masri Dollar Certificate is a three-year certificate, with a 4% annual return, and is

not redeemable in the first six months. Its minimum purchase value is US$ 1000, with no ceiling.

.ر اا ا اف ا ****

36 - Gross Domestic Debt

End of

. ا ى ود اا ق ا ا ظ ض

. ٢٠١٦/١١ ل ر او درةا وات اا دل اا ا ا ++

**** Apart from the interest payments due to the NIB.

ا ا ٣٦ - إ

( ن )(LE mn)

End of June

م م

- 110 -

+++ According to the latest data released by the Ministry of Planning,Monitoring and Administrative Reform.

++ This item represnts the local equivalent of the international euro bonds issued in 11/2016.

+ Based on its nominal value, including US$ 1.0 billion worth Egyptian T-bonds, with Zero-Coupon issued on 28/2/2017 with a maturity of two years.



+++ و ث مت درة وزارة ا وا واح ادارى.

- 109 -

. ة٢٠١٧/٠٢/٢٨ و درةن ا وذات ا ا امات ا صح اا ر أر دو دل ١,٠ و ، ا ر اته ا +

م ةرا

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د رس م *

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Sept. Dec. March June Sept.

Liabilities :of which 268,388 282,674 295,339 315,201 344,080 363,021 378,115 407,759 484,045 525,186 - الخصوم : منھا

Social Insurance Fund for Gov. Employees 38,499 40,580 41,524 32,264 33,407 34,276 35,203 35,779 35,382 36,363 ا وق ا .

Social Insurance Fund for Pub. & Priv. Business Sectors Employees 30,249 31,441 32,757 23,637 22,581 22,561 22,561 22,309 21,384 21,368 . وق ا ا ال ا واص

Proceeds of investment certificates 102,253 108,451 108,938 138,265 155,947 170,486 183,149 208,738 281,289 316,385 . دات ار

Accumulated interest on investment certificates (category A) 7,149 7,240 7,874 7,994 7,546 7,497 7,024 7,069 7,294 7,488 . اا اا دات ار (أ)

Proceeds of US dollar development bonds 6 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 روا ات ا .

Post office savings deposits 86,382 93,376 102,297 111,044 122,271 125,967 127,844 131,119 134,431 138,159 ا وق ودا .

Others** 3,850 1,581 1,944 1,993 2,324 2,230 2,331 2,742 4,263 5,421 . أى **

Assets :of which 268,388 282,674 295,339 315,201 344,080 363,021 378,115 407,759 484,045 525,186 - األصول : منھا

Loans to public economic authorities 51,313 52,029 52,865 51,549 51,616 53,738 70,215 69,718 71,691 74,254 دا ت ا اضا .

Investments in government securities (bills and bonds) 12,301 9,154 7,365 26,744 32,681 44,119 57,812 79,063 144,341 184,081 .إرات أوراق (أذون وات)

Deposits of the NIB with the banking system 1,793 1,728 1,437 5,610 7,146 8,076 7,828 8,850 11,023 7,837 ز اى ا ر اا ودا.

Lending to holding companies and affiliate units, concessional loans and others . ااض ات ا واات ا واوض اة وأى

(Net NIB debt minus its intra-debt) (ا ما و ر اا م )

Source: Central Bank of Egypt - National Investment Bank. .ر اا - ىى اا ر : اا

* Provisional *

** Including deposits of the private insurance funds, alternative insurance funds, deposits of various authorities and others. ** ودا د ا ا وا وودا ت ا وأى.


اوا ر اا ى ةارد اا

250,128 256,990252,637233,672202,981

( ن )

257,088 242,260

(LE mn)


End of June


- 111 -

م م

- 112 -

End of م ةرا

( ) ا ا ٣٦36 - إ - Gross Domestic Debt (Contd.)

NIB Resources and Uses


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( LE mn ) ( ن )

أ م د ا

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb.

Total Outstanding Balances 471521 531543 656740 858004 1227566 1305319 1316077 1283686 1301141 1370600 1358072 ة ارا إ

91 - day bills 27406 33500 58500 93137 104712 134987 126435 108456 111056 108286 93549 أذون ٩١

96 - day bills - - - - 1100 1100 0 0 0 0 0 أذون ٩٦

182 - day bills 96016 80500 113250 184357 228658 242950 245404 237927 226413 230244 222659 أذون ١٨٢

266 - day bills 63874 78500 112250 123559 198526 209152 212816 212255 190396 197266 196045 أذون ٢٦٦

271 - day bills - - - - 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 أذون ٢٧١

272 - day bills - - - - - 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 أذون ٢٧٢

273 - day bills 63053 91463 99500 120814 181698 176778 194588 197103 192535 197074 199100 أذون ٢٧٣

357 - day bills 103782 116576 114750 143709 256566 273171 266179 264532 275581 307889 319196 أذون ٣٥٧

364 - day bills 117390 131004 158490 192428 255906 265281 268755 261513 303260 327941 325623 أذون ٣٦٤

( LE mn ) ( ن )

أ م د ا

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb.

Total Outstanding Balances 471521 531543 656740 858004 1227566 1305319 1316077 1283686 1301141 1370600 1358072 ة ارا إ

Foreign Customers 307 500 532 176600 291256 234519 210213 194473 192281 233800 249656 مء اا

Securities Companies 569 552 501 831 1603 2434 2106 2113 1598 1311 1127 وراق اا ا

Holding / Investment Companies 14347 15643 15663 19813 23342 25227 24327 25829 25334 27413 28872 را / ت اا

Specialized Banks 5100 4391 6997 6071 12514 13646 14127 14089 15613 16205 15394 ك

National Investment Bank 0 200 3511 8888 113975 153705 166502 174092 187756 189320 193015 ر اا

Private Sector Banks 143512 185693 201366 224630 278929 309155 302417 296253 304862 294242 302134 ك - ع ص

Public Sector Banks 187620 207903 268159 275703 345556 380405 386331 361326 369081 388450 355385 ع - ك

Foreign Banks - Branches 16595 22658 26777 22951 34800 35438 46302 50172 36368 36695 36476 وع أ - ك

Insurance Companies (foreign branches) 147 205 268 289 407 503 526 523 600 630 570 (وع أ ) ت ا

Insurance Companies (private sector) 2323 3056 3933 5353 3817 4326 4150 4335 5152 5020 5116 ت ا ( ع ص)

Insurance Companies (public sector) 9611 12032 19277 18162 49206 50090 51815 53280 49444 47813 41976 ( ع ) ت ا

Mutual Funds 62410 49556 31314 23772 24871 34470 36425 35408 35883 37066 35565 د ار

Insurance Funds 7622 5853 3104 11439 8953 11309 16492 17146 18467 17112 17173 ا د

Housing & Construction Sector 562 536 816 2287 2758 5049 5135 5674 6683 6865 7136 ن واع ا

Trade Sector 303 610 1061 273 662 960 1441 1445 1465 1713 1958 ع ارة

Manufacturing Sector 833 1128 1239 1881 2571 2231 2758 3102 4267 4602 4648 ت اع ا

Financial Sector 129 199 146 607 196 179 180 186 161 199 194 ع اا

Transportation,Electricity,Gas and Health Sector 43 114 602 368 594 989 910 864 1117 981 912 / ز / ءت / ااوا ع ا

Household Sector 4515 4408 4129 4180 2200 3040 3815 4221 5588 5363 4706 ع ااد

Oil & Mining Sector 2367 4827 8051 4227 2807 3460 3349 3210 4276 4836 4832 ول واع ا

Services Sector 1600 1357 3538 2524 2603 3730 4434 4807 4979 5804 5856 ع ات

Others 11006 10122 55756 47155 23946 30454 32322 31138 30166 45160 45371 ت أى

* ا اول ا ق امى (ادارة ا وراق ا واوض).

- 114 -

End of



* Affected by daily trading of the secondary market (General Department for Securities and Loans).


- 113 -

2018 2019

37 - Treasury Bills Outstanding Balances ٣٧ - األرصدة القائمة من األذون على الخزانة

End of آ


38 - Treasury Bills Outstanding Balances By Sectors*




٣٨ - األرصدة القائمة من األذون مقسمة قطاعیا *

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- 115 -- 116-



2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Sept. Dec. March June Sept.

صافى الدین المحلى الحكومى Net domestic government debt

صافى مدیونیة الھیئات االقتصادیة Net public economic authorities debt

صافى مدیونیة بنك االستثمار القومى Net NIB debt ( minus its intra-debt )

End of June

إجمالى الدین المحلىGross Domestic Debt

ملیار جنیھ LE bn

2017/2018 2018/2019



-12.2-11.5 -12.5




-5.0-3.9 -3.6 -3.5




















2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018

Overall Fiscal Balance الرصید الكلى Primary Balance الرصید األولى


الرصید الكلى واألولي لقطاع الموازنة العامة نسبة إلى الناتج المحلى اإلجمالى Overall Fiscal and Primary Balance of the Budget Sector as a Percentage of GDP





March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.2019


T.Bills 91 Days T.Bills 96 Days T.Bills 182 Days T.Bills 266 Days T.Bills 271 Days

T.Bills 272 Days T.Bills 273 Days T.Bills 357 Days T.Bills 364 Days

( بالجنیھ المصرى( األرصدة القائمة من األذون على الخزانة Treasury Bills Outstanding Balances (LE) ملیون جنیھ

LE mn

سندات على الخزانة العامة ، وسندات االسكانTreasury &

Householding bonds 43.4%

سندات صندوقى التأمینات مقابل نقل مدیونیة بنك

االستثمار القومي إلى الخزانةBonds of the

Insurance Funds (against the transfer of NIB debt to the

Treasury) 10.2%

صكوك على الخزانة العامة بقیمة العجز االكتوارى فى صنادیق التأمینات االجتماعیةGovernment notes to compensate for the actuarial deficit in social insurance

funds 0.1%

اذون على الخزانة العامة Treasury Bills


٢٠١٨الھیكل النسبى للسندات الحكومیة واألذون فى نھایة سبتمبر

The Relative Structure of Government Bonds & BillsEnd of September 2018

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אא Real Sector

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Total Population of A.R.E. (1st July) 80.9 83.2 87.8 87.8 87.8 90.6 93.6 96.4 100.5 .. .. ( أول) رن ا د إ

Total Population Abroad (1) 5.7 6.3 9.1 7.3 5.3 6.0 6.8 7.4 9.5 .. ..إ د ان رج (١)

Total Population in A.R.E. 75.2 76.9 78.7 80.5 82.5 84.6 86.8 89.0 91.0 95.2 97.1 ا ند ا إ

Population less than 6 years 9.5 9.8 10.0 10.2 10.5 11.4 11.7 11.6 12.3 15.4 .. ان أ ٦ ات

- Males 4.9 5.1 5.1 5.3 5.4 5.9 6.1 6.0 6.4 7.9 .. - ذر

- Females 4.6 4.7 4.9 4.9 5.1 5.5 5.6 5.6 5.9 7.5 .. - إمث

Education age: 6-24 years 31.1 31.9 32.7 33.5 34.3 31.9 32.8 32.2 34.4 34.5 .. ٦ - ٢٤ : ا

- Males 16.0 16.5 16.8 17.2 17.6 16.4 16.9 16.6 17.7 17.9 .. - ذر

- Females 15.1 15.4 15.9 16.3 16.7 15.5 15.9 15.6 16.7 16.6 .. - إمث

Production age : 15-64 years 48.7 49.6 50.8 52.0 53.3 54.5 55.9 57.4 58.7 58.9 .. ج : ١٥-٦٤ما

- Males 24.7 25.2 25.8 26.4 27.1 27.7 28.4 29.1 29.8 30.3 .. - ذر

- Females 24.0 24.4 25.0 25.6 26.2 26.8 27.5 28.3 28.9 28.6 .. - إمث

65 years and more 2.8 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.6 3.7 4.2 3.9 3.8 .. ٦٥ : ر ا

- Males 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.8 1.8 2.2 1.9 2.0 .. - ذر

- Females 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.8 1.9 2.1 2.0 1.8 .. - إمث

Rate of Births (per thousand) 27.3 28.8 28.7 30.3 31.9 31.0 31.3 30.2 28.6 26.8 .. (ا ) ال ا

Rate of Deaths (per thousand) 6.1 6.2 6.1 6.1 6.4 6.0 6.1 6.5 6.1 5.7 .. (ا ) تل ا

Rate of Natural Increase (per thousand) 21.2 22.6 22.6 24.2 25.5 25.0 25.2 23.7 22.6 21.1 .. ( ا ) دة ال ا

Total Labor Force : 15 years and above (2) 24.7 25.4 26.2 26.5 27.0 27.6 27.9 28.4 28.9 29.5 ..(٢) ١٥ :ة ا إ

Total Employment :15 years and above(2) 22.5 23.0 23.8 23.3 23.6 24.0 24.3 24.8 25.3 26.0 ..(٢) ١٥: د ا إ

By Employment Sector : ،ت ا و

- Government sector 5.3 5.7 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.3 5.3 5.0 4.7 4.6 .. ع -

- Public enterprise sector 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 .. لع أ -

- Private sector 16.5 16.5 17.1 17.0 17.0 17.2 17.6 18.4 19.3 20.1 .. - ع ص

Unemployment : 15-64 years (2) 2.14 2.38 2.35 3.20 3.4 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.5 ..(٢) ١٥-٦٤ : د ا

Participation rate: Labor Force / Population in A.R.E % . (3) .. 48.1 49.3 48.8 48.4 48.5 48.0 46.4 46.6 45.0 ..(٣) % ا ند ا / ة ا :ل ا

Unemployment Rate %(2) 8.7 9.4 9.0 12.0 12.7 13.2 13.0 12.8 12.5 11.8 ..(٢) % ل ا

Number of students in pre-university education thousands (4) 15593 18173 .. 19676 20285 20606 21266 21861 22458 23201 ..(٤) ا بد ا

Number of students in university education thousands (4) 1918 1998 1723 1703 1749 1801 2058 2368 2429 .. ..(٤) ا بد ا

Illiteracy: 10 years and more (%)(4)(5) .. 27.9 26.3 26.1 24.9 25.9 25.3 20.9 20.1 25.8 ..(٥) (٤) % ات ١٠ : ا م

Source : Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics. ار: از اى ا واء.

Population estimates were made by using the method of natural increase and the final results of 2006 census as a base year. د ان ا أب ادة ا،وا ا اد ٢٠٠٦ أس.

* Preliminary. . ت أوم *

(2) As of 2008, data include those who are in the age group 15 years and above for employment and 15-64 years for unemployment.

.. Not available. .ا ..

(4) Revised data from 2009 till 2014.

(1) According to the estimates of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

(5) The illiteracy statement is based on the labor Force Survey.

- 118 -


39 - Population, Labor Force, Employment and Unemployment

(3) Labor Force / Population 15 years and above. (٣) قوة العمل / السكان ١٥ سنة فأكثر.

