Yang saya hormati - statistics.gov.tl · Dalam Acara Wisuda Anak -anak Politeknik ... karena bisa...

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Transcript of Yang saya hormati - statistics.gov.tl · Dalam Acara Wisuda Anak -anak Politeknik ... karena bisa...

Edifício Aitarak Laran

Phone - +670 3339510 Fax - +670 3311348 Website - www.mof.gov.tl


Elias dos Santos Ferreira Director General of Statistics

Ministry of Finance of Republic Democratic of Timor-Leste

Dalam Acara Wisuda Anak-anak Politeknik Statistik STIS Jakarta, 8 September 2018

Yang saya hormati:

1. Kepala Badan Pusat Statistik-Republik Indonesia (Dr. Suharyanto) 2. Direktur Politeknik Statistika STIS, (Dr. Erni Astuti M.Math) 3. Para Pimpinan Tinggi Madya, yang sekaligus merupakan Anggota Dewan

Penyantun Politeknik Statistika STIS, 4. Para Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama di lingkungan Badan Pusat Statistik, 5. Pejabat Akademik di Lingkungan Politeknik Statistika STIS, Perwakilan Perguruan

Tinggi Kedinasan, Para Kepala BPS dan Ketua AIS/STIS periode sebelumnya, para Dosen beserta undangan lain,

6. Yang kami muliakan para orang tua/wali Wisudawan 7. Wisudawan-wisudawati Politik Statistik STIS, yang saya dambakan.

Puji Syukur senantiasa kita panjatkan kehadirat Allah Yang Maha Kuasa, yang telah memberikan nikmat sehat pada kita pada hari ini sehingga kita bisa menghadiri dan mengikuti acara Wisuda Putra/Putri kita mahasiswa Politeknik Statistik STIS tahun 2018.

Hari ini adalah kebanggaan tersendiri bagi saya sebagai director jenderal statistik, yang sekaligus mewakili Kementrian Keuangan Republik Demokratik Timor-Leste, karena bisa memberikan sambutan singkat pada acara graduasi wisudawan Politeknik Statistik STIS, suatu momen yang mana pasti kita semua telah menunggu. Atas nama pemerintah dan masyarakat Timor-Leste kami merasakan atmosfer kebanggaan tersendiri, dan tentunya perasaan akan kebahagiaan yang sama muncul dari wajah, dari dada, dari seluruh pancaran kata-kata, baik yang hadir sebagai wisudawan/wisudawati, maupun para orangtua/kerabat yang hadir pada pagi hari ini.





“ S e j a u m b o m c i d a d ã o , s e j a u m n o v o h é r o i p a r a a n o s s a N a ç ã o ”

Dili, September 14th 2018

No. Referencia: 023/DGE/MoF/IX/2018

HE. Sra. Sara Brites Lobo Vice Minister and Acting Minister of Finance of RDTL Subject : Travel Report of MoF delegation to assist the ceremony of graduation

of Timorese students at Politeknik Statististik STIS, Jakarta, September 8th 2018

Prepared by : Elias dos Santos Ferreira, L.Ec, MM Director General and Chief of delegation

Background of the event

The collaborative program between the Ministry of Finance of Republic Democratic Timor Leste and the Badan Pusat Statisktik Republik Indonesia, based on the memorandum of understanding signed jointly by the two government in back 2015, has provided significant results in its implementation.

This was remarkable graduation of Timor-Leste's students who received scholarships and study at the Polytechnic Statistics STIS in Jakarta. Out of the 13 people who received scholarships, 9 of them have successfully accomplished their studies during the four-year of academic calendar and were awarded bachelor of applied statistics.

The government of Timor-Leste throughout Ministry of Finance has made tremendous achievement on the issues of human resources investment. Furthermore, Ministry of Finance of Timor-Leste's, has become raw model in the investment program for the development of human resources. This indicator can be seen from the specificity cooperation program that is directed and integrated in the field of applied statistics which achieves successfully in the context country targeting.

