ÇàxÜÇtà|ÉÇtÄ TÑÉáàÉÄ|v hÇ|äxÜá|àç Éy ZÜtvx 9 gÜâà{

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\ÇàxÜÇtà|ÉÇtÄ TÑÉáàÉÄ|v hÇ|äxÜá|àç Éy ZÜtvx 9 gÜâà{

The Book of Matthew

Please complete the following circle the correct answer, multiple choice and fill in the blank. 1. The New Testament consists of: A. Twenty-seven books B. Four Gospels, One book of history, Fourteen Pauline Epistles, Seven General Epistles, and One Book of Prophecy C. Thirty-nine Books D. A and B only E. A, B, and C 2. Which statement(s) is (are) true about the New Testament? A. There were eight authors who wrote the New Testament B. The New Testament was written over a period of approximately sixty years C. The New Testament covers a period of approximately 100 years D. A and C only E. A, B, and C

3. The Gospel of Matthew A. Was written to the Jewish readers. B. Emphasizes Jesus Christ as the Messiah, the Savior, and King that was

predicted by the Old Testament prophets. C. Has fifty-three quotes and seventy-six other references from the Old Testament included in the pages of Matthew. D. All of the above E. A and B only 4. Which statement(s) is(are) false about Mark? A. Is one of the Synoptic Gospels B. Was written to the Romans C. Author was Mark D. B only E. All are true 5. The only Greek and Gentile writer of the New Testament was A. Matthew B. Mark C. Luke D. John

6. Which Gospel Book is not included under the term Synoptic Gospels? A. Matthew B. Mark C. Luke D. John 7. The intertestamental period covers A. The period between the end of Malachi and the beginning of the New Testament. B. Is often called the silent years C. A period of approximately 400 years. D. A, B, and C E. B and C only 8. What was happening during the “Silent Period”? A. There was no message given to any prophets. B. There was no prophet during this period. C. There were many changes in Jewish habits, religious views, and customs D. A, B, and C E. A and B only

Match the dates with the events: 9. ____ 516 B.C. A. Babylonian was first carried into captivity by Nebucchadnezzar. 10. ___ 4 B.C. B. First temple was destroyed by the Babylonians. 11. ____ 605 B.C. C. Jews completed the Second Temple. 12. ___ 586 B.C. D. The Old Testament ended. More dated and events to match: 13. ____ 63 B.C. A. Alexander the Great reigned. 14. ____ 70 A.D. B. Calendar date for birth of Jesus Christ. 15. ____ 332 B.C. C. Pompey moved into Jerusalem, the Jews came under Roman rule. 16. ___ 5 B.C. D. Destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. 17. At the close of the Old Testament which statement(s) is (are) false? A. Faithful Jews were still awaiting the Messiah. B. The dominant World Empire was Persia. C. The international language was Hebrew. D. The primary institution of the Jews was the Temple.

18. When the New Testament opens which statement(s) is(are) false? A. Rome was the sole world power. B. The international language was Greek. C. The totality of scriptures was familiar to all people. D. Temple worship was replaced with the Synagogue and the Sanhedrin Court. Choose: A-Sadducees or B- Pharisees 19._____ Denied the supernatural, angels, demons, and resurrections. 20.____ Believed the Words of God was limited to the first five Books of the Bible. 21._____ The larger of the two groups, predominantly the students and teachers of the Old Testament. 22._____ Were Christ’s bitterest enemies. 23._____ Were more concerned with appearing good than obeying God’s Word. 24.____ The more powerful political leaders, included the high priest and leading officials of the Sanhedrin Court. 25.____ Believed in bodily resurrection and eternal life.

26. The New Testament history is divided into three periods and they are: A. The life of Christ, the birth of the church, and the down pouring of the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost. B. The birth of Christ, His death, burial, and resurrection. C. The life of Christ, the beginning of the church, and the lives of Paul and John. D. The calling of the twelve disciples, the death of Christ, and writing of Revelation. 27. The first period in the life of Christ: A. Covers the first thirty years of Jesus’ life. B. It begins with the genealogy of Christ and ends with the victory in the wilderness. C. This first period is covered in detail in the Gospel of John. D. All of the above. E. A and B only. 28. Matthew’s genealogy A. Has no reference to deity, but to the humanity of the Son of God, who became Christ, the “anointed one.” B. Matthew begins by showing that Jesus was a direct descendent of Adam, the father of all Jews, fulfilling Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah’s lineage. C. Matthew, a Roman, presents Jesus’ biological descent through Mary’s bloodline, showing that Joseph was his legal biological father.