.٢٠١٤ ٢٠٠٩ إ اتل ا تم (٤)

- 117 -

. ١٥-٦٤ ، ١٥ ا ا تما ،٢٠٠٨ را(٢) ا

وا وا ة ان ود ا -٣٩

( ن )

.روزارة ا (١) ط

.ى اا وا ن ا (٥)

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Weights* ا رس أ م أ أ م د ا

Total Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb.

Inflation Rate (CPI urban)* * () ر ا و ل ا

(Jan. 2010=100) : : (٢٠١٠=١٠٠ )

Monthly (End of Month / End of Previous Month) 0.29 0.99 1.52 0.17 3.48 2.43 1.78 2.53 2.59 -0.76 -3.39 0.60 1.74 (ا ا م / ا م) ىا

Annually (Month / Corresponding Month of Previous Year) 100.0 14.40 13.32 13.12 11.45 14.38 13.51 14.24 15.97 17.67 15.66 11.97 12.71 14.35 (ا ا ظا ا / ا) ىا

Food & beverages 39.92 13.20 11.85 11.06 8.56 10.14 9.64 11.63 16.47 20.22 18.69 11.20 12.50 15.42 ا واوت

Alcoholic beverages and tobacco 2.19 29.37 20.70 20.70 20.96 21.24 20.96 21.85 22.00 22.93 10.18 10.39 10.45 10.45 اوت ا وان

Clothing & footwear 5.41 21.71 21.71 27.31 27.66 14.90 15.53 14.62 14.94 15.86 6.52 7.57 7.60 9.91 وا ا

Housing, water, electricity, gas & other fuel 18.37 10.62 10.62 10.58 10.63 18.36 21.95 18.84 14.83 14.82 14.81 14.92 14.93 14.93 ا واه واء واز واد

Furnishings, household equipment & routine maintenance of the house 3.77 11.00 11.00 11.62 11.95 12.56 15.01 15.84 6.50 6.74 4.89 4.88 4.94 4.76 موا ات اات واث واا

Health 6.33 7.59 7.59 7.53 11.24 11.27 3.84 3.96 3.98 4.22 4.42 4.49 5.05 5.38 ا ا

Transportation 5.68 13.10 13.32 13.74 15.54 55.07 40.52 38.07 38.69 38.54 38.91 39.06 39.34 39.54 ا واات

Communications 3.12 10.97 10.97 10.98 10.98 10.99 7.70 7.71 7.06 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 وا ت اا

Recreation & culture 2.43 38.93 38.70 39.75 10.53 7.23 9.77 9.92 8.01 8.06 8.14 8.15 8.23 8.25 وا ا

Education 4.63 19.58 19.58 19.58 19.58 19.58 19.58 19.58 19.58 14.65 14.65 14.65 14.65 14.65 ا

Restaurants, cafes & hotels 4.43 11.95 11.08 10.76 11.15 12.88 7.76 8.77 9.35 9.57 10.04 10.39 11.41 12.04 ا وادق

Miscellaneous goods and services 3.72 17.69 16.50 16.66 16.76 16.73 20.09 20.86 18.86 19.46 8.16 8.40 7.94 8.11 ت اوا ا

Groups excluded from headline index to calculate core inflation 25.57 ا ب ا ا ا ا ة ت

Fruits & vegetables ** 6.91 19.81 15.51 13.84 3.48 12.13 18.77 24.84 41.10 52.73 47.97 18.77 23.72 32.74 ** وات واا

Regulated items *** 18.66 20.75 18.70 18.79 19.92 31.36 30.02 27.66 24.91 23.87 20.71 20.85 20.36 20.38 *** إدار رد أت اوا ا


Weights in ا رس أ م أ أ م د ا

Headline CPI Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb.

Core Inflation Rate (CPI urban)**** 74.43 ****() ر ا و ا ل ا

(Jan. 2010 =100) : : (٢٠١٠=١٠٠ )

Monthly (End of Month / End of Previous Month) 0.39 0.70 1.12 1.50 1.62 0.58 0.58 -0.06 1.00 0.46 -0.04 0.41 0.98 (ا ا م / ا م) ىا

Annually (Month / Corresponding Month of Previous Year) 11.88 11.59 11.62 11.09 10.90 8.54 8.83 8.55 8.90 7.94 8.30 8.57 9.20 (ا ا ظا ا / ا) ىا

Food excl. fruits & vegetables 31.08 11.26 10.80 10.25 10.66 9.63 6.56 7.01 7.37 8.06 8.09 8.57 8.60 9.39 وات واا ا ا

Retail items 14.48 12.88 12.83 15.01 16.11 12.26 12.99 13.09 9.66 10.06 5.95 6.38 6.64 7.38 ا ا

Paid services 5.87 18.82 18.82 19.04 19.18 19.37 12.56 12.99 13.10 11.35 7.95 8.06 9.49 9.85 ت اا

Other services 23.00 10.17 10.02 9.88 5.83 10.12 8.78 8.79 9.01 8.95 9.11 9.24 9.60 9.86 ات اى

Source : Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) and CBE . ار : از اى ا واء، وا اى اى .

* The 9th series of CPI was introduced in August 2010. The weights involved in the formation of the Index were taken

** Excluding pulses, dried fruits and preserved & processed vegetables . .وا ظوات اوا ا وا ل اا **

*** Including fuel. *** أر اد.


2018 2019

- 119 -

from the results of the 2008/2009 survey of income, expenditure and consumption, using January 2010 as a base period.

- 120 -

**** ل ا ا ا ا ا ر ا ا أر ا ادة إدار إ أر ااد اا ا و اوات

وا، ( ات أم ر وت).

ا م ا ا وزان اا ٢٠١٠، واأ ر ا ا ر ا رت ا *

وامق واك ٢٠٠٩/٢٠٠٨ ذ ٢٠١٠ ة أس.

**** The core CPI is a variant of the headline CPI that excludes the prices of regulated items, and the most volatile food items (fruits & vegetables), For further information, refer to section ''Definitions and Terminology''.

40 - Domestic Price Indicators ر اات ا - ٤٠

During ل

During ل 2018


Page 71: ى ا ى ا ا - Enterpriseenterprise.press/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Bulletin_264.march_.20191-2.pdf- 4 - - 3- ﻲﺟرﺎﺧﻟا عﺎطﻘﻟا :ﺎﯾﻧﺎﺛ تﺎﻋوﻓدﻣﻟا

اوزان 2019

Weights ا رس أ م أ أ م د

Total Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.

Inflation Rate (PPI)* * ر ا و ل ا

(Jan.2016=100) : :(٢٠١٦ =١٠٠ )

Monthly (End of Month / End of Previous Month) -1.2 0.8 2.3 2.6 3.8 3.0 0.1 2.4 2.1 -5.5 -4.2 1.8 (ا ا م / ا م) ىا

Annually (Month / Corresponding Month of Previous Year) 100.0 22.9 24.1 24.0 28.1 34.0 30.4 25.6 24.4 26.3 18.1 9.0 7.8 (ا ا ظا ا / ا) ىا

Agriculture and fishing 24.3 19.9 19.6 19.8 19.0 17.5 19.3 17.2 14.8 22.9 17.3 13.6 11.6 ارا و اك

Mining and quarrying 27.1 21.4 26.7 32.0 47.8 52.0 48.6 36.6 35.6 36.7 14.3 -9.6 -11.0 ل اوإ ا

Manufacturing 38.6 25.5 26.0 22.9 22.3 35.4 23.2 21.4 20.8 20.4 19.6 17.7 17.4 ت اا

Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 2.6 28.1 28.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 95.1 76.3 71.1 71.1 71.1 71.1 71.1 ادت ار وإز واء واادات اإ

Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 1.3 31.4 31.4 26.3 26.3 63.0 63.0 63.0 29.1 29.1 29.1 29.1 29.1 أم ااد ا وت اف ا وإدارة و ات

Transportation and storage 0.5 5.4 4.2 1.7 0.5 0.5 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 وا ا

Accommodation and food service activities 4.5 28.6 15.5 8.3 7.0 2.5 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.2 7.2 7.2 9.8 اء وات ا أم

Information and communications 1.1 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 أم ات وات

Source : Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS). ار: از اى ا واء.

* The CAPMAS issued a new PPI time series using a base period (January 2016) instead of the year (2004/2005) ٢٠٠٥/٢٠٠٤ سة أ ٢٠١٦ ذ ر ا ا ر ة ز ءوا ا ىز ار اأ *

starting from August 2017 . .٢٠١٧ أ راا


د ا رس أ م أ أ م د

Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Gold Prices ( in LE ) أر ا ( اى)

Gold Pound 5259.1 5464.9 5483.1 5449.5 5500.3 5427.6 5382.3 5207.8 5063.5 5046.0 5078.2 5119.2 5238.6 ا ا

21 KT / Grm 627.5 652.1 654.2 650.2 656.3 647.6 642.2 621.4 604.2 602.1 605.9 610.8 625.1 اا ر ٢١

18 KT / Grm 537.9 558.9 560.8 557.3 562.5 555.1 550.5 532.6 517.9 516.1 519.4 523.6 535.8 اا ر ١٨


- 121 -


Source : The Assay and Weights Administration. . ازت واا د : را


- 122 -


ر اات ا - ٤٠ 40 - Domestic Price Indicators (contd.)

During ل 2018 2018

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ص ا ص ا ص ا ص ا

Public Private Total Public Private Total Public Private Total Public Private Total

Total GDP 1056555.1 2352948.6 3409503.7 1108155.9 2480286.6 3588442.5 234462.2 618520.0 852982.2 246210.4 649733.7 895944.1 ا ا ا

Agriculture, Forests & Fishing 287.0 398252.4 398539.4 302.4 410651.3 410953.7 95.7 125029.4 125125.1 100.5 128855.3 128955.8 الزراعة والغابات والصید

Extractions 242545.8 84394.6 326940.4 263085.4 89174.6 352260.0 40163.1 16446.0 56609.1 45316.0 17874.5 63190.5 االستخراجات:

a) Petroleum 122157.1 20808.1 142965.2 121410.9 20565.1 141976.0 17662.4 3046.4 20708.8 18340.6 3103.0 21443.6 أ- البترول الخام

b) Gas 118080.0 20675.9 138755.9 139298.9 24355.5 163654.4 21964.1 3872.3 25836.4 26422.7 4939.3 31362.0 ب- الغــــاز

c) Other Extractions 2308.7 42910.6 45219.3 2375.6 44254.0 46629.6 536.6 9527.3 10063.9 552.7 9832.2 10384.9 ج- إستخراجات أخرى

Manufacturing Industries 170425.9 400163.8 570589.7 177569.0 420294.1 597863.1 37981.7 107711.8 145693.5 39210.6 109957.7 149168.3 الصناعات التحویلیة:

a) Petroleum Refining 127122.4 6927.5 134049.9 132344.7 7226.0 139570.7 26068.4 1151.6 27220.0 27059.0 1196.4 28255.4 أ- تكریر البترول

b) Other Manufacturing 43303.5 393236.3 436539.8 45224.3 413068.1 458292.4 11913.3 106560.2 118473.5 12151.6 108761.3 120912.9 ب- تحویلیة اخرى

Electricity 50425.4 7894.5 58319.9 52597.4 8149.0 60746.4 12914.6 1944.3 14858.9 13152.1 1974.3 15126.4 الكھرباء

Water, Sanitation & Recycling 18073.1 2130.9 20204.0 18653.4 2194.8 20848.2 4417.2 503.0 4920.2 4558.5 519.1 5077.6 المیاه والصرف واعادة الدوران

Construction & Building 18705.0 176392.5 195097.5 20490.2 194154.0 214644.2 4030.5 37348.6 41379.1 4282.9 39561.4 43844.3 تشیید وبناء

Transportation & Storage 29446.7 129726.6 159173.3 30671.4 134546.2 165217.6 8033.4 33883.4 41916.8 8398.8 34967.0 43365.8 النقل والتخزین

Communications 12340.3 49953.7 62294.0 13668.0 55081.2 68749.2 3788.2 15570.9 19359.1 4487.7 18434.7 22922.4 االتصاالت

Information 725.2 9662.4 10387.6 749.3 9984.4 10733.7 188.0 2572.5 2760.5 194.2 2680.5 2874.7 المعلومات

Suez Canal 76713.6 0.0 76713.6 84050.0 0.0 84050.0 12170.3 0.0 12170.3 13668.2 0.0 13668.2 قناة السویس

Wholesale & Retail Trade 25446.9 447787.9 473234.8 26419.8 464399.6 490819.4 6476.7 112942.2 119418.9 6753.0 116880.8 123633.8 تجارة الجملة والتجزئة

Financial Intermediaries & Auxiliaries 80533.8 53247.8 133781.6 83322.6 55027.8 138350.4 21693.6 13966.1 35659.7 22573.0 14413.0 36986.0 الوساطة المالیة واالنشطة المساعدة

Social Security & Insurance 20296.6 6338.5 26635.1 20977.3 6565.0 27542.3 5275.7 1633.8 6909.5 5451.2 1697.5 7148.7 التأمینات االجتماعیة والتأمین

Tourism 636.1 63930.5 64566.6 884.3 88033.1 88917.4 256.4 19619.0 19875.4 377.7 28048.0 28425.7 السیاحة

Real Estate 3631.2 354865.0 358496.2 3751.2 367859.9 371611.1 884.7 87187.8 88072.5 912.7 90241.5 91154.2 االنشطة العقاریة:

a) Real Estate Ownership 478.6 254873.0 255351.6 495.7 264306.1 264801.8 119.0 62873.2 62992.2 124.0 65074.6 65198.6 أ- الملكیة العقاریة

b) Business Services 3152.6 99992.0 103144.6 3255.5 103553.8 106809.3 765.7 24314.6 25080.3 788.7 25166.9 25955.6 ب- خدمات االعمال

General Government 301771.9 0.0 301771.9 306252.0 0.0 306252.0 74950.0 0.0 74950.0 75594.3 0.0 75594.3 الحكومة العامة

Social Services 4550.6 168207.5 172758.1 4712.2 174171.6 178883.8 1142.4 42161.2 43303.6 1179.0 43628.4 44807.4 الخدمات االجتماعیة

a) Education 0.0 63907.3 63907.3 0.0 66132.0 66132.0 0.0 15469.2 15469.2 0.0 16010.6 16010.6 أ- التعلیم

b) Health 3977.6 74956.8 78934.4 4119.6 77542.5 81662.1 998.4 19339.8 20338.2 1030.3 19998.0 21028.3 ب- الصحھ

c) Other Services 573.0 29343.4 29916.4 592.6 30497.1 31089.7 144.0 7352.2 7496.2 148.7 7619.8 7768.5 ج- الخدمات األخرى

During ل

Total GDP 1.3 4.7 3.6 4.9 5.4 5.2 4.5 5.5 5.2 5.0 5.0 5.0 ا ا ا

Agriculture, Forests & Fishing 5.3 3.2 3.2 5.4 3.1 3.1 5.4 3.0 3.0 5.0 3.1 3.1 الزراعة والغابات والصید

