课件制作 : 赵梅群 复习现在完成时态 主要时态 1.S+V/S (三单) +Vs/es 2.S+Ved...

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Transcript of 课件制作 : 赵梅群 复习现在完成时态 主要时态 1.S+V/S (三单) +Vs/es 2.S+Ved...

Page 1: 课件制作 : 赵梅群 复习现在完成时态 主要时态 1.S+V/S (三单) +Vs/es 2.S+Ved 3.S+be+Ving 4.S+will+V 5.S+have/has+Vpp plant trees I planted trees. I am planting

课件制作 : 赵梅群


Page 2: 课件制作 : 赵梅群 复习现在完成时态 主要时态 1.S+V/S (三单) +Vs/es 2.S+Ved 3.S+be+Ving 4.S+will+V 5.S+have/has+Vpp plant trees I planted trees. I am planting

主要时态1.S+V/S (三单) +Vs/es


plant trees

I planted trees. I am planting trees.I will plant trees.

I have planted trees.

I plant trees.He plants trees.

Page 3: 课件制作 : 赵梅群 复习现在完成时态 主要时态 1.S+V/S (三单) +Vs/es 2.S+Ved 3.S+be+Ving 4.S+will+V 5.S+have/has+Vpp plant trees I planted trees. I am planting



2.Vpp 的构成: (不规则)

put - beat - think - come - go -

put putbeat beaten

thought thoughtcame comewent gone

1.Jim has ________(come) back.2.Have you ________(see) the flim?3.I have _________(forget) my pen.



Page 4: 课件制作 : 赵梅群 复习现在完成时态 主要时态 1.S+V/S (三单) +Vs/es 2.S+Ved 3.S+be+Ving 4.S+will+V 5.S+have/has+Vpp plant trees I planted trees. I am planting

1.have you ________ been to Beijing? No _____.2.I have ______ finished my work.3.I have finished my work_______.4.Have you finished your work______?5.She has taught English _____ 10 years.6.He has worked in the factory ______1 year ago.

3. 关键词: just, yet; since,for;ever,never;already,beforeand so far.





Page 5: 课件制作 : 赵梅群 复习现在完成时态 主要时态 1.S+V/S (三单) +Vs/es 2.S+Ved 3.S+be+Ving 4.S+will+V 5.S+have/has+Vpp plant trees I planted trees. I am planting

1.Have you ever _____ _____ Shanghai?2.Where is Lucy? She has ____ ____ the lab.3.Lucy has been _____ China since 5 years ago.4.I have gone to Japan. ( ) 判断5.The scenery of Leye is very beautiful, I have been there twice. ( )

4.have been to 曾经去过某地(已返回) have gone to 去了某地 (没有回来) been to

gone to


Page 6: 课件制作 : 赵梅群 复习现在完成时态 主要时态 1.S+V/S (三单) +Vs/es 2.S+Ved 3.S+be+Ving 4.S+will+V 5.S+have/has+Vpp plant trees I planted trees. I am planting

1. Where is your father ? He _____ _____ _____ London.

2. How many times _____ you _____ _____ Beijing? Never.

3. I can’t find your mother. Oh, she ____ ____ ____ the cinema.4. I _____ never _____ _____ France.have been to

has gone to

have been tohas gone to

Page 7: 课件制作 : 赵梅群 复习现在完成时态 主要时态 1.S+V/S (三单) +Vs/es 2.S+Ved 3.S+be+Ving 4.S+will+V 5.S+have/has+Vpp plant trees I planted trees. I am planting

1.We have learnt English_____ 3 years. ______ 3 years ago._____ we _______(come)here



How long have you learnt English?

5. for + 一段时间 since + 过去的时间点 就画线提问用 how long



Page 8: 课件制作 : 赵梅群 复习现在完成时态 主要时态 1.S+V/S (三单) +Vs/es 2.S+Ved 3.S+be+Ving 4.S+will+V 5.S+have/has+Vpp plant trees I planted trees. I am planting

ⅱ. 瞬间动作不能于表示一段时间的短语连用,应改用持续性动词。





( )

( )( )

( )

( )

( )( )

( )

I have bought a new dictionary for a week. I have had a new dictionary for a week.我买一本新词典已有一星期了。

They have come here for two days.They have been here for two days.

他们来这儿已经两天了。He has joined the League member for two years.He has been a League member for two years.他已入团两年了。The man has been dead for several years.The man has died for several years.这个人已经死了几年了。

Page 9: 课件制作 : 赵梅群 复习现在完成时态 主要时态 1.S+V/S (三单) +Vs/es 2.S+Ved 3.S+be+Ving 4.S+will+V 5.S+have/has+Vpp plant trees I planted trees. I am planting

1.I have borrowed the book for 2 weeks. ( )2.The film has begun for 5 minutes.( )



B kept B been on

6. 常见的非延续性动词与延续性动词的转换。come/go – be in/on go out – be out leave – be away begin/start – be onbuy – have borrow – keepjoin – be a member die – be deadcatch a cold – have a cold become – befall asleep – be asleep open – be open get to know – know close-be closed

Page 10: 课件制作 : 赵梅群 复习现在完成时态 主要时态 1.S+V/S (三单) +Vs/es 2.S+Ved 3.S+be+Ving 4.S+will+V 5.S+have/has+Vpp plant trees I planted trees. I am planting

1. 这辆自行车我买了两年了。 I’ve _____ the bike _____ two years.

2. He left Nanjing two years ago. He _____ _____ _____ _____ Nanjing for two years.

3. The monkey died last month. The monkey _____ _____ _____ for a month.4. A: Hong long _____ you ____ ( ) B: Two weeks. A.did,get ill B. have,fallen ill C. were,ill D. have,been ill

had for

has been away from

has been dead


Page 11: 课件制作 : 赵梅群 复习现在完成时态 主要时态 1.S+V/S (三单) +Vs/es 2.S+Ved 3.S+be+Ving 4.S+will+V 5.S+have/has+Vpp plant trees I planted trees. I am planting

1.She isn’t here now because she ____ the zoo. A.has been to B. have gone to C. has gone to2.The Greens _____ Guilin twice. D.have gone to A.have been to B. have been in C. has been in3.Lily has made lots of friends since she ___ here. A. come B. has been C. came D. coming4.My parents ______ in Beijing since 1995. A. are living B. have lived C. lived D. will live5.His grandma ______ for 2 years.A.Was died B. has died C. was dead D. has been dead







Page 12: 课件制作 : 赵梅群 复习现在完成时态 主要时态 1.S+V/S (三单) +Vs/es 2.S+Ved 3.S+be+Ving 4.S+will+V 5.S+have/has+Vpp plant trees I planted trees. I am planting

1.--Have you ________ the bike? --Yes ,I ______ it 10 minutes ago.(mend)2.--I have ______ the film “Titanic”. --When ____ you _____ it?(see) 3.I’m sorry, I haven’t got any money.I’ve_____ (leave ) my handbag at home.4.I have _______(read) the book.5.It’s a long time since we ______ (meet) last year.6.Look! The train ______ just _____. ( come)


did seeleft



has come


Page 13: 课件制作 : 赵梅群 复习现在完成时态 主要时态 1.S+V/S (三单) +Vs/es 2.S+Ved 3.S+be+Ving 4.S+will+V 5.S+have/has+Vpp plant trees I planted trees. I am planting