حتى الإحتراف فيجوال بيسك 2008 (الفصل 1 إلى 6)

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Transcript of حتى الإحتراف فيجوال بيسك 2008 (الفصل 1 إلى 6)

  • 8/14/2019 ( 2008 ( 1 6



    : 2008 2008 software applications .

    2008 , , ( ,) .

    . 2008 2008 , C++ 2008 ,C# 2008 Web Developer 2008 .....

    2008 ( ) ,standard edition ,Professional Edition Team Suite (Express Edition

    ) 2005

    , 2008 . 2008

    : 2 2003 1

    (2008 ,Standard Edition Professional Edition TeamSuite(

    : GHz 1.6 MB RAM 384, 7681024, , 5400RPM / .,

    2.2: 1024 (10241280 : 2.4 GHz768 MB RAM) ) .

    2008 professional edition standard edition

    21 ,24 ,VB6

    , windows applications web application classes and customcontrols console visual tools . :

    -1 integrated development environment of Visual Studio-2 windows applications

    Development Environmentthe IntegratedExploring ,2008 Integrated(2008

    Development Environment(IDE)( , 2008 IDE) , ... ...

    , Microsoft Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment IDE . ,

    C++ ,#C :2008 -1 Start / Windows taskbar /All Programs 2008folder )Visual Studio

    ) /2008 )Microsoft Visual Studio 2008(2008 2008 ,

    -2 2008 , , Visual Basic development

    , , ( ) tool windows Start Page , )MSDN)Microsoft development net



    )integrated development environment)IDE IDE)( . IDE


    . The Start Page

    Multiple Documents Tabbed Documents view : Tools menu Options Options

    General Window Layout

  • 8/14/2019 ( 2008 ( 1 6


    Tabbed Documents OK .

    , vb2008

    , ,

    )1.1( Recent Projects

    Recent Projects link ,Open Project

    ( Open Project )CTRL+O .

  • 8/14/2019 ( 2008 ( 1 6



    : )help( )about( . 2008 2005 .

    2008 2005 ...2003 : ( ) projects or solutions

    , , 2008 VBPROJproject file.)( (solution file (.SLN , Windows Explorer 9 :

    . cala )sln.( )cala( )vbproj.( )visual basic project( .

    2008 ).VB 9( project file , ,projects , project group files (vbg.)

    ,6 single project ,solution project file(.vbproj) (solution file (.sln ( ) a

    project solution-multi , 2008 .,

    ( )Always Show Solution solutions ,IDE Tools Options

    General) ) /Projects and Solutions solution ,

    solutions ,IDE File Solution Explorer ,

    MSDN: Visual Studio )MSDN)the Microsoft Developer Network , , , .

    Getting Started ( )

  • 8/14/2019 ( 2008 ( 1 6


    al Studio HeadlinesVisu announcements

    , Tools menu Import And Export Settings location ,

    next , , 2008 , :

    General Development Settings, Visual Basic Development Settings, and Web Development Settings Visual Basic Development Settings

    Finish .

    starting anew project

    , , ( ) File menu New Project CreateProject/Solution )in the Start Page(

    , Windows Forms Applications forms((windows, Console ,text window Windows Forms

    Control Libraries , .

    )1.2( Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition

    Create Directory For Solution ( ) Location

    ( ) . Save All MenuFile , discard Visual Studio ,

    Windows Forms Application template WindowsApplication1 , Create Directory For Solution ok ( 2008

    ) .

    )1.3( 2008 , Form1 Solution Explorer IDE

    Form Designer design mode ( ) ,

    , View menu

  • 8/14/2019 ( 2008 ( 1 6


    Toolbars( submenu 28 ( )toggles toolbars ( ) ,

    )Layout and Standard) toolbars . Toolbars submenu Customize

    , , , , .

    Using the Windows Form Designer Display the Designer

    ( form ) (user interface ) :

    Solution Explorer , )view( Solution Explorer


    ( , , , ) ( ) )control( your form)(

    , )Common Controls tab( . ,

    , ,

    ., Properties window ( ( )) IDE ) Solution Explorer( , , View Properties

    Window ,F4 , PropertiesBrowser , their role Appearance header Behavior , AZ button

    , alphabetical order .