Extractions -1.9 -1.4 -1.8 8.5 5.7 7.7 9.1 7.6 8.7 12.8 8.7 11.6 االستخراجات:

a) Petroleum -6.3 -7.6 -6.5 -0.6 -1.2 -0.7 -4.0 -1.2 -3.6 3.8 1.9 3.5 أ- البترول الخام

b) Gas 2.9 -2.4 2.1 18.0 17.8 17.9 22.8 31.2 24.0 20.3 27.6 21.4 ب- الغــــاز

c) Other Extractions 3.7 3.4 3.4 2.9 3.1 3.1 2.1 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.2 3.2 ج- إستخراجات أخرى

Manufacturing Industries -1.3 3.5 2.1 4.2 5.0 4.8 2.6 6.9 5.8 3.2 2.1 2.4 الصناعات التحویلیة:

a) Petroleum Refining -3.1 -3.1 -3.1 4.1 4.3 4.1 1.3 1.3 1.3 3.8 3.9 3.8 أ- تكریر البترول

b) Other Manufacturing 3.8 3.7 3.7 4.4 5.0 5.0 5.7 7.0 6.9 2.0 2.1 2.1 ب- تحویلیة اخرى

Electricity 1.9 1.7 1.9 4.3 3.2 4.2 6.3 5.4 6.2 1.8 1.5 1.8 الكھرباء

Water, Sanitation & Recycling 3.9 3.8 3.9 3.2 3.0 3.2 3.3 2.9 3.3 3.2 3.2 3.2 المیاه والصرف واعادة الدوران

Construction & Building 9.0 9.6 9.5 9.5 10.1 10.0 8.9 9.1 9.1 6.3 5.9 6.0 تشیید وبناء

Transportation & Storage 5.7 5.2 5.3 4.2 3.7 3.8 4.9 3.0 3.4 4.5 3.2 3.5 النقل والتخزین

Communications 11.9 12.6 12.5 10.8 10.3 10.4 15.6 15.4 15.5 18.5 18.4 18.4 االتصاالت

Information 3.8 4.0 4.0 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.2 4.1 4.0 3.3 4.2 4.1 المعلومات

Suez Canal 1.4 0.0 1.4 9.6 0.0 9.6 5.8 0.0 5.8 12.3 0.0 12.3 قناة السویس

Wholesale & Retail Trade 4.6 5.3 5.2 3.8 3.7 3.7 4.5 2.9 3.0 4.3 3.5 3.5 تجارة الجملة والتجزئة

Financial Intermediaries & Auxiliaries 3.8 4.3 4.0 3.5 3.3 3.4 4.0 3.0 3.6 4.1 3.2 3.7 الوساطة المالیة واالنشطة المساعدة

Social Security & Insurance 4.0 4.2 4.0 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.3 4.0 3.4 3.3 3.9 3.5 التأمینات االجتماعیة والتأمین

Tourism -10.2 4.0 3.9 39.0 37.7 37.7 47.0 50.1 50.0 47.3 43.0 43.0 السیاحة

Real Estate 4.0 5.2 5.2 3.3 3.7 3.7 3.4 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.5 3.5 االنشطة العقاریة:

a) Real Estate Ownership 4.3 5.4 5.4 3.6 3.7 3.7 4.4 3.2 3.2 4.2 3.5 3.5 أ- الملكیة العقاریة

b) Business Services 4.0 4.7 4.7 3.3 3.6 3.6 3.3 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.5 3.5 ب- خدمات االعمال

General Government 3.0 0.0 3.0 1.5 0.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 2.0 0.9 0.0 0.9 الحكومة العامة

Social Services 3.3 4.0 4.0 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.5 3.5 الخدمات االجتماعیة

a) Education 0.0 3.9 3.9 0.0 3.5 3.5 0.0 3.2 3.2 0.0 3.5 3.5 أ- التعلیم

b) Health 3.2 3.9 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.5 3.1 3.0 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.4 ب- الصحھ

c) Other Services 3.8 4.6 4.6 3.4 3.9 3.9 3.2 3.1 3.1 3.3 3.6 3.6 ج- الخدمات األخرى

Source : Ministry of Planning, Monitoring & Administrative Reform. ار : وزارة ا وا واح اداري.

* Prices of 2016/2017 instead of 2011/2012 .

** Preliminary data. . تم **

*(ر ا) دا م ج وما ا ا ا 41 ٤١ - ا - GDP at Factor Cost by Economic Activity ( Constant Prices )*

( LE mn )



( ن )

July/Sept 2017/2018** July/Sept. 2018/2019**

* أس أر ٢٠١٧/٢٠١٦ أر ٢٠١٢/٢٠١١.

- 124 -


Growth Rates (%) in July/Sept. 2017/2018 Growth Rates (%) in 2016/2017

- 123 -

Growth Rates (%) in 2017/2018 Growth Rates (%) in July/Sept. 2018/2019

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ص ا ص ا ص ا ص ا

Public Private Total Public Private Total Public Private Total Public Private Total

Total GDP 1056555.1 2352948.6 3409503.7 1328379.4 3005518.5 4333897.9 321462.4 802137.6 1123600.0 394331.4 953771.0 1348102.4 ا ا اAgriculture, Forests & Fishing 287.0 398252.4 398539.4 363.9 497734.2 498098.2 125.6 161059.4 161185.0 147.5 185356.9 185504.4 ت واوا رااExtractions 242545.8 84394.6 326940.4 364812.2 114482.7 479294.9 78966.1 25305.5 104271.6 124794.6 34792.0 159586.6 اات:

a) Petroleum 122157.1 20808.1 142965.2 170720.7 27824.6 198545.3 37166.8 5850.3 43017.1 58999.7 9045.3 68045.0 ول اأ- اb) Gas 118080.0 20675.9 138755.9 191247.4 33588.5 224835.9 41110.5 7158.2 48268.7 64989.0 11334.7 76323.7 ب- ازc) Other Extractions 2308.7 42910.6 45219.3 2844.1 53069.6 55913.7 688.8 12297.0 12985.8 805.9 14412.0 15217.9 ج- إات أى

Manufacturing Industries 170425.9 400163.8 570589.7 213629.8 508776.1 722405.9 46720.6 138808.1 185528.7 53241.0 161008.9 214249.9 :ت ااa) Petroleum Refining 127122.4 6927.5 134049.9 158653.7 8631.7 167285.4 31083.4 1387.3 32470.7 35081.8 1561.2 36643.0 أ- اولb) Other Manufacturing 43303.5 393236.3 436539.8 54976.1 500144.5 555120.5 15637.2 137420.8 153058.0 18159.2 159447.7 177606.9 ب- اى

Electricity 50425.4 7894.5 58319.9 63967.4 9775.7 73743.1 16705.8 2509.9 19215.7 19845.3 2923.9 22769.2 اءWater, Sanitation & Recycling 18073.1 2130.9 20204.0 22311.2 2647.2 24958.5 5698.4 655.5 6353.9 6678.5 768.2 7446.8 اه واف وادة اورانConstruction & Building 18705.0 176392.5 195097.5 24823.6 231592.5 256416.1 5328.3 48633.8 53962.1 6459.9 59311.9 65771.9 وءTransportation & Storage 29446.7 129726.6 159173.3 37101.8 164582.8 201684.6 10327.8 44023.7 54351.5 12188.4 51445.8 63634.2 وا اCommunications 12340.3 49953.7 62294.0 15509.1 62140.4 77649.5 4130.4 17004.6 21135.0 4897.9 20153.0 25051.0 اتInformation 725.2 9662.4 10387.6 903.1 11994.4 12897.5 250.5 3352.6 3603.1 290.8 3942.8 4233.6 اتSuez Canal 76713.6 0.0 76713.6 97096.9 0.0 97096.9 24414.2 0.0 24414.2 25551.5 0.0 25551.5 ة اWholesale & Retail Trade 25446.9 447787.9 473234.8 31927.7 565166.5 597094.2 8507.6 146694.2 155201.8 10064.5 172012.4 182076.9 وا رة اFinancial Intermediaries & Auxiliaries 80533.8 53247.8 133781.6 100164.0 66126.5 166290.5 27742.0 17767.3 45509.3 32613.3 20763.3 53376.6 اط ا وام اةSocial Security & Insurance 20296.6 6338.5 26635.1 25112.5 7883.9 32996.4 6755.6 2062.0 8817.6 7854.3 2401.1 10255.4 وا ت ااTourism 636.1 63930.5 64566.6 1047.0 104306.7 105353.7 323.9 25079.5 25403.4 522.5 39474.8 39997.3 اReal Estate 3631.2 354865.0 358496.2 4494.1 447288.5 451782.5 1128.8 114870.7 115999.5 1322.6 135166.0 136488.6 :را ما

a) Real Estate Ownership 478.6 254873.0 255351.6 603.3 321790.5 322393.9 157.8 83706.5 83864.3 186.5 98548.0 98734.6 را أ- اb) Business Services 3152.6 99992.0 103144.6 3890.7 125498.0 129388.7 971.0 31164.2 32135.2 1136.1 36617.9 37754.0 ب- ت ال

General Government 301771.9 0.0 301771.9 319470.6 0.0 319470.6 82867.2 0.0 82867.2 86136.1 0.0 86136.1 ا اSocial Services 4550.6 168207.5 172758.1 5644.5 211020.2 216664.6 1469.6 54310.8 55780.4 1722.6 64250.0 65972.6 ت اا

a) Education 0.0 63907.3 63907.3 0.0 80014.0 80014.0 0.0 20092.3 20092.3 0.0 23788.5 23788.5 أ- اb) Health 3977.6 74956.8 78934.4 4920.2 93753.4 98673.6 1278.4 24851.1 26129.5 1498.3 29245.2 30743.5 ب- اc) Other Services 573.0 29343.4 29916.4 724.2 37252.8 37977.0 191.2 9367.4 9558.6 224.3 11216.4 11440.6 ج- ات اى

During ل

Total GDP 27.8 27.4 27.5 25.7 27.7 27.1 43.2 36.8 38.6 22.7 18.9 20.0 ا ا اAgriculture, Forests & Fishing 22.1 25.0 25.0 26.8 25.0 25.0 38.3 32.6 32.6 17.4 15.1 15.1 ت واوا رااExtractions 57.7 38.2 52.2 50.4 35.7 46.6 114.5 65.6 100.2 58.0 37.5 53.0 اات:

a) Petroleum 55.7 60.2 56.3 39.8 33.7 38.9 102.0 89.8 100.2 58.7 54.6 58.2 ول اأ- اb) Gas 60.8 54.7 59.9 62.0 62.5 62.0 129.9 142.6 131.7 58.1 58.3 58.1 ب- ازc) Other Extractions 22.1 23.6 23.5 23.2 23.7 23.7 31.0 33.0 32.9 17.0 17.2 17.2 ج- إات أى

Manufacturing Industries 19.6 27.5 25.0 25.4 27.1 26.6 26.2 37.8 34.7 14.0 16.0 15.5 :ت ااa) Petroleum Refining 17.6 18.4 17.7 24.8 24.6 24.8 20.8 22.0 20.8 12.9 12.5 12.8 أ- اولb) Other Manufacturing 25.9 27.7 27.5 27.0 27.2 27.2 38.7 38.0 38.1 16.1 16.0 16.0 ب- اى

Electricity 25.8 24.3 25.6 26.9 23.8 26.4 37.5 36.1 37.3 18.8 16.5 18.5 اءWater, Sanitation & Recycling 23.6 23.8 23.6 23.5 24.2 23.5 33.3 34.1 33.3 17.2 17.2 17.2 اه واف وادة اورانConstruction & Building 33.7 34.2 34.1 32.7 31.3 31.4 43.9 42.1 42.3 21.2 22.0 21.9 وءTransportation & Storage 27.2 26.2 26.4 26.0 26.9 26.7 34.9 33.9 34.1 18.0 16.9 17.1 وا اCommunications 14.8 15.5 15.4 25.7 24.4 24.7 26.0 26.1 26.1 18.6 18.5 18.5 اتInformation 18.0 24.1 23.7 24.5 24.1 24.2 37.6 35.6 35.7 16.1 17.6 17.5 اتSuez Canal 86.1 0.0 86.1 26.6 0.0 26.6 112.2 0.0 112.2 4.7 0.0 4.7 ة اWholesale & Retail Trade 25.6 26.3 26.3 25.5 26.2 26.2 37.2 33.6 33.8 18.3 17.3 17.3 وا رة اFinancial Intermediaries & Auxiliaries 22.5 23.6 22.9 24.4 24.2 24.3 33.0 31.0 32.2 17.6 16.9 17.3 اط ا وام اةSocial Security & Insurance 23.0 23.9 23.2 23.7 24.4 23.9 32.2 31.3 32.0 16.3 16.4 16.3 وا ت ااTourism 19.6 33.5 33.4 64.6 63.2 63.2 85.7 91.8 91.7 61.3 57.4 57.4 اReal Estate 26.0 28.1 28.1 23.8 26.0 26.0 32.0 35.9 35.9 17.2 17.7 17.7 :را ما

a) Real Estate Ownership 28.1 28.7 28.7 26.1 26.3 26.3 38.4 37.4 37.4 18.2 17.7 17.7 را أ- اb) Business Services 25.7 26.6 26.6 23.4 25.5 25.4 31.0 32.0 32.0 17.0 17.5 17.5 ب- ت ال

General Government 9.1 0.0 9.1 5.9 0.0 5.9 12.7 0.0 12.7 3.9 0.0 3.9 ا اSocial Services 28.4 26.4 26.4 24.0 25.5 25.4 32.6 32.8 32.8 17.2 18.3 18.3 ت اا

a) Education 0.0 26.5 26.5 0.0 25.2 25.2 0.0 34.0 34.0 0.0 18.4 18.4 أ- اb) Health 28.5 25.5 25.7 23.7 25.1 25.0 32.0 32.3 32.3 17.2 17.7 17.7 ب- اc) Other Services 27.6 28.3 28.3 26.4 27.0 26.9 37.0 31.3 31.4 17.3 19.7 19.7 ج- ات اى

Source : Ibid. .ر اا ر: ما

* Preliminary data. . تم *

- 125 -

Growth Rates (%) in 2016/2017

- 126 -


Growth Rates (%) in 2017/2018

2016/2017* July/Sept. 2018/2019*

Growth Rates (%) in July/Sept. 2018/2019 Growth Rates (%) in July/Sept. 2017/2018

42 - GDP at Factor Cost by Economic Activity (Current Prices)


(رر ا) دا م ج وما ا ا ا ٤٢ - ا

(LE mn )

لJuly/Sept. 2017/2018*

( ن )

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2016/2017** 2017/2018** July/Sept. 2017/2018** July/Sept. 2018/2019** 2017/2018 July/Sept. 2017/2018 July/Sept. 2018/2019

1 - GDP at Market Prices (2+5-6) 3470.0 3654.4 877.0 923.9 5.3 5.2 5.3 ١-ا ا ا اق (٢+٥-٦)

2 -Total Domestic Expenditure (3+4) 3938.1 4060.9 951.4 979.6 3.1 5.2 3.0 (٣+٤) ق اما ٢-إ

3 - Final Consumption 3408.1 3447.6 825.8 833.4 1.2 2.9 0.9 ك ا٣-ا

Final private consumption 3057.9 3091.6 740.0 745.9 1.1 2.7 0.8 االستھالك النھائى الخاص

