W^lY D PI^.SS NEWBPAPER II I ^ t S ^ib ib 4 X i N jV L L S...

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Transcript of W^lY D PI^.SS NEWBPAPER II I ^ t S ^ib ib 4 X i N jV L L S...

I ^ t S ^ i b i b

- V O I r l l - N O r l f t - - - - “


C abinet O fficer Rolls Up O ver-

■ w helm ing L e a d In P rg fe rcn -

t ia l V o te : S m ith R om ps A w ay

W ith H onors Amonff B ourbons

..<ByJTheJiasflclatedJ»r«iM)______;' COLUMBUS, Ohio. AprtJ 2 5 -H e r- ^

- m f tr r -^ ih -M -o f-O W rt-< !e le g a te s - to Uio Kan»M CHy convention. He also | rolled up an overwhelming' lead yet* ’

In the DccnocrBtJo primnry, which 11 waa raiher tame because contests were 01 locking, O ovem or Sm ith, New York. romped away w llh honors In th e pref* crentlal count. T he sta te 's delegation' . ot 48. however, w llh th e exception of one- anll-organluttlon member com* m l t t ^ to SmIUt wUl line up fo r Por> m er Senator Atlee Pom ertno on the Ural ballot a t H 6uston. Belated prl- - m ary returns, nearly complele tonight. Ti showed th a t th e commerce secretary > had o p tu red a ll seven Republican delcgatesiat-largo and 24-others Irom .13 polSulous d istricts in the sta le . The best the WUUs slnte could do was to win 30 convention scats by carrying

.10 districts. • J' Action N ol'F orem en • (lp\

W here ihe strength of t h e ' anU- dri Hoover delegates will be throw n n t tod Kansas City rem ains to be s e e n . ' O r- aui Iglnally pledged to Senator P rank B. hoi Wlllls. who died while csmpalgnlnR grd lo r the presidential nomination, they qq. arc nov virtua lly unlnstructed. «

As for resullA yesterday, 6081 pre- ■.-CteCt. ou t of

^ l^ [ ^ * C o lu n i i i i iT he iMine of Dawes w u w rl ttw In . ‘1

by 3U1 RtpubUeans and th a t oT Low* p«{ d e n -« b y ’a » i . ' the

T ^e Democratic -preferential count. Un a ll n sa es '-) ia v ln g been w ritten lo, fwi gave Sm ith, In 6503 p r ^ t s . n S M r jin Pomerene 0SB8; .O orem or Donaliey n a t m i Reed 433: W alsh, M ontana. IS l; t and MoAdoo ST. , .j ^ d ^ » D s h y B U | to. lou

su it In Oblo 6 u . •»not b ln d ln g o n ^ W ^ lM . , ,

s n iin iiE i FiwEmpyiii"

bar--------- - Ind

D em ocra ts H old ing O ut fo r

H u g e R eduction P ro g ra m ; S

R e p u b llc a n s--A re -C o n fid e n t.beic

................ ................... wajWABHINOTON, AprU 35 C « - 8 e n -

ate democrats fram ed a t3254XIO.OOO n

ritomorrow when l t deddes 'on thB 'ra le '•schedules of the >380.000.000 hill'm um. ___ed ay the ho u se / ___

Holding a m ajority of 11 to 8, however. Republicans were 'confident or voting Uiroogh ih e lr p la n 'f o r a cu t of ODly->ai0;000;000. irtild i liiuir — closely app ro x lm tes tb e to ta l re> W fquested by the adm inistration.__________

Cnia CorpotalloD T ax fT he DemocraUc program, whleh I

_waa.worked.DUt.at.&.meetlng.oI-Dem- ocraUo members o f the finance com* . ' m lttee under Uie leadership o t Sena- - tor Simmons, N orth Carolina, calls for a reduction In y te eorporaUon ^ tax of from 13'.4 per cent to U H per ^ cent and a reduction o f - I h e - i n t o - - ^ .mobile tax; repeal of a ll admission 11“ levies except p fU e-flgh l UckeU: re - S.® vision of the I n te r m e ^ te surtai^ r ” rates; and retenUon of tHe noCfc’prfr- , vision for a graduated scale o t rate*J ” ,‘neomes tinder

T he main po in t of difference be- iJJ* tween Uie RepubU cafTInd D em ocrit- S L lo^Plon lies In th e eorporaUon tax. 2 ? w lM iO ,. itopiiMlcuii wSuld .cut out;■ p«r M luitiiM m a. r a i , K-

lot •OMOmO O I-U»-<ll«o. ,• encB M a m t l a t»o m c o u l ,.

m e uterm edla te n r t a x r a t u r*


ta w M e the D em ooaU -w euU -TrtD e - f -

n u n » r Ughl ^ i o , . b v >t tr .o n U » -(» n » < .l lo o - tm -« > ^ „ - UM

T W O SHARP, E A R T H Q U A k fe ; S ■ S H A K E J ^ J N I M A I ^

_flDMTORO, lU lm . April S .1T w o 'ib a ip earthquake shocks o o ^ S T ^ low lnt Uie oUier,w ltbln a ;t«w .ae6oa£ 'U oe,. shook Rumfortl a t e ;9 7 lo S iu i l t t^ ito e t ^ . leW ed w cO o u 0 ? % g i s j TUlagavrealde&ts -ru ib ed - l M r a - i b £ homes Into Uie s t m t s and n p tlM q rs 0* W r t e d th a t .g o o d s .s in w d on t t e O tm att wu^ ^ ^

4 X

a c c o m m o d a t i o n s . a b o a r d 'D '

D IR IG IB L E O If T R I P O V E R 0 O CE A N W IL L C O S T ; $ 5 0 0 0 , '

. NSW Y O BA April. JS O P |-A t. '

. ■ T-;mer will cost p a s s m e n t t l e u t

“ KJWJ a head, Uonunander C. DeH:---------nls Bumey, managing director of Uie Airship G uarantee company, Sfi said tonight. .

Spesklng a t a dinner of Worces­te r' polytechnic. Institute alumni., \ he said hta'company, which p la n s, to operate the R>100'on a kegular ( transaU w tlc passenger ' iervlce, hopes eventually to reduce Uie Ur.«Iff to >1000 or >500 per passenger.T h e -8 iv in g - in fuel and malnte.f ^

- i f d . to .p la e e th fl„ d lrig lW e .se n lc r* 51? on a par wiUi steam ship servlco In cost of operation. *

lo i i i r iDIESJKCIDEVTi

___ .. o u t■■ ■ ' tem

Fran k L o ck h a rt C a tap u ited to

■ D eath W hile S peed in g 200

' M ile s 'a n H our a t . D ay to n a . Sf^_____ - tlon“ “ be c

DAYTONA BEACH; Pla.. April 38 he ( /P )-P rank Lockhart, yrtiUtful racing upoi driver, w u caUpulled to h is , death ..Ui today when a tire blew ou t whUe hU Uie automobUe w u speeding 300 miles an ator hour In an a ttem pt to se t a new rec- the ord for land iravel over the sands of dlsp D aytina Beach. . a n d- T h s accident, o c c u rre d -u L ockhart * approached Uie grandstand. H ls 'S tu u Cc Blackhawk special swerved back and t«rd forth, rolled ou t of control 890 feet ahdJ*®2 le ft~U ie '^ 'uT id ..

. C a r Barttes O tcrhead notTwo pbotograpbers ,a n d a news- ^hli

paperman n a ^ l i udm ti Injury u > s l e the ear hurtled o m ^ e i r heads to and land again and bom ce sideways sso dUp feet before taking a oethe r 900 foot Uie Jump and hurting Lookart to Uie Star sands.

Pitched from Uis drtvnr^ seat. Lock-

and breaUilng heavily. H e died M o re dues a hospital WM r e s c ^ i |

R id g e s ^ the b e |^ wore blamed.In pa rt for Uie d lsu ter. T he beach w u Sotii lald to have been In Uie worst condl* him Uon of Uie p u t week wlUi parallel time r i ^ U fi by adverse wlnds_ dondl- Af

Wife W llaenes DeaUi n u t Mrs. Lockhart ‘ witnessed "her h u s i beca

l»nd's deaUL The LocUjarts Uved In nrafi bidlanapoUs. They, hkd no children.. Mmi

L o c U ^ who w u said to have held Sens 111 Uie -American records from 1 to <hat too miles on circular ^ r s e s , had hU next w ar t se t on winning U » world n lark scop ;or th,e_m lle_stralgfiU w »y.-H e.lad_a ta n . neleorlc roco rt.on Uie racing tracks. . Th

untaow n unUl he w oh.the speed* only n ty races a t Indianapolis In i m . . ' Iats

G[||lflE,.6ljllil0~.TI100P,i l t R W l f t j

D e p a f t m e n t 'O n l e r i i ' t r a n s - ■ i

l e T b r f r o o T C j 11 e r i T C a v a P

^ r y ; B o l s 6 - L o s e s ^ T w o ' U n i t s ;• • went

B018B .'A prtl 39 O R - T W « e .of lYoop C, llBUi OavaiiT of. th e Idaho laVonal .Ouanl from O race 14 N a m i^ t l u been ordered by Uie w ar d e ^ r t* tbdaj nent, and Sblsc may lose two^of Ita tki hree un lti of Uie guard. Oolonel M.J. McOonnel, adjutant general, ah* lOunced today. . . «Tbe transfer, of Uie O race-im lt w u w

m eted because Uie u n it. feU below i : h e standard of efficiency established ly Uie war.,deparUnent, while cocre* * 1 " . pondence h u been started w im U u rar departm ent by Oolonel M cConait S f i r vlUi a view' to removal o t hetdquar*

(O ontlm ed on Page T w o)' huipg

B a ^ i t a M u r d e r 5 0 0 \

a n d C h i l d r e n i n V i

• (By TJie. Associated P r e u ) , '• provli The continued drhre of Uw SouUi*

n r tM W lh Ch u g r-wiu r u i r c a p lu r e t . T sinan: refugee accounts from Unkow o t Uie slaughter by bandits nt 000-meo-and ..women a ivi children, a t ^ Ungmen, a m lsslm staUon: tbe kill* m i ac o r aa-A m erleth . superintendent nf «i>h

w d It ij ewttoe-df-Tslnan.- ucal.' I g th e tofoes un-


W ^ l Y associated ,

i N- T W I N P A L L S , I D A H O .

I'SIDI OIL 11■ im ittB ir

S e n a t ^ l l l B e A sked to C er-

f i f y .P a r l s o f R obert vif. S te ­

w a r t ’s Je s tim d n y to P ro s e ­

c u to r (o r P e r ju ry C om pla in t.

- <0y The AssoeUted Press) WABHINOTON. April 29—Robert W. I

S t e i ^ . c iw irm a n ^ T R r b o a r tr o ir i f e ; f l ta n d a rd ~ 0 1 l~ ''^ p a h y of Ind iana . 1 may llnd . hlmsett in more dlftleultlni u a resu lt o t his tesUmony betore Uir irba le T eapof Doine commUlc«~dQrni7 “ his Uiree sippearances In February aiul April.

Members o t the committee a t ' lo^ formal conferences today, practically agreed to ask Uie senate tomorrow t i W ctrUfy certain portions of his testi* m b n ju o the d istric t Bttomey of *.he D U trla of Columbia for study to d c termlne whether charges of perjury should be ' made.

Would Dismiss W arrant , At Uie same Ume Uie committee will recommend Uiat Uie w arrant on which filewart w u arrested on f ib m a ry 3 after his refusal to .answ ei. two ques* tlons propounded by Uie committee. • be dismissed-In view of Uie fac t th a t hu made answer to th o se 'q u t ttlo n s upon hto Uilrd appearanct Yesterday. ..Upon his tlrs t appearantes- before ...

Uie committee. S tew art told th e sen* ators Uiat he had no khowledge s » to the Continental Trading eompany'.<i dlsposlUoQ.of any Liberty bond prontii and also th a i he had no knowledge u to who received such bonds. - -

Confronted wllh thto te stim ony yei* • te rday rH he-O h teago -o ll-ope ra to r-re - —

ihtt,iJheL,dld.D0t.h a rc Ju iO K t; _ edge o F t h e Coiittncmars-dtoposlUon ». ut UIB Bonoi. txt>ltlnlng th a t-h e c6Uld f nol know the source of - th e bonds T Which were deUvered»tirhlm by H . 3 . *« O sier,'p residen t o t th e ConUneUial, and which he pul into tru st to r fut'.ire dUposlUon, ma'de l u l Saturday by Uie board of directors oLU ie Indiana Standard.

Explains AeUon .. A* to hU denial of know le^e os lo l'l w l» received Uie -boodt *he Insisted thU'. whens he m e d * .ttil . t* d e x a U e n he did so In the tU lI'M llef th a t the quesUon rtfferred 'to Uie bonds 'B arry P. B lh d itr turned over lo A lbert B. Poll after the Teapot Dome lease, ns Senator W alsh had been quesUonlng , Ilim about Uiose bonds only a short time belorc. “-,A»er_dtop(Oslng,of BtewarTs case, th e fn

senate Investigators will consider thd n r next steps In Uie Inquiry Into w hat ^ became of Uie >3,080J»0 Liberty bond u i profits of .Uie ConUnental Trading- bri cempany. BoUi Chairman Nye in d i Senator Watob expressed. Uie opinion th a t the Imjuliy might be ended a fte r to liext T )ie^ay ; depending upon th e ^ scope o ; Uw tesUmony which Sinclair uiitan,glve,at Uiat-time._________

The coQiffllttee bas to locote now tn pn ly-about-a-quarter'o t a m llllon.dol- ow tars of the profits, which tt assumed Isli went to Sinclair, but It wlU make th< ■ome fu rther inquiries u to Uie use of thiIhg GonHni-nt«l hnnrfi ■< fftnfiHhw. pitUons.U).t)ollUcal.partles-or-lndlvldual — candidates. T hat phase of Uie m a tte r : Bisy oariy—the - ln quUy uvei beyuud jm next-wedc.----------------- ----- - -....... .........Uii

F iiim iB I ^ m iiB is i i in j■ •. • _ _ _ ___ hoiT O IS E ,-A pril M (/p)-;Parra work

« w t , rapidly ahead during th e t u t Uie »«ek despite occasional rdlns an^ ionsldenble . cold weather, o report f l if. Uie Bolw weaUier bureau said l i *tUy. • U

T he report said ranges and pastures I )ave .been .iw un le rf by Uio weaUier I u u feed Is n tther short, though" some 1 *tU e and sheen have w e n tu rA ^

. ^ p e i ^ t u r e s were'generally nonnal r ltb some (rests, none of these dam - r S ifiag fnU t lo - a a y extent. .N orU i , 4 ^ r e w ^ ' w heat growing weU I r b ^ easiem Idaho reported beeU

w o ^ e n , ; W o m e n I t e

V U ta^ e i r i . C h in a g

l I ^ a , rtB-e r te n .a n d ; • jw asan t om nlsaU on. P

a p -i gov

t d r o a h d t h i .n assae re r------- m aT en satU tm u a o d io t N orthem en'w bo

rere d r iw a fonIbtQk. along th e roads. f»«

'1th b rfg to d A n .'rp ttp to t. ' . ‘f i .D t^ W tU a ^K -a tm e ttrrflu g e rtiR iiia i n t o fi.tbe 'P ie idS S ^ iin boa rt^ b t for-

s r s j ’s » ® s s s s s s s iovcnm cnt e< t t y q s ^ JB i i i^ i% |-r.. yot



P A Y E nE .-P L A N S FO R--------Q


|T2 Tuesday when 'groirtK nt thl.s jiis:?- — i s j -Uon-tatliei tiere (ui'Uu.‘ Cclrur^uan

I of the annuil blossom festival.. 1 Hundreds of acrci ol pi;a:ti,'ujirl*

r* Nil. and cherry orchardf! >1)] i>r in yn full .bloom. ,Uie applv nrclmrds,

e* however, being soWewiia.t late. •** \ The southern part ol ihc-stall

B. annually ships 7500 carloads u( ap* , ® plea, 3000 carloads ol \xxmr % tmi : ,} from 100 lo 300 carload.^ ot iK uchr.i, ;

cherries and apricots. '

tou0, ------ - T

U M ore o f G em S ta te ’s P rpducls S j

w ■ U nloaded InT lh lo Than Any-

'y w h e re Else. In Union in 1 9 2 7 . do'^• ; mlt

lU • BOISE. April 25 OPi-Morc of cop:Idaho's produce. 1 unloaded lii port

^ Ohio than In aay oihtr lUiie In inte’* the union. It w u shown In a re* vlsL*: • port released today by tlw w*ho T\\i“ Stale Chamber of'Commerce. • posi“ The report, compiled to m«t aii 9101

answer lo the question: “Where mer^ - are. Idaho's marketoT“ indicated vise

Uiat 30 states'unhmded shlpmenu • BentV* of apples,' potatoe*. frtjli prunes, natl

lettuce, onions, and oUiLT frulu and kepi ^ veseloblea ftotn''Tdalia during“ 1927, . . 8«

C h lc ^ led In thc consumption ccra- o t Idaho apples and potatoes with u 1

- ■ a12. r i i n n n m r ^ l T t t T n h n ' " "

i l i ip P lE i------- ' mak

» C rew A w aiting ■ W eather Con- £ ‘

S ,d ltlo n s -P w ra !H in g ,5 a fe ty In J i

" T ak e -O ff fo r New York C ity. S3. . \ . use\i ------- • • nftei5 LAKE STE. A0NE3. Qucbec. April M i ^ 29 ■ (/Pi-Havlni abandoned plans to ‘"’“J

continue Uieir* flight In Uielr Junker J} 15 transatlantic pUne, Uie crew of th? i Bremtn tonight wew analHna «eather

condlUons Uiat would permit thc safe Of® <1 takeolf of the Ford relief plane to t bring them o^it 6! thrir cxHe.'«J Mild’ weather wu reported to hftv<* ^ n softened Uie Ice surrounding the Utand 'r to a degree dangerous for any airplane e to Uiko-off today. Early reporU said « 1 ir Uie dangerous conditions for a take*- oft—and-tandlng-had- induced—t h e ------y UnnsaUanUo filers to abandon Iheir

own plane, but-later reporU-ftoou.ihc d Ulnnd menUoned engine Uoublo u Co e the reason fo r Uie.dcclsloo-to-conllnuti the m ^} ti'? ^ ' j

r Thto plane^ had*^rried parts and “ on itsuPPllM Ui U16>^1> Uliuid• Uie traniallaiilic ship h«l been re-

paired. Phou^raphers, who returned. hero by airplane, said U ut Uie Bre* f]

men h u been reeondtloned addmoved UU iiim the to the surrounding ice ^

. In prepsffttion for the. take-off. |, The Ford plane is a . giant three*. motored craft wlUi a cabin capable 0 I

holding the Uiree ol ihe Bremen_crew____- together'wltn'themwi'aind mwtiahlci « . ‘ who gathered 01 Oreenely. tol assist‘ them. ______________ _

iCOMiSM PROBES i!i UimCTIONSfli '• hip ,

----------- i- A.

1 F e d e ra l T ra d e B oard , S eek in g “ 1• . V shocl

1 M o tives B ehind R e o rg a n lz a - . »

1 tlo n o f Jo in t C om m ittee .J ' cmer

WASHIHOTOM. ApiU'aS ifP>-8eek- j-----Ing moUves behtn*-Uie .reorganteatlon A tflsr June of Uie joint eommittee at J i NaUonal UUUUes assocUtloos, the fed* „ eral trade commission le*reM In Its J uUllty inquiry today of Uie furUwr use *of money to observe acUrtUe*_ot-ta-------

,* fSest to Uie- power Industry. ,; Payment of money to tha*tonn«.-1 governors of . westem states w u dls- .pu rt : closed along wlUi Uie fac^ Uiat Uie th ,^

major matters of InUrtat to the'tom* , , mlttee now center in le*lslaUon'-b«*

fore congress. Thto Jnelatti the Walsh ■ resoluUon, under wW* .the. inquiry “ “ ' lp progresslM, Uie Boutder d m pro- ^ , Jy t.,,ln tfritfte regulaUon' of power f»nd : ua ium lo lon . u .x . t t o u>4-aCTcloii- J J " ! )

ment of power along navigable* streams **i sortn

The payment of >52iM to 'Jh e law room firm of Meecham and V&oott, Al* b\iqMtque,Uew Mexico oJjBWfh Por- ^

'Oovemor M. 0. llUii&ta. U a member, wai tesUfled.',tarbr 'lrm L. Prtyll Grtmshaw, New.York, u ^ \ . «Urec* U W t(?of.U».comniU^«. ^ . i lw ttr t lf le d Uiat'-FWher Oorernor JatniM. Senig> S S a .H m d a .h a d b e e n |* U :ia o o ro r W MTeUag'expenses to JBme’-herC' to ataUi

with Stephen B;:-'D«ns, Ke« wl|b; Yor^^treotor ot . th a t^ ic^ U efc ' •

_ - • ■ *■


DAIEN G , A P R I L 2 6 , 1 9 2 8 . .

llfflE S D ir

U pper House W ill N o t-In te .r- •

le re W ith P re s id e n t’s F re e - ■

dom of Aelion In M ain ta in - :

ing M arines In N icaragua .

IB /T lie Associated Press)-------W AeHINOTON;^ApHl=«=^yp)-R?» “ I

Jeciing by decUlve majonileii all , Binendnienu dnlgned to circumscribe

the presideni* freedom of'ocU on In ^ m aintaining niatUn s.in-N lcaraguarJhe ~~ ' senate lole today passed Uie annual

S ' o f f l S ■ MThe principal proposal, framed "

. Jointly by Senaior Norris. N ebruka.• and Blaine, WUcoiwln. Republican In- , depcndeou, w u rejected. 92 10 23,

Itorah With OppoilUon I As was explained by Cholrnitui• Dorah, of thc foreign relations ^ m *

mlttee, who voied against Uie amend- p | m enl, and by olher senators, ihe vote copld no t be conslmed u one In sup* port of the administration's policy In Intervening In Nicaragua and superJ ' ^ I n g U ic forUicomIng elecUon there. Ttito policy a l IU IncepUon watf op* posed by Borah and many oUvw sen* fliors who voted agalnst -Ufe amend- < m enl. bu t after thc pledge to super- nel vise the elections had been made these ho)

' senators took the poslUon Uial the >national honor required th a t I t . be of.

d kepi. . Ml:T ake.O ppodle-V lew ------------ A"

Senators Norris, a n d Wheeler. Dem*ccrat, M onUna, look a n opposite view 1 u 10 the effect of th e senate vote.

_ feci a blanket Ind^ 'm C T t of*tbe r t* W*

~ ~ w n ii e Senator Borah atid 6lflRg ^ favored Uie general .proposltlra-'of re- qu trlng 'U ia t Uie m arines be brought o u t by. next Pebruary 1, u pnpcsed ^ b f the Blalne-NorrU amendment, t b t f De

• voted against It, because they con* ^°r tended Uiat IU effec t would be U) r « make Comptroller Oeneral McCari :he 1* Judge of how the amendment should , » be executed. fro

, "Under Ita^ te rm s/' Senator Borah Hi!' so ld i-“*iB p « tfd ca t..,w o tild 'b i” Tbalt

pelled lo f W S '^ h tf 'S h o w in g - to ^ f l **5 . comptroller genenU before b e could v t . use Uie armed forces In Nicaragua J j :

a fte r February I, to protect American 9^ L .IW l.cven ln Uie event Uiey were In ? i , ) Immediate danger." • r T he senate by an even more deotolve . majortty, 93 to 30* voted dow n-nn 5.^; r am endm ent by Senator M^K fllar . pemooral,.' Tennessee, w hich, would 2 “ ) have r e a r e d Uie co n sen t-o f c on -.T ,,

gress.fqr< Uie-maintenance-of Uie ma- . rtnes in Nicaragua a fte r Pebruary 1, , J I except U ial Uie president ^ Und ^ . t r o p s temporarily fo r Uie protection I of lives and property “under interna* fJi? ; or Uie Monroe doctrine." J *

f WANT CHARGE REDUCED• =dSALT-LAKB-OrrXprAprll=‘aS-M »)^ -:± 1 C o u ^ l for :OusUivo Gallo, Charged• wiUi f irst degree m urder In connec- 'ln ° i! i W lUam C lv tc h J I I

SALT LAKE CITY, April 39 ( /P ) - ( Several pereoai were Inji/red when two streetfccars crashed a t au inter* "" sccUon. h e ft today. T he collUlon oc* r, curred when S tew art-D ean, operator o f one of Uie cars, collapsed a t the control.' occordlng to passengers of the etal

■ T he most Mriously Injured-were: t wDean. 49, minor c u ti ongi brutoes. andThelma Nebon. 24, possible fractured lu t

h ip and severe shock., jn^ A. L. sienburg, 35. broken nose and firebru ises., .............................................. cou^ M ^ a r e l Moose. 3 0 ,, brutoes and the

, Mrs', ^ P e g g ‘ bTuUes and sliock. " V;2iSeveral oUier persons were sllghUy 2S,

Injured, but did no t report to the — emergency hospital fo r treaUnent.

— • I. !

A m e r i c a n W o m e n f

T u r k e y f o r T e a c h i

(By The Associated Press) flee ~BR0US8A, Turkey, April 3 S - In a U »

Turictoh oourt lh Uito aiielent city <coi tb ree American women taeed tr ia l to* Tl day.on-charges of religious propaganda ‘to®, —explaining Uie teachings of O hrli- diet Uanlty to Turkish girls. n

T h e defendanu were Miss Edith Sanderson, Berkeley. Oallfomla, Mtoi u !£ LucUle Day and m Iu Jennie JQson. S S T h e p ro c e * d ln g s-d re w -ii-s tn iag e '» i sorUnent of specUtors to tb e oourt »,»» 'room, more than lOO crowding a space tfit. sufficient for M, and others Itotoiing uh a t Uie door; A handfu l o f A m erteau ^ ftom OonsUnUnople were.^ iiTW Uis m m prtvUego of front, seats, bu t w «re:so* 3 ^ Utely, Uiough flrm lr, raprtaaoded-^by . u b (h9.-dcnrkeeper fo r’ d tU ng wlUt; U i ^ ^ ItfB CTOSISd.

B ehind th e ; to t f lc a a s crowdad An- old

T F i B

g y N E- H E R B E R T -C rH O O V E R -H A S — I f l r


- — :S T A T E r S m T H i S - V I C T O R - J j

Cnnllmifd in )ill- u,i i t id r le n d ’ " 1over all o ther prcsldeniiai CiUIQI-— "■— j dales In the preference vole ra.it

'In Massoehusetui yMtcrilav a.i od- dillonol returns of Uie Mute presl-

*- denllal primary wcry- compiled to- firi night.

>. W ith the cUy of Boston com* t plele and only 93 of Uie 1003 pre- ' clnc.u In th e sla te ouisuuidlng. c Hoover h ^ a ' lead o t more than '

I 10 to 1 over o the r candidates voted r for Uie Republicans. Sriillh's mar* '

------g ln -w u -e v en .w ld e r. Tlie flgurra,,,

" Domocrullcr-Smlth 93,874; Sen-* ator Walsli, M ontano, 294; Becd» 60 • and

:iIEl)lIll8E8 1 s m FOR LIFE I

tl 300. ■ rlalr

F lo y d B e n n e t t , N o r t l i P o l e A v i- ^

; a t o r , D ie s U p h o ld in g F i n e s t

‘ T r a d i t i o n K n o w n to A v ia t io n . S 5 i’• • ' . UWI

Wes. qUEBEC, April 35 (/P )-F loyd Ben* vllle . nett. North pole filer, died Uxlay up> , .« holding Uie finest tradlUpn of th e a ir. I t e He died because h e p u t the welfare gene e of.oUiers before a lt thought o f him - valk

Mlf and went lo Uie aid of a irm ct rtvei in d tolreu Uiough h e himself was sUll

. wracked'w ith sickness.................. .......Uieir He did no t even know the m e i ne-’**“r I. gave hto life for. bu t Uiey were ■ -mi- . rades of Uie a ir an d to he wenl to . their relief desi^lle 'u i~0 tuucle5 ;----------- ''*»

. morning in Jeffeiy HsJe hospital of V,'‘‘ t double pneumonia contracted a fte r re 1 had flown Uirough feverish hours from , Detroit b> Lake Ste. Agnes In a a j t - ; fort to carry assistance .to thfe ^ -0 rooned transatlantic f lle n on Oreenely e,1 toland. ^ i He w a j.b ro u g h t here by airplane

from L aft-B ie . Agnes on Sunday, but , Uie m ost expint-treotm entlfiillec}

J ' At f t o’clock 'U ilB-m bnilhg 'ihe 'N ow S “ ? York • spedaltoU who had «>rae to **'•* ' Canada to: tend him announced -tha t . « , oll hope w u gone. Bennett, tliev, I f l ‘ said, w u in a coma from- which h« M l , would in aU likelihood never rouse. • U ’ At.l0:&0, wlUi ta is.w lte .w bo.had h e r- - i -; self le ft a sick bed In New York w ; come lo .h lm ,.aod Oommanfler R ichard' B. Byrd, hto closest friend, a l hU bed** side, h e passed quleUy away.

The NorUi American Newspaper a t- ; Uance and . Uie New York World, ,

which sponibred Uie relief expedlUor. LOV engaged Dr. A. L. Barach. noted ape* cUltot In Uie trea tm ent o t pneumonl.v tC

. to .go_to ..Q U £beQ ^tU uasilaiaQ i4-uuL ------lake charge of Bennett, p

'(Continued on page 'Two)

w ic m it-gllfoSiil■.............. ........... scbei

Five O fficers of C oncern to »hic

An f M i b t j l f i

c a u se 'o f 11 W orkers’ D ea th s. a pi

-------- cludiDENVER. April 25 (/(>} - Alleged

arelessneas and negligence of offi-clato o t Uie Alexander Industries, Inc., ' 'Thwas declared responsible by a cor- theoner's Jury today for the explosion reileiand fire which took a loll of 11 lives wlUvl u l Priday a l Uie company's p lan t prcoIn Englewood, a suburb. Aock o t 13 (fire protection has been charged by baU.county authorities who Invailgated cludithe d lsu te r . ^ consi -.vThfl verdict w u returned a fte r anInquest lu t in g several d a n and came A ' tlonly a few hours a fte r D U trlct . A^* Wedi

(OcaUnued on Page Two)rtcul

............. ■■ . cussi

I F a c e T r i b u n a l i n S

M h g C h r i s t i a n i t y f f............ • " ■— dpJe

fleers. T h d r occu looal m uttering ot W U » lawyers defense w«re silenced by appljK o w U .t tm . th e Solemn Judge,____ InsU

The tr ia l w u clm pleied todi^TBuT Wiis t t e Judgft_wUl lio t .ftronam ce tb e ver- Uon. d ir t unUl Aprtl 3 0 .^ . - Hoiis

T lie Uwyer te r t t e defense' spoke regai t o f . t w hdurs, a n d -th e Judge Itoten^l Uie i reipeettuUy, to r h e onM had been the been Uwyer’s pupfl. H e adm itted U u t MU*

but decUred U iat could' n o t eonrtl- • tfit« M jo f te n se under th e new T urk- - Uh U vs, e b e e ^ since Uie s ta te had , become ;eonplet«ly secular iHUi Uie Xtt Twent removal from Uie consUUiUoa

. u « u S '

i r s t S e (A io n '

MWm________ P R I C E - 5 C E N T S . .

r o l K i

A cu te C o n d i t io n P r e v a i l s ' ' I n " j

F lo rid a T e r r i t o r y ; O v e r 1 0 0 0 .

F a m il ie s . H o m e l e s s ; - M a n y

P r e p a r in g to E v a c u a t e A r e a . . ' . . . i

I By Tlie A*v)Clnled Press) ■______ •■ "A T t'A N 'fA .-dS ^prll 25^D eV osla 'P" ' ing floods which have ,ravag<Kl w ide- valleys in southern Of|orgla, AlaW ma and norUiwesteni Plorida, conUnueJ __

Uie sea lonlght across th e ' g rea l co uU l fUu,

Brighter pictures were preM nted tlirougli most of the affected a r e u In Oeorgla and AUboma. but acute con- i dlUops lUll prevailed In most of U i r ! Florida territory where more th a n * 1000 families were homeless and somn 100 additional families ready to flee rtolng waters.

Food and Shelter Provided WIUi Uie 're siden t for CaryvlUe,

notlda, quartered a t Vbnlfay where flood shelter h u been provided pend- - Ing . recession of waters which qow :ourse 13 feet deep In Uie UtUe Choc* ■ Awatchee river town, the populace ot tVntvUle, across th e river from C ary- ' ' rtlle, p r^am l^W ^v ttcuate .

i t w u believed U iat flood warnings- ' generally had been o b ^ ed Ut t h e .'alleys of-Uie-Ocmulgee a ad Oeoae«Ivers In O ebrgU rr T h e , flood . c re st. ' :Ull w u many-mlles from th e sea, b u t i he regions adJacent-to-U M 'T lvers 'are wampyr A sld^from damage to cropa lUhways ond'.-raUwaya UtUb danger v u seen for Uie area.--EsUaatea • of - t h e —hom eless '- to iay— . •• - a n jed from 3000-.to 6000. bu t th e i« R ilfi= lu t s to o d - tt-« te ;-a lt -A la b 8 n » irgroei:— Piu ic ily O B iiU g f l 'lu i l 'v u inesUmated but (ieeU rtd to be sev en ] '- nUllon dollars ln-addlU on:to^osses to . ' s o p s . _____________ • C

• TEMBLORS CONTlNtrB /■ - ‘r | SOPIA. Bulgaria, AprU 39 yp>—B ul- . J

tarlA experienced renewed earthquake . hocks today, bu t no where except At - 'l! surgas, on Uie B lask sea, and a t Bar*- n e til , - souOi^MlT' o f .jphlloppopdili;

itsce two injurtw -w ete reporte d ; :.

IDSE CKni: JiraF m iie iiL ','

— ^ f:

- o w e r L e g i s la t iv e N g o d y T u r n s . ' . j

to ' A n o lh e r o f I t s M a jo r ' j

P r o b le m s ; A ls o . F a c e s V e t o . . ;

WASHINOTON. April 25 M n - T u ra - " tig to anoUier of Its m ajor l e g i ^ - . . :l

ook up Uie H augen r e M .......... .. I

111 already • approved b jr 'th e s e n a te . '" ^C o n s l d e f a ^ j f J h g J n e ^ WM in . , .L - !eveiopment o l p re-arranged pU ns o t ■ louse leaders who some tim e ago cbeduted the l» rm measure' to fo l- ' i Bw Uie MUsUslppl-flood c o n u o l 'b m '— TTI rhlch w u dUposed of yesterday. T b e , arm bllU, u ld e from being a likell U u t Uiey aro d»rfgoed.,as re lie t_____ L jneuures, have ano ther point in eom - - ' ncn-rUio poaslbUlty of meeUng w ith ’.'.‘i. presidential veU>-because tb e j- . in ------ - -lude Uie equallu tlon fee which P tea - je n l Coolidge h u lound (4)JeeU6n- ble.