  • 8/14/2019 ( 2008 ( 1 6



    retracts to the left edge of the Designer

    ( )Toolbox window )is docked( )floating(

    )fixed, docked, floating( . ( ) Thinking About Properties:

    each user interface element ( ) , ,Properties window (

    ). , , :

    inherent characteristics brand name ( , ) terminology ( characteristics) properties ,

    , ( , , ) ., intangible ( ) , , , , ( ).

    Text (Textbox control )Located My Textbox(Control( , Text ( )the controls caption

    Text property )( BackColor , ,

    three tabs ( Custom Web )System ( ) , yellow .

  • 8/14/2019 ( 2008 ( 1 6



    font ( )+ , ellipsis button ,

    ok , Textbox )Verdana, 14 points, bold

    controls Text property , handles perimeter

    . (Label ) button CheckBox

    , TextBox AutoSize accommodate , , TextBox

    MultiLine ( )True vertically : )forms(

    bold style ,excess inherits

    , , consistent look

    )bold or italics( verdana segoe ui

    segoe handwritten graphical application color creative

    , new discipline Microsofts Expression Studio interface ,

    Expression m/expressionwww.microsoft.co , function Multiline

    False (,True ) toggles ( / ) TextBox . Multiline TextBox

    ( )FalseMultiline =( (if Multiline = True) True Text , Enter . WORDWRAP true False .

    Scroll Bar , Scrollbars arrow None, Vertical, Horizontal, and(

    Both( ( , , ) . ,Vertical , ( ,) ,

    )multiline TextBox( Dock Properties window Fill

    . F5 ,


  • 8/14/2019 ( 2008 ( 1 6


    Creating Your First VB Application ,

    , VB good ,VB new project Windows Application1 TextBox Button )form(

    )17( Font (Segoe UI, 9 pt 9, )

    Text ) your favorite programming languageEnter( AUTOSIZE

    ,)True( aligned snap lines , , event handlers ,click of a button ,the selection of a menu command ,the click of a check box . , .

    , , , underscore , ,

    Word Wrap (on ) .edit>advance>word wrap

    )18( editor :

    Private Sub Button1 Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

    End Sub [Form1.vb [Design the Form1.vb

    ( ) ( ) , (

    ) . ( ) ( ) Button1 Objects list Events list

    button Click Button control _Button1

    Click subroutine . click Button1 Button1_ Click , ,

    , 24 Button control , .events , signature ( arguments )

    VB 2008 two arguments : sender argument , e argument

  • 8/14/2019 ( 2008 ( 1 6


    , ( )EvaluateLanguage , Handles . Handles

    Button1.Click, ,Button1 , Button2 Button2.Click, , ( ,)

    . , TextBox keystrokes , (CheckBox

    ( )) ( ) , ScrollBar , ( ,)

    , , Button1 bttnEvaluate :

    Private Sub Button1_ Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

    ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles bttnEvaluate.ClickEnd Sub , , ,

    , , ( )txt, lbl, bttn , bttnEvaluatetxtLanguage

    , Button1, Button2, Button3 promote , .

    Click Button1 , Visual Basic (End SubPrivate Sub

    )Private Sub EvaluateLanguage(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

    ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.ClickDim language As Stringlanguage = TextBox1.Text

    If language = Visual Basic ThenMsgBox(We have a winner!)ElseMsgBox(language & is not a bad language.)End If End Sub

    TextBox language variable )named location( . ( ) , dim ,

    language Dim language = TextBox1.Text: ( ,) language variable

    Visual Basic OK ( )8 OK ,

    2008 , , . .very robust

    VISUAL BASIC ToUpper method String class language

    variable uppercase language .ToUpper VB ,VB 2008 , ( ) . ComboBox

    revise .Making the Application More User-Friendly

    )WindowsApplication2( , Create Directory For Solution IDE , File menu Save All Browse

    , ComboBox Button )1,9( Evaluate My Choice . text

    )1,9( ComboBox , ComboBox Items

    Collection Items ( )

  • 8/14/2019 ( 2008 ( 1 6


    )110( items ComboBox

    text box ComboBox , :

    C++C#Visual BasicJavaCobol

    ok , , , , text )select your favorite programming language(: . , F5 ,

    , tab ( spacebar ) , , ( toolbar ) debug>stop debugging .