Final government consumption 350.2 356.0 85.8 87.5 1.7 4.6 2.0 االستھالك النھائى الحكومى

4 - Gross Capital Formation 530.0 613.3 125.6 146.2 15.7 23.5 16.4 ا أا ٤-ا

Investments 514.3 601.3 121.6 142.7 16.9 24.1 17.4 ارات

Change in stock 15.7 12.0 4.0 3.5 ا اون

5 - Exports of Goods and Services 548.9 725.4 178.1 184.3 32.2 124.9 3.5 وا درات ا٥-ا

6 - Imports of Goods and Services 1017.0 1131.9 252.5 240.0 11.3 68.9 -5.0 وا اردات ا٦-ا

7 - Domestic Resources Gap (5-6) -468.1 -406.5 -74.4 -55.7 -13.2 5.8 -25.1 (٥-٦) ارد اة ا -٧

2016/2017** 2017/2018** July/Sept. 2017/2018** July/Sept. 2018/2019** 2017/2018 July/Sept. 2017/2018 July/Sept. 2018/2019

1 - GDP at Market Prices (2+5-6) 3470.0 4437.4 1167.6 1404.1 27.9 40.0 20.3 ١-ا ا ا اق (٢+٥-٦)

2 - Total Domestic Expenditure (3+4) 3938.1 4901.3 1275.3 1504.5 24.5 41.1 18.0 (٣+٤) ق اما ٢-إ

3 - Final Consumption 3408.1 4162.2 1120.3 1300.0 22.1 39.6 16.0 ك ا٣-ا

Final private consumption 3057.9 3791.6 1025.3 1201.0 24.0 42.3 17.1 اك ا اص

Final government consumption 350.2 370.6 95.0 99.0 5.8 15.9 4.2 ا ك اا

4 - Gross Capital Formation 530.0 739.1 155.0 204.5 39.5 52.4 31.9 ا أا ٤-ا

Investments 514.3 721.1 150.0 200.0 40.2 53.1 33.3 ارات

Change in stock 15.7 18.0 5.0 4.5 ا اون

5 - Exports of Goods and Services 548.9 839.2 204.7 245.6 52.9 158.5 20.0 وا درات ا٥-ا

6 - Imports of Goods and Services 1017.0 1303.1 312.4 346.0 28.1 109.0 10.8 وا اردات ا٦-ا

7 - Gross Domestic Saving (1-3) 61.9 275.2 47.3 104.1 344.6 50.6 120.1 (١-٣) ا ر اد٧-ا

8 - Domestic Resources Gap (5-6) -468.1 -463.9 -107.7 -100.4 -0.9 53.2 -6.8 (٥-٦)ارد اة ا -٨

Source: Ibid. المصدر: نفس المصدر السابق.

* Prices of 2016/2017 instead of 2011/2012 .

** Preliminary data. ** بیانات مبدئیة.

(رر ا) قما وأو ا ا ٤٤ - ا

- 127 -

Growth Rates %( LE bn )

43 - GDP by Expenditure ( Constant Prices )* *(ر ا) قما وأو ا ا ٤٣ - ا

( LE bn ) Growth Rates %

44 - GDP by Expenditure ( Current Prices )

* على أساس أسعار ٢٠١٧/٢٠١٦ بدال من أسعار ٢٠١٢/٢٠١١ .

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ع دت ا ت اا ع ص ا ع دت ا ت اا تو ع ص ا

Government Sector



Public Companies



Total Government Sector



Public Companies






Total Investments 109141.3 53289.6 81094.6 270783.5 514309.0 105584.4 54388.6 94754.6 150000.0 316400.0 721127.6 ا ا

Agriculture, Irrigation & Reclamation 4664.5 158.4 0.1 17040.0 21863.0 8328.0 370.7 0.0 0.0 16000.0 24698.7 ارا واى واح

Crude Oil 0.0 4202.3 2344.3 2650.0 9196.6 65.5 13.2 1725.9 0.0 2820.0 4624.6 ول اا

Natural Gas 0.0 16312.7 6626.0 42980.0 65918.7 0.0 10.0 3743.0 0.0 71260.0 75013.0 ز اا

Other Extractions 0.0 0.0 14.9 15000.0 15014.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 اات أى

Oil refining 0.0 0.0 869.5 0.0 869.5 0.0 0.0 1867.2 0.0 0.0 1867.2 اول

Other Manufacturing 72.6 3.4 2180.5 45600.0 47856.5 100.5 14.5 5851.4 0.0 49000.0 54966.4 أى

Electricity 1199.1 5371.4 64230.0 20.0 70820.5 1896.6 5238.1 74331.9 0.0 0.0 81466.6 اء

Water 3828.7 1952.6 0.0 0.0 5781.3 4715.6 2259.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 6975.4 اه

Drainage 7561.6 1127.4 0.0 0.0 8689.0 8282.1 1233.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 9515.9 ف اا

Construction & Building 167.8 7.0 1009.0 11500.0 12683.8 297.1 5.0 1800.0 0.0 10500.0 12602.1 ا واء

Transportation & Storage 22861.6 5942.9 2811.3 19500.0 51115.8 26504.4 5152.3 4213.3 0.0 21600.0 57470.0 وا ا

Communications 492.8 793.6 0.0 15000.0 16286.4 455.9 788.0 0.0 0.0 20600.0 21843.9 ات

Information 626.6 78.6 0.1 7000.0 7705.3 1110.4 34.2 0.0 0.0 7900.0 9044.6 ات

Suez Canal 0.0 15675.3 0.0 0.0 15675.3 0.0 12224.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 12224.5 ة ا

Wholesale & Retail Trade 0.0 71.4 390.4 16200.0 16661.8 0.0 1855.4 221.5 0.0 17700.0 19776.9 وا رة ا

Financial Intermediation, Insurance and Social Solidarity 6.1 1.0 6.5 0.0 13.6 0.0 45.7 0.6 0.0 0.0 46.3 ن اوا وا ا طا

Tourism 3.8 23.6 380.0 4300.0 4707.4 7.0 24.8 650.0 0.0 3850.0 4531.8 ا

Real Estate 11174.7 346.6 0.0 52433.5 63954.8 16794.1 1075.9 0.0 0.0 62570.0 80440.0 را ما

Educational Services 9111.5 326.6 0.0 6100.0 15538.1 14599.3 862.2 0.0 0.0 9650.0 25111.5 ت ا

Health Services 4504.9 287.2 0.0 5460.0 10252.1 4863.9 346.5 0.0 0.0 8650.0 13860.4 ت اا

Others Services 8865.0 607.6 232.0 10000.0 19704.6 13764.0 7834.0 349.8 0.0 14300.0 36247.8 ت أى

Other Central Investments** 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. .. .. 150000.0 0.0 150000.0 ارات اي **

Settlements 34000.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 34000.0 3800.0 15000.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 18800.0 ت

ع دت ا ت اا ع ص ا ع دت ا ت اا تو ع ص ا

Government Sector



Public Companies



Total Government Sector



Public Companies






Total Investments 55777.2*** 6375.8 9757.0 78130.0 150040.0*** 27867.8 7697.2 11980.0 32531.2 119899.0 199975.2 ا ا Agriculture, Irrigation & Reclamation 1176.1 37.2 0.0 4500.0 5713.3 1723.5 9.2 0.4 5026.2 7000.0 13759.3 ارا واى واح

Crude Oil 0.0 1.2 273.5 758.0 1032.7 13.3 0.2 450.2 490.0 2563.0 3516.7 ول اا

Natural Gas 0.0 0.0 938.0 9250.0 10188.0 0.0 0.0 1227.0 0.0 16606.0 17833.0 ز اا

Other Extractions 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 اات أى

Oil refining 0.0 0.0 172.2 0.0 172.2 0.0 0.0 718.2 0.0 0.0 718.2 اول

Other Manufacturing 2.4 0.0 1016.4 10560.0 11578.8 4.8 0.9 765.7 8593.3 14250.0 23614.7 أى

Electricity 200.5 428.0 6080.2 0.0 6708.7 215.9 602.9 7651.3 133.9 12200.0 20804.0 اء

Water 716.6 819.0 0.0 0.0 1535.6 1335.8 327.2 0.0 61.7 0.0 1724.7 اه

Drainage 1389.7 376.7 0.0 0.0 1766.4 1607.5 245.2 0.0 66.7 0.0 1919.4 ف اا

Construction & Building 31.0 1.0 300.0 2900.0 3232.0 0.0 29.2 0.0 6783.6 4000.0 10812.8 ا واء

Transportation & Storage 7139.4 1070.1 780.0 6000.0 14989.5 5957.1 1794.3 914.4 8260.1 7500.0 24425.9 وا ا

Communications 9.4 36.8 0.0 4882.0 4928.2 195.1 256.2 0.0 2.6 5300.0 5753.9 ات

Information 34.3 3.8 0.0 1980.0 2018.1 420.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2100.0 2520.0 ات

Suez Canal 0.0 3265.5 0.0 0.0 3265.5 0.0 3745.7 0.0 30.9 0.0 3776.6 ة ا

Wholesale & Retail Trade 0.0 71.5 41.5 5000.0 5113.0 17.4 84.5 47.9 4.3 5500.0 5654.1 وا رة ا

Financial Intermediation, Insurance and Social Solidarity 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 32.3 0.0 0.0 32.3 ن اوا وا ا طا

Tourism 0.1 1.5 130.0 1400.0 1531.6 4.5 0.0 151.2 0.0 1700.0 1855.7 ا

Real Estate 2320.4 81.1 0.0 19900.0 22301.5 9476.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 23600.0 33076.9 را ما

Educational Services 3231.7 77.4 0.0 2900.0 6209.1 3566.1 261.1 0.0 5.8 4000.0 7833.0 ت ا

Health Services 889.2 51.4 0.0 2600.0 3540.6 1955.4 115.1 0.0 112.9 4500.0 6683.4 ت اا

Others Services 636.4 53.5 24.8 5500.0 6214.7 1374.5 225.5 21.4 2959.2 9080.0 13660.6 ت أى

Source : Ibid. .ر اا ر: ما

* Preliminary data. . تم *

** Central Investments are public investments . راتا رات اا **

*** Including 38000 LE mn national projects. *** ارات ٣٨٠٠٠ ن ي.

.. Not available. . ..





- 129 -

٤٥ - ارات اة

- 130 -

45 - Implemented Investments

(LE mn)


July/Sept. 2017/2018* July/Sept. 2018/2019*

( ن )


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ص ا ص ا ص ا ص ا

Public Private Total Public Private Total Public Private Total Public Private Total

Total Domestic Production 930133.6 1943019.9 2873153.5 941109.3 2036498.2 2977607.5 1129694.7 2680634.1 3810328.7 1182875.2 2822765.8 4005641.0 ا ج اما

Agriculture, Forests & Fishing 221.0 298627.8 298848.8 232.7 308302.4 308535.1 310.2 421635.6 421945.8 327.2 433278.0 433605.2 ت واوا راا

Extractions 194286.1 66972.8 261258.9 190790.6 66535.5 257326.1 184463.6 72348.7 256812.4 201829.5 76287.0 278116.5 اات

a) Petroleum 101570.6 16249.2 117819.8 95401.0 15013.1 110414.1 91248.6 14602.7 105851.3 90161.2 14355.1 104516.3 أ - ول

b) Gas 90518.4 15935.9 106454.3 93111.2 15548.4 108659.6 90479.0 14030.4 104509.4 108858.7 16948.7 125807.4 ب - ز

c) Other Extractions 2197.2 34787.7 36984.8 2278.4 35974.0 38252.4 2736.0 43715.6 46451.6 2809.6 44983.2 47792.8 ج - أى

Manufacturing Industries 255512.1 492326.9 747839.0 251366.2 509629.8 760996.1 355975.5 698519.1 1054494.6 370724.3 732215.2 1102939.5 ت اا

a) Petroleum Refining 202090.7 10829.8 212920.5 195917.9 10494.7 206412.6 279347.0 9709.6 289056.6 290729.6 10095.4 300825.0 أ - اول

b) Other Manufacturing 53421.5 481497.1 534918.6 55448.3 499135.2 554583.5 76628.4 688809.5 765438.0 79994.8 722119.7 802114.5 ب - أى

Electricity 47869.7 7618.3 55488.0 48777.0 7748.1 56525.0 62533.6 9412.0 71945.6 64696.3 9662.5 74358.7 اء

Water, Sanitation & Recycling 14126.7 3779.0 17905.6 14677.6 3921.0 18598.6 17361.8 4919.8 22281.6 17908.0 5069.4 22977.4 اة واف وادة اوران

Construction & Building 22358.0 194205.7 216563.7 24363.8 212868.7 237232.5 29595.9 273306.8 302902.7 32087.5 298933.7 331021.2 ا واء

Transportation & Storage 23684.0 94452.6 118136.6 25024.5 99392.0 124416.5 32765.8 127417.1 160182.9 33987.3 131765.9 165753.2 وا ا

Communications 28077.4 61173.4 89250.8 31414.4 68892.4 100306.7 21994.7 50133.1 72127.8 24176.2 54803.4 78979.6 ات

Information 635.4 8018.7 8654.1 659.7 8342.6 9002.3 758.4 10334.6 11093.0 781.6 10684.9 11466.4 ات

Suez Canal 33095.5 0.0 33095.5 33556.5 0.0 33556.5 53372.9 0.0 53372.9 58705.2 0.0 58705.2 ة ا

Wholesale & Retail Trade 16518.7 287723.9 304242.6 17275.7 302937.7 320213.3 21634.4 401651.2 423285.7 22422.9 415713.3 438136.2 وا رة ا

Financial Intermediaries & Auxiliaries 48706.0 33069.9 81775.9 50544.9 34502.2 85047.0 67630.0 44784.9 112414.9 69957.2 46207.4 116164.6 اط ا وام اة

Social Security & Insurance 12019.5 3669.3 15688.8 12494.6 3822.3 16316.8 16112.2 5020.1 21132.3 16615.1 5190.7 21805.8 وا ت اا

Tourism 480.1 44296.9 44777.0 431.1 46088.8 46519.9 708.2 72539.7 73248.0 996.0 98159.8 99155.8 ا

Real Estate 3093.2 220382.0 223475.2 3216.5 231701.3 234917.8 3742.5 312011.7 315754.2 3849.8 322434.8 326284.6 را ما

a) Real Estate Ownership 280.2 141083.4 141363.6 292.1 148692.5 148984.7 372.5 209507.0 209879.5 384.6 216661.1 217045.7 را أ - ا

b) Business Services 2813.0 79298.6 82111.6 2924.3 83008.8 85933.1 3370.0 102504.7 105874.7 3465.3 105773.6 109238.9 ب - ت ال

General Government 225570.0 0.0 225570.0 232274.9 0.0 232274.9 255240.0 0.0 255240.0 258139.2 0.0 258139.2 ا ا