DecUe (9 Preeaed 'Tho house spent an hour dU couU ig' .

hc advUsbllliy of giving th e f a rm ', eilef but Uie righ t o t way and then rlUwut a dUsenUng voU agreed to .V ircceed wlUi 'lU consideration w ith 3 houra set aside tor. g e n e ra t;^ e - aU ; ThU U expected to be con- luded Saturday, paving' tbe way f u r ' onslderlng tbe m e u u re wiUi am end- . lenU la order the first ot-next week.L'final vote U expected about nex t ' /. Vednesday, • ; ' >>R e p r ^ U U v e WUUami, Illinois, a ' • '

U publina member o t Uie boose ag- Iculture committee, opened tho dU* ussion over making U » th ^ b in Uie ' ' ' rder of business. H e said Uurt ttie ’ resent Haugen bUl dltfered from ttie ' u m bill vetoed la s t session by Prcal- ent Coolldge, b u t U iat It reta tded he “esteo tu i and underlyUig p rtn - -i IpJes-of the fo rm e r-m e a M i^

WlUUmssaldUiat { b o q M P ^ w o u k l : . ’ pply to all agricultural e w m d i t le s n i t4 ^ -of’ six "baste "

ion. Ba added U u t .wim U u W bite [oiiw poslUon in view a ll Testrictioos '- :

i T ! ^ ^ ^ M e r a l ,'^^tan^boart-^^^

i i r o i w: i E i i c pciiWarcl Dayley, 18, in Critical J

cimditlon at Couniy Hospital; S

■ u iL T T > in ''i^ iu ''m tin ty ! d p llm In a erlUcal condition followlnB *' MVorc InJiirllM rcccWtd In an aulo- g njobjjf nccJJwit n t Filer obotit noon yerierday. - li

EJward nnd 10 other high K liort _ Ktudents were rldlnit In A xoach mov- _ In j nortit on YoUlma avonuo ncor the cnicSe school c rou ln s during tho noon _ hou r ,Wc<ln<J<Jfly wfien driver np- pa rcn tlr -loit' control of lhe .machine which aAnini: to tho le d nnd cruli*

- -cd-JntO 'apiaW o T lr tca ' im h o center 'of tho uvcnuc.—---------- C a r -« trH w -T rw -- .............. -

-------- KUBcitrt—from -M he—lert-r-n inn liJgJ-board of ihe.m achtnc, the Dayley boy «

• rccetved a compound fm clure ot lhe ^ righ t leg and n fracture o t Ure baw

— Bf-thc-»kull.— T )te-m K ih Ii» -8laac«l—■Inm lhe / iw t ircc. »iruclc tk second | „ a lrfM l tcarlns It from the ground n by thc roolK, .a n d overturned. Tlw u other occupant* of llie car wcre un- c Injured exccpt for minor brluscs and c iiu . Tlie machlnc was completely j» wrcckcd. \ p<

Al nn cnrly h«ur tliLi njonilnic. -E dw ard hnd no t regained conclou*- c,

ness. accordlnK lo n report by hos- oi p lta l niilhorltlcs who contldor h li condition vcn- crltlcjW. T liq.boy waa q,

- prominent In nUiletlcs a t the htgli ni school, having won hi* letter in fooU ball la st fall and was entered In the d h igh-jum p evcnU during the present track aeown.


' ____h(Continiitd Prom Puj« One>

- - t o m e y 'J o c l 'S tone. Ariplibe'-'connty,- n had Illed an . Informflllon Jointly ch ju ting tlve OfflclaU ot th e comiyny r wlUi m anslaB crne rr 'T Ipw re iroed m

,— vice~isri»idtnt: lU y a . P u n c w , « c . jj.• TeUiVy-treMunsr: Clorance C. Horoa* d:

day. Buperlnlendent. and Benjamin H. Winton. foreman of Uw alrplftno wing ,

• shop, where Uio exploaion ttccurp.-d.A »pecltlc. .charge o t "felonlmiuy y

klULtig' and slaying," Mrs. G ertrude ^Jo rre tt. one ot the 11 employee killed ^ in Uio blast was mado in the dls-

. tr ic t a tto rney* informaUon. ,M w. Ja rreU trJed to escape Uirough o win-dow .'but fell back to he r death In Uio ubunUng buUdlng. Tho officials po it- i,ed bontU Qt »a500 eactt. C


- SIn Nov’ York offered lla aid and Cul- tl onel Charles A. Lindbergh flew t<> u Quebec from New' .York with two

. kinds of M nim wlUi whlcli It wns 5, hoped DcnnetfB Ufe m ight be saved. ^ I t was found, however. UuH B cnn ttl „ w u suffering from a typo of pncu- j,. monla for which no scrum hag ocen


DURL5Y. Apni -iJ-yublU nOT ol A

semUwcckly number of Uio paper a •nie»day mamlnjt. ‘ 0

------- U rtlic tn in iH raficem en t Uio editors i rsta te U u t Uiey have determined to get it

— D u rth elr 'p ap er tw lie u w te i miUl ll j r- it.lo tm d wheU ur the voature 111 be n

saUsfftctory to Uielr subscriiiers aod d adverUiert. Tliey wlU' retu rn ■ to a a; weekly publicaUon It Uie new plan Is ^ n o l acccptable.'N ine years ago the Herald was con-

' Mlldated wlUi Uie C auia County Cour­ier. a weekly nea-jpaper U isl Jiad been founded In IMfl. A. W. Brouse, who,

- brought about tho coiuolldaUon. sold . th e Herald to the present owners.

W alter A.. Shear and Riley H. Em- moiu, a sliort time ago. Mr. Shear, on old newspaper mnn. has been post-

• m aster o t Filer; and Mr. Emmons.'• also a member ot the profession, camc

to Burley from Colorado. \Thcy pro­pose, they say. to Issue an 'cIgUl pago

■ pajier; o r loTBcr. on Tuesdays and F rl- d a ji.

ORDER GAS PBICB PltOUE . PHOENIX. Art*.. April 25 (/pi-O ov- cratir George W. t». H unt today <n- stnKJed Uw ntJonir)’ genernl to »n- vMUjmie vbolestle guollQO duixlbu- tlon tor powlble prlco-fbilng wid mon- OPOIUUC UCtlOfc

. BAKTHQVAKK IN URKECG AXWeSB, O m c « , Aprtl Si (/l^j-sew

tbook the Grecian p tnlft- ■ ■aifi Tite d ty of C ^ U i )»f ty w U d to hkv* sultered lurUier

' . ' I ' 8 « . m e -.W M afulv . m d T h u n - . 1- w lB]uiliflR '.you,.tbB 'b« In-

lU b c J t t ^ i o r your

- ‘ v - . J ’ . ' . ' : ■

■ TWINFAij^'.Dj PRO^P ECrS f OR IDfflO j


. - BOJSB, April 3J f;9>)-ln »pll«.’o t- a —I eonilderable I t t j In the idkho lamb

' crop during th e lasl ^on th , the stntc I wlli have better than a normal ftn p I fiDCLtn.iiddltioD. will incresM lu out- J u

put ot wool, J . !<.' DrlKoll. chairman I of th e slato s lu rp comnjiuJon, do* ‘

clared today. , :

■ -ttcaUicr ot . th o la it monili. a . great

! M » .-h e - » ia ? ^ 'l 'h e ' ylfld 61 WMl-U lliu nil nlinirt n iinu.Kl

per fleece, .Lambing Is 'n tnrly camplcted'ln Uic

Bouthoan and ccnlral r,tclloni ol the iiiJalc and thcarlng li i»'f« wider «'av In these sections tlioush nelilicr hu i ^ prourcascd w far In tho HwUicailcrn

. ■ ilar

. __________________________________ ’ pui

S P O JR T S L A N T S^ :^ - . .B V . ALAN J . COULD wa

AMoeUted P re u 8^ r U Editor- I (heI mil

' '' " “ ^ i - n r - r —II. " fro

r i r S 'S v 'J 'Wlean league pennant race, ,

- — T hfr-V ftiiU w -lw vo a* rw ouro f ul ' . Innd rellablf n porJ-sJdcr the l)uslnes.> In Herb Pcnnock. bu t,Uio Athletics havc'two of them. Mo.v'; Orovo imd Bubc Walbcrg. !

Qrove nnd Walbcrg may lurn Iho] Iiennani scales t( they coimnuc to ; — perform tho way they dW In Crtni- <crs nUng Uic world's dianiplotu on sue- U. cculvc daiti nnd allowing IluUi only bcc onA run hi JB Imilngs. [ 7

The ncps o t the Atlilcllcs nro each O n only 36. six yean under Pennock'a Uni mark. Each can stand consldcmblc A mere work t'han liiO'willowy‘sta r o l.c an the Vonkee atalf. . |P ar

. Tho higher phases ot learning K*h seemed to bc oonllnod lo the top and }"8 boiuim ot tho pugllUtlc scale. i " 'o

Tho .world's llywelglit champion, Pldel Labarba. forsook the ring and his Utle to pursue a collette courso a t Lcland Slandlord unlverslly. Now tho heavyweight cluwipJon ttas exh lb -' I tw j-tn rther-ev ldenco on hU . schol-.l


In b e t iw n the midgets oi Inc i u -

llttl<wor no enthm la^ t o r three cm - d ltc punmltfl. P'c

Tommy Laughrisn, the light heavy- weight king, lately has displayed slRn.<i ma ot uk ln g up a literary career bul "}o this may be p ifm pted fijTTils' anibl- **0 Uon to gain tu h h e r consldcrollon a s l 'o a ijeavy»'clght contender.

The general tendency among track • and TJHff o laerven l i to conc«te n w r- BJ'

ly"bv«rythlng In a~ pole vaulting way to Uic UnlU^d 8 lnlcs,-'w llh‘ Sabln;e'> Cah- holding the . world's rec o rd '™ heights beyond M tcct. and Lee I f f Dames. 'SouUiem Callfomla; fllrUng w ith a iia l -d tay he ig h t ■[«!

They m ay be owrlooklng a rcnl th rea t In Victor Pickard now i>er- h 'r forming for the University ot P itts- burghr bu t a na tive-of-C anada and slated to represenl Uie Domlon In Uic Olymplpa. i

' In the opinion ot Lawson Ilobcrl- ^ son. the American Olympic head f b ccacii. P ickard Is an oulslanding men- aco to tho supremacy ot Carr, Bamcs and olher A m erican ,s lan .

Lv.........J . u T av ,l-l.vM .U J U .J ^

America’s best, prospccl now for Uio Olympic 500 motera. but Jhe Onlvcr- ‘ elty of lUlnols ha* a young alar who


Abbott has tu m td tn a fine record,On Uio somo day., a t Loa Atffit^es. i n Uie dual meet w lU i-southem 'C al- p]( itom la, this younp t^ r ran tho mile J i n r M . tying wlUi' two teammates, nnd then won Wie_two-mUe run In ** D:38:8. B is best tim v fo r'tw o miles D;: apparently hlq favorllo route. Is fcr

T r u c k i

M a s s MU n d o r t h o a n s p ic o s c f I d a l io & t io n , a t ^nslQ O flsr W o n io n ’s O lv S a m p s o n U u s to O o .) , T h u r s d s B o p o r t o n o u r oaao in t h e P c i

. o f p u r a g r e e m e n t w i th D e p a r t c S is c Q f ls io s o t probhoiB a / f c c t i A l l . t r u o k m o n in v i te d to a t tb u d

■ W . E . S A N G E B

Notice to. O n a c c o u n t o f m a r k e t s

- , . f o l l o w i n g p r i c e s ,

■ ’'■ H e a v y ; H e i i s

• L i g h t ’ H e n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

• L e g l i o m ' H e n ' s ...........

Meridian Pi. r a o n B : '

D A I L Y m W S , T W F A

w M i f l a S

J u r y In D i s t r ic t C o u r t a t B u r -

' lo y C o n v ic ts o n M lsd e itie a n -

_ o r , n o t F e lo n y , C lia rg a . - I — : ^

'cou rt hern which relum ed Its vor- ; diet ■'last midnlKht, Tho Jury roc- ; ommfimlcd Icnicncy. JudRmenl will . be pronounced by Judge W. A. Bab- ' ccck of Tw in KalLi ncxl Friday.' Montwleicr was accured ot grand ! larceny, the clnrge being Uiat he 'purloined n mirror und electric motor

I,from the iiome nf 1C. C. Darlov/, ^ m ld e n i of Burley.

Montwlclcr's defense was lh a t h e - w u In Amerlenn Falls th e dat« the theft wa.1 supposed lo have been com- milled, tlm t he boughi thc mirror

-ironi_a_»)nn-J^'ho J ia s_*J^ _}eft the 'TTRtPrTnia—thar^ hc^ knC T r-iio th lng -

whfttcver of the mo.tormor how it got onto h is premises.

^RACE -eUARD TROOP " j WILL GO TO NAMPA ,i (CunUnued F i^ n Page One)

<cf3 (roop. IfGth C.(vatry. bikI Battery U. » 8lh Field Arllllery Irom BoLw bcc.iuw o t 'la c k of an nrnVoVy here.

[ Troop C will’ bc mustered out a l G race and rcesinbllshcd In Nnmpa In tim e tor- thn tum m cr .camp. »

Alone wllh - Ihcso announcements' came Information tha t- tho w ar de-

1 partm eni was considering trnn tfcr ot {tlia f lrat battalion of the TToui En­gineers Irom Oregon to 'Idaho, bring­ing w llh 11 threo more companies ot

I the un it. Colonel McConnel-announe- ' cd th a t Oregon had consented ond Uio chief o t mllltla had approved t h e . transfer. Thc second battalion Is a l­ready established In Idaho. —

. w i l l QUESTION CAPTIVE •I ItEGAflDINOrJEWEL-ROBDEflV I D E N V ^ April 25 (/1>)-Held In

■-nn In — wl l h _ th e t4a.000 icwel robbery ol ^ y rc rH r -

" lilll llllliliii TTiiirr ITrTnr~f»iLH'i pron1 ^(^, will bo questioned by Den­ver ^ j^ c t lv c s who bellovQ th a t he m ay bo ablo to solve a ' series o t dia­m ond robberies In which more than ttDO.000 worlh. of"icwc.ts were sold

110 Imve been taken.


Bnn P. M etcalf.-four-day husband of MadKc Bellamy, film alar, was g ran t- .

; ed a divorco fro m . her here, today.I He told the court th a t h u loUf UliJ'i: ~ I o t m arried life were days ot grent

hum iliation to him becauso 1ils wife failed .to kccij _ appointments h im , used abu.ilve language toward ' h im In public, and completely Icnor- c<t him a ftlm cfl.

CHOOHE SUCCESSOR" ‘ D C T R o rr, April -a f/i'i-Bifiicip

Thom as NlciiQ].son. of thc Methodist Episcopal nq-n ot Detroit, nnd presi­den t of thc AnU-Snloon leogue pf Amcrica. hn;i been chosen to Kiiccced ' Bishop Luther D. Wilson. a.i head qf tho a rea which comprises New Vorh flUv nnrl Ih r ..nWrm Imlr nfYork state. It was announced here today,^^^:___________ __________ ___ _ ^

ALASKA HOLDS PHIMARY JUJJKAU, Alaska.- April 25 (/P )-P o r-

tla l rc lu n i t frcm vi-stcrdny-s nrlmarv appw n t-e lec tion as aeiegatc '

Uon ot an unpledged candidate ■ op* ^ posed to Hoover nnd a tlc-volc be- iw cci:^^ Hoover supporter nnd an un ­pledged anti-Hoover man tor the see- end dclcgatc-ol-largc.

' —D;27:S. ro is te re d 'In tho western con- ferencfi Indoor moot.

m e n ’s

M e e t i n g0 S l a t e T r u c k m o n 's A s s o c ia - O lu b ( 1 3 5 U a i n W e s t , o v e r

r s d a y , A p r i l 2 0 , a t 8 p . m . F e d e r a l c o u r t s . E x p la n a t i o n

i r t m o n t o l L a w , B n f o r o e m o n t . o c t i s g o o m m o ro io ] t r u o k n o B . b u d . ■ . • . • -

E E , P r e s i d e n t ,. '

> F a j ^ e j ^i t s w e a r e q u o t i n g t h e ■

!S o n . p o u t o y : ■'

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............. ;15e ••podncie €oi

IB ; 1 7 6 ^

n ii-i t iM '» ; i i ' I V if ^ ' i g l f i t i l l

F A t L S ; m ^ O t T H U R s b k


r t rIcL

he -'■or

•> '■

he ---------- --he» • -



7y '

at .In

its'le- ^ot fc. . » i ■ ■:n- H 8B 5£^=iU * B g iS B

H i g Q H Iic-jio■ll- .

cI V ......................................• . ... ..............tn . _ • rllh■Mr------- — » pnhanee io ih t PnfinA■ifl. ' ■ The cflup oi tluUUluiis inclwto-T? shopK. <

j ! S C i . T h “ ?rovl.iQ ™BdniiinbcrrmiitfttlnnaOOn^..

lid a. Tin

JO. ■ol

| . l H e r e e a c h (

ife / '^ N a . l2 4 5 - a c r e t r a ('S 0 . V ^ c o n v c n ie n t to a i l i

C e n tra l M otore h a s th g round fo r autOmobiU

i,p , . J i c r e te s ts a re m adt1 *1 a degree im possible w

^ te r te d .o n th e pub lic I qf , • model o f G eneral M(

S p o in t b y po in t; i>efore________. . . th epub lic . _____■

M ore th a n IBS^dii M- ' t o ea ch c a r te s te d a

ip*" ! ^

1 |x)ok at tin- ■ ‘ y ................ - ^

----- ^ThecufreiltmoddsofGs saibedbelow.Neverbefoi

industry have such perfo fort and such beai^bcei c Iu scs .r/iey /ia ra A ^ /:

CHBVROIBT. 7mo«Wi.j B ia« aad better Uian ever b brakft. Loocv wheel bwe. SUI ful en^sbLuuriou* I'itber 1 absorber sprioga. New hoot colon. Kew instrument par iraprovcmeats. ^050 truck c

. »S9S.‘ l- to o .^ 9 S .«

TONTlACamodeU.t74S luwast priced quality "to." I radiator to tail-Uibt. Por en M W oe* OMR cylinder ll

' potfcr.locUiifdevlcernUireiug e & Flaiihed ia Duco in tu

^OdBPOtiile haa earned Ui

* l i ia i l r ' 'W b I l^


f e ^ o s N m ^ ; A p r i l 21

•A bMuyo vhw ot (A* 124S-ur» Pro O oneralitfo fon ta M u r o t/w Q tioi/tf « r

j h o g ^ g bccfing tpeed operation. I n oddiU

K Qrowid pclw i' S i i 2 ^ ^ k . l * r . * 2 r a w l p men» wbicir rcprodueo every drii

Joop. Tlli '- cwWltloa.------ .

K General Motorse tra c t near M ilford, M ichigan , .T l io a llitsc ara n d tru ck d iv is io n s ',. p€ las th e first and largest p ro v in g tiilobiles. ■ ...__ fum ade and facts de term ined to . or b le when cars a n d tru c k s a re d i blic highway?. H e re .e ach new • ll M otors m ust p rove .ib e lf, h< ifore i t is produced for stile t o al

er5 * ~ d if f t t5 itr te s ts . 'a « - ,a p p iI^ ir .K :ed a t t h e ^ r o v i n g G ro u n d , vt

t th e se yaluess^iiIsofOeneralM otorscms are briefly de-rbeforein thehijto iyofthcautom obilc iperformance, such quality , sueh com- ' i

|V been offered in their r e s p ^ v e price 1m jip ro v e d a t ib e P ro y J n ^ G ro u n d / ,i

. . ----- --------------(AUptJe«tF.O.B.o

idtit, $495 lb$71S. OAKLAND. 9 m o d ^ever before. 4-wheel Tlie All-American Six. Ad

we. SUU more power- andprteiiiooeoaitnictioiiritber Bodies. Shock. motet»«itfiful.Bodi«sbyir hood., New Duco venimce. 4-wheclbnl/esn t pand and,oUier Harmonicbalancer. truck chastii: ii-too.

. BU ICK. 16 model*, i

CO in new colors.LaSALLE. 16 models.

<lels,$92Slo91085. Thii beautlfia ear was.’ Oeneral M o t o r s ^ parinn cnr to Cadillac. In » d U » title o f • ctce B.cyllnder tcglaeIt." lfO (er,.raanIer. Codillae the ataadard flolelastw oiduatytiog. Ouili in Cadillac factoryb nk ta . . , peusnce.

ttftran/anfpttrcA asao '/ r/iew prot/ucfs, O a w ii

r e r K t

— ■citp,5 ^ ( E ^ t . A ) , D c t n > l r , M i c i .

obligation to me, y n u r-iU o s tn tf^ ^ 'iV ^ - .p a rtle^af p e o ^ Motors p r o d u t t 'd r w J I t t tb a figh t-together w l t k y o t t r l « a a ; ^ ^ , ^ ^ ^ "Pttodpfes& P oU des." . : f v :Q

— . f : -------------------------

; .'• . " i • • : ___ - '

iPTaHaiOroutidaiMlhtMlntdby t r «ncT rafiw 0/ i ts cars « n d (ruoka.

itde of concrete, with TAoli///-(BS(rM(f,mil-' Ugb-___ the Proving Oround raaddiUoo. the Ptovina to J4 ^ cent. T l W rra lg l ir a tw y n H ----- ;Hghw«y*.addom exceed

r^w ayw hlchl7fiw w i y driving and wcaUier depUis to wproduce Ooo,

tleos. • , - - •

rs mu?t f n - o v e its.T h e y involve every p h ase .o f cons: perform ancetpow er, s p e e d ,-e n d t^ tio n , braking, steering , handling, ric f u d economy a n d so on. I n th re e r o r 't ru c k covers m o re n ^ « t h S drive i t in th ree y e i ^ . , " 7

■ T he ProTi^g G round is anothei how General M oto rs is serving th e also your assurance^that when, you era l M otors p ro d u c t you are gettii

r . K ^ q u a lity : and_value_at j t e ^ ^ c e van tageso fa poIi<y ofcontinuoSkio

s-then clip ttie o“'See which cor of c a n i n £ m t you n»»

e mail tbe ccQipon below. Yciu will recei\ - ■ troted informaUon, together, w ith two t books teiling.all ab o u t General Motor* f atid just^what Qeoaai MoM9 pciida

'.A fl#<h«/aefo //es)" ‘ ,

o d ^ $ 1 0 4 < to $ 1 3 7 S . C A O IU A C .2 6 id o dix. Advanced cnsiAeoiaK 'W hat.” Oenertf Uoluetion.Longtr.loweri3 possibly be done tiestiyFitlier.Bverycco-' T bo leault is embodlefil/es. New Duco c o k « . iww oo.cUflilw, reprea

laarkofCadU ljK 'aloas . beiUes by Fisher «ad

lelfc 5119S to $1993.

la ad e fa y P a ec ^M M *lels,jW M to ;|2975 .- . »orid^ l » r r t « ^

i S ^ a r 'o f t i i t « o r i d . r . - . o r U e d ty .fb r tbo f t

U itU in d u d fe»*iott O M

' ^ P A K 1 ^ ' □

-Buicic. ' ■ p ’‘ w c w A i i f e e D ■

W i S E l

P ll

» (f. Test hm grade* a t J rango from 7.14 pM

T h e s e s on p u ^ ' ' ' ' • • , _ «ed-7^IM«ent^-:-------------- - -

d with water a t varying Hooded roadway condl-

ts valjie , jinstruction and ^ ’ce, acce]era< rid ingcom fort, ' ';e m on ths a car )5i['you~vTOuld~'.

her exam ple of he pubUc. I t is • 'r o n b u v a G m - '■ ----------------------------

t tin g a ll p o s s i- . __________ce an d th e ad - ~ u m p ro v em e n t............... . --

coupoiT ^most, then check and Kive complete, illus* two interesting Ijttle tors Proving Qround ie fo re . . ' —-

• V ; - ! ' , \dode!t,$329S to$S S0aUotors asked l a s t j r e ^ . Vroe to Improve CadiUacrodled in tlw new modclapreseotln«.Uw U |h:w ate»'-' '


h e H e e t A l U t i i g ^ .

% ^ u e U d a e f d e ie tT l^ : blaltir Is; t(M. r v f r l i m t e r - ^

W X C P te n . . '

□ C M JttlA C □

□ T O O ID A niE ' □ .

□ P B lO O .U O H lC b _ • ' -

• ■ V '■

- s T i m w TF O C l l S M m i

• T r a in in g f o r - C o m n c t i t lo n

W itli m 'a h y E n t r i e s in A ll o l

V a r io u s E v e n t s . ' _

The hMil g a th e r boss declclMl to fnvor hitfli irhoo! uthlfilo.-i ycMrixlfiy and iifovlilccl nn'nltiicM Weal day, lor n-c('0‘l wnrkoiit-U»^ first ji l ic r tin* Mib^ (iWrlct m w t held last- Monflay. f r i c - tlruliy tlis v/hftle Hriiln nqiiail rcporli-c! tU^i'vrijInG, Aiul, t l i c jo a d ie s ^ o 'k w i^ in- - tii'; wKnlirSf|llIl(rnt'wOrRlTPirdlt'ii:

. urrji'!;i’'>'''*'t'' for >» dual in w t to l« ^ Ufia litTc* In May. U H hoped lh a l 11 i iihi'r Hi;l;c (ir » titf.h t f ain_wl11_rHttir ^ iV-n' for \i ia t I'vcnl Iml nolhlnit Oi-fi-

m tc lia.t i.i't'u arriiivitd an y*l.I'our Rrlay Teams

The Druln;: who niwlifii’d for llic dl'-lilrl n ir“l Hint will be held here? H i i l n r d a v - I h p nfliTtioon llmber- lii; ii|i nnd r.tariln:: the iic llw .iijlnd

• for ttiV Millin’ i'vi'nt. Tl jvlll be ncc-lo n in iiri'llminarlcs In tlif lind Imrdli'!; raccn. T lic:« mces

will !,t;«rt al 10 a. in. n n d ‘lh e main i.u iiU -n l p. m. .TJii-re wlU hi- c i-’ii i-nirU-fl III •iK'ii pvcnt and four »i.'l;iy teams cntrrrd. Ooodlnif. Hurley. C5:;I1I1I-I,1 and Tivlii r.il!« Will cnti-r p*- Iiiy t<‘ani!> ntid li i< I'xpcctctl th a t ttiLn will Ijt r u f of Hll' pri'lUcKt cvcnU of ihv iii '''i. The llru ln icw n lia j nl- icady i-fiatU'n'd llu- at«ii* n ’cortl. and

' l l I;; ovpeclnl iliht Ihcy wLI lower tlii'lr iir*rcni U iif in-.sl Saturday.

Tin.' I'lUrli'r.;H.<i-\.ir(! il I 'll—Go:idln<:: Shaw.

niMiiii:;, i’tliici.-.-.GJuJUiif;Uiirl;". Jiiirli'". tiin rord . p .uprrt: O an- neii; k..u;c>..I. KiiiiIi(:UT, Uicli. O an- w\v. ;-aU. ■

— ' — TTK.ii- I '.io tllfj? Stiaw.------- crrnrfniii:, o ii-n . .Jcj-.inio: 13iirlcy: iJak-

(T, i:;i;i:.’, a a t in i t l : Kanford.• r,o;i..n i ;k ‘:tl'!il: Twin r a lh . ^itnllh.,

riliv . I’c-rrliK': Tv.-'ii Tallri. ' - • , ,M(i-v;iitl d.v5lv--0.)odlnir: naiirchcr,

MrCii'.;. O0<;Jliir: Burley; M. Nurbx,' • “ Mc^ire.' lUirlry: OaniivU; Uol-

HkliSlvW. p-A>i«clt.r T « luIMH'.: Kiikli'., T\vln F.illii. N caU-.nier.

in!(i-yard run—Clciodhw: Ook-CHclii'n.

f r.o.'.KT. Coodlm;: Eiirli;y: V oim j. lin r - 11.1H. Riii)CTi: OaniKiu*, Johnson..

Hiclilli-hl. O ajiM 'ti: T'S-lnl all:,; Hi.:l;?'e. » li:lrlch,. T*Ui FalLv .

1 iPll" run—Ooodtw:: LiiHk t , O oo<1- In,;'. Htill, I to trn n rm rn ii r ld ': Orjffltli, Jiiirli'v. Kc.in:, Al';lun; O nn:u1l: llrown.

I a UfKciw. OimnelV. Tw in K.il’':; r.cll, Tv.-in I'alls. Cirayot, UiihU

;’':o-yaid low hurdli.fi-Cicmliin;: Mtl- Irr. }l!‘;r 'w en ,-T « im -, aow lim ;: Uur- li-y; Hull. Uiivloy, G eU lnn.-.Rui'crl:

*"■ 'C i;iii«"ir; L. Kxiim-, A .'lloiioti, Riipcrl; Tv.ln F.d!;, Alwird, IinbtTlMin, Twin Fall.-, • • .

un-yarcl • hli;li... hitr(lle.s-O<)0<lln;:: I?:.lfv:i^ii. Cic'Kliii.:, Miller, iraBcniiiui; r.»TKvLV->T-v.'».jKTt; nan iii'i:; .1. JViUoii. Hiclillelci. oiiiM m._Paiiii':UL-T\vhi_r«ll.-!: Rq13^crt'.nTl, ’nvlil Kall'i. Tliiirniim:_I3uiil.

Uroail Jum|>—ObodUw: I’rlnco. (iol-------- rnrrtirrrm nraiiii! :~ntirtry: •n u r W r o r- -

itfon. lliirli'v; f ljnn i-tti KHiuVr. 1 In!•_, Ipy. L. l'.-;viiii:, lUchlicYd: Twin ra ils :

______ HKli Jump—O oodln;i; Prince, Oood-\W., IJftKCTJflT'.wi D'Atlv^XI’lirrrcoii. Uanner. B u rby; O anne ti:’

;____ 11 Kttltic. yunfnr.) n t r hfMrl- Ty,.|n• r,iilv; Vo.'l}i'nr. Jo iia , T a in Kails.

I’hIo vault-Q oodlnii; Borden. Sho- f.lioue. Dov,'I'.'irTjoo«IliiK: n iirlry ; Fnr-

'Kt<?ii. Hull. Uurlfiyj Gan'nctt. Gnnfoni. Melnlojli, Rlclifli.ld; Twin F\»lls-. SlreKiM. Vo^bcrK, Twin Falla.

.lavciin-cioQdliiK:__ o ise B --. Jerome.PRUcrsan. am\<llns; ButK'y. V/cSch, Burley. PnlccWldr Oakley: Q tinncll: L. Ewlns, U. E-i-lnn. RJchflcld; T^vln

t'VulN: WolU Twin Pnlls, J ja rlo n . Filer. k nhcii.-,—GondlivirMlllLT, llnfrerninn. Tli"rd<-n, Sliii.vlumc; Burley: WUson. ^ u - r ln n e . Oftkley: O annnlti L, Eu-inij,

• ^ f lv h t lr ld . Scv ti,-G nnnrtl; Twin PnlLii I ^ a n i l lh . Filer. Liicaii; Tw in F a lh .

I Sliol--Cloodlnj!: Miller. Hatteminn, i r.oKii'U, Slwsiioiw; Buv5»'^; O ontonc. ^O .-'liIcy, J. ^o rby . R ii|» 'p l:.'G annc tt: ! B. Ealnc. Bollcn. nirtiflcJd: Tivhi

FnJf-^-Mwrin.-WBlt. f t t l i f f t i l l s , J le loy-aoodlna: Toone. Prince. Pnt-

t«rsoH. Slinw; Burley: For«con, Baker. Moore. Hiirke: G ann rtt; Bolton. John* non. L. 5»'lng, Saijford: Tu'ln Pallar Alvord, Ward. L u cu , Perrine.

R O P E O T O I N C ^ P O R A T E

BUIIL, April 3J—J . M. Is a l-lo rnej t o Ihc Bnlu iM c o . Io r w hlih

. JiidRC Shank b prepariuB n itielcs or• Incorpomtlon w ith .a canltal.T tflck ^

$5000. Tho m em ben of th e c o m J iiS are J e « . Roy Hoplclna and H. J. Rcllicy who sponsored th a , ro-

. d c o ju ld In Enihl h j t sum m er. I t is pISnn«l to hold the contesU la Julv

th is year. * u - u iy

Dr. H.R. Smith, “ T h a t C a r e f u l .

D e n t i s t

Haa ^ovcd 'to Room 6__ : - - Smith-RIco Bld’g.

■ New Phono 426' ’ ' ’

Ia few L w a e f

-r CD M PU TC SV CyP_/.:3;ti.^— - f { _ iA iL ,y m c ^ I


E i S f i f f S rI ilERSHIf lN illllTllllll•,7-1 hUl.Lrv'AN~'M it~A pIT25~7<Pr=~Im; • P i'ie r a.'vvuisl.‘Suutliani[>ton, E iu-m ln w a ,'i« lay ’i 5vr,;pU Itadcr^Hllv iui- t lh e traits-coiiUnental

’ Clurcmore. Ol;lalionm., runner.. a a v iw .1 fmi HieU. sccond todn.r. IravcrsliiK ilu' <:!.0 in ilo from liolla in 0 ;rn;i:i. Payne MH2 fuuMli , rcaclilrnf tin- control tiolni In

_ 7;0I);0'r. Olivii.-:;!!. with r la p s *, ll:n*- ot 337;08'.'>5 fof ■-’015.3 mlle-i

now lia.i a lead of 32 mlniiic* and ■ .M MTOiids over ^uyne whowj

“■ I'laiiM'd Ume b n37:<l:HC.” ■ Phllln aranvllle . ijnmlUon, Cnn-

ntla. ncsro. Ilnlshed flrsi today In

[ir ' _______ £________

■JUmONPEil CHOSEN ;:,i:ipiiiiFMnEie r • ——

Burton PtflTlne. veteran uprlnlcr for tlie T w in .F a lls Bruliw. was clecicd

IV. c;-)itnln of the IW^ tm ck tcnm n l a iiifpilni? <'f-ilni sq u a d Jasl nlchl.,,Nor* iiim i.Alvord, a lw a vciem n fprinior

y. anrt imrail! .iitUl' iiaa I'leeted lo Inad.