    , , end subPrivate SubPrivate Sub Button1 Click(ByVal sender As System. Object, _

    ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.ClickDim language As Stringlanguage = ComboBox1.TextIf language = Visual Basic ThenMsgBox(We have a winner!)

    ElseMsgBox(language & is not a bad language.)End If End Sub

    ComboBox , .

    Private Sub Form1 Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

    End Sub Visual Basic .

    Private Sub Form1 Load(ByVal sender As System. Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

    ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = 2End Sub

    SelectedIndex ComboBox , , SelectedIndex Visual Basic :

    If ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = 2 ThenMsgBox(We have a winner!)

    ElseMsgBox(ComboBox1.Text & is not a bad language.)

    End If text ComboBox , , ,ComboBox interpreted ,

    ComboBox , , DisplayStyle DROPDOWN DROPDOWNLIST ,

    bulletproof robust .Understanding the IDE Components

    IDE Visual Studio 2008 , ,

    The IDE Menu , toolbars

    ( )disabled edit menu

  • 8/14/2019 ( 2008 ( 1 6


    , data menu altogether , XML xml

    File Menu

    save all ) .

    Edit Menu

    advanced IntelliSense

    > ( Advanced Submenu>Edit) Advanced

    View White Space ( )Space characters ) periods Word Wrap .

    / Comment Selection/Uncomment Selection , , .

    ( ,) ( ). ( )

    > ( IntelliSense Submenu>Edit) Edit > IntelliSense , ( ) ( ) , ( )

    , , , ( its arguments( : List Members

    )on( ( , , , ) . , TextBox1

    .TextBox1) ( )1,11( ToolTip text (=)

    "TextBox1.Text = "Your User Name: , ( )1,12

    TextBox1.TextAlign =

    . ( ) ( esc end( enter


  • 8/14/2019 ( 2008 ( 1 6



    Parameter Info

    Go To Definition InfoQuick

    IntelliSense ( ( ) (ToolTip box ) bold

    , . Complete Word

    Ctrl+ spacebar TEXTB Ctrl+ spacebar )TextBox, TextBox1(

    Insert Snippet Insert Snippet , 2008

    . > ( Outlining Submenu>Edit)

    ( ) outlining , Click , reduce

    (+) , (+) . -( ) collapse . outlining outlining

    , ) off( outlining . substantial amount :

    Outlining ExpansionToggle ( ) procedures definition ( ) .

    Toggle All Outlining ,

    . Stop Outlining

    ( / ) Start Automatic Outlining .

    Collapse To Definitions .

    View Menu IDE Toolbars menu " "

    , WindowsOutput and Command console ,Output window , VB

    Project Menu

    ( form ,file component )another project Project Properties , Add Reference and Add WebReference NET web )NET components and web components.( Build Menu

  • 8/14/2019 ( 2008 ( 1 6


    ( ) , Build ,Rebuild All ( executable ( , The Rebuild All ( )the solution . Debug Menu

    Data Menu

    , 2322 . Format Menu

    ( ) . .

    Tools Menu (Macros ) macros

    , IDE options , Choose Toolbox Items

    Toolbox Window Menu

    Hide devoted , retracted .

    .corresponding tab MenuHelp

    MSDN Toolbox Window

    applications interface retracted

    ( , )& Toolbars tabsCommon Controls and Menus)(

    Solution Explorer Window solution , hierarchical list ,

    , , , ( ) Set As Startup Project Add Item

    Exclude From Project , , delete .

    Properties Window ( Properties Browser)

    , , . relatively few , Color

    properties Color dialog box , , Collection Editor Dialog box

    ComboBox , , >View ,Properties Window properties F4 ,

    overlap ComboBox , , . Output Window

    , , , >View > Output

    . ( and Immediate WindowsCommand)

    , .breakpoint ,suspended Immediate Immediate ,

    result interrupted ? Math.Log (35)

    ? The answer is & result.ToString Debug. Write .Debug.WriteLine

    . ,

    Immediate (a time-honored practice ) VB WriteLine immediate DateDiff() function :Debug.WriteLine(DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, #3/9/2007#, #5/15/2008#))