Social Services 3880.2 126702.8 130583.0 4008.7 131813.5 135822.2 5494.9 176599.5 182094.3 5671.8 182360.0 188031.8 ت اا

a) Education 0.0 38047.2 38047.2 0.0 39525.4 39525.4 0.0 52589.0 52589.0 0.0 54336.3 54336.3 أ - ا

b) Health 3317.1 60428.8 63745.9 3424.0 62767.6 66191.6 4673.1 82955.6 87628.8 4825.1 85667.9 90493.0 ب - ا

c) Other Services 563.1 28226.8 28789.9 584.7 29520.5 30105.2 821.7 41054.9 41876.6 846.8 42355.8 43202.5 ج - ات اى

Total Domestic Production 1234446.8 2819971.6 4054418.5 1555450.0 3595076.1 5150526.0 1129694.7 2680634.1 3810328.7 1460947.2 3472508.6 4933455.8 ا ج اما

Agriculture, Forests & Fishing 334.2 446391.9 446726.1 408.0 557989.9 558397.9 310.2 421635.6 421945.8 404.8 536617.2 537022.0 ت واوا راا

Extractions 165243.9 75846.7 241090.6 264523.0 102676.6 367199.5 184463.6 72348.7 256812.4 295253.0 101073.9 396326.9 اات

a) Petroleum 83789.5 12985.1 96774.6 131099.6 20808.1 151907.7 91248.6 14602.7 105851.3 132371.0 20442.6 152813.6 أ - ول

b) Gas 78343.1 13363.2 91706.3 129623.0 20675.9 150298.9 90479.0 14030.4 104509.4 159448.8 25434.1 184882.9 ب - ز

c) Other Extractions 3111.3 49498.4 52609.7 3800.4 61192.6 64992.9 2736.0 43715.6 46451.6 3433.2 55197.2 58630.4 ج - أى

Manufacturing Industries 395995.1 710052.9 1106048.0 471848.1 904996.7 1376844.8 355975.5 698519.1 1054494.6 458992.8 903393.9 1362386.8 ت اا

a) Petroleum Refining 317019.9 11203.4 328223.3 372497.3 13264.8 385762.1 279347.0 9709.6 289056.6 359829.7 12473.1 372302.8 أ - اول

b) Other Manufacturing 78975.2 698849.5 777824.7 99350.8 891731.9 991082.7 76628.4 688809.5 765438.0 99163.2 890920.8 990084.0 ب - أى

Electricity 67748.9 10460.8 78209.7 85160.4 12971.4 98131.8 62533.6 9412.0 71945.6 79799.5 11861.9 91661.4 اء

Water, Sanitation & Recycling 19146.7 5408.9 24555.6 23627.0 6690.8 30317.8 17361.8 4919.8 22281.6 21919.9 6238.1 28158.0 اة واف وادة اوران

Construction & Building 31741.0 287627.9 319368.9 42405.9 385996.6 428402.5 29595.9 273306.8 302902.7 39644.4 364561.2 404205.7 ا واء

Transportation & Storage 36249.3 142170.9 178420.2 46036.6 179135.3 225171.9 32765.8 127417.1 160182.9 41965.4 164829.2 206794.6 وا ا

Communications 25699.4 58685.2 84384.6 29502.9 67781.4 97284.3 21994.7 50133.1 72127.8 27677.6 62580.0 90257.6 ات

Information 895.2 11553.8 12449.0 1051.0 14003.5 15054.5 758.4 10334.6 11093.0 960.6 13080.5 14041.1 ات

Suez Canal 41626.4 0.0 41626.4 77566.6 0.0 77566.6 53372.9 0.0 53372.9 73683.5 0.0 73683.5 ة ا

Wholesale & Retail Trade 23328.3 420638.2 443966.5 29300.3 531266.0 560566.3 21634.4 401651.2 423285.7 27780.8 515722.6 543503.4 وا رة ا

Financial Intermediaries & Auxiliaries 71694.8 46806.4 118501.2 87682.7 57759.1 145441.8 67630.0 44784.9 112414.9 85787.0 56444.4 142231.4 اط ا وام اة

Social Security & Insurance 18094.1 5609.8 23703.9 22219.6 6933.7 29153.3 16112.2 5020.1 21132.3 20368.0 6371.5 26739.5 وا ت اا

Tourism 818.3 68178.5 68996.8 953.7 91018.3 91972.0 708.2 72539.7 73248.0 1192.8 113509.2 114702.0 ا

Real Estate 4368.7 340805.9 345174.6 5502.3 435974.6 441476.9 3742.5 312011.7 315754.2 4677.9 391670.3 396348.2 را ما

a) Real Estate Ownership 413.0 222879.4 223292.4 528.6 286622.9 287151.5 372.5 209507.0 209879.5 476.6 267558.2 268034.8 را أ - ا

b) Business Services 3955.7 117926.5 121882.2 4973.7 149351.7 154325.4 3370.0 102504.7 105874.7 4201.3 124112.1 128313.4 ب - ت ال

General Government 325801.2 0.0 325801.2 360394.6 0.0 360394.6 255240.0 0.0 255240.0 273883.8 0.0 273883.8 ا ا

Social Services 5661.3 189733.8 195395.1 7267.3 239882.2 247149.5 5494.9 176599.5 182094.3 6955.3 224554.6 231509.9 ت اا

a) Education 0.0 56963.7 56963.7 0.0 72059.1 72059.1 0.0 52589.0 52589.0 0.0 66886.5 66886.5 أ - ا

b) Health 4804.0 88868.8 93672.8 6173.3 111541.6 117714.9 4673.1 82955.6 87628.8 5904.1 105308.1 111212.2 ب - ا

c) Other Services 857.3 43901.3 44758.6 1094.0 56281.5 57375.5 821.7 41054.9 41876.6 1051.2 52360.0 53411.2 ج - ات اى

Source : Ibid . .ر اا ر : ما

* At 2016/2017 prices instead of 2011/2012 prices, effective July/Sept. 2017. .٢٠١٧ / ةا اءا ٢٠١٢/٢٠١١، وذ رأ ٢٠١٧/٢٠١٦ ر و *

July/March 2016/20172015/2016Duringخالل

2016/2017 July/March 2017/2018

* ر ا دا م و ا ج ام٤٦ - ا

( LE mn ) ( ن )

46 - Total Domestic Production by Economic Activity ( Constant Prices )*

- 131 - - 132 -

رر ا دا م و ا ج ام47 ٤٧ - ا - Total Domestic Production by Economic Activity (Current Prices)

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امج إم ا امج إم ا ما ا ما ا

Unit (ط ) ( ان) اان (ط ) ( ان) اان (ط ) ( أردب) (أردب أو ط / ان) ( ان) (ط ) ( أردب) (أردب أو ط / ان) ( ان) وة

Measuring Production Average Area Production Average Area (Thousand (Thousand Average Area (Thousand (Thousand Average Area

(Thousand Productivity (Thousand (Thousand Productivity (Thousand Tons) Ardeb) Productivity (Thousand Tons) Ardeb) Productivity (Thousand اسTons) Per Feddans) Tons) Per Feddans) (Ardeb/Ton Per Feddans) (Ardeb/Ton Per Feddans)

Feddan Feddan Feddan) Feddan)

Wheat Ardeb 7169 15.92 3001 8367 18.300 3048 8458 56385 18.720 3182 9598 63985 19.100 3350 أردب ا

Barley Ardeb 117 11.08 88 122 12.020 85 283 2356 12.020 196 277 2309 12.900 179 أردب ا

Maize Summer Crops Ardeb 5365 22.66 1691 5365 22.671 1690 6217 44408 24.148 1839 7830 5593 23.800 2350 أردب رة اا

Nile Crops Ardeb 804 20.66 278 734 19.204 273 678 4841 19.210 252 1005 7175 20.500 350 أردب م

Millet Summer Crops Ardeb 774 16.610 333 691 15.002 329 751 5364 15.916 337 841 6005 16.100 373 أردب رة اا

Nile Crops Ardeb 7 16.92 3 10 14.285 5 6 44 14.670 3 14 103 14.750 7 أردب م

Beans Ardeb 232 8.15 184 175+ 8.553 132 349 2252 17.190 131 328 2115 9.400 225 أردب ال

Lentils Ardeb 2 4.14 3 2 4.166 3 1 6 5.980 1 7 45 5.600 8 أردب اس

Groundnuts Ardeb 203 17.02 159 203 17.023 159 205 2739 18.383 149 248 3307 20.670 160 أردب دامل اا

Sesame Ardeb 46 4.38 88 46 4.356 88 33 273 4.550 60 38 315 4.850 65 أردب ا

Rice ton 4330 3.958 1094 4329 3.953 1095 5912 - 4.003 1477 5125 - 4.100 1250 ط ارز

Flax ton 34 4.25 8 34 4.250 8 78 - 5.200 15 62 - 5.160 12 ط () ن

Soybeans ton 43 1.195 36 43 1.194 36 26 - 1.530 17 35 - 1.400 25 ط ل ا

Sunflower ton 37 1.06 35 37 1.088 34 20 - 1.112 18 25 - 1.163 22 ط د ا

Sugar cane ton 15482 48.84 317 15709 48.937 321 1555 - 47.699 326 15900 - 49.688 320 ط ا

Sugar beet ton 7840 20.31 386 7486 20.680 362 7013 - 20.687 339 9920 - 22.805 435 ط ا

Vegetables ton 17510 11.705 1496 21514 11.305 1903 22548 - 10.893 2070 21956 - 10.556 2080 ط ا

Onion ton 2246 (1) 13.811 134 2590 (2) 14.260 172 1964 (3) - 12.831 142 2960 (4) - 17.515 169 ط ا

Fruits ton 10073 .. 1511 8370 6.082 1376 9518 - 6.173 1542 9546 - 6.360 1501 ط ت او ا

Cotton (seeds) mc* 281 6.290 284 431 7.395 370 - 1865 * 5.600 333 533 3383 * 8.250 410 ر ى (ز) ا

Source : Ibid. .ر اا ر : ما

(1) Including 250 thousand tons of interplanted winter onions and 200 thousand tons of interplanted

seasonal onions.

(2) 135 thousand tons of interplanted winter onions and 12.3 thousand tons of interplanted seasonal onions.

(3) 150 thousand tons of interplanted winter onions and 23 thousand tons of interplanted seasonal onions.

* mc:- Metric Cantar

- 133 -

Production جما


- 134 -

رات اا

2011/2012 2009/2010

. ى ل ف أردب٣ آ +

(٤) ١٣٥ أ ط ى ،٢٠ أ ط وات اى.


(4) 135 thousand tons of interplanted winter onions and 20 thousand tons of interplanted seasonal onions .


+ 3 thousand ardeb of interplanted local beans.

. ىوات أ ط و ٢٠٠ أ ، ى ط ٢٥٠ أ (١)

* (ق م) : ر ى.

. وات ط ١٢٫٣ أ ، ى ط (٢) ١٣٥ أ

48 - Output of Main Crops رات اا ج ام٤٨ - ا

Production جما

(٣)١٥٠ أ ط ى ، ٢٣ أ ط وات اى.

)م.ق( )م.ق(

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Unit ص ا ص ا ص ا ص ا الوحدة ات

Public Private Total Public Private Total Public Private Total Public Private Total

Refined sugar thousand tons 1297.2 864.8 2162.0 1448.0 779.0 2227.0 1455.0 794.0 2249.0 1463.9 807.7 2271.6 ط أ ر

Animal & poultry fodder thousand tons 8433.0 5622.0 14055.0 730.0 13888.0 14618.0 734.0 14030.0 14764.0 738.0 14173.0 14911.0 ط أ ودوا ام

Carbonated drinks box (million) 271.8 181.2 453.0 0.0 449.0 449.0 0.0 453.0 453.0 0.0 458.0 458.0 ن وق ز ه

Cigarettes billion 58.2 38.8 97.0 82.0 15.7 97.7 82.0 16.0 98.0 82.9 16.7 99.6 ر رة

Cotton yarn, fibran thousand tons 201.6 134.4 336.0 85.0 245.0 330.0 85.0 247.0 332.0 85.9 250.6 336.5 ط أ ل وان

Wool yarn thousand tons 9.4 26.6 36.0 7.1 28.6 35.7 7.1 28.9 36.0 7.1 29.2 36.3 ط أ ل ف

Silk yarn thousand tons 22.0 14.7 36.7 7.2 16.8 24.0 7.2 17.0 24.2 7.2 17.2 24.4 ط أ ل

Synthetic fibres thousand tons 68.4 45.6 114.0 3.5 112.4 115.9 3.5 113.5 117.0 3.5 114.6 118.1 ط أ فأ

Blankets piece (million) 14.4 9.6 24.0 1.5 22.8 24.3 1.5 23.0 24.5 1.5 23.2 24.7 ن ط

Ready-made clothes piece (million) 258.0 172.0 430.0 13.7 330.5 344.2 13.7 333.8 347.5 13.8 337.2 351.0 ن ة وت

Cars units 2727.6 1818.4 4546.0 9811.0 35652.0 45463.0 9860.0 36057.0 45917.0 9919.0 36457.0 46376.0 د رات رب

Buses units 4765.2 3176.8 7942.0 358.0 7585.0 7943.0 359.0 7662.0 8021.0 361.0 7740.0 8101.0 د أت

Lorries units 1788.6 1192.4 2981.0 712.0 29104.0 29816.0 715.0 29398.0 30113.0 719.0 29695.0 30414.0 د ارى

Washing machines thousand 711.0 474.0 1185.0 7.0 1178.0 1185.0 7.0 1189.8 1196.8 7.0 1201.7 1208.7 أ ت

Refrigerators thousand 713.4 475.6 1189.0 7.0 1182.0 1189.0 7.0 1193.8 1200.8 7.0 1205.8 1212.8 أ ت

Electric lamps million 36.0 211.0 247.0 36.0 226.0 252.0 36.1 228.4 264.5 36.3 230.8 267.1 ن ت

Butagas heaters thousand 150.0 100.0 250.0 106.0 263.0 369.0 106.5 266.1 372.6 107.0 269.2 376.2 أ ن مت ز

Water metres thousand 646.0 0.0 646.0 671.0 0.0 671.0 677.0 0.0 677.0 683.0 0.0 683.0 أ اد ادات ه

Electric metres thousand 1034.0 0.0 1034.0 1075.0 0.0 1075.0 1085.0 0.0 1085.0 1095.0 0.0 1095.0 أ اد ادات ء

Aluminium & sheets thereof thousand tons 355.0 0.0 355.0 349.0 0.0 349.0 352.0 0.0 352.0 355.0 0.0 355.0 ط أ رو من ا

Reinforcement steel thousand tons 3583.2 2388.8 5972.0 140.0 5840.0 5980.0 140.7 5899.1 6039.8 1041.0 5958.0 6999.0 ط أ ا

Cement thousand tons 27663.0 18442.0 46105.0 3927.0 42639.0 46566.0 3946.6 43085.0 47031.6 3970.3 43531.6 47501.9 ط أ ا

Glass sheets thousand tons 129.6 86.4 216.0 36.0 180.0 216.0 36.1 181.9 218.0 36.3 183.9 220.2 ط أ زج وش

Phosphatic fertilizers thousand tons 1014.6 676.4 1691.0 628.0 1048.0 1676.0 631.1 1061.6 1692.7 634.9 1074.7 1709.6 ط أ ةأ

Azotic fertilizers thousand tons 8305.8 5537.2 13843.0 521.0 13200.0 13721.0 523.6 13334.6 13858.2 526.7 13470.0 13996.7 ط أ ة أزوأ

Caustic soda thousand tons 164.0 0.0 164.0 161.1 0.0 161.1 162.0 0.0 162.0 163.0 0.0 163.0 ط أ و دا

Tyres thousand 3873.0 2582.0 6455.0 806.0 5650.0 6456.0 810.0 5710.5 6520.5 814.0 5770.0 6584.0 أ إطر ب ومرات رإط

Laundry soap thousand tons 288.0 192.0 480.0 56.0 417.0 473.0 56.2 421.4 477.6 56.6 425.8 482.4 ط أ ن

Toilet soap thousand tons 133.8 89.2 223.0 42.0 179.0 221.0 42.2 181.0 223.2 42.4 182.9 225.3 ط أ ا ن

Source : Ibid. .ر اا ر : ما


2015/20162012/2013 2014/2015

ت اا ج ام٤٩ - ا

- 135 -

49 - Output of Main Industrial Products

- 136 -


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م أ أ م

May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov.