^ nf "tlw".]. iT ^ ^lm vp iiwil.■V Uruln athlctJc.i Jor m e .past, iiir.'c t ' y e an , p r r r ln r U acknowledRcd a.'i one .,1 of llic f i '. t e a Illllll In tlie dLitrlct bolK I,' on llif clndiT irack and on llie foot-

'* Rail fl"Ul. He ha ;r provldnd many n th rill for'the-.'.i>octatoj-;i In liLs three year:; uf com|)clllloii.-

iij Alviird wns forci'il oul of fooiljall laM fall by ah li\]ured knee bill lia;; lihown rtniarkablo ^|)el;d on llif lim k lljir. soajon. H f no::cd oul 8 m!lli of

r.1 Viler In l»ie 100-yard dw.Si l;ial Mon- In dny In oiik of tlio p retllvsl' ra c 's seen

on Iho local tm i'k . 11 wll! no Unubi bo liU prlvlktje lo load a reb y team

([ to u new s in lf ri-cord at Mo-cO‘A' Uif.i 1.; ______________ .

I P M lP P iI, mmmm

— ;—

H lv s tc r v S u r r o u n d s F a i l i i ( B i rd

' t ■ W it l i L e g in S t e e l - S n a r e r l s

s r - ^ t i i r U n s o l v e t l 'C s s o : : --------- ^r - ' ------------ - ....................................i!.„_______________ •___________s : Tbinappearnnce 'of ih c bear and .thp.

a- ercelc mid the Snnke river nround •iS. T s I t t^ f f l s 3 m :s a u a 6 d - J o c a i - l» la i -_ ;i: roila lo divert llu-lr irap p ln ir ftcllv- ID. nlmig Otiier llnpn. TI^U tva-i.rirl.

dcneetl jK lc rd a y when a pigeon with o> a fjterl (raj) on Its le s lumbled off r - Hie B.nnk nnd T rust building, tl. A rum or pained ctirrency th a t the a ; municipal aulljorlUea had declared

w ar on ilie pigeon and I h a r iom'o- le. .bodajvna-carrylDBju t.th e - td c ft.-R .- E. \\. U ln l\lon . po\kc cl\M , b&M bo w u it: carryhiR on n u-nr on ••bird*" whoso In claWH nWachcd tlicm «lvc8 to other ?r. iwople’s properly, ns he, w an tefl''to ,n. cape and llnKer-prlnt them, bu t there in. was no anil-plfieon crusndc under .way KI, £o fn r n* hp knew.

Ho said, however, th a t somo boys Iiad Rottcn on the roof ot tho Bank

n. and T rust bulldlni; j-esterday and ic, w hen dUcovertd were chased o tl ^ Lt: W. D. Miimpower, po lice'offtccr,-and h i ho fiuspceled lha l they m ight have

been enimeed In Irapplns plseons it. w ithout., a license. Tlio s ta le B&me :r . departm ent has nol been noiUled n- n* yet.lar Aa Uio Soulhem Idnho Fish and

on thoMr membership drive yesterday, X o'sspsclon, no l been directed to ^ lha t' otsnnlEnllon.

In Uie meantime, the fa tc 'O f Uie ll* pigeon wlUeh Uie trap caucht Is un- Bh known, o r -. • 'o f ......... ...lyrId • _____ « ' n0- ^ i K . \ A -M m v W l W V # JfMhi lly m / W . i y u t

C O ] V 1 F ».,f A ^n tf''B paB on‘'i8 yioro; t

' During tWa cold apoU wo wl o rtw s,.taken . Largo tfbleoti dflBiWB.; ,Wo con mako an

• ' FRED FO O T V lt i T i r e S l o U o n ^ .. ,

~ ,l’<' • ... . ' •• - .....

i : D A I L Y N E W S , T W I N E


I T r n f n f i v r - H n t r ^ r f fn r T n n ^ T t i i n i i y c u u m 3UC lu t u v t i

t e s t W ith H o u se of. D av ii

B a ll P l a y e r s ; F i r s t b f T w ii

. F a l l s S q u a d : oh S c e n s .

, In irrc .it In tho coming’ basebnl uyiaon wn.i quickened here ycsterda; hy the arrlval .of Coleman and Alle-n

111 r^ 'o m em bon ot Uie Bruins squad (U B o U t.p layen 'Iook (It and ore read:

Jl* to s ta r t the Mason now. Leard let San FranclKO yesterday and expect

r ‘ IT ' itrrItT~Sfohdayr ~ Ho U df im i by wuy cf PorUand.

n Secretary D ert Edmunds rcceivc;0 aMurancc Utat lhe bearded benuUe

for tlie 'v v n e hos.been set fo r Sunday\ May a Confirmation from Uw Hou»II of Dnvid m ansger Is a ll lh a t Is nece-i » , nary lo schedule Uie game. Tli); ™ PSKrefluilon - o t bearded . Rontry Juii1 bren In .exLitence tor. Uie pa.H ler '■ years nnd has traveled a ll over thi J Onlted Htntcs. They boo&t one o( ttu0 flitongc.H Independent teams ’ In lln

country. Repeoied otters bV big leagu;■ niasnatc-i have been lum ed down b; n lndlvldualfl_4U-iJit-teftm because a

th e ir religious beUct*.'. • -

1 Formidable fteeord ,They are u lU to be the fastest tcan

organized and havo amassed- a to la ot n r double- pla>i and 17Q .tripli

M plays In le n years o( playing, o m lli l of Uielr players pilfered. 113 bases las

Mason, They have a clown.combina­tion snld to rival Allrock and Schaf'

‘“ r fer and It' Is n revelaUon to watcl the ir uTtrnilnK up process accordlni

“ to reporUi.-.Tliey are s tric t vegetar la n s jm d cm no meai_ot_any kind,

“ "-■f Local ta iu 'n re looking forw'ard wlU““I ' ' ................... -nf the gP'2ljLaiCftt.&iK0 -here of th e .o caitted eeniry

o«e week In order lo coiiiplDle tho quot: Ml a t lhe bcjjlnnlng ot Uio season

•ot- w ith a t lea.si sevi'a exhibition game. ' n iclieduled and prospectjf.-for—Mvera ‘fee more. It l a ' hoi>cd lh a l the Bruin.

may n ta rl lliL-; season wllh a cleat ijall record (lnancl:illy. ha;; .. , ________

SStHllillESn TILT1 JITi ISiEN 11lhf.H

y e a r l i n g s L o s e in F i r s t M I: o f H ig h S c lio o l In to r .O Ia S ! S e r ie s b y S c o r e o f 1 2 t o 3

r«V Sophomore diamond stnni trounco jRI their fre^limen rivals In tho openlni IU game of the Inter-clnss bnsebnll serie

I I I a t 4;30 o'clock yestenlny aflernoon a the city ball park. The Mcond yea entry sen t *12 men aeros.i the plntc t-

i - j Ihree to r thc yearilngs, B. Camp n g . vlrtnrfc-ctoat- | . £d-Uic.only-homo ru D ^ t the game. C - I * Colnitrr-yoarlln}{-»Jiort^lop.-pl*yod-^___ jtnwl fam e for ,Uib Babes, itpcarlni

several ho t numbers through h li te r rltory. ‘ -

----- a,-irra7<illo, .tr.phnnioro hurUr, ithialthp o u t toiir men and u-alked one, and C u c r r r gzaiiv 'iaiisgf lor uie iirs t y m \m md fnnnpd.slx and pax.ied_-two._Tho K or im-_ boot recor d * - on -c tT O r-against Oi Ilv- 60i)homor«c and four against the troi*ivl^ -6<H >hom om :-- ' - ......................R r— BIUl Murphy, c ..1.................................3off W. SmlUl, ta .................................a ' '

' Blakley, 3b .......... .........................2Uie Campbell, lb ........- .......... .......... .2 •red o . Fra ielle, p . ................................1no- rfcCoy, i r ......................................0-E- o .-S m lU i, .c t................. .................1 •• •m Brewer, r f ................................... ....1loso Bhuer, 2b...................... ............__ul'her , , ' — . _'w T olals ............. ........... ...'.,13 1ere Preahm en ' R . 11w sta n ie e , c. ............................._..,.'.o

Tum lpseed. 3b............. ;.................i0 ^ Pamona, lb ...........I....................... 0 • 'mk Thomas, rf.‘ ........... ....................... omd c . Prozelle. p ......_____ ___ o iiw Coiner, ss,'. ..................... .............. o ‘

aium pf. 3b .............. ............... I»vo K elley ,‘If.........................................j 'w s Anderson, cf.......... ..................... offlo>«» T ota ls ............ ............. .............. 3

m d ' ■ ■ ^ 1 I.n J . '

1 0 1 a : « : a i f £ e ithe ----- ^ ili^in - W AN TBD -7 OR 8-ROOM FURNISH

ed- house, close in. Phone H99-W.

p L y . q r £ >>; b a t c o ld . w o . a t W c o n tln u e B .-

w iU m a k o s p o o ia l p r lo e i o n a l l p o tio n -of s t r l p d d m a te r i a l s ' a h d

a n a w n i n g p r o p e r ^ ' f o r y o n r '

F O ^ O : ' ' fp ry :- -— ■ , P h o n e ' 7 8 - W . •

- L'’. ' / '■ ■ ■'’i


" " miisii NG OK'S 11

* fliLSftDtlK'N e w Y o r k e r s H i t H a rd B e h in d

■C P l p g r a s ’ G o o d P ilc i iin g a n d

S o n 'a to c s G 'c t 1 2 - 4 D ra b ijin g ,'

M L L ^ j L C nK . Acrtl M

p • dclcaled the-A V tf^lnB lon Srii.nuf».

. . . T h ew o rp — ,. H H .E •ISvlU Wiislilngton i 11 ;

. New York i:! I,'.- IT w in naileries: Ma;berr>-. Van Al.tyne

j^atul Ruel: P Ip g ru and Cir.iljim-i;i.

• ' ‘ ATHLETICS 3, BOSTQ.V 3PHILADELPHIA. April 3o (,1',-Tlie

,sebnll Plilladclphla Athletics found ihf Uov i^rdav s le m c r oppositiiui icHi.-iy, •AllcT reglsteretl the ir -fourth straiciit uiua'd' -•readyJ I Bo;iton ........................ .. .......... J !1 II

Philadelphia ..... . - j :< H i

tu lle s DLTItOIT, 3. CIUCAGO Z_I JaTIT— D E T R O rrrA p rir iS 0 ’)“ All errorinday. by Marty M cM anus In the -wvcn'hHouse Innliiir robbed E a r i, Whliehlll. t i ,:.tlece-i- southpaw, of &.:abUt-out In the fuurth

Tills b'anie ot lhe KerlM wlUi llii‘ Clitrai[oluiK While Sox loday ,-fn ilc li Uftroii won

I icn 3 to 2.r the The score— Il.U . E,it tlus Chlcnao ■................— .................. -i 0 'l1 m e D etroit .................... ......... ...........3 7 1eagu; Ballerles: Adkins and Ui-rh’, Croii.sfm by nnd McCurdy; Whltelilll and ila r -se of grave. , . ••

CLEVELAND 1, RT; LO tns 3team ST. LOUIS, April 35 w>)-cieve.toU l land eyencd lh e s«ries wltli ihc St.

triple Louis Browns horc tod#y by a 7-io-3o n e score, ' . , •

a la s t -Tlto score— rt.H .E .iblna- Cleveland ..............- ..... - ...........7 I f »ichaf- S t. Louis .............i...................... 3 i j 3watch Bnlierles: Buckeye, Sliaie nml L.irdlng Sewell: S tew art.. CroKdvr. lii-cl;.tolar- Streleckl and Schang and O'Neill.

famessveral- -------tTi.-nr.’ ~ ' i n ■.

™t»i! F o r m e r M a n a g e r o f M a n a ssa

M a u io r F a i l s t o Wm $ 5 0 0 , -

T 0 0 0 B r e a c h o t C o n i ra c l C la im

lIlN P NEW Y O R K .' 'April M (/!■,-Jaek Kearns, form er" nuih.igcr ol Jack Demiaey. lost h is 1500.000 .suit tor

M ix breach ot con tract and damniif.f fnmi i in a a th e former heavywelgl'u elininiilon In J ' t t ” Q decision rendered by n jury here to J . tonight......U- Federal Ju d g e ,Jo h n C. Knox or-uneed dered n verdict (n tnvor uf Di'iiipscy tenlng on all counts In ih e kuU, series Judge Knox orcnrcd lhe vcrdlcf for on a t Uie defendant when Hie Jiir>- ad er

year 4 hours and 33 mlnuips_ dcternUned itc to th a t a va)ld contm cl p u ilcnrd Ix'-' Jamp- tween Kenm s and the former hcavv-

-wtlnllt eham^ l^^n tPTt. hui. >v.,.lrtc, O. heen Invalidated in July o t.ioas wlicn , - o d ^ lhc_D artlcj_ecyctcd_buJntM _’rclailons I.nring and selUed th e ir joint a tta lrs, liicse , two questions alone w rrTaubmltlcd to

‘the~iury by the"Couii.

m S ' n i i i - A L ' b o w l e r s o r g a n i z e

I S f i v e - b a c k a l l e y s e r i e st OlO. — —trosh. O rsan lu llon o t a Five-Back bowl­er— H r Ihg-tournam ent w M -coaipleU^-nt-Uw 3 •, 1 C. and 0. Amuscmenl cohrpany's ul-2 ' 0 leya Inst wcck a n d play began Mondny1 a of lliLi week. SIX teams of Uirce2 2 members e a c h -n r e - e n t e r e d - I n - th e I 2 league.. Games will be played on Mon-0 ' 2 day, Tue.iday nnd Wednesdny evenings I .. .1 Ol cach week:, tho final-m atch being1 3 played on WedncMlny. May 30.I' 1 Teams entered In the league and. U ielr^members. nre: pvneial Motors3 13 com'panj’, Simmons, Mu-'.'er aiul Stew- .. H . n rt: Pirates, Cogswell, DueriR ond 0 0 Porter: All StA)=<^rarL'.h. Dougins and t n Johnson: Cox's Arkiy. Coleman. Wltlf* 0 . 0 am an$l Cox; 0ut)nw;i. Rlggert, Price 0 1 and Slone: Bruins, R.^tclltfe, Evnn-i0 0 and Kail. • /

1 1 ________:

□ Ignition TlP ) / W E R E P A I R A

I ; S T A R T E R S A N I

Electric Sei= ' T w i n F a

i - y - C O M

r Artesian ]3i • I ~ : for' I d S C H O O L


B e a u t i f u l P i

7 . S p e c i a

' ' ' ■' " . .

‘" ." '■ l'. 'i



I I I New Vork ............. ..........5 , 3 .714Brooklyn ..................... .....C i .mSt. UuW . . II 5 -MJ

, . 'C U K ln n a tl....................... C .53!lu n d ChUa«o ................ 0 - 7 Ji-13

1'iU'bmr.ri .. 4 7a n ri Phll:.dc!|ihla .............. 3 ‘ 6 .33:

Doiton . - ■ ...........a ft .'JB?

A^IKKICAN i.EACl'K; C lub - w... L. vn

:S" ^, , _ iCMiciii-o . . . ... . ' r . ; " '7 "av

- I.V'nni 0 n .«(j ‘ ' Ilo'i'iii . - >0 -13:

' r . \C ti 1C COAST I.EAQltE( 'li ib - W, L. , Prt

a m ITiiniisco ......... 17 0 .73!llollywiiu^ ........... U II .mi

—The [iafiiiiiii.iuo ................. . ,U -9U(«- I<«.s AniteL-.s .....................13 10 ' '.50;

loday, •Ml..';liiii' ....................,• 11 11 ,ti0iralclit 0.ikl:iiiil ; ......... 0 H .jtf '

i’orll..ii,l , - ................ 7 15 J l i.H.F;, Kratll,. ... ......... 5 n - JJ3'

II 1 I , " I - 1,

M IN OI).LEAG U E b a l l ; '______>TKjtSATIOh'ALlXVGi;i:- -

■crror^lt< 'elii-sicr H A cw nrk 3. veil'll Hiitlnlo 'f i '/Ilw dlnK a.Tl,...r Tiifwnin O -p/.Jersey City 2-11, ourth M uiiirfal^a-:::^'»alilinore 2-4, itraito ' . f ' .

won , , ASSOCIATIONKa'ii-ar OJty «; l.,ouhvlllf II.

.ir .E , * .St- l’. iii l,f t TOli'do 0. ■9 ' i Mliinrriimli.v 3; Coliinibus 4,7 1 • IiKllanaiwlLi 4_; Mllwaukef 5,

^roii.sf ' ' '--------lia r - 'WESTERN I.EAOUK

WIchlia 2: Aiiiarlllo I.Tulsa ,0: Oklahoma Clly 1.

3 Dfs Molnc* tl; Omalia 7 iM liinlnRD: :icve« I’Ufblo 3.

■ WESTMIN AS.SOCIATION. ^ Jo|ilUi 3; Springfield 12.„ _ Muiikogce 3: Fort Sm ith 10.

' l l -M Indcuendeiice 13.

L. COAST .L E A G U E RESULT!bed:. , • ______I. r-EATTLE. April 25 fyp)-Tlic Mis.

slons m a d r- lt two litralijht over' Seni. • 111! by tnklnn today'.i game. 9 lo 0. '

Score: R, H. EML'i-lotVi .............. ....9 12 ;---------------L - . „ .....0 7 ;

l : E 4 J 4 - ^ B a ^ ! a i . Br>-an. Nelson nnd W hil 4 ^ nev-: w iB onr-graliintirnnd-ach m ld t.

. .PORTLAND'.- April 25 U>l-Pcrrtlnni — '*'• evened iij) Iho scrlc.i by wlmilnn to

duy’H i:nmc from HollywDod. S lo ?,la s s a S c o rc - R, n . e. Hollywood................................... 3 8jO O ,. Ptirlbw l ............................• . 5 »

HaUrrien: Muniliy, Miileahy . a n lla lm Aftiicw: French nnd Re«0.'

SAN. PRANCISCO. April 25 (/P).-Ja e k Keatlni!, Oncmmento pitcher, wm

jjipj, liL-; fifth K^ralght gumo today whciI to- he took the Sarv Pmiielsco Scab dowi,ri„„ thc line, 4 to 1, Thu only run mnd

a„ i„ by the, Scnl* wn.s a hom er by Jo Here Sprini.'

The seore— R. i r ^ IX O'. Sacramento .•.......................,... 4 . 11i,,|)5cy San F ran c isco ..........................1 ' 7 .

' Battericii: KeaUn« nnd Koehlercf for Mails, Moudy nnd Sprinx.after ' — • • - • ,

nUne-l -LOS- AJJOELES, April 25d lie- Angeles made I t two stm lidit ovcicav.v.- OaklMid by piling up a '13-ttM ~8l0r

when Kel'ii a ttack In lhe tlrst Iw ^ inntiiialiens ,wlJcn.lO-nms were scored.'— ------ -Tlifse Thg_Kor<ST-_'_____________ n . h tled to Oakland .....................................4 8-------- Lc! AnRcle.'j -.. —

nattrrlea : noMiiw amohrf.,! VIZEi *”*' «”gBoohBarfoot ^RIESI Iin .ii '..................................

s; Seed Potatoes-ondny

_ _W e.IirvV (i '200 .sackit C o b - Mon- biters, 2Q0 Kuck.s I l u r a l s a n d mlngs 2 0 0 0 s a c k s K ii.s.H cta'yet to being iJlace. A ll f in e s e e d jr ro w n

, n t S u lm o n • C i ty , I d a h o .lotora t^crm s.

" S Pacific Fruit ■& wSiS Produce Co.^ 2 ' ; KD. L. TURNER


3er ce StationFalls, Idaho ' '

► M E T O -

I Natatoriumfor 'your *OL PICNICS,ING, DANCING ’I jPicnic Grounds 'ecial Rate§' — -----------

' .....


a i i E m a : 'SlIlBMISlUS_Mi’ _____.538™ ; R j b i n s W in T t e d _ S t r a i g h t y ip :

to r y O vc'r P h i la d e lp h ia T e a m ;

. I L o n g C lo u t S t o r e s T w o M en.Pcl.i , • _____

' t n ^ no"blnt''iht.lr' I'hlrt^'M raiiih''Jon;victory over Hie Philltl‘, . HfUllm' lm '-1131 .SweeflaiidV , Ilrst ofli rlni; to < cn:i'r

;ilpld. .'COrlnK SlnlTi ,fn>ni .tlilrd and llaneroJt, trom lir.M w ith tlu* ru n '

n , , ' which ,nnvi‘ Drookl.vn a 3.ti>-2 edge.' T he sc o re - U. ir, F.

PhlladulpMa.- ,....... :2 - S I;Brooklyn ............— . 3 fl ?!

n a l tn lw . HweKland nnd WHsrm; 'jjjjijiEliriiardt and Hargreaves.

•Jtfl[ ---------, Pm ,\T B » 10, CUDS o._.

CHICAGO. April 25 f ;p )-T lie CiiW___1 crtense .and ilffensC-telLW . plcces_ior

d a iT h n d 'th e -p ira tr f-T T cn n t- tti rfm irr ' name series by scoring jv.lO-lo-0 win.

• T he sc o re - J t . H. kr ~ “ Plliibun ih .......................... ...iO Vi V--------- Chtnn^^3zz-..v.-..:.-::.r:- '......0 - ; 0 TT

Bnlierles: OrlmeA nnd G ooch; Root. W elnhert. W elch.and H artne tt. -

qiNCIN.VATI 5, ST. LOULS 4 CINCINNATL April 35 {/1-)-Red

Lucns wrni Hie tu ll roule lo p ilch Hie Ri'ds to a 5-lo»4 victory over the St. l>mk» Cardluals In w ventcen IttnlnKs

' today, the longest Nntlonnl lennuo came llils scnsoiv,

. .' Tlie sc o re - . R . II. B!s t. LouLt ................................... 4 13 0Cincinnati .T.‘,.......................... 5 12 J

ilngDi Ballerles: Frnnkhoiue, Hnld. Rein­ha rt .nnd O Tnrrell; Lucas ond Plcl- lilchi

New ,Vork-Bo»lon contest postponed because ot n\ln.

Tlie MethodUl U d le s ' Aid will hold IL T S trooked food, candy and apron sale a t

the Dairy Store, April 28.—Adv.

_Mls. . . . . . . J - = S K S ^ = ^ =S e a l. |— H M

\ \ ' c r e a m 0 1W hil- ■ | | ^ | | j | ^ H | | | | | M | | ^ M

rtlnnd {K° H H B H S m r a . M

E.8 1 I H I H i R A n B A i


(/p> -:, wun ‘when(lown I ■ H k T i j S nmnde

u — E____ : --------------------------------------------------8 0 n

- - i ni n n ^

^ t h e l a b e l i n p l o l i

S S ~ ------------- y o u '7:m gy~^know '

a . f u l l , p o i i n d a n ^lb - .--n d a p o u n d t h a t lo <t o . . . ,i

~ L o w p

F R I G Iare the

W o r ld L■i

. Q u a n T I T V prod . M o t o r s b u y i n g w e

[ f \ . : „ p r i c e 3 r e m a t k a b l y J o. ■ e a s y p a y m e a t s p u t a i

y o i i r h o m e . C a l l a t . . d e in o i i s t r a t iO Q . .

^ ~ TELPO Rli-I.^.’7 l 8 0 ‘S h o s h o n e W ea t,

____ ________ .. . '■ •, ’, P ~ g 7 ) ‘~DV C T » 0 - 1 » O '

■ ■ •....... .V ..

.:■■ ■ ______ ’

RI)6e RS0N ATHLCTES / - ' ’i S - , : .W I N ;P I S T R J C r : ,M E J ^

S ROGERfjqN, April 25 -T ho ' disttJct tmck meet to r Uie Berger. Amsterdam. Kaggardl nnd Rogerson schools w m '

held a t'the 'ltcirtrnon-school last-p rt— day. Although the wealher was ln» ' clement a large crowd ottended. Worn- .

kT en ofl this community terved . a. hm'ch- ■ • ■' lo 'tlio crowd &l the noon fiouf,

1 ; .T he following ROBcrson athletes look 20 first places, winning tho meet'-

n . Ior Rogerson;Junior t lr li -^ h ln n ln g . Lois McCor-

die: relay. LoLs Mccordlc, .Rcsa Wac

[h;lD eai: so-yard da.Ui, Ji-.w IQO- ' •;liu yard darll. JeM Deal; relay met*. Tom- :iT niy HfMey, Jess Deal. William Waters nd and Ray fluddrethr hop slep nnd in ' Jiimy. Tommy HeWey.

flcnlor girU - High Jump, Iiabell F. Hcfkh: b\jeball throw. Isabell Heckll;1 :>o-ynrd da.ih. Isabell Heckll: I00«ynrd :! da.sh, iMliell Heckll; chinning, Nenllo

ii>; Siidrtfelh; tenlor girls' relay. Velma • Oardner. Nealle Suddretli, M arjtaret - •

Seluvll hnd Isabell HccklL Si'ulor boyK-Uoscbiill throw, shot- '

put.- siandlnp brfad Jump, r u n n in g - - ilx' Ijroiid Jump. 50-yard dasli and 100- • » •or .va.rd, dnsli all won by Ted Jo.illn: re­ar^ tn y -ra w -rW w iro ilB c n T T fa - 'jS a fn ;------

ZolH-.ih .arid .Erwin Hnllowny,

i “B u r m j R * * ^ • GRADUATION


* • 'SALE3!P.M. 8P.M .

•Jj Daily

IliU t h e w e i g h t o n ------------------

lain flgur^s 8 0 t h a t ,w*TOU“ ai-e~gettm \r— T ------tnd n o t - j u s t - 3 / 4 - o l - -----

loo iks l i k e a p o u |u ^ .

31 E x t r a c u e T ifh i

p r i c e s o f .

[ D A I R Ehe result of L e a d e r s h i p ! X

:oductibaTsad Geoeral 'wer have made Frlgldairp f ' v-. ,Jbw .'A sm ^de^sttand ^\ aay model laat^o'or' uowtbtim

YNES COMPAQ A -iJ iM t.■' - ' i ' r . ’

H i s s e s

■ C . ' ‘

' r i f e l o i i r ' ' _______________

. - TW IN F A L L S D A IL Y H E W S j;M~.; RATfci I ”

C«H Yetr ___ |O.OOI<S lx .U o D tlu -------------------------------5^ ! it t i r » U o n lli* -------------------------- l-® !l

. Otw MonUt______________ _ .081

B iU n d u Mcond c)»m mall'm ftltcr.,■ A pril# . M I8; ftt tho postofllw a t «Cw)n ■. r a ll i . Idaho, under Uia #ct of Marcli

«. ICT. _____________ / I

• ' lam ed ow ry moming except Mon*i . day. TwJo PalJs Ne«» l>ubU*liIn8 Co..

inc. ________j

>— w»Miii»w- n p / A W w a ^ iv .PM

all nowi dUpalchcs crrdltisl lo U. ‘o r [. ' a o t otherft-lte crctlUtd In tliLi jmpcr. ,,

. aod ftUo Iho local, neirs pulUslicd „• herein. All rlKlils of republleoCoti ol

ipeclal dl»pfttclica hc rtla al»o rg n erv ^ ^

(/P) means A«oclnUd PrcM.

Tlie New* Ll a member or the Audit Dureau. of CUeulailons, (roui wJiom-'' full InformaUon a* to circiiliitlon mny- " bo obUlnrd upo:i npi)Ucftllt.n. D e- ,J tailed' iDformafJou' w pplled“ -locaH3';*| upon rcqueat. ' ' ' '

. No re3ngn:^!bll!trinC r,T Jn l» l tor ifi"T] “cufD o f ilhiiolldrcil Miaiiuicri|)l4. pIi6«;o . tosraphA or btUrr coiiinbuU’d. muHer. oi

Artlelea submltieil fur luibllcntion. wtll |

tho editor, and no m',inti«rlpi8 will bo ij, relum ed unlcu aceomponlcd ty n e r* ,,, ee»ry. postage. - . ;, I

NATIONAL .RnPBKSENTATlVnS il: PRUDDEN. KINU AND t'KWJDEN, ~ New Yotk. ClilcaRo, Doston. Qao *

rranclsco, Loa Aucclcj. Seattle. .>'■ • ■' ---

'r m ; iJLiND MAV KKAi)More bulldliiK piTiiilu have beet) „

•lisued In tlic C llj' cf Twin M l-; d u r - ' Ing llie past thirty ilsy.i llian 'tlu rln i:. nny ntmllar. period for'MVcrnl years Ttt’o aviation field projccls are h e ld : up (0 public view. q:ic dcdnllely de-! dded upon and work under way, tliel^ other still under ccnsldernllo'n w llh ln rxccllenl prospccU of fruition. ' j

: . Doth the residence neeiloii nnd th e ; pi biurtncjs dlslrlct arc to have a ah.\rcl. . . . . . ——.• w

• cf Ihe new cotutruciiori.' Amonj t h o |‘'- fa rnu many imprcvemcnls in Uic waylgi of new . bulldliiKJ .are notcS. M ore' electrical service extrnslon tn the n iral j >•

- (IMlrlcLn, htTvc bern contracted du^ ir;'' ^ ^ f t i i i u C I i jw 'ln o r i l h s than for~BevFwiP =

years, ' ' ■ ^Here Is cvldcucc c t protircM which !|*

cannot be pushed aside. •Money li!j^ bcBlnnins to flow Cnlo bulldlnB d ian< | ncls and. th c fact may bc-accepted aa tho best o t a ll cvlaenco Uiat rndney I Is to bc mado nnd ts being mode dall;* in, tho Twin FalU country. °

■ W ith Uie openlns of liie tourist ccn- o •W >h_biwincsa.*liould'rccch'k'-4 J rc sh f l

' impcl'us; re ta il 'tra d e idiould grow. Jn ijj - volume and the surplus dollars should <

mount In quanUiy. uProspects o lo n j- th o lines' of gen- c

oral development in , Ihls secUon of 'S ou the rn Idaho iv-ere perhaps never q better In thc history of Uila cnUrc, t

■ area. ' • - P

— L-------- — a

GOOD W ORK. ' JTliosc who nro Inlercstcd In the coil-

EcrvaUon of wild game hicluding llsh ^ ~ thnitid ± e -g e ll-n k a 5r»t wfth the work

now being performed by the Boutlieru t: Qiuiio AssoclaUon..ut

^__ the AsoclaUon'a hatchery 6n R K k ^

As tt result of this effort It will soon _ bo possible to take Rainbow Iroul for o niUes along. Uic Snake, in tac t '}’ Snake RlvcF In ' thla vicinity m a y || ' cyenluolly becomc one of tho great* ;b e s f trou t streania o f, the enilre West I a s a result of Uic ac^lvUlcs of the Assodallon., There nro. two hutulred niid twenty-]f,

. hve thousand.bnby fish now In UiOiP hatclihig troiiitlis 'with elRhly U iotis-j" nnd jm orc 'cgi!s comlnc. nil uf wiiicliju wni Bl) Inlo the r tv crr 'T lie plunt con-j slsls of .hatching trou»lis and 'Vsn- i

. creto rearing pond.i. practically all o f ,“ which hnve been conslrucl'cd by v o l- ij

___un leer 'labo r ccntrlbulcd by inlercsletlI;>eporlsinen. An Immcn.ic amuunV* of |

. work has been done and moro will b e ! necessary. Those ^ I h g to visit Uie p lan l Hiu bo well repaid for their trouble.

The Acsoclatlon mvmbcr.lilp amounts .. , . l o ono d o lla r .a year and from the

sum so raised must^qomu thu neccs- u i y money for' Uic carrying on of the •work. 'A big dollar's worth la offered ta .all wlu> carc to IdcnUfy them sdvcs! • wlUi Uie AssoclaUon and assist in Uic;: program now being carried oul. '■

7 ' TOLERANCEA nptablo thing )iap|)cned when Al \

____(Smith.,on h b way south fo r'tf 'vaftk - 'tton, was greeted by a dolrgatlOD of DemSkrats in a KorUi Carolina ilUagc,

The spokesman for th e crowd ex-• p la ined .th iU there wotb-'no mcmbcra

of W church- llv )n r ::lh c rfr"~ W e ra• '■fiaptiats. UeUiodisla, Presbyterians, tree

, .UUnkera,. and mostly . iSnnert," h e is^ld.; , 1 t«U ybu’m li Jo malio It plain th a t '•. th e rtftr i ',« o ,b ig o ts o r Idlota here, nnd

: * t h e r f l i no.intotorajwe,'’Mui^h.^hM bow t t ld . itw u t Uie peril

in to oi naUonal


— ^ — ^ - T V y i N F A L L S ; i

JjitpTCJPijUUvea of Uio two- great ,|bnidchfl> o t- 't iiB ChrltUan clmrch

■Jahenld- b# cotidftttid in -so- f iJ r nnd (titrlendly-a way lha t. whatever (hb ]»- SjlllTcal result. Uie moral result would °|bff*a trlunipli of religious tolerance.

\ J U S 7 IDAHOC om m cnfon C unenl Cohdl'Ubns In

. : TIic Oem Slate.Dy QUY T

': ll.ild rldgc wllh o»k^^^ lll« Uhlon- -

^ ' rapcii t l i ^ ^ (billed hiformaUon rJiowIng thn d^stri*.

; button of Jdaho products, lo which Ills . . attrnt.lnn tiad b>:cn rnlled hi a ccncrat

way. He w anted 'lo 'Im ow w hat-nm r- 1, k tts and to w hal exU-nl. were rciichrd !lJy' flfh i alate .oKricultural products

. crown w llhln ihc ir-tnsportatJon tn- .. J fliii'nce of the. Union I’aclflc.' H r now ', ; l m thc.lttfurcs-and-Uuiy.arc.dccUlcilly

liitcreMlntt. In facit.,,U. is u iiurjirWnrf . MiowliiK and. nlthoimh there is cround ,: (o r- ttio of. 13r. Robln.’ on "' tli.il "tho Vi'ry wld<' (IIUilbnl]o»-4ii;'U)n- '<li

• I iiurkctlni; ot Iduliu iiitiduclii is 'bui 111- "pr ui^ij)ri'r t;}ra,'^riilm il)t«?(liyjthl^^ . .ior<rw ill 'liri.-atly {.llniiilBle public. 'ob'Dltluil. ' ^ ----- li;j|[ • SlilpmcnN tci Ktatw i».