    433 Immediate ( )DateDiff() function . Immediate , ( )

    functionality Immediate window Stop End If handler Click event , , , ,

    Immediate IDE Debug menu Windows

  • 8/14/2019 ( 2008 ( 1 6


    Margin , Debug. Start AddProj . hardly in designing or debugging applications

    Error List Window . IDE

    , MsgBox() function ()MssgBox . wiggly red line

    Name MssgBox is not declared Setting Environment Options

    Setting Environment Options . , Tools menu (Options

    ) Options )113( , , , , , )114( , Created

    check box . Temp folder run the Disk Cleanup utility(to claim more space( . VS F5

    (Before Building ) (Build And Run page ) Project And Solutions branch >File )Save All(





    Using Code Snippets

  • 8/14/2019 ( 2008 ( 1 6


    2008 , , , ( )

    edit IntelliSense

  • 8/14/2019 ( 2008 ( 1 6


    , , My , , : Play method WAV file :

    )CountDown.wav\Sounds\C:.Computer.Audio.Play(My :

    .Computer.Audio.PlaySystemSound(System.Media.SystemSounds.Exclamation)My plays back Play method WriteAllText method

    My object , , My object My :

    .ApplicationMy CommandLineArgs property My. Application

    command-line arguments

    ( ) . Info property (DirectoryPath ,) Product Name, Version .Computer My , , Computer.AudioMy.

    My.Computer.Clipboard , ,ContainsTextContainsImage,ContainsData, and ContainsAudio, GetText, GetImage, GetData, and GetAudioStream

    . PictureBox :

    If My.Computer.Clipboard.ContainsImage ThenPictureBox1.Image = My.Computer.Clipboard.GetImage

    End If If My.Computer.Clipboard.ContainsText Then

    TextBox2.Text = My.Computer.Clipboard.GetTextIf End

    My . With :

    With My.Computer.ClipboardIf .ContainsImage Then

    PictureBox1.Image = .GetImageEnd If If .ContainsText Then

    TextBox2.Text = .GetTextEnd If

    End With With With

    , With , End With Computer My. FileSystem . :

    My.Computer.FileSystem FileSystem DeleteDirectory ,DeleteFileRenameFileRenameDirectoryWriteAllText, ReadAllText, ToolTip

    CopyFile :My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(sourceFileName As String , destinationFileName As _ String ,overwrite As Boolean )

    overwrite argument , usual copy animation ,as the file is being copied /

    , ( )overloaded forms , , .

    Forms )forms( , , .

    Settings , ( an XML configuration file) xml

    Settings .User

    , )User component( CurrentPrincipal property

    ( credentials) Web Services . .

    , .Framework My , My substitute Framework , Framework ,

    , . (, )15 :My

    Dim files As ReadOnlyCollection( Of String )files = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles( "D:\Data" , True , "*.txt")

    etFilesG files collection pathnames :Data\D , , GetFiles ( )oussynchron

    )block( , 15 . my , , (

    productivity( My , . My ( ) , penalty My ( )


  • 8/14/2019 ( 2008 ( 1 6



    Variables and Data Types ( )

    , , ( ) )scope( )lifetime( ,

    ( )

    : ( )


    arrays :

    immediate window Debug.WriteLine MsgBox

    Variables Username ( ) Discount 0.35 DiscountUsername

    (( )0.35) ( ) ( ( )alphanumeric) 0.35 , (" ") , , ,

    , , 2008 , CommonLanguage Runtime (CLR) , .

    , , Dim As .Dim Amount As Decimal

    Decimal integer noninteger $24,500 button

    :Private Sub Button1_Click( ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)_ Handles Button1.Click

    Dim Amount As DecimalDim Discount As DecimalDim DiscountedAmount As DecimalAmount = 24500Discount = 0.35DiscountedAmount = Amount * (1 - Discount)MsgBox( "Your price is $" & DiscountedAmount.ToString)

    End Sub 0.35 Discount

    , )option strict is on( ,) off( treats )Double value( ( ) Double .Decimal

    Decimal type nt = 0.35DDiscou

    D , )type characters( )financial calculations(

    Discount Discount . 0.35 :

    0.35)-DiscountedAmount = 24500 * (1 Discount )program is up-to-date.Entirethe(

    ( ) Declaring Variables ,

    . , Discount

    , Discount . BASIC )intensely criticized( , , , in advance ,

    , Date . VB 2008 ,

    VB 2008 . , VB ( )