Total Generated and Purchased Power 166679 173671 185620 188683 195982 17749 18136 19914 19764 18363 16666 14537 إ ا اة وااةGenerated Power 151835 158697 170849 174420 182112 16473 16762 18472 18331 17043 15243 13513 ا اة

Purchased Power 14844 14974 14771 14263 13870 1276 1374 1442 1433 1320 1423 1024 ا ااة

Industrial Companies 60 32 46 37 41 4 4 2 2 2 3 2 ت اا

New and Renewable ( Wind + Solar Energy ) 1449 1444 2175 2779 2854 277 384 388 446 403 375 230 ( ح + اا ) دةة واا

BOOT & International Electrical Interconnection Countries 13335 13498 12550 11447 10975 995 986 1052 985 915 1045 792 وا ودول ا BOOT

Total Uses 143606 147049 156245 153131 158129 13448 15073 14091 14421 14448 14100 12895 إ ااتIndustrial 41743 38247 38336 41572 43631 3734 3790 3688 3717 3887 3878 3679 ا

Business 4990 7693 8267 8305 8384 630 778 734 783 790 807 729 را

Household 61897 64735 73043 66759 67345 5609 6446 5819 6042 6022 5899 5328 ا

Other 34325 35415 35616 35953 38056 3396 4008 3750 3783 3694 3465 3113 أى

Power Sold to : 651 959 983 542 713 79 51 100 96 55 51 46 : إ ط- International Electrical Interconnection Countries 647 وا دول ا -

- Private Sector (BOOT) 4 ( BOOT )صع اا -

Source : Egyptian Electricity Holding Company. . ء ا ر : اا

م أ أ م د

June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Total Production 46855 47412 49209 47630 47248 2923 4014 3236 4411 3826 3658 4700 إ امج

Total Sales 46308 46782 49650 47079 46505 2767 4119 2917 4394 3566 3644 4600 إ ات

Consumer Average Prices (LE /Ton) .. .. .. .. .. 1203.0 1206.0 1187.0 1197.0 1204.0 1198.0 1196.0 (ط/) ر اأ

.. Not available. .ا ..


( ا :ن ك.و.س )


( Quantity: MM Kilowatt/Hours )




51 - Total Production, Sales and Consumer Average Prices of Cement

79 51


.ارة اوا ر : وزارة اا


(ط )


Source: Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade.

100 96 55


Total Production & Consumption of Electricity - 50 ٥٠ - إ إمج واك اء



ا ر اأ ت وج واما ٥١ - إ

During 2015/2016 2017/2018



- 137 - - 138 -


( Thousand Tons )

2013/2014 2016/2017 2017/2018 ل

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( Thousand tons )

إمج ت (ط/) رأ إمج ت (ط/) رأ إمج ت (ط/) رأ إمج ت (ط/) رأ إمج ت (ط/) رأ إمج ت (ط/) رأ

Production Sales Average Prices

(LE/Ton)Production Sales

Average Prices

(LE/Ton)Production Sales

Average Prices

(LE/Ton)Production Sales

Average Prices

(LE/Ton)Production Sales

Average Prices

(LE/Ton)Production Sales

Average Prices


January 794.8 825.8 4650.7 572.4 546.4 5088.0 600.4 614.6 4836.6 528.3 617.6 4486.0 476.0 354.2 10384.5 823.0 638.0 12147.6

February 564.2 502.0 5136.6 665.7 551.0 5061.7 533.2 705.5 4833.4 505.5 696.4 4550.0 430.5 537.5 9150.0 635.1 666.0 12138.9 ا

March 592.7 468.7 5175.7 640.9 630.3 4952.3 692.3 792.9 4830.3 723.4 708.4 4974.5 594.3 504.0 9431.8 592.0 622.0 12413.0 رس

April 726.1 671.5 5268.0 774.8 682.7 5057.0 626.5 579.4 4864.7 546.8 470.2 5061.0 465.1 525.5 9624.0 706.5 633.4 12810.0 أ

May 551.4 484.3 5242.6 560.9 478.8 5016.8 587.3 519.8 4871.0 753.7 445.8 5985.0 613.2 771.1 9586.0 584.5 622.1 12605.0

June 596.6 562.4 5126.1 605.6 665.3 4978.7 712.9 689.9 4825.1 533.4 434.1 5466.0 499.3 524.9 9896.0 603.0 631.0 12605.0 م

July 619.7 827.2 5154.4 552.8 588.8 4956.3 489.4 481.0 4812.0 488.3 601.3 5447.5 609.5 637.9 10118.2 804.0 673.0 12667.0

August 390.4 436.2 4968.6 657.6 597.9 5155.7 505.8 526.0 4792.4 722.0 636.1 6016.0 763.7 741.5 10813.0 540.0 400.0 12590.0 أ

September 669.8 736.0 4931.7 495.0 411.9 5096.9 513.5 578.1 4789.5 578.5 701.0 7101.0 580.5 568.5 11517.0 645.3 552.3 12288.0

October 497.7 512.8 4927.5 485.4 495.7 5089.7 363.6 513.7 4768.8 578.5 701.0 7101.0 766.7 659.5 11913.0 865.7 649.4 12238.0 أ

November 575.6 604.7 4976.4 560.5 510.6 5093.2 574.5 533.5 4894.9 683.6 505.7 8841.0 655.6 645.9 11972.1 632.5 612.0 12134.0 م

December 774.8 648.3 5119.0 714.6 705.5 4951.9 787.0 559.9 4774.0 544.2 527.3 9698.0 713.2 708.4 12068.2 688.0 508.0 12158.0 د

Source : Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade .

- 140 -

52 -Total Reinforcement Steel Production, Sales and Consumer Average Prices by Main Egyptian Companies ت اا ا ر اأ ت وج واما ٥٢- إ

( ط )

Month ا

2015 2016

- 139 -

(Thousand Tons)

20182013 20172014

. ارة اوا ر: وزارة اا

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(Thousand) ( )

2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 أ م أ أ م د

April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Number of Tourist Arrivals 7968 10243 6874 6624 9777 987 819 855 1101 1096 995 1081 996 1032 دا د ا

- European Countries 6059 7745 4316 3392 5796 612 488 497 626 687 630 707 643 621 وروول اا -

- Middle East Countries 1071 1427 1424 1780 2175 198 144 212 302 262 203 189 167 216 وق ادول ا -

- African Countries 365 413 452 558 725 75 93 61 81 68 69 69 65 69 ول اا -

- Americas 211 275 285 314 402 35 36 42 45 36 34 44 42 47 دول ا -

- Asia & the Pacific 243 356 379 564 644 62 53 37 38 35 50 65 73 73 وا آ -

- Other Countries 19 27 18 16 35 5 5 6 9 8 9 7 6 6 - دول أى

Number of Tourist Departures 8101 9944 6847 6472 9453 976 803 777 1032 1168 987 1018 999 906 درا د ا

Number of Tourist Nights 72919 99246 51779 50898 102557 9348 7481 9883 12852 15745 12522 10688 9913 9306 در ا د ا

- European Countries 51562 76358 33760 25417 53177 5300 4525 4576 5709 7225 6423 6018 5705 5098 وروول اا -

- Middle East Countries 14560 15366 11151 15087 27842 2198 1830 2538 4055 5156 3848 2722 2257 2135 وق ادول ا -

- African Countries 3167 3001 2797 4316 10166 939 308 1751 1780 1506 854 928 888 998 ول اا -

- Americas 1931 2453 1963 2821 5228 425 362 417 759 1157 797 495 480 442 دول ا -

- Asia & the Pacific 1613 1978 2064 3209 5752 441 440 537 449 600 501 500 524 575 وا آ -

- Other Countries 86 90 44 48 392 45 16 64 100 101 99 25 59 58 - دول أى

Average Stay (Night) 9.0 10.0 7.6 7.9 10.8 9.6 9.3 12.7 12.5 13.5 12.7 10.5 9.9 10.3 () ة ا

Source: Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) and Ministry of Tourism.


53 - Number of Tourists & Nights Spent


- 142 - - 141 -

.ء، ووزارة اوا ا ىز ار: اا

د او د ا - ٥٣



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- 143-- 144 -






















































CPI Inflation PPI Inflation Core Inflation


المنتجین، ، األرقام القیاسیة ألسعار)حضر(السنوى وفقا لكل من األرقام القیاسیة ألسعار المستھلكین العام معدل التضخموكذا معدل التضخم األساسى

Annual Headline CPI, PPI and Core Inflation

12.4 12.0 12.011.9 11.3 10.6

9.9 10.0































ن لو



ل عم



ة طال

لب ادل


)Unemployment Rate(معدل البطالة )Labor force(قوة العمل )Employment(المشتغلون

)كل من قوة العمل والمشتغلین، ومعدل البطالةلعلى أساس سنوىمعدالت النمو (مؤشرات سوق العمل Labor Market Indicators (Growth Rates on Annual Basis for Labor Force & Employment;

and Unemployment Rate)

1.92.2 2.2













2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 July/Sept.2018/2019

معدل النمو للناتج المحلى اإلجمالى الحقیقى بتكلفة عوامل اإلنتاج Real GDP Growth Rate at Factor Cost





































































السائحین القادمین Nights Arrivalsاللیالى السیاحیة

عدد السائحین القادمین وعدد اللیالى السیاحیة Tourist Arrivals and Nights


Nights (Thousand)

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- 145 -- 146 -
































Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Consumer Average Pricesمتوسط أسعار المستھلك Total Salesإجمالى المبیعات Total Productionإجمالى اإلنتاج

إجمالي اإلنتاج والمبیعات ومتوسط أسعار المستھلك لحدید التسلیح ألھم الشركات المصریةTotal Reinforcement Steel Production,Sales & Consumer Average Prices

by Main Egyptian Companies )باأللف طن(

(Thousand Tons)

)طن/ جنیھ((LE/Ton)













Dec. Jan.2018

Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov.

Total Power Usesإجمالى الطاقة المستخدمة Total Generated & Purchased Powerإجمالى الطاقة المولدة والمشتراة

إجمالى إنتاج واستھالك الكھرباءTotal Production & Consumption of Electricity

)س. و. بالملیون ك: الكمیة((Quantity: MM Kilowatt/Hours)







طاقة مباعة وأخرى Power Sold &

Others 24.5%

٢٠١٨خالل شھر نوفمبر استخدامات الكھرباء لألغراض الصناعیة والمنزلیة والتجاریة وأخري

Electricity for Industrial, Household, Business and Other Purposes in November 2018





























Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Total Production إجمالى اإلنتاج Total Salesإجمالى المبیعات Consumer Average Pricesمتوسط أسعار المستھلك

)باأللف طن((Thousand Tons)

)طن/ جنیھ ((LE/Ton)

إجمالى اإلنتاج والمبیعات ومتوسط أسعار المستھلك من األسمنت Total Production,Sales and Consumer Average Prices of Cement

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IV: Core CPI

It is a variant of the headline CPI that excludes the impact of temporary price shocks on inflation,

which could result for various reasons, including weather conditions, supply disruptions or infrequent

resetting of prices by the government. Hence, the core measure is derived from the headline and is used as a

complementary indicator, mainly to distinguish the underlying trend of the inflation rate from its transitory

movements. Therefore, the core inflation measure should not, in any way, be regarded as a substitute for the

headline inflation measure prepared by the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics. The items

excluded from the CBE's core measure are:

1 - Food items with prices which are inherently volatile, namely fruits and vegetables. They represent

6.9 percent of the CPI basket.

2 - Regulated prices which constitute 18.66 percent of the CPI basket.

By timely communicating the core inflation measure, the CBE aims to improve the understanding of the

inflation dynamics. This is expected to reduce the pass-through of temporary price shocks to inflation

expectations and, in turn , minimize the variability in inflation.

Food excl. Fruits & Vegetables:

All food items included in the CPI basket other than fruits and vegetables, namely bread & cereals,

meat, fish & other seafood, eggs & dairy products, oils & fats, dried fruits, processed vegetables, pulses, sugar

& confectionary, other food products and beverages. They represent 31.08 percent of the CPI basket.

Retail Items:

Durable and non-durable consumer goods that are included in the CPI basket namely clothing &

footwear, furniture & floor covering, HH cleaning products, HH appliances, glassware, tableware and HH

utensils, products related to dwelling repairment, home entertainment equipment, cars and spare parts, motor oil,

telephone & fax products, audio and visual products and entertainment & recreational services. They represent

14.43 percent of the CPI basket.

Paid Services:

Services included in the CPI basket that are usually provided by individuals. These involve tailors and

laundry, dwelling maintenance services, technicians to HH appliances, portman & gardeners' services,

physicians, cook & maid's services, repairs of audio-visual equipment, mechanics, private teachers and

hairdressers. They represent 5.87 percent of the CPI basket.

Other Services:

Services other than paid services included in the CPI basket namely rentals for housing, hotels &

accommodation services, cafes and restaurants, mobile services, air travel, inland transportation, sea

transportation, private schools, Hajj & Omra trips, recreational and sporting services, private hospitals, and

cultural services. They represent 23.06 percent of the CPI basket.


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It includes receipts and payments of investment income, as illustrated hereunder:

- Investment Income Receipts: The entries include returns on direct or portfolio investment abroad,

or on deposits at foreign banks.

- Investment Income Payments: Their key items are interest payments on loans, external facilities

and deposits of non-residents. They also include returns on FDI and portfolio investment transferred


Net Transfers:

They represent private transfers, mainly workers’ remittances as well as official transfers including

grants and donations from/to abroad.