' I for tlio prinrip.-tl' IdaJio at;rlcul(ural w. ' I prxliict.'; durlnif 10^7. I'otnloc.i were -i

ihlpiH'it ll) 40. Mate.', In the nation. Our ajiplt.i lountl-ralo hi 44 dales. Hc;ms v.'i r r :ihli>p<‘d to 3^ nlalen.' livestock to .. za .Mat(.-.i. clicc:« to ntni', eggs' to IB, wlical lo 21 Iind butter lo nine.

: PurillifUic-ycar-tliCTii wa.i » totnl !pf-U,4ao c.irload;i ol imr produce Uiat ; found m arkets In Uic foUowhiK Mates. with i>crccniBKi! of the louil .^lllp-

,riii‘nt.i: n,' To OrcBon and WaiihlnaUn, 3130 .carloads or.C pcr ccnt. —; To Idaho |X)U1U. ‘<024 carloadH or 12 , ,, per cenl. • 'j To Utati. CCOO. or 11 pcr ccnt, "! To M ontaiw nnd Wyoming, 401 or

,11 p e rc en t, , / 'If1 To nortliem and central Californio,2235 or 4 per ci<ht. . \ ci;

To souttiern California, 5287 «r>10 iv■ I per cent. / ic I The total to California, 7623 car- nr

:;ionda-or 14-per-cenC:— ...... - • - ' i ij To Colorado. Nebraska and Knaia.^. S IC873 or 12 per ccnt.

To polnu c tts t/p fllie Mls.iourl river,115,203 carjo.ids fer 3(1 j>cr cent. “

Td oouUM.ri»-Mnl»>, 7418 ur U .p a ^

~ l3 prinvlpaily wli'eil , lihligd' lll IM llU ll «l I 'Im d shipped a u t os flour nnd d<m nnl, Ui >; Uicretore, rcpri-.wnt wlifjit chlpmenis ni : lo Idatio a s 'U ie ulHmaw dcxtinatl'sn.

OrtAl ContribuUtir KaclAn oj I Baclc of Uil^ g reat development In '|o■ Idaho sU nds'U ie pracUee of dlversi*. fled farmliix. hvrgely followed Ihroush-

oul thc 6ta(<^ Idnho Is so situated. , with its clinmtc nnd soli, Its sunsliliie .

• and water appllcaUnn-aa nccdi-d. lhat. jM t can raise products of suiierlor qual-

't ty . If th a l were not the cw:e. Us., I growera would find difficulty In mark- Meting Ithc.<« products in couipctWort’

willi / i lh c r sta tes producing similar «i . commodlUes and Ixlng nearer tha iu . greal markets. AnoUie; fact is th a t rn the sta te la fortunate In having. In ni ‘ every sense o t 'thu term, nn adef|iiate p,• transportation ayslem, Iiy whlcti Uils n,

producc Is moved exiwdtttmisly to ihe consuming m arkets nnd a t rntea thnt aro so adjusted na to jiernitl the widest _ po.ulblo dIstribuUon as shown by tho torcgoln# tlgurco.

. OffJdnla o t Uic Union Pacific lake, pride.' an they declare. In the fact t t o t «»

tho system has alwnys evinced " a n ofL nrtlyp. in te rest hi the dcvdo|iinent of toI tho Icrrllory ntong its tlnvs aim ex- J i ; J1N 8S ft rcadiness to co-epemte In every dc : wny'poMlDlc 'to~ briii|i'~-BUjU l"~lUfthCt.‘ development and growth. j i= • O utt h i t uia tL PInnn nrff »0W Bclllg COmplctcd tO jMI■‘ operate early In Julj-. under Uio ous« ^ . pices of tho Idaho agricultural col- - i-] - l e t3?r-« u » tb e r—dolntf-dcm otistratlon ,„i Itraln , by whicli tho Union Paclllc will

•: bring to Uio tarm cra and producers ofI I Idaho examples OJid expert advice re- _ J la tln g to tho la test hnproved mcUiods ■|ln Uie dairy Induslrj-. In fnct, Ihtsii wilt bring lo Uio very doom of Uic

• fannem nnd dnlr>'mcn technical ex- )ll>ert cr)um«l o t Rreat practical value,

;wl-lr-h otherwise Owy could w.ciire only itt t eonslderablo Mpcntc’ In bolh time

M and laoiK 'y.... . ' _•i Idaho Is csseuUally tiii anrleultural , I tla le . K t worUi la pmvcii by the Ug* riunvi ouUlncd here and. bccilu.ro of di- ‘ 1 versification a tid Uio r e tu r n ^ lla' pro-• j ducera. Is one o t the masi tiro-MwrOus l|:,tn tn i In Iho union, T h^ pride <lt f I Union Pacific cxeeutlvcri nnd ot.-all'

I otlirrs In th is ' u rcat develupmcnt ia■ w cll'jroundcd. . e ■ Ir ■


[. Furnished S y (be Xwln Falls TlUe and 'A bitnct- Comjisny

J Tuesday, April 2 4 'W nrranty O.—T ain Falls Rank ii

• 1 TrusUcoinPotiyi to Pnnnlc Oertrude c ; Elrod. SIOSO, loL 11. block I , . New.

, school addition, Twin -rftlbi.1. Wamin'ly 8, Bussell e t ux to

•;jo ljn MacRne. $350. pt, lot 4. block 21, Rojerson.

W arraniy D.—Angle Kyle to Waller a Turner e l uSl''»3S(XI, lot 10. block 143,- Tw m -Falls.--------------------------------- ----

Cf [ W o m a n A l w a y s P e l t

c- S l e e p y A f t e r M e a l sra " I always fe lt to eldcpy and tired n a fle ^ meals. N ow -I 'fileep . only .uh£Q ^ I go lo bod. and then 1 sleep well,“ Thanks to Adlerlka,. 1 feel tlne,’' - d. M n . J . cioM. .Jr. Ju st ONE tpoon*It tu i Adlerlka reliBi'ea gaa I and U u t

bloated fcelhig so yOu cab eat nnd sleep bettor. AcU on BOTH upper

„ and . love r boVrd and rtmovea old 'U waste m a tte r you never thought « i i l l UiM c;..*Wo:..aiatter. w lial you..l»avB- tried~for }‘Cur:alcm a“Ji.-Adlerlk>Twlll „ aurprlae you.- T irln P a lls ,. MaJnOe

Phonnacy: I n ' Klmberiy by stowed ■a phanrtM iy-fvAdg;,—

; I r " ’

V||.EedRpad';ARtnunct ol : |

: Braddock’iIM ta t , , ; >

r ' • !r S y B u O h - P v n r f v n t f r . ; i

t ' a a IWlicti 1 twllvvvO in buur bnd *

1 ctiiiiH'il. I pn-ri'd iliruuKti u iipull iiole ’ Bl till: end ut lliu eiiblo oud bolieli); (.'rDiiilt Biriilliii: (roiu' llio wood& Qe ^ iinMi-cl iiM'l Mi'iuted tlio gucsi cnll.and f

. 'tviin-|ir<>iiitiily euntrontcd by tcvoral ;I wnrrlfir.i. Tlicy lolkc'l witli film for i, 11 fi'iv niomunia nnd tlicn gindly :fc •.liijuk'cl: ----------- -------------------I

''Iii^Hlsliniii'iil IngcllxliMiijnr . |Tlii-.y w l74-d Iilif..1uinil8 and nuUed 1

'" n n Nlii)ii1<rurs iitiit In ii litispfmiile |i:ititriiiilMiu .wiivi’d tlid r nrm t andiiiiliiii'il tiiwiiril llio .calling ' » '

I Wll* niiilill.v {inHscil d ial Iiu iviia j I •'liiKi'1lHliiii;in": .lind «klicre wu liud ro- ,

n:lvi-il tn iw ls anil friiwHs Iio bclidd j ' ri>i(ti/nK but lie.'iiiiliig coufKcaaocca. ] ' lh- wnniUred iiliout'nnd parsed our' j ' nililii nncl lidniUi us liu l 'p ivo iio.HgU. 1

ol ri'cosnliliin. A wiirrlor must bavit liiCiiriiii'il liliu llll t wu were ('rcncIi to I onr Kyni|i:it'ili'S fcir lib imusud and 1 madii iKtIsItu ucalun.-t a t u«. wliereut lllf* rnvnr>'*'liiiislii'cl In irrcnt eiiJi'V' iiioiit. I wiik iifriilil itic- iiuildiloin nifi-

, Vlll tMiiiid diiilli-iii:i.- im til II ilitlii. «r lilili' fi'iiiL' iitliiT Irlrk. Nrtl^intlslletl Ills tvi.'U'oiiii! woiilii tiu 'ticrmanci^f M

. [ih'hi‘d u|i niy rlMc nnd, wlUi Ibe (JUtm- dflsrii. rU'i.pbcl (inisMe. ' /

. _ Tliiir diiy uu uilvnnt'Od wltli great viiiilloii 'und uiiKle slow pro;res^. ll

I WUH tliu liiK^ iriill . tliat ticld-odr-at* ic-iilton. Mure tlmn uncti wc drew lo

- imu slilo 'v f nil! pntli and iralicd lo 'I j k r n - i r t t o j m o pursued_____ .'— -■ ^ ^ 11. •^Hiiiber (Vrlnliiiilty crowding

-a;;iilii»t lliu fiirt liad liccn jevded for ll cniislilcrable dcinli. Viift coriitlcnlr

■ ■iiri'lclicil fcir II fiiiirlli irt ii inllo up ttic .MU' lit'ity nml Ilm 'iilJfnoimainMii. - i«

, Uu tlte- .M»niiiisulietgr~thcrp-’'w r » V s niiniUcr of mills.

Wu struclc'llW cicurln'i: at n point oplio.iito Uio easlcrit'gale, u rutberprc-

' leiiUnus portiil ot, icii feci In wldtti,‘ swln^ttng on lilnuoi utul tiavluK u■ w kket urtliiJ iiilildlc. hiHido Ibc nnck- '' mlu w ere ' iwi> sinreli<iuiM.‘ii, or niugii f allies, HS mujiy Uarrndis. u cunrclluiUKU

iinil prlscin, tlm eouiainiiiliiiit's real- 3 di'ncv mill ttic'clnipel. All tlicsu w m

vi'ry nidUlly liiillt ol ticuvy loRn und r l)!rSiL-il un lo ivlUiln llirvc fi'Cl 'o t tlie r siucl;iiilL', Iliu liiturvvnliiu »|i:ico bclnc » iMU't!i.Ml wllli iiiiilt, nml llll! board t rocifa III iiiL> i-Hvv.'i lylii;; level wltli tliv 1 ruiiipiiriK. Tlicru •wore im pic,'l;i'ir.-nur » polm nl-pailndra.-nnd-fn iiu our pufl- " tion ll IiiIiI.imI 119 It llie wliulc iiiiclosttre; “ ■« ” V,T. . . , . . W e. oiiicriivi) frciin ilic wuoiU und

g mnilo. tor tliu vusteru g!iie._aml^ uur cuinint spi'iiii'd in lie unnoiim l,’ (/no

U of lliu Ciiiuidlan nilllllii wus laxlly^t SUiirdlii); ilic Knio. bull usii'cp bevuuse1 of (be liol sun.* Afler scruilDlsins u it t o r s fuw tiiiimcnts tio a n id ': '' '!r m'tU'iJ~=V5u ‘ iii :iJ t ie TSipnlTfy do-lkiiuJuul"— ---------------

yawned and called a tuldler nnd lold

> vMianiliini. Very soon Ibo messenger• iVlunicd nnd ta ld I wns lu toiiuw ium.* Tftu Uuiirida&a'drvppctl lielilnd,t()iirnir ^ iib<iiii-tlie-enclMur«.- I was cuniluiteciI lo liie cciiumnndunt's liouee i>wwi-<ii

tbu Kuiinlbciuio nnd llie wr^iiTirim i!.

U I AII — •—

The Famiia ■■ - I II I.

; T H U R S . , F R I . , S A I

T h e - G r e a t e s t R i n - T

, M 'Riii0 K r ^ A i

T -}, * i V U m u g w

^ T H R I L L S ’ - T H B

» ----------- ■ - ^ : . - - . . - : , „ , . : N o t h i r

“ " . C o r n e d “ T H E C ; ■I . r a i E m f f l i

;r : G 0 M 1

13 > s u n p a y . M o n :

iu - . , - t o i l J e n n lB g y -tole , - 'M a t i n e ? l O o ^ a D e ^

'- tW ^ ilD A H O . agU H S P i

i ^ f f i r t | - f o t i » i s ( 1

pWw. Howrd! -Bilio: J. B. Bomon. Pocatello: B. A. Munaey, Salt Uke: Ur. and Mrs. J. ■ S. Comn. ^ Bolw.«.BlmIb OohaiT. Denver; Dr. and ;mti. A. J. WilUt*. -Anacflnda. 2 ^ntana: L. M. Steger and wife, fit. R loula;-B. B. Rose. New Tork Olty;J. O. AnderKn. Pocatello R. T. Mon- ^ 7wj,-14n«)l», Ncbnim; Me- WDanlela, Salem. Oregon; A. Kennedy - -wd- BT-Pocarello:, Bugeho Meyer. !“ Salt Lake: B. W. Oppenhelm, BpW; "■

S 5 £ S S S ! & : 5 2 i t i 5 t e £ 5 £ : ^ 5 f e =

Chrlsliolm. Iictie: D, B, Arllnglori'an'd 'Z wlte, Ogden:. T, »• I’ctereon. Bolso; ° S. M. Nolan, sugar Clly; H. H.-Mc- f. ,nd Cartoey. c. R. B, Plcree, SeatUc. ,“h ROGERSON-P. H. Knlesmlnt, Po-i calollo; Lewis TJo«tm. Boise; H. H. .Vlbort. Los Annfllca: C. A. Donohue, P Chicago: T. B. Hopson. Boeh«t«r; H. li D. - Pelerson. f.4r. nnd Mra. E.. -T. fof Stewart. Salt Unkc: Rodney M. Hol- illy ser. R^ Alban. UoLie; IL A. Lutt, Salt* lAke; Uarland Oltfle, Los-An­geles; Jack Marilii. Idaho Palls; O. C, tid Lcnfcst. BoL. ; , L. ..J. CICMby. 8j»n CiV FrancLicdrArGr-AvcryrBotMrCr-A:,nj Tlnirmaii. I’r.r.c. Jnlin «?. Robinson. W • Elko; S. O, .s;iri:cnt. San Fronc ; _ n R-»mip, v;. i. ra.-uier. aat-Lakc; " ^ E, A, Loihbarui HoM-; C. K Huttmnn. „ '* Spokane: K, W, Hidiards, BoUe; H.K. Wlluy, epi.uKlii-ld: II. McDonald. c'** San Prancl/«; L. W, Ptngree, Ogden: f' ?c«-. N. M. Frlldimaii. Dotao; Druce Tret- »ur Jen. Now Ynrk; Harry Braun. Salt “, <gu, Uke; A. W. ntiiiuiill. Boise,ivu ----to I PERRINE-Mr',. C. A. Owen*, Bliss; i” md R- M. Monsoii, r;jh Lake; ArUiur O. out Tracey, Bolsi'; n. M. RarU. ScatUc;J. T. Robert*;, Ot)kIcn. Colorado; G. R. l; fietchcr. Siwkanc: C. O. Bloomfield.‘I'- Holt Lake* C, W, Allcbaugh. R. B, or KlnB,'Bolse; A, M, Sutisirop (ind wife, ^ leil Hcrmlston,, Orcitoii; bcorgo Barrett. > r/ SeatUo: Anton Wanstrom. Moore,6n- Idaho; 'Jome. Draii;. Roberts. Idaho;B. C. Longwdl ond wife, Bols(>: ' p, cal -' P(I' All II.C «.tyri’..iji,\ll.i.|iilM«i> •l.iwn. ”

I bnd nw'U n l..irn£~iirjrfri-rvci*'for" ^J® Ibis iiiwtliiK. Tlii'fo cuuld IK! no onf' .Ilal tiivcvsH; i-lilicr r would renvjiu ■ unBir»pcclPil,’nr cn'into irHuron'Wet- c,

‘"6 Ilc. I r4-nll:cil tlnii route tontfuu inik'hl ni t*’*’ iiiivn wngucil uliirc my fcirinvr vt ll. for news Inivds (nst In Uiu fnrcsL

'All ■ iliiulits viiiilalieil, lioivevcr. wlipn '",1 piimiln JlfuiiJiu ran frnin tlio bouso "

‘0*-T-5rt!3 inKwr’<l-uid-rfn'cralji drcsfI i,.isuiilj n'Vourei.i-‘n[ di> ticlf. hill on oiir Urst mcctinfi I bnd given Ilia . anio of nn nld"famlr , wtiWe rluties were ruined, bul'whoso ti 'f«»- blotid.held/o<id. “ .4‘■ Caiiiiiln/ltcnujcu wns furty-touf ’

“ yenr* of ngo, n nntlvo ot Jloiliren}.*-'><' Ills fullier liifd.'bern a cnptnln at d S« Tnrce IUvcr5..iinil toresi llg'iilng ran "*0 In llie tilnod. Jlio tnn nlrcndy wore the .crow nr n Knlglil,-j)f SU Loula ‘‘fu nnd linU wTvc«r nji cnmiminitimi at* ,,

Macani. He..wns nbsulutd; IncapableI, u( fear und po'sKwiH) u soul cnuniBe tlmt went well wltli Ids heart. Oihei I’II, , I'rvnrfiiiicn. who dlii Utile 9> cnmpnrl wr "'llh Jiltisiipreme ni'toinpllsl;ineill.

uru" rcslsn 'rcd <m Hie prinicil nn ,:c .-*' ' hilt few in Ibcse Initcr dii.vs iniow tin* '

deeds ol llcaiijcii.- i,'„j . We tiiiil snmo wine nml by pressed nl

inu fnr ucuB. I giivo him n porl bl S; Iho tlie iMrorliuiilon Orunni had bmuKlii m llj me. II w.n» eortcel bo far os ti wenl,

nul I made no mention .of the c e n m ' sleknefs nm'ong. Uio .Kildlcrii. fltA<ii- C tliu otk-iislnMiw-Binnng, llio „ 'r5 » « jn ^

^ •^tirt-nfovlndnlt.-nor-o t-tlie -lculumtfce.. ^ ai.il Idttc'rncJl nniong Ifiroiheer". in’ , : rw -tn t ~aV-i:tnlht<l. r'»P0Ki>:iruinrmiyc ^

^o^rlli^r>IP^l«ld-^ccn. -nnd-Trqotfl-tir ^ ^tm<li>»-hliti^intorniod.-flnd -bJia.l nSs ^ "desire-to bo_ profctl o' llaK tVlii-n J jC

•lii'i' '“' ® Trtll-tlishi.-chJ"----------- - -led ’ (Oontlnued In next Isxta)Mn • ■ (ni'- StroSCRIBg 'FOR THE NEWS.

lL T Olily TheatreiAT., APRIL 26, 27, 28 t - T i n - T i n P i c t u r e Y e t !

i i N M i i dU H ^S riE I'N A W R N E R BROS P R O p U p T IO NV « ;/*\ . Jston Robirds' Hlra-FcrsuMB \ Bsby MtiT I uiie Miller

ntOU«iwn«JBM.-u r t x u Q ^

HRILLS ' T f tE I l i£thinf? But . ■ ■■ '3 CLOUD BUSTER” VAfflONALHEWB^.

) M I N G - V , - .JNDAY, TUESDAY.n LABT.'UlnOH”vv . : •

' ■ . 1 .7 . -


l i S i i E i E lJ l F i i O y p l E i i

qUUnilK,' A^ U (Spedftl to' iiw , ^ N cwal^-l'DarteeD 'carloaiti o t .produte ^ vei'e ihlpped Irom the Uanaen tnlgbt 4/ dn»t,toit.wek.,aceordin« to. tho re- Sr t»rt Qe^ Truitt, agtnt Wkitk . tormed'thOr^r put otS)u |hlp- ■ ments, wlUi bcaSa and poUtM com- iS : t o r " a m 6n U n d 'a a J Mr, I

and V n . H, B. pjevoland, all of Bur- t ley. ve re guests a t the homo. 6t ' Rev. 11

Elnio Kerr, attended the 'gym nasU c jprogram presented by th e studenta ot | Iho Idabo atoto. School to r the Deaf j

' and Uio Blind a t Ooodlng. Saturday tPo-. evening. ♦___________

ICELEBflJTEBIIlW , ,i 1 miPfHSEPiUi. c, ,'• . ___ . J!?“ . ROGERSON, AD rll.25-A number-of , young people plcoflanlly surprised Miss , f " ; Ruby S tuart Tuesday cvciU ngln-honor t

o t her blrtliday. /TiItlslc nnd dancing t

"2 ' Rctrcslimenta were scr\-ed. 1A large number o t Rogerson people 1

i ? ' oltendcd Uie senior play. "Thc Dum- jJny”. jflvrn In Ibo Hollister hlgji ichool iauditorium Friday n igh t. . r-T d rs . S. L. '^Inltby lias relum ed 1home from Albion where she visited t

i „ . her daughter, Mrs. C lark McGinnisnnd husband several days. 1

Mrs.- Avis IlalBlit motored to Twin i Palla Wednesday evening to >1sit her/

,*r moUier-ln-lnw, Mrs. Horton lln lg lit../ <• S ' Mr. and Mrs, C larence W cn jc h l^ 1ir . ' *Pfnt Uie week end a t the ir homo m |

Twin Palls, Mr. Worschlng Is assJSt- 1Ins C. West In thc ei^cUon of tho-hew 1servlcc 'Stalina i

, ’ Gcorgo Hudson and ftunlly o t PUer. 1.Prank and Roy Pace o t Burloy, P r ^ 1

a s Pctcrcon and tam lly a itd Mr. and ]Mrs. George Jl^dison drove to Magl» 1;iot-*prIngs-^unday ,....

An .entertainment. "T ho Frolic," nJid ,", a ple'soclal will bc-glven-Oy Uio mem- 1 ” '* bers or the R. H. B. club lh Uie R o s : . . ct* crson' school nutlttorlum Saturday .'III night, Aprll 28 a t 8 o'dockfill. -----------, ---------

A N N O t J N C E M E N T S

Tlio Bliiu.lakC8.D oulcvard club wlU I meet Frldny ^iith Mrs. W. H, McDon--

■"‘' 'a id on i}iue-l-aK.vi uouicvnrd^ indIti. Tlic W ar M *hera will meet Friday oso Afternoon with Mrs, Miyr Mlrkclwall.

.443 I'ourth avenue norUi.ju r ’ ---------«nf. T.ic Nocdlr^mft d u b wlli m M t'F rl- a t dfty 'afternoon n t thc h o m o ^ ^ M rs .

rgi, A. L. Skinner. 014 Sccond avcnuc.eaft.

T lui Scribblers club will m (ct T h u n - day evenlni! wllh Mrs. H orry Sftiock. 1307-SlxUi nrenuc cast. • ‘

bic . •IBP Tlic child Study club, under Uio aus-

pices of the Lincoln ParcntrT eacher a.isoclnUon will m eet In room 108 ot lln;. IiIkU rchool. Friday afternoon a t

I 2:1Q, A cood olu>ndanco Is d esired .. •

tl'i* The P>-Uilan SLitera regular temple mceUng wlU be held Friday. AprU if, o t 8 o'clock p. m, in I. O. O, F. hML

ol Spedal entertainm ent an d ' rcfresU- siii m enu.

ini' Tho T nln FalLi lodge of Uio I . O. k<i|. O. F. will m eet h i regular session

■fri *>"0 week on account of the quai. =«ntm ???3ip=^ iid= degreo^ iirbe,con-, Jm H ijm jQ ii t jn n d ld f t tc s and-*^sood T^^^pt^ncc Is rcquostcd. All-vfcUUng DToQicra will bo made'welcome.

‘ ------ n V h e i« - r f i r i

, .Now Si

• H I

_____ I! . I '

f f l H i j «TKC

. wBBfm k OAForp

> M mm tw i ' S E A W C



; ' ' ; ;;— , '~

3j26;.192g. ' . ....... '

^ Air PlctiirefNowat •S Halid Pleases Fans g

U • ! « « • l i i ’ t iw b u n Id WJp- appcallns to Uie moUon p lc tu rt publte » j m - and . o r WM Uie eaae of “W in g s ,- tto

-- epie-flf-ttoo a ir, “H ie Legion o t Uie »« r , OrjuJeiMied,- anijU ier.scrteo j t ^ o t ^ ur- th e aviator, which opened a t Ui# Idaho

Uii-atre la it 'n lg h t I* bursUng w ith t t o _

die stories. WIUi “W'lnn" a n d ' „ ot Ion ot tho Condenined,''’Pan»ount eat Is more, than' keepln* abreast ot the lay Umes. S■Tbo Legion of Uie Condemned" * WIU givo Uw speclator tuU enlertaln- ment along Unea. namely Uirills. Idvo « Interest and entertainment. From the “; . man who takea hla tlying eerlous right ^ ru downrUj Uie flapper who likewise II dwelU'a bit UMrf Uio romanUc i .this pletufe Is being tliown without , a tine reacUon,- _ _lUL'waa onlyjaturalJlial.Earamqunt 'T would select young NyillUm Wellman J* Mr to dlrecl "The Legion of tho Con- “ demned.- In. tlw tlrst pla'ce he »-as I'J' u iiil'iiiLiir UiB-Lufa>ell() Scjuadmr -fl hhnMlt during thC*-woi. and there Is lltUe j-ou 'could tell Idsi about Uie G m- (lyiog ot airplanes. Secondly, Uils is ool Uie yoimg man who handled'Uie mega­phone on ‘iWlngs- odd so there Is very »d uiue you could tell him' about tho.«, t«d photographing ot air pleturct. aiI FurUier Uum tlut, the story is ro'm Uie pen of John Monk SaundCM, ][

v-'n Uic nuUwr ot "Wings." jjIicr/ in tho leading rolcs are Gory Coop- tw cr, as tho >-oung American newspaper- „ m mnn turned ace. Pay Wray, discovered fn by Erlc'Von Stroheim and given thc at- lead In "The Wedding March." BoUi* „ ■cw turn'In splendid performances. OUier memben of Uie cast are Barry Norton, jr Jer. ot “What Price Glory?" fa ie. Lane jj «d Chandler, Voya George, Francis Me- md Donald, Chorlot Bird, Freeman Wood q igl» -and E. H, Calvert e

m- story of Njght Life L, — Is Tense Melodrama uThere Is' a highly entertaining plc-

3 lure al Uie Orphci m UicalTc thb week. It Is "Chicago After Midnight." a icnsc melodrama which .Ralph Incc ft-lU mnde tor PCO mti la ilcli he plays on-- Ihc star tple. He hlia dofts n good Job In both capaclUes. , ' \ 'Always ollurtng, the life l \ Uic big day clty wWch Just beglns-lo lBko.\i color all, after tho duck strikes nildnigh rma the bdsLi for Uili plclure, '■'Chlcaso Afler Midnight" can,cuslly take lU ?tl- place among-Uic bcst'underworld stor- ilrs. Ic3 of' Uio year.'- It lias been !produced ajt. 'with o’' talUifulncss lo chn.mctcrlza- tlon and an eye to color U\at Is mpch m- .to the crcdll ot Mr. Incc. , :,xk. A splendid caAt, Ihdudlnj thc piqu­ant Jola Mcndcx. Helen Jerome Eddy, tTahk Mason, • Cari Axzcllc. Old M. lUS- Nc?8,-"P.nt). Selter, Frank Mills and her ChrLitlan 5. Prank, givo highly satls- ot factory pertormancca. nt It j-pu'- tt-ant excitement,' llko-the color of .night dubs, apd love drama of Uic vlrUe -typc, os mosl of iis do. iple be sure to sec "Chlcagjr AfUr Mid- it, night." /•1*11 — ____________ IflU- , STATE CHAMBER £NC.0URAGEI), BUltLEY. April SS-Aftcr spending

several days’ in Cassia county'in .U14 O. Interest ot the Idaho Chamber, ot jlon Commerce, Mrs. R. 8, Slrlngfcllow, BT Hdd mmm. uifi m'totnm-to boi c.

lood !JOko nt different placc?. Ihchidln;rth* Ung mpsUtig. ot Uic Oakley , Valley com- mcrclAl'flub,

tli PJciurcs Pla *

' Siiowing :., b b Jh u ,

jc r ( » p p ^ .;' WfStSk

hu’ Gorteaa wid'; . ■ ■ agC .i m V . S H m . ' 'B R H '.MUF.-CEor::

J . ' '. ' '

m i i p i B i f -■ 'ttE itriim

CLOVER. April'a8i-Mr.:(njd M rs.Carl U erm ann, recently nu rried a t . Orange. CalUomJa, a rrlw d and a r t maWng tJielr homo tor t l ^ . 5SeSt .wiUi cart» fathfr.jCftri U r- ..'. >Ti»nn Olid tomlly, ' 'The memben ot Uw young peoples j Mdety ot Clover wlU meet Thursday/ eveftloff In the achool house tor o aoc- .**WrtHoblcman of Byron, Nebraska, ' who-caifie here to attend the funeral

• a*". IV. P. D^^ Idt Mon-(iiy*-fcff' PMttflirtg;aMl«nr fvaMnd ■—mecUng Uila week.Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Uermann cn, UrUlned Sundny ot a a o'd«X dinner The guests were Mr., nnd Mrs.-Fcrd Kaster, Mr. nnd .Mrs. A. H. Jagels,Mr. and'Mra. Rudolph Maricw, Mr. nnd lllni. 0. O. Hahn ond Uielr house /■ guelts, Mr. and Mrs.* Gus. Hahn of Nebraska, who nro returning trom Callfomla where Uiey ej>ent the wln- tcr. ‘ -- Rer.-W, F.-Danncntcldt motored to Jcromo Sunday nftcriiooh where -ho- ionduelcd scrviccs. Ho wns accom-panlcd-by—Mrs.—DnnneDtcldt • aud----daughleni.'' .

G IV E G Y M N A S T IC P R O G R A i r ^’ •

G&ODf.VO. April 25 'Sp.'daJ to Tho News) — students of Idalio Slalo • -school for Uie Deaf and tlio Blind appeared In a g)-mna3tlc program In ‘ Uie school Bymna-ilum nt. 0 o'elock lost: Saturday evening. .The program Including • nmrdilng. dancing, drills, , apparatus 'work and tumbling nnd ^ pjTnmld building.An Interesting feature o tbe pro ; gram was the *ftict that, all drills " nnd exercises .wrc staged lo-Uie at:- ' ccmpanlmcnt ot mustOi even Uioso ■■ In'whldi'Uic denf students panic-,' Ipatcd. Muslc was lumlslitd by Uio achool Orchestra under the.direction ot Marian Royi}olds. -Mlu Jrcno Buckley waa physical dlrntor.*The MeUiodLil Ladles' Aid will hdd cooked food, candy -nnd upron sale nt , Ui4 Dairy Store, April 23,-Adv.


; GRADUATION ^ .G IF 1 « - - j

1 - ' AT

i' . . - J m A U G H ’S ^ ': - AUCTION , ►; ■-•■ SA LE : ....

I 3.P. M. . RP.M.; , . Daily -

•[Tlte Orpltenm: TODAY, FRI. & SAT. ....

• ___ ____

- •Matinoo ,ai«l_E«ninff _r ■-------- T---------------- —^rEARS-OEILTHIL- —

. i l D

8-ReeI •Comedy -Patho nWs. |A '

r f f f i i i S iCDilfEll T Bill

D e ld o a te s F r o m f p i i t U i l o ® * I "

Dfttriot to Attend Alternoon■ and Evening, Sessions. '

B m S 'w ill I”' aJlcrnooa and even la j w llh a t o y w l

a t U » R«>-al » f o a t 6 o’c lc jj . M - nation WlU be w n d ^ e ^ . ‘'J' lod jc nnd It Is expected lh a t Poca- tello will ■enter » drlU tea?J during

■ S e l 5 f e work. Dcltgnte* w « ■ pected I ro n O lenni F teiy . Tw in Pall* SndB uriay .' M r«.,.0 . R. B unn , meat excellent-chief, wUI preside over the

**MnTtU»bert Hiighea and her mother. Mr*. N> A. Spence. W t Tuciday for Los Anaelc*. where Uiey wlU spend the

-------- i u m ^ r n - h o ^ -o rb e n e n tln g -M rs r. Hughes' health.

Mr. *nd Mra. Charles Snyder of pn,.tiami_ » bo iiavQ be<n guests . ot Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Nason io r th e past 10 days, w iir ieave overland Wednes­day Ior the ir homo. Tlicy were fonner rcsldenu of Jluhl.

Mrs. WUllam W eydert and Mrs. Mc­Donnell were hostesses Saturday after* noon a t the homo of the form er to members, of th e Catholic Women’s League with 12 members prdw nt. Pol- lou-lfig a brief business session tho aJlem oon was spent socially. T h t next- meellng'wUJ bo a t the hom e'of Mrs.

- RuyU wtth Mra. Harvey Bleklchaupt asalsllnjf. . \ .

Mrs. U E. McNamara cnterw incd the■ ■ LQneheon ^lub Tliursday. Six mem-

bcre wero present.Mr. and M n. -pugato of McAlien.

Texas,' who wero called hero by thc death o( Mra. Fugates' father, Jotin Dahiqulst, iiavc returned J ? their home. • •T 'l .

-----------M to -H w rie t- -Jo rd a n of Ottoway.lUlnoU, U ^ e guest of he r oiusln, N. I. Jordan., and fam ily .'

- - -V Merehant Boys' U om o..............W. H, WrlRht. manager of the J . 0 .

Penny store. Iws purchased the V. R. Lnlrd -home 6n Eleventh etrcet ond will

__ nrtd twf) rooTOi and batli bn th e s « -ond floor whtch have no l been fm-

=:: Viinl— r - • ■ ■ ■■■ -T -rn r r t - .- ; - .........

» Duhl cchool faculty, was a week end guest of M iu Wllma Noh's a t PUer>

TheV. Business Women's club met M m daji evening with - IT members prc^«atrfor a spring tonic party . Each members case was d l a g n e ^ by a t-

. tending physicians and the proper reme­dies applied. Hostesses wero-Mrs. Nell Frltcher and Miss Helen Prltz. The club Is sponsoring a Klay day dance Sfhlch »1U bo held In the I, O . O. P. h a ll Tuesday evening. May 1. ‘

'Tho A m ulcan Legion Auxiliary met Mohddy evening a t the 'hom e Of M r i

■ Harold U j'do 'w ltit 13 m em ben pres- _ ent, T hc evening ^ spcriV w ith carts.

- ; The next mecUng, May H , will bc a « busincKs .session.


