高中基础 (2285 期 20151020) 头版 Your Hand Is a Learning Tool.

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高中基础 (2285 期 20151020) 头版 Your Hand Is a Learning Tool

Page 2: 高中基础 (2285 期 20151020) 头版 Your Hand Is a Learning Tool.

• What was your reaction to the news that students at Hengshui High School are required to write their English essays using Italic printing?

• Does your Chinese or English teacher ever have any requirements on your handwriting? If so, what are they? Do you think such requirements are reasonable? Why or why not?



Page 3: 高中基础 (2285 期 20151020) 头版 Your Hand Is a Learning Tool.

Scan the article and fill in each of the following blanks with NO MORE THAN FIVE WORDS.



1. Hengshui High School in Hebei has been criticized for _____________________________. The critics think ____________________ counts more than _____________.

2. In some places, teachers who scored the gaokao usually just look at __________________________. They are largely influenced by ____________________________.

3. Students with good handwriting are thought to be _______________________________. As a result, they are more likely to _______________.

emphasizing form over contentthe ideas in an essay

the first and last paragraphs

more intelligent and knowledgeable


its appearance

the neatness of the handwriting

get better scores

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Word bank


... and they are rigorous about it. Students there are taught to write their English essays using Italic printing. Each letter must be perfectly formed, and any mistakes are pointed out and corrected.

While While readingreading

rigorous adj. 严格的,苛刻的

Italic adj. 斜体的printing n. 印刷字体

form v. 排列成,排成point out 指出

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... but the school understands that neatness counts when writing an English essay ... Students with good handwriting are thought to be more intelligent and knowledgeable, and students with bad handwriting, perhaps unfairly, are ...


count v. 有重要性

knowledgeable adj. 知识渊博的

unfairly adv. 不公平地,不当地

While While readingreading

Word bank

neatness n. 整洁

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have to do with 与……有关系It all has to do with how our brains function. When you write with a pen, it stimulates your brain in ways

function v. 运转

While While readingreading

Word bank

stimulate v. 刺激,激励

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1. Why should I have to do all the cleaning? It’s not __________!2. The company lays great ___________ on customer care.3. He has a limited ___________ of French.4. Universities have been asked to make their courses more attractive and ___________.5. The plants were unable to withstand the ___________ of a harsh winter.

Choose an appropriate word for each sentence and fill in the blank with its proper form:




rigorous emphasize knowledgeable unfairly stimulate


While While readingreading

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Translate the following sentences into English:1. 他指出在那部电影中她的角色是多么地重要。(point out)

2. 教外语时,经验非常重要。 (count v.)

3. 那与我们讨论的东西毫不相干。 (have nothing to do)

4. 她想出了一个增加销售量的新招儿。 (come up with)

That has nothing to do with what we’re discussing.

He pointed out how important her role was to the movie.

Experience counts when you teach a foreign language.

She came up with a new idea for increasing sales.

While While readingreading

Page 9: 高中基础 (2285 期 20151020) 头版 Your Hand Is a Learning Tool.

1. Students in Hengshui High School are required to ______.

A. write English essays using Italic printing

B. write English essays with pen and paper

C. write English essays using a keyboard

D. write English essays without any mistakes




Choose the best answer:

While While readingreading

Page 10: 高中基础 (2285 期 20151020) 头版 Your Hand Is a Learning Tool.

2. What is the possible reason that teachers in Hengshui High School came up with rigorous requirements on English handwriting?A. Because they believe students can write more English words by doing so.B. Because they believe students can get better scores in the gaokao by doing so.C. Because they believe students can come up with more ideas by doing so.D. Because they believe students can become smarter by doing so.




Choose the best answer:

While While readingreading

Page 11: 高中基础 (2285 期 20151020) 头版 Your Hand Is a Learning Tool.

3. What is the main idea of the article?A. More and more students are writing using a keyboard.B. Hengshui High School is particularly rigorous about students’ handwriting.C. More students should be encouraged to write with pen and paper.D. Students who write using pen and paper are smarter than those who write using a keyboard.




Choose the best answer:

While While readingreading

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Answer the following question:

COMPREHENSIONWhile While readingreading

1. Why does the author believe having a pen in your hand can make you smarter?

Because writing with a pen can stimulate our brain. It can make us better able to think of new ideas and gather new information.

Page 13: 高中基础 (2285 期 20151020) 头版 Your Hand Is a Learning Tool.


Answer the following question:

COMPREHENSIONWhile While readingreading

2. What was the result of the experiment mentioned in the article that compared children using a keyboard with children using pen and paper?

The pen and paper group were able to write more words more quickly, and they came up with more ideas than the keyboard group.

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The result is an essay that is easy to read and beautiful to look at.

☞ 在某些情况下,不定式虽然表示被动意思,用的却是主动形式,常见的情况有:( 1 )固定句型: have/give/show sb. sth. to do 、 There +be +n.+to do 等。 e.g. He’ll show you the right path to take.

( 2 )在某些“形容词+不定式”的结构中,不定式有被动意义,并与句子的主语构成动宾关系。 e.g. The question was very difficult to answer.

( 3 )某些动词,如 to let (出租)、 to blame 、 to seek 等用主动式表被动意义。 e.g. The house is to let.


GRAMMAR TIPLanguage Language studystudy

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YOUR TURNLanguage Language studystudy

Complete the following sentences.1. 这个句子很容易翻译。It is _______________________________.

2. 我激动得连一句话也说不出。I was ______________________________.

3. 没有时间可以耽误了。There is ____________________________.

4. 请给我弄点东西读读。Please give me ______________________.

5. 这得要怪谁呢?Who is _____________________________?

an easy sentence to translate

too excited to say a word

no time to lose

something to read

to blame for this

Page 16: 高中基础 (2285 期 20151020) 头版 Your Hand Is a Learning Tool.

Do you prefer writing using a keyboard or writing with pen and paper? Why?


Question for further discussion:


After After readingreading

I prefer writing using a keyboard. I think it is more efficient. Word processors can instantly let me know if there’s any spelling or grammatical mistakes, so there could be less mistakes in my writing.

Well, I prefer writing with pen and paper. As the author mentioned in the article, writing with pen and paper can help you think of new ideas and gather new information. I can’t agree with him more.