    . Dim As , :

    Dim meters As Integer StringAsgreetingsDim

    meters 3 1002 greetings , , :

    StringAs, CardNumDecimalAs, AmountInteger AsQtyDim commas

    DoubleAs, Volume, AreaInteger AsLength, Width, HeightDim Integer .Double fractional

    )floating-point values( greater accuracy . , Private, Public, and Static access modifiers


  • 8/14/2019 ( 2008 ( 1 6


    Dim )module( Count (subroutine , ) , Count

    . Naming Conventions-Variable

    ( ) : letter digits punctuation symbols underscore character 255 characters scope

    . VB 2008 case-insensitive myAge, myage, and MYAGE

    . Variable Initialization

    2008 . Integer ( ) 3,045= 3045Integer AsdistanceDim


    Dim distance As Integer distance = 3045

    , Dim quantity As Integer = 1, discount As Single = 0.25

    ( Type Inference) )trademark features of BASIC(

    , , , . 2008 ,

    , Integer : Dim count = 2999 , GetType method . TOSTRING

    property System.Int32 :Immediate windowDebug.WriteLine(count.GetType.ToString)

    count Integer type Value of type Date cannot be converted to Integer .

    subsequent inference )module(Option Infer Off

    ) off( ,)option strict( ) off( Object variable , . )option strict on( , :

    As clause Option Strict On requires all variable declarations to have an .

    Types of Variables :

    Numeric String

    Boolean Date ( Object)

    ( ) , disadvantages

    Integer variables integers . .necessary conversions

    . , . ,

    ( ) . Numeric Variables

    :o (Integers )o Decimalso ( ) Single, or floating-point numbers with limited precisiono Double ( ) floating-point numbers with extreme precision

    ( ) accurately exclusively .scientific calculations

    .whole numbers . ( ) ) trade-off( precision execution(

    ). less-precise data types are manipulated faster

    Variablesinteger , .

    , )anticipate( ,

    Long Short . MINVALUE MAXVALUE minimum maximum

    respectively represented corresponding (Short (Int16 (Integer (Int32 (Long (Int64 )reverse( . Integer

    offending wiggly .

  • 8/14/2019 ( 2008 ( 1 6


    Dim shortInt As Int16Dim Int As Int32Dim longInt As Int64

    Debug.WriteLine(Int16.MinValue)Debug.WriteLine(Int16.MaxValue)Debug.WriteLine(Int32.MinValue)Debug.WriteLine(Int32.MaxValue)Debug.WriteLine(Int64.MinValue)Debug.WriteLine(Int64.MaxValue)shortInt = Int16.MaxValue + 1

    ' ERROR, exceeds the maximum value of the Short data type( , (Int = Int16.MaxValue + 1' OK, is within the range of the Integer data type( 32 ( ( Int = Int32.MaxValue + 1

    ' ERROR, exceeds the maximum value of the Integer data type( integer , (Int = Int32.MinValue - 1

    ' ERROR, exceeds the minimum value of the Integer data type( integer , ( longInt = Int32.MaxValue + 1' OK, is within the range of the Long data type( 64) (longInt = Int64.MaxValue + 1

    ' ERROR, exceeds the range of all Integer data types ( , ( WriteLine ,

    , :in type Short Constant expression not representable) ,))short( .

    data type ( ) Byte (Byte)) byte 1 ) 0 255Signed Byte (sbyte))

    byte 1 ) 128- 127

    Short (Int16)) 16 byte 2 ) 32768- 32767Integer (Int32)) 32 byte 4 ) 2,147,483,648 2,147,483,647

    Long (Int64)) 64 byte 8 ) 9,223,372,036,854,755,808 9,223,372,036,854,755,807 )Unsigned Short (UShort)

    16 byte 2 ) 0 65,535

    Unsigned Integer (UInteger)) 32 bytes 4 ) 0 4,294,967,295

    Unsigned Long (ULong)) 64 bytes 8 ) 0 18,446,744,073,709,551,615

    Single Precision (Single)( ( bytes 4 ))

    3.402823E38 1.401298E-45 1.401298E-45 3.402823E38

    0 ( )

    Double Precision (Double) ( ( bytes 8 )

    ( ) 1.79769313486232E308 4.94065645841247E-324 4.94065645841247E-324 1.79769313486232E308

    Decimal (Decimal) ( ( bytes 16) ( 0 )28

    1: byte= (8( )bit( 8 ( )

    : -1 1 31 -2 32 127 -3 127 .