_______ HO LLI6TEB...April.2JbrA_fire_ be-- --- licved to Imve been caused by defective --------'battery w lrtng-completely-destroyed-^'

Hudson sedan 'abou t a m U o '^ es t of . town Sunday afternoon, Ralph Wea>

------- ver.-QwncrandXoulg Peteradtsrovered• Uie car was on liro .Just J3 . Umo f a r

bolh to Jump out unhurt."----------- Elght"tratlull-^Brfe'TJU l^oir~ the*Br

C H. 'l x n n y 'r a n c h Monday. Approxi­mately 70 acres were plowed and har­rowed that' ono day, .

M r.'o n d la rs . B ert W eaver-enter­tained a t dinner Bunday for M r. and Mrs. D. 0 . W eaver of Buhl, oarenta of

— ^ B e r t n y c d V e r r o M - M r 'a n a n f ^ H eath and famlijr of Oaatleford. Mrt. H eath is a sister o f BeH*Weayer. am t Mr. and Mts. W. L. Oftrdner o f Roger- acm. ~

Dr. and Mrs. S . E. Leece of Twin k ■ PaUs visited Mr. arid Mrs. & H. Lenny . Sunday.

A 'num ber of relatives anc( friends '• arrived a t the Ja m erV rn y home Sun­

day to iielp ccTcbrato* Mr.* W ray'i birthday. Those preaent were Mr. and U n . Orover NKby and Mr. Wrayli m other of R u ^ H . Miss Vesta W ru of. Albion.-A. E. MuUiner and chUd­ren o f 'T « In 'F a lls a^d lifl’. and M r t H ubert d e r t l a t . . .

. Twin FaUs vtslUm a t Ute-H. L.' “ U agton ' homQ_ Sunday were Mr. ond

U n . R. E. Lelghion and chUdren, U r. and Mra. O, B.' Weldon aiid family, MU* In a Parker’ond Erwld Bchitttwp,

M emben of the'-sealor cIm*. eighth' B ntee.gr«luatea and teacher* nro in-

. vlted to tbe baiiquQt 'to .b e g ivw \ -.tb» HdIU*ter:graoie Monday erenlns,

■ Aprll'SO.'- ,#■. ^


- - : • Daily v. -rhzf e l ' r 'x n g il

" f c

I - .-.Thft-ei(i*l6« in * iU it t :o r jb e .j» L ro r . 1 the d r i u n a 'u d Dten^tnre deparlm ent ' o t th e TwenUeUx'Centurr club va*

on W edaM dV ’ln .tbo form ^ f a pot ' luck lunehfon ti, one o'clock a t the

home of. M rs. S . C. W yatt on Third avehua a a a L .U rs . O eorge'W ard and

. . . Mja. B . lL IU n d * h l had charge of the ier gamw, atunt* tn d conta U , which fu r-j,

h e o m / t o the new chairman. Mrs. Rob- , let e rH la llo r who announced her program , ll* c6 nqilUeo. A riling vole of tiianks »1 was iendered Mr*. Reynolds for her , a - splendid leadership during tlie p u t . ng year, ' lja - • — ||^ Honoring Miss J lera Claar. ftho Is 1 H t toon to be married. Miss imogene 1

C n v en presided a t. a beautifully ap- : . pointed supper, Tuesday evening a l her i

home on M ventli a\'enue norlh. The-i e en te rp lm for tbe table Vi-ns n bowl ,

l>e of daffodils,J^CDttnf_wcre_markc<U-iti>Lj yellow and w hite place cardi and the 1 menu featured the same dalnt}* colors. { Miss C laar wa« given a miscellaneous 1

P*. ahownr of lovely glfla during thg fve« 1 u t nlng a n d tl^e patty attended the mov- 1 « - les. Thoee present in addition to hon- 1 ler oree and hoatess were K(n. McCain, :

M n. OrvlUo Oray. Miss May Pranklin. , ic- Miss HUen Ryan. Miss Dorothy Vos- t ir- burg and Miss MUdred Bertsch. |<

-------- |lMrs. Hortense Perrina Is issuing In- •

vltations for her amiual blossom p a r ty l to bo held a t Bluo Lakes. Sunday, . April 29. . <

n . ■ (Mre. W. f i acUley was hostess to

u . the H armony ciub Wednesday afler- : _ noon a t her home, on Tenth avenue 1 . north-, in th e bridge i ^ e s whlcli are 1

the diven loo . fovo.<Tfor score was won 1 f l ' by M ^ Thom as Rowberry. Mesdamcs 1

Coleman, J . T . Balnbjjdge. A. A. Timm j L i a n i W . T . Kustw i were club guests 1

and out for a prize.. Mrs. Tliiim bcina ‘ the lucky winncAr. At the conciusion-]

y,' of the gomes refreshments were served. 1

•M em ben of t^o Wednesday B ridge .< • •• Club ja e t w ith Mrs; V. H. Ormiby this 0 . week a t he r homo on Second nvenue ' R. north. Iho fav o n falling to'M rs. W R. , 111 P ritbe aud Mrs. E. B. WiiUams. , |

- th ? h n ^ i^^ --M ri^ l.f^ A -W n m M --» llh ^

nd and M rt-D lckerson were guesLvpf tiie ' r afternoon. P lans w ere ' made fdr Uio let nnaual May day party to -be held n t ; ;n Uie Business and Profeaslpnal Women's i eh' club rooms on W ^ te d a y , May 3 .M r l ' ] kt- Bowet^ gave an .excellent liapc^ on i le- “Our Presidents' Wives" .and Helen 1 ell and Dorothy W arner playeii t w : he charming violin solo* accompanied by ! ice Mr*; W arner on Uie piano. R ctrcsh.l P . ments wero sen ed by Uie hostess u * i.

Blsted.by Mrs. Ed l^ lbe rt, and her; let daughte're, Helen and ,^ ro th y W arner.!, rs. . .a - U n . Zella Morgan. M n. Verna M or-! ds. gan, and ' Miss Emma Robinson enter- '

a talncd Uic M. 8 . ond 8 . club n t tiie home of the former on W ednesday'' aftemolm . Twenty-two m em ben amir Uio follow lni giie9ls were present: ' Mesdamea Lena Miller, George Mentcii. : Joe Drake, C. B. Sims, B. W. 81ms. 1

E O pal Cappon and M rs .v ^ is Vickem : of PayoUa. Kansas, who Is th e houso 1 guest o f Mrs. A. J. Requa. A ahort buslnes* session was presided over by

__« the viCK nrwlrtwit. Mr< n p nKip.man. T he program arronsed by Mra,

ivd ■” ■ —-*• . M M M W lof .* • •

:sr ----------


Ids '

nd . . ..

./-W ife■St., . . . \ * r rx ~

J T o r Womeh-Whe;

I ■, Ultra-,

At $ 7 «

-l-.¥j^V|»EYONB--«wlmircB.- life woll shod.io iuat 1

■ ;io ’bUy., .'Wc Invito your a«c I ..o f• to itog^ ivo ' Bllpperi,

leathorif f^brie■•titf; 'rm- »W>

3. ' g m Y H B W S , T ^n l l U t j a ’.oia^wtU eon*iii«d ot » cleveiI nMiUia.ooni4Bt;.a-»lBslnB itunt can,'V « huoM iow UUUaUwi« ( th(* IW,V.of(lccr*..The hostFttes served ro- ' ( re u u n tn ls a t tlw close of the after-


A speclol business m a tin g o( ehap' — te r O., P . E. O. « -u held Tuesday eve- far nlng a t tbe.hom e of U rs . Z«4,. Breck- tn t enndge; w ith ttio president. M n. Ed- ras v a jtl Cooper a c t i n g ■hostas.— Aftei pot th e business was .transacted, a t«cia the hou r was enjoyed and rcfrvslmienti Jrd served.md --------

, I n c o m pU m a» t-to .llrf,JV illiam .rit y * jo f D uhl' wlio u

“ 5 'h b m e oft "Secotid avenue north. Tin ^b- am all tables aa whlcli th e gueiilji wen

seated were m ost attractive with 1 U oy 'D ay decorative scheme, carrlct o u t with lovely baskets In nrecn ani

“ ^.yellow. O reea baskets wiUi yellov liandles, tied wlUi tuU e-bow s-ln Uu

,sam e hues, and filled w ith yeUow Jon- Is qulls and forseythld formed tho cen'

me terplecDS. Coven for tb e tables wen tp- In the choscn colon, basket placi ^er cards, nu t baskets and yelloNv tn|>cr ■he-in-gTten'sUcIUTVlth g rtcn ahadra ud' >wl ded to th e beauty of tho tables. / Itil' wnVfl fm turn ttoa a nedeatal oil n'iilpj ^ e stood an old fashioned celery slniu irs. {lUcd w ith punch,, which was scn-n )us tho guests as they entered the dinint re- mftfn m Ui.y «tood at the ir nlacrs ai w - th e tables M n . J . H . Barker tm- beautiful toast to the guest of lionor ■In, FoUowUig im idjeon Uio afternoon wai lin. sp e n r w ith needlework and coniTrj.T 5s-,tion. T he invlUd guests were Mcs­

d a m e s H . P itt, Charles NTcrhtrk Ben aad John Lunty, J . H. Barker, L

in- J .' Parker. M ary Welly. I. P. ConsUnt rty -K . Egbert, 0 . E. Rn»n. T tavo.Barcnler ly, A. L .-Ellis, D. PrlU, nnd A. W. -Me-

Callum nil of Buhl, and Mra. V-'Ubui Q arrlton of Idalio Palls.

tr- : "Conicn'oUon’' was UiS .rabjcct dis- lue cua^ed b y 'th e Country-W om en’s clut ire a t its meellmr Wednesday aftcrflooti on a t th c homo o f M n . LrTTMIlIcT. The les program wns as follows: Two plane im jo los , "D aw n"'and ".Love Song," Nevin. its plotted by Mrs. Scott EUswortRtTHffJr ns "Birds., Qamo and Fiowen ot Idaho,' on M n . Rebecca* WaUclngton; two-vocal od. solos, "Sleejx L ittle Baby -of Mine,'

]nnd ' ^ 0 Honeysuckle nnd the Bee.' l2c Mrs. O uy. Sturgeon:, poper, "Valunblc his Trees and Forests," Mra. William Carl- lUc son: two vocol solos. "BanddcrO" and R. "Among My Souvenlre." W arren Par­

ker. Lna Vegas.. New Mexico. Siub

I iembera nnowered .to roll call by nam- ny tree3-and-f>ow ^-»atlv»-<o Tdalio .L»tic lic o o ..^ s _ je m i l . ,^ tO'.lfl^.o:‘rtrtiu c l u t r T ^ r s 'o f ‘ycllow~ttBtl wliltc:~PaT‘

hP WjW<i*(ioullsrUuc3t». Wilffll MU- » d a itic ii|ti ly ^ tu n ;eo n . H. HamUton..C

■'*“ B. L l l l a y aM H. C. VIctor. oll of th( M. 8 . nnd a . club: M esdame*'Prank

^ ’::-Houf«-ian, Jolin Olen. Honry'Crowe, J. I t M. Pierce.-M. 'V .,R ltchcy.'Ii, M. Tlmj

bers. W. W. Powell. C. B.-jAnderson R. 0 . Beatty.-B lnlno V osberg.ni, E Swisher. Pr.mk Oott.. P. D. Ncer. E

,1,' |W . Pnrln nnd Miss Mabel Loper.

“;]TftUEBLOOD ;nEW MEMBER'"■joF knulL school board

0 -'! KNULL. April O - W . J . Tnit^loo* the wan the new member to be clectei Iny 'on Uie school board on April 31. ' .mir Mr. and M n . O. J. CaldweU at- nl: Iftidcd a reccpUon given a l Paul cll. Idaho, for Mr. and Mrs. Diet; I g g j 11s. Uioloniew, who were rcccnUy m a J |H em Mre. BarcUiolomew was Miss liaxe'. iso Coon ot Tw ln-Palis. ort Mrs. Bcn Rayburn waa operated or by for nppchdicltls Monday; Mre.'RayburiIp- fnrrwCT]. n f-lfn illl. anrt nOW llVClIra, nt H ansen. __________ ‘ ’ ’

h » - A p p r e c i a i s - S t y l e -

Ei*Smart ‘

PWEAR7 . 5 0

l i t a m a t U r ’o t .K n o w ln a : w b o ro a t t o n t i o n ooU obJfon’ ,

f w h - ; .briCS a i i 4 i . . c q i f e * ; c ^ ’c b .I m l r a t l b i F S S M r a m w e a r i n g 'u y .


^Fiim iaE iiis]“ TOBBllIEIlIfchap*' eve* _ . " ' ~ '

I 'w - S e n i o r C l a s s o T .^ t a l c . U nive’rS r |

I J i S ! ty , P o o a tc l l o . In c lu d e s 1 5 ;

. Y o u n g P e o p l e 'o l T h is S e c tio n ’

'~W vc'''‘ v H l^ ^ ^ lS ~ Uicl'miii will bo

W S lioTI

Tlie to n lis t of s tuden ts who havo com'- were pleted graduation rpqiilrrmhitn wlildi

llh a was complied rcc en iii by lUc ri'jjls- arrlcd tr a r . ' SoventyrUirto stiidciiu win b<>1 and graduated from tho f'omhfm branch k'cDow th is y e a r ,- 'I) Ui8 . . B uw WlU have four .stiwiniij nrnd- t Jon- uaUng, R upert two. ani! Caitlelonl, |

cen- Eden, Jerom e and Shushonc will have wern ono. each.____place O raduatcs wboso hoiiicji nre Iti this

tn|)cni ,vi*inity a re :.a u j . -JTvi'in. Falls: H ester Usmllinn. a«o - a A ' ' “ ic in arts ; W iync Eliiu-r Juiuwun. whipJi n.i.M)clnlc in_educaUon. stii:o ciciiicnij. 8 tnnd ’' “ >T ccrliflcalc; Bhtiim Riiili Kinu, tcn-nl' elem entary cvnilic.iii'; violetilnlnir Lenore ' Johnson, nuociatc iji busl-

a t l n g ^ ndm inU tnH lcn: Harold Blticiiin,

Buhl: Roh9 0 ,.Wv W u fr ^ o c la io in n was II —Z—i-crM-

irhck.' 1 ,c r, L. I ' '

1 N qw;:Y: dis-

€ .A d v anpianoJevin; ;• '

j M I B S I B I H Ilaho," ------- ^ I b—vocal .Jlne," ' H . . -Bee." : H I U

I p

iHrtlia Z Z I T ^ ■> . W l l-Ps?* — | ^ W j M j g i g | i i i | W I | |

•vaiik .

Tlm i-r • l l ^Brson. ■ ' ■ * ' I Fil, E. ■ •jr. E- B ' - i . .

BERARD , ______________ __

s Bargain. -r Home

H P [ . S e r v ic e i in d c r ll io s c iio ilu lo iii f u n i is l

xl on _ l u c t c r a p d c o m p a re s c lic d tilo t h o liig h c i

____ _ . . . . 40 ',-. lo sa :

l lZ Z j — ............... U - y o n -H B O -m > a 'o le c t r i c i t y f o r ’lig l itl

------ ^ ^ o t h e r - o o m b i n R t i o t t -w ili y o u r c o o k in g si

____ ________________ b u L i-O Jic J ig iitin g -sa i■ o r to o u n d e r th o s e :

. A a k a t tin y I d a h - ~ o f f i c e t o h a v o th e

____ __________ e x p la in e d i n .d e ta i l .


l^ fl______ I h i s Himp H fi r r t n i^nnrn

^ a u to m a t ic a l ly , o c o n c m ic n o t o v e n d iU n g . I n s id e - i n g t h o r o l a a j j c r m a u o n '

> ' • T h o a l l - i n - o n o ic in ff u r _ _ . t o p o f thp , s j e o i a l l y d esi]

•f lo m b U n g , .-ad . p lu»b} D ff p ip e s , d r a ln a , f a n s » o r bc

■ B aa t o b e . ^ j f g e d in to i • i t s t a r t s . I ^ .^ B 'B im p W

, . Sold On

1^- = = ^ E a f c -

" “Terras .t i i

b f r '

' M

RSDAY MORNING. APRIL' r t I engineering; Arvil O. Anderson, asso. S ! eiste Ul eleetrioity: wiiiie Olsen; ai* \ l lio t ta W - lW i h a ln * * »«ftrtnmT»ttoa; .:..4B em leo Ripley, associate in business

E a aniin lstn tton ..I R upert: Alfred W. Friecke, associ- la ta in busintia adm lnistnU on; Noel : prankiin . assodato In engineering.

Castleford; O rrtond J . Thomas, as- '»oclate In Bclencc.

fer.S*t 'E d « » ' O le n n t) . Davis, t^soclaio lii ; cnB lnvring .'

^ 5 ; Jerom e: H elen Bruckcr, associate Ir iioiiic-cconomlcs.

Shoshone: Aranetta- BeU, assocl- ‘' “ ^ '' i n t c In buiiness adm lnU tration,•

111 bo HAH.EV COW I E « « A I._C L Iin____

jliilo! .‘ " lIX lL T X April a i—More th a n 1 liumu ttii» f>im.com- iiiorclal club com m ittee .M onda/ eve-

nlilch nings.. Cards, dancing and a muslca ri'tJlS" jirw rm n wcro. fea tu res . of tho ovc' Hi bo tiUiff's p leasure.' P . L. H ickm an o much Suit Lnkc. 'who waa In Hailey on busi

liies'i. favored UiO'guests w ith sevcra nrnO. vunil iiiiinbers. Ono of tnem , enUtiet eloril, I "icluho", was w ritten by M n . J . W have m id ot Jlalley. *


UHun. • HAILEY, April 2 5 -F o r U«r coiii' liicnij. ini;..jr»r iliQ_?IallrX.8ch()0l Jx ja rd .lw KiiiB, stcurcd llH> tcrvices o f Bdson Fow l Violet or. lorinerly of -Nftinpa. for superin busl- tn iD cn t nt the city schooU. B. t

ticiiin. Hunt, who I m held the po>lllon\thi iw.li yoiArti, "is ctm im piatliig igo-

alo in ini; to the northern p.-irt of tho /la te

Y Q t J ^ T o o

h t a g e s o f ]

tin R ^ e s Iime SeP™es Ir tlio nov/ B arg a in R a to Hu n iish cd th ro u g h ono Iuoaro tl v /ith tho o th o r Ilig h cst l i f h tin g r a to is ,. I

m> a v c rag o am o u n t o fligh ting a n d cooking_or^____________tio n- aerv ic c s , ■no t - only------------------ ^ing se rv icc b o -o h o a p o r;- ' ^ -----------ig.satvico-will-bo-<Jheap«-^-------------------tiose B a rg a in B ito o .

Id ah o P o w e r s to ro ' o r 3 th e s o 'B a r g a in - B a te s , ■ • - - e ta il........I . . ' . ' •

et Real Serv« . ® E L E G T k ]

sfrigerator :cn czaL £loctrio .£ofrig fira lo r-w orks— icmicaUy.' I t needs no a tte n tio n — isid e -tb o horm eticully , a'ealod oas- ittuont ottpply of oil.

ng u n it iff mcToiy lo w ered in to tbo ’ designed citblnot. T h ere is no, a s - ' ibjng to b o .d o n e . . T h o ro -M o n o ­o r bolts. Tho n p jt io in ta c t. I t Ju s t in to a n y e lo c trio 'o u tlo t. In s ta n t ly ' impW a s tlja t. ^

' ." Q uietly, eeo a^ lo aU ;jr, ih b '. G. £ . g ives you soidnttflo

re fr ig e ra tio n . O uts dowD'.------------y » m »-m tti>k o t ln g-pf<>bl»a>ir;—’ ' y o u r cooking taslcB. O ouo. •

In .an d lo t U3 exp la in in dti., ■ ta ll tho 0 . f i 's . m any

• ......... . • 'f luporior /o a tn ro s . . .;

G L E C T KID A H O 'P 0 \

iH . 26; 1928. . . - t r r n : ^

I M E i l i E t '

I. M - ........... ..............

“> 1“ County Commissioners on’ pfo- gram lor lU c cyg f^ f Farm-

■ crs’ Ornanlzation.'

iM ttw rrri u tS w - dttrffjrcK euslca'l buslne.is hour which Included dlscua-

ove- -slon of buU dlng-a new lia li .’ft)r a n of meeting place. An interefiting pro-

busp Rram arransrd by Mrs. Cnrl Jonrsl evonil wns enjoyed by lhe lorge company In Uticd nltehdance. M n. H. H. Bam cs of J. W. T y ln Pall* gave two vocal selccUons

nnd Mrii. J . H. nam es of T^^Ll PalU plnycd Uiree harmonica numbers. James L, Barnes of Hansen. Icounty

rtr tt a comuiiatloner. gave an explanatory toik on county, hospital condltlom and fl-

coiti- nances. Dr. W. A. Faloon of Twin a.lMW. FaU a. gave ,n_ ic ad lng_l'F athc r_O ive i Fowl- Son a chance." M n . E. s . Wood was x r in - assisted by a number of th e grange 8 . P . m em ben ln sen-lng lunch a t Uie closefiXtho of the social bour.________________ •;^ S 0- ' Mrs. A. J . Kloltiersnctl oTkTw n U. / la te . R. M otiienhed of Russell, K ansas, and

• ••i ^ I ' '

0, Can En.■ E lectric €— v' . ■„ • Grasp ’

' ' ( ' I ' ' O P P ® ^ tu

.•..ll WEST!]

m A

R;'Ra■ -.'.With “FLAV

H '■■ ON E A S 7I ,

I 1$1D0'! l ’ Balance pn i

M onlhly injw

W hen y o u consider th a t olootri in g fuo l you can buy, you canno t

z : : : i ^ « U ^ T l i o l x b n v o n i a n — ^T5ifr-m od«rn-aietfaod-u r cook in g fi

T h is a ttra c tiv e o ffo r p laces elo re a c h . A paym en t o f only ONE D

- -rango with* tho " J la v o r Zont)'-’ 0 \ • w .o n '.t , t^ o long to pa7 . th o .bo las

o f $ 6 .0 0 a m onth. Oomo In — To

vice When Y

C O ‘ M P A ’ i f ^

TT"—’ 7/ 9to (fferouSwl5ir!wS»g

Tho young coupir rill nuk» ;tlu tt;b o n M ^ > on B farm south of Klmbwlyi';. '-.'-ijM1. nigh Bclioorplento ■ :------M em bn* o t Uw f re sh m a n '- sophomore cloue* were guesta of X lffla. W

berly h lgb Khool upper o lo ianan i l 'r.U— lunlor-itnlor plc Heia'i t

,ue memben of thc lMuJty. ; ,'\'i3. ' Pred Nygard tefl Monc tnomlns 1 , for Biack( t lo attend the funenil ... rites of bis grandfaUier. ;wtuiam SmlUi and 0. W; WaiUander '>’i In mQde a trip Sunday to the Ie« Cmii of nnd Bellevue, returning hy t,„ Blue Uke*. .ou Mr. and Mrs. Lovcrlg Wood rtturaod .* _ Monday from Chicago where—Uatjf>_;spent lhe wlnler monlha visiting Va. > "Ik Wood's parent*.7,: R. U Reed oLCoUviUo_Wa*Wngtoiu_ fin here. Tuesday stated Uiat he expects to buy stock In touUiem Idaho aad win movo'Wrfaniiiy new m Uh-’eaviy"'?' part of June. _

MEN'S 8UIT6 AND OVERCOATSDry clcaneS and pressed,-W. Rojid— Uld Cleanera and Tallon.—Adv.

ijoy the Sodkmg j1 This Golden turiity'to Get a


t Y C A l p L ^ :

ingeIVOR .ZONP” Oven.

y ' M s p S o ia l l y

, ^ • V ^ P M O E DlymenU "

itric ity is th o ohoapost cookjr , _ , not. a f fo rd n o t to cook eleo- • itUuoBS uutl iiUli«fabiloa. tbBl ^

r in ^ e a l s . '■ ■-

elootrio cooking w ith in y o u r .I DOLLAK ddwn wiU pbt tbls OveiLls your h d m o .v A ^ i(

ianco in W viDnlent-amounts TodayI . . \


■ V --~i I> " y - t H

B li

i i e l H i f f rNEWfllflCliFllRwi Hill I I I

Summer- Home dwncrs and. Other Interested Persons Co-[

i-iinnlinn tf'rjfmprnvsmnnt.-------- ^Mr.

Owiwn or Bunimcr homrs nnd oUicr J Inlereslcd fxrjonii, cooprratlrw wltlt j the Idaho DnplUt convention, ulll I corstrucl this nprln? a public « w l m - l a mln? pool a t tin* Easlpy Hot SprlnRii « . on W0.KI rivcr. 15 mllM nortli or Kct- I I chum. It wa-s Malwl herr lust cvcnUiR j U bv W. Zenna Sinilh. Twin PnlU. owner ',*> of A summer cnmi) on llakcr crcek. 1 _ near Ihe Eaulry sprinRs^ Approxl-] I mfttcly t3M0 Is to be Inveslert In ,Ih e ; r dm l which 1-1 lo bc IlnaiieeU by w le ; 1-

-o V b a th e W -tfck rtt— U -Li-plwiiHtl-lO;-------Ihc iKwL In operation some, time, •

In June. —. „ ' 1 QggTtic inalti plmittc Is to be npproxl*

ijatlii. dn'ulDK rooms nnd other Con- ■ ^ vcnlcnci's urc lo bc provided, ( *•

D ndcf Oorrrfiiurnt r r m l l f i The forest .servlcc. under tlie p la n '

lh a l has been worked out. will Lwuc n ;

r u for conslrucllon of the pool lo ^ Idaho Unpilst convemion. which ha.1 tt summer camp ncnr Eiwlcy nprlnits, und ihe CnptUt convention *7 ' ”

will conlract nnd ovcnu-e ilie coastrue- ™ tion progmm, Foreai ncrvlcc funds are not-nvallnble for this purpaw, and a general npiwal Li being mndc, to all persoan •Interested In Jmprovemcnt of the attrac tions of thl* well knowi resort lo coopemtc lii IhiJ enterprise by jivi^eliaslng In advance of bailien'

• tlckelK, Tlicic llckpU ore IraAnferable. and may bc oblnlned here Jrom Mr. flmlth.- - 1" i• Under Ih r forest nenlce permit, per-

som Blven -coi)fC8.Mon* to build nnd operate n g t^ e nnd «rvlce station near the ppm will operate lhc*« cnler- {I:"“ P ^ e a j t ^ ^ have charge of Uie pool. ’

l i P i i I r t— t f r r r m i n - n m i i *

\ ■ ___ __ - [4I»o' , Igcnd

Mexican Who Had Moonshine ■ and Mash Must Go to Jaii

and Dit) Up Fine. S

Valentine Buitui.' takeii Into eultody by the aherlff'i force, accompanied by th e police In Rock creek canyon , Tuesday n ight, entered a plea of gull- ' ty yeslerdny before Probate Judge 0 .A. Bailey to the thnnfe of lllcgal po«- session of iflipnUons of. »bUky. R». m on Oonxolos and Wnrcli\8 Morales, who, were wllh him a t tho time ot his nrrest. denied o»i>cr8hlp and for-lack ?**“ o f, evidence against them were dU* c hars 'll.

Judge Bailey imposed a fine of MOO and sentenced DuMus to serve SO days Id Jail. In the event th s t h e does n o t pay the, fine he m ust spend 100 e j t r a dnyj In Jall^___ ' ‘ ____


Tmphpr« nf T » ln t>nlls limlnr h lB h ^ ,( r^ 'school met In the principal's office a t . p ^ e i

■cuss -the ■ accond of ■ a- w ries-o t-thT tC T B r^ reviews of the book. “Educatlbn for ices an Bverchnnglns C lvlllatton,''-by Dr. KUpaUlck of Columbia unlvcrtliy. Thi? * book gives nn IdenllsUc and .lu sp ln* tlonal treatm enf of education wllh n

SJRcTIIcQniiaeraUon: 0! Uie present A - tchool. • choir

, Lawrence E. T urner reviewed the chap f l n t pnrl of the book two weeks _ago. Miss W inifred M. Miihlnsky, re- ____viewed -the second sectUrn yesterday.T h e flnnl section wll) be reviewed next week by Mtss Bertha Bishop.

‘^MEN'S SUITS AND 0VEBC0AT8 ' D ry denned and pressed. .11. Royal I g Cleaners nnd Tnllora,—Adv. _



Sturdy• -Low-Price”

R o t a:;i ,IN « «n A*l«'i


; W illie O T lis PEIB T BOBKET -<}ITILUD(

' r ft'

p 'lStnc. nrown'n baby kfured me l«d*y. ,nornl t IhouKhl a l f i n t ll Mtallotrrd one Tlie t ot my m arbles liul ll >vai Juil n tomoi botlon." hour*

yiE siy in i 1EXTEISIOIiPOSSlEi

____ ______ ___________ ___ Ijawei

leath of Heifer Believed to -Have-Bcen-Hydrophobia-Vio- m * ! tim Stirs interest in Sufliect. t«<i i

• iJie a-------- and I

Denlh WednQsdny morning of n P“ ‘n5 ?lt.T owned by I, O. Prcscotl. who Ll"® ' ,TS n mile anil a eiunrler west ot win-Palis, when thc animal plun«- 8“ ™" 1 hcatllonii Into tlie- canyon ot Dead ' ‘“u®, an 'B ' KUlch, luis silrrcd up further terest In Ihe rabies altuallon nfiaT*'* flple nre awnlUna with-Interest Ahe ’' “ *0 port .from ,Bolsc on the head ot c doK killed by Wllllom Beckley n f t n Id sen t to Uie s ta te department at }lsc Tuesday nflernoon. j /Tlie he ifer was jiotlced Wednesday rcnoon by the owner chasing around „

a fran tic m anner and cltarBlnj . **"• erthlng In sight. She finally rusli-I ;o rw ard and lunged-over the can- m Wftll in to Uie. gulch, striking her :nd on a rock and tumbling Into e w nUr, where she died. Mr. Pres-II reported to D r. H. R. Orfwrne, te rlnnrlanl liu t the h e ad ' 0 the ?. ilm al h a d no l •arrived for a teatnt evening Dr. Qroome said. , ,D r. ^ o o m e jtt ld thn t l»o Mnt UiB

I. Uiot w t f.f~Dtk w lthoufelrtH i'Cosl'to-lhe.couBiy . IU Inboratoo'. Dr.- Oroome' cnn so m ake the required te st in. emer> . m des. To WTliere aro fu m o n of other cases Cui*

anlm aU th a t died afU x acUng'in- 27i I unusual mnnner, and tnore or leas Pf'**' Ik of exUndlng the quknintino dls- let established lost 'week, and muz*Ing dogs not tied up..


- D ^ T H S * 1 ^

M cELFRESR-M rs. Elizabeth Me-ifresh. 71, wife o f Isnlnh M cElfmh. ^ed a t he r home a t 3U Sixth nvenue %II) nbout 0 o'clock Insl night ns n ^suit, o f an n ttnck o t acute Indlgcs- VJO. M n . McElfresh w u 71 years old ^ istet^ay. She is survived by her hus-md, a daughter, Mrs. O . W. Bitn-cr. W ,win PalU ; a son. E. E. McElfrcah. ^ ,isey, Xllinois. and a sister, .Mrs. Win- W .eld M ontooth. T w in Palla. No funeral Orvlccs ,wiU be held In Twin Pnlls. %tie body wiU bei token to Herrick, fl- i jio ls r fe r -b u d a L .1______________ ____%

dW EN SO K -rJohO -A rthut .Swenson, X — inior. two m onths old .pon ot Mr. and k ’rs. J . - A. Sw enson ,, aied a t 10 J l ’ ‘ olock • W e d M s f lw - J n o m in r -a t- th r % —

m roig ^ n u i i i u ^ L irents. five sisters sunrtve. The b ^ y . W __

•y. A frangcm entT 'for"*funem "8c r ^ W cs will be announced ^ater. ^

ANNiaU^HMENTS ^A -speiU al II. D. s i church slake % loir pnoU ce wlU be held tn the.ward W lapel T liursday evening a l 8 o'clock, ^

' " W AN TID W -

Choice City Loein %a t6 % - V W

Tw in VaOs TlUe * A brtrw t 0 «> W


i r ^ Iilo'tMblle) . ' J



tound 'Trips Will Be Made }™'Three Times Weel<iyConnqc’t- £ing With.Trains in Nevafe 5JJ

^lornlng, arriving In Weils n l 11:30. lie retiirn 'lr lp will begin a l 3 o'clockomorrow ond will -ternilnnte here four ClAiirs-latsr. ,tt!aiDe'Uccklcy_wilLdft¥c julihe stftRc. "nendquaricrsr. win be in tlvehe Perrlne ho ld , , »-ot

Round trips will bc mndc three MriImes u week; on Monday. Wednesday Junnd Friday, The stage will connect dayIth bolh Union Pucltlc nnd South- Jorrn Paclllc tm la i n i Wells, and it^llh and rain* on the same l l n ^ i n j h e .n f t c r i JCnoon befam drp&rlure from Wells. Eoraensen leaving S a n Francisco in Prii

win Fnlls by Rtnse In th e afternoon 8 m t tlic same day.' ll is ntatcd by Mr. the ersonlus. The line has pu l on a fen it?dcmTgedat>-fo>-«s-4nislnWi ioc. Mr. P c i^ n lu s will continue I 1U

ixl business in Twin Falla. J le m n Rf] le staffo iJne be taeen T »Jn PttUs nd BoLw several years, finally dis- oslng of th e ,business to the Blue Ine BWgc.Local, Inlra-sta le regulaUons,- re-

»rdlnir ■ sUgcs, promulgated In Ne- Ida by tlie s la te public service com- ni lisalon, imposing cerlnln resiricllons unH I Hint sta te , do in o t npply to inter- 4110 trntflc on alage lines. p


_____ que'Hnndsome' nickle automobile radl- ^ j

tor .p la tes benrlng th c words,—'Twin oils, tlie Mngic City." will be dia- 3“^ rlbuled n iy tlie Twin Palla Real sta le Board a s a feature o t a Twin 'alls advertising campaign. .I t waa cclded by m em bere 'o t tho Im rd a l . . .

lunclieon meetlng-ycalerdny." Tlie m f ■rat lot ot 100 o t these plates will e available about Mny 1, ll Is ex- a ?twi P pv iyids from th e sale ot the of - Uilcs.,;ior which n lUllHJl Llimi.i wUt a= m m p ~ » m ..4 .* -to rn flrf_ .ln tn pp.^ , i t | I ^

--------— ------------ " :— ^ JolTWARRANT CALL , tlilr

0 Whom I t Mny Concern! ••• -fc beei CurVent expense wnrranLi No, 2H l frlei

] 2708, Inclusive, will be paid upon the resenlatlon a t th b offlcc. Interest be I ca. c3 May Otli. 1030,

C, J. HAHN. .Counly Trea.Mirer. A

News W ant' Ads reach the pcopie you held Ish to a t t r a c t ' . ^ id

\ IdahoDepa r t\ "If i t isrit Right bl

1 / ~ ^ BEGINN

Friday (indN F r id a y a n d 'S a tn id a y — tho :^ wUl bo o f fe re d in o tir .b n sy 'R

^ T his g^otip is com posed moi^ in . p r in te d o r p la in s iU ^. Ma!k “ n il a re ' a s a t t r a c t iv e in-OTylC"^ N avy, T an , M eVdow Oreon, V

^ W o inv ito yoo to^'bom parc

S Y ou -Win a '^ e o jh a > * th o y aro^ jFo'r F r ld a y 'im d S a tu rd a y tho.