The Objectives of Visit

The main purpose of the visit of the Central Statistics Agency and STIS Polytechnic Statistics, Jakarta-Indonesia is for several things as follows:

1. Follow up on the orders of the Vice Minister and Acting Minister of Finance, to attend the graduation ceremony for the Timorese student at Politenik Statistics STIS;



“ S e j a u m b o m c i d a d ã o , s e j a u m n o v o h é r o i p a r a a n o s s a N a ç ã o ”

2. Representing the Government and Timorese peoples in delivering the speech of Vice Minister and Acting Minister of Finance, the appreciation as a form of gratitude for the cooperation that has been made so far;

3. Representing the government in having discussing with BPS senior statistician (Dr. Suharyanto) on exploring the opportunities and forms of future cooperation

4. Representing the government to convey the message and impression to the parents / guardians of the graduating children at the graduation ceremony;

5. Representing the government in having discussing with Direktor of Politeknik Statistics STIS (Dr. Erni Astuti, M.Math) on several topics such as the new academic year enrolment, the new curriculum and the new curriculum program on bachelor of statistics sciences then exploring the opportunities and forms of future cooperation

The agenda of the visit

No Date Activities

1 07 September The delegation departure from Dili and arrived in Cenkareng, Soekarho Hatta International Airport

2 08 September The ceremony of East Times student graduation at Politik-STIS,

Delivering speech of SE. Vice Minister and Minister Interim

3 09 September The ceremony with the East Timorese students and briefing them on MoF legal frame work before their enrolment.

4 10 September The delegations have a meeting with BPS senior statistician (Dr. Hariyanto) and the Rector of Politiknik-STIS Jakarta

1. Taking on future technical support and collaboration of BPS Indonesia and General Directorate Statistics on the 2020 Timor-Leste Population and Housing Censuses.

2. Taking on future technical support on scholarship for junior statistician.

3. Taking on future technical support on scholarship for specializing magister study at Politiknik-STIS.

5 11 September The delegation departure from Jakarta to Denpasar

6 12 September The delegation departure Denpasar to Dili



“ S e j a u m b o m c i d a d ã o , s e j a u m n o v o h é r o i p a r a a n o s s a N a ç ã o ”

The Participants

Representing the government of Timor-Leste and Ministry of Finance to the ceremony is composing by:

1. Mr. Elias dos Santos Ferreira (Director General of Statistics) 2. Mr. Afonso Paixao Martins (National Director of Cartographic Statistic, DGE) 3. Ms. Antonia Suryany (Director of FU-DJSK) 4. Mr. Cesario Martins (Human Resource Unit) 5. Ms. Beatriz Pereira (DGE finance unit, funded by UNFPA) 6. Mr. Cesar Melito Martins (DGE National Adviser and Entitle for external affairs, funded


The Output of visit

As the overall, the visit of the East Timorese delegation to the BPS and the Polytechnic Statistics STIS has produced results that were very satisfying to both parties.

This was marked by several successes in the graduation ceremonies and courtesy meetings between BPS and Polytechnic Statistics with delegates representing Ministry of Finance (MoF). Moreover, it’s an exceptional moment to thanks of the present of the parents to the graduation ceremony by self-funded.

Date Activities Output

08 September

The delegations have a meeting with BPS senior statistician (Dr. Hariyanto). The meeting held earlier than the schedule due to the of BPS senior statistician have to join the meeting at parliament (DPR-MPR-RI)

1. Taking on future technical support and collaboration of BPS Indonesia and General Directorate Statistics on the 2020 Timor-Leste Population and Housing Censuses.

2. Taking on future technical support on scholarship for junior statistician.

The courtesy meeting with the BPS senior statistician (Dr. Suharyanto) and the team, taking place at office of BPS.

The topic of discussion was centered on the Memorandum of Understanding signed by two institutions. Then discuss on the time period of the MoU that is still valid, BPS is committed to continuing assist in human resource development programs in Timor-Leste, through formal education and short-term training.



“ S e j a u m b o m c i d a d ã o , s e j a u m n o v o h é r o i p a r a a n o s s a N a ç ã o ”

Date Activities Output

The graduation ceremony of Polytechnic Statistics-STIS students

The graduation process takes place on the Polytechnic statistics campus, attended by all board of directors, directors, lecturers, media, and invited guests

09 September

The ceremony with the Timorese students and briefing them on MoF legal frame work before their enrolment.

The ceremony gradation process takes place at Hotel Kaisar-Jakarta. Attended by the students graduated, parents nor relatives and the delegates.

10 September

The delegations have a meeting with the Rector of Polytechnic-STIS Jakarta (Dr. Erni Astuti, M.Math)

1. Taking on appreciation of the government to Polytechnic Statistics and talking on behalf of the students to apologies if any mistaken been made by students’ during their studies.

2. Taking on future technical support on scholarship for specializing magister study at Polytechnic-STIS.

The courtesy meeting with the BPS Director of Polytechnic Statistics STIS statistician (Dr. Erni Astuti, M.Math) and the team, taking place at office of BPS.

The topic of discussion was centered on students’ attitude and performance, skills abilities, and the new curriculum adopted at polytechnic statistics on new academic program on diploma three is one level grade under the bachelor. The director of Polytechnic recommended to the government to see the future engagements Timorese students to the program offer.