Capital and Financial Account:

It refers to all types of capital transactions. It includes two main elements: namely the capital account

and the financial account. As to the capital account, it records capital transfers which consist of transfers

that entail a change in the ownership of fixed assets or forgiveness of foreign debt. It also includes the

acquisition or disposal of intangible assets such as the goodwill and intellectual property rights. Concerning

the financial account, it records the transactions of the economy on foreign assets, and external financial

obligations. These include FDI, portfolio investment and other investments (e.g. net credit facilities with

different maturities, long- and medium-term loans, deposits and investments abroad by banks operating in

Egypt, as well as non-reserve foreign assets and liabilities of the CBE).

Net Errors and Omissions: It is a counterpart entry, which offsets the overstated or understated values of the BOP recorded components. It represents the difference between the overall balance (overall deficit/surplus) and the aggregate balances of the current, and capital and financial accounts.

Overall Balance: The overall balance is calculated on the basis of change in reserve assets with the CBE. These assets include monetary gold, SDRs, the reserve position with the IMF, deposits with correspondents abroad and investments in securities and bills. External Debt: Gross external debt, at any given time, is the outstanding amount of those actual current, and not contingent, liabilities that require payment(s) of interest and/or principal by the debtor at some point(s) in the future and that are owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy. Debt Service:

Refers to payments in respect of both principal and interest. Actual debt service is the set of payments

actually made to satisfy a debt obligation, including principal, interest, and any late payment fees. Scheduled

debt service is the set of payments, including principal and interest, which is required to be made through the

life of the debt.

Long-term External Debt: External debt that has a maturity of more than one year. Maturity can be defined either on an original or remaining basis. Short-term External Debt: Debt that has maturity of one year or less. Maturity can be defined either on an original or remaining basis.

Original Maturity:

The period of time from when the financial asset/liability was created to its final maturity date.

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Buyers' Credit: A financial arrangement in which a bank or financial institution, or an export credit agency in the exporting country, extends a loan directly to a foreign buyer or to a bank in the importing country to pay for the purchase of goods and services from the exporting country. Also known as financial credit. This term does not refer to credit extended directly from the buyer to the seller (for example, through advance payment for goods and services) Suppliers' Credit: A financing arrangement under which an exporter extends credit to the buyer.

Bilateral Debt Loans extended by a bilateral creditor.

Multilateral Creditors: These creditors are multilateral institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank, as well as other multilateral development banks. Official Development Assistance (ODA) Flows of official financing administered with the promotion of the economic development and welfare of developing countries as the main objective, and which are concessional in character with a grant element of at least 25 percent (using a fixed 10 percent rate of discount). By convention, ODA flows comprise contributions of donor government agencies, at all levels, to developing countries (“bilateral ODA”) and to multilateral institutions. ODA receipts comprise disbursements by bilateral donors and multilateral institutions. Lending by export credit agencies—with the pure purpose of export promotion—is excluded.

III : Fiscal Sector and Domestic Debt

Consolidated Fiscal Operations of the General Government: These operations are divided into : Section I: covering the budget sector and showing a statement of public revenues and expenditures, the overall surplus/deficit in the government finance (the administrative system, local administration and service authorities) and sources of financing. The government fiscal operations include - according to the international concepts - on the revenues side, tax and non-tax revenues (property income; the proceeds from selling goods and services; financing investment and other revenues) and grants; and on the expenditures side, compensations of employees; purchases of goods and services; domestic and foreign interest; subsidies, grants and social benefits; purchases of non-financial assets (investments) and other expenditures.

Section II: covering section I and the fiscal operations related to the National Investment Bank and the

SIFs. Thus, Section II is a summary of the consolidated fiscal operations of the general government.

Domestic Debt Owed by the Government (Net): It represents the outstanding balance of government bills and bonds; borrowing from other entities; credit facilities from the SIFs; Egyptian Dollar Certificate; government net balances with the banking system and the government debt to the National Investment Bank that was cleared as of 1/7/2006. The obligations of the NIB to the insurance and pension funds were transferred to the government against the government debt balance till 30/6/2006. Domestic Debt Owed by the Economic Authorities (Net):

It represents their borrowing from the National Investment Bank, and their net balance of accounts with the banking system.

Domestic Debt Owed by the National Investment Bank:

It represents the NIB debt, minus its deposits with the banking system, and its intra-debt that includes: government debt to the Bank (investments in bonds and bills), and the borrowing of the government and public economic authorities from the Bank. Moreover, the government stopped borrowing from the NIB as of 30/6/2006 and its debt was cleared as mentioned above.

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LE Interest Rates:

It is to be noted that the interest rates on deposits and loans in this Bulletin are calculated on the basis of the average rates of all banks, because the rates differ from one bank to another.

Interbank Interest Rates:

They represent the average interest rates on local currency bank deposits with other banks.

Interest Rates on Three Month Deposits :

They represent the average interest rates per annum on customers' deposits with banks.

Interest Rates on Loans of One Year or Less :

They represent the average interest rates per annum received by banks on credit facilities and loans granted to their customers.

Interest Rates on TB Repos:

They are determined through auctions carried out between the CBE and banks, to absorb liquidity from or pump liquidity into the market.

Financial Soundness Indicators for the Banking Sector:

Capital Base/Risk-Weighted Assets

Total capital base relative to total risk-weighted assets and contingent liabilities at the end of the reporting period.

Tier I Capital/ Risk-Weighted Assets

Tier I capital (paid-up capital, reserves, retained profits or losses brought forward) relative to total risk-weighted assets and contingent liabilities at the end of the reporting period.


Shareholders' total equities (paid-up capital, reserves, retained profits or losses brought forward) relative to total assets at the end of the reporting period.

Return on Average Assets (ROAA)

Net profits of the last approved fiscal year relative to average assets.

Return on Average Equities (ROAE)

Net profits of the last approved fiscal year relative to shareholders' average equities.

Net Interest Margin

Net income from interest relative to average interest-earning assets according to the last approved fiscal year.

Securities/Total Assets

Investments of banks in shares, bonds and mutual funds' units, relative to total assets at the end of the reporting period.

Total Deposits/Total Assets:

Customers' deposit balances relative to total assets at the end of the reporting period.

Total Loans/Total Deposits:

Lending and discount balances relative to customers' deposit balances at the end of the reporting period.

Gross Official Reserves (GOR): They represent the total foreign assets available with the CBE and invested abroad (with non-residents). They are composed of gold (on the basis of its evaluation at end of the fiscal year), SDRs, foreign portfolio investment, deposits with correspondents abroad, payment agreements with some countries, and reserves position in the IMF.

term foreign -They represent gross official reserves minus short : Net International Reserves (NIR)liabilities.

Official Reserve Assets: They are external assets of liquid nature, that are readily available to, and controlled by, monetary authorities. External assets are claims on non-residents, and they are denominated in foreign currencies and are composed of gold; SDRs; reserve position in the IMF; cash, deposits & other claims; and securities (highly liquid and marketable equity and bonds). Under this definition, participation in international and regional financial organizations and payment agreements with some countries were excluded, being "not readily available assets". Other Foreign Assets: They are liquid assets denominated in foreign currencies that are readily available

to monetary authorities and are not included in official reserve assets. In contrast to official reserve assets,

these assets are not necessarily external assets as they can be claims on residents.

II : External Sector

Balance of Payments: It is a statistical statement recording economic transactions conducted between the domestic economy (resident) and the external sector (non-resident) during a specific period of time. Economic transactions carried out between residents and non-residents include transactions involving goods, services and income; those classified as unrequited transfers, such as grants; and transactions of financial assets and liabilities with the external sector. Transactions of the balance of payments are divided into two accounts: current account, and capital and financial account. The compilation of BOP is based on the Fifth Edition of the BOP Manual issued by the IMF (September 1993). The main indicators that can be derived from the BOP are the trade balance position, commodity exports/commodity imports coverage ratio, the position of the current account and its ratio to GDP, the overall deficit (surplus) and its ratio to GDP, the ratio of errors and omissions to commodity transactions as well as the number of months of imports covered by net international reserves. Current Account:

It is composed of the trade balance, service balance, income balance and net unrequited transfers. Trade Balance:

It encompasses the following items:

- Merchandise export proceeds valued on (FOB) basis at customs borders of the Egyptian

economy; excluding costs of freight and insurance, and including exports of free zones to

the external sector

- Merchandise import payments valued on (CIF) basis; including the costs of freight and

insurance, as well as imports of free zones from the external sector. Service Transactions:

The main items of service transactions are receipts/payments of transport, government and travel.

Travel receipts (tourism revenues) included in the BOP are estimated on the basis of the number of tourist

nights (according to the data of the Ministry of Tourism) and the average spending of a tourist per night,

estimated in agreement with the Ministry of Tourism.

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Fourth: Real Sector

- GDP and Production GDP at factor cost (2016/2017 constant prices) reached about LE 895.9 billion in Q1 of FY 2018/2019 (against LE 853.0 billion in the corresponding quarter a year earlier), with a growth rate of 5.0%. The main contributors at sectorial level were tourism; extractions; wholesale and retail trade; agriculture; communications; and manufacturing. GDP at factor cost (current prices) grew by 20.0%, posting LE 1348.1 billion, against LE 1123.6 billion (see tables 41 and 42). GDP (at 2016/2017 constant market prices) posted about LE 923.9 billion in Q1 of FY 2018/2019, with a growth rate of 5.3%, compared with LE 877.0 billion in the corresponding quarter a year earlier. Meanwhile, GDP (at current market prices) grew by 20.3%, posting LE 1404.1 billion, against LE 1167.6 billion (see tables 43 and 44). On the other hand, total domestic production (at 2016/2017 constant prices) grew by 5.1%, to register LE 4005.6 billion in July/March 2017/2018, against LE 3810.3 billion in the corresponding period a year earlier (see table 46). It grew by 29.5% (at current prices) to stand at LE 4933.5 billion, against LE 3810.3 billion. (see table 47) - Investments Implemented investments (at current prices) totaled LE 200.0 billion in Q1 of FY 2018/2019, growing by 33.3% compared with the corresponding quarter a year earlier. The private sector implemented about 60.0% of total investments, compared to 40.0% of public investments. (see table 45)

- Headline and Core Inflation

Headline urban CPI inflation - published by the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics on March 10, 2019 - increased by 1.7% (m/m) in February 2019, compared to an increase of 0.6% in January 2019. Annual headline inflation also increased to 14.4% in February, compared to 12.7% in January. Monthly core inflation, computed by the Central Bank of Egypt, rose to 1.0% in February 2019 compared to 0.4% in January 2019 and its annual rate posted 9.2% in February against 8.6% in January (see table 40). For further details, please visit the CBE website (www.cbe.org.eg).

- Producer Price Index (PPI) Inflation

According to PPI, the monthly inflation increased by 1.8% in January 2019, against a decline of 4.2% in December 2018. Moreover, the annual rate posted a rise of 7.8% versus 9.0%. (see table 40, contd.) - Gold In December 2018, the average price of gold pound amounted to LE 5238.6, up by 2.3% compared with November 2018. Concurrently, the average price of 21 KT gold/gram reached some LE 625.1 and of 18 KT gold/gram around LE 535.8 in December. (see table 40, contd.) - Electricity In November 2018, total generated and purchased electricity scaled down by 12.8%, compared with October 2018. Generated electricity and electricity purchased from power generation investment projects decreased by 11.3% and 28.0%, respectively. A breakdown of electricity consumption (88.7% of total generated and purchased electricity) indicates that the household sector used 41.3%, industry 28.5%, others 24.1%, and business 5.7%; while 0.4% was sold to the international electrical interconnection countries. (see table 50) - Cement In December 2018, cement output and total sales increased by 28.5% and 26.2%, respectively, compared with November. Meanwhile, the average consumer price declined by 0.2% in December. (see table 51) - Reinforcement Steel Compared with November 2018, total output of reinforcement steel went up in December by 8.8%; while its total sales declined by 17.0%. Meanwhile, the average consumer price went up by 0.2%. (see table 52)

Definitions and Terminology

I : Financial Sector Banking System :

It includes the CBE and the banks registered therewith.

Reserve Money (M0) :

It is composed of money in circulation outside the CBE and local currency deposits of banks therewith.

It is considered the base of money in its broader definition, and is also known as the monetary base or

high-powered money. It is used as an intermediate operational target of the monetary policy in the

management of domestic liquidity (M2). Reserve money and counterpart assets represent another

classification for the items of the CBE financial position.

Banking Survey:

Also known as the monetary survey, it represents the consolidated balance sheet of the banking

system (including the CBE) classified as domestic liquidity (the amount of money in its broader definition

(M2) on the one side, and net foreign and domestic assets (including net unclassified assets and liabilities)

on the other side. Domestic Liquidity (M2) :

It is composed of money supply (M1), and quasi-money. Money Supply (M1) :

It is composed of money in circulation outside the banking system, i.e. with the public, and non-

government demand deposits in local currency- minus the balances of purchased cheques and drafts- with

all the banking system units. Quasi-money :

It is composed of non-government time and saving deposits in local currency; non-government

foreign- currency demand deposits (minus purchased cheques and drafts); and non-government time and

saving deposits in foreign currencies, with all the banking system units. Net Foreign Assets :

This item represents banking system assets owed by non-residents, minus its liabilities thereto. The

change in this item represents net transactions of the banking system (including the CBE) with the foreign

sector in the relevant period. Domestic Credit :

It represents claims of the banking system on domestic sectors. These claims are composed of

portfolio investment and credit facilities (in local and foreign currencies) granted to these sectors by the

banking system. The government's deposits with the banking system are excluded from the banking

system claims on the government, due to the nature of these deposits which differs from that of other

sectors' deposits. Lending and Discount Rate:

It represents the interest rate on credit facilities granted by the CBE to banks whether in the form of

loans and advances or rediscounted bills held with banks according to the terms and conditions determined

by the CBE.

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Second: External Sector

- Balance of Payments Notwithstanding the outflows of foreign capital from emerging markets on the back of global market uncertainty and the adoption of a tightened monetary policy stance by some major countries, Egypt’s BoP continued to achieve an overall surplus that reached US$ 284.1 million in July/September of FY 2018/2019.

Hereunder is a review of the main developments that affected the BoP's performance in the period under review as compared with the corresponding period of the previous fiscal year: First: The current account The current account deficit stabilized at US$ 1.8 billion due to the following developments:

The services surplus surged by 50.4%, recording US$ 4.3 billion (against US$ 2.8 billion), mainly due to the

rise in the travel balance surplus to US$ 3.2 billion (against US$ 2.0 billion), and the pickup in the Suez Canal receipts by 4.3% to US$ 1.44 billion (against US$ 1.38 billion).

Net unrequited current transfers scaled up by 1.4% to US$ 5.9 billion (against US$ 5.8 billion), supported

mainly by the increase in Egyptian workers' remittances by US$ 84.7 million.

The trade deficit rose by US$ 1.0 billion, to register US$ 9.9 billion (against US$ 8.9 billion), primarily due to the increase in merchandise imports by US$ 1.9 billion. Such a deficit was curbed by a US$ 945.8 million rise in merchandise exports, as detailed below:

o Export proceeds grew by 16.2% to US$ 6.8 billion (versus US$ 5.8 billion), owing to the rise in oil exports

by 57.6% to US$ 2.8 billion (from US$ 1.8 billion). Meanwhile, non-oil export proceeds slightly went down by 2.0% to US$ 4.0 billion (from US$ 4.1 billion).

o Import payments rose by 13.1% to US$ 16.7 billion (versus US$ 14.7 billion), reflecting the increase in both oil imports by 27.1% to US$ 3.5 billion (from US$ 2.8 billion) and non-oil imports by 9.9% to US$ 13.2 billion (from US$ 12.0 billion).