    )charactersUnicode( 2 Precision Numbers-and Double-Single

    Single Double single-precision double-precision . . .

    3 / 1 (. . .0.333333 )3 256 256MB RAM 3 ( truncated( ( ) :truncation :

    Dim a As Single , b As Double :

    a = 1 / 3Debug.WriteLine(a)


    ,decimal point Ctrl+ Break :a = a * 100000Debug.WriteLine(a)


    rounded a 100,000 0.3333334:

  • 8/14/2019 ( 2008 ( 1 6


    .(0.3333333) multiplied it by 100,000 Singlevariable , (error propagation ) . errors propagate

    )tolerate( Single )cumulative errors( ( ) .significant )double-precision numbers( .b

    :b = 1 / 3Debug.WriteLine(b)b = b * 100000Debug.WriteLine(b)



    : 0 .1 ( )convenient , ,)(on and off ,As a matter of fact (bits )zeros and ones .

    )binary numbering system( decimal system , , , whole or fractional )( ( ,

    ) decimal numbering system , ..binary system

    .illuminating example a single-precision variable b double-precisionvariable :

    Dim a As Single , b As Doublea = 0.03007b = 0.03007

    (Debug.WriteLine(a - b : 6.03199004634014E-10-

    0.000000000603199004634014 , .

    Eventually mathematical notation , . 1/3 3 ) .1(

    1/3 ,3 1/3 , 3 (1/3) ., ba Single Double , (: )

    a = 3b = 1 / aDebug.WriteLine(a * b)

    as Decimal ( )0.999999999999999999999999999 28 .

    The Decimal Data Type (integers ) 16 )bytes 16( ( ( ) ,) of 10 is scaled by a power(10

    ( scaling power) , 0 28 0 )1( (0^10 ( ) ) . ( ( )10 28 28^10

    28 ( ) 28 . (integer 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335)

    , ( ) )0( ,)0^10( 28 (7.9228162514264337593543950335 ). (

    )8 .extreme accuracy ((factor ) ,28) )(01. . .0.00( 27

    )1 . ,)you have at your disposal( .

    , ( ) integers 235.85 23585 )scale down( (100 )2^10 . ( )100 )102( ( ,) )100(

    100 , 12.4051 * 328.558: integers , . , 124051 * 328558: , ( Scientific

    view( 40,757,948,458 4,075.7948458 .,Decimal data type :

    Dim a As Decimal = 328.558DDim b As Decimal = 12.4051DDim c As Decimalc = a * bDebug.WriteLine(c.ToString)

    D converted , )fractional part( Double. ( )Strict option is on

    Decimal type D ( .).type character (truncated ) 4,075.795

    . , , ideal .financial applications .Doubles ( )

    )Type Characters(

    C char "A"c=StringAschDim

  • 8/14/2019 ( 2008 ( 1 6


    D or @ Decimal type = 12.99DDecimalAspriceDimR or # Double type = 3.14 RDoubleAspiDimI or % Integer type Dim count As Integer = 99IL or & Long type Dim distance As Long = 1999L

    S Short type Dim age As Short = 1SF or ! Single type = 74.99FSingleAsvelocityDim

    Infinity and Other Oddities Framework (NAN: ) )Infinity(, NAN , ( )confirm , . ,

    NAN , (Not a Number (NAN.((NAN). , (NAN). ,

    .. . Log() function ,

    , . , annoying , ,(throwing an exception ) ,

    . , : ,

    , 2008 ( ) (: .) TOSTRING method .Infinity: , Double variable :

    Dim dblVar As Double = 999Dim infVar As DoubleinfVar = dblVar / 0MsgBox(infVar)

    Infinity , ( ) , . make sense .

    yield non-number , :

    Dim largeVar As Double = 1.0E+299Dim smallVar As Double = 1.0E-299Dim result As Doubleresult = largeVar / smallVar MsgBox(result)

    1E299 10 299 1E-299 10 -299 10 1E299.