“ S e j a u m b o m c i d a d ã o , s e j a u m n o v o h é r o i p a r a a n o s s a N a ç ã o ”

The minor issues constraints

There are some of the obstacles commonly faced by East Timorese students among others;

1. Language Bahasa Indonesia (major constraints). The students has basic knowledge on applying Bahasa Indonesia during the learning process but it’s very difficult once it entering to writing in the scientist manner.

2. Skills in numeracy (Mathematics and calculus). Likewise experienced by others Indonesian student from eastern part of the province. Timorese students quite leave behind comparing to the students from Java Island, Sumatera Island and others.

The Recommendation

The results of meetings with officials of the Statistics Polytechnic produced several points that were considered important to be considered in future cooperation programs including:

1. The selection process is expected to be carried out earlier three before the learning process begins;

2. The selection process should available across the country to ensure the potential candidate able to engage as country wide;

3. It is necessary to have an Indonesian language course, recommended one to three months early before the learning process begins;

4. It is necessary to have induction course at first semester to assist candidates in the school enrolment process.



“ S e j a u m b o m c i d a d ã o , s e j a u m n o v o h é r o i p a r a a n o s s a N a ç ã o ”

The documentation of the events

Mr.Elias Ferreira and Dr. Suharyanto Signing of Students handover certificate

Polytechnic Statistics STIS-Jakarta,

September 8th 2018

Activity day one, September 8th 2018

Mr.Elias Ferreira and Dr. Suharyanto Handover the souvenir as a symbol of

gratefulness of the cooperation and delivering speech

Polytechnic Statistics STIS-Jakarta,

September 8th 2018



“ S e j a u m b o m c i d a d ã o , s e j a u m n o v o h é r o i p a r a a n o s s a N a ç ã o ”



“ S e j a u m b o m c i d a d ã o , s e j a u m n o v o h é r o i p a r a a n o s s a N a ç ã o ”

Mr. Elias Ferreira together students at graduation and with the students

on ceremony parties Politeknik Statistik and HOTEL KAISAR-

Jakarta, September 9th 2018



“ S e j a u m b o m c i d a d ã o , s e j a u m n o v o h é r o i p a r a a n o s s a N a ç ã o ”

Activity day one, September 8th 2018

Activity day two, September 9th 2018 Mr. Elias Ferreira together students and parents

On ceremony parties HOTEL KAISAR-Jakarta, September 9th


Mr.Elias Ferreira and Dr. Haryanto and BPS senior management.

Photos taken with official standing and free style of

2020censuses BPS-Jakarta, September 8th 2018



“ S e j a u m b o m c i d a d ã o , s e j a u m n o v o h é r o i p a r a a n o s s a N a ç ã o ”

Activity day three, September 10th 2018 Mr.Elias Ferreira and Dr. Erni Astuti, M.math

and Polytechnic Statistics senior management.

Photos taken with free style photos symbol of 2020 censuses Polytechnic Statistics-Jakarta, September

10th 2018



“ S e j a u m b o m c i d a d ã o , s e j a u m n o v o h é r o i p a r a a n o s s a N a ç ã o ”

