Wise sayings for happy living / 静思语使你开心生活 (In English & Chinese)#5/9

Post on 26-May-2015

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Wise sayings for personality development and live happily. This presentation contains 10 wise sayings of Venerable Zhengyan. There are good Dhamma points in the verses. Power point presentation and translation into English done by ipohteh 静思语培养个性使你开心生活

Transcript of Wise sayings for happy living / 静思语使你开心生活 (In English & Chinese)#5/9


静思语培养个性 #5

Live Happily

Wise Sayings For Personality Development #4

滴水成河、粒米成蘿,勿輕己靈,勿以善小而不為 .

A river originates from drips of water and a basket of rice

contains grains of it.

Do not underestimate own ability and do not refrain from

doing a good deed thinking that it is trifle.


Saying a few words is better than many,

Saying kind words is even better, though few.

一個人不怕錯,就怕不改過, 改過並不難。

It does not matter to err, unless it is not corrected. It is not difficult to correct



A person’s heart is like a field, if good seeds are not sown, there will be no yield of good crops.


With wisdom one can distinguish good from evil, right from wrong ; Happy life is built upon humility.


A gentleman strives for ideals while a selfish person

works for his own ends

人生不一定球球是好球,但是有歷練的強打者,隨時可以揮棒 .

In life, not every shot played is a good shot, however, a seasoned hard hitter is ready to play anytime.


Dealing with human affairs is challenging .

Dealing with it & developing in it is a


做好事不能少我一人,做壞事不能多我一人。 Doing good, count me in, Doing evil, count me out.

真正的愛心 , 是照顧好自己的這一顆心

To be truly caring is to take care of

one’s own heart very well