I $ 9 .1S ' , SEE .WINDOW


-F 0R S C A 8T . FOR - iO D A Y -F a Irt

, Tlie mercury went up six degrees , from M tb 70 for.m axlmum here du r- r _ ^ Ing the 2i h o u n ending a t 0 o'clK k • last c ven lng .,'T h^ minimum during n Ihc same period wns 37 degree*, which “ wa* four degrees lower lhan th e mln- Imum of^ toe^ previous day,

Oradiiatlng studrn is of Tw in Fails be pju lilc r .:b ig lu cb o o l -wilL m a k c . jc n u - .suffttlve enrollments for ihelr. freshm en son«-ork In the senior lilith school lodny. condMrs.-Vera'O . O te a ry . principal of the • wiJunior high school announced yester- Hkel'day. S tudents will cIioom Ihelr m a- o ip tJor coursc for’ the lull four years earljand Uie subJecU to bc taken nex t veryjc a r,_______

Eighth A grade s lildm ts-m e t with Principal U. N. Torry ot th e senior D hlgli g hootm id 8 iiperintendent-W;-'B,- - D - Sm ltli yesterday.- At Uils mcetUiK... Ihe-Various-courses and . subjects of- He fercd were 'explained in p reparation p , p fac_Uifc,registraUon .lodiiy.___________A l ls


_____ eye IM emben of th r Oolden O lrl Rc-

ser>-». Junior hivh i.chM>l Seventh Sni unftle club, h e ld -a 'c<iimcll of w ar" Moor nl lhc^cl<>se' of jfhool. Wctliiesday. vlsltounder tne dlrecllon uf the club spbn- heresor. Miss Bethel JJlake, H. L.

Plna-i were m ade for two hikes, one an after-achool trip ond one nn all doy picnic, to be fhki'ti by th e club sometime before Ihe tip-''® of school. ,.5^ Tho club discussed plaTli fo r n ban- quel fo r.'the Oolden Girl Reserves tobo held In about two weeKs. M others .of tlio glrlb will assist with th e ban- neiquct.- New monitors wire appointed to quIcIcarc for tho giriv n s t room. An moth nttendnnl Is In charxe of the room a t ^ | i„^all tim es during schod fn ioun i^ 2.1n .


A comm'lltee for Twin ■Fall* lodge of -Masons -is 'CompletinK nrm ngc-


th lr t of A 'aerlca ot dances th a l h u beeq enjoyed by •^Insoas a n d the ir frlendff during the.se'ason. and will bc the lost danco o t llie series. I t I s lo bc Informal.


( /n -S h e e p shcarlnK here which yt»a held up because of cold w eather ;fot ^ id e r way enrly last week.

n rjr j^ A r^ jtrj^ ^ jrA m .

rtm ent StoreitbfmgitBaciC ^

B IA L !-^ ' ^ S

NNING ' : , . . ^

d Saturday Stho socond silk d re s s s p e o ia l ' Sly R o a d y -to .W e a r s ec tio n . J

m ostly of s tra iffh tlin e f ro c k s ^M atiy havo p le a te d .s k ir ts — A

^ o - t tB j^ n -p r ic c r 'W lo r s a ro :il,' W ine, 'B o ig o r ' ‘ ^

paro th e ; p rice a n d q a a l i t y . . W a re vory rcn 'Sm iB trty 'pTfcett.' W th e y a ro— V , . - :

' ; 8 58

ow DISPLAY i..........

3Ay M O R I^G , APRIL 26,


, ^ . Me

Freeze Is Held Unlikely' and “ u Prospects for Heavy Yield ’

_Appear to Be Excellent... -----—' ■ of

rles -an d a few apricots wero Injur- , ed by the late frost, bu t Ihere will ® be plenty of both unless they should ^ ■suffer.Jtflm _n.ln ttr.Ji t eM'._Mi i 01p' _ ™ son u id . Other fru its a re In go o d i“ ® condlUon. I

While a freeie may comc. I t ia less “ “ likely Uian In ordinary y ean , Mr. Olpson said, as the snow -has melted enrly from the fool hills," making ,u = very cold npell Improbable. •

B - R E A a X l - E S lHere From O o o d lh |-D r. and Mrs.

D, P. Albee of Gooding were i a Twin ■Falls-yrstfniny .tm buslnqS:_____________

Goes (0 Poeatello-Joe Mnry. Hol- ll4ler, le ft lost evening for Pocatello where hc Li Uking treatment* for an eye lnjur>'. • ”

Hnmmoned From N nm pa-O M rge’F. Moore o t NamiM was & T w in , Falls visitor Saturday and Sunday cniled here by the lllncM -of hln slater, Mrs.H. L. ' Col l i ns. , •

M nr^ a t Oole C ily -M lss Iris Black.Twin Pnlls. and Don L. Riggs, Boise, were married ih Pocatello Monday moming. according to word received here yesterday.

Here From Lo* A ngelett-M n. A. N.Quick of Lqs Angeles is visiting her molher. M r;. Lucy Moore. She was cniled here by Uie -illness o t h e r sister,M n. H. L. Collins. ^

Itetam * lo Wyoming—Mrs. Lesley U rlc-left-W edncsdnycvcDlnjr T or her ’ liofne In Carter, Wyomlwr, nftcr ' spending two months here a t the home o( her pnrents, Mr. a n d ,M rs. flcorae T at’lor, . ...

-r-nome-FrsTii'ISenvehUon-Mra, O. W. —W U w m —ttl& aied—Tuesday evening------from Sacramento where she a ttended ■ n-m eeU ng ot 2000. delegates to Uia

OURMost chain gn one appeal, thi they often disri

' to name a still __ ■ System Stores

s a n i t a t i n n mai

of eatables.; ' store arraitgei attentiveness ( Fifth, the uniq ping and last, pinned on eac foods.

T h r t ) . P . S k a

connected wit ate different i our Tnin Falls urday a t 118 IM

-pied by, the Boj our stores af« story Safairda!


wimmmmmmm. »k ■

264928, ' Vy -mwUQi i i f . th e O irl Rcserres. M n . c b u W lth an -V lsi^d .I rk n d i, d a j i hU -ia fU r t t e meelinK.

Backc4 Up C a r -F r tn k Andenon ^ «ho-lives on the > u tsr .fae to rr rood,' • n r - t tw a n tm i r - c i r - j e i t e r d i y bent tn t th e fendsr of a car owned by W . L. any McIntyre, aecording to a rep<M made bjr u to th e 'p o lic e , headquarters/ 'R w a t 01 mishap toek place in Uie 900 block on withi M ain avenue west. Sfort

. U «c«s W onhlp 8nnday-T ho Odd reUows a n d Jlebekahs have aceepted — th e Invitation ot the pasior and board bf Uie MeUiodlst. church next Bun-

^ f l i a n .o i t ^

Buiinest. V W lon l i t re — Among W ednaday 's business' vU iton In Twin

T Q « d -D r^ . A ^ T r s S r SiKt is Mr. Anderson's f ln t trip Uirough

' souUiem Idaho'slnca 1<87. He sUte* th a t he U having considerable dlffi- cully In adapUng hlmSelf to Uie m any tmm


Its ingenious reinforcement bri a t the points of greatest wear. A patented fea tu re . . . excluti\ h i^ -q u ality CADET HOSIER

K A M TH tV , ^ V W IT H V A M D


^ - M c E L A ^DwnffBhle fihfl»-

APPEgrocery store operators that of low price\and m isregard quality altogethc till lower price. The 0.! as^-appeal-r-to - theljisci firstrbecauseof the^high lafaitained,. and-secondrJi -display! and selling oni ; Third; the pleasing a sement Fourth, the coi s of the. personnel of e [lique and pleasing systej it, the very attractive low ‘ach item of nationally

lereirt Skkaggs System Stores are idth any oflier cham sto it in evei '^way, and wfo ills Store o|i opennig da; ! Main Steeet &iith (forr BbstonMoe Store) you, t ire different Be sure-iay-' ^

..................■ , ••• ;■ f .-_

hangei .w hich have occurred, tlnco lU-lut vUiu . .. .,. .....


i ^ p a i l ; , - ld a ^ . Before leiuhg , • a t -more of Uie loU sold t o taxes '*tr tho county, I d e s lr tJo origin, o --------I owners a chance‘ to redeem. CaU. ithin 30 days. C. O .'Fargo, F a rq ien ' fore. Phone #»W . aijr. —

““ TONIGHT"At Filer Roof :

-*■1 U s u a l P r ic e s

' ^ o n o i t 's O ro h e s t r i^ ,

C 5A D E Tbn DykcJootn o n eptit Ihe tandal. . . t / f M tllerlh«illhitni»epo/lht lew

b r in g s a d d e d ( lu ro b llH y

ir iv c w ith lo n g - .w cM in g ,

ER Y, of c o u rs e .

OSIERYt s v ^ F O O T --------



ilU'" r

s make but in domg so, her in order . P. Sk'aggs<ajminatiiig__ — ^h degree^!

Md^Too^y ' TSurtesy aiid ' each stole.'

emofshojp-'>w price tag / advertised

i a g g |S ^•e in no wav tores. Th4| hsa-you s6e , ay next Sat- rmerly bcctir; too, will say\

j-to see our\


Second Spctibii

a t G r ^ e ly lalai

i ■ . ^ , ' h a K I N ( ^ ^( 1 commercial fb

• i I device which, If . J to provide U a

^ : : . ; : T H E ’

S O F TH' j . ■■'...- - '■ ;

. ' ' '

B ? r

I H | 8 i l E ^ 2 ^ H | E 9 K L ^ i ^ S

J l- • Ittojor Fltzmaurlce. with. Duke ;


s | ' " > ~ y ? s ^ ^ w ™

r SAFE—I%Is seadrome for Atlantic flyliiS possible. E. R. Armjitroag'is 1. if proved successful, will he auehon ind ln i places for supplies in m ld ^c ^


ilE -D A Y H

■ ' j l


I U b r' - - " I B~ — ............... \ ............- I

* y - i " o - , - j ^ ' f i ' T i j ^ ^ F g j i "

- ‘

E a g g s iM 'T t f f f l S r ^ 4 V '

ntlc flights b rexpected t o ' ^ e 'is'Shown beie'.'demonstratiag the hoted at'iotervAls' In the At^tio,' yean.^ *. ' o.i«.tto»i »*w,n*n

| | | | H H | | | | | | 9 ^ 2


^ f t S i S f e U l---------: : J - ---------------- r — ------------


; ‘ .n'


— ■;.... . '. .■ '■ 'S ^ E g M K L T ,^ ..v itf tg i S

•■: ■ : N v - * ^ -;;■ - '., . ‘^><=ra.™=?*‘’%’l KNOWS THE CODE—lliss Ruby

star- not only knows drama, etiqui duties but all the finer points of ht

4 r V l

M s -

m '

STAETO P m > -G o w n o i;A lv l » e d n m ' his ^ntributioss in to the

asked by |M*»* Muir, captain ofi itlc 0 Boston-S«mmIng;Aajociattonr/

I GIVES V O IC E '-- I ^ H I U o ^ tro k o ff , Rua- > . n H B 9 I rian.vloUnlstrDte^I v(he 100 year alienee I L ^ tne second most :r r « S « » I v e , & tra d , ' H ^ H H I

! , f e : . - ^

• y , ....'■• i ‘‘ , '. ', •: ■ :,

E A D y O i lR N I N G , ^ P r {l 2 6 , 1 9 2 8 . '

G H T BY■ \ ■ ■ '■

■^•“ - r r - -:!■■*:' a l l o v e i

etiquetta and housew tt^

■ m a M t e - « S t M M t h m ^ '» tSe Olpnpto fimil t»xj*p>^ ^b r f v t t o j r o i M n V t i T O . 'O t ' t h o f , . g w

' . ' - ...... '•

ln M l» .« a t h « « ^ A ^ a A M . a t B U t m - ]

^ H E C A I

)V E I^ T h e 8 e m ounts in thc H u n ts a t Aqueduct. Lone '

N- y.-.^cleal' th e f i r s t jum p lu -. >M \d-a-htl{ mile course.

' J , ' - ' , - i ^ "

■ ■ ■ ■ i i M r i H B ^ B ' V I V I

versarli.tithey Vt

E S 'm U JE S SEASON—Mayor oat tbe flrst balMn the opener >BmUsn Rohlns apd the Phillies

n v b i i l ^ j B I I ^ ^ B B I H H» - l t e l ^ ' n H P P i i @ V p V

- i £ ? S S ' l

.' - . ____ • ^ . - -rv " '

— :. .Second c t io n lP

^ E R A '

= ^ = = =

V E-i-Prance' waa too ’ . ll for th e ir Teuton ad* . tries in tUSvintema- i! soccer game, in which

won th e title b y , a ' 1B of 1 4 -8 . ■ -•• ■ llB ttrakiIm t iliu im M M*«v

?or Hany iC Mafekey*] aer at Philadelphia be* .^es. • „ , i . ,« im i ,)»•«««. ^



m i B iiSTSiaTiCE

,'Ccrpal dvcr-Tops Best Levels ler Last Two, Years; Closing

__ Oiiotatiojis_Unscttlcil;OatsUp _

; = r C U ia ip O r -A p llf 'a S ^ M —

new .hlRli-prlce rccortJa for ihp leMon. with whent over-lopping Uie bent

: levcU for t n « . two ytsr*. Unll'ih dcmesUc w heal crop report* ond In­creasing premiums paid here to. obtain w heat ftvnllablp for immediate u*c were lorgely rexponnlble. . .

CloslnK qiintatlDns on w heat wore umeitled. 2%c to <c n « higher, w ith-.

, ..n r. .2c t o . jS r 1111 rn m .iit ^ f^ tn odvancc. m ta Miowlns S e .to iTic RAln. and pfovblcns varying (rom 3c de- oUtic to a rbe o( 6c.

S on W h u t Srorci Ttie hub o( the ndvancw ( rd m -w ll

w heat te rritory waa • thot, t-itlmalcs on nbandoned acreaur would aptmr- c

, -ently hnvc (0 be rnliw l-«nJ c£hdlU6n — percentnBcs be lowered. • 1

In mnny quarters. It wos deemed cs- ' pcfJ«!)y aJffHl/Jcnrt th a l Ibc May de­livery hcr6 wnn IcodlnR the wheal

—m arlrrt-ndTnnef:— P urehates-of-N ar-S — •red winter wheat for shipment out *i of Chlcnuo.wcre nt SOc o bu.jliel p rp-, ■ mliim cbmpared with May, and No. 1 j Northern com m anded. 5c over May, 1 c tbc 'h ighest prcmliimi yet on the cron.

- W iea W - Open Illgh Low Cl<»e 'May ............ liVi IQOU I57 'i 160 .July .............157-,‘. lOO'j 151*. I5DSSept............... IM 157'. 154 IM ', ,Com—Mny . ...... IM S lOB'.i 107 ' 108 ,,

. July .......... 110', llOTi lOOS llO 'i ■Sept............... 111. ■ 1091. 1101.Oat»— • ' ■May ............ 6 3 \ (15‘ C3'i (J3\ ,July (Old) SO fiO's SS 'i SOJuly (old) B0> S 7 'i 80K 50^sepl. (new) 48',i SO 48^; .48H^

CA8H GIIAIN —.C H ICA O O. April 25 (/p )-W hea l: , No. 3 ha rd ll.655i; No. 1 northemspring »1.03',. • • ‘“J

Com : No: 4 mixed. |1.0eH to 11.08;No, 3 yellow $1.11« to M .I3S. “S'

. . .O a u ; No. 3 w hlt«;70‘ic to 73tic:- N o r a u«hii! lO Tic r ---- ------- ^___H>-c;_Jiono.— - ' - ^

TUnothy seed « . « to M.4ff. • ** Clover iMwd ♦jfiJO to l a a io . .^ . ^ .

^ OiUllA QRAtS “ !;*:!rOMAHA. April 25 m -V fh u U .K o . !u1 ha rd t l J l to S1.S7: N o ..3 h u d ^11.50^ to tl.G3: .N o; 3 ha rd I1.M ; ^No, 3 mixed 11,51. ' ■ bu

Com : No. 3 whlto 11.01: No. 5 y w te« i to i i .o i : n o .- i yeiio\Y iiJ > 5 :ito . 9 o<,iyellow '•t.04'.‘j to ( i.o s ; N o J> $ ffllo « mt l,0 3 > i.to $1.05; No. 3 - m h ^ ' t U l : ^ No. 3 mixed 11.03. •

• Oata: No. 3 white M H c: No. 3 yel- a low 53>,c; No, 4 w hite 83HC to 83'io.

PORTLAND CRAIN a‘-jPOBTIJAND.-ApriL S5 (/l>)^W hcal: Ja

BBB h a rd white tl.40 ; so d whlt«. ' w d tc m white 11.53: lia rd w inter, w es^ w em red 11.43; norlhem -ap rlng $1.43. 5J

.Today's car rccelpta: W heal 43; an flour 0; corn &: hay 4; 'oata 3. ; bel

■TOLEnO SEED TOLEDO. AprU 25 m - Closing

■"prlcea per bushel: — ------------------------- W heal:4-ea8n No. 2 red »3.10 to >2.11. ~ - . • I

------(Jo m : CmTi NO. J vjiUUW l i . i J b W 1- t l ; M ^ 4 r ~ - — ----------------------- ------------- 1

O ats: No, 3 white 73>9 to 75^i. '< ■ Rye: Caali No. 3 *l.47T^-------------— «

Timothy : May I3 M bid. ~

SAN FR A SC15C 0TR0D U CE----------- '----- 8 A N -E a A N C IS C O ^ p r} l_ 3 5 ..® 4 _

Butterfat 44c.Onlcns: Orecn, GSc to 75c lugs; r

Australian Browns $ 3 ^ to t3 i0 ; yel- low t3 to «3.25: Coachella W hites11.50 lo *1.75 lugs; Cc to Sc. per pound hcIn cratcs. • Ui

Potatoes: etocklon »3 lo «3J5 cwt.; HeW ashington Oems t l to »135; new co

.. ttocK local Cam el* 4c to-5c pound. HeBroilers 29c to 38c; young st*

rb c ilen and pullet* 37c to 4C:; hens ve34c lo 31c; liirknys nominal. . y i

■ :— - u8AN FBANCISCO, Aprl! 25 ( /P )-

(PederaUsUie market news and grad-Ing »crv lce)-N ct w holeule prices: ij .

B utter: 03 score 40c; 90 ucorc 39c. t iESg*: No..^3 special 26c; No. 1 exr Co

(rn 35c; No. 1 extra medliun 3Ic. ■ gnCheesc:__Call(omla fancy llass Olc. g r

...... ...... CHICAGO PRODUCE caCHICAOO. April 35 ( /P )-B u ttc r: SU

Lower; rccclpU 5857 .t\ibs; creanicry Tue x t r u 4 4 4 c; s land trd s 44r:c; ex tn i TuIffits 43'.sc to 44c; flrela 43s to 43Uc; Tusccohds 43'-ic. • Q<

E^Bs: Unclianged; -recelpiji 16J(fB D«i cue*.

PQultry: Ahv-c. flrDicr;. rccclpU four Bicars; fowls 36c lo a7Vic; JuoU en 32c Buto 40c; turkeys SOc to SOc; ro6stera Eg 16c; ducks SOc lo 38c; spring ducks soo; geese l«c. .' P ou toes: Recelpu 86 c a n . on track Ot 287: to ta l United s u t e s shlpm enu Be .738; old dock dem and slow, marketslightly weaker; ..W isconsin stcked NcBoitnd W hites $1.78 to t lM : meatly Nt 81J0 to $1.85: M innesota packedRound/W hites $1.60 to $1.60; mostly O: $ l i » ^ $1.10; Idaho a c k e d R usu lsNot 1-$1.76 to $1M ; mostly $1.85; Dl commercial $1.95 10 $1.10; new stock Fe demand llniKed. m w lcerstoody;'T exas Brsacked Bliss Trlum tihs $4.60 to $5; Brmostly* $4.75 io $5. , \ Bb


^ NEW YORlc;' AprU 35 . ( /P > .D ria U" I r u l t a n d hops «te«dy. 0>

■ •--------- - . ' ■ pb- DENVER SHEEP Cl

^DENVER. AprU'38 ( A - 8 h e « p : R e- Ci celpts USOO: lncluda.fQ O r decks C ti* t t

.^ .U o ^ lU :•p I ta ^ ^ (^ 3 (-M p e u l)d -« e Q I• Ot, e d ; t e i i £ r ' l l S X 0 : 7 m t «U fip ; . ^ y . I o i r ^ : o n omer».; .. . _ ^

T w J ^

:■ •,.... . ■

/ s x i u n: / COKWM' p p E T T V Q J J

W aQtTO Tt-\»WK v o c . L f j e & V M lT W W O U R

- • \ hA \J€»SED

W k '

. .

. — . . . ^ c p MARKETS AT A GLANCE

NEW YORK, A p r i l 36 OV) -— 8tocwr-8trtrnffr^Ncir7:Yor1c-i«nd- —Nninrlem rnllroau i:ies nearly. 200 satli DOlnU.

U 0 n d s : Irregular: $50,000,000 rumclllcs servlcc ta over-subscribed, cMt

FVjrelKn exchanges: Mixed; Ca- oveiiiodlan dollar a l par. " '

Cotion: Flm»; bullish weekly {0 -wealher reporU. , . -

Sutrar: Sleady; better a jw t situ-

Coffee: Declined; e u le r B ratll- tan markets. ■ ' '• 'p i,p

CHICAOO: 'W heal: S trong; . absence ' n

winter w heal belt. ' „Com : Firm ; good c u h . demand.Catlle: Steady. Jm ,Hogs: IIIgheF. m ,,

--------- ' ^ tun8UOAR

NEW YORK. April 25 W >)-fipot raw sugar w u quieter today. No sales wero reported. Nearby duly free Buagan were available a l 4.40 on un- changed* from the l u t sale prtw.

S h l and principally In th e wmy of ^ -May liquidation and exchanglnk fromlh a t delivery to la ter poslUons. Nev- q ,, erthelcs*. the under tone by th e U-suance of 04 notices, w u Temdlly ab- p„ ,sorbed by houses wllh trade connec- vinUon*. while European JnteresU were hlglbuyen ot the la ter. monUis. The -gomarkei opened .1 point lower to 1 moipoint higher and cloud ne t.uachsng - mded to 1 polnl lower. Private cables ]0from Cuba said th e export commls- poii

.sion'Uiere-'Woulct receive bids on May lost3 on 50,000 tons of C u b u for June- olhJuly shipment. Approdnvate u le s t31,100 tons. May dosed 3.65; July and2.78; September S.88; December 3 i5 ; CJanuary 3J6 ; M orch 2.77. stre

T he refined sugar m arket conUn- dusued quiet, w ith, prices unchanged a t lUf5.05 to 6i)0 cenU for fine granulated R dand second hand su g a n still available PO|ibelow Uiese leveU. fj«li


TW IH F A L L S M A R K ETS . S i"

n u e prieer a n ebtalsc4 da ltr “P; a t « ycto<* to Uw> t f f a o e o aad

-a T e n g a .« ( .B r iM a ..-n b e ta _ e e r ta ia _

- O M ^ M a - g ^ N

• FM d.tQ .P todseen ’The Twtn FalU n a iK e tt THUrday

were u foUowif }*”

H « . ..........................................aLight heavy bogs ............................$7A0 “ “Heavy Bogs --------:___________ .Jt9MC ow s.;---------------------------- K N to $ a iO • ,H elfen — _ _ _ -$ f l4 IO to r iJ e ^S teen --------------------i____ W W to tIJO f i fVeal /-.TW ■ - , y t M t o i y o i4>.Yearling - - --------- — r fiw - ILambs ■ - a iBwi 1M inus JJJ

Heavy‘hens, 4’ii2 a r-a B d up........... J l e *■U g h l hens, under lbs...:.......... ifc “teghom s. hens ........ . 15c 2C o i _____________ _______________ *c «Springers, colored ............ ....~v*r""$ lc * "Broilers . . . . - ........ ........ OcOapoM, N a 1 --------------------------180 -Capons, No. 9 -------------14o ^Slips __ ____ \ I to moiTurkeys, No. I ^ 8:Turkeys, No. a ___________13e 60Turkeyi, old tom s :...............^ _ .n o moiQeese __________________________lOo papDucks _______________ ___________ 100 B

•D aJirButterfat, sweet _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -------3t»c •Butterfat, sour _____________ 36c NEggs ( c a s h ) .............. .................. .........19o ert]

(local store) - ...... ♦________ 30c 3SiB a « a r - t r M « a l i Fin

OooB ____________________ :.......$7JB ThlBeel _________________________ $1J9 Fo:

TnNo. I nuisets,...-.............. .................... 90c TreN a 2 ItuweU .... ;................. ............... 40c ’

fieoMG reat N ettbem — U 7A )to$l.50 N

-------W I w l ^ t t U O T F W i verDlcklow wheat, N a 2 or U l U r . . $ i n r - 7:FederaUon w tM t,N a 3 or better .$1.44 .Bran,- cwt. ---------------------------- 4 lJ 0 ' EBrwi. 600 n . lo ta -----------------------$1.55 am'Btoek food. 100 Ibfc __________..Jl,80 FfeBlock food,.800 H). Jou ________ $1.75 me

B e ta s t u r n . ite<U qoo i. d e n a --------- :------ 4Oeasd50e ingO nB fia , 6m a — ■ wjiPotatoes, la Ibi. - ■ ' ^ e nCitTOtt,' t t . _______________ 10 butCabtage — -------------------------, ,:,>bo eerU ttoee. a o d X ; ,, U n a a a u ^ g p rw w y - ' i - ■ — u c to a# « cm£^lnach.- lb-------------- ---------------- ----10c mo-- » V n t m . ' quiB utter (caaeh) — *** eroiB u tt^ (creamery) _ _ „ _ i ______ .48o tra


3 A I L Y J f E W S , T O N - E A I

s \ / a K e e z i i c , c o f i e ’Q3J\CVC \ / *^OUa

fe o T v o u ’« e - T W e

5 _ i s i


M A R K E T B O O S T S P R IC E S „' — — O’

- N E W - V O R K ,- A p r l l ^ - ( f lV ^ M n - «sotlonal buying movement In 'th e ra il - kiroad Aiares, based on unconfirmed fcrumors of Im portant decisions In th e lce aste rj Irunk line consolidation plan , tc ovenhadowed a ll other developmegt«In today’s stock market. O alns of 3 gi to 20 p ^ n u were distributed amogS a si broad llsl o t rolls, while New T ork T and Harlem, changing hands In sm all $; loU, soared 187. polnu lo 480 and $1 closed 10 po lnu below Uie top. b

r The avenge of 30 leading tWls com- o plied by The Associated F ; i ^ , adVanc- 1;

:ed noarly 4 po lnU 'to a-new high ree- lord for all Ume a l 1S3.BS. t) , Despite the abKnee..of official com- I ment. Wall S treet apparenUy look tor ,j g n n te d reports lh a l L. P. Loree », finally bad acquiesced to the four 1 trunk ,llne plan and had agreed to lum control of. Ibe DeUware and Hudson lo tho Pennsylvania and ac­cept a $5 guarantee on W abasb com - - mon stock. D e law re and H udson ^ soared more th a n 11 pdlnU to a new h lg h -a t-3 2 4 !i and closed wlUiln a ^ frac tbn of Uie top, and W abash w u ei bid up {7 p o lo U 'to a new peak a t <

»,n fia.. « New York Central. Which u expected 7

T P-u iu e - t i n n WC isti** > tlgn u Qgl'uie tln- ciHl-K'>f-4h« yrnr, .m a i pushed up nearly 7 polnu to a n n ' peak a t 187. Baltimore and Ohio, Canadian Pacific. Chicago and N orth- U weslem. "Big Four." "Nickel P late." cl Pere Marquette, PltUburgh a n d 'W e st $: VIrglnU. Reading. Lackawanna, Le- ti high Valley. U ulsvllle and N uhvlllc , si " 800" preferred. M l s s ^ Pacific com- U mon and preferred. T ex u and Pacific u and Westem Maryland advanced 3 to 10 polnU. Jersey C en tn l soared 35 11 polnu to a record, high a i 345 bu l b lost 5 polnU of Its-Rain. A l a i v 'o f ei o th e n advanced 1 to 3 polnu, . ^

There w u ’no change In tim e money ti and commercial paper.

Oils gave one of the best demon- straUons of group strengUi In (he In­dustrial ll l l on bijylr^^lnflucnced by ^ stiffening gasoline prlccs. A tlantic ° Refining was bid up more than 6 f. polnu to 'a new high a t 133?;, R ich- “ field OU of Callfprnia again w u ^ heavily boug|it on teporU th a t ne- P gotlatlons were under way for Uic n ie of the property to one of the ^up. more than 2 poInU to w llhln a t' frw tlon of Uie year's high. Mexican 1

a t^ T l^ ^ b w ” l o t moar”^ 7 u " g a ln 'o n "5 realU tng.-Advance'R umeliritiaTes'each $ • r tw v » L ^ u t_ i o j io jn ^ jf t jB K J ilg h . * records-and-strlk lng-galns-w B re-T e-- e eorded by seme of Uie u p t w fw ^ ^ tUlier. food and Insurance Issue*.

S r y a g r o r n a icourt deciaon granUn^ Uw appllcaUon ucl liiFM erS^gb I c m c e n ^ / i r e , ' titurned weak for no apparent reason. 9:Heaviness also w u quite pronounced din , Oreene Cananea . Copper, Liquid tCarbonic. Poetum Cereal and Slondard aMUllng. ........... ....... ...........5

. . M BTA tS............. ...........•NBW YORK. Aprtl 35 C f V ^ p p e r ;

Steady; eleclroyltlc, spot and fu tu re f14'i. ■ -V ,-Iron:-Q uiet; unchanged. ■ ' • »Tin: Easy; spot $8119; future* $

Lead: Steady; spot New York $8,10;East St. L011L1 $6. ' ■ f

Zinc; Firm: B u t St. to u l^ spot fiaod future tAM Ur $ f l j l . : <jI Antlmany $19. • - g

- MONET . ' 5NEW.vYORK, Aprll 35 (/H -C all

money, firm; all loans 5; cloctng bid t 8: time loans firm : mixed coUateral d 60 to 90 days 4V><to S; fau r to alx li months 4H to 5 ; ortiBe mercanUle paper 4(j to 4‘i .

Bankers' accep tonns unchanged.

U BEBTV BONDS tNEW YORK, Aprti 25 (ff) - U b - I

erty bonds cloeed:3 S S ,................... ...... .................-..-.JlO L t 8P in t 4\is ----- ------------- ----- - . J i c a . '-Thlrd 4<..s'................. ................... a io o j eFourth 4!4s ......................... . '. '- I lJ to a ja iT reuu ry 3 ? ii '. - .r .i_______ :iI0a.30 rT reuury 3 H s .............. ......... :....i.410130 v

— — rBAR SILV ER. c

NEW YORK, Aprtl 39 M>>>Bar sil­ver 57^ . • •

------- ------------------nBOSTON .W OOL' 0

BOSTON,. Aprtl 39 C*»>-A m a i l tamount of bu^seas ln,»4s:aB d flo er iFtencb com bing wcatcmrgtown do* nmesUe wooU U belnc done, T he 'U m - '<lied demand lo c o n : ^ wools la cm - \ing prtnelpatly M m n lllL 2sulubie for the 'vooteo nanufaetu r> 1e n 'a re fairly active with a o a a b o B n i. i but w im oU ien very doU. Breneems that ite rm lv ln t . b usU im re - cp n t;.v iry apouyIflem ind f r o ^ r t h t i r «c iW f lW ,. iw wr. m n n .t ti iili if I moderauly and others not a t alL—ln*^ #qulrles a r e . beloC received for low ecrop-bred ,sco<ir«d wool, b u t a c tu il 'trade Is .very llm lt« l in ih e u Unes. C a^ ln g ,.^1 ee s being w ry firm. > v -.

gA jm .jiaA H O , T H U R S M

Q A S O U N E A U £ Y -

^ ^ ! W > y T r y x . ( f ^ [ a o o u n

v i ' - r I

^ t e ■"

% W ■ 1 ^


B SAN PRANCISCO. April 25 Hogs: R ew lpu 600; all back! hold- i J ] ov en 800; alow, iicndy;" four iotdaf -

il- k u $11.10; packsKc 380 pound Call­ed f o m lu $IOM; lale Tuesday sevenl le loads Idahos and CnUfornUM $]A75 n. to $11. .it« Cattle: RccelpU HO: steady; good ^3 grades abaent; good 050 to 1050 pound -flG a Steen quotable $H to $11.50; Uto! ,

rk Tuesday load 1135 iwund holdoveni ' til $10.90; he lfen absent; good' quoted I tli $9 to $9.50; good wws $8.25 to $8.75; 1 ' |

bulls quoted «7 to 17,35, Calves; Rc ' h* celpU none; cholcc vealen quoted,■C- 13JS. ! ,« • Sheep: R ^ p t s . shftrn b u U 2100;,

bulk of ru n now unloading Includes i*"® Jl" oround 1700 conilpied to po ck en :.fe tt

nominally steady; noming done car- ww *® ly; good to choice spring'lamba q’u o l » J ^ V ' ed $18 to $18.35; e«-c* quoted $8. $1.Cto -------- . of“ OUAUA L1VK8T0CK Uvln . -OMAHA. April 35 (/R -C alU e: R c - low oh ce lpu 7000; calvb, 200; fed s te en ord im and yearUngs uneven; weighty s te en of ft and medium welghu weak to 15c low- »««

e r; fed s te e n and ^-earllngs moslly Bt $11,50 to $13; yearlings and medium th e

weight*. $13.40; weighty s teen .$13 iO ;_a^ ^ T e a r l l n g s 950 ^ u n d s $13.75; he lfen '*«' on t l U t o . $12.35', eows $BJ0 lo $10; cut- hoi u U n W .:t^_$7J0:: nnctlca l top veal-

io, Sheep: RecelpU 6500; lambs_jteadyJ Jh - to 28c lower, mostly ssc lower; oU ler'O f!." c la ssu sleady: bulk fed wooled lambs tos i $17.25 tb $11.75; shipper top $18; n a - ‘ mae - Uve sp rlngen $18.75; Californiale, sp rtngen unsold; (ed 'd ip p e d y e a r -1 . .n - lings $13; no choice ewes or-icedlag4.tfJ'lc lombs Included. ■>10 Hogs: ReeeipU 11.500; active. fuHy o*' 35 15c higher; spot more on big weightUl bu tc h en : top $ ia i5 on 320 iMund av-of erages; bulk .'IW: to 3U pound llghU, and bulcber«' $10: to $10.10; 'bulk 250ey u» 340 pound averages $9.85 to $10.