D. Matthew shows that the only living person at the time of Jesus’ birth to sit on the throne of David was Heli, Mary’s father. This proving that Jesus came through both Joseph and Mary’s bloodline. 29. There are several things unique about Matthew’s genealogy. They are: A. There are five women named Rahab, Ruth, Tamar, Bathsheba, and Mary. B. Matthew traces Jesus’ history through Joseph, Jesus’ legal father. C. Matthew organizes his genealogy into groups of three generations each to show that God had purpose in history. D. All of the above. E. A and B only. 30. Herod’s jealousy and his determination to protect his throne led him to: A. Try to destroy all male children under the age of two years. B. Caused Mary and Joseph to flee into Rome to protect Jesus’ life. They remained there until after the death of Herod. C. The announcement brought Herod’s sovereignty into question for he was in fact not a Jew but an Idumaen. D. All of the above. E. A and C only.

31. Following Jesus’ baptism, He was led into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil to prove that: A. It was under the direction of Satan and not the Holy Spirit that Jesus was led into the wilderness. B. It was God’s purpose to prove that Jesus was God and that Satan did not have the power to tempt God. C. That as a man, Jesus was tempted in all points as we, and as God, He defeated Satan with the Word, “It is written.” D. Jesus, our perfect example, defeated Satan with the oral Word, which is our chief weapon to defeat Satan. 32. In Exodus 19:6, we read, “Ye shall be unto me a kingdom of Priest and an holy nation.” This scriptural reference is explained how? A. The word of kingdom in this verse is the first scriptural reference using the word “kingdom.” B. The Jews well understood the term “kingdom of heaven.” C. Neither John nor Jesus explained or defined the phrase “kingdom of heaven.” D. When used in Exodus 19:6, kingdom was referring to the divine rule and it marked the beginning of the Theocratic Kingdom. E. All of the above. 33. The laws for the kingdom were first given when? A. Exodus 19th chapter B. Matthew chapters 5-7 C. The Ten Commandments D. A and C only E. C only

34. Every kingdom or nation must have laws and standards to govern its citizens. The kingdom of heaven is no exception. What effect did Jesus’ teaching have on the people? A. Reforms started from the inside and works out. B. The Sermon on the Mount sets the constitution of the kingdom. C. When the people heard Jesus’ teaching, they were astonished at His doctrine. D. All of the above. 35. The Beatitudes: A. Were directed to the people first, then to the whole world. B. Contrasted personal values with heart values. C. Beatitudes are basic conditions of the heart- easily understood and followed by all men. D. They contrast kingdom values with worldly values. 36. Each beatitude tells us how to be blessed. In the Sermon on the Mount- which statement is true? A. Jesus does not teach us how to be saved. B. Jesus lays down the foundational principles of life on which his kingdom rests. C. Blessed describes the character trait of kingdom bound citizens. D. B and C only. E. All of the above.

37. The Law of the Ten Commandments increases mankind’s knowledge in the following areas: A. Brought mankind into the knowledge of sin. B. Shows that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. C. The love of God showed man that where the letter of the law ended, the love of God started. D. B and C only. E. All of the above. 38. The Law of Retaliation was a well-known and accepted Old Testament principle, but Jesus came to teach a better way: A. The Law of Love was not a new concept. It was taught by the prophets of old, but was not well understood until Jesus opened our understanding. B. The Law of Love said love your enemies, bless then that curse you, and do good to them that hate you. C. The Law of Love says that publicans and kingdom bound citizens’ response must be the same. D. A and C only. E. All of the above. 39. The topic of Fasting in the Gospel of Matthew is explained how? A. Fasting is an occasion to bring the soul into subjection to the Holy Ghost. B. Generally when fasting is mentioned in the Bible it is mentioned with giving monetary gifts. C. It is a subject which we have no direct New Testament commandment. D. A and C only.

