zhong xing tang

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of zhong xing tang


笠创办,馆内t是每陈列中国古代传世精晶文物, 定期策划j组织专题展览,举

办文化交流讲座活动。 展出面积500平米,自2011年以来一直毅力于向中国

下一代推广中国文化。 本堂侧重开放形式, 强调入与历史的沟通,突出传统



200多件。 每件家具再配以当时的摆置形式,一个;i!i笠盒的历史场景就呈现

在眼前,行走冥中,竟有穿越古今之感。 明朝家真的典雅, i育家真的华丽,


十多$来相附近的院校合作,成功的举办过明末清初青花瓷器辰、 中国




等等Zh。ng Xing Hall is a 500-square-meter exhibit』on space for gems of China’s cultural relics. F。unded by Mr. Wang Jianjun, a ren。wned antique c。llect。r and appraiser, it is

located in Chuansha Township of Pud。ng District, Shanghai. With a mission to educate the next generati。n about tradit ional Chinese cutture, Zhong Xing Hall has h。sted vari。us special exhibitions, lectures, and events since 2011, presenting history

and culture in a welcoming, engaging, and approachable way.

Zhong Xing H创l's coll时tions include more than 200 pieces of Ming and Qing dynasty furniture made of zitan and huanghuali w。。d. Each pie。e of furniture is meticulously

presented in a vivid historical c。ntext. A walk am。ng the exhibits takes visit。rs back t。 an earlier era, where the elegance of Ming furniture and the extravagance of Qing

furniture can be best appreciated.

Working wilt、 nearby elementary and sec。ndary scho。Is, Zhong Xing Hall has h。stednumerous mini exhibitions in recent years. N。table past exhibiti。ns include “ Blue and

White Porcelain from Late Ming and Early Qing,” “Ancient Chinese Stationery," "Ming and Qing Cabinets and Chests,'’ and “P。rcelain fr。m the s。ng, Lia。, Jin, and Yuan

Dynasties.” By present ing a traditional Chinese way 。f life to the y。unger generation, these exhibiti。ns have c。ntributed t。 a greater under-standing of ancient Chinese cu性ure.

「 川 |•

中行堂办公室,中间是苏州工的八仙桌。 办

公桌是苏式影木面大画案。 背后金丝捅木书柜一

对, 柜上陈列着明清两代的小玩件。

Zhong Xing Hall’s office area features a “table of eight immortals'’ made by craftsmen from Suzhou. a Suzhou-style writing desk made from galled wood. and a pair of bookcases made from jinsi nanmu wood with trinkets from the Ming and Qing dynas­ties on display.




Ruyi made from Dahua stone with a rosewood stand

红木明式面条+巨、 王文i台书法对联


南京故宫石头花几、明代英军日 (宰徊)书法对联Flower pot on a stone pedestal from the Ming Palace in Nanjing; calligraphy couplet by Ming-dynasty chancellor Ying He in the background


Tea sets for entertaining guests or enjoying alone


Large pen stand made from huanghuali wood


Buddha statue from the Northern Qi dynasty (purchased from an auction in New York)



Carvings on furniture


Buddha statue from the Song dynasty

, 坷



Buddha statue from the Song dynasty


Exhibition area for furniture from imperial palaces



“Official’s hat chair” made from zitan wood from the Qing dynasty


Small stationery case made from zitan wood from the Qing dynasty, Qianlong period; jade inkstone: and miniature luohan bed made from huanghuali wood from the Ming dynasty

明大屏风、黄花梨小书柜、 j育刘精(宰相 ) 书法对联

Large folding screen from the Ming dynasty; small bookcase made from huanghual i wood; and calligraphy couplet by Qing-dynasty chancellor Liu Yong


Unicorn made from huangyangmu wood from the Qing dynasty (18th century)


Red carved and lacquered folding screen from the Qing dynasty, Qianlong period



lnkstone case made from zitan wood from a Qing-dynasty imperial palace (18th century)


Door drums fr。m the Qing dynasty (18th century) featuring dragon patterns


The family of Wang Jianjun, founder of Zhong Xing Hall


2011 : Founding of Zhong Xing Hall.

等非 2011军虹口实验学校参观中行堂明清吉家俱展

2011 : Students from Hongkou Experimental School visited exhibition “Furniture from the Ming and Qing Dynasties.”

非如 2012年上海师范大学附中参观中行堂明清箱匣展2012: Students from the High School Attached to Shanghai Normal University visited exhibition “Cabinets and Chests from the Ming and Qing Dynasties.”

称 2012年上海光明中学参观中行堂古代文房展

2012: Students from Shanghai Guangming High School visited exhibition “Ancient Chinese Stationery.”

称 2013军上海市八中学参观中行堂古代玉器展2013: Students from Shanghai No. 8 High School visited exhibition "Ancient Jade.”

称 2014牢上海敬业中学参观申行堂黄花梨家俱展

2014: Students from Shanghai Jingye High School visited exhibition 呐uanghuali Wood Furniture.”

非 2014牢上海闸北风范中学参观中行堂紫憧家俱震

2014: Students from Shanghai Fengfan High School visited exhibition “Zitan Wood Furniture.”

非 2015年上海卢湾中心小学参观中行堂青花瓷展

2015: Students from Shanghai Luwan Central Elementary School visited exhibition "Blue and White Porcelain。”

够 2016牢上海敬业中学参观申行堂;&上怀旧展

2016: Students from Shanghai Jingye High School visited exhibition “Shanghai Nostalgia.”