Second: The capital and financial account The capital and financial account unfolded a net inflow of US$ 1.6 billion, as a result of the following developments:

FDI in Egypt recorded total inflows of US$ 2.9 billion, while total outflows posted US$ 1.8 billion.

Accordingly, net FDI in Egypt amounted to US$ 1.1 billion (inflows), primarily as a result of the net inflows of US$ 478.8 million for oil sector investments and the inflows of US$ 237.4 million for real estate investments.

Portfolio investment in Egypt registered a net outflow of US$ 3.2 billion (against a net inflow of

US$ 7.5 billion), mainly on the back of the decrease in foreigners' investments in Egyptian TBs, recording net sales of US$ 3.2 billion (against net purchases of US$ 7.4 billion).

Disbursements of medium- and long-term loans and facilities dropped to US$ 482.1 million (from

US$ 1.8 billion), while total repayments increased to US$ 679.6 million (from US$ 609.8 million), resulting in a net repayment of US$ 197.5 million (against a net disbursement of US$ 1.2 billion).

- Merchandise Transactions The volume of Egypt's foreign merchandise trade rose by US$ 2.9 billion in July/September 2018/2019 to US$ 23.5 billion (versus US$ 20.6 billion in the same period a year earlier). This came as a result of the increase in both export proceeds by US$ 945.8 million and import payments by US$ 1.9 billion. The EU countries were the main trade partner, accounting for 30.1% of the total, followed by the Arab countries (21.0%), then the non-Arab Asian countries (19.4%).

Merchandise Exports

Export proceeds increased by 16.2% to US$ 6.8 billion in the reporting period, primarily due to the rise in oil exports (41.4% of total exports) by US$ 1.0 billion to US$ 2.8 billion; and the decline in non-oil exports (58.6% of total exports) by US$ 81.7 million to only US$ 4.0 billion. At the level of merchandise classification, exports of fuel, mineral oils & products increased by US$ 1.0 billion; finished goods by US$ 95.3 million; and raw materials by US$ 44.9 million, whereas semi-finished goods retreated by US$ 232.1 million.

Merchandise Imports

Import payments rose by 13.1% to US$ 16.7 billion, driven by the increase in both non-oil imports (79.0% of total imports) by US$ 1.2 billion to US$ 13.2 billion, and oil imports (21.0% of total imports) by US$ 745.2 million to US$ 3.5 billion. At the level of merchandise classification, imports of fuel, mineral oils & products moved up by US$ 817.5 million; intermediate goods by US$ 776.0 million; consumer goods by US$ 392.8 million, and raw materials by US$ 133.1 million. Meanwhile, investment goods scaled down by US$ 121.3 million.

Geographical Distribution of Exports and Imports

As a market for Egyptian exports, the EU countries ranked first, accounting for 38.4% of total exports. The Arab countries came next with 18.8%, followed by the non-Arab Asian countries (12.9%).

Turning to imports, the EU countries were the main exporter, with a share of 26.8% of total imports. The non-Arab Asian countries ranked second with a share of 22.0%, while the Arab countries ranked third (21.9%).

-External Debt The stock of external debt recorded US$ 93.1 billion at end of September 2018, up by US$ 0.5 billion or 0.5%, compared with the end of June 2018. This was due to the rise in net disbursements of loans and facilities by US$ 0.7 billion, and the depreciation of most currencies of borrowing versus the US dollar by US$ 0.2 billion. External debt service reached US$ 2.2 billion during July/September of FY 2018/2019 (principal repayments registered US$ 1.4 billion and interest payments US$ 0.8 billion). The indicators show that the ratio of external debt/GDP reached 35.4%; still within the safe limits according to international standards.

Third: Fiscal Sector

- Consolidated Fiscal Operations of the General Government According to the actual implementation data released by the Ministry of Finance in FY 2017/2018, total revenues of the general government (the budget sector, NIB and SIFs) amounted to LE 916.0 billion, while total expenditures reached LE 1336.0 billion. Accordingly, the cash deficit registered LE 420.0 billion. The overall deficit (including the net acquisition of financial assets) reached LE 425.4 billion or 9.7% of GDP. (see table 35) - Budget Sector The said data also indicate that total revenues of the budget sector (the administrative system, local administration and service authorities) amounted to LE 805.7 billion, while total expenditures reached LE 1229.1 billion. Accordingly, the cash deficit registered LE 423.4 billion. The overall deficit (including the net acquisition of financial assets) reached LE 432.7 billion or 9.8% of GDP. (see table 35)

- Gross Domestic Public Debt

Domestic public debt totaled LE 3887.8 billion (74.0% of GDP) at end of September 2018, of which the debt of the government made up 84.8%, followed by that of public economic authorities (8.5%), and NIB (6.7%). The balance of government debt (net) totaled about LE 3298.5 billion at end of September 2018, up by LE 176.7 billion during July/September of FY 2018/2019. Debt of public economic authorities (net) reached LE 330.3 billion, up by LE 12.7 billion. NIB debt (net) registered LE 259.0 billion, up by LE 2.0 billion (this figure represents NIB debt (net) minus its intra-debt with public economic authorities, as well as its investments in government securities [bills and bonds]). (see table 36)

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Summary of Main Developments

First: Financial and Monetary Sector - Reserve Money (M0) and Counterpart Assets

During July/January of FY 2018/2019, reserve money (M0) fell by LE 55.5 billion or 7.8% to LE 660.8 billion (see table 1). This was reflected in the decline in both banks' deposits in local currency at the CBE by LE 49.5 billion or 21.2%, and the currency in circulation outside the CBE by LE 6.0 billion or 1.3%.

The retreat in reserve money was due to the fall in both the CBE's net foreign assets by LE 73.6 billion

worth and net claims on banks by LE 61.5 billion. This was mitigated by the increase in net claims on the government by LE 6.3 billion and the decline in the negative balance of net balancing items by LE 73.3 billion.

- Banking Survey: Domestic Liquidity (M2) and Counterpart Assets Domestic liquidity (M2) increased by LE 185.8 billion or 5.4% during July/January 2018/2019 to

LE 3640.1 billion at end of January 2019 (see table 2). The rise was reflected in the growth of both quasi-money by LE 173.9 billion or 6.6% and money supply (M1) by LE 11.9 billion or 1.4%.

The growth in quasi-money was ascribed to the increase in time and saving deposits in local currency by

LE 149.5 billion or 7.8% and in foreign currency deposits by LE 24.4 billion worth or 3.4%. Furthermore, the rise in money supply resulted from the increase in demand deposits in local currency by LE 6.8 billion or 1.8% and in currency in circulation outside the banking system by LE 5.1 billion or 1.2%. - Counterpart Assets

The rise in domestic liquidity during July/January 2018/2019 was an outcome of the increase in net domestic assets and the decrease in net foreign assets at the banking system, as shown below: - Net Domestic Assets

Net domestic assets at the banking system increased by LE 351.8 billion or 11.2% during July/January 2018/2019. Such an increase was due to the rise in domestic credit by LE 352.5 billion or 10.2% and the retreat in the negative balance of net balancing items by LE 0.7 billion or 0.2%.

The rise in domestic credit was due to the increase in net claims on the government by LE 278.3 billion,

alongside with claims on the household sector by LE 36.2 billion, the private business sector by LE 33.2 billion, and the public business sector by LE 4.8 billion (see table 4). - Net Foreign Assets

Net foreign assets at the banking system decreased by LE 166.0 billion worth during July/January 2018/2019. Such a decrease was an outcome of the decline in both net foreign assets at banks by LE 92.4 billion worth and net foreign assets at the CBE by LE 73.6 billion worth (see table 5).

Aggregate Financial Position of Banks (Excluding the CBE) The aggregate financial position of banks, excluding the CBE, mounted by LE 394.3 billion or 7.8% in

July/January 2018/2019, to register LE 5474.8 billion at end of January 2019. (see table 7) Banks' Credit Balances Banks’ credit balances rose by LE 190.0 billion or 11.7% in July/January 2018/2019, to stand at LE 1819.6 billion at end of January 2019. (see table 8) The relative breakdown of non-government credit balances indicates that the private business sector got 60.9% of the total in January 2019. Breaking down such balances by economic activity shows that the manufacturing sector accounted for 33.6%, followed by the services sector (28.4%), trade (10.7%), agriculture (1.4%), and the unclassified sectors, including the household (25.9%). - Monetary Policy

Decision of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) and Interest Rates

In its meeting held on Thursday, March 28, 2019, the MPC decided to keep the Central Bank of Egypt’s overnight deposit and lending rates (corridor), and the rate of the main operation unchanged at 15.75%, 16.75%, and 16.25%, respectively. The discount rate was also kept unchanged at 16.25 percent.

Four bank deposit acceptance operations (with seven-day maturity) at a fixed interest rate were conducted in February 2019. Also, four operations were conducted with longer maturity and with interest rate linked to the corridor ranging between 16.263% and 17.379%. (see table 15)

The weighted average of interest rates on interbank transactions decreased for all maturities in the reserve

computation period ending 25 February 2019, compared with that ending 11 February 2019. (see table 15 contd.) - Exchange Rates Table (16) illustrates the daily developments witnessed in February 2019 in the exchange rates of foreign currencies versus the Egyptian pound (market and interbank rates). The weighted average of the US dollar in the interbank market registered LE 17.5311 at the end of the month (against LE 17.6657 at its beginning), down by 0.8%. As for market rates, the exchange rate of the Japanese yen decreased by 1.9%; the euro by 1.2%; the Kuwaiti dinar by 0.9%; the US dollar, the Saudi riyal, and the UAE dirham by 0.8% each; and the Swiss franc by 0.5%. Meanwhile, the pound sterling increased by 0.8% and the Chinese yuan by 0.1%. Table (17) shows the developments in the exchange rates and interbank rates of foreign currencies, on a weekly basis, according to the last working day of every week. - Gross & Net International Reserves with the CBE, Official Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity NIRs decreased by US$ 0.2 billion or 0.5% during July/February 2018/2019, to register US$ 44.1 billion at end of February 2019, thereby covering 7.9 months of merchandise imports. (see table 19) Official reserve assets reached US$ 41.9 billion at end of January 2019, down by US$ 1.6 billion in July/January 2018/2019. Similarly, other foreign currency assets decreased by US$ 2.6 billion to post US$ 10.4 billion at end of January 2019. (see table 20)


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Central Bank of Egypt

33 External Debt 95-96

34 External Debt by Debtor 97-98

● Graphs 99-102

Fiscal Sector

35 Consolidated Fiscal Operations of the General Government 103-108

36 Gross Domestic Debt 109-112

37 Treasury Bills Outstanding Balances 113-114

38 Treasury Bills Outstanding Balances by Sector 113-114

● Graphs 115-116

Real Sector

39 Population, Labor Force, Employment, and Unemployment 117-118

40 Domestic Price Indicators 119-122

41 GDP at Factor Cost by Economic Activity (Constant Prices) 123-124

42 GDP at Factor Cost by Economic Activity (Current Prices) 125-126

43 GDP by Expenditure (Constant Prices) 127-128

44 GDP by Expenditure (Current Prices) 127-128

45 Implemented Investments 129-130

46 Total Domestic Production by Economic Activity (Constant Prices) 131-132

47 Total Domestic Production by Economic Activity (Current Prices) 131-132

48 Output of Main Crops 133-134

Central Bank of Egypt

49 Output of Main Industrial Products 135-136

50 Total Production & Consumption of Electricity 137-138

51 Total Production, Sales and Consumer Average Prices of Cement 137-138

52 Total Reinforcement Steel Production, Sales and Consumer Average

Prices by Main Egyptian Companies


53 Number of Tourists & Nights Spent 141-142

● Graphs 143-146

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Central Bank of Egypt


- Summary of Main Developments 153-157

- Definitions and Terminology 147-152

- Main Macroeconomic Indicators 12-21

- Tables and Graphs 22-146

Financial & Monetary Sector

1 Reserve Money and Counterpart Assets 22-23

2 Banking Survey: Domestic Liquidity and Counterpart Assets 24-25

3 Banking Survey: Deposits (Except CBE) 26-27

4 Banking Survey: Domestic Credit 28-29

5 Banking Survey: Foreign Assets & Liabilities 30-31

6 Banking Survey: Net Balancing Items 30-31

7 Aggregate Financial Position of Banks (Except CBE) 32-33

8 Bank Credit Facilities for Customers (Except CBE) 34-35

9 Bank Loans for Customers (Except CBE) 36-37

10 Discounted Bills at Banks for Customers (Except CBE) 38-39

11 Securities Portfolio at Banks (Except CBE) 40-41

12 Financial Soundness Indicators for the Banking Sector (Except CBE) 42-43

13 Banknote Issue & Currency in Circulation 44-45

14 Transactions Via RTGS and SWIFT 46-47

15 Discount and Interest Rates 48-51

16 Daily Exchange Rates for the Month under Review (in LE per Foreign

Currency Unit)


Central Bank of Egypt

17 Weekly Exchange Rates (in LE per Foreign Currency Unit) 54-55

18 Stock Market 56-59

19 Gross and Net International Reserves with the CBE 60-61

20 Official Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity 62-69

● Graphs 70-74

External Sector

21 Balance of Payments 75-78

22 Proceeds of Merchandise Exports by Degree of Processing 79-80

23 Payments for Merchandise Imports by Degree of Use 81-82

24 Exports by Geographical Distribution 83-84

25 Imports by Geographical Distribution 83-84

26 Egypt's Volume of Trade with Its Main Trade Partners 85-86

27 Free Zones Transactions with the Rest of the World 85-86

28 Main Exports by Commodity & Geographical Distribution 87-88

29 Main Imports by Commodity & Geographical Distribution 87-88

30 Main Merchandise Balances 89-90

31 Services Balances 91-92

31/1 Traffic in the Suez Canal 91-92

32 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Egypt by Country 93-94

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Periodical Publications of the Central Bank of Egypt

Periodicity Language Name of Publication

Monthly Arabic and English Monthly Statistical Bulletin -1

Quarterly Arabic and English 2- Economic Review

Every fiscal year EnglishArabic and 3- Annual Report

Quarterly English 4- External Position of the Egyptian Economy


- All publications of the Central Bank of Egypt are available on the CBE's website: www.cbe.org.eg

- In case any of the tables or data of the Monthly Bulletin are quoted elsewhere, a

reference must be made to its source "the CBE’s Monthly Statistical Bulletin" and the specific volume.

- To obtain a hard copy of any publication by mail, please write to the following

address: Economic Research Sector, the Central Bank of Egypt, 54 El Gomhoreya St. Cairo.

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Monthly Statistical Bulletin

Volume No. (264) March 2019

Economic Research Sector

Website: www.cbe.org.eg