Edifício Aitarak Laran

Phone - +670 3339510 Fax - +670 3311348 Website - www.mof.gov.tl

Hadirin yang kami hormati, Momen kebahagiaan yang kami turut merayakan pada hari ini, jikalau kita meninjau dari hulunya tidaklah semudah seperti apa yang kita bayangkan. Keberhasilan serta kesuksesan akan pengembangan sumber daya manusia, yang masyarakat Timor-Leste rasakan pada hari ini, bukanlah merupakan hasil karya individu atau perorangan melaingkan hasil kerja kolektif dalam nuansa partnership. Atas nama pemerintah dan masyarakat Timor-Leste, kami ingin menyampaikan rasa terima kasih yang tak terhingga kepada pimpinan BPS-RI beserta jajarannya di masa-masa kepemimpinan sebelumnya, teristimewa kapada: Bapak Dr. Rusman Heriawan, dan Bapak Dr.Suryamin, M.Sc, karena dari sanalah dilahirkan ide-ide yang kemudian dibangun menjadi sebuah konsep serta tahapan-tahapan lainnya hingga dapat dituangkan dalam proses operasionalisasinya. Rasa ucapan terima kasih yang tak terhingga juga, kami sampaikan kepada Pimpinan STIS beserta jajarannya di masa-masa sebelumnya, karena dari tangan-tangan dingin dan cekatan bapak dan ibu sekalian, serta tenaga pengajar/dosen telah melahirkan putra-putri Timor-Leste sebanyak 15 orang lulusan STIS dari jumlah 20 orang yang pada angkatan pertama, dari hasil kerjasama program pengembangan sumber daya manusia antara kedua Negara. Hari ini, dengan rasa kebanggaan yang sama kami menyambut putra-putri kami 9 orang yang berhasil menyelesaikan studi pada Politeknik Statistik STIS dari 13 orang yang terseleksi. Maka dengan rasa hormat yang mendalam, kami ingin menyampaikan rasa terima kasih kepada Pimpinan BPS-RI (Bapak Dr. Suhariyanto) beserta jajarannya atas segala dukungan akan kontinuitas program kerjasama ini. Tak terlupa, penghargaan tertinggi kami sampaikan kepada Pimpinan Politeknik Statistik STIS (Ibu Dr. Erni Tri Astuti, M.Math) beserta seluruh pejabat struktural dan Tenaga pengajar/dosen atas dedikasi dan determinasi dalam mendidik dan membina putra dan putri kami, hingga pada hari mereka dapat menyelesaikan studinya dengan sukses. Hadirin yang berbahagia, Sebelum mengakhiri, Saya ingin memberi pesan kepada putra dan putri wisudawan-wisudawati asal Timor-Leste. Adik-adik sekalian, anda semua ketika masih dalam awal-awal proses pembelajaran, dipundak anda dititpkan tanggung jawab sebagai duta negara dan keluarga. Anda semua, pada waktu itu dituntut untuk menjaga nama baik dan mengharumkan identitas negara dan kelaurga.

Edifício Aitarak Laran

Phone - +670 3339510 Fax - +670 3311348 Website - www.mof.gov.tl

Hari ini, anda merayakan keberhasilan dari jeri payah serta memtik buah dari ketekunan yang anda sekalian telah dedikasikan selama empat tahun mengikuti proses pembelajaran. Hari ini juga anda semua dinobatkan serta diberi predikat sebagai Sarjana Lulusan Statistik Terapan. Saya ingin memberi selamat untuk anda semua. Namun, hal terpenting yang anda semua harus selalu ingat; predikat baru ini bukan saja untuk dibanggakan namun lebih dari itu adalah pertanggungjawaban kepada bangsa dan negara melalui pengabdian secara totalitas. Anda akan masuk ke dunia baru. Suatu dunia di dalam mencetak dan meniti karir kedepan. Anda merupakan bagian dari suatu institusi yang memiliki tugas sangat penting, untuk mendesain, merumuskan, serta menyajikan data dan informasi secara akurat dan dapat dipercaya, memberi pandangan atau gagasan berdasarkan evidence base sehingga dapat digunakan untuk menformulasikan kebijakan yang tepat dan terarah demi kepentingan Negara. Makanya, kepada anda saya pesankan, tolong jaga nama baik institutsi dimana anda menimba ilmu (terutama Politeknik Statistik STIS). Sekarang dan kedepannya, anda diberi tanggung jawab baru sebagai duta Politeknik Statistik STIS dilingkungan dimana anda bekerja dan masyarakat luas. Anda memiliki tanggung jawab moral untuk mengharumkan nama baik institusi atau lembaga dimana anda mengeyam ilmu. Hal ini dapat anda tunjukkan melalui pengabdian serta mengaplikasikan apa yang anda pelajari, melakukan inovasi-inovasi baru lewat hasil kerja nyata. Hadirin yang kami muliakan, Mengakhiri sambutan singkat ini, injinkan atas nama pemerintah dan masyarakat Timor-Leste, sekali lagi meyampaikan rasa terima kasih kepada Pimpinan BPS (Bapak Dr.Suharyanto) beserta seluruh jajarannya serta kepada Pimpinan Politeknik Statistik STIS (Ibu Dr. Erni Astuti, M.Mth) beserta seluruh jajarannya atas segala dedikasi yang telah diberikan. Pemerintah Timor-Leste, sesuai “National Strategic Development Plan” berkomitmen untuk tetap dan terus menjalin kerjasama dengan BPS-RI dimasa mendatang, menginfestasi pada sektor pengembangan sumber daya manusia. Kerjasama antara Kementrian Keuangan Timor-Leste dengan Badan Pusat Statistik Republik Indonesia telah diadopsi sebagai raw model bagi institusi pemerintahan lainnya. Sekali lagi selamat atas capaian ini dan semoga Tuhan Yang Maha Esa memberikan seluruh perlindungan dan limpahan rahmat hidayah agar Anda semua di dalam menjalankan perjalanan hidup akan senantiasa menjadi manusia-manusia yang berguna. Sekian dan Terima Kasih