YIN-YANG. exposed to the sun belongs to Yang unexposed to the sun belongs to Yin origin of...

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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Transcript of YIN-YANG. exposed to the sun belongs to Yang unexposed to the sun belongs to Yin origin of...


exposed to the sun belongs to Yang

unexposed to the sun belongs to Yin

origin of yin-yang


  阳  阜+日+勿

阴  阜+今+云

Yin-Yang is a summary of distribute of two opposite aspects of correlative things or phenomena in the universe.

A basic theory of opposition, dependence, wane-wax and transformation of Yin and Yang is summarized to understand and explain the existence and changes of things in the whole universe.

TCM takes water and fire as symbols of Yin and Yang.


warm and hot brightnessexcitement

flare up externalmotion



cool and coldcloudiness

inhibit flow down


there are always two opposite aspects of Yin and Yang in all things or phenomena. In nature, for example, heaven and earth, interior and exterior, motion and stillness.

⑴Yin-Yang doctrine

①Opposition and restriction between Yin and Yang

Neither of

them an exist by its own without the other. Yin must relies on Yang, and Yang on Yin, each of the two aspects presupposes the existence of the other.

②Interdependence of Yin and Yang

③Balance on wane-wax of Yin and Yang

upper limit

lower limit

normal abnormal

④Inter--transformation of Yin and Yang

Yang yin

⑤Infinite Divisibility of Yin and Yang

It is believed that the positive and the negative aspects of a thing are both opposite to and dependent on each other, or so called “oppositing and complementing to each other”, and everything in the universe is ever in motion and changeable.

⑵Application in TCM

①Organic Structure yang yin position : upper lower exterior interior front or anterior back ordorsalzang-fu : fu organs zang organsOrgansmeridians: exterior interior

②physiological function

③pathological changes

balance excessive yang excessive yin

