Wise sayings for happy living / 静思语使你开心生活(In English & Chinese) #8/9

Post on 26-May-2015

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Venerable Zhengyan\'s 20 verses of wise sayings with good dhamma for reflection to help one to live heedfully and happily. The presentation and translation was done by ipohteh 20句证严法师的金玉良言培育修养个性使你开心生活 The presentation and translation was done by ipohteh

Transcript of Wise sayings for happy living / 静思语使你开心生活(In English & Chinese) #8/9

开心生活静思语培养个性 #8

Live Happily

Wise Sayings For Personality Development #8


In times of bountiful reflect on the

hardships faced during lean times ; Always save for a

rainy day.


Vast space has bounds but not my aspirations . It is easy to make aspirations but difficult to carry them out.


Be able to do good deeds and be able to let go disputes. Helping others to achieve is like helping own self to achieve.


Working very hard and wholeheartedly

surpasses not doing anything though capable.


Have self-regard before one could be compassionate to

all others


Be mindful and meticulous but not



Do not be afraid to work, but do not meddle with other men’s business.

人生沒有所有權,只有生命的使用權。 One has no ownership of his life, but one can make choice over how to utilize it.


Lie is like a blooming flower. It is beautiful outwardly ,but it does not last.


Looking from another angle, a chipped cup still looks round