"■ CHICAGO r UVESTOCK • '!!; CHICAOO.- AprU 25 l/P )-liogs: Rc- P i ce lpu 18,000; mostjy 100 to 15c high-

B e r on hogs scaling I80 jwunds up; - . u'* »gtu-»»i«hU and packing sow* steady.„ lop $10.60 paid for chdlce 100 to, 210 „ ^ pound weight*. ^

CatU e: Recelpts.10.000: calves, 4000; .1.. acUve; heavies $l4it5; yearlings $14.30;1.,; veu llngs $»JO to '-I I lM : steers 1300B » ‘*1W pound# $13 lo IU .W ; IIUU Ift ! "

in 1300 pounds $13 to $14.50: fed year-" _7h lin ts $12J0 to $14.80; he lfe n $13.28 I,,an to $14; cows ntxiff lo •ii.bO; kUllctkcn •$ 8 J0 - to “ * 7 J 5 : - b u U s - $ » - to - $ i0 J 0 f - J Ih. vealen . milk fed.* $10 to $1438; stock- ^ f - e r-and-feeder-iie«n -a ir 'iif* liW -$10* r= |^

Sheep: Recelpu • 18WJ; f a t Iambs 51 en « ° » r « te a d y to-18c-lCTCTr- S off; sheep ana sneanng un ioa scarec; on unchanged; fresh Callfom la hekl off- re,' th e m arket. G m m g £ > e a ~ in a ^ )W « rt» >n. 93 pounds down $15M \o $1645; m e- , , ed dlum $14 to $1B.05: medium to lid choice n to 100 pounds $13.79 to rd $J6; ewes, medium to choice, 180 „ ' pounds down ^ 7J9 to $9.18.

• "LORANGELESUVECTOCKIr^-^-------:r: L 0 6 ANOELSa Aprti 39 OP>-Hocs: ire Recelpu 300; 10c to 16c higher; top

911.9 for car choice 160 pound „ ' w elghu; a r 149 p o t i^ average*

-e* $11.80: car 155 p o i)^ C klU brnlu $11J2S, w ith 181 pound local feds $10A . ea

0; Cattle; RecelpU 200; s le id y . to j .• •" ’nn; steers scarce: Uiw* c a n good

lot fioa potuid Imperial valley cows $8S0; ou ier sna stock Urgely $1' to $850; — c u ttc n $4 to $d.2Sr buns $9M (9 VM.

. Calves: Recelpu 50; steady; port Joad 304 pound ArlMna'.calves $0.

il l Sheep: RccclpU^ none; offcrtng» lid trucked milk lambe sUU unsold: me-'- ■al dlum to clwlce sborti-ew ci quoted '$9 .Ilx 10 51. ' j

„-^,ID A U O te lA X O E S ID A hfi FAtLS. . AprH 36 . fM atket

News Service) S b lp n m ts U onday: eoto. 23. Fla. 37. Idaho.13K M aine IM,

b - Mich. SO, U U ia H Oxe. JT T e x u ) ,,. -W ash.87..W l*c.35:t4tatU lU & d6tatea

!fi ed e u t 90, to jeuU itro-O ftmorD la .1,M Idabo-U U h dlvehim ^. a f l t ' l t ^ ablp- SO m enu 1. Passed, Oen^30 v e r 305.' to souUiem i CWUMH* .1. to

n o n h e m .a u io n i la ' C J g 5 » J * . . c U :

m oderate.. D em u d ' m a ite t duU and uoMttled. aasier tael-

all ln»,' Carload f. ;o .‘ b .- c a s h .track :m huiseta, R a 1, very lew M ) « Me to $1<10- mb$Uy.99c; N a 3 4ScTo.B«c.,RUfaJa,.n - »«rtlv e n d ed . Dlato ba**, B0« ton . Wagonloads w h to '.g raw m s*B uneU .011 Mo. 1 bulk- outiielgm. a u tU y « « . u> T^^eKIay m onilni: v 'H n c tlS W «► ^H , B and e r t r a d l i i . ,N o tale* r fp o rM .B-> Tw in F B lls - H a u t l i^ U » ^ ln « .d * *■*. o a n d deenaalAi. tto k e t , . 'd u n K S d 'Ur weaker. Cartoads f. V K '. t a i n 't r a ^ : n t R tiM U . No. t , ooe to ^ M u N a .V - B ^ h-^ aales reported.-.CarJoads-OMh'tOTOW- ow e n : RUiseU. N a:l,:.8So 'to W a - ' ,i l i l ' Telepgraphic Information from Tuet* es, day trionilng's mark«ta: .

ch loago-A rrived .-.qo lg . 1. Pla. a ,)


^-^Nq,rHANK:s ■

W A .< 5 ' .0 « ,E C M 6 t o t w s ^ i W c u c T c o M P e a e s J c e o p W c o o e e s d o w k i us o e o ( u ^ E g kO . \ TW O U O W T .V O CO»Ae • n lO U K lD T W S IWA.W A M O S g C • r \ ' * T » * « a » - V W f » K y ‘T'6QME.TMl*JO LS

C O U L O ,0 < 8 . — , >

I ' Ss — A

r - .


4 Heavy Volume of Trade Marks Week 'for Idaho Product; “

d I ' m[•1' Growers and Dealers U t 6o. ™!d{ :-------- • hj.. ■ IDAHO FALLS. April 3»-AcUve d«- ” ^ jm a n d and a large volume o f trading i; .fea tu red Uie ldabo_pgut» m arket l u t a

'wvek. The c u h Crack prtce oo loaded at .'''■’ coYs'of U. S. No. 1 RusseU w u mostly k

$1.00 to $1.08. During th e early , part hi . of the week there was bu t lltUe ae-

Uvity, and some sales were made as ju low os OOc. W hen Uie large v o l u m ^

rs o rd e n come in during th e la tte r port n of Uie Week, the m arket f inned ' up a

o g a ln ,,an d sO few solca of the^best pi ly stock were n ^ e u high u $1.10. B ut ol rti th e greaier par) of the sales were mode st )• o t~ $1.00 to /{ \M . according to the u r i 'w w k ly revl.f* fssued by .Wendell Cal- h t . houn. markei news representaUve of yi 1. th c federal llepartm ent of agrtcultiire st

a t.Id o h o Falls. ................. Tly Growera and dealers were generally U ^ c f Iho opinion th a t 11 w u good policy ii H to l&ke Advantage Of the acUve de- st I . ‘ m and. and 'us o' riesuU' the 'sh lpm ehU

I^ l i ld o h o 35. Minn. 14. N. D, 2, S. D .'l . ^ ■ T e x a s fl. Wash. 3,-W Uc. 33. 'Idaho

' diversions 8, On track 298 ,-cars-ln- - I,; eluding broken, SuppUes liberal.-de- V iqand and trading ilow< m arkei about a t . ■ s t^ y . Track so les,,carlou outwelght: p S, Idoho Russeu. N a l , '« l , to to $1M, Ji ^ few fancy higher. ParUy graded $1.55 d

lo $1.70. mo»Uy $ li» to ' $1.68. o Fort W orUi-Arrlved. Idaho 3, T ex u tl

. 4 .-W u h 3. Diverted 13. O n track tJ 33 unbroken cara. Supplies Uberol, h demand slow, nuuket weaker.. Carlol &

11'. sale.<i. Fori W orth basis; Idaho Rurals c nnd RusseU. partly graded or com- £ mcrclals. best mostly-$l,7i- to $1J5. h Poor condition and sprouted low er.' b

S; K a n su C lly-A rtlved. Colo. 1, Idaho % ^ 30, Minn; 3. T e x u 0. UU h 1, Wash. 3. w r u v r i# ^ from team tracks 22. O n o

track 63 unbroken c an . SuppUes Ub- t! ^ eral. demand -sk>w, m arket aboul g ” steady. Track sales. earloU Invoice t

weight: Idaho RusieU. No. 2, one j g '~ eAV $l3or - C a r l o t - n l c 8 to ouUlde t «• po lnu . K a n a a City baals: Idoho e “ ^Ttt^lsrT «C Fr-lr$ l:7 (> -H b-$M & H *af^ -

5* T l ^ m w uy aroiind j r t s s . ' 1

llRhl. m arket about ateady. - Sales to ’ I“ U obbdfs :_IdahoJlU 8»oU ._N O w .l.JI.-«M

^ ^ 0 $ 1 « . few $2. CuU and rough*

J® Los Angele*: Arrived Callfomla 1, ^~ Idaho 4. Diverted 11. O n track .31 . ^ cars. Denuind slow, m arket dull.

.......... c________ L Q S-A K O E ttfl PRODUCE_ 8

. LOS ANGELES, Aprll 25 c^ ducc exchange recelpU: I

B ulter OOJOD pounds: i;l>eese 1600 <pounds. • , t

B utter: In bulk 42c. ' iiEggs; E x tru 2Se; f in u .f re s l i 24ea t

. c u e count 33e: mediums 22c; smalU t'« ■ . . . 1'

^ Poultry; .Unchanged.. a

10: = ! ' li-1 .......................................................


« • ' -

“ BEA! -Atin-; ■

S’. ...... . I t y o i i a r e i n t l

^ m e n t s p l e a s e g i \

b e a b l e t o t a k e

« ; . b c i m p o & n b i r f f fJa,'I kr:? ' BJickam JUu ‘ ..C' t

j . - H o r M o ! » e w -------------

,, S p r ln f f W o rk ' •

p y ± s s i s »

. • , / ■ ------- --------

w• 5 L W — F o a /

Vm Pi v > je 'B 6 m l ■ 'W U M .s. i i ' b f i t —

V a \ .c » » ‘»vg6. ' J w I

from Uie aU te incre«wd steadily d u r- n f ' w rind -w M lt from lO fl-can on Monday h - to 200 on Saturday, The to ta l for Uie

week .»s»-«43 c an . o r on a v en g e of

r ;140-per-day!-O n-M onday-of-U ie-ptw - — «nl week th e tota l Idaho ahlpmenU for Uio season am ounted to 33,000 cars.

Idabo u id M ata* L eaden Thv* to ta l-U n ited S u te* ahlpmenU °

were a lso fteavy a t Uie end of l u t 8 week, locreaslng from BOO c a n per day f™

up to 1034 on l u t Saturday. Idaho : and M aine M e U ie r were shipping

mote thanA ialf of th e o ld‘crop ship- • ) m enu, and 11 Is esUmated th a t these

two sU te s together liave approxim ately *30 ■ half o f Uie supplies bf old stock re- dcf

m alnlng In th e counUy. divided about tea '* equally between them . Supplies In Th< 'V Maine are esUmated to be aome 1800 pro *t c a n lesa lh a n a t this tim e a year sou Kl 1 , a n d the N orth Central state* a re not ly leported to have hardly u m any-on to ­r t hand aa l u t year.- usli C' Ttie shlpm enu of new poUtoes *a* as J u n p ^ Into full voliim(! Uie la tte r port ^ Dt- V the p u t week. amounUng to more ^ r t th an 200 c a n per day. T be lower Rio ip O rande valley ot T e x u h u already s t p used Uie peak In sblpm enu. and u t other secUons of th e sU te .hove no l ^JT de s tarted . Cool weaUier h u held back ^ ^ the LouUlana crop, and 00 ^ Ipm enU w J - have orlglnatfd" f ro m -th a t s u te . M pcc of yet. 5o the Immedtate-supply of new niei re stock la coming largely from Florida, for

T otal alilpmcnu of new iw utocs to ily the end of last week am ounted' lo / cy 1600 c o n . compared with 3600. to Uie y e- same date lost year. ^ a lU • -------------- ................................. car

= LO C A L,B O Y CANDIDATE ' SS i FOR UNIVERSITY O FFICEC- UWIVEnSITV O P IDAHO. MomOW. ™ Ul April 35—W alter SlaughUr. Twin it: Pa lb , cand ldau . fo r tho posltloa ol ‘W. Junior class representative on the stu- 55 dent body executive boord. Unlvenity ..

of Id a h a survived the ,p rim ary dec- ^ u Uon, ond his nam e will appear on ck the boUol fo r the geueral election al, here May 3. I t - h u been announced. . lot Mr. S laughter received 363 votes, u 7;), Os compared wlUi 543 for OcoTse Huber, n - Kellogg; 515 fo r Clayton' L o*» . “ = >5. MarysvUle, and 469 for WlUlam Sahm-

berger.' Payette. . Tis-o represenUitlvcs • no will be elected.3. T he-p rim ary thU spring lu u been

>n one b l the m ost hotly contested elec- F tlons in uui llUtoiy (i( studenubody. ^ u l govemmenl a l th e unlvenity. A leo to ta l of 1010 votes were c u t In Uie 5e prim ary, u "compared WlUl lllgimy d e m e re 't h a n 400 c u t -in th e general 5 ho elecUon l u t spring. £f T 7 ~ Nlr lllnlillli ll l li Ih r niin nf Mr _2

t o i^ io w a sophomore In Uie school ' ' nd •Qf~cAmerce'~ttt~ilie state-untvenlty .- - ' t o ' H t g r o d u a t^ Jrom l'wln~FaUinUglV “ r B ^ h p o l J n J ^ , ____________

,. ALCOHOL PROPOSED J• ~flDMCEyr~<^ U a5« .m rgctun of -Uie ...

clum ber of commerce wero .called to* - gether Thuraday to consider, plans u 1

•0- 'ouilin'ed by O e o iS a T P a n c a k i 'o fS a n - ' F n n c l ; ^ for a potato alcohol dlaUll-

100 ery proposed to be located In Pock- tello. Il'w ir-sald-tliat-U io-pU nl-oould — uUllzd tome leO M Otona of cuU 'poU-

Ica toes annuaUy. I t w ^ sta ted Uiat Uie J l f plan liad-been approved a t meeUngs

In Tw in Palis, Pocatello, Idaho FaUs and Jerome. > - - - i

........... ... ..................................................... ' '

N G R O \ ^

;tention the niarkei for qur'bean pi give u s ^ s i n ^ no^'s( ke care ofiyoiffoiB sr^tlii !^fp^rn5.i^toe-car^.pt d

Second’A w . So, ;


— , . . r . — .J

TAKE ^tK't. 1 \ 0 0 0 0

A . ; V I 0 5 M /S . j

— J -f'111

. ( 4 " " ■

BllipflR Bfly SCDUT ’ -fiD-PBiES-SUEEESHi'

BURLEY. April 25—With five dfs- tricU reporUng o u t or e ight In the Snake River council of Uie Boy ScouU, the annual drive for funds h u proven successful, according to D. R,' U n,<- . lols. treasurer of the C oula dUtrlct, - .

y ip n hundred do llan wlU be raised, accortlng to ' Mr. Langlois, of wlilch $200 will be absorbed by l u t year't deficit, ond .$400 more /o r p rescn t. season's dUburscments nlreudy macf'r.T he $300 balance wlU bc used In lm - provemenU o t Uie Independence camp souUi of Oakley.- A good log cabin U now a t . t h l i camp nnd ft b propowjd . lo . erect a kitchen and dining room usbig lumber from thc nelghborlnu saw mllL

Summer comp thl* season will sta rt about July 8 an l u l two weeks. A ' course of boy scout tralnlng in wood­craft and othe'r scout activities nnd duties WlU b : given. Pult;^. competent m u te n wltl be on hand, according to ,Ecoul offlcUls. who orc trained ib properly develop and mould th e younirboy's character.— A bd it_12a_ arc_ iiis-------- ^peeled to a ttend the camp th is s«m-merTliolf of th lra n m a a a a o z b c z c irc a ----------for a l the camp <a<-h wsslc.-------------- ------:—

ANGLERS PROCURE LICENSES . - ' BURLEY, April ^ - -A n s le n arc a l­

ready -preparing u> sU r i the w ason • early' by forU fjlng themselves with licenses. L. W. Hawkins of Filer, dep­uty s u te game w nrden.'w as recently ’In Burley'ond delivered a supply df U- ecnses lo n ie rchanu hundllnR sporllns Bocds. p ie s e m erchonu report fisher- u men olAady buyUvJ pcmilifl In prepa- roUon of thc .opening of th c trout / season M o y , ) ' ■ '

The Methodist U d les ' Aid will hold cooked focd. candy nnd apron solo a t the D41rj' Slore.' Aprll 28.—Adv. ^

NEW BRUNSWICK records every Thursday a t Umbongh’*.—Adv.

C j O n ^ ^ ^ E A j t S

B a k i n g B o i w p m

- Guaranteed Pure- U s e K C f o r finer t e x t u r e

and larger v o f u m o i f l Y o u r bakings

' MlUhru of pounds used MbyourCootmmcnt I

. - i

S s l '

)ii!p l a n t e r a t t a c h -

/ ' s o t h a t w ’q w i i i \

d e m a n d .

. W e ld e rs ' , '

• ,:'^iIeg.M aker8_ _ 1 - Bo(3y B u lld ts ra

Flllr ■r a s w i i i

, IBtOlllOPM a r k e t s U w e t t l e o a n r M o r e

s u s c e p t i b l e t o W e a th e r a n d

— — p e c ts -T f t-S U U in w W l5 ii i{ |u rB ii

BALT LAKB O n T . Aprtl a $ -^ r» ln

w « k c “d!S*A pril « • “ S 'weekly p t i a m w M i w ‘e» un ited SU tes bureau of #£ lcu ltu ijl. cccnomics. Price* of m a t Btitn* ad*

‘ S S to new high po lnu o n r t lw crop during lh e early p a rt of the week Influenced by dry nnd unfivortblc w ealher Jn the winter Wheat a re u and uy eonUnued cold wealher wllh rsln In the central and norlhern porliotu of th e Unlled S tates which delayed

w- fjirlng wheat seeding and ihrealened onolher late aeiuion to r com and other

4 jp r ln g emlns. W llh prospccta of rain

the wee*k'*and the failure of foreign m orkcti Ho reflect th e advance In the domestic gm in priccs, lh e morket weakened. Future pricea of both w heat aod com m a d t sharp declines and demand became/le** urgent for ca*h grain.

.F u r th e r D am aie ThreaUnfd Further domage lo winter wheat wa*

Ihrealened by lhe dry wealher in - -wcjiern Kansas and N ebouka and liy

contlnutd cold w ealher'4 fteU ie w ti wliucr wheal a te a .c a s t of/ the MUals- slppl river. Unseasonable cOld weather

' v,’Uh uinow Uiroughout the aprlne. w h ra l'a rea was greatly retarding farm work.. W heat seeding I* nearly fin­ished In touthem Minnesota and

' .Soulb—Dalcota. wllh possibly 75 per cent o( the* oal* and barley also In the ground," according, to trade re­ports. Wheat seeding U aboul 00 per

• per cen t compleled‘In the souUi cen­tra l p a n ot Ncrtlj DakoU and from 50 to 75 per <;enl done In the eastem

• .p a r t of lha t sU te and the Hed River volley districts oC Minnesota.

A late spring is again In prupcct--------tn—wmtAm—Oannda—aecordlngT-fb-Jl

special report from the wrfcultvral editor o r the Manitoba Pree-Pre*a who

— ‘- lliu jm t. miii;jfucRT~«i r imtJiiutloii iHp. tnroiiRh th a l .territory. Only a very

-------a m all-am o u n t-o f seeding h u beendope . and Ihls mostly In southern

— “ N^nnKobft where aa In normal yean seedlnR Is general In lhe prairie prov­ince* a l Ihls time. Very little plow­ing waa done lost fall owing lo the continued wet weather and Ifkle h ar­vest b u l irte aniount of summer fai* lowing In all three provinces appean

f liberal. W llh favontble and warmer w ea ther-sted lng might be rtarted within the coming veek but U>;-date weather remain* unfavonW W 'Irt Al­berta considerable w heat I* lUll un- thieshed and although this wheab»np-

. pear;] to be In fairly good condillon ll Is germlnallng poorly and (am ien have been advised to fully t o t Uielr w heat Intended for needing. Wheat Alockfi In Canada a t the first of April nccordlng lo the official esllmato *:o- tnled approximately Z io m o o o bush­els. or nboul 43^00,000 busheU 'm are than ft yeor ago. Tliere were about i;i.260,000 busheLi moro on farms' and nboul 30J50.000 bushels were in com­mercial cliapnels.

About 80MO,000 bushels of wheat______arc jcL JivaU ab le_4or_cxpo irt^ ln .^^-

, tine, nccordlng lo th c April offlJlil rMlmnlM, ThlB h ?*bo it iQjOO.uM bushels less than were'exported dur-

' tng thc remainder of the season last

Conditions In Europe oppear lo have ---------Im pro^-som ew hal-w U h-lhe more-fav-

slill complaint* of considerable dam- iiRe'^oin'TftiiMrr'lctlMng:— While " the Liverpool m arket did nol follow the full advancc of th e United States maikct*. the general situation con- lined very flnn. Prices of nallve wheaU aro .(luoled & (o 10 ccnt* per bUHlicl higher th o a a week ago al Ihc principal In tc fh r European- m w - kets.

l l i e scarcity of ro fl red <ylnl« wheat forccd prltW *l)?'Nd.''J'1Vd'M,1nUr to

well above per bushel a t botli Cnl-

f cago and St, Louis, Only a few car« of th is wheot arc .being received nt these markcta and stocks In store are i - jiracgcally exltausled. Low iiroletn

V hard winter w heat from the PocUlc ' norihwesl Jire being subsUluled for j • soft wimrr by th c ccn lral' ««slcm

£ mills. Hard winter w heat p r im were J only slightly higher', tfuui u week ago ' ond premiums for protein were ir­

regular 'Hicro was a good inlll de­m and o t Kdnsas CUy where IVi per cent' proleln No. 3 hard winter was tiuolcd a t J6 to 33 ccnts over May prico or ir .4 4 « . . , '

Pacific eoasfm arkct* were also firm, Tho PorUand m arket was raUnV qlilel

. but there was • belter demand al ScatUe for milling wheat, parUcu*

, Intly from Uw central west. Soft whllo. and w csum w heat w u quoted a t . C lJ3 . to . 11,53 and western red

. w heal a t « l .u per bushel which wai aboul 10 cents above export quota- tlona a t Portland. Big Bend bluelteai w as being quoted a t around 11.63 U #1.04 lo r Iho iMSt grades. There wai

. a very acUve dem and for good mlltlni]........ w heat a t San Pranclsco where tecclpln

wero light and No. a ha rd w inter wo3------- -quo icdro tr» tM .per IDO pounds. Good

milling wheat, n e k ed , .a t Los Angela - was quoted Bf M.73'3 to 9 3 ,n t r per

100 pounds. .Core T rade Aetire

Light receipts of cora KJgelher with continued active dem and u id the cold­er w eather.In Ute com beit 1* relart* IngU arm work 'a n d thi«aU Blnt do. la y i? plin ting again UUs season, re­sulting In a sharp advance In the c o n

. m arket. VVmle m arkets stocks are )>iil lll tle sm iller than a year ago' the) have been decreasing .stcadUy durliu

ketlnga laler In tb e wasoQ. . • '

' N m W ant Ads reach ttte people yot f , wlsb to^attfoct. . .

I • • . . . . : r - • • ■* ' '

\ T M 6 0 0 K < - ^ (l \ U M ) *n> \I COIAV m K H b

n I m

v ^ S P T H T ^ — ind ___— •i s ^ _______ B -

V / a K \we - 3 C l \ I A

i ■ k \ y \ Iral n f l S / z / ? G P ^ 7d-' - ■

r tI ' - - >\ '

nd ^In t—

iCJSTLElD-GlimTLS-|-JUIiilSN|ET-i;yE5T8he ______

U) CASTLBTORb, April 2J-T ?ie Jun- ^ lo n and .^ n lb rs held the ir banquet

In one of the claisrooms a t the high school last Priday evenjng. The room was tastefully decorated ''ln Uie senior

in colcnt, green and gold. Tlic table* car- 1,y rled oul the color scheme. Wayne Pld- iti cock was loastmasler. Those respond- s - Ing were E, E. Davis. Minnie Gager, er Bill Klnyon. D orU.W ard, Jame* Hinds ig and A. ‘V. C lfle r . T h c trustee* and m teacher* w ere,,called upon for ex-, n- tcmporaneous speeches. Special guest* Ml were the-w em ber* of Uie board of cr trustees, B, C. DavU, K. R. Senften. In W alter Rccse. W . 0 . Brown, Roy Haley «• and Mcsdames E. A. HeiUneyer and « A. V. Carter. • - .“ ■ The nex t and la st Porent-Teochcr

a»oclaUon meellng fo r .th is year will ^ be held Tuesday evening, May I , In

the high school audlt«rium. T h c lo l- lowing program - o n - b c a l lh w ill'b e

„ given: Community singing, leader.M lfv S H im nrD l8lo«tie^M l»e-D «\:ln«> room: h i -h«alU uso«a..M I*». 8peckm an>. w m >

hVftTlj~pUy.--Mr. Wllson-g room; talk-

cn will be an^opcn discussion on.'•W hat m c a n Wc Do to .Im prove Our School m Oround*."iv- Ml*s Oiailys H arrison submitted lo w- an operation for appcndlclUs a t (he hc county h o s^ la l last week. 6he.l9 pro- ir- gresslng nicely.»1* G randpa Spencer Is seriously III »« at-h l*-hom eJ)crc.

The B a p u su arc remodeling and ™ cleaning ihe lr church In preparnnon

for Uw B. Y, P . U. mecUng to be held here Ull* week.

Eugene Hudson has acceptcd a posl- ‘R: tlon w ith the CasUeford MercanUle

company.cir . --------------------------» i -------------------------------------------------------

is! . llOPilDeiliS / :JUt -------------------------------------------------------


iK F X p , J e m M « M4 U tters^- j J 4 » KDeeye t a Tw in n O U T lsu

'm - |>,H t _____Sunday:

ll:30a-M u*ta.' U:4Aa—p^ n n T a U s . ' -------- — :~


,v . __________

1 :CO-rAunt, Sam m y Talks.

S K w » « i ^ U e U n |,n . noSU ooydM T w to ru itX fa MIve L 'per 8:30-Coward Com fort Hour,a t 6:00-D odge PresenuU on.

Kr- 0:30-Hoover SenUneU.7:00—Cabin-Door.- '

eat 7:30-Wa)-slde I n n . .to '8:00-:Old Counselor. \

nl- 8:30-D ance Orchealra*.a rs I ■" ' ' IAt KDKA. PlUslmrgh U S 4 l U o s

.ve M KUoeyetes T w in M b U meln ... ........................ .. I------- IUic 8:30—Novelty Program,for *00 -R <to ld Tales;'Amplco. -cm T:00~Moxwell Hour,ere 8:00—Mlchelln Program.

J r - I'W LS. Cblcaga S «U IC«Un'<te- I n « KUocyclsi • Tw lo M i s Tlma,.per l - M --------j

8:00—Stnperbell Program.* a :0 0 -S c r tp Book ond Pcalurts. *

^ 6:30—T hc Angelus.

F t o a p ; V ^ssas City • STM l i M ^ n i KO eeydei Twin F o b

6:00—D odge^Preseniallon. ' ’ fl;30-Hoover SenUneU.

i S 7sO»-Maxwell Hour.^ •« 0 - O ld poiwMelor.^ 8a0-M «Iody Chum ers.■®5 10:4ft~NHht>iawkB. - >_________

^ eiOO-TaUa. ■ " ■ ..^ 6:ao-H oover Sentinels, per ‘ :00-HamUne'Unlvcrslly.

W O -C rafU m en. - ' ' 8:00-.01d Counselor. ^

a;80-M u*lc; t o o k w ilio n .

r»< diOO-Dodi'a iPresentaUon. •om .«dO -B oo»w .6«JH nela .------------------—t)Ul .7:0OTrMa*well Hour. 'hey 8:00-O M Counselor. .ta g , •______________ •

ir '- ' F * 0 * rI> B W « t— :------- m s u t t t n. { . M l i n h i n h i » w < i M k P « a

ron BiOQ-'fttseWaHon; O rchw lra: .7:00-M axw ell Hour.


\ « 0 y o o X> V f <>OUKTU \

4 - BUT HC « ~ ~J s u n t •«> K'NMCCVtr H0U I. ■

I f ■— M IM ii__ ______ I

: - i . K l i L q f j I n g e k L1.641 KUoeyele* T M M b T t m *

r c iJa i^ B O uarU t;-F calu rc* -i3 Jiours)..1 U 10:00-TDodgc Pre*enlatlon.

llioo -D ance . ' ' .

je t I K N X t e a A nteles m i l^etqrs KOoeyelcf TwtD M to '

B:00- 0 rgan . lor 0 :00-Callfom lo P rcgram . - .»r- 10:00-Peaturc.Id. 11:00—Dancc Music.

\ KQO. O tU u i t . t t U H e ltfs ( TM KOeeyeles T w la M b T t w

ind7:30-D lnner Concert. ' . . O :0 0 -K 0 0 Palyeni.

I0:00-Peatures <2 houra). .

I " ' I KQW, P o r t lo a T " «»LS M eten [J” I 610 Kllocyelas T w ta M i s Ttow

7:30-0oldcn W e*t Olrl.",A 8;30-ConcT.Tl: M lnne*lnger*..

I0 :0 0 - D & c PrcsentoUon.

'ol* KPO. Bail Fraadaeio tM m710 Kllecyclea T w in FaUa T to e

'm: 7;00-»B<oloBuo;-T»lkfc— ---------------0 ;0^a*w cl1_H oiir. ___________ _

hat»Ml I K Jft, SealUe* ' ,

\ geo Kllocyclesjr-v

the 7:W =tlW ncr ConccrW -o )ro- 8;30-Flreslde H our.• '

0 ;30-Pcalurc» tZfi hours).


A BatUe-Creek physlcU n sajfk, “Coi , b t^ l lo n 1*' responsible fo r m ore ml

“ • e iy lh a n any oUier c au a c ," ,Bul'lm m edlatc-i^llef h a s been foui

A tablet callcd RoxoU OrdeiUea hi bceti discovered, • ’n i ls tab le t a ttrac

— w a t tra m iM b c B » ten k ln lo th e laz dry, e v a c u a U n g llfc l B n e t f th e eolo The water lo o se n sS f itd ry /ood-w as

' and causcs a genUc. thorough, na tu r _ niovcnient w ithout form ing u liab lt i

ever Increasing tlic dose. ' . ' Stop auffering from consUpaUo

Chew a Rexall Ordertlc a t n igh t. Ne — \ day bright. O ct 34 fo r 25c today i « Uie Jicarcst Rexall D rug Store /-A d

^ -L E G A ^ A D V E R T 4 S E M E N IS------------ _NOTICE..OP_AS8t:S8MEt{T..,.,

Deep Creek Land & W ater Compac

*** Nolice is liercW (jlvcnT th a t a ^

day ° ^ A ^ . '^ 1 M ^ of »IJX) pec,share wa.i levied upon tl

___ capital •lock-bf tho corporation, pa^ able Imniedlalily to A. P. Craven. Se M retary and Treasurer, a l Ills office “ Hollister. Idaho.

Aliy stock upon which U m aues ment reoinlns unpaid un thc 20Ui cli of May, 1028, will b<J de linquent ai a d v ertls^ for sale- a l public aiicUi aild unlcsK paym enl U mado befo will bo sold on th e 12lh day of Jur 1038, Jo . pay tho delinquent asset menl. together wlUi cost* of adve

n »™l expense* of s ^ c . ___ _^ A. P . CUAVEH,,

Secrclary, Residing a t Hollister, Idaho.

IN B i tN K E U ^ V 'N O . 3 7 9 f U the D U trlo t. Courl o f Uic Unit > BUtes. fo r th o DUUlcl of Idal

r - ,* S«uUiem Dlvlilon. m* In Uie M atter of A. D. Sarlwf a s .- Bankrupt.—i You %re hereby nollflcd. th a t tl

Ilrsl m eellwi of creditors of sa * ' Bankrupt w U l.be held a l th e offl

o r Uie understgoed refeieir ln> Tw Palls, Couniy. o t T w l n ^ l l s , SU lc

n Idaho, a t 3:00 o’c lo c k ^ . M. on Moi aa day ,/the 7Ui day of M ay. A. D. 102 _ J such meeUng wUI be held fo r thc t

lowtnce o t claim s, appolnuncnt trustee,^ and-exam ination of bankrui

.1 OUY, L . KINNEY., lU few e IB Bankruptcy,

E state or aertn ido '- CaUicrIno Dcj - n -Deceased.r t. NoUee U hereby given by the u M d e n l g ^ M ichael D ean, adm lnlstr — i .tor Q fnhe oftAte of CHrlrudc Cathc

. . in e Dean, deeeosed, to th e crcd llon and a ll persons having claim s agoU th e u l d dec^aied, to exhibit tht .with the necessarr vouchers, wlUi six m onths a fte r th e f irs t publlcaU o r n r a r T B t w r r t o ' f t h i ^ f T w i m i i i

— , trato r a t th e -otrices o f H arry-B enot n Twin F a n s B ank is T ru s t CompaM Bldg. in , tb e ; : o i t r of T w in Pol- J county ot T w lh M is . 8 t i l « ‘or Idal

eiU te. - I ■ J Dated AprU IM h. i m -


■ a Estate of M arlon P . P itr lok ,

dcrslgned WUliam A. P a ^ , oxecui of the., e state or M arlifi .p . ''p o t t i

J - - r— -----

i P A U ^ j m A H O j T H U R ^

T H E G U I H P S ^ T H l

m - \T '» ,K / (9\ f t is r o h v x e \ jR

/ TO R K ts W V 'r o N t t t P T K • ,.( A.

% \n M \ - \*

i i l f f i sI O N E C E N T P E R W O R D


AU W u t A dj a llT . in a m U t. u u i - . . tfaey hrtng (be boyer.