    , . ( ) . 0 / 0 . :

    Dim var1, var2 As DoubleDim result As Doublevar1 = 0var2 = 0result = var1 / var2MsgBox(result)

    ( ).NAN :

    Dim result As Doubleresult = result + resultresult = 10 / resultresult = result + 1.0E+299MsgBox(result)

    Testing for Infinity and NAN . NaN IsNaN IsInfinity . Integer

    .. TrueIsInfinity IsNegativeInfinity and IsPositiveInfinity. , ,

    .Dim var1, var2 As Double

    Dim result As Doublevar1 = 0var2 = 0

    result = var1 / var2If Double .IsInfinity(result) ThenIf Double .IsPositiveInfinity(result) Then

    MsgBox( "Encountered a very large number. Cant continue" )Else

    MsgBox( "Encountered a very small number. Cant continue" )

  • 8/14/2019 ( 2008 ( 1 6


    End If Else

    If Double .IsNaN(result) ThenMsgBox( "Unexpected error in calculations" )

    ElseMsgBox( "The result is : " & result.ToString)

    End If End If

    Byte Variables . ( ,)

    0 .255 image .,sound files , )charactersUnicode( 2 . :

    Dim n As Byte n , .,

    :Dim A As Byte , B As ByteA = 233B = 50

    overflow exceptionDebug.WriteLine(A + B)

    immediat windowA first chance exception of type 'System.OverflowException' occurred in WindowsApplication1.exe

    B = A + B: 283 .

    with BytesBoolean Operations overflows ,AND, OR, NOT, and XOR .

    )True or False( ( ,AND, OR, NOTand XOR( . 200199 AND 192 1100100011000111

    ( sebitwi )0=01,1=10,1=00 AND 11000000 .192 Byte data type VB 2008 (Signed Byte data type SByte)

    128 .127 bit 1 0 ( )0

    sBoolean Variable

    ( / )True/False in essence (integers ) (1 )True 0( )False , Dim failure As:

    Boolean False , Dim failure As Boolean = False :

    ments ... other state

    If failure Then MsgBox(Couldnt complete the operation) And, Or, Not, and Xor Not (toggles / ) .

    toggle(running = Not running( running True False . :Dim running As BooleanIf running = True Thenrunning = FalseElserunning = True

    If End , ( ) ReadOnly and

    Hidden ) (True( ( presumably) )If ReadOnly Or Hidden Then

    MsgBox( "Couldnt open the file" )Else{ statements to open and process file}

    If End if OR ( )parenthesized( negated Not operator If clause negation ,True

    ReadOnly )True( (Hidden )is False ( ( eFalsOr True(NotIf() ( )= :

    TrueNotIf ( )= )False(

    String Variables , StringAssomeTextDim: someText

    2 ( 2 ) :Dim aString As String

    aString = "Now is the time for all good men to come " & " to the aid of their country"aString = ""aString = "There are approximately 25,000 words in this chapter"aString = "25,000"

    , .,

  • 8/14/2019 ( 2008 ( 1 6


    Dim aNumber As Integer = 25000Dim aString As String = "25,000"

    aString ,2,5 00,0, aNumber ( ,) aString aNumber , necessary conversions Strict option ) off(


    Character Variables 2 ,)2bytes( ,)(Unsigned Short integers (UInt16(

    CChar() function CInt() function , Char .Char Aschar1, char2Dim , Aa

    Dim : char1 As Char = "a", char2 As Char = "ABC"Debug.WriteLine(char1)Debug.WriteLine(char2)

    Strict option , char1 and char2 Dim Ac=Char As, char2ac=Char Aschar1Dim:

    , ANSI) ))Americam Ntional Standard Institute( , :65

    Debug.WriteLine(Convert.ToInt32( "A"c)) 945 Unicode value ,960

    . , , . Char data type ., password

    , Dim password As String , ch As Char

    Dim i As Integer Dim valid As Boolean = FalseWhile Not valid

    password = InputBox( "Please enter your password" )For i = 0 To password.Length - 1

    ch = password.Chars(i)If Not Char .IsLetterOrDigit(ch) Then

    valid = TrueExit For

    End If NextIf valid Then

    MsgBox( "You new password will be activated immediately!" )Else

    MsgBox( "Your password must contain at least one special symbol!" )End If

    End While