E. All of the above. 40. It was necessary for Jesus to organize His kingdom on a wider and more permanent bases. How was this accomplished? A. To his twelve disciples, Jesus promised and foretold the indwelling of His spirit. B. Jesus gave unto the twelve powers against unclean spirits, power to heal the sick and those with all manner of diseases. C. Jesus called and commissioned the seventy. D. A and B only. E. All of the above. 41. A Parable is defined as: A. An illustration that contains a heavenly story to explain an earthly meaning. B. Stories or illustrations spoken on languages and figures of that day. C. Parables are stories that Jesus used to teach the multitudes the secrets of the kingdom of heaven. D. A parable never rebukes and the stories could be false to hide the fuller meaning of that Jesus was trying to explain to his disciples. 42. Which statement(s) is(are) true about leaven? A. Leaven in the Old Testament speaks of evil and sin. B. Leaven or cakes with yeast were strictly forbidden except for use with the thanksgiving offering. C. The use of leaven in the New Testament is not explained.

D. A and C only. E. All of the above. 43. When the Pharisee requested a sign to prove that Jesus was the Messiah, Jesus’ response was one of rebuke. Why? A. Christ had yet to fulfill Old Testament prophecies that attributed to His being the Messiah and He did not want to open their understanding at this time. B. The Church had not yet been established and Peter was given the key to open the door of the Church to the Pharisees. C. The Jews had the law and the writings of the prophets, so they should have been able to recognize Jesus in their midst. D. Jesus was still instructing his disciples, by example, how to deal with the ungodly on their day. 44. When Jesus predicted his death, he predicted four things. What were they? A. He was called out Egypt, that He would suffer many thing at the hands of the people, he would be killed, and He would rise on the third day. B. His birth was pre-ordained by God, the Jews and scribes knew who He was, the scribes would kill Him, and on the third day He would rise. C. He must go to Jerusalem, He would suffer many things at the hands of the elders and scribes, he would be killed, and on the third day He would rise again. D. He would be crucified on a across as a curse for us, He would be forsaken by the Father, on the third day He would rise again, and finally, after His ascension, He would send back the Holy Spirit. 45. During the transfiguration:

A. Moses represents the law, Elijah represents the prophets. Christ is shown in full glory, seen by His disciples in His resurrected body. B. The transfiguration scene is symbolic of the kingdom when it is set up in the Second Advent. C. Moses glorified, represents the redeemed who have passed through death into the kingdom. Elijah glorified, represents the redeemed who have entered the kingdom translated. Peter, James, and John, not glorified, represents Israel in the flesh in the future kingdom. D. A and C only. E. All of the above. 46. When we teach on forgiveness, we must remember that: A. Only when we forgive can we be forgiven. B. We should forgive our brothers four hundred forty-nine times in a day if they ask for forgiveness. C. Forgiveness occurs naturally if we ask God for a right heart and the spirit of forgiveness. D. Only God can forgive. 47. The last three months of Jesus’ life is known as: A. A period of persecution. B. The Perean period. C. A period of great miracles where the crowds and Pharisees accepted Jesus’ miracles and teachings gladly. D. A and B only.

E. B and C only. 48. Christ taught on marriage and divorce, He qualified His teaching by saying, “But I say unto you…” A. From the beginning God made provisions for divorce, separation, and annulment. B. Jesus taught that no married man could cut his body asunder and live. He used this saying to express how strong He considered the union of marriage. C. Jesus used New Testament principles to teach on marriage and divorce. D. The better way which Jesus taught, was to divorce for fornication or adultery only. 49. What was God’s plan of Salvation from the beginning? A. From the beginning the Gentiles would be grafted into the Family of God. B. The plan of salvation is not about awards, but works and merit- God said to work out your soul salvation with fear and trembling. C. God’s plan from the beginning was that the Jews would be first in His kingdom, but after the Jews rejected Christ, he turned to the Gentiles. D. From the beginning, the plan of salvation demonstrated that the willingness to do service and draw others into the kingdom of God is more respected than duration of service. 50. The parable of the fig tree speaks of many spiritual truths, some concerning the nation of Israel. What are the spiritual truths dealt with in this parable? A. The fig tree was “full of leaves”- which meant that the nation of Israel was spiritual and full of all good works. B. After Jesus prayed the “tree withered away”- which meant that the Nation of Israel would soon wither away.