----- - , “P&MM UI- * - - - •

! 5 i l I |g R S A L E - L I V E S T O C K

FOR • BA LE-SILVER BLACK POX pups and proven breeders. Box llM ,

H Twin IMIU._________ _________■ • ;S S EWES W ITH F E ^U A IIY 'lAMUS

for sale,' Phone 863 or 700. J . u. -------- Ritchie._______________________ ____

Ured HoUteln bull from n datii with a three yeai>eld rcconl ol (n'cr 750 pounds of bu itcr. AIm a fully cnm- ptetc' milking machine, chenp; giinr-

J anteed. F rank W. Houston, route 3. ______ Jerome. Idaho.

■' — I " j^T ^ n g ^ '^e w o t'^ W D >^."w lth _£arly_|ninlw ._JK ant«dr.»lierp-pii5^

W me lure closc In, w ith nel foice. J. D. —^ Ritchie. Phone 790, 5ta, '

f o r ' S A LE—SEEDSa m L Y ^ T ^ I N O , YELLOW DENT

T O N seed com. Phone 203-R-3.-C on- C E R T I F I E D DICKLOW WHEAT,

e mis- baled h a y ' and Ototw ehick feed nt Farmers Slore. Phone 88S-W.

fouhd FOR SA LE-100 SACKS IRIfjH COB- ea has . bJer -^Uitoe*, from ccrUfled seed, .tlract* Phone. 47. Kimberly, or write Juline lasy. Balsch._____________________________

eolon. FOR SALB-YELLOW. DENT SEED i-wosUT com. 1027 'c rop. P rank Suchan. u t u r i l Bulll. Roiitc 1. or 4 miles west. 3>i ablt or miles soulh of 8. W, corncr o t PUsr.

Phone Buhl, 324-j-ia._______________

s i t u a t i o n s W A N T E D * ^day a t ^.-A d v . WOMAN WANTS WORK BY HOUR

Phone 672-NR n fu r 5 o'clock, urt> URS. M OLUE SUIZER, MAl-BH-ll4-d------- « » p -n uw ring_Phnna-*ftT.TtU-■--------- YOUNQ-'M AN "W A N T S -JO B -.O NT -; Bjtarni for tu nmier. Waym on Caufltir inpany,

w ii> 5 w “ 7 u 3 N E r “ 'w i r a J d c * “ * 7 cooking for siftnll crcw of men. -Will n anywhere: best o f, rcfcrcncea;^ irT in >nu*t bc Uood. O racc Williams

Route 2. tonscliu

H E L P . W A N t ^ M A L E Oiin l and '*«cUoii . : ■ - _ T \ - - - j;--

bcforc WAJJTED — OJRL FOR " d l^ E l lA I f Junc . houMworlc. Call 1322. • X

W A N T E D ^ 5 lE ? r i ^ i r " S P E c S t r t8 adver- ;^pp)j. m w rtghf*. • / v

EH EW ER lEN O ED ^ W OMAN’ WANTCT ■lary forJio^ekceplnR. l ^ _ ^ - W .

^ N T E D — GIRL POR OENERAl arV” " ' housework, for small family. Box 0United New*........ ...........— ’Idaiio. eALESM EN-I WANT YOU I P YOI

can sell. Comc ut oncc. Sec Pint arlwell. Tiller Tliursday, Room 337. Rogcnoi

hotel. 8 a . m. to 0 p. m . ' lat Uic T EA CH ER^ PO R RBCTOLAR ANE f said . emergency positions. Y e r g c n s o i

office Teacher*’ Agency.'314 We*t Center St. 1' Twin Pocalello, .Idaho. Olive M ay Jones U ic of Manager. '

i. m"a; FO R “ R E N T - A P A R T M E N T Sthe a l - -------------------- -- --------------- —cnl of FOR R E N T -T S R S B BOOM FU R nkrupl. nlshert apartm ent. B iac ilo w A part 5Y. meats, and a n . east. «! P ^ •- —

Dean deceased, to tho creditors o t and al persons having claims against 4he aalc

lie un - deceased, to exhibit them wlUi IhiInlstra- necessary vouchors, w ithin six m onthfa th e r- oflcr the first publlcallon o( Uils noHors bf t o ‘he said cxccutor, a t th e offlcia s ^ t of WlUon Ic •Thoman; In. Hie Firsi them National Bank Building, Su ite 2,‘ Uw llhln ‘he City of Twin PhUs, ’ County o

llcaUon Xwln Palls, S lalc ol Idaho. Uils bclnjdmliilsi th e -p l* o * -f l* « d -ro r- th e - lran * a c t lmBenoit, of the business of said esU te.ymMm I>M«d April IS. 192S..............

^ i L WILLIAM A. PATRICK,i ^ & Exteutor of Uie Estate o r M arlon F

'or t t e P»»lck. Deceased,, • ^

I ““roLDs;. I ofliMdorcbsetanimibraeMilf

^ « M U d « u n ^ w iU > — .

i S D A Y M O R N I N G , . A P R I L i

H E Q U E S T I O N t s

^ FO r ' s A L E - R E A L E S T A T E

HQUf^B FOR SALE. 520 2ND AVE.norlli.___________ _ ‘

------ FOR SALE OR tR A D ^ 2 M “ ACRBSrellunulshmenl.- W rite Box 403,

Bjihl,' Idaho. • ^ ^FOR SALE OR” tR A D ^ ilA V E FINE

■ Irrigated BO ocrcs (no Improvcnicnls) - nnd ’Clear (exccpt $1100 water bonda

'K unpaid)' a t Arilng. Idalio, (partly 'In _ . timothy) wlilcli wUl trndc on a »500C p . . . valuBtlon for something nearer BoUe

or Twin Palls, city o r country prop** crty or sell ca.iy lenn*. o r wlwl Imvc_____ i you? Write or see C. N. WonncollAMU8 Ycon BIdif., Pottlnnd: a . V, Wonacolt

J . U. BoUe. or E. L. Wonacolt, Kimberly _____ Idn l i o , ___________ ___________

“ S v M IS C E L L A N E O U S "cr 750 .— -— -------------------------

cnnil MAltCELLINO 50c. PHONE 417. 421K„„ri _2nd we.<it _ ____

lUte 3. t i iK N ^ V R lM llb C K SCENIC DRIVl , Is now complclc. 25c I'och cnr. lOi

w a : CURTAiNaZCArtE^ r.L V ~ V A S H 'E l ^^_jin(l_^trctchr{t. .jJc anu 35c-a '*pali

J. d‘. done, by day or con trac t . . Seth Custer. P h o i ie 'K ^ ; ' ' ___

--------- KALS'O M im NO. i'AlNTINO AND_PA1 |)rr TiangTng. P. A. Rowan. 237 Oil I nve. eist. Phone 3B2-J.

. . , I GOINO ' TO LOS ANOELESt APTEl DENT Isl. ’ W lir lake llirev to bhnrc >'X

potut.- B ox 33, New t. • ____ ______He a t INSURANCB-AUTOMOOUie iNSDR ccd nt »"«*■ coverages.' Prom pt elaUi

service. Phone 10B.--jjwla PaU* TIU — ^ & A b s t r a c t . '

C U 8 T O N l» 1 ? S OP WASHINDTOI N u rs e r^ o m p a n y wanllng expci

p la n tli^ d o n e . call Ray E. Newtoi- e E o j _______________________

I O-KAV 1-0L181I Por cleaning nml iwllahlng furnj-

f u j r . mi:omobll<5 j__l]axdwoQd lliwrs, ____ _ Rlnss. •D „ ^ T i \ K ' POINT 8TORK

:Pomicrly knowii'ojt O'-K I'uriUlurc------- rolUh.HOUR., _______ ' ' ' —_____ i i i T f tl m Mig m n ?

m tO U C U L A nC tJtT Q

' W A im i^ P O D L T R Y .- ' H : C. HUN Phone W3-W____________ -

f T r ’

iJSm dead horse*. Half nillc cast. % nort• ■;” “l W ater*-comer. — --------------Illinm.’ WANTED TQ RENT—4 OR 5 ROOJ

'l {urnUhed modem house. CaU Si —— or 11, ___________; OyR W ANTED^.vbUR PAINTiNO, KAL

(omlnlng, and paper hanging. Pc ■ esUmalcs call' O. B. Kunkls. PhoD

■ n rrrr is is -w ,w a n t e d " : - l a w n m o w e r s t i

s r in d .. Wlli call fo r andAdellve l A f i W ^ j n e 5M. Moore’s Repair

r “ ’ | ’ ^ ‘ o r i A L W / "

’S J ■ I^R H IT S, V E G E T f lB L /s

~ v K i t DELICIOUS APPLES POR SALE, i i.„„ l ' and >1.25 pcr-biwhcl. Phone 537-J-l

DKcnon POR S A L E ^ l'b T A T O e , CABROTI . bccu, honey, dill plcklcs. E. 1

— TJJ5 Crabtree, Phone S15-J-3.__________• n a o n 'P o n s a l e - e a t i n o p o t a t o e s , i W St.. per sack. Peter Hof, ‘a mile nortl Jones, '>* easl from Waalilngton scliool.

™ ^ F o T S A L E — F U R N IT U H E -

_ b b u ) s e a l RUGS, 7 m t o p rc i FOB* from nnd wUI on easy payment

Anart- Sweet'* Slore. Tlie Gold Seal Store.FOR SAL&-RANOE''fcn;iRNAL i:

_ _ flrsl.xlass condition; olso baby cai riagc. Phone 220-W^______

“ «< F o i T s K r a S r - i l o i S T i A i S r a"0 “ '•* range. In first class condlUon; • /

15° Alvord & Ntoil's sto r e . __________'OOLD SEAL RUOb. NOT A PEV -fcul*Uio.4n(Mt com phte slock In ; t

> First ■ Sweet's Store,I a; In P d R “ S A li :'- ;i5 P jN -b R Y "S A V A a n ty ofl washing machine, used l^ i yea I being BOOd as new. Call 818-J-2. sacllon P U Y E R -PIANO IN EXCELLEN

cohdltlonr beautiful walnut cas< with rolU and bench. Warberg Tran;

JK. fer.__________i ______________■rion P. FOR SALE-WALNUT BOOKCASl

oak desk, radio lable. 'wlille dresae ■ M e n chiffonier and bed; clilld'* ivory boi

high phalr and nursery clialr; aU 1 good condition. Phone IM-W. 14:

laM ilr _____________ '- T ^ . PIANO BARGAINS. RARE TRADE X

_ baraaliu . In uiiVlghls, grands an p iayersr'siandard m akM ;.'8dm e-U k

^ 9 nev. Sold, anywhere. Easy lerm U B Wrllo today. Baldwin Plano Co..-llC

Callfomla sL;' Denver, Colo.'

s?? ,OHW RCKM iH w e

I TO OVP TUXT 8 'tU tX lA O tT UW> ^{ jtA £U O P W>»

g ss\u w o r^^^ to 'to B sc> o ^

3 ...

s ' ' I I L T -----

¥ m mT E F O R S A L E - M I S C E L U J I E O U S

AVE. CHOICE UAY PO R SALE. 110. OET- _ lc r l Real Estalc. _

;RBS UABY B A S SIN EtfE A N if" SWING403. for uale. Phono 1032-W.,_________ •

SHEEP SALT. 75c SACK. KINNEY PINE s warchou.ic.* or K inney Up Townents) ^ r o . __________ _ _ _____Jonds P A IW . S1X30R PAINT, QUa S t 85c.

w hite lead 14c; linseed | l g a l D la- njond Hardw are Co.

°°n® FO fl SALE-LARGE REED BABY buggy In good condition. Phone

ncoll 765-J or cnll a l 711 3rd ave. north,

berly! *econd. third clover. See Em csi Emerson, 8^. mile* caat Washington

= = : school otl A d(llS^ ave. _ _E D; IM iiL baO , AOEOT FOR U i f . ImcT's Dry Arsenate of Lead, for spray

. 421 materials. Call phone OSO-W. P . O. ___ • Box 754. 304 2nd nve. norUi._________

r. 10c WUcox a t Uio Idaho '-Junk "houtw____: Bbm it the KOP-EKON l>i_J»ch pipe'3HEU for watering slock, nnd other water i jS I S pirpoaca.-T .O nlrnc-pcr'toot;'ttlM'Cftn-

iOKK ........ ........... „

LOANS .PARM LO^NS, 6%. SWIM i t 0 0 .

■ M bN SY 'T O 'L O A ^. P O T iW IIBALestate. ______

P ,..- . MONEY r o k S T ^ b k t LOANS ON m odem .houses In T w ta 'F a n i.~ A r '

U iuM i. Swim 6t CO. J .claim b r n f 'L O A N ^ V a w a n t d e s i r a '- TlUe ble loan* on resldebce or huslniU

properly. B ert rates, proopt^aervlce. .vm M Tw in PalU T ll^ f t A bstract Oo.V Ltd. „ « r t & O N B r T O 'tb A N - O l i - p X 9 i^ ^ ewton. c ity property. .Som e privato money

la sm ns of from $500 to $5000 now o s _____ hafuL Irrlgaled Lands Company. H o­

tel Perrtne, IJO Shoshone'sU west.'■'niA FARM LOANS-NO COMMISSON. iwrs- no deloy. Tw in Palls TlUe ie Ab-

s lra c t Co.. Ltd.

Ilurc Uwl^S: ^ntcrcsC ^^c* ^ d—I repaym ent privileges. No cash corn­

e r mission. Letsch A; WUUams.I A M ~b f a TO 5<Q A VERY -c a g ftp -

_____ awii deslrabU 'farm loan. 1 . th ink itHUN- f m . l o a n propoelUon e7er of-

— fe red -m -lh e J w in Palls .tract. I t will J R E . pay^yo iU o iiee jne befora p la d a i your

l&azL 0 . A. Roblnsoa

^ ^ W T l E I K = T O R N i s H E D “

north i ^ M ^ ^ R RENT.^ Phbiie OPMODERN ROOM F b i l R ^ , PHONE

}P0W 417. 421 2nd west. ____ ' ' '" " 5 l i q o t HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS -sj-.-.- fo r rcnl. 044 M S in^orth.

5-ROOM, J25; 8-ROOM ' MODERN, P h ^ W . ' A. N. L.um-, l»lj>no-45.---

FO R R E N T -P illlX lS H E b ' HOUSE r ^ T o «tfler May I s tV w , A. Mlnnlck. lellver^PO K RENT-UEDROOM OLOSB IN,>-»-244\ C i ta b le .-for two. Phona 436-J.____' / ^ R O O M FOR RENT: GENTLE-

^ ^ n prefnrred. _Phoiw 1433-W./ R O ^ s T v N D HOARb; f J l T i i r A V aC ' north . Phcmc 591._____________________ FO R REN T-RO OM : O ENTLQIANL.E $I preferred. Phnne I213J. _ ' ' _ j . j . l l . F U R N IS H ro R (^ M WITH BOARD. r o t # desired. 6G0 Mnln norUi. PhoneV u ’ 1130. ^ y • - ________________

■ ' FO R RENT-NICELY FURNISHED =3—r , llg h l houbkw'pliiB rooms; nlso ik c p - ^ ■ ,,h Ing porch’ and j;arai;c. 411 4 th ovc.



mcnls. ...N— — -------— — ------------PO R 8A L E -R . L ..IIBD HATCHINQ

L IN eggs. PhcnL- 517-R-3. y oa>f- J ^ B A L B ^ B A R R E D R b b k HATOS-_____ Ing eggs. Phone 816-J-2.________^S8T I0 PO R SA LE-RH O DE ISLAND SET- ^ tln g i hens. Inquire Phone 73.

PO R SALE-BUCKEYE INCUBATOR, PEW . u o ,e « g capacity. Patrick Wynn.

P tw n e -o n -R ^ r - . ■ ■— :TO R SAI*B - STANDARD BRED

VAQE B arred Bock eggs for halchlng. E.W . Collins. Route 3. Tw in P a lU.____

T = ^ CUSTOM UATOHINQ, t8 PEft'TRA Y of-^lJ2, cggi; • 100 tu rk e y -e « j9 ;-« .

®“ ®' Pu re Hanson. Tancred and Larson * ^ " ‘ * Leghorn chicks; also Red*^ Barred_____ Rocks and White Rocks, a ll diarrheaCASE, tested :. specUl cleian up prices W edr resaer, nesday and Prlda}'. Phone 73. H ay a y bod, H l-O rade Hslohery. • r .“H-iJI PO R BALB. T H E PAUODS fAfT-

ered Banson -slraUt L eghorn,baby___ chicks, blood te iled . t i a per 100! &UoDE .IN R h o d e . Island Reds, |14- per hun- I and dred. W e.aU o .do euilom haUhlng, e-U ke M T rg n -W -p t r - ^ y m y r tP T K e r tW lerm s. IS per troy. Iceubator capaeity U ,- >.. -1030 000 eggs, n iggeits QunUty, Hatchery.

*- ' ............ \

' , I , Ml

---------------— ■■■■■■-v : - ! -- . .... ....................

s o 'N E i ' a i l l B t l ’ l l W , J ; '

; H M - a R K ; E v n . i . u m a . \ ( l _____________ _iK E S u u ^ h . J l : ___________3H _ A w s -"IsUU W 6R ‘S '* n f - '- - rr - r^^N \ I'fcuww. f ,. -r

ImmmIV •

P R O F E S S IO N A Lie. r—rf-- '-— ------- ------------------ — .'■a - A T T 0BN IT 8 |

j y H ." 'i ." D O N N -^ u V " b m o e i^ ^ no a n d .4 .8niU i-R lc» Building.

B u A C T f t i D o T s n c o m r n H n r i e a 'i f . ^ t t ^ T r u a t B ^ ,

i ^ - W . Q i t a S a - l i * i i y o r .b o a k 8 T ru s t Bldg.' Pboae 0S9-W.

T ' 8 W fc M a rg :s^ ff lg B a T = s r c a B g ■^ Idaho Power Building.

g . --------B U S IN E S S ^

“ H i u 7 « 0 B K V o l A8S‘'* 2 > > - - '

r a w i t - —


E i M i i i 5 5 r o M r T B E m i o O T -New locaUon. lU Srd a m N l i

Phon e a g , • ■ '

I n s C a P o t beiaUnv tr o o b te Fbcag oFj a s i-w . • '

iA'. A W o ’’^TO 8U & iN C t ^alF "covSage*;' ' |6U P o ller Real EsUte. Phone 374.S . ; .

C B O Z IE BT BA N SPISCO , F bcnaM k . oey O rating, storaga «nd Vfitttf QeA

W m i i i o y s m H T S S S T t S ^ -

pN. .g a r b a g e hauled dally. p S f i S m '

MODEBN. WOODMEN O F AMERICA'm c cu In r. o . o . r . hall e re ty seecod.

"** and fourUi Monday.

g ..B U S IN E S S O P P O R T U m i lE S ' ■ ;

^ M nZ lN S S nN D ^L A D IE S-W K A R IN a” apparel shop, nice business. Splen*.

did location;— Fur liifoiinatlonr-*d— TJ_ drcs* Tlie BcrSlcll, Jejjw.e. __

= = E 0 l c g i L t O R T R A D f c - ^j3=. TR^lD B-H OU SE IN PORTLAND,*

.O re .. fo r Twlri PalU flropcrty. 4— room*, cement basement, sink, to lls t,'

gas. clecltlclly. Value <1300. John V ." '— McConnell. Box 50. Twin Fall*,

Z ' : F O R R E N 7 - F A R M S 'ISE ------------------------- 1--------- ----

TOR' RENT-JJEAN AND EARL?^ melon land 'fn canyon. Phone 358. -

m S T . _ ■

L O S T -T IR B AND RIM IN TWIN • • P a lls W ednesday;. Goodyear tho

__ 34x4. Rcwnrd for re lu ra to NewsAN o f f^ ^ ^ -

Pulrfleld afld Twlri Fall*, or Twin one p a iu and Albion. Phone 1232. Re- ' __ ward . ' ________ _

“ T Q R S A L E - A U T 0 M 0 3 IL E S .IVC. ____

A RHAL BUY-DODGE TOURINO, ' , = 4 good u r ts , new Willard battery,

Dnew rcnr end : must sell b piect n o C a ;', flrat »150 takes car.* Call a t 530 FtiU i ; c m afler 8:30. L [cc w Included. •

™ I U S E D C A R . ' 'S A L E I ’'-'.

» r s :I REPEPPtU) -

Ex!perL:^mcn trained for thU ipe* ~__ clal work—have InipeieUd , c t « 7 ’

OR. p a rt of our V M d.^fsrs'tfA 'l have * 'nn. j> ijv ted-4hem ''ln .perfect rcondlUon. .

That'* Iho OMunnM you i c t wheo 'i . . fED you buy trom u*. * :

S- 1026 Nosh Light "S ir Sedan _ .1027 Nash U ih l Six Sedan ' ’ ,AY 1W7 N a .i!» - lJ fh t-S lX 7 C o a c h -^ r-

-IW e-N aa h -A fan c td -V lc UFria - , — son 1930 N u h 7-paasenger Sedan ' Ted 1M3 CadUlae ,«c lo rU r ,hea lOM Overlaoil S l i Coaeh .. , . ; X W t M JGJewoU-.Coach..

_ i m c i » e m w : c 9 w n i ; 3 -Q J- U ttS S to r iT e W ftg ■ . fthy l a u ,><. v\ .~ii. Sq

u n - . . H f i D m f t r

4«Eiif8iiiiiiiirjr Hllh School Upper ClassmenI____and,Faculty Members ;Enioy

Commenocmimt Season Event

I______ m S K . Anril as—Thg annual lunlnr-

I t^ d iia ird n 'm e 'lva5n“ highrchool. Placfn were mBrkcd for ihe

! class of five isenlors. EuBchln Dames,

I ijtVacIa Llitle. Clarence Hall, Pauty Day and Elmer Vineyard, and >9 Juniors; Dorothy Bremer. Leona Craig, Mary Joneii, Wllllard Latllm er,, Pran-

' els Ounnlnji, /nda W atKin, Weldon Little. Euuene Elson, Arnold Levin.

I Pearl Sftiltli, .M erle. Sm llh. Juariltu I Averlti. EdlUi Jenkln*. Edward Lint*. . nnd Dud Davb, Tlie high K hool fac- > ^ y -m e m b c ri . J - lU -S m U h ^ co d M C -

’ M l l d ^ H oiulen. Mm; E. H. SmIUi' I and Mr. inrsch ler also wero g m u .I The pliicc card i were paper flower 1 p o ti contolnlnR lilac* a n d 'th e *enlor [■ class color* of purple and w hite w re L carried oul In the decorallon*. Mina-

tUre pholoRraplu were lued .on thc place cards. T l» c lo u motto: "Be tillliare. Ik natural, bu t never be Hut." waa placcd on the favor*. Tlie

I program theme , wa* . "BtlUdlng ii 1- house." Arnold Levin vnu toostmanlrr { and the program Included piano solo.! Juan ita J^ verltt; vocal «olo. La Vada

Llllle: "Can>enlcr*." Pawy Day: -••Plaaters." EdlUi Jenkins: "PiilWer*.” Eugene D am w ;-"Eleetriclans." E. II. Sm llh: violin solo. Mary Jone«: "Sky- llRht." LaVado Little: "Mynllc Bond." Merle 8mlU); "Memories.'' Olarrnce Hall: «}ng* by candle light..

I . The regular, meeting of the Eden Civic club Is lo b c i » ^ Wednesday afternoon a t the home w Mrs. Troy

I Prcjler. Mrs. Presler and Mra. Virgil Ddvls wltl be hostesses.

Rev. c . A. K avley 'o f Salmon City;, conductcd sen'lces a t tho PretbyterU n'

, church-hcce Sunday moming. 'M r. Hawley Is being, considered by ihe

I bonrd of truslee* ■ as a prospecUve-------m R U u rO S Ja k f ' rhnrae of the Eden-V Hascllon-field. ^ ---------

ita U a l^ n 'o t 'th e ^ fn c e rs for*tlio'Dlxon Psrent-T eacher nssoclallDn.

" Lo. W.. Stoddard-ba* leased one o^ the Oary ranches .and will farm the same this season. ■

Tho high uho o l senior clas.i play i s ' _ — betny -Tthettsed - fo r -p re se n ta U o n -o n -

' P rldartV enlng . May 11. The ploy se­lected was one of U rr y E. Jolinson’s well known works, "Pulling I t Over." I t Is a comedy dram a In lh re« acts. As the tenlpr c la ss . ItscK b com-

■ posed of only five n im b e r4 _ a n um -' ber from tho olher classes of the

• high school h a fe been given p a r^ . — Spectol-musJcal-TJumbera by tho high

school band will be given before and - i _ b e t w n acts.

Miss Elisabeth Aberdeen spent the• week-end a t her home In Twin Palls.

The eighth grad^ graduation exer- ) clses fo r- 'th o . Hlllsdalo scliool will

be held this year a t the Hillsdale I school house Instead o t In conjunc- . •- tlcn with Uic Edro school which luis

be«n th c .Q U stom '^e plist few yean. The claas a t Hillsdale ha* l4 mem­bers and b the largest In ^ th e hb - tory of th e school The ttm e of

-hcldJng the excrcfses wll! not be mode known until near the second week In M ty. ju st prior lo the closlng'of school

. '• - • o n M a y - 11.--


' ” FILER.' 'A pril’ 25-M rs.'' o fen .Cope­land of W a ll t ^ d l l a . arrived ^ lu ^ t iy . ■b^-niotor to v b lt her parents, AU. and ‘Mrs. T. D. sn ilth . ~‘ Mrs. .Oeorge Anthony entertained

• .the members o f .h e r ,8 u n d a y school , class a t d lnnsr Monday evening. Tlie I • evenlns was spent with g a m e s , / -•»: M rs. jOjarue £ . Denm an cniMtalned; Soturd^y ul H o 'c lxk wll^ a cliarm-' ' in jiy appaintcd four-course luncheon,■ . Thc a ttcrnosn w.u spvht wlUi brldjc.I Mrj. W. D. Ollll'i receiving high score.

•Oucsta inchid.d Mwdame* W. d . Oil- .* Va. E. n . B ytn;, 0 .‘ J. Chlld.i of } Pllcr, J,..B ajU H :ntlarfcr of Uollliicr.'■ anil MlMC.-; El!c:i Ostroot and -Alice ; Turner.! . Mr. .an d /M rs. O. J . Childs, enlcr-

. .talned a t dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs, w . C. DrQvvjt und family of c.:s-

1 • Ui'^crd. Mr. tn rt Mrs. L. II. Urswn ‘ 'c iill (iin^ilv r . f t.taroa end )str. and

- M r i J . A. D;r.jen; a:id family of Pair- flc 'd -.ldaho . -

The tauilllca of Oeoive Potlpr, M.■ J.vCocdc. C. n . F rx and M. n. Clark

•spent Sunday a t Cr>ital Springs.',0 . ' J . Hicks U a t Bozeman. Mc:i-

lan s, op buslnewi for tho D. Londrelli e e« l-«m ipan i.

r Mr. giirt Mrs. W. M. Dunce nnd [family with Mr. and Mrs. L. L .‘Ureck>

' - enridge and family of Twin Pnlb ’ picnicked G u n d ty 'a t the Southwick

' ,’fftnii near Clear Lakes.0 . W .'Caee was n week t n d 4)uslnes3

^ vlsllor a t -Kuna, Idaho. , '• '.H enry Blinnionds .Is reported lo bu •very lU with Uinuenra.

W. D. OlUb left Saturday by molor for \nlrloua placw lu Oregon. He' ex-

' .pccU to bo away a week.• •■Mrs. Rr^8.—Stephen has. recovered

' a r tccn 'i lUnsis.


. EDULEY. April 25 -8am ue l . H. ■“ aican. teuier. van bu riej In

U * .Burtey.cem6t«rjr*Prldfty. He was i: i ^ J > o n i J n ..8 # l t X ttk e ,: .t« l o f Afidrew :i; :-.O knn . in 'iT O -and moved w ith , the

7*inUy to Xibton when • boy. He m ar- 8 tou t kV Albleo. Sur-

•w-rWoojUneiH S ^ P * -.woriiL

J i O c M l s s l o i


----------- l O c K i T T o n

• S ^ = = = f O E -

to 7 p m ] S h

"■ '7.115 VcIg,™ Sl.OO .Pcnaliir IIn. nnd W Inc . p ln l!i

■ _____ --------------BOe

5 m » "tc--------^ o . " c

" b - f ,I 5 S I

E ^" ^ l a i y" $1.00 Penslar I’llla Cotl Livcr'ExlriIV. 2iie PenslarII, Hiili.v T .ilc u m . .r- 2!5c Pcnslnr Aim^ - Cucumber C’rcin\ . -SOc PcnsIar AlirIJJ ^UicupibcfCrm

'n I H o u g a u d E :, P e r f u m e s a in . - W a t eIB . .lufimin, !'e S ircc. Hosti:------- j B I l ‘ Violet odi2= —

n ^ — —rFUM

B ' Z f o im - --------- r- .

f: . 2 5 c G ly c e ii. fl R o s s w a te r ^ -

i:- . • 1 2 f a rle 'S;----- *------- ‘ -60c '€ardenC ouiId Benzoin Loilonie 2 f o r JIs. • 35c Bay . -[• ' RiimJi 25c Gnlnsborouc- Powder I

I - 2 forj i S O c M a g - IIn r -------[Vol ■ . . . __

Ml ISm t‘ ~ F ' I m t

he 'f n med If ln- . • IIin, ■re! COc Pcaslaif i5; . . . uigcsic Italm

sj' 2fofSOf"'I SOc Super 1*1111?,; ■ ' . I w c ™

“.I . U t i V .1

2 for Jrk ■ "wanMBBiik.

50c Eatonih X f t Linen; 2

a • Sheets an

¥. ' I 2 f!iS ■ ' I . 51.00 Eat

I land Llni:ss I marriuc oi

S' ' Slnllonery

u>7 . i i velopes, (i:x- I tfU l 0

■I ^' B «-50 Cap

• B .3clf-fnicr,•D IpI Wdiura ’ .

H tlPPcrt . . .

I a I s T b H■ M |ScBee<

Jw ....... . Wm '■ ■ ■ '■ ■ ■ I

Ibl. ,tb* - . .________


l o n B e l l T o i l e t S o a p i

*^ o r l O c m

Idc Fels Nap- i | tha Soap

2 lo r lO e^ ^

,» » i n o

J io r^ S c I

.Bccf, 1 :2 for $1,00 . “? ',“ 2-for-5flc y ,

fMC-PcnHlar-Iivmlgiillnp.Jni -l_ creascH th c u c t iv l ly o f t h e 1

i jfiSSrtU for $1.50'15c P c n n ln r C old O f n r I R p ... C rc n m C a m p h o r lc c ^ lU i ^

j;'^“tU.2for10c ^ ;!:'r.'’."....2for$1.00 J ..............2for25c ^".r!'""'';.:.. 2for25c «T'‘"".\.A..'2for50frExquisite

1 ahd Toilet

n . N a r ^ ls s e , L n . ' j ^ ^ lo s e . L ila # a n d ! a .

o d p ra . a ll Sl.OO ® ; . i

'cepne and ounces

>urt-Alnumii &)rSOc :: 2 for 35c A ll’ri in r e a d in e s s

e r P u f f s P y g

o r l u C •

I-Lac Tooth P a s teTb« erliinil aiitk •( Has- 2o

^ n«lla Tuolk !>•■(• L;

g 2 lorjOc I

| W n ^ ^ bmuu~tii* t - w>HTBi-»fc> -nO

2 for ,50c'' S2 5 q . P e n a tn r T o o th

W ! P n s le

nil fflrlsc' s |■“ A n - . SOc P c n s lo r C a U rr h ,. ^

..... Crcnm i

Oc : :2fflr 50c" Ilather Sh|tv-

i to n ’fl A b e rd a re 2 4 d o u b l e ' J l l

a n d 21 E nve*

Mor 50c 'E a to n ’s H ig h - ^ '*** !^ 9L in e n , R ip p le - I r J H I i . Wc o r C lo u d rc m e I ^l e r y ; 2<i S h e e ts I ' K 'j a r g e . l i n ^ E n -3, (n a t t r a c t i v e

. 2f0r$1i00 15cE aliC a p ito l F o u n ta in P e n . • L in e n E Her, 14 k i i r a i 'g o ld p o in t . lO e B n ;

■: ... 2for$1.50teeckiut Chewing Gum, all


tV E »W H A TTHE MORE YOU SPEND-ness for the Wr Annual Schramm-Johni 1 offcrlnRg, and the values afforded. Yc t 'WC two of 'the sarac articles, Ict your r xlniordinnry nature of the values, we i

Sl.OO Hlilrosc'Cold 0 fn r $ 1 flfl Crcam 1-^cc Powder L iDl « I lUU

irsllcr.,..-2for25c.jr, »S2forir.OO m35c Hllirose W itch_H azcl' I KUKh Crcnm_____________________I^ B B

IshlnjT Cream . . ' fc tOr'OUC50c Hllirose Rouge. In d l 0 Cflnthc new popular shades ^ KII uU li50c H lllm e Velvet Cream:n fn r RflnA Cleanser and Skin Food I IUI 3UU

f M L “ ".2for$l.flOiSOc Hillrose After Shaving I Soothing and healicR.......

50c Ilrk<tli!.TUi T oo lh liru shcs.

I 2 for 50ci ^ n n ^ ^ ^ n s K a B n B H

$1.00 Rubber—Ttt':*-'* A Aprons.

AttractlTo styles and ' O B ' ■ color comblnallona ,

2 for $1.00 ^^-50c Eaton’s Delft Lln» f 7 ^

cq; CO double Sheets *■

: . 2 for 50c ■ : f„rtS'2pksl5c-Bns!nc8S'Envclope8r ^ % ~ — 9 'f n f

; . o . : 2pkflS.10c ,^ n ^ ia ^ s 2 for 5c I



,T Y O U S F>11)— THE MORE YOU SA ’Johnson Sprin;? Sale that'cach year fa !d. You pay for one /irUclc—then you trour neighbors or friends share your

we reser^•c the righ t to limit quantl

?1.00 Hillrose Y ar

; ^ ® ' - “"'2for$1.0'0-yi!!'

SOc Hilirose Tiilcum. j S S S f c - tiVe g lass--.- -n<A .

container . . & IUI

SOci^SXSr.. 2 foi50c. ...2 foi1.00 M 2fo

' .2 for 5I h ^ ^ 3 c llu n d Scruby. Solid b a d

50c_ b r M , , . . . , . . . . . . . . 2for

t ' ll.BO Knight Hot

J f o r $1.1

$1.50 KnlRbl-Foi

to g lh B , -Douchc . . . . i l H r

2ipr50i:-' ■ J 40c H enhey’

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