C. This parable is representative of the state of the hypocrite in general. D. B and C only. E. None of the above. 51. What is the grand secret of true obedience to God? A. Prayer B. Fasting C. Love D. Giving 52. What was the sin of the Pharisees? A. Idolatry B. Ignorance of the Law C. Hatred for the Gentiles D. Pride 53. Christ leveled eight woes against the Pharisees. Which is NOT one of them? A. They stole from the widows. B. They did not pay for their tithes and offerings. C. They were blind to the wickedness in their own hearts. D. They pretended a love for the memory of the prophets of old.

54. Why was Jerusalem charged with the killing of the prophets? A. Because Jerusalem was the capital. B. Because the Sanhedrin Court was located in Jerusalem. C. Because the Temple was located in Jerusalem. D. Jerusalem was not charged with the killing of the prophets. 55. Matthew chapters 24 and 25 are called the great “Eschatological Discourse because? A. It deals with the study of the doctrine of Salvation as affected by Christ. B. It deals with the study of the nature and origin of the church. C. It deals with the study of the final events or last days. D. It deals with the study of Christian doctrine. Definitions- “logy” means the study of Which topics are we studying below? 56.____ Archaeology A. The study of the nature and origin of the church. 57._____ Soteriology B. The Christian doctrine or study of the Holy Spirit. 58. ____ Homiletics C. The doctrine of Salvation as affected by Christ. 59.____ Pneumatology D. Systematic study of material evidence, such as graves, buildings, or remains from past lives. 60._____ Ecclesiology E. The art of preaching.

61. The last week of Christ’s life is often referred to as? A. Week of Testing B. Passion Week C. Feast of the Passover D. Week of Fasting 62. Judas plotted to betray Jesus. Which of the following statement(s) is(are) true? A. T he chief priest came to Judas and offered him thirty pieces of silver to betray Jesus. B. Thirty pieces of silver in those days was the cost of a slave. C. Matthew and John records the exact amount for which Jesus was betrayed. D. A and B only. E. All of the above. Jesus ate the traditional Passover meal with His disciples in the Upper room. Answer either True or False to the following questions about the Passover. T- True or F-False 63._____The Passover was one meal. 64.____ The Feast of Unleavened Bread lasted one week. 65.____ The Passover was celebrated in remembrance of the Egyptians destroyed in the Red Sea. 66.____ During the Feast of Unleavened Bread, yeast was used in the bread to make it rise.

67._____ The departure of Judas from the Passover Feast is included in Matthew’s account of this event. 68._____ The bread symbolized the sinless body of Jesus. 69._____ The broken bread symbolized the sinful body of Jesus on the cross as broken as sin for us. 70._____ The wine represented the shedding of blood for remission of sins. 71._____ Every Passover meal was celebrated with a Passover Lamb. 72.____ The shedding of Christ’s blood was the seal upon which the Old Covenant rest. 73._____ This memorial supper will continue until the slain, resurrected Christ returns in glory to establish His visible kingdom on earth. 74. “Cyrenian, Simon by name: Him they compelled to bear Jesus’ cross,” Matthew 27:32-34. Which of the following statement(s) is(are) true? A. Blacks were present in Jerusalem from the beginning and were a substantial part of the Christianity movement. B. Simon was a black man who carried Jesus’ cross. He was from North Africa. C. There were thousands of black Jews visiting Jerusalem for the Passover. D. A and B only E. All of the above 75. Crucifixion was recognized as being cruel and perverse even by the pagan world. Despite its horror: A. The cross, after Christ’s resurrection, now signifies atonement, unity of Jew and Gentile.

B. The cross became a curse for us, because of the cross the Nation of Israel rejected Jesus. C. The primary purpose of Christ’s death upon the cross was to reveal His true identity to His chosen people-the Jews. D. The cross even despite being cruel was considered an honorable death by the Romans. 76. Joseph of Arimathea asked for the body of Jesus and buried Jesus’ body in a freshly dug man made cave. Which statements are true about Joseph of Arimathea? A. He was a religious leader and a honored member of the Sanhedrin Court. B. The disciples, which had previously fled, returned and helped Joseph of Arimathea prepare Jesus’ body for burial. C. Joseph of Arimathea was a known follower of Jesus and spoke out against the religious leaders who opposed Jesus. D. He was one of the guards that repented after the crucifixion of Jesus. 77. A strange darkness appeared at the death of Jesus while he was on the cross. A. This darkness which lasted for twelve hours represented both a physical and spiritual darkness. B. The darkness that appeared was only in Jerusalem. C. At about the ninth hour, Jesus spoke in Greek, saying, “My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me?” D. During the darkness that appeared, the sins of the entire world were placed on Jesus under the cloak of darkness.

78. “And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom.” A. The tearing of the veil of the temple refers to the curtain which separated the Outer Court from the Most Holy Place. B. The curtain barred the way of the people from the presence of God. C. The tearing of the veil was symbolic of an open access that all men have to God through the death of Jesus. D. The Law allowed the entrance of the priests on the day of Pentecost to come into the presence of God. 79. After the renting or tearing of the veil of the temple, A. The priesthood played a greater role than before, with an increase in ceremonial laws and increased feasts and fast days. B. No longer were blood sacrifices or the priesthood needed. C. The Temple became the central focus of worship. D. The tearing of the veil was only symbolic. There was no real tearing of the veil. The fact that Christ rose from the dead is one truth that lies at the very foundation of Christianity. Which statements about His resurrection is correct? Answer T- True or F- False for the following questions. 80._____We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Christ rose from the dead. 81.____ The early disciples considered the resurrection of Christ convincing evidence that He was all He claimed to be. 82.____ Christ rose from the grave to fulfill the plan of God in His life, death, and resurrection.

83.____ The death and resurrection of Christ was anticipated by Old Testament prophecies. 84._____ Jewish leaders in Christ’s days accepted Jesus’ death by crucifixion as fulfilling Old Testament prophecies. 85.____ Only in His resurrected body can Jesus fulfill the promises God made to David. 86. The last time that the Jews saw Jesus was in the Gospel of Matthew when A. Jesus ascended on high. B. Jesus was still on earth. C. Jesus was on Mt. Of Olives. D. Jesus was in Galilee. E. B and C only. 87. The first period of Jesus’ life is characterized by these events: A. Covers the first thirty years of Jesus’ life. This is also known as the period of preparation and is covered mostly in the Gospel of Matthew. B. Covers the first thirty years of Jesus’ life. It begins with the genealogy of Christ and ends with His ascension. C. This first period includes His birth, flight, return to Egypt, baptism, and temptation. D. Covers from birth to age thirty-four, also known as the period of the family.

Definitions- match terms with definitions. 88.____ Golgotha A. Originally meant sent out 89.____ Canon B. This is the type of Jewish literature which makes use of symbolic imagery. 90._____ Mystery C. Aramaic word for “skull” 91._____ Apostle D. Is something not yet revealed 92.____ Apocalyptic E. Collection of writings that the Church acknowledges as the authoritative Word of God. More Definitions and Terms: 93._____ Pharisee A. Working class tried to preserve traditional Jewish practices. 94.____ Samaritans B. Gentiles who converted to Judaism for the sake of Christ. 95._____ Synoptic C. Were half Jew and half Gentile 96.____ Proselytes D. The wealthy upper class of Jews 97.____ Sadducees E. Come from Greek word meaning “similar”

Parable of Jesus- Match the Parable to Truth illustrated: 98._____ Sower and the Seed A. Until the Lord returns good and evil will be allowed to grow together. Christ will separate them with His return. 99.____ Tares B. There are four types of soil. 100.____ Mustard Seed C. Though small, the Kingdom